LES WORKS ARCHITECTURAL D E * POST STONE. LES WORKS ARCHITECTURAL ORDER By PIERRE POST Architect of Their yHtejfes les Princes cl gold angel. In which we can see the reflections of rainmakers Buildings confidables in PLANS & ELEVATIONS, with their Defcriptions. A L E 1D E, At PIERRE VANDER Aa, Bookseller, Ordinary Printer of the Academy & City, residing in V Academy--, With whom we find a wealth of curious Books, as well as Geographical Maps, Cities both in plan and in outline. in profile, Portraits of Illustrious Men, & other In-Size. MD CC XK ISLANDS OU-VMGES - H\r<Ė. PIERRE VAN DM la, imj a 'G ''ST.-t''. A HIS EXCELLENT”•Cé . MOIST S EIG^EUR GUILLAUME BAROėf DE WAS SE ”STAAR , LORD UE STARRENBOURG ETC . ETC . ETC . A MEMBER OF THE SO-CALLED BODY OF THE NOBLES OF HOLLAND AND AVEST-ERISE : ON THEIR PART FIRST ADVISOR IN THE C OIT SEIL D'ETAT OF THE SAID PROVINCE: FIRST CURATOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THEIR NOBLE GREAT POWERS THE LORDS STATES OF HOLLAND AND AVE ST -FRISE . JUVB.AOES FROM THE FAMOUS PIEHRB POST. IN HIS LIVING. ARCHITECT ORANGE PRINCES. ARE PRESENT, OFFERED, DEDICATED. ...AND CONSECRATED, WITH THE UTMOST RESPECT. MUCH ESTEEM AND RECOGNITION8SANCE HAS ITS ILLUSTRIOUS EXCELLENCE -rf?" <| DESCRIPTION beautiful'home OF HIS HIGHNESS THE PRINCE J.MA†RICE FROM NASSAU. Orderly By PIERRE P O S T, Architect of Their Altejjes tes Princes of Orange. A L E IP E, At PIERRE V A N D E R Aa, Bookseller, Ordinary Printer of the Academy & City, remaining damn the Academy', With whom you can find a wealth of curious books, as well as maps, maps, cities both in plan and in outline. quen in profile, Portraits of Illustrious Men, & other Soft Sizes. MP CC XV. Pag. 3 DESCRIPTION OF THE BEAUTIFUL HOUSE From His Altefl the Prince J. MAURITIUS FROM NASSAU. ette Maifon et! faituŽe ˆ la Haie dans l'Angle from the Court Fishpond to the South Eft, ouch. four Faces including the front one eft towards the South or noon, from where she has the view of the beautiful- the place called het Pkyn, which means the Plain, which is all planted with beautiful Trees: Crazy ones you keep seeing- from the morning until very late at night, large quantity of people landing & fe walk. She has aufl• the sight, by this same Front side, was a beautiful Garden which eft to each other and depend on each other, whatever there is a way to-- the blic entre two par delfous lequel on va, quand on veut, de la Maifon in this Garden, through a large vaulted Gallery, wide, high & well lit in all fa length , which contains the one of the Maifon, that of the Court which is in front & the width of the Maifon of the public road which is one of the Avenues de la Cour, palling over the whole thing. Although the Prince who had this The building died some time ago, it hasn't changed. in name & it is still called the Maifon of Prince Maurice. Its first Entrance eft close, & at the end of the Bridge of one of the En- of the Court. By this first entrance, one comes into a large Court which is before the Maifon, in which Court can enter, and enters at the very fouvent flui, a great many. of Carolfes, this Maifon fervantˆ prefers to accommodate the Ambalfa- hard foreigners when they make their public entrance, & do so ...deal with the State's costs until they can get a hearing before the- blique. The Face which eft towards the OŸeft looks at the Vivier de la Court of Holland, and sees this Court by fon side which eft towards Eft. The North face of the Eft looks out over the Aufl• fur le Vivier, & has for afpecl the beautiful Plantation which eft along the long side f z d'i- 4 DESCRIPTION OF THE from here to Vivier, & a big row of beautiful buildings that cft fled from- you. The side that faces the river Eft looks out over the street that this May- fon makes the corner, which street is called de korte Vyverbergh street which means little Montagne du Vivier, as opposed to the side of the North which eft longer, & has raised the Maiions higher, & much farther away from the water, where many beautiful ran- between the Water of the Fishpond & the Maifons which make of that side called Groote Vyverbergh, which means "The". great Mount Vivier. With regard to difpolition & ordon- nance of this Maifon, both indoors and outdoors, and- the fe can connoitre by the fix Planks that do here. The first one reflects the First & Lower Floor Plan, the- what eft partly lous earth & vaulted by everything, as we see it. on Plank 6. This floor is composed of the Uffizi, Cuilches, Sommelerie & Cellars. At , eft la Defcente or Entrance at this location Floor, which is the "Palier du Perron" (stoop) by which one climbs up ...enters the Mailon, as shown on Plate 3. B B, make two cellars, each with its own fortress in the RuŽ. C, eft one Cuifine, a•ant deux Portes fur l'Eau. D, Cuifine for ro- shooting. E, Wine Cellar. F, Beer Cellar. GG, two staircases, going from the bottom to the top of the Maifon, or the Uffizi. up to the Attic. H, Common room or eating place for the Domeftiques. I , Pantry or Outlet. K, Ca- ve for Wood & Peat. L , Cave de provifion. The second, shows the distribution and distribution of the parts. which complements the second & main floor. A, eft the Pa- The entrance link as you climb up the two ramps of the De- grez who are doing right & left in bankruptcy in the Court, com- they make me look like a figure. B, eft a Veftibule or Entrance Hall, in which are two Stair Rails to be climbed, by on either side, to the penthouse. C, and it's a big Sa- the, a•ant fe s vues fur le Vivier & a Chimney at each end. DD, Chambers was out front. E E, Bed Rooms, one of which is looking at the Fishpond and the other at the Street. FF, do from the Rooms to the Cabinets & the Dirty. G G, stairs of convenience, to go down into the Offices & the climb to the top of the Maifon. H H , Secret Places. 1 1 , of the Cabinets. K K, Street going along the Vivier aux Doelen & groote Vyverbergh. LL, Court Fishpond. The deflus stage or the third stage is distributed as well as the main one, having the similar parts in the same difpolition. There's a difference in the staircase, it's that instead of in of /a - fiais and Wavrxcx. H PRINCE J. MAURITIUS HOUSE. j in the Veftibule or Entrance Lounge on the main floor, there is a Ramp on each side to go up to the Godhead, in this one there is no the only place to go up higher, which is in the in the middle, in front of the Great Dirty Door & in the goddess of the Efpa- which eft between the two ramps of deilous, shown in this The troifem, refracts the order of the Front Faade, or 1 we see - in the middle of the bottom, the profile of the Perron who is in a- the courtyard, through which you go up to the right & left at the entrance to the Maiion. Beneath the Perron Ice Bridge, and the En- The bottom floor marked A, on Plank I. We see aufli, in ccttc Plate 3, the ordinance of the Archite's Ornaments&u- re & Sculpture of which this Face eft enriched, defec- pal eft of beautiful Pilaftres of the Ionic Order comprising in their height that of the two large Floors, carrying their capitals on the top of the a h ntablement of the same Order, & having their Bazes pofŽe fur a rufous Subbasement that is the same height as the lower Eta- ge. The middle of this Faade eft in the Foreground, crowned of a Fronton accompanied by acrobats, & in the Tympanum of the which are represented the Prince's Weapons with the marks of the the charge with which he was clothed, which was the charge of the great Admiral. of the United Provinces of the Low Countries. The reflexion fe can see easily- lies. The fourth one is the Faces of this Maifon. which are similar, this one looking towards the Eft, whose main Ornament eft aufli de Pilaftres d'Ordre Ionique , & de At the same height as those in front, pass in the middle. of each Tremau & both Corners, pofez aufli fur one similar to the one in which the Doors & Fe- The lower floor, & the upper floor, the fourth floor. We see aufli a part of the Court's Enclosure Wall, which is in front of the Court's the Maifon, which is marked M. The fifth one, and the repentance of the Backside of the- which eft aufli adorned with the same Ionic Order that reigned over all around the Edifice at the same height, in front of the four Faces, even Soubaflment & even Entablement. The mid place of this Faade eft as a Forecourt, crowned with a Fron- tone accompanied by acrobats & whose Tympanum eft filled with Sculpture. The fixed, eft a Scriion or Cup of the whole Edifice of the front to back or south to north. You can see in this to the dilution of the downstairs eaves, some of the... ” 3 Por- 6 DESCRIPT. OF THE HOUSE OF PR. ]. MAURITIUS. Doors of communication of the two big Apartemens, the Che- the OŸefl: in the two large Sales, one of which is a the other, part of the order of Panelling & Other Orne- the profile of the Staircase Railings to go up the stairs. from the main floor to that of dellus, the Baluftrade which eft fur the Lifts, & above the allcmblage of the Carpentry of the Attic, from where the Tuiaux de CheminŽes richly ornate. F I N. THE PRINTER READER. i fatislaŽtion & the plea that I found for a long time in di- verfes manners in the Ar-Books- and the fact that I'm a member of the board of directors... in franois les Oeuvres du cŽlŽbrŽ Vincent Scamoz^i, formerly Archi- head of the Republic of Venife, which Uh- yours I printed in folio. The Rules of the Five Golds- the first time that I have seen a man in the world, and I have been a man who is well versed in this matter, who has joined it some very-useful increases & clarifications... them so you can easily hear the Architectu- re , which Work is in oŽtavo. Recently I have publishes the new Works of Archaeology. by Philippe Vingboons in two volumes, in folio. And a few perfones having been crazy to publish aufl• the beautiful Buildings ordered by the famous Stone Po //,cn fon living Architete of their Altefls lesPrin- these in Orange, I couldn't help but feel that I had to satisfy their woes, giving the public Besides the O- Sale... range, made in the Woods near the Hedge, the Maifon, the ...of Swanenburg, built on the levee between Amjler... dam & Haerlern , the new Maifon City Hall of Maej”richt, the Maifon of Vredenburg in XcBecmJler, & les Defleins de plufieurs belles CheminŽes qui fe see in various Hedge Courses, & elsewhere, the which the Author has had engraved above at great expense. & publish but fans no Description , diverfes other products of this skilful man that have not been THE PRINTER TO THE READER, published yet, which I have recovered. after some research, including Defleins origi- by the author's own hand, have been communicate, and furiously I had the engravings of the Plates that do here, representing the Maifon of the Prince Maurice in The Hedge, the Maifon of Ryxdorp, near IVaJfemer, & the Weight of the City of Gou- da , which eft doubles, giving the Delfeins of a first Project & those following the ones of this building eft confected, & as he prefers to see it. I and so here are all these beautiful thoughts of our Author, &a great Connoisseur & Profelfeur in this Science, which was previously in France, as well as the ancestors of Father and son, Archi-- The King's skill, having been willing to go to the trouble, to compel the public to make the description of the each of the Buildings which make here repreflect, & of each Board in particular; we'll each find- n of these descriptions in real life. Our Author has earned a great reputation- tion , & fes Works being very-eficient & find in good taste, by all those who get along at P Ar- chitecture, if I ever find out what- that building can be confirmed by court order, I don't think I'll be sure to bring it out in the open, you know. that what I'm giving here is the well-received fluli that we have. I've been all the previous works I've done. to trick my Preffe. Those who are curious to see this that I've been printing fiercely for the past year, aufl• although what's still fucking insane my Prefle, can give this fatisfaetion when they will like it; I can't put here the Catalogue. because it would take up too much space. indi. INDEX WORKS ARCHITECTURAL stone POST. reprefere & describe in the leaking order. THE HOUSE OF PRINCE J. MAURICE. the dirty D'orange. i The Copper Title. Before the other Title. z General Plan, both of the Maifon and the Gardens, Plant compagnemens. J 3 Plan of the dejfous or first floor. 4 of the second main floor. 5 of the fifth floor. 6 Face of the front, which is toward the north. 7 Elevation of the side towards the Oiiefi. 8 Back face which eft towards the South. 9 Cut from South to North. i o Door & P have from the first entrance. 1 1 Plan Ef ElŽvation des Cuifmes. 1 1 0f Profile of the Green Cabinets. 4 7 T~ dU second & main floor. J Raising the Front Face to the North. 6 on the side towards the Oiieft. 7 - from the Backside, towards the South. OF ALL D E 3 The front face. 4 The side facade. 5 The Backside. 1 Le P tan du premier ‘? bas Etage. 2 The Second & Main Etag Plan ^ / ry f~t /y r o s! n A . . . . , Ē..j • 6 The Cup from front to back. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. THE SWANENB†RG HOUSE, 9 Ibid. LA I INDEX OF THESE WORKS. THE HOUSE R Y X D O R P. 1 The First & Lower Floor Plan. Pag- 4 2 The difipofition of the rooms that make up the main& large Apartment. Ibid. 3 The Front and Back Faces. S 4 Setlion on Cut of the fif building of the Tower from the middle in all h height. 6 j The Maifon with fies accompaniments as above. Ibid. THE TOWN HOUSE IN MAASTRICHT. 1 The Copper Title. Before the other Title. 2 Plan of the first floor. Pag- 4 3 of the second main Sf Floor. Ibid. 4 of the fourth floor. J j of the fourth floor, or the Attics. 6 6 Front elevation towards the West. Ibid. 7 on the South side. 8 8 from behind to the east. 9 9 Cut inside from South to North. IO xo inside Onent in the West. n 1 1 Fronton's Tympanum. 