AL ILL VSTRISS. LORD ET P AD R O N MI O COL END I S S. THE LORD DON CARLO GRIMAL.DO. LLvsrRrssrMo SrGNoRE, I think you do wrong to V. S. llluftrifiìma, {is sending me in light of this little collection of alcL111i Palazzi most famous of the beautiful city of Genoua fua Patria, this does not make them miss the Title i Patronage of V. S. llluftriìlìma, cl1 is so vnit1erfale and curious about every virtue and science, it seems that she had the capacity for ingenuity when she was happy you can say hi, here are all the other beautiful empiricists in me. And so I make it easy, the wound to appreciate that inia diootione verfo her, & to give by fauor f uo any reputation in that operetta: which still that minimum, but what it is about the purpose it deals with of matters concerning the honor of the fua Patria; & will do faith in the world of! angular affettion miaverfodi that. To which generally, ft come to V. S. llluftriflìma i11 in particular, I prophesy forever D'Anuerfa, May 29. May 161.2. luminilifsimo far11itor, Pietro Paolo Rubcns. A L B E N I G N O L ET T O R E. E o I A M o that in q11efu pnrti, fi cvà little by little by snooping 􀀰 nbokndo the 1n11niea 0 r11 of Architecture, which Ji chi11, but Bnrbnra, or Gothic; 6,. that some beautiful.fimi inge They introduce Jimmetrin, according to the rules of the 11th, Gr.e- \ J «à> \ f./Jt ,, ci and Romnni, with a great splendor 􀀰 ornamentation of the P tttrin; how to appear ne / li WI􀉂􀉃- Tempij fnmoft fntti of frefc.o dnl / 11, cvencr11bil Company of I Es v, in the cities of BrHf- ,.,. ' 􀉄., Ftnoll eeslfe iA prniumcir Faro. cLani giqaur11feli fain pmere glla dignitn. of the Vjficio dioino deservedly douen- i􀉅vè> o; however, they do not neglect the priu11ti edifìcij priu11ti, then that in their qutintity the body of tsitta the city. O / between that lR comfort of ediftcij quafi ftmpre concurs with beauty the best form of those. Mi è perfora donq1: e to make e-a meritorious works11 overshadows the public good of all the Prouincie Otramontane, producing in Jute I told them about the r11c, as well as the Italian pilgrimage, of some of the cities of Genou11. For Ji like that Republic is owned by Gentilhuomini, cof the lorof Rbriche Jono bellijime and commodifime, more proportion, tofto de fnmigle though numerous of particular Gentiles, than of cvnn, Court of c vn Principle njfoluto. As ficv helps for effemption in the Pn lR {􀁁 of Pitti infiortnza, G-. the F11 rneji11no in Rom11, the C11ncell11ria, C11prorola, 􀀰 endless other ter tottn, ltRlia, fi as still the famoftflimn, fabricn of the Queen Mother nrl village of S. Germano in PRrigi. The q11ali all far exceed {{! ,, of jito and f} efa, the fncult "ilì of Gentilhuomini priuati. Mì ,, I