The seventh book of architecture, by SEBASTIANO SerLIO in which it is a question of many accidents, which can be needed by The Architect: yes, as in the following page we read. BRIEF NARRATIONE OF THE THINGS THAT ARE IN THE SEVENTH BOOK. RIMIERAMENTE ' VI fono XX I / the Cafeper ed, ficar in the ' Vifla, with foe plants,., and rights them d..outside, inside. Vnacafa for rambling in 'place' hin (J .. ,, / Jili, doue is expensive land, and with 6cotteghe d4 - ***uanti, _factaalcoflumedi .. ma.- Vn numer d ' ornaments from chimneys, J“per le (aie, as also for rooms: camerini fopraeˆ tetti, parte alla Francefe, pttrte Italian afla mijurati. Two diuiftoyi, that is, that diuidono the body of ' Vna chie (a dalCo ro made of 6el!a architectuiáa: laqual po Tria feruire a!the bow still for other ornaments. áFL..!:!four city gates, ouero of fortez.., z.., a, D'opera ..FTI ..eca, " Iof chana, and Doriche, Ornatifsime of opera. Then follow some accidental propophytion, which is ill. I can tell in fcritt.or, chienou ' Vedele figures, nia will do for by accident VN perfonaggio, chejitrou ' VN nurnero Di colonne, in other words, Maela [ua altez.., z..,aenon it will make more vllj.feet: and 'will want to do' VNA loggia, ouero * VN portico, O'other ornament:-Ma'will che_la.fuaeal tez.., z..twenty feet away. I!.!!}, (I ' see defected with / Jel way of many ediftcij in rvari forms, efiatad ' some colone / Le dt V the feet in alteZ,; Z,; a, maepretiofa. You can see JariJna logt's way, iao other cofa High feet x x 111. and of piuanchor with nice way. You will trouarˆ some ' time, o / onne of feet x x * V. in aftez.,.z.:, a, it does not dimeno FL'vore66e fare ' Vna ha6it ation of two fuoli: the pri- *2.mD SHORT NARRATIONE THINGS THAT ARE.OR NEL. SEVENTH BOOK. RIMIERAMENTE ' VI fono XX I / the Cafeper ed, ficar in the ' Vifla, with foe plants,., and rights them d..outside, inside. Vnacafa for rambling in 'place' hin (J .. ,, / Jili, doue is expensive land, and with 6cotteghe d4 - ***uanti, _factaalcoflumedi .. ma.- Vn numer d ' ornaments from chimneys, J“per le (aie, as also for rooms: camerini fopraeˆ tetti, parte alla Francefe, pttrte Italian afla mijurati. Two diuiftoyi, that is, that diuidono the body of ' Vna chie (a dalCo ro made of 6el!a architectuiáa: laqual po Tria feruire a!the bow still for other ornaments. áFL..!:!four city gates, ouero of fortez.., z.., a, D'opera ..FTI ..eca, " Iof chana, and Doriche, Ornatifsime of opera. Then follow some accidental propophytion, which is ill. I can tell in fcritt.or, chienou ' Vedele figures, nia will do for by accident VN perfonaggio, chejitrou ' VN nurnero Di colonne, in other words, Maela [ua altez.., z..,aenon it will make more vllj.feet: and 'will want to do' VNA loggia, ouero * VN portico, O'other ornament:-Ma'will che_la.fuaeal tez.., z..twenty feet away. I!.!!}, (I ' see defected with / Jel way of many ediftcij in rvari forms, efiatad ' some colone / Le dt V the feet in alteZ,; Z,; a, maepretiofa. You can see JariJna logt's way, iao other cofa High feet x x 111. and of piuanchor with nice way. You will trouarˆ some ' time, o / onne of feet x x * V. in aftez.,.z.:, a, it does not dimeno FL'vore66e fare ' Vna ha6it ation of two fuoli: the pri- *2.mD mo High feet XVJ L lf¤ the fruitful ' XV. fivede the way of feruirJi J>ej [and columns with ..elli ornaments, and fimi / I COJE ' Venefa .. n < > ajfai. Pifono still large number of ftneflre,!equa / the ferueranno per-porticel / e, et al. ornarJJenti, all inuenttoni nuoue fashionable ..hand. There are many ftneflre jimilrnente to fuck with!the Vlfime isornici del/I edificij, tbe in FranciaJ“ call locarne, all do, tte Al modo anticho, and ' various inuentioni. Soeguit.then of many inuentions of Jlrani damn: that is to say, d1uerfi, diue..fangles, and forane forms, all out of [here.. shot: and yet ji ' sees the way to put every cofa a [picture, efarne commoda and bella ha / Jitatione, and of flrnili proportioni 'Vt' ne.phono-many and diue..(and. There is ancbora way daJa / Jricareˆ Colle monte, and collect waters and crmdurle to 6aft or, and cef.Jimili, r very vtili, e/; e / le che foá ria lungf> to narrate the whole. Vt_ (Ono'ancoraalcunedijpute, erifolutions figured by {dr with..(cer la/; e!le..Z- > A, the dofce..ZA,ltt raw ' {_2:..Ja.,la Fadez - >z.,a de/. * lecofe of .Man architecture.ftealtre cofe cjlio not DTCA ba / lti,geese in queft(i !t6ro vi (o-no Cento ve11ti due e arte con la Foa fcritotura accompagnata. Fei P alaz are added to the end of the rui., z,i, con1e fue plants isfaz, oz.Ate, in Diuer/i ways J11tte, for fa6ricar in Villa pergralloPrencipi ,, mo High feet XVJ L lf¤ the fruitful ' XV. fivede the way of feruirJi J>ej [and columns with ..elli ornaments, and fimi / I COJE ' Venefa .. n < > ajfai. Pifono still large number of ftneflre,!equa / the ferueranno per-porticel / e, et al. ornarJJenti, all inuenttoni nuoue fashionable ..hand. There are many ftneflre jimilrnente to fuck with!the Vlfime isornici del/I edificij, tbe in FranciaJ“ call locarne, all do, tte Al modo anticho, and ' various inuentioni. Soeguit.then of many inuentions of Jlrani damn: that is to say, d1uerfi, diue..fangles, and forane forms, all out of [here.. shot: and yet ji ' sees the way to put every cofa a [picture, efarne commoda and bella ha / Jitatione, and of flrnili proportioni 'Vt' ne.phono-many and diue..