Palladio, Andrea M. Andr's Ancient Rome. Palladium collected briefly by the authors, ancient, & modern ... Rome 1570 Augsburg, Staats- und Stadtbibliothek -- Alt 534 urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb11233076-2 ,. ,. • BY M. ANAN EA P ADIO; llaéco.ka breuemente da i . Authoi • anticbi 1 & modandrni.. . Lii 1111011t rlfl,a,,p.t4 Tr ,,rrN• • · • • The The IN The O M A. rtlfo B.n" ''81G To/ò; Bref . "----- I)...--- '- 1t... i. .•. It's a good • •• ' \ ... It's a good ' • • • • •' ' It's a good • • - • • • • • • , It's a good .. • ' .. ' • It's a good thing. It's a good ' • • • • • - - • - It's a good • The • t.,,,. • ,.. , ... • • • l j 2, • The • 1, • ' • It is not the first time that the European • . AL L I L ET T O "f. l. It's a good fatteiffai "I'm not going to say that I'm not goingto do that," he said. . no i ne'' booksfcritte, & 11,olti moreu nobility,, and gran · di of buildings,jfabricated in oma for eternal me 'Rto- Ria Lor. ttalore," and[semp_io a i P, or Were cl1e NotFi they read c11iara, nente hOggi in iedi,conciofia c/Je The g1,erre , i11cen- 4ij,e ;· 1tine,cl1e Per ta1zt, Newi a11NiFono?a_ti in c:ffa City, habbi Ifo:gt aFio, amorphed, efepolt propertyo b!lOna parte di Tal 11iemorie. La- . LJUal co-harted IJauend'i well-conflated, and I agree as much as fuz app; eflo ciafi'ttno large defiderio isfi1ztendere uera • , . . f , e ita,& e i 'I'me notgoing to gointothedetails ofwhat'sgoing on.'· ,ni[nnor f1 engineered by fthe bookrirand the ente book,, con quanta ' breteita l10 could, by many fidelisfimi ar,toii, ancient, & mode propertyRni,cl1e di This HanRzo offfrJ-famenteFcright, Co'hJe From . . .' ionifio :Alicarnafeo, Titor 4iu. I,, 'Plinio 'Pllutarco, Appia nov! lefl,.zndrinò, Valerior Ma.l]jmo, Eutropior; froml Bio11do, From Fuluio, from the Faun From /.1arlian & From Many altrz. ? . . miphone contented with queflofolo , which a1ico IJo uolitto 1, de- , . re, & co1l le r;tie own hands mifurare''mi1111tar,1entt; il tr,t ., . · fo.. The.. _''{gete therefore quefla mia nuouaphatic dilig en;en1cn- . te , fe uo lete intieran-1e1,tand1 co11feguir_ q. delight, & that . . . mar.11iiglia,c1Je fi pofta confegz,irc m-iggiore in the i1itender • . . . chiarame1ite le g; an cofe i a cofi n,,or. bile,&famofa city : . comand andrt,a. \ It's a good ) ... • It'sa good time. • • .. T A V OR L A; Proe tiio dc1l'opand to . "I think it's a good i D Fields foraf1:yesterday -., · lf De:l'edificatione by Rome J +' Of the circuitor dthe Romaat Della uille Pub lica Meritoria's\6 Taberna Doors, et vie. . · . ff Del viltario, and deil1 horti 1tS · Dctli. bridges.. . 6 Of the uelabro, and some cute 1 fi li fan ciulli.,li porto a caf:i fua, & gavegli :i gouernarc all:i fua .. wife, called Acca La11rencia. Et ft alleuarono fra pafio Ri,graqdi, and full of the gcnerofita de mag iori them, & dan dofi to the wars between pafiori,isauenn' that Remo was f2tto prigione;& 111enato :the King . Amalio, & cufito falfameqte.. Ghe steals the sheep from N11mitor, the King commanded cba. • fof(and. dato in mano di Numitoc:,che comee offefo lo caftigaf ' .. ,uedu... to Nunut· o--r--and il gioui--J! C d- i c:... or. fi noble afpctto, fi L! cn, New • A A ? oc a - I • Dl!LLE· ANTIQUITA ne a· commouere , and petifare diterto that efière firo nipo te,e!fe11do in quefto pe11fa1nento, fopragi1:11f it1ì Fau11olo . Paft rr. with