HISTORIC MEMORY ON THE HOME DU FRENCH PANTHEON, DIVIDED INTO FOUR PARTS: The I.re contains the description of this Monument. The II. 0 the historical and reasoned detail of its construction. In the III.0 Part it is examined whether the walls and support points of the Dome have the necessary dimensions to withstand the efforts that they have tl support. IV.8 Part contains the exact details of all accidents( which have manifested themselves at the pillars of the Dome, the causes of these accidents, 1and the various means proposed to repair them. P..1.n J. RONDELET, Architect, former Works Commissioner public, and Member of the Civil Buildings Council. IN PARIS, At Du Po NT, Imprimeur-Libraire, rue de 1a Loi, N.o Jz31. Year c.-1797. HISTORICAL MEMORY ON THE HOME DU FRENCH PANTHEON, DIVIDED INTO FOUR PARTS: The I.re contains the description of this Monument. The II. 0 the historical and reasoned detail of its construction. In the III.0 Part it is examined whether the walls and support points of the Dome have the necessary dimensions to withstand the efforts that they have tl support. IV.8 Part contains the exact details of all accidents( which have manifested themselves at the pillars of the Dome, the causes of these accidents, 1and the various means proposed to repair them. P..1.n J. RONDELET, Architect, former Works Commissioner public, and Member of the Civil Buildings Council. IN PARIS, At Du Po NT, Imprimeur-Libraire, rue de 1a Loi, N.o Jz31. Year c.-1797. r '.A V AN T-P R OP OS. L1:s accide11s arrived at the pillars of the dome of the As the French pantl1eon has attracted the attention of the public and of the government, I have decided to publish this brief in order to make this monument to national recognition known in all its details, et sur-tout tout le n1Žcanisme de sa constructiqn, et dont j'ai ŽtŽ particulirement chargŽ d1s 1770ejusqu'ˆ la fin du -mois de florŽal de l'an seconde de l're rŽpublicain, que je fut non1mŽ, par laeConvention nationale , membre de la commissiones travaux publics. I had obtained the confidence of J. G. Soiifflot,. The author of this monument, for the part of the council, is the author of this monument. -destruction, on the occasion of a memoir in response to the citizen Paw, in which I proved that the spherical vaults have no thrust, and that consequently they do not require walls whose thickness is greater than that which they have from below. I have attached to this memorandum drawings to show that it was possible to erect, without cantilevering over the pillars already built, a circular doos inside the building. The outer decoration is to be worn by four of the four pillars, the minimum width of which is 5 feet long, and in order not to exceed this width, the outer decoration is to be worn by four of the four pillars. r '.A V AN T-P R OP OS. L1:s accide11s arrived at the pillars of the dome of the As the French pantl1eon has attracted the attention of the public and of the government, I have decided to publish this brief in order to make this monument to national recognition known in all its details, et sur-tout tout le n1Žcanisme de sa constructiqn, et dont j'ai ŽtŽ particulirement chargŽ d1s 1770ejusqu'ˆ la fin du -mois de florŽal de l'an seconde de l're rŽpublicain, que je fut non1mŽ, par laeConvention nationale , membre de la commissiones travaux publics. I had obtained the confidence of J. G. Soiifflot,. The author of this monument, for the part of the council, is the author of this monument. -destruction, on the occasion of a memoir in response to the citizen Paw, in which I proved that the spherical vaults have no thrust, and that consequently they do not require walls whose thickness is greater than that which they have from below. I have attached to this memorandum drawings to show that it was possible to erect, without cantilevering over the pillars already built, a circular doos inside the building. The outer decoration is to be worn by four of the four pillars, the minimum width of which is 5 feet long, and in order not to exceed this width, the outer decoration is to be worn by four of the four pillars. -¥ ( 2 ) big bows. This decoration consisted of four colonnades in front of the faces of a kind of square temple, stu-mounted with a round dome in the middle. Soufflot, conte.nt de mes