VNIVERSAF; AR CHITECTVRJE CIVIL ELEMENTS BRE VJBVS .RECENTIOB.VM OBSERVATIONIBVS ILLVSTRATA RECORDED A CHRISTIAN RIEGER ,,,. á - á- 4-0 c. l ¥ 1 v. VINDOBONlE, PRAGJE, & TRIEST&, TtrIS ... JOHN THOMAS TRATTNER, Education. R:10. MAIEIT. Al'J.FROM TYPOOBAPHI BT BIBLIOPOLAB, M D C C L V I. Digitized _by Goog I e :A.rchitecl:dictatorship offered to me - not pote§: defiderare com.; mendatores, as long as there will be noble men, & famous characters. Henry Wottonizu Knight, on Elem. Arch. ¥ ¥ / TO THE READER. -[n cipimtiun, compentlio 1uec elements with ftri1Jantur , it first of all curtl11i- employers may dot1rinam_ Orders ptrjpicua,n crque and 1wdiernte practice refpon-á ??em as a model ; their pr??erea wta not moraremu, l that the idea of f:f laws . "dificii a prinris foundations ufque atl fajtigium ptrducendi dijliHElius no.ffe defiderant, how as the eu in meeting the ArcbiteEfarte papers " Orders doEfriM ¥ flDnfJIUlqUam annexas, rzt say mutiltu or indigeflas babent. Not that plerisqut e1Jenit, poft long l:I ardrium jludium arclsiteEfonici Polish, who in orlimnn rules of expression , she etiamnu,,, igm,rent , q114e twn á all works comtmmia, then the first mrmium place i,i in any atut txigua flruEJura obftr-uari prte ttteris deserve. Qpare (! 1Ji/um tfl ortlinlm other in AcaŠemiil ufitatum not mlil 174- tiare, otqu, modern quor??nlametr&litteforum exetnplo so rtm ,oordina..r e, Digitized by Goos I e ur priru sharing of t¥ , 4u tworiafll architeElonitam gtntr,lo,c , ?? pr??tiplllls omninm fort -eliflciorum compltEfturt1r , rfleriru 1Jtro it , 1J111. tl.t costume regular, q"4e d1 practice as well as on the map f:J forms, qunt in operibut ipfis noting funt . And quam11i.t bttc ttia,n prttftntit work.t part f:J care fotrit , at lt 11uttntur such , q"4t in mathtfi w,of fate.t less one dreams 'Villrrtntar, nili1 taflltl more promitti,flicker , how eltmtnta f:J apprenticeship to tloEfrinam tx others.t fubJi. miore,,, pofllimi11io bauriendam : how Jub prim4 the beginnings of the frenzy of daffodil waving.t opnibul á ta11quam f ontibru purer .Pttere 11elint , metuant certt , not 11tl regularunJ confufione for 'Uariantts ai,8orum methods prohibited, or propu, Jijlr-11.tfam in parts of the comfflentatorum attention to Jumptuofam libroruffl fuptlleffilem f:r ,opiofam ablegati fludii jucuntliffimi utŸi§imique defertores disposable. Where fi _tx order f:/ delcElu suitable first.t rudimentis attention fedulam tltdtrint, prtt¥ t,rquam quotf many 11olumim1m pe,fcrutationi've got the contacts, gpc f acilt fiá bi to. gra11iora prttferri fa,tient, as to the skills architeElonicas f:I from ttqut ¥ tlijudicandas, and fubindt etia,n t ge11io ordinandas animrun pr4arat14m haá beant ff exdtatum. Qiuzntut11 this injlituto opella ijlh4c nojlra rejpondtat , ?? . t in the 1<á gtndo prudenti4, LtElor Well'Uole, examinart first , ff quotits wti.t no1 rtjpoudtrit,excufare.,_ac emnulare. Frrurdn.terirr, ttfllli ho; no)lr, ttmllta, f:/1Jalt ¥ ¥ Digitized by Goos I e CON. C oáN the HOPE of C TV S EL EMEN TOR VM ARCHITECTVR?? CIVIL. A PAIR of s I. Contains Elements of the feu Principles /' which univerfa ArchiteŠonices theory relies on. PART II. The rules gives you all the prorfw aedi.ficio common. PART III. ArchiteŠonicum decoration. A PAIR of s IV. The norm, according to which in practice flru ??ndorum operwn Je direct Archi.teŠi. Digitized by Google Digitized by Goog Ie ' VNIVERSJE ARCHITECTVR./E CIVIL ELEMENT A. P A-R S I. OF FVNDAMENTIS , SEV PRINCIPLES ARCHITECTV RJE CIVIL. CAPVT I. ON THE ORIGIN AND PROGRESSV . A R C .H I T E C T V R JE. ¤ .. I¥ . ,??, _ ui univerfam cedificioru?? fcientiam read - InfŸh!then ??1-??] b . d11 . n d . . . . oper11. _ V{'. ??