Romoio,rfalI1qu:ili;otefo the origin of gioua-:, . ni,&retrot1atigli effer ft10 di 1111iri 1111 infieme kill Amùlio,rin1ettendo (co1neco1ne (tebica nipoti, mind (and appear11et1a) in the kingdom Ni1mito1 Q-.lor auolo. . Et •gim"-i fotto il l deto reg eco eJe• ffero edificare t1na nt1oua cit "- Ta,per moreu comrnodo ltrogo,fu la ri1:1a del Teuere,donde e(1i' ethane.. fl:aci allet1Jti; in quacfrata form. Et fopra of that ue1111ero in contefa,con,c fi 11aueua.:1 noaiinare,011er a regge re,per hauer ciafcuno di lor lJ. gl<>rii'a del.hò11rc,crafcorfi from the words Romulus an1n1azzo R:emd,&,uolfè cl1e that city. . .. . foffe ctal fuo nome callta R:omà,e&édo egli di''anni; 1 s. · . Et elfendo qu_attro mefr,which 1'was built, did not . uendo women,manco elfo Romolo ambafciadori alle citta uic4ne in Hoinandarne ?l macritno11io,& efendole dìnegato, order aJli'aiciotto cli" September, certain fefre addirnàndat Co n:• fuali,, ailequali cocorfero a gr n manytudine di Sabi.. ni,fi mafchi, come ferni11e,& aisi u11 certo . fegno;fecand· .rapii'e tutt ee le lJergini,che fttrono féicéto1 octatat1 ', & le diedand for wivese''alli plusu worthy. 1st. lelfand stilla ce to huomini delli prin "I i don't know if I'm going to_cl1iezz becable to do that," heo asaid. . . It is not the first? dimanaat propertyi Senators & da them fathers,i1 lo? ro Olygio Senate,& i fuoi defcenféliiolor11iol. d1 "."..,. amag ,lh: Aèacl.e f. The im. dou fi k:idaOaàiacj a. The 11th oaaai11r11 ? ... ' tfei of 1Que .. U lelWldd-pdctm. 1111 -. ierc i.aragli ·---i 4'61 · lltfl • toals tal moade ao,&atikoao d ltti;lilc lD- LlO li-dM · i,&44Jf w Jda -iai ani .. odiD.icm , ?L Q flìrioJ or -.i 1 . ........_andlhfom, 1.11 . (I rmrrac... -. ?raa, New100 illro4:II;; · P • 4ft, • -iuw property . . . ,, J -, and I ' f.>ELLl! A NTICHtT A That 1:i Principleso a fabrica1e With ,marm, New100i, Grof1i lauor2ti inàgni.6caméte,&tato 1-I'll go110 cracking, & expanding' • ?Ferrando glif propertye.Tte mountains,ch'hora ci phon,che 2J _tép propertyo di Clau God Emperor Ft Trouauano 6 3 o.torrioni," 2. 1.. MiIla Por ticali,& Per la uariet propertya·DeLli a11tori,nofe ne Diue _certezz:idel ,l. circuitor h murà,per-'c"'àlcuni say that erano . r o.mii It'sa.. ,at otherthan 3 2. . & otheri'18.m18 a. i per quar1to notirthe times,fiùede · Co Ttafteuére;e,1 Borgo of .,Pietro 116 Phono faluo That· 16. ,, ' D AND L L AND P OR R :E· And.. . • . For the uirieta of remaking the City,Ie " Ll)Ur:i,& a11cora le por te ft a11daua at any change on the non1e,& ad ?iltre confer. ' 'I'm not going to do that. Et were tltttes made of square phosphins all, ancient ., the lafiricate firade,hauendo the name of Confolari, Cenforie, Pretories,& Triumphs, which were the pe1-fone eonfo J:irie, Cenforie, or Pretorie f,tte. . }., ' · Le fatte;cofi The triumphs were with great ignificence more than the others: made;cofi le firade, not l1auendo rigt1:irdo a fpef cl1e ui an fromlt:e comand carvingr n1onti,:1bbalfar colli, en1piendo ualli,_ · making bridges,agguag1ijndo pia11i.,andfotfati,1-itirand le alla uera drittt1ta with bc11ifttrtlo order,&com1nodita of fonta , ne,& di!lant1a di 111ogll,con lafi:ricJo forc1fii1no,comand hog- • 4 gidi fi 11ede last. Trouaft p,er uarii authors differa in the , number,& port names, because who says 16. & who i.4. · ia as much as ft 11ed to the prefederante, he folo folo 1 8. :hyperte · q9ali reclose slices mountains, all Ja C1cta fi trotta diuifa · in qu:itt rdici Wards. , ', · -?