means of construction, charged me to make some the application to a cut-away dome project that he imagined, then to a circular dome project with forebodies, and finally to the existing one... which was his last idea. Mon mŽmoire est divisŽ en quatre parties ; la premire comprend une description gŽnŽrale de l'intŽrieur et de l'extŽrieur du PanthŽon franais. D.tu;:; l-L ;:;econde partie, fexplique la manire ádont cet Ždifice a ŽtŽ construit, les moyens particuliers que l'on y a e1nployŽ, et les motifs pourelesquels ils ont ŽtŽ mis en oeuvre.eDans la troisime partie , il est question de l'Žpais..eseur que doivent avoir les murs circulaires desed™mes en gŽnŽral, pour rŽsister ˆ l'effort desevotes en coupole qu'ils soutiennent. Je parle ˆece sujet d'un mŽmoire que le citoyen Patte fitimprim<'r en 1770, dans lequel il prŽtend prouverequ'il Žtoit impossible d'exŽcuter la coupole projetŽeealors pmu la nouvelle Žglise de S.¥¥ Genevive,e;parce que , selon lui , il auroit fallu plus de 8 piedsed' Žpaisse1uá au mur circulaire po1uá la soutenir ete¥ ( 2 ) grands arcs. Cette dŽcoration consistoit en quatre colonnades en avant-corps au-devant des faces d'une espce de temple carrŽ , stu-montŽ d';une coupole ronde au milieu. Soufflot, conte.nt de mes moyens de construction, me chargea d'en faire l'application ˆ un projet de d™me ˆ pans coupŽs qu'il imagina, ensuite ˆ un projet de d™me circulaire avec des avants-corps, et enfin ˆ celui existant , qui fut sa dernire idŽe. Mon mŽmoire est divisŽ en quatre parties ; la premire comprend une description gŽnŽrale de l'intŽrieur et de l'extŽrieur du PanthŽon franais. D.tu;:; l-L ;:;econde partie, fexplique la manire ádont cet Ždifice a ŽtŽ construit, les moyens particuliers que l'on y a e1nployŽ, et les motifs pourelesquels ils ont ŽtŽ mis en oeuvre.eDans la troisime partie , il est question de l'Žpais..eseur que doivent avoir les murs circulaires desed™mes en gŽnŽral, pour rŽsister ˆ l'effort desevotes en coupole qu'ils soutiennent. Je parle ˆece sujet d'un mŽmoire que le citoyen Patte fitimprim<'r en 1770, dans lequel il prŽtend prouverequ'il Žtoit impossible d'exŽcuter la coupole projetŽeealors pmu la nouvelle Žglise de S.¥¥ Genevive,e;parce que , selon lui , il auroit fallu plus de 8 piedsed' Žpaisse1uá au mur circulaire po1uá la soutenir ete ( 3 ) })Our rŽsister ˆ l'effort de sa poussŽe. J'explique ensuite la manire dont les pendentifs et les arcades qui soutiennent le d™me se combinent, et les effets <.flli en rŽsultent. Je fais l'historique des expŽriences qui ont ŽtŽ faites pour connoitre la charge que les pierres peuvent porter avant de s'Žcr‰ser, et particulirement celles dont on s'est servi po1uá la consn áuction de ces piliers. Je donne le rŽsultat de.s expŽriences comparatives, faites ˆ ce sujet, avec trois machines diffŽrentes; et aprs avoir fait des observations sur la diffŽrence considŽrable de ce$ rŽsultats, je propose d'en faire de nouvelles, con{. binŽes de manire que le poids agisse immŽˆi.ate1nent sur la pierre. Enfin, aprs avoir fait l'application de cesá expŽriences aux piliers dž dome ) j'examine s'il es.t nŽcessaire de fortifier le bas de la tour Vertu. A shy look, a modest posture, and a strong sense of self-confidence. , "etiste wanted to make it understood that the truth see >>I'm happy to deserve the rewards; that eJ!e can't deny... "to solicit them nor to flee from them, but that the Fatherland will always know "Always find it and let me know. "eA very different character ... bril}e <':t develops in 'e "the opposite figure: the Genie personified under f. "The figure of a handsome young man with wings; a club, sym." bole of the strength that overcomes all obstacles is in his left hand. It was only to show him the recom "and so his right hand grasps the crown which you hold in your hand "ela Pat-rie. Her air, her attitude,... and all the expression dee "It appears, announces the boldness 1 and that of...ir of glory and summer... "This ambition of the rewards that are due,> Genius. As Virtue awaits the crown, Genius (1) In the description of this lias-relief, if that of all those guiled up re-done, E'.SL takes from a report made on :,. the second month of the year 2, by the citizen Qttatrcmere-Quincy, on the board of directors of the department, of which i] was a member the co-commissioner