t á.lt17 .. t á.lt17 .. Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest U:C.lmages reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library POURTRAYED BY Scripture-Lighc: WH ERE IN Ali its fanious Buildings , i:he pompoi.ls + y,,/oribrp of the Jewes, wuh it.5 .tt:ncndingRiresand Cercmo.. 4 nies; the fcver:i\OfficerscmployedinthacWorktwithcbcic Cl@t amp!eRevenn:=s:andthcSpiricua!MylleriesofrbcGo(pelvailedundcrall;are t{tt ,4: trcatcdofacbrge. .. .. :r,ra,. 17. 4. toit toiti Owt t!t?};::;,!tt:i..':; tt..t;:,A:f,:,.. f/::\1'/Jo:!A:h: ;..:!tf:j¡,i: Lard,A11dt,ei1q11irtinhi11rmplr. 1 b [tnd oui tb7 L1'ght ,ml thJ ;,...}i, . i,,:¥them leAdm,, lit tlum i;;,,g 11uta t'1f 1:LIJ Jli/J, .ind t, thJ T11bm1n..!u, Pfal. ..4. 1,1., How ami11Mr Art th7 T.ibmMdtsO Ltmd of HtJfh: "'l Saut Jongetl,, Jt.t, tvm f¥inmh for tlnConrt1 ,;f tht Lord; Jl,fJhm 1111d lb] firjb r7etha1Jt i for the Li'lli,ig-God. -s, ,s, l Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library ._A [AtAltt¥1,f1h,f,wri1JP•t11rJ,lllë¥c,,,,r. J. A j..fJi!..:angbr of tbar,.,1,1 \Tëth iu e11con1p..!lìPg¥ p,;.. ..t The covercd Temple, by itfdt. 20 t !á. ....:..:t:..;nd P..lm-T,ee,. ..ë 5, ArkoftbeCo,eomr. 59 ... /i.lmc-fl.cenl, 61. 7, Table of Sbc1Y¥br.:1d. 65 t, Go\d..nCandlcl\ickr, 66 9. T1'l'o Bm:eo Pillm. 68 10, AlurofBrdfc. Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 7:::, 7? Il, ..ru.cnLncr. 73 I J, Hi..h-Pridl: in hi, ..¥cgeottrAnire. 87 A 3 Oj l fo rcrm it] or affi;a ionate tinŽture to run in the velns of fuch as have bc:cn n..; .... ....; i..tt..rh;,t..tn......;:..d..T:;:....h:..q..i:..r:::..r..r:ri../;il..d5 ch on p:iH cxpcnmcnt, I !hJll mc.1n-wb1lc not ceafc to bre.1the out heany A Prayers l._:_i',, Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Of the Temple built by KJ,ng Solomon at Jcrufalcm. T....J!......h: ......;..k,;..rf 4....::..;......[/dedi/a:;f 1:..he ....n..:r...... ....;:;eMo....rt,::..:..:::....0ln..i......;/..f ........i..:n.. ..o.. :n:..kjDtr; challenge pr:icedency to ail Build1ags, (ec;rpart forpublick W'odbip, ta4ny Nation uoder the Su'!á ¥ For the delineatlon of cbis anciem aiid pompou1 SrruŽ.11re,once beautif'ymg tbelal'ld of C1111,11¥1 char I may procccd in Come c\c..r method , Let me lay che Scenc Qf th,e cni'uing Oircouife in tll folloft'M ingframe. Fidt of all, I Rut.. i::onrrive the Porcb or Proem of the 'J'ra& , expofino-to 0 vie"'.tbegraad and !amour preparations for the Building; whicb 6cinghab.. folvtdinthefirllCbapter,llhallthendcfcendtotbemaiobodyof..!WOr\ w isnlncfucceedJngChapcers,wbereinmaybcueated, 1n the :id place, concemìJ_tg ici Dimenfiens and Figure.. 3. TheCouruandBuildmgsrouadaboutit, 4. TbeOrnamcntJ and ?loenfilr. S¥ Tbe Seniccs and confiant W orlbip tbercin ma?1aged.. .., The Endowmcms and Revcaucr. 7¥ The S:elcmn Dedication. S. The&o1uinuanccadDuratë0A. '9. The myfl:ica1Signi6cttions. roly and b!Hy, Its fatall Period and Dilfo1ution; Of all wlt1i:11, whcm I ([o theReverendandLearned, d ehw e1 f!..h..:;......;....Jt ....i......;..;....f :oh1\....ht:..r......;....h\;l....:! -_ I hope feveral hearcs arc under Divme hewing and. fquanng tor the fervice ot Godin h1s Tempk Durmg my conunuaoce thcre, I rece”ved many favou1ás Jrom you in tholC Academical prefermc:nts 111 which I then enjoyed t Yourgreatlove therein I Clnnot butgracefully :11:knowledge, and cuntl:antly ?ea-r in minde, having been grcatly ani.. ta t1h:Jh....:....fi"a'n¡c..:hg1i....ch..h..h..'!..:,: ..;t........:fc:r.... r:it:1rcyJ..j.... . fiy of hcaven to place me a.. a Labo..rer (though mail: unworthy J in his ah13lhCrh ........rn..ii..Ul..,O..i!....:; :....l..a:l......lj;t:t:f::..h....OO!i..:;......:[. is vouchfafed to give f piritual eycs ta difcern ir, far furf,affing the fplcndour of its ancicm Type, rhe Temple of S..lomon, whtch. was once the wonder of the world, Sorne fpm hours from rny confiantly murniog fervices I have through mercy enjoyed, whercin to take fomc folitary turns among the bcds of Spice.., arui there to refrelh my thoug..ts with thev;ew of the correCp?nding Parallels. After fcveral retirements, baving takcn fomc fmall iurvcy thereof, I conccivc:d i.. my duty (which I owe ra your Foundation) ta prefcntthe fir!t Elfay ot this my impolHhcd draught thercof to your view,earnellly craving of you to unden.1.ke the Patronage of y™ur Incumbent in this work. I confc:fs I Jhould have ac .. , coftcd you in the langu;ige of the Gowned Nation.. but I ferioufiy pro.. fefs, I hod no ddign (whcn the whole wotk was fim!hcd except the nin Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library The Prefˆce. ‚hap. 1. ¥1s; '"' ,,,..,pk11poÈ¥/perjio111 M /,w things, ;.,,J,011111 il Il . ”t1 ib,Jr.M,r Bu..áh..pi,1gt..¥I 1heex&eNt1uy ,f the S.ureJMyperiu laigeJwirb....htfe P4# /.a..s ,,,o ..,,,.a .a Jobtr pt..J,ns,poffe ffed w,th a ftr..OIH fr¥mt ,f {pmt;to takt .rTHE delrgh1 i¥ ,.,;ti¥g ,uh, f'P' ,fw,,d ... , ¥¥ J b,h,IJ1ng ,h, b,..,., ,f th, Krng of Saints,rtthtn htld ,,, h11 g,Utrit1,¥h1ietht Sp1ke1111rd {tlldtth f1nb 1he fmeO TEMPLE OF Solomon. thereef. For jM&h I dePrtto praJ mofl 1rdt111J71,;rl,,11;1,11be glor7 of tbeLmJ iChro.7.2.. JiJin 11n,itntti11m fiU ,1,, Tt¥plt iit lu Dedi&Ati1111s fotbe fame Di'11int ,:J;:::..:;:,..:..'::(,'t!J..:..:: 1;:;Je..te:{:::::;;::.,,;:f 5;;;e:t tlin,ms, 11htrehil Mdjtfl1 holds fwttt C1mmt1Èi111 witl, hM pt1pk. Thtrt 'fl!Mlf 1JJ,.W110 ,f /1¥rMi111interceplingletwtt11 the /1111 and G1d; but _,hmgbth,bl,,a_,f th,t gkri,., SA<‰fi" ¥Jf1reJ ¥P "" f,nt!I, 1htTe il¥¥¥yp,1,1J.edfo..111.111101heHoly,fHolies ¥ .4¥r.wJ1fCerem1ntt1Mtt..4fk¥ Cant.i.9. 111tlthegtmo111l,gh1of Free<1r1ce,b11tnow¥1i..rn11111 funder., Chrifl Df olll jlaodbth,ndethe w,U, h1rlo1k.., 1hrough&w111dowof 1heTempk,,mdthe L¥rr,1esaf ,n,kllf R11ts; but mwht foewezhhis fa11111ore full y, andr,11" Rom,13,1:glmoNJIJ¥ The11w..1bernightefCcremonies..misbld..ows; b111 now'1i& ]ttnt,rn,71ht ‰..w,,-,..9/ lhe d11 h41htJ/tned 111 ruddy Co..Èle111111ce in 4 . Erafm.in 'á f..O ,v1ewuf Gr4'e.. 'Ihe Sun if the 61/pel h.1th kngjlNd jl1U in the á.11...ri¥ Jerorn,Tom di¥n, 01t shu f¥WJo#4 Uf of 111r gloriq111 Jo(hua,wh,brdh led hil Ch11..eh 11111 .r i..-,. 3s, 1he Land of Canaan; ¥ndtheLord gr.atrif11147nwtr g1dow1r CHAP. I. 1,110,Uhil ..;:::;,: ;':/4::tS:":!f::..;:t,,;:t:1..!..%'%:..;zt:;,:1i::r:,'..t.. Thejrft [hapter containes the 'Proeinor us go .hcncc: /w ¥ greaur ptr/1..theÈSolomon il h'1e: ATUrt glors,"'. '!_1mtl1;, ¥"!."'..demJ1nif1jl,,mmgd"'nf11mG1J,.1,f Hm11n, '1 orch to the main '.Body of this Treatife; Wherein,are expofed to -vien, the famous'Preparations for the StruEfure ofSolomons Temple. A-tt/Jbcirisui.ointcd_l:ingbyS,1":11,1 rbc Propbec u..ttl,U ¥ .i,:i.11..d chereforc lccretly m1\lgocd,1nd 1&:erwud1 ope1:1ly pro1cct1tcdbr&lf11/, fledincbedmeotbi,ditlrcittocbc y Propbec ofGod,d"."'eillog chen ac Nlfj,11, in R¥¥lf,J,, aod _ pn,.uelyrtfide.. wttb h1m. S1nt\:ified 1ifliŽtiot11,cnh1nct 1 SI. If 1 ' ' ,' Spirm11l Dc1áouoo, ¥hicb bd¥:; o:ui::uied bra di,-in, and y aholyPropbtt, nunycim11prod11ce, accordircothcperlot1'1qo.J!icy, ?gnoblc,111d hcro”ck deli..?¥ for tbciloryofGod: l..cb t o¥e lprob1b1y 111r:e lkd brSlf¥1,,t l \Yll thiirWhc.renpoothey coolulred cogetbi:r u. N-1J,1.., y . The chat "bea Do1iJ0111e ce cbe !1t1gdo111, b<: Oio11\d remembl"r b1, Vo!lf' ln diHrcfstobuilJ,oratlulltoprcp..re1tlmueri1!1”or rherereaiogof1:Jorim11 Temple for Godt oame iti chc CityofJmef,11, ¥¥ Wc fiod rbeti:g?od men bying bcadt 10d hcaruclot toee.ther in the eomri,emeot ot all_r_ 0 ......,:..;:;kr::i.. ;á..;.. p . ;r;..b..:; ..:..!!fo;;r........i:f ....;rrJci' ;ri..:;:.e;..;,..¥rH, ,: th11 B.1ld1.g 1't'C read., tha.. s,-,11,/ 1lccrw..rd, wu, -pt1.C1pal Bcoc:fa&or1 ,nd lctdoWn by urne iti ..e firl'. D..ok o[ C/muid,1!, Nay 'l'J..fŸ:ad S¥l. Claip, ,,. ,,. . the ”oo of X!f, aot waaino: 1n ded1cm11g 1001c Treatnm co tbu bouCe of ' B SIII. Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library fŸ:br. The TempleofSolomon. Chapn. Chap.1. 1 be Temple of Solomon. H..br.manch of filver Will be 7 l. 5 s, of our money. ()_nc”alenc will be 36l!.10s. whichi, 5oroanehs,or3¡00!bek..!s. Forrit60355omeo be ExodJll,r6'. ofK1oiSaJ1.',Ho!t,;l.ndJMbchcSonofZtr111Ah, Captaln ofKingD.Jv.¥..á i medrnpay fla!fafŸekclarpicceá, tbenthey pa1d301775 fhckds, whkhi:; recoumedrtobeonehundredTa\entS1bt from Edam,MMb,Am,_,,,, the Philifl•nu,and the Land of AmR/.. .. B z More.. : :Jr .ááá A.1 to rrcc!on, 1lone11 we ficd b1m rn b..1e prcp.ired Ony, !lone1, tnd 4 The Temple ofSolomon. ll....t;';..;;;;::....:......;;;......i::i;l....:;:::......::;f ..i; .. ::::::::,:¥á 3611¥ooli, o'.ot11r. Mo•CO!crchcy,ddtd_ol B . .il1c1..brccnt..oui1nd”1á lciit1, an.\ooclrnadrcdcho1111ndTalcDt1ot Iron, bchdc1prec;1oa1Uooe,, Tbeie two _iolerionr Mcc1l, 1 lli.1.JI not lland t_o rccko0 accordiog to the D'a.. ;t¤i1..t....1....;i..ir..rii ....,. ....h..!...7.&. ..;;:..;i:i..i ..::;;....:-::;::::::..i;(:b”ch be h1d made for cbe L, tii111 chcrc.,icb 1opmfccheLord, i,.Fol1!..bly, b.. tppo}occd rhe ..rd..u ¥n¥O..m of the Piidla iodleTit ..s 1ntb.eir co1rle1 ofleni..e for lacnfice and j111giog, 1ogetber with t..e R1uon1 ol the Pon en 10 tbeir Wuche1 ,u che fc..ácut Gue,. of ibe Tcoe¥ iCbr,u.11 . ˆ.. . .. ,.F1frbly,udl1B:ly,Belidc111ltbi1,ot1rofhi11ffcaiot1totbc bonfeofl:lic rr ) 1 Cbro ¥. 19 ¥. 4 ....jáo......hi....=:i;:r..ác..:..:i;..i:e.....::;i....e;; ....;:-..:..!....:..;:J..r:p../: O ooeIJefOeoe.!,. ....r:o(c..:l1..i:;d..t;..;)......:..r..::; 1bc¥;j!:........cb..g..(; ..i1b..1i..0;..”.... ::.13Hooli. i1cq1iulcnt cocbc fu.. of ..5 37..00/i,of oor moacy,_ hftcrtbit grind ma!, ofMctal1, and. 01bcr. Tn:a!oret gi.rca by bioofclf 1 Cˆto...,,,1, :t:.. :J;,.;..::;..;:h...i:....t:..;!c;..;....ë;.........., 1e fb....:b..;1ct.. ,. chcFuhen, tbePrincc1ofthcTribe1ofJfr.-,/, 111d rbeC:1pmntoltbou.. o0ee ..1750000 li i;..t:::....f:g..!:!':,;i.. 1 :,....: ....:f:or;\;:;r!:to..;..:;cei..:..;;:i!l..:t :h.. h....d..:lá..,.;::f..bc0 ..:..et........,....;..:..d..:b:!b i¥........t..;::::..:: ro¥f\ Nuio¥¥¥¥¥d nur bcdeared co be k:ltmoottlle HebmTI ( l llilppokJ from ticlcn,opl1cuc..mparcde, Tbcirll wlcrcoffty1,1bu S,J,,.,. ooa4e 1 t”¥&á 10, tbrcc ..oodrcd lhitld1 ot ..c,rco ..old,,tDd tbu tbrcc pon.d of ..old Çcnt ro 17. o.c ilucld, The word 11 0';]1:) tbrc. Olt.cbt. The l'.!tber place Giye,, 1c1i,¥¥. ,.u. bcm1dc rbrccb111¥drcdJhieJd1, 1ndrb1ccbreebDndrcd (..,t,,J,, weh;) wc¥rtoo¥cihield. InetheHebr.it',;onelyl1id,ecb1tthreerinridtl:'.dof:old wcoc to one '1-.”cld: Whercby wc Jcu¥1tb1t one maa,b, ¥¥d tl'I handrcd of fom,onck>r.totcbeHebr.Wci:buwcrecqDtl,'ffhic;hc:011ldoocbe{hckels: ptchend,ot ..fub chi! God.ot rhc .A¥111¥¥1tt1, ffbich wciihcd .t T.tlcDt_ of aoldwilb cbe prc..iou1 il?ne¥ ..¥ken frool bim ¥.. J:,,;i¥h,aod let o..oo X:10g :i. Sleri, ? m. ;:., DAt11¥"s.be.1.d:ffb11:hb1d1rewe1..bedrbrcerhon1.tndiliekcl1, or 6t,yHebr, mu1chsorpouo..,, or one h.uodced aod meorr fŸc pou1deofoorTt,7 wei¥ht, rec\on1ngerbrcetb0Dltodfhckt1,corbcllicnr, ,ode,cblhekclco uoid proli?!tyaod uouble tt .. ¥¥ 6 d, oro.r b.1lf TrlJ o.oce,ic woold hne pro\ed, we1..bc kir 2 CrowDnor imagiHble, ¥¥d '111'011\d bnc almo!t crnfbt theCoaqaeroruodcr chi, uiumph1n.r OrDA!DCIU ëDro bit :rue. Yec hcreii,, die JearncdSuui111a,Mr,J,i,¥ ,,,,,.,r,, in b11 o,fir¥¥tit¥r Niinral and Wo.. ul, 1¥ 141. offeuhi,Sol.tion, byaConjcBhrech1uhcCrow11eTU6r!l: \ b okcn,a¥d pur..ed by f”rc, aod .,h,o oude ap ëJ1to a co¥,enieot '-rrn imo a, Ie11quaotity11odfŸted t'.or 1he 11.9:oriom Temple¥ of 'D,.,;J_ !ut I mhec aci.bcre ro the cooc..it of Dr.'R,já..,,r,.pon Ex..¥¥ 15. \'fho expo111d1 it o..th¥ u\u..of,Ta!cnt_oi.,old, aodnotoltbc wc1;ht,byre1foo of chc pr..cioo, fio¥c¥ tbn wcrc 10 u. B.r ho,re1ácr cbit be ao(wered, (1Tëth fome fair ud prob1bleei0terpret.tti.001ofPìl,tlf""¥¥.'odotber1, 1ofec.reecbi1pl1ce, r i 1: :..e....c..t1..:; ..f7b\.. 1 ..u....!l..;....d\....:f..:::l....;e..;..ea!r:l......fb:'N..:.. g. .ird¥ 1atb..te imcd Expca,c,; bue draw ..ip ait 1betom1 io Bmalia co::e.. cher, aodteewhua Vol!eyofShottbeyw1llp..y cowudt chedilhtr..eof Tcmple¥Expeoccw,..bercin 'ft'e llull accoaDt e1cb fŸckel e,fhlrcr at 1-¥¥ 5 d. c1chT.1leotuJ6i1.1o 1. 1odfor1old,eachdumnt7,.5d,,i,f. {.1od eachl11ckeleofgoldn1[.91. inde:"hTA!cntu'4;50Ji, ¥feoarec.rrenc fflOlllJ, li, d, T,,,l,¥tt, Sh,k;!J. Ezek,4f,lt, for in E..,..tl it't cxprc0y rccicede1hereweor bac ..¥tY lhdecl1 co ¥ maoch. ,: Tbcrcfo_rcurcmain¥moHprobablcthtJ werc chete dmnt, one tmodred bee 7c ir TbePurcb.1.Cc61....;j;....r; .... :r;..:.eni:b::;....t;:..e::::r....fi:e......e!:',.eYteJel ..f \e ,. 1.til o¥rmo¥ey, N.ow1cc:ordi¥gcorhet,rcJ,cfoldpcoportionot!ilYcre10::old, adr,mofw,ld11171. 