1 1 THE WEIGHT HOUSE OF THE CITY OF GOUDA. ! The Plan fi? The Ruling from Within. Pag. 4 2 Elevation of the Front Face. Ibid. 3 Faces of the quotations. 4 The bottom of this Maifion. Ibid. 5 The Face of the Front. Ibid. 6 The Faces of Cootes. S 7 The Backside. Ibid. THE HOUSE OF VREDENBURG. 1 Whole plan of the Maifion as well as the Gardens, Plantages, file. Pag. 3 2 Reprefientation enPerfipeBive of both the Maifion and the Gardens, Plantations, & c. 4 3 Plan of the main floor. Ibid. 4 Front & back sides. ” THE CHIMNEYS. i The Copper Title. Before the other Title. 1. 3. 4. Chimneys in the courtyard. Pag. 3 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. xo. 11. Fireplaces in the Palace of His Altejfie , in the North- einde. Ibid- 4 - ” In the Sale d'Orange les Suivantes. 1 2 Chimney in the first floor hall. IJ'j'j' ...in the second-floor Anti-Room on the VEJI side. Ibid. ! 4 in the Bedroom on the second floor on the Eft. 6 side. jj in the Second Floor Cabinet on the Eft side. Ibid. j fj de l' Anti-Chamber of the second Floor of the OiieJl coast. Ibid. J 7 of the Bedroom on the second floor on the Oiieft side. Ibid. ! g of the Second Floor Cabinet on the Oiieft side. 7 j , of the Anti-House of the Trophy Floor. Ibid. 2Q of the Bedroom of the Troiforme Etage. Ibid. 2 1 Chimneys of the Cabinets of the Troiforme Etage. 22. 23. Chimneys of the Maifion duP rince Maurice. Ibid. 8 F I N- LA ? L A SALE ORANGE, BUILT BY HIS HIGHNESS AMELIA, ORANGE DOWAGER PRINCESS. Orderly b P O S T STONE Architect of Their Altejffes your Princes of Orange. A L E IT> E, At PIERRE VANDER Aa Bookseller, & Printer of the Dutch States College of Theology from Weft-Frije; Remaining in the Academy, With whom one finds all strong of curious Books, As well as Geographical Maps, Cities as well in plan eft a levee or Terral• less ele- The same as the ones in front of it. R , eft the Gate & Back Bridge- re. S, the end or beginning of an Alley named de Loo. T, make Embroidery Beds; & V, Bed Beds, Layers, & Compartments. At the back of everything , which eft towards the South, there is a path bordered by a wooden cloifon pofŽe fur the outer edge of the Folie, which road is called Befuyden. Houtfe Wegh. The 3rd . is the delfous, the lower floor or the first floor the- what a vaulted eft of Peter, with the various compartments of the Pa- vŽ qui eft fur les Vožtes. A, eft un PavŽ de Rue qui entoure & join the Entrance Lobby. B, make Gates to go into the Gardens, of which there is one on each side. C, do Galleries or- green & in advance on each side of the building. D , make Por- ...to enter this lower floor from either side of the stoop, com- me they're in Plate 6. E, eft the Veftibule or Anti- Dirty with stairs to the right & left to go to the top, like, you see them on the Escape Board. F, eft a Crazy Cellar. the Entrance Lobby. G , make Alleys or Payments to go to - 'Ÿ”-lff Plan cL ce usa* nie K p?~i ncipa./? tnrr Jae/. met Lire t rangea naer loneet ( aae/uk C . 2 '%w kameev D . ‚Redt kamerv ^tSy- l " G-ROJND vande derde verdie A . J?JĻt. ioven Je 3 Vj>/ E . ói/ecae Cabžutten B . Turn bimeez . met Je trajrjren E . Cf. 'ar J reread. vtter vtuF) / / k vaer/a te ^tien ...Croote Saeb. PlLAJN" third ORANGE SALT. y the large Sale & other Apartemens to the right & left. H , make Ante-chambers Equal Ante-chambers Similar on each side, com- I can see it's marked C in the Escape Board... B-sides, in Plank 5. I, make Bed Rooms, as well as a Bed Room, in the equal & similar on each side. K , make large Cabinets. L, Small Cabinets. M, Garderobes with Staircases at side to go downstairs, where there are secret apartments. N, eft the big dirty one. O, three closed arcades of glass doors, com- I see them in the middle of Plate 8, which swells the face of der- The plain behind which the stone pavement is paved. The 4th . efl the Second & Main Floor Plan, in which appears first in A, the Entrance Passerelle & Fon Palier. B , efl the V eftibule or Anti-Sale , with the Staircases on the right & left to get to the top. C, the antechambers. D, the Rooms of Bed. E, large Cabinets. F , the small Cabinets. G , the Garderobes with the Staircases next to it. H, the great & magni- the name of the whole building, which was named after Saie. to 50 piŽ in length & as much in width. The 5 th . efl the Plan of the third floor, where we see in A , the Veftibule or anti-dirty platform. B, do the antechambers with stairs to get to the top. C > make the Bed Rooms. D, large Cabinets. E , the Small Cabinets. F, the Garderobes, one of which favours the one that efl to the North, has a small staircase to defend down below. G, efl the big Dirty, in which we see the Octagonal Plan of the Dome... or the Dome that covers the middle of the building, such as to the Plan de l'Apui foutenu de Baluftres , reigning around the -the top of the Vault of the Sale where the Dome begins, & the Lines that show the edges of this vault, which can be seen from ...how the dirty efl vaulted... The 6 th . efl the Elevation of the Front Face, where we see in down, on either side, both gates to enter the jar- so, which ones are marked B, then to Board 3. In the middle of this Faade efl le Perron d'EntrŽe large & magnificent, in on either side of which you can see the Gates to the Logemens down to 1 Floor of the Rez-de-Chauflee, as they are marked D, over to Plank 3. At the top of the stoop, the door to the- in this beautiful palace on the second floor, the first one being the not much fulfilled, on both sides of this Entrance, you can see the Arcades & Windows of all the Apartemens of this Floor, 13 openings & at both ends, behind the Garden Gates, you can see the Pro- [ C ] son son of the Galleries that are open down there, & fur lefquelies in the Apartemens are moving forward; they are marked C, in the Board 3. _ '7 The main floor is the third floor, in the middle of the the Baluftrade d'Apui , of the Platform which is the place where the eft to the defeat of the Veftibule. The middle of this Faade having a Forebody comprising three Windows, it is crowned at the del- The Entablature of a beautiful Fronton decorated in Fon Tympanum. of the Illuftre Maifon's Nassau & Orange Weapons,... on each side of this pediment there is a skylight to light up... in the Attics, beyond the Antechambers marked C, in Plate 4. & B, in Plate 5. In the dellus of the Entablature appears the Attic in Rump lur the middle part, & in the Gable or Pavilion on the other par- ties that will be removed, and in which the skylights are made. And in the the middle of the whole we see fortified out of the Attic, 1 Elevation of the Dome, in whose Walls are marked the days or days when the Windows that light up the beautiful Sale, whose walls are decorated with Pilasters between the Windows, & crown with a beautiful Entablature which carries the Dome. The 7th . eft the Elevation on the side that eft towards rUuelt , at the bottom of which shows the Arcades & Batteries of the Open Gallery mar- C, for Board 3. which eft in advance & carries par- tie up the high apartments that will go to the deflus. On the North side we see the Profile of the Entrance & Landing Steps, with the A- and the one of the Platform which is in the deflux of the Veftibule. This side face, similar to the other one which is on the other side, is oppofŽe, eft crowned by a beautiful Entablature with a Fronton at the deflection of the advanced part, from which fronton the Tympanum eft full of Ornamcns. On either side of this pediment, in the middle- of each part removed from the building, & beyond the windows. of the Apartemens, there are dormers in the attic that are ele- ve in Croup, & out of which the Coupole is strong. The 8 th . eft is the Rear Face Elevation which eft towards the South, at the bottom & in the middle of which you see the three Iron Arcades- O-marked Glass Door MŽes, on Plank 3. Beside of the Arcades make the Windows of all the Apartments, & at the at both ends of the Garden Gates, behind which you can see the by sinking the end of the Apartemens advance fur the Galleries. marked "C" on Plank 3. The middle of this Faade, in in which we see three rows of thirteen Windows or Doors, and thus in a strong salient forebody, comprising the extent of the three Ar- J: ,• lli.'iii , van DE VAN Orange. Saee ' : the I.AN ET ; 'KING. C AT THE CABINETS "1 VUUUiri! , , . j.-ni < W ,f fan/,n Je /" SAXE n ORASGE. Jlyni utjj‘he (tROEN CABINET , Wclcker Iwee (tien inden HolF. van DE S A KL VAN ORANGE £ -tfj/t Im*a*r OF THE DIRTY ORANGE. 7 cadets who are downstairs as aulli from the three windows that re-- and the crowning of the Entablature. of a beautiful Fronton, in whose Tympanum the Weapons of the Princes; the Attic & the Dome do as in the two Plan- previous years. The 9 th . eft a Seftion or Section of the whole Building inside, where you can see below the double-arched vaults of the lower floor... or on the ground floor, with the Profile of the Entrance Door, you can Support of Baluftres & that of the Landing. At the top of these vaults efl: the great & fuperheSale, beautifully decorated, against the Walls. from which the birth, life, and death of the Prince of Orange Frederick Henry, with various rich ornamentation & excellent Hand Paintings by Jacob van Campai, famous for his Painter & Architect, and aulli of some of the most celebrated... brŽs Painters of the Low Countries. Next to this Dirty, we see here the Profile of the Veftibule, & that of the Platform that eft beyond with the Balu-supported... ftres & les Elevadons des Efcaliers. At the top of the Sale paro”t fa Vožte, the Baluftrade which reigned all around, and at the dellus of that dome vault, aulli riche- adorned by everything. The 10 th . is the front door , or first entrance , with fon Pont fur le Vivier, which are marked F, fur la Planche 2. 2. The PiŽdroits of this Gate are adorned with Pilaftres of the Order. Doric, a•ant leurs Bazes & Chapiteaux, dellus lefquels eftpofŽ un Entablature with a Fronton. With regard to the bridge, at both ends... which are closed on both sides of the Talus, on either side of the Fishpond, or FolfŽ, have Guards at Apui height, but the middle, which is not by any means finished, & at one of the ends, & at one of the ends of which eft the Door, eft toasted with Bars of the same & aufti higher than the Gate. The 11 th . reflects the Plan & Elevation of the Cuifins with their accompaniment, which they do in the middle of the Plain. in front of the Mailon, & marked B, after Plank 2. And aufti the lodging or residence of the Concierge or Guardian, which eft vis-ˆ-vis the said Cuifines, a femblablc prescription & marked C, in Plate 2. The 12 th . reflects the Plan, Elevation, & Profile of the Ca- binets de Verdure that are in the Garden, which are about to-- P, in Plank 2. & cutlery in Dome or Coupole , whose figure at the top here, & the Plan at the bottom of the Plan- The Cabinet's. These Cabinets are two-storey -, [ D ] A•ant "DESCRIPTION OF THE ORANGE BITCH. with openings to get in at the bottom, & a staircase to get to the to the top, in the middle of which is a Staircase, and a Re- pos , & another one upstairs in front of the entrance , as you can see. to the Plan & Profile. This Maifon is a true place of retreat, of rest, & of plausibility; it's a: Solitude in certain respects, being, as- me, we said, in the woods, but at the same time a Maifon de Ville, being close to The Hague, that you will be there. a few times in the past, an unbelievable crowd of people, par- ticularly from the time of the last Prince William III. King of the Great Britain, which was that of the Princes of Orange, which had in The Hague's most numerous & most beautiful court. C es Princes can taste here whenever they like a complete rest, & they can now, when they want, have their whole court. fans tire her out or inconvenience her. We can say fans exaggeration that it's an absolutely delightful place, being close to all where you don't see any embarassing things and don't hear at the- a noise, except for the noise of the Roihgnol and the other Oifeaux, with this a truly Royal pleasure, which is to see it fail. Bucks & Deer in the Plantages de l'Enclos. F I N. LES PLANS, ELEVATIONS, E T DESCRIPTION OF THE HOUSE NAMED SWANENBURG, Located between the Cities of Amfterdam & Haarlem. Orderly By POST STONE, Architect of Their Altejfes the Princes of Orange. A L E IT> E, At PIERRE VANDER Aa Bookseller, & Printer of the Dutch States College of Theology & from Weft-Frije; Remaining in the Academy, With whom you can find a wealth of curious books, as well as maps, and cities both in plan and in outline. quen profil, desPortraits des Hommes IUullres, & autres TaheJdožces. en pian mt)c~cxfT Pag. 3 description D E SWANENBURG. f A Maifon, which is here referred to as an ef- particular chip, nes'cn finding only in / lol- the moor of this strong, not to make confira- but for Ion ufage; what annoys us is that- ge , before making the Defcription , to do to hear what these strong Maifons are up to, ...because those who have not seen Holland.., P,- -'-'-'-"^7,"-. or ,wow, don't you wash how this* Province eft garenne des inondations, could not com- to take what fervently from Maifons like this, nor for- what it's called Gemme Lands Huys. Few People are unaware that the Province of Holland is made in a country for which the in various places the bottom is even lower than the sea, and in some places the bottom is even lower than the Ocecme, that there are in the area of the various Lakes & Seas, onTW Tu, 3U / treS CCUe, qU1 paf0ėt ki named Haerlemmer Meer or Sea of 'Haetletn; that there are still many Channels forming by the different arms of the Rhine and the Meufe, which swell: every Winter & cover a large part of the beautiful Prai- 1 we put in Summer the Cows, whose Butter eft fl excellent & fl fl strong rename, & that these swellings of Water sometimes