for the di1-sectionn anddadministrationnof the Pantl,eon, fran9liS. It's in Celtic that he dii'igated the changenicns, suppressed... ...ions and... erobellissemens que l'y a fo.it jusqu'en genn.inlll de l'an 2. ( 8 ) È the snatch: these are the main features cpii differentiates "ec..s two figures.e "e:Mais ce qui forme leur cortŽge, ou ce - qui vient ae "...and then, after them, they pronounced the character even better... )> Behind the Vertg , the Genie of Freedom is hovering in the air; he holds in one hand the palladium of Ja France; the other hand ...grabbed by their manes, and drove, as if in triumph, "Two lions harnessed to a chariot filled with the principal attri... This chariot struck down Despotism; one)> recognized him as a figure overturned on ruins, in his own "eregrets and to the dagger that he has left, and that he will spin "against himself. 1 >) The triumph of the Genie is of another kind. His true "econquests are on! 'Error; that's the price he'll get È from now on access to the Temple of the Fatherland. This is the meaning of the group that ends the left parlie_gauche of the pediment, ...it shows the Genius of Philosphy, armed with the flnmbeatie... È of the Truth, who- fight! 'Error and Prejudice. "eThe artist represented them in the form of the griffin,e "chimeric animal which, in the language of allegory,e "e has become the symbol of error; one of them rect recto to lae "the light of the torch that destroys the magic; the other expires... "esous 1es pieds dn GŽnie. The chariot in which they drown È yoke offers, overturned and tipped over, all embMmese "of various superstitions. The lituus, the hyero tables... "eugenics, the instruments of the mysteries, the sacred tripod, and the "All these signs, which have for a while fooled the imagination... "By tampering with the senses, they pay homage to their chi'ne homage... "water Ge11y of Reason, and occ1;1pent the part the pluse "' crawling from the pediment. Èe The inside of the porch is divided into three parts; the one on the left is a from .( 9 5 ...the middle ...includes three in ...olonne1 ...1ens; ell ... 11 55 feet ... 10 sanders length, taken from the front of the baseboards dice column bases, 53 feet 9 inches wide - from the inner plinth of the bases t:the columns -to the front of the bases from the base of the back wall. The main entrance door placed in the milieti, forms forebody on the 1n'u:r of the back; it is decorated with a frame with all the mouldings carved in ..: mens and a dentilled cornice, supported by two big consoles. In the frieze is a gilded bronze iuscritption, bearing these words: PanthŽo,i Franais, l'an IV.' de la libertŽ. We took advantage of the change in the reliefs, to remove all the frames that surrounded the...s old ones, Ejt to remove the new, new... cl'ul\e mapi,re iJlus, Suitable for recessing into the wall:, - 1 1 l The large bas-relief placed above the door, replaces the one in Bovet, in which he represented S.-- Gene--; a virgin distributing bread to the poor, in a time of famine. The latter, executed by Boichot, is about... cc Human Rights, which this arList has; represented by "ela Nature under the emblem of urey half-naked woman half-summer "half-dressed, to express that 'never man n lae "econnoltrate all. This figure, which occupies the "lower middle, relief, holds a horn of aoonda11ce, sym)) production; that of destruction is taken over by the production company. "smelled by a vulture that ... is at his feet. His other "emain leans on the human rights table, which it has "epresent to astonished France. Nature leads to sae "esu.ite his two companions, Equality and Liberty. LaeB .( 9 5 ...the middle ...includes three in ...olonne1 ...1ens; ell ... 11 55 feet ... 10 sanders length, taken from the front of the baseboards dice column bases, 53 feet 9 inches wide - from the inner plinth of the bases t:the columns -to the front of the bases from the base of the back wall. The main entrance door placed in the milieti, forms forebody on the 1n'u:r of the back; it is decorated with a frame with all the mouldings carved in ..: mens and a dentilled cornice, supported by two big consoles. In the frieze is a gilded bronze iuscritption, bearing these words: PanthŽo,i Franais, l'an IV.' de la libertŽ. We took advantage of the change in the reliefs, to remove all the frames that surrounded the...s old ones, Ejt to remove the new, new... cl'ul\e mapi,re iJlus, Suitable for recessing into the wall:, - 1 1 l The large bas-relief placed above the door, replaces the one in Bovet, in which he represented S.