D E I :, L A .A?RCHITETl1VR .. TO BY G IOSEFFE PURPLE ZAN INI PADOVANO PAINTER, ET ARCHITECT. BOOKS .DPE In which with new Symmetry, &: Faculty they show the iufte rules-de i five orders of detr Architecture, & olferuationi dc'pu cccclltnc = Archicetti, who at that time gave ammaefrramcnti. ET PRIMA .DI .f <_ [THE SUBJECTS, WHICH ARE PARTICIPANTS lfi1bric11re, comt stones, timbers, metals, & alla dijjojione, jcondo leparti <,., Ti. . 1 WITH ALCVNE OIFFINITIONI DEPRINCIPII GBCMETRICl, Mc: theorologid, and Matbematici, & rules in the perspective, & of human phymmetry. With Annotations, & Tatto / e of the cofi nut.1bili. DEDICATED TO THE CLARISSIMO SIGNOR THU = MARIA GIVN.TJ. '\ In PADUA, ApprelfoFrancefcoBolzetta. 1629 (on Licen <: JJe'fperiori... the L / t S-IC .l 13 3 Ro r ... the the CLARISSIMO MR tv1IO, Mr. and Patron Colendfsin10. r? rr ' Long time, ch'Iodeftde- Rhodes give V. S. Cla riCTma some public fegno of gratitude for them uori received from (ua goods gnit .e fii, which hauer met forfe it is not unworthy of the need to carry out this defidium; with dedicate V.S.Clarill1na this new book of Architecture by Sg.G1ofeffo Viola.La what work, for that, which I hear from the tending ones, is fiimata the best, ask for modern fin1h9ra. fia appeared to the flames.But of c1 V.Sig. Clarfsima will be a judge, like this one, who is intended as a nobleman to the pros .. the to profefsione: and beIJifsimi demonstrate it, e1ntuof palagi from Le1 habitat, so in Venetia, how to do them {iloi farms; and to those other, in particular, that Isifa pvffiede inVHa of Magnadole; lqualebenche fia 16 .. Venetian twenty-five years ago; nevertheless, for the rare beauty, and magnHicenza, many major Signoridella Veneta nobility , and other Cities c1rc6icine have it, and trust it with them somc> pleasure; admiring all that lepibelle, erare excellence, which in the shovel .. gio nobiliilimo, and deliciofiffin10 poffonodcfiderarfi. Here they see various orders of beautiful rooms, and fpatiofiffime fale, loggie efpofie gratiofifsime vifie, ampli \ courtyards, galleries supplied with paintings, efcqlturedieccelJentifsim mae {Jri; in addition to the others ad. d.obba1nenti corr1fpondEti to the size, ericit dicos worthy habitat. MadoueJafciogli amenifsimi enriched gardens of artificiofefontane, of delicatibofhett, of intricate labyrinths, of vceller, epeschiere: apt hand in pefcare, eve . cei .. conceal any dearest recreation, and delight? and in supply all those delicies, ecomn10 .. dit , ef plenddezza, which I can give to others indicative of height, and nobility delran1mo by V. S. Clarifs. which one not only a match, but a great deal of luck was good luck. Onde is not a marauiglia, fe V.S.Clarifs with my heart, and noble quality, fi h in guifa earned spirits of coteila nobilt , which some Sen tori among the first of the gloriofifsimaCitt di Ve netia, not happy with friendship, they wanted, by means of the tnatrmoniovnirfi with V.S.Clarifs.di fangue, and firettifsjma kinship. In the end, these are the qualities of the animode V: S.Clarifs.e of the magnanimous, ebenefic fua natura.che, quafi vina calamita, pull f is the soul of all, and by playing . all fi makes each one worthy of pretense, & a1nore; fi that) is truly unfeasible the conofr: erla, and do not love it. On which I fpero, which you will find, and for .. gift I appreciate the rubber benigni r of Vo_ fir S1g.Clari {s.feviolitato dal riuerti !: fi: 1no fimoaffetto, which jo I bring, edal conofci- chin of my infinite obligation, hprefo daring with quefta mia ofcura om pen .. breeze with rozo I defend the clears praise you, degaifsima of effere celebrated with verifsimi encomij from every noble, & excellent record of age. Ecol finedi q efia doing V.S.Clar1fs.hum i- leriuerenza, Iebaciola mano, ela fupplico confer me in the grateful polfeffo of fuagratia.Di Padoua, on d 2, j'-March162.90 DiV.S.Clarifsima Seruicor diuotifs. & Obligatifs. Francefco Bolzetta the A 'S 1G NOR I READING; FRANCESCO BOLZETTA Ju I Intoni fi6ri rv_e gono, t'P. rouati dJ .. :, Valent huomtnt. Among excellent ptu queflo, with the ftima de 'principal / '? I \ .Arhitetti io phono rejfated perfaafo = 0 ; '- 1 11, _ -: '": - pu / Jlicarlo for leftampe not less cornmune rvtilit , which is particularfodisfattion6-. That Ja really treating the military the C! llluflre Mr. VIN CENZO 'DOTTO no6ile THE THE the main of my homeland is not closed but with honorable honors. in pro of the author he told me about it; whose opinion is largely fertilized from Molto Illu.ftre :, f5 EcceUentifsimoSignor Mathematician of the pu6liche stole flato flimolo of the.fpefa, e.ffiero,. that riujir with pu6ltco applaufo glory. of the! : _does tica. THE . . tic a .. The Opera is a copy of a hundred, it is more scratchy coftte, fiche l'rvtile.in profeftione with the beloved in the jauola it competes from the peer, they are the two fn indiuiji6ili of the pretiofe carte. Legetela rvolontieri, that intent is beneficial, and5 please , [will you give me the heart to give the Ter?:. Ja Part, those two not giving them d'efquijitez., Z., A, will exceed others in this kind of security, with conof: you were, that what, that the fcrijfe deserves of ejfer welcome; protteto, e5chi la ftamp fauorito, f5accarez., z., ato. the. TABLE; TO TO Bacoiloro ftgniiicati. 405 Fir. 123 Fegnocelefte aquarium 201 Water does not do more than fire. Water and fire inhuman to fpo it makes fruitful the ceremonies of Gemili. 22.2 Water as it does them. fua goodness. .2.22.219 Water is praise. 224 Light water. comeli conofca 2:30 Water as it should pefy us. 2:31 Achafa 90 Africa. 80 Sunrise. 59.63 Alno, oio Onaro., Was vfo 127 Height of the franzc 147 Height dc covered like l deue do. 1 5G Amiterno. 6: 1 Albertin Muziatofuoi good-natured. 226 Amfiarao. 32 Amazons. 344 Corners fue fperie. 7 Ang? Lo a fquadra as fi for mino. 24 Antiati. 305 Apollo. 3 42, Aquitaine. 6 Armenfa. 80 Arena which Lia the best. , -1 Aria catti ua fuoi nocumti. 17 1 A ria che cofia fia. J71., Arfafuadiuilone. 171. Fresh air was quality, & qud lo, which in dfa ii generates. 17 j Purified air pervades fires. 174 Aria cattiua dcue fuggire.170 Good air like ft conofca 174 Aries fegno celcftc 2.or Argon. 