NEW DEALS OF The ENTIRE ARCHITECTURE , indian ART BUILT' is USEFUL TO ENTREPRENEURS AND TO OUVRIERSOn there trowvera easily ^ fans fraion the mefure of each Order of Columns ; ^ it is necessary to objer'worm in the Buildings Piiblhs or individuals. With unDidionnaire terms of Architedure , Sec. Pat m. De Cordemoy, Canon Regular of Saint John of Soiffons 3 tr Prior to the Fert-crazy-Joars. fc-^Ju^^ai<^uJU ?Iff^^^^it'^i '^ A PARIS, Chez Jean-Baptiste Coignard, Printer in ordinary to the Rov Is the Acade'mie Francoife,rufaint James, in the Bible of Gold. M. D C C. X 1 V. WITH APPROVAL AND PRIVILEGE OF HIS Majesty. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010-with funding from Research Library, The Getty Research Institute HAS HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS MONSEIGNEUR LEDUCDORLEANS. ONSEIGNEUR, C E riefl point t shine that gives the Blood Royal there oTKE Highness, but celuy what is ejl aquis by fon extraordinary merit, that my injpir the dejjem of luj conjacnr this Owvraqe. a i; / E P I T R E, You na vtcZj , in the other Hardly , given the marks of a ^jaleur di/Ii?7guee , that jcuf our General '-> but France , of the te?/,s - there, a see held by these blows of ejiaj , that vcus Jerie7b:in-toJ to the rank of fes largest Capitanes.Since lious a ve?been to the tejle ds I s military Efpagne ^ in a - t point iu^ Vn Bridge swept away by the waters , faijott penjsr the prife of this legend is the impojjble.You futes , evil- option this accident impr Aionfeigneur , d have done daujj large chofes ?Quan Letter we naurot j)or any merit of the Game!art of the Little , that Your Royal Highness fait ft perfectly 3 jcroit-it'll be looked at as one of the greatest Heroes of the IJni'to? Aiais njous , Adonjeigneur , femblahle has .Cfar 3 trcs-obfTant , & js-iidle Servant , Dice Coroemov" AVERTISSEMENTQUoyque the first Chapter of this Treaty lfs contains af'ez along the defTein ;It appears , however, that he eft about expofer icy the views that we have had in this fruitful Edition.This Trai- tee had been undertaken only for infpirer the good taste to Pupils in the Atchitedure.However, it has found Opponents, And as these objections are alez well-written Is an air aif, ce they pourroient may be required to make any impreflion as the efprit of Commenans , c give any infringement of good taste: it was nceflaire to join icy two difcours who have (rvi of rponfe to these Criticisms. We efpre that they will make a furcrot of evidence to all the provisions of the Treaty.It may even be that the perfonnes curicufes taste & will quoyfe content.Certainly they will how our Eglifes were once conftruitesjc in the same mct all that devroit induce any efprit non-accused, to believe that those present-huy on account of the construction or ajufte, the devroient be as this old model. Parlammeraifon it added a troificme Difcours, which lfc is not the Author, but in a way alfez alive, & with a detail to do pUiir, gives a new light to everything that was advanced in this Book. WARNING. In the case of the Dictionary that we have put at the end, we would add that as these heavy Books are ordinarily strong boring & fortfecs, c that celuy terms of Architedlure the devroit be by fa nature more than another ,we are planning to make the most enjoyable that it was poffiblc.Everything that we found fufceptible of orncmens , we tried to enliven the narrative with short c curieufes research or traits of Hiltoire : to ddomager by-the sentence or ennuy of anyone who ' may wish to undertake to read it. The refte this Book has been printed fans that we have penf to put in the margin the Verfon of the PafTages Latin which are prevalent qi & there , quoyqu'we have done with