STATIONARY CLVAL PIV to'i prumcgto aeijcmmo Pontiff Giulio ili. crdeU V lUuftrifiimo Senato Veneto for years X X t t t "R 1 ? r* VI M . TYRRHO NAPOLITAN LICENSES, OF THE ANTIQUITIES' OF ROME, N EL Q_ V A L E E I S' Circi, Theatri , c 7 Amphitheatres. WITH THE P ARADOSSE OF THE SAME author , quai confute commune ommone t foprauarii places in the city of Rome. ' 1 ¥ IVLIVS PAPA III* M O T V own yc.CumJicut accepimus , dilettus filius Michael Trame^inus bibliopola venetus no* bis nuper exponifccerit,adcommunem omnium flit Žhoforum utilitatem : ]]ua propria impenfa diuerfa opera La* tina,& Italica 1 1 pfa Italica tam ex Latino , v YUfpamco idiomate translata, quˆm Italica lacere, minimum q> transla ' ta,hattenus doesn't curse me facere intendat,dubit'qi ne buiufmodi opera, p—limodum ab altisone eius licentia im primantur,quod in maximum jum prteiudicium tenderete Noj propterea eius indemmtati conjulere uolentesiMotufi / ... I am certain that Michaeli is a scientist, and that he does not work... . battenus non imprejja, et per ipfum impr menda, per decem ainnos pofl eorundem operum,uel cuiuslibet ipforum impref fionemj quocunque fine ipfius licentia imprimi , aut ab ip # fis,uel ab ahis uendnfeu in eorurn apoihecis , uel alias uena* lia,pr qy Apojlolica au* t“ontate Decernimusjpf“us tranfmptis,uel exemplts etiam. in ipfius openbu: imprtsfu,plenam,et eandem prorfus fidem ubique tam in tudictOjquˆm extra habert, qua prajenti ori * ginali baberetur.h t cum abfolutione ˆ Cenjns ad effetlum prafentium>qy quod fola sewerage ffficiat.'&t ne de premif fis,aliqun tgnorantiam pretend poffit . Qu,od prafent Motui propnus in Acie Campi ploris,qj in Valuis Cancel - lana apostolica huius alma vrbi; affigatur,qy ibidem per affixionem publicetur quod fic af]ixus,et in ipfis openbu f per tempora impreffusjper eundem omnes quos tanget, ac fi eifdem perfonaliter intimatumfbret , exprejfe uolumus , ©r send me to irntum qj mane quicquid fecus assault accounts * gerit.Pramisfis omnibus conjhtutiombus , qy ordinationsi* bus Apoj“olicis Cateris'q, in contranum fidente non obfiana tibus quibufcunque. *5 - ¥ ** ^ PLACET. I. On the back. Weapon a íJatiuitate 'Domini millefimo quingentefimo quin quagefimo, Indizione ot“aua, Die uero uigefimatertia men fis Cflob -Pontificat us Sanctisfimi in C bnj“o patris qy domi ni noj“ri domini domini lulii diurna prouidentia Papa tertu, Year { mime Retrof crypt literaaffixa qy publicata fuerunt in ocis retrofcnptis per me lacobum Carratum Curfotem . M athurinus magijler C urforum* i ; S *" Die 1 9* D ectmbrit in Rogatlf, What a fairytale Michele Trame's idea of a Michele Trame." Zinoy, he's the only one who's safe from him, not pojfd flambare, ne ftampar , ne jlampate uen a Der fenza them permfiione in quejla city , nor in altra city , it is the place of the Nofiro Domain for /actually years uinti continue the cards, honored defenses of ancient Rome, of Modern Rome, of the Mafiimo Circus, of the Flaminio Circus of Italy , of the C ajiro praetorium defended by M.Pyrrho Ligori , painter Napolitano , and r medefimamente la car tadell 7 Ongaria,et Tranfiluania entails for M, Pie" To Appiano, to the map of Germany with your borders on all sides, standing up to the Reuerendifiimo Cardinal (T Wishes in the fopraditte cards to be carved in ra " me, neither in wood, nor bigger, nor smaller, or singed. However, and? taken from the prefente fue carte , er the book of M.Vyrrho Ligori deW antiquity dtRoma,that is,de'Circi, Theatri, er Anfiteatri, er etiam the first book of the Taradoffi of the 7th antiquity of Rome also of the said autto * In the fupplication fua co held, all the pains in the fupplication fua held, until do however efjo obligato cCofferuar . how much c for the laws nojlre dijfojlo on /lampe, Marcus Antonius Gregolinus Ducalis N otarius. m Digitized by Goa ULV ILLV'STRISS, CT Reuerendif. Monfignore , Mr. Cardinal of Ferrara ? O ISf O flati g? anti/ who, modern cr finishers very curio fi in the firiuc* the co/is notables of the an ticbity of Rome, to lafiiare ˆ noi ui/ Mind of fi ne worthy of eternal memory ; Hearing how useful, <&* dileU I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... (Punish infieme for the well public that* Pii dua treatlli compose by Ec* celienti fimo M* Vyrrbo Ligori ]S la politano , family , et 1 user of Reuerendifima , <&- Illuflrifima Lordship . Ç. Which is to give a pre/lo an With forty Books in the light? What are the fi refracts the narrative of the remainder of the the ancient coffers of Rome * Contain t' - * N % *.'** ^ * 1 1 ^ - * . J [(/*" " *i "lJw v . ...îV. \ii 'WS ou , , '. ''s V. .' *'- uv\ -'11 * - \ Õ- > * - Ç 4 * \rVw' 4 ^. + ji- . . T X 4 * ¥ * l *y * n A* - /' i ' w fJUOO*t! v -/> - ViV - *. VAW *'"> * r '. f '- ^ ' . * *¥* ¥) - oy ? AtW i*. -J "lV - ¥ ¥ ''¥ V ' ¥ *'* >} Çu , v * w "S55KX9"... JL'- .- - "v^V*"" W / . Z ^Votili l f j * 1 "W - . - ' ' ? * ? 7 ? -¥£* u. v* - ? - “ ,. *5 |k i ; -Dig“tized by Gooq BOOK PYRRHO LIGORI OF THE ANTIQUITIES* OF ROME. NHLQ.VAL IS ABOUT THE CIRCI, THE ATRI, et AMPHla THEATERS OF IT CITY*. O PO Fhauer moflra to , which fuffe la f—rma of the Orci , such as the one of the T heatri , of which that of Amphitbea tri of Rome(of those for r˜ , that fi trouanointiem re, effendouene many in manner demolished by Tuuie, who more tojlo is meant by a cPhiftorie, than co" such buildings, which are flawless, which are used as a fire, but which is..." /I will not be told of them, that of them I say to me with ". ueneuol co makes to put them all on paper nominally,& to defray, in what place of the city, and in what weather, CT by whom they were built . Were adunque anciently in Rome no Cir- There, said by the Greeks Hi ppodromi , of* which the noblest 0 cr ilp most beautiful c r before all the other mdituito, c rŽ A \ the M afimo, the one whohoggidl considering the name fichu* Look for him in the Marita's room, where he lies. 1 Palatine , & l 1 Attentino , as in your place we habbiamo said . It has not lacked any nice notar cleverness that&o place,cr to doubt,that forf the teftodi Cafiio* gold,dalquale,cT not from other fcrittore,you learn the no Me of that fiery uaUefia: er that in the place of the Sea tia changing two letters fi must read mvrcia: Trouandofi that mount A uentino was already called Mur co : e r that in the Faffo Circus was a place confiscated X Murcia , as Tertullian says t & beyond X this an al* In the temple of Venus, which though in the said hill the goldsmith cofi said : fi as I X was your place I reasoned. The waves Parmi, that the doubt fopra ci˜ hauuto does not fia i mofa side very good reason , cr fvndamentotmafime Effendoci un i:(to fcritto a pennate is by M. Benedetto And Gio from Spoleto, kuomo cofi in the Greek letters, like in the Utine , eruditism, douefi law Moray eel not Martia , as fi reads ne ft am pati. In fauorde Which alluia fi could say, that it is good and true, that the Mount A uentino was called Murco:and by him the temple Of Venus Murcia; but it does not follow, that the ualle fi deb* call Murcia , not Martia , making that More removed opinion founded in acumen of wits, than in authority of fcrittore . Vercioche non trouandofi aut* tore anybody who lies about said uaUcfaluo caf* fiodoro,& calling her Martia $ ftrana cofa seems to be the bora uolerla nuoule call M urtia. Nc par , to believe, that the tcjlo of Cafiiodoro fia/correct, then a "How many of the printed copies are made by the lord of the land do I make as little as the lord of the land?" ...four-seven, everyone in that place has Martid. Senzd who doesn't ' We still lack those who are imaginary, That that ual le hauejfe Martia's name from other golds - Giric er say 3 ch and when R omolo,cr Remo, for with to the hands of the greetings that came to the hands, quiet was the The beginning of their fight, which then ended in the R-hole And then, when Fauttolo was killed to leave, he was killed. apunto dinanzi a i Rofiri , come dice D ionyfio, doue fi A Lyon hears: and T, who by a real breath is the first one. But the killer, who was made in Rome, the ualle, where she was. began , preaches the name from Mars , God of Battles , . CT father of Romulus, er of Remus : er that 4 him for This account was confiscated. What happened to the Uerifim? mild . T uttauid not octant quefia , er all the other rct " %% Ions, it's more like imagination, addutte; I'm going to get it. more willing to the opinion of those who read Mur eia for the reasons said to fopra . But it was Mar" It's Murcia, that's what she's doing, Certainly it is, that she was here, and not in Camp Martius, doue have pofta the modern fcritters, which is what we want to say. He was after the Mafiimo Circus, the Flaminio Circus, the which from Piazza de 1 Mattei, as hoggi fi says, &da\ source of Calcar ara turning slinging slinging pearl contrada the fcureicr shops are the most popular and the nuoua ttrada Capitolina . Waves the Circus haueua le fue The last round was at the Margani Square. It's quiet Circus is more widely at your place - t the third Circus you at the door CoUirra inside the m - ta " k canto k gli horti di Salutilo ? la douc hoggidi fi he hears one or belifco in earth , carved k characters Hit" rogliphici . And it's good that I can't say (not in any way bauendo piufegno that so much quetio bauejfe f—rma of Walled circus with big fabrica $ alluia for the /patio" that here he sees cr for lhijione, and that they speak of it, I think... Of ejfer I made clear, that such a place is fertile to the corpus of* cauaUi, CT of* ApoUinarr.aUbora mafiima* games mind that*l Flaminio was for the flooding of the T euere oc captured by the waters. And why would anyone say Not so much that this place is fugitive, that it is a place celebrated for the games, who knows what they do when the T euem king ufeendout of your worldly bed the Circus FlamU nio with dyed the Camp Husband , c T etiandio the Circus Mafiimo yattefo that the floods could not be real fi [pejfe t that it was necessary to another place for that with to photo $ It is correct that this Circus,chc was between the por t he Salar t e T la Salar to feruiua still for other times of public games, fi as a raffle for rbttiorie, & for fauttoritk of the ancients. If the f emons of the Martyrs of fan H ierommo, er di Bela ruttori approved,fi reads". that in the Hippoir omo , which was outside the Salara door " were martyred dugento feffanta martyrs , / eight The empire of Claudius fertile: though it was not a fruitful one say outside the door : but inside the walls, ueggen" Do fi with ejjjvito, that queffo Circus is in the place , that habm knamo said between the hill door , er la Salara . The other ogre was precisely U , douc hoggi is the piasi f iad* Agon, Set up so that the Agonal jokes, which are silent f faceuano . The origin, and the founder of quitto Ciro* For a long time Jludi—, and diligent, whom I have supported in seeking meat 5 I could not mfmo to kcraritrouare,as 4 It was the place in this book we will say. * The fifth circus in the Vatican, called by Piimo * Of Gaius , Cr of Nero: in which time it was beautiful Obelifco of Thebaic marble, which was here of the same type, er confagrd. To that part 9 of two we still see him on his feet, to hcttoY of Augustus,ej of Tiberius, as the letters say Fourteen, which were carved from a whisker: like us, bah, like us. Let's drink longer said in the book, which is about him. 0 belifchi . The gates of this circus were on the side of St. Peter's Square As mcftratio some walls $ who was scared to death in the cellar deposits of those CDs... ...which is a preacher to the Chiefa of T ra/pontimt, ? the fake Circus was far from Teucre out there ? camel door behind the Mole d'Hadrian's horti di D omitiajclale fi ueggono molti uettigij dal the inside part, in the vecci getitil'huomi * The Romans. They want the modern advocates, which Fedifica The hours of this Circus Nero's fuffe: what is their opinion I don't mind: I'm not disappointed by the head of the Cirm. The Mote d'Hadrian's couerfo, they were covered up. doors : net dcllequali dcllequali fi uedeuani enti tegoloni of two feet for each ucrfo, of two were written the names of* Maettri of baked earth, which the Heutuans graduated, with no To me of the Confoli, which atthora were f eet the empire of N e rone,er d' some in other tiles more petiole fuck Firn A iif ; . Digittzetffj pcrio eTH direct, aphids aphids ccniftUira fi can make of your origin: that is to say, that fufie begun by Nero,cr finished by Hadri CT chiamauafi ^ fiadiOyZr haueua form of Circus, 4 Erotti beyond 4 what a Gyrnnafio oue were places dd fight ybagn^portichr, ejfcdre, from ttarui to dispute, & prinˆpatmente ilXytto,]oue s r effercitaua la lotta al co". pertOtCr at the f covered aWaereJelqualenon s* is also ut I say to you, which moftri, precisely of what shape He was a fuffe, and was well a place in Camp Martius 9 which fruitful Suetctr“o was on his feet in Nero's time." ne. Whose signature will be defended in a way, that Vittruuio de ferine that is ufauadi do in Greece , for ef± fercitij publici : Onde fi dee believe that prtndeffe il mo i than that of Rome . Here might some maraui " The yarfs, because Vittruuio, having given the precepts of the * i / y ' ' ' Digttized by Cookie 7 Circi, CT in a certain way called Therme,eio bagni j non lips, even given the rules of those fmifurcated fabrications, the relics of which are read an" Back in large part to the days we know, I say of Thermo. Antonians, Diocletians. But who will you trust well the army, in proportion to them, will find, that she is not different point from that of the Gymnafii, which I'm