2.90 Compofl arch: o. 11 Intercomed arch. 1-J Architecture fue Iodj. 45 Famous architects. 94 ArchiTofcani. i.7r; Doric arches. 3 2..z. Ionian Arches i, 390 Arch of Titus fue [crops. 427 Archinell 'Corinthian order 4 7 J Triumphal arches. 43 2 Compofici Arches. 486 Arcofuoradoppiamento. 45 S Alfe. 10.13. Afpetto. 374 Afpetti de Tempij, & fn names! 42, Athcna. 4G Auuertimento in fabrkare. 49 Atrij. 138 Boric Auaritia. 2.ro Auucrti1m: nti cos in the phyto, comc in the beginning he works, & a riem fill the foundation. 2.3 i B Bacchus. 347 Bay. ninety two Bafe Tofcana. 2.66 .Bafe Attica. 297 Bafe Ionica. 348 Bafe Cornthia. 417 lhfe Compofica. 479 Bafilica. 67 Belgians. '4 Bitumen from Ifola Cuba. 1 26 : Jug. 27 Buedi bronze in the Boarium Forum is Capitel1o because so said. 2.66 Doric capital. 300 Ionic capital. 3 50 Capitals in the colonnems i-e de qujndeci feet. 3 6 5 Capital Corfothio fu.1inucn thione. 393 Capital Corinthio. 397 Capitals lily leaves. 40G Capitelli Corinthij because gliati with olive leaves. 409 Compofito capital. 46.2. C; ipitelli Compofti!;: Morati a leaves of roucre fua declar \ tione. 475 Capital that ft can call compofito, & fua column. 47 Top of stones gr mdiffima, & mlrauigliofa. 5 3 Carifto. 7 THE portable care 80 Villa cafe, & many auuerti minds. x 68.169.170 Capricorn cegno cell phone. 2 1J Calculate which is the bestfor wall, & glaze. 90 Caryatid. 37 r Cafa coli. called. I 16.117 Greek priuateda cafe. 144 chimneys that do not smoke. I64 cancer foo signified. I8J scrolls papers waves coming. 2.4G caufa of the adornments of arches tecture. 2 53 Carthage. 305 cantonal of frames in the ot Doric dinc. 3 3 7 canelfarure dcli: columns. 368 concentric circles. 1 1 eccentric circles. 1 I calceo. 374 pericoiofi fireplaces. J6 I.1 6; ce, friendly imonies in fabricating the Cities. 1 51 cerulean wax. 3 37 cenfore. 1 I o chenon {i deue vfurpare la glo ria dc fuoi ancient: 148 c.hicfe was ordered cau dal' man will. 493 appliance. 79 kythira. 79 conclaui. 142. citta3.dini Honorable architects .44 ci1molo '122.12. 3 ciz.i ... cne. 143 cir Arctic Circle; 181 circoloAntartico. 181 crifiallino sky. 2. 24 empyrean sky. 2. zr Cybele. 430 Virgin Claudia Velt-ale fua inocenza. 43i Attica column. 2.ri order column Tofcano fua diminutione. 2.60 colonn: -Tofc.: inafu.: i fomnctria. 2Gz Tofcana column was puffy. z64-266 Doric column canellate., & fuo rafircmamcnto. 2.99 Trojan column., & Antoni noImperatori. 302 wooden columns. 304 Doric column fua diminutio neither. 307 i: Olonnafuovafangino. 309 columns fue gro.lfezze in fo. tcrcolunnij. 316 colonneneglicantoni of the logis G1E. 317 Ionic column was high. 346 columns inside as f appa rcg1aa those outside. 370. 371 columns canellate doue fia con I'll make them. 370 Io11 column was puffy in March 371 Corinthia column was burned Armament. 396 columns of the temple of peace. 413 columns of the Pantheon. 428 colonnedi p @ rfidonel Battifie- rio di Cofiatino Impera.ton :. 438colonnefue differentic. 439 columns like the anodupplicatc. 440 columns adorning the fa- brich 45 Columns seen for profpcttiuaOptica, how much groffczza fiveda. the 46 column erected by Simone Mac .. Cabeus. 472.coloff or the Sun. 21 Tofcana frame. 2.74 Dorica frame. 31 z. Dorica frame with 11 modiglioni. 333 Ionic frame with mocligloni 376corn_iceIonica fenza modiglio- ni. 37? Ionic frame with modillions, & carved frieze. 3 8 3 con1icc; Corinthia. 4zo Compofira frame. 48I frames foprn. the tall wlonne 314 corinthio. 112compofitioncdell'Architettura. 128 , oluro foHl: tiale, & cquinottia- 1 I8t cokho .. 250 confoli. 2.88 to 2 COll "Concordia fuoi ieroglifid. 473 lignified concord for apples garnets 47r ciuica crown to whom it was given. 477 Crete. 61 circle was doubled. 454 equal circle ad vno Ouato. 456 Cuma. 93 Colli Puteolani. ninety two, center of the triangle, like the other ua. 14 D Delta. .2.19 Labyrinths. 306 Of the uniformity of the edefi cij, I3 I, 132.13 3.1 34 Of the mortars, Deliaco. 105110 Dfamerro. 10:13 Diuifione of the Zodiac. 198 Diminution de muri. 15? Diana. 342. Sacrificed gifts in the Temple dd peace. 42.7 IS Building of the Arhenid praise to. l 50 Egypt. 68 Elba. 69 Equity as dcpinta. : .15 Eudthmia. 1 29 Ethiopia. 87 Epatizon. 105. 110 Egenitico. 105.uo Epitaph of Gattamcb.ta. 10 Econas. 106 Aegean. 1-13 Etfedra. 141 Revenue. 147 Efshalationi. 176 Aetolia. 176 Ecclitica. 182 Effilio. .2.2.6 Eretria. 2;:, Enea fua Geneology. 2:48 Elice. 249 Encarpi. 3 7 S Propellers. 405 Epidaurians. 414 Euandro. 414 Mistakes in many Corin capitals thij. 400 treasuries 439 Efefo. 48 Epicycle, 11 Egit1j 6 Ede.ficij fuperbi. 2.95 F Fabrics like fiano difefe from i earthquakes. 48 Fabrica di villa fue diuifioni. 216 Fabrica ituata that winds them no give me in the corners of the CAFA. 21 6 Facades of the cafes cauate d l ' man will. 493 Ferro come fi conofca la fua b6 t . 96.98 Abundant iron good in ! fola of Elba. 97 Ferro Himato in the vccifioni. 97 Fir Firmament. 2..2.4 Phoenician. 2:49 Filofofo. 21.7 Terra cotta figures doue heb be originated, and by whom committed in Italy. 27 I Figures in place of columns. 374 Fidena. 58 Figures of many sides. 12 Circular figure ( troua in the man will. 493 Square pigura fi troua in the huorno. 493-494 Figures ;: trapeziaquali fiano. 10 Flora. 412, Sewers. 48 Cooking stove 166 X: lifcia ornaments. 168 Basically what deueno ef feregro1fe. 47.49 Fregelle. 273 Facclle of teda. 1 2G Frontcfpico fua height. 1r2 I 55 Frontt: 375 Friuli. 80 Facelle di Pino. I 2.7 Fountain that throws water in al to by air. 161 Facelle in the wedding because cin QUC. I z.7 G Gabij. 58.63 Galia. ; Greece 78.61 Giglio was a branch. 407 Juggler because that's what it says to. 33 5 Gioue. 289 Gioue olimpio was a fiatua. 81.49 Glieera. 1 Gnido. 81 Gnomonica. 41 Giufl: itia meaning for pounds fegno celefie. J99Giunone. 290 Celefie cufflinks. 20.2. Celclle iegno crab. 204 Gnoffo. 55 H Heliconia. 250 Hellefponto. 2:50 Hercoli how many winds. .2.89 Long life men for the good air. 175 Men of each life for cat tiua air. 17f Huomini conuertiti in stones. 1.46 Men twice the size of others. 300 Huorno fua fimmerria. 469 Man as high as qQ lar gho. 494 Hipotemufa. 