- 1. . ..._ Bt the main and the people's, detca-anti-antimentc . . flument na," Flaminia. ·· , . , . ,. ( , The Pinciana. ia Called Collatipa. 1 ;: . ,, · 1 ! , , La Salara already called Quirinale.,.,Aggonn:il,& Hill.,& .. . for elf cntrarano the No.1 Roosters, when they facchegia Rome,& Anibale fJ accampo Jungo il- l'cuerone difcofto. , d. a?uella tre miglia. : .. .. · # ,· - ? u J , : ------ -, • • It's a good , And • · · OF ROM A. f • Q! ella of St. Agnefe,gia says Nom. étan:1,Figulc-hft",_ Viminate, & hora da Pius 4. mutated, c.ahiamata porra Pia. It's a good , ella cli S.. Lorenzo gia detta Tiburtin:z,& Taurina.. ? • The Maac,-iore,gi according to L bicana,Prenefìna, & Neuia. Qyeila?d?i S.Giou:inni, gia detta Celimontana,Settimi2., & Auderi3. .. · . · . I.a Lacinia gi3 Etta Eorentin:t. ' : . . J DEL I.L. POR N T,. I,· · 6 H AND SON • O S O''P R r. 1 1: RR E v E to E, E s v,-, or 1 E I>r i: 1 and . T or 1<. t:1r. • ' . \ . . . Teo ti1rno li floti fopra il :feuere,at10 dclii qt1ali fono . rouin:tti,the fublicio,& the 'Erionfale, ou. I was Vatican. On the other St1blicior era alle .raaice del monte 'uentino,ar,pretfor Ripa, . 1 uefl:igie of thequale them still in the middle of the river', & • •• . edificato di .le .. 11an1e da Anco M... a. rtio,& e!fédoG gtrafto, quando Horatior c· 1oclide fotléne l'i,npeéo di Tofcani,Erni. Jio Lepido did it t ar tiistone, & the ddimantio E n1ilio, &:Ha'endolo roùinatoisthe innondatione of the '" T-et1ere, Tiberio • ]emperor the iftau'ro. M1tit11an1ente Antonino Pio 'did it di mar1no; &"andr. at thetop;mo; aalquale fi precjpit:iuan l-i-1nal. : ·. f,atcori. ,& ft1 il primo poi:i:i,cl1te,cl1and tùffand fact fis.lpra ii euere . 11 Trionphalé,ouer V:atìcano , eraprelfo l'Hofp. italand "G". .. . It's a good S.tSpirit,& f t still ued to l fondame11ti inthe halfor i Teucre'& era cofi addimangivenpe''r qand J? :ìfauano per quel Llor alli iijério11fi. . , .. ? •'J! 'J ! . .. , , ,, · .. · Q!tel ai S. Maria S'adaimandaua Senatoriòò;&'Palati'no.. • · :.... JJ bridge Qqattro eapi was Ghiamato,then Fabri: t'io da L.Faoritio,that 10 fecand doesr..e;èff. it's.. ndoMaeftro <.ii'flirad aa'. .. : • -Helium of· S. J3artolom. eo fu ancli· mad aa ?ro --eitio,& Efqui • I · t!! i J . : . · · · It is a • 1· ,. •' • I' . ( It is not the first time that the European • Re Elle. A N T'T en I T A ra n2u2le ap,prcfent,ndo a t1na bar1da J prora,& d:the'raltrà • " Jt a di lo11ghezza ,,.di un.. qu•Arto Themi Mile& di TherGhez aa of cin-qu'anta Raffi. • · · · • / . DELL I M?MONTI. · It's a good :· Seven Phono Them Mountains prit1cjpali,fWork Them q11ali Was Built Rome,  The Pig Elebre Was Jl Capit'lino,oticro Tarpeio, & ?Saturn hoggi detto , The C:tn1pidoglio, fopra (iel.Quale Tr tépii,facellj,& cofand fac1 and ue n,was110 6(>. & i1 pit1 celel:5king was that of Giot1e excellent m ffin10, in which finished the tr-iofo,rie . , trouan li triont nti,à render g atie oella ricc11ura uittori.a'. · . . The Pal tino,boggi detto palazzo n1aggiore,& ,and dish2bi tato,& P,i,. eno di uig11e,& circumnda un mile. Rom0Ior· u1st· co incio fopra la C1tta percl1e quiui was ntttrito,& fieliogaba · I feicJafiric: porfido ire. · ·. , , • L''Auentino,ouero Que qqetulano,circonda more than duand· • , miles, and those doue and the Chiefa of Santa Sabina. 