make the ravage & damage in the Pais. What happens well more often with greater damage & even damages everything on 1 a•s, fl fl on ne retenit comme on lait, les Eaux, & fi on ne Je P, erre & Maonnerie bien piloter par dŽlions ŖĻmme on see here an example, others maintained by big & strong stakes, firm up, tie & bind together with strong boards, & d auues de diverfes fortes capables de refifter ˆ l'impetuofitŽ of the Waters: from 1 to 1 maintenance of the dikes we were obliged to a- to see a very big hay, having to work continuously... to be repaired in various places, which by confequent engage to DigueTSnt J & t , r f S ' confld ^ able de P^fe. This "maintenance" of Ui & ues being therefore of great importance to the whole country and a t b t of 4 DESCRIPTION of more confideable affairs? We were forced to commit the most hay & management has People who diligently obliterate their condition & what needs to be repaired, to give orders & direct them. spends it. This hay eft committed to principal & more puiflans Lords of the Country, as the most interesting places to do conferva- which are called, as you can see here, Dijckgraafen. Hoog Heemraaden van Rhijnland, which means, Grand Master of the LcvŽes& Hauts Curateurs, Confervateurs, & Directeurs des Digues of Rbinlande. This Directorate being divided into various districts where everyone has hay from Ion Diftrict, and these Lords have also their Gemeenelands Huys , which means , Maifon commune or of aflemblŽe, in which they find on certain days, to deliberate on what needs to be said and give or- dre. This Maifon eft in the countryside, in a beautiful air, was the Sea from behind, & from in front along a path & Dam wrong being the way to Haerlem, great & beautiful city, in Amjlerdam, even much bigger & more beautiful, which makes the fituation of this Maifon very pleasant & very commo- of for those who will have to go there both on one side and on the other. on the other. You can see the prescription & distribution in the the Planks leaking here. T he first small crossroads of the Maifon with all the fes accompaniments & fes environs. You can see the lake at the bottom, or Very wide river named Ye, which is not very far away. from the front of this Maifon, communicating to the Haerlem Sea. to the Zuyder Zee where she's gonna make, and I'm gonna get a big kick out of it. Then it says Hoogen Dijck, which means high dam, then scbutting which is a wooden or plank bumper stick, along which we're grazing along the levee. At a des cotez eft writes Vaert na Amjlerdam, which means, the che- min by water to Amjlerdam; on the other side Vaert Haerlem sea , means, the water route to Haerlem. Au deils eft writes Lage Wegh sea Amjlerdam, which means low way to Amfter- damn; on the other side Lage Wegh sea Haerlem, means, che- min low in Haerlem, by which one can know that coming from from Amjlerdam , this Mailbn eft to the left, & to the right coming from from Haerlem. In the middle of the Plank eft writes Hderlemmer ofte Spiering Mecr who is the Sea of Haerlem, from which the floods beat- tent at the foot of this Maifon's Terrein. The name Spiering eft that of a Poiffon named in France Eperlan. In this same Sea we see here several Shields of Coat of Arms, in the middle of which & bigger than the others, eft that of Rbinlande, & OF SWANENBUkG. s the others make Deputies Lords of the Levees, name as we said before. At the very top eft one small Painting reflecting the Maifon in perfpe‰ive the Maifon with ac- compagnemens , that we will indicate according to the Characters Alphabetized like they do the boards. The letter A, marks a shortened Plan of this Maifon. named S w anenburg, which name being translated would mean Chateau des Signes, but it's a proper name that doesn't require point of translation. B, eft a place called Plain Outdoors, because she's outside the Maifon. C, make two Bridges equal & similar to enter right & left across the street. ...ling the Madwoman who eft in front of the Alaifon... D, make name squares- front plains, being at the front of each Entrance. E, eft another ugly place called Middle Plain. F , eft one Work platform or work floor, with Stables, Stables to Va- ches, & des Cuilines. G, a Plain at the back. H, a pe- tite maifon of Wood or Planks advanced fur the Sea. I , do from the Orchards. K, Vegetable Garden. L, Bleaching meadow. M, make beautiful Planted Dunes. N , eft a beautiful & long Fir wings. O, eft a lake that hawks from there to Liguria and is named- me EcŸelle; Kom van de Vogel-Kooy means EcŸelle from there aviary. P , eft the ducks' retreat, named Een- den-huyS' which means 'duck maifon'. Q, make Maifons particular. A, Degrees to go up the levee. S , eft a jetty named Hooft which means Head, which eft for the convenience of Boats & Ships stopping & sticking to it- nent. T, are doing Plantations on the Plain out there. V, do three named Eclufes from the OŸeft, the Middle, & the Eft. W, particular Maifons, independent of the one of which he is here. some of which are well-stocked refreshment cabarets. clftlfemens for the palaces, & for those who have business in the Ge- meenelands Huys. And X, make beautiful & prairie grades. The 2 nd . shows the Profile of the Upper Dyke at the bottom, the three Cloufs, and the Cloifon that keeps them out of the way may- blic. Beyond this Profile and the Plan de la Digue & des Eclufes in the foundation, to see how their foundations are doing. thrown & worked. On one side is the Profile of the Eclufe Occiden- on the other side the old Plan de l'Eclufe Orientale, which was redone in the year 1654. These Clouds are made to hold & release the Waters of the Sea in the River, or of the River in the Sea, felon the we need it. A, eft the Western Bloc Plan, failing... see the shape of the Challis or Grid that encloses & retains the Pillars in- t c J fem- 6 DESCRIPTION the sight of which the stakes are driven into & into, go on, go on, go on, go on. what was done to the other two Eclufes as well as to this- here. B, eft the Plan of the Middle Eclufe, where we see the Box Springs pofez fur the head of the Stakes as they do to the Three Clouds. C, eft le Plan, of the Eclufe Orientale , representing the second Platform or Planks or Plank Revetment, as it has been done to the Three Clouds in the stream of water. D , efl the Chaffis or Grid & Piles from the Avants-Becs that make between the Eclufes. E, let's see the Platform of Planks or Strong Planes- ches pofeeded & pegged to this Pilot. F, eft le Profil de la ma- onnerie ŽlevŽe fur les Pilotis vers la Mer, sauf quelle eft more deeply embedded as seen in the Profile of the Di- gue & des Eclufes & marked F , in the Plan. G , eft un Pro- wire of the high masonry fur Piloting between & joining the E- clules towards the River liet Ye marked auffi G , fur le Plan. H, eft a Pilot like the others lous the Walls in front of the Di- gue & around Les Eclufes. I, eft le mme Pilotage recouvert of the Planks. K, eft the Profile of the Walls raise the so-called Pi- ...lofty. L, 20 piŽ long pilotis aux trois Eclufes. M, Pi- allotments of 40 piers long. N , make Apentis or Awnings which cover the Doors of the Eclufes, & where they hang & hang them up when we lift them up. O , & P , mark certain stakes that were employed in extraordinary and difficult works, which were not- the West in 1607, to that of the West, to that of the West, and to that of the West. from the middle in 1608, & to the Orientale in 1609, you drive her- te & the invention of the renowned Nicolas -Henri van AJfen- delft , habil man in his trade to whom these works made a lot of honor & increased the reputation a lot. He was- toit Pere de Simon-Nicolas from ^ Iffendelft & grand Pere de Nicolas Cornelius van AJfendclft, whose behavior are the beautiful or- of these three new cloths have been milked in the years-- born 1652 , 1653 , & 1654, reading the Deffeins that do here. Beyond the Plan of Foundations is another one in which eft Žcrit , Grondt vanden Hoogen Dyck and the Sluyfen, op de hooghte vanden Dyck; which means , Plan de la haute Digue & des E- clufes by the del”us de la Digue. Then Schutting who eft the Plan of the Cloilbn feparenting the Clouds of the Way of the Dyke. At the very top it says bet Ye qui eft le Lac ou Riviere de ce name. The third and last floor plan or first floor of this beautiful May- fon , wherein A, marks a publication of the Vuid Terrain, which eft outside this Maifon from the front, which eft name- DESWANENBURG. 7 named Plain Outdoors. B, Bridges to enter right- te & left, crossing the Folle qui eft auffi in front of the Maifon & marked C, these B Bridges, make mark C , fur la Planche i. From these two Bridges one enters at each side into the equal D-rated seats, so it's a good thing that here on Plank I. & named Front Plains. E, make on each side a par- tion of another ugly guy named Middle Plain. F, lash one part of the Separation, or Cloifon, between the Mid Plain and the place & vegetable garden. G, eft a part of the Cloifon fe- paring the Middle Plain from the Orchards. H, eft a Ga- lerie ouverte avancŽe en dehors , dont le deffiis eft ioutenuenu par the Stacks of three Arcades in which there are Ba- luftres as you can see them figured. I, eft un Veftibule. K, a Gallery. L , the main staircase. M , a Defcente de Ca- ve. N, laCuifine. O, a Cabinet, Counter, Room for write, or Secretary's Office. P , make the Secret Places... convenience. a> make lix Bedrooms clean & comfortable. a> make lix Bedrooms clean & comfortable. any other ufage. A, The level at which one enters the Office... O, & Stairway to the top. S, and it's still a staircase. to get to the top. The 4th . eft the Second & Main Floor Plan in the- which A, marks a great Dirty, which spread over the gale-- open line of the low floor, & high eft of the height of this deu- xth Floor & of the troiforme enfemble. B, eft un Veftibule. C, a Gallery. D , the big Staircase. E, do fix Cham- bres or to sleep or to do what we want. F , des Cabinets or Garderobes. G , Secret or convenience places. H, a staircase to defend. The 5 th . eft the Elevation of the Face from which eft towards the North. In the middle of this Faade is a body front com- taking the extent of the three Arcades of the Gallery which eft at the E- tage or Rez-de-Chaufl‘e: in these three Arcades, you can see the Apuis de Baluftres; on either side of the Forebody an Fe- be in the Hindquarters, then again on each side the Gates which are crowned with Frontons & auffi on each side. the Fence, which was created on the inside edge of the fence. Foft qui eft at the bottom of the front of this Maifon. The Forebody qui eft au milieu de cette Face eft ornŽ dans le bas Etage de four Pilaftres of the Doric Order, favor one to each Pile from between the Arcades & both Corners. At the second & main floor, the three windows are counted in the forebody. & responding to the three Arcades below, are crowned with JdJ Fron- g description Frontons, and every Window Awning has two cardboard boxes- ches for Coat of Arms > & one in each of the Pilaftres' Dice which decorate this second Floor, comprising at least the height of a troifiŽme qui eft au dellus. On each side of 1 Forebody one sees on each of these floors, a Window in the Body Array. responding to the ones downstairs. The Pilaftres that adorn these two floors together being of Ionic Order, carry their Capitals a beautiful Entablature with a crowning pediment In the Tympanum of this Fronton there is a Car- crowned key filled with A Union Weapons, & accompa- gnŽ de Feftons & de Cornets d' Abondance couchez fur la gran- straight or horizontal cornice. Behind the Fronton paroit the Attic high in Rump, from the middle of which a Tower is strong three storeys, the first of which is the largest and the largest of which is the & the one that at the highest point, eft surrounded by a Fence in which eft a Window at each of the eight quotations. This first floor of the Tower and crowning a Corniche at the dei- eft of which is a Clock Dial at each of the four Faces of the building. At the deftus eftus another, smaller floor. than the first one, but of the same octagonal shape, which eft open all around & covered with a dome made of Pi- the eight arcades that surround this floor, which is then covered by... ronner d'un Entablement portant la Coupole, & fur icelle en- core a smaller floor than the previous one, & aulli or- green in eight arcades, defecting a little neck... furmounted pole of a Pyramid, at the tip of which eft a Punch bearing the figure of a Swan who eft la GiioŸete ...showing the Wind that Tramples. The 6 th . eft . eft side Elevation towards the Oueft , ou ion can notice the Profile of the Entrance Bridge, in the middle. of which is that of the gate or forward gate mile, which eft up to date & Bars, as seen in the Plank previous. Then the Profile of the Gallery of the Lower Floor & of the Apartemen who are defecting. Then the Gate Profile of Entry, & behind that of two Forebody, favoring this- him in which eft the Main Staircase, & that of fon Perron. Since there is no Side Entry, there is no aulh d A- nor of the uncle; one can see a feulement at the ^ dellus of the Entablature, two dormer windows, each crowned with jon the two windows that make up the small front door, which answer to the two windows that are in the middle of this side, which is similar to the way it looks. The The roof is as high here as on the Front Face, and you can see some of them. lor- deswanenbŸrg. ioitir les Souches de CheminŽes & la Tour en la mme ma- denied. The 7 th . eft the Elevation of the Back Face which eft towards the South, in which one can notice first in the middle in all the height, the two Forebody figure auifi in the 1 lane 1 lane 3 First you can see down in the middle of the everything, the Maifon Gate, which is square, i.e. five- Clavaux in Plate-band, ornamented & accompanied