/ -??. us cert1s a nnuam Aca em1c1s your device- á ?? ./.á 1, the bus propofuerunt, not a single art me- -, á chanicre in die_s eyes ufibusque nofl-air objeclre knowledge of some strengthens arguments fed A in Digitized by Goog Ie , The origin of Architeaure, 2 EL EMENT A ¥ in i p fos redificiorum , and architeftonices first as parks , laws & princi p ia alert how á most were. So not content with external redium forms , Orthographias all & Ichoogra p hias with fuis dimenfionibus for the eyes difcentium put in of the most accounts moments & contemplation launch fiuduerunt, qme Romance , quce Gnecorum, then & hodiernorum Architeftorum attention to pluri??_um_ excrcucrunt. * _ H.intermediate vefiigia prementes the foundations of that first' omtiium place exaininabirrius, which p slot emnis , á then & reliqda Architecl:andi Mathematic?? difciplina fuperftruch, &. to better then laws adduaa we get: then the order of the rules. any redificiis comniunes of ??orationetn ?? . atqu?? Polish Architeftonici prre,cipua heads ; normairi finally , next to which in practice firuendorum áworks fe direct Architeai, exponemus. 2¥ TempQrum back lapforum experie11tia, doaiorum men's run & fi;udia , ip fre fine artists indufirireá and obfervationes better this, than aggredimur , faculty of traits led. Environment temperatures refiivi, rigens air frost travel too, from the rain or wind fuborta many incomm??da originally effece¥ blind, ¥ CL. M1L1.1ET oE CK.\LEs S. J. ,- SrvaM1vs, \Vo1,r1vs mathe- . matko bal,forward motion cultam Ar'ihitel\onicen propofuerunt. Digitized by Google A a c HI YOU c T v R I CI v I L I s. Three blind, of Iatibulis to fibi men of the tecHs & go ábus providerent. So THEODORETVS * Xenophon Epifcopus nafcentis world times corevam Architecturam name, fororioque bond agricu)turz -connexam. As to miferre cafce first she redificia extiterint, & adlfuc Vitruvii time * * Athens you¥ -flum Areopagi e Iuto compulsory, Romre cafa 'In ftramentis tefla monfiraretur. Progress fubinde opincum efficiency , as varire fupellettilis tra8-atione not only fund??mint folidiora of rocks, cocl:spreads the sides of jacerent, the same adduais á various practice the walls cingcrent , Jigno , tiles also , imbrici,. -analyzed contegerent. _ From god step by step , variosque artists ufus grew better housing nofirarum form , as the first doesn't really riifi neceffitati coo fultmn would turn & gratire and varietati: to fi not the first of the arts, others who fcientiarum principles in Architeflonica difciplina requiramus , the first certainly their occafionem archit??cl:andi tludium extitŸfe it¥ -we give. 3á Architec!luram for the first time in Other cultam Caini pArotgqroc(..¥ . fabricre, the Tower of Babel, the fest & the rest of the Baby)oniorum ru,. & Ninivitarum worksá abundantly prove. As much as A ?? (ub- ??