TORELLI SARAYNA VERONEKSIS LEC. THE ORIGIN AND DOC T AM) plicudinc city of Verona ' eiufdem Men illustribus anuquis Veronenfis; The hiSIqui fucrunc gaining ownership cjuitatis Verona Antiqujs vrbisl of the monuments and the "field Vcroncnfis The Intcrpretationc litterarum older. Pratexea work on this index increased from calcc [TT z Verona. MD 40; The OXcina Anthony Putelleti. NOT WITHOUT PRIVILEGIO, A 500 READER. IC thought that antehancnoftram imprcmoncm; A Sergei Bononicnfis INTC Muir Sebaftianus some places antiquitares; one of the uolumcn (c compofito dcdit. Veronenfis also monumenta some [e antiquariumprofeffus cft, which for ipr.e nonuidit, inadvertently strengthened incuriafumpta from the any other matter, or it is not rcaedeiignauit, AUO not to be notorious fubticuit. Glass; therefore, fiquid crithocnoftroin! ibrocompertum by the di.rcrcpans is in the ftris cxprc Love noc'tc HGC Amphitheater surprising to me was the amount of fubiiffct totâ in the table of the paint, I am quätamå hoium to the multitude of capcrct exqrere ipfcdecrcuiffem bow fuprema / medium / small and primitec fccüdi • lanuastqbus gives ingrcffustaliaså in the arena by means of pariccis cönumeraui which pacetad the degrees of afcérusjoésq; adnotaui.nÜc five degrees figillatim SCC to measure the thickness of 1 m of length inftitucrä. Tor. laudatio CS Garotte, which admirados hæclEC that we are connected; libetus agnofceremus; diligécius exqras.CAR. Oia, if you stay in the supplied GRAY, AUC icömodum no will itclligctis. IOA. Indeed, when réiucundiflimam and very long (v Such programs include long hopefully, this time we will is gratilT1tna. Cometiété for example, it is easier to look at the truth of him, pomme, the midst of the arcédamus ipfum Opie, had ended, qué the Amphitheater of caperare authority pficiemus. Tor 'Yours adftipulor fcntcntiæ. IOA. Therefore, when a Roman longer fit me; debuiffct judged to be greater riches S wasted resources needed to increase clle intclIexctis, a Roman citizen, Amphithcagum cöderepocuiffc itidcm, CITY ON Amplitvdine That honor will go qd sent, clear dich, once given, LtriasVitr. ConIiruaj0ilimul & vfus a stadium, in Græciai and the Ita- the daughter of Fujtor the older one, which is in Rome, so that from the words of Lucius Vlétruuri them there is elicited » But, if desired, in what theater ca desirable fada, Romænon poflum the mouse, oftcndcrc, fcd regtonibuslEC in Italy, in the plurjbus graccrum CI- uitatibus.Non needs of ncgannu [CD AufI pot1US affrmare Amphithea NOQR restitution from the center Thcatri OQaui0 ercCli moles, a re-Vcronéfi publica fuiffe conftruaum: That facrlius jntclhgi is given, though you know neither nor by the carcases of ilhus nummum litterarum in the ipfo Amphithcatro, or a token in rcpcrtum any other matter of the thing is done. Qgjbus or that the citizens Romanunll, or Impcratoréautboré fuliléconiiccre potTumus.Præterca quU knot cöftet have never before by the Romans, Venetia fubaaos, led ipGs fadere miles less In Cicero ' etos that anyone with a Ciccroncm inucétiuls the M.Antomum colligirur; ucaiuis with Ira M.An, -d any fubicaam Verona, cumampliflima CLTC this NCAA degrees third Amphithcacralé Molé crexillé facllhme crcdldenm. Tor. this fcntentiam not contcmncndam ccnfeo: In many things we the Cities an- tiqflima theaters repcncban (which still derive veQjgta extarc. I saw egodum to Rome pgcré propQ Spcllü 'the town of the anti-hurciæ When huiufcemodi velhgium opens.10A. This marble to prevent, or late Ritts'. TOR-Latcricium: CöQrucbantur cnimpro ciujtatum Facul amplitudlne.ncc surprised that ours are useless' marmorcunuquum City CITC ampliffma in the field Veronéil white marble with no filter, njgra true 'and' red / EC diuerfis cc'o- nbus stained, lnfigniaå etiamnum cxcudätur vbiq. the du rffma quædälalia mcdiocriatquædam molliamcc a lot of VRBE diftantia, which is near the river, modlcus had small mounts impenfa. IOA. It is not surprising, therefore, fl marmorcum ftruxere. Tor. the Amphi- • theater ccjä legj j quibufdam chronicis.Amphithcatrum than AppclIät generally arena, aono.XLlJ.lmpcrji AuguQi cxtruétÜ CyriacusArr Cgriacus Ancona on a journey thus fer) PTU rcljquit; comtanus. The denrque and the old city of Verona fcraciffmarm come and where kept on blowing very extensive acquaintance with Monumeta cöperjt, prcrtim up in the Labyrinth is requisite that Sand is now in the cöftruétum fuerlt Empire Oétauiani Augufti trjgefimo ninth before Christmas Chrlfti drcm, terti01 from which a part exterjor tcrrcmotibus corruic: SZ now confpicii Iccus ro A uterine anew through the whole big (axis of vndiquc (such as multiformjtcr cave inside red dear frankincense is made. Q: On the VR POTT. Fverit. Dom !. CIVIT. in the same people, 3C of the whole of the brother of Albert Scaliger ih po ditti Maftini nents leader deleaus die.XXVlI • OQobr1s. M.CCLXXVILCu1 tcrn 10 * May feptimo co rucccfft Bartholamcus m.ccc • Dejndc Albujnus. M.CCCi11.Et after jpfu n dog is a great vrbj dominated cli, body ns issue obitc Taruifil before yet cbci præftans government acquifi Dominjo to Vinccnt1XJ Patauii1Taru1fiilFeltri'BeIIuni, mainland / About • mætRhcgIi light across Vcronä. • dcinde fuccefflt Albert fccüdus M.CCCXXN. who, when he by the grace of the people obile, fc namq; where a abfti ' nucrat.ldcirco Manjnus imperi0 fruitful manner fuccefflt diet XXVI. M.CCCXXIX. Aecate can moreover be vested * Pcftmodfi fucccmt CA Crazy ultimate step, which occjfoå dog Signcri0 elder according fandtes Euphcmiæ cimitcrifi die.xiiii * mechanisms will M.CCC LLX.fuccclT1t the said dog Signori, the French nucupato dog (CUS that fuic rupramodum pccunils yielded abundant dic.xvii * • DecembIiS M.CCCLIX.Bartholamc0 / SC Anthony fili1S remaining € tie, AEO Barthclameo occifi the PCU (Lrcmi the elder ANTONIUS imilTum 1-MC "l. Antonius alone donmnari ccrpit & D Vice Joanncm Caleatio comitcm kingdom lacks Decébrr eel confirm dice fe ans event was a mark, thus finishing fuic control ScaligerorÜ. • M.CCC. 97. In this the same John hath Galcatius affcrens Naqu had provided,, which it proceeded; tiéfcunq; Itcrum dogs difliderét ladder to be in ruins. 1 DC. for 00 paao Giangaleazzo illc ownerships of the city of ours cli affccutus T Topco John was Galeazzo Visconti, Mediolani leader, potéci ownership SCALIGERae the fic rixantcs profpjciés them as brothers, the blood of their hands shall they , tcs, the care of rcgjminis in the fubdito omissa, cxcrcitum Vcronä and brought him to, qua, cbtinuit not rcpugnäte Antonius, who transfuglt to the Vcncccs. the yourfcif Was John Galcatius years. xvlil. Verona dominatuseft where Callrä d1L1i pctrii Callrumjtidem late Felix vrbiculam, inflar ciuitat1S Blunduslib. cxRrui we have the example given in the chronicles € I3C Blundus. When this defunao, eiusqu; x.dcc. ". i. præfidio cxpulfo William films Canisgrandls Pandolfo Malatcfta the bus / Venetis'Sc Francifco Carraricnfi, Vcronä rcccpit with Brunorio 8 'Antonio hliis properties that the gate of the field March entered p oh Qug orclei dtc1i.dic.vii, ApriIis.MCCCC Francifcus Carraricnfis through the gate of the late Antonio a running Vcronæ Ramaswamy uitatcm prisoners. From the Guhclmus præd1Qus.xxi • Mefiti forename vcncno ncfandiflimæmorti were handed filijQ3 to its imprisonment. caftro mount on the bus ferns oppjdi Patguini crudcIiITime conclufi .: • Sica, regimjnc gained dominion ciujtatis Francifcus Carraricn f is meant to dimidi0 year only. Qia iuftiffmi Venetian mortc Gulielmi Rhine. 