5d. ,;. f, ',, I knowchcelcan:icdllrff'tw,Mdoruopillf t;;4¥ i'h1ppcrsofthcprc.trandlivingGodfhouldnotworfhipthcSun, according -:tatM,in1,g. to the SupcrHi11'!!US Cufit"Jmcs of the EaHcrn Hcathens : B'nr the '>mnipot, b. ,. cap,6, 1cm God,and Creator of that Sun,who appoinrcd bis Temple t0 be fo f:rua 1 :dr:t..ri, J:..iiili......f:ti::c1'..........e....it..;,i,}:........:;r,:;Ji;::y\......;;!.ta:c..; alfo ic wu thus fituncd, tO denotc the mm ion of G!)dS prcfcncc into E11-r1pe, afldthcWe!lern pansofrhe Wor!d: Orla(lly,isothersthiok,mhavc a rc(p..to lf,/tJ11,,t-(11'11ArJ, the place of our Lo:dslutfering; whoie body _ vu!tytnficd bythe Temple:and bis me1itonous dcath, by alltheTemplefacrificcs, Hiving[husfinifhcd,whatwaspurpofcdby1?1ayofPrcface, it re!lsi lhat wc now pro;ccdotothcma”n-SodyofthisTrcatifeointhc Nine (:haptersfoUowirig. 'Place here the Figure of the 'Vìe1l> of the Temple.. Building, and its Courts. CHAP. z.. oks áhni cof éarly English Books Online, Copyright Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Il. l l © 2019 ProQuest..-~á ....e-T'ernpleo Sole ..f the 'Dimen(ions, and Figi ....e-T'ernpleo Sole ..f the 'Dimen(ions, and Figi T..;.t::d,!:..i......¥........¥;::..!/;..;¥1..::1ic....J.. ..f..;;,::g....\e....lc..::t..f;:..rt....i....df Fom:... : ..:f$;ln..1....;/..;......d......1..l....n:l..i.... ;;: t..d c7!!;: ,ca T o yeu eun-cm be tore the common Chriliian t.A::r Onecboufandlixhundredfitcyle\¥encompleacyers,ther comp!uuycarsJully codcdthisM.i:Jthe i.1, 16 8. iioci _h áof Solomrm's Temple were laid. The place of its lhuaurcwa.s in the Moumain . waUsoftheCi JerHfalm,,,w:ryfa.mons fou..á ¥ 1 1 Jeb11ft1e. Inwhich\'eryplacc,theKingbuiltan lra.r toGod,Intheroornwhereof, K.S1J!umrm afrerw d ere ding Brazcn Altar of the Temp'.e, The quaotity o groun, uin !pent io iu Circui1 ,ts nor !et down in Script re ; ne andlieotnetricallydt:tc;:rminedbyanyofthean emV.: Tmáe\lert,thatlhaveyethJdthchappinefstopcofe, thewhole co,11pal”ofthe Mountain of the Lor Houfe thenthatdill:intl:pieceo!HolyGround, on w ich th1 Co,m wete built' Clpedally, finÇ we find ,h;¥moes thcN,mh,Wetlendo\theTemple, to have it dupr, tain, Burhasrothequantiryandmea”ureofthe oly fpeak in the chird Chaptcr,where wc mm ottbe vcral purpo!t::iscoproceedinthcDefcr”pcion;asLear mayl mechodofSqJomon'sArchiceŽts. Bmbdorc we !r co the main Work,il'; doub1 tlS e:,q thatwelhoutdexat.”:lydehncrhelengthofrhe brew( toour .Englifb:11eafure. T..isTaskmighchav.: 0en ca ifrhemo!tcur1ousand..xqmfŸeLabours of thJ learnh '1ellcr Mr,John Greiwn,lomerimcs AHronomy-P ofeffoi . . jcrfe8:cdandprinted;whichhemenrionsacd.h1 eado, he Romtiil P,01, It's hoped,that per!ons of Lear ing at olupprefsfoufefolaP1ecefortheCommon-Waltho ánytolerablehmeafllrehprcparcdandlefr”ntheir ands, nd Pap;:rs werc.con:mitted. In the mc..nt”mh(the ;i:r\..t..::t?o..1 :..........\:.. t::..:......j:..j:...... ..:..; l .. 1dTac”t1u I intheirDefcriprionofthe Wa!lso Jmtf, áááááᥥ,a¥¥ .... ¥á;¥:"".. 1 á Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLCImages reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Chap.:i.. The Temple of Solomo11. CHAP. II. Of the 'Dimenfions, and Figure of the Temple. ... /,1u... b, 1re,wÇ-x.,,;..,..- L ... /,1u... b, 1re,wÇ-x.,,;..,..- L Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest iic Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library The Temple ofSolornon. Chap.2. Chap.i. The TempleofSolomofi. iuaididnttc cd ........;..'b:i:;d:;:r......i..b t......;;,i!..;d!rO tdtes;;;:: ;....I..;!!;:: y1eldrng a quanmy bctw1xc 6 & 7 toor ofourEng/ijhroealrc1of..,rh fiarnre there ha\á..been !o..e even in our days. Funher,in hisCa..ioptipeaking ofrh; p.97 ..:;:w;..:..t':db;..;-..,:..:....c:..rr..r:....t:1tr';..e:::!c_';):!fJ..l..:..'i; P7rAm .d &98' Rer, fllt.,1,.0, ....awo, 7e{711,c_v. but oftbrce Cuhiis hcight; and in the fame BookrelatesotPhJ,.,ajWoman,rhatforg'.eatliarureJboulddbcacounterfcit: of Minnva1tocommancltheA1/HniA111toimroducePjft/irAIN1 inro his Ty. ntdelcd ..11:di..;hi..iit..dB....r;:;:..i....::,!:.....td;;......t..:;......d:hd;:1:z ahvayesenjeyned,thatrheChief ofthe'R...,..ttwSouldicuthouldbclisfoothig..,or file f(!Ot and ten inches h”gb ac lcait. Now hisfira Confullhip fell out111thcC,dick.,Wars tesyea.rsbcforeChrifi, ac:cordi..toR,1-uitHs, his fancy,do not cal. the Walls,Gues, and Porchesdiand the poor Ltv,w 1n 'i-7dfdd 8 chcir Watchcs,imothe Valleysof theM11ri.th¥Jl-/11Hntliin.Forchcdwholc Hilt,::.. ..}'....¥ ....;;:[:!c :r..r......d....u......=..fiv..blf;..C ....,!:_..d1d[::..: withthe Tcmple14nd.Ant11nian.sui1d..ngs included, did not conuin mncb D, B..a 1:ukctobcdmcanrdofrhisCubir.Icannotdthcnbntwonder,rhatanylhou!d rbta f fo fondly drca?1 of rh.. ..edinttii;m ofhum1neltamrc,and ablurd!y rondudc -..h:..a ..adii:!i:dtfa....;d:h..r.. i..:';:r..../fc!¡ft..h..hdŽhi;t......f;hf; t..;..::!j&; ftom fuch a thm and JCJune conjcŽlore, thu by CuMt.. of the firH mea¥ Tremfe, SiocewehaVethcnadlittlede.ucdoffonr handsidthisdtough and knotty fore, mu/lncceffarilybcmcanrdaDuplicac ro rhe P!tfcnt of So/011,0,..-1. r 0dcn ......rthav:....ae...... ..rir....b.. :......:-: tod.. ....:m!....d and !O proceed lo'rward to the Top¥ftonc of c..pptHHJ. 8u;......r..á; Fouoduions of the T l!mplc , thatadmirabiel?ab1kk, as much rcafon forthat,as for two kindsof WcighnandMoneys i Whcrc T/,t F11undAtio11t asfhcke\s tre notfaidto be accordingto thcSanduary, becaul doub!eto the_common i but beca11fe cqual 10 the Srmdard--Oicktl of¥theSanduarY> c t1ds ;..d..;:ridt..J,i../::,,....3..:....=..ct;::;....1a2::,....:¥,..r:::.... r f:; Jt1fŸce WH nccr in ashigb re umion wirhGod, H hisown DháiuSacrifih td0t ces, Nar,hercgardednot ..he....:..di:::!\sd....fid..d..:isd6b,i!g..::dhR!{.... ..i..l:d..tj..J;t....de!;lf..': f...'ii'::l; mentatfodiddru11downlik wcmay:1.t\owforthePorchdofoncdhžndredanddtwe..ry Cubits high, the .Ë,,mJ.d12,24,Irdwereto c Nations;rhuaU ..cafŸrcs '!cre, th..ooghout the famcCoiintrcy, of the filme fid.... ..'Jb..:..-:;;....}!r..:....:..!d..J........c :0..0!......:..d1h..J......tr,i......a....: 1:ropornonanál d1mcn1ion, accorcl1ng to theSmmeof M,ign11 Ch11rtA, (tO thenthcWaUsoftheHoul. lmle ob..e!f..d among us, though fo cxtreamly bchot>fefu1 in thar point, to ThefoUthickncfsofthc Wa!ls are not dccluciblc out of Seripture; WA/IJ the publ1ck 1..terefi, chat thccraftySeUr.nmight noc fo conllamly impofc y :........! ..e:J......t..!c..bi{::ba...... i i: 1 thethic.knefsoftheWalts,forthedBeamesofthcli..e¥charnbcrsmlycupon. 0 ......tYa:....!n ..j..!..b;:h..;ioi..d . l 1c ::j..ti..[:::::.. ) ,:..... 0 s...a!l.. ! lŽ...u; :finn.. ...... : fu::..i:,:::....:: On wbich account,we doaJ\ow but one Cu bit for thetbicknel” ef the Tem¥ 1>\ c -wall, from abovc the Roofof chc third and highcfi Story of the Cham¥ bcrs,to the Roof or Top o” the: Temple it !!f. Fi. B11t Right. Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Chap.i. The Temple of Solornon. OfthtPmh. The Figure of the Co-vered Temple. 1toB..f....fJr:..:..11e......be;;;..e:i..:......d....:1..1..:........!iti1!....sa......c..tioi.. S1ttiatiot1e ”..:i:Ÿ:!..: ti,¥..1?l..:f:'..;::r..t{..;....f{i..i]......ff7fb0:!..; Mi.,,. , backs toward the Temple ofthe Lord, and tbcir faces towards the Eatl:, worlhipping the Sun io1vard rhe Eatl, Whcreby is tacit..l, implycd, chac .the Bo.,y of bis Vii•onary-Tcrnp!e, otthe Covercd Houl.. (the Parmn in man_yth”ngsol ZGra/Jahž1Sm1Žtnr_e) was WeHwaredotth..Braz..n¥Alm. Iidus be noc cnough,obfene Out ot anoc..er place,that rhe Gate ot the out.. tertne, b;..!!r/t..hi..et:..!..;..h t....!;S..h: :!t..:; ......;e......e;..:: ..!r..!.... Ettk.uiehcwasbroughtro thcdooro!thefo.meHouleagaia1 wcrcad, Tharhefaw wumi!Tuiogfromun ácr che•hrc:fholdoftheHoufe EartwardeFor thŽ ........i..li i*!r....:lii....fŸiii!I..;s..;;t....\..;f ..fŸ;f . if;..i EÇk,.7.,; So chat now none m:ed fly to any ld1oufmes, or Propnenes of the Hebr(w 1anguagefor a Saoa11ary,w lbcltcr tlte truefŸuacion of thcTemple,as!ome b:1.\áe.. c:done, Tl,a bcautiiul face ofrhe Porch, we will chen be gin to cre&. towards ..be Ea!l¥q..ancr of Heavcn,whofc inward Capacity !hall be conuined$ithin ‰ t....c,.l.j, h[ ......:1f:1..:t..:t;....!........te......l..1...... [: srt.... ..f..e!eb..bit..o:ii.. i::;tt h hl ch - ..ta':J..::;,..:.. ::..g..e h!..dr....i'....d....eie;:;;:ri:::;.iie..h;..e.. e:..e......s:e pecteu oeh d aó..i;..e:1i:..Ji..;..pe..oe..het!../e....te..h....y theeJ....e..........:..:!ti......f..::n,f;.tf. the Porch was more then 2,:!> Cubits, and} ioiheight may becvidem by the hcight of che Pillm of BuJs,whereof wc {ball fpeakanon. Probably, ,..e bcighc of it5 loweft Rooin wichin, might be cqual to che rcll of the Hou!C:1 11;... Thin y Cubits. dcfcribcd, thatis,chehcighrinchcopcnfpaces,wasc1voCubics, andthc' Propugoades thrcc Cubic..1or thcrca.boms, or rachcrllacely Ra”ls ofSt&oe, belldcsthc more curions Ornameou of Pin&cles,Fromche Top of tllllsPON'bá 1haveread,rhac the Dead-St!a might earily be difcerned: wA”ch daimsalfi¥ Belle J#J,,1e1 .e h g..:::!i;..,....f n..e:oe;i;....; fr;..ed:t:..c:h..tf;l......l:..:t..:!:i..:..t..rsct-' aoem ..\..: l::e..t..e..;de0!i.... t; ..:!;;;;_¥s 0tt......:....s RuinŽs ) chat alt P‰ ' ) ..Ar.11i>iit,Jord,u:1,.1ndrheD..ad-Se..,m1ohrhcepem:ived fromth.ttTowerin f p (Miclctrday: llfl Tëh iufU<:>ëëf ..TdA11.fillo1.so"'-r.. it....fayes Ariftm1, ”h..t thcTem¥ ag,; ¥e- ple wu bui\t on rhe Suminttyof the M..ri¥h Mouoraio, which was buitc on hiihet ground tbcn tbat 1 ower of Pf..phin", Of G What Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest .. Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library rateinveouoninScriprnrc.incatcithtdbrding toontCubir, thcws nonedoffocha crcRing, in rcfpt.S: to the Bcamsof t ..g.,.,. ....t..; ;....;;:rf;:..ryetll....t:;tb..::....!......t....:..tt..:i..:!:.. rcroff. ThcCovcringthtnwas-of:B-e1ms1ndBoardt of Cedarwirhout: - bot fnrc1ythcCedarwu notC'ilpoftdtothc injuries of Wcarhcr, witbouc ibmetlmi..-orMctaHhersmoftptobab!y. BUt with whnMc:talthis coverir,gf¥6 Diow‰t,thc Scripnue isfilcnr: probably,nm of Lmhbc:caufe nothingisfpokcnoith1tMculat1llinanypanicnbnof the Temple. If wtfŸou!d ovc:r,lay rite Bonds wich Gold, I foptx)fe Mne dtwo11tly given, tt hivttffoorthtc:Žljtdc Pidgcon,.holes ac ihc Top ..f the Qracle.Bcfidc11if thc:y \)e fumcd,ac:cord!ng to .Ari¥1 ..unt.cn111,thcy w1ll prove; lcfs du:nthorc of the HulJ¥plau, wh1cb wou\d be m no ways .bcautif11l,n:cordhigto Rl!i of SJrntnt17 and Prupn-.. lio11. Nay1hcis p!calc:dto makc pmofthcOr.i:de¥Windows 1n bisSchCffi;e ofthcTcmptc,. thrcc or iour Cubits hi..cr tben theOr..ic/1it(ttrnyhis own Scale. Butto ler:thispa!S,l..DO'ffitobfervedbyfomc, thitfa'Cril plates of Scriprnrc:,(whercGod is laid to ˆwcUin thickdarkncfs) doáalf?d c to the HabitadonofGoa's MajcftyJ betwccn the Wings of theChcrub1mst1c ..,....:....:::r::....':heCa::..k..:tttl..";!..1::;:;:;if..t=r1 ..!: Pfal.i3,.u, ::...........;..: ..::t:en;r..::......f....:&,..:e":..: ....::r..t;. se tt c ,!y::!J..d':o..:..:;..,::;..t..á1¥1 Early English Books Online, Copyright© ?<2on-1ic9.----po.r;::o:,;Q..u;:e::::st..LL:"'!c..------------------.I Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library ..J:C;..t......tn:t....tt..!:ct:..t opcncd Doors of the Holy..place might yield. Tb, Hi 28 _The TempleofSolomon. Chap.t 28 _The TempleofSolomon. Chap.t Chap.i. The TempleofSolomon. á nocino:rthcfl.dhofChriil. Belldcs, inMoftJ'3Tabcmade, there wasno Hcb.to.19,mherlJmitio1:uhentbeVail; vwhich wh_c_o the HipháPricl\ was dmed 2.o, hcc1httts ....f :fot.. b..tt/:::. ....ta..t..h..t....;{ ;{/J;{:..rc !..t!: ....;..!t::i..-......:, then rhey being wnh1n the Qracle,t.h1s mutlnc.ccffanly. Howe..er, for1ts t1e1t1tbhron,:..t;..:t;1c..:nl,d..tr............t::1..1:r!..e..: ..[t!..!........i::..i:g.... bt:.. ..4..t.jtrubirns. Tocoodude; thererem.tiosrobecoafilered, Whethertfieout-fidaof theRoof of chis Hou! werecovcrcd,fub Dit,,inthe Ope.-Ayr, ac twenty Cubirs keiaht, or whether therc wcre any Roomswithin' rhol‘ Superiour tcn Ct1bits'pmlleltcotheheighcofthcHolyplacc. Asto chis,lfaH thof.. thrcc Verfes1vii:.,the 8th,9ch,and IOth, (ot 2 Chran, Chap+ 3,) a...e to be 1:‚hron. 3, underflood conceroingthe Oraclr1or HolJ,f I-Jolirs, and irs Pam!D1menfions, andMaterialsoocly, as'd;moHprobablc, thenitfŸouldleemtbcrc wcrcChamberso1ácrthisOracle, The verywords [ Of th..m¥ft H,IJHou[r] inver, 8, aodto, docarrythemdear: and asfortcheGo!dcn Nailsintbebegioniogofcheointh,lko?wnow:buta..rccioir, chuchey concero chc Orade. Why chen anut. hait a Verfe be imerpreted ofChambers I koow noc where, feeing no ocher ..rtoftbeTewplcismefttioocd ncar thcm,but the Orac!c,both beforc and .i.frer. Let us beegcu”ed then,if we adheri: to Mo111ra1NU in this poinr, thatthc Upper-Chambers there mcn (..........Ji::..:;....