1737 L A PERSPECTIVE CVRIEVSE. 17 3 7 THERE PERSPECTIVE CVRIEVSE OV MA G I E A R T I F IC I EL E WONDERFUL EFFECTS. F optics, by direct vifion. ) The Catoptnque, by the reflection of the myrrh Of (e ) flat , Cylindrical & Conical. the The diopter, by the refraction 1: ion of Cryophiles. years which, moreover, VN abbreviates & method genm1le of the 1'er!Jefflue commU:. in practice for regular bodies, EFT still in (eignee the way to make I:: JJ conflict with any force of misshapen figures, which ejtant, want to • their point! wall-to-wall ratio : the whole by pr11: s Jifam, lieres, that 1ES less, veife'z, in the qeometry can feruir auer: lejèul compa1 & la regle. Kc: J A -;, U, > TD'l f..7dçûafw; O. cuurc trcs-vtile for painters, architects, designers , Sculptors, & in rousaucm who are using Dolphin in their 0uurages. By father F. IEAN FRANÇOIS NICERON Parifien de fOrdre des Minimes. (1f.Q -:..;:· "'r, - to \t$:T.. A P A R I S, rn, Pierre BILLAINE, ruëS. Jacques; to The Good Foy, deuant S. Yues. M. DC. XXXVIII. <.WITH ..RIVILEGE. DV l{OY. To MR ONSEIGNEVR' Lllufüioeme & Keuerendiffime, M O N S .E I G N E V R. GEORGES BOLOGNETTI E V E S Q V E D' A S COL I E T N O N C E D E S A S A I N C T E,..'. IN FRANCE. ONSEIGNEVR, This ouurage you eftant cbii= er: facré des L'inftant De fa conception ,has not pluftoft veu the light, that it go to your house take a seat, pouriouir domefl:ique, & FRF.. clat de vofire nom, to paffer by everything, despite the Zoiles & Amphiarchs, crazy vo.ftreadueu, & at the heart of vofire proteehon. I'm gonna flate myself in my perfumery. dant, that he will not do discarded , & that willingly you will grant this faueur: but after so many times experienced III iiij E PIS T R E. the effects of vofhe bene-Veilance in my place; 1'ay believe that ie does not luy deuois less efperer than vn fauorable home of this mefme courtesies, which made you aymer fon author, since he has the honor of efrre known to you; & efhmer Fes ouurages, when he has communicated them. If. you agree, MoNs.EIGNEVR, iedo1s well m'efj: imer happy to efrre hired by deuoir to you prefer it, sniff this neceOEté makes me renc69 - tter vne perfonne relay dignity to protect him;& aduantagee of all strong of rare cognoilfances, to welcome.Siles terminals prefcrits to vneEpifrreme the perinetoiet, & howfrienemele defendifr: ie could report icy vne part of the rare quality you can say; new jobs what you had, & beautiful seasons; " by lef what" you have reduced your recom-, dable. the dirois, that after the night given in this is the first time that we have been able to find a solution to this problem. deep dotl: rine, we did not plufrofr you veu paroifrre in the hierarchical Efrat, that N. S. P. The Pope who wishes to prefer the keys of St. Peter, admiring in you vne fageife extraordinary & vne caution confommee in the conduct of your afüons, gave you the most honorable employees who stood in the Court of Rome, & the main guuernemensdefon Efrat. After auoir paiféthe first honors; you fo fl:e., EPIS T RE. Florence, where you are I have been able to identify the interefl: s of the f?,m, et Siege, & so satisfied & con· rç, qté the Prince & La Repu, bhque, que en re• NGC.oiffance of v9s bell..s afüon5 you in füftes Ieué at the end of d<:; 4, X years, & enuoy.. eij'fjance, for the wall.Q-re in mefme quafüé, more a.ec all the more so dclat & de fple.that the cfene, which is being prepared to your Nertt1sefl: ILO plus folennelle & expofee, ..}I want everyone. The.. elloit-il l:n..n fonnable rai, que vne Fi high mtelhgence that vofl: re was not plu $ long-time occupied at the TUI;: of vn lower Sky; ilf..lloit ..yç: 01R exercise fon aetmité en cduy_ de la more flei1rHfante monarchy of the, Vniuers. L) you are there, MoNSEIGN.Ev.to; you auez ji Puilly attracted the affe .. Qiqns of vn each ; you have treated the FA Health-& FA Majefl Affairs:.1ec so much foing & diligence; auecvne such caution & dexterity in times the fafcheux, & the most difficult: you have made those of the parties auec so much courtesy & good• watch, that all fülats & Kingdoms dela Chrellienté enuient le Bonheur of you poffeder, for-the recitations that we in fact; & all those who are tefless eyepieces will let you age in this dignity, if your merits do not call you elsewhere: but it Ell good to believe that e • .Q-antd'vne fi noble & illu!three family, who has E PI S T RE. fourny at Eglife so many great perfonna.: ges, prelates & Cardinals illufl: res in piety & e11.Doel: rine; between you and me Paternal uncle Albert Bolognetti, who pres a UOI R efl: NCE in Florence & Vehize, & Legat in Poland, was made