43 Gutielmi Scaligcri cam ugly moleftus decision Marchion Mon. excrCltUS trust in their leader adduéto Verona vrbcm for themselves. Paét1S ingrcfli than with his own policies are the Saint John Ba ptrllæ. Marcus ccccv. Liccei year. Marcus ccccxxxvili, from Nicolas Piccntno Prg Feet cxcrcitus leader Mediolanj nocftu city entered three dlcbus vcxati Fucnus, again, to the dominion of ar co, however, fugat0'æ ccs has not yet taken by force, in the faith of pcrmanfcrant) tn of them, even the elders of peaceable co ruled vfc¿; for the year. 1000 500 IX. & Mcnlt MaiitQgo empire Maximilie is added to him, Caerau, fcptcm giving commands to a finite number of years, menrc Ianuariot 1000 500 XVII. The veins, which He was from himself are Maximilian Caerau tis eifdcm rcftituta: Oui Deo, totiQ3 the people pcrgrati, vfc¿; the above " wild animals, that have power over these by the Lord. THE CITY AND MONVMENf1S ANTIQYIS A book VS. Fermo mayor $ fingers. 44 At the base of the bell D. Proculi Verona. Question F TVRPILIO can. Q Q F can TVRPILIO. NGO. r. D. AVO. MACRO NL ATRI TVRPILIA G. P. SECOND NGO. Aurclii Burgctti at home. The second SOLSTICE A. L. F. hic. J town of Orange. Lelie CLEMENTINE VXORI INCOMPARABrLr. Question F. The second MARITVS and takes 11 US FECIT. FVNCTO lies here, but we live Secondly VIVESQVE A Bell -rvo. Should neither has done wings. YOU TELL US SANCTOSQVE price for CONIVG DEAD Do you go calmly. VOLATILE TV BONES brush. "Vaxrr Ann. xxvii. Marcus VCINCIVS.I Sura FATHER. AND Calidat 'SECVNDAI mother by the FIE; Rr IVSSIT. Garda. The second LAO Viliv. L. AO is cheaper than charity; AND GOVERNMENT sexual PARENTIEVS plans, NATURALLY freedom. BOOK fifth; 44 Suauiiin near uodam% ane. V. F. L. Victorivs. L. P. G. Victorivs. L. F. VS SEVER VI. VIRI. Avg. Sielei. the marjoram SEX.- F. " Maximum "Comins. L. P. feast However. "M. T SECVNDAE wife, B.VS. And L. CTORIO.Q..F. FEAST films. Temple mont1S golden age. SEAT. Marcus Octavius. MF Valerie. L. P. FIRMOMELIO avctae freedom. Instead, monte aurcum. MINERVA AVGV'TAE papiros THREPTVS. Pre E.T PVSA. V. S. L. D. D. D. The temple late Fidentius. LO. M. P. OCTAVIVS PATROBIVS. Attia. CUSTOM, Chi * ET P. OCTAVIVS ATTIANVS IMPER. In the town Lobiano Leonici transferred. Sex. ATILIVS..M. F SERANVS PROCONSV. Ex Sena; TVSCONSVLTO between ATTESTINOS. And conquering, Tino ENDS THREE Minos STATVAM. In a village. eGAD'VSMAGVLLA. H. SECVM HAS NOT 4 NO- NIS BATH, BUT HAS. BATH. VIN A. Our bodies VENVS CORRVMPVNT But life FACIVNTB. V. V. There a monume   nto. QvAE MVLTVM SYRENARVM CANTVS DVLCTOR Q VO BACCHVM AND TO THE ABOVE groups AV FEMALE VENERE QvAE Eloqv VOCALLY brighter IRVNDINE And that 5 AE IVNONIS Pontes celestial bodies, alone; TIA capture HICTVRPILIA LIES LINQVENS lachrime FVERAT SOLATIVM. A pveritia. THIS AV. TEM TANTAM Demvm unexpected DISIVNXIT Friends. The Parictis Balneorum Calderii. V. AETERNITAS SACR. F PETRONTO RATE VE. TOTIVS curious. V. Procon. Affrica. And the Praetorian ILLYRICI PRAEF. GRAECIAE GALLIAE. 11. PRAEF. PRAET. Galliarum 'ATQVE Africa PRAEF. Verona. COM3. ORDINARIO Cl 6 exceptionally good TATIS DI; SERT isslmns. ATQVE omnibvs rebvs ERVDITISS. FVNDAMENTO MVROSQVE from its FACIVN; DOS cvravere. IDEMQVE selected. Glo; RAM FVNDAMENTO ON Philips PECVNIA AR 50 IB. Dani. Asking Cornelius LENTVLO. L. Mson AVGVP E-CONS. PROHIBIT solvto. Ibidém'in some fcpulchro iaccnte the old ualleab nuncupatum base Liao. DIS. 10vi and IVNONIB. MhNlB. S V and N-R VLI maledixi. 00. OMH. 1. Marcus D. H. In% igro, St. OMNI. HM H. N. S. ON Monvments ANTIQYIS At the temple town Hoftdiæ St Lawrence. State v. FREQVENS sibj, and the existence of Marcus Konya 50 Mothers. Marcus STATION Y MODESTO FRATRIBVS Marcus STATION AND VERECVNDO Coliberti. Sandrar in the village. " Marcus OCTAVIVS MARCELLIANVS firm. NAVIRAL. OCTA. Vro stronger marcelliani brother [BVS. M. ET Virat PATERNAL CO.NIV.G [pientissim. b. Marcus In the community Scaligerorum. D. Marcus St. MERCVRIO MAGNOD. Fl ATRI SVB 150. Press; From the TRANSP. CT F TRIB. MIL. TRIVM Ctor. 111 FR. Q. And CM. POMÆONS. Profit & nacum. D. HERCVLI, and IVNONIBVS avg. VALERIVS VS SEVER AND FOR CLODIA Cornelians. L. VALERIANO Cornelians. V. S. L. Marcus Ibid; Sex. CALVISIVS SATVRNINVS summer, and Calvisii SATVRNIN CONIVGI DEFVNCTAE. CAL AND VISITS FIRMIONI, and it ionium film, and NVRIBVS AND NEPOTIBVS, and PRONEPOT1bVS ETVS. There .. D. Marcus Cassio. MF feast of CLODIA RESTITVTA DVLCISSIMO. QvAE vixit an. 33. DAY 11-f. Q MINVTIVS AND THIN CONIVGI Karissime Vlvvs SENT. Place. Marcus VERINIVS. P. F. RAIMVS 6. Vlk. Avg. BAP. CELEBRATE APHOLETO 6. MAN. Avg. 111 GRATVITO AMI; Co TERENTIAE piste SORORI MESSIAE PERPVSAE wife. Place. A. POSTHVMIO Primionis POSTHVMIAE Q Varta A. B. M. The peninfula Svrmionis. St. PRO SALVTE L. SEPTIMIO SEVERINI patron '. 50, SEPTIMIVS successful. VOW OF N. H. V. N .. avg. The temple keeps gardz D. Marcus , SEX. NAVINIVS. Sex. L. APOLLONIVS CON. Cordes. HE AND SV is in FR. XXXY grams. Retro 20 grams. L. BOOK Q VINTVS. Parietibug into place. V. EPPIVS. P. F. EAB. RVFVS MIL. • COHOR. 11. PRAEF ' F. 1. arbiter. At the temple the wall late headquarters near the bcnacum. Anet ANIMAE'INNOCENTISSIMAE LOC. TREBIENSL US max. VÄ.ÉER.IANAE MOTHER car ISS. QYAF. V 9. AN. 35. D5vi11. AND LOC. 55 ciliano BROTHER NOBICISSIMO. QYI VTX. AN. Fanai outside Verona in the garden of George. Octavio. L. F. pro. SEVER an o. Q! 1 v 9. AN. 21. DIEB US 50 !. Severvs, legends and TER • SD SEVEQA 'parent unluckily SON DESIDERAT asks. Tcmplum add extra Dionyfii. Leg '10 V. Apel. 50 x. 5 11. afer. DECVS. 10 10 5 11 In the garden of a Barylica nigrariani Villages. Avreliæ PIERI dex. VXORI P: DICISSIMAE Joel L. A nicito. Fcpulchro in a great place. ZW. "Q. AIR himself and Clodiis hedone Con 1 v G. HOLY CVM Q! ' A V an. 19 x x. ' In the village of St Peter incariliani. • MER. SA R. SK 1000 revealed, ALA TIS Q! 1 CRVRIBVS A ETHER A CAR PO PEPERIT SVMMO 55 cid a 'Maia PAX. The temple late Odoricus recumbent In caftro break. VESTAE ABS Q. c 4 s. MF 5, AR US V. S: LM The citniterio eiufdem Temple. P. F. CA PIT ONI DOMITIA. Z. "bright. The Triniaco. Sex. ' Clodiis FEAST 6. man. AVG. AND AGGORRIAE Marcello e VXORI EI-5's, and Clodii AMANDA E Lib. CONSTANTINVS Pat. The PagoGrecåno. NOVELL IA. Q f s eve of RA. C. Laelivs OPTATVS. T 1. Place in a temple. L. ANIVS will be redacted 1 1 v ssitum. Polycella in the valley. L. Octavio. L. P. Prob. Sever LEC. QYI V 9. AN. DIEB 21 vs 29. L. OCTAVIVS VS SEVER And kicks ORIA. St Peter campaneus top of the wall. CRATIA.C. F. V. S. L. Marcus Temple late in store Proculi Verona. G P. maximum. Z C. F. and Valerie. L. P. Eestis. L. Valerio. ON Monvments ANrru1S At the same temple. Q. Cornelio. C. 1. RVFIALL. C. ANDREA. Place. L. Octavivs. L. P. IOB. • Marcellinvm BENEFICIARIVS GOVERNOR. P. B. L. called. S. F. t. The temple late headquarters oratory. C. Mart vs. TER MI. L. CALISTIVS. VR. • VIR. and AUC Ä down. Pl. C. L. EVCHE. VIM. FEC region. Marcus H. N. S. Verona at the temple diui.SiIueftri. 