11 and themo and q11ellor ouand and. ,1:the Chjefa di S. Giouj11ni,& Pao · 10 Linen a San Gio, uanni Laterano.. - • . · . . -'Efq11ilin9,ouero Cefpio e douee, New1000 The CI1iefa of Yes, it is not the first time Maria: • 1'Major, and San Pie ro in Vincol . •_ '_ · 1..Il Vimipal, New1e e Doue e The Chicfa, New of Known Lorézo, New10014 in Palilpe1 · ' n2, & Santa Potentiana. , ,. , It's a good The Qgirinal ,ot1ero Egonio,hogp.i and said Mote -au2llo-.. :· 11 Pi11,io e qu(llo dou e''? la Ch!ti ila1Trinita: The 1st and the Doue and St. Peter Montorio. V? j fono an'o.r. atr the mounds, such as · ll Vlticano,t & laroro 1UW. · . . .. . . M i beautifullj,im,,??4,,n," was dijca . mli-Tatqginiq P-rif'o -? aq'fjj:Jto d Ctlirc. , dtQec • IIWIO, gives Ttaiab Q&a ;i. Q EJiorJal> oJ& ui Q NDQJI hyphae t. -- tp; ,rd'help aa miti, ,eno c.c. rJ lNertaiuor -1. :Vaie.a, ofp:. Jµga Chiandfa,
  • fpiré eiMbfie aJlati? ":lliìk ji. ta tèrrcftrt,&marit:NI CO li Tip ap _ fé from ldpl ffppae. Uorcbè vi 110 al Col fil à C6ft111cilo -agno1 llàiìcrwim. PajiìtisiiiflliMlf. • sétio ??? and tnoiBtièllo. !lo chèé • • ?'Aafifit'?----· . , Tit9jbdèdr ? • , & ctì.. • Vaa pittflìil iolpic.11 ,ano ? l! It's a good DE: L1! 1ANTICHIT A . rtro,c:iaa-Jli,co the tr. Jonf3nte,& the uitcoria,& li anno in azi .. Ji fafci,& ,Itri fegni confulari.,.,& on the other ui phone le lpo-. vici?o Ito is notthee_ firste_ time that theCommission has been able todo so. 9ierufal?m.?e1l fan • · Giorgior then Vel_? bror f-µ_ fatco d3 gli Hoursfici,& dat 12,ercanti 1di-i ii i n honorand di Settttimio. Qgello that fi addimada di . Portugal was made in Domitiano. Q!rello that flank chian1a S. VitQ, & and Tibyrcine Stones,& was madeo in Galie110. , . ,_; . D And ,.,p - O R T I C H I. ..' · ., <; efarand Augufio· nand made vno nel Palatinor adorned di u3 rij marbles,& paintings,& Gordjano nand made vn'alrro in chief • March,long thousand feet duplicated,&or11aro-of columns • • i i i mir.i;ii i I was stillat the Mercury, which?is the oneand 3n • i . 22 in ;piedi. mezzq guafior S. Angelo di pefcaria,. J por .tico rli Liui was already doue fono le ruine del Tépio del ,ea ce. Il Portico di Ottauia for lia di Augufi:o fu appreffo? the · · ,. théatror di Marcello.Il portico . di Fauftina i e yeta gra parte doue horà and the Cl1iefa di s.Lorézo in Mirad . The por • :tico dett? Cocordie e· , ncori n piedi inri ro nel mot cel · ?o d?t-çampidogli_o di otto c olone,ne era appre.lfo :i·qu_e fto vn,altro molto maggiore,delle cui ueftjgie ui fono ?p cor:i tr_c solonne;perche fu f?tto per ornaménto del Cam :Pidogli The porch of A grippa and still standing here . i _:i a "I'm notrgoingto go into the detailsof what is going on," he said. a a ! t , • . •, .. • ' De Trofei, & Colonne memorande. ·. · I:i trofe_i,che-fono s. ufebì , furono poftii in · honor d e.Mario q triumph of Giugarta,& de Cimbri. · -?a colon'naa lumac:i,cbe e apprelfor Ja chiefa di S. ?Mary .de Lorcto, fu dedic ta cfal Senate to honor of Jraiano qfi , g.r. egiaua'otra i Parthi, ne he never vidde, pcrciocq_e · 1itornating from said iprcfa_mori in Soria in the city of Sf · Jc c.i:a,& futno ppbrought le fueo ffa a Roma. i"" ana urn ,orò; cr. orftand ina fthand , ne ii, which celebrates them, Jand-:. fcfle nel Golife. or, gittaua a cqua'in grade abound:iiper - uarc· la· 'fctefcte al popalo , odaua a v.1dcrc. ?Vicioor is:•Sor! . . · IThe 3 baftiaao I • • • • TJ!llil ANr.IeHITA t,1fti:anor u?e e and a other treuerti,i ad-madatt eipi. a i di''Boue,credefi che fulfe il. fepoJcrand di MetclJ3;wivesand Cra1fo.,.,as it appears ,r Iettere,that ui sound itagliate fopr . Delle Obelifchi, o'1ero. Ag1,glie. . . · Six furoro the Aguglic degrees iR0111a,two dcllts which were Jiel circlesor Maffsimo, la greater than piedi J 1.. . &· lto òa- • lJe, New That The coduffe The Porto For fauorna 12,0 mr11a moggia of 1écc,  The Mino1 e Dj p,iedi 8 8. Vna In Boss MARCH of Piedi 7 i.D?.lNl Maufoleo di AuguFi:oAii pi'di 4 ? l,vna Doue e Hor s.Rocco.Et Vna That e Still i Feet aietro The Chicfa, New di s.. Pi•Etro di Alcei.z.a di Piedi 12. In s0J11ita Jaqual? vi fono. land ceneri'ddi Giulio cefarc.. i And.. t dell ande piccioJc It's 41. o . -? qella IJlaggior parte ui erano characters Egitti.,But hoggidi ? ne Phono i Feet Fe 110 TwoVn To A I raceli, & the other a s. Aùto,& Gia Fei anQ propertyÌ•ue ne fu?RetRoua Ta Tn'other In One Caretta Behind The Minerua, ca11ando One cacina,yn'alta ne i, andtr_e s.Maria Majorand J.> terra. • , · D- AND. L t E S T A -T V AND. It's a good were already the R but an infinite number of fiatue, walking, &a ca al;d'ogni materja,&ma6ime E G A V A: L I:, I ' Y-igaTtt;furono i cauall, New100i dorati ,&qucili9•· It's a good Years After Scipione NafSie:i·trouo Horiuo or (nodes Then andking,com?and fo110 l noilri) 11,a di water, Jaqualand ftillando minutesfsimly diltingueua ire , & was millei del l i dial,pandrchand 11 squaretand not andr_ a good fand no''vcdc by the Sun, and uefto was good for all time. .,, . . . . · De Palaces. ; The Pala io di Augufto was I vn singing dandlhole RQmano, adorned with variousJ marbles, and allifs1mc columns. The one of CJauclio fu tra'J C'lifeo , and fan Pietro in vincuJa, beautiful, and • greatdand. Qyandl di· Vcfpafiano, e ito era vincino 3 s.. Peter V incula. Qgcllo diNcrua was tr3 the tower dc the Accounts., and that of the militiasc. Qyandllo... d'Antonino era vicinor the fuacolumn of marbles, and belllisimi porfidi. QyeUo • di Garacalla fth V'1ino atle fuand Termand· ornato di gi:andikj mc còlone,& b llifsimthe weapons.. ?elio l:)ie u opra .. ii· Viminal;, doa'cbeia 1a "hicfa djfan Lorcnio in Pa-- • ? . ., I 4 speed . ; • ' !. ' D E r. [! g'' A N ;r I e H I- T A I' lif'perna·. he elied di Co11, New11Fiatin, New1o Magno Fu a fae Giou:anthems Laterano. 've ne Were Still Many Jltti, New Adorned Butg(ni- t gnificantc , Jiquali lafcio da pa ree per bttuita. _ Eafa Aurea's 'N.5roN-e E4ificò Neronand vna cJfJ,lél; this o a is l the first time that l the European ftn Parliament has been involved a inthisdebate.·· dcEquiJic, i.e. the Ghiefa di s. Giouanni Paul, an ' daua quafi inftnor Te_rmine, lo andito dellaquale era cofi grande,that fiaua a copper Colotfo, height ?i1 i piedi, the port:o era trjplicato, & teneua u miglin''mileso per ii ghei.. 1:a,& era circus11daca da.un lago, & di edifijj a gui- fa of vna Citta, in which ui were vigne,pafcoli,&felue & large copy of domeftic animals,& faluatics of era- - fcuna forte. :Era la ditta cafa rt1tta n1effa oro itarfiata co ,.. vàric gemme,&pietrc: pretiofe. The pllchi of the fale were of auorio richly Jauorati,& fi volgg euano way,ché for certain dogsIle , when fi dipper,fpargeuano flowers , & pretiofi smells fopra Ji