- Tom. IV. Sermon VI, cle DE1 provicleotia, c4it. Paris. the previous page. s7r. ¥¥L. 11. C. 1. . - Digitized by Goos I e 4 E L E M E N T A fubinde progreffi fmt in the art of his rugmento and with fp lendore lEgyptii , eor um Pyramids, Obelifci, Mce ridis Iacus , Labyrinthi fuperba sizes , and other monuments they , & how much within no time so long Architecl:dictatorship offered to me, drawn inspiration as it comes,obviously evincun?? ¥ Archite - But not while it now more than most fuf piciaura Sa- ¥ ¥ pray. á mouse works pi:oport10 , forms fingularmm and- 'the treatment of á & grace , and the whole of any fabricre amrena & comtrioda dill:ributio when they are sexually active , before Mofaici Tabemaculi , Salomonicique templar model, whether-, áque of the Divine opificii fy mbolum world mon flrar etur. Do á cemur from the Sacred pages, than ipfe God 0. M. all & fingulis workers' fcientiam implanted to exe qµenda the works of the Divine fuo culture confecranda * to . manifell:um it comes to men , with her husband fancl:iffimo and . peritiffimo saint clement I Alexandrino speak , that a 0.&o becomes , qme art becomes , & eil: fapiens .thought * ¥. Stu- ¥ Locutu1que efl Dominu1 to Moyfen dicen,á : e,,e wca11i name Be(eleel the son of Uri §iii 1-the lur of the tribe ;of Judah , V implt11i him the Spirit of GOD, Jap!ent??from HIM. intel??igentia , V §:ientia . in all his work, atl of,ogit11ndu¥ qutdqu,d fa,refiert potefl of gold f,' 11rgento , V lll1'e, m11rmore HIM ge,,,. ,fi , EI di11trfitate wood ¥ . I have dedicated him Jociu¥ Uoliab son Project.cbifanu, b of the tribe of Dan. And in orde omnit scholars pofai Jiipientiam , ?? f"iant r1111Efa . tJM pr??I caught you. .Exodus. 3 1 . v. 1 . Gave Da'llitl Sa lomont son fao defcriptzonem porticu1 ff you'lllpli Vc. all , he says, 11enerunt Jc ripta ma nu of the Lord came to me , as inteiligere111 1ni1Jtrfa works exemplarit. I Preparing. C. 28, a v. 1 [ . to 20. ¥¥ 0,6.s,?? ?? -rtX""lf x<1.I ,j ao1Jii i,ci,o,". Scrom. L. 1. the previous page. 330. edit. Oxvn. 171 s, Digitized by Goos I e One " A R C ff I T E C T V R JE. C I V I L I s. s Amazing it all elegantioris , or in this day oftentare world poteft, Architecl:onices patterns , folertiffime exprelfa , defcriptaque we have a R. P. John. B. V1tLALPANDo , focioque P. PaADo in the Explanation of Jn Ezekiel. Tqm. II. ¥ .a Lu"ov1co CAPBLLO so productive laudati Vil lalpandi mind , how Jofephi, & Judceorum" of:.. á ??criptionem data * * , in the Celebration. Go??DMAN,UNLESS the work Architecl:onico a Cl. -Leon. ST_11aM10 public right fa8-o * * *, & R. P. Bern:un. LAMY Congreg. Prays . . Presb. Books about the Tabernacle frederis of fanaa City Jerufalem , 8c of the temple of his. . lt. firu8-uris such elegance, and magniecentia famous omamenta the rest, and áperfecl:iones they seem to deincle fuHfe deprompta. Grcecia fine as the arts almost all of the so & architecl:urce funt android laws & completion cledit. 4. Architec\uram every turn qu oad tnonumen - Archite mas diverlitatem, then the calculated temperature, pore , where it-fla'?urr??ecaHi - dem floruerunt, quadruplicem potiffimum conlide-Dmfio. . 1amus antiquiff,mam , 11ntiquam, gotbicam , & modei'for. A 3 An- ¥ The temple Hierofotymitani form is presented in front of the party IU. ¥ ¥ § 11 1 A M 1 W A L To N I §iblia Sacred. Polyglntta. ¥ ¥ ¥ lloU??dnbigt ln1"tifuug au b