(and. There is ancbora way daJa / Jricareˆ Colle monte, and collect waters and crmdurle to 6aft or, and cef.Jimili, r very vtili, e/; e / le che foá ria lungf> to narrate the whole. Vt_ (Ono'ancoraalcunedijpute, erifolutions figured by {dr with..(cer la/; e!le..Z- > A, the dofce..ZA,ltt raw ' {_2:..Ja.,la Fadez - >z.,a de/. * lecofe of .Man architecture.ftealtre cofe cjlio not DTCA ba / lti,geese in queft(i !t6ro vi (o-no Cento ve11ti due e arte con la Foa fcritotura accompagnata. Fei P alaz are added to the end of the rui., z,i, con1e fue plants isfaz, oz.Ate, in Diuer/i ways J11tte, for fa6ricar in Villa pergralloPrencipi ,, TO THE VERY MAG. MY LORD OSSER VANDlSSIMO. MR. VINCENZO SCaAMOaZZI. re......-.. - , a long time, that I dclidero to palefc .. .. -.. to the world the affettione & o1feruanza mia verfo V. S. The bramaua pur D1 do with some tclli1nonium oxide, fe no worthy of merit, equal to the inie weak forces, & how much p1“1 folf and it is possible to comply with the EU's rare qualities, with which famous conofcer ¥ vircuofa*.Od that hora prefenta to me alfai comn1 by occafione; because I have done before fat¥ to riilam pare in forms the architecture of M Se. bafiiano Serlioa, & adorned with bellifsi1ne figures, opera as DT much diligence, cofi still of grau“is1 but fpefa: Mi phono adelforifoluto (comedavnac0laanafcebenefpef fo 11 penliero, & L'occalione d'vn ' altra) of fia1npareia fcettima part of medefi1no auttore pur of: n1edcft1na ma teria d, Archicetrura, Laquale d'ordtne,fonna. & d'arei / i cio as to the figures * folfe confonne all'alcre spoke " already from 1ne before fian1pate, that every Hudiofo of que1ta nobilifsi1na profefsionc habbiacon11new d'acco1npagnare with the..ltre quefta V lt1n1a Part, & c,1uarnc qnel trut to, & that delight that from the concatenacion.. & connnuatione of _atu tea VN ' entire work .afi !UOL draw DJ who fpendc: ale f \ le TO THE VERY MAG. MY LORD OSSER VANDlSSIMO. MR. VINCENZO SCaAMOaZZI. re......-.. - , a long time, that I dclidero to palefc .. .. -.. to the world the affettione & o1feruanza mia verfo V. S. The bramaua pur D1 do with some tclli1nonium oxide, fe no worthy of merit, equal to the inie weak forces, & how much p1“1 folf and it is possible to comply with the EU's rare qualities, with which famous conofcer ¥ vircuofa*.Od that hora prefenta to me alfai comn1 by occafione; because I have done before fat¥ to riilam pare in forms the architecture of M Se. bafiiano Serlioa, & adorned with bellifsi1ne figures, opera as DT much diligence, cofi still of grau“is1 but fpefa: Mi phono adelforifoluto (comedavnac0laanafcebenefpef fo 11 penliero, & L'occalione d'vn ' altra) of fia1npareia fcettima part of medefi1no auttore pur of: n1edcft1na ma teria d, Archicetrura, Laquale d'ordtne,fonna. & d'arei / i cio as to the figures * folfe confonne all'alcre spoke " already from 1ne before fian1pate, that every Hudiofo of que1ta nobilifsi1na profefsionc habbiacon11new d'acco1npagnare with the..ltre quefta V lt1n1a Part, & c,1uarnc qnel trut to, & that delight that from the concatenacion.. & connnuatione of _atu tea VN ' entire work .afi !UOL draw DJ wh Le (UE vigilie circa al voltar libri. Nor in that I want say how much care, & diligence I habbia pofl: o, effendo alien from the 111th nature the 1nagnify their actions, & cercar popular applaufo col vanranni, douc L'opera ficffa may 111 better & with more juft & straight judgment far others Fr..lefe 11 merit of fe fteffa. Bail:to that whatever { fia fiata encircle to this the hinduftria 1nia, I willed with Eph. FA fodisfare to the ancient n1ic & giufto dcf“derio. J\. it is I believe. r˜ Che ˆ V. S. de!bba EEF..R point difpiaceuole quefta1nia de1noftratione: anz.11I trust, that for fua cortefia deb ba gradne, & the affection of my anilno, & the work for fe ilef fa; then that that was born of the venerable of fua virtue, & that between is conforn1e to those ftudij, of which for all the corfo the life fua with a lot of praise has done the job. Of this is true the fue Antiquities of Ro1na from you with 11101-ta labor & diligence collected, & with tnolty judgment , defcritte, & date carving) is more Toft pofre co1ne VN Lumen before the eyes of the 1nodern, with whom they re1nir also from the darkness of many years of the dominatrix city of the vniuerfo . Fregoladonce to accept that viuo tcfiin1onio of the soul mine, & whatever, farm1degnocon quefto & col I am aware of my great respect for you, which I have kept in the life of gratia, at which core I recommend, & please every contene... á 1.Ji Venetia il of pFimo .. IoMarzo.'M D LXXXIlII. ¥ you' Of V. S. Affetionatiffimo Seruitorc. franccf, or de ' Francefrhi Scnefc. SEBASTIAN I S E R L I O A G L I L E T T O R I. irm...... ...... ¨ .. ......And my fourth book of regokgenerali d'architettura á , that the first gave out, dilli that in the Irons mo vo lume I would deal with accidents, that is diuerfi fiti, & ftrane forms: & old CofE refroramcnti: & feruid“ of cofe that other