conuicati . The main fula was.. ri • round, & turns continuously to gu1fa of the machina del mondo . Quefia cafa abbrufcior atemp tempo di Tr· aian? o· . ctfcndoui in a fire-burning fubito. ilfuoco. . Other Cafe de Cittadini. ._ · Thousand fettecéco,e nouatafette Cafe of Citizens fplencfidif property Fimi ornate Were i Rorna, But The More Famous furnQ property that-.. J3 of Romulus, who Was 11cl P,Latin fenz.a colonists,&marmi; &e tlata molci fcculi your feet,so that gli hJueuano drpu . :fluomini -foprétto collect it, qfi ne c,deua qualche · part, but no poteuano already addiiigefa iJcuna nuo .20. Qyella of African Scipione was learned the Chiefa of · ' I. S.GiorgI. Quclladella f,Qliglia Flauict,&Cornelia,& by . · Poponi :inco.erano nand. The Quirinale,fupcrbifsimaméte andthe . , , I think it is a good thing that the QgelJa di M,Cratfo,. dthe Q_Catulo,& C. A'. ngulio nnor. northe. Vi?jnale,adorned with variousj marbles,& di beJi!simc Jo_nneJ! and uicdcllcalatino. Qyella of er gilio in Equilie,& that of Ouidio was vicina :illa Cofo - latione. Et P. Clodio coprò la fua eafa perr q u.,.. a lobster fei milla feftertij.. Delle c,rie, & chand ctJ[a were. " Thirtycinque furono le Curie in Ilorna, & cr:tno du e, "I'm not going to say, J,altra that I'm not going piu to e i i p:urauano e o(e :icrc do that," he said. . The Curia uecchia was doi1e ,hora la... Chiefa dis. Peter in Vincula, & in qu@lla takes themuao li Augurij.The Hofiile were two,&vna was uici11a at the Fo- , ro, the other oue c:'the of s. Giouanni and J&aolg. The i calabrian was in. Capidoglio,doue t: bora le e fanne,& prigio ni,& iui l Porìfic 'rninore faceua intédere al popolo qua li folfero li giorni fefiiui. The I.>ompeana fu in capo di Fio re isirieto alpalaz1;0 of the Orfini, & perthe it,i fu ammaz. Zat Cefire, was rouinted, never again was remade.arra. : · · . · De Senatuli, & who were in the bonnet ? Three were there • Senattrli,& c=rano luoghi doue fi congreg3 .. uano li Sen tori ,i> do some of theiberatione.voo was in the tépio de!la Concordi;,,l'a,Ja,Jrro. a1Ja por. r?? di s.. Seba1tiJ110. Et i!third in the tépio d1 BeJJona,douc riceueuano them amba. "I 1li don't think it's a good thing," he said. for éntrarand in.. Gitta.. Or . MiG l STRA ff I. 1 in the same way Rome hebbeprincily slices King,doppo gouernor:- ! ao podefta confoli; fta11ano Cl Butghyathship F Not v.qo no.1J li-ecorc. Yrba, New York. - a.ochre r,:ttb•lN?IOHITA · It was co'ccruatore dc le lawsj & giudic:iua 11e11e co(t pr1 "Ate. Thector: Peregrino gludlcaua in the isote de i fora-: I think it is a good thing that the Li :'fribuni of the plebe,liqu:ili were quattordì i,ha ueuano autorità di impedire li decreti d s,,e. nat o., dand with fuJiJor other magiftrato, & a o folo Tribuno , poteua make impregion a confofe. Li Qyefiori Vrbanihaueuano c.ura delli danar dc del Erario,de malelicij,& del read Jc . letters in the Senate - Li Bdili haueuano care of the13 city.,of the graphocie,de giuochi foléni,& publici,& eràno of two m Coruli, & Plebei. Li Cenfori were dui o & duraua cinque, detto magiftrato annn , i teneuano coto del people,,_ & del fuo hauere, & to diuiderlo in the fue T-ribu,haueua- 1-Q curate oftempij,& of the entrat of the commune,correct uano the cofiumi of the city, caftigauano the uitij - l Triuuiri were di trand • manierand,, Criminali,Menfali,, & Notturni.. i - l.C