-..a....n:i..r; !f!f.. ;;b....'i..d......h..;be.. ....h..ctt;i::i:..;; the Ond..,poffibly 'f'lere Repofiunes for thoie th1ngsof Mufn,hloi H,IJ r,f Holm, v,z.. fuch, andlomaoyaswerenot ufedbySa/,mo,,, which was mtcrlyunlawfultrclycocondemntoanyprofaneulci Of tbe Side-C hambers. T T Herc yct remaio to be vicwed and de”cribcd the Side-Cbambcrs ot the Temple, by way of A ppendh:to this dtapter, as thcy wuc to the Tcmpleitfclf. O/th:Si;Hatipn, In thcfirtlplace1lct'sobrcr\'e,tbactbercwcrctnoChamlnrsadJoyni11gto Tht..of,fth10raclr.' :anypmoftbe Porch: ForalthoughthcTcxttellus, therc wcreCham-1Kinc.l,r; ..:..;;: ..t:..t (ioncs. D JI) t..c..ib:i::.. i....f: & . If; Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest .. Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 1i':,Ct,ttr....:......:..t;"..t..t:::::::tch; 1KiAg,6,6. h ac ail; which apprehenfion,agrces with the gcncral confent of Wri ..e......t otchtefe Chambc.rs,chcre WererhrceStocies: The oechermo!t whete.. ofwasfiveCubicsbrold; thctmiddle,fixi thch”ghc!l,7, OfrhtBrMdth, dc....h..t::,:....u..1..;:n::10....::;..:r..i:!:..c..;....tt..s..o;..::i..h..t!..i; [ liid, the Wall of d.. Hu\e, he made .Nmowed-Relh round .ibout, that the OfthtYAil,fthtOrifclt. l The'remple ofSolomon. Chap.i. -Bcams (hould 00t be f1tl:ned in the Wa!sof cheHoufe,]ThcE.,J,fa10J:Jof this: p..ce wilidearvptthc dilfr;rent Mcalurcs of1hc Oitmbcrs ,hus: '!he ....ll ....:1cT::..tt:rti......t::..b,....7: :::rut..tou...., ;::1a..6.... t:1b..; ; i1eiihr, therc was a p!ain PU:allcl t?tbcHonzo..ofaCubichIOadround abootthcTcmple; ortf)oowillca_Uu, a Scat ot Stone, whereupooonci Itng.6, lo. end of the CedJt¥lkamsof the Cbambcrs did .cfi to beu up the Ro,f oi dN: Jowdt1r or the fl,wofthc !i::cond Story, FiveCubits highcr ”rom thc:ncc, or at I o Cu bits hcight from chc groucd, rhc thickocfs of the T cmple. Wal,l w .;s yet a Cnbit lcfs; and upon that fccood Scat thus made by .. Cubits rc lmcmcnt in the Wall, rct\cd the Ccdars Ikarus for the Roof o!chekcond1 aadF/1MJrof1hcchirdSrory. At 15 Cubitsheight ftomcheground, thcthickaefsofthe..cml?lc-wlll wasyetHillaCubirlcfatbcntitw&Satlo Cubirs heighc, whKhy1cldcda chirdSear, onwbichtbcBcunsforthcLffotd1e;thitd and bighc:l.Story wcrelaid. Soch en, hencc welcarnt, rhuastbc Wall of the”emplcafmed inchickncfs,fothcMcaforcofthcCbambcrs incrcafcdinbrcadth; thtt the lowd'I: bcing fivcs the fccond fil:; the chird did prove 7 Cubits broa.. ; and yc, on chc Out.ftde,rhc HoDC.-ffOrk of the Chambers was pcrptnd1rnlarly ÇJUll : Sothatrhey ma..e a fhcwto Spe\.tots,u adiH:uice, mlk:h likethc lower Lcads of 01u .E.glijh Churcha. HC'rc alfo remcmbC'r,thac we u[C' Ÿ.e numbcu of 5,10,UJd I 5 Cubitf for the Rcbat”ngs in the Wallat fucbhcights,mcu)y becanfe Sciipture isfiknt ofthethicknefsofthcF/(/mbctwecnChambcr and Chamhcr: Whcrca.. properly,when rhe hcight of cachChambcr ist‰idco befivc Cuhiu,wc mu!\: app!ythisrothcinwardcontenrofd1eCbambcr!:: For rhough Ttmplt¥ 1 tte 1tb he Jfog.G.io, :..t1!::i:..1:i......h•....ui....c..i;:1;::.. :....:....!..t!a:::a/ fi?..t....t”:..thii..t.. ri..i....?..:i:..si..;:..::h..;..ebty ..}:F:h..P....ct0 1:..! ;..=....w!;..:t..:....;;tand Oracle,whofe Dimcnfi.ons arc onely proponionedto the inwarJ p.tn: asisclcarofrhcOradc,bytbctcxtClltOfrhc Cbcrubims Wiogs. Be[..from the quaw:ity of a Cubit bcfore-Uated ( which lhopc1by divine permi!1i.¥ on, morefu!!y totdemon!l.mehcreaftcr_inanothcrpbce) lfit be buta Rmw1-Fo(lt ,nd hal”,or ver y neat diat pouu,chcn the Beams,and Boarding, and Cancd-Work,wiU ukc upfo much of cach Srory,aSthar a \'Cty ra li and pcopei: man wou\ˆ almofi to..b the Cidio.., whicb would provc ,;cry un¥ fecrnly i.n loch Buildings ¥tBcfuk:s., if the JudP1C11t of AriM md P”!L,,lp Nt¥ .. _ J.wmaybctaken, thcyr:u!crbeTopofchcthirdSwrytr;i18Cub1..: and.. allowiRg a..Cubir,andl for cach Panir.ion. hap.2-. ..r wa...ocmhcr n1ore nor le(s then ..o. Wherefote, as tbey wcre”nthelCcood, lowtfhallbecohttnt,attpre!tnt1tO!'tthemdown11. on the Nonh, 12 on rbc Sonth1 áand 6 at the WcH-end of1heTtmple ; dm is,follronaFlootQotheNonhandSouth,ln6o Cubiu. The Early English Books Online, Copyright Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 30 Icngth n, © 2019 ProQuest.. The 'ëemple o[Solomon. Chap.1. Chap.3. The Temple of Solomon. ” lts Ltwgib. Th;::..t!:d1w:,;:h, C116it1. \ C11h,;;.. a..:Wall . .=;..li..:l....:b¥Wall r Thc..cH-WalJ 1 TbeNonb-Wall---6 i:! . _,.. =-_!_ 1 -32-Hcr.. wc fec the Breadcb jO, the Lcn9th 10?, the H4:igbt 36: asto the Houft' 1n gc..eral,_ Buc as to the Por,h 1n parucular; ns Brcadth :u its , Length 32,..nhc1gbt 126 ¥. Somuchforthc_fcco!'dChaptcr,treaŸngoftbe whicbmay be pcrce1vcd 1a1hcaoncxcd.Figu,cs of J:..f..:c......ild:;.s, 'Tbe (jronnd:P_lot of the 'Temple. n .. i---l>f O ..;i .. -u . ! ll 1 _1l O 0 il. 0 r l 0 l . 1.. 0 0 0 o o o o o o..o o o o o -O-OáO o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o CHAP. III. Of tbe Courts and 'Buildings about tbe Temple. For Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQues.. Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library The Temple of Solomon. Chap.3. Chap. 3. 1,he Temple of' .Solomon. S7 For the ..:i:plicaticm of vrhii:h words, l beferch the candid md jndicious Reader; Fmt of a]_! t.. co[lfider, tbar J..fepbtu doth notfay, rhe Plain was ('J\(pt fttff1c1ent: Bm1.1t'i1t ;,....fllff fcareefoflicient. Beiides, he ..oth noc lˆ'. , L _Tlit lli!l J but 'Ti ..yivrtl.:rf/1 x..,u.vJ.v_: the f1nooth equ..ll P!am at :op wáHhont :i.nythe lcall dccllvity)':-Y.:i.) !carce tuffŸ;.ient: Wht(taSin truthi tr ;vas the more fit ..nd propcr place tor to buil:I the Temple upoa, ..ecau1eof1ts p.xrupt Žlediv1ties: Wbichbeiog_framed ioto lvera.\ 1qmres ..Jtl......rk..J....:ia......;Ga..:;..: ..}........ :..l....t........;tr d1......rd ir..li!; at St.'D..n..tJ in Gl!lmort11n-..ice, .or any otberofthe likeánarure amoog the PJ!accs 01 o_:ir No Oies 10 lhis N.tooo, For accordiog to rbis pro jeŽHoa of rhe frame or the Temples Sii:u.uion,thc Coun,s and oth_er nuildings mighc lyc !omewh,H be!ow u, thutob1waccful Jleps and a!ccnts, oUt of one O:un into ..nother,the Temple ..1ght appcar thc_more hupgult, Aately,and JollpopallSpeEŸrnrs, Budmamlr.de(ue the ingenuous Reader to rc Jr..árt....'cu..1fu;J;!'f;;;;J..0b;ili.. :..........f; ..[s;b..;;;....che....e;../h:..; !o mu,h tn be mco(J, :ito..s i.o _tbolc places, where tic makes it his parti .. l"f'lS a Wall jl1{;\uding the greatell pm of the Mduntaln .:niar wo1kand buline1s to dcfmb:: the form and mea(meáof Sol..mon"t. Buil .. 1c fpf..(if/..po!i:,..:..pr........\sp\!:..J..h..:....:t..rt........Jj::r....J!:tfe..:..fs!r.... ,áokedGhoitswil.lpro,;eallj;ry,ancogagefullyigainHthembrandby,Yec however,a$tOthts very placc,tbe words tmroeoi.uly going bdore fhew,ditc ed by Labourers from place to p\ac!,rn fili ..P. thol.. holl vi..:::.. As tofod.. rare fŸrely double Por..hes, ou;....\tb%ir..z:t1ic"..l......:::1..h......f!1..:b..:fre....!;(()..g, l Chail DOW builton!UcbraHaodfamo11s Found.uiom, as were upon the Ea1-fide' procecd co proye that thcitW ..tk.. ..cre tW that the orhe.r pam were fomewblt lefs ”plendid and famcu,.. wlttich I fliall dt..”de iota two ScŽhon.s I F1rH of aU, lhat d1er,;i: .went two, the,_ other ftdes might notbepor¥ ..i::..\uri....{....!.. ...... i......\":a..t'..ffi!i{.. I Kfog.p,3,; ppC ..::....:::tr:..,..:,ti NJy polli..:y at the fait Worl.'.of Sol.tim1J¥) ..hed by h1:1"1: but thu af1;er helud finifued bis own and thc..een5 hoafe, '.... 2rpem Jo;ne1vhu probableby Scripr.ure it {‘lf I tbat lie porchcd boih t 1pe ....y;r..:.....1;..;}11;,..:;;!p:..bfy1 1 J ..rrb:fir‰dty....ef....; f:vpfo..;....;.. ::id-mm..i that fo we uuy lahác Jofeph,u his cr.e.dit aod reputadon: Wbicb ,..ill el!c ..PP!!H to be ver>á infirm ami /ubricous. We will not then cnolrr11e J111n if) th.1t 1, Dl.., as if th.c=,e wcre!loordin2.ry Wall compaffing the Monn-- jj{..{];{..:..Jj{iliij{......•;..:l..!li....l..:i...... ..áin p. Iot, bioi,cal Know\e :ze, and the anc\ent ..ullomes and Hifi odes of rho Jewiih Nmo?: who out of L' Emptr..urtn M,dJoth,foi,67,and others,doth mani.. f..Uth1s mor e fo!ly, Th.. which alfo l ho..e to make cle3rer in fucceeding L1nes,byrheGucsartwh1chSo/omon appomrcd the L,vim to wacch: whichGares "l!!C in the Walls of chis Oucward Courr. Be1ides1 nocwith¥ Sc,:ondly,_la cbc Jecondplace lfŸ11lendea,-oarrom.u1iie.. tH:nfro11 ],f,1b¥ himtclf (1,bol‘ .t\mhoric_y hach been hithmo fo abolcd and wre., Hedcocountcn1ac.c a coocm7 Op1aion) chu therc 'ffere two Courrr com-. fbnding_chcChclwas noc cxtant in Solomon's d,1ys; yet unde it r che fir!l l'..:, ') 5, ..f....t..ha....l....fa....:;t a..dW!f:C..iJ1 ..! l....:i1::1fc!h!r..0 ¥....;....,....c t>¥t1”n:;;: the Body ot tbc c,.,,..,17,.,,1, round aboac,rnd botb bai1ttb7 ..ing _ ,s,u.,11. Praycbeobc:ipleited tocuracodmplac.._of J,f,1h111 b11H1fio.. 0e ..:,;!..: ..fc;ri..J,........;J:0 Che!Lthe fpacethar cncompalfed ir round 1bouc, which were (,u it JC.ems bychis”cxc)dcltroyedbytbeCh11/de111,s, Moreover, chat chcle cwo Couns which SobmoH builr are not t o be un¥ i (rhac the People m1ghc look o\er) ic will appear more c:vidcnt by [li..d..j....i..tI}[gi,;..........\t{t!J[..j[i..\..lij[..á..i ..;If:: F , :an.PilAT1i11 th,1,p 11f rht 1111t11rA[ Rl!Clt, 11.ndtl:iu..vering ,f ,hem 'WM 11dor11ed with A. Ruf ,f (,J,.,.. The gates¥lf,11>fthi10,m,11rˆC,sn-t-wm.Jln,Uloffti11a-] Hcrcyoah1n:J1'{e¥ phminthcordcrly,ourfcofhis Hiriory, p:micularly h,ndhng the fŸulá !hf..”..;:..t:ir:i..o;..:....1!..!'.t..........0,':.r,-..:g,:......Jc..t....: Tcmplcronndalmmupcnall..mcnwithaWall. For {o the forccof i;:::;:{.. ::;..I:{::1:lr;1.....:;t..t1..:1i..:Ji;.l..;!:f:;: or Str11b1,or any of the Grt1.lc_H16on.ans thac tbaU :mcmpt ro dcnv ir. Buc asiith:nwcrcbnotenougb.Jafapb.-1tomakcfurework,11:ˆdc.sfl0(,d.111V-,.,, i,,.R ound about on ail !ides. O..lyby thcway,lct us bcwarythn wc: do not ht.ncc inkr that the wall wascmn\at: forby ÈJ.-:J..G-J,[,phwonc\y cxprc! festhc force of the HeNe111wor:i :i':i.9 which .any modcratc H,brifi,.. knowsro bcu!:dinScripturciomecnct, when rb.. fituicofa.bni:diogis q1udrangt!lar1 asIJhal1fucwbclow, tA/.S.Aswbcnhefptaksofthcthitt:, fidc-ch2mheu1huwcrcbuiltbyS,lmu¥about.thc Temple, be ufcs 1ha word xóM... p.tg.1.39. G. TbisWalhhcnchus,omp.tffiog th.. C"n Foraccord1ngrotbecommooacccpt10aofa Cabst, 1t anfww well near coa yard,aad iofoormeafurc, giviugadmiffio1uotBr:cycsaf0&:¥ dinaryˆzcdmcn. Sccondly1inth”cStoryofJefepb-.s, you may obfcrrcanom..aidCowr.. compaffingrheinwml, which1sdcan:dby chispaflagc, óJat1thadGt10 openingtorhcfourWindsofHeaveo. Wher,u ifthisouttWl&.Conrt J.toodoncly4'ia11mi,riput1,jut.:btforctheinff..C011rtCOW2rôlc::iaft, ,heni{hadnotanyGncpropcr!ybclt1nr.ingtoitopcningcothcWcft;ft11r;huGneonthcWdl ofthcOnrwardCourtf.mcicdrobcof 1bit 111r.crlot l”tnation,was-rhe fam1>us.Eaft¥g2.ti:: of chc PriaftsCalXt,and properli bclco,,. gtd ro rhcinncr¥Court: Whcnccit will fo1Jow1thtt [be mctlourCo¥ns a,cording tobrbis thcir ..DJcŽb1rcd Sirn..en,will b,ncDO Wc&-flue atall. . :Sobt to !Cl th1s pa(.. atprekn[, the quamuy aiuimcafurcoftbc WcR-Wal\ of thebomffard Court1togetherwiththe fauarionofiuigucs. pw:s'all outOë contro\-erfte : For by wb2t '1arb ..l, andfhtfi bct:itcd, ycu,may pcKeiVG thHeJchJ'ideofthisoumardfourálquuc:Coart wu a foeloae-alea&ìQ length. Thirdly, ..arly English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library The Temple of Solomon. Chap.3. ..The Temple of Solomon. theWotld he fllou\d, behold bien now joyninghaads with our expofidon. 1 hthctnY utc ttr ouJ!:ts..o..tt;ftSc..i;tJt:....:........of J,,J;t..,t..;::!et....!..:U..t..r..::J :boutthe Temple, c(..ccidly outof the lait, whofe Authority was ahvayes rtt bt..,..th..td....;..........ámay_ rnrnupo.. the Hingcsoftht Tc!'CpkGacc.., io chcouc1,-1rd Court, openuig of thm own acc?rd f..r. a dcnfion to th1s controverfy: ¥ whi..h wcrc placed coall the four w1nds11ues J1;[1ph111, ..'V idencly clcaring,that thegreat ‚ourt wu ro\lndabont the_ covcrc.. ..uddin<> for hc cefŸ us expreOy 1n anocber pla..c, CQtH:ertung the 1nward co..;c of the fccond Tcmple(accordiag to vcry Judicious Perrons) ic bcing ui¥ic ,bcrc were Gites to all the: w1nds, ¥ndtl tbcrc was none on tbe Weft tn ru che inncr Court, ic followu,chatt..c WeA:ernGacesoftheTemplemut. w,.6, ,a,.1. ci....::....:..;......!l:b......f chu ittlt Court,compaffingtche Temple t, ,i6, F¥ ..!J!..:t mtPu;i..:............o;t..i..tt}..l..b..:d..f}A:!i.... ..r;::....,gb..ldë....:: :;: b fŸrlonch,cotcoodudc,thcconfcotofmany,crylearocdtmcn,bothvf.bH/mji,,, Jcwsand¡Chritlians1 iathisparŸ;;nlu1 isvcryconfidcrablc. Thoughio-YJJMpAndH1 dced M111i.u"' doch fomcvwhac ury from otRm in the frame 10.d form oi &.c,p,t,9 E. M 2. the,,/,I,/111.14. 44 T'he:f'empleof Solomori. Chap. 1¥ Chap,J, 1be TempleofSolomon. 1hccomp,..ogCowm, con,civini:: tbcm tobclargcH.atthcEaHcnd,andnmowel.atthcWe!t. rbeJ:.om,m toor,as 1 fod befor..;being fa!l,rn inchlcfs then the Gr1rt,u1,6..5 But of che.Coum e..compaffing the Temple J:CVer did any doubt, ( chat I yetrcad ot J ti!I R,6mi, upon the mi!cenl”ruŽHonof J,ftphHI, in chat forccitcd pa!TagclTJho1,..J,-v.,a..J had.obu11dcdupono.thcr0Ye1fcquacio111 thenfrom615 Rm,-inJecr, bc111g q..adrup-1cd for the W,dls ofrhctou.r fŸ;..:..f:..:f....f ;ii..