talking to him about... Defined as: Therefore, as in the T berme queffe, as in the Gymnafii^eranoi medefimi apartments : fi come phono places from corfi di caualtija run on foot, to fight ? by bathing, or by toarui diuerjamente at will ragio nando of beautiful co [e:& besides ct˜ giardmi, pretane, and r squares toarui indoor, collapse feoperto all'aere: <7 apprejfo places to keep the paintings with your lights faces in Tramontana, which they call Pinacoteche:^ Other Impoliterij sayings from foliar ufi to enter in the ba*. } to go to the wrestling match with the Concei } where you're going to get the maidens : er Ephebei,doue fi ragunauanoigiouinetti : fenza i bagni doppij, doue were two Laconic, doue jld to grease your body, but to put it back to digest. What will I say about 4 two T epidarij of the two P rigidarij , which fcruiuuano for heat tempering,and for Cd rmfrefrefcarfiiCes “Iidarius of signature cir calare, er big fimo, with more apm I took them from lauarfi,cr to trust* that of ghaltri in finished places to palinate, cr da ueiere da prej]o,cr from afar^ in the squares, er ne horti, c r tu? bomb fchctti fi eomecotoumaronoi Greek f are f Which all of them, among others, were from the Emperors made ordmate^on more for magnificettf It has, cr c&entationc dictates their greatness', de per se minify the people with such a fuck, cr paffa time: cr with me^o of those who hold them in check, so that you can attack them." tion . OF THE MAXIMUM CIRCUS. rT"' Empo c boni di uenire to the dimojlratione of the 1 X. Circus Mafiimo, as first , main CT of all the others. The Mafiimo Circus, a Brown fiend, was a god... So because said of the efffo were around places Daphaphne: but ye were because the pump, with which fi et f t he games, foleua ciruireil Circus.l places, don They gave the mcjje to the runners, they were called Cara. ce researches the ttauano caualli believed in effe , as pria Neuio calls quefie Cor Ceri oppila: why haueuano towers, and blackbirds, as they have the lands walled prisons were called by ccercŽio,aoc da Lock them up so that they don't get a chance to "ufeire: for" Tea, you can't sing them in a ftauano in a rinchinfi infino 4 tanto The'l Magistrate gives the sign. Piggyback (as Varrone recounts) that around the Circus M affi" mo ui ui foleuano lauorare i figulini, do is V business , Et Varrone Stefffo affirms, that in that very place of the Circus, doue fifaceuano the facrificij, was PArmiluitro . I modern ffcritters have said, that the Circus M affine has ueueua the shape of the iron, do c made k guiffa di f˜rfice , tl which isfalfifiimo : therefore that the Greek tcjlo of D ionyfio Alicarnaffeo, which bora fi troua, does not say, that the Circus has uefffe la /˜rma j˜rficata, but that the doors of efffo were f˜r I.e. made in unity, that is to say, those that you -¥ -they are dpriuano, when the baticnano 4 cannils appear in the xcfjxtto of the people . Q_uefto Mafiimofti Circus first fabricato say* gno from Tar quinto Prifco in the Murcia Valley , which Is, as we have said, in the midst of the mountain H ValdtmOyCr F Aucntino. Moffefi Tarquinio ad edifi woodworm for the victory beaten in the preface of Apiole earth Of ' Latins j of which reporting greater affair premia da, which was not the side the name of the war, says Lute, so that he'll make us richer, CT magmfichi giuochi, than any other of the Kings before him has done. Et aUhorafula first defended before, there's a... I'll be in... The King of the Great Circus, who was the King made of tan". This greatness, quafi antiuedendo, cr udendo moflram re,cbe qtmw proceffo time were for celŽrarfii giuochi from the great roman empire.Difegnollo aiuti que Tarquinius, cr ccmpartiUo : affegnando a i padrii their place, cr ˆ i CauaUieri i their j cr ordering that You will have an opportunity to make your own accommodations: a learned jleffero a utte dere li faettacoli:chiamaronfi those places for l,CT the degrees ioue fi fi fedeua, were with forane insane by ter It was 12 feet. The games made by Tarquin were corfi di cauaUi, cr cr crugna giuochi , facially made Tofcana's ttenir. The folenmity of qucjli giuochi lasted then continuously,^ uariamente furott called,hora Roman giuochi, bora giuochi grandi. He delivered lime Define King 4 many deprived men around the square to build me farui loggias, cr shops, cr X,s V ' * pa is planning to surround the city with more walls - Three, when for the Sabine war Firn was upset with him. preface: CT so much was the cofa fubita,er sudden,that the C ir with wood, as it was before, as it was flato ac". It was then, as far as Dionyfio stops it, fuck of fabrica grandifitmo: inside of which were cask" ghe d* Craftsmen: but the first one, who walled him with fi was". By Jove, it was the Dictator who did it. In this way, they were able to put it, CT leuaretpractures in certain strong of games made by tupcfe in utee of Metee two fquadre d'hu omini , 4 ufo of two effercituDel that fiercely in other place in the feguent book" Augujlo Forno then of a cbehfco, ˜ spire, we say , 124 feet high , conducted in Rome Of Eguto, er carved in figures of natural coffers, which 4 the Egittij feruiuano for letters called Hieroghphice : fi as we said to your place in the Book of Obe." lifchi. Do you write that your fear was a graduation... to dt Mufaico of white stone minutely cut: because with the candidness of color por gejf and delight . The mifure of the Circus are so confused by the ruins } that he cannot make an army of them, and I am sure he will judge them. He reads fi , that Cefare Dictator in the great ffiefa > Which in this he did, he confused dugento feffanta thousands of fef“ertijjCT reiuffe it in length of three ftadij , CT Of one in bulk, which with all the lodgings were four. I find the Ugers. Li Iugero was 40 feet long, et taf. ga dugento uent The foot ? -¥ -V The pious was fedid long fingers, that's fedid thumbs. *1 God was a hundred and twenty-five pafii. The smurf was five feet. Second Suetonius. Claudius the emperor was the one who made the mof Marble fe: fertile Tertullian cr 1 folaro 4 will hold a which was inside the doors, was made of wooden planks : et but the caiallifche ui ftauano hurrying Pbcra del cor* rere,fcalpitando faceuano firepito. Ammianus Marcelino says that he was a different man. "cbehfco, much greater than that, which ui haucua dedi." ...the Augustee. And because of that, I believe that P. Vittore ui put two obehfchi , one on the ground , the other on his feet: For the child was left for May." king. It was in the medephimous Circus the Temple of the Confo God... The doue Romolo made it thick earth, for the sake of hauer kept him fecreto the treaty of kidnapping women Sabine up 4 Ihora of the abductioniet Tertulliano affvr nta,that the place facro 4 Confo was at the first half of the Circus, which means uerfo the doors:doue age also that one as I've been defending. for what I've done. Fcriuc Dione, and for what he sees in the medallions". Cafiiodoro tells us, that there is" a special cbelifco dedicated to the Moon, tT the one in the middle of the Sun : the one I offered in the marbles,cr in the medals,cr cofi poficla in the Defegno'. fcrmŽdoui appreffo per pi chiara notatia dar" tie. How much of an effusion, there are many of them." fieli in hiRoricnlchc credo effere auuenuto, because more uoltc for McCndij's shit, it's fate made up of motto* 8 I think it's good that you can see it in the future. T rme emperor who was one of those, who renounced him, tome fi fi Hegge in the Epitomes of Dione . The greatness of this Circus was so great that the fertile notches that P. Vittore affirms to us agiˆ, I'll make four hundred thousand thousand for me. Recourse me hdm uer Utto in Dione, as M. A grippa was the first one, who he contrived certain Delphini to notice with ejii the corfi de the Aurigators. T rouafi in Diony dim the Circus was made to three tectures, i.e. 4 three moon blankets taller than n the other, which were the steps of faith: as well shows the defense of the profile , er of the plant , that We have not made of it: taking it from the ruins of effo Circus, & from t fundamentals, that even in times known ui fo No. Valtra part of Fuora, CT the middle one, doue was no the Goals, Ih we have preface from the medals; how is it said in our famous book of Medals , doue fi uegm ... and other large pubic buildings. Ne goddesses generate cmfufionc in the souls of those who will come, the plant of the fundamentals potoi talbora fenza mifura , ˜ Defencelessness:so that this lack is not helped. ˜ trafeur aggine de the first founders } But of those, who in diuerphic times rehearsed him with a diaphragm strong nerfe of piUjbri made by fofientation , er form t ezXA of the building: to the repair of which folamente Waiting. Et chi con fuckU, CT judge eye re He will look at the fudette ruine, er you will confide well the meda gly,zr the authors' invalid words, may ageuohf Judging, that quefla tuftra c la ma plant "f shape of the Circus with the forks diuipone for next to effo paffauano : et li ccntrafegm phono pofli here prefects in your plant, & in the moflrate defense. The firada fegnata T ucniua from the door of fans Seba/liano , CT pajfaua perla Pifcma publica : cr di qui entraua fot to the roots of the Ogre, this is f eight the degrees: cr diuidendo il Palatine from the Ctrco, go to the Boario Forum. He pulls it by fegna M. ueniua from 7 Amphbeatro , cr pajfaua for the Subura, by means of the VaUe, which is between the Palatinoycr the roots of Celio:cr andando appreffo the oiled teda outside the ncW Allentino Circus. The (brada fcritta with the name of the 7 Auentine,c quella, che diui* deuatl monte dal Circo, cr dal Vico called Amilujtro: on the side of the gates that borders the Boario Forum. Et The accountancy pulls me to c r edere, that 7 1 called Armiluftro ^is that on that side of the Auenttno^ is that: which makes the Circus Armluftro,comc of the Varrone trafflra Varrone ; cr il Vico was neWAuetUino, as Vittore says; ragioneuot What would you think if you took that Vico and took the name YaWAr? miluftro,doucjjero ejfcrc uicini , cr contiguous toU The other seven. OF THE L OR RIGINE, ET SIGNIFI* CATQ DE I LVDI, ET DEL CIRCUS MAXIMUM. c 1 - - '.Cj V" l\ VA*. > Q/f" J *"*) V AriCyCT diuerfe oppimom fopra la deli uatione of the name, cr of the origin of the Ludi: for Tertullian ciochc says , that the origin of the Ludi uacquŽ . * s Fj 9 The Lydi people of W A fia, who have come to Italy, to the they occupied the Tofcana, which they later named Tyr*. - rbenia from Tyrrheno their Captain:ilqualt(fccondo that fcriuc Trinco ) haueuarinuntiato the kingdom of Lydia al your brother. The Tofcana will wrath all the others... ancient rites ordered eli audio fucked religion name ltt dt:The makers, and mae fri of whom the Romans were fcerpoi henire of Tofcana:of which (as has been said) makes li li lie Uncle, what did they call the Roman games, huh? "Gratidt. Et uole Tertulliano, che prima fuffer delti Ly ? * di, p" then mutated Vyinu f called jf I was Ludi. But Var rone tiene, that Ludi made said byU'cflvtto of the cofatcr From the weed Ludo, which is derived, which is to say: why are they With the wolves were called Ludi, but that playing, et "Andeaning Andean running around the city, Medephi." mamentcU fife free them B acchanali, C onfuali,et fi Better, they called me Ludi: of what has been said to the fire place in our book of 1 facrificij . I don't see it here. To keep silent, what Tertullian fcriuc in the book of the jfettacoli,which in the 1 Altar of Confo,to which they flow,and by which was called the Confuali Ludi Confuali, as this is the mfcrittione, COU S V S CONSILIO, ?