reminals haueuano care of the prisons, & séza of them o fi punish them evildoers .1 Menfali were fopra li ban ' chicri, & fopra those who beat the coins. Notturns.. .. haueuano cur of the night guards of the city;&principal' ' . palm te deJ· fire. The Prefects were of four manners,l,Vr bano,de11,Anona,the Vigile,& the Preori or L'Vrba- no haueua authority to re-elect the place of that Ma right. gifted, That For Some occorrcnz.a fi foffe Party Of. City. Il Vigile era fopra l'i11cendiarij,rompitori di porte, Ja ri, & receptori di malf?ttori. Il a Pretorio ha'a pie- - - .. auttorità Jc fue fen tcnzand eranor unappellable. Vr-ì the a skulls ? still . giltreti, such as the Centuoiri, & other liqual lafcio by ;e Breuity, & they crcauano on the first day of Gcnaro, or of Mano,or di September. Dand the Gomitij,, & that cofo and· I think it is a good thing that the Many fure the Comitij,& israno Juoghi fcoperti doue ft. it's the populo, and the cauallieri, i, making the parties in the Ja.crcationc Dc i Butgiftra i i Et uniuérla!e.era uicino To foro:Romaoo,dauc e tiorà l.a Chléfa s.. Thc It's not the \ " odoro. Et ii..? • . --· , , . ? J I I. O M ?A; -.. 1 4 Seiri, New Year's er1no "icin&ca Mountain Cicorius J Doue e Hora Theiso1aaa • · o3Antonian. · D E L t. AND, T R I B. . , - TtcncacinqtK: they were.. lcTrib! J of Rom. La-tiéfe;la • .. Ranènfe, The Light, suburrana la Palatin:i,i,l'Efquili-i,la Còllih:t,la Clauclià,la Cruftannia, Lemonica,Ia Mctia,1' · vffini:eia,la Pu pinia, la Popilia,lin Romulia, la Scaptia. ,Ja Sabarina, the Tormét1na:,the Stellatin,1'Armenfe, the Potia. there Publia, the Mutia,Ja Scatia,l,Anienfe,la Terétina la Scr • g· ia.,., Ia irina, Trìnitica,the Vo1itiana,Ja Valentinia. · na, la faoiana. ,laScapienfe, la Voltinea & la Naruienfis. Of the R!! gioni, R.j_onz, &fae infegne• . oma in ancient hebbe fourteen Regions,but I - gidi no fono fe rio believe us . R._uella d Monti, laqual :, j> infects three motions. Column has vna colona. Treio makes three fpa de , S. Eu, New10FtAchio fa The Saluator, Newe i MeZ.1..0 a Duoi Horns. Po t• e Ago A Bridge . The Regula Ago A waxing . Ripa Vna yota." o, Betweenglifteuerc_ vna tcfia di • Dragon·. Parione Has A Griffone. Pigna Has Vtfa, New Pigna •. t:a.mpo Mlrtio The Moon. Et Sant&ngclò havn'Angclo. : ·. Of the Bafilicbes, & what eofa they were. Dodici furono le Bafilichand nn Romaa-; isr3no luogni ào uc litigauano li Romani,erano ornate tl atuc,, & bel • . columns,co11 duoi orders of porcicali, the main was 1101? PauJa , the Arhcntari2;; l''AlctTandrina. • ., D AND L C A M P I D OR G I I 0. It's a good ? arquinio fuperlio of theJa prey of Domctia city of L.ati ni cofuincJò'the Cipidoglio, cofi chest from a body of huo.. mo,chc there was rerouted in f:irc le fQndaméta,& M. Hora o Puluill_o,effcndo confule lo nìfi, & Q. ti Catullorlor de • died a Gioue, New Pitolin , & I'm not going Cover of Rules of btons.o dbratc,  alla Failed di thato vcrf, New Hampshireo il Poro ui Erano cét, Newo. gr:tdi.Vi ttano Angora ftatue, New of gold,argéto,wings of Gold silver,  Cii criftallo, of Taluta, New inndlimableJTrc Milla T ui 1 "I'm not going to say anything about it," he said. It's a good -- • · ?urU,r.C1.• • It's a good . - n L T E A N T· king • H T T A burned qu3t fo voJre. The· pi-i111ì qtratrtocèn· cor e-quirldici.,. .. 