TREATY III. OF HIGH SPELLING. It must be clear that the who pre-supposes the pumus, and from ePHI'o exulted the fire D,. other, which does not contain any difference slowly, but that, that fi diff at the top, that then fi he must throw it on the floor, and see which bread is occupied from effo: but two phonos. the Orrographs, a fi dir! the other shall be depredated; of that which shall be written in the Now folamence. del ~ prima .~1mo to difcurse . The spelling therefore fecund V 1cru V10 Fi delìniice . Ereola frontir imago , moaiceca piolo rtttirmibus, operi! future figm * a, i.e. image of a elevated facade, defl: shaded ramenre, representing funmetries , è the reasons of the furur edifice; and more briefly one: the ekvauon of .façades del .future building, and all their funmeu-ia . CHIEF ONE. De'.prinzi principj of high spelling. The Gni Art support them to clear, and fu_cili, and obvious principles.: ipj: Where the O. rheography fruitful the fiile of other sciences I cerre first delineations , for which he variously composes. the way he went .klee, which in the feverish Olferences we will go counting; and phono in gllJ.1st gear , diverfes for such ports Pri, jctlitmcr, and d: 1gli Alcri Aggetti, I qWlli Fi a'.anzano out of any fabbdca. leaded, and with p1egando forms, (1, ;, aghez~ ali's Opera. O S S E R P A Z I O N E P R I M .d. The way you make the cables,and the Vurx, Ji. The Vovoli in Latin There call " Echini , and Lòno pronunnenze, è and out of the wall, and out of the wall, and out of the wall, and out of the wall, and out of the wall, and out of the wall, and out of the wall of rondo, as in Figure B .- they do it in two mods.1, the first as B, decerm.height C 1, with a fixed kidney and L, E spelt cenrro in C Fi makes the fourth round I , I, that fi says V ovolo, 'cause that's where I got to go. as we will see more Abba.lfo; CL is the lillello, which ord. inar1amence v1 goes to Copra. The aln: O way is, that fuppofl: a la o v del!'alrezza, horns in the figure a , !conduct the normal O t equal to the o v, e ti.rate at diagonal TV, fi ICCE a triangle eqnilarero TV n, e fatco centro ncll ' apex N, Ji will pull the bow T V to the diluence of the Larus t N. the Caverei, said in Larino Cave@, Cauitas, fono uno fporro, ed K accrc- Laftr. t. Tnc.3. Fig. t . • Lafir.,. Thracian. 3. J'ig. J. Fig. 1. . 74 D E L L ' A R. C H I T E T T U R A. a quarter of a round , and a quarter of a quarter of a round, and a quarter of a quarter of a quarter of a quarter of a quarter of a quarter of a quarter of a quarter of a quarter. they'll do O: e!fo way, that you v ove them, taking the points, da ' iu ~ h they are formed out of the outside, and out of the outside; so the cable F is iano in the first way from the Center E; and the cable G is Tarro to the fertile roO' do from cenrro H . If those Volrari phono Vovoli at iusu, how is lC, fi say fupini, and cosl also cables, like M. Also fe the line T o is equal to ali ' i o, they say straight, Fe mi· nore .there they say Thursday , and we miss, fe greater fi they say Thursday, and abondanri , and end up for the ordinary in an H!lello . o s s E R R A Z I O N S E E O N D A. Del mode 4~lli fafci, , de'. lifle / li, Ed aftragali, d, L Gocciolarojo , th'twi,, Plinti . All that I have:and parts are compacted, and I say to them that I have taken them, because quafi fono the fidfo between them, and fpe1, ialmence in figura L. Graderro, quadretto, liftello, jn Laàno Cimbia, è ' Tania, is a, flat prominence chiulà between two parallel lines not very difl: anri , eh ' cfce outside the Wall M, when she is high, like E. Ao: ragalo, Ó tondino is a rifulco, M10 fporro, eh ' is half with· in the case of , or , as in the case of, femidiamea, a little more than femidiamea:or, as in the case of, or, as in the case of, femidiamea, muro M. The fufcia in Latin Fafcia, IE area as C is a proggecco, 10.ra Del J?llltO m less aflà.I of the fua width. , eh and much greater than the lifl: cllo, as C cluufo. in the middle of two pa· ralelle. The Gocciolatojo in Larino Corono is a flat prominence chlufa between two parallel lines which advance out of the wall Your Highness. Q?the two members have the following: , in