1 THE Tano. 159 lchnogr; i.phia that cofa fia. 129 G: in c. 176 celdhquate images fiano. 197 G: iramanti, 176 Intercolunnij. 316 .. 3.68. Gi?adim :. 87 lnte (Colunnio Tofcano. 1.6., Jn the Intercoliinio i mezo in the logs gie. 317 Doric intercolumnation. 315 I was a compartment. 319 Intercolumniation of fotto, & fo pra. 317. 3 2 THE Ionic intercolumniation. ; 85 Corinthio intercolumniation. 427 Intercolunnio Compofito. 457 Emperor. 288 Interfecamento. 2.8 Index for quality of the stones. 51 Italy. 61 India, 87 England 1st 3 Iftrfa. 67 lfihmo. 1 a Ionian. 11; Iofeffalufatiinfegn the Volute. 355 L Marauigliofo labyrinth. 68 Labyrinth of Candia, which cofa fia. 54 La.rurnie. 5; Latio. 61. 5 8 Lacedemonia, I3r Latin peoples. 146 La.fire.to cover the roofs, as fi throw. 1oo Larch. 12.5 Equinoctial leuant. 180 Lcuame in the folfiicio efiitfo, 180 The ccldk agreement. 207 Lemea. 249 Read Lycurgus. 2f1. Lcgiadria. 347 Lesbos. 80 Lead melting wood. 100 Wood to melt iron. 97 Laconia. 24.9 Timbers were particularly peculiar t . 119. I 2.0 Legnami when I.ideucno ta _gliare. 117118 Side of the triangle. r4 Side of the quadrangle 14 Side of the pentagon. 16 Side of the cxagon. 16 " Side of the octagon. 18 Dodecagon side: 18 Side of the heptagon. 20 Side of the figures of many sides as fi rroulno. Z.z. Side of the decagon. 2.0 Side of the nonagon. 20 Side of the vndecagon. 2.0 Side of the figure of _fedeci fati. 20 Line that cofa la and how many fun 7 Linceparallele. 7 Orthogonal line. 8 Cathctta line. 8 Diagonal line. 1 Lfoea fpirale. I 1 Line .i liuello as fi face. z 4 Libra.fuo {meaning. 183 Equinoctialc line. 181 Libra fegnoceldle. 198 Liguria. 85 Loggi.e dcueno colon dfere ne pari., and why. 2.-69 Lm: and Light of the fruitful death makes gra dezza of the sides. 15 5 Lufitat: iia. 6 Libya. . 4 Leuance in the infuitio d'uemo. 180 M Marca Triuigiana. 1 Pre-marbles. 71.71 ... 73.74. 81.83 Mars. 289 Fruit salad. 81 Magi. 2.2.6 Marconi of what m: itcria deveft do, & at that time, & how there conofcano them good. 88. 89. Met .. tponto. 306 Memodes written in the columns. 34 Memories of the columns' most an tiche, chc of ftatue. 303 Menfi. 219 Western Mezzod. 181 Mezzo - Plan .. Delta plan Wanted as fidimiauifca fruitful rule enforced by Mr.Vicenzo Dotto. 358 Stalls. 375 Doors because so called. 151 Doors of chegradezza deue. has uer the light. 15z Doors of the Sun. 18 3 Door. Of the intellect that cofa iia. 32.1 Arcades. 2.8 1 Porches, and loggie dcue look at midday. 2 79 Antarctic pole. 1SO Poloartico. 180 Ponenteequinottfale. 1 80 Ponentenel Solfl: ito d'uerno. 180 Ponente in SoHl: itio e! L: iuo. I80 Wells time, c loco to get them. 2.2.8 Poli that cofa {ia. 186 Populonia. 305 Profpettiuain pilno. 2.8 Quickly get it. third Proferpina. 4 r4 Pluto. 415 Propontis. 249 Praetor. 288 Lead fua bont cqualid. 99 Prize of water, and fire for cafiigo. 2 2 Publicola. 159 First piece of furniture. z2 5 Puluino was lignified. 35 9. 367 Puntofoa diffinitione. 7 'Q__ Q !! be loved as duplicates with infinite rules. 452 Qg_adrangoli as fiano dup plicati. 4 50 Square giufto come a for mato. 326 Qg__elloche fi deue offeruarti nel the diminutioni dc muri. z34 1drato as fi conofca fe e ufi 328 QE, eftore. 1 1 1 R Copper fua alloy to make the bronze Z .. IO} Rule to defend plants of factories. .2.I 9 Rule to defend parted'v a team factory. 2.2.0 Rule for fapere doue lia ac here. 2..2.7 Regulate to arm the big spreads Archi. 2:41 Rule to file the columns that the modiglioni see the mezo by quc11e. 421 Rule to divide vna line with ease you will be pleased. 488 Copper more perfect than iron, 103 R.hombo, and Rho boidc. 8 RHODI. 8 [ Confucated Rouere Gioue. 476 s Samo. 2.73 Sagittarius imaginecelefte. 2:08 b Salt f Sale EgittiC '. 143 Salt. 147 Sabini. 159 Sarmoncta. I76 Saki 128 Scenographia. I 29 Senate. 11 o Ortiuo north. 18The Western north. r 81 North because so said. 187 Sepulchers, and members of Gentile dc ii find near Efrc in large quantities. 47 5 Burial of Bacchus. 438 Sepulcher of M.1Ufolo. 375218 Sepulcher of Rhodope does not praise .. to. .2.18 Sefiertio. 42.G Pantheon statues, & others or namenti. 4i9 Triomfali statues. 487 5 wooden statues. 304 Statue of Gattamelata and by whom made. 105106109 Team formed in the ephagon : z.5 Team format, club circle. 2. second Scolcurccon figure 99. Of Candcrio d1 bronze in Chiefa of the saint. 76 Tin foa bond and n: uura, & doue ii crou: t the most p <.: rfect 102 S: honorable ipienti. 2.1.6 Rooms in the v ilLi fabrichc how filthy efiere they should be. 117.2.18. Stadforij. 2.86 Stars that cofano. 2.2s Dc stars panetei as fi cone fcano, from the others. 22 5 ' Stairs. 157 1 5 8 Stairs snail. 1; 8 Symmetry. J 19 SiciliJ. 79 Sibyl Phrygia. 6 Sihill: l Tiburtna. 62. Sbilb Amalthea. 93 Libyan SbiJla. 4 SibillaPcrfica. 2.17.250 Sibyl Samia-273 Sibyl Hellefpontica. 2:49 Scironij. 148 Syria. 1:49 Scicionio. 2. 7 3 Scola: by Archita Tarentino. 306 Stole. 37> Sco1: pionc fcgno cclelle. 105 Planet stars; lrie. 19S Conofiute stars, number, & sizes. 197 Salt because so said. I 44 Putty for mofaico as fac CIA. 2; 9 Stucco for figures. 1 .; 9 Pirhagora fcc6do team. 3 68 SolfiitijSole fuc differcntie. 180 182. Spofa andaua at night. Sora. I 26 63 Surface. T 1 Tarquinia. the ,. Taranto. 81 Tablino. 1 39 Pantheon temple chi de- DICATO. 42.9 Tauro imagine ccleftc. 210 Tetragon of two forts. 8 Diana Ekfot temple. 341 Firm ground for the foundations as fi conofr: 1-46 Tri: mgoli in multiple ways. 8 Trig! Jf waves come, 3 3 3 Th1 :: BAIC: 1. 87 Land of 1: rnoro. 9: z. Terra fua praise. I 14 Teda. 1 .z.6 Terraccina. 176 Tiuoli. 58.59.60 Thokan 64 Ticlinij. 14 e Tinelli waves come. 144 Thrace. 1. 3 2. Tefrok. 246 Thebbe. Triigolo was duplicated. 45 5 Tropic of Cancer. 1 81 Tropicodclcapricorno. 181 Trogloditi, 4 V Vafo del fa Concordia. 47 4 Venus. 2.7 3343 Virgin fcgno celefie. 2, r 3 Vicentini praised for the fabrichc. the 150 V clo ffammco. 1 iG Twenty was an offer. 1 7, Vti offered by iGeografi. 177 Twenty 12. according to the Philophopes. 178: Twenty 32. according to the sailors .. 178 Venti fue nature, and part names- colari waves vcnmi. 187.1 88. 189 Winds generated in the hollows. I 90 Twenty years ago the modern Cof- mograf off eruati from marina- re. 190191192194 Temperate winds, & intemperate. 