times foff'cro (bte in workers, of the kqual cofe ne fcriuer˜, & ne dimofer˜ in apparent of I pledge good quantity. But hauendo I already gave an end to the [efi: O Jjbro, who is Breath of the habi tationi of all the degrees = = de Oli huomini, doue is akknro large number, & variety d'habitationi, I don't want to see that!b. my hard work to vfcire, dcliberai d'infrastructure d'inuemioni, before I come to treat DC the accidents. Indeed everything what I will put in this volume, could accidentally happen to the architect. First I will difporranno some cafe to do at vi1la, or in the. city, in those places far away from the squares, where there are more vegetables than cafamenti: for what such edificij want effcr ifolati: & of such habitations I will make it up' number XXI III. I will go to the noble habitationc, in an angufl place: o, shod from the sides by neighbors. I appreciate dimo!l: Rero diuer [and inuentions of chimneys, al modo Italiano, & al Cofiume di Francia: yes for fale, & rooms, like ancho to get the roof over there. I will make anchora diuerfe inuentions of ornaments belonging to the architecture, delli which ringeniofo architect fc will feruire. Nope mach plowed to put us some ports of ..itty, & fortresses, I will not repeat to dimofrrare stronger than finefire to the way of Italy, & ancho to the coll:Ume of France, to make cover the roofs: offering the cofi: Ume antico. Apprcffo I will give the way to put in opera diuerfe columns, & of various height.: doue sometimes of some columns small, it will be VN'opera grande. Such a wind some large columns will feruire a VNO mediocre building. I will deal with many fiti, diuerfe & ftrane forms, in reduce every approx.square it. I will propose some ways to reform B faccia d'vna cafa difordinaca, & ˆ reduce it ˆ Corre (weighting, & ˆ parity. And I'm finally gonna quit in more ways, as Fi poffi build in the mountains, in the hills, in the cofie, & in' ..iani: & dimofi: Rero many weapons, & ardimenti of wood, to the Italian way,& cofrume Franccfe. In the end I added fei p: dazzi with their piantefacci ice in diuerfi ways, made to fabricarein villa, F GRA Princip“ pi, & gentlemen, Of z by SEBASTIANO SERLIO ARCHITET. Of the pri1na Caf.'l outside the city . Chapter I. H H eA11emrio to treat some cafe, to do to the Pilla, begin.. a formarne-r, naa / do different from coflume comm1me. First of all I mean, that q111 / 1a, & all F to!three, cl / to I will order, oJ“ano leuateodal communpiano for lomC110 feet v. Uj1 will meet D1'n111eolafcafa, Fi tro11aol.1 door .A. del. which l enters the fala B. of feet x x 1 1 1 I. wide, & of xxx 11. longa. f!.!!efla prend, it will be light dallequattro finc v lre C. ba11eudo da side 1111a Room D. D1 feet x x. PA ciafcun iato, to feruirio of which 11“ is lafua behind Room E. A'other so much in longhe-z: r. a, & will make wide feet x v 1. The two fcaffe, which enter groffezz.. of the wall, enlargem10 the po/la of the bed, at the end, that I. I Room re¥ manga plus [patio / a: & the nmro won't do so much grojfo ¥ .A. The vfcir of the [ALA-vi is q, ull.1 v (cita F. doncl'income of the end / lre make it more fpatiofa, & not-go so much matter in the wall.i ¥ ' vfcir out, there is ilripofo della [cala Q. fucto alq..k will do the ptJrta, chefccndeoagliluogl1l fotterrani, do,, and F. 1r. I L. 1 kitchen,& flan: r, _e for di11erfi offi, ij. Dauanti ˆ quefla cafa I mean, that there fi, I 1111 corrile a ' - VN quadratoperfetto, qu: mto is wide the cafa. E. behind e/[11. he will do the GI"rdino ˆ-will of Fr. tdronu. Lafigura fopra La pi: inta, is the right to'effa: L. tqmzle is / euata from urr.the feet v. The, of the fola fa¥ how much is lary,a:c/Je-viene to effere fucto laf" - fcia, Ch't (opra Le moustache tetti: ("'Le fi11e/lre fucto f'/fa faffcia will give mouth to the [cala: & will make a bleaching mustache wires in the back ¥ above the fa / a 11it will be 11n place quantoeffafala: & will make high feet vut. such a place. he's going to mount up to the [E. raltez chamber...zt of the rooms will make feet xv 1. olmi li gr .. in. - tri . The lar shez...Zfl door is feet V 1 * & high x 1 1, wide-z, 7..A of the ftre feet I I 1 1 ¥ La fua al TC-zz: A is feet v 1 1 ¥ * li nichij they shall do the medephim, but of pm11ra : the ends of fqprafanno of such high' {.., quan: to wide phono: & COFI those fuck pet them places photterranean,o fpendc: ale f \ le BY SEBASTIANO SERLIO ARCHITECT. Of the city's fertile Cafa k1ori. Chapter I I. H o said to fly me away as far as I can in that / 10 mi; lzbto, dai comrtJune coftume de gli altrj: do as-really do you will be able to see in my proceeding. ..and / will do it * 1ma CA fa of b11ona grandez.7,.to , fishing line any yard inside: & will make Shiny to f11fficiewza, she will ba11 1m yard fromauanti, here¥ to make wide all the cafa, & effa will make high from the ground feet L x 1. cmez..zo.Doue / I montaoall, doggiavf, It was alarghez-za fn.rˆ feet v 111. eme.., & in lungbez.. feet xxx, 7: XEL boss and!fa will do " PM room " B. of feet xx 1 x. for each side, at the fernitio dellaq11ale will make 1ma behind camer1tC.dipede XV 111. long, & x. wide: & plump for-vnalimacas'entra11ellacamerad.feet xx i. long, & dix, wide: & 11i is 11n picciol camerino E. ' Puffando of the loggia for 11n'andito, s'entranella [wing F. of form (I, I octangle. The fuo diameter is feet x xx. /Jauendo Alli quattro angoli quattroniccbij, ciafctmo d1: 'which it's feet Ix. largbez...D. 1 queftifi has dut vtilˆ,, but, that inciafcun CFE{Fi ci ftˆ q11. 