50 c ABS lüs.- L. LSVNVARIVS. V. S. L. Marcus L. D. D. D. Verona in the district late andrce in Reuerendi.D. Chnqophori Piacenza. Octavia .O L. cheerful. V. F. and 50, Coelio. L. L. stat VARI MAN Svo. And L. Demus LIO.:V. f eirmo SON. H. M. H. N. S. Also in the late Zcnonis. D. v'EkONIAE VIX. Ann. Place. Marcus CINTVLLVS. L. P. Prob. SEVER US ARMY. COH- V. Pr. Among them, and colonais. A. F. maxima of the mother. J bidcm the Cimitcrio. Here Vidva 5 LX. AN. 80. Marcellinvm CARISSIMVS my dear Sister. AND P IENT'ISSIMAE MERITAk have, Q! Em ALL THE master. Also in the late Zeno. V. FM GaviVia SEVER US itself, and Cornelia E EPIMELtAE CONIVGI optimum e benemerenti. AND. Marcus next step was severe. RO and her RE.ST.ITVTAE. Cimirrio into place. U Arcelor. Discreet, and has gray FVNAM. C. CONIVGI ETVS ADONDANV 'LELIVS maximvs Aden. AND VA. 50 ERI A Marcellinus A BROTHER T ri. B. M. Place. C. QYINTIVS HERMES summer, and T HEDISTAEQYINTAE CONTVBERNALI N. Front. p. 13. IN. AGRO. 16 grams. Place. V. F. L. SCEVINVS. L. L. summer, and W CT, AR His Sister sv E. p. Marcus Also in the garden. Marcus L. novel RACDAM. r. P. 50 The gate Burfareorum part. SETTLEMENT AVQVSTA Verona Nova GALIENtANA VALE, RIA No 11. AND ON CONSS. 1005 R VERONENSIVM Fabricated from day 111. It is not. 4 April 1000 DEDICATL It is not. FR. December, 1 v G AC bent SANCTISS'MO Lien. Avg. N, won Joel R. MARCELLINO.V.P. 505 c. 505 C. Cvrante Marcellin. -Lib fifth. In the next store on Eurfarcam. GN. CORNELIVS. Question surname. L. MFRTTVS. 6. MAN• Avg. Clodiis tonnes] Ana. L. crests SO L CONTVBERNALI. One day in the Bjrtam burfaream Cathaneus. AN. CHRIST. CCLKI. Imp. mV vs PHILIPPVS ELDERLY Verona and Roma at Ivnia A. SATELITIBVS INTERFJNIVNTVR. stantially to the outside of the gates of St Michael, in the same place. Vibius EV equipped ties salads. L. L. par ENTT- BVS C. VIB [O APIRODIS PATRVM ties Aphro- Sidi AVI. C. Vlb1VS CALISTIO. place in the temple. VALENTIVS EVTHYCHVSSIBI V. F. L. and L. Valens; TIO SENECTIONI patron Holy. At Metropolitan, the fcuCathcdrali ccclcGa Vcronx monumenta marmorco late Theodore. A. Ivlivs. APOLONIVS SIE, Attia VALERIAE CON, iVGi obseqventissime 11 vs. prepared, and EIVSQVE the body of. Chest cone, and LO CVM SLAVE lots. The Epifcopatum Vcronæ. L. Seagull VINDICIS POMP. CONS. CF Valerie M. PVLLI G. Gani FABLIAE. T. F. C. COMISIAE avg. 111. Ariadne. at the cemetery V. F. grams CECILIVS EMPIRODIVS 5). Vlk. Avg. CALCV BEARER IVSTIN selenium is married, and. At home Marchionum of Malafpinis Vcronz. Aedonis SECVTORIS PVGV. 8. SING FROM THE SITE; NILLAE..QVI JUST AN. 26. In the hospitals, Agnes. * ELIO DtLECTO. Q MA rek FECIT. In the village of St apoftoli in domoß: c. oardini from Gypfo Vcronæ. u. QVINTIVS P. F. POE. A mode a US grams ulNTIO POLLIONT Romania 1 MOVIAI. 5 on the power rticu troops Verona in Gia earlier. CC V. IN. FR. 12 grams. IN. AG. 40 grams. The process is new. GN. SERVILIVS GN. L. SPVRIVS. V. F. The Temple cimitcrio off in the late-darn antiquiffima Vcronæ grave. C. GAVIUS out of the. E. v 9, 43. Marcus C. N. Georgia VIVS mendo- US WATER TO loving Father info and-9. A EULVS X. EV Ye FEC should I have gone to THEM. The Tempj diuæ Luber * Verona CORNEL 4 S MELIBOEVS's LBG and sensibility A 1 A 1 ELIDIMEDICM CONTVBERN. Sen.% Al. ON fits Monvments Tn Fortress St Peter Verona. C. L. D. Montana. OANNES resigned from 1 to surround Verona Saturn avg. Marcus Cassivs FIRMVS v e sacrvm In the sea floor diuæ * in organ Verona. V. F. C. DIDIVS FHRONIMVS ATHISIAE The first AC CONTVGI Karissime 1009. Ann. 35. CVM MAN 10 xvll.l. Lucy place in Domicii Cerdonis 5 eroncfi. D. VESTIDIAE G. P. Firmin. Temple in the late Thaddeus Veroncfi. V. F. N. M. N.S.M. TRAVVIVS CHAIIVS summer, and LIVIAZ Psch. On the wall of the house various Vcronæ. AVG SACR. PROBVS 6. MAN. W. ML p.m D. On the wall give magiftri Baptist Aromatatii to the houses of the high to Mark. Veronii lavender HELIODOR US CASIANVS lifer MOTHER pientiss. AND HELIODORVS Veronens CONIVGI. A bow Leone. In the corner of the garden cruclfixi. LOC. SEPVLTVRA 20. Lic. Reg. TRANPAD. Teo POMPvS. ARI. D. S. P. and TRYONIVS. AND Q. Sicinius. In Ponte ship. Gavia. Lucius Quintus first-F. AND POLICLITO stve. SAVE. OR my freedman. AND. L. CALPVRNIO Fresh. In the bridge, had exhibited the sea ium in the master thy Balşs! Remony Aua.ntii. HIRMIVS OCTAVIVS car spite that. Festa Corolo LINA C. Valerio SVRO and that matched TEM P.XXX. The Puteali Icon. IRMIVS FAVS1 50 V. F. LEA. G. L. SPECVS. • 1 n lcona Vico in 1000 azantorume F 50 APPIVSSABINI. Lib. CINNAMVS sluggish M. Ro. MAE MAN. Avg. Sible. The Templofan & æCæciliæfubaltarediuiDonati. GOD avg. T LAPLANDERS DOMITIA Cassia V. S, LM The first Adam St Stephen altarcfeptem brothers. D. C. Calvene CVRATÖRES INSTRVMENT. " Verona. Ex NVMERO CPLLEG. the IcongiR BOOK Q VINTVS. The icon in the street Mazantorum domutn. D. GOES. DOMIT. ANC. F greatest s. X. The Hermitage houses also rufticum Marcus D. MATRONIAE MATERNINAE CONTVGI DVLCIs. Simas. 5 9: A YEAR. 23. In the late Acdc Proculi. Livi M. D. VENVSTO Marcus LIVIVS FORTVNATVS Freedom and VXORI EENEMERENTI Ann. xxlll. Marcus 7. D. 17. Place. COR. AP itself. F FE. BI. AND. 50 Val 51 F EVR Al LIO Ali BE 55 55 ALE IRO 11. N. S. Dei PVDICITIA. Lb} DCM. MVRIATIVS ZOSIMVS. 47 Place. LIER TVS FAC. Place. CVR. Question CAF.ICPHOTINO VESTIARIO NICEPHORVS. LB. PATRON. Optim. AND. V. F. The event was Rufiici • Temple. CORNEL'AE REST R Tvta grams POMPONIVS HERMES AND CON1'VG'.T5VLClS. CORNEL IAE FENGVSAE Her. HOLY and themselves. The foundation campnjlis late Fermo majority. p. GRAECJNrö P / F. Poe Lacone jewelry; CONSVLARIEVS. Nob.Co.Philippini in the house of a soldier. Question HORTENSIVS Asia TICVS. ON Monvments ANTIQyrs At home Nos. THOMAS Turks square stone inucn; frankincense, which contains letters Infragcriptas. aveniis MANVMISS ' Bassaris (DIS Alumnse. Ann. MA 5% en A. MACRO 1000. Georgia VIVS SPLEEN Oh. EQ. R. Om n 1. Hon ENKINDLE F.VNCTO V 1 xiv. Ann. 10 10 V. Men. 11.1. DAUGHTERS. Optlmus. Days. x fil ' Oh MNI SENS 5 5 ta Pietas r e CORNELIVS Agatha. MER perfect; From comes QVS ALL inf. RIA One blemished TVS At! Nclauftro late Zeno. SEMPROXIVS CF Pos. RETTA St headquarters of the street. Valerio C. F. maximus MAE Her Ennis. p. The urine avg son. Pope Imre F AND himself. In the late Phano Zcnonis. c. Y c. LOCVS assigned to the US Monvments. The Q! O Below is AEDICLA PRiÄP1. 70 grams. IN AGRO 70. The noisy late Ztnonis. Sex. Saline ANI 5 .. MANDAT MILES. LEC. 10 V. Written in the late Zcnonis begs it. C. MARCIVS t Her 1001. L. CALLISTV 6. MAN. From the THOUSANDS E .. Pl. C. L. EV Che. Vivlia, Rec. Ibidem. CAS TRICIA.I Posilla% At home Nogarolus. AND Pmnvs SECVNDV.S avg. MARRCIVIAE MAR, Mothers, after 1 cell .: P • T.RIAE Marcella her mother. BOOK Q VINTVS. 