195Verticale. 41 Vcfia. 137431 Vcfi1buli. 134 Ve fii bulo said andito. 1 3 f Vollna, 69 V ttra. 7? Faces were adorned with forms. z38 Vfrtu lignified for the roucre. 478 Vmbria. 64 z Zodiac. 182. Zodiac pcrche so said. 182. Zoilo. 414 Figure cards 1 3 o.and (1ua cards 1 36. La F, cards 136.andaua cards 1 3o. A'Si .. the ,. Taranto. 81 Tablino. 1 39 Pantheon temple chi de- DICATO. 42.9 Tauro imagine ccleftc. 210 Tetragon of two forts. 8 Diana Ekfot temple. 341 Firm ground for the foundations as fi conofr: 1-46 Tri: mgoli in multiple ways. 8 Trig! Jf waves come, 3 3 3 Th1 :: BAIC: 1. 87 Land of 1: rnoro. 9: z. Terra fua praise. I 14 Teda. 1 .z.6 Terraccina. 176 Tiuoli. 58.59.60 Thokan 64 Ticlinij. 14 e Tinelli waves come. 144 Thrace. 1. 3 2. Tefrok. 246 Thebbe. Triigolo was duplicated. 45 5 Tropic of Cancer. 1 81 Tropicodclcapricorno. 181 Trogloditi, 4 V Vafo del fa Concordia. 47 4 Venus. 2.7 3343 Virgin fcgno celefie. 2, r 3 Vicentini praised for the fabrichc. the 150 V clo ffammco. 1 iG Twenty was an offer. 1 7, Vti offered by iGeografi. 177 Twenty 12. according to the Philophopes. 178: Twenty 32. according to the sailors .. 178 Venti fue nature, and part names- colari waves vcnmi. 187.1 88. 189 Winds generated in the hollows. I 90 Twenty years ago the modern Cof- mograf off eruati from marina- re. 190191192194 Temperate winds, & intemperate. 195Verticale. 41 Vcfia. 137431 Vcfi1buli. 134 Ve fii bulo said andito. 1 3 f Vollna, 69 V ttra. 7? Faces were adorned with forms. z38 Vfrtu lignified for the roucre. 478 Vmbria. 64 z Zodiac. 182. Zodiac pcrche so said. 182. Zoilo. 414 Figure cards 1 3 o.and (1ua cards 1 36. La F, cards 136.andaua cards 1 3o. A'Si .. Readers. ==. J 6uoni li6ri 'Approached by i Valent'huomeni. Tra'pieccellenti quefto, with the ffima d / principalArchitects I am reftato perfoaj can apply it to the .ftampe not less It is common that it is a particular defeat. Chejia 'True treat of the military on e51-1'olto ll / 11, fter Mr. VincenZE <.Dotto no'7the principal of my country is not a closed eye, but, on honore a / J6ondante in pro del /: Author me ne h spoken whose opinion. fertilized largely by Very 1 / lullre, e5Eccellentifsimo Mr. .N1mathematician of the simple Scole d'auantante m' flato llimolo d? lla JP [a, e / pero, which will reufcir con pu6lico applauj glory of physics. The Opera It's copious of a hundred, and more gratioft colette, let the life in the profefione with the delight in the faola it competes from the peer, who do them duifini indiuiji6ili t (elle pretioje carte. Ltgettela volontieri, de intento giouarui; f5 cornpiacertti, you will give me the heart to impose the third party, apart from not giving those two out of efquijite '{Z !, will exceed others in talgenere dt Jicuro, whence conofcerete, what the fc_rijfa deserves of ejfer gra ' " finger; Esprotetto, and 'who laftampfauoruo, e5 accare '{ato. [ .0.RlGINE Et lode delf Architettur ; R,. To all cofl from Da neceflit Jnfagnite ft pu Greatly commendare the art of Edifare J since up to quefla g / 'buor1, they were born in the fllu, @I fjelonche J guifa of fairs. Et j / prtntip.iofoo f (aie, which rJtrouatoilfuoco (as Pitruuio in / ua Wrc t ttura pi4ce) @r comprefa ilcom modo diqueU (J, ./egen homi '! lighthouse raduparfi together, @ 1 trattttr fr d, them of as b, a, "eii,; o hifogno: waves 11 / c, m1, ominciaro ne i cefpug! iJ. farcoper't.Jdifrond,; alt,: ia cauar f} elonchefotto, monti, as al empo dtStrabone fauanofare Troglodytes, (t;) some prJpo! J .d lla L.i! JJa; altrJ, hnmitando j nests of the RonditJi, edifictttMn { t) , .. 2, BOOK / i, @ 'd, fenderfi daU "necejfit P" flaro more than the prouederf dJ commoditJ, ft) delitie; beautiful waves, @ 'safe way of e- d, jictlre, diederoprindpto alle, afa dt 111atto1Ji, already authors of the qual, (comeflrJue Plinio) furonfJ Htperln, r! f Burraio / 1atelli. But DiodortJ in the file attr, huifle that Veflajigliola dJ Saturno, @ ' of Rhe11; & feco'IJdo Plmio nel fetttmo! tbro Cm ira ftgltuolo d'eAgrlpp "troule tiles to cover them. Mtt for teflimonio d, Gio.ftffo ft holds every cofa elfere wind breath trouata d11 [aino, & from faoi defcendenti, (& not from to! tri: ejfendo from luJ laprma City edifcata.Cofi 11.d, mque fa6ricllte przm le cafe in dmerj par .. egl' to believe, that nonfa / o Cain @ 'faoJ defending, m " Still those of the best coflumi, @ 'rvirt or114tt, that is, of the difcendentia of Seth, brother of Cain, qnali prom "ndo di rviuere flnza tur / Jamento, & menare rvttllpi ciu, te, @ 'manfaetA 1adunatiji injieme ftlcefero fr of them alcu1Je fpejfa ha'11tati "niiequalidi m11ra all together cingejforo around 'imitatjo ... ne deUaptitna City; & cos / cejfero -vn locofrrato, receiving those, which with bonejlicoflu ,, nJ p1'ocura11ano rviuere, rlf cos1fer rati conflruajfero the rich fue, and from the enemy de'emic.Ef! en therefore I give in many parts those boundaries di-m, na edifcate, f, rono called 11th City, ejfendo of Ciui! t habitate. Yes, there is still City Prhs from "POca6olo rvruo, cb' that concaua part of / I 'a ratro, coqualegli huomin ant1chi, fcondo l'rvfa d, Tofiantt, ilfolcotirttuano, inside alcirrnito of / which doueu, wo le terre edtftcare, acci'J fofsero wall, & da fojfo crnte, C7 "fortified There are also many opinions around the origin of alpha / r, dear Cit tJ, comefcriue Plm10, @ 'G1uflmo in the fruitful, & Strahone in the- The eighth of Geography: lequa / 1 fi! Afciano per breuit , ejfendo more to believe is qt1e! lo, than fcriue G1ofejfo, 1lqualein ci accofla p11 at -ver, t of the d1uina [cr1ttura, Therefore, as d, fopra (i the . , Edet the P_R I M o; 3 It is said, (atfJOfgliNolo't, the Adamofnlpdmo d 'ognJ tt! Trohuomo build! Ti CittJJ @ 'for forte a la cinfe dz mura, faceiu / ou, hahitareifooip, famrliari, & d lname of Enoco / uo major jgliuolo gave them d # noch, a name. 7 (r1cur, mdo g! R huommt dt faperare t ntrotro, accreb / ??JCro duibbeUimtiglz edifij, and dop- po haue1'e trouate the cautions of the stones, ome "{stop Vitruuio, imitating some works dz leg, uune, introducujfero in / a- h.riebe the stone works, that is dellecolonne, @ 'cornici ,, ome alfoo