3 years of the fu:,, edificatione. The fcconaa at cempo 01 Silla, : was ;icted d, :VefpaliJn?.; The third at the Domitia . nor,:& rifece,piu magnifico that was not before,&l i co-:. = Co? fickle more than twelve thousand talents - to quarca inCo's time Way & of tntì Buildings Cne Ui "I'm not going to go into that," he said. 0011 Fi See hoggidr in-Piedi lé 0011 The (?a-doglip Half guafio ,_ ri!lauraco From Bonifacio oitat10, & Given From Him P habitation·To Sen:i_ Tore. Et Sure The ornan1enti That ci-a110 In That fuperaa 110 the mirapolis de the Egicci,but "the CQme was very or11ato,: .. It is theli hoggidi e. rouine, e _ nl!,PU<> o tuccaui "I'm not going a togo into the news," he said. Ec no there sees'alcro of cofe a11t1che, which l3ila di copper, laqt1ale era nel co1nitio,& fu made of! ?\ ' condennationi di certi vlùrari, & e ucl pal:izi. or d? i Con-!. hercoed i, & rata ne!,anteroom ui and golden bronze ftacua of Herco!e,which holds 11ella delire Ja cJau;i, & ne li-i niftra vn pomo ai pro . Q.! Je1la ltat11a was rerouated to the cépo' • of S1fto Qga.rto In rouine dèl, New rempio of Hercole, That·. • · era , J foro was in the , boario.Jìt hole in the camer3 of the,audiencia 11i fo' J no two ft:ttùe of bronze, at the two joua11i, vno de which tl:i , in standing i h:ibito d1 feruo,& 1,other and ignudo,&p re a p? · li un Flower, & co, - from the sole of the foot fthere... In the courtyard ui and the chief , & pie,!i,& Itri frPméci of that r Colo1fo,which was the region of the tipior ace,& in:. e. la facciatto learnCfor Ja fcaJa,vi fono certi quadri di marble such? asi ei fcoJpiror il criofor 11 M. Aurc:i lio,, qii triumph , o i o o r•tile t l of Dacia.-• leased molei m rmi :inticl1ì,new11 rerouted in the Fo-, - ro ro fotto all,arch of Settimio,doue fono fcolpicj i no(Jli of· It's a good ,alli.i Cofoli,Dirters," Cenfor.1 ,Ron1 ni. The Celta.gran"! . . dc of copper,thatand focto:the porch, .e comodo,&vn:i no,& a foot said Cololfo, and fopra 11ella f.ila,doue they are right, there e quella di Paolo,III. !x di Re Carlo,: , eh fLi Senatore. , ,q_L1elle?due 1lat4f, 91c fo11;0 a pie (;{eJlc:? . . . · • E:t' fcalc , • . . ? • . .• L The • . D, I· .. ? ,OR ! M· I A. . :- .. ,, . .. . fcalc. dcJ Senator? rappt sétapò il Tig e, & theN,,iiorJuroi . di Egittor:; & thatl.. . ott.. t or o plo1111and éhe fi veggonor uerfor the Foror ,. erJnor porticb de_l t n,pior JeJJ3 Agree... . .. Of the Erario; i.e. camerd of the cominr,ne, & that monetJt, . /ìIJ,.IJ,. endeua in majn rtr:ei tet;npi.. It's a good 1ll primo Erario doue?ft cofc: uan.1 il reforo del popoJo Ro · n:ianus,fJttor da VaJerior Pt1? Jicol:? ;fu doue: e hora 1la chiefa _ di s. SaluJtorc j Er rio app1 clfo ! a rt>BeTto. rnea verfor piaz. • ? za M nt-nar:iDe? ual GilJ!ip Cef.11st e, (pieced? p rte au 4 1 3 pounds gold,n?12sF nto n1ill;i qi ;i,rge11t? &. i place ofi que,llo vi pofand t.. ?tthat from • she throw a d,rdo verfo the cotra fromdi those to which • volcua110 mouer la war,S>che clfendo l'Imperio Roma_ no tahto crefciuto too facicofo would breath l7andarc haueua -' re-emerges of those who co-wrote them . - ' ? · Colo1ina Lattaria. ?In a the ? o Oilers or HoraPiazzForumat Montanar there was Called 'na colona? ch. iamato Latandaria , allaquale lèertamenJe,fi ponauano i faciull propertyi dc PartiNati di theft,liq11alitrouac propertyi·Fi • ponauano Then a aucnre;qc 111th; ' ' oràiaiti dal publicd • The • The