}J....fŸ.. fIifŸiig..g.. ..?..,. 61 1 pcnsthcfamcconccit: w:he,co11uffic1eot!y,iufo•cgomgliocs. us ; atcc ur ..,r,piiHIII¥ dai...ti......tfat/i....t;....!..t;h:;;:;..i:....!....:b;r..t..c....;;f;..h:: "¡á mol. probablythcre wcrc twoonely. Third!y, that for form thcy vvcrc qu1drangular, 1ndboth compaffingthc Temple. lfyonwi!I adbcrct$.11,f,,,,,.,,.w,thcnyou mutl not conccivccach ..adran..lctebc zqui¥latcnl:b..nhc Ea[\ Wallto bavc..c..n far longer thenthc WcHcm. Yctifyoll 'á15¥ MounrainofMoriAhchcnthis (whichw.1stltusla..rcd) by..wowho!eSu. w1ll follow the generall oplDlOD: Theo the Couru, wbcr of the l\ahbics, and the”rScd:uors,and the Commcatato;:. on the \'ë!ionar1 Temple of the Prophd fu..¥t. di Of &/11 Q.¥¥111itë11 of tht .,‚g#rtr.. i....i......;..P!..;..rdingtothis Divifion, lct's rcmembcr, that the E,,g_/ijhfooc u:cecds the R,m11n by 3 3 fŸch 1oo.. pans; tbat is1 the R,.,_1111 tao.. s....c;..hft1:api:..c..t..ny......::..s'i..!dt!:;'f:..t!....rr::z:mt..:;!:: i:d......d;j.. ....¡;..!..:a\!:J....:......:............h¥t:dhf::!..i..h 1,1...,..;....fof..;! ;3.' and Tradition, ol the Jcws, 10 dctcrminctbeir QE_anticics and D”rncofioos, R,m11n lo0t'.i deficiency, in retpcŽ”:: ro the ENtl”(b, being tubl-traŽted 1000" g who m.iy wcll be cr_cdited, ha1áiog with his owo eyes.bc.cld thcadm....¥lromS3 puts,aiad4\Crnp\cs (chat arctqutl roone!,111,l1jbálnch1 asabolc¥ bJc and vat. fouodiuoos of S¥l1111o¥¥s1 oo cRc Eal. fidc of the Tcmplr-, ru!cd faid) 1eavcfittyparc!,..ndfourfcruples remaioi_ngotoncofour Jnche..:á fo up out of thcdccp Vally, .and 1101 ddhoycd in bis cime. Nay fomc of s..-that the 'R._JtNAn t..ot ti l..nucwbar a..ov.. t1:c llmd p..rt of our Inch dc..cic..lt 1Af. 4i'¥ E-l1mon's _civil! bu!ldin_gs mnained in the daycs ofRa9bi B111j,i¥i¥, ”f hc m2y as toit¥.. toác::xceohon w1ch onr.Englifh tonr. Conlcqucntly, c1eh .E1igli{h Pace ( of fŸe ”oot,or 11\"e choutand !uc.. Pans before¥mcntionedito a P;1cc} ˆit. L'En-be crcduc.. 1n h1s lrmerATil,,., r,'7111,J..ClO 1Nt1 pin PJ:t ;;o?fU m:i iun.t ,,m,r. 30 {peaklng ol wh.u heftw u ler¥f¥I,,,,, viz. So..ere¥11;1m1 ¥f rh, Su,61,,..f 1633 / ........:tb......;u;:;::!i:t:t:t::c..:!r..;:Jb!:..::t!:?J..0 "t ,,"\-....:t..;f;;wrotc bis Travcls in rh..common ycaro!our ..rd 117 3, u L¥Em11reNr inth”spra:viousdiffcrmioadothtman”tctl. l”chtsbcttruc,ël'svcryprobAble, the va.OE foupdat”ons of rhe Tcmplcmight bemuchmore uunt m JofrphNs .E11gbfhMcafurc: hi..da”cs: whohaVlcoldusp!aincly, thaccacbfidctoftheoucwardCourt, 0 rlh :....:'..8t:...!:'ct...._!;7..;p1. fu;:1....;.:..;;;;;J:..b';v:..::1..:..tii:e..:t;..f ;h :a%tta..t..i..tj!r..l:..faicsheporcht”ttroundandthatticvusfour-fquarc/iŽ. 8.uabo..cciml) O-1-á0.-oI-80--4 ålltiq,I . I 5, ..h:}!....:l..t..if;:: :;::;;,,..,..;..;.::, ..:......d..:..;;t;f!;".., :..d..:..:..: rdt 01 the firics wcrc a:qu,ui to uus, u chc lame A11thor affcns: 1t w”ll thcn pro..c 4 fur long ”o compafs. Each [urlong or !ladium of J ifathiu bdngt ,ootircciao fccr, or 6:t5 Roman, which is ail one, as bcfore 1 mcntioncd outottRe Comment..tor upon C,11f1r11u. Tilcfiory is, thu Hm:#ltt run 11jng 1n his grcareA !pted, a:muchashc cou!datonc Jultybre!th”ng, fi.. 1f utg b;..:i! ::a!:'Ait:t..,..[!': :::t¡th..:;..t;;1f!...... :::,......:j;..!t......: pi,kStadiurn: wbich the CrcdtDS afmwards gcncrallym:civcd, Now tbc Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 'the 'Temple ofSoiomon. Chap. J, of the Wall of chcoutw.1rd Conrc of the: Tcmp1c,according ro our Statucc.. mea(urc,in proportion to the RQsAn foot, whcrcof 6 i S makc f,fr;h111 hia F_u!long cquivalcnt to the Gr..ci,,n (as :lisfaid abovc) wc fhall find it pre¥ c1lcly to fal! Ihort of anE11gl,(h balf¥tullc, 13 Pole:, S Fccr, onc: Imh, a" Patts,andfourScruph:s. 'nNowuponntbcfoppoliŸonnofJo[tph#1 his fixing thclcngtboftheWall Mdil h ..iˆir'.t .cn . :::!1nJ...g..:t:;:!..t..l.. ....1..:\:::r::::..i:....;,..h....f....u..:h:..11..ii J.nnpntHr. think r..quifŸc1n:doccd rhc omward circuit of thch(')\y groun!,to a prc:cifc ..): Ju- - :t..:....r:,i;::..:d..:.;ri..'!!"1';!o..ilb;H ..noi:;..;th:il..bi........a!! ,Uc, '': pal-;., ' fit"v;:. dcJ:rre¡1;7si..:......afi..::;7:....cbcc::\!i:......i..:rq....:t.., :..i!h..ccc!!.... " '"'11" CQntradiŽtJafph'M; lct'suy1fwccanbyaoymcans1cc111ndlethcm, k'.:1 P,3 $9;&,. rrue,rhelc /l.bbi,,.. irnt uioa\ly..f rhcfecood Temple; and ct:c,cfcm.no necd miy tome rh1nk of rcconcihng thcm to Jcfephw, "ho111 wc bave Cl¥ tcd inthi,< pmicnlar ior the fŸH Teoep\c, To wbich m1.y be anfwcrcd, that J,fapl:"' lay...down the fai:ac mcaturcforthc Exrcrnal Coure of both Temples: Upon whni(h, and mhcr acto1ánt1, it is, thar fobet and lcuncd perfonshavegc:ncra:Jyconcchcd the form and quantity ef the OLlmCoun, 10 ha..ebecn tl)c 1.1n1e undcr botht, and thcrcforc it wil.. hc pcni..nenr..nough to om woá k in h,nd, u:i i:nak.. an ..nquiry into the lcDf of ..e ccn1 1 let'..::.. 1 ;o ¥:b:r..i ..h:..¥,....:!::..:th:r'!i..;;:,..nb;1..i:rt:......: 1 .... J,{iph,,s. To ibis end it will not br ami1s tocal\ to mind, that ViJJ11/1111t.. a,jo many pl;1,r.s,do1h quorc: J,f,ph,u, as nerrit1..,1..at the V(all _ot thit Omer Coun was b..t 400 Cubits 1quarc; _and, vum1.1\arly, 10 ht.. tA,111r11tHs, P¥g._118,S,8¥,t he oo whc¥c:tells us in n:_h_it plac.. J,/tph#I <"o.th 10 lecllrehimáe\f, 1hu l yct find, though upo_D d1\Jgenc lcarch: Nmhc.t hne l_yet obicrved,rhough upon carC'Bi peru:al of al\ his Books, ..hat J,f,-. 7h111 h1m1clf doth af')' wherc mention the Q.uami..y, c:irc1,1mtcnbing tb.e Omer-Couttb)Cubiubutbyfur\ol'lgs; asA,m,,l,th ,.,,,1 -1-. ualds th_c ptinu:d Cr.py hc tal¥e in one pl.trc, which I vchcmently ,wpcŽ\-in bis fi1llory,f1.. J....,jr,W-rt, Thcwordsarcthcfe, lTJ,.,,l,:.ec-r; 7N..wr eb Lib,6,cap. :..::":':..1 ;;;t:.t;.";:.. ....:, ;..;:..: ..,.!..:..h:::..r1..r!....nh..!h' ..-..;....5 S S h Mr jZ;, ....::.. :... :..........r..;; ;:; r:ti;:,'";,;;:: ..r..VC..t;..rr.;:j1......Ot..:.... ¥11m, EJir, prnbab\y commi11t'd a fau!t (nr elfe the Copy is corrupttd) f?r CCCCn f,t16 .E . . ,.,o Cs bcir,.. (f\tnu!lcd i..co 1he 6rft lcm:r o( ( c,,;ju) wh1,h gave me ....;a:::....:i..:.Z:t;....;;f ....}rr:::is:d..tf;':..,:..: Ori..in..l v-e1e 10 ot o!,J, then 11 wnuld p11y laironJqfqh,. ..is lide, confirw - ming 1( own Relation in a place beforc-c1tcd; where 1t¥.. laiti, th at cach fldc e1i the !quuc ffU 1Sudium,or Furlonr:, Nol'I 'ds luffideni:.ly kno\vo,that Lhap. 3. 'The Temple of Solomon. 47 that a Greck Scaciium (with l'ihich, as the: other Meafurcs al”oof capacity becter knowo to the Jcws,c..eo the: Roman quantitic:s, J,f,ph,u frequcntly compares his H,iir,w Me,lurcsJ. was exa.:l:_ly 600 Gr1ci11n tecr; (Il which !!..J:::......?r:d..;nt;/:: i::....':o..J:t..::] ':l'!..i?,....J !t:!.. i?;.,..}; ¥ J, ¥lr.1,, ThacawholeSudiumis400C\lbitS, wbich agrces wicA thne place ofJ;f,,/,H1 bcfore corrt:C1ed, and wicb what we formerly faidcooceroinganC1ibit,that ic "u ne1rc!1: a bouc a foot and a half, Hctc the Accounc falls in pred!Cly with Gmm Mcalilrcs; For 1-ao Cubits,600 Grtci11n Fcct,and 011cStadium,youfcc,arcnowcoincidcm, Wcli thcn, as to the rccondliation inteadcd; Jofaphus fayi, thn the De B,IJ LN, wholccompa.lSo(th..facredground, togcthcr with theËHt..NittnTower, 6,c.it.'n"l: ffaS {ix Furlongs ;whtch r_nu(I b.: thus undcdlciod,Thac t..c.Temple¥ground 916. c, Pnconraioed four Fur!ongs tn compa(s: for fo hc layes ..!lhn8:ly, that cach Antiq,t,11¥ Fnr ac {::....,!..!nna:n..:.t..h},....nba:tz:..ici!..i/..n0t......:::rt........e..Fa..d ..n1 4áP¥541¥ 1 :r'c - 5::f;..::..t:.. ..:. ....1?..F..r..::;.. 0f....h!c....1N....b:!.. J;..{i..t :ig.,].. rook1.1p but ha!f of c..e wholc:,11:., one Furlo¥g: by which compuutioa, ¥ 7,fqhN1 will agreew1rh the ..¥biu eu8:!yeno1.1gb. Thougb J fear borh Clfchemfpcakbucaclarge, that cheir Mc1Ÿucsmayfallintoround11um. bers-. But let it be herc remembred,thac ,bis Tower behsg ac fŸfl: ufd for tbcManl•oo-houic, and lay”ng up of the Garmcncs ofncheHigh¥:Pricil; whkh ll:andingupooafptreplaccofchc Mouncain of (he Houfc, is by thcm catl into the Rcckoi:iiniofHoly@round: Not but that yccthcrc wasfome portion of ground rcmaining onrhc wcn,andon tbc North, for profanc,andnaot1ta1lcouotcdinnanyofthcitfums. Sonthcnnkingnthc Circuits of thcTcmplc,and Ënt11tiA, diAinŽt.ly and apm, wc fcc tbac tbc Temple wu four Fur longs about, an.. Ë111,11,-.. but cwo; wkich bcingpuc incoone”um,maiccs!ix. 81:JtnifyouJoyotbcCitcuitroundnaboutbotb of thcm,reckoningone!y the two Out-l•dcs of 11,,,,tžtf, dut are fmhcft from 1 uc ..:!:t11..::,;f):.::;r..:1;..!1;,f ..;:..1 !....:........:....;..;..r..........3.npalfagcof.F.Nfa#,111, outof.Ari.Jf'-"', cC1ncerniogchcPipu, laidunderthc Temple.for convc:ya,ncc ofWateriia thcfe words, Tiirn sri,1/", JWAA6fwri, ..-rel 'J'a itd, uT1t.Co>.i.., forfivcFurlongsroundabout che Fo1.1adacioos -otcbcTcmplc: SccnEHJ,t,, fr4p11r. fŸw,g, Li/,,9, C¥p.;S, Thefame.. word for wotd,wc rcad ia ËrJ/itus hi.s own GtttlCopy, P11:,i7. Ji11. 11. (chacis, fŸáeF11rlongs) thcywilly”cldrhrccthourandfeccfot tbeCircuic 01 un1w ....-..n;0'!)ntein::....i;;..:..dni!....;e/fh!:......Y, ..;†g ;....J:c..n..\:::: Vi,ruv.I. ;. ui }::,n..h..:t........u....:i;ttth : ......tc:tN::..::d:,.. C..bi; '..:!:..';: if ..z:..5: ensi it:bi.... :th;..fchti:;a..!....i;r;endt..li....&l;;...... ..li:,,ha....0 at:c:: Blf;:;,:;: fialf ( asisbcforcfaid, and m..y morcnamply bcmanife!lcdiaanothec f'lacc) thcrcitfocstwclvcnthou1andPalmse:quat totbcmeafurc of 1,fa.. ph 111, which makc, him a0d the RM,iu noc to fal! ouc i0 the Buildi¥g o! lhcTcmplc, N' Hca,c Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Dimenlion¥ of the Wall, ronod abont the Oon,-.1.rd Court uc laid do"o byZ,.,,k.!á,1rn be t"otbo..ftnd Rcedt, cacb Reed b..in..for: _Cubiu, and 10 h,1.L1dbmd[b, N01,-1ec1ng tbu t\lfo tho111f1od ..ub1u arc hrc Forloog1 at b t1ece :i...... ..:e:te;;..:!;hi::,a:..;....ts! b!....:. ..:o ........1\..:.. h¥lld-&rc1dtb1,ffhicb 1ri1ct to 3 J 3 Cobiu,1nd ... or{-, thu ir, llmoL\ 1110 ..:::.a;........e..:e rii..::!::i¥,..:Jii....;..::..:}.;:l7........:i;i;..:ráS:..iá..:}..;: t\i101,,,.f.637. s",J telhfier 10 tbe1c ff'Ordrconccrmn, t..c City Jtr¥{1ž1¥ it fel”, T!¥-d,r,¥r1.a ,;ali¥1 f,l(r .,; .-1ei,t,w1 It1 eo01pa11. fl'U founy Fur.. loti"¥ Now, tf 1c,ord10,toEr..1tJ1l,tbere w..reabont tbmyooe F..rlong¥ inc..t..p111,e1pendcd opon tbt Tcrnplc:Bu1ld111gt, tbcrc will rccn110 thco botcle\'C:n for 111 rbe Ciry befide1; wbtcb is mol\ abáord, N1y, J¥ftfh¥ wbo lne" ir better, 1..ye1 the wbole City wu bot thiny tbre¥ fntlong1 in co1Tip11se1D,j,/I, J11.Ž<1ëu,lib,6,c1p.t ,. Grtlc,l"t:9 1... JJ_. whichrc..til'cl ttnhcr _confinu..uon by bëI Te!li..ooy, conctrn10.. 1be circORlYlillt1Qn of f....:r}i..::t....:..f;:.,::tf..:,.t;.::::;:..i:..i:.;:..::-:!; Wbcnct f!C mo_H nccd..áuily iolcr the co1np1lj et tbc C')” u ici! to be le11 thc:11 chc L1¥.. ol tbc Bchegen, whicb i....ompt..d tbe Cuy oftbirty threc Farloo¥, in c1rcoit, a1 be ..ad rclued bc1orc. !.othu therc will be lcft bf Er..1l:j1l.., Me1lure1 of the Tcruple, bu.. 1 liulc abo,c t\To Forlo¥..¥ for the "'holc City. tnáomoch,thlt 'l'l'C ouy J..H\y ffonder u the ,on. and p..i?¥ ef fi'4l!¥¥th!s,io hit !arge Volumes, bt11ld10.. , Temple wirbo!'lt ,ny !ohd Foundmontorit1D1cnenftoo,1 coeb.:c1tOEdcdeuponthceholyW.011m1”0, which ffU incompu1h¥y lci1 in iu who1c Circ oit, the.. Er..,i:j,l..t-Tl..'PleCoom, We:ld1C'O,,.tnml11"10tbceper::cnptor1intb11bufio¥l1: I !hall .. oocly .Prc:..i:ir en con!tdemioo ch111 oe..cb coocc:r.l'Iì¥ithi1 inwird Court of the Puellr m S,l11Hu0) d1v1: Tbu fti:10.. tbe Temple ët ll..or the conrcd Bni!din; wu in iu igl'l'iid Di..eotions, donblc 10 )"!fis bit T,berngcle; why auy l'I0t die Coun_ ibot1t 1t be doublt to .M,fu b11Coun r Tbc holy Place aod tbc Or11de, fflth Jf¥fr,, wu ..o 100..;1,...ch s.1,.,.,60 long.. 1:h¥ breadth. inrheT.1.bcrn.tclc 1n110 ¥..o io tbc:lct..plt 1,0, The1tcc1n;;: M,{11 hu Court 1vuonc hm..dtcd C..'a1u \011.. ,od Iì\ty broad, why cnay we norchencc1llol't'chePriell1Cot1nrouode1bomS,l,"!',¥'1 ..emple, ..o be r ee1 u1eo ....:;......fiee..b;..he ......i:G:t11 :f;1!r..¥i:i..e1,e..i':..e,¡b..;,..;..!........;; ..coad Temple: for"'= reJd oprcOJ_1 t..lt it ,ut one boodredeigh.ty 10d c,J,:,: J,l,J. tc,en long:_ lothuom..wo handrtdC:1bu1 yieldt fi-r;C111.bic1,a..d ..-. _lortbe J,r/,i.,_169.. tbitka..101 chc W1ll>,fa _t ..ad Well1 m 1bat Coan, to ro1kcm D1menž-"!¥ y, !,a. idehce1 r 1::d ..:l::._e1;..... ;....ht:::h....1:r:....?1..-t..\1......' l..ic..e..::..........d...... .. i Cb11nbcu,t0HI ir.vurd hre1, (110c mulunngthc W.1.!11; for iati1tlc proporc! oru,they .1.re [O l.ie ucluded) wu trip)e cothe io"1'.d Arc¥ of...!,. fn bu T1bcrn1cle, 1,-hi,h vn.. hm tCl'I C11b111 broad witlun. Nmv 10 the Temp'e, the Hoir P!1,c 1,-u rwcoty C11bic1_ bro.