respect To Latms.Therefore, it was felt that it toic nceflaire to deliver icy the Verfion of these Shares, to settle the pcrfonnes who are unaware of this Language , because this Book should probably pluftt 6c more fouvent fall between leurj hands between those of any other. It.on the page i i j. these two verses in Latin. l\lam (juaji contignata fa^ As we discover cnticm cnacuU te6is surely the Altar of all Spechnt of fuperis aliaria the locations of the Galetotafenejhis.laugh at the top which reigns around the Eglife. Dcins page r8.there are five or fix Latin verses. But as they are dcachez of unplus lotig fragment of a Letter of Sidonius written to Elpcrius , which WARNING: which eft explained throughout in To Francis page 15)7.6c returned I<5leur. In the page first reads these words , Infr capfum . . .inant II had between the Nave ahjdcm rotundam habens.& the Choir of a Rotunda. And below these words-cy, Vt Lmi fecHS al tare ^ That the Secular cannot be aqno fania MyftcrU concealed - vilent in zero way, Iran-ur, interClericoSy tam foic that we difela Mefle, ad Figihas , cjum ad Mif - or sings the Vifas ,Jlare penitus non-pr^- g"^^ " ^^ if afleoir or fe smoking : edf pars ilU.c^ow blend with the Clerics au cancellis versus altare di - pfs of the Altar as the viditHr,ChoristantHm pfal - which we celebrate the divine kntiHm pateat Clmcorum.Myftres; but that this part of the coft of the Altar that the Grid fpare , nefoit open , or permife only to Clerics who sing the divine Office. Found in the page 108.these words , j4d cuJHs fepulcrum^ J m~, If there had been someone juf(juam mens i^funa jura - aflfcz frenzied for voumentum inane prof erre vo - loir to make a false ferlaeritj pr mfqHam fpulcram lying in front of crazy zow- adeat ,hocefl anteq'Axrn ad beautiful , it priflfe.This eft cancellos that etf arcu ha - to say , before he puilTc A WARNING. henturjuhiClencorumjyfdl - rreamv to the Grid lentium fiare mos ejl, accc - which efi: crazy the vault where dat '.jlaim > ^c. IcsClercs have been accustomed to be to sing. In the page links these words , San^i Patres ut clum Our fainrs Perc are cjui fupr facram menfam the vault Cjuteftau deflus eminet ,fornicem conficiunt, Table facre femuttotam 'vero terram praj - blable to the Sky.And this in- does mm qmd to quartet Co - right of land that eft enlomnis tjus ^ quodCiborium be the four Columns, ajjpcllatur there conclufum ej , called Ciborium, renferaut circumfcriptum facrum me & contains the Sancfoliimyinmocompleturfer port , where accomplic mb propheticus , incjuiens^ this Prophecy, which says, operatus efi falutem in mC' that God has made the faluE dio terra the middle of the earth. And finally on page 114.we meet these words. Erelis parietihus fuper to The defllis of the Altar altare adis illius , turrcma this Egliie we btt a columnis , Pharis , an impact - tower or coupolle as of cliifque , tranfvolutis arcti - Columns & of pilaitres hns erexerunt , ci^'c after the laying of the beams, architraves, bend. But as between plufieurs tale/laws that have been ms the occafion of this Book, the two main roll & as the iituation of the Master - AuteJ, WARNING, that one wants to abfolumenc it was formerly placed in the bottom of TEglil, c not in the Croife , c as the Throne Epifcopal , which we do not want to the contrary, that it has ever been in the background of the Chorus :we have found about submits icy all throughout the PaiTagedes Conftitutions Apoftoliques, which has been cited to only a few words in the page zi8.This PafTage femble well prove all the con- milk , & decide the queilion.We are going to see as fa fimple expoftion that prefque dice the first time that the Eglife began to enjoy the peace , fes