which with a little bending derra from Greeks Apophigis, and from Vicru· vio Lijis, though fruitful Philander wants to say throat, in Lari.110 Flexura, we sweeten, they go to tìnirc . The Gocciolatojo is inca varo. in L, so that 1'acq11a, which bathes the Frame not ifcorra preffo D1 him, but found the impedi1nenco L ca· from abba: ffo . The Baftone , o Toro in Latin Thorur is its own prominence of the pillars of half a round, a little more than the fire· diameter , more Groff than Afuagali, or roundels, as H . Plinth, dad.o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o: parallel to each other· lonne, as D . OSSERr R A ·R T A * R o I I T. C A P. T. 7 S S SE R V A Z I O N TE R Z ' 1. , \10,/0 of Form /4 Gof, 1 4rirta, R, - rrvet (the • LA ?ola_ in the Greco Detached when è dritt~ , Simatiwn , quondo è rove: Lal\r4 fc13. e un cornpono di Vovol!> e dt Cavccro ; onde come ell_1 Tr;;t .... ii la 111 due n1odi . J1 first è , che determined l altezia O L, h divida by me2zo, e lì rìri lo normal.: P L, e l'the secrets O Q_ cgu1lc alla Pig. One· fua metà, e fauo center in L col •femidiametro N L 1i tiri il oh.1uadrante PN, e di nuovo neck H:clfo inrcrn1llo, facro ceurro in the O , li riri alla conrraria parre il quadr:uirc N Q_ di fotco. . You can furc a.1che in alrro way , come infcgna Pal\aJio L1b. One • .Cnp. i 6 page. s 7. e Cefare Ofio; dercrminaca l alccUD. l C fe le la• rà la norinale I V lun.,.a quanro è l'alceiia I C , e lì tirerà la diago• nale CV, che di\ ifa ;cr meiLo in A lì faranno due archi vedò I , che fi fegaranno in I , e due vcrfo B , in which lì fcgarann) ali' inre1·• ,·ew della me2.:1.a diagonale C A , ov, will be A V , from the fact the center of the con !oh {lcifo incervallo in the I, e B, lì tircr,uu10 ~li Archi t\ C, e -\ V • che taranno b f;Ola mvcfda . Ew lldlo 1noJt' fi faranno le gole ddtre R. e S • m1 il ccn{ro riù alro C.1rà do nll' oppollo lìto elkriorc in tI, ovvero in K, e fara il cavo di lopra , cd il cencro di fi,tto di dcnrro S, o, ,will be Il, e fiua il Vovolo di fotto ; onde fa,.ì gola dri1 ca . ~cll:? due gole po!fouo diere fup1nc, e volte in sÌ.l , come avverrebbe, fc il fodo della gola lì>ifc difcgnaco not dalla rane S, ma dal• la pra.r·re K, comç !òno le due, Y gola rovefci,1 fu,, e Z "I)o la diic• ta J.llplll:t , \'i limo anche delle gole abbondanti , che lòno più pc,nostril in fuora, che l'alrctz,1 loro; ddlc n1,lnc utti, che hanno men'! di fporro, che le lor•> ahczic, e fo1n i a11c-Jra delle giuiL:: , come qudlc polle ncll' efempio, che hru100 ranto di fporto, q1J.1J1tO la l'lro alceu.a . Sono Le gole o • ..i1 .ltiamenre ccrolinace not lill:.dli, come Cono V I e P L. O S S E R V A Z I O J.V E [2_ U A R T .LI. Dt'flt Col,· r1rJ<'fcit, • d/ Prr..v,li , e~ jìnifc,n1 111 Aflra3,1li , e - d/ f'rr.x,Ti t,ia11i , C c,,rd<,ni , QUeltc which hallways forre d1 n\embri not fono in ufo nelle Comic antiche , ma ben~i alcune volte le ho vedute praric,,cc nelle Heart• nici nioderne. Le Gole adunque rov efcic, che tù,iJèono oe'V ovoli fò· no come From lì faranno con1c l nlrre mancunri però per la ,ncr.\ dd Fig . .: fuo fporc,, come è I O, e lopra 1 O lì difcgncrà il tondo 1 CO. Co~\ anche {l farà del Vùvolo, che lìnitèc in \llragalo, come D perchc gli fi darà di fporco la 1ncrà della fua nlce1.1.oh , come L e Y, e her di!lanu \ìY rro, ato the center of the T, G condurrà I \defendant VY, indians fopro Y L lì\ l' Al1ragalo , ò ntezz.o cerchio Y N L. · La nah;dictatorship offered to me, K è uua femplice diago11ale, la qu.tle è lùttenlà dnl .K i. "\ ovolo 7c D E L L' A R C H I T E T T U R A LaP.r.,. Vovolo, e la the figure of S è w1' Allragalo, che ha piìt di 1nezzo tondo, Trac.,. che nelle Comic , che circondano qualche ~:idro tà orrisno effetto. OSSERY.AZJONE .THURSDAY. Diverfi sort of form i Cavetti delle Befi. r-\ Ucill Caverei propriaroenre detti Scozie, percbè refiano fcuri by ~ la loro concavità , fono proprj delle bafi deJJe Colonne , e quan· do è una fola la Scozia , le fi dà molro cavo , e when iòno Fia. 1· due , poco. Il just di farle è raJe: detern1inaca la fua alrezza B A, che ordinariamenre è chiufa give due lillelli, fi dìviderà by mezzo necks line puntata CI D drata to angoli rerti , e