1ttro perfoneˆ pillowcases, fenza prevent the [wing.The other, which will not get so much material into the wall. In the mez... of the [FA wing l rAn110 dae anditi C. in the head of which he will fineflrone, to take Lumen, and 11emo ¥ .A. L'11fcir of [wing - ,, i is 1111'.I nditoH. doppo ilquale-there is 1111aloggia I. of the form, & mifura of the former: doue piu ituanti [, trou, r La [cala K. La qu"Le fcmde al gi, 1rdino. Et in this housing 11I phono four apartments feparati: that is in c“afuno-there is VNA large room, & four bedrooms: for the two will make am.mezzate, & - veins will make anchod11csmall, besides them two long andites from theilate: & lid11e delme7;_zo, &the two loggias, & the fal,1 D. Dipo -vi fono lzluogbi fotterrani, che fcruiranm per diuerf“ bifogni della cafa, alli Che Fi fcenderˆ per le quattro limacbe: mal ' main entrance Fard fotto LA [c. ila K. The figure above the plant, is the leading part of that building ¥ the altn'"z.g. of the loggia is feet x V I, & cofi the rooms: & the bedrooms (as I said) will ammezg_ate * the of the Fairy will make feet x x x ¥ which will take the major Fua luct from the fineflre of Jopra, which will give the peropendicular light in the part of the inside, the co..n: no joggers will make X ¥ feet high, z-t!,: &will groffc octa1'a part of the fi, altc'z.?,._a * Et fe other mifures maru; harero, li piedi, cl, and phono in the mers.O tiella fa / a, f up tlirann.. ! L I B R O-V I 1 ¥. A J Of The L I B R O-V I 1 ¥. A J Of The ' ' By SEBASTIANO SERLlO ARCHITET, -á- Of the third Ca [A to the Villa... Chapter I I J, L L e. 4-tr..efmte caJ:iba,, was cross-shaped, & hauera four gardens, & four apartments, besides the [wing, which (will be in the me-zy, _o, as 11n Pavilion,,. f l ejfa's floor will make high from the ground feet v. uttontata La fcalafl troua 11n ' andito .A. whose wide-,..., za is feet V 1 * & is lu..1!/ piedz x x t x 1. aldlato del qr1alefonndue camerette, ma (opra effe will make IMA ca_mrr, 1 continent for 111a of textures..I said it. Paf [ando more a11anfrvi HMA room 1J .of feet xx. for painting. t. M, I will say some, que!I oeffereal pt!.f [aggio [og_'<, ctto. He is the 11ero, but q11e. FLI are places of pleasure, nor ' such as ffeffo / I tro11a110 of many bwni comp.1g11i, that 110 / ontieri dormerto in company: & quiuifono lt: pJfle for qrmttro bed. 'P. 1ff1111do auanti 111 is the [wing C. of feet xxxv 1 1 1 * for o,..11i side, l: i which is all11min.Ita da otto finr / LTE__,. eA the corners in the m1z'z!'of cffa to the side dt / lro 'there is the Wncra D. of feet x x . po-c1afun side, al (t r: iith of which is-VNA cam1retr11 E. R. f1c / LA for O, ' <_ni side is feet x i 1 1 * singing to q11.tle ci it is 1111'.ilrra camerrtta F. of feet x . & v . which fi plots: (- zaramzo: & other so much will do on the other side & cia (cuno de' q11.mro apartments will haze VNA lima ca, for which fi montarˆ Di fopra alfi me -: t , zari. 'Paff.mdo pi,, auanri per fa [ala s'e11tra 11of the chamber Q. DL'll the size of the others: dell.iqua/ efi p. jf.J for the m, of * O H. ilq1de has on each side IMA bedroom I. K. above which will make 11na room. Outside the andito Fi troua l ,1 [Cove, which defcende to the Gran giardmo, so that there are some of these apartments it has the fuo ,..iardino L. The fi!, ura[<.pra La piantadinot4 La partedau..of the cafa, which (as I said) is high by ground feet v. &(ottol. i. ( it is l, 1 door, which fcendeal cellars : & ALM places to baffo. '.]) to the pi:MO of the [cala fin fotto L ' architr1111e-Pi phono foot xv 11 * that is the altez_ _ za de / le rooms, but the bedrooms, & the al.L. diri will make tramez:,, ati, & fopra effe camtre "'Pí fararmo Li tranari : M4 mustache: the altc-z. z..A of the [wing will make feet x X. & will be illuminated by eight other ends / fre, which daran the strongest light for cffer those fmu"iate Down, i1, since baffo, / alar gbc-z.: za of the door is feet V. & I high x * Le ftneflre Fon wide feet i r I I . & in 11ltez.:z. a phono pzedi v 1 1 1 * o / tra le Finne/lrel Le fopra effe, which will give light high mev_ates. Age end¥ !lre of [wing fopra the first cornke Fon'alte 11 r 1. footer- JI. r L , 1 - ,_____ __, I Cl H ._. -, '.., G1 * -- L .. ' tsl1.. . 1-----r.=.. <: i I L .-I--.. 'r1 L -------' . ._I __.I . I . .___-and th......_ ..-,,.. A 4 Of The ' t, by Sebas'r. IANO SERLIO. ARCHITET. Of the fourth habitatione outside the city. Chapter I I I I QVejla hnbitationc ft could'comodamentc represent, to the campaign with five p, uli,..lio * Oni legate infiem... Primafi mounts from a small courtyard to a la/trigato with the fixed parapet to bal, wfli, & s'entraonella aloggia.A.. whose larghr: 7.: r, _a ispiedix. & long.ipiede xxxvl. 'Dttwlata , the ejfa ui is ima camera B. D1 feet xx1r. for each side. .A. llato ad cffa ci lti camera C. Di piedi Xl X. & Xl 1. beyond the pofia of a bed. 