Baiiliquestoienc difpofes ainfi that we have advanced in this Book. ^cbrimum quidemft I - It is necessary first that the Ees ohionga, , Onentem worm - glife foit long ; that the sus navi /milis ^ Htrimcjue end turned to the East Pajlophoria in Orientem.liver is a roll of NaSit jolmm Epifcopi in me - vire ; that in this place it dioyC^ ex utroque latere is starting & other fedcant Prejhiten , (including ad - quoy put the Priests ; Jlent Diaconi fuccini ^y that the Throne of the Evexpediti fne miilta njefle ; that loitftu between the two; funtenim illi/imiles pledged^ that the Prrres there foient hi tllis y aui perforas nivis afs to fescoftez , &: that CHrJtant.Sit autem horum Deacons are held curay ut Ldic in alter by - standing relived of a ro- tey ordine , & decorates there be strong short & retroufauiete fedeant , item y ut fe - fairy, in order to be more dif deantmulieresjeparatim ac pofez to make their fonccumfilemio; in medio autem tions.Because they reffemblent WARNING. Leor ex loco edito Icgat to the Sailors , who are Libros Moyis j ^c. get at any time to run here & there as the Bridges of the VaifTcau. Mostly they aycnt hay to make at the other end afifeoir the Secular with a lot of order &: of bienfance; & aufi that women keeping the fi- lence , there foient ailifes fparment men ; &: last of the high place which efl; in the middle of the Eglifejle Drive life the Books of Moyfej&c. This high place, in the middle of the Eglife , was prcifment the place where the Altar toitiitu & to which we ascended of all coftez by-plufieurs degrez, diCpofez in manirede Court , we nommoit to caufedecela, Pulphum.LeLedleur then taking the Text facr of dcllus the Altar where he reftoit ordinarily, the lifoit a loud voice, ^enfuite the EvqueGii the Higher expliquoit the fens to the people, who was in part oppole to that of the Clergy. All this makes it clear that the Altar was in the middle beyond Bafilique , & that the Evqucavec fon Clergy was placed in the bottom of the Choir & in front of the people.This efl; to say, in a word, that the tglifes once were all difpofes, as the lfs i prefent that of faint Germain des Prez at Paris. w& 4^ ;i^ 4^ 4^ ^ 4" 4* "^ ^4^ '4'" 4^ 4" "^ ife "4^ 4^ i^'" TABLE OF the CHAPTERS contained in this Treaty. PRE24IERE PART. Of the Order. CHAPTER I. Defein of all t Book T. Chap.II.This fuon means the entire Column : beyond mefure i]or re^fis proportions , & of the divijon of this mefure" 5. Chap.III.Mlc^ Orders^rchittilure, g. Their differens caraReres.-j. Their different height ibld. Chap.IV.^Proportions d* Order Tofcatt^ 9 Of the Piedefial.ibij. Of fa Bafe.ibid _De fa Corniche.ibid, Of the Column.ibid fa Bafc, lo. Of fa-Stem.^ ibid Of Decreased fa.[ ibid, r Entablature.ibid, in The Tent.jl, Chap.V - Proportiotts of tOrdr V orlqut, iz. The Pifdeflal.Jbid. Of fa Bafe. ' jbid. Fa Cornice.,, Of the Column.* ibid fon Fiifl.I -^ fes Ca>telures~ ibidl Of Decreased fa.ij^ fon Tent.ibid, C Entablature.jg. Fon architraves, ibid fa i)e fa Cornice. i8" iij TABLE DESCHAPITRES. ? Chap.VI.The Proportions of the Ionic Order, q,- The Piedejhil.ibid fa Bafe.ibid^ fa Cormche.M zlDe the Column.ibid fa Bafe.ibid, fa-Stem.22. Fis Grooves.ibid fa Decrease.23. Fon's top.ibid, Of the Entableynent, zi". Fon Architrave.ibid Fa Frife.ibid fa Cornice.27. Chap.VII.Of Proportioffs of twisting Corinthian^ 8. The Pledcjial.ibid fa Bafe.ibid fa Cornice.ibid, Of the Column' 29. Of fa Bafe.ibid, fa-Stem.30. Fis Grooves.ibid fon tent.ibid, C EntabUrnem.32. Fon Architrave.33. ChAp.VIII.The Proportions of f Order Compojtte.34. The Piedejal.ibid fa Bafe.3J. Fa Cornice.ibid, Of the Column.35'. Of /<" Bafe.ibid Of yrf 7*'?^'ibid End Cnapiteau.ibid, Of the Entablature.38. 