by a cha- than four Pilaftres of the Doric Order, with three Pe- born on both sides in the Intercales des Pilaftres, & aulh to each side of the Forebody, a Window in the 1 Bodyguard. Leaked on each side of the building make the monkfish d Front entrances, which are here in a depression with part of the Fence. At the deffiis of the Entablature .1 y has a pediment whose (creeping bird eft prifc de l'Enta- the crowning achievement of the most extensive forebody & not of the most advanced, which is remarkable as being I nguhei Le Comble & la Tour fe see here as at the two previous boards. The eftuneSeflion or Cup where we see the difpo- Imon from within on every floor of this Maifon. This Plan- First you see the Profile of a part of the Bridge, then this- He of the Gallery, who was on the lower floor in front, made it- tion of the 1 ortes of each coin of which this Floor eft: compo- e ' P ul! f the difpofttion of the Staircase that eft in bankruptcy, & for- so much contained in the Forebody which eft in the middle of the Face from behind. On the second & main floor we see the order- nance & height of the large Sale which eft lur the front, with at Cheminee, then the fitting of the Gates of all the Cham- the Eft side, which means that all the other countries have to be the first floors, as well as the distribution of all the floor plans. re PaifA f U dC! Kl ] C n\ C du Toit 011 Combined, of which eft freeze ic 1 aflemblage de la Charpenterie , de la Tou QOnt rin 1" fl rr,,,, 1 . a ' ~~ uv id Tour p-, you can see all the confusion inside, since fon lier, qui eft lur le troifiŽme Plancher, juf'ˆ la Cime & Gi- This Maifon, as you can see, is very-agreeable to me. ion prescription , difpofttion , & diftribution of parts of which every Apartment and kitchen, with every apartment and all the neceflacial amenities. But besides that fi on confidŽre fa f- tuation, we can't concede that the day is not a deliberate one. the heavens; in the surroundings of the Canals, Lakes, a t e t belle IO description of swanenburg. beautiful & wide River in front, & bathed by the Sea by in the back, with that beautiful Plantations & nice Prairies- that accompany the Gardens & Orchards. In addition, the between & close to two big & beautiful Cities, one of which is one of the most reliable in the Universe, & from which we can ve- nir softly & pleasantly by Water , aulh although by Earth in any way. F I N. W$@ ! 26 Ø 8 %@%Ī •tfŲSK&t‘ •tmw W 1 ^ SYS C/,K> ik gi - flL.jfaje i i-itell ±J* HU Tr. 1 1 0 OGRN - DYCK . S h U Y S E - STANDT tōōėWMMll ) 'lnWWMiur} JCCRTE VE RC LA RINCE OP DE AENTEVCKENJNOE A . ^ejlelyek/te S lues, met aemoyfuye van het Am fn®.fo^A van Jeep enJe de aaJere Sluyfin ? B . Aiddtyh Sluys.met aenuyfbŲe vanJe beeleeJžgt van tKaem.enJe jPeywerek . vm Jefe en Je andere SluŲfn C . žcflelrckfie S lues met aenvyf”nye vanJe boeede becleedmoe inJe tteht.- Mttrl Island.~cy.vm Jefe enJeJe mJtre Stuyfen. D - GronJt vanbRaem en Aeywerek. . bayten Je tcyht v.tnde SUttfen . E. jPet aenoemJe Kaern ende jSeywtrek . met ylancken bedeeJtt. F . StanJt van t.lluurverck . oy hit yenoemde jdyuerck . mur Je.tlerr. uvtoefonJert Jat het dieyer enJe meer vervallen leyht. ale iode StanJt vmJe Dyek enJe Slafn vert atnyhewefen.enJe met Je letter F. inJe orondt aenaetteenent. G. j/™oh StanJt van 't -Huurvtrck . oy 'tyenoemJe JPeŲ^erck . eŸde neven Je Sluyfn naer het if. inJe GronJt met nenoewefn. H . Or J, naer Kaern enJe jJeyvJerek yande yocrJere I'm sorry, sir. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I . jPet jencemJe Kaern enJe J&Ųwerck. metylaneken becleeJt . K. StanJt vanJe. Jour cy het yencemje Jpeyv/erek eamenJe . L. SyonJt yalen . tnJe Wejhlyckj•c Stuys ccmenJe.als meJe indr anJere. lanah center 20 voetta. M m†a/”en yan 'tjyverck - larŲh omirent So voettn N . Luyeken ? cm by yeluenthevt Je Jeuren of en m te hayc Standt vande GRONDT vanden HOOGEN DYCK eride ASSENDELFT. oruJtr "U in Loffrlj'cke yernžuvbŲ Slmfen mJenjare iS 5 l 'Sjf' £ eJaen va. neyer.JhenJe betUinee. vande -STE SLUYS gt ttulen swears l&5j ¦ rumble ¦ OOSTELYCK Voer Je bermakin j van t Raem-werck Spiering Meer U South-Ou* if eu. .%er d SiG srltrn; Ttotsoi, Haerlemmcr -Meer. tegen t Suydwcftcn .ojie 5CHUTTING YE. P P/i Im'erUpf DYCK - 5LUYSK Mte ?.. .i. mu Elevation ^ c/c ccrr-/er-e je Sw - - LES PLANS" ELEVATIONS, DESCRIPTION OF THE BEAUTIFUL HOUSE NAMED R Y X D O R P, Located near the village of WASSENAER. Orderly By PIERRE P O S T, Architect of Leurs Alteffes les Princes of Orange. A L E IT> E, At PIERRE VANDER Aa Bookseller, & Ordinary Printer of the Academy & City, living in the Academy, Ch. qui on t~ p ro"e vues " en description OF THE BEAUTIFUL HOUSE R Y X D O R P, AND ITS ACCOMPANIMENTS. Throwing fiiperbe Maifon whose here seen "Painting, with different hands, by different hands to auffi been confected, augmented, & embel- binds in various tems & at various times. The Very-Noble Seigncui^melis vanden Bouckhorft, Lord of Wimmenum & Vromade, buy- ta in 1 6) 7 & 1658. by Moniteur Guillaume Bontrn Captain of Infantry, Land of Ryxdorp , with the Maifon, which is still very much alive but not enthusiastic about aprefent than home to the Gardener & Forest Ranger. It bought auffi two other Metairies, & some land adjacent to the Yours, of many private individuals, whose mayfons were demo- lies & slaughtered in the Year 1662. The futile year, says the Lord of Wimmenum formed the deflein of building, at some diftance from the the old maifon, the one that is here referred to, which deflene was prefque achevŽ d'exŽcuter l'AnnŽe 1668. pendant ces cinq ˆ the years he surrounded this Building of a Wood of high forest, in the which he had various beautiful fish ponds dug, having at the same time dug a lot of-- the whole of a Canal or Madwoman filled with Water, which was about half done, when death is opposed to fa perfelion. ...to the full execution of this Lord's plans, took him away and made him... The year 1669 saw the birth of great differences between the Heritiers' festivities, would start arguing against each other. This was cau- that this beautiful building remained imperfect, deficient & uninhabited. until the year 1687. that Monžeur- /J‰ac Paatm Lord of Acb- tienhove, Heinfchote, & de Bofcb bought it, repaired it, & increased- your the beauties of the neighborhood. What is my son-in-law doing, Mon- Conrad of Heemskerck in 1692. I had to go on, but he was prevented from doing so by the ballad fes Am ballads, both in Germany, E/country, only in Turkey & France. In the year 1707. the very-No- Lord Jacob Emmeri, Baron of Wafenaer bought this beautiful X 2 heri- llllj - ^ Pies Je Rin/anJe . ?? fa i /ffa t efe R-Yxnoiip. IiIIWM Jj'J† HOUSE OF R.YXDORP. 5 in an extraordinary way, as well as by the quotations, all the Windows being in Cymetry, the answering everywhere & fe watching each other all around, those from behind to the front & those from a side by side. There is at the back of this Salon an entrance similar to the one to the one in front, in the same difpofition & prescription, having sufficed an equal Peron whose Ramps are similarly marked A, & the B-bearing, of the same size & figure as the one in front. On the front, to the right of the building, and a large dining room, marked D , which contains the full width of the part that eft in the forebody, and then in the back, and then an alcove bedroom mar- E , next to which is a staircase marked L , a Paflˆ- ge M , & of the Secret Places K. On the left in front of the front and one large Bedroom marked F , Identical & matching to the Sale that eft to the right, & behind this House another one. Bedroom, marked G, behind which there is a study. H, & another Cabinet I, a library enthusiast. Next to these Coins are a Staircase Similar to the one on the right, aufli mar- quŽ L, Paflˆge M, & K, make the secret places. N, do the In- in Gardens, O , Ponds or Canals. All the rooms of this superb Apartment, both the Staircases, Paffages or Galleries, that Tower and the Vault that carries it, Lounge, Dirty, Rooms & Cabinets, are richly decorated with everything that the you can put & make the most beautiful in the most beautiful Logemens. both in the Walls and the Ceilings & Fireplaces. The troifem, represents the Front and Back Faces." which make them entirely similar and equal to any fans at the- the view of a pleasant Alpine landscape, by the way of the beautiful order of all that can be seen there, Cymetry being e- xaclement obfervŽe partout. One can first notice at the bottom of the Board, the Entrance to the Lower Floor, which is shown at the the middle of the Faade fous le Peron who went up to the principal First floor, & on each side of the building, a recessed archway. which eft an Entrance to the Gardens figural & S-side, Plan- che I. Enlude these Entries with the letters A. B. C. D. do re- prefer parts of Channels marked A, which are at the top of the list. Nord-Ou‘ft , at fon Water two feet four inches higher than that of the B, which is in South Qu‘ft, which is three piers five for- the Vivier aux Carpes , which is covered with a layer of Bricks in the middle of the Forecourt. The mark C, which is in the Nord-Lft, at fon Water nine inches higher than D , that eft to the South-Eft, which eft is one foot ten inches higher than the fufdit Vivier aux Carpes. You can see in the middle of the main Eta- XX ge, 6 DESCRIPTION OF THE ge, fon Entrance with the Windows of the quotations that are in the Avant- body, which at the height of the Entablature eft crowned with a Fronton. Each Forebody, from the ends of these Faades, eft pierced by three Windows, & in the Rearbody there are two of them. on either side of the middle forebody, which makes a leak... of twelve windows, one on each side of the entrance. At the Entablature that crowns the main floor, one can see that the the elevation of another Floor, which in the Middle Forebody eft pierced by three Windows responding to the openings of dell™us. At the defeat of this third floor, & the Attic, behind the A- In the middle body, you can see the figure & high elevation of the Tower with fa dome cover. In the forebody of the At the ends, one can see at the delliis of the Entablature the Windows that light up the third floor, which are crowned each- cune of a Fronton in the middle of each of the said Forebody. There are on this third floor, three beautiful rooms on either side. The fourth one is a Section or Section of the Building &... of the Tower from the middle in the whole height, where you can see the interior construction of both the Vaulting and the Apartments. that make the dcl”us, & that of the Tower with the aftemblage of the woods that form the Dome. The fifth one, crosses the Maifon with fes- lies, such as Wimmenwn's Heritiers de Monfieur the fi- came home to engrave as they agreed & took the resolution of ven- to this legacy. At the bottom of this Board is the Elevation. of the Back Face with the Orchards, Gardens, the Fence of Wall & Pavilions, as well as the Path in front of it. the Entrance, which is bordered on one side and the other by a beautiful Ran- The entrance to the building has a large Ef- Oval portion planade. The first entrance, as one sees it, being very advanced in front of the Maifon, and being formed. by fix Carried or damned arches by fix Pilaftres , of which those that whip out the Door are higher and bigger than the au- between these two main Pilaftres, there are two of the most important Arcades for the Gate. In addition to this representation, one see the Map of the accompaniments & surroundings of this Maifon , which are indicated by the Table that was on the same Board. & that we put here. 1. Way from Wajfemer to Cafwijk. 2. Large Door that can serve as an entrance. 3. Barrier enclosing the Garden. 4. Triangles with the Ponds around it. 5 ? <> Ō '?! ->„>'? > > WW'. I* " " * ' J*-, and y Aepij•er. piebald denm/JinŲe de/en ^aerte. '^eelt nae'i s a t rude ^tlre. ‚)e Jtcnc poorr va/t yooren. en Vp'crj. 3 Hit htek naden dTŲn . 4 duet trianpcL met h a re jHfvera, 5 Vicrcante Pijvcr en dijnen G 2)e floor j. y Hit plan ahead. Hup. g AAclapaerden en h are P libers. 9 Ve la sjccoˆrt en Pijj'cnr. 10 f jAeJchŸip WepJi 1st jijden 11 X Jteenc poorf- aldacr. U. l)e Poar 'Wejh en poort y an. achteren 1% IDe Wepjf naderonde P•fj'er 14 £)t Snoeck Vit ver 15* (ōc Tionde yifVer qroot. een meraeti. \Here's to the next Vh/L. iveyA's acitcren tnde tnde ? JP. I ... . TpSØ.^ "It"? "He"? > .m i.i-... 5 - 6 . 