'From hereflofi pajfa for a hamstring at the camer.the D. of feet x11. & xv. & euui ima camerettlf...J. ' for the medefim: z lnnaca fi 11ˆ to a cape / letta E. of feet xt 11. for D1¥ tro: & other so much will do dalfaltrolato. 'P. 1Jlando L. 1 loggia s' entranellafalaF. which for every l. ito t! longa, as much as the lodge. Outside dclla_ (UI wing is loggia G. of the proportion of the first...,. 'N_, _in the head of effa there is 1mpaffagoh .delqualfi uadunafaletta I. of feet xxxv. Longa, & of xx 11. wide: bauen¥ I give to the f“, oferuuio a room K. of piedixvtt. & X i 1. alfemitio dellaq11ale is a c, 1merettaL. about picdzXl 1. & x. & is thef“mileodo altroolato, & happening thegire Da camera, a camera, fenz_a paffar perla fala, this is the loggia M. [uorid'efsafa!to, for the qualefipafsa indoor. FHori of the UI Lodge is lafca, there J: {.fuck which will do the door to difcend to the ca11011e, & altrcflanz.! to befso. Illtsogo O. farˆfer¥ rato da uno mi, curl of tanta altez:!.., how much is the floor of the lodge. The figure here of foprarappref cnta bread d, 1uanti of h.1bitatio1Je_.J. First the plan of the log¥ gia is high from the ground feet v. the altezJ.._to the arcs of the log.gia is xv feet I 11 . & cofi will the rooms: but the dressing rooms will all amem:: zati, La largbe -..a of ciafC1mo ar-Co is feet x. who will 11 the fairy of the altezy.. the last one will fuck her. frame: they will make feet xxx. & who will not ure so high, lafa. it'll be piedixvm.& fopraefsa will make rooms..llequali it will be for the two limache, for which it will be_ , Goldsmiths will sell to the gardens, & anco PII} bafso alfi places on the ground * Li giardinifono [Ci.born P. == ' t, by Sebas'r. IANO SERLIO. ARCHITET. Of the fourth habitatione outside the city. Chapter I I I I QVejla hnbitationc ft could'comodamentc represent, to the campaign with five p, uli,..lio * Oni legate infiem... Primafi mounts from a small courtyard to a la/trigato with the fixed parapet to bal, wfli, & s'entraonella aloggia.A.. whose larghr: 7.: r, _a ispiedix. & long.ipiede xxxvl. 'Dttwlata , the ejfa ui is ima camera B. D1 feet xx1r. for each side. .A. llato ad cffa ci lti camera C. Di piedi Xl X. & Xl 1. beyond the pofia of a bed. 'From hereflofi pajfa for a hamstring at the camer.the D. of feet x11. & xv. & euui ima camerettlf...J. ' for the medefim: z lnnaca fi 11ˆ to a cape / letta E. of feet xt 11. for D1¥ tro: & other so much will do dalfaltrolato. 'P. 1Jlando L. 1 loggia s' entranellafalaF. which for every l. ito t! longa, as much as the lodge. Outside dclla_ (UI wing is loggia G. of the proportion of the first...,. 'N_, _in the head of effa there is 1mpaffagoh .delqualfi uadunafaletta I. of feet xxxv. Longa, & of xx 11. wide: bauen¥ I give to the f“, oferuuio a room K. of piedixvtt. & X i 1. alfemitio dellaq11ale is a c, 1merettaL. about picdzXl 1. & x. & is thef“mileodo altroolato, & happening thegire Da camera, a camera, fenz_a paffar perla fala, this is the loggia M. [uorid'efsafa!to, for the qualefipafsa indoor. FHori of the UI Lodge is lafca, there J: {.fuck which will do the door to difcend to the ca11011e, & altrcflanz.! to befso. Illtsogo O. farˆfer¥ rato da uno mi, curl of tanta altez:!.., how much is the floor of the lodge. The figure here of foprarappref cnta bread d, 1uanti of h.1bitatio1Je_.J. First the plan of the log¥ gia is high from the ground feet v. the altezJ.._to the arcs of the log.gia is xv feet I 11 . & cofi will the rooms: but the dressing rooms will all amem:: zati, La largbe -..a of ciafC1mo ar-Co is feet x. who will 11 the fairy of the altezy.. the last one will fuck her. frame: they will make feet xxx. & who will not ure so high, lafa. it'll be piedixvm.& fopraefsa will make rooms..llequali it will be for the two limache, for which it will be_ , Goldsmiths will sell to the gardens, & anco PII} bafso alfi places on the ground * Li giardinifono [Ci.born P. == L I B R O V I I ¥ t () by Se BASTIANO SERLIO ARCHITET. Of the fifth habicatione to make all.. Campaign.... Cap. V. L L OF SE BASTIANO SE RL10 .Archi'I'ET. Of the fefi: to habita.tione at the Villa.. Chapter V I. S S Empre, cl, E / I fabrica Di nuouo alla campagna, fl " Pede ancora ccrcare1m..and inuentio,, i,&, he Jtt., ilcnt.: mo b.: ibbino of i,i / 1.t.: how the prLf cnte CA{a.., * Which ft does, ˆ fopra "" poggetto ,or Jopra imacollina, will do all the better. ']) to the floor co " m11mc {I will mount for the / cala ritond.I on the floor .A. do11c will do. 1, n la/lrigato of me.. circolo, CU'l fuo parapet ˆ b -, lau / li. 