Cardiilal'lçrs that ildl:ILO still in fa Legation: it efr,I say, good to believe, when I had the mef.even more so than them, but far moreidentifiable, for those of you who have eu deal; & you in efl: Ant acquitted auffi at the very least,you will bief honored with the dignity mefme, who you dolmera fujet to produce outside, & do i..?.1arqlfer, en vo..s of ..or..elles1: erfeél: I.., aqmferont cogno1fl: re to those QM rie the fçk.. uentpas,.may all that you have done be honorable in this life p..s the least part of your merits, & that the efclat of the highest dignities that you baby, I'm not gonna let this one go. your virtues & your perfeél:ions. On recognoifl: by all the puiifance devofl: reGenie; & that you dl: snore for some chofe of large , puif you make your diuertiifernens of what others take for their busier occupations: in q uoy ie you would gladly compare to Scipionl ' Afnquain, which one, will have to deciceronen fon Treaty of the Offices, after paid, whichhe paid the charges, which he took in the Administrative Procedure. laRepublique,trouuoit fon re. pas & FA confolationin efl: Laphi ESU lofophie E PIS T R E. lofophie: Ainfi, MoNsEIGNEVR, fi occupations,& the foings of vofl: re charge, you lai lfent a few hours in the woman, you the confacrezaux Mufes;&, Horn this great Captain, you're less feul., only when you efl: es fans Company; no y I was less in authority than you were. efl: business freedom; puifcanto in these times, or you conuerf auec the dead, by the lelt: ure; or auec the viuans, by the maintenance, to continuously cultivate, & increase all of the rare cogniifances, that I had to tell you. C'efftcc: Quim'adonné. the hardidfe of preferring you this Treaty of the CvRI PERSPECTIVE.EVSE, doing well moreover, you are particularly this fcience: and stink my bonl1eur it brought me such things, than to contribute anything to your diuertiifemens, by faifant veoir fes miracles, & you I've heard that he's a good man. will not make you defagreable to auoir this drunk,the..uelforceiernetsauur, fouz the proteebon devofrre name, & for tef moignage de l'honneur& du refpeél: que makes you MONSEIGNEVR, Poflre tres-hnmhle & trtr-oieyj[,.nt feruiteur. F. hAN F .RAN..OIS N1CBRON. R. M. De vofüc Conuent de 1A Placo Royale cc 18, luillct 1611. ,î,,î,,î,,î,..,t,,î,:,!!,: .... /i!,: ,,i;,.l)f,..., U, .. ..Hey, r'!!, ..rtr,,,î,,,t..,'i', ri;,!; ,,t. P E R.. MI S S I O N D V R. P. 'P R O VI N C I A L I order minimums in la'!Prouinc, from France. Do Do Ovs Fr. Gilles Co!fart Prouincial of !Order of Minima in the Prouincc of France, having veuule report of the fathers by US committed to !* Review of the book entitled, The p ER S P E C T I v E C vRI EV SE, composed by the lcan Francois Niceron Religieux of noll: redit order, auons entant que en nos EFT permis icelanduy. eftre put in lu1hiere. In foy dequoy we have the prefente line, & in icelle the cfeau of our office, in, 1of the Paris Conucnt, on the 15th. April 1638. I'. GILLES CosnsART, ProuinciAl. ,.,. The Place du fceau. ,f< .Approval of the Theologianr of !'Order. Do Do Ous foubs!ignez religious 4th !'Ordre des Minimes, milionsnauoir veu & leu par com, mflion de nos R. P. Promncial vn liureintirulé, the perspective CVRIEVSE ' compofed by the Perc F. lean Francois Niceron Religious of nollredic order: to which theyans trouué routes chofes treated with dignity & conformemmcntàleur fujer, fans no fufpicion d'erreut, or against the Foy, or against the good morals, we believe that the public will not resort less I: satisfaction & contentment. In foy dcquoy we have fair & ligne La p1efenre en nofrre Conuent de the ... the ... The Royal in Paris, nlc 13. April 1638.do _do Fr. MARIN MERSENNE. Fr. Franc01s of the Novi: SUMMARY SUMMARY OF THIS QYI IS CONTAINED IN IN THIS REGARD, THE CV R I E VS E, PREFACE AND WARNING AV LECTEVR; On thejfein, / 'infcription, jeujtt, fb' of this treaty; auec quelq•e. adui.s nec1J4ires for re11x that / C 'lJoudront lrre aunft1tit & conttnument._ DEF.INITIONS NEC ESSA L R. ES, Tour L'inrell l,ence decette Perjje{F; EU. page I Problems, Ser11Ants to the conjlruelion of conttm1t's rs Bures figures . faù111, ns.. . 4 PREMIERE PRO POSITION. Avneligneâroiéle donnee menervne · · another line is the para!lele J', vne dijlance, donnee. 4 About l T 1 0 n it. Right-handed Line; & D'vnpointdoné in the case of a straight line perpendicular to the area, or far vne lig.ne droi11 , donnee, & d ' Vnpoineldonnehors d'rcelle, abbaijfer1me straight line perpendicular- cu!air.. { P R O P O S I T l O N Il1. Vom,er/e, mayen l. ecognoiflre, Ji 'Vneligne efl perpendicular to vnt other. . . 