7^ Frife.ibid Of yT Cornice.ibid, Chap.IX.Of; Proportions of the large Doors.40. I. Scdiion.The /^ Door, Dorian.41" 2 - Section.Of /<" Por/^e Jonit^eu.4i 3.Scdion.Of /*?Porre Atticitrge.45 4.Scdion.D" Tent of the Order Attica, ^S. c h a p. X. Of all the Orders of ArchiteBure have commnn.48 TABLEDES CHAPTERS. SECOND PART Of the Dirpofuion or Diflcibution. CHapitreI Of different mAtiieres of diffofer the Columns, ^o. The Pycnoflyle.ibid= Sy/lyle - ibid, Of the D:af!there!e. ibid P^roftyle" 51. The EiiJiyle.ibid The Dio/lyle.ibid, C H A p. II.How to find the size of the module for each of these diverfes diffojtions Columns. & what order is best for them.53. Chap.III.Of Piedeftaux & what they should obferver.$6. Chap.IV.Columns & of Pila/Ires.58. I. Sedion.What we must ohferver datrs their Bafes.ibid, z. Selion.What we must obferver in their Fufls.60. 3.Sedion.What we must obferver in their Capitals.'6y. Chap.V. Entablemens & what they should obferver.6j. What you need to obferver in C Entablature of The Doric Order 71. In the Ionic Order.72. In one of the Corinthian Order.yj. In Order Comfofte, 74. CHAp.VI.Of the Pediments , of BaluJlradeS & desAcrotres.ibid Chap.VII.The ornament of the Gates.Tl' l. Sedtion.Doors in gnerai.ibid, X. Sedlion.Of the Doric.ibid, 3.Sed:ion.Of The Ionic..78 4.Section.F Atticurge.79, 5.Scdion.T Attica. %^. the THIRD PART Of the Bienfeance. CHAPTER I. how the Bienfeance must be kept in all Us various efpeces of Buildings 85, Chap.II.General advice as Us Ed-income Individuals.87. .Section.Their main Entrances, ibid, TABLE OF CHAPTERS. t. Sccflion.Before - during &? of course.J9,' j. Sedion.The body of the Building , fes Jiditrs & fes E erci we must filled ervcr in the Statues that we put into it.^6. 4.Se^lion.Of the Symmetry. 985.Section.Of Feneflres & Doors - ibid t. Section.The f^eflibule & 7.Sedtion.Of Appartemens.lei. 8.Section.Galleries.104. 9.Section.Of Efcaliers.1^5. 10.Sciftion.Of the Cover & of the fall of the waters.106. Chap.III.General notices furies in public buildings.107 !Se(5Hon.Onilfembleqtie the dejfiin of our Egl'-fes nouvelLmint built, nefl not celuy qti is dvroit fuivre , & that those Colon- nes are preferable.108. i. Sedion.Of their Situation, their figure, & of Imrs outside, mr. J. Sedion.f)u' they must not be made to the Altar which there must be in the m" place. !!? 4.Seiilion.The Jltuation da Domes inside & that:l j must obferver' n8. 5 - Scdion, i^uil does not need to point in the EgUfes P edefiaui: crazy Columns Jfoles ; nf two Orders of Architiilure differcns as the same Full -foot 120. 6.Sedio^.The Bienfeance we must keep in the Statues , OH the Paintings which adorn the Eglifes.rii. 7.Se:ion.Public Places & what they should obferver.lij. 8.Scdion.How they should be ortics to be gr fi-~ ques df convenient.12 ^, 5 - Sedion.Bridges.133. Extr.iti a letter F Author R. P. de TOVRNEMfN E, Jefuite , for fervir of rponfe to the Remarks of Ai.Experience any.I, Engineer in Ordinary to the king, inferred in the journal of Trvoux J" fnois of September, 1709.135. Other Rponfe to the Remarks of Mr. Erezjer by one of the Brothers of E Author.itfj. Dijfertatiott as the manner in which the Eglifes must be btiet kiln to be co?iformes has Fantiqu'tee & the b^ in sixty parts, called tousjours, minu- '^'fi^-^tes; c, & d, mark the divifions of the three Pctis Modules , each of twenty minutes ; Er i .z. 3.4.j. - fifths of the Small Module , each of the four mmutes. A iij c NEW DEALS' there is reason to believe that the first Inventors of the proporcions of each Order the olin reduced to me(ures aifes \ Is that they do fe do not avil , for example, to arbitrarily give to the Column Corinthian nine Diameters & half feize minute & a half , as fe sees the Portico of the Pantheon : ny ten Diameters eleven minutes , like that in efl to the three Columns of the market of Rome. There is, therefore, that the neli^ence of the Workers / 1 - ri ri edihces the ancient loit the vraye cauie of lack c of the diverlir that there are in these proportions. Ainl , in fuivant this idea of the first Architedles , we had raifon of propofer icy a mcfure average, holding the middle between those the Old c the Modern fe lont fervi, determines fans fraction of the height of the Pidcftaux ,of the Columns ) of the Entablemens _, & of all the various members , that the compofent , auffi although the bankrupt of their berries ^ of their Chapiters , & their Cornices. Chapter III. Of the five Orders of Architeflure , their dijfcrent caraftre j c^of their diif thirty height. Of inq Orders./^ Strictly speaking, there are Orders of Archi/l^ tedure as those that the Greeks have invented ; fwoir the Doric, that lfs is the most ancient of all, tr,tru.i.j,ch.i.pionique ,& the Corinthian.The chofes that the dif- tinguent lesuns other, are strong conidrables c fort fenfibies. ARCHITECTURE.!.Share.Ch.III.7 For the Tofcan , & the Compofirc , or Italics^ that the Romans have added , they do not make for ainfi say that the drift of the Doric, &the Corinthicnj it eft-to say j that the Tofcan lfs about the same as the Doric j c that the Compoiitc reflcmble wrong in the Corinthian. Of these three Orders, ic Doric eft the plusmaf - i^^"'" di/E-rcns ita, quoyquilac a nice iimpiicite widespread voy>Iu.fU"c. in all Your parties.?'^' '" The Ionic eft looser , lighter, &i, z^^.pUnj^.i. high i but ccpandant the Ornemens are still affs modcftes. The Corinthian lfs very light c more exhauft that The^.fUnc.fig.t. the Ionic.He eft enriched ornemens very delicate. The Order of the Order Tofcan , more groftier, ^'y, low , more fimple,& more maftif that rousles other, lfs is set as the proportions of those of the Doric. And the order of the Order Compofite , the more the- 'Ww.?j.^/^", ger more ornate even than any other , lfs is set as "'^^' '" that of the Corinthian.This eft Vitruvius who gave the idea of these two Orders ^ the fans have never put to the number of other. The different height of the Picdeftaux va tousjours pc kur difcrcn* d> / V 1 N 1, te height. _,an Order has another , has a small Module, That of the Columns , of two small Modules. And Entablemens in all Levels, have a height two times the Diameter of the bottom of the Column , or , what eft the same , that fix small Modules. t NEW DEALS' Of strong that the Tofcan has thirty-four pc's" tis Modules of elevation , or eleven Diameters came minutes. That the Doric did thirty-ewpf small Modules, or twelve Diameters came minutes. As the Ion has only forty small Modules ^ or thirteen Diameters came mmutes. The Corinthian has forty-three small Modules j or fourteen Diameters came minutes. The Compofite has only forty-fix small Modules ,or fifteen Diameters came minutes. I believ he eft about to warn here that we should prefque tousjours is abftenir to use the Pideftaux in some Book that this foit ; &c this for the raifons , as we will see in the leak.Ainfi , so that we do not make mistake on this point then , the Tofcan will not have Elevation as twenty-eight-small Modules , or nine Diameters came minutes. The Doric j that thirty small Modules, or ten Diameters. The ionic, that of thirty-two small Modules, or ten Diameters in forty minutes. The Corinthian , that of thirty-four small Modules , or eleven Diameters came minutes. The Compofite , that thirty-fix small Modules , or twelve Diameters. Chapi tre ARCHITECTURE.I. Part.Ch.IV. Chapter IV. Of provenions of the Order Tofcan. E Pideftal Tofcan eft tousjours fix small I-Modules of height , which are fix came to mi- The Picdeftal. nutes. We give thirty minutes to the height of the bafe, foixintc & fifteen afon Dice , & fifteen to fa cornice. We divife the entire height of the bafe ^^, in three ^"^'^*'*=-, ,. 