'Dal de./lro / aro-P' - W1A chamber ' B. of feet xx I 1,, * for CIA'cun/ aio, EA canto ad rffa -,,; naguardat * obbaC. of pirdJixv 11 t. per picture ¥ .to foo11io of,![a-Pi is i, na camm: TTA D. of feet x r r r * & v R R * D. 1 / F alt,áOAN¥ g<>lo of the chamber is 11na limaca, for I. I who / I plump to the cam, ra E. of feet xxv. & Xlttl. d, any s'entrajuhma [aletta F. D1 feet xxv. latga: e di xxx, 1 ¥ longa: "lferuilio della ,,, is' VNA capelllf.J G. ithe fuodiamecro is feet XL lii. Cl 'to the side of, OA' VI HMA bedroom, but ofcttra, of XLIII feet. & VII. & behind effacapella is vncf.merinoR. of p1cd1 v1. for painting. N1 l me7:; _g of mn.., zy w, ol.. it is-Pnoiandito I, of xxv feet. & xvrt ,.the state of which is -,, na fai.I K. tamo wide, how long it is.ol'a11dito, (: rid14ei, ol, and tanto longa.., ¥ .A. Lfato of cffa " Pi is 11na room L. of feet xxxu 2, M; 1.a, & xx, 111. l. irglf.J. Da, m latoidicffa Cl ' Vna camerctta<.M. of fc, rma ortrgona. I / fu * d1.: merro is feet x 11 t. ' n_tl capoidtlla cnmera -there is the behind room, of feet xx,. & XVI 11 ¥ VF / fufl: ire dt: L'and, 10 1'I is L. zjcala O, perdifmo11tare to the garden : & done ef [a " Pi and the door to defcendcre to the luoglJ1 fotterranei:n side dcll' andito blush. 'VNA ami camera 1J .feet:xxi 111.wide, & xxx 11 .longa. ']) oppo quc: the 1> ' is L.1 camer.I C. feet xx.longa, (;!~ xv t .larg.1: to feruitio d'ej [, d ' VNA bedroom D. of feet xv.& X 11 r .'Paj [ando L'andito s'e11tr, inelta [wing E. feet xxv 1 11. lar...a,&long feet LV t e.&j'ar will be well polished, lw11ndo cmq11cfim:/!rl!fopra Li d11e,..1.1 rdini q., heper la fcendec(J“.tA / f -,, FCIR delfafalalentr.rntl'anditoh. xx V111 feet. !011, e_o, 6-x 11. forge: ˆ canto iltj11ale there is ' 1 '11 c11mcrotto I. of perfuaquadr, u11ra, c“ajcim de' fati xxv 111, ' lJoppo q11eflo ,,, is '1'na Chamber K. of qu11dro pcrftto, f lf110 diameter is xv feet 1. hnez, ' {9: at feruitio dc / 1, t what there is -,, na bedroom L. of feet x 1 1.6 ' vu R. Ž,~ alm talllo farl d,: the other side. v [cendo Dell'andito fi truou.1. the [cala uu. which gently fccnde to the Garden N. & fuck the f11a-volt.I is I. I /cala, cbe fcw.Je to wineries,& other Jer11itij of caf a..,. f con d1tcanditi, per pom papflare al giJrdino far7..a paf- far for 1.1 c, if.1, r..nbbe well: pcube ccfi the court (r.R ia 111.1 cafa ha11cria plus bcl the'.: / pctlo. L HYDRO VII. . . ":1:,11 ---, ID: o. L HYDRO VII. . . ":1:,11 ---, ID: o. '.. . Lafiguraqui piˆ bajfo, rapprefema the part of inside trma the cafa: & has the medeftme slteá,¥ 7-! cbe it is said of fopra: except the Jala, cbe for effere great body, it is right that she habbia magsior alt.., which will make XXI feet. 'Ijella largi..a of the door is saying. f. l.!.leftafala (asnote the plant) has two porches, chu -1>year fopra-vn.I loggia F. which fparge fosters the garden feet v . from which fi fcende to elfogiardino (Jr to lf..l garden pojjmid fcendere tptelli,, lfe phono in rooms1 , onie f, see nella.., á figure-. áL - I B * R O V i I., 2 t B 3 Of The .BY SEBASTIANO SERLIO ARCHITET. Ddladecima habitatione to the Vill... Chapter X. L L E. apref ente !I'm living here, dimo./lrata in plan & straight, ha11erˆ 1111a gran [ala, and qttattro c11me Main re, with lefac dieiro rooms, t: will make high from the floor of the already rdino feet v . and momerr:(Ji da Jut l, 1ti Al feligaro .A.. 'Of which one enters the fola' B. I I fuo diameter from !aro to side f. 1.rˆ feet: x LV 111 . and firrˆ of perfect square: but baucrˆ Four Corners, that 1'emmno nt * all Parre irucrioredella [wing, and the eight Lynx, here!, traur: r [ano la (ala, Dinman q..rrro traui for J, Jfain the sky by ejfa fala, cbe faran¥ no feet xxx. ili lunge.: za: t: for mefliero that {ianoarmat1for reason of the stretch. eall'en..rare earth of the [ala-Pi{a, ˆ a man d1flra ' Piia camern C. Di piedi XXIII 1. for cia (cwz side, dietrc laquale-rN la , lictro C. imera D. of feet x v-1.PCR quadre: t will make a lot of cc, m, knot at the cafa: I Per effe limawl / I pc>trˆ Ji:endcre Alli places {get nfi: (: J ancbe for the door dauami facts ' ¥ La (cala. = or - OII . . -1---.I I ..----'. ...,---- B 4 rt: all or - OII . . -1---.I I ..----'. ...,---- B 4 rt: all By SEBAStIANO SBRLIO .ARCHITET. ..- t: "' Of the vndecima Ca [A outside the city. Chapter X I. L L ': A ca{A'l " I da11lfllti perau1m1tura Parai a quali fimile alla puffata, per haucre J. glianJoli quatotro camere princip“pali; & nel mc-zz.g vna fa / a: nond1less she is a / fai diuerfa on the other ¥ TN prim11Jauanti ad e / fa, afa will imagine ' VN courtyard of perfect quadrature, how much contains the ca[a, with the d11e doors to / from the sides: & fifalerˆ for the / wing back to the floor .A. from which he shall enter the loggia ' B. feet x.lar.-. ga, and Longa xxx. 1: - {CL head of rjf.1 there is v11n c: zmeraC. of xx feet.for framework, at fcruitio of which is the die camera ' I).of xv feet.for each side .Then you enter the [wing E. feet wide xxx. and L. Longa, in tnt' {..or of which is the chimney, & al / on against elf will make the crcdorza . .All ' a,, golo dtlla [ala .,,.it's ' VN'al. traocamera F., 011 la [ua behind camera Q. fimile to the first. eAlt' -, fcir of [alafi trucua ' Pn corridorq // Recto, of the 1ualefl m1oua the bit / Sento of the [cala H. to defendere to the gi11rdino: done DTL qt # J / E -, ' is / 4 fcala,, tomiefl [mounts a / li luogl,I fotterranci:doue / 0110 tlltte le flAm..and for the flruitij of the cafa. Lafig11above the aprefmta plant/apart from114ntz of the ca [a. 7'first {t mounts feet plan del.: the factory.The alteiJ-_a of the columns is xv1 1 1 feet. The fuagroffe ' {zg is 1 1 feet.the altt7.J -, 11 de / l ' 11rcl1itraut, frtgio, and the conuet, is pitdi i 1 1 1 .emc-z' {._o: in the qh4l Frieze will end/Ire to give IHce 11 / Li granari. All fim, jlre fon lar,..BC feet v .the first to mustache fon feet 1 x. the difopra phono High feet x. emt' {'.