7 - 8 . D E Quartered fishpond & Garden. Land. Map of the Maifon. Orchards with the Viviets at the entom E, At PIERRE V A N D E. R Aa, Bookseller, & Printer of the Theological College of the States of Holland from Weft-Frije; Remaining in the Academy, Chei that one finds all strong of curious Books, as aulli of Geographical Maps, of the Cities so much in plan than in profile, Illustrious Men, & other In-Size. MT) C C XK Pag. 5 description BREAKING NEWS CITY HOUSE MAASTRICHT. he magnificent building being worthy of the cu- riofity & Confidentiality of those who please- architecture & those who practice it. or professing, both for the sake of a good ordina- nance & interior design , only for parties Tasteful outdoor ornaments & of course. We will describe it exactly . by fleeing the order of the Planks, & that of the Alphabetic characters that make deffiis to indicate fes mem- bres ouparties, after we say some chofe beyond iitua- of this beautiful Maifon. This building was erected on the large & spacious Place named the March on Wood, which leads to several rivers and enters the- very the big & beautiful Ru‘ de Bois-le-Duc , at the other end of the road of which eft one of the gates of the City named aufli de Bois- le- Duke. It eft ifolŽj en forte that you can see it all around > fe mon- the four Faces of the Paflans in the sight of all the Paflans during this Place which is a great place to be, and for which the whole Garnifon is a great place. ranks in Battle, on the days of Watch or Revž‘. Coming from the old Maifonde Villefurle called MarchŽ auBois , parla Ru‘ nom- the right path, we come to the Face of Munt, which is the right path, we come to the Face of Munt, which is the right path, we come to the Face of Munt. from behind this new building, which hits the view at an early stage. that we put the PiŽ fur la Place, being nice to see in all these qua- be quoted. Entering the City through the fufdite Duke's Wood Gate, ...going all the way along the Ru‘ of the same name, we come fur the fu- said Place or 1 we see on the left the most beautiful & main Face of this mperb Edifice. Going from the other beautiful square called Vryt- ho f&c aufh Green Square, where the Great Guard is, towards the Por- te or Rue de Bois-le-Duc parla Spil Straat, on pafle fur le fufdit Mar- the main face of this new house in the woods, where you can see on the right the main face of this new Maifon de Ville, which is well planted& from a beautiful Afpe™t to all the various avenues of this great square. B My a- 4 DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW Maastricht being a city of war, not the border of this state to which it belongs, but distant & read in an au- the country, by a highly experienced colleague, one is obliged to hold a Garnifon & there are many well-stocked shops in the area. ...all armed with War & Mouth Amunitions... What's that for? one has been well provided for by building this new Maifon de Ville, practicing it, with all the other apartments, is one of those things that have been done so far... various high & low stores, to relieve the Amunitions the the most important, some Shops , & other Apartments , we see the difpolition & grandeur in the figures here. The Plate marked (i) is the title of this Book. T he board marked ( a ) is a reference to the first floor plan, the- what a fully vaulted stone eft, occupying a squared-off lot- long , i oo piesde width & 1 3 3 length , Mefure de Rhin- moor. LaMaifon eft however square, what there is in this lower Eta- ge more in length than in width , being occupied by the lailiie ou avance du Perron & grand Palier quilont devant la princi- Entry paddle. We see in this Plan the dilpofition & chain size... cune des Pices dont eft compofŽ ce premier Etage qui eft celui d en low, or first parody a Perron & a large Bearing marked A, reigning at the front throughout the expanse beyond Face & returning to the two quotations from the Forebody that eft in the middle of this F ace, in the- quel eft the large & main entrance marked B. This Landing & this Perron giving Elevation to the Building give it aulh beau- coup de gr‰ce & de MajeftŽ. In addition to the great Perron there are still some a small one to each of the three entries that make up this Face, favoir to the big one that eft in the middle of the Forebody, & has each of the- tres qui font dans l' Arrire-corps, tout proche de l'Avant-corps ˆ each side. The back entrance eft mark C, at the end of the Vefti- bulc of which we see two pctitsDegrezD, which make desDefcentes de Caves, & between these two a large one marked E, to go upstairs. dedeftus. The pieces marked F, make the Guardsmen the- which there are Cellars, G, eft the City Workshop, H, the Weight, or Ba- ...peels the Grain to brew the Beer, which is called Soft- lure, I, the Scales to Peel the Scabble', K, make the Logemens of Ge™- lier , Concierge, & Portier, L, eft unMagazin lous which there are Cellars, &M, and other Walls in the surrounding area, such as you can see, are of extraordinary thickness, and this and that is the The Board marked ( 3 ) eft the Plan of the second & main Eta- ge, where you can see first the Entrance Steps, the two Chain Ramps, the two staircases, the two staircases with their respective only on the right & left side, the two resting bearings on both sides & the one at Entrance mark A, B, C. We're coming in last or higher. top ycMMurevANM^. NEW CITY HOUSE J, ^ AASTRIC A LEIDE, elle Z Pierre tant der A a B . Bu-Ju link JejthuU Pccr-Gtvtl. BrrJn It-f Jt I-.HV l'ryf,. Jt KtUtrt wall G . ScJu I .'rrtl h ar, ' D. £ . F . K . L . M Vmuuk"w Ji StfUr ? ?PuUmf,,. Jur cmkr L.Urr, TuMlf t. Jur cmJrrttrUuiiuffiit . Aj J* JiåutLiTuJe . GROND van de eerfte verdiepiturh van hetr Stadt-huys van Maastricht zvnde met Steen pevujft. tl'r. iif trfl”dffi' ? -*- * r * ' ' r ! Ō 5 MAASTRICHT TOWN HOUSE, high deceses Landing at both ends, and in the middle there is the entrance at one end. big & fpacieufe Public sale D, which eft raised in all- the height of the third floor up to the dome of which it is a part. covered, which is crazy for the Tower. In the middle of the back end of this great Sale, which is properly a great Veftibuleou Ba- E Staircase E, which is used to go up to the first floor of the building. challenges. On one side of this bayilica, to the north, and there's a large Room F , for the Lords Commiffa”rcsDecifeurs , lefquels ...make them deputies of the state every year at certain times, for ter- Undermine cases that we feel are indecisive, remorseful, or have- and on which they pronounce their judgement. definite. At the end of the same Sale, & at the back of the Maifon. in the corner towards the South-Eft, and a large roomG, for the Bour- guema”tres, & next to this House, towards the South, eft an au- tre Chambre H, qui eft la Secretairie d'iceux Bourguema”tres. At two sides of the same big Dirty, & fur the front of the Maifon, make Chambers I, for the Aldermen; joining the one that eft to the con- tŽ du Midi there is another K , for the service of the so-called E- goats, and run away to? Eft their Secretariate L, joining this- the Burgundian one. At the end of the back, in the angle towards the Nord-Eft , eft the Council Chamber M , & in the middle of the same... bout, derrire l'Efcalier, eft un VeftibuleN,ˆ chaque c™tŽ duquel make Porches O, & Secret Places P. The (4) eft the Floor Trophy Plan, where we see firstly the shape & size of Balcony A, advanced outwards to the deffus of the Landing of the entrance to the main floor, where the balcony is entered. of a large Gallery B, which revolves around the large Sale of the Deftous Floor, being carried by Arcade Sawyers Batteries which make to the ifolated deffous in the Bafilique. The deffus of this Gallery being the arcades and their batteries, between which there are some I'm not going to be able to see the whole thing, but I'm not going to be able to see the whole thing. who's blowing off steam down in the Bafilique or Big Salt Room of the second E... tage. On each side of this Gallery, in front of it, & in the two corners of the building, make Chambers C, for the Commi (fai- Infidels; fled from one of these Chambers, on the North side, eft the Chamber of Accounts D, & then another Chamber E, iron- to that of the Accounts. On the other side, which eft towards the South, eft the Secretariate of Council F, which is the place where the armies are kept. fled to the same side and the House for the Penfionnai- G, then another H, for the Oilers or Concierges; & a fcmblable, on the other side face to face. On the backside, within two years- The rules make two large rooms I, for the Hostages: between these two, & in the middle of that back, eft another K-room, auffi C for 6 DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW for the hostages when we want to hold them higher and tighter- on each side of this House there is a small Porch L, & of the M> Lick Places as well as del”ous. Between this Cham- In the middle of the back & at the end of the Gallery there is an Ef- calier N, to go up to the Attics. The ( 5 ) eh the Plan of the fourth Floor which eh the Plan of the Granaries, Plan can easily see the one of the Cupola A, the one of the octagonal figure, flees from Staircase B, which is the one by which we go up from the Nebulae Floor to this one, then the four Sou- The chimney blocks of Chimney C, in each of them parody the fixings of the The guardians of the three floors of the fourth floor of the dehbus. The e- water flows, or gutter diversions between the different water- ferent roofs, are marked by the D-lines, the slopes of the Roofs & the four Frontons by the E Lines, the Fa”tes & eXaufi* females of the Frontons by the F Lines, & the Long Chevrons sides or corners to the G Lines. The (6) reflects the front or the main Face of this beautiful Edi- fice , which eh towards the Ou‘h or Occident , ornamented in the height of fes four floors of the four main Orders of Architecture , in a visually pleasing arrangement. The downstairs floor and then- born of a Doric Order in Ballooning, with Pilahres in the Foreground- body, in the middle of which eh the great entrance with fon Perron, ...both quote Baluhren's "Snippets" and "Fucking Baluhren's Snippets. of the two Ramps that are eager to go up to the main floor, & aulai those of the Rest Landing on either side. In the Rearbody, on each side, you can see the other entrances with their stoops. as they are marked on the Plan, plank ( 2 ). The open- the great Entrance that is in the middle, and in the Arcade, curved and of Voulloirs in full hanger, & the others are bent from Cla- vaux en plate bande. You can see next to the railings, days per- oval shape for lighting in Shops, & next to the En- The windows that light up the apartments on this lower floor, & outside those windows, the window wells that give the air to the Cellars. The second & main floor being of Ionic Order, eh or- born of Pilahres in the whole extent of the Faade in the middle of the every Tremau & Corner, those Pilahres having their Pie- dehaux, Bazes, & Chapiteaux, fur lefquels eh l'Entablement rŽ- lying all the way through. Windows that break through the length of this Face, the Forebody comprises five, of which the three in the middle fe find at the back of three Arcades of which the Batteries are erected in front of the Forebody on the Great Landing. to blow the cover. The middle opening, beau- , ' : ? - Grond van de vierde Verdiejtinah eftr de Solder, van het Stadt-huys van Maastricht. met vertrnninah van Gooteti, Jfoclken tnJt I ka£. . Cupe/a, m I'm stopping at the same time. Now... Trap . cm van Je JerJe ap Je vierje l'erjteptnab te p, Vier ScAecrfteenen but-ten b et JacA uptccemenJe Geuten, tu/fcben Je JaAen iniepaeiuie Xee/en van Je aemeene Aappen enje Je ^JrcneefpteJfen YacAen van Je pemeene kafpen eaJe Je^frente/pte/•en JfeecA' fpanninoben "Ēf . MAASTRICHT TOWN HOUSE. 7 much wider than the Windows, being open up to a- fter the painting of the Arcade Stack Alleys, eft the Entrance to the this fertile main floor, all three arcades have A's... and then fucked Baluftres, which makes this Entrance Landing fert from Balcony to this main floor. The Corinthian Trophy Floor, eft auffi decorated with Pi- laftres in the whole Extent of the Face, in the middle of the Tremaux. & at the Corners, which Pilaflres have, like those of def- mad, their Piedeflaux, Bazes, & Chapiteaux fur lefquels eft po- fairy tale reigning all along." Of the Nine Windows, the A- The bodywork consists of up to five, including the middle one, and either- green up to the floor, being the Door to come to the Balcony. which cover fert at the Entrance Landing of the main Floor who's crazy about this; this opening in the middle, less ele- The windows, which are adorned with a chamber, including the Corni- che eft foutenu‘ de Confoles & furmontŽe d'un Fronton dont le Tympanum eft filled with Sculpture. The fourth floor, which is that of the Attics or Shops. the middle of the Face, not being raised to the highest point, but defeats of the Tropheme Entablement than in the Expanse of three Fe- ntres & four Tremauxes in the shape of Attica, & decorated with Pila- ftres of the Order with their Bazes & Chapiteaux, the qua- tre Bazes pofŽes fur la Corniche du grand Entablement. La Fe- ntre du milieu eft ornŽe d'un Chambranle dont la Corniche eft Fuckin' Confoles, and fuckin' funfoubaffement l' Apui, as if he- that bankrupt, and adorned with Fefton in a Table of a Baze's fervent baseboard. This Attic is made of fes Wings. by two Statutes representing Mars & Pallas, who make affi- a little higher than the Corniche, having the shoulders supported ...against the Attica they're building. The whole body of this Atti- that eft crowned with a Fronton in the Tympanum of which eft the E- cu des Armes de la Ville, accompanied by Feftons & autres Or- nemens. This Brother fert fert auffi de Coronation to all that there is has furthermore advanced in the middle of the Faade in the full height, as in the three Arcades of the Entrance Landing of the main floor, & to the Balcony of the same extent which eft to the defect, which makes a very-agreeable effect. At the top of the hill, which is on the Rump, behind the Fron- tone, and in the middle of the building we see the fortified walls of the great- of Sale, who wear the Oven Dome at their summit one Corniche foutenu‘ de Modillons. At the end of this Corniche we see the Vouflhre de la Coupole, in which are pierced with days in ovals in bankrupt bodies quarry & crown of D small 8 description of the new Little Frontons. An dŽdits de la Coupole elt la Tour ŽlevŽe ˆ four different floors in height & width, always going in the same direction. diminishing upwards. The first of these floors > which elt aui•• the largest & most exhaull‘ , eft open all around, having a Arcade at each of the eight quotations, including the Batteries that link them & mad- the dedication have it at the eight Angles, & in the Arcades there are of the Apuis whose Soubademens are making a breakthrough. The Second Floor, lower than the first one, closed all around, being the Sėege de l'Horloge, whose dials can be seen on all four sides of the clock. P Edifice, & oval days in the other four co tez de la Tour between the 'Dials. The troid has an Apui de Baludres in each of these eight Faces, tied together by Pi- the pofez in dark Outer speaker at each of the eight Angles , which Piladres, ascans to the height of the troidemus di- vidon, do end with a Ball, pofee fur a little Baze. at the top of each one. The Inner Chamber of this troid Eta- ge ed en Arcades , & in every corner there is auid des Arcades binding together the two Speakers & carrying the Buttans Bows which support & strengthen the dedus, which on the fourth floor, the- which ed, like the first one, is completely open & completely empty- tour in Arcades , in which the Soubademens des Apuis do all full, & the Batteries in the Angles, linking the Arca- of the children', form the Lantern whose cover ed audi in Dome or Dome, fur laquelle ed une grade Boule pofŽe fur a Baze. On the Ball he- raised a Cross at the top of- the ed a winged human scale, stunning one of its arms on the Cross, ...where she goes around drinking the Thundering Wind, which she makes con- by a Star that she holds in her hands, and which edits the Weapons. of the City. The (7) ed the Elevation or South or South Side Face, the- it has as much scope as the one in front of the building being square, which is longer than it is wide in length in the low, being occupied by the Perron & Grand Palier who make at the de- vant. This side face, similar to the one that opposed him- fairy, has the same amount of windows as the one in front, in the three big floors that make dgurez here. The first, which ed that of the Rez-de-chaudŽe , ed of Order Doric at Bodˆges in the whole extent of this Faade, in the middle of the place of which ed the Entrance, which ed audi the middle of a Before- body that includes three Windows & four Tremaux. The Por- te ed adorned on each side with a Piladre a•ant pour Baze un So- cle fans Mouldings; the Entrance ed raised by a plain Ramp which is forms the pavement of the RuŽ. This curved Entrance ed of V ouŸoirs J . ? ? ' . ? I I I I gScntaoiq ' ? T - 1 . MAASTRICHT TOWN HOUSE. 