Friends with an old Book – Task 3
The Book „Lo inganno de gl’occhi“ by Pietro Accolti mainly talks about the simple laws of perspective, light and shade and geometry. So those Keywords were also the ones i used for this exercise.
My first topic was light and shade. This is an extremely wide and also often referenced topic. The topic of conversation and brain I used were architecture and architecture Library. I got a huge variety of results. But when I took a closer look at the individual books, most were just touching on the subject of light and shade.
Eventually with more specific words „optical effect“ I came across the book „Transmedia Frictions: The Digital, the Arts, and the Humanities“ by Marsha Kinder.
In the context that Alice showed me, the book was talking about film. More specifically Bruce Nauman and his techniques. At first glance this might not have too many parallels with „Lo inganno de gl’occhi“, but taking a closer look I find that Pietro Accoltis themes in his book are all highly relevant in the world of cinematography. The interest in these themes definitely struck me as a parallel.
For the second book i used „solid objects“ and geometry as the topic of conversation, as „solid objects“ is a whole chapter and geometry was something that seems to be relevant throughout the whole book. I used „find“ this time instead of „explore“.
The most interesting result I got was „Architecture Theory since 1968“ by Micheal Hays. One paragraph of the context that Alice gave me was:
„Space itself emerged only secondarily, that is, only insofar as it could be derived from these idealized forms and the relations produced by their contact—intersections, points lying on lines or planes, etc.“
The book too has the theme of geometry in architecture and how it correlates, which is a parallel to my book.