-- Gene--; a virgin distributing bread to the poor, in a time of famine. The latter, executed by Boichot, is about... cc Human Rights, which this arList has; represented by "ela Nature under the emblem of urey half-naked woman half-summer "half-dressed, to express that 'never man n lae "econnoltrate all. This figure, which occupies the "lower middle, relief, holds a horn of aoonda11ce, sym)) production; that of destruction is taken over by the production company. "smelled by a vulture that ... is at his feet. His other "emain leans on the human rights table, which it has "epresent to astonished France. Nature leads to sae "esu.ite his two companions, Equality and Liberty. LaeB t 10 d "eRenommŽe is seen in the air; she announces .a tous les "peoples the awakening of France, and the reign of Liberty. Èe The bas-relief that is in the rear body on the right side of the door, replacing one by Julien, representing S.'- Genevive ...who heals his mother's ye... The subject of this new bas-relief is cc the empir,e of the Law. It shows the Fatherland, "With the scepter in hand, the people learn that the laws she presents to them are the expression of the general will of God. å. This signal an old man prostrates himself and swears to God. "Obey; a young warrior comes forward and swears to defend it..." This bas-relief... is from Fortin. "e Underneath is this epigraph in an elongated frame: "To obey the Law is to reign with it. -In the hindquarters to the left of the door, there was a stocking. relief of DuprŽ, in which he had represented S.-- Genevive i:ocevo.nt un<>-n.6 eagerly embraces this tutelary statue. Two" figures, namely the Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence, are )> standing, and seem to enjoy the pleasure they will have in "by being more than defenders of the innocent. This book "e is from Roland. The epigraph, which can be read in the frame below, is:e In the reign of the Loix, innocence is quiet. In each I these hindquarters have been placed, underneath... of the bas-relief, a colossal figure on a pedestal painted in gra11it; these are only plaster models that are can be implemented in the future in a more sustainable way. ( 11 ) The figure on the left represents the Law in the cor- 13 feet in proportion, and it is also a very good size. from Roland. The one on the right is of the same proportion; it represents the Force, under the emblem of Hercules: this figure is of Boichot. This part of the porch is covered by a large crib vault, 58 feet 6 inches in diameter. The compartment of this vault is formed by double arches. ...with cartels and double shifts, which re.... layers. ut at the top of the columns. In the flanks are pierced two gradated spectacles, forming t.-ibunes, with balustrades. These stands are intended to place music on ceremonial days. The two parts of the porch at the ends of the porch form the perishable in front of two side doors that have been bites. The bottom ninr is decorated, from the top, with an bas-relief of the same size as those in each of the the side of the main door, and at the bottom, of a group of of figures placed on a pedestal of the same shape as ceuK figure of a quiet woman in the middle of the È f.oudre ,-Žo,:-i'Vacnt, our,Hdle:; dn Ten..pe, les catastrophese>) et les rŽvolutions des empires. This is what we read about a "Stable that Time presents to her, and better yet, bitter, debris of sceptres and crowns that the Muse dee,,, History tramples on. Èe In the pendant on the left, the subject is Science po cc It is composed of two figures, the first of which is the )> Force, and the lair Wisdom, which holds the rudder )> and the beam of the Republic.)