www.e-rara.ch The commentaries of C. Giulio Cesare Caesar, Gaius Iulius Palladio, Andrea De Franciscis. In Venetia, 1575 ETH-Bibliothek Zürich Shelf Mark: Rar 836 Persistent Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.3931/e-rara-11607 The SIGNOL GIACOMO BON COMPANION Gencrtt! Edi Santd.Chrefà. V myinftituto ftmpre / Uuftrifimo Mr. , r.;,; ......; <'In my dt uolere, chet fruits of my labors . . The fact continues from my day on ij nofcere, & 'reduce in light many of the noblest tmmories of antiquity, f, 1feronon à mefolo pergio uarc; but to all those still, that didcjiderio dtjìmil co gnitioni potefero ejfere acceft: e5fllllo ilmondo, as I have left part dt qrurnto with Long ojferuantiadellecoft anti haueua apprecfo. From which coftu, I do not seem conueniente in some time cli partmi, ejfèndor11i perfor te quefti p11J! àtimifiuenute alle manibuona part of the lefi gure of the facts d'armt, & - d'altreopcrationidt C.Giu / ioCe Jare, d! Lfcgnatigià conform alrcjfo dejùoi Commentarij dt1tdue mieijigLuoli damorte ùnmatt1ra toltimi queftian njpaffeti; houoluto inuntempo honorar Lame1noria them, with publtcarqueftelriroopere, unworthy of my judgments certainly dilaude; f5 of p11garil the debt, which each one has * 2 digiouar, doue pojfa altrui; ilqual tanto 111, agfiore hofii .. mato diha11, ere inqueftaocca (tone, how much more unitterfa can effect it 6eneft'cio, chcda quejli difjegni is to find out its world: perliqualijòttoponendofia (ènjo that, that dalfo the intellect was comprejò Jifacìlita greatly L'intefli gentia de 'Commentarij by efo Giulio Cejare, jipropone clarifying the imitatione dejuoigran facts, e5 / ilajèia more Largo campoàglifludioji to procure useful, than to the king fto puodarloro quefto (ifruttuojo uolume. Et why not efca.fen aiifauoredi fagnalato perfonage La d (crittio- . nor coje diflgrand'auttore, cheoperando, & ycriuendo ojcurò the fame degJ'altri, f5La fuarefeueramente irnmor such, àV.S.llfujfrifsima moretojlo, than to any other, I have a good luck, that jacconimandata sent. for that hauendo a'faoi LtH> ghi pofte leJudette i figure; hora irjije le coi rnando in luce, fottogl'aufjicij, f5protettion fua; é§ à mihanmo mojfo piùimportantifsime eagioni: pri mierarnente because the soul was not yielding point to that of the uninitiated: ie1gloriojò Emperor: Then because, ejfen do ejfa ftudioflfsima ojferuatrice of the actions of fluctuating hawker, by Leirpecialrnente de la , which can be used to forge against evil, which seeks to get it wrong: it is more important because, as it is usually carisjima, it is very confusing and confimation of the appraisal Noftro S nore GRE Go R I XIII. head head dignifsimo of all Chriffianità) e.3 "'pe1cioin og n occu: flone ​​J which for 6ene uniuerfale mandajfa iLSignor Id ◄ god of uniting it injierne contra ijuoi nemicùdouendo ejfa ha- uere princtpalìfsimo cdrico; and very well conueniente, fe of the greatest Captain, who has commanded the world, particularly honored by the name of that Captain, always haueffe to ejferpreferred to any other than for every other Prince of Christianity, all interuenijfe. _ (ommy I de (ideri, e5ne pray to the Lord I god, who is V.S. ! lluftrifsimaftano grate quejfe deholi demoflratio · ni del mio mio de otiftimo alla no6ilifsima.fùa perfo · na, that alpari of utta proper would be carifsimo: That as far as she is 6r mo other, f5 of more more nonfappltco la ma1.eft.