(_O. The po1ta is high feet x 1 Z.eol.?rga v. The high7$._A/lan7tdabaffo, ecofl the [wing, will do more, xxi u. ma the back rooms will make amme-Z{ate . From the first frame to fuck the fruitful, far4 feet x i r 1. and feet lJ 1.of pttrapetto.Between the frame & Frieze, cbe will make feet xv r. will make the AL-zzg of the [AL wing,. to: of which ft potranfare rooms, and dressing rooms: 11it lit will miss illce, for bauere .. fopra [wing quatto fauic free, and fopra l * loggia will do,,,.,. /a / lrigato fco¥ ft'tto: & nncl, and can efferc coerto who " will put, and will do more, is fa¥ rzo: UE 11i m, 111chera light a. Ile rooms, & da!li la ti, & di driuo.The two doors from / the sides of the-, / 4 cafa, blowjobs for curling ili face, & the cortilc, for le q11a / i Fi paff * 11 / li ¥ _ . garden ¥ L f B R O V I I ¥ .__I __.I O D D . l,_I r 10 ' 111.1 1 'I....*...... .... 1.. c.: E ..-:< - Ddl.1 L f B R O V I I ¥ .__I __.I O D D . l,_I r 10 ' 111.1 1 'I....*...... .... 1.. c.: E ..-:< - Ddl.1 ili [by SEBASTIANO SERLIO ARCHITET. Of the Duodecima Cafa outside the city. Chapter X I I. L L BOOK VII. Of áá18 BY SE BAS.TIANO Sel'tlio AltCHITE T. Of the Decin1aterza Cafa outside the city: ... Chapter X . I I I I O andauapenfando of cl, and inufitata form Fi potejfe do -, n'habitatione: to the countryside, which folfe please11ole a concerning from afar : & I fell into the soul that VN malmo da-rento par bel / the cofada .,,, dere. 'If you want to make buildings or, that part of that form : although that fia mobile, & that ffE. endo pi11 in 1111ˆ.there is, but amera c..M. behind ejfa tN will be a__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bat1endo al [110fcruitio a dressing room or more quˆ fi truoua 1st Chamber T. Al feruitio of which-Pi fon due c., mer1i.Q; I {_coming, wchora more quˆ,,, is ábut feletta S. cbe bˆ Al F uo fer11itio due camerini T.V.Et in the courtyard, it's the entrance.1 of the ttn finger 011e is an X. All luogbi them * mediocre, & Small [t arnmez..iran110 for more commodity. Right there F emplici lindeamenti around the building, dinotano Li giardini. Lit figurafof?tpdefl mc/lrcrˆ so in the building 11ero le11ctto da_ terra, the tpdefl mc / lrcrˆ so in the four main sides: Ma q11eflo preprefenta la parte daua11ti, 11dla qual fi 11ede L'ortogr.iphi: i, cbc is the uedt anthe la fciojl.> 'aphia, cbe phono the inifcortio parts, and the infieme fronts. 'N. _on <' is parl.ito of the particular miftJre, perefjr more bm.e: m, 1 li footsare alt enterr del cort1le:li fupplieranno ¥ c, but let's talk about the general.Jl place is leuato fopra ground feet V. and cofl blush the yard.D, rl det¥ to floor, to fuck the arcbitrarlŽ, is xx i feet .,be will do talte * zy_a of the camerr. main, and [fins, ef.r.¥ Ja, pcr that (as it was said JGL& - other faogi fl admit.The altez."!... dell ' archimme, frcgio, (p' cor:nice, is p TR not ileffer l14ogo in the ramp. BOOK VII. .. 'á . ..1'á'. \ .. q BOOK VII. .. 'á . ..1'á'. \ .. q I .. Dd!to BY SEBASTIANO SERLIO ARCHI TET. Of the quartadcci111a Cafa Fnori of the city. Capirolo X I I I I . L L cA piitntit of the fourth Decima cafa, is qhi dauemti dimoffrata: nellaqu; i/E will make q114.ttroap..dp, 1rtamenti c01m "odi {/IMI, & - vnaj, ran [ala come ˆ tutti: cofi' VII courtyard in fom1a oriale, I / qual edificio do.I Alto piedi v. & Also alfa I pir“:accioche fia pir“ magnifico. It will mount primierarr, rnte ad 11110 .wdito .A. of feet x 1 r .wide: xx r r & 11 .Longo, a/; ito of which T'v11 ' 1111tiwncra 7J. of the iflrjf.lor ..{,..7a, & forg: feet x v 111.nclla q1ulc VNA capclletta C. of octogo11a shape. the fuod, aincrro is feet xv.& cm, I fll / uo fcmitio-VN'oratorio not less than feet v 11.per-diameter. Doppo L'amiramrra ' V'j la romra D. of feet xx I 111.for framework, & behind rifa is the d1etra chamber E. of feet xx111 I. & D xx. and:,~110 is fenza-VN dressing room [.ogreto with fafua limaca, dictro which 11ifo11od11e wardrobe feet Xl I .e; r x v1. 6 ~ F. 1 will ammez;T.,!1tt', v1it'11fcir delf.1ndito Fi truot1.1 'Vn p.11 [., is, I H .a side, 1 / qu, 1h there is ,m. I l1maca p1tblica for montttr./Qpr: i the rmdcfimo. 'Pa/[.mdo queflo, s'intra nd courtyard I. Di fai m. i r.:,.,/c. L1 lcngbc'z.,.. [11th foot LX ITIJ.< :,, ~ l. ilarghczz.apiedi XL V{lI.'From aitro c. 1podel com/e is ') > ti r: lfag. gio fimile,& vna fimi / e [cala: & is fegnato K. del q11ale s'entrar1ella fal, I L. p1edi xx I e r 1.l, ir:<-1, & Ioga feet LI 1 I I. in the head of cjfa there is-VNA Chamber of perfect q11adrature, of ta, ito diameter, qt!, Wto t la1gaI.i Jala, & is Fcgnata M. luwcndo, the [110 feruitio-P11'alira camer, i .. of m..dcfima lo1, g, bcz: x_a, ma qu.1ttro feet less in largbe ' {_z, a: & bˆ alfuo fer:, iti() two g11ardacamercO .'1'. 1; on mmo of F>IEDI xv.& x .L', 111a. Ncllarnedefima c. 1mcra no .it is-v11, 1Ca111cretM Q _of feet x 1 R II .for q11. 