lì rrafporrcrà l nlreiza FROM orizzonralmeorc i-n V, e dal punto I, dove la CD taglia l A B al punto V lì tirerà J'occnha I V, che divifa by mezzo in O, dal punto O le fi ale.erà la nopnale OD , e dove fega la CD , in O fa accused of censorship· uo coll'gap l D fi tirerà rArco IV I cne formerà the fcozia dcfiderata turra di un'Arco. If può anche fare in altra maniera , come infegna Olio al Cap. 1. della prop. 1 L. alla page. , 7 6. e più chiaramente, e fpedi· ramenre in quefi:o the way. Tiraca la H C N come first in mezzo a due lifi:elli, ii piglierà 1'aJrez7,a del fupcriore smaller, e fi merrerà in H C, e C fervirà through the first center , dove cade fa line a piombo C lv1, tirando l'Arco MN all'interval of the CM, indians polli> il compalfo in B her dillanza hn cuts the fi 1à.rà la porzione d'Arco N P , e rutto un giro MNP iàrà la forma del Ca Czech m:iggiore. Il Caverto less, come inCegnn. Ccfare Olio cited alla page. i S?- del Cap. j. alla prop. li., lì furà slicing la fua alreiza in the graph. parei, ed a rre fifth di e!fa lì tirerà la Q_ R, e coll'interval e;:ian· dio di tre fifth (ì Lègnerà il punto Q. rimoro da R , e con lo fl:clfo incei:rampart lì tirerà un' Arco, che lighthouse\ la fcozia di minor cavo. If the po-n- à anche divide J'.alrezza in quarrro party , ed a in the strict sense of the fourth tirara la S Y normale ali' altez-ia, ò parnJella. ai Iifl:elli. e farro cenrro in the Tre· moca un fourth da S condurre un smaller quadrante verfo il li!l:ellofu, periore, e poi dal center Y in difianza di brace of the fourth tirare un'altr'Arco verfo l lower , che darà un'altra fpezie di fcozia . O S S E R V .d Z I O N E S E S T A. Di G11a11cialetti, e Scanala1ure • I Guancialerci io Larioo Pulvinarla_ fono una cerca promiucr1za, ch_c Fig. lf. avanza fuora del wall meno d1 mezzo condo , e fi fa fra due li· ftelli by the ordinary, come ML, e N V; Prelà, dunque J'alcema MN coll'the gap da' of the center M, e N , Il érerwno due Archi , che iuc.rocic;· chi.ano in O, e farro center in O inrervallo O 11, fi tin:rà ttn'Perak:;o M.N , soho far~ il Goancialetro prcrefo. . S1 può anche fare slicing L V by mezzo in I , e ciraca Ja L parale!- T R _o\ 1 T A ·r O I I I. CA P. IL 77 parai ella ai lill:clli , che fia I P egual111c first , e con lo flcffi, orJi not to darann? i pu~· ri, through whom ti porranJ\o rirarc due, o tee Jpir:ili, cJ anche p1u, you. One hundred eleven I iu minute, because the J3r.l di\ ilo il lcmidian1erro IR, ò qu:1khc parre luJ, che lì accolla :ill:t circonfcrenz.1 BDI IS-IR. O S SE li Y .d ZIFF NE SE CON D A. r. J.•flr.One Tr:i1.3. ,'f,•nirrr> di t it~,~ ·t lit' 1 nah--• fpir,1/c rcn fÙ} ,tiri , cht I/U0'1to più f, ,1e.-,Jl,,r.One, al t:tntro , tnllfo più fi firi11gr,110 injirmc • LA frir:ilc prccedenre , Jè li piegherà con piit giri , fàr:\ i lèconùi equ_ijjfiau1i ai first; onde pcrchè le volurc del CapireHo Jnni\; V not fono cquidi/l:1111i , far:\ nei;eifario infcgoarc il moJo di l:!rle piegare in ca! guiia , che i lècondi giri fcmpre più s'accollino ai prin1i : the cio eh' è invenzione di C:ìiaçomo Barozzi da \ Ìjl'no4 nel!:\ fu.i. \rchi- 1enura Blade io, Sopra l' BY 1'1nga a plneimenro ~• towards The fernidi111ne1ro del surrounded. color generanro Il C, e lì congiunga A C, fucendofr il triangolo AND.B; e poi dal ceJJuo A lì rirl l'Arco D 13 , e fe l1 \"orrà fare la , oluca in tre piegamenri coli' occhio in mezzo , lì rolga lo fpa~io dcli' occhio, e fìa J3 I, ed il retto dcli' ,\accused .lìa diYifo in the rre pan , e ciaf,one in quorcro, neUc quality fì prefuppone div ifa la surrounded.:onferen1.a dd de funeral circle generator , e farruino , i. , col femidiarocrro B C lì f.ic.;i.1 il çircolo gcner.1nrc F L H G, e Jì divida qu:urro parò con due diamc1ri , e cinfèun11 delle Parri di B C fì rrafpora fovra ciaièun fernidiJmerro; J.1 C A lin E F la B '-f lì;1 I' E N , J,1 Il p (ì.i fa I-I E • e co,1 J' altre by order of: , perchè e/fendo rune ineguali farnnm, le fi1irc conl., divifa through my.z.oh la line B A m D , fi conduca ~ top C the line C D , the cd on dfa prefe le pan, che fi vogliano , delle the quality of u11a. fia F D, limit it, a lack punto F dall angolo A fi conduca la K A, e la parale Ila HG alla bafe B A, la quality feghi il triangolo in H; fi tiri adunque pc! punro H la parale Ila L K al the diameter C D , fino che s'incontri con la A K , cd il punto K farà della prabola; onde li tirerà by querl:oh , ed punti rirrovati ew ftello way B C A , così. provo nel Trace. 