1 ABOUT I T 1 0 N IV.Diuijêrvneligne droiéle given-entantdepar ttes eY, ales, quel'onvoudr.t. • , i; · Proposal V, IUD, (ISR le e!l: the one that has the VN of obrus fesangles, or larger than vn right, what feroic in the mefmefigucele triangle d BC, end of the point D on men oit VN straight line at Point C: 0 xygonc or acutangle e!the: cduy •which * to necks Fes three acute angles or ..rights, such as that feroic in the mdinc figure the triangle d BE, fi of the point D, on me.noitvne line droiceifques en e. Circle dl vne figure plare comprifc d'vne feule curved line, that we call ·circumfecence, which e!L: Crice by the vne of both iambes of the common Compass, the other remaining fixed & arrdlec in vn poinc, which we call the center of the circle, such as e!l: in the tenth figure, that lc dcfcric, A. Diamecre of the circle ellvneligne,which.pa{!àntpar the center, e!l: end of Part & part iufques at IARC, onference, like the tray line. Portion or arc of Circle cftvncfigure comprife part of the circumference of the line, which, like li..ure F. The e quarters!L: Ligurian vne with four droid lines, equal & joined enfemblc at right angles, the vnziefine ligure you the reprefence; & the line, which Ell led from VN quince to L'aurre oppofé, is called diagonal or diamecral of the quarter, the one in the mefine figure e!l: to Line G H. The Quarrelong dl: vne figure as you see it marked of the number A. which cllcompolec of quarre straight& joined lines at right angles, it's not even Square,but it's not even square.the: i.e., that two of the islands are larger than the other two; neantless, that each line Ell egalc to.the one who luy Ell oppofee & paralldc: from whence it is called sufficienttothelogram: the line, which cil menee from the vndefes coinis to the other oppofe, is called diagonal auffi or diamecrale, as the line I K. The creizitfine ligure dl: again vne efpcce of parallelogram, appdlé Rhombe, or more commonly vne lozange, which ell cqmpofee from quarter glue equal, but from anglesinegals, two ofquds are obtuse, & lcsdouxaucres acute. Rhombojde ell vne ligureprefqqfimilar to the precedence, at.Ili from four angles & quarre paste: to the other difference sewstimes, that the Rhombe having the unequal angles, has none less the quarre coffez cgaux, the Rhomboide has ny angles ny glue them equal, like you can see in the corziefme ligure, it is!l: quarriefme efpece parallelogram. Other ligures of quarre paste, which are not comprifes previous clinicions, i.e. ciui nefonc, nyquarrez, ny quarrez Longes, ny Rhombes, ny Rl;iombo1de.s, fonc appdlees ccapezes, thefquelles for irregular cflre are of forcese plufieurs, the Ligurian marquee 15, you represent vne, ie must put vfage to the A Ü 4 Geometric Preludes: quarriefme & last liure de maperfpcél:Eui , aulii although the.Pentagon irregular marked 17: Il dl: called irregular penngone, pource that he has ny angles, ny co!l: ez equals, what the Pentagon has regulier, as seen in the example in number 16. Au re!l: number of figuretplates regularto co!l:ez pro ..the number of their angles C > U deleurs co!l: ez, as it is said in Hexagon that has fix angles & fo: pans, as Figure 18, for what,.. in Greek fignifie fix,& ,,.,,,._ lignify VN angle or VN corner. For the mefme horseradish the figure fe says hepcagonequienafepr,..mmela figure19; OEL: ogone who enahulh, Enneagonequienaneuf: Decagon which has ten, endccagonc, which l1 at vnze: dodecagon, who has twelve, & C. cecy fuflira for delini.. we must now give the Prael: ique of a few P R O B L E M E S. In the event of an explosion of the fi gum contained in the faiuans. U.S.A. U.S.A. Ncore.that the problems, Queenie defire propoG: rpour feruir à la praél: here's what!l:e perfpeél:iue, puilfent,s' expedieren diuerfes ways, no less like incense don't put icy nothing fuperflu, &; what else will the most curious fe be able to satisfy in those who deal with practical geometry exprelfement, i.e. enfogneray, only the most farnilieres , the most general, & who can fernir eri all meet, for the convenience of those, who do not yet exercise * cnla geometry.do PRE MI ER PRO PO S I TI ON. To 'IJ1le straight line donnu, memr'IJne other line; right parai/el, d ' * 1; ne dijlance donnu. ~ S S Qir cnla ..guremarquee 4, auhour why!l: eplanche,lalignedonnee G H, alaqudle it is necessary to conduct vne parallel of the D1FTANCC HF. E compass!L: antouuert dela clill: ance donnee, point G as center liver defcritvn arc marked e, & dupointH as cen.. be, vne other portion of Circle marquee F, * after liver tiree B Line. EF, rouchanrelcs two arcs of circle at points E, F, fanslescut, & die will make