> This work is by Auger..: The pendant opposite and on the same side, represents the Legislation, by Dupasquier. cc It's the science of lohc È inspired by the effigy of Lycurgue, who wrote his code in the summer. )> presents it to the Republic, of which one hive is the em-. "eblme. ne The last one on the right, on the side of the dome, is about cc lae )> Moral, represented by a naked woman instructing a young "man,. ' 17 ) "man, and showing him this sentence which is the b‰se dee "-any social order: As you treat your fellow man. "eThis bas-relief is from Beauval/et. The skullcap, supported by pendants, is decorated with five rows of square caissons, decorated with rosettes. These caissons end at a circular frame, in which we have left the tables of the Law of Moses, engraved in characters Hebrew. Nefseptcntrionnale,,,,i-i.e., t-,i-i.e., left as you enter.., the key layout of this nave is tell... what the... three more, based on Soufflot's first idea. The background is terminated by a peristile similar to. them that reign along the lateral deniers. At the end of these, are exit doors; but as the floor is very much in the way higher than that of the street, we will be obliged to place at the outside of the porches, which are not yet in shape. determined. Between each of these doors and the peristile at the bottom, one can used stairs to communicate to the stands... and the galleries cut into the thickness of the entablature. The shape of the vaults, the arrangement and decoration of the architecture, are perfectly similar to that which comes from the ...to be detailed on the occasion of the second half of the n.f... of entry. Only, because of the peristile at the bottom, the number of isolated columns ost d quatone, and that of the columns of eighteen; not including those of the which are attached to the pillars of the dome; moreover, the columns are not fluted like those in the entrance nave. The author of this temple intended this nave to receive C ' 17 ) "man, and showing him this sentence which is the b‰se dee "-any social order: As you treat your fellow man. "eThis bas-relief is from Beauval/et. The skullcap, supported by pendants, is decorated with five rows of square caissons, decorated with rosettes. These caissons end at a circular frame, in which we have left the tables of the Law of Moses, engraved in characters Hebrew. Nefseptcntrionnale,,,,i-i.e., t-,i-i.e., left as you enter.., the key layout of this nave is tell... what the... three more, based on Soufflot's first idea. The background is terminated by a peristile similar to. them that reign along the lateral deniers. At the end of these, are exit doors; but as the floor is very much in the way higher than that of the street, we will be obliged to place at the outside of the porches, which are not yet in shape. determined. Between each of these doors and the peristile at the bottom, one can used stairs to communicate to the stands... and the galleries cut into the thickness of the entablature. The shape of the vaults, the arrangement and decoration of the architecture, are perfectly similar to that which comes from the ...to be detailed on the occasion of the second half of the n.f... of entry. Only, because of the peristile at the bottom, the number of isolated columns ost d quatone, and that of the columns of eighteen; not including those of the which are attached to the pillars of the dome; moreover, the columns are not fluted like those in the entrance nave. The author of this temple intended this nave to receive C t 18 ) the emblems of the Greek church; that is why it was close to the placed in the pendants the figures of the four most famous Doctor of this church, S. Athanasius, S. Bazile, S. Jean Chrysostomos and St. Gregory of Nazianzen. The artists ...and the two others, Julien and Dejoux ,... were executed. c1uede de celle des petits bas reliefs dans les ovales des lunettes, which represent different features of the lives of these Doctors... In the middle of the skullcap, we see carved Constantine's Labarum. All these sctptures have been replaced by subjects analogous to the sciences, to which this nave has been dedicated. In the pendant on the right as you enter the dome, Baccari personified Physics under the emblem of cc la )> Science, represented by the figure of a drunk woman È va.nt the veil that hides Nature. "e The subject of the Pendant on the left, executed by Lucas, cc is Agriculture with its agricultural instruments, and sese "eproductions, q1where are the real dcliessc of the States. Lae "ePatrie offers him the crown remunerated for the workse "eutiles. "e In the pendant at the bottom right, cc Suzanne a per, ... sounded Geometry under the figure of two women, >) one of which, CJUë is the Theory, he recognizes himself the lamp, "esymbol of Study. She rides and drives in her operas.., Another figure, which is the Practical Geometry, is also available. "Busy tracing the new division of lae on the globe "eFance en clŽpartemens. Èe In the last pendant ..ituŽ to left-P., the subject is 'Astronomy. cc Long time before the new calen>) drier fttt dŽcrŽtŽ_, the pattern was drawn in Pan - "theon in the bas-relief of Delaitre. This artist was featured in it -ác 19 ) "s! 