DESCRIPTION E S T U D J OF THE ILLUSTRIOUS FACTORY FLOWER AMARIA FLORENCE METRO IN VARIOUS STRANDED CARDS BERNARDO SANSONE SGRILLI A R C H I, ROOF AND FROM THE SAME."DEVOTE * ALV height TI E. A L E GIO GASTONE Ix GRAND DUKE OF TUSCANY. In Florence the year MDCCXXXIII. For Bernardo Paperini. WITH HIGHER LIC^ZA DB. HEIGHT ILE ALE He is well julto for every title, which not to others , that at the real height Yours I give me the ono- Re d ' humiliate P incifione of those branches, howbeit- lli to the eyes of the wise even more remote the infi- t DEDICATORY L'infigne, wonder, celebratilfima Fab- brica of the Greater Temple than that a You olTequiofa Metropolis. Many were, to say the truth, that in the past centuries they tried to make a lot of it., not less to efporre ali 1 others News the beautiful, and the wonder, which inferred in S grand ' Opera i tre * indulgi Architet- Ti, Arnolfo, Giotto, and Brunellefco, how much to brighten strongly, and Dar lu- llro with a yes ftabile Efempio alle belle Arts, that folo deggi, after the funeral- fima their fall, their reflection in Italy to the magnanimous Indole De ' Gloriofi Other antecedents, which from the long efi- and from the miferable idleness, in which helleno lay Fi were, to the primiero fplendore generously in that Homeland, and more ways in the hearts of our citizens I call them back- Nope. As though the most accurate I'm- rici, and Cromili nollri N' have of me- Moria DEDICATORY moria lafciato, no one has so far better propose to reveal the good light for right principles of Art, of that, which done with deep accuracy, and with equal pleasure Ofintervations, and meet Senator Gio again: Batifta Nelli di happy rammemoranza, Administrator already of queft ' Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore, which fvifcerand mifure, and the proportions of ciafchedun de' it was the members, and the maeflringly in the inside of that Cofparfi factory, animate the beauty of the- the hefferent, come to penetrate the straight line idea of fuoi coftruttori, and to form let those juffts Defy, which I will to conquer.- King the ftudio of the amateurs of the perfect Architecture (addane La fincera De- fcription, which with purity of terms is Hata made by erudite lap pen- lamo Ticciati famous sculptor, and arches- Roof-mounted DEDICATORY roof of 1 no other times ) I believed not totally useless the efporre in my ones Branch. Imperceptible nosy not by one fola part, or from another, that beautiful FIA, re-enhance the beauty of some illu- ftre building, but from a whole whole of beautiful parts composed in a juft order place, whence then that harmony Fi pro- duce, how beautiful addimandafi, and that for the efteriori fenfi 1 ' animo noftro a fe ra- pifce, and delight; so from quefte diverfe Cards, for within which the whole of yes great factory ftudiolamente Fi rapprefen- ta, fperar I profit, that she has in quefta new view to rimoftrare, cioc- what in efla of beautiful, and to pretend re- he holds, for glory no less than Artefi- there were induftriofifsimi, that of Tofcana great mother fempre of Science, and of Arts; which to whom in fact- ro fi is efercitato Han conferred of light, quan- DEDICATORY how much hellenos get from the incline Mind of your Royal Highness of ef- fe in fommo, and excellent grade, with ifceltoffimo conofcimento, finoffimo PoiTe- Ditor. But then I give myself the- strong to fulfill the humble yes, but I need to do my duty., Fi worthy, as I highly the fupplico, d ' accept your real clemency those weak labors my fuck 1-altiffi- and to look at them with that iflefsifsimo love, with which she has loved, and loves Iftelfe Sciences, and with which fi is fempre benignly deigned to benefit the fervor of the whole Cafa mia, why so I make elfendo for such Haubergo from the blows of envy: That d bei principi volentier contrafla, I will be able no less to prepare others in- traprefe groped in my ftudj, that more worthy- -DEDICATORY worthily Call Me, which with pro we merge riffetto Mi glorio d ' eflre Of Your Royal Highness Florence li 18. Agofto 1733. Vmilijjtmo Obligatiffmo servant, and subject Bernardo Sansone Sgrilli 41 (I ) THE PRINTER TO THOSE WHO READ. That I do not recuse myself of pose [eight to quefti my Tor- who all that, that from happy, and clear pens vegnendo can give birth to f names of co- they, that Budianfi to illustrate T Works of those great authors, that their wits to fa- vore of quefla Patria employed; I hope of course, that is not for riufcir difcara to whom will he deign to carefully confederar- the impreffion of queJF operates, for within- which thou shalt find, O Court Fe Readerer, from satisfy t erudite