the parallelerequife, by the thirty-fifth1st definition of the first des Elem. from Eucl. What a problem!l: Big vfage, & we must feruir in touteslesoperaqons·beyond perfpeél:iuecommune, donrnous will deal in this first liur ue, the horizontal line cil: touli_ours fuppofee parallel, to the line.. terrç. Geometric Preludes: PROPOSAL II. On vne line droi8e donnu, @ vnpoint given in icelle, ejleuer-rjm lignt • * * * * * * * * * * • point given out of icelle, a6baijfar vne line droi8e perpendicular. • P P Or ' the first part of this P..opofitionr, foit en la vingtief.: I see the right Line: E given A B, where from point C, must elleuer vneperpendicular: having taken from point C vn equal efpacc on the other hand, fur this mefme line, as feroit C A, C B. d11 point B as centre, intcrual to division; because it was more great, that BC, was of the written arc of loss of, & of point A, as centre, melineinccrual that deuant liver defctic vn other arc femblablc F G, & from Point C liver elleueevneligncdroice, iufquesat point H where they intersect it necks two, & elleferala perpendicular requested, by the vnziefine propolition of the first of the elemens d: Euclid. For the fecondc part of this propoficon, liver the Melin straight line donnee A B, & the point given outside icelle H, from which faucabbailfer vne for mediculairc fur ladiceline: from the H-point to the centre; liver of the arc from circle cutting line AB to P?ints I K, which includes IK foie diuif.! in two at Point C, & the abbailfee line from point H fur point C, will requife by the twelfth propofition of the first. 0 r as it arrives * poke that one would like elleuer vnc line perpendicular fur someone else's extremity, the preceding method dbnt vfage in this case;..n will be able to feruir this-cy. In the twenty-vnielinefigure liver the line propofee AB, at the head of the: what A, must elleuer vne perpendicu1aire: the vne of the legs of the Compass dcmrnrit motionless at Point A, of whatever ouuercure this liver, fopp,., fez of AC, is the other leg in C, which remains immo * the other two arcs of the circle of, and from the point where the two arcs of the circle of, and from the point where the two arcs of, which will cut the arc D, & from the pointdcfon interfeebon liver abbailfeevnelignedroiel: efur A, which will make the perpendicular rcqu..e. It is necessary to mark for the Prael: ique of these perpendicular lines , that enropcranc especially as the. * Compasses will make large, all the more so!l:ementreüllirnntlcs opcrations.r Proposal Ill... Donner lem'?Yende cognoiflre, jivneligne ejl perpendicic11 / aire Il'vneautre; * to use the right line: e e!l: perpendicular to vne other; r as I read in the example propof.: delafigure 1.1.DA c!l: pcrpendii- A iij • '6 Geometric Preludes: . a B, of the ccncreC middle of the line, of the imerual CD, or (1or CE,liver defcritlaportiodecercleD AE, which palfantparlepoint A,the angle must eftre .cenfe right; if he palfe by de!if it must be done, it must be done. obtuse, if it cuts the lines AD or A. B, it must be sharp edge, by the thirty-vniefme propofoion du troificfme. Otherwise it can happen in this way that fume phu . general who ell:,that putting fur the line AD five diuifioni efgales · at difcretion, fur la11gne AB tr01s fcmblables, the Compass ell: ant ouert the grandeurdecescinqpremieresdiuifions prifes enfemblc, & the vnc de fes iambcscfl: ant mife.au point l fur the line AB, The Other must fall iull: ement fur point 4, cn !aligne AD, fi !Angle ell: straight, otherwise if it efl: ohms, it will approach towards J, or if it Ell: acute it will recede around 5. This preuuedl: fondeefurh ma: < trigonomecry Island, quidit, Qu * é triangles reél: angles the quarree root of the fomme des quarrez of the " two side, which make the angle dtoit, dl: I hypothenufe PROPOSAL IIII. Diuiftr vne line jroiele donnee as parts eg4fts '1"! we want4. S S ILO in the twenty-second row is the line: e AB propofee to diuifer in ftx equal parts: Li must at the ends of this line draw two parallels to the vnedthe other as you see from the the prefcnt example lines A F, BD, which * fe will do by forming centers A & B, arcs of circles E F, CD, subtracting as much from vn like other: what ell: ant ainfi prepared foiem prifes fur clucunc parallels, as many parts as one will want, & from which ouuercurc we will want : in· strong allesometimes there are cougurs vne less * than the number of parts per lcdwho want to diui(E. R La ligria propofee; as in 1 ' example, voulan.t diuifcr the line AB in fix equal parts, just take five for the parallels as they are marked, & conioin these