9 forming a semicircular arch, & as the key to the arch there is a Star, which is the City's weapons, but the windows are five- the Entablature to the reigning deieieiis, the Entablature to the reigning deieieiis. all the way through. On the second floor, the forebody is decorated with four Pilasters of the Ionic Order, having their Piedftaux, Bazes, & Capitals as the Entablature reigned; the Key to the Plate-band of each of the three windows counted in the forebody, and the lease-- lante & decorated with mouldings. On the Troifem Etage, the forebody is decorated with four Pilaftres. of the Corinthian Order, having their Pedestals, Bazes, & Cha- ...and the Entablature reigned; the Key to the Banking- of each of the three windows counted in the Forebody, eft in Projection & adorned with Mouldings. L'Avant-corps eft couron- born , at the dellus of the troifem & last Entablature , of a beautiful Fronton, in whose Tympanum there is a day pierced in circles, entotirŽ of a Cord of Foliage accompanied by Fleurons, pendants from the tip down to the ends along the the Flat Corniche. The eft au•fi Tower, shown here at the end of the Roof, as in the previous Plank, the Baluftres, the Ar- the other chofes who pretend to see at one end of this Faade, make Degrez, Landing, & Balcony of the main fa- this or from the front, as well as the repentant Satue Pallas. La (8) eft l'ElŽvation or Face de derrire regardant vers Eft or Orient, which eft pierced as well as that of de- with as many doors and windows at the bottom and top. Of nine Windows that run the length of this Face, the Fore- the body which eft in the middle consists of three of them, strong that it is finds three on each side in the body arrier. The first floor, which is on the ground floor, is or- born, like the other Faces, of the Doric Order in Bof- lages, & there are three Entrances of the same size vaulted into Arches, favour one in the Forebody in the middle, & one on each side in the middle of each part of the hindquarters, that of the mid place a•ant fes PiŽdroits en faillie fur des Socles , & des Boflˆges to the defeat of the Imports around the Arc, in the Key of which eft the Star. All the Windows on this side, on all the floors, are curved from Clavaux to Plate-bande , & there is one in on each side of each of the three Arcades, in this Low Floor or du-Rez-de-Chauil‘e. The second & third floor trophy are difpofez & decorated with the same as at both sides, but the fourth, which does not appear to be at the quotations, eft raised here by the full width of the Forebody E of Tl I i IO DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW as well as on the front, and adorned with four Pilaftres of Gold - dre CompofŽ, a•ant leurs Bazes fur le troifiŽme Entablement. The Coronation of this Attic is the Coronation of the whole Forebody, the top of a beautiful Fronton, in whose Tympanum is a Fucked cartridge of two winged statues & extended over the Corni- right che. This Attic is made of wings and wings by cones. of abundance, the tombstones from the height of the Chapiteaux des Pilaftres, spread out and spread out over the Corniche of the Great and the troifies Entablement. The Tower appears here in the same dif- pofition that was on the two previous boards. La (9) eft une Section de tout l'Edifice en dedans du Sud au North, which is the length cut by the width, or the backside, of the... re fe trimmed from the front. At the bottom of the figure two floors of Vaulting one after the other, the lowest of which reflects the cellars, &... that of del”s eft l'Etage du Rez-de-ChauifŽe raised out of Earth, & hereinbefore called the first Floor, wherein pa- first of all in the middle of the Vault of the Magazin qui eft 'fou'. the great Dirty, & both sides paroled in the other Vož- the fireplaces of the Apartments of the lower floor, of which we see the the Plan en la Planche (2). At the end of these two floors of vaults is the main floor, whose Plan is shown in the Plank ( 3 ). The middle shows the end of the Baiilique or Great Sale, where three Arca- of the , favour a large one in which the Degrees of the Staircase shown in the Plan, & in the two others the Doors to enter the Apartemens appear in the Plan , name & quote above. The Piles of these Arcades are ornamented with of half Columns of the Ionic Order, with their Pedestals, Bazes, & Chapiteaux as well as to the Faade, & to the defliis of the Arcades there are Statues lying on the Banners of the Bows. tenans of the Eeftons. Next to these three Arcades there are some recessed- s, and others that repreflect the Vaulting of the interval between the Batteries of the big Sale & the Apartemens next door, which are pro- the Charnel Halls, & in these paroifies the Gates for the go into the back apartments. Next to all those Arca- the Doors & Fireplaces of the Rooms that make up the right & left, shown in the Plan & named here- vant. In defiance of this main floor is the trophy, of which one sees le Plan fur la Planche (4). The middle shows the end of the Ga- the house that runs around the big Dirty from above, behind... which you can see in a three-arched recess, preferably a large one, in which mark the Degrees of the Staircase shown in U „ ? ? - . . [™Ÿol ' ? r ? * MAASTRICHT TOWN HOUSE. It the Plan. In front of these three Arcades appears the Balultraded'A- then, beyond which one can see in the Bafilique du princi- floor pal. The Piles on both sides of the great Arcade have a Forebody against which two standing statues are standing, as if they were a The feet are at the height of the support that rises in front of the front, the def- lus de l'Arc elt filled with Flions, & all that Forebody elt crowned by an Entablature with a round Fronton. The others Batteries made ornamented with half Columns of the Corinthian Order, com- me aux Faces, 6c whose Plane en la Planche (4). A c™- of these three Arcades, there are still others that speak again. the "Y oute of the Gallery, in which you can see the Doors for go into the back apartments. Next to all those Arca- paroiflent, on one side & the other, the Doors & Chimneys of the Chambers in the Plan. Beyond this floor are the Attics or high Magazms, whose Plan can be seen on the Plank after the Plank (;) & after this one parodies the roofs of these attics are divided into three parts, the middle part being in Rump, & the other two in Gable. You can see in these ligu- the true shapes of the Roofs, Attic Slopes, & Neck... the carpenter's workshop where the Che- Vrons, struts, straps, ties, & punches. At At both ends of this Board, you can see the entire height of the- 1 Edifice, the Cups of Two Walls, which are those of the two cotez , where parody the Projections of all the Ornamens & Mouldings that make in these two sides. The (10) and! another Seflion of the whole building within the East. in the West, which is width cut by length. We see here, as in the previous Plank, the two Floors of Vaulting the one the one who is crazy about the Degrez de la grande Entrance, beyond which are iceux Degrez & Balu- ttres of Apni. In the others we see the Gates, & next to the De- grafting stairs to defend in these cellars. Beyond these vaults is the main floor, the main floor of which can be seen from the Plan en la Planche (3) & here the Doors of the Apartemens are shown in the Plan, & the Profiles of the Staircases, as aulli the Arcade in outside which carries the Cover of the main Landing of the main Entrance. r Beyond this main Floor and the troiforme, of which we see the 1 year in the Plank (4) & here, in addition to what is said above, for the other; one sees the Baluftres d'Apui de la Galerie, & those of the failed Balcony in front covering the great Landing of In- on the main floor. Beyond it are the Granaries, whose plan is shown here. F at 12 , description of the new en la Planche (5) & here what we have said about it above in the description of the previous Board, but in another point of view , the other section being by the width , & this one by the length, as 011 can be easily recognized by the Profile of the great Perron, & of the Balcony which is beyond. We see from no more days here drilling into the Dome to light up the great- of the main floor hall, & all the carpentry in the tower... that eft Ton inside, instead of as described above. by the one outside. So here we see the greatness, the dil'polition... the removal of all wood parts that maintain & affer- mifes the great height of this Tower. The Cups of Walls which at both ends of this figure make Faces of front & back, where parody the Protrusions of all Golds- nemens that make these two Faces. La ( 1 1 ) eft un Tympan de Fronton rempli de l'Ecu des Ar- of their Alteftes the Princes of Orange, ancestors to Supots two Angels , behind which two Branches of F eŸillages , that being linked behind the Ecu extend along the Right Corniche orHo- rifontal towards both ends of the Fronton. In conclusion, we will say that this magnificent building is entirely- of beautiful freestone, up to the Souches des Fireplaces that are in the back of the attic, which in addition to the Front & Rear bodies that they form with approval, make adorned with Frames, & Tables cut in the trunk, & neck- ronnŽes d'un Entablement au dŽflus du quel eft un amortissement in the shape of a fillet, laying in each of the four Angles one Boule pofŽe fur une Baze, as seen on the Plan- ches (6) (7) (8) (9). F I N. . ' . . , . , ' ' ' ' ? DESCRIPTION HOUSE OF WEIGHT OF THE CITY OF GOUDA. Orderly By PIERRE POST, Architect of Their Altejfes the Princes dt Gold angel. At PIE A L E IP E, R R E VAN D E R A‰, Bookseller, Ordinary Printer of the Academy & City, ...residing in the Academy.., With whom you can find a wealth of curious books, as well as maps, and cities both in plan and in outline. and in profile, Portraits of the Illustrious Men, and other intaglio sizes. ^ MP CC XV. Pa g- 3 description FROM HOUSE OF WEIGHT OF THE CITY OF gouda. he City of Gouda, known as auffi Ter- Gouw, and one of the main coniidcables of the Pro- vince of Holland, being the second in line. among the eighteen who have votes in the states. El- the eft made on the Rivers of Ylffel & du Gouwe in a very pleasant place, & it is done there a large traffic of various merchandise. Between the remarkable chofes in this ''1 , Y a es i Glass from the great Eglife, which makes every day conŸderees & admired by curious foreigners, & deserving of auili of being, being highly-artificially enamelled. We see aufl• I am a beautiful Building of the Weight, which is represented here, which is ifolated. seeing it of all the aggrieved quote, & reads it as a big, fat Pla- ce o fe tient le MarchŽ nommŽ h et Marktvelt , vers lequel eft the front of this building, which has at the back a very comical Canal- mode to bring all the merchandises, both in weight and in weight at the Market, where every day he arrives, campaigns of a- the very fertile, & by the way, strong divergence of cho- as, among other things, the quantity of flax for the manufacture of the Cloths, quantity of hemp for the rope factory, &... auffi abundance of Cheese whose traffic is very large in this City. And since all these various merchants must to be pegged to the weight of the city, so there's continual- a lot of things to do at this weight, especially on the days when the market & in times of fairs. The building which is here re- preferred was built in the year <668. & ordained speaks famous Architele Pierre Poft, who first gave the Def- feins qui fe see at the first three boards that do here, but which have not been entirely leaked, the building was originally constructed... running away from the fertile DelTeins who fe see auffi here in four au- 2 very 4 DESCRIPTION OF THE very Planks, which flee from the first three, making the number of fept Planks. The First one, reframes the Plan, following the first project,... the ordinance of the inside