2.4. prop. 62.. -alla Efpen. 1 5. del P: sheep anche noco, che dividing(i A X paralclla a C D in parri eguali, ed in alrrecrancc D A , e iiraudo da B to the A X I lines , come B Q_, che incontrino hill paraleUe condotte dalle parti eguali D A , faranno gl' inco~rri PUJ?Ù nella parable . If po.ffono anche condurre per pan egllllt del d1am7_rro C ~ not folamentc dal punto A , ma cziandio dal pw1~0 B: che s wcontrmo hill il:eJfe paraleUe I come M N condotte dall applied , ò baCe B D; e not folamente dal Diamecro CD , ma ez.iandio dalle parti eguali prefe in eil'o prolungato ,come in CO. Ma piu chiaramente, e facilmente li dividerà la C T in quanre Fig. J. because the piace , ed in alrreuantc la T A, che da 'r a qualunque angolo s· innal1,a; e prelà Ja 'r B egu~c alla C T prolungara da B, by the pair• ci egu:ili di T A , come T, L , li condurranno le lines , come B E , e B O, ovvero B ~, e ~Ila ~ V , e fue pan eguali s' innalLeranno le lines I E_, che_ s 1nconrnno m E c_on la BE, e !'altre , come VF in F , e through 11 pu n n O E F C pail'erà la line curve parabolica , che Ji condurrà a mano leggermente. ~ fe lì vorrà ~rodurrc, ~ farà ew fieffo n1odo , prcfe parti eguali ii) 1' A prolungara m R , ed 10 T C prolungara in Q_, pcrchè by li pwiti degl' i:PC?nrri., come O pafferà la fi:eifa line parabolica , e .IÌ potrà proluogare 1n 1nfinuo, O S S E R Y A Z I O NE N O N d. Sla granted un triangolo , ò un angolo B A C , e da un punto fi tirino more lines , come da L, le quality vadino from the limit nell-one Fig.'• ò ncll' alrro broad B A , ò AND il 9uale punto L dev' eil'in the strict sense is nearby one dc' helical , qual' è FROM the wi-fi rrasfecifcano poi le di.ll:anz.c L F all'altro let's della line fidfa, e fia N H , cos\ DL, e E I all' alrro ca. L po I 8 L D E L I:,' A R C H I 'I' E T T U R A Liflr. 3. po della Jl:effa line D LE I , ed i punri LE N furai:1110 nella line '!rac.3. iperbolica: onde fe fi troveranno molti de' detti punù, fi porrà by etli ritar la line iperbole, qual è Q.L E ON e fe fi vorranno al• ui punti , lo fl:c:lfo lì potrà fare in ogni altro punto rirrovaro , come Fig. 4. in O come fi è farro in L; così provo nel Tran. z.4. del nofuo Eu• elide alla prop. 60. e pongo nel luogo ci rato molti alrri sort of di for• sea le derre lines; ma quelli ho tolti folamenre a propofito per le gonfìezz.e delle cololÌne , e che non obbligano a trovare le medie prer Po.rzionali . Fig. S· Fig. 6. O S S E R P .A Z I O NE D E C I M .d. Com, fi debba form lti files CfAlchil~. QUefia is a line, which found > Nicomede, of which climofo was that inlìgne property of never touching a line, to which it always confides , and with which it divides a corner into EU countries, cbe then fcµ· za fapere Di quefio rerrovato used Giacomo Baroccio to outline the swelling of the columns. You pull 1st Line A P , and from effa fi pull a perpendicular CD , and eleno any point C, from the one at the front line to the left• no molre lines, such as C F, C G, C H, E falrre .up to CO, and more to like, which as there.the closest year, more at propofico: later .fcelco an arbitrary interval, as in D, Fi tratlérifca fovra ciafc (lJ).a, as I F, L G, M H, fu, o a BO, and then for the cftre. look D , f, G, h one to O. fi. shots!a line, that that• : fla will make 1A conchile, which will never fit glue B to but bens} with any other near effa, gual ' is the line R L co, I try the Tract. 18. del noil: Ro Euclid to prop. 1.7. efpen. 4. ELEVENTH OBSERVATION. Ddlla Jin11a uptica curve, and fua fom1azio11e • CHiam, or that opric curve, because nafce gives vifuaji rays, which they end in equal heights, and e1uidill: anci. Both dru1que the line A' I', fovra Ja guale ft ergano the normals, and equicllil: anri A B,, HD, e !'others up to T X, and more fe likes, which end in uu' alrra paraJcila B X to the first pull to T, and then from the punch to there pull· no to cfafcuna i 1 * aggi , and kidney lines to D -. A E, A F, A G, A x, e do• equal normal lines, and equidillanres, corners 1' M I V H, for those paill points. a line, which will make the curve, which there de• fide1 * a, and quefl: a dimofu: O in TL'att . .2.8. dd Nofuo Euclid to prop, .2. 