à diu-ina, than of ueder ilday, in which V. S- Jfluft1t (s11na habhia campo, e5diflguircon gti effects the treads ofjifamofo Principe, e5di match - with [afama, f§con lagloria a · triumphs of yes feLtc lmpe a tore: tlch would do fen2: .Ja some doubt with Jicurta, & 'quie- te, of all_the Chriftianef and, condegna reward of great antmo, rsualorfao. 'Di V. S.! UuflriJ! Ìma. Humilifi. (Lff Dezeotift. Dreater 7> aUa, god. PROLOGUE f D'ANDREA t PALLADIUM INTOR.NOA'DISEGNL ETALLE FATICHE DALVI MADE TO FACILITATE THE LETTION dc'Commentari di Giulio Cefare. AV E NDOSI damo! T tjècoli d behind, .to, times nosirt for L'cfpericn'K.!; T, (9 "'for t ejùo dt1>, v: z poche_guerre'YJedt1, to, chenon Jiètrouato some coft-munited City) efò1 · you, that The / stuffed enemy, ejjèndo ff ato with ueneuolmente a._e:, liardo) nonhab6t "apo tuto, after not much photica, & longJ /;.- t- t, odt tt · 1l't-po, J <: t.Jùie priclrove; & ejfèndo this point diqt et luo ghi, tue1.uto, i quttlida! frt propria natwra delJìto (as inaccef ftuitalpe, high swamp, otte, · or per {r;, fiofo mare) of / ejipoteuano , t! tru; p, rre ', f ù11,; • i, & in cf} u, _çnabi! i> is not merauìgfi than alreadyJìa n.ita opmio ,, ejr ('/, g! t huav-; ini) & quttfi'atr ·: f! o molticonjèrma t .t) efJère ùnpt: Jltbile, cl / a / ama R.occa, ò Forte-zz._a fi'pojfàtenere) & dt_J; ndei'e conn · tt t impetus) & Lafon: .., tt de ° powerful mmià.Onde conftclerando I inchemodo / ipote; Jèro qtf.efii such j annare, & q ct! o chepu, t, impo; -t, 1., the Kingdoms, () • the Cittd defend; it seems to me that mana.: rL r (tc (Jfaf (.: i tan ob .fiant1e .ciò fa1 · e, qu, mto! 'attere' Vnl: moniffimo, (g ordmati / Jùno eJ./étcito, ilqual (ia acta com beat with? ln ° .t! tro ben che piun, 1, merofl, piglandoincon. / èìma tione delmtop: t1't: i'et eJlèmpio di Giulio Ce.fare> that conmediorre numberoffolios.1tiJùperò, & -vin / ènumeroji'Jftmi flèrciti: which nrecqtte nonda altto, chedai6uon'order, (/ fl dféiplinamilita1 · e: COFA " PROLOGUE e i (tfJL pu, Ò much ne J: ft h1, omini, lhe of t: mult, gli j.?diucntarc 1 1,, u .. ,, dt C "· if; ifiçrd! IJ t! Iglt, wule. € i t 11era fln; t drt / 110 l! J. ntm -;,:, 1, d ".l.!., t! ifl / JJOndtt,; / qu, t! (/ fendo cpmionctrppr f! ogli m, m cluptLI tempos, chn, onnttjù) Jci'11fa / .1., ti,}. ' not jf, t g! t Sp: r, · t: mi) jècemolta lxn co11oflcrc tt! World, chedouc were hu, o- ; nm,,, rf 'I, /,' f. C,. ,! q · 1., u; · 1o; n1M1: c J '' Vt! TOi'tl_J, 1.6 "p-: ·, .. cntc. Pit, wo; lttt n · .i1, n, tnco arditi, (j_r ft anchijòlddti. Il, ! bbÙtmo bennoi ca, gione tir det, i '., · ilt: -, / fil', t cond1t1onedt q # ejli nojlri fig / i; since not jt'v (.dc, tlam'P, · mcipeche fi.'piglt t, mprejà dijò! leu, wequejlade pre., .. · 1, ..; tM: {jz / pmji11tdene ifcì! datapriuati, & ne i Cttpita n; i / 1 ".tl'ni qHe / a; • dii 'i? mcdcjimo, equcll'ifi Ud bra11, ura, what about it ! (/:.1.:ti'.•, .11 ejJére flat, tfi! Eg, .r: c,: nè;,;, rncanodique !! t hoggi dìche p1.o'n; o; tecuranoùmortc; anz. ijt'ìleg_.e:, ono many, who? 