placeJid, r , (t) with that -PetitJd, to build the origin of the architect11, laqr + ale seeps the rag1p11e, et) rule of labor; around allwhich mofh d t11, tj dz beJlo mgegnD 'bannofpefa, / pendonolo fludio them. Ond'io btiuendoin qu_ellJ /att.dil,gen- tijfima ojfertMtione; - @ J conofie11do, that taleffercitio 1Jonfipufarefenzalafiien, za of who ba well done, I gave him to fiud1are queUi .Autor, which algiui1tJo'iiopareua, c.he conPf # bella ma- niera hauefleroperato: tr i q1J'ali filoda4ffai Vitruuioj! o an ttcofcrittore diftrmlprofeflionc, (& rlPallad, or between l1p11 rntJder- n ,, ft) rvtfloa! cuni auuert1menti does not / or from that ofprofofft.one, rnJ still from to! trtqualinon (otjo of prcciol giotMmemo, (& 'occorrendomif} ef / ooperate in adornarnenti of Architettu- ra cercatn eArchitettura; & queflofecif! operferuir ... mene nelle rneoccorrewze; & as b deuo, cercaiquel! erego .. le, cbe algiuditia: mio pare / J.ero p.1jacilt, & conpi bella_gratift rappreftntajfero 4 the eyes noflrr; lequal, with proport1one departtceUeftto rvna breue rule, & fempl1C1ta'fuf] r rJdutte ft ' that mediocre ogm rngegnoin rvnafl'oce / born,! all potejfe co. take, (! -) flrut1jne fenza gran Jaftid10 dr read: hauendo 10 soul he lt mtt ami (lfolamente / e in Valefiero in preilito: lvla fi, i from qllipregato pr1bl: ct, trla, 1quali dejiderttuanohauerla There for the P_R I M o; 3 It is said, (atfJOfgliNolo't, the Adamofnlpdmo d 'ognJ tt! Trohuomo build! Ti CittJJ @ 'for forte a la cinfe dz mura, faceiu / ou, hahitareifooip, famrliari, & d lname of Enoco / uo major jgliuolo gave them d # noch, a name. 7 (r1cur, mdo g! R huommt dt faperare t ntrotro, accreb / ??JCro duibbeUimtiglz edifij, and dop- po haue1'e trouate the cautions of the stones, ome "{stop Vitruuio, imitating some works dz leg, uune, introducujfero in / a- h.riebe the stone works, that is dellecolonne, @ 'cornici ,, ome alfoo placeJid, r , (t) with that -PetitJd, to build the origin of the architect11, laqr + ale seeps the rag1p11e, et) rule of labor; around allwhich mofh d t11, tj dz beJlo mgegnD 'bannofpefa, / pendonolo fludio them. Ond'io btiuendoin qu_ellJ /att.dil,gen- tijfima ojfertMtione; - @ J conofie11do, that taleffercitio 1Jonfipufarefenzalafiien, za of who ba well done, I gave him to fiud1are queUi .Autor, which algiui1tJo'iiopareua, c.he conPf # bella ma- niera hauefleroperato: tr i q1J'ali filoda4ffai Vitruuioj! o an ttcofcrittore diftrmlprofeflionc, (& rlPallad, or between l1p11 rntJder- n ,, ft) rvtfloa! cuni auuert1menti does not / or from that ofprofofft.one, rnJ still from to! trtqualinon (otjo of prcciol giotMmemo, (& 'occorrendomif} ef / ooperate in adornarnenti of Architettu- ra cercatn eArchitettura; & queflofecif! operferuir ... mene nelle rneoccorrewze; & as b deuo, cercaiquel! erego .. le, cbe algiuditia: mio pare / J.ero p.1jacilt, & conpi bella_gratift rappreftntajfero 4 the eyes noflrr; lequal, with proport1one departtceUeftto rvna breue rule, & fempl1C1ta'fuf] r rJdutte ft ' that mediocre ogm rngegnoin rvnafl'oce / born,! all potejfe co. take, (! -) flrut1jne fenza gran Jaftid10 dr read: hauendo 10 soul he lt mtt ami (lfolamente / e in Valefiero in preilito: lvla fi, i from qllipregato pr1bl: ct, trla, 1quali dejiderttuanohauerla There for .t rBR O 4 perflin: pre. t! lt; 11dunqut'JAranng- / jlu, rtJplr me, that here is: flafatica nonjia rvana, 12011; .bauendomial / ontanate from / i, term1 ,; Jpi olfcruatt in the Architecture, J mm, inquelle cofa, chemol te rvoltecon proportwnef-pu '? Jc.refcere, @ 1fccmare. Et anco1tt. for ej] -: - It is integral from that / 1, which confono de! ldrte, hpofto i nomt dz ciaftm mem6ro, which; on le letter: tfaranno contra (egnati , (I) perpijdci / 11- of all the work b pof / () some dtjfinition / di those / rneamenti, & geo.metriche figures; Jequal, plus belonging. . the ,) some coffees AmJotati, oni / ilefiopoerArchiiettura, ne / J'gono which mepareua chefajfero piogniincogni and fhecredoJ11 will, m ? co d1guflo many, fqrfeli..parer cofafuperflua; m 4tJcorchefojfe, nonfar dfrnped, chin ali'opera elfe11do firittjuori de / I'Opera. i. ,, ? J \ ' '\ L THE THE N Africa in the defens of the Kingdom of \ Goaga, hoggi h bitano cafe compolle di ramufcelli) and of fronds. 2 The Troglodytes occupy that. terr; ,, of Egypt, which lies fr . la ddra riua deI roffo mare, c Egypt fono cof say or? Strabonc) from fpek1nchc from their first habi.tate. PJini0 in the fifth book says qucfij cauano peoples to inhabit fpelonchefotto earth, & qucfi: and the cafc are theirs. Their foods are meats de ferpenti ,. & in place of voice firide00 of them made manner., fmopriui of the vfo. - ' of speaking, & fono pi vcld de'caualli. 3 Libya is a part of Africa, which is very deferred: i., & Ari- from, & J.renofa, the fuo principle h el1a in the East pre! fo'l Nile, doue It is the Kingdom of Goaga, and fi fic verfo the West up to the King gnodi Gualata, which joins them with the Atlantic Sea, & in the fetttrione joins Numidia. Heliiphus, what do you think of it? Euripides in the prologue of the fua Lamia, Fior before the OlimpiadeonJnta, neHaquale viffe Euripide.Suid: .i. he says, that h Jafciato books of the fue profrtie> indouin that Chri! to son of God nafareb . . - be- P R I M o: '1 well, & h: meria performed many miracles, with which prcu3bbe would do uina potcnZ :: lKhe faria came to the hands of the miqui men, & with stained & corrupt hands they would have it 'percolfo fopra le cheeks> vilb.neggiato, and crowned with fpine.More proferizil giuditio final, and the punition de'cattiui, and 1arimuneration de 'good. 4 Gaul. It is a region of Europe between Spain, and Germany mania, fi diuide in three parts; etutta inieme by Pliny is a call Camara. The first is called Belgica; who embraces the Piccards, & Suizzeri. He calls it Celtica, ouero Lugdunefe, who ab .. arms i France6. The third Aquitaine, which embraces iGuafconi. It is true that Ptolemy adds quefte also Ja Narbonefe dellaqual { law that Q. Fabio Maffimo, hauendo scarcely tr ta mila folda-t, broke, & broke out in the Narbonefe Province vn 'eff army of F rancefi of two hundred thousand folclati; waves unta tal ,, ttoria dirizz quiui vn Trophy d'vna biauchiffima stone) & he had two Tempij made, the one of which he dedicated Mars, & the other to Hercole., fi as fcriue Strabo in the fourth book.H France is the felua d 'Ardena, which is great spread over all the others of France, Iaqu: i.le (per.q11_elloche ne.fcriue Cefare in fefto de fuoi con) mentarij) lasts from the rheno riue, & from borders de Ride to Picardy; it is more than five hundred miles long. There. Gaul ouero France today does not have the borders, which it has qea the ancient Gaul. The name of the Frankish people of Saffonia is preferred.:,. Prouincia, from Germany ,, such as in the time of Arcadio, & Honorio affal1 Gallia, & infignorindofene from the name lorn Francia la . They appointed. 