When I started my search on Alice, I had already some word in mind, that I wanted to search with. Words such as, Public, private, decoration and geometry. All four of them can be read out of the title of my book “Instituzione pratica dell’ architettura civile per la decorazione de’ pubblici, e privati edifici: preceduta da un articolo di Geometria in pratica ad uso delli disegnatori, et artefici”, since the title pretty much explains what the book is about, this seemed as the most relevant words to use with Alice.
I used architecture as a topic of conversation in Alice, when searching with all four words. I also tried other brains on Alice, such as civil, draw, built and church.
One book I came across, when searching the word “public” with the topic of conversation “architecture”, was “A History of Architectural Theory” written by Hanno-Walter Kruft. This book has a lot of similarity with my old Friend. Both books are constructed with a lot of text for over half of the book and the 2nd half is made up of illustration. A lot of illustrations are similar in both books, such as columns and ornaments of classical architecture. What “A History of Architectural Theory” has depicted in illustrations that is different form my old friends, is that it has some illustrations of modern architecture, which makes sense, since it’s also a few centuries younger, published in 1994.
Another book that I cam across while searching with the word “decoration” while using the topic of conversation “draw”, was a Book called “Stones of Venice” by Jon Ruskin. A book about the Venetian art and architecture. I also found some similarities to my old friend. This book has also illustrations of different kind of decorations, but not as extensive as the other two books.