'diti, 0 "" I'oltolt1ti go / èn'; '(atimore a / amoad mcontrarla; di m, 1niera : h · fj '(, wdottj> jJi'ejfa dinoifl ti'ou'! ((éro qtte._of good orders, which was no i1-pptffJo the Greeks, @ 'i 7? .. om.inifi11-czadubbio noivcd, .emo im / J ·, f ..:, 6 ~ attinnnofl: te Je! Jague, 'i'a ha # cr qrtclla mcdefìmtl riu- 1, .t, rhe leloro fl rtiuaho. € 'tben che moltidt 1u (ltnofii't [api t (! "Ji plinc; palid1can1J nojip,? TCi'f_O! TCi'ildi'f! Gli cf / crciti CO qucltor t! i, 'Jc, @ J deFh · za degli.antich, chc noi dcjidui.1mo, rij} cttoal ! a.,, Ùi • · r ", ::, 6 .. ,, iÌ <.: h Mchibtt {Ji; tuttttu: ·: r, 'or at least it hovers 7H • because ·. opcn. / fri better with! 'ordme, which con confu- jio / f. T:' OiJO anchache_1Jt ord.'IJi (lJJ {ichijòno dijftrili'6 lr / 1- poflr'bilì d potojiridwtre rt! [ufo dc- 'no.ffritimi: in the qtMI cojà · At.cor.t (co ,,; e m / [ditle fo, mo) PÌ: li.mo error: pcrchc Uofdf! Tt an the! chi er.-mohuominidt Contado, @! an (ittm, & lapmpartero :: j, & ignoran.1; nè menoi (1.pzr.mi trttno Semidei, mahuo mù, i co: nc'i; oi, tltri fiàmo, (fjf. li ot'dini fono jàdli, and chia, · 1, 'àquel fr, eh ,, Ù1twdo1.'01 p, ·: nciptj, dtlche mifi1ùo, Ìp.à10 chi.triot: / m pr: roche rit; • ott.tnd1mi, tl! Aprtftnza d'idami peoples! H1-1, omim pra- ttchi f 'ri ìt o E, 1 o \ tichidelle cofl d.:, uerr.1; fèci fare (fi 'comfi. co (ai' <>) cei'ti // '-. leotti> & gu.-tjtatori, cl / were qu u, J., all those m mmcnt1 @I eJ! èrcìtij mtl1tan, chejì.tnopofjibtliàfarfì, f!: nzrt mi cor m_cttere d, Jòrdme> ò con; ùfiom: alama; (iche con rmnor d1Ju lta_dz q el !: t, chemolti penf1no, j; 'potrcbbonomtrodu; -re neg / 1 ejflrcr t no ffri flfi orders, & Le reg, <> degliantichi, & medi, mte that! t (itg iu, ot t il -y, a / or dt: / òldat1) conjèm, 1re gli Hatl, rnttntencrei Rc gm, a! Jìm; -. 1r le "l?, _ e_publrche, @ 1 d1fénder leCittà, cheC ('. jtfàcif mind l (t, ei !! pi11.offrijiveg <. ono pcrderr, @I -venire m man.o '& i potned m, n: a. E / fondo10 dtmquedi qu.j,. 'O p.1rcre; & d i {) n'h.! lvi i-p1inc: pij d, d Ste_. Thurs.Gim: (toTnflù10 gm, til'h: 'ja d.Jtti / Jìmo, eche .-: Uc molted, Jèif!, Nc, dt eh: .ç. Li tt Jìm ro p / Jc / J6re, h. wet:! a; 1co, i: gumt, 1l, t pe; jettit cogmt1one dt que fl.1, as Jipuò d.:/1.tJù.t 1t.dia liberata cbiarammte includes I re m: 10, fi: of 'YJflerne Ì, uere qual he m: t g, io · every_ào; , @ ' c Jt ?? Jt drc11: zlt., (, (CYe t 1, ettt g! z, udtan, & hiflonc1, tnttch1, t qt: t- \ / i h, · but d, 1,! IL fù1. ; nM PROLOGUE aD r_gir.mmti des; .li ef./èrciti;lc cÙwi: H: d! ationidt !! eCittà; i fat tid arme, fl! r op /: tl: ra coj,: (, / h.1bbia Cefare neifoot [ùmmenta ; oijdtjèritta .81-1, tnon hcb /; crogr, tt1, td, to be able to conduct aldefìde r,: to fn; e cajilad.1to pcn / ùrolercbe 11; tei'poneml / i fr.1, their dijè gni!: i morte, dclf hmn.1t1.1. contentment, &. (. foria tnuidl (1 / a, my choir .... f.rat (iflzn10 & unripe / fimo dolort nellj} atiodt duemefi) 6 'me7, [J d'c.! Jiambcduemiei fgliuofi priuo, cJàmjòlato Et effè'ndomi dopòlamorte lorovenuti rii / e mani certiJògli, neiqualt clf haucuano con parole, & d, JZgni ajfai well incaminata lafoti caJ ir,; iopenjtichequefta (though, icerba, @ rJirana) rm'potejfe cjserc