5 Spain Prouincia of Europe starts from the Pyrenees Mountains, & turning for the columns of Hcrcolc fi fiende up to the Canta ocean brico & pc-rlargho ten thousand fiadij, & equally for lugo.F pri-, Ierly from the river Ibero., which divides it as for me1.zo hoggi Ebro appealed to Ibera, called: mcora Hefperia da Hefpero brother of Atlas, ouero from Hcfpero Stell: i, which appears verfo la fera '., & v behind the So! e, fu ar: ico detail: t Hifpalia of the City of Hifpali hoggi known as Siuiglia: the letter Hifpania has recently changed: Onde. ? then the Tofcans formed Spain. Laquak fi divides into two par, that is, Citiore, & Vlteriorc, the Citiore hJ quefre Prouincie Gal lica, Tarr.1conefr, & Cartaginefc. L'Vltcriore fr diuide in: Betica , & Lufitanra. 6 Lu, 6 L.1B-RO 6 Lufirania, hoggi Portogalo ;, Prouinda nobiliiTuna of the. Spa; gr.a V kcriore. 7 Aquitaine given by Moderni Guarcogna, queHa parte delfa Gaul, which starts from the Pyrenees Mountains of Spain, and ends at River Liggeri hoggi Loiredal Settenuione, and from Leuante vien diuifa from that part of Gaul> which is called Lugdunefecio la Celtic . 8 Phrygia is in the region of Afia Propria Prouinda: of Afta. minor, which is said to be greater than the Orthopedic, & less important to the Occafo mdfa, is also called ElJefpontiaca, and Troa .... de, lies at the meeting of Mount Atos, in which fio Ilio, is already Troy, where two see the ruins of the said city. From Phrygia traife l'iginefua, lanona Sibilla, laquale in A ne ria Ci rt 'of the Afia mi norehora called Mediaco, PredHfefa.morte di Chrifro Mr. No phyto., the ofc rarfi of the Sun, which he did to the horfi; che'J Velo del Tempio! i fquarciabbe. Which in the third day would refeit. What do you want, as_before, he would see Difcepoli fuoi; mofrr ndo them 1 mam, & your feet, with the fefi'ure de 'Chiodi. By quefta Sibi11a fcriue Celio Rodigino, who fought before the others, & with his own name called Sibilla, and who was the daughter of Dardanus, and the motherfoffe Nefonefigliola di Teuero, & by other Faennef call. 9 Egittij the peoples of Egypt ancient anti-diffifi from Cu_s son of Cam, first promoters of diuerfe-liberal arts, & machine, first athefer to magic, & first offerers of the Corfi de Ci-cli, swimmers excellent for the necefiit of the waters, & innondationi, conferua no dead bodies with vnguemi, first trouaron d'efprimer the concepts of the mind with ugly animal figures, & other coferdiculofe <> who did not worship Iddij the C ne, the Ox, but also, ra the garlic, & lecipolle., agile pernatuta to the faltare, and dance., ( ' 1 ? DIFFINJTIONE DE 'PRINCIPII GEOMETRIC. ArmidJnecejftt , per meg! Io} n urfi in the rules of Art-PchJtettura, the fapere, which cofa fa the circle, the triag () / o, the 'I "" drangolo, (# / other Geometric figures, @ 'names of EU line1, / and which phono of manyfartJ. Because rune is called 'D ,. meter, which is very feral for mifr11 in the adornments of Ar chJtettura, n'a! between diagonal, otherperpendico! are, @ 'with Other names are named the line, like fi moflrer , & from the dot intendocomJnciare, by ejferprhzcpio, and end of everyUme4 chin. eA, Punto, -, na cofa Jndiuiftabile, which does not bJ starts at! cem4 dJ grojfe "'! arghe ,, profandit ; m folo -vn'eftrerno del la lmea, or dictamo prmcipio della grande, a. B, Straight line -r, na cont11ma eflenfone from unptento alt other, iuifibile Jlemghe za, @ 'inlarghez: .. z: .. a indiuifiable; why no h , orpo dj la, 'ghe a, grojfe t._4, depth; quefltt pu elfer ancononetta straight. Incorrect straight line, that is, curved, will make the port of one '71 in a circle. Middle line will make straight line) & unevenly curutt. C, Parallel lines are two "plus", equally deflating in each be part of it, never form it / phono congrongere injieme. D, AngolofarJ q he11 which has no body: none; however, it is large: "-a, because b lungbet ._, a, & larghe '{A, comeperejlmpio / 11 figure S, dallequ, l figures pJ11netermir111no li corpifalid1, (I / dettefaptrfciepoffnoejflr of straight lines, & d, curute lines ., 51 ',, 1, The body is here and there, equipped with more than one foperfcie. , The 1ne zo circle, 'V na.fgurapiana, conttnut from / diametrg of the circle, @ 'from the middle of the cireonftrent ,. O, JL mez..o d ,, back of the rtrtolo, which in O 'eArchitetturafi d, rJ dt co / jna, it is that ray that fiorre_d; il, etrq AUII circonfarel / A. 'P The diameter ttJtier. Cir p R I M o. Il?. C} rconferii / i, deDAcolonna. 7 (, LineA f} irale que !! A, chcdronda around so, that ...., not r, tornd. in the medejimo point. From Greek it is called Hlice a / .. , uni la chi, hand circumscribed; jifa on the plane around the center; ouero J11tornt1 a rvntt column. Yes, 'Portion of the circle is that / 11, which is contained by nalintA straight, @ 'd11, unapArte deU circ'd / erect mttggiore, minort. S, The cordA is, v11almett rett ,, / 4qualfiga rvna circonferen, @ 'not pefa for, I center, like the diameter; m jttolaportione minor diutde the cJrconftten, tt in two parts, na of the which is higher, and the other lesser. she calls / calls , rda, fegarnento; for each straight drawn line dt, -o ad n look 10, cbe nonpajfiper the center, fi calls rope, laportione of that circle he buys / or from the ropeji calls bow, l portione minorfchiama arch fcerno, which in the alphabets l "Pfa "say remenate. MJ major laportion said by Greeks Hapfu some call it archintoet, because it lengthens the eflremitJ rows or / between 1! center, which is Jitira then perpendicular line. It is better to say arc mtiero this, which is contained by the dia- meter,& from the mitJ of the circumferen a.M that, which bauer -Vnltportione, o! Tr11; / centroj r arc compo (lo; bencbc ? Anych, armno arco compo (lo queUo, che ml / efabriche rvolgarmentcfi says ter or acute; some ji could also give us no me diarco Trigonale of the / uaformtt, qualft 'mo / ira apprejfa the letter X. T, Circles concentridfonfJquell1, which h: tno the medefimo ctro. P, L eccentric circles we will make those, which have the center t'rvno out of the other. L., epicycle, is that circle> whose center is in the circumfect'hJZa d '- pn 11 / tro cercbi (tl ji mojirer ne! Lafigure of / li ouati. 