48 At a court poor. A GIS MA, RI u. CONSTANTINVS. MF PVSILIO Sex. An Visp 4 St. F. Niger MF Clemens Q. c ABS [vs. C. MINISTERS BLANDVS C. UP consciousness. S ER. 1005 RR an VS. P .. T V CLODI RPIONIS. S ER. W CT VS. Marcus device A HILA I. Ser. COMVITVM. REFECERVNT. Tb C.TVM coping Aleve ARV NT. ALVA S V threshold. PE 5 K PECVNIA. LARIBVS. DAN T cos SQ Cornelius LEN TV LO. L. pi sone Avgv cos. In the cemetery of St Nicholas. Place pv safe. Dat. D. D. grams of the fort. "Avg. L. Cassivs. VERVOI.F.'N'GRINVS. 6. Avg. V. S. L. Marcus Apgd pontem'lapidis in the wall of Illogæm of Ionia. IVNONIBVS avg. SAC. METELL.A1i ON NOM12- " SVO. AND. T. Flavio HERMETIS y IRI file D. D. In court Pifcatoria at the grocery store. Marcus Marcus STRICT FILIVS Pat. pientum Anchovy carries Aegidlüm. And domestic TICO. L. T. F. 1. In the Temple fanaz Cross. CLAVDlI VI. F '. MARCELLIN ae belli IC i SOLERTLS MIS. Oh. CC. Marcus ER Q Horten 1. Pavlinvm. And the firm VS. • The Ecclefia diuæ MariæSolatatæ. MAN. VERECVNDI more. vtxrr. Ann. xvzn. MD 11. C. VESIVS. DEC ia l's. Adem add extra vital. L. Iphides. L. P. Servilii At home Cemcntis apuddiuum Clcmcntem. It is also mentioned VALERIAE VALER.IANAE Marcus C. BIRDLIME NV.S v n u a ECTVS Xort. AND MÄEC'LL T Iliana front and dams. ABOUT The ox Inporticu • A uffini from Bell. But ISIVS.- C, 50. Felix C. 151 v.s C. L. G. Be. AND F Cassia. C. P. exorátus HIM. Cassius CF Priscilla and Antonio. L. F. • MARCEL, Lae and syntropa. In PVBLICO. Front. 25 grams. In AGE. A. xxxi. Phanum outside diuorum apofto! Ocum the Aedicla more. SEIAE CHARITE QVAE. V »A-R ANNOS..XVJIII. M..VII. Question Cativos. NICEPHORVS. CONCVGI deserving. Caftri uctcris bridges inside the gate doubled. L. Vitr 5 VIVSJL. L. Credo 8RCHITECTVS. Tcmpli with diux Falicitatis STEDIAE. Pavlina. L. CANTIN VS. HERMkP; PVs CONIVGI. INCOMPARAb1L1. * At ACD dtui Thomas in Cafalauoniorum. AND. Marcus AVDASIO sVaVe. SOD cost. . Ibidem. L. DECIVS blast US SEMPRONAI Leontidis .SORO.RI EENEMERENTI. H. At home, Sp .ll.doaoris.D.Tauräli Saraynx. D. Marcus Generoso "net i.NVLCT_O PVGNARVM 27. N: Alexander Lov. Q 6 PVGNAVIT. v.l. R. Place. Dis Mani> VSSTATIA severe a P. F. T. F. r. CVR. He, Place. ANCHORAGE, L. A. P. DENTÖNfPATR1. Cassiar. Q.F. Maxim ae MATRISTATAFP. Severe a P. MAECANAE A. F. SECVNDAE Vindario_nobihs.Co.Galcotti Npgarol c. TARQVfN14. Oh V. EBV.STÅ. St. V. LD. C. .FlC8RIVS. H.M. - Ex Publius Sacidium. Question F can be. FATHER. hpudædcm ± EuphZmiæ long river Atrian. Q 5 SOLSTICE US EALbVS. Aedes estuary in 1000 (olaratæ the aniuloRubeorum. BAR Reliqviae. A. VERONVS CALLISTV MAN. Optim. THIS. LIES. The cimitcrio St Peter Incarnarii. Minerva. C. CASSIVS, L.-F. 1 VSTVS. 6. Vlk. Avg. AND LAELIA log. Place. CLAVDlI. L.fll. First of CALPVRNV.SI. FIL MARCELLVSrV1. Avg. and VGI 49 GOD. BOOK d VINTVS. According to the temple late Sex. FA die. L. EATHVLLO an NOR. 15. In the village diur Euphemiae. HIGHLY. Ter N. L. STATIVS. DIODORVS. Q! 07 SE. PRECIBVS accounting FEC IDA and V. S. L. Bi. Outside the temple diuæ taken to organs. N. • recessvs. 40. 100 5 RA. Xysti. Place. V. DIS. MAN [B. F. v rtia. CF Procillae patrons' N. P is the president very well. Al Ennis. Maxima C v rtio. Procillae C v rtia. CALIP0LIS. 50 IB. AND S and jetty. S 5 V fits TRIVSQ. Sex VS. npud tcmplum late Fauftini. GRANDMOTHER 1. PRISCAI 5 X Orion. E r CALIOIAI. Tyche b er CON TV NA 51. H. M. H. N. St. N. front. 20 grams U 11. INF. Place. Publius L. ANTISTIVS. VITVLVS'CVM svis-IMP. Pos. * Diuæ at the same Ananafiæ in pithatorum. Firm. • 50 F sible SERENA AND M. Cass 10. MF firm. The temple diuæ Maric from Gata. Sex. RVBRIAE.'S F. POB. • F'ESro the blasts. ROM R. avg. * At Phanum of St James, Bet on house Sp.D.D ionyfii Cæpuleii. C. . Regular CÆPIONJ. Concentrating. AND TRIVMPHALEM. • Patrizia BOOK. • A DECVS. Veronens. OE 1 VD. RESTITV'TA M. S. Thanatius P. F. MAN London borsonii AC MF In the late Adam Sylueftri. D0MITrvs EVPHROSINVS HIM. AND. Flavio JUST 5 x ENT. Optim. • In templnm diuæ Anaftafii. C. Arrrr. CF POB. C. ILO of 10 S 5 C. Ecdcfiam outside the cathedral. s. MaVrICIVs. 50 VPORVS. Avg. X. With ecclcfiam cathcdraicm. CÆSIO.Q F POE. High. Marcus CÆSLQ. Question F POE. VETERAN leg. 11 111. G E · MIN. Question 4 c R. S. G. L. P K vs. IM * Greater .V'FILLLNNE • PRIMIGENITE; ON MONVüENTiS rn? Adem learned at home in Charlotte Triucl! Drum. SEAGULL VALERIAE v AUGAVIAN SON. AND FOR HIM IVN. i VII. Reg. SACR. A. VITVLLIVS PHI. LOLOGVS. 6. Vlk AVG. Lower. D in the temple: UAE Mariz (calaber. Marcus AVDASIVS. ML TITVRVS. V. F. bishop. AND S. P. F. Q VIN T N. Vxorius. ECASTRVC [1000. Question Salasii. Question F can be. ON. VX. His Sister ETVS AVLLVS. L. FECIT. AND Sielei. The aedes St Lawrence, in some repulchro. Marcus ELL US HAD MET 500 RIANVS MORE Marcus F TEE College. CENTONARIORVM CANDIDATVS EX DECRETO AEORVM LOCVS empty. Newcastle under the bridge. Marcus news would be able to MF. MVCIANI grams DELHIO PEREGRINO TRIB. * V11L. LEC. X FR. AND qves. AED. FR. LEC. PROPR. PROVINCES. ASIE patron. Francitci in the house cattle. Caeciliae Chrysidis. AND AMICETO. The French Co.roannis at home (cf. the luftig. MOTHER RVFb1Ai. C. EXORAT41 wife. Place. A. Veron AMPHIONSIBI and magma, (ESTA2 CONIVGI benemerenti E.T.SVIS. Jo home Co.Raymundi Turrienfis. Octavio C. F. and sore. AND slbr. Place. L. ANNIVS. CF can. Sibrium. EO /. Years. CF FRATRJ. Be held. IVSSIT. PR is truly OBA DIOMEDES. AND ANTHVS. LIBERTL Lu shrine of St Peter Carian. D. N. Cinquiéme VS. Maximvs. Villi. P. 40. The temple d ho Martini Buri. C. CAESIVS CF Agrippa. The fuburbio dlui George. Marcus TENATIVS. L. P. TESTAMENT FIERI.IVSSIT. Inccclcfia responds Gotthar z. The fifth. Under the altar of the gods have Bcrnabæ outside the gate of the St Gcorgii. SO C. CLODJVS p. Marianvs Pifcantinæ C. TENATIVS Marcus L. AFINIVS p. C. FLEET F. • VARVS Parana outside tcmpli Marcus TENATIVS. C. F. Niger. Sissle. And C. Thanatius P. F. FATHER DOMITIA [. CF SECVNDAI .MATRI C. Thanatius. CF Proc warmly. F Outside the gate of the place where it is said of St George's-in-the noses of our Macedonian on Mount Calvary. P. Valeri VS. SPVRJ. F. Montana VS. 11 VS. FECIT MAT RI. And father. NE, AR ionium SVRI. Dometius. S and Y is. The Pcnin (ula Syrmionis. Marion] ESDACCI. F. and VESGASAE bitter Ionia. Ell. E r ARRVNTIO Marion. f PRISCVS Marion S. F PARENT1bVS. AND. BROTHER. Place. Sex. Laetilius. FNB. QVARTIO. 