occajùmed'ejlcgtt.ire ti difi-g: no afai prima damefotto; j} in gcndami, mco àaò f-àre L'ttjfétto dcl!, t pdtcrna pietà: percbe, giudi cai qucjlo ejfèrc, mco ajsai mc powerful to be able to make at least the honored dej7derio of! .t glory, at which c! fìcordi, 1fji r,: 1t, mo: & cojid, tndo qu: dchc pocod, Light of that difficult part, which for their fist ri7rouai {jjf dg, iungendo1,1, i q11f'lt an'to, chcmi èp.truto pcrfuo compmzento necejlario; I wanted fnalmcntc la- Jùada appear in the coffin of ... the h1tomini; fi to procure what the honor of the name of the ìglì! I, as it was found, to understand the m10 naturalc (ltt1 / '1e, d / is digiouarc almondoin what, for that, me jipofa: ne'l70 ._ (:;! to deny that lafnticanoftra non pojsaeferc d'alcu iiO e, rore t, tfata, which all g / lmomtm phono m, tcchiatidiqualche ùnpeìfètt1onr, (g7'ioanamtJòtto quefta medefma condìtioncJòn uato, nep1ude.rJ /, other point I fltmo: I say well that fei ftl! t de ., t.lt the men jònodegni di perdono; those of two ... tuto, (§Jvinto cl t that pitt,, · aue, & noiojal '"- ffione, ch'altri fi n tir po (the nt! A loss of the / and cojè piùJlirnatc> e ca1'c; hauere tutti ((talli auertimo, ti, chefirebbono flatidirnejlie- gold concejfe. 'I say dunqi t cbe Ii le.v <' - nc apprecjfò dr elfiantichi, @ lm, tj] ùne in q1teiprimi times, dy: 11 che'7 «! Rna hebbe caccù, ti i Re., For what you say 1? Oli! JJo, ei'a e! 1 qH, tttromi!, T, ediecentoflldatiàpùdi, etrecento C, tualmi. ] ago! aattìlpù: dt 'they were dùeij-it'ngraue;, & l heggieraarmature; & dt que t gliarmatig / auementg were ttncorain three p, 1, Nidiuiji:!, t pr; nade' qua! 1ji'chl ((mttua- li hafltiti, & c1 ·, mo m · '/ fe and tluan o: the facomf, t Prencipi, ch'eranopatimente thousand and ducwto: l · ter Tnarij, the qu, t! i were fllcento: & all quejliaanoJ'li., ​​tt f and terani. Armed to the! Eggicrafi 'called.ttt, tno ttfttiVcftticl / e ranomille educento:, @ 'portttuano Celate;, SpaJ, •, .A / chi, Frr, mlo le, @r Bttlejlre, & each other armada of t; w · e) & Lancia re, Jèn hduere indef. {o for Lor dijifa altrit tt.i'tllC chela cd lta. Gliarmati graue; ncntciJortaurmoindef! Ò! Tt cora-zZfl, with some nefm6rie of coio àtt'e double, attacked at once that ar1 · iuaua110 fìnottl knee, ((! Jf ne haueuano ttncott. !! cfji: dl <:, Lh'tttm , a little elbow, with! et celttain tejlacoperta & 1tdo'i't1adi mo! tepe '1ne, ched.w, woma._1 eio1 · prejt.: • nzaalJòld, tto, enonmediocre o; -na- chin PROLOGUE m, e11togli a .._ e: git1-ng; ua110.vo !! J10no_ some c'haucjfaro armat etia diolegambe, 6 -. iottncor, ijnno di queflo opinion: why G1.fiffe Hcb; -eo parl.wdo d ' un Jo! d. · 0 Remano, _ilqt1, t1 / e runs for · piaia-, cl / fi ', ​​1, uuwti i port: o dd T a, .pfO dt So / omone lttjlnca ta dr mrcrm (), dICe cl / c._ fiJètmfc_i perbattei 'ipùcliarmati: waves ca Jèò, t tc'i'r.1, & JÙ dead dagl, H.ebrei chedefw d, a porticos us <1! ' could effi? 'e, tnco'i', t cl / cJlino1Jfajflro ttnco de! taft1: e at · mt of def / o- · pe; -that toho "tJ cdutottlcHnei: hiniereclt copper ant1chif Jùne, be !! ifft" me. 'Vjàu, mo ttncora i faldati perlor difèjà "tJ o fèt, do '. mde i c · egrande; _,, ilqutt c h; w u.i_11ef ,, Je.