of this Maifon, where one enters by fix Arcades, one eft in the middle of the Front Face, one in the middle of the the middle of the Back Face, & two on each side, the Edifice having a little more depth than width. You can see in this Plan Five Scales to pefer the merchants, favoring one to the Front Arcade, & one at each of the Side Arcades. In Entering from the back we find on the left a small chamber. for the Farmers' or Clerks' Counter, right one Staircase to go up to the Chamber that eft upstairs, & in every corner... a Fur Table that makes weights for pefer. At the front & at the back there's a large Window on either side of the Arcade. of entry, as seen at the Escape Board. The second one, and that's the Front Face Elevation as it's- was first projected, but was not fully projected. executed, as it appears from Plate 5, which is referred to as the this same facade in the way it is built & seen Preferably. The difference between these two Defleins is not so great. grande & fe can however easily be recognized. The Troifem is a reflection of theFaces of the quotations as we know them. at first projected, but who find it a little different from the the conftruction, as we can see from Plate 6. The Four Leaking Planks are therefore rethinking this May- The way it was built, in the state that it is in... preferably, being exactly built and adorned according to these fairies... conds Defleins, fur lefquels il fe trouve plus d'Ornemens que fur the first ones. The Fourth Plank shows the bottom of this Maifon order- the Entrances & Windows, as well as in the case of the first plank; but apart from the Chamber which ferthed of Counter to the Farmer of the Weights or Clerks, & the Staircase, who do in the Back Angles, there's more in one of the Back Angles- before, on the left as you enter, another small room for the Waaghmeeficr counter or Weight Master. You can see aufli fix Tables loaded with weights to be pefer, instead of in the pre- mier Plan there are only four, & there's auffi fix Scales, whatever they don't screw up figuratively. The Fifth is the front face of this building, which is adorned with a Doric Order, though as the Plan- but more enriched, as he has been able to notice: Pre- miŽ- MAISON DUPOID S. y to the joints of the stones that make everything refoŸillez: More, to the Clef de l'Arc , which does not see it on the said Board. 2 : Plus, to the Ecus of Coat of Arms which are made here in the Tremaux & to the ends of the Face next to the middle of the Windows, instead of In the other Def”in, these Ecus are great, fans with them, & make place for the Corniche de l'Etage d'en bas, au delfiis... of the Entrance Arcade, you put the Table down in the middle of that- te Faade, which Table eft filled with fculpture: Plus, the Tri- glyphs of the great Entablature, the weapons of the City that make in the Tympanum of the Fronton, ancestor to Sup™ts two Lions, this which was not achieved in the first project. All of which Ornaments of Sculpture make fine & delicate work in Marble, from the hand of the famous sculptor Bartbelemi Eggers, of Amfterdam. The Sixth -, is the intersection of the Faces of the Building's elevations, where you can see the two arcades below, both of which are devoted to entrances, as if- the aul•• font figurŽes fur les Planches aux Planches i. 4. there are here of the Ornaments which are not at the first Dellin who eft on Plate 3. Which of the ffe can be noticed by the feftons fcul- ptez in Tables towards the ends of the Face, on the Floor. from above, like aulli in the middle of the same floor, in- between the two Windows, another Table inserted and filled with aulfi marble sculpture, & the Triglyphs of the Entablature. The Seventh, reflects the Back Face with the one Arcade & the Window on each side as well as the front. But I'E- tage from above and ordered in another way, having here three Fe- ntres, faire voir une au milieu, au lieu de la Table fculptŽe qui eft to the Front Face. The Entablature eft likewise, ouch aufli in the Fronton the City's Weapons with the Sup™ts. The room upstairs is a good entertainment store- Weapons for the service of the City, where they are still held. ready & in good condition to be used in the occafion. F I N. r> .1 r.l 4 ,? . Ē ? . - „ * ? - *1- ' ? ? ?"n i LES PLANS, ELEVATIONS, E T DESCRIPTION OF THE HOUSE NAMED VREDENBURG, Located in the BEEMSTER. Orderly ^STONE P O S T, Architect of Their Altejfes the Princes of Orange. A L E IT> E, At PIERRE V A N D E R Aa, Bookseller, & Printer of the Dutch States College of Theology from Wefl-Frije; Remaining in the Academy, With whom you can find a wealth of curious books, as well as maps, maps, cities both in plan and in outline. in profile, Portraits of Illustrious Men, & other In-Size, MT) CC XK Pag. 3 description D E vreden-burg, ? the beautiful Maifon that we see here reflected &... 4 named Vreden-Burg, Built by the S r . Irederic Alewyn, eyelash fit in the north... Holland, in the neighborhood called the Beem- \ proud, which is on the edge of South Hol- heath & a very pleasant country, as one would expect can recognize him by the surroundings of this- r - . - -, te Maj Eon de Campagne, qui eft de plai- lance & Maitene, which has not been built or apro- tire like it eft, fi the Land difpofition be there n'y be in- vtte 6c lourm of itself a part of the necef- to make this Maifon pleasant, convenient, & of report. One can see by the figures here, the big- e l ir T.! ) " l onnance, beauty, & the accompaniments of this e Edifice qui eft champtre , & o l'on peut toutefois avoir conveniently & with great ease, both by Water and by Earth, all celestial mothers, having gone close to di- beautiful verfes & good Cities. Whatever the country is convenient to make beautiful accompaniments to a Maifon of this the same time, it was nevertheless considered that a building of the grandeur of the de^ this one , 1 es ornemens , & fes accompaniments do not have and to understand the "real" nature of the everything, we only have to confide fa repreflection fur the Plan- ches who do here. The first, let's see the Maifon Plan with fes Jar- dins, the Plantages that go around, & the Fol”ez that envy them- are humming, as well as the Pond Pond. A, eft the Plan of the Maifon, through which one can know fa difpofition. B, and the Gardener's Lodging. C , an Orangery. D , do two open Cal cries, one from Maifon to Housing one at the Gardener's, and the other at the Orangery. E, two galleries clo- the , in the same way as the previous ones, towards the back, in the same way as the previous ones, towards the back, in the same way as the previous ones. re de ia Mai•on. F, do two courses between the galleries, one in the on both sides of the Maifon. G, make two separate courses &. 'B' ? Žcar- 4 description spread apart for the convenience & service of the Maifon. H , four Green Pavilions in the four corners of the enclosure of the Mailon & Gardens which are close by. I , make Lawn compartments. K, eft a Street Pavement, which eft between the Maifon & the big green courtyard marked L, dans laquelle M, font quatre grande pices de Gazons o font plantez quatre beaux Arbres, comme on les voit en la Planche fuivante. N, font deux Pavillons formez de Tilleuls. O , eft un beau & grand Jardin ˆ Fleurs. P , des Galeries de verdure ouvertes , ˆ deux cotez de ce Jardin. Q., font des Vergers. R , une place pour sÕalloir. S , eft le Pont-levis de devant. T, Pont & Porte de derrire. V, eft un Abreuvoir pour les Chevaux. W, font de belles, longues, & droites Al- lŽes dÕOrmes, qui entourent, comme on voit, la Maifon avec tous fes Jardins & Vergers. X , eft le Jardin potager & de Legumes. Y , eft un grand Verger de Cerifiers. Z , eft un Plantage de Chnes, i , eft le premier Pont & la premire En- trŽe, ˆ chaque c™tŽ de laquelle il y a un Logement. 2 , eft une Plaine , au devant de lÕEntrŽe de la Maifon , laquelle eft en- tourŽe dÕune Haye. 3 , eft une Maifon o fe fait le travail de Campagne, comme Beure, Fromage &c. 4, une Plaine pour cette Maifon, laquelle eft plantŽe de Tilleuls. 5, eft un Pont au devant de cette Plaine. 6, eft une Cour pour les Chariots. 7, des Ecuries. 8 , desRemifes de Caroi•e. 9, Efpece deMagazin o lÕon refferre les Inftrumens & Outils qui fervent au travail des Champs. 10, eft le Poullier ou Poullallier. 11, eft la Loge o lÕon tient & refferre le Jacht & les Bateaux de la Mai- fon 1 2 , eft une place pour sÕafloir; & 1 3 , une fortie par der- rire. . L a deuxime , eft une reprefentation en pcripective de cet- te Maifon , aufli bien que de tous fes Jardins, Plantages, &c. On voit au bas de la Planche lÕagreable chemin qui conduit ˆ cette Maifon , fa premire EntrŽe dans lÕEnclos , & fa belle Avenue dans les AllŽes dÕOrmes. Puis fa Face de devant , la Cour verte qui eft au devant , les Parterres, Jardins, Vergers, Plantages , & le beau Vivier qui entoure le tout , comme ils font figurez & cottez fur le Plan ci-defls. Puis les Plantages , Canaux , & Prairies des environs qui paroiflnt au haut de la Planche. L a troifiŽme , eft un Plan du principal Etage , lequel Žtant fait fur une grande Echelle , il eft facile de reconno”tre la beau- tŽ & grandeur des pices dont cet Etage eft compofŽ. On voit dÕa- DEVREDENBURG. J d abord le Plan du beau & grand Perron double par lequel mon- tant feulement huit Degrez , par la droite ou par la uauche ”” 3 , Ur l Pa , her d 111 devant lÕEntrŽe , o lÕon trouve un Veliibule de dix-huit PiŽs de large & dix-huit & demi de long, iitant dans ce Veliibule on voit ˆ droite la Porte dÕune Sale qui a vingt PiŽs dÕunfens & dix-fepr PiŽs cinq Pouces & demi de lÕautre , qui eft quelque chofe de moins que le Ve- ftibule , parce que ce Veliibule eft avancŽ en dehors , faifant Avant-corps au milieu de la Face. De cette premire Sale , qui eft •ur le devant, on entre dans une Chambre, beaucoup plus grande , qui eft fur le derrire. A lÕautre c™tŽ du Vefti- bule , eft une grande Sale ou Chambre a•ant toute la profon- tcui de la Maifon, & ŽclairŽe aux deux bouts, par le devant & par le derrire. Au bout du Veliibule dans le milieu on voit le grand Efcalier , ˆ chaque c™tŽ duquel eft une Porte pour aller & pour entrer aux deux Chambres entre lefquelles il eit piace. Au derrire eft au••i un corps fort avancŽ , au milieu duquel eft une EntrŽe vis-ˆ-vis celle de devant , qui ne le voient pourtant pas lÕune lÕautre, ˆ caufe de lÕEfcalier qui eft entre deux , mais par deft™us la deuxime Rampe duquel on p‰lie pour aller du devant au derrire. Cette EntrŽe de derrire a auffi un Veliibule , ˆ un c™tŽ duquel eft un petit Llcaher , & ˆ lÕautre c™tŽ des Lieux fecrets. A chaque c™tŽ de ce corps de Maifon on voit fur le devant le Plan des deux Galeries marquŽes D, fur la Planche i , fur le derrire celles qui (ont marquŽes E, & entre deux les Cours marquŽes, F Enfuite on voit ˆ un c™tŽ le Logement du Jardinier, marquŽ B , fur la Hanche i , & a lÕautre c™tŽ lÕOrangerie, marquŽe C , lur la dite Planche. La quatrime, reprefente les Faces de devant & de derri- re Celle de devant Žtant faite fur la mme Echele que le llan precedent, il eft facile de voir fa belle ordonnance & la beaute de fes Ornemens. On voit au milieu & au devant de 1 Avant-corps , lÕElŽvation du Perron & du Palier dÕEntrŽe , delious ce Palier une Fentre, & ˆ chaque c™tŽ, dans lÕArriŽ- re-corps deux autres pour Žclairer les Cuifines , Office , Sale de commun, Sommelerie &c. qui font fous Terre: ˆ chaque c™- te on voit les Galeries, marquŽes E , fur la Planche i; & au bout d une de ces Galeries on voit la Maifon du Jardinier, mar- quŽe B, lur le premier Plan, & au bout de lÕautre lÕOrange- rie , marquŽe C , fur le mme Plan ; ces deux petits Edifices Žtant de meme grandeur & ordonnance , & Žloignez de la Mailon dune diftance Žgale, font une agrŽable & jufte SymŽ- trie. Au deffus des Logemens fous-terrains font deux beaux ? C: Eta- 6 DESCRIPTION de VREDENBURG. Etages ornez de Pii affres de lÕOrdre Corinthien , lefquels font de toute la hauteur de lÕEdifice , a•ant leurs PiŽdefiaux dans lÕEtage fous-terrain, lequel, eft couronnŽ de la Corniche de ces Piedeftaux courant dans toute lՎtendue de la Faade. Au mi- lieu du premier de ces deux grands Etages , lequel eft le prin- cipal & aufli le plus exhaucŽ , eft la Porte dÕEntrŽe fur le Palier au haut du Perron , laquelle Porte ˆ fes PiŽdroits bien ornez de moulures , & eft couronnŽe dÕun Fronton. A chaque c™tŽ de la Porte il y a une Fentre pour Žclairer le Veftibule, puis encore deux Fentres ˆ chaque c™tŽ , dans lÕArriŽre-corps , pour les Chambres figurŽes fur le Plan , ce qui fait fept Fentres dans la longueur de la Face ˆ chacun de ces deux Etages , lefquelles font toutes ornŽes de Corniches, au dei”žs delquelles, ˆ lÕEta- ge le plus haut , il y a des Ttes de ChŽrubins a”lez. Sur les Chapiteaux des Pilaftres rŽgnŽ un bel Entablement du mme Ordre Corinthien , & lÕAvant-corps qui eft au milieu de cette Faade eft couronnŽ dÕun Fronton , ˆ chaque c™tŽ duquel eft une Lucarne au deffus des Fentres les plus proches de lÕAvant- corps. Derrire le Fronton para”t le Comble ŽlevŽ en Crou- pe , duquel on voit fortir les Souches de cheminŽe bien or- nŽes dÕ Architecture convenable ˆ celle de deftous. LÕElŽvation de la Face de derrire eft fur une plus pe- tite Echele que la precedente , mais on ne laiftc pas dÕen voir diftincfement toute lÕordonnance. LÕAvant-corps qui eft au mi- lieu de cette Face , renfermant le petit Efcalier & les autres chofes que nous avons dit fur la Planche 3 , nÕeft ŽlevŽ que jufques ˆ la hauteur du del•us du principal Etage , o il eft cou- vert en Croupe. A chaque c™tŽ de la Mailon on voit les Ga- leries marquŽes F , fur la Planche 1 , & en fuite le Logement du Jardinier dÕun c™tŽ & lÕOrangerie ˆ lÕautre , couverts tous deux en Pignon de femblablc manire. Le fejour dÕun lieu comme celui-ci, ne peut donc tre que trs-agreable & dŽlicieux. LÕEdifice Žtant beau & com- mode, accompagnŽ de Parterres de Fleurs, de Jardins a Fruits, Jardins de LŽgumes & Herbes potagres , grands Vergers , beaux Plantages , de diverfes fortes , quantitŽ de grandes & belles AllŽes de Chnes , dÕOrmes , de Tilleuls, de lrenes, &c. fous lefquelles on peut prendre le plaifir de la Prome- nade prs & loin de belles & grandes Prairies fournil”ˆnt Her- be & Foin pour les Chevaux , nouriture pour les Btes ˆ Cor- nes , avec cela la commoditŽ dÕy aller & venir commodŽ- ment & doucement par Eau aufli bien que par Terre , il eft aifŽ dÕy gožter tranqŸilement tous les doux plaifirs de la Cam- pagne. F I N. * W* &w* af*<#.; ,1*** tebnS•”S sb^ ?.