6. MAN. Avg. Sex. LAFTIL. Valention. AND RVFA Parent IB. AND sibt, and FES TAE Ian varies. FIL. VXORI Sex. Laetilius. Secondly Laetilius PRIM Vlae. Fil (The day LAETILIAE Firmin NVRVM. At Mount Marian in some facrario. D. Marcus Snack IVsto CONIVGI. Innocent] SSIM C. OCTAVIVS FIRMIVS. Phano Quintiani rub Ara. D. Marcus Marcus themselves SYNETITIAE AGVSTVS HYPATVS At the temple the gate outside the gates of the late Michael. VIBIUS. EVTYCI. Vibius. Potent. L. 50 parentib. Vibius APIRODIS PATRVM. Estrella ties. AVI. C. Vibivs. CALISTIO. Fifth in the street L.CORNELIVS L. P. PAVPER V. F. HIM. Attia. SECVNDAE wife. And most children IN. FR. 25. In AG. 16 grams. L. ON MONVUENTIS ANTIQYIS Outside the shrine of St Roch. v. Marcus POBLICIVS 50 [NVS's THERE. AND POEL'CIA !. ATT ICA 1 wife. Hoffiu and I ran into Stephen Martin in the valley apiacie. VA Rill AE is so CORNELLVS R Ori E grandparents Ccclcfia Campalani wall. VTTEDI. VS. P. F. PVB. himself. AND. SECVNDI. Baeblus CF Place. Publius TRVTTEDIO p. F. third. SE ATRI PVB. Place. TRVTTEDIO grams. PL PHILOMVSO. Country! More. MF MAXI MAE 1000 AT RI. Ibidctm C. Yonge. NY MPH 1 5 s. HIMSELF. AND MAECIAE. Gemelli. CONTVEERN 100 RECILIAE. MECIANAE son. The U alle Eger temp: o diuiZcnonis. Callisto. V 9 ann. 19. And s' ei V. F. Hcrbiciani. Marcus TRAVIVS MF SAV FEIVS SABIN VS. L. TENATIVS. MF Michael templodiui the castle. F Marcus VERONtvs the EPA PIRODITVS 6. MAN. Avg. MACOLL F GICNT. Veronii. Callisto. The Abbey u llae earlier. Octavio. L. P. POB. Severiano. LEC. Q! ' 1 SEVER VS. And kicks ORIA SEVER A. PRRENTES Infelis ICISSIMI SON. DBS IDERATiSSIM. Ibidem. IHAMNA. • helmets. QNNA. Galli C. OCTAVIVS MF cap Ito. Ccrctc in the field. D. Marcus v. HOSTILII. p .. F. POE. Campana. VENATORf. A HOST grams. 50 4 s .. The third DECVRIO. Verona e Abi'da A. MAXIMA. SUBJECT EU. Piissi ET v ixitus Ann. 10 10 V. D. 25. CRI WITH MINE. Vine flowering. YEARS. Death itself. ERIPVIT. Are alive. Felicia. Warns. Death. • instore " Example us. DISCITE A smoking. G. Valeri VS. G. Clemens. the cantus BOOK Q VIN TVS. In caftro break. Question was also. Question F CAPITONI DOMITIA. L. Clara V. F. H. M. H. N. S. The Remplis D.ftcphani InruJæ fcale. MERCVRIO V. S. LM 1000, SCAEVILIVS CORNEOLVS. Volargnis in templo St Martin. Question NIGIDIVS FESTI. F. THIRD. Place. L. EGNATIVS. "L. F. Niger. The ADC St George uael polyccllæ. L. Valeri VS. Ibidem. Park avg. 1005 grams FALERIVS TROPHI S ADORNMENT DECVRIONALIB. RESTITVTIS. R. VER. Ibidem. Sext. Cariavit sixth time. FIL. FIRMINVS BLAST. AND POMPONSIA pont r. Ell. SEVER A. flames. Place. L. VALERIVS. L. P. COXFINVS. Place. CVSLANO. S AC. 50 OCTAVIVSC. CRASSVS P. L. C. Eighth. L. F. Martial or LEAN. Place. Octavio. Aber in L. F ST. CAPITONI C. eighth VIVS. Headache. PATRVVS. Posit. Place. CCLODIVS. Firmin. Faleriorum arrive. Vxorius. B. M. AND Faleriorum son of Valerian most. And themselves. The columnain time Iodiuæ Mariæin Syrmione. Imp. CABS. St. DN. FL. 150. fVLIANO SEMP. Avg. AM. Imp. 7. COSS, 111 eonor. RP NATO. FATHER. Country proconsular. In one corner Cimitcrii diéti Temple. P. Clodii. PI At the cemetery, and I caused the Savior of the gods. lOvl L. AESIVS polite. V. S. L. Marcus Place. C. BETVTIVS. ENCOLPVS MERCV. RED. In the late Adam Ambrofii uallisPol Ella. Question VEVO MESS l. F & Sev dameshorloge. Place. CALPVRNIA L. P. and L. CALPVRNIO by ancient OVA, Drat. Father Valerius. 100 F. SEC frozen dams. ibidem. SVLPICIA. Evtyches HIM. And C. SVLPICI. Philo Gyros. Lic. OPTIMO. RVTILIO AND REST, TV To CONTVBERNALI. Coloniolæ. Imp. CABS. MAVR. Maxentii. A. Ell. Invicta. Avg. Marcus nearest IXCLn. Ibidem. Sex. Georgia St. 11 Sex. r. AN. 50 10 10 10 N. THREE. Vxorius. AN. 30. Q. Frat. AN. x L. OPTATVS. F. An. 10 N. Question FILIVS. AN. 10 N. ON BEING MONVM Ibidem. Imp. CABS. FL. VAL. Reliability. Marcus P.- var. Ibidem. Sex. IVENF. SVaVe Diane. LVCIF. LVNAE. Place. 1001 vs. L. postve Easily. T KRREIVS. HEALTHY. LINTIONES. APOLL D. P.S.D.L.D.P. Place. F L. vrtTORrvs. P. G. Fest US VITTORIVS. L. P. SEVERVS 5 1. 5 IR. Avg. Cassie HIM AND SEX. F. maxima CC. Threats. F feast films. MF SEC No. 5 A 500 VXORIBVS. And L. Vittorio. L. P. Ferogia. C. J T beds. L. holidays. Question Vittorio. Question F SONS OF THE FEAST 1 v RIS AV o. Place. Bercy 51. Q EV FEMVS G. P. OVF. LVCVLIVS A EO. 1. 5 V IR. V. S. L. Marcus Place. G P. L. GEMINVS Messivs. 6. MAN. CVRATIA. * Era ri Medial. HERCVLE. V. S. L. Marcus Place. r. G. Marcus C. Cass 4 s. c. L. THYRSVS 6. man. V. S. L. Marcus Place. CANPILIVS. Question F VIRILLrO. 6. VTR. No. 4 STB1. And t is a TB MF truths VXOR ,. Question CAMPILIO FATHER He gives [ae. CONDEXVÆ MAT r t. Place. NVMlNt MERCV. SACR grams CONSTANTINVS SATVRNINVS. A. S. F. Place. L. France. L. P. ROM. Band. 1 c. 1005. Gelivs Prater. Q Cecilia [G. CF MOTHER COMMANDER J. Lo ITALICI Q VEI silver. NEGOCIANTVR. Vulteius G. L. MENODORVS. M. p. L. P. EROS. In the village of Port diQo. L. ANNIVS C. Enetum YOU DECVS. Verona. STB1. And r .. ANNIO Har N A L. Er years. G. EM. If P * rentier. And L. An- NIO 1000 ARCELLJNO FATHER. And Valerie. HOEBADI v xorius QYÆ Icinde. Cvravere. Place. GAV.IA. C. F.RVLIA VIVA to her. Er, Marcus Daughter Crispina. G. LEC. 7. Floran. Marcus VARtvs. v ARI. F maximvs. Place. Question CAICtLIO Cisiacus. Seven c'o PICAI.CAICTLIANO PROCVR; AVQVSTA. AND FOR LEG. Province a 'R a tia' Vindelici. VA Li-F. Alps. Avg VRI blasts. DL 6. Avg. AND Roma C. LIGVRIVS. F. VOL. DIFFICULT. G. CCM. l. CRINCENVOR. To Bbbatiam uillx earlier. Park avg. P. Valeri US TROPHIMVS jewelry. DECVRIONALIE. RESTITVTIS. R. VER. BOOK Q VIN TVS. Pollion. To fonttmdiuæ Marie from the flcllis. p. Pomponivs CORNELIANVS and IVLIA Macias cvav; 4 Li ANO and more ANC). SON A SOLO REFECERVNT. Place. Pomponio ARISTOCLIAE Alumnse. The walls ccclcfix Card. D. Marcus C. VI. EVilEMERO. COR. Marciano. DEC ITO POSVIT and July. Maxim VS. HEART. MAR- CiANVS. FATHER. AND slbl. Place. D. Marcus P wants. Genitals. A. criticize) Hygino. Please. RVFINIAE. Vellir. Hygino. ALE, Xano. Lic. And themselves. The Mai: boundaries. MOTHER DEV 1000 Isis G. MENATIVS. G. FILIVS FAD. SEVER US FANVM over. AND PRONAVM ON s vo FECIT. FROM VOTE. The Tufculano Ripcriæ. Imp. CHAP. 505 M. Antonini. Pil. FRA Marcus SARM. FIL. D.iv ANTONINI. P.IL. NEP. A 505 ADR. A. grandson. 505 traian. PARTHIC. Abnep. 505. Nerva AE abnep. L. SEPTIMIO Severo Pio rebels. Avg. Arabc. ADIAEENI; Co pont. Max. D. trib pot. 3. Imp. 7. COS. II. P.P .. PROCOS. DESIGN. Benacensis. 1 bidcm. Imp. CABS. Avg. Antonino '. Pil. FIL. 505 call. NEP. 505 traiani were eligible Cl grandson. 505 nervae Nephew, M. AVRELIO Anto, Nino. Avg. ARMENIRCO pont. Max. TRI AS POSSIBLE. x Villi. 111. EENACENSES. - ibidem. WINNER 1 by the PRO SA 55 t E. Q. Minicius. JIACR. Sex. A 100 BLN A S T VS. PRIM's ex 5 5 o t O. Ibidem. Sex. LÆTILIO Sex. F il. E AB. FIRM 1 So. 5 r. man. Joel C. TRUE ET.éE.CVNDA R R Ph Simo 1 bidcm. Neptvne. Avg. * A 55 sacrvm FOR YOU L. Septimus SEVERIANI PATRONI L. Sept 1 1001 US FELICIO OF 5 o t o. ibidem. 1. G. M. A. Fort HEL 6 5 X. Place. Marcus TERENTlvs PYRAMVS. 