8., that mJU will not come to nudge Ja B X, Minus The A T. HEAD "T RATTATO 1CAP. lll s, BOSS THREE. Of the number of orders, and their definitions. - Orders of A. rchicccrura fecondo Carlo Cefare Ofio other / ~ ~ on phono, cbe WL completion _di 1e2:-:'~"=~~1~'.I * l , which is from the fodezia d ' muri, 1_1v aqriuea lpea rde ~ _ ilpcrnoa p, oen iofnoad -- di. sfa L'o.: chio di chi mita; cd is very difficult fapcre qual you.I the root of that pleasure, not that hard it is our- 2.ia of the root of the b ... llezia d'un, * Aug vellico; mallìme que ralvol_ta , we CG , that men change fashions , and that that, that pn• but it was amniù: ATO per ~ Ilo, vien Pai abbor.dco for deformc, and that, what a piJ.there is a dif n. Nion like the other, and in the.elf n oftro garlic-are "eggiamo, that the Roman Archicerrura before Jpiacque ai Goò, and the Architenura Gothic to the three of is difficult; it is difficult to find a solution , but it is difficult to find a solution. 1 more than any other material to which it belongs . that's whatever , or even folamc: ntc to ' judgment.there, and reasonable , and fovea rurro iorcndenti of art. O S S E R V L1 Z I O N E P R I M .d. 1,.'R, ccl: I, al qu;; t, Dr.X d1lttr::R1,., jimit1ttri.1 orders, droe tJ!IRT giuditif9, 1 J il n-o da ~ 6ni prapmji,,, se . If we want in the nofuc difpofiiioni obey varj fcnfi eye from whomsoever a phoney, whomsoever a phoney, whomsoever a phoney, whomsoever a phoney, whomsoever a phoney, whomsoever fídafl'e of pocer in ral guifa. to disseminate his inventions, which be applauded , and agradite, when you find some swollen; of the 1st century, which show others ' artilitj, CF. with dil.- a critical genius, an envious genius, who 11on pc!Ho ~ o, le j1ou speaks; n ~ nulc , other ~ olamcnrc, for ignorance~ ia, and ~ a capacna not ia.nno g1u, 0 1Care perfection dcli works; alru not ailu ~ fani rclun ~ fovrapreli al1 i11fo1iro afperto, though beautiful; others from genius of the rr ~ 1pno Pa ~ R ~ porcari ABH'lrrifono that, eh ' is conrro the I~ I O conf1~:1 ~ d1 ~ and I: ù * r. 1 hnally carried by their own narura fcguono Je propne mc: 10; 1,1001, co. \ to a serious u > mo diij:,I. lccrano I foverch, orn: m1en11, to an alu: o, who delights them of the kind cofe, incrcfce. ranno t, there femplic ornaments, and M: U ltcc1 . Co5ì of Caligola, says Sue- 10010, that's hot. d ~ fuo c ~ ore ínvidiofo, Fe wconcrav & some vague gio \ ' anc, and C-0p ~ olt cap_elli omaro, made it ~ shave to dilformarlo i 11011 poleudo foffnre la iua bclletu, e percht u, egga, que ce na• fce \ ' a Jal fuo genius penerfu, thought of fop~r½1terc the Verphs of Homer, and what was refoluted to do the * are le. lm'?-3G~, and the , and of Virgil from cutce the libraries, of qucru saying, that it was poor wit , of the other, which was too in Word. 1N qU2nto the ir;norania ceno that she is not judge convenien• of Archirettura's opcrnions , including the other difculties .' and .Pc~c~. fc &iudica, ~ the piln1re, or fcul°:1re, for ordinary efce M T!, Ludiz1 wetu, cd Ali oppofro del vero , ~ Il K. ircheco nel lib. L z. 7• I '14 D E L L A R C H I T E T T U R A 7. to the page. 5 44., ciferifce, that the Greeks, and the Africans, and the Egi,,j, cd the Siri coming to Rome ful principle did not seem to fenrire the n1u• Roman fact sheet . Orien.ris PqpuJi , Greeks , Siri, 11:.gyptii , .African H1c Rom,~ t () mmorantes delicati{Jìmtmi Rqma,wrum mujicam fujlinere -.; ix poffu11r, fu ~ fque i11· t; 0111iiro1 clamor.R dir; 7te mujicte mulri.t p11rafangìs p· * efeferunt: what you are looking for not to understand the'; ircifuio of the Roman muGca: 1': 1hi1efaiiope even dj see the oppofl: or does not allow to forrnare good judgment elcila perfe1, ion dj an opera, dfcndo that we see IP veo rubble.iri , who like moire obviously defonni, and that take away the body of) Ja Fua Jun (l: a proportion, and with tunociò phono like, because phono in ufo , and fcguicare . Waves