¥‰, 1nd the Grotind¥ Cb1mbcr1, onucb1idc:, ffC:tcli,cCubiu1p1..cc10 P!oor. 1bw1 !en for botb, m.iog thircy in 1ll ..or the io,urd Art.li c1p1ciry of cb5 breadc.. of theco1c:red Tcmple,oe..!ct:l::10;1he W1\l1: Socheo, tipoo chu l11g..efl100, contqaently, thobre.1.dtb o” t..e Pritl_lt C..tin \1Jill hl\ 0111 co bt one bon¥ te b is ta wplc proponioDtotbeCocmof .fu:,J.. ;S, !../t:.:t::lr;:!..eb....o..\;Lt..v..1..0 ,e0 But 11:13, The "Temple of Solomon. Chap.3. Chap.J. The Temple of Solomon. 'P care and 1peed we fbaU cndeavour then to fix thcm ”n their mort cxaŽt places. 1..:..;..:1..:..r..........ir::;;:,;L;........:d......?..:h..(j;..!i..:..::hf..::d:;:hi.. tbct: Couns, wt11ch So/gmrm budt: for as ro the Nc'(Y¥Courr, ami the Che!, we fuall lcave thcm to the Dc!cdhers of the feco1Jd Tem¥ i pfor the Wa\ls thcn bnw ..hick or high io t..e ‚>mward Courc,Scri..tur_e isfilent, ami rais Jqftpf,us allo: 1!n!c1s, a.stotne lccond Temple, which 1f ic:1g!rc..i”t..;:,1..,:::....:..J..tt:t1t:C....e..1:::cr;:: rt;;..:t..7oe\:..r...... P..g.36, v he-ab..:aI;h?;......t ......t; as atrothe in,nrd,w..re borh w,t\\ed ronnd Jb?ut, 1 Ki'ng. 7, weehaveiterccor,kdinScripturc;togctherW'1ththc111acnerortorrnolthc 120Walls,fli:t.. with rhrce Rowcs of Hewen¥!lone,and a.Ro\V or Ccdar. Be,1ms,. whichwefindtobethcvcryfameforthc fccond. 111 the Comrmffion ot E:.ra6,4, t n r i1 nk a{rer ;;:;;..;....s..:....: 1z: . ..\:.. : ..rc . ..t..\f.......... : B.. . . ..:..v . tb;r¡f.. /,iv, r ur Fo......:\....:..:e_:e..!..vec....:..d..ti..:a....e..:C..h!..fti....:..t:oo:::;;..i .. Chr 4 ,1ce01e,e1eheoncrsof theTcroplc, in 1 Chr..11.i6, 9. '"á ¥ 1e;:;..:e,..............efi..d..:..ilt....c..:.e. 1, t\nb!l:-Ÿate: Porthc:LotfelltoShe/em,ahEtfl:ward, v:r[. 14, ac ........Ef..:..¥;h..;;.... Jt:::.:1.á!..::::0;,:{,:,{::f;!..1::..t..; ' 6 L,-,;,,, u1 1:....! 1 :..: j..1::..1..:e1ili........i: ........ ..:....e0..1......};;cá:hoecs....h:dri...., ':..j I [hra¥. 9. fomcŸmc:salloiotbc:E.t!táGa1cot1heio_oer or higher Coun, as may be 1 ¥ learncd ouc ofJMMJ by compariog thcte p!,,ces rogecher, Jmm,) 1,4, &: 36e0 ..e'rheNorth Gate, ForthcwAtehioguwhich G1,e1 t!elotfellto z,ch4riAh, t wi(e Coun''Hour, the Son of Sbtlemi11h, called allo r..)}[1fr1¥ /m1A;,..., See t (hr,11, 2.. tt, i. and v, Lf, Herc tbcre were four Le11iw 4 Lt'vitu. .. The South Gue, _Forwhichthelotfellto0/m1-Edm,,v. 15, Herc 4 Le'IIëfu,therc wcre four Ltvim1n coo!hnt Watch,_ v, 17, Wh.:rb..r cherewere 0l ,et ..ˆ..;s(....Ëe.. .. .......eI....h: ;:::r:;:;;:b..\!..:k:e::....; of !h:..c:,s{t::i:. From he11Le :omc Mid therc: wcre tWO, and prolubly !o, undcr the fecond. in1e r1 HA l......: : ;: . b..f..:;:..1......;::..r.. : ..:..:;1:.. It..:c..:..i....:i: :..thhi!.... bccaul thcrc rn: bue tour Pone.n mentioocd S01uhward. Tbere b..ing ttthc fourm&itl auJ pdn,ip.1ll Gi..\four alwaycsfct to watch¥ The Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 'I be Temple of Solomon. Chap.}, Chap.}, 'The 'Temple of .Salomon. 4 Thc\<7dt Caiecal'ed Shalltchrth, frornCe/Jin[Hp; thcwordbeina derl1ed.from 1":'!p toc,iff up1 as b.:ingd..nominm:d trom that famou; Can.. z Ltviru.. fcy, wh1,h Sa/0111q,, mal1e hae1 ro pafle on from his own houle over the .!i11,....1:Xit..'.;:,::id1..ili1;....:f ..l:..;;i::;..,;;:,;!;..:.-:•;... 111dh!adld {..::/b....r....1p......{..;....all_!d!{1: Z..:;d....c:,d....::......n........! ..! t..t: ijd0 t uhid :d OfrheGAte1ofthelnw11rd(curt. ....\..;,:d :....;:;::á.d;: ..t:;:..;:..;....t1..fd ..db..t;t..dht1....dt..:!:.... ....gdd..;:dthe :::....d.. : Chrou,ry.lo, land ot Opl..1r. Othcrs fay, 1hey werc the fa.me wood rhat ne now ca.U by chenameoiEi$Èf; othcrs,lfotzilwood: beca11fetheyhavefanciedOphir 1 rd0 itded ......:d:;;:d..o w..ii..hd..e \..:tl i..:1\:......1 b!;t::d;..h::t..i..gd;u....d....:d1;;;.. f..:?:i\]..g....:....f il:..{J:;..f ....i!1f foI......;....;@.. Ca[tlc neer the 4/ps bmlr ot i.., whtch Ctfar couid not de!lroy by fi;e. a jJO xd ......;i....f ‘..r..n:.'a'...:..h..v..:::::..e.. .. ::..,....:t;::a: :;au, : :n¡J chot!c l..,r:, wh_e.reot t..e Ktog made !lay..s for the ho1.!eof the Lord I we : ..t..o'.;,;á ;::....:....!.::lP..!?..::\:::;:;..:!..;....!ifE:'.i..tf:,..;:!E'. therp !ace1he lame thiné is rcndred n1?09, wc read in r..e Text Terri/a, na ..:t....ede!;;....t......?b; 1 1../t:t..,;.........:J;..:, 6:f....td...t....;..:..:?......:....: ofcheword, asn:aybe lounddinmany pLteesof Smpmre, where itis10 rendred, ..nd pamcularly, EfAi. 31.¥ 8. and 49. 11, Thisfamou.. Caufy, pbmed w1th nees on boch 11cles, h?'. i'hacle and plea!ure, and rai!ed w”th Ra”les ofCcd.ar, or!omcmherc.ho1!e and exce.!lem wood, for..afety, wu r hr..:: ..:.... 1 ti:..;..d..::..Cd1;.... tt;..c..;t) 1....;......h..t;:..7e....:!f ;;; J!r;:;.. c.1.lled Sh..liuhuh frdm th1s ad..irahle Cau!ey, whichthe ..een ot smi,. c.: ..Chron, 9á 4 did Mt w1thouc cau!e beho!d wuh pleaf”ng wonder. This Gate was ca!l ..d Cap,..iJMhisGHe, tmderrhetecocd Temple. Wheref?rthedfcrvicc it 1Vatchwg,1hdere\v..re pbcedalio,as ar thethr.ec otber Cardm:i.l Ga.te.., fo J Chron. 1.6. lo alfo het..,four L,1.11w. The lot tell to S..1,ppirn and H11?h v..dI6. No"' ce ebdn..'i,,11im, ....r:....d;..:: ......: ..i:;rad;z:....r..:i ....:..;....cd..e:;i..;¥w:d:e........:.... cherG.uesinthisWefteroWal!. As fir!l of ail, the Gues of eAJuppi,n which werc rwo litt le one,, beino at the Southenno/t end o.fthe ..eHern Wall1 wgethder w”..h a TreafŸzY ca\ledd the Hm:i! of A{upp11!', lymg bi.:..wixc them. Thde lot for the wmh arthde two litrle Gmstelltothe Sonsof Oh,ˆ-Edom. Tocach G1re :d 1 cr :hc..'\;;r; 1'u....;r:ái......:..:,v;..; :h:..:!a:;;r..:d;;;tes..ct:t1....0.. f!..h! n,iidr!_olthe”r Wa1!s, h..dfourapiece. Thachcrcwere cwo Gates, rhc 1 C).l 1n(;rnme.. by_thc d1vihon ofcbe nnmber of Por1eu, faying oot four: Eut cowm.l Af1,1nu.. two and nvo;that i.., two co eath Gatr:. Theo , ..:..1J:b1!'.dt;,......i..df..;.. :.. ....;/:a..;;{ai?:....[;..: Rp1:;..r !d....d:.. ......; hrodu 1d cd e - Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library The Temple of Solomon. Chap. ,. The Temple of Solomon. Chap. ,. ” 1D cheSouch¥Wall of this inward Court, tbcrc wcrc of old bue cwo Gates, that we ycc fiodrccor..ed in Scripuirc. 111' 20 gbr1acei0ah 2 '" gr:;nJ..hc....he-..h:r....;:..::..;;c..b;%c..}::eif ..:;1::;;ab..,......i.. ThePorcbc,ofuchCourtfollo"'ncxt co be ij,oken to: For. ft'hich {tooC io the Lot1nd Termory o! tbat Tnbe1 as chc Tcrople w1th the Altar 1 fullydid, This was callcd thcGatcofKindliog,undcube fccond Tc:111¥ ::;r....: ..?},(..;..fŸifli!..!Iiir....r.......{f ;..........lt”..I........m....i; t:: ]. 1..::¥/..::........in.... :;t:::;:;........:..r.......:.bflc..;c..: (:!..¥.. ; {i-t¥6¥ aoain!t rhe Altar, a.ad was calld the Water-Gate undcr the fccond Tem¥ p ..n the wcA:-fidc of theTemplc,u1d in the Wcflern¥Wa!I of cbis Jnner.. Dtlelh Coun,thcr.. was no Gate ac al!: So Jofaph111, and all the Ancicou, (pca.. J11d.li6, 6. king of the !ec0nd Tcmplc,do fuUy agrcc: Whencc irclearly foUows, chat cAp.6.j,916, the Wcficrn Gaces mufi be placed, asbcforc, in the walt of the Ourward F. Coure. If the Suppofidon of the firH Temple, hs beingan exa.mple iD it1 moft confiderablc BuildingsaodFrame for the fccood to follow ( whercia moflagrceJbcbuiltupoofolidFounda..ioos.. Oo(hC Nonh 1here were tV'IO Gares 10 the1r PofŸ1on eu8:ly ,orrefpoo. denttotheSoutbtra. 1.T‰c Upper Nonb¥Gate op..ned upoo the Body of tbe Temple,aadi.. calledthe Gate of rhe Lords Hou¥e toward the Norch, but tearmcd the f c h1e E:Ge..S.1, ......!::i-::f!"..;::..:,c..:a....;;....a......:1:c......a..:c..:..r....h:a0fu.. j,i-t-, /ejtl, n&oftbeft'all1;l)'it1tplairiandeJCnonctritbano1hcr,p1U.l!cltothcHori10n, andCedar-bc:1me1ft'ith”atbe,Stooe1foratheinlideoftheConnsaod J>orhi:..á (o r..M¥¥t¥¥¥¥ Oeben 11nderth0dic of rhree Ro'llt'el of Sronu OO! opo.. 1notber io bei..bc, t.d Cedar bc1m1 :u top: So Rilm,. Som1: ¥ h [ ..Je..a::;:..........a1;..h1:..r!::tl....:c<:..:....;..........1 ::0¡ 1..;..t..h1;f11!..d Ji.... 1:..:z:.. t 1ec ..;.b........t':n......i....; c..bi....b..;t:..1..1i:......!.c..:J:b..!..:...:\:!!,;..; 1á..li,; : rop,lyingcroffeaponPillmw1thin. Theft'_1!lr..oni.gEJJltndWelt..be :i ¥ ' bc:amc1 wert I:aidtt top North tnd South, wub P1llar.. ondernc.tth,wb,cb madeaft'tlkcmáercdutop, aadopenon cbeinlide,, toivud1chc¥poo Pnemcnu of thcCoom, th.. be1me1 bciing (upponed wirb Pillm, likc u the!loyal Excti1ngt,or rhc flu:u:o io C1..1¥t:G.¥..¥1¥, Jfthi1 be the crntb, thcn 'tLiclcarbythe.T..n,chu S,f,..¥¥ h1rntel1 dtd Porch ltoth the Conm; for they arc botb deknbed to Or ot 1he tˆinc torrn of B..tildin; in the fore.. 2-The Gate of the Atur, be..aufc it was right againfi the Alm, and op. poli.te to the lower Gate o! B11rj,m,i1r. This is the lowcr Nonh-..ate, E:t-tth, 8, 5. and under the (ecood Temple WJS called Mt::GQti;,1 or the Gate ot the Thefeare ail the Gares o{ the Prie[ls Coun,that are mcmioned io Scripture under the firll Ternplc) which pro\áes not, th;a chere wcre no more: But on..ly giv:s u> co condude,thu oo more: are yet cleared up for our c:.nuancc a11:o th1s Courr. The Pa,ement of both Couns,with what 0onrs ir wu laid, jg nor c:le.a.r. ir i ea0hcat : c1,,,.,7, !tt;..!;co;.. ;i:.... ....!f1:....e';....:..a..;:i.. y fa..:isa.... :h..a....unJ........}...... ea }. P.ivemenr,and worfhipped, who werc net admitted intothe lon:r¥Courr, whcrc:bv_ ”tás mott problb!e,..har tbe Pr1cllsC011n was ..110 prn:d,becaufe of their\¥.1i10uslen”cesthatd1/requircir.k.appearsillo\áer.1 pco?able,that the Prklls Court was pavc:d,bythat Relmon of vlh1u, h1s (,1k1ng down the BrazrnSea froin off the O.ic:n, and lning it wpon the Stone-Pavement, Mo!tprobJbly.. in the Came Coun, whereit!loo..inits ga\lan- r,,J,U, try. 2-Kin,g.16,17,The Jccond Temple had icsCourr laid wnba.11 manoer 1¥4.lib,6. ofAonts, when as the Riches oftheNarionawunoth"1ng.comp,mbh;ro ¥¥ 14,p,916. whu it was in thedayes of SP†"!rm: and t_heref..re wc may JulHy conc:e1ve1 c;;. that the fir!t was far more tran!pleodent 10 theleOrnamc:nt... Each Court wu ma,lc plain and even ffitb arce1m,..y Uep>,out of the firJ1 ”ntotht:!CconJ,andoncao!tbatiDtOtheTemplePorcb, Underthe fcond e 1aao te0 UJ.6 .c.14, i:....:t............=:ai:J0a!....\i....:........r........¥th....aof ..t..aJ;i:....s..a;:..d:..:i: 111l¥117¥ B. advance out of that Court inti the Porch,was by t :i. (lep.., as is commonly conccivcdofthefŸtli.DfimilitudcudJikcncfscothcfecond. Th, lii.3, Uf, 11, 1ndJoya,l,fiA1111w1rhh1m1elt1nathe1arl'u:Op111:on. l( e c1t 1a1 ....:: ;....¥n..a..b......,:..=....c..r c..;¥ ....e....aC....;;..¥;fbh....id 1!..:....::.... r....:..; 1 n 111 :i....!i'{."':..':; s:t..,..dj......:(f....'.......1..;i1..1.,......c....::raboi:á!: r..t..q, LJ. 0....;l..id.. 1 ;?...:..'...'i:::..;Sf it..:..:..{iS:..i..'.::..:::r‘..:Jt....:..i.. ,,...--Jál¥ HolyGrnn..dalfo,bucnotcqua!\ytothea1offAr,1, ..orhet1yes pre'encly, i;:, ..) ;;;;........,;;i;hE:f ii......á'.:::;....;'.......\1!......;t,:,..,:m0 :':..;..;: ita ..¥::......:t..rp!....\\\{i..:-.... ..:..1......r;f;....!':;:1y'.;:;bi:..11 i; 1 !¥a..le....'.1;;..'... otber place_¥ ot bu Wor.... thit S,/,w,. buáh tl1111n folly.Bot 1Cd1\orintr e expreffioll,10Script11re,otcl1e.H.!1Yená!lone1,aodCe,brá.Be.ainá, bemet_llt of Porchct,thcn ”.uc11_i:l .any ni....udl_y fr1;poiitor., tnd let S,l,11m,¥; Bull.. diog¥ b.. n large aod lua1prno111 u bis He.trt: on..l.l' ac the E.at!an<_od,1'l'e l'Ji!l dcilneate double Porc be,. Nol't' 1,-herea hdo:c ”omc lcruplfthetproectp1¥ dous Rock; we mutl: makcJqfph,u eith cr a Lyar, orof a flippcry¥mcmo.. Bu,, fo.. my pm, I had radier ur. ry,or his pre!nt Book co be very 1..om1pr. e1.eu(e”r.byaOipo”hisPenit_1thispiaceofthe Jew1fh Wa..s, wherc 1hia '}'V.,..; i, ismemioncd: Seemt;in the Books ?t che Antiquuies, where he doth of !et-purpofe, hand!c the !amous AŽts ot the Kiogs of bis Nation, . be firll: then we need toex9ibitnoorhcrthen a Traefcript of DEmpertMria p!aig\y tells 1u,S,/aman,porcht the Temple-Couru rcund about; wh1..b we ha:,e pro\áed in tbe !ccond Chapter ac_ large, to have bcen in Gmu" Ttm.fl”,_ encompaffiog thecovered BuiJd1n... N?w bis Books of 1..e Jewi.. Scripmre, Anuqtmieswere wrineo afm the orheroi thc:,r Wus i as hc b1mlclf a! .. fures uS,åJJltfJ. 1 ,c4p,21, p,;o,F. .. I:h.. 13,up.9. p. '1-4..¥ !'á Wherefore inthis laH wmccn Book of h1s At111q imes, c.karly dckr1bmg ofP..rches: To ccnclude,whether there were 11:1y flllall low fepaming Wall in the ned cle1rly ouc ofScripturc; and thercforetwelhaH!eavctcha.cfHljsdic,; round abour, e1áen bui\t b:; King Sf1l..mon, hc..oth_tacitc)y rccraŽt bis forw and now at lcngch removeour Camp [Othe nut Ch.1ptcr.mer cnour about the nakedne!sof the Temple m h1s Jewl(h Wars; Wherefore Icannotbuc wonder at R”btra,anJ"hisProJe!ytes, ìlilthisputicular, th:icchcy 01ould\aytheHre:Softheir opi..ionabom the del..,rmity of :he Temp:e on tbe1e ttvo or th..ee words;!oottcn mcntione.. _;elpcci_aHy fec1oghe himfcll ghe Jgftphu1 this dcpáorahk Ch_mfŸt {f..;t 1taiuhmn 1ft, #t Cllm n,.1:‰mf rtr-ertttmJ r:rtdtis tf.,6ArMr 1 R1btr,dt 1 t111_pL. t.1.c,2.S.He fays, a !inle be;ore, t..at_he wu_a grave H111orim. and an Eye-wirnefsi and yet prcli:.ntlythat he 1s luch a !lippr..y feli?IV¥. thH wh..n Y?U do moll conf”dc, in h a\'ëll" mained the truc 11:n1c ofh1-; mmd He fŸpi. hke an Ee\c through Ttmplt, yourfing:rs: A!motl as bad as th..t !)1igi:u i..prc!I upoo uiother Amhor, which 1 ha\'e heard of; He was a g..od H1f_l?run,_but thu h.. wanted truth. T..::::1..i!ifh':1....t:,:..:{nd::..c1::......jfer!:;1:..