*: M ARS .DVELLIO, i ? LARE S -COMITIO, ; . ; P O T E . N T E S. That is to say, Confo ulaua in the confinement, Mars in the battle. Lari in Squeaky, QBcfia Ara(comc in the moftro plant) was po* fi* The Eight Early Meteidoue fi facrifices* J / tu t a V fi .of july nitfc : & medefimc faceuono * as well as the public priests with the Quirinal Flame * - CT with Virgins , acts X X LcPAgofto. Some*, i would here ask : why ejfendo V Ara of Confo f eight land, I Fb have defended , et pojia [opra terra - Rifondo, what about antique marbles, CT in medals & in the carvings of joys, that Ara fi ueie in that place, doue also the dimcjira effere Tertulliano , CT forf as for [a]quctta, c che di [otto era nafeofi a. Remolo he ordered the games from Jupiter F eretrius in Mount T arpeus, that is in the Campidogli which poifurcn said games C to pitolini. He doubled him N urn Pompilius made him to Mars, CT atta Dea Rubigine ofliXXV I. d' April . D* In the beginning the games were called facri, er Funebri, i.e. the gods and nations, & the dead. The apparatuses, CT the orders of the Circenfi games were more pompous, CTs magnificent of all the others: making them their own the pump, which is progressing so fast. Doue fi ucdeua a long [china of fimulacra brought f opra carriages, er a Tken* ftydoe chariot of Giouejl as na d'aucrio, & gold, C.T. of other coveted pretiofe adorned. Et pnche quefti cor Were folly brought by men, as they were called, as firiue Tntulliano, armamaxi, in which leads to in vain, crowns, crowns, leaves. At these games it was - Not bound to go all the CcUegij de' facandoti Rome m It was: and there was a great number of [acrificij. Celebrate* in Rome, but also in the provinces, well * That not with so much pomp, er magnificence: er to re * cordanza,cr fignijkationc dictates their origin, fi condii*i B iij tm in the search for a rufceUcT and definaua>eX by beating the eating $er the po polo defiderofoycome fuole,foUecitando,s'inccmin * Give him a good fi nish of the faluiet*. With which eating fiery hands; to give eoa such a license to the beginning of the game do * And from here I was then fitraffejche moStro who was there uictta, it seems that s f intend to (Fhauer sure c apporr˜ c, chci The circus is said by the orc cwto,t Circe tifi quafi Circuenfi : that's why I appreciate the Crude antiquity, I do not yet pour out the perished hurry yet nuk to the ornament of the edifidj ,/tfaceuano in places verdant, between rivers and streams. There is no propofi To, that the quality of that game was such, that it fiercely in X X 1 1 1 1 corfi:rapprefentandofi with this number the bore of the day, er of the night . It is to be kept for the Meteurs' circuit declares with the prem fentardeU foua:when that the act ifte ffo, though fuper* fhtio fornente , moflra palefe , douer aieffempio del* You want to generate, er produce some cofa . For which fi by which I would therefore mean lightning bolt, & wStabi costume typhoons that have affonigliato canker sores mothers of the birds . Long as you'd love to talk about / run all Patire cofe of the Roman Circus: seemingly that each one will do something special again. Vna fola cofa say in all ways marauigtiofa,et ftupendaiche here I was over all the other hurry incon * (Ideally, the souls of the men are moooono“ pa filone. P affa la Lˆurea ucrde, cr una parte del popom I'm gonna stick with it. "First goes the faded blue, which is the blue part of the attack is afflicting. A ffatian fi furio famen fenza no fruit: er frrif confi grauemente fenza ef fere off effe ct/ they are in conflict with each other d to fight for the State of the* the home poŽo poŽo in danger ? which deservedly fiends the heir tffer dedicated toUafuperflitione Infiniti: uedendofi that Therefore a good man so fiercely, and away from him I have ne jli coflumi.Horanoi we maintain these cofe neceffa for the sake of the people, who are decorating us... which they greatly defiier of riirouaruifi : mentrt that they playfully banish the proud penguins: Effecting a Few men, who were capable of reason, were that rare The most delightful lights of the good coffers: and the plebs more than the people". "You're the one who's doing the deed for us." íOy er for caregiver's paffatempo: because everything what she/he/it, what she/it makes of pleasure, er of amusement: that also judges douerfi apply to the happiness of the times. Let us give therefore broadly such a fpefe: but not Let's always be willing to judge them, no matter what. don't be a jailer, in order to give the people the most ceriyCT VaUcgrezz c defiderate. So far you stop the Theodoric King speaking for bocm c a di G tfiiodoro.c? prove it efprimcando la fua bon " Tˆy as to the many fi must grant the plebs the pious candles, and slices: with everything that ever happened inm conuenienti affai, it is well tfauertire, doue he says It is that Circenfi giuochi fifiniuano in XX 1 1 1 cor/i, That at times it was f olitous to add a more satisfying one The people, who ask for it: er chiamauafi missvs aerarivs, as Seruio says. The people heathen him: & that in the fecular Ludi were a hundred corfiyVT because it's easier to be effe* say in a day ; Domitian , fruitful that SuetoniQ "Stop, reduce, turn, we're going around me." 'igi] Gooc 17 U, of {ette ˆ cinque " OF THE FLAMINIO CIRCUS. The Flaminio Circus, like Plutarco in your own right... blemi, was so called by a certain Flaminio, that In ancient times he gave the city a great estate: Ventrate. most of which are played in the games... cauallo , which they do in quejlo Circus : er auanzanm How happy was the aunt, who by luifufimilmen was happy the so-called Flaminia . Queflo says Plutarco. But Luto, C T Phephthus Pompey, men much more learned than he... in the Latin antiquities, afjvrmano(fi like ne' buoni teu The Circus was built by that Piami - nio , who fought at the Lake of Perugia . Varrone fcriue , that the Circus P '.aminio was built in the camps tlaminij , who were girded, where they were foleua to arm the Senate, when they receive the Ambafcidm To which it was not folitous to grant them the hearing inside of Rome : orero when, for some necessity, it was found hurry , the coffers are out of town , mafia in the 1 ribu faiths, which live outside of R o* o but, ˜ d 1 other feditwfi , er nimici della libertˆ Rome* na . Of.thence fields does mine in the third one * bro of the first Deca , c r otherue : calling them bora fields Flamitiij , bora Circus Apollinaire , fertile ti Time, which is the time, which is in the fue h ijlorie. They were once this Flaminij camps outside the city : & then the camp Martio fi ftendeuafino to these, dom ue then the Circus was built. And therefore forfeited P. Vittore puts the camp Martio in the region of the Circus Piami - C ab: scholar affirms that between. it Temple (f Apolline, di which 1 1 1 Circus appeals to ApoUindre : & was uerfo la portd Carmentalt , which was wid of the doors of the fertile the city walls of the city extended by Romulus , er from T.T atio Sabino. The Flaminian Circus figurine was not far away from the roots of the Capitol : er like You can still hear it, start at the 1 Mar Square. gani , erfiniua precisely at the source of Calcar or a:abbraca Giving all the cafes of the Maltei : er flendeuafi infino al* lanuououauia Capitolina : taking in all that round many other cafes of other perfone.From this side gives Mattel the Circus a few years ago was in grdn part in pie * de : er allhora prefi ne the plant, from the minutiae of the mifure outward, that to not hauer the Circus the last Your harnesses, they couldn't take it. The most Intimera was precisely , doue is founded the cafe of M. Lo* douico Mattel : who has sung a large part of the foundations of the Circus in that place : er trouatoui between f other coffers a marble taupe in the form of a frieze in * cut with cherubs , which fi opra chariots make the game C ir cenfe: er in the trouaronfi cellar of many Teuertini , CTuidde fi ally of the channel , for paffaua waves iac m here : who is still pajja adept for cafe of a dyer the cloth : er chiamafi per corrupted ufo il f—nte di Cala tarara , forf for the calcine, which here makes. llpauia chin , er fuolo of the Circus was of calcine , er brick pefti,mclto fodo,cr groJo,cr lauorato di fopra di ala cune cofe of Mu fi˜co . Auguflo ( as Dione says ) eondujfe the water in this Circus in that frjia , in that frjia , in the which and ut got XXXVi killed. Crocodiles, CT fertile other fcrittori , other Nile fairs of other Ffietie : which was no less beautiful, than marauigliofa to see . Defending me to all my power to rebuff and rebuff and rebuff to confer the memory of the ancient coffers , er infiea Me to cover to those, who d'effe fi delight: I do". no with every pofiibilcura , er diligentia strazato , cr ingenious, among other noble buildings to demonstrate anm. with the intimate plant of that Circus : er for this make fio*. no gone no great effort looking for me* Every place, and every part of ejfo: not lafciando any piece of wall , for least that feu , fenza to see it, and to confess it foitilifiimamente : it is in common * gnandoui fempre the litter of those authors, who have fcritto de i Circi no more particular cofa : er ualen* tame well ffieffo of the minting, two of the ruitie , that few sound, they are missing: er taking reff ungodly de the other Cyruses, who are more intimate in the EU and its parts. In that they were at all rumpled: er in sum the whole of partly by conferring, er communicating with huo * mini no less for doctrine, than for rare gmdicio,CT flawless . So much so that between them uejligij , er for Vautn torita , er for minting , er for cffemp'ij , er for the confusions, we have at last retracted the pre* Of which my toil / pride I will give by m phone difcrete , er of benign judgement, fe non laude,nott we have to report at least blamefully , Et quantunque I do business well, that we don't lack in that no * C ij } I'll tell you the world of those, who were given so to speak evil } that those coffers more resume, that less intend ;“ The final judges of * which so much {limo I (Teff ermi done more / object , how coarse, "CT ignorant , co" I'm sorry, I've been daring to put myself in the coffin... difficult , cr cr cr from my main proftfiton ; do not At least not wanting to make of those more so with " I pray to the others, who do; T.C. who with that candour, with that kindness, proceed in the to judge the labors of others, with whom they trust, that to" Let them proceed in judging theirs; let them then find them. I, for the most part, have not yet missed. will be able to effere ageuolmentc in many county placesOfiano * "I'll get you, taking my good eggnog, in good ef." to amicably correct my defences: fe But to their goodness it will seem to them, that I deserve it: I am effacing myself {y:i}From the first one, which is so dangerous for me... Tandoli that hath obligously obligous them great, er that not will ever make me afraid to learn from those who do more than I do. Now, back to the first question, I say that... havinghave so far dimoflrato la f—rma of qucftoCirco, c T I have referred the place to him, where he was; it seems to me that I have Time enough to adduct the authorships, which make fi de, which ef". fo was in the place fopradetto, er che cofi fi fi chiamaua, CT I appreciate what you do. Scriue Liuio , who the Flaminian Ogre was built in the Flaminian Fields/, elevations "Do says. All the aforementioned coffers were treated in the tt the meadows Flamini j , which boggi fi call the Circus FU M minio from Flaminio Confolo , who died at the Loco Ç 9 , t of Perugia, Chiamafi still Circus (P A comb: " because Alce Li uio , after the Sabini army, CT ,, of the Equians, cr de' Vclfci ,1 With boluses with * ,,, flock tl Senate in the meadows flaminij 9 oue al prefenm "You are the Temple cTApoUine place called Circus pollen, until that time they were Vale m "no,cr Horatio. Of the medephimous Temple ago mertm tion Afconio Pedtano , when uuol declare the difm fcrentia , which between this and another . Et says , and he which is not the temple of Apctime, which A upuftoedi* fig in the Palatine after Cicero's death, ˜ pur do* A little the Triumuirate: but that which was built out of the * the door C amental. Cicero in the hourticnc,doue par " "P. SeJlio's," she says. Having made the deal, ZT "the confederate foxes appeared in the Circus. " flamimo , cr iauanti al popolo a parlamento , t "bound of the provinces by that fury, and the headlands of the "your homeland , cr with shouts , cr with opinions appro * "They heard what he said. It still says there "uio. So ´uenne ´i´i´Hí´i´HÁA´i´HÁC ... to gather the people, which is what you do... " rio di Marcello in the Circus Flaminio : cr from the temple "i'Apotime for the door Cor mental furon condotm two white cows in Rome, F uefii all the way for This self-confident authoritative, and believe, that the Circus Flaminio fia quefto, which we say: effendo chiaro , that the Carmental door was uicina to the roots of the Cam louse , indeed even though in effect roots, which the Circus was uicmo ad efffa porta... Most of the fcritters , * Ñ ^ ¥¥¥ C i ij ? - ' Ô . Type, They connect , that still that the games Ap—flinafl , H . T durici anch anch anchoue fi celebrajfero , nevertheless prina ...they're celebrating in this Circus. Scrini Roof, that uolenio the people hear the games ApoU future , bifognaua that pxgaffero a affŽ , do is a b * H O ra narr arer aremo the coffers, which was close to the eira co , er in the Circus . Around, it's near ejfo Circus ui fi faceuatio uafi da bere , fecund che fi coma takes by the words of Martiale, when he says, POCV" FLAMINY. F uronui beyond 4 this close to the said Circus many betas ti , and 7 decorated Tempij of uarij D ij ; as the fopradctto Temple of ApoUine , with a bath , c 7 lauacre , eoa me deferiue P. vittore . Er4 ne i medefimi campi F laa mini j the altar of Neptune , as Pliny says , quatta . '' * . t* y*- ? j i * you do says, that the saying in the heights, that was in the Circus F lami* bow, haueua trusted large amount of / angue. And rad fi" "I'm going to minien the Temple of V ulcano, to the guard of the here." The Sacred anus, they were dogs, why don't they smoke? ro stole the coffers /acre . There was also the temple of Mar." You, for Bellona's, the more uerfo the Carmenta door." The : when at the temple of which Dm was a beating Marble column , with laqual fignificauano , in which Part s'haaeua ˆ muouer war: therefore it calls". ? Column of War : for those who want to go ? aUa war, uolgeuano the batie uerfo that part, do " They were to go, they were to go, they were to go, they were to go, they were to go... Which teneuros are leaning against the Column : ne othermcn" y You for the fupertitiousness of that time, fi faria could an" . It was not possible to have done that before, but it was heard, how far that hatia has gone. Laqual cofa ...he's gonna put Ouidius in those uerfi. PROSPICIT to 'SVMMVM TERGO 1REV1S CIRCVM AREA, * EAST V B I did not seem i COLUMN NOTE HIC SOLET HASTA M A N V BEILI * PRAENVNTIA MITTI, IN R E G E M, ET GENTEM CVM PLACET WEAPON CHIEFS . On one side of the Circus was this Column, & on the other side the Temple of Hercolc grand cutiode . llcbe fi" * usefully thetifies Ouidio : saying. ' altera pars circi C VSTODI C * ttij . I'll be the ''DIGITIZE''. S vB HERCVLE T V T A EST, Q.VOD DE VS EVBOICO CARMINE MAN VS HABETi Et because of queflc cofe 1 Special milking* nothing in the book of 1 Tcntpij, we do not think of do " uercifopra effe defends