ftimo, that the aggradiinento, that must d. ue in the eyes of the Orogro. it must not be of each of those who are free from each pailionc, and a!make art po capable!fono c1Tcr judges con1pecen• and that most bread is in the frdfo ièntimcnro. SECOND OBSERVATION.d. &, W Jecr, 11I / o gli .A11tichi five the 11rdi11i tk•ll'.the doctor. VUotonio cirando Arifl: otde affe.rifce, what a hom!1 ipfa fdeu11dum Pr ~ rngm * am quo .Ariftotil.r nlie11bi aJ1pro / 1at, 1ft quajì ptotoryput Qm11i.R oxa [/ie Bymmetri~. Petciò the Archicecnu: a fecund Vicruvjo lib. 4. Cap. I. prefe the fue first proportions of the human Hanu;a . In M icde, i.e. in Ionia, q,r, m'IJ (Jlui ([cnt col1mm11.R collocar,, no1j habemu fyn1mwias carum, dimcnjì F, mt virilitt tedi1 vefli.Juni, & ewn bwfflijJ,.'nt pctkm fcxram partcm tffe nlritt1dini1 I bomine, çam in colwmu1111 trm, jhilerunt, & '1"" crafftm.iinc fecerrmr /,aJlim Jcapi,ra, n fcxict c11m capitt1lo in aJ1i111dt11om exrolu , mi, Ed dm * ira tòlf1mna vi• rilù corporis _pruportioncm, & firmitatem, & wm1 / forcm in/f, dijicii1 pt' ~ fla,·1 qpit. Vcdc11do therefore refines the proportion prefa from the fiacurn umll· na virile, wanting to nµovo raise W1 Temple to Diana, preléro le .mifure from propol " kione 1nulebre , and 1a made of vegetable loaves; waves with· close Vicruvius it!I d1wbus difcriminib111 c<1l1111111arum iwuenrir, ncm 11nnm virile end 11r114tu nmlamfpr ~ ie, altcram n1ulitbri .fabtilitatc, & 01' , [ymmetriaq; rope aim, id 11rre, quod,!r;?it's fecc.unr, ~ fl dmpminmu~, Jo11it: t1m. J I ter'z. O poi lo by virgins, such as egh flefl'o Ensign Cce ; ' i.r1i11m -.; crò, q11od R: orimhìmn dicitur -: Jirgi1t11li.R habcr gracilitatis i111irationcm • So in quefl: O Chief Vicn1vjo does not recognize fe not [the e ordi.oj, though then the chief priest shall return to us, four orders· in order to give the order of scum forms, which he clipped the c!l.: ifica Al Capo pcimo elfer da poi breatha given to the Doric order . Pophhri GL'flrilitirib, u 11 ~ tlt1lis tlclcllati, he says , frprem crafllmdini.R diamttro.r in a. Jtirridhic11; co/1111111 / / J DoricJZ (: ()), J / ih;erune, Sic· for Virruvius knew not, fe did not order, Greek rre, pro· , prj Dorico,] onico, and Coriiuo, and the Foralliero qunrro called Tofcano, The oldest was The Dru * JCO drrovaro Da Doro, which in Argo Cirr.I del Pe!opponent. O Ylorca, he built with such immetric an ungodly: 1 Juno; the nlrro was revived in Jonia starts from the colon· Greek nie > that I.aiming at the JL: Aiura of Brown, ficcon1e. D_orica 11n1ra,.. -- ~ - --· - - -- -- - 1'.r N A ' l '' 1 " A ' L ' O III. and P . III. SS and when he saw the man , they gave Diana a Tetnpius: and the third was found. in Corinth from Calitnach, itnit: mdo h !l: Atura, and bellcv ~ virginale. Dapai the Ro1nani found the compofio, aguo: ando in!ie1ne the Jo· l!And the Corinth: 1 in fe .(I must speak next to the order con1- po1.l-o ~osi little dill: ingucfi from Corinth, and Tofcano from Doric, which < ] uafi 1ono lo fl: dfo: onde i] P. Milier Dechales nel Trarr. * o.del Tom. I. to the P * t*. p. 7 1 3. he had to say, 1 / iffere11tillm huju.R ordinis to Corhrthiaco vi:.: inrotnium , r., jì pents Cr1pi1dlum, E Vuoronio, poflremus efl co111poji1us oriw cujus '101111' 71 in!/c;;,: t /1 illiur n:zrurte , nam / J,zc column aud, aliud efl, quàm mil (mra pr, zttd<' ntÌ1 (m a, 1*, iam. mpofì1 .. io11i, that there make eflì quafi phono confounded among them , and the one a little less confused on the other . Both by way of example , we do not have the right to vote , and by way of example, we do not have the right to vote, we do not have the right to vote, we do not have the right to vote. give Giacomo Ba.roc < cio , not fi dillmguc from that of the Jonico, though the friezes are difiinri ~ nè queCl: a dajja compofl: A., and principahnenre la. Jonica , who has been members of the council, should not be under the order of the council. of the compofia: C9so also the Jonica, which delineates Palladium in lib. 1 * of chap. 1 7 . little difference from the compofia, than it is in the lib. 1. Cap. , &. , having the ruodiglions c01ne effa , and madly the VovoDELL' ARCHITECTURE. . Vovolo more, and so also