'Click here Unris the S. parts cg.islands , it gives two to the Base E \ 6c pi'-nche , u profit a to Mouldings C B ; the-cy (lfs) fubdivife in fx cln."'" other small portions : there are two of them for the net C , 6v: four for the moulding ^. The bankrupt sole of the bafe , to take the 'n j, or of the furface of the Die L , efl; tousjours equal to one-third of fa height A B : iscXz.bankrupt cove (B , with fon net C, to take the same'n Z._,eft of two-fifths of the small Module , or the eft of even eight minutes. We divife the height of the cornice VG ^tn eight ^" fa cornice, parties-we laiife five laplatebande H, one in the mesh /,&two aucavetF. The fiillie of the platebandeH^ dundu DZ.,lfc dedeux fifth & half of a small Module ,& by confquent responds to the focle ,the \)A.AB-^ &c the one of the net / , with fon cove _, eft one-fifth c half of the small Module, or fix minutes. The column Tofcane , with fon tent c fa ba - u,column B 10 NEW DEALS with fc , efl: tousjouis of vinc-two pctis Modules of height, had this tlt the same chofe , four hundred and forty mmutcs. Of labafc.The bafc To B^ understood the Orlc E , in column D, Zfil^u^ '"""' ^ u^ Module average , or thirty minutes of height i this bay cil divifce into two equal parts. O. i gives a to the focle 5 , & the other iubdivifccn five particles ; we laifle four to the Torus C , & a to the Orle , which by confequent lfc tousjours in this Order-cy , aufli-well as in the other Orders , a three-minute pitch. It gives of a bankrupt to the Orle E , to take the'n the bottom of the column D , one-fifth of the small Module , or four minutes ^ & three-fifths , or dou- ze minutes to the Torus C , aul-although the Base B. fa rod; As the rod or fuft of the column cft tousjours complete in all orders down by the Orle, & in the top by the Aftragale & Your net , the shaft of the column Tofcancn'has a greater height than three hundred quatrcvint minutes , puifque we have seen quefon Orle ^ which lfs three-minute ,eft including the number of members of labafe^^. Fa diminu- ^^ column cft decreased by the high-five - minu""'.these each coft. Moreover, it does fouffre point splines.Ec the Aftragale G ,a height, as in all other orders, the eighteenth part of the grofleur the bottom of the column , or three minutes a third party , or finally a fixime part of the small Module : & the net H, half of the Aftragale G, in any place that they fe are enfemble. ARCHITECTURE.I. Part.Ch.IV.h The bankrupt decece Aftragale eft femblable to that the orle , it eft to say, one-fifth of the small Module , or a four-minutes-of-the'n of the column. The marquee /The, eft of the same height as the ba - of the tent, kAB : it efl; say ^ of a Module, means, or thirty minutes.It is divided in three parts equal , the a dcrquellcs eft for the carries , or Abacus / -, the other for the Echme , or Ove Af; & the troifimepourla throat A/" L, with the Aftragale O. We divife this troifime part N , in eight , one in laifle two Ailragale O : & a to Your net N. The bankrupt of the Carries / cft femblable to the orle E , it eftdire , eight-fifths & half of a small Module , one of twenty-two minutes to take the centre , or the Z-Axis , of column D. And the bankrupt of the Aftragale O , eft one-fifth of the small Module , or four minutes.In a word, this bankrupt eft the same as that of the Aftragale G ^ of the column D. Lecaradre of this tent lfs that fon carries foittout kingdom & fans