further in that rooga. OF THE AGONAL CIRCUS. The Agonal Circus, as we have already mentioned, was in that part of R orna , doue hoggi is the piaz=* Za called d' Agone , in which the market is located. Et fu called Agonal by certain words, and r ceremonies, that s'u* fauanonelV immolar e le uittime,che quiuififacrificaua * no . He's Bora in an undone way, CT rumato , that just by those who have knowledge of the ancient coffers, fi can confi derare, not that by others. C hi fuffe the first tPejfo builder, as it has been said, I have not." tuto still find . I believe well, that Veffiafiano first but that the emperor is fuffe emperor to ffiefe of the public, When Caius Caligula was built: er when for a long time not very diligent in nectar leftra* Of , by commandment of the emperor was thrown to him Of the mud in the hay: so then was preferred V the wish, that he fuffe to peruenire to the fiommo degree which "I've drawn from some letters carved in certain Tener" vats, which were already sung before the door of fianta Agnefcuerfo lacafit de ? Mitlmi gentil'huommi Rome on the side outside of the Circus: in 1 which still that guafti , cr j pezzati , come gli habbiamo pofti in dim fegno ,fi Uggeitd the name of Vefpafiano , CT as and fi* Making him a builder, he did but in that Circus of the king. "God could not sing any song..." That for so long as that Circus is now on its feet: er in that I have no doubt. It was then in progress of time chia Ynato Mameo from A lejfandro Seuero son of Julia Mamea, who will revive him, er fvceui giuochi, er ca caccia of strong uarie , as fi reads appnffo Ruffo in the book of the Romper Regions as I largely ne rdm day in the flower slices*. OF THE CASTRO PRAETORIAN# L castro Pretorio, as he says Pliny, he was in and quivering part of R o But, fi as anchor to hoggidifi he sees a large part of e ffo standing attac" drops down to the city walls, and in that the who looks 1*0 back, who is between the fomenting* na , and Tiburtina ; of which we are certified for the lead fi bre, which bring V water to the wound*. uigio of that, sing of fiotto earth with ficritm letters the time of Titus Vefpafiano, of Antoninus, and of If * black ; we have painted the same infcriteria at the podium with the others so much of the leaden fleecy, when of the medefimo Caf ro tiles with the infcrittto endings ni * And that the Cafro Pretorio fofje da quefla banda , c little difcoded from a uia N omentana, there's no doubt about it, and This is still true for Suctonio, who says, who has - .? I I sell F dante liberto perfafc to Nero, who douefje Glide into the fubmrbanojutr farm, which he hauernt kieino “ R ornna about four me down between wages, And the N omentana ; oue fi poteffe fatua king dahlias furies of the people, and by the inflammation set by the nemx* fimi ˆ 5 he [sock, and m tonic, and with a cloak that fi Bring you against the rain, and with the tuff covered with a linen cloth , mounted at cauaUo foto co quattro de fuoi, among which was your Sporo , er Epafirodito ;tcosianm giving was finally fomented for lavish by a larrtm And trembled; c 7 he heard from the I quote Prctorius, that I was to him the hook, the cry and tumult of the Praetorians, who will conara of Hˆ fi foleuauano,e prenieuano Shapes in Gai factor ha . That's what Suctonicr is going to say, that little difcoj“o from but Sementina was the said Cd fbro , orero housing of the impe* guard The rotors were not there but Appius as some but Demons have finished; therefore that Nero going to the prt Said farm of Faonte, pretend the moment, that fi ago inside the Caftro. T rouafi fcritto ne 1 brick trot ti with the fudette fiteole , that in the Caftro was a peak l temple of the grimperators; which is still with the lauttoritk ifHeroduno when he says, that hearing Alt tonino Hekogabah let Alejfandro Rifilano die Moms to your mate in the Impenetrable, your first make it rotate like It Pretorili Famsusio , He fit Colo went to the Praetorian Cathar; therefore here were not oiled. uedmdofeco Alejfandro by them femmamente beloved , also used for other reasons in beefloHC - Oigitizp ** i 4 % I i a tjHgqqogle i there liogabalo not Yhaueffe made to die , comfortable and [worthy they all did not send you in time deputy f oliti guard , and shrink them in the Cadr˜ diccuano , who defies * rauano to ueder uiuo Alejfandro in the Temple. Antoni* Not much for that dismayed, and filled with fear "returned. And then a year of new life in the Cajiro with a fight / echo Alejfandro was the medephimous emperor's chariot, or* born as it was f olito of gold and gems * AtLhora i fot data opened the doors by receiving the one and Y other , and in the temple accompanying them, which was inside the moni* The ion, and [helping them amendue to a happy one, and More than [olito Following however more Alefiandro , than Heliogabalo , little moStrauano delegate of curarfi * Which he would hurt very badly * He lived that * In the night in the temple; be angry against those who Of this were cause y and noted those who most haueuano applauded Alejfandro , who commanded him that all* cheering] ferociously killed j laqual cofa not hearing the groundwater to oppose you; for the hatred that Hauean, c for Leuar*. fi before that tyrant, and that tyrant, and that tyrant 9 Yammazzarono incontinent, cr infime with him U Mother, and all your feu; and also the mintjlri of the feu and how many were [echoes] in the Ca/ho, all of them were cut into pieces. Even happy with that, they were cut into pieces. the bodies of Antoninus, and of his mother by giving them to the people, by whom they were superfelated... for the Streets t and then thrown into a sewer ? Outro , co" me says Eutropius , ejfendo his body Strafelato 4 "He guifa i'un dog, that for your unbridled libidine hehias _ jT Digitized ty Google' ntauano bitch could reeuve him a cloaca that he was in a hurry, they threw him into Teucre with a fajfo around the neck, steel that could not uemr up afloat $ for which he was later called Tiberino Trattilo . So far Herodian and Eutropian, who in the P reto rio was a shrine, which is a small temple, and the purpose that made Heliogabalo . Of the temple, besides the nmatione d 1 Her hate, I hate it clear for the tiles fudette , in which is fcritto , ex aed. avgvsto* R v m , ci˜ < f , della chiefa de gV emperors , laqual was in that very place doue Phauemo defended was the plant . Prouafi also the medephyme with best reason , laqual doueuo dir prima , del medefimo He* Rhodian ; Why did Antoninus C aracaUa more ways you tried to kill Geta your singing brother of mother in which the Pop.RoJjaueua bomfiima ffieran" 9 c therefore mutilated by effo Caracala, he thought finally to use it, CT entered the room, doue was Geta , to kill him he ran away apprejfo of the mother Joue also could ficure and that Pam" to the womb of that one. J 1 that made a wave ere he cried out for the palace, which was the prophet of a great danger by saying that it is not yet well established, he commanded the guard's oil-jacketed oils, which took him of pefo , and purely to carry it in the Castro , doue as safely as you can dwell at ?, I'm just saying, I'm just saying how it was pajjato, They brought it if in bringing it was uijlo by the chimney... Herafanguinofo tea, where the people began 4 tumulm But he has come into the Fall, and into that which temple y in which the Praetorians t gittatofi in earth rendua scratch to the Gods as fe for your confused falsehood. Waves withm ...running all the thunderbolts and slack in the newness, he began to tell the high office, which hasueua fcarnm I'm in great danger and then I'm going to tell you a story tar la nouitˆ fuceffa , ffieffo interrupts the talk not to mention aero 5 finally says hauer escapes To the agnates your enemy's captain, to hauer you fuoi ne but fuperati cr ejjjer rhyme/the emperor for benefit of luck . And with quede fue fue words, and fitm Thiom uoleuapiutojiocjjjere inttfo , that to narrate even to the mind the shambles, c what haueua perpetrated. Pros" then for your 2500 f oiled clapperboard. drechme Attice , c\ot 2*00 . giulij . oltre di que I give for the ffiefe equally more ddiorŽnario . Et m* He commands him, who since the time of his birth, from other times... gums, doue were reported the deniers, they took it in one day he'll take as many pictures as they do. And with one day inunfol not all that was kidnapped, which Seuero just in X V 1 1 1. years haueua ragunato e meffo nfieme del" Valuable calamities; and to recompose of this, the thunderbolts rebel Maronus Publius Geta , and declared Antoninus B afiiano emperor . It says more Herodian , that when the Praetorians ajfalironoi places to steal , Between Ephii cr the people was made a great killer, it isfim Nalways they were afiretti to withdraw; and while they gave The People cut off the aqueduct, which they Digitized by por throws P water inside ejfo Caftro . P reto waves They went out and made great ftrage of 1 Romans. But fruitful that says Julius Capitolinus, fi tojio che'l hebhe people cut the fiftole , which cc nduceuano Vac here in the Caftro, the Praetorians were correct to make With the people, who seem to me more reasoned than that, which that is, that when the Vedophis took away the water, they used it... d cobattere cotta of Caftro fu dibelliftimi mu rebuilt of bricks, and of latticework, with the feet of pints,with a portico of columns made of cimen Diligent, fertile, fertile and diligent tofiuccate overflowing, which fi he sees for some pieces found fucked up in the rouines, besides those who are in modern times, for which every person de gentili fufottopofta alltnoftrt fanti, cr al no* ftro Redeemer Gicfu Chnfto . In the place, doue was that temple, a chiefa was made dedicated to one of the no* fi nds (but fruitful that the time is full of doing) I have * The ancient 9 and the modern chiefa is cancelled > and all I phyto is occupied with uigne, and done slowly . And of so many rouina quefto is what I was able to put in defense, c a hen he is from the feet, which he is wearing, with the you're afraid of mufaico, and from the rouines sung by fot* earth, and pofte in light from those who have broken the ter* to fill it up, and make some grapes. Make me tfun Caftro still sees in this way for a remodel. 1 Antonino Caricali - THE END*. “M !P LA R'A LA R'OA D 0 S IF * ^ *** r '' r - " ? "' i,l,i j i DI PYRRHO LIG ORI % * NAPOLITAN. 1 % ¥ ¥ Õ . - * -4. , ¥ i V J - f - - "* l * . | THE FIRST BOOK D E L" ' v the Antiquities of Pyrrho L igea * Sync and corrections by n17t01 ? *: : : V È . 5Tã ¥ .1, . 3 t NEL Q_ V A LE PARADOSSA* the mind refutes the cornmne opinion - -j . Opra uarif $ er diuerfi places * of the city of Rome . s v; and various, erquafi itinumerable mutations, CT ruine, that the city says Rome has done, er pa* tite for many fecoh, cuan gives you the first edificatimi fua ne Jon corf infimo ˆ who, at the last age, have* no alter ato,gua I have, er transformed date Vefifier of first V affection, it is the body that is the city that Bones for a hundred years in here are tired to render * It does not pofteri some fembiartza uera; trouandofi m So much confufion of cofe, er not trusting the ingium D rk,er le turiti ˆ de temps, cr de la Fortuna ; nor with the stagecoach, which fi searches by reading, cr examining the words,t i f entimemi of the ancient fcrittori, nor 1 which fi still gives a good part of Ro's memory. But what about going blind, when in one? when in one, when in another, when in another, when in another, when in another, when in another, when in another, when in another, when in another, when in another, when in another, when in another, when in another... Infinite falls, and? big mistakes. Et is the cofa anm date in such a way, that taking efii bora that place For that one, and? Bora that one for that one; cr non rim withofccendo, fe not in petiola part, in Valliate Cam pi, in Cerchine T beatrice Curiejne Bafiliche,in Tem pij , in Holes, in Bridges, in Doors, in Gates, in Regions, in others places, public buildings, public buildings, private buildings, etc., taking txm rore fin 1 ne * necks; cr in fomma conf—ndendo , cr con* By making every cofa; it seems to me, that in a few rappremen Mimic the image of it, in the form of Rome, there Babylon the more taken away the fcbizZo, it's worthy of a hole No Labyrinth, but to speak more precisely, the portrait, I'm a model of a new Babylon. Under which I err" I hear you going to pray, not to the plebs, *? Three, which hang from the judgment of 1 decree, but communemen you still have all the antiquarij ; cr / filing , that from uera cognition of quejle cofe , /B/Jc to figure 4 the huomint, besides the amateur, e'I pleasure, etiandio not picciola utility for the much eruditone , cr (sewers) Strong doctrine, of which they were full; I judged not to give uer to make work, it is not praiseworthy, it is not praiseworthy, it is not free of charge ucndo defend the world, c? trahefitlo out of here You are darkness, so that all of you will be dark. i dŽk feerici, eie lo conduci*. For which he comes back d reread , cr con fomma diligent a ejjjammare gU ancient thunders fcrittori antichi , CT them Greeks, cr li Latins, that de the c ofe de la cit y of R onta have lajfato memory fde the poAtrity $ cr more than the others, turned cr with faith rati the fcrittides Publius Vittore, cr of ScAo r vf˜jico the ancient cr good fcritti ˆ pen, which however not mot I will be the laranno ˆ moftrarfi ˆ tutti per opera cr Audio del Let us endow Faerno 5 / opra de' quali VEgio da Spoleti, 4 of noflri in good letters confumatifiimo , fried cofi utile, cr