defcrive the one, and the other Viola the l It's hard!cigarette, in cho proper conful.t to Simroeaia, . . and that, pareos, for which the rancid rancid dilerra the eye, and for!i is not men difficult, that the fo: pear yes. let the difcordauza de ' fuoni come in the L\llu!1A, or 1A varied and even the Arc11recrura, which ranro fieguc has!n· merric, should fapere, that cofa fleno, and in that does it.and .narration with~ tilla so I can see her first, and I can't see her again . And TREATY OF CHAP. III. 17 And when mc told us, what other proposition it was, that a convenience of P: uri, in such guifa mifuraca, which neither exceeds, and n1anchi on the other hand, in such a case, that it is neither large nor large. small in comparison; for the eye does not co1 " paflà , 1na gi_udka how many do you think are small, or large?or close, and seeing unficme with effe; fe therefore a quanncà {ara p1ccoliHima appreifo to UUA grandes:!there the eye will judge. one more of duty, the other much larger with fuo clifgufl: o, and dtfpta• cece: why in fomma every fcnfo refers offefo from ell: remi; a co-lore too lively dazzles the villa, a sharp croppo smell aggravates the smell , a fapore too biting to the Palaro Nou gufl: a. Q. _uiadi deturpa the beauty of a face, or a Nalo prominence, or too fchiacc! the mouth is wide, or the lips are too wide. groff~, O pur for· uli, or too swollen cheeks, or concave, or gh eyes too large, o little ones, because that their Excellency does, that the others parei I ~ mbru10, or more pickaxe, or bigger than duty. When we see that the Alino is diformc among quadrupeds, pcrwhich has too grolTu the tefl: a, Jc ears too long, the I,; ambe too focrili, the tail rropo corea rilpetto to the body. So The Pig has the mule too long, the eyes too small, the legs, and the tail rropo foto rifperco alla fua corpulenza and sin comes among the animals of men. And pet is thinking.EC more to propoiho Al foggecco: Archicerrura G) tica does not like , because in fom11a per Quan o gco {fo ' the other columns, of a length exceeding the opinions shall be drawn up in accordance with the rules of procedure.· teiza frufurata _le fa parer_ anguile; however wide the fue fi. however, the school makes them seem too fuene, and with many alrre fue parti: where the Acchitecto to well order the fires of saints, not it will have to exceed tìnod.they were in some way . C A P O Q. U A R T O . Other main items, of which orders , , of their proposals • Because it is not always the Archierecco can fl:are linked to the rigor of orders, fta for-reason of the rubble, was due to the fig, we must first give a few general rules, so that he in Ogru cafo polfa make proportionate the fue inventions, although there are no precerrations, it is orders prcfcrivon~, and ~ ada per. other non-fiction in the difp < > it has been the long and[pcrience of molasses starch , 88 B ~ LV a KCHJT BTTURA OSSE RVAZION AND FIRST. IN every order .Cone three parts p ~ main the Footefl: all. o, Ja ~ olonna, ~ frame . The column fpez1alamente has so much dilertato 1 Romans, that Andrea Fulvio afferiCce, that folamcnte for ornament, fenz ' al· cuna will need. by fofl: enere, it was from lore po!l -.A in the edifuj; what can o!fervafi a ' days nofi: ri, adorningofi the Capelle colle Colonne , and Jt Chief with half pillars, and pilaf, which do not boil, that pel ornament. the PiedeiW.the so-called Stylobata Fi divides into three parri, i.e. n~ balamenro, or lower frame, in the tympanum, which is a flat mass of the same faces, and in the former frame was the same ; the column was the same , and the column was the same, and the column was the same, and the column was the same, and the column was the same. also three parts, the bafe dena Bofis , the Fufro of the Derco column Scaptu , and the fuo Capirello in Latin Capitellum; of rre parti cofl: a aluesl the Co~nice of Archicrave deno .drcbizrabs, or Epifl11iu, N, of the Frieze dee· ro zopburuT, and of the Cornice called horns:; • It is true, that the Piedcllalli do not phono Paro drenziali J and neccf iària.mind requifite, like the column. , and the frame gli loaves them components, even if bafe a. ffollowly is not known having her