1dro, at L. ttoall.I qu.,i, -; ' t 7na cape / read of eight sides, not less than ix.pie, ii for r, .. ni photos. And so many others.1ppartamt11ti f. 11'ˆ dr. l, ' other Jato . .Alf-vfcire of the [wing on the plane Nua'efimo 11 ' is VN gi.zrdinetto of tanta longhez ..Z/:', q1wuo,: wide / , I cafa: & is in Largbez: J(.walking xxxv 1. & is sewer S. bauendo-VN muricciuoto interno: & out of that-P ' is the ripofo of the [cala T. for the / ifccnde aldgr, m Garden v. & is fcala pian.t for: & fuck the 110 / ta of effa will make the door to difccndere alleflmrze fotterra11ec; well that for the files that /ip11˜fcendcr'ancor,i...,. R!Ttta, t'acquc-Pille, 11of conduits, for what (and according to the waters ' I Fi patria fige - VNA conftrua, collecting all F waters ,1, and cadeno from the cie!o: & in the garden PZU baffo Fi po tria do of helli {/ime fountains, feruendofi di those waters mede{M, c: & fa¥ rebbono fani(fime& p11rgatu. L I B R O V I I. ,, .. ,;r- ' .. . r-t'",, 11 . \ - ,- u: o ..' ....':,.: L I B R O V I I. ,, .. ,;r- ' .. . r-t'",, 11 . \ - ,- u: o ..' ....':,.: p '. :p ..'.t....- ..f t_ . :p Cell OF S) 3'.BASTIANO SERLIO ARCHITET. Of the Cafa quartadecin1a outside the city. Chapters 1 or X I I I i . L L F. trefigure dimoflratt here dttuant..phono Li dirittiof the plumped plant: which of fopra dinota / 4partedauanti, which is high from the yard feet v. from the plane of the [cala fin fotto La fafcia,cbe will make the pri¥and,no folaio, is xv feet ll l. & dal/; 1, fafcia, fin fotto t: arch1traue, feet xvi.who will do the doing [o / aio. The arcbitraue, the Frieze, & the frame, will make feet 1 11 r. in high'.;_'7..: & in the Frieze will make the barn l11rni. The wide-z.:zadi all fineftrc is feet v. The altez:;rt of the first is feet x. & lefeconde phono a foot of more inealtez., z.a.La larghczz.'!- door is feet V R .& is feet alte7.....:but it will make ferrata re, & uetri from the fafcia you up. The two doors from the fo_no sides for PA / Jare high gardens , & do omamrnto great at caf a.., Lafiguradimcz:; r..[egnata t. A. H. I. K. L. takes the inside part of the whole cafe for laf11a 1ez'z. a, like ella fh!Je fegata permez... Part... note the entrance d, tuanti: dom: is H .fg11ifict1 douefi enters the limaca: & diuidil'anditfrom the courtyard. part I, - comes to e!Jere la longbezz..short citi.le, in which he sees the corridorium around [opra li modiglioni.La part K. is doues ' enters a / the other file c, 1 :& which leads to the courtyard from the balcony, cbe is f egnata L. in which there are two chimneys, mo¥ cia, faltro to the Italian cofiume: & Le medcftme altezt,!, which is said in the part dall (11Jti, foM in quefla of inside: & what is mustache is meant from above. The figuraqua down morebajjo, is the part behind ucrfo the garden: & l, to lemede FIME alte....: but the ftá á neftreediformeediuerfe: & cofl laportadmerfa Dall'altraae: to which f“ mont4..., - for a [cala pi1t11a: & fotto e [F a, l La porta, che fcende alfi luo fucking kites; in which all FTAN'l will do,! for the Commodus of the cafrw 34. By SEBASTIANO SE RLIO aitchitet. Of the quintadeci1na cafa fi1ori of the city.. . ,, Chapter X V . L L d prefente ca.fa will make of perfŽttit qu,ufratura, Jwienao in the me, z.. "L'en cortile D'11n quad'ro perfet¥oto,& dauanti.e!Jafara.11n loggia: & inin entering 11i will make 11nother log...ia: m: t / "ua quefia cafa, chn111a ferua loggia for I. I morning, & l' Al'tra for lafcra...,. ']) to the building, n courtyard of perfect picture, how wide d the cafa: & fe also from the sides S'eglifaá Ranno ducportoni, per pa / Jarc Alli giardini fm.. prevent the fola ..Benu will. It will mount first at the courtyard; feet V. At the loggia ji, longnezz..A is feet L. & is wide feet xr. in the head of the 111alc-V'hmafaletta 13.feet xx v. long, 1, & wide feet xv. cAt side to ef[A-P'is 11n, Chamber C. of feet x 1 II i. longa: & T x .wide, behind the quate; there is ' 1na Camaretta D. of feet 1 x. & x. Vlll'entrar of the door 1 > ' is-pnthe other loggia,of the longhtz.,7..drll'alira, & COFI larga ancbora:&, Jfegmita and, of which one enters in 11ncortile F. of tantalarg, bez.. how long is the loggia: IE feet L. & .. in longhe-z¥ .. feet 11,&m.. more, p: er cause of the wall, which diuide the two chambers G. H. !Which [0110 of perfect qHadratllYtt...,. The fuo diameter is XXV feet. 'PajfamlD the yard ft tmoua 1111a {wing I. Of pie, ii xxvJarga, w Longa L. bauendo in-r, no de ' capi 11na camera X. feet xv.Longa: & wide feet xx .Q._..and / it will make it very commoda_,. 'Prima "'Pi will make place for three lettzo&" Pi will make 11n dressing room cM, " LII fa ,. :. I * ˆ la fzmac " a ?{: with neceffarij there. R.!Jefla fi will be able to _are: tfoue in 1'n member {Ol-pi /Rr1tnno ' duecamere, & duecarmrette, & they will make light, therefore the foieflra...,, 1-,.it will make great, & medefimamente Fi'mˆ ammez.:zare ia F alma dauanti con the two bedrooms....J. v1lt11fcire of the [fi wing truoua 1111 [isligato10.. of feet L. Longo: & of X VI. largo, who has fuoi parapets ˆ btJlaufti*') a quefto fifw1¥ deal garden f2.: for the [cala P. & fottoola11ol. ra di. J , FFA [cala;; far? the port to defcend aUi (ua GHI fotterrani, doue phono all offici[: & cofl on the other side 11i faran. no you Mede FIMI appart,., lie ..