¥.,!.. a Tc !et pais rhen tbc modern Opinions 01 Jon e tew tha.. flip dow.. the de:.. c\ivityafter R,btrn for wa..t of Co\lt1S and Walls1asha..mg oo ..!Jinf™ou..dnionfortheir own fhnd..ng, we fhatl proeced to a fu..ther v_1c_w ofth1s m3gnif”crnt Temple; hH..ng..we bope,cl:arly recovcred !..S pnJhge lu..re in [he ,ir,uin¥ambient Buildings, and ga10,d mcfl bcauu1ul Porches,wuh {larely Pillm round ab?ur bodi the Courts:. 011el_y where. tbere wcre Gares with 1heir Buildings! and Chambers WHh 1hm Tre..funes. Th at therc werc Tr-:a!uncs a11d Chambers roundabouc m the Couns, 1s evident b1-Kin" DAvii'¥1 PmerngiventoS11/a,,,cn, which nodoubt hecx.. aŽHy follOwed,V or elle God would not have ded..re_d himfc!f wcl ! plealc.. with h”s Offcri.ogs. The p!ac.., for 1hc Pauem, 1s 1!> th_e Book ol ChrcJ,.. t (Jm111,1.8 . žn,wherein. v,1 r. we read oltheeovercd houle, wub us Porch,Ho..fes, 11>12,13, Trca”urie!, Upper¥Chambers,and lnner-Parlours; and thcnvrr,tl ::i.otthe Couns of the Houfe,and a\l the Chambers round abour, and the Treafu rict....rh e Bni!di_ngsofthcOu..ward Court wcrethc Chambers a..d Lodgá The or 1 enterth :ihr,n,9, :..;..t;;..;......::,t:..!..!1;;:::::t:..et..r0....!r........n:i..,ta....t!..e ?n....:.. Q ¥ menu oftheS1nŽ\uary: Other Rooms for fine Howcr, Salt,,. Vfme1 Oyl,Fuok”n,en!c,Spites}Ointmcnt;&:c, SccYn.18,29,3'1, Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Palm:trees: 1n tbtWildcu1cfs I wbcrcof yon bave thcli!clY 1,011,oi figure, inibi, cii-: EarlyEnglishBooksOnline,Copyright© 2019 ProQues.. Imagesreproducedby courtesy ofBodleianLibrary Chap. 4. The Temple of .Solomon. 61 cincd1cfi:....}...... ....l;cs..l..i..: ...... ë:;..1..:;::tc:..h;t;..;..!i....i;cJ,..!......a..:r:i.. Jfa:á?, 37, ¥ faces wctc oee to the od1cr; that is,01:e lookt Soudnvard,rhe od1er ..onh-Ex.. ,c9cward;andcthcirWingsalfoGretchtNonhcandSGuth,theirfacesb..m.gio. wtrd. Wbcrc..S; 3,/1111'a¥'.1Chernbims Hood on die Ground, an.. chei.r tu,es wercrmvards rhe Houl; not inward,¥s ouI Tr.tnO.ation readstt ; but as theEžwr, M'?--' •:::l!:ylJ:)1 ,t,,J tl!ei"rfA..li,mer,.,11rthtbe hD11[e; _Bai1h 1CJ;r.3,13. be”n<> takcn for the Holy Placc,aod Dtl,,r for the Oracle: So chac rhetr Faces \;'erc toward thcHoly Place, !ooking Eathvard, downward out o( the ¥ . ¥ -Thcn::-rrcrc rhco,be_fidc!f M6{tshisChernbims {bndingon _the ..rktwo 1 Chr;;, 1: J.orherCherubims ltandmg on th_e Ground, made (u. we :ead 1,t) 01 hnage¥ v.i o.work T..enmcrialwas..fOiivc:á..rcc-,. aiidoverlu!il.wuh Gold. Ead1 I Ki,: 6 ;1j W”ni..of each Chtrobim,.tufivc Cubits 1ong., A\l \or Wings being ex , v 2g_ ¥ á h ol th_e ,/cbr,n, 3,wocnds u,12,q. 1tood Jl!.,fahjs Ark.an.. Cberubims: Thcfc fourCheru..”i:ns are !ikene?, r ,0cs nn .....!..j....:..c..../1..f....[{&1.. ......fc;7::....c!r::a..J;..ct....;J::;;c:h....l......,1..} 1 ChraÈ, t 8, r tc1 r r ....o. ti;t;..t, :i:duf ..c;:f::ec..;....dfi.. o....:..r;..:. ..........:..; ;..:.. ;..l,99, 1¥ ic á......:a..!1n..r;t/:_6ˆ..1..!‰t:..:;:át....á ;..c:rcthci:C;::..;i......p..= ! Chruw, 5.: ,heGolden¥Floor;whe:reastheothŽrtwofl.oodonctheArk, 7¥ Befid..s the Ark, and tb..f.. its-Apputtcnanccs,thcrefcems(byche Epi!lle to the Hebrtwl )tlJ.a.. w..i'fii1J_tJ1i! roof! Holy Place wa.. laiq the Po[ 0f Man¥ Heb 9 40t h ::..:....;;:;..n;;..i..!1;:j....=....ft Jn¡Je..c1:;..!..:; ..:,;,;,, .l7¥ t.a..t......;: yor:h::c( by the Relativeác f á) 50 make a Rc•etencc to the Orac!e, or Ht:lye!t ?f '. ail, mcotionedincthelhtrdVer(e, andcnottheArk: wh1ch relat1ono!a Pronouo,co iremote Amccedem, i.s nor altogc_therunufual amongfl: c,áen fomc Learned Authou. Thcre be !omc that rh1ok, po/Jib! y, thcy were in the ArktiU Su/0111on¥sdmc ;andthcn,by Diriue Appoint ment, hid in ca! a he..:l(j;/m....:..i;;....t....ci....f;..:..i ..h..:;;:..s....;..:; 1 K/ng,8-9 ......;:..:......ci.... p.micular: which iflo1thcothc EpiHle..o the ..thcf,tpcakmg ol Maft/:J :. CiJr.5, 10¥ fW Tabernade,may confŸlmorc Grammai1ca\!y Wtth 1c klf, and othcrScnp¥ turcs,lfrhismaybethctrnccmiodofcheSpirir.' TheGoldenCen1rofA11ran, alfo, was lad up1ofomeplacenear1he Ark,forwhicbtheforc-citcdTcxtlsasc!carasforthccother, Wcreadalfo Që five Golden Emcrods,aod tire Golden Mice, dedicared by tbe Lord.. of the Philiftims unto God, when the y were lmittco for theit !in; whicb were pur. up inte a Cotftr,and lent wich the Ark, as a Memorial of G..d¥s c c: ccc ..:h....0%:1..tz!,......g....=..:k....:..:;:;vcc[S..;,....1,:::...:c 0;;:..:t,11i; one of the /vO'..&i1r,r;1 andtherelore we mu(. leave 1r for a ciearcr D11cl'.rcry+ ln the timc of Mufn,thcre was a!”o the Book of the Law, calkd, by !orne, t hc D1uter1nqm”,n.laid on the Gde of the Ark: Bur whetlm o..no tt was -p!acedcthecc”nSo/omoi.¥sdayes, wedonotcrl!ad: yct we find10Joji11..¥s Rci;n, whc:n che Temple ..as purge.., the Book oft_hcLa.w: ..as !ound 10 the Temple by Jiifkiah the Prlell _; though no cxpre!s mention be m:idcof tkcOtacle. Of Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQue.. Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 62. The 'Temple of Solomon. CJ1ap. 4; Chap.'4, T'he 'I'emple of Solomon. Oftbt 1'ilfols..w4Vtr;fj:/''bt S,mfl11,v}l,r H..l/ w..O..t....;i;....!.. j!:t..r..:th...:..reof..!..:a..!..[ *:e!c:....'..:brent. ;hic..ndlclfaks; a&maybcf..cn, IKing,7,,iS,49,' and 2 Chron. ........, ;i _i "l'beJltar ofInce11Je. 1 As tothc Golden Altaráof Inccnfe>it's brll requifŸc to clear it up, thu: icwasplacedinth..Sanauu.y.w..t!.1outtbeOra..leand its V_ail. ln M..á f.:s his Tabcrnac\c,lt's dcu)that tt had !lood wtthom the Vail.. For .M..[u ..;!..:J!:d:tt!..!..t;a\:....e;;;;:;d:;..,t..i....1:!1:bet;..:c;:e..:i1::..!..fa-..d.4o, ;. isitt the uppcr end of thi.. Room,J..H in the middle b:fore the Va1I. B.i, ut a 2 ! 2 3, :6. clcar Infcrencc we have out of Le1'.'1ti..111,wberc:1 upon theE:i,:piation D..y1 lhc Hish¥ PdcH: was to cake.. Cc-o,!cr !ull of Bmning-Coals of Pire ftom off the Al..ar btfore the Lord,aad his haridS'fuU ..! (wcct lm;tnfc bcatcn lina.U, nn l 16..ti...h..ë..!-a.......... ..i......i..-.... Vaih ch..ˆit wcre abru..d to fay 1h..s! tha.. le-v.i' r!, .A11r1ntookaCcri!rofCoals,fromoffthc Alm within the Val!, and brouohdnvithin the V ail. But whcn as its Pofirion VYaS wirhout,it's properly0faid, that with thele prcpucd tl:nngs hewcm from th.. Alm_ imo the Oracle Vfi..hin the Vai!ito-b11rn ”..ce.. Qsiom;s ¥. Again the Text !ays, that afrcrthc High-Priel. had do11efpnnkhog the Mercy Scat, wlth the blood of the B11llock, and the Goat, 7 timcs, thauhcfua!l go out un..o the f\lur, that is beforc the Lord, and.p.t blorid upon iu Homs; , and "lprinkJe it 7 ..=;....c..of:ht: ......r1..;;:;............,..:,....l:cez..i¥....l!:tla;::J:......h7: ltv, l G. 1 8, ..hcV&il.Thuil mch I defircdtoaddito diar c:Qmmon a.ndurgentArgumcor, ofthcda.ityburningofloccnfeby-evcry infcriaurPritt, inh”scourlupon this Attirt wbocouldnot h.avcafib'!"cfind the Hi..h.-Rˆc!t,am:l'c1g11..y,1aicriour Fricfls, witll his # !..z,::.u::: :; ..i11..c..:..::t;1!..ˆ..rl....tt....:..!..; ..::i..;::..1:..cn;!Placc,a-ppcars by the Tut al!cadgcd, which fays-it was fŸu.uc by the Ora¥ eini i2idi..rc....i..........%;..:::h..:..r:..:t!:,(:..:ti....¥: ..f1, wb”ch can be oppoá fcd, but dm fore!lid place ofrhe Apoftle,. wherc it'.> faid.. canc..rning the Hcb¥ 9, 4. J ( 1 c ..... :;f:..c..d:........t:)..t....t..;;r:;: :..:t ..:..1.......,...;:i1;i..[t........á ....; ..;....r: within the Va”l once a year by the HigháPrie!l; ..nd to may be uuly laid ra bciioirhcOradc1rhoughnotconHantly, .yctat1ulemnitimcS; ore!fewc mullthinkioffomeotherinrcrpretation. forwherc.ts this may beconceivcdbyfornebut an evafton; bccamethc Apof\lelcmsbycheword f:..:1!Ei:,..fi..::}..fl:f...I::..:..ti;:..:.0:..:..:,..;;..i1tr:i v..ir.. Wl[..in the Pot. T_here b.. lom..,therc!ore,w?uldexpoand!he word. Gv.l,1;,v;,., tortbcAltuot incenfc ëtklt: Butare torcedtoOVtolenci:::co theword. Forinal!theStpmaginrB16le,lrhioktheycannotmlnife!\one s taet a ..:..r:..-..:,..... ;:; á;..n ....::áa; ..á..11:!.r......I.. ..; ;..\:.. ..ri..;_;.. fi..;ifi..: Incen!C onely,and, by a MCtQnomy,the Ce11for wVcrein it was pur. Bm t™ 1dmitadoublcTropetoir”dcuponnne.word,”sasharlh:brare ¥. \\'here a }..}.. ..:\i:c..;i:..:t:....,J;,,r:..[1....!:;..'i;..:r";(u ..t..i....ci......”i1 ....i:l:tioc::ë Iocenfe: And l bnm..lyc.an-_e11á.!, chu po!hbly ..ve may 11ndetl\aod by it fi....YC..1..: iit;;;;1,:j;:t1:..:..1..:;..i0..!J;';......: .... ;..v.............. \:..! J>!Hmb,t6 it was that Goti bad a.ppauued to chac Office ¥ .Aitcr the two hcndrcdi17 ¥ ¥ R l and -----. Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 'Tbe 'Temple ofSolomon. Chap.4á Yer.i5. andfifrymcndwc:rc:confumcdby..itc:1 thcit C,,,fm wcic h11Jowcd. and rt,.3S. Pistes m2dof thcm for the Alurfora figatcs thlS Childrmof lfr1t1J.Now,tboughthcTcxt inN,m,bmddei not tc!las,_hat A.cr..nás c,,,[1r..aspani..culttly laid up.: yŽt,if we inter..ret d1i&-pb.,c in the Helrn,11t1I ihtt (e11f,r, •t isnoway rc,ugoantroaoy Scdpturcz.n?''"tbŽån,dog,yo!Faith: Buc ticlps cxccedingt,y t.. i.lighten i..d rccoac1l.. t..t flice. 1 aroáthr. m_o,r. h::rduccd to incline to u,bcc¥dft::it 11 joyoe:d ffnb two-ot..r rbing,, ,,::.. ,be htof.c..M¥11,,.,,,,od .A11111is..d1bmb ..hi,h wcro laid np.drue,ata t..i thcca.. prŽ:tS terms of the Atio!Hc,”i1he tnindofl.catitcd Mr.w,,,,,Jt,io hi,Espo-,, Cition of thCtrttnf11ëAiLns, 1"-l¥4S. How.nu ët bc1-I fublbitmyCon-.j(Žturt coa1l fobtrant1 leum:d p:rfoa1; htvint1lhopc, bcforecVincedthe truc Pofitionofthe A/111,:ef lt111n[r,to be without,but ncartbc V,il,whicb cwdc 1dwd.;;edJ,......:/}:;..:o/,,d..t......;jumad,,wn, formatrer, of Shi1tim¥ :..:li: Wood,md onr.to.id wi1h pure OEold ro1.1nd abour. Forfoim, four-fquarc: ( c !....t..bi:\.. ::c . f:b,....v;g!:!:}t..1:::...¥J..b:!....:u:.. o....,..:..; Rlng,1anddtft'tjStave,. Thercbtfomhold, thuS,J.,,,,,, ufed,hean. cicm one of M,[tswith Cedu,and fomadea largcr o..t ic, A prtuy fan¥ cyquickly1emc<.l: Whcreas wethall findei::prdly, chat S,l,m,n made one complcat, l Chrc11, 1i. Forifirtl:,we read,thnD11viËprepued refiried Gold, by weight:, on pur¥ ..8. pol'cforthe.Altaref/tm,,f,. Brfide,, whenthcScriprurc l'ays, d1ttthd J K.i,,J,8,4, Priefls brought up the Ar..and.all the Holy Vclfcls of the Tabmuclc; le 6. mention.. onely the c2rry1ngol c\:e Ark imo the Temple, rho11eh Ncguivc 1. Cbr,n,r, .dyct wbcn u S11/1m,n ii wri1ti..b tbis in view. ..--....-. si The ......___ f ..,,,... "'" r;-he-fie_m_p.,..le-of-:-nSo..l-om_o_n-.--::c..-h..a-p-.4. T' 'ihe t'/llo Pillars jlanding in the 'Porcb of á the J'emple. 1B ----. Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library ---::;....--r Chap.4. The Temple of Salomon. 70 Of the Veffels in thePriejl's Court. e 1 0n c ..aei ......;i. ..:......!....s:!::t....:si..f..a:J;ta[r..:;..1;..!!:\;,::!; z ‚h::.4.1. T. ttdn a 2 Tk Altarof'Brafs, ....:....:........h....:..{s..};l..éa..t¡:f ;. ..hc..!..g:....c i....r..t..st..:re\:ffe..ced j..t:.á :;: ¥ to God. The pbceof it is coofirmcd by chat pa,fageof the Prich"s wecp¥ 1 (..r,: 8,17, iog bmvccn the Porch aod rhc ..ltar. Asco the S1crifice;,w.. read of ma-2 c_hr,4, 11, nylni\rnmencsthHwcrcmadelorthe.. i as Flefh¥:10oks o! Gold: ..\10 t King, 7, Pots,Shovels,aod Btfon1oibrightBrt\s, Twothing!: I would add; flflt, 45, ..:....ir:......b.....h....!..:..d,:..d;f;e1....!.. ;tr..t....:ës, bti;:,:h:Jr);,n;.J..:; ;;:od , 20 , whcre:sGod bad co:nm.anded the Prielt lhould nor afccnd by !teps to his Deur.:: 7. 1 t Altar,aod fccëDg this of ten. Cubits was fo high, as far eiu:ecded the tlatun;: Exod,iat ofthe tallcll Higb-Pticil: lomcrhink ët was but chree Cubi1s hig:h, as the :i6. ,Atur of Mo[11 wts (whcrc,by the way cake noticc1tbc ordinaryHaturcof manbcingbutCixfoor,..sPëtrwWu, andothcu, ba'Yeoofo\dwt”tccon, that is, about rwo yards ot our meaJurc; and this Atm being but a yud and half,wclearn lomcthiog of tbc quantity of a Cubic; whercof othcrwhcrc) Noow that it is !iidtobctcn Cubiu high,it isco bt:underllood, fay fome, i.n re!pcatotheCourt of the people, which was fcvcn 01hits lowcrthcnrhi,; of the P.icll... But I mhcrincline to think,thcrc wu,as undcr 1hc !cond Temple, anocˆf1e afceot bya declivityontheSouth.fide, th.ougbnoi by fleps. The Brit,:,en ScAjf,ld. Ncxt fucceeds thcBrazcn Scaffold, whcrcofwehave;:ivennolcon, 2. :if;::H}:Jii:....i:i;......{f::..i..:!1..:::::..!..!......1.'