diuifions by straight lines 1,5: 2, 4: 3, r-4," .,,1: who will leave !aligne AB enfo: partiesefgalescom.. me the ell: den...ndé. Those who (stink the vfage of the measure of proportion, will drink many this o peracion, comine auffi other plufiers; for by carrying the line AB at the ouerture of the number uo, fur the line of the parts efgales, f ouuemire of the number 20, their enr * will give the focieline part; 20 eftcomcnu fix times in 120, ain / i in all Les diui!right line ions: es, where you have to carry the line to diuifer furia line of the efgalesparticipation of any number, which fe puilfe conveniently diuifer in as many equal parts as you want diuiler voftro line, then take auec the compass as the ouucrturc of the quotiem fur the m<: frnclignc: & we will have the required, as in • Preludes Geometri SIU; q the example propofe W dl: the quotient _of uo diuifeparfix ,& par con.. icquent costs the line dl: Ant porcee to the ouuercure of 12.0, that of 2.0 in must give the fo: iline part. · i, P R O P O S I T I O N V. Diuiflr VN circle in 4· , 8, 16, (!the e. equal parts. Silk in the twenty-troi!iefme figure K circle at diuifer AC BD, lc: se two diamctrcs intersect in the Centre at right angles to each other.[ cntlacirconference in four equal parts points AC BD, & para. this means drawing straight lines from A to C, from C to B, from B to D, deD * in A, we can infwrite said Circle VN perfect square: if we wants to en4a mefine manicre infrire en OEL: ogone, oufigureàhuiel:;?IIS, one diuiferachafque quarter of a circle into two equal parts, as pat example the quarter of a Circle C B, defcruant of C & B as centers, the interualto difcretion because it was bigger, than half of the quarter cut, the arcs F & G to cut in & out circumference, & the mcnee line by the points of their interface: ions will cut this portion ae circumference in two egalemcnt, & will give the I,.uiel: iefmc part of the whole circle , & by confccent the co!l: OEL: ogone infringe the circle mefme; which huiell: icline part of circumference in other equal parts by Iamefmemetho from, Will Give B feizieline part of the entire circumference, & by coll.: foquentle cofl:éd'vnefigureàfeize pans equilaterale & equiangle, &c. COROLLARY. It cfl: to notice that by cerce propoficon one can diuifer everything arcde circumference whatever it liver in z, 4, s., 16 equal parts, & c. - still that the Liver Center ignored. PROPOSAL VI. On vne straight line & avn point given in icelle do; n angle reelilignf efj,al. VN angle relliligne donni. •U.S.A. S S Goose in the twenty-fifth line appears the line right: e E F, fur la.: equdle to the pom r e must fa1revn angle reehline, efgal to the angle re .. line B of figure •..: from pomt A as interual centre to difcretion was to write the..RC Circle D C cutting dcnx lines AB AC, "' Jjointts of. & , c, & from m, e eline o..uermrc of compas fur la li..egne or fe must be false, because it is not true, because it is false.: the arc of Circle G H, thenin subtracting vne portion equal to that . qu1e!l: compnfe between pomrsD C, which you will mark GH, foit mcnee vne lignedroitedu tip palfant by H, & she formeia year• gle H E G equal to the..ngle c AB, what it neilloic to do. -·--- I Preludes c..ometric. PRO POSITION VII. Dansv.fcercle given infrire VN Pentagon 011 VN Decagon regulitr. The The A method of conlhuire vntriangle equilarer: tl fur vne line donneefe pouuant draw from the Ligurian foptidine of this board, ren laqudle of the Centers a & b extmnitez of the straight line donnce, del'inrerual AB, The Arcs of Circle AC, b c ell: ant form & s " intersperses in point C, the straight lines led from the point of. their in ..erfcél: ion C, in A & B, will form the equilareral triangle requested, Having more and more the fourth propo / irion of these preludes, by the fiugure * J, adorns the way to'infrite in VN given circle: vn quarré, vne ligure à huiél: & _feize pans, & c. The Hexagon CF elsewhere this is a very faci1e to defcrirc, as can be recognized in the dixhuiél: iefine ligure, in which the half diameter of the pig punctuated a B, or the mefme or compass war, auec which said Circle a efie defcrit efi the glued of the Hexagon, which must be there!l: re infcrit, as the tefmoign the lines AB, B C, C D, &c. which all make equal : it fakes that what re!l: E more necdtary, F liver..auoir infcrire vn Pentagon or VN Decagon regulier had VN circle given, 1 * vn & the other we deuant feruir to form the geometric PBN of liciofedre > corn which we put in perfpeel: i u f the vh of FES angles folides:· Ccfi why i ' en ayvoulu propofcr vnemethodc the most expeditious * & the best he has me ellepo!hble: because even this problem fe pui!faith strong well execute p..r to vnzielme propofitionrdu q..atriefmcr _ of Euclid, in fa1fant VN tnangle which att the angles QM make to the bafe, doubles from each other, & even more easily this fc: mble by merhode, let Alber d bring some..RER au ,.liu, practical faGeometric; no less why Euclid's cell is too fpeculatme & d1/Jicilepour those who engage in practice ,to whom the pretends principled feruir the ouerture of two points, also di!hns of the center, will give the amount del ' angle requife, as in the example propofe in the twenty-fourth Ligurian line,the AC line, bearing 60, fur FA line of circles the dill: ance CD feraiuilemencl'ouuercurede45, & par confecentlaquanricde del'anglepropof.f, 45 degrees. Now it is!l: easy, fur this foundation, to infringe all iortes do 10 Ceomecric Preludes: polygons in vn given circle, leaving the amount of the angles of their centers: Gold the corners of the center make those, which were two right dots, who from the center of the circle, where they make infcrrs, make meneesà.d, ux anglesprochains, as in the eighteenth figure, the angle of the center Hexagon, e!l: the angle tray, that.form in center A , the linesba, CA: '.however, the quantity ofcesnanglesfe cognoifira, diuifànq6o, per the number of coll: ez in the figure., or propofe Polygon: as if a vn rriangle to be inferred in VN circle, for what the triangle has three paste, J; mt diuifer 360 per l, & shall come ao, for each coftate of said rriangle: fivnpentagon, forceq.'ilacinqcofl: ezdiuifant 360 by 5, come 72 -, which give the quaritity of the angleducenter of said figure: C'effl: why taking the strength of the efpace of 72, degre, fivefollowing, onmarkingfive points, then efl: straight by order, from rvn to the other, we will have VN Pentagon regulîer, as it dl: reqws. We peutaullifuiuantccfondementfairelemefmeparlccompasde of proportion: because bearing fur the line of the circles, to the ouuerture of the number 60, the Demy-diameter of the circle, where one wants I. nfwrite the Polygon, the ouuerturc of the number of degrcz, which contains the angle of the Polygon or figureregular, will give the coftedof the mcfine figure, as for the Pentagon defwritten in the z6'. figure, having led to the egg a number 60, the demy-diameter KC, the egg of 72-will give B G, for the co!h! from the Pentagon to the mefine Circle: golden angles interieurk of the main regular figures, for those who will not want do not bother del es seek by the fufdite rule, Do: du triangle, no: from the quarter, 90: from the Pentagon or figure five steps, 72 -: del ' exagone, or figure to f, X pans:, 60: of the heptagon or figure to feptpans, jl.: del'oeeogoneou figure in huiél: pans, 45: del'enneagone or nine-sided figure, 40: of the Decagon, or ten-sided figure, L 6: &r. End of g, re / 11der Geomuriqu, s. THE PERSPECTIVE • CVRIEVSE. Containing 11 ' 4 principles of perjpefliue, EiJ,, me Methode grner..le, po11t or _science_ mirrors & reflections for what they deal withobjects, shortening, or putting eQ perjpe {/iuè all strong fgure-plattes and:, fa / ides ; even if they affect the plan * only ' tn ' 1 / line, where in 1m point, ' llerijiupareexamples is five other. D E F I N I T 1 0 N S. ; -. 'Generally prifè: dl: vne fciencc, which nlcgnie to difwner & properly iuger objects of the wish: _ die includes fouz foy three diifercn.. tes cfpece;; the first, which retains the common name of optics, deals with objects qu!fevoientfi.. plcment & direel: emcnt, it is called auffi pcr_ fpeél: Eui: feco,nde efpece Fe names catoptric who fc see by ref!exion .!s body eolis, as when we see some chofe in vn mirror: the troiiieefmc efpecce is called dioptric or mdtptic, which treatsofwants to trawlers of two or more as seen in the trauers of the air, the water, the water, the water, the air, and all these three efpcces may be: re, or fpculaties, or poGciues; fpculaties, fi they concur with the reasons for such appearances, they pre-write tiles & give _ precepts, for practice, in order to achieve or achieve the objectives, it means that they appear to the vehicle. as they can be delusional. And C'c: ll:en èell: edernierc fa..it is felt that we are..of these focnccs, for horseradish in nofuePre:: 12 First Lure face: have pre..ier & fccond lure we will deal with appearances, which last, of those that make the mean of the refractive ions: polygons, or faceted. The first pan:· Nofire delfein, which The perfect pofiriuc!l:vnart, quienfeigncàreprefcnterfurqud9ue plan that this liver, the choves eat they appear to want, Horn {1en1a