'Astronomy showing the Chronology this new age... "sde ln rŽpublic1ue Franaise written on a cippe. >) Nefmeridonal, or to the right as you enter. THIS nave being perfectly similar to that which we have just described, we will limit ourselves to saying that the sujeLs of sculpture which she was to be adorned with were related to the Latin Church; but there were only the models of fŸits. In the new destiny, this nave is devoted to the Arts. The bas-relief, in the first pendenLif at ga.uche in entering through the dome, is from Chardin. "One can see the "The Genius of Poetry and the Genius of Eloquence, which om "the portrait of Homer, the first drawing of a portrait of Homer, the first drawing of a portrait of Homer, the first drawing of a portrait of Homer, the first drawing of a portrait of Homer. È and of Cicero, one of the greatest oraLeurs. È In the pendant to ,lrnite, we have 1-shown Navigation and Commerce; cc one sitting on a bow of "s-ship and leaning on the compass; the other, under the compass. "sfigure of Mercury, holds the decrees on the liberty of the :s "scommerce. Blaise is the author of this bas-relief. Ès In the pendant at the bottom left, "the subject is weary. "lusic and architecture, under the emblem of the two. "...women who are easily recognized by their accessories... "The first holds the lyre in one hand, and the other... "the hymn to the Fatherland; the second carries a compass, and is "leaned: on the dome of the Pantheon. Ès In the last pendant on the right, Petitot has roprŽsenll..sla Painting and Sculpture, with their characteristic attributes. cc The artist makes them hold a crown that they "splaced on a bust, is that of Wisdom or of C2 -ác .20 5 "ela Vertu. The inscription engraved on the cluster explains "the artist's idea i1101-ale, and the one that we must take "e of these arts in their application to awards. >l Nave of the oriental goose bottom. C B TT E nave has been lengthened by an arcade like that of the entrance, and moreover by a large niche which occupies all the the extent of the middle part, II¡. there's moreover of the arched part, an oval-shaped cap, supported by ...four pendants. The bas-reliefs of the pendentives of this nave were all to do, when this building was lowered to form a Pan theon. The existing ones have been assigned to the virtues pa-: triotic virtues, under the sui vans emblems. Pendants of the round cap. The first one, on the right entering through the dome, has been made per card/bound. "It shows the Force as a war... "erier, holding a club in one hand, and a club in the other... "Victory figure. The Prudence is beside him,e "equi, in his allegorical language, teaches him that sie. "strength wins victories, it's wisdom <1ui les con "...is a reserve and can alone crown them... )> Foucou is the author of the one on the left. We can see lae ...Boone-foi and the Brotherhood holding hands. One "the altar in the midst of them, indicates the holiness of the "eleurs sermens.e "eIn the third pendant, Masson has chosen for his "eSttjet the Patriotic Dedication. He's a Citizen "...that the love of the Fatherland sustains in the land... "emoment where this one shows him the civic crown. l>e ( 21 ) Disinterestedness was represented in the fourth pendant, by Lorta, << under a feature that the history of the )> revolution has consecrated in its splendour. We have not forgotten )> <1ue of the women citizens of Paris were the first to make )> offerings to the Fatherland of their jewels, and that these "and deans are the wives of artists. It was just "that the hand of art eternalizes... this memory... It is found "Here is recalled in the figures of two women, one of whom detaches her earrings, and the other places her necklaces, bracelets and all her jewels on the altar of the ..