6. man. Avg. i. A PO I.o APHOBETO 5. MAN. Avg. 11. GRATVITÖAMICO ter en R so O R R EC VSQE. AP itself. PRIMi0N1 or after MJÆ A. B, p INTERPRETATION Literarvm ANTIQUARVM BOOK OF SEX TVS. Aid U; AutlAgrnm / Arnie / Aurum'Alii'Ais / argcnti Mur / from gimus'Auctorirate! Augufto! A ludicc, or änuim / or a one. After handing over, or hnus. Alumnus. With. Affricanus. Auguftor. uguftalis or a Augußi. However. Field or they act nd agfle. AC.uel AGO action. ABS. AGE. AM.P. A.E.v; A.Q.FJ AVR. A Nr. A friend the first Competent Libcrto'uel other law. A. hlium / or other Faao another man Another citizen. Others, all of you. h t field, or Gold, Silver nd. Antc Noah Appicus, hppellat. Abfolutio; Field. ACDC, UCL ædititawuel ædficiumtuel Before hearing of the cause (s. A Clare U o. lovable good man. 4uli their children. Auguftus / AuguRifuel Auæno / or a nutclam / or gold Antca. A 5 C.ud ATR. raj. AM.N. Ap.n. AGT. ADP. ARO. ADI. Acc. AD.F. AD.E. Alc. Friends are. In our experience. h investment Other. Adoptiuus. Silver. Adiutorucl adimo. A ppius'hpponc or calls. Acccpcrant, UCL acccptat. A Qionem command. To the place. To the end. To exaaorem, net efeaorm. In uiftimaada & b'.tEium 53 A.D.p. A.P.Q. Accent. Apps. Ann. A.ALM. SIXTH VS. Before pridie; i.d the feet of Quintus of Aulus was Publius; httlue. Appo'i_li. Years! Annisluei years. In agcum place monumcnti. Account, UEJ A & aoncn- ,. prouinciae / or country / or the ADI and P; uib: making. AB.V.C. nmantifTimus. AMN. ADOP.ueI HDP. Adoptiuus. A.P.R.C. • EQ-AP RR.P ARM.P- In able to Rome. Rdllc. * Perfona quality. ERC public. Weapons state. To QSR. To quaRorem. AT.K.TP. To TurrC Tarpciam.i A iN.MT. Aåioacm command. A NT.T.C. Before Terminumconftitutum. A.T. M.D end. A yo you have darc oportcrc in leglbus aäionibas LG. other A.A A.F.F. Pre gold and silver fiato, or Bauo ferunto. ROE-pl. Edllisp! CBIS. currulis. A.A.A.F.F. Q Tl. Gold, silver altars Hagi fashion Quirind Tibcrif. a.M.O.111.T. Third best field of remembrance of. A AC.D.Q.T åionedotis, which it is claimed. ACVB.A VGG. Auguftorum bedroom Auguft. RRE.COLt "mcco'.lato. a.O.v.F € .p.s.E.M.Q.M.C.S.i Aliiomnibusniucntcs dregs runt of the fuoære monurrxpta, by which the monumcntaconfu lumfententia. a.MR. a. Aff. A.TE. B. , From the greatest; Affairs. Dcnotag soldier unintentionally; AIF! Nice. Other goods. From behind. Brutustgcl Bong / well / or stuttered Efificiiiuel that. JO.LEIBB.gel Br. Bonsall. B. RE. BE. B.P. BALB / counter well. BNN • from the HDE or by luck, or they done kindly actions. daughter. Entannicus, UCL good. Bene fatisfccit. Good iudicium.ucl goods inucnimus. "Good hrrcs'uel good man or a good hærcditaria. • Good eft / or goods. Bonorumpoffellörc. B: NC nxmoriæ goods, or they bcnemerenti. Eqna law. b.M.P. Br. E.C. BA. BV. b.P. INTERPRETATION Literarvm Bene mercna porus. Good thing and 6r. Quefta goods. Good cone. Good harvest. } aåonem good 'or good aul% nd aufpiciis us. Good uivucl goods ueftra, or a well-lived / or good ucnditor. @ A good time or a good Paternus / or a hometown € "or Eonus public" Good poffei (Ilium. ELS.uc1BL.Ba1bus. ER T B.F.C. B.AV. b.MA. BCA. Bit. E.LB. EFC. BAC B.GR. B. 400. B.MN. b.F.P. BAL. ßRVT. b.H.M. Beats. Boise. E.HRT. BNGS. Entm. Eritanricus. Eonas faith contraaum. MA tcrn goods. Perishable goods. Bon from instrm € nta. A good bert, or children. Benefit. aQio goods. The grace of the goods. • Good guard. good gifts. A good movie or po%. Ealbum. Bngus, or by animals. Good is must mutifis, or the hand of the. EEAT. Eonisuel goodness. Eonorum hcrcditas. Ecnlgnitas. Eonitatem. n.M.P.F.ucI p.uclf. Eenemercntipubliccrccituel E.M.M.P. E.R.P.N. Z.ER.ST. EERGOM. É.n. c. CC. CC. c.c.c. c.L. Eenemcrenti monument posuit. Eonor public swimming. Eonas their [shakes nd feruatum. Eergomcnfis. EonanoRra. E'cnc optime. Eonpm terminutr. C aius; tiue Gains! G.utebantar since ancient times Cornclius Cæfar.ucnfor, conful, Cicero Conferuator, Clariffi. Citizens, cüCiuibus, cauf% It cured uftos ch round. cup, commiffum, Conccffunconftruaum, conucaum contribute • About. Confilium ccpit, or a tail (a learning, UCL confilium When caufa contraaum ca.luuzniz Caura on a mound and isperpctuis. Ccnfa citizens were taken. Claudio important or they clodius nd or a colon. Andrew libcrtus, or a C. libcrt. When ibcrta or a liberty. Oh L.ucl.0Æ. Caialibcrra. 00.ucl C.u l CSI. Contxoucrfia. c.R. c.v. c.F. C.C.F. CA.CAM; CAR. CA.M. CIM. CLS. c.E.o. c.N. c. ER SEXTVS. spouse or When, TCL hair. 100 Aufai death or a maximum Cæfar. Contraaum. Ciuc of the Roman. A citizen good, or commune good. Clariffltno man, a man with a hundred or Edia pcrpetuo. cal.filius. Andrew M. films. Camillus. Canffmus. 100 Aufai death. Claim. Clariffrnus. Cone said unautn • effect on CD iQiS perFtuiS. Cncus. Citizens debts, or fellow Caufâ. Contrary. Col. COLL.ueI Colonix farmers youngsters. C.E.C. C.C.C T.P. Three hundred establish the earth. COS. C.CR. COR. Crisis. CS. c.s. CT. c.P. cop. Contraaum opposite. Corneliusud oruin. Critics. Crifpus. Confilium atiuguel c6iS / or conful / or a Coxus% us. Privy. Consult rcntcntia. Eura, or cacitas. Criticusuel ccrtejucl creticüuel curjaipus / or c3traaüc6gariå 100 iuispubhcw; Copart. cvl.udcis. anus. CES, CLM. CTR. Voss. 01. Since then. Dear. calum. In trying. Confulcs. Coniacuguel coniacenti / acct and if I erit.L.autem.C.ipfe 'interprv a rhythm that appears the letter I. O. (crypt in the opposite aliqutbus areas rcperitur fignificans Cdam. Farming. C. R. promise. • C.C.EE. Caura cohtrarjaeffc. Cenforis decision. CEN.A. CON.ud CS. Conful. Andrew hbcttus. With lib: Rtatim cariftma. . or currulis, : Ccntunonum; CCN: o: • ending. Or, customs arrius. Shits Auguftor. co fled the best. C.LIB. 3.L.x CENT, Cens.p. CN.ARR. CÆS.AVG. CON.oP. EP INTERPRErATIONE LlfERåRVX obdriaca co election. CCSS. ss.ucl s. conferuisfuis. ; .DESG. defignati. COLL.F ABR. College engineers. CO DEN DR. um collected dendrophorutL Cept. Ci? P. CRTV. c lives. Gurtu. Ccrperunt. Block, ideft terminuttl- Cycles. c s s. c UCL's St. cx (UCL Arcos C.I.CÆS. c ons. CTR.M. 100 P.S.E. COS. Cv'RAT. CVM.P. Caius Julius Cæfar. Vinegar ffima fcrmina; clariffimi daughter. privy. On this side of the wall. caû (a pOfuitfuicdjai. conful. personnel. When p .cratc. CA Silver .uel y. cariffma. COM TAB. contabiæ. Food. crcfccntiæ. 100 dment. comcnfisfucl comenfatis. Cause laudabilettt $ ruaz C.LDBM. St. Center. centurion. Centnim. ccnturiones. D.LIB. 150. V. CON. Dar. Conte. col. c.o. c.D.D. Cop-R. "Oh III. When freedom. gratings, or clariffimi Consult. conciliarct. commflitones. the stock be € t, or cuillbct, because it is in place of g uebåtug O c iuit2S all. cuftos hrredum. cuftos. clufinus. c u m Decretum decurionuu. corrceori. No ducentas; Cali. Co cap. cdnful Capua. c. NG..DAT.P0P. congiariumitcrumdatopopulo. coNTVB. contubcrnali. REG [EN.P.R.FID. Quadringenta. c. N. cens.p. cenfot ending. credimus. beads. forces. coli. c.s.c P.T.M. When fcnatuconfultopubfrce tcneri Mandau {t. conful quinqujcs Herald, five düs c.V.p.V.D.D. cw.u CVL. CONIV. c.coN. dear Gnci libcrtus. cultorcs. joined. contrar turn contraaum. DD. IDE. DFTS DR. D.ä. D.D. BOOK seXtVs, 500, "he says / dccet, datx & Lord for 'and' 1 diaoldzxü I will give dcdlta {dotata.dixitluel charges. Troy, dcunvucl dcmunvucl dulClffimus Cebit1S. Donation. Dixcrunr, uddcdcrunt. Dia a r. Rech. Dclcgo. Master. Dcfunaus; Druce. Diisq; or by other Quirinale. DON au hxrcdlbus. crowned freely. Data goods. Deao US ucftx, 'one man / or ueftistucl Uenri! Or Annovucl lasted dtuus Auguftor. The nofiro .. Dead hands twin gods / or they do! U Malfi / & 'worthy memo.