at the heel , & that fools the chine or Ove M y there is a point of armilles or ringlets , as in the Doric. The height of the Entablature Qj^ > which lfs all- days to fix small Modules , or iix-came minutes, eltdiviic came the parties-it gives a fix to Architrave Qji , including the net /^ , has a j & fix the frife R, S. Of the eight reftantcs , it gives both the heel ^,&: a half thread T; the two &: a half at the Drip edge (F \ a to the Aftragale j & to fon net X : &s Bij Of the Entablature. It NEW DEALS* finally, two quarter-round P,which to him is a place of great Simaile. The bankrupt of the net R, the Architrave QJi^ cft one-fifth of the small Module, or four minutes of the'n of the Architrave ^ that of the heel STj. take'n of the frife /< 5 , lfs, three fifths of the small Module, or twelve minutes 3 that the Drip edge K, such as fept-fifths c half of the perished Module , or thirty minutes seals of the Ailragale X, with fon, net , nine-fifths of the small Module, or thirty-fix minutes, & finally that of the Quarter-round P ,eft to twelve-fifths of the petic Module, or forty-eight minutes. Chapter V. Of the proportions of twisting it Doric. DuPicdeftai, TT E Pideftal Dotique eft tousjouts dc fcpt pcJl ^tis Modules , or ewpf-vmt mmutes of height. It gives thirty-five minutes to the height of fa bafe, four-twenty-ten-ewpf &c half fon Of, 6^ dixfept & a half to fa cornice. Defabafe.We diviic the entire height of the bafe J B , qv there ytsdiin! .u-6.three equal parts : one gives two to the Base or sidewall, the pf'Jii the l O rtUeji^i Doric.VViwtht A : &L Li ttoifieme mouldings CBD. The cy eft fubdivife in such as fept particles , we laifTe four for the Torus, Cj a to net D, &: two pourlecavet^. ARCHITECTURE.I. Part.Ch.V.rj The bankrupt sole of the bafe, auffi well as that of the Torus C , to take the nii of the Dice , elt tousjours eale-third of fa height y^ /3 , & the bankrupt 's net Dj with fon caver B, eft one-fifth &J half of the small Module, or defix minutes, The height of the cornice F /,efl; divife in nine Dcfaconiiche. parties : Ov\ in gives fix the Drip edge H ^ including the net / , which has one of the fix j two to the Moulding F, Ik a - net G. . The bankrupt cove F, with fon-net G, the'n of Die, eft one-fifth & half of a small Module, or defix minutes : Of even that of the Mold H, three-fifths of the small Module , or twelve minute , & finally fon net / , three-fifths & half of a small Module , or fourteen minutes. There column Doric with fon tent & fa bafe grinding , eft tousjoursdc twenty-four small Modules , or what cil the same , four hundred quacrevint minutes. Although Vitruvius does not give point of the bafe of the column, Doric , &c, that this foit even practiced ainfi at the Theatre of Marcellus; however , as the plufpart of the Ancient & the Modern luy have assigned- bu the bafe Attic or Atticurge , of which this Author gives the proportions , we do not propoferons point other than it to this Order. This bafe v^jB, eil: a Module means, or thirty minutes in height.This height eft divifc into three equal parts.It gives a the focle , or plinth , the other two being shared by four, the top eft for the small Torus B : j& the efpace B iij Of the column. Voys the i. pUfche fis - I. ,4 NEW TREATS' that laiiTcnt the three parties refiantes ^ eft fubdivif in two.The bis eft for the big Torus (C: & the top divilc still in (ix parties eft for the Scone Of, including Your two nets , which each have one of these (iximes. To return to the same proportion of the bafe , &c plusaifment jil only has to share first of all the height into three parts & give one to the plinth Enfuite divifer a fruitful time this same height in four , c give a grand