the Doric ColoA11e fertilizing the Ancients, as we shall say. O S S E R Y .d ZIO NE SE CO N D .d. The general rules governing the Simmmia of og7u ordn11 • Because sometimes you can't save the commmcnfuration of each order , ~ well give alc.a general rules, which in ogiù forta d. I d. ifpofiuoru po!Fano femre . . . . The first, therefore, is not to reply to it.Or nella !L: EFI'a Corniée, malf unamenrc immediate, i.e. equal of gratitude so that they may admit, for example, two deep gorges,; one is small, the other is large, and one is not immediate. other, but always will do more correct work, when FIA diver!to. The fruitful is, that rra a member, and the other one gives you a lifl: ello 1! which is properly fulcimo term of ciafcWlo, which dereru them~~• and dillingue them . At rerz.a is, that members have ordinary.mind so much of fport~ as for their alre~, Chechen the go ~ olarojo, that in the frames degb ordiui is more fportate, d .I the high fia. The fourth is that the horns..,, 1 and the fourth part of the Pillar was broken, and the Frieze, and The Archway the Piefi: at the cerzo, the frame fola quanro the diameter, the Frieze qunJI' to RRE quarters of dfo, and the Akrecranro Architrave, and quefl: o NOT s'ince -". of rigorfamenre, but apre!close enough ! because Palladio lib. , o., J Viola lib. ,. . Q: all fue frames the q ~ n to, and in the amphitheater of Po!' Jì crova the rerzo, as also in the Arch of Nerva, which appends the serU0 lib. 3. pag. 45. ., . 1: to the fifth, that the. Futn column? ~here ~ get them to the top for orJ: dwarf the fe!l: o of the f UO diameter, but L Pllafrr1, and JJoJ Arctic columns vo· TRA'LTATO nr.CAP. IV. 19 They want to decrease, but they have to deal with the same problems, and to lead. Faith!l: a, that in the frame the Drippedojo, e !:I gola fiano di small and medium-sized enterprises , each with its own models , and other small and medium-sized enterprises . tli ' à. they shall have little influence over the High Loias; the grandfathers shall make men of the dcn• tello, and modiglioni ; just like the gorges, and J Ca verri The fecrima, that the Architrave fcolpico Fi paifa do more than rrc q11 u * ~ ti, and poffi ardva: re to a form. The eighth, that in the AJ:chirrave fafcie an exceedance falera , !ch: the greater the lesser . The ninth, that in the capital the Abacus Ga The _fcfl: O of the,*: l of the column, and The Bell as the < liameter, when there {1icl,, l , as in Corinth; in the other countries it is not higher than the abacus of the midiamerro. The tenth, that in the bafc the bull fupcriore fia. miuore d,:.l, n• feriore, he's at Scoz.the youngest of the first Bull . , The eleventh, that in the pedestal the frames do not fiano more~1 of the fcmidiamcrro . E rurre queCl: e rrendci rules: e, qu1,,\, pc,: because of the place, and if not .Lia necd.f. uio alrerade, of which colli trattarerno plus Barb S S E R P .d Z I O N E T E R Z A. D. L module, t f ua tlivif, 0111 . In order to make a choice in the orders , and to give turri a• veniente grandeiza the Archirenes with Vicruvius lib. 3. Cap. 3. Han• no preform the femidiameter of the column; and the most curly with the ftdfo it goes fuddividendo fecundo brings the gr3lldc1.u of the member, which they want to do, so Viri: uvio pei: for La bafe Attica gives the third part to plinth, and the two rim: menci divides them into four, of which, one gives at Toro fupoi: iore, the alae three of the four divides them by meizo, and one he gives the ' the 'lower gold, the other to the squirrel with' fuoi lifklli: but pe.rchè quc ~ o mo ~ ~ for the ~ requen ~ and fuddiv.i!ione is penopho, the Vignola divides the fe1TUdiarnecro m parn I z.., or 18. dence, ninuti, del guaii ne it takes, how much ~ need for ciafcun member; a. ITRI more fashions.I they divide into parn 3 o. with1e Palladium the Cales; but. I Jo will divide into parts, or so-called Twelve, for bafl: a qu ~ ll: A diviiiion pei: give proportion to each member, and on the other side it relates.common glue ion of the foot , because the femidiamerro of the foot Foot column; there .fu_ what p_ane there_each miour? del ?\1odu• the ounce. For efemp10 10 fo, that the fem1d1amerro is 11 quarro