-i r Dotcom fccit'ucl films. Gift dedi: 'God's gift, or a god dicauit / or gods give them, or they Decrctum decurionum. Or by the gods would pcnatcs'diuus Pius / docc petittucl adopted district. cixud dèo Frpctuo, dljs Patunis. He gives Icgcnvuel d Icgouel resort place. D.T.uc1 DT. Only. DS.V. Dat. DPO. DEC. Dor. DO.T. DD.M. D.M.S. D.D.S. D.t "S. . • Ei.M. D.P.s. D.R.s. D.DD. D.QQ. 500 nos. Dlsp. D.CR. D.LD.P. D.M. D.s, M.P. DC properties rcnfibus, fucl defcntcntia {cnatus. 500 ATIC; uél dåtuth; The remains. Dccuria. Dotcom or a dotif. gift teftimonie We / or a dederc, dcdit. 1) Cdim mcrccdem. Facrum manna gods of the bus. DCAB facris gods. . Lacr. The gods, the gods of pcnatibus facrum perpctuo facrurwuel; 50 c pccunie bus, or a god posuit. DicaUtt re falua. Done deuotiq; quirinaliü; • bominns. " Ditßcnfator. 50) cdlt highs. Dtditpubt.icc the gods. Do: um hurt. Dilco & iffimi Defcm Merits po {shipped. Silver Vit E L'INTERPRETATION LITER D. IM.S. Dil'immortalibusfacrum. D. Diisimmortalibus. D.D.D.F.ucI FF. D.E.R.I.C. D.S.B.H.S.S. D. o. 1 "BF. Etc gift of God did or did not. Of those re iudiciumconftitutum. The good properties that meet fumpfit. Ilbcro gave munerc. DECVS. dccurfio. D.D.M.M. Diuosmancs. the money fua düs locumdedit of their city. D.P.S.D.L.D.P. D.D.NN. D.pp. D.D.D. D.D.D.D. Lord; noftem. The perpct no. pcnatibus or gods, ud origin. The gift decision decurionum. God's gift to meet dicauit. r.ucl DIG. DiQatot. Dcftinato. Dest. ccfignauit, UCL dcfignatus. DBS. Dulciffimus, UCL dulciffima. DVL.uel DM. Ce of great age. D.M.AE. 505 C.DVC. Duaore leaders, or duaorum duaor. DEC.DEC. Eccemdccani, dccretodccurionum. See the RC. I really supra. The Confut fententia. D.C.S. Dluus Auguftus Caerau, or open Cæsar Augufto. D.c.a.uelD.A.c. D.DD. D.PL. D.S.LA. D.AVG. DNEC.R. Dedicated to God. EeoPiutoni. Oh God alone pledges Altari A ugufto god or deity. The extortion. D.M.F.V.C. D.T.S.P. Day tcrtiumfiue morrow. Worthy of Memory. DIG.M. DOMIC.COS.XIII.LVD.SACR.F.C. Domitius d € cimustcrtius, ßau games; that reason Auiti. DBS IG. Dcfignati. r. P.S.F.D. cc, pecuniafuafieti dicauit. DCB. Dam. LÄP.S. D.R.M. DOM. Deccmbris. Condemnation. All gods. Have committed meet. A dicauit Omae monument. nd as house to house. D.L.D.L.D.D.D. Datlaudesdiaolocodatodecxetodecuxiongm, ad gods and go Eco allotted. D. P perpetual dicauit. Lud. E E E Ec. ER. IT Didius. etiâ Eiustuel Eric / eager, UCL aegevuel for. I do. EP.ueIEPL Epirot; RE. E 6 AND. BOOK SExrvs. Elucorutü, or ELCA. His atas. His heir. Ed: ta place. Eiufrnodi. E N ucIN.C. Even now. E.F. EitR eiusfilium. E grams Effepoffunt. EP.M. • sent Eptftolam EQ.R. * Questi Romani, or rguefri Romano. Feedback. R. & Exc is kings, UCL & cxemplaroman EDX. Line. EOR. Them. Ed c Eddcscuru Cs. EDIL.CVR. I ate! Iscurrulis. Etiatü with fra rqueleius sing feei, or on the tail (made from EXCVR. Excurfio. (In the E.l.M.C.v. Exiurc hand E.H.O.L.N.R.Eius this legenihilüroga €. aplebifcitis. EX.DO.AVG. The house Auguft. EQM.SP .. POM. Equitutp magnerspuriuspompcianus. EX.COMM.CÆS. The CommilitonibusCæfaris. EQR.v.PRIM.P. Equeftriromanoquintopimipilo. EXCL EMP. EX.S.c. EVCH. Eq'xof. Exact. EQ.OP. EX.PED. Ener. EX.H. FF.ueIFr. FR l.ucIA.ucIF. F..lf. Zeal. • The Tcnatufcoüto Euchius.i .Bonae films. " Horsemen. Exaaori. Equcftris order. From the feet. Enctes. Is a quætcndi. Ex haercs. his good His domug. Fulu1US / Fabius, gliu / Keri / fa tilfriS% / felt / Faith ' was / fæliwfatorum / or ficusluel brother. My brothers and sisters, or families. They Fratrestuel / or founded. Families, or children and Feccrunt. Flau 'us, or they fiauia. Front, UCL brothers, or market. Fi! Ia. förie.v fecit. Fabia. And d digamma. fiiil caused, or be fecit. it is safe, or son of Maxi. the faith: frauds. The CDI ' or they put their Curacas. FID. F LO. FUL. FSS. FRA. BRD. The FF-A. F.E.H. FVNC. FLA. ON INTERPREYATIONE Literarvm quite possible; Faith promiTa.forma state. Faith data. Son hrres. faunus. of faith, or the faith. ssores. future. faltjtas. Faufto. brother. fraud. female. son haercs. Funai. ßauius. F.FA.ucl FS. of families .: Fellow children. FR.F.uc1F.F1. FOR. FR.I. FRL F.M.I. F.F-F. market. market cheaply. Lfuium market. fate and consequences. ßauii nlius it. they are stronger than the fortune of fate, that are stronger than Fortune Tatum. FR.s. F.E.D. F.v.C. F.N.C. FAB. FVR. Flames. Semptonii market. faaumeffe said. (On the other side is published fraudisuc cause or faith ucftræ comnuqum. We commiffum wild. faao, UCL for. • fabricigs furius. Amin. Race. FIACC. iuffu room for them in the front of the. F.i.LiN.F. FOR.RED fortunærcdditum. F abr- makers. .Q.M. Flamcn dialwquirinalis / Martial. FOR. R. boarium market. FOR.T. -tranfitorüm market. Ramin for Forum. F.R.P.C. ffcus reipublicæcaufa. chain of the fates of the legion and a second cause. F.L.II. F AC.C. making is carried out. Fortune reduce. FOR.RED. F.E. fecit room. His faith. fidca noftra. fecit publicly Decrctum Decurions F.P.D.L.M. G. GG. G.S. GL.RR.uc; G. avg. CdTetunt. gratistuclgerit. • gcrmäntcus. gcnus kings, gcnus return, or a resume. facrum. Gains deceased. R.gloria Romania. scn; .o hugufti. i 1BER sex dameshorloge. 100 LA.ueLGt. Glory. Glory of the parents, or a country, or people. German, UCL scrmänibus. GERM.udGER. G N.R.S. the kind of the Roman fenatus. GLE.R. exetcitus the glory of Rome. Graco. Graccus. German. GERM.DAC. Cloria sua inside. GLA.S.H.INT. Glory confederacy GLA.N.L gauifus. GVS. grade, or grain. CRS. graqs given. GR.D. German Krater. GM.F. galiiæ. GAL. knife. CDM. Gentile. Gent. # got licus.- Gotham. GEMINI. gcnunus. human glory. G.. YWM. gloria Rome fenatus. 100 LA.R.S. area. In this / these "Hoguel H. al iquando honor- N.o.l. BULL. B.L.D. H.B.F. NB.uel III. HR. HMS. HVS. HSS. H.M. Honor / honor / ho & Neft. • Hot xhæres. honeftam person, or heredity. a. good time. honefto the best way to Jupiter. Homs. he gave to this place. a good faith bad time. The first time pelTimvuel / ud honeßa perfona. hour, and fruitful, and hctculis hxcfcic. (The ediaisppcttlis This Po! shipped or Pomnis; This. where or Hibla Hunde or heirs. This honeßa system. humil_LS. prop. horeftas. the bus. At this point honcftus room. at any time fextcrtia. hon: the son of a man who, honcfta call at five o'clock. honefta mall. H.F.ue! a.q.p.H d? aliqfi honcfta this fådauit H her. honefta rxiuucr. hi 'fandaucrunc, UCL fabricaucrunt. hxrcdxas hrrcs: UCL hrrac i. I.ucl 100 lozo.H.poncbatur dria, he said. V. 500 S. Humid, b. This lo US monutn. • N.-I. H.L.M. H.M, SS.HH.EX. N. f. Ho: monumenta properties Inrcdlbuscx the ftranca HADR. Adriano. Ecrmonius.   g.S.DD. H.POSS. HER.s. E.R. '. P. E.S.E. The intent at Ione 51 YERARVM Foc RACr dedcrunt. Heeditatis potTÆor. pczculi (acrid, or heritage (the crime. Fig rcguicfcit in peace. This (cf cpultus This fepulti doo or to meet Ccpulchrutfi. H.S.V.F.M. The wild fishing boat. E.M.V.S.P. The length fibipofuit. A M.H.N.S. HocmonumétÜ hatedesnöfcquütur. H.CN. Honefto city. H. DD. This dcdicauecunt / or given: amines. His mother gender bad time mortuatucl H.M.S.M. fumpät delay. A 50 H N. T. Hiclocusharedcsnon TRAN (cendunt. H.S? Loc V. Hæcfepultura as an & A. H.! .THEY. He cditatio-furehu; us. H.AED.Q.CAMR.P.R pfec. Hocædficiumquoa ccrnu the loves of the people of the Roman pafeaum. Hxreditario right. A LN. Hon: FTO city. HR. Hercdlbus. iufiie iudex.luxta / iuditifi / ïuenit / iplcuit / imortahbuq Luel.ll. In its place. II.uel.T. icer. IA.uel, IA. Enter, uelinterea. Sometimes. 