.... i;!i+.';: cordio.. to the proporuoo ot Mofu h1s Brazm Ahar, I caf!not lay, 'lw.ta chc.me,becaufe the Tcxt fpeaks c:i.::preGyithat Sq/om,n madcir forto tland upoo.and koeel io praycr ac the folcm_n D..dication ofrhc Tlmpl,. Neither / l will I be percmptory, that it flood in this Court of the: Pric!ls: thoughij thc:(epallˆgcso!Scripmrclemtotavonrir. , b tbt..l..d....t..r:..;........r.... ..:d..h:..:;::;..e6:i..i1 :..;:.. i..:oi:or:i..ot ..:......d 2 ChrG. I j. bcforcrheA!moflheLord: whichAlur, togcthcr with theC01mand t1,12¥ Temple, be was nowabout co hallow with. bis prayers and facrifices. So L'=i ,o tha.t,a.s the Altar of Ioccn(e is faid co be betorcchc Oracle: a.nd the Alm ofBratSbcforctbcPorch,thatig, Eatlo”chem11ndnightochem:fochis, bcforethcAltar,tlooodEalloofit,bucnioghumoir. Sccondly1TheScripture!ayes.th1tafcerprayer (w.hichwasmadcupon ..=:i=:.i............... ¥ beohereobJeŽ\..d) thactheKtogbeiognoPrie!l, might notcotcrintothat Of Court, r 7'-Idillt to h!sowsihypothc¥ l ..sofa ..cm1..phxncal! figure, ..e commmagrolf.. paralog1rm ..n mu!dply¥ 10gh1Hthccmnmftrencc, thirty, byha!ftbcD1ametc::r, tcn; rnfindthc Arca: AndnchcntheAre1, fofound, hcnmul1”plicsbythcrhirdpmof1be ' Diamcm, ali which hc pc..formt by fcmi.cubits, ;ibich I Oia.l! maniCft l ooc.\y as (0 the Arca at ptelcm. For if mu)ti..l!catlon be made by fcmicub1ts} rheothc Areawill ptorcrobc;oofcrn1,cubits,andconfcqucntlyn1 50 Cubits, whereas if you wo..k it by cm_•rc Cubirs, therc iffucs but7') Cubiu of the Arca of che greac. mclc, who!ecircumfcrcnce i, ;o, and Di.. 1 Kil! 7 13 ameter tco, i, this Brazcn Sea IS defcribcd to be, which is only laid dowo ¥ ¥ ¥ iorouodn..mbcrs,.. not according touaŽl..comcrrical proportion.. But l Kin,7."t-6. to leave tim a, prelcnt, The capaciry oftbis Vc_ffcl in one place is ict out ..Chnn,4, 5. at tVt'G thoufand Baths, in another u thrcc thm1!and, Which is thus.lol.. ved by fomc leuncd men, thlt rbe ..rdinary fillingwu oocly with two tbou!..nd Buhs, bue if you would fŸl u up to tht nry brim1 it would thco ,onuin thrctthouiand, which folmionthc Hebrcw pbufc in rhc Chroni¥ ,lc:s fc;cmsto ”mpottcleuly 71?,1 C'..... ri..7o/ C'f'.'1';1 p¥1_r9, Emifl¥ cAns, Early English Books Online, Copyright© 2019,--pn.r..o-:;.Q..u:=e=st..LL:":c::-------------------_. Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library il!f iilf ”i . "' The Temple of .Solomon. Chap.4. Chap-4-1 he Temple of Solomon. ..;..'; ..:i....=::ti:!t....:..:..!di..!t......s ..h....:s ::....:!;b..:!i:f;c!:: , ' ctaoIoOf the ten Law:rs, Trith tbeir llppurtenan 'o ;:..di..:..c..o..t..o........i....:t o;..:....f!r: ......o7o..oi.. t..?tp..:,:t::C ......1fc7 \ It, .. KËl1'll"t ..in. and the Vnl;u Tranfl.tuoo, ,rd rt1rriditm. Tho!C that ces ,flanding in the 'Priefls Court. plca.:e ..JY rc..J BHXl1rf, PAg,,,n,,,.Merur, S,h;nl,terio Ptnt11glolt maj,ri Ë11tn.ir1H1,and ..ahcr Lcnncd x1,11,r11phers,in the word J11¥in: ¥ vrho aJë agr..c,rha.. the r1ght fidc,aomong the J..ws1 is tO be i_ntetprcrcd by the Sr.wth. _o 1 Kin, 7,39¥ Sccmg allo that Mi.mm!'!, the word 10 thc_Tcxt, u frcqucndy ufcd f'orco:,;. _ ;......:=!..t -.... ..;r....:r..:.:....=....:d;:.....m;....!:: ;c..:;;;;..:cgr..:.... fidc,both in Scripturetn1 Jcw11h Authorc,to be the Sourh: ! 11y) ”fwc , tnnflnc that pbcet..us, l '" tlu ..ight jidt ,f 1h# h,,,fo i,.y,.,m:l) ,,,.,.,J, tk .. Chr.4á 6, :..:tir!:....f..;':tr..:,it....:tr:i..:..:r..il1d!::!r..1::..of ;O..t..;....t! v j:;:..::;..:..1h..s"{a::: ':..;:!....o;:i:1t:..:r:..!..:..ot..o..=..:1. '!;; T ....b..:..,;..;:;:.... ..i!..i........!¥:::r..t..!i ;at..;ff::J:..off!n7:t:c:.. fore w_c have cxb1bucd t..c P1Žturc of it w1th a S7phun and C11#l, to let ouc wam ,_moanyVc..clat liberty, tow.afhrhehandsandfcctof thcPricrlb, a..cord!ni;. co 7:m,11/1,u, and 0thcrs. 1 bat the Priclls did walb. thcir B.. dies .wuhtn th1s vaH Vcficl,fccms vcry improb3blc-. { hoc , t bit;hin......b:kdc..o....! ....r..:n..{oc;....h:..;a..¥;o,b....:ot..cit:&:..r.... Oxcn. 2.. From its_ Sph,noid”cal Figure, accordingtotbc commenapprchcnfion, thcrcobc1n:;noplaccobucthcCcntcr, foroaPricftto fŸndin¥ andoa. ........;..d to one but his hccls.uipt up, as hc wcnt ”n ro fuch a tlrr,. &:: ,-)'u.tl,i,tÇr¥,1) t:q;reá, cil-: tnr,.. o' elle H,.,,,, mktl o c!1e a,11c p:ir 8. Tbeun.orro1r11,i,Pillur, pn tc. Liu J.,,._,i'Jo..:1e¥111cle;1orY1tr¥"4" c,11c, ,Thcrcbá1oci.prer, 1 rr1 c1 1 ....;;;;:tá ;..,-.. ,i;¥i..;;,rty:::....1 . ..t/1..e..:..:..'.....r....;../..im'i..it=;::: Xi LiQn,. -----. Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 9, lhc:Wor.c ... Chap,4, "l'he 'l'emple of Salomon. 'ii s. Atthe botrotrt.e Of the lictle Brazeo Bmes, and the Borders be¥ Vir igtwixr ttmn,beforc dcfcribed,Ucoeath the lions and Oxen, iofrnlpcd upon ¥ ¥ r.::..:;I..'.....li..i..ii:;!....:fr:i I:..:t..:....i:..i..::.:f :..'r....[;:;..'::i word r,11'•: whichM011..A111Misplcafcdcoturo by [Cop1di1tione:J feeiog .d d ......s ......;;..;..::..{h..p......a..,ii;c..;;:....' {..ec....-\'.. ....e.... t::i.... . a:.. takeowiththelcword,;, ƒl')'it ..,,.11,pffl.a,, thcW..rk.!_of Dtjw,fim, or the ;r;:;....!i..1t,..:..ft112i....:Yiiri;i..rtai;..ii:f s..:..1:1ii:Es Doors a.od \VindoNsior Drap:rs fŸo....,to lhooto!fRaio and Hormy Weaá !i..:..;i........F:i..t:fŸ;:.:,1..iI:..l..:.!!(..:-r:..Ji..W;;;::..:....:;.... w,iich. tlood Lw der thetr 1oward ¥áeclm1y) werc conmved mto th1s deehniog pol.ure,for thar e!ld rn which they wcredcfigncd, that i!,dtoca!loff . the lilrh, Whl'n ,he Pndh wafhed rhe fe11eral. puts of the Samfices uponthemwithWacer, c.1krncilherinVeffels tor thatpurpofe, or derivcd :t;:....t,:i,1..::f::..:....;..:ti!it..:..:;..,..i..i:..:,....;:\!t0.:f'. wit w”th the iamc figures, whetewith the Borders, aboveámention..d, 'Ihe Temple of Solomon. Chap.4. ncta!rogethcr fo much, becau the Center of t..e Ax..s, was fomewb:u in¥ l feriour w th.. Bottomeofthe Ba(c, by realon ot 1he luppofaion of iu running 11ndcr the Ba!C in agood malftc Body ot a Cy!indrical Form, for the 0rtc tl tn ..:\; : t\.... . ..o....1..:r.. : :hJ7.. it r......;fo!:;a;....;-;::i.ci;,..;....t.. ; ..h:!..: u..der thetbin AddŸions1was not aH om a Cubit and hal!hi:::r }but did aor Pillau, bringundcrtlic !C,eul Cornenof rbegre1r iad main Bafc; cheirorc aod eod "u for cbc top¥ portofthacpondcroa1UcnGI, .Foriclonor yet percCë\c .¥oy cëo(i.... ..u!onroconc!ude, 1hutheyd1dexeerdcbeTopofrh, Bl!e, ¥nd1od1d-1Jndcr propthe L”pofthelarer”cJC\..coke..pdicfirrn1odlle,1dy: Bec1o!áe,for tb..t end,1hc La\er lud an upper Ba!of nao,ul) fi1ed 1!pon the Ro'lf'1 o( ..n1: .. 1¥ l18.w1>\'f\'er,ia ir "11 lec1 and l'fllëo .l..fJod rr.e.11are Ici¥ 1heo 1bebrc1d1 ..ot1hcJruc..11cbene11h;1nd"u,ondo11bccd!J, ”ordwver1 cnd,e\ácotorchchdcsotthcC1111ldron, cofŸdo\Yn”n, u mafixedSc1t, "'bile t be F¥¥¥¥ or ..m¥¥¥ of cbc C1nldron re;icbcd do"n to I be Top or ,dco a 1d;..¥::r:b..\::...c....,'..r!i:;d,,:..i..d,..d:f....f:..;t;:t..:1;t;....t..........::r 1hu Velle\,tbc ).. ffcr hdc1 of ic beiorcomp,tkd "ic!1 t..e R11lr, 1nd c,rv(d Border, of Br1l1,tb1t yitldcd a mca lo\áely {hc" t™ 11\ \p..tlators. ?kfide,, the.le Br1xtn \bouldm,or Pillau, coold noc b.. joyntd ..otb to the ..¥flic Ba!e ba:icub1.11 bciD.. 11.oahcn ,oi);c,hcr witb ic 10 ooc piccc, 1i:cord1ag 10 zo,Jtha,k!f, -16, ..:: i:!..: ==:;: 15,De/a,h, -I8, 14. u'i!lf11::..1h, -I8,..h. x o.S,orA1AdiAb,N,h.1z,5. MMdi11h '<.'tr.n1 7. i 1 bal......;c..n..fe ....:e;;:f;i....td:J;..:..i!;.. ......ti....1.... ........n0Je:......ti!....f.. t ..orkuntoc..chfnccceding;conrrc,from Jth,j"ii&rhefirHum1llthecapti" uy, md, liemg aftcrw-a..ds fix:cd in the beH orderthey cou!d, didfoendure 5 :....:..r::..:..:fFi..i{E;);:....Eh:....;.1....:\'..f;:::....,......tii Luk, '. ¥ in numbcr: 1t bc1ogca!!ed 1,N.1eiir., as lomc thtnk fromthts hebdomad1¥ caH or weekly emrance int¡: the ieuice. Whkh word ( i.. riticallv i1..1i/lc..upon,)thoughitm:ynoq1eld fo!li.cie_m iround to bm!dtheaffcmonol thiscon!lantr;vo!udon o! courre, n !ucb a !t time as a week ( and iffO, _. l8Aph{t1 Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library The Temple of Solomon. Chap. ... á á The 1.fvim, difiinŽHy fo..allcd, wc.re aot Pric..r, but fuch as came ftom che.flemmcor ro..tof U-u,, ..xccpc1ng the Childrenof ,;l..sr,11aThc!C , li, 19¥ "'á of che tcrvice o! tbe houiC ..f God : Boch for the Sbew..bread, and for the: e ::ke..i..;..!..:..f;..-d......j....; ,:....:..:..:....:a..r'::..d'd:1 f{ !...... prc:fidc...., to lcaroe U5 of whu fa..rcd caima..ion vwc ihould ac,..uat, .. and whu dtltzcru: eue welhouid uke m the conlervnionot thci fiandud Vcf .. fcls; for dte _admicifimioa of c....muutive JuHic..) ch..y were tlfo co flaod evcry Mornmg to tha..k a..d pmlc the Lord, tDd hlccwtfe n Evtnin... Yca, and to otfer_ aU burot lacr!ficcs un10 the Lord,(thac is,co afttll the: Prie(b in cale of mulmudeot Oifcrmgs,fuch as were txtraordinary)in 1hcS4;bachs ncw Moons,andSel¥Fc11l,.by number,tccordingato thc:ordcrcommandcd .a _ thcm,concioual1y be ore: the Lord, And chu _fhey lho.s!d hep the char<>c otthe Ttbernadcof1heCongrcgatio.11,ando!acheboly place, andofchc: h0 ! .. ha, ¥¥ : 3. !hi..;..j";h:;......:....t;:i..n..!':n1t:::/á:..::;..:! r:::ya;;..,7 ¡ b....at.. 1 1¡ tbeada1csof D,1¥1tialwa1esac twcnty: Becauicthea th'.yllid no more: 1 ..hr,,i 3, 1 á rut.Y che burdcn ot chc T ..be1 naclc-intplemcnts and Velfds. Thcit oum. 0á. e aad nu ta ....::..a....; !a;..:r::a....!.....g”..;:......f..:..a;:..: ..:tr;,..a..!: ,h..a..:;kc1: buftne(feofthcholyHoute: Sixthou1aodatoabeOfficeuandJ1,1docs¥ four thou”and wcre P_orco:rs, and four ..how:fand wcrc Smg..rs and P!a;er; upoa lollrn.m..nu, So t_hu the:_ vvork olthe Lrviwnas m,unly Templar, whicb .. Jay w11h1n 1he prectnds o\ rhe "frmplc: and pmly pro1incial,asthedevout 11tlu.p.36t Sr. H. s,,1,,,,.,,unksthem. Buttho:1r opic.all bufmelfe, wascopraifCcto tllcir 1cv1;al Officcrs ind Cour,cs, for tbis Solcmn and.cicclM . tvic.., the Smpuuc hacblcft upon Record 1hcfc following lnuma .. ....:....c 0! f::1.::¥;....!1'J;;...:;;_c;,3,1J0 5 NnhA.¥i¥l,,of.Af¥jh,11,1,11. 'B11k,_k.i¥I,, ofH,',,.""'"'á4,13, ë J#fo¥..tf¥h,or Af¥r1/11h, of .Af¥ph,t<.i,14,S Jtfb¥J11h,ofJ1blh11,,,1v,3,11, 9 M11t111m"'1,of#ni11n1v,-t,16, 10Sl,j,,,,;,v,17. 'HewanhcSonof J1IW1h1111, For chough his na.me be omiucd,""¥ 3, whcrcmcntion is 111.adc of JtdMiJu,,.,, Sons: ycc that very 'flfTf, ccls &:1!,thcrc wcrc lix of bis ..ons, So chu cho..h bac bctupplrcdourofrhc171h11trf1,11 åZAri,..,or lh..i,l, of Ht"1A¥, v.4,18, 11 H¥fh,,;1ah,ofJ1J111h1111 t1,J,19. :: ';:;:..:t:-:¥..;t..¥h¥1¥¥¥¥l,'¥¥ 16 H11111111i11h 11.4,23¥ 17 1,fb/,,l11fbAb11,4i:11-. 18Ht1111111it.i,4,1J, 11 H11bir,.,,,-1-118. ,4 R,,,,_,ti.L:,q,,11,1,JJ. Thcfe 1 ;, .. , ¥L'N, - á? .. l'..::,-!,,t'IJi.,.: .,;.,. 'J!..:,'{ O ,..c.,I á, ,. 1 I Gtrjh..n OfthePamn. HE l'lt:lt O..ccr1 to be fpok:eoto1are tbe ..orm1,wbo did 1y;ucb u [be . T ' G;,.m 011h.. 1 ,-,w d2y 1nd oigbr. Tbe Pl.¥lmilt c1lh upon chern rbn Jlu..d br¥i;ht 1.. the ..nulc of the LordMblt!1HitN.tm!; and-in 1 Pi,im .lf.1/.tJi,1 , iad1ttdlortbcSooio!L¥r-:h10111ne, be tells thtm.. H1l,11,l,.r11rb,ri,11 Dmby the ':,PP'.llntooc1u oi !:1oi D11-ri:ti, uad teem 6e' Jo to bne bcu dmded mto 1,-fCoc.rfer, hke u the ''ricib 10d \10 ¥en wc:rt , ..¥r 001 Ttxtrtluu, tb..tS,J,.,,, diJ tppoiot tbe P..>rttu bJ che•r Ci:ia/ 1 c,,, ¥¥ s . . ::'.i......I:'.i:::i!..rf:Ji0::i..::::I....á:..r:..if..;ri,f1r{t\r: li. oeIer1eotllte ..e..:..!.......;..¥c..e;.._:/ i::..;.'.e:..,!....e....\..;,..tt:..,e:;t..! ....:;,r..ef.... - - wb1duheyl'feredc11ro;:dbyLor; u mJ.. ..ppe,r ooore pmkulatly br THE GATES, fTbe Lot Cllllt forth to OJ,J.EJ,.; and 3 O¥tlu!,11th. L ..he'egoderhi1Ra\e1 S01ubwud, ,.,,r, "l¥ ;_ie Dd Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 'Ihe"Temple of Solomon. Chap,1, Chap,5', The 'TempleofSolon•on. ilj Of the Fami(y o[Merˆri, 1 Chron, 26. 4, &c, Thcrr c fcems wbc anorber of th\s namc al!O, io rhis OfficŽ) n an d torr :i..rat..r..r..r....r:: tt.. ;;:: Vˆ[,, andiscalledthcSoqofJtá i,,thm,,1Chron,t6,3S. hrarrcDrfis;; bi:h..i:c::..c..:! ..rJ:..:;io....rrQ:..::\;,....i: !l pi¡hr..rga....::}c..! Ofc hi!ëaineFamilyofM,r11ri, wasHof11h, vrichhisChildrcn, Simri, Jlil..111h,1'e61diah.Zech11ri11h,&c,who warircd upon thcT,mp!,-Watclm1 at t Chron. 16¥ rrr , 10, u, ..:r:..:......:..r..r..rc.... ..t...... o......:::e:........:ds ..:;1....:J:N..r!: and Sourth; andthatcheylodgcdrouodabouc¥he HoufC, chuis, iocbc ..a......:rha:!:..:y..;..:;h......:t:;..:r..;........0;::i..;r%..h;:Gatcs, acd Thttr c:uŽl 6."""''t.",ID a d1rcŽ\: Llnc lrom tbctr AnccAorsr1is Doc prcciic ly and dctcrm1oaccl y r..corde? in a mcchodkal manncr, th&t I have ycc oh¥ fcrvcd. Onely chc Scnprure 1splcafcd chus far to inGn1mc, chac the P¥rters wcrc of the L1oc of K,r,,h and M,r,,rJ.. Of Km1l,, chcGrand-Son of X,hAth, dc”ce.adcd .r i:t;..7i!t ..; ,....c 1;...z.... :..h.. i!t..d!..,.... have bec11 of the Sons ofAf"lh; othcrwifc callcd E/Jillf¥th,thc Sein ofKm1h, E:ud,6,z4.