ingeniofo comment . You fcritti tounque of Those two ancient fencturers I have confided c T feguitati In the diuifton of the city as here, which more diltmtamen the others, they have talked about it, making sb lordi* ne, cr co Uocation them, to each body your members " With those most jufte mifure, which could be so much to" teration of coffers, and of tŽpi, to which it has equally contributed due confideratione, cr rijguardo ; cr conferred with Doctor, do you think I'm a Jew, or do you think I'm a Jew, or do you think I'm a Jew? the opinions of others, CT my fopra that you dijfofi^mi d uoltre fcriuere of the antiquities of Rome , & outside embracing all ccfe worthy of memory > cr ij˜r" "I don't say them in words, but ondo." to defend them, to put them in the eye with the picturesque." ra.Nc laquale impregnates already with perpetual Au". "God, and many years of confusion and confusion continue... domi eUa(as mostly aiiuiene of all acts hu It is much more difficult to reufcita, cr long, than from before. Imagined apio not to me apair coppaia fatigue grandma". D f v - / ¥ > ; I, as for you, as for you, is intolerable k ti fvr!una,ch'e e uiui“jho penfato, while that for more can not Pope The more he lingers to hauerla fuaua for sniffing, that perauuentura not fiaia to take back, that meanwhile I Give no beechwood to those who have heard of it. gionareJ'a/pcttjno con defiderto . Collected at any time ; C V meffc infiemc the most notable coffers of Rome, c T d'ai* with other places, badly damaged by the modern, I have made of them a petiole booklet, er called it Paradojfe 5 relative * Dare that this name conjures them, by effer fcritto with between the common opinion of the other fcrittors of 1 nojlri tempncr not because I mean, as foliage' do the Others in cofi fattt treaties, by prona's wit I, believing myself, was ingeniously trying to produce the uero: as slightly as anybody can slightly conofcere will be judged by ammofity. OF THE HOLE IN THE HAND. Et per dar principio a quejle nojlre Paradojfe , ci we'll do first of all from the Foro Romˆno, as from yours g 0 noble fimo er celebrated fimo, cr de ti cui falfa coti I'm gonna need a lot more phonographs. And we'll be moving on. of the other fertile coffers that make us fi parar year dauan* tijion could in this way ferure a continuous order of place in place, er of cofa in cofit , fertile the colloca ? chin them . I say therefore, that in great error they have fallen those who want the Roman Forum to be fujfc in that lo /patio, which is between T ito Park, er di Seuero.So That in such /patio thou the Way /air, and not the Forum Rome v . . *7 tW“ilquale by all the worthy fcr“ttcripts is pefio nt U Connate ,<.he is between the Palatine, er the Arce of Understanding* gito, fecund that we will mojlr here CT alfuo place : & not in the e&remity of 1 said with Dj, cerne efii say', indeed the hole is between the Fortress, as is dictated " & the Ueca Gate c hta of the palace Ja which was uerfo the V ia / aera rincon The Temple of Jupiter Stator is the one which is the words of Liuio . at q. ve inde p osterˆ DIE, CVM ROMAN VS EXERCITVS IH STRVCTVS, Q.VOD INTER PALATES* NVM CAPITOL1NVMQ. VE C O L E E M FIELDS EAST, COMP LESS ET; NOT jp R I V S DESCENDERVNT IN AEQ.VVM". Q.VAM IRA,: ET CVplD.lTATE R.ECVPE ILANDAE ARCIS S IM VL AN T E ANIMO¨ IN ADVERSVS ROMANIAN ADVERSVS PRINCIPES V T R I N E PVGNAM Ciebant: ab sabinis meti.vs. cvr*. TIVS, AB romanis hostivs hosti* LIVS. H I C REM ROMANAM I N I Q_ V a LOCO AD PRIMA SIGNA ANIMO, AT" Q. VE AVDACIA SVSTINEBAT. VT HO*- stivs cecidit: confestim Roma" NA INCLINATVR ACIES$ FVSA'aVE EST AD VETEREM PORTAM P AL ATI I" ROM VLV S, ET IPSE TVRBA FVGIEN* TIVM ACTVS, WEAPON AD COELVM TOL LENS,IVPITER TVIS,1NQ_VIT,IVS* S.VS A VS IB VS HIC IN PALATIN PRk, _ ¥¥¥ D l ij " LlQigl'jz'—flb^Coogk BUT VRBI FVNDAMENTA IfiCI. AR- CEM I AM CHOOSING EMPTAM I AM SABINI HABENT. INDE HVC ARMED SVPE" MIDDLE TENDVNT VALLEY INSTALLMENT. AT TV PATER DE V M , HOMINVMQ.VE, "INC SALTEM ARCE HOSTESJ DEM S TERROREM ROMANIS! FVGAMQ.V* POEDAM SISTE. HIC EGO TIBI TEM" PLVM STATORI IOVI, Q.VOD MONI- MENTVM SlT POSTERIS, TVA PRAE- SENTl OPE SERVATAM VREEM ESSE: VO VEO. H AEC PRECATVS, VELVTC SENSISSET AVDITAS PRECESI HINC, INQ.VIT, R OM A N I IVPITER OPTI- MVS MAXIM VS RESIST, ATQ.VK ITERATE PVGNAM IVBET. RESTITE- ROMAN KINGS, TANQ.VAM COELESTI VOICE IVSSI. IPSE AD PRIMORES, RO MVLVS PROVOLAT. METIVSCVR- TIVS AB SABINIS PRINCEPS AB ARCE cvcvrrerat: et effvsos egerat ROMANOS, TOTO Q_ V A N TV M FORO SPATIVM EST. NEC PROCVLIAM A* ERAT PALATII ERAT, CLAMITANS. See here, then, how Lute dimojlra us the loco cip * point dout is the Forum; ashlar fia that the Romans ejfenio 1 Ark for the whole valley chi* is between the Chapters no t ctil palace, from the Sabini^ for infino to the P ortauec dyad the Rome of Romulus, Et [and ce/s cleome can eflcr f there Of those who are fierce among them Bring forth the Cake, how much try the Pore's /patio , how can ejfer that fia out Of them I will say that the Ark, as Suetomo says in the life of Augurerˆ in the side of the mountain that rtguar by Marcello's T heatro,because [eight f Arce was egU built Et the door of the uerfola palace Via f< aera hi tha tyour place was the Temple ˆ doue Statort as Plutarch says in Cicero's hearing, "cefi PPO." E A 0 n N A E O* KlKEPQN E K AEI THN SYTKAHTON EIE TO TOT STH5IOY AIOS IEPON ON STA TflP A PX1MAIOI KAAOTSIM IAPTMENON EN APXH THE IEPAS OAOY PP02 TO P A A As TION ANION T a N.Cioyufatodicafi Cicero,cbiamauailSenatonclTepio of CmeStefio which the Romans call Stator. Thick in principle dela Vta [ocher, of those cheritcrnauanoal monte Palati no. So it's pivotal, then, where does the door go? was more clearly because of those words of Julio Solino. in the fertile head in the confederacy of Rome parlan " dodeli Re. caeteris r e g e s q.vibvs LOCIS HABITAVERIHT.DICEMVS.TA TI VS IN ARCE VBI NVNC EST AEDES rVNONIS MONETAE, Q_ V I YEAR V. Q.VAM INGRESSVS F VER AT VRBEMA LA VRE N T I B V S INTEREMFTVS SEPTI MA ET VICESIMA OLIMPIADE HOMI NEM E X Vi T t NVMA IN GDP COLLE PILI* D dij 9 -t QUIRINAL MVM. DEINt“E PROPTƒR. AEDElSll VESTAE IN REGIA, Q "VAE ADHVC ITA A Pm PELLATvR, Q,VI REGNAVIT ANNIS TRIBVS, ET Q.VADRAGINTA, SEPVLTVS SVB IANICVLO TVLLIVS HOSTILIVS IN VELIA, VBI POSTEA DEVM PENATVM AEDES FACTA est, q_vl REGNAVIT ANNOS DVOS ET TRIGINTA, OBHT OLTMPIADE Q.VINTA, ET TRIGESIMA. ANCVS MARTI VS IN SVMMMˆ SACRA VIA VBI AEDES LA* RIVM EST, avi REGNAVIT ANNOS mi. ET VI* GINTI, OBIIT OLIMPIADE FIRST ET aVADRA^ CESI MA. TARaVINIVS PRISCVS AD MVGONIAM PORTAM SVPRA SVMMAM NOVAM VIAM, aVE REGNAyrr ANNOS. VII. ET TRIGINTA. / It is also clear that Solinus places the the sacred uia at the Temple of the Lari delti, which fertile fi caua da Cornelio Tacito oue he stops the Soleo of Ro V pier was in certain confinement of the corner of Rome of> Romolo , who finishes a third side, from here he adds gc the part of the Forum;tlwhich side is uerfo the sacred uia . And the door Mugonia or let's say old as fi is said to [opra con Pauttoritˆ di Liuio was on foot 4 Clone Stator ; cr as Plutarco says , in the head of the. Proud of those who return to the Palatine, and more * Solinoci dimojlrache the fommo of Nuoua uia erar Eight at the Mugonia gate; so much so that from the side of “jfta por" t were the ends of two uie , of the Sacra , CT of Nuoua * So from here nafee che il Poro no fia doue Vhan pofto ? modern fencers, so what's the point of doing the here and now? V ;i le! lattea dui dui originar uno come dice P lutarco,da Gio w. ut Statoriche era auanti la porta del Palatino cr u at the Capitoline Hill. Valtro origin was from the Carine which places Varrone between the Celio and the E f*. quilicyde fi can say dcue c bora the Colifeo , and from here * ki ueniua al Cliuo Capitolino, oueramcte as Fe says #O Pumpkin, starting the V iafacra from the Pretty ones # Two was the Sacellum of the Goddess Strenua, and she was coming to the temple, of the Capitolio er for inferior to the supply of the 1 Arce . And more says Varro, that those who use the 1 Ark from the Capitoline Cliuo lafciauano to delira il Forno' fo What is it, I do not hear other ejferueil called F gold, which in the Halle indeed for diameter to the fertile hepa ui dimofirct Liuio;er etiandto says Dicnifio that Romolo or Tatto pofero in peace made the Capitol in the city O* I'll fetch those hills with a wall and in the mez hefiI's zoI pofero the Hole . More fiery than the Forum Between attached to that of Cefare Dictator, the Publius skin Vittore places the Forum in the eighth Chidmta Region ELomano,o' la Via [aera , in the quarf Region ap * pelled by the Temple of Peace , so fi d Goddesses To conclude, that you have made the Forum, the Way. The air; how does it diuerfa , for which it is possible to* give the Forum that is in the Valley, er the rejlo fi will tell the was the place with other reasons, it prevailed that the hole of Ce * to make cofinaua in the Via facra,ccme ci dimojlra Ouidio de Triftibus . Et fe non fujfe diuerfa dal f˜ro(come They say ) H oratio nelli [emoni would not have said 19 A M FORTE VIA SACRA) Ile CtiaitdíQ PU mo c T Suetonio who speaking of the Gladiatorial made by Cefare dictator, not Borgia said. We make lids* And the whole of the Forum oftue, and the way from the cafe was to the to the Capitol Hill. Cofi therefore fe The climate was united with the Via facra, as you can tell us. That it is, that the two coffers are joined with the ForofVna of the two coffers. have modern day word processors known more than the ancients? They have taken advantage of the falph. PICKPINGS* True, and that proverb, that by one mistake nafeon mocha . Verror , that they have done , placing it Foro Rom.come babbiam said, in that (patio , that And between Varco di Tito , and that of Seuero, is flato principle C r eason of many others. And from here she was born to me V opinion of those , who have fcritted , that prisons Tulliane were already doue and bora la chic fa dt St. Peter's in jail. We don't do anything for anybody in prison. ancient fcrittorians, who were not from this side of the Forum R omano,ma da quello, che guarda il Foro Boario, c T Po litorio . Et fe no one will tell me, that Peter was even a fan imprisoned in this place;n/pcindcr˜, that I do not niem Go, which I give not pofja effe r uero, then that the name of la You've been honored to be able to code it to 5 but... Not for this reason I will not be able to concede, that here I am f off I was you ordinary prisons . Forgive the Romans They have no option of imprisoning the men who signed* gates# douunquemetteualorbene:ficomefi law among the others of Lcntulo,cr of C etego : who hauendo in Catihna's conspiracy against freedom, fura r 39 no mefi prisons in the fUnzedf C amphithies were in the Palace, fertile that ferine Plutarco in the uita of Cice rone . Waves can be used for penfaft cone coning Peter's fan tea, ccme g uaftatcre of the religion of Centi (i t uenijfe in the hand of some magtjlrati, who to tem ne) Je imprisoned in fue jlanze-Et not as I say? nocelle jails T ullianeile quali foprajlauano al Po* ro : ilche can't say about that place, Et chi uorri eonfiderar la baffezz* fua , risen from the ruins , vederi manifestly, that it was ueniua to point to the plan of the Via fiera, & d quello dell'arco di Se "erc,cr [ ˜pra ter ra,ZT was not as good as the Tulliane prisons were, the which had been excavated in the tofo . But for another one more im he's right, you can still say, that they don't make the Tulliane . Publius Vittore making menlione of T emm pious of the Pietˆ pcflo ˆ canto alle cancers TuUiane,met the said Temple in the region of the Circus M afimo,tt the Tulliane prisons continue at the said Temple from the eighth ua of the Roman Forum . A quejla fe n'n'adds an aU between the two of you. That's why Plutarch says, "Try him. CT Cetcgo were beaten by the Old Gate of the palaz Zo for the Via facra,el then for the Roman Forum, er ap prejfo me fi in the prison here in the head of the ForOjCr /Ir angled. That morefche Marco Tullio, in U the deferittion (the one triumph (of which fi will tell your place) it shows that I'm pumping the pump of Triumph from the Hole Boario, lafaauano the prisons in the prisons: er the T rion feguitauaua in the Roman Forum; er from the Forum for the Cimo Capitolino montana [opra il CampiiogUcr la (trust me, like &ar poffa, fe le career*) Tulliane fi posongono ioue is Peter's fan in prison. Cofi. I will keep ejferle Tulliane doue is the head of fans Nicola s : cue le pofero le noftri antichi edificatori di ejfa chic*, Do those who do well and better, than we the coffers of their antecedents. OF THE TEMPLE OF SATVRNO^ Da quefia f alpha coUocation of the Roman Forum is- born medically the opinion of those who care, that the chieftain of Phantom Uyaran has already breathed the Temple of Saturn , thequaltuttauiaera in the cape of the Vico lu * gario,cr in the head of the hole fuck the Rocca del Campi The Rocca ( fertile Suetonio ) is from quclU part of the Campidoglio , which nfguarda the Theatre of, Marcellus $ er that the Temple of Saturn foffe daque * The bronze taupe is a clear sign of faith * That were made to the chief of the Saluator uer la Confo that is fucked the Roccaile quai tauole fon pofie da me at your place, the liar of the Temple, say... Saturn, cr in the book of the infirm. But of what God foffe la chiefa di fanto Hadrtano confefjo freely, Hauerneper not yet hauerneper still no certainty: Because neither the fourth region doue ella and pofia , were timesj of Many Dijs and Rs are not particularly known which Theme That's the best part of