7J 2, AN re BOOK s T R X V re BOOK s T R X V 13 I) r \ M ET R O of d '0: h doi bridges by iqual, tennina- "" ', ro1i1e 1 .. :: a! tre ltnc (n.m; & from metron, Lh and in.greco fignl " r r. \ 11. 11 'd d ", 1. m ui.1, r: -pcrcco 9uu1a 1ni: .. a e eta umctro. Af {e vna. line ..:.) this paff for d i.'l.mctro nor the centers of qu: 1lon- que corpCl. (: {the name Alfe h diuerl fignifiGlti; & for the pict means vna p., wooden rte from 1: rnoro liver for longo fottil- mind, chc fi says tauola: call it Afk qudlo again, fopra qua- the dogs turn the wheels around there. Soleuano the ancient chia .. sea ??Affe every cfa ir.tiera, Wanting to mofire, that il'fe1 foffe nu- mere perfect, they called him Alfe. dl: or name in CJLie I place it in the propophyro noftro, which is intact by the name of the Aphyrology, which by Alpha means the Pin of the world which continuously in the Cardini turns Heaven around the earth. In quefio s'imagini i- mo doi ftabiliffimi points, the vno the oppofito of the other to diarnetr; from which we iminate, that plffi for the center of the world vna li- nea, ch't: the fopradetto Perno, & callfi Alfe; the ephiremes of det- that line, which are bridges, are the Cardini fopradetri, ouer Poli del World, which are of no size whatsoever. bjli; & (as we said) that line imagined by vn pun to the other called Aife; and that ifidfa we imminate in the volu- ta of the Ionic capital as we will say in your place. The acute third is coli said corruptly; m the proper to say interleaved, pereifcre made up of the integration of two H- nee curu, which nafce from the cfiremid of vna flat line., eforn; iadetto arc way of triangle, which dfendo of fimil lines com- pofio, fo called anco arc ompofio, _by rnmatori hoggi V <: I \ said thirdagu. 13 I) r \ M ET R O of d '0: h doi bridges by iqual, tennina- "" ', ro1i1e 1 .. :: a! tre ltnc (n.m; & from metron, Lh and in.greco fignl " r r. \ 11. 11 'd d ", 1. m ui.1, r: -pcrcco 9uu1a 1ni: .. a e eta umctro. Af {e vna. line ..:.) this paff for d i.'l.mctro nor the centers of qu: 1lon- que corpCl. (: {the name Alfe h diuerl fignifiGlti; & for the pict means vna p., wooden rte from 1: rnoro liver for longo fottil- mind, chc fi says tauola: call it Afk qudlo again, fopra qua- the dogs turn the wheels around there. Soleuano the ancient chia .. sea ??Affe every cfa ir.tiera, Wanting to mofire, that il'fe1 foffe nu- mere perfect, they called him Alfe. dl: or name in CJLie I place it in the propophyro noftro, which is intact by the name of the Aphyrology, which by Alpha means the Pin of the world which continuously in the Cardini turns Heaven around the earth. In quefio s'imagini i- mo doi ftabiliffimi points, the vno the oppofito of the other to diarnetr; from which we iminate, that plffi for the center of the world vna li- nea, ch't: the fopradetto Perno, & callfi Alfe; the ephiremes of det- that line, which are bridges, are the Cardini fopradetri, ouer Poli del World, which are of no size whatsoever. bjli; & (as we said) that line imagined by vn pun to the other called Aife; and that ifidfa we imminate in the volu- ta of the Ionic capital as we will say in your place. The acute third is coli said corruptly; m the proper to say interleaved, pereifcre made up of the integration of two H- nee curu, which nafce from the cfiremid of vna flat line., eforn; iadetto arc way of triangle, which dfendo of fimil lines com- pofio, fo called anco arc ompofio, _by rnmatori hoggi V <: I \ said thirdagu. 14 DIFFERENT SECTORS MINDS FORMED IN CIRCOL o. S1 can commend, re the figure drco! Art for 111pi ptrfottA J; t11tte, attib cbe, is formed by rvnafl lima foprA Jl center, doue-pJenferrata with --Pgualproportione; Et per ve! aforesaid circoloft pojfano g) uflamenteform the figures of d1uerji lat ,, @ f, ngoli, dettefigure pol, gonJe. S S L will be able to form the circle. angle equilateral; ($ 'fifar placing the tip of the ciJmpajfo foprala drcolareinqualparte piacerJ line, @I the other tip arriuifopra the center of the circle, then pulling with, the compajfo the lineA curua A, B, which plump over the center of the drcolo, & doue detail to touch the circular line, end the side of the triangle. Et di, zuouo placing the tip of the horn / fa in point cA, fttirer run 'other curuadAI line point B, up to rconferen, as it appears for the lines de p1mti, (t) let the term be traced of the side of the triangle. And the fact that fjfeil predicted triplet, turning over that lo defcriuere rvna circonferen, f tirer rvna lmea da ci, fcur / corner to me, or side, Cl "the mterfecamentofar you cen tro. T T Rou11 (1! Side of qr1adr, mgo! O, tJrando the curved lineA, '13, which pajfi for the center of the circle, as in the triangle; poifiporr la punta dehompajfanelpunto '13, pulling --p, z'altralineA, as / 11 rnedejirna) which will make C, D, poiji tfrer -vna line, straight dalpu1Jto C, alp, mto 7J, @ 'douedettalinea rettafega! alinea cur11a, comef -see for the letter E, will terminate the term (s). nea E, ,, he will do the / 1110 of the quadrangle. THERE I6 OF PBNTHAC ONO. L.AftgurA de clnque latJ Dett "penth, gr4 flformerJ, -fa .. cendo -vna lme_a Jpiombo, which p11Jji per1 / center of the circus .. _ lo, & -v, / other lineapiana, ie liueUo, chep4fft medejmamen- " te fopra, the center of this circle, he formerJ quatro angol, rettl fiporr lapuntA of tompalfonelpunto, A, & with the other drajft -vna lme11 curves to the center at 4, then fiporr in point 71, tzrando run another line cu1ua from point C, to point, @ 'doue the lmea curua