-vna pia flra of ferrodtforma ouata, with two other Jerns: luno dijòp; -a per , Iparar the blows, which "tJeniuano from above: the other in fact to defend lofcudo chenonjt'romp1Jè falling interra: portauano even det to jèudo covered with vna skin, which difcopriuano_folttm_e: Jte when they were to fight_ · & quefle were learrm d: .difèfa. L_'ar'.ni then dao / fefa eranoltt_ / fada ltm_ga 'Ym arm, which fonodue feet, & l1, teniu.1no f, pra ilpettod.t! latodeBro, with "tJ p r_, tle alfì, anco fì, n! jlro, epor: auano ini / Jttno d: -1, e.Vemti lungl:; P! - t t-, toL un: o, that is, 7u: tttroI fljl: 1- & quattro, IJcrrt: a- eu.t ttf ", olo: rec h1e z; _uolte mtomo altefla pa d, Jènderla vinegar, which nonpotcj / e ejfcr tag! t .tta, 0 "" lapunta of eJ] òJ r'i'O er, 1 ..: omc "tJn h, tmo_; li mera che! o / endolo cauar dc !! afi:? 'ita, that / ifoccua P';. ,,, tfpr, rf! af .._ e, J ?? e: @ rqu.mdo i fold.iti come at m .t111, with holes J r! l m, 1; /, maauano prima trmo diqueffi d, irdi, & lt / ot! 1 · mcua- no-u m, mo fighting with ejjò: & 'Vt nuti cl / er.wo ali, Jhct t lt1fètauano fall the arms of foot-and-mouth to the ground & mcttetta or m_.m. No, tl! r. fj.1.da: 6'qttcjle Jùrono l'armi con cht. iT \ !! ilMnt JCJ,: g10g: rror.f.J the 7th. t HJra haucndo f / nqui, Ì b.1.flan-; z_a d, t'l.1 f ntcria r, t (Wtl ", 1 'o i · • I 1, uanto alt order nofiro / pp, 1.rriene; peffa '·, · cmo, è; • .z io - i', r !, Caualieti..Were therefore effe (aaaUieri treccntn, as htt.66ittm dt ljòpra t crau: i; 1ttal comb ttcu no ;;, caual! o flnz'r> do nefifla, nefla / fc; 'V_ tndoperoque / tarmi tslej / e that pedonz, portau, ano; & other of ctÒ carry some darts from launching: some . 'tma zagagfza, & alctmi others i'arcfJ: & co (ihora 1a prejfo) 1 hour from lantanocombatt euano. 'Greeks, & degli ordini lo ro, coìqutthjùperò t11, tte le dijficultà, cheloro oppouano, lafciati da canto i' 13ar6ari fl.guirem () il propojtt () noflro .- @ 'to return to the fegioni, i say, eh'altempo diCe.fare Jùronodi m.iggiot number as he medejimo dicenefprimo book de; u Commen tari / in efJedùioni contra e,! t 'Suiz ri, stating that lalef, I of six thousand and a hundred ago; _ti, e.fette a hundred, and t'i'enta caualli qua! legione.ft'diuideua in 7.Jecurie femplici, and Decurie doubles., ò double: (fff then in Céturie & fìnaime'te in manipuli: oJni dt,:, and manipu.li (itceuano una cohorte, & due cohortiil quintod'una le e, ionc, laquale was dtuijàin trepatti, ouero treflJu, adroni, comep /.images.,r says e / fa (efàre. La prima./lptadra hauea two thousand equaranlotto infantrymen, @ r quefti / inorninauano as ha6 / Jiam said again, g! t Ha flati: la / èconda n'haue11, to as many, & laterza mille eìJenti qtMttro; the reflo then, which I made, ano the number of / iimila and one hundred jimti were called Veliti.Iflttecento, etrenta cau, t! li were dutii-iin so many that fit you make two cauaUieri per wing. Hauendo us fìn fotto here1> ederedi quantiljoldati co (lauano lelegiom, as they were diuifl, (f / J la, dwarf, give me, that in the war Ifauano; cI reHad say, in what wayJimettcoano in otdi an percom6attere) & how much fjatio occupies'r> na legion; ro jt'per lu, hez .._ zacome peraltezz._a, .Longhez ... za / intends for File5 .tltczza