effa fi foffe. Therefore appoint here all mainly in OF THE TEMPLE OF COMPETITION: DIA, ET DI MONETA. No better shrewdness is breath than that of those, that claim, that the eight columns, which up to the bottom in the Campidoglto's tail, opposite those three of Thurs * ue Tonante, behind the chief fan Sergio in Baccbo, poftein place high cr allenate that of Thundering Jupiter with his piano, up to Concordia; for, fertile Plutarch, the Temple of Cocordia was Podium between the Forum, the Capitol, and the Capitol: which Forum was a place to go c the chief of the Confilatione; c? the phono columns It was 1! Monte. Waves a more reason filmo fi poffa believes in king, who [one of the Temple of Juno Moneta, which , As Ouidius says, in more places than one F affi ; he was in his own" go eminent , c T preffo alla Rocca ; as fi can say of qutfio . > OF THE AVGVSTO HOLE. They have not heard well light those, who put the , Eoro ** Forum of Hope for Faith at the Temple of Pauftiit“f, because this Temple is clear fourth region and age * God all that /patio that make effer the said Hole,das uehabbiamuedutofcauarei uejhgi of three other buildings^ in the Forum of Tempij , er il Foro d'Augufto, as wounded * ue Vittore er Rufaera in the octave of the Forum Roma * No, it was the most preposterous in the Forum of Trajan, which is clear ijlcffa ottaua Region . OF THE CAESAREAN SECTION. No more have we heard those who say that the Po ro of Cefare Dictator / coffee in qtta part.che is behind the Temple of F auftina,between the Tranfitorial Forum and the Pious Thee called Peace: because the Forum of Cefare fertile Vittore et Rufus, was nett'ottaua Region , er not in theophyte called fourth.Et fecund that fi fi calia by Ouidio in 1 Trifli>with* The waves can't make the Via facra. The waves can't make the Via facra. no effer behind the Temple of Faujlina : Ma dauanti , the which he added to the Roman Forum to call it... of the medephimous name as Appiano says. OF THE TEMPLE ET ARA OF C O N S O . That's not what they say, that Pattare del God Confo not jfuffe net square of the Circus Mafiimo , or rather, that you choose was a clear-cut square, which was first goal as Says Tertullian 5, speaking of the Hand of Confo that he Romulus dedicated to the earth; and I believe more for that that fcriue Vittore,ejJer a Temple and an altar dedicated * to that God in the medephimous Circus, in the square of which makes Cornelius Tacitus lie talking about the thicket, hebeti* E ) Romolo. - ¥ * OF THE ARMILVSTRO. It's a similar phallus, that V Armila firo /offe in the top Of the A ucn tino} so that Varrone comefcriue in * li " bri of the Latin language, VA rmilufiro was in the Circus Mafiimo.conuicne adunque, that fvffe in the Valley, et non at the top of the hill . Et il uico called daWArmilua flro in the deWAuentino Region, of which ferine V ita tore, I will believe that / ˜ffe to the roots of effo Auentino , from the side of the Circoidiuidiuidendofi da quejle two Regions, the one of the Mafiimo Circus from the deltauentmo one for a [Irada. In 1 Armilujlro (as Plutarch says) was ilfepol. eh ro of the Tacto King . OF THE SEPULCHRE OF MARCEL LO" F alfifiimo anchora is, that the fepolchro of Marcello /offe that square Mafia Tower, that a few years ago no,it was thrown ashore for auaritia,nclla piazza di San * To Mary of the People: therefore that Marcellus was dissolved in the Maufoleo d'Augufio. cr quefio is clear $ per Virgil's author, ouc speaks of the death of ej]o Marcello . VALYRIAN'S BURIAL PLACE- RIO PVBLICOLA. Great ignorance is the breath of those who have nodetto,that Valerio Publicolaf˜ffc fepolto a V ci˜: et 4 My fi fi nished to be deceived by the phimilitudi - of the word, C r da i Tefii fcorretti. So that P Ua kUcola fufepeluo known 4 Veto, but in Velia, this is in a - ?Z&v.yv.t .4 part of Monte Palatino , de cofi fi diamaua : tl de Clearly he sees good Plutarch's Roofs, TEMPLE OF IVNONE LVCINA. The opinion of those who hold, that the chief of fans Lorenzo in Lucina / formerly the Temple of Junone Lucina} is not founded in autumn d.' no injuries torc', but imaginative photos of ftefii ftefii born of the name of Lucina. Varro, Vtitore, the others, who make me - tion of the said Temple, put it fuVEfqpiitie, er no in March field, doue is that chiefa called cofi da / Lueina door that built it. Dicon well , that in the field March was the Lucina's Luco , ofue was the Which place he now does not make it precisely where he is now. Was not much defended by the fertile Teuere rifrifee 7>fimo. DOMITlAFO'S ARk. Believe it or not, many people have also been injured*. tOyche Varco detto hoggidi Portugal, fia di D omitia* We who, as a fairytale, beyond the Vauttori of Cafiio Eni ceo } who says, that all titles , er images of gold , CT silver, Domitian marble cr, furon gua - fte,cr cr cr drops to the ground, clearly appanfee for the ima Which here also he who here is sculpted fife, which one has the neck grojfo , er long , er dijlefi hair , er short , like hauea Claudio , er not short , er curly , like hauea Domitian. Without that, as fi can fi ueder for the meda - ; glia, Varco di Dominano hauea four strings, doue que Ho has a piece. It is Claudio's, and not Don's. Nitian, ' ¥ ? ¥ ¥ * . - ¥ . And the Say Valerio lib, ?f. of ua rea luck" r GEMONIE STAIRS. Those who say, that the Gems were the only ones who were On the hill Attentino ucrfo il Teucre, the same as my husband's. Deceived, for it is well I, a nonmego, who do not fibber. in the region known as Auenlinoin therefore I grant, that Firii fujfero firii said mountain on that side doue say; not Judging that it was so far away from the golden F Roman, who will trust well the words of Dione, of T a* ato,cr of Suetonio net uita of Vitettio Imperatore,il which all three of them say was thrown by the said cunts, er firafeinato with hooks for the whole Forum.Etio quoti to d meyeredo more tojlo than fujfero somewhere uh" (ina to the Cimo publico to mount in the Auentino: but I was not as efii say. on the side that concerns the Teucre . And what makes me think they're spinning... ucrfo the saying Cimo, I speak the words of Valerio Mafii* But when he said, that what was breathless was fourth. to, the pieces of that can be heard from the F gold was the Gemonies phials thrown into the ground, which says talk. Do said death of Quintus Cepione .because ccStui hebbt Inala f˜rtuna y qudunque fuffizio Praetor , cr hduer triumphed , cr ejfer also State Confilo , cr Pontiff Mafiimo, he was so reputed that he was master, of the Senate, he ended up dying in jail, with his body ftrafiinato by the cruel hands of the executioner, fi uilto Lie down from the Forum of foot called phials Gemonies , with great " the horror of all the people, this is what Vale says. net tefii uerf 5 the end of the fe/i book . - PRETTY ONES. Very far away from the black those, that have ...because the Carine Piffero was VEfquilie . Therefore that Varrone in the fourth book of the Latin language dif crine endowment the cofiituiffees in the Suburan Region, and no ne'E". And Liuio, speaking of the weakling, says that he... He pafi˜ p mezzo la atta, et per le Carine ulne neU'Efqui lie.Donde fi firahehe,chc the pretty ones were not in the Efqui Lie^matra l C god, et which is in accord with that which fcriuc Varrone 9 in the Latin Quarter* ; OF SVBVRA. And there were no longer appreciated those, who had the I, that the Suburaerafu VEfquilie, because Varro says... ohe Subura was called by the earthly wall of Rome. Square, because the Subura wasn't in 1 Efquilie, but... in the region called Suburana , in which mainly was the Celio, the Celiolo, and the Carine. Et i ql which I could trust, I would easily believe, that it is done in this area, which is between the Celio Mote and the Palatine. what 1! Palatine on one side haucua the Mafiimo Circus , And on the other side the Forum with the Way noua:on the third side the ma Sacra, et dal qrto la subura. Onde ne fegue necefjarias mind, that fvjfe in the said Valley, the qlefa the qrto side to the Palatine uerfo the C helium,andado from the arch of Coflantino to the chiefd of fans no where efii say,et vit ter e, et Se fio Rufo f:riucdo la Regione Celimñtana oue the Lupanari people put the qli were in the Subura. Et fe cofi CyCome pu˜ fiar che fila tato difccfto dalla Roma di R o 1 rental cerne Jm done. DEL CELIOLO. * Hor what you do Popinion does of those who wish No, that the Celiolo fia fi colle, cb' is from there by S. Sifto uerfa And iij I V * U door Latma'Jo clearly conofcera anyone teg will be audaciously Varronr.who by placing the T a half-bernola half in the Celtole, in the Rcgwn Suburana, with came to the Carine, &- half in the E fquilina region; conuiene of netefir , that the Celiolo was in that /patio a fine blush , where is the uia , which leads to the fan pedal Giouanni.Et fe fe this parejfe /were of others, therefore that here - ut does not fade away with any ^glue before, that Varro does not say, that I made other hill; and then, that even though it is already on/offers data (as it seems credible). would therefore not make much of a marvel, which the prefect would not. ui fujfe: making every man that the hills of Rome Were great mountains, which then the great ruin of the great building, easily could not hauefim them by falling the fa* filling up that valley, and then there's that little cole Which you will, though you will go up on the hill Without whom you will not be* I'll help you to see that by going to the footpath of fans Giouanni, even if it's quite big, without a doubt the Ce*. Itole was in the Efquilie. HOLE OLIT ORIO. Clear it is, that those, that I say*, who are queuing with the truth no, that the Holly Hole was uerfo the T heatrodi Mar* cello, doue is Montanara square:so that the Forum Oils thorium was in the Mafiimo Circus Region : But note Could he be able to go to the Theatro:it is only that the T blessed tro is in the Region of the Flaminio Circus, er fan Nicola in Tullian Prison was in the Roman Forum. called the octave, but I'm singing to the Oltt or me. Conuiene adunque That the said Forum / Cafe more uerfo the Circus Maf“imo CT * the Ci-. * * V- ' ' O. gametes by'Googl not defect from the Teucre whose region has been perforated by the of given Circus Mafiimo, because the coffers ck*crano d'intor no auditorium, confined on one side on the side with the airfield ili The atro of Marcello, morefopra al Tenere, V gli al tri dui at the Foro Boario , cr atfA imitate. SEPTIZON I. is common opinion# many of the Modern Vhann— Fcritto , that those many columns, which read Vana over the other one at the foot of the Palatine, f eight a fan Gregorio * ...the monk of the Septucnio of Seueroima, that is not true, as ferine Publius Vittore, two Settizcnij were in R o mafi'uno il uecchio peflo in the Palatine Region , CT Vakro di SeueroneUa Region of Pifcina which compares with the words of Spartiano : in a way that that I could still, that this makes one of two weeks* Zc nij:the more to believe,t [making him in the Region Palatine, (he fia iluecchio Settizonio , doue was born Titus Vefi>afiano,di cut ago menlione Suetonio,that that of Seuero, who was in the Pifcina publica, as it is said ; but confŽjfcr˜ well for the mutation er rencuattone that in The more tea he's done, the more Hata he's done, the more he's told by Scuero. cucr da CaracaUa was your son * VALLEY MVRCIA. Ih aria fi can say,?habbian spoken those who hatt said, that the Marcia Valley, ˜ Murcia was in that par te doue c'hora fan Roccho,uicino al Maufoleo (TAu Owls o:For which Cafiicdoro^that makes it mctione moHra that the Murda Valley(as the Roof says you fcritto k penalty n a)it was doue the Mafiimo Circus "Efjendo que And inj \ Type Circus tu V Attentino 221 p alatino, c far away* Et u' a great everything from one place to another, AVGVSTO* MAVSOLEUM And those who write, that the Maufoleo d'Augufo hauea twelve doors, ouero Carceri , do not have anchor I'd like a crab eavesdropper, I'm sure you would. C afii˜doro attached by them, he does not speak of the Mau*. Foleo d'Augufoyna of the Mafiimo Circus: fi as fi can. To see, that it lazes them, in which this f criue, uˆ a, F aujlo J>Crpuphthus: it is good that he makes the word E, fio. nlieua: therefore, what a mole makes up every great building. But what a shambles to go after the auttoritd t hoggi fe. We see with our own eyes, that the Maufoleo d'Au Owl's got a foliage door, ^ no more ^ f V ORTA NEVI A. And door, called hoggi Major, is not, as tenm the modern, the Neuia door: why the Nf door?" he was not long at the Celio in that VaUe, doue Vitto." re pone la Pifcina publica , er doue ancho pone il Vi* f or the door Wuia:auuenga that in the widening of the river Po merioje old doors remain inside the city ^ ta,cr those, who are scared to death, take new life. uo name . Waves for so many mutations in 1 enlarge the city is never fried that the old doors are not fried. the name of the medephimous name that before, while it was in foot t Roman Empire femprefuron of unfol no a Me appealed to, for the doors that of us are made par which is called aajfeno by the uie. Ç Ç TRIGEMINAL PORT. How ejjjer can, that the Trigemina door fia that (tcffa,chehorafi dicedi fan P auloffe la Trigemina between a l'Ara Maxima uerfo the Boario Forum , C rfefem Before it was within the city pofeia that Rome was crepitated of phyto,cr quefta of fan paulo,that uˆ ad t“oftia is /lata det ta for other name Ofticnfe as in Dimoftra Proco*. pious & Ammano M arcsUino ... They deceive each other the moderns, who believe that. BRINGS FLAMINIA. Vn fiitnle deception is that of those, who take