rroifiefmefiguredelafecondeplanche, "letnangle ABC e!l: oir propofee to reprove him for appearing to the eye, e!L: before Point F, per 1 pendicularly efieue, fur the plane mefme where dl: figured said triangle, of the height HF; this art of perfpeel: iue in it gives the method, cit for this flat figure, that for all strong other flat & folides, com- But how has!L: ronomes & geographers rely on some points & * of lines, to explain the PHA, NV nomenes & the other glo be, de mefme the inuenteurs de la perfpeél: EU, have efrabl (a few points & certain lines, for-the conduct of this art, from where comes that fleeing the diuerfir of their methods, they made feruis of differencntes lines, so no less tending all to the end, & prodwfent the end is in the Meadow, who is it!l: to give the appearance of"vn ob in the Seel: ion: Ord'aurant that the mot.de Seel: iondonquelque Times of trouble, tothose, who are beginning to learn the principles of perfpeél: iue, we will say a few to satisfy the AMAs this art. What the perfpefüfs commonly call feel: ion, no.us the we can name, & will name cy-after the tableaw, or champdel ' ouurage, C'onime fi L'onus vne canvas, VN paroy, or .someone else planr, to y rra / iron or reduce dclfus any object in perfpeel: IU, this will be called in terms of perfpeel: IU, give the appa0 of the object of interest, in the SEL: ion, & strictly speaking, Secrion does e!l: other chofe, that vn plan efieué to plomb fur B Line Earth put between ' object & at the same time, the effect of the objct will be on the eye of the beholder efl: imaginee, lailfer some brand & some Vd1:Con ige appearance. Cecy fe will make it more intelligible by 1 ' example; as fi we'll pick it up at the entrance of quel..EU Chamber vne door of vcq; e tranfparente , parlaqudle celuyqui lèrit dchors, vis à la chambre, verrpit all the furniture inside naturally perfected: EU, fur the diaphanous & rranfparanr plan of said gate; because if it takes, as enfeigneAlbertDurer at 4. Liu. geometry, VN brush, & that he marked fur the glass all the places ml palfentlcsdpeces decaquechofe, ..vne rable, vne efcabelle, & C. Ilauroic all that FEP may be 01R of the inside of the chamber, 1ms exaetemcnt in perfpeccriue, I wish he'd stop!the{1: Con oeilen VN dererminé point, where it cf!: to be noted, that ..that's feferoir.natural mountain, because I see us the faifons artifi The perfect curious. arrificidlcment & geometriqt!emenc, by means of inuenced lines to this fujet, from which comes only a few authors, forimiter plusprecif..lie the narration, have clbbly in their method vndignedeseel: ion, wmme feroitoin the propof example.f, vnelignedright to lead prifcau diaphanous plan of this door, that will make couppee & cut I all the lines of the efpeces, which would depart from the inside of the chamber, for CF I will return to the eye of the beholder, who will do thehors; thehemethode; yet what good, & more approchaqte of nature, than that, that we want to propofer, me femblc neantless embàra/ fante, & borneeufe, let's go .continuous transfers that need to be done from line to line,& for this reason it will say nothing of the sum, & renew on [Eel:eur q11i the I want you to know!h_eou praél: iqucr chez Salomon de Caus, & chez Vignole the first part of faperfpeél:iu..:o , Cell on the contrary, that name auonsadcfdwre * dl: tres-exaél: E, plus faC1le & more prompttotbperacion, mefinefelonlefentiment of those, who they are: iquél'vne & L'autre, comniesebafiien Scrlio, qui au, Jiu. of fonArchitcél: urela prefereathis other, & the R. P. Egnacio Danci; who on the other hand, the Commission has made a number of recommendations to the Council. feconde reg the who dl: cdlc, queno]ls confeillonsde praél:provide,said that I'mbut Vignolene fc fcruicd'aucre, since I ' ve been inuencee, & * left the first comeplus h: ingue - & n1i: Jins convenient: C'l: pourquoy we will discuss briefly what we need to do, so that after we could smell of mefine, fuiuanc nolhe ddfein, give vne mechode general to do the cleaation of the bodies of the plane forces; though they touch them, only in vncline, or in vn point. Of the lines (fi) of the points,, which fmt in vfaze, in this ·the , . methotk of perjfeeriue. · , The The Main lines fonc,the line-Ground, the horizontal line; radial lines; diamctralcs or diagonals. What we called Line-land, & the Italians Linea Piana, or bien line of the fpaz.z.