per'r> etfò; hajfìdunqtt, eàJàpere that when the ejfùcito mar cbiitua; hzaua, he was so ordained he had been occupied occupied the foot: (! /, 1 the whole forehead of the legion rf 36.p, edi: (ffrqnilCapitdno moueua e (army against the enemy; denjaua i / o / data dimanier11, that eia -. fcbeduno trepiedioccup11, u11 ,, & all.hortt la fonteer11, / unga168. feet: & à quejlo modo fi potett, a comfortably com atter: for that ifoldati inc nuenienteJ} atioji ftauano: but when fijlipa uano, & aUhorailjòldatoiedaaa myself ,. & ttf-tta.la / r nte was 384.piedz long: there are still some uoltad1u1 deuanoi corpt of the / e6attaglie, & le {itceuano diqu1t, ttro orders for uerfo: a! c11, euofte didodici, @ 'some difldicifoldatipe uerfò: cofiua: tduano facondoi jiti, c_he z fècodiJojfèro riceuu i da'p m_i, è_ i terzj.da '• fl ond, but O ._ (m t '? lta.c orders the lfa c! to; (ot tfe' '! t batta- \ glre. minus he n () mtnamai ba.fiatt> o prmcp:, o trta1'tj: ma po- t e66e ejfere c'h ei prcfopp_onçAt u: no rfJ faltro, nchor eh 'o no fa / er-1 '/ Jo potrza e.fsere.chefoj] eu'arrato rLmodo dtmettere tn 6at à g ia: èt du, places dlfooi {ometal'ij nelli6ro7uinto.qu1d0Tttu rioJabzno eg to_di ejfo Cefa and makes perfuafo./d F: anceJì.ad? uere a6a'donttr the foot lodgings for umrjico The te o; fualJ phtate for flrada da e (/ iFritceji, @ r for difenderjiji mijè znhat agltaton_ da, & bauandolo 1 enemy there? "con.iato., some U ne ponecinque innanrj, & behind1ltre five; & fojòlo d (f'e6Jttàg /iè.Euero, che PolibioinqueL / upgo_deL! i6rodecimoJet 'tirno; doac facompara'tion to the Phalange.lJJ.1acedonica, aUa legion · 'J?: !! màmt, & from the arms of! J'imaà.qt + elle deltaltta; pa1'e cheuipon g; a, the fj'atij, clie an order receivesjfe.faltra, dtctndo, cbq. / a Falan _ gebaueuala, source.eguale, @ 'lelegi-o: ii ineg': "- a! e." It also says that the Falange haueua folormtempo & u1i / u () go> rt! f the legio11, ptii times @ 'piuluogbi. -. · I have also, torecitarquefli ejlampi, which flow from one another to the other, as they do with the concourse, which were not fuii atij ne 'cnrpi JeUe! Euni, & some want me and uifòjfero-. lonondime noho fattoquej} or I defend with the fjatij $ acciocbç fi'pojla ueder the U no & the-other, & accioche (i conefèa lauerità, & chei Lçttoripof fa.no --- ..- - - - -P, B-. -O - ​​E M l 'Q- - - · fano fo, r..judgment. It was only when the legion_ as & attitudes; / l J / ronte-a nimict the primavatta lm., & Then ntr ua laJ! (; Wave, / òjsordinato t ejsarm à unmodo, or ali other, @ 't T rtarq ftaua knots behind ìnginocchiom conth1fle inalto, · ji'nche_ toccauaalor.o forfiinnan; & pareuanoproprio unmuro: & u1eraun pro1 "er /Jio->che.quando t c4ua comJuittere a 'Triarijsle cofe andauano but lespecrhele dueprir and battag.fie were confon; aie & rott- & .. 