the door of the People for the Plumentana, which was well on the side of Teucre, but in the ancient R oma,& not in the nuoua , cr la porta del Popolo Procopio chiama Piami So that Suetonius says that the Piami aia - nia, par land˜ of the Maufoleo d'Augufto. DOOR Q_ VERQ. VET VLAN A. Well, whoever is carrying Q uerque, wanders around in grojfo tulana fia a certain door, that hoggid“ is walled up of la From the Viminio hill I appreciate to the V iuaro , in the middle between the Field Viminale cr l'Efquilino therefore that she was already in Mount Celio, which was no longer called Q. "er* quetulan as Cornelius T acito demonstrates. PORTAVENSE. N on fi nd can it be possible to hear again the opening, or rather the dreams Of some who fence authoritativeness of ancient fcrittersiima fola Of their heads trotting the coffers,w pretending to them the fires". boluses, apparatus to the world great offerers of the anointed* That memoirs, I did such as, as he would say not to err - Kings, those who call the door Tortuenfe have called Naua*. let's not let the ancient highly called, that Vortuenfc. HVGONIA DOOR. If those who say, do not douefujfe the door Mugoma,˜Mucione delVantica Roma quadrata, hauef "Hauereb", the ancient authors offered. bon trouato, that he was preffo the Temple of Jupiter Stator, cr in the principle of the Via facra, which from the por of the palace leads to the Capitol you hurt." A sound of Dionyphus, Solinus, and P lutarchus: which Plutarch in the \? MarcoTullto's office says, the old door was in ? that part of Jupiter Stator, doue begin the way to go from the palace to the Capitol. E t Ouidius in Trifti mcflra, as from the Via facra s'vauaua from the Old Palace Door. For which authors The so-called Mugonia gate is a manifest affair. Ptcofi, whoever could have a meeting at the Temple... Of F andina I was on the hill of the Pauline, whose temple doth dwell * as in the Via facra, as in the Via facra as in" mo&ra Trebellto Pcllione in the uita of Gallieno Mi" flower . LEADS TO VREL1A. The door called h˜ggidt fan p ancratio is not ago brings Aurelia t as quafi all modern j antique dealers They keep: because Procopius puts it in the Borgo, don't worry. far away from the mass d* Adriano ci˜ c Caftel fan " f Angel. Waves pofliamo peruerifimil coniettura pen * Would make eUafia that of the Spirit fan, even if she were a fan t Yes ¦ Tot˜rno that guafta cont—rno per mnturada qualche va* pa* He c ucro that the door of fan Pancratio U It was a long time ago that the Aurelia, with a fiery* but a genome was neither the door nor the A u* rea, poured into the place oue s'c detto* OTHER OPENION OF BRINGS FLVMENTANA, The wounded are quite well acquainted with those, who have fcritto,that the door Vlumentanafuffe uerfo poti te Sifio : but I couldn't find it entirely ? Elumentana one of the oldest doors of the fertile Rome by Romolofo neceffariOiCh'eUa (˜ffe piu preffo on Capitol Hill, not even {y:i}in the city as it is today... To beyond, who could arm the learned place is Bridge Sifio* amphitheatre CASTRENSE* The further I go on confessing, the more ...the mistakes of 1 modern fcritters manifest themselves to me. And fi They want, that VAmphiteatro, which is a fantasy Cross in H ierufalem fia that of Tauro Statilio , er non auucr* They say that the Amphitheatre of Statilium was of the sea * mo , er quefto is of bricks : that that was in the field March(as ferine Dione to the forty-fifth book) & Vittore says in your rooftops fcritti ˆ pen, which was in the Flaminio Circus, which embraces in fe fe part of the Camp March. Et quefto of fantasy Cross from Publio was called Cattrenfe, forfeited because it is a rcitauan effect with the fe relevant to 1 field,& heinous * \ Drqii N ? ->? D E L*A C Q_ V A VIRGIN. * Here's another clumsy mistake. They say > "Le Pdcgiw Md f—nte di Trcio y c V acqua Vergine y per That is what the aqueduct was: they are not auught, that that water that bora uiene in Rome y fi piglia per flit licidij from the cafe, and places uicint of the Cardinal of Trani, CT the Virgin is in the countryside Lucullano c V ueniua for the ftejfo aqueduct . And your own gold* gine was a few daddy's a PrencHina like you. you can hear tulio Frontino. DE L'ALMONE. It is not the Ukrainian opinion of those who claim the river Almone , in which foleuan the ancient lauar the fimu" “Iphid acid every antio y as Prudentio cr Vibio says Seque ftre y tiafcere from Lake Albano y therefore that in the ter* "I return Roman in the Latin Uia forf three miles of" fcoflo to the city has that river origin y running out of efja to the Egeria Valley trauerfa la uia Ap* pia y et Po fticnfetCr lately fi me feda with Tea * the days when the men of the paefe water D steel. ACCLVA alseatin. N/the fofe those have told us about the antiquities of Outside the city of Rome fi fon mofii with ha * uer greater credit in their opinions t quafi imagi " nandofi to find few contradictory, as it was not not many who are looking for the truth of such coffers and quantun." That far away and whatever she does the cause, that he Let them speak, but the opinion they hold is not black. ieW water &lfcaftna,which efiifar“HoueHire l“ella piaz* za of [anta Maria di T rafteuere , little with diligent* tercˆdo, so that the one from the little laniculo mountain ita fce,er defends it in that square. Loue that I did vat source taking] i from the Idgo Alfiatino for the uia Claudia, faceua fountain in the field March as moHra Frontino , which already has more than a hundred cVan*. who missed her, DEL L'A C Q_ V A A P I A ? How much do they say the one who r water called hoggi Marana fia V water Appi a , Therefore of the Appian Way out of the P reneftina , with* says Frontino, which place is little difcofto at the Tea*. verone da quel riuo doue bora and the Cardinal's cafŽ Triulzi , Et quefla that fi says the Marana fi takes in the hill of la di Tufcolano, so that the water is efferent Crabra,w not the Appian Way, that Crabra fi nishes here* vi ne f Ime Frontino , er Marco Tullio , - ¥ ¥ È Ç - . . . . . *} FALSE ARCHES I DI ROMOLO, That it seemed to him of what else he had done, that those brickwork arches prejfo a f f door Maria Libera The inferior thrice of the Inferno, the arches of Romulus, of which ? The only thing that speaks for them that does less ? Were outside the door C apena: et che Vo But Romolo's pears were not at the door of Capcna, which was little difcoHo from Sebastian's fan goal to go a“V Alinone river tarulla Valle Egeria, " . OF THE BASIN OF > AGRIPPINE. G errors multiply alluia, here are certain han uolu To, that the praise of 1 Agrippina fuffe douc is now h laui * gna of M. Lyon from Fano gentleman Roman : CT Although Setto Ruffo mottra , that he was in the Region Efquilina,ernon in quefla doue efii il pongono , which is called Altdfemitd,cr is part of the Quirinal chcuol gar mente appeal M ontecauallo . OF THE FALSE ARCH j MORE CLAVDIUM,'S Agguingafi ˆ gli altri anchor queUoxhe affirm 9 That opening that leads to the door of Sebafiiano fans from the Part of the inside is Varco di Claudio^t no ueggeno i eie Who; that that is not the triumphant uia of V England Of whom Claudius triumphed (as Suetonius says) md detl'Ajri Et that he is, as openly as he can openly fi conofcerc, it is not triumphal arch, but CafleUo ŽV water*. decorated in some way, to effer aW enter the door of the city . Et fe haueffe ad effer triumphal arch ( the which in ueronon would be more of a challenge than Drufo's father... Claudius the emperor, therefore, who in the Aunt Appius was fucked To 4 you were honored a drco (as in the case of Suetonius) er in the said uia, as Vittore says, was also that of Trajan Emperor , THE BASILICA OF CAIO ET LVCIO. I'll shut up, that they say, that this Temple decago No, that was it We'll see the Uerfquilie uerfo the Uia Prenefii 40 Vd trd hi uigna by M. Prancefco d'Affrd,cr by M.Co= fimo doctor, it is the Bafilica of Caius, the Bafilica of Lucius t er non dimeno Vitruuio defcriue the shape of Bafilica non by Decagon, but square or double or fefquialter, er with the peripter os around it, it is surrounded that the Bafi is not the author, that the Bafi* lica di Caio , cr di Lucio fiffe from A uguflo built in The one that seems to you, as to your place, will say, even if it is not true Suetcnio's suetcnio in confirmation ofUa lorfalfa opinioneiil which fe well speaks of Bafilica of Caius , er of Lucius 4 , but cr does not say in which part she fiffe. Ma bora per scratch of God fi fi phono [blankets infcritzionii that dimojlrano effer the said Bafilica that Temple of j anta Maria Egittiaca preffo'l Sena bridge We are proud to say of Fanta Maria . Of whose cdifi* This is what the ancient coffers spoke of. TEMPLE DJ PORTVMNO. But what a grotesqueness is their fairy tale to say that that Temple circulate and, which was the but of the Teucre hand to the fanta Maria bridge dedicated to fan Stefano , fiffe Already the Temple of the Utcome fe at Uercole fifaceffe Xo i Times of order Corinthio,how to fi foglionfare to the the goddesses, the goddesses, the soft, effeminate goddesses. Vitruuio mo Among them also that in H ercole fifaceuano of Doric order and not Corinthiofenza that, cc me can effer d'Heicolc, fe already c of Portumnot fecodo fcriue Publio Vittore, the which puts it at the foot of the Sublicio Bridge, we want to say Of Horatio, who herein is: for such a God conjoineth much well the circular temple cr Corinthius as it is qucfto. OF THE VATICAN. They have not fully intimated the uero quelh) that you have said , that the Vatican camp was in the village fio* I of Peter, who is as he is, who here was part of the Vatican^cophile that the head of the Vatican fof- little ferinchiufoincofi, as and thread do .indeed, As Pliny stopped. the said camp embraced all the plain that is between the mouth of 0 jlia. CT between the T euere.and the hills.Onde can ejfer mamfi/h.quana to fi fiano deceived m gre jfo. Et chi ben ojferuera Marcus Tullius in so many times that he mentions so many things more for shit We'll make Dictator ue ejjjer big , er not a square like fi penfano. THE CINCINNATE FIELD. But the more groveled are those who are not deceived believed that the field of four iugert of Cincinnata f˜ffedi la dal Teuere uerfo Kipetta of fan R occho:per what Liuio's words show he was telling me chest to the riua del Teuere, doue fi legauano le naui do c a i Nauah. Et fit well Pliny places them in the cape Vatica No, therefore it is not contrary to Lute's diuerph: it is suffenium. all the while holding back part of the Vatican camp, as in the paradoffe of fopra was called .crii luogo* doue fi tie the naui, was uerfo Ripa a canto al p˜n t he Sublicio.doue p infino ad bora fi ueggono tefte gru" defime of Lions of fajfo which fi fi tie the naui. A Ripa aunque di lˆ dal Teuere dirincontro al “aniculo was the head of Cincinnato, and no like the meders... They say, opposite 4 R ipttta CT Ë fan Roccho.per 4 f That which he never for any length of time frightened the mind that he was I binded our hands in the least sign of it. ...IN THE SAME FIELDS. As well as the ones that the meadows Quintij han poftifuordi door P oflerula fiotto the Caftello di fant'Angelo, who as $' said>were fuck the I anicle flourishes the N anal. PIGS. I don't like to favour, from which the mockingbird fryers Tempi s'habbian cautiously, that in Rome two dear ones Candles, one de N obl“i, cr l'altra de Plebcnne less than I was a fujfiero two jails, as far as I have the t t the ancient writers do not find any lie, nor do the of two prisons in the prisons of the P˜rone ne de Jail no P lem beoimafi well of two prisons, one of which was, by Ser - uio Tullio, later known as TuUiano, and was in the region of the Roman Forum in that place,doue is Nicholas fan in Cor Waxes uerfio the T beatro di Marcello: & the other called Ceti tumuiric was net Region of the Circus Flaminio, fieco do che flriuono Sello Rufo et Vittore net Regions: CT for what it firahe from Varrone , uerfio the Forum Olitorto, said what we have spoken in the fiuo luo." go with many auttorita de antichi ficrittori. SHAPE OF THE CAPITOL. Strange, cr of allfala opinion is that of colo * that they want the whole of the Capitol to flop Arce. Therefore, the Capitol has the Senate, the Senate, the Senate Delubro di Minerua t l Tepio called Fortuna Priimgcnia,quetto di I oue oue Feretrio,il Tonante,cr quel I of N emefi er of VenereCalua with many others , erect uerfi Tempi/, cr altre cofe,cbe non baueuano che fare with VA ree: who was in that part of Campito." g lio, looking at uerfo Montanara square , douefi ueg The relics of Marcellus's T heatro : which was built "The fertile Arce that stops Suetoniol what you like" PArcc,cr not flocked the Capitol for mo". Be clearer on which side does the saying T hea tro . Et Publio Vittore by naming the Campito coffers does it make any difference to him? Arce at the Capitol to the others Times j that ui were with the 1 Arce, says co fi AE D E S VEIOVIS I N TER ARCEM ET ca pit oli v M prope' astlvm. pearls Whose words he hears that the Hades of the little Hades was between the Arce and the Capitoline Temple this is of Cioue,oue was V Afilo. It was therefore not the Arce all the hill, but one The foliage of the hill, there were all the f opers in the cottages said coffie er others still. SHEEPFOLDS IN MARCH FIELD. Little effervescent net ancient readings have mofirato Tfejjer those, who have fried, that the vegetable gardens of the Mona that of Silueftro fans were places, douefi douano the Naumachie. So that, like mojlra Suetonio the places doue fi faceuano the Naumachie, they were sung