on so much gratia, & so visibly5 that it seems to throw you with a lot of gratitude to fommity: & fimil manner fon made with great art also & mastery of the arches of the circular loggia.Nc c—tentadofi the Barrozzi d'clTerfi immortalized with the ftiipŽda Ar- chitettura of that factory also volve some beech of Your labors in efifa by Profpettipa ^ among the beautiful paintings by melTer Taddeo, & Federigo Zuccari.Onde hauendo made the difcgni of all that, in fimil materia deveuajui colored many cofa di fua manojtra which fŽ see some very difficult, &: long time ˆ farfi so affc gnatamŽte with rule, not putting you point of practice, as the four columns do Corinte in the cantons of vna fala, so made, that they deceive the villa of whoever seeks them; & the marauigliofo smashed of the round chamber. He made beyond that for the said Cardinal piˆta, & the gratiofilfuno defense of the faade of the Chief del Giefu at the Piazza de gli Al tieri, che hoggi (“ sees ftapata; 8 Ç: began to plant in Piacenza vn such palace, & co fi nobii mofra, that I, who have seen the defenses, & the work begun, poflTo claim to hauer never seen cofa in fimil kind of major fplendore, to hauerla in guifa orderly, that the three courts of the Duke, of Madama, and of the Prmcipe could have lived there at ease taitiente with any strong decorum, & royal apparatus. Lafci for not that years driving from this factory Iffinto Iacinto f“gliuolojdogli defegni so tasks with every detail, which could mate to lead Scurly the work to the last pcr- fettione.Et that he made for the love that leads to art, & not because not conofcef fŽ meffer Iacinto fuo son I act ˆ fupplire ˆ many cofe per fŽ fteffojche he volfe put on paper5 not forgiving any effort, so that auanti that fi partilfe, not handwork all that was possible to do. Haueua just before done in Perugia vna very worthy &: honorable chapel in the chiefa of Francefco fans, & some defenses of other factories made in Caftiglion del lago, & in Caftel della Pieue in ilbnza del Mr. Afcanio della Cornia.Veggonfi of fua inuctionc in Rome the gratiofa fat chapel ta for the Abbot Riccio infanta Caterina de'Funari, & the Chiefa de 'palafrenieri di No- (Iro Signore in Borgo Pio, the defenses of which he later worked in the work of the painter. many buildings, many cafes, many hats, & made by him in different places in Italy, & other public buildings, & priuatijtra them which are particularly the chiefa of Mazzano, that of fanto Orefle, & that of fantaMaria de gl'Angeli d 'Afcefi, who although he was now dinata, & fonda ta, which later by Galeazzo Alell“, & then by Giulio Danti mŽtre vif“fe, was portrayed in Bologna's portico, & the facade of the Bar who, doue fi fcorge with quata gratia he was able to tune the new part with the old one. Et effendo then for the death of Buonarroti elected architect of fan Pietro, attfefe with any greater diligence until the end of your life. Between so much and Baron Berardi * No Martirano was brought to the court of Spain for some negotij, he was supported by that Rjche met him for man intŽdentilhmo in Mathematics, & in the three parts of the Architecture, to confer feco some of its factories in matters of factories, &: in particular king of the great Chiefa, & conuento, which makes the Scuriale in honore difanLoren- zo.Doue hauendo the Baron auuertito many cofe, & c fcovers with much clarity diuer The shortcomings jindufTe that RŽ ??ˆ fofrafedere so great imprefa, until he sent from fua Maeflˆ for all of Italy to seek defenses from the first architects, it happened to Ro- ina, to bring them into the hands of the VignoIa, to then cauar from him I defend tasks {Iimo, del which poteffe is fully satisfied, in accordance with what (the promise of excellence of and {ro, & of the reaka & candidness of mind, chefcorgeua in luij & so returning to the Corte, to show d'hauer vfata ˆ fi done negotio all diligence, which conueni- ua. Therefore the Baron came to Italy, he defended in Genoua from Galeazzo Alellis in Milan by Pellegrino Tibaldi, in Venetia by Palladio, & in Fiorenza vn difegno pu- blico from the Academy of the Art of Defense, & vn particular form ouale done by Vincentio Danti for the command of Grand Duke Cofimo: the copy of which fua Highness Serenilfima sent to Spain in his own hands of the King, so much the parue bel the & capricciofo. There were also many of the others in diuerfe cities, who went as far as number of xxij. De'qualt all non altrimŽti that fi faceffe Zeuiijquando dipinfe Elena ˆ