ĒtŽ# SSfflSlS JR B!! vjies 10 Toutes . Amfierdamfe Mael . FACE dfcemnt de YEEDEČ-BUltG,& p.u- te S* FREDERIC ALEWģ2T. .JČ citŽ JuWint du Su MODéLES D E DIVERSES ET BELLES CHEMINƒES, Qui ont ŽtŽ conftruites & fe voient en divers PALAIS et COURS. InventŽes & OrdonnŽes P" PIERRE P O S T, Architect of Their Altejfes the Princes dÕQrange. A L E IT> E, iez PIERRE V A N D E R Aa, Marchand Libraire, & Imprimeur du ColŽge de ThŽologie des Etats de Hollande & de Wejl-Frije; Demeurant dans E Academie, i qui on trouve toute forte de Livres curieux, comme auffi de Cartes GŽographiques, des Villes tant en plan qu en profil, des Portraits des Hommes Illuftres, & autres Tailles-douces. MTfcCXŲT r> i it - *_•. a o m :i a ? H f f . T 3 232 3 3 Y I Č 3 , M I Ŗ *Ē* q r * J- V . V . . . . " L* 0 3 T .< 2 I A J A 3 iivs.vÕ. r;0 ? /AwtČ\ ' O 3 3 SI SI 3 I Ēq Ė „ - VvaA Õ & v. ;yA\iV;X a; ..j f , ' Õ -ģ *Ē x ÕX 1 \ A \ V A U' M ,.!„„'' ' ' ? *?„ •fticr* L-p 1 Pag. i DESCRIPTION D E C H E MINEES. f E Cheminee Žtant le principal Ornement dÕune Chambre, lˆ plus conliderable paru- re , & celle fur quoi tout le relie doit - tre rŽglŽ , afin que toutes choies convien- nent enfemble, on doit donc dÕabord quÕon veut donner de lÕagrement & de la beautŽ a une Chambre , refoudre & ordonner cette Cheminee , aul”i bien que lors quÕon veut aproprier & embellir quelquÕautre lieu , foit Sale , Anti- Chambre , Anti-Cabmet , Cabinet , donnant ˆ chaque pice ce qui lui convient le mieux. CÕeft ˆ quoi peuvent fervir de mo- dle & dÕexemple les CheminŽes qui font ici figurŽes, Žtant tou- tes dÕune grande beautŽ & belle ordonnance , a•ant aulli ŽtŽ tou- tes conltruites dans des Cours & Palais confiderables , comme la Cour de la Haye, la Cour ou le Palais des Princes de Nallˆu & dÕOrange dans le Noord-einde, la Sale dÕOrange, & la belle Mai- fon du Prince Maurice. Mais tout le monde ne connoilfant pas ces lieux-lˆ, nous en dirons quelque chofepour la fatisfˆdion de ceux qui nÕont point vž la Haye , ni la Province de Hollande. PREMIEREMENT ce quÕon apelle ˆ la Haye la Cour, eft un fort grand Palais , lequel Žtoit anciennement la demeure des Com- tes de Hollande; mais depuis lÕheureufe rŽvolution, & lՎtabliife- ment de la Republique, cÕeft dans ce Palais que fe tiennent les AlTemblees de leurs Nobles Grandes Puil”ances les Seigneurs Etats de la Province de Hollande , de leurs Hautes Puilfances les Sei- gneurs Etats GŽnŽraux, le Confeil dÕEtat, les Chambres des Comp- tes tant de la Province que de la GŽnŽralitŽ, le grand Confeil, la grande Cour de juftice, &plufieurs autres, chacunes dans leurs Apartemens particuliers, dont plufieurs font fort grands, fuperbes, & magnifiques, brillants en belles Peintures, & Žclatants en Do- rures. Les Princes dÕOrange, Gouverneurs de la Province & GŽ- nŽraux des ArmŽes de la Republique, avoient aulh leur Logement fort Ipacicux dans ce Palais, jusques au dernier qui Žtoit aulli Roi de la Grande Bretagne, de forte que Õa toujours ŽtŽ un lieu de ( a ) Cour 2 DESCRIPTION de Cour en toutes manires. Mais comme il fe relient un peu de lÕantiquitŽ , nՎtant pas nouvellement confirait, on y a fait & fait encore de tems en tems des augmentations , des ameliorations, & des accommodations fuivant les occalions qui fe prefentent, aulli bien que de nouveaux Ornemens , Ennchifiemens , & Embelil- femens , & cÕefi dans ces occafions quÕon a fait les nouvelles Che- minŽes dont on donne ici les Deilins. La Cour du Noord-einde eft aufli ˆ la Haye, cÕeft un trs-beau Palais b‰ti ˆ la moderne , trs-bien ordonnŽ & con- firait. Il fut b‰ti par un des Princes dÕOrange pour leur de- meure, mais cela nÕa pas ŽtŽ fuivi, les Succeflurs a•ant mieux aimŽ habiter dans le vieux Palais. Celui-ci eft pourtant tou- jours en bon Žtat & bien entretenu , il apartient au Roi de Prufl , de qui lÕAmbai•ˆdeur y fait fa refidence , & y fait loger avec la permifiion de Sa MajeftŽ , les Rois & Reines qui vien- nent ou qui paflnt en Hollande , ce qui arrive aflez fouvent. LÕEmpereur , mme , ˆ prefent rŽgnant y a fait fa demeure tout le tems quÕil fejourna en Hollande. Le Roi de la Gran- de Bretagne , ˆ prefent rŽgnant , y a logŽ pendant plufieurs jours , lors quÕil partit pour aller prendre pofl‘flion de fes Roiau- mes , Žtant venu sÕembarquer en Hollande. La Princefle de Galles y a aulh logŽ avec fes Enfans venant aufli sÕembarquer. La RuŽ o ce Palais eft iituŽ eft nommŽe Noord-einde , qui veut dire fin du Nord , parce quÕun des bouts de cette Rue eft lÕex- tremitŽ de la Haye du c™tŽ du Nord. La Sale dÕOrange qui apartient aufli ˆ prefent ˆ Sa Ma- jeftŽ Pruflienne , eft allez connue par la delcription qu on en donne ˆ part dans cet Ouvrage , cÕeft pourquoi nous nÕavons rien ˆ en dire ici. La Maison du Prince Maurice eft dans la Haye , cÕeft le fuperbe Edifice qui fe voit dans le Vivier proche la Por- te ou EntrŽe de la Cour qui eft vers la Place nommee het Pleyn ou la Plaine : cette magnifique Maifon a aufli ŽtŽ b‰tie par un des Princes de Naflau , lequel , pour lors , Žtoit Amiral au fervice de ces heureufes Provinces. Mais comme prefente- ment il nÕy a plus en Hollande de Prince de Naflˆu , cette Mai- fon fort aufli ˆ loger des Princes Žtrangers qui viennent ou paf- fent en Hollande, & cÕeft aufli o on loge & traite les Ambafla- deurs ˆ leur arrivŽe , jusques ˆ ce quÕils aient eu leur premire Audience : elle garde & porte toujours le nom de celui qui lÕa fait b‰tir. Voila aflz dÕinftraction , ˆ ce qui nous femble , pour fai- re CKEkiNEES. 3 re conno”tre que les Edifices dont les CheminŽes font ici figu- rŽes, ne font pas des Batimens mŽdiocres. Ceux qui ont de la connoillˆnce en Architecture peuvent aifement reconno”tre la beautŽ de ces Cheminees , & ceux qui nÕen nÕont point peuvent bien croire quÕelles font de bon gožt, Žtant conftruites dans des Palais fi coniiderables. Quoi que la premire ne foit que pour le titre, elle ne laif- fe pas dՐtre bien entendue & ferait un bel effet dans une gran- de Sale , ajultant le tour du Tableau dÕune autre maniŽrŽ , ou le fuprimant pour en fubltituer un autre , lail”ˆnt tout le relie comme Žtant bien ordonnŽ & bien couronnŽ dÕun bel Entable- lies. La deuxime, qui fevoit ˆ la Haye dans le Palais ou la Cour, elt richement ornŽe , a•ant au devant de fes jambages des Pila- ires de lÕOrdre Corinthien en Tables renfoncŽes ornŽes de F- lions de meme que la Plate-bande , les Chapiteaux portans un bel Entablement avec un Fronton rempli dÕOrnemens & la Fri- ze de Flions. Il elt aifŽ de voir que tout le lieu o elt cette CheminŽe elt ornŽ ˆ proportion , a•ant ces grands Pilaltres pour porter la Corniche qui rŽgnŽ autour par le haut, & des Flions par tout. On voit aufli que ce lieu elt vožtŽ au dellus de la Corniche , & les Armes qui font dans la Vožte au deils de la CheminŽe font celles de leurs Altef•s Serenillimes les lllultres Princes de Nalfau & dÕOrange. La troifiŽme, elt dans le mme Palais, & a deux beaux Or- dres lÕun fur lÕautre; celui dÕen bas , qui elt aux jambages, Žtant des Colonnes canelŽes dÕOrdre Corinthien , avec leurs Chapi- teaux portans un^bel Entablement dont la Frize elt remplie dÕOr- nemens , de mme que la Plate-bande , au deffus de ce pre- mier Entablement ou premire Corniche, dÕautres Colonnes en- tortillŽes de Feuillages , avec leurs Chapiteaux portans le haut Entablement avec un Fronton, & au derrire de cette Chemi- nŽe elt un ArriŽre-corps couronnŽ dÕune Corniche. La quatrime, elt aufli dans le mme Palais, & elt ornŽe de hauts Pilaltres canelez avec des PiŽdeltaux portans un bel Enta- blement , au dellus duquel elt un Attique a•ant une Table ren- foncŽe remplie dÕOrnemens, & aux extrŽmitŽs des Pilaltres rŽ- pondans aux grands de def•™us , a•ant aulfi des Tables renfon- cŽes lesquelles font remplies de Feltons pendans en bas. La cinquime, fe voit dans le Palais des Princes qui elt dans le Noord-einde : elle elt ornŽe par le bas dÕun Chambranle ˆ Zanches ou Crolfettes portant un bel Entablement Ionique , dont \b) la 4 description DE la Frize bombŽe eft retaillŽe en Feuillages , au deflus de ce premier Entablement il y a des Pilaftres Corinthiens en Tables renfoncŽes remplies de Flions , & fur leurs Chapiteaux eft pofe un deuxime Entablement dont la F rize eft remplie d Ornemens, & au deflus de la Corniche encore une autre Frize remplie de Feftons. La fixiŽme , eft dans le mme Palais des Princes de Maliau & dÕOrange : elle eft ornŽe en fes jambages de Pilaftres en Tables renfoncŽes remplies de Feftons portans une belle Corniche , fur laquelle font dÕautres Pilaftres rŽpondans ˆ ceux de def”ous , or- nŽs de mme & portans un Entablement Ionique, dont la Frize bombŽe eft retaillŽe en Feuillages, la Corniche foutenu‘ de Con- foles ˆ fes extrŽmitŽs, & au dci”us eft une Frize remplie de Fe- ftons. La feptiŽme , eft aufli dans le mme Palais ou Cour: elle eft ornŽe en fes jambages de Pilaftres de lÕOrdre Corinthien , fa Plate-bande remplie de Feftons & au deflus un bel Entable- ment , fur lequel portent dÕautres Pilaftres en Arrire-corps, avec des Tables renfoncŽes remplies de Feftons , le Qpadre du Tableau eft en Avant-corps & couronnŽ dÕun Fronton a•ant dans fbn Tympan les Armes des Princes accompagnŽes de fleurons, J & derrire ce Fronton eft ŽlevŽ un Attique dont la Table eft rem- plie de Fleurons & Feuillages, & aux extrŽmitŽs font aufli des Pi- laftres rŽpondans ˆ ceux de deflous , lesquels font aufli avec Ta- bles renfoncŽes remplies de Feftons , ce qui fait trois Ordres de Pilaftres lÕun fur lÕautre; fur quoi il eft ˆ remarquer que la Sa- le o eft 'cette grande CheminŽe ˆ plus de 20 PiŽs de hau- La huitime, eft aufli dans ce mme Palais, & eft ornee par le bas en fes jambages de Pilaftres avec des Tables renfon- cŽes & remplies de Feftons , la Plate-bande remplie dÕOrnemens & au deflus une belle Corniche , fur laquelle portent de beaux Pilaftres canelez de lÕOrdre Ionique accompagnez de Feftons pendans aux deux c™tez , & portans un Entablement avec un Fronton , dans le Tympan du quel font les Armes des Princes accompagnŽes de Fleurons & Feuillages, de meme que la Frize, & pour AcrotŽres deux Statues dÕEnfans chargŽes de Feuillages. Derrire le Fronton eft un Attique plus ŽlevŽ, dans lequel eft une longue Table , & ˆ chaque extrŽmitŽ une petite. La neuvime, eft encore dans ce meme Palais, & eft ornee par le bas , en fes jambages , de Pilaftres avec des Tables ren- foncŽes remplies de Feftons, c deflus la Corniche dÕautres grands Ņi ' CHEMINEES. j Pilaftres de lÕOrdre Corinthien entortillez de Feuillages ; la pla- ce du Tableau eft en Arc , fur lequel il y a deux Anges couchez tenans des Feftons, & au dei”iis un bel Entablement, portant fur les Chapiteaux des Pilaftres , duquel la Frize eft remplie dÕOr- nemens, & fur la Corniche un Fronton a•ant dans fon Tympan un ChŽrubin accompagnŽ de Feftons. La dixiŽme, eft aulli encore dans ce mme Palais: elle eft or- nŽe en bas & en haut de Pilaftres en Tables renfoncŽes remplies de Feftons; les Frizes des deux Entablemens font remplies dÕOr- mens, celle dÕen bas a•ant desheftons, celle dÕen haut des Fleu- rons , les Pilaftres de la Hotte a•ant leurs Bazes fur la premire Corniche & au haut des Chapiteaux Corinthiens portant un bel Entablement avec un Fronton dont le Tympan eft rempli dÕOr- nemens. La onzime , eft encore aulli dans le mme Palais , elle a un Avant & un ArriŽre-corps dans toute la hauteur, deux Ordres de Pilaftres lÕun fur lÕautre , dont on voit une partie dans lÕ ArriŽre- corps, de meme que de leurs Bazes & Chapiteaux, aufti bien que les faillies des Architraves, Frizes, & Corniches des Entable- mens, dont un, favoir celui dÕen haut, eft couronnŽ dÕun Fronton, dans le Tympan duquel font les Armes des Princes & autres Or- nemens, & derrire ce Fronton eft un Attique ŽlevŽ dÕaprs lÕA' vant-corps & couronnŽ dÕune Corniche. La douzime, fe voit dans la Sale de lÕEtage bas & VožtŽ de la magnifique Maifon nommŽe Sale dÕOrange, dont on ˆ don- nŽ les Defleins & la delcription ˆ part. Elle eft ornŽe de grands Pi- laftres, derrire lefquels palTe la Plate-bande qui fait lÕArchitrave de lÕEntablement. Les Pilaftres Žtant fans Chapiteaux, leur Fžt monte par devant lÕArchitrave jufquÕa la Corniche droite, fur la- quelle eft un Fronton rond fuivant la vouflre de la Vožte de la Sale. La Frize a•ant beaucoup de hauteur, eft ornŽe de lÕEcu des Armes de la Princefle Veuve qui fit conftruire ce fuperbe Edifice. Cet Ecu&fes accompagnemens Žtant pofez fur lÕArchitrave mon- tent par devant la Corniche droite jufques ˆ celle du Fronton. La treizime, le voit dans lÕ Anti-chambre du principal Etage de cette Sale dÕOrange du cote de lÕEft. Ces jambages font en Tables renfoncŽes remplies de fleurons & couronnez dÕune Corniche ornant la Plate-bande , fur laquelle eft un Socle ou Sou- baffement ornŽ de Feftons & fur lequel font pofez les Bazes de deux Pilaftres Corinthiens repondans aux deux jambages, leurs Chapiteaux portans lÕEntablement, ledeftus du Tableau au droit des Chapiteaux eft ornŽ de trois Ttes de ChŽrubins a•ant leurs Ailes Žtendues & des Feftons pendans au cotez. (c) La 6 description de L a quatorzime , fe voit aulli au mme lieu , dans la Cham- bre de Lit du c™tŽ de lÕEft. Sa figure eft particulire & extraor- dinaire, parce quÕon a ŽtŽ contraint de sÕaflŸjetir ˆ un beau & grand Tableau de la main du cŽlŽbrŽ CHEMINEE