4n todet eba taglte / òfero df (many rope on the other, no one lopone.i although Cefare nelprimoli6roae! la. (. tterra ciuile says that efl_endo mSpagna with the army at the end of Petreio, & eA / ra'ftio> che.,. e, li all m_eti delidui (ferciti}, were at the foot of the other two duz milta, chelegetidetuttidtt, igliejereiti mefliin6at; agl1a, _ ocaepauano t dueter-zj del fuoco) & the other terzy was fraun e (ser.c.1 to, & a! tro; & cadaun j} acio erapiediflicento, efif ntafli eme ..o> cbe / ònoa potoil terzode feet two mi! e; p qt (; eflo cj1épio / i ed c · h the battles were ajai deflated from one another; maVegetto of ce> c and lefileerano difhmtil'una from fàitriçpiedi fei, in which he {i / ò dataqud.do pulls pylananols, poteflero corter innaz.i for man / arlt. · conma. strength, defense, which the battle was diottuhuopum for uerf ?, ccupaua c nquanta pi of, & fl ifl.dici or cup-a ano nan to predt. l {Jlamt adireche'tJt eranopot glt.f} atq ft.a I una ,, · F & l a t; -al egù_, nep r tefla diefle feg'ioni, _i q_ ali $ · fl? C 111 · o_c e /: c <. ç fio_n :, (._e; -the acadenti portauano hor ptu.gritn; e / i, korptup. t 1 ': o1 l t / ifoceuano; Jicome made D0: miiio Legato.diçefltire, .t? i fi, _à: ti_ which'tJenendoà (iotnata-c.on Fn: rnace King of Pontus · c'h tteu19.r . din atol 'é_ / Jèrcit0 foad e.trincèe; L> on1itto fl rù;, jèquello f} fti oJ / i.! m eoz_, acciòchelegioni potejfero qi: ttar-eJra /ç_.tt:ine.o.(p .: ·: tt, n da .--:,! re4 find the enemy. 7Jièe "Pab'6io • chè h: {( feeJitinç, 4 / ctt;? Ji / òldatt · 0 'Fij? Tnt! co ecaualli, che.Jé dim: ida nofont.l ,, & ht, t {aUijù: tt. ' r ma • i, ll q_u alie_a o eight, cent, · @: li_ cau (tlli-.q one terms, as he would do, which cofa makes to be understood by Decurta I re, @ 'to Condecuriare, & others; 7> ecuriare a / unquenonera a tro, cheil fàrle jqu.1.Jre, ciaflunadelle which, someuolte.e anus di_ twelve> some didieci, & some diootto, & some dìfedtcz huoml ni; ilche jlaua l, eneper efere / èdici likewise even number, which / i diuide fimpre equally up to / unit. Decuriato Lo ejfèrctto Ò lJoglian dire fa.ttel flJuadre, era de meflieri Condecuriarlo, i / che nononon1Jole mf ertre, che ponéele'Decurie tà flanks of the- the other,? n1e li Decurioni all keep the source first, @ 'd1eiro a (or Li mtgl1or fò! datì, in such a way that Leprimeji make it to ef and r ormte of better men, (f);' piùValoroft degf ' others; @ 'a [Jì, ga t anoil proprio foo foc1J cùtjèuno de fòldati, imposingolief} rejfa mind that never f'1, mo occup1-! Jè that of the other; 7> ecuriato therefore, & Condecuriato! ejfercito, (fjf a'fJignato, (as (èdet-_ to) ado.grlunoii loco faa, begin adamaeflrar lijò ! datz intuttiquegli military ejfercitij, eh · they were for ejfer their need; ri: n: t infi, _; andoli ti1Joltarjiperla fourth part of the circles ?: 'declmationc, @' poilamutatione> which was eh'il faldatoJilJolta.Jfe perl1metli of the circle> -turning the forehead two were le!} at • 'Two other fjeciedemz tatione lJ, were ancortt, f one that fifaceua · contrtt the enemy, (f! j al! hora fì1Joftaua il faldato sùlaf arte jini /lra,\altra.era partendojidal / inimico, & - yoltauaf! ' on "deftra. 'After / èguiu.tno coldarli d int'ender-e-ia conuerfione> tlche er eh'ej / endo reflected f ordinant_tt per file, & per1Jerji, foceuanogi rare allil cJrpodeUa-.6attd.gliaintqrno alDecurione of the side 011ero ji'nijlro ', Voltando la- {i-onte doue erd.il fianéo; i / che fotto tomandauano poiche (fecund however the bifògno) returned'flero com tra-no it, uantì cbeJ / focejse called Conuerjione, eciòckiamauttji Dt 1 · uerfione: Beyond queflo li (sercita11, t.tno circa f mjle [Jìone, the