10. IA.P. IA.L. shelters, or if iaccns crit.3.ante r. Coniaccns tcrpretatur, so it seems, A.C. in?, over the bridge, the province of: am. Within the place, or limitcm. IA. T. Enter time he conftitucum. Ides. • ID. In the middle of the law iccndi d, suits, indomy I.D. gods of the underworld. l.c. l.uel.l. I.R. iurfcöfuitü, either within the rings, and the ud Julius Cæsar's. Law tcftamenti. lurclegis. each. Larc desired / or under Roman law. The poffclüone in the country, or rights bo% oz or iuspotcntium. I.e. • IVD Toluit.uel decisions on fenatus. (InediQis perFtuis Julius' son, ad a few. In the market. lude.x Luac. I.O.M H.AVG.SACR.Ioui I.L.S. I.S.C. I.S.R. I.L.A. I L.D. I.L.P. Facro in place. On weekdays conventions. In fenatus with (voluntarily. In fcnatu Romano. and instead of need. in the place for a long time: -no. in place of pub'.ico, or by public expenses. BOOK SExrvS 1. T. in place of religioro. The polTcmone. LPs. th.C.uel.r.C. Inside the ring. 1. Pro. The PATCO. a man, or fexiutnaE Less Imp. IVVEN. IVR.D. I.BLN } .Cpo. I.FNT. • i.PRTO r.VLL. I.EDM. I.QRC. IXT.L. I.MNT. 4 T.FLM. The Emperor, or impcratori, or imFtant% Imperatorcs. Juucn, fulfilled. Canon dicQ10. At the board. In the bathroom. The fencftra. In Prato. The uallc. The fcale. The adcm. The oak tree. Near the lake. According monte. According ßumcn. IXT.PRIM. According parictcm. J.D.P.S.P. Tiu fiucperendinfi day amid; IN.rvr.NS.N.D. The tutclanoftrinomüu • sded. I.FNT. I.FO.AD. I.FO.N. I.F0.c. I.FO.P. I.FO.TR. I.FO.W. I.FO.BO. I.FO.L. 1.FO.s. The fountain. The market Adriano. The market nerves. The (please CAE (follows. In the market of peace, or Pallas. The (please Trajan. In the market of July. Cattle in the photo. In photo Liuii, or by Lucius. Scmpronii in the market. In the photo Baminii, UCL ßamfnio. J.FO.FLAM. In the market for roftris. I.F.PR. 1.1.N.Q.Q. the iuftis To pcæerit, UCL ptæfuit. I.D.PE.uel F 1 Rights dicendi caufâ. I.C.E. V. The cauracffc uidecur. On the mound and ispqeB The front feet wide, IN.F.P.LAT. IN. AG.P. In the field of Pcdcs or a pedum. I.D.I.D. IV'N. I NCC. 1'.VlR. This judgment will give iu11Tdiåio. May. Inhabitant, or a incolz. her husband. a. I.FO.POP. At the market, or they Pompilii. I.O.M.IM. Ioai Almighty Immortal I.DICTPP. Julius dicftator perpecuus .: I.H. Impcritiamlignificat. Again. luftus person. i.v. I.D.P. The issue ARV 1000 a. nuptiisq, •. Id kendo pracrat jar, or a præfuit.ln CDI, and it pcrpctuis .E.P. g. In this cdiétis constant. 1. A. A.H.A.T.N.O.O. Ilvleglbus acftionibus HQC aiotc darc should be murdered. Canon prefigured I.LF. T hat and named for the two other person, or a kalcndis.cazthago head, KL.uc1 KL. Cardo. Caril% MA. • K. uelka. Caftra. k.s. k.T. k.M. K JAN. • It ossu. K-OM. L. L.c. LP. L.s. L.L. L.R. Lia. Lib. LEC L.L.L. Cariffima. cariMmi. 100 from "hopeful fifth Component is. Ca! Endi iixtliis. Capitc long-.inutus. Capitc tonlus. Head cifus, or a city of Carthage. The hinge caftra list. The hinge is great, or maxwnus. The hinge finalis. 100 aftr Caiend s 'anuarji' Compofito. Catthago, or a hinge or a cariffimus. ! Frqrtus / hlium. location / Luciifilius. Lucius cornclius, or by the Latin colonists, Lucius Lcgc ucta. Local Leo, NC: proper authority or a public or a pardon or punished by law, or shifted, Pa us (c. 1 angular hungucl) 9Cus hocdum. Dcdit place, ad described. Place or a lanba ' Liuii UG! .Hlcii h bert. •, • Marcus Bonte, GQl. - Lucius rcligtorus, ud other ICX Romana. 1 aa inccrta. Liuit. Librarunvh% crtusdibcrtas. Leii. Lucius libcrtus, or a lucii icli of the room. L.M.uci 1005. Lucias Murena. LG.ucl LEC. Lcgauit ucllcgem. LEC. L.S.ucI.D. L.s 100; LAI. LEN-F. LCIS. L.PR. legion. Grove facrum casters. Locuslhccr. • .; Game Apofliilis; Local cmpta. • Cinthia lcx The expenses. LEV. SIXTH VS. L. PV.ucl P VB. The general public. L.v l.ucl Lcxuiua, or a republic. LD .ucl LE. D. Legem gives, or they paid for it. 50, Ig. L.S.PAL. LA.C. L.voc. L.P.C.R. LC.DLV. L. Dd. • L.QS L.B.P. L.I.I.Q. Limp. I.M.D. LITIb.1; L.c.M.1. The law agrarta. " Locusiacri gate. Latiare colon. The law Uoconia. Pr1ÉciCiåcs the Latins and the Romans. Profit described. Lucius dcdlt. Lucius, in which beak above. Local polleffus well. Local iurc. The place in the institute's quæfitus. Laus imperialß. Locü raortuü gave uflocus dedicated monumtti Loo acgu us: litus. Litlbus iudlcandis. Lucius monumenta in! T1t. LT. M. 50 teitamcnci Heti iuffLt oats, or fishing boat. LM.L. Uber. LIBER.D. LAN. Luai Mutenum room. LLB: guilt. Liberedonata. Local alccri dattl% (Uinguaglnca years. Read Clus d.ita, or explodes. RO ucta law. LVD.s Lud »fæcylaris. LP. D.D. D. élcbi, uclpublicus given Decrctum decurionfi LOW. L.D.A.B.M. L.I.D.A.C. LLVC.Q F • Lic. IAT. L.BM.D. L.s.M.C. L.R.Q Marcus Marcus Locusdluinus. Locuni local gift dedcrunc. lufit Aid place dediz us bcnemeritus. The law lulla DC adultcrns cocrcendts. Lu servant, Shine Fifth filter. Pounds, UCI ALG to the ancients. Lucy nephew. Leglbus. English. Read everything. • building benzo .rcnti given. Local monumenci. Locarno 11My entrance Conceffit. Local rcligL0.Us quæiitus. The law, civil law the bus; miffum / Way. Mühe. Macuuius; or a magnusfucl of the hand. Mark> CAK) r, or Marcus ciccro'e t monumétfi Soldiers from the soldiers' iquando monumzntum. MV.ucIM. M. Claus. Mill tie locus.Matcus libcrtus. • M.B.ucl Mulicr goods. Interpretation Ayion Literarvm Thousands number, Ruel will be named. u.N.ucI. 1.n%. u.R. uc.ucl .. '. f. M.V. M.PA. MOD. M.V.S. 1900. MER. M.S.P. M.C.P. M.T.C. Max. MVN. M.F.p. mv.F. Mag. MNF.L MER.S. Big Jupiter. Menfis or a mcnfibus. Rauénatis host, UCL mfles rare nd Roman. Big man. More, or Master. Marcus filius'male true! Mutii son / AT & tit. Milcom, or by the military. Me. uatcr. Gods hands. Uiucns hands, or monument. Menra ten. Miffione. Marcus Pacuuius. Employed. Uiucns meet the monument. Mccum. Miffum, or a milder one. Mercury. Poruir memory. Macer is mainder pedum. Mcdica. Cicero. The biggest. Municipia'uel town! Or Bad faith poffcffor / or monumcntüfecitpubliæ. The laws aaaotubus. Mutii films. Magifttatus. Manifcftus room. Mcrcurto facrum. 1000 AG.EQ. Magiftcrcquitum. Malafidc. v.Fl. 1000 .FI.P. Fdcpomeffor bad. MNT.ud MINE. Coined. 2000. 50 Monumentumloci. 1000 MT. Memcnto. MLTS. Soldiers. Marcus POP. Such Marcus. M.POS.uc1P. M.MAN. M.AEM. M.MIL. 1050-TM. 1000 ANI. M.Val. M.PXI. Mcnfa & pofio 1000 arch field. Marcus Aemilius. Magiftcr country. many. Manilla. Marcus Valerius. monument eleven feet. MAVRIC. Mauritius. 1000 Reg. Rhegienfium host. Mulicr business. MVL.Puc1.n.Q. Marcus E.M.D.D.E. Municipiiseius municipiidaredåatus • ero.rn iureciu Li ML.CL.PR.RA. clcmcns præfcnsrarus lot. the laws of pleblfcicis. Marcus LEP.C.R EG.INST. Marcus before ciuitatemregiiinftaurauir. 1000 arch bright fcucxus best. M.OP.ELSEV. I. M.T. 1000 E.M. mCIS; Marcus Tullius. Mean youngsters municipality. Mopeiius feucrus. MOPELSEV