will touch the other lmea ce, r ,, a, this will do the termme del lttto delpentbangolo, 1pent4ngolo, rome appearp .f ' {a f rJea E, & - l1 faoi termitJifaranno C, D. OF EXAGO NO L L A ftgurA difeUati said exagona will make it easier; attefoche la foa circ.onforem: ... acontienefl, "Poltequantofar coverage de [c1Jmpajfa, lapunta from / which, / f rdpoflafop the line C> (! jr doue said diameter touches the CJrconferern, .d, chefar A, @ 'C, / iporr the tip of the compa (1st, & with the other rverfola letter L, & M, / i / egneran le porttemdl circles ., (t) two dictations of portions / intercom, / i pull the straight line L, M, which pajfer is for 11 center of the ctrclo,! which will come to elferd11nfo m equal parts q11,4ttro. If we do center 'D, & intertea! the 'D, E, making a runa mrua line; doue dettt; /,in, mrtM touches the circular, fit, rer. rvnaltnea retta, laqual / ArJ F, G, chefar ti side of the corner; Et half of said lm'L ,, chefar G, H, make 1! lttto deliagagono, t taking C, G, will , I dodecagon La lmea A, B, make 1l! Ato of q1Mdrangolo., Seporrer :: o, Icompajf in the center H, @ 'with the other tip flgnare1, Jo dalp, mto A, '7,! C (/ the letter l, the! Mea A, l) farJ. you side of the Pentagon. Etpigltando the mifa1'A from E, l, make the decagon. The E, K lmea will make a texagon. Jl B, @ r il O) will make lt ce11trJ of the moons wru, and E, N, (t) tl fo mterfecamento / arJ. , 1 term of the straight line E, N, which d1111der is the fourth of the ctrco11j rmz4 for half. S1 will pull straight line C, K, chefarJ 1! Side ddl'otr.wgolo, La lmea cwcolate F, DJG, fefar du11fa in part three, rvna d1 q "eUe ti ti side of the nonagon. Et dal point J, Ji120allo, will do! at dettr: vndrcago110, B>!, will do fedlCl iatt. OF THE.. P R. I M O, P R. I M O, the 2, 2, BOOK OF THE FIGVRE OF MANY THE "fl WITH OTHER EGOLA. S S lpu , ncor4 for / 'rd.tlca in what "Poglra circle in other mo :. do trouare tl d side, cutflunafigura, (t) jifa, diu, dendo ! 1fourth part of the circle ,,., As many parts as sides haut r d " hauerela fgura, @ 'flrnpre quattro d, queUe fararmo, ILato del the aforementioned Jigr "a, comeperejfamp10, I penthagonoftf d, crnque sides; f the fourth part of the cirrus! o fa1 d, utfa mparte cmque; quat tro of those will make tffo side. & t! 'exagon and! fendofattt1 dtfti, / farl diuif "-the qu, arta part of the circle tn parlifei, qr, atro those will make the side. The heptagon is a figure with dense sides and side dm, fo the fourth of the circumference JtJ parttfltte, fjtlattrodt those faranm, medejimttmente, lfuo side. The octagon h11uerJ lad1uiftone in eight, @ 'quattrofaranno ilfao} 11to. Jfnonago110 ejfendo di noue latt hauerJ 1lfi10 fourth dru, j mpartt noue, es' four of tpul! efar11nno ilfoo! Mo. In decagon c, o is figure d, d, ed latt, f druider the fourth loaf of ctrcofo mparti d, eci; (t) four dt will make tLfieo side Lrr.mdecagon "ilqual 'hJ rvndeci lati, fefar la d, utjione delfo q11arto in parti -vndeci, four of those fard.1mo rl fo side. t cos in the dodecagon la diu, jione done m dodeci, four will do the best. t quefla regolferuir in ctafcuna quantst d, sides cheji rvorr make the figure, diuidendojmprela qetarta part of the scroll m many partis quantzlart hauer from hauere lafigrera, & four of those will do ftrn pre ilfuo side. Et quefla jiproua rule again for 'r't " de 'numbers, as for e!] mp10, makes rvnafigura ha11er qumdeci lat1, dm, fo 1! quarter of e1rconfarentia mpartiquindecr, all 1 / circuitofar partrfaflanta; fa de O and q ,, indeci parts q11attrofaran no ( P R I M O, 23 no the side, the flgurtl farJ of q1, ten sides, because four turns qu11Jfect / ttrmofl / fanta. : J {eldodecagono / eji divides the fourth delitco / o 1,1 part do.leci the whole circumferen {to do, apart forty .: eight, dt! ie dod1c1qtM, ttrofi damage to the side > ejfendo dodtct /..t1,fomr11a parttquarantaotto. L'exago> 10, qualftf difi, la- ti, infe, p. ,, ttji drnule 1 / qthtrco delc, rco! o, q11attroJidanno al side, that qrsattro '7.JO! tefiifanno "Vintiquattro, & cos The heptagon, here! ha fiue, in peaks / druids ,! fourth, @ 'qteattro dJ they are the side, because four wheels make slices brightened, that many parts have the figure d1 circmto, @Iquefla regolam fall1h1lmmteferue to every strong d, figure, hen that / offe of hundred sides, because the quarter of the circle fi d1u1deria_in parts one hundred, @ ' ejfendo of four parts the side, one hundred sides farian q111.ttrocent set off. LINES, INSTRUCTIONS, ET VSO THEM IN BUILDINGS. T T R f ono leprincipalilmee pert "VjdeUafa l'ica:! a_retta pi na, the perpendicular> the czrcular; for the straight prana, ft d, Jegnano le p1a1Jtedegl, edzficij in the faperfcie (regular tifi <> le dr1tt ure dt Ile rn urag /, e neIJ 'ed, fic are, for perpendicular, well retrammte con, lperpendtcoloJif fall> from that all grauecorpo "Vten right inttlzato. 'For the circular fi let manogliarcbr, cr" Faces, @ from the flat line made with the archipendolo, say lruelfo, each body is "Pn ', jlej {opiano is regulated. Et final- mind co1J. la nortna, fquadra, each corner is g1ufl11mente shape .. to. Et nelfa6ricar tal mftrumento, parmtpifacileformarepri rna lafigrir1. and xagona, (t) then pull 'tlna lmea from the corner .A, afJ ". 11ngo! OB, & so will jo1'mato right angle fquadra, as ap pre .. 24 L I B R O it seems for l: nee eA, 71, C, the qudl'angrJ / o non folo pu fcr} utrt for fqr, adra, mJ still for you; q1 and ando farJ regulated d11 -vna line perpendicular In another way, not by doing so infirummto, fipuiancora far la lmea equ,! Jbrata, which we say lmello; @ '{i J lafciando falling rvrJtt lead line, @ 'fapra called jiporr la mano hand che tenghi ') mo [pago gu, fa c & rvn compdjfo; with rvn car / Jone in the other hand; holding t ', lter cttpo deL / pago drche long'l;, _ (.. 4Jirvorr , t1rando rvn mez.o circle, of nouo (i' will put your hand nmobile with the needle} doue the line of the me or circle "P over the line piom6o, and with the other f! Jdnofi tirer rin / other half circle & doue lelmee de 'me circoll interfecano!' - go with the other, fora1UJ0 the points of the / jn_e iuell 1 c mefi -see P! ' la lmea ft: gnata D, E. , ' the .,. Cl P R I Mo. 25 D P R I Mo. 25 D