*, n ' efl: other chofc, than the front side of the bottom of the plan, or we want to put some object in perfpeel: IU,<: omme in vn tableau, lahgne-terre, cil: the bottom of the mefme tableau, or the plan of the feetion, which efi etleui right & lead, fur, said lign..: this hgne cil: common to the geometric plane, & to the perfpeél: if: US let's call this a geometric plan, that in no way we figure it out. delfous of the Earth line, in which the figure efi defrite to the natural, & fans no racours: such as efi in the first figure of the the plan G IKH, to which the equilateral triangle AB C, efl: defcrit enfa natural proportion: we call plan perfpeél: Jf, this one we appear at delfusdc la ligne-terre & s ' clcend B * Prime Lure 1 4 iufques à la lioneohorizo..the figure is described as follows: g _ The ' horizontal line dl: properly the term, of the largest dlenduë deJ:,'11:uë:dle el!: to1jl10urs parallel to the line-ground, & she: EU Water!fos de icelle, delamcfu1ehigh ,del quelle fupofel ' eye d'guardarit, ell:: e elleuefurleplan, auqudell: L'object; commdi L'onoo _, fuppofoit, that 1oe1l of the Looking was elleue cmq feet high fur the plane to which the object is repofe: it is necessary to make the parallel H'orizontal line. get on the line..cerre de J'efface & height of five feet, as since H, iufqueà F. It is usually put in the horizontal line three points: pe1Juent reduce to two; VN poinél: principalo, & two other tierso . Point: s, otherwise called points of d1!l: ance; what do they do put on the side & side of the poind: Main, also move away from Juy; & all three poinel: s fe can be reduced to VN poinel: main & vn fire! point di!L: ance, why!as we will, these two feuls can be poinél: s ... The poinél: pri.ndpal encettemethode, not ell: not like someyns believe the poinél:, where dl fuppo!E the eye of the beholder: but well vn poinfof in the horizontal line direc.eement opposed to the eye of the beholder , & which ell: the term of our main radius, such as in the first figure the point E, which el!: named by Sal0mon De Caus, poinél: declinator. The third poinel:s, or poinel:s of dill:ance, make those, like us auons of--jà said, who are set to hand& other egalemenc dill:years of point l: main, as in the mefo1e figure point F, which we auqns misofeul,pourcequenous def,hope,that in this praél:ique onfe ferue d·vn fire! * poiafrde di!l: ance : & this dot: fedoit put redheads fur the horizontal line, aufftloing of the poinel: main, as one fuppofe..uc L * Eye of the beholder dl:_ elloi..table, or feel: ion: or 11 dl has noticed, that usod1fonsol oildu looking, & not the eyes, for ccqu'vn table I perfpeél: iue, for efl:re veu well exaél: emenr, do not e!l: re look at that. There are still contingens, or accidental points, of which we do not let's not say anything, why can't we help ourselves, in this method,& that's what it is.I shall say nothing of the principles of perfection. common, quece qui ef1: precif6ment nece / do, for the intelligencedece chalk: 6, lest he bore the lion:eur en Luy prefenta.NT what he can do is to see my allies. For radial & diametrical requirements, we let's talk about it. AD VIS Perfpeetiue curieufe. NECESSARY NOTICE, For the conjecture of fugitive propoftions. P P Our proceed to better order, & me to hear morefa..rcilement of the least verfez in this art, fans elhe forced to repeat plumbers sometimes vne mcfme chofc, fay iugéaboutto point out in C place, in the year of the next egg, that when we write some Ligurian auphn geomecral, & that to put it in pcrfpell: Eui, of all fosextremicez or sewsangles, we lead men perpendicular to the line-cerre, we will call these lines r, erpendi , breeches abfolument, & s will hear allfours perpendicula1resala hgneterre, if it does not dl fpec11ié otherwise, those that do in the first Liguria the lines AC, B M, & the lines, which will naill: RAR from the extremity of these perpendicU!areas, which lay your line-Ground, & will make mcnees to the point main, will be called radial, as in the mdine figure the lines c E, mE, & the lines, which punches, where will fall_erles arcs of circles on the line.- Earth, feronr.led to the point of difl: ance, fe will name diamerrales, as in the Ligurian mefine the lines d f, n F, because that they nailfenc of the diagonal or diamerraled'vn Square, as we let's say cy-apres. O!!;!nd we will talk about pulling parallel vne abfolumcnt, it fe d01t hear parallel to the line-ground, if it does not eft ipecifi.i otherwise. li cil: still to note that-when we say that it is necessary to conduct vne occult line, this means vne line, quined01r pointdemeu.. the operation has been completed, but we can only some point, which we cherish, as lont in part. es radiales & Jesdiametrales, & c. where does it come from that when trauaillant, we do not mark of plain as the paper that auec tip