in the earth with fedilt of lumber, er non haueuano Tempijin mezzo. But qfli hortifion surrounded square form of walls high of brick work, and have the T epij inside; adunqp Could not effer places from Naumachie $ but more toflo as I believe, were the two fepta, doue fi donano ifiufm 4 * frag“j: and the Tentpij were the fruitful places of the Ouili ielle feptajouc fi ragionauaua d? some cofe fecrete, DEL Q. VIRINAL. No" poffo reftar to marauigliarmi, che fi fia troua I have no Antiquarian cofi grojfo , er mal prattico, that The hill was held, which the hill, called hoggi MontecauaUo , fia VEfqutlinoiappear clearly for infcrittio in the Trajan's column, that each of us can hear, that he is the Quirinal . Publio Vittore calls the Region doue is this hill, High Semite $ in which between Valtre cofe coputa the Punic Malo , place doue was the cafa pri uatadŽ > Plau'tjier for the infcrittions that are found in the the fommita of this hill, he finds effortlessly, that the ? This cafa was quiui doue bora is the cone of the Cardino ? You know, that's what the Qgi College is all about. Rinaie, you're not a tenant. CVRIA HOSTILIA. . The Hofti* Curia is a lie that has been proven to be a lie. tia fi diftendejfe from Mount Celio to the Forum Roma * No. so that they were two Curias, and not a fola, which fi ...a pofta in the Caelian, with.., Liuio says to me, the other one in the Forum, the other one in a place... said by Varro veteribvs. OF THE AN* COLUMN TONIN IANA. Evil have sniffed those who fcriuono, that the co * Antonina's fairy-tale skirt by Antonino Caracollale very me The others, who say, that she is Of Antoninus Pius the father of Marcus Aurelius, For what it is F ij me can ueder ciafcunojn said column phono carved k Germanic warfare, er de' Sarmati, and? Faces rmenica, and U made, and? I made Marcus Aurelius Anto. nino ad h honour of Antonia Pio was your father after his death you d'effo Pio, like firahe from the medal here * the Marcus Aurelius calling Diuo your father, pofe in the riuerfo the said column with that wordc or N= sec ratio, et nel straight, doue is the effigy of Antonia Pio, with all the others, stars Antonini avg. pious Antoninus as a pious star haucmo moflrato in the nofira work of medals . Even though the effigy, which is carved in the colon * na,fia of Marcus Aurelius , er non d'Antonin Pio, nondi less so for the medals, it is clear that the confano* breath is confusing ta,CT the effer work of the said Marcus Aurelius . FLAMINIO CIRCUS. The Flaminian Circus was not in the square called hog ^ Already d'Agone, as many evils have believed it more ut until the Capitol Hill, telling all the writers, that he between not long of the Carmental door, which was one of the * the doors of the ancient Pomerius made by Romulus er Ti* to T atio Sabino . Veggonfi also the relics of the called the Circus in the cafes of Mattei er ne gli horti,which was the behind f door Catherina,et doue c la piazza d' Agone, It was the Circus of Alejfandro Pio, or Ma... Maeo, as in the Rufus' Auf Wiedersehen 4 pen reads. CARMENTAL DOOR. They're no more worthy of criticism, or of a comparison, those who have fcritted, that the Carmental door was in the Q^uirinalereffendo mamfiflo for what it fcriue Solino , er F efto Pompeio that she was at the roots of the Campidoglio uerfo the Circus Flaminio, er etiandio those " fio shows clearly in more places than one of your work Liuio. WAGES GATE * ET SALVTA RE. There is no shortage of boriche many non habbiano opimo tiorbe the door Salaria fia qtta, which fi called Salute , and make a cofa iftcjja . Not realizing they are two different doors of names c T of fit“ , as fi proua for Feflo PompciOyVuna dictated by the f ale in the 7 Sabines out of effa>and the other said by the Temple of Health That he was appalled pofio I was on the hill (Quirinal, as of ce Vittore in the region known as Alta Semita . Et the Salaria is from the Quirinale, or rather out (Fogni c—tte . OF THE TWENTY. So much so that they are part of the ancient Rome of Romulus; how much is aero, that at that time Was not inhabited by city body, fruitful that fi caua da Liuioiet da Dionifaer da Aulo Gettio,et Piu the first time tarcoierche was given to live with him ancient Latins,that Anco Martio conduffe ˆ Roma daU the preface of Apiole t cf he gave the kabitation to those mentions tadini preffo atl'&de di Murcia , et non so prcfc* not the hill, but that part preffo'l the Circus But fiimo, & Pofcia when Rome was diuifa for your greatness in fourteen regions to the hora were tut the den hills * I'm going to the city. ' M ¥¥¥ F iij 1 i TORRE DI MECENATE. i o' P opinion that ld Torre de Colonefi called Mefa, makes the Tower of Maecenas, and born of those, chf han te* That MontecauaUo was V Ef quilitto;˜ Vopinion, which M ontecauaUo fia VEfquilino, was born by those who have that the said Tower of Colonefi be the Tower of Colonefi. Maecenas. MacomefiaXuna,^ the other opinion c falfifiima . Because as we have moflro Monte What the hell is the Quirinal, the Tower of Maecenas was in the apartment. OLD CVRIA. Cornelius Tacitus,cr Vittore fcriuono that the Curia The old woman was in the Palatine Hill: and yet she is too * born whoever has wanted to put Pietro in Vincola oue to his fan I make Trajan's T berme ˜ iui a circa', laquale ejjjen* as it is well known, the reason why the tenant is here it wasn't the Old Curia. So that was done in the P a* Latin. "svbvra. Or as good uia's ears are those, who have said, that the Suburana begins at the Ro* hole. Tnano,& paffandoper lo faro di Nerua,vaua straight ahead to the Prene&ina U.I.A. So who knows what else they don't have... any fcrittore whose auttontd relies on qfia them openione 4,io credohauer mojlro di fopra,chela Subura the Suburana Region were in another part of the country. ...and the other side leads the said office. I poue" right fi fono deceived with the fan fcriuere Gregorio who says, that the chieftain Agatha fujfe was built . 44 in“aReg“cne Suburand. But they intedono efjcr la chie He fakes Agatha who was Quirinak, not realizing it. Which such a church ago was built before the time, which wounded ue fan Gregorio da F lauio Kecimere , onde conuiene who was other chiefa than the one they prefixed,!? forf c the one that was thrown to the ground dating from the VAmphiteatro of Ve/j)dfidno, which is in the Suburan fecund region. makes trachea from the diuifione that makes Varro of the four Kings days Vrbane . WHAT IS VSTRINO. i They are the ones who have said to you, who have said vflri thiOj˜ vs trinvm (˜ffe un uafojoue fi brugiauano the dead bodies: therefore that (as yet fi can hear) he was a place in the square A area, c r chi * fo around of walls of fa fi squared, inside the whose Piazza burns the bodies of the dead men, e? S trabone fcrtuendo of the Pir caia, that is of the place cuefu burned the body of Augufto , that from Latini fi call it vflrino, the diferiue even though it's round difaf I'm squared away. Which, by humer Adonis, is a reaction that... the Romans brought it to Auguro, they planted it in the ara. "Boros inside"? "Circling the gate of the river lo la la la They trusted intact. Et fi cefi is not heed that fiaaltrimen youuafo, but one /patio surrounded by Maceria, for To be able to officiate them] Who are looking for us in the burning casualties . GALLIC BUTTON. Every pack of imilit udine , !? of uicinitd, that names modern hMano with the ancients , dance to deceive F iiij that doesn't penetrate the coffers other than the fcorza.Et da que&o I believe that I, who frustrated the deceived, those who cheat, that Butta Gallica f˜jfirojouc bora is fanto Andrea m P or togallo. It's true that, besides this place is no mustache, As it was that, he does not end up stung by the aniculum, with the I'm told by Uuio fi ueicuajl here in uero who well wants to trust that Roman greeting when he went to U city a wolf as Lute will see the Bus fta Gallica ejfer little difcofio at Foro R adorn from the * to del Boario. SUNSHINE TIMES LV ETs. ) They equated those who said that those two Temples attacked tnfiemc ncWborto di f, anta Maria Huouafiffero cTlfde,cr of Serapis,therefore that efii fo no of the Sun, cr of the Moon, et fe well the Sun is the medephs but that Serapiie,et i fide no other than the Moon 4 , nodimc no haueuano their T pij feparati in Rome . Those of Serapids, cr d'ifide were in the Efqmtie, though not in the fia rhymefoueflgio someo, cr la Regione doue eranofi callua d'lfide,crSerapide. But those of the Sun,& of the L marrano in the fourth region known as the Tettt region. pious of the Peace, fi like fon quetti , which are in the said horto.auanti at the Temple of Peace that could not no ejjer in other region than the fourth. IMPORTANT. Dazzled are those who have said 3 that Flmpo". rio,eradoue FAmphiteatro di Flauti , called hoggi ColtfeOftl that can't ejfcrc in ucr'un way : because 4 * t amount er dittila Region called Allentino, vfopu - Tender's blade. So that he was the smug of the coffers that are sold by sea. FALSE OPINIONS OF ANCIENT THINGS. Are flati some, who believed, that the chief of infantrymen Maria E gittiaca , which is prejjo to the infantrymen's bridge Mary, make the Temple of the Virile Fortune, others have said, that she was the Temple of Modesty. Ma etque fti,CT those are all cagey. Can't ejfer of the F ortti Why, it will be that he will not find it, that here he made such a Temple , the one of Fortuna fi fi circular , CT That's what the squared can also effer of Pudicitia: for the Temple of Modesty was in the eighth royal palace... in the Roman Forum, which is not so fi ftendeua oU three, who are auuicinajfe at Teucre. Waves effecting that Temple cofi preffo al Teucre, like bifogna conftffˆ in the eleventh region of the Mafiimo Circus: and the same cannot be true of modesty, which was... Vottauadel Foro comedimoftra Vittore.Hora of which God, of what Goddess this Temple would any man say; If I were no other certainty, I would not burn with it. marloiperci˜ that on this side the Region of the Circus Mafiimo haueadi many times, like Mercury's, of Pluto, of Ceres, of Proferpinaji Venus, d f Hcrcole Gliuario,dcUa Pietaji Matuta : er meanwhile number of Roofs pi j,cr of Disfaerebbe flato affai malageuole 4 inm To douine, which one, and of which I am proud: But fortune has ouiato ˆquefla difficul t cr fcopertoci,che cofa,CT di hiera.Pcrci˜cht efjeniofi cattato Panno (tuffato it$ That place, s 1 is found by letters, which airplane inta." The Bafilicadi Caius was the Bafilicadi Caius, now Lucius, Et with dubious fjords, OF THE PALLADIUM HOLE. Sewer wigs that say, that the Pat Hole I adio f˜ffe,doue bora is lauigna of M. Camillo Capra a Roman gentleman ethic, in the Palatine, for side the Veffiafiano T ito passage , So that the Palladian Pharaoh was in the Region of the Temple of Peace 7 quefbo that falfalfamente say Palladio is in the ValiUma Region: and the hole Palladio is in Domitian's that fupoichia matodi Nerua, er ultimamele Tranfitorio, as of Suetonius light moflra , er was in the fourth Rtgtone of the said Temple of Peace as Vittore places it. OÈ de Martiale diffe. Limma poto Pack,paUadiumq - f˜rti. And the anŽhora of the apathy, which he kept, between the chkfadi fan? Hadrian, & the Tower of Millions.Laon de is clarifiimo, that in the placejouc is the uigna of M c Ca miUoCapr was never the only one, it was never the Palladio phero. But for what Cornelius Tacitus is talking about is the folk with what Romulus did, when he defended, and founded the city... in that place was the Pharaoh of the Curias, in which fi raguna hen certain magistrates, such as Dimoflra Varrcne of tongue Latina;cue was the Vico delle Curie, ˜ of the courts, as of ce V ittor e, douc fi treated the coffers of the religion do It was the Vth Auguratcrio, too. Valtro,chc have fcritto, that the Forum of the Curias, onero V 4 Ç Horace in Vmcola: for they have neither authoritativeness nor reason. tte any, being too much of a Pietro in fan in Vincolaal Palatino, doue were the so-called Curie . FALSE OPINION OF THE CO. SE OF THE MAVSOLE of avGVSTO. It's a fact that, for a petiole inditio , which is habbia of some ancient cofa, fi uien sometimes a perftta cognition Of thatUatma more uero is, than ffieffo cotal minuti fegni fom no cause of big mistakes to whom with the foot of the good That's why, in a wall. I give a short distance from Maufoleo d 1 AuguSto, fi troua mu There's an epitaph that says... diis manibvs. MARTI ALI S AVG. LI BER T VS A MAR* Moribvs,; breathless who believed, er fcritto , That Augustus made that fepolchro, which for your magnin ficentia was called Maufoleo , per fe er per lifuoi Free yourself, as free as you are, which is as false as it is true. He built for himself, and for his relatives. Of which he did not Would he doubt, he who has heard, as we have heard... With eyes noSiri, the fepultures of the infernal, er liberti d 3 I wish, of Liuia , er of Tiberius , er of Caius Cairn Ugola, found a few years ago in the Appian Way inside. the city acanthus at the door of Sebastian fans , with the ? pollutions of infinite ferocious, freed from other emperors, Who were in the medephimous places, and all these habbiattio in the book of epitaphs. OF JUPITER STATOR. It would be better if you did not read the fiction... who don't understand her well, cr cr cr finally: as they have done." to those, who said, that the Temple of Jupiter Stator was in McTeUo's Ede. Therefore, that Vitruuio, who is at the end of his life. they bind as witnesses of this, not of me. roof (˜ffe the T epio of Gioue Statore : but that that Ede was made called strong medefima