> the Fatherland. >) The pendants of the oval dome are dedicated to the love of the Fatherland: there are four emblems in it differences, represented by four winged moorings. "In One, Love makes an offering to the Fatherland; in "the other, he receives a crown and sings his bi'"en.,, f..irs. In a third one, Love corner beats for her, and she is "she covers it with her shield. The fourth expresses lee "pleasure to be found dying in his defense. Those stockings--> reliefs are from Boquet. "eCrossbows. "He existed along the walls of the inner peris61es, cross-island in each colonnade, in addition to the stained-glass windows on the big hangers. The eye was tired of this multiplicity of days, which are so frustrating that the effect of the architecture and sculpture was almost lame. Nothing was more useless than these breakthroughs... a building arranged to receive the day from above, like the great halls of the Jes thermae in Rome. These motifs determined citizen Quatremere to have them butchered,i ( 21 ) Disinterestedness was represented in the fourth pendant, by Lorta, << under a feature that the history of the )> revolution has consecrated in its splendour. We have not forgotten )> <1ue of the women citizens of Paris were the first to make )> offerings to the Fatherland of their jewels, and that these "and deans are the wives of artists. It was just "that the hand of art eternalizes... this memory... It is found "Here is recalled in the figures of two women, one of whom detaches her earrings, and the other places her necklaces, bracelets and all her jewels on the altar of the ..> the Fatherland. >) The pendants of the oval dome are dedicated to the love of the Fatherland: there are four emblems in it differences, represented by four winged moorings. "In One, Love makes an offering to the Fatherland; in "the other, he receives a crown and sings his bi'"en.,, f..irs. In a third one, Love corner beats for her, and she is "she covers it with her shield. The fourth expresses lee "pleasure to be found dying in his defense. Those stockings--> reliefs are from Boquet. "eCrossbows. "He existed along the walls of the inner peris61es, cross-island in each colonnade, in addition to the stained-glass windows on the big hangers. The eye was tired of this multiplicity of days, which are so frustrating that the effect of the architecture and sculpture was almost lame. Nothing was more useless than these breakthroughs... a building arranged to receive the day from above, like the great halls of the Jes thermae in Rome. These motifs determined citizen Quatremere to have them butchered,i ( 22) and it is a pleasure to see that since the inside of this temple is illuminated by the only lunar light dL1 high, the bottoms peristiles are dyed to make them shine... the columns that are in front, as well as the entablatures. and ornate with which they are enriched. The building has lost nothing;, if there is less light it is more pleasant, and for to make it so, we've had the ice cream topping frosted... the stained glass windows. of the great ceintres; this resulted in two advantages: the first was to provide a mild day e, t uniform, never altered by the sun's rays. This effect enlarges the interior and protects all bas-reliefs the pleasure of being well seen at all times in the day. The second is to remove the unpleasant aspect of the buttresses. and the eleissemens practiced in the back of the walls. from.college... It also resulted in plusiow-s ttutrGi: advantage of the mouth.;: of the crossbreeds, the first one was I fill in the circular clearances in the angles dt;s walls qi1i meet behind the pillars of the dome, and that would make these places too credible for the immense weight that they have to support; the second was Ja deletion of a infinite number of frames and frames that destroyed the effect of the columns; and finally to provide a smooth and spacious bottom to the monumens and statues that these ernplacemens are 1,usable to receive. The floor of the peristiles that reign in the aisles is phis It is five steps higher than the middle part. Le motif clecctte difference in level, was to highlight these peristiles distinguishing them from the middle naves, which should be free... on the days of the great ceremonies.