your genius, yes in the dili- gentijfime Mr Ber' s carving efforts- nardo Sanfone Sgrilli, that in the efattijfi- but de Clutch, that giufla the terms deli Ar- is you '(II) AND* you made the well-known Mr. Girola- no less clear sculptor, quan- to excellent architect of queflo century . In I therefore make the most humble thanks to that son-in-law will please me. the fperimentata your virtuofa attention you I wish Dalf Immortal Dator d ' all good, the most coflant profperity. DESCRI- (III)) DESCRIPTION OF THE ILLUSTRIOUS FACTORY S. MARIA DEL FIORE OF FLORENCE CALLED THE CATHEDRAL* Like the Profefiori of the Arches- they must have an ob- bligation well diftinta to that- excellent, and learned men , that having given precepts, e_. rules of queft ' Arte, Fi phono made even from distant times I direct- Re, and the maeftri of the fecols to come; so shall not- "(IV ) & ve less eflere applauded 1 ' opera, and the fati- of those, who in the delineation of the Fab- briche have procured to enrich the art glue news of the most angular works, and with them ftudiofe labors have facilitated that ltrada_,, that anco agi ' ingenie Pi fpediti Fi renders pur too malagable, and abhorrent; for some, and the rest illuminating the minds of the Profeflbri they cooperated in placing V Architecture in_, that excellence, and in that maefty, in the- she appeared in the noftri fecoli . Of all those, who in that manner have- no colle ftampe fact common to the world those riches of Architecture, which encloses the city of Florence, fi must a (swallow reconnectfcimen- to Mr. Ferdinando Ruggieri famous Ar- chitetto de ' nothother times, for having given frefca- mind to light in diverfi Tomi L'opera de ' pi Profeflbri , outlined , and mifurate with_, pay attention and attention. But not eflendofi yet tried some to donate to the public the delineation of the great- de^ maravigliofa Church factory Metro- politana of Santa Maria del Fiore, which- the Cathedral is said to refer to that little, which inferred the fountain in the De- fcription of the Vatican Temple; so it is, that effondo flati made many ftudj of medefima since Mr Gio: Batifta Nelli Senator Fiorentino, not_, he has great time deceased, who joining the nobil- "(v ) nobility of the fangue 1 'love of the beli' Arts, fi he applied from his youth to the ftudj of the Mattematiche, and architecture; fi is believed to bring not small benefit to the Profef- by publishing them with the press, so that the experts art not reftino without those lights so much neceflarj for large factories; 1 ' occafioni of which effndo rarilme, they bring many feco difficulty, and many damn, that fenza offerva- of that, that in fimili cafi have ope- rato the excellent Maeftri of Art is very difficult to walk fenza stumble. The fuddetti ftudj Fi pol no afsure of full effectiveness, and punctuality, efiendo flato Mr. Senator Nelli long service life in the employment of the- the work of the mentovato Temple, and afsiftito from- the attention and intelligence of Mr. Gio: Badila Bettini, who at the time was an architect of the_, Factory, which has still contributed a lot with his affiftance to the difpofition, and- chin of queft ' Opera. About the principle of that grand building find some variety in writers; Thu: Vil- lani, and Simon of Tophah say this ephiere fla- in the year 1294. and in the ancient infcription fi- tuata fuora of Chiefa, in the verfo part the Cam- panile, Fi says in 1298. and the medefimo affer- but the mouths; Fi has for other news, that in and i2 94- m (vi ) 1294. the Florentine Senate faceffe the decree of remake 1 'ancient cathedral, and that the' execution of the medefimo feguiffe in 1298. All but agree- gono, that the first stone fofle pofta the day 8. of September, Nativity of Our Lady, from Latin Cardinal Orfini of the Order of Predi- catori, Legate of Pope Bonifazio Vili, to the foreword of all the clergy, and of the Magiftrates of- the city, as among the others fi derives from his father Maeftro F. Francefco Orlendi, of the Ifteflb Ordi- in his scholarly work,- pilando fopra the univerfale lftoria of the world, the second Volume of Part II. P. 1255. The architect was Arnolfo, the most excellent Pro- Tector of the fuoi times, at which (ephlendus dead in 1330.) was foftituito Giotto in 1 3 34. The prophesying of that factory went slowly; imperceptible in an ancient pit- tura pofta in the Bigallo made in 1342. fi sees, that at that time the new facade was elevated- from the ground folly to above the eyes of the Door. Matteo Villani lib. 2. cap. 9. he says, that^ of the Mefe d'agofto 1357. Cav went j allato aW Al- Tare of San Zanobi in the Chiefa Cathedral of Fi-