Torus , 6c provided at the Scotie & to fes nets.Finally the divifer a troifime time in fix parts, of which a eft for the small Torus. To have the faillies of the Mouldings of this bafe to prendredu naked in the bright of the column G , it is necessary to give two-fifths of the small Module, or eight minutes to the small Torus (B -, Is three-fifths of the petic Module, or twelve minutes, & the great ToreC, &auPhnthe ^.We divife enfuite one of these - fifths of the small Module three, c one gives two third &one fifth of the small Module to the deflection of the Scotie D; two-fifths &c one third of the small Module to the net E top : c two - fifths and two-thirds of the small Module to the filter E below. Dcfonfuft.The fuft ,or the stem of lacolonne Doric , between the bafe & the marquee, has only four hundred came minutes.His orle F, has a height of three minutes, &c, to bankrupt a fifth of the small Module, or four minutes , to take nu to the same column G. The grooves, when it is given to the column These caanelules. ARCHITECTURE.I. Part.Ch.V. i j Doric, shall cre that to the number of twenty , &c fans no other efpace between-ellcs that the tip of the curved lines that form. For the plot, it is necessary to divifer the circumference v^y/s i^ mime BHCDy h column G, in came the parties: fiire ^'?''?"'^'f^-'- unquarr J B^ as each of these parts, & the centre F , and the interval^, describe the quarter circle B H, If one wants to make the curves less deep, instead of a board,the triangle quilatcral /CD :& the center/, & of the intervaleD > describes the portion of the circle CD.The first way , which lfs Vitruvius , lfs, the best & the most uigc. The decrease of the column Doric, which efl: ^'^ ^* diminuI '1 " j 1 1 I tioii. that one-fifth of the small Module , or four minutes, fe did either, or from the bottom, or from the third column. The Aftragale H, that of the ends , has a height of the ten-huitime part of the large Module , or what cif the same , three minutes & a third party : & the thread , a half beyond the height of the Aflrasale//, of which the bankrupt of the nude of the top beyond column G, the eft of a cin- th of the small Module, or four minutes. The tent / A/^ , eft of the same height as the ba- ^^ ^^^ ^i -, {^5:eftdire,a Module means, or tren- '"u. te minutes.It is divided in three equal parts , of which the first eft for the carries Af/; the fertile for the oveou ridge L , &: for the armilles or annclets A' ; & the troifime for the throat^. You will find more aifment the height of each of these Mouldings by the infpedion of the figure , which iG NEW DEALS' mark the other divifions & fubdiviiions three ,' quepar iedifcours. For eft of their faillies to take nu to the top of the column G, a fourth part of a fifth of the small Module, or a minute , determines that of each of fesarmillcs or ringlets K. two-fifths of the small Module , or eight minutes tes, give one of the ove, or spine-L; c three - fifths of the small Module, or twelve minutes, that of all the carries Af A/", understood Your talion TV, whose two members have one minute each of a bankrupt. Of rintabemeHt.The liautcur the entablature P C C, which lfc tousjours defix small Modules , or fix-came minutes , eftdivif in twenty-four parts. Oc fonArchitrave.We doiiuc fix the Arcliitrave P R eft fubdivifen such as fept,a portion of which mark ia height of fon net ^.Under this net, or bed, are placed the fix drops O as pending a peti- te rule, which occupies the width of a efpace of a Module means or thirty minutes, & that eit placed directly to the right of the middle of the column G. there must be femblables small governed decorated their bunkers, crazy in the same net /?,the lon^ the Ar-