& 1 Chr111. :26.r. Of the TrMf1mrr. toet is r w..r..:[..............r..o:r;..r::;:,vf:: :..r..!r..;....e!t......!..:..;i;: mencoflome ofche L,vit11co be Tr111f1mr1, whereof chere was one S.. 1 ::;..........:..t..:..::.. 1 jh;iah::ned!t\ h ......!!........:;1:h . d r..:..r::;........Chron. 16.1 oret s crw o:..:i....:.., ..t..¡rt........: ......rfi..f....!t..!t:;cr......::a......sr..f !..t....:..r:f -. .rthe Lord, char”s,iuchaswercconHanclyinjoynedforche'mainrenancerof the Temple; and they are recited by name ro have beeo rwo Btec hren, Ze¥ tb,rm andhe!.rhcfonsof ph,di;andSheb11d,..he fon_of qetjhom,ofrhc Po-Ytr.zz. ilericyof M8fu, !eems to hav.. b..cn the chief, berni called the Rnlcr of rhc:tc: Treahm:s, The le cond 1or.. wu eorru[lcd wirhthe Treafurcs ?f the Vert 14, ThcSt1nsofM1jhe/1miAh wcrc This M1fot!1rm11h is e2llcd tbcfe, othcrwhcrc ..h11U11m, the ..on of Zuh11ri11h,rHe was aPomrofrtbe R,r1,rhcfonof.E6illf,,,ph,thcfonJ1Ji111!, of Kor11h; who, wirtb bis Bcc 1 Ooorof the T116m,ac/1 in D11rid'sti111c, 1(hr,9,1i, thrcn, kcptlheCartcrs, andrhe a a0 uar Z,..11di11h, JAtb,,itl, El11¥, :r........vi..;h..thl:t..!..h..sri1..d....;:....;oi:;!h:Ufa......:1;;t..::t:t: y, s r...... ..1Y;::..o:i1,r;!.. ..h:;;:..;:rd..:!:..........r 1 j 1 6 27r 'r vr Entry into the Hourc of the Lord. 1 chrn,. i.6.:.,3, 1..6....\i..avg..;........ 2t c Sh11/!11m was chief, and wcrc rcckoccd Al ; with hilll; ding rn ..Il th.: Names of the Perlons-, bcuvccn H1m and r..J',/Qfts, dm wr: yccfindmct1tioncd)wasoothiswi1C. t..a:n:....¥.v, aadAhim1111, as D d i Of J,l,olw,.-,. ..;:'r;,t17, Eii,,,,11i. Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 114 The Temple of Solomon. Chap.... Levi---y-- 1-1-1 Gtr{hon Xohlfth-v ' 1 ..Jtthro ......ron, 17' .Attmtn, J Lit,id},,, or Lib,ii 11Chr,n, 2:,, ..á j Mofot )ZiP?..rAh 7, .. 1 1---1 ..! faod,,, "¥ Gtrjho"'¥ Eli(z..tr, Exocl.r18,4-, Jr1Chr.1 6,i5, .R,h,r11h . 1 h filf \1 ::i: Chap,')-lhe TempleofSolomon. B B e1idct tr,he Si?gcrr, Port eu, aod T..uf1:irtu, therc wera al”o Jodgc> of ,hi1TnbcrorL,,.,i._Socncwhercotbadrtb¥ircon{h.ot ro!idcocc i¥tb¥ S..i!ii......ill..lK,t:;;;:;;'.:::: Tbc Pot-lericr or I!foc ot which Joar pcrton1r1 werc (lyled by the Namn ot 1 ?¥ ¥ >¥ tbcir Fath.crs. r r 1 0,,,,,.16..or ]thitli; The (.bildrcll of J.,I,,., u1d H,..r,11 fftrJ A:t apm for chi¥ wotk o..Judg¥ z 3 tuent priodpally,u ro the kt Huiotu, Thongh...robably m..ay hondtcd1 z,+. Chron,l 3.. Jeh%1, : .r 1 of thci.r Childreo. mit:bt be allo taien '11:p in tbc rnuncdiat¥ lenicc of tb¥ Zt1h11m, Th1ngs, -.,,r:1S, fj....;;;..:..im:,..á:;'i..,..::iff?::1....:..tr::t1..1:::;J:;.. fumof the Hourc ot ecnp oycd more 1mmcduc!y 1n the 1 e01ple-Wor†11p, (wiet1tbey Jcp1rthe lord, 1ed io tbeir Cour(c1 from tbeir f"cr¥icc) did a!io pcrfoun cbi1 gre;).t .. d !o'l.! tr{e24. lemo fl'_orl of J ud,mcnc amoo.. the people.For !hev coming in, and ..oin:: & I Chron, cl 1 t0 ;r0:..t ..;r;....r..:;;i..:..:rn....:..;..:;t;..:....;,:d..o..:r::iti::r; ..:..ár..rb:J leilore tutfŸitnt 10 tbm 1C1áeul Cim:¥ u1d Vtll¥g¥¥ to ccach the pcoplc..be Laft'S oiGod,to expound tbe Limer of the Morll, Ccremo11i1l,a11d J ud1d. :23,16, o hhcr r dl l'.¥m tbtttof, .¥od to_ji:dgc tioally,in ail mate eu ¡.f Con!tOYtrhe abom ma........!..i..........t!;'j..........:........f.. !..h..;........hs: t..r....;;...;g!..,;;,: tbole_Llffl,aod ol t..1ir lmo.g accord:og to1or the ..llobcying of thcm. .r fu1i..bc(lowing up00 them mainly, the: cb1ct ]'ruH of the Trcaluresofhis Houle, Lee l:lS here rcmcmber>tbat thc!c Overlccu, aod Guardeu of the Trcahir..cs,wcrc rctkoDcd among the Poners, as hai;ing rhc dit.intl: chn"c ......;f;:{:;::!:!i,f'.:..2...1;::...:::..};....,'i....t:l;j;[;,tff.......;:::::: of the Chamber.., Doors, and Chctls of rhc Trea(ures., Forit is exprefiy r:. cht J/,J.r,11It111 1700 wert Ofliccn &mon.. tbcm of lfi'111I, oa tl'lllfide J1r. cordcd, that the tomchie! ..ortcrs had the o..er-fightot the Chambers, or .r J,eli. ll,11 Wci\wad, in all bnlinelfci tfthe Lord,a..d io[i,c(cr,ke oftbc ..io... ....i::i;..;rit..:;l:..;....:..:r;!f:Yi:l:ti ;,w;;:.. ;r:f;..:...., ;:::...'.-. 6¥ had the bo..!e of.Af,.rp1m,or the Cathenogs,a.s wcll as o\ the litt le G..te!,at 1Chrrm, - acJ,r,,,rot G,fr,..1,..blch wua City of rbc L,v1m1n rbcTnbe of .G¥J. Ofsr, theitcilucnmjmJ¥#, menofulour J cbcre we:rc ,7..0 cbie!Fathe:rr,. 24¥ "'4./,. Lailly, it .1.ppem byllmpa{fagemthetimeo!Krng,H,uk.i11h'sfawhom Ktor, D11v1II nudc R11ler1 CYcr clic R11,J,.Jw1 G¥ll1m, and tbe lult . mous Relormauon, which acq1uinrs tts.that Cortil be fon of J"'""hthe LeTri be of !'b-,i.cf,h, for c1áery mattcr pcrttin}og ro God, ..nd a..1irr of the 'l Chm,. 31, v!te‚{flePoncr coward tbe EaH)was 01er the Frce-will O..eriiig of God110 ..in¥, So th11: 1Yelindby Record 17oootcheLin1geot B,l,r,t1, on tber1 {Lr,11.1.6. 14, d1tlnbme chc Oblacions ol the Lord,and the mon l !o!r Thmgs. . . Vic†o(J,r,',r¥,1od 27..000tb¥ EaR:fidcoftlcŸto1Lio¥mdExmaioo: 32¥ Soth..tic.appear.o, th'at the Trea{ur.:rs and OverleersotcheDe(licate ¥h..t1cc:mayprob1b\y!otlow,tbatther1600Jcdge1ycc ccm1inii,li:, otcbc Things.are to becompurcd a[Ilong tpe Porms, bm cf a hirher Rank, thcn ocmbcr of 6000 mcntioocd at fŸft, thn chcy fftrc of the PoHerity of b .. á the ordinary Oncs, t!m came in u1d out by turns co wait at che Gates, co h¥r,aod '!fc:rc emplo,ccl on tbe Wcft !ide ofJ,rll,rJJ, l'fhich wa1 tbc grcme(t open and iht1t, and wareh at tbcm day and nighc, For fomc wc findcm.. pm of tbc L1od o!C.. ..... , atid,according co the propor_tion ofoinc Tribcr ploycdllluking the,hargcofrhcmiDilldsgVcffcls, aod brioginglhe:m lt ¥ balf in ch..t Re:ion,-b1d ll0t lo man yu tbÇ two T.nbe, u1dbalion 1hc in ' E e fait Early English -Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library .:__T_!e 7:Žmp!e ofSolomo....--__107 106 The Temple of Solomon. Chˆp.r EaHo!J"rd"n, pofnb!ybccaufcofiuncarervicinityrothc Coure, andtrhc RoyalRcfidcncc,tandJooccdedtno..fom1ny, bc:caulC ofthcconvenicncy Chap_:5 ofthcirAppcalsunt?Jrruf11hmitlclf. Asto thcir Office, the compa¥ mifi.{111libmm,d4di"tJH.l11H..1Sam4ml,.)n-..1chappearsbyS1rH...pdm11,i, ringoinvoplaccsof!icriprnrcvvill manifcll thctgrcat Dignity of thcir inhisGloffary,aod hts Trcmte ofTnhc:s,and m the firH Tf)mc ofh1sCounEmploymco' 7 and the large exmu ofthc:ir power, ].. the fŸ(l; whcrcof ee r God hil'!1!df -..o..nmands, thu in mmcn: of difliculty, it any fŸong En1cr-..!::1,\..![........f;;:..nt:;:..p..!....tg..s..f....t..t..gj..:t..!d..:¥......; cita 0ft::.... ...... r:....k:,l..t:2........::totr',:..[......!rfi:,tdJ:bind:h..lt..::....' ....;:; ot......t0t..:..0 {:....:....t1i:..:!......j;......t.....t;..t1....:i:;..:r..J!:ácy ofche wcrcapfo1mcdrngo10rhep.lacc:whichf.rodlhouldchoorc, thar1s,JerRCoure of Chancery ll!Ually to a B1.!110p1 as being ..rc!umed to be a m..n ..f o!Nadons, chat matters Dmt, 1 7. S,f,i/m, pnndpaliy, and any ot the Levit:Al Citic s ordinui1y, l'Vhere the (.r,. Judgcs lud thcir fi.1cd rc!idence, and lhot1ld came to the Pticlh1 the Lcvitcs, whotho11lddcrcrmincinaScnrcncctofJudgmcot, a::id thcpcgple wcrct.. ttand torhcir DccUioos; which if any min prcf..mpu:ioufly darcd to dcclmc1rhat man wu to be pue to dctth, and cvil to be pur avuy from lfr¥d. zChr#n,1 9,. Bcfidc..,wcrca_d in the H!flory ofKingJ,hojh,cph,ct, t..at Hcdid inflicurc i 1cJm'[Rit¥.LcmcsandPnc!ts , co hcar and dctcrm1nc Caufcs for rhc Y,r, 1 o, J udzinccr 0! r..c Lord,an.. for Conrrovcrfics, and chargcd thcm,rhat what Camelocvcr d1d comc be tore thcm, bctwccn Blood and Blf)od, Law and c Comrnandemc,n,Smurcs ..nd Judgmcnrs, chat rhcy fuould judicially ad# Of,I... N..thiJJims, monifhthem not co uefpa!5 a;ainlt rhc Lard. Sochufromthc!1andochcrpl1ccs1 ic¥seafictotco\lcŽt,cbnchcLcvircs ffCrc Judt",CS o,cr lfr11e/, io the ..”ghdt mmcn c Eth.te, or any odtcr Contro..crfic bcrwccn mm and man \'cd by frmdry lcarnc Writcrs, chu thcrc wu bue oocC ¥mongthe Jcws1whcreof rheLcvires were the Judgcs.and the writtcn Ln, of Mo¥ a .ti::t ..ti::t c!t....!:,..: :re;i:gt;h;f;..:..j..¡ct....f.0:,....rt,1;..::h..i..:..1f!;.... ..:......;):n..t0Ji..:..\........rh:r:ri......-..........lllft..1i..7..:..:D....!.. ;n:ot0(..i.. HinŽtfrom tbe Civil L1w,or chc Municipals of each Commey) eno11gh,by their burdcn, co fink a thoulˆnd Affe.. into the Ri Ier ofT7/m, Bnt to pro ..{1:é:,..:....t:..:..r ilil:s..S::.....:....,i....fŸf ;..:........:!..;;..{!: L1ws, Wmingo11toltheCop1.esol.theHoly Book,, ro ..e read Jnthe ..c......;....t....:..g........:; ,: ..d r:;......\....l....e o ......fs..\..ch..tc..........diJ .... ..:....{i!.. toth”ngsS1cred1ndCivil1eith_crbcl..nging tothcKing,many?fthc .pcople, Jnfomuch, thatrhepcrtonsolchetgreuelltranktandqualny, rnhcr f 1 0 th . .. ..fi: d_}..f..?of1?ti..::r......;..;i..tPF:..;:t..1'ri......tbeR..r:.. ..:;:a::1 x,,r., !,) 5 á ..ndchict Judgcs of the Land,..cncrals of the Army, !nch \Tas B..11,1,ch,rhe 1 Um11,1 7, toa of Jeh,Jad¥h,io the day.1 ot S,I,m,11, exprcfly c,1llc a chicf Pndl in the 1 1 : (1,,,., 16, !r;c::: ;;;..: ..f..:.1':0t....g!!r..;..h:...."tt:;..t:r..:..ep;..;!..........:....;... 1 i, c,tr cts f :....-g ..J_K..:..•:..:..tioc;ftrh:t;;tsta..d..{i!;..:....t..h;r..f..t......!.. ..;:; werc\ácrled,tllcSchoolsotcheProphersbeingundcrtthcirCogni2anceand lo!1irminn : and pmicllluly,che Colledge ac JerHf,1ftm, menrioned in the daysof Jofi¥h. lnfomu,h,tbatchcwi(domof our Sa:ro,sandNm_n,c,i/i..n¥ ccHor...ishighlytobchonoured:intthnd1cyfŸ!ladm(mdtbc Blfhopsof thcl-'ro1iocc, a,skiltedtintheLawsofGod, to fit wuh the Earlsotthe Cou mie! in their Tribuoals, ro allift thcm in dccifion of Caurcs,accordirig10 11:ie Word, { c!pccially foch as wcrc ,o¥iDddc:nt vvith the laws Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodle1an L1brary s.CT. JJ. Chap¥)¥ The 'Temple of Solomon. Hcrc,beforc J p..occcd1!L'.i lome.what ..cqu_ifŸ_c1cbat I bri..ffy l'pcak a litclc co the dty and h..Jtlld M..aturc.. ?f cheH,#rx,,, 10 far,and ot lo mnny onely, aswefhallulinorh”sDili:OlHleoottheSacdfices. co es,coaeoE pt:ho,oadJ :faet::.ot....::....i..t!..iJ:; ..:fi:d ..o......[:/u!..ot..a..::.. !á..ad,I6¥ asoraoi....l ri::..,fu o..fc..o..:i:t:;:d ..........ol::i..ic.... ....c..J;::o..Ž ....der..f;.... ....;k:4 5, eo !o::d....r..:'ai;..\.. ;r;!1t,u..o!..:,J1......j: et;_;..;..;; ..D.. ....:..r..:!..,..j," J;tiq.i,3. and tells us, chat_ o_ne ol theJ Meaiures wasequal to 7 Attic..,0tyla¥s. c,7. ce 0 gho::t!z';t..ti....;:cJb;....ir..........:t............ ......o};::bj..o;..d..:..Jo[.. f' P..1d,r;, io0 f e r:a...:..........: ......i;..t..',..:..o:3 ;o..!:,..../X..i..ki:....!..!s..o..rot;i;....[ :::{tib.':: (g”veus\e:wcotooco”peak) aoJ f,-, or., foroneŸmer, er Ioth dcaloff''l¥ ;. Flour ior a mcat.of[ring co evcry Lamb. Contequently, teo limes as much,thatis> an Ephah1is 5i li,a11d 'il which being rcdu..cd ta En,tlifo mcaJre, makes lix Gall_on s,osu:: Pottlc,tnd half a pint. So that one žmct was ooc Pottle, one P10c1 and threc Ot1nccs of our MeafŸrc, or veryocarthc mmcr, though wc cano?t o..w(pcod time io teducing the, eAttuk,.potind to our E11glifh troJ Wcigncot .11 ouoq:s,S pounds wRcrcof makes an E11g .. /ifhG1llot1,u.cordingroothc:SurutcoofothctlH.7,c.ip,-5. Secondly:As to liquid M.ca!rcs,there arc chrec onely thu we hm.. nced o tonl :o, noa ..g......:;.. ........ ....:hL......c;;..r..:....t or¡..V......lo:hc\;i..7:..é;:!!;.. Scbmdlero . put,aft<::r ”t was fi lied ..p co the.bdm: or, as ethcrs, thc,..ntcot ..f 6 Egg .. ihells. Sccood!y1a H111 ,omai..ed 71 Eggs,or 11 Logs:. !o thar in Sam-11N,W8rf..á ficc-meaf ures mcntion..d in Scnpcure, (i.mpnrcing,chat chere ware Vclfels off uch a conteot as followcth) The founh pan of a Hitt is. duce L"g!, The th”rd pm is four Logsi half a H'tn, 6x Logs i and tbrc.. quum,, nfoc ooLo....reover? bfl:ly, !ëx Hi.os 611 up afŸth. Now for Rcdu&ion to<1ur Mea!urc..,:i.s in che dry Mc;1/urcs,we pirchcupoo the Affaron,.or cemh d_eal, bccanrc mo1l urcJ in this ..rc(Cot Sacrifice Sco!y: fo we w1II n ow p1cch upon the Hin,which with LIS pltlS is che meaturc mo(t frcq111:ntly mendo._ nedin this b11!inelS', Asco tbis, hftphu. ( l wil! not lay how truly and 1 punthul!I') c..mpari..gthc H,io with .,foi,.. Mea”urcs, tcl..q us, ic ..aseq11al åHtio q,t.1¥ ..o:'.;..!:a......o,........-!......;..,..:..be :..!':1 t....{.. t;Z1:,..h;it;:,;....o:h.... ...... c;,P¥9¥ Pá Slt ¥ phincd il X;f /;tS1ts I‚, and afccrwards t/;iS11, ixu>.1á11,i.,4. tt.,1111, á A ' Chus is li:,: ::>exmies1and a Sexra..y conrains one li: and i, whencc w,c Jeain, 1 1 that one Cl!us is 9 li, and one Hm is 18 fi. of Arruk_McaiurC".Con'cq11entá 1y1thc:rcarc ros pouadsinoneBuh: aridoneLog, bcingchc lventy”cá condpm of a Bath,will c.omai.a a pim andhalf, evcn threc times as mu,h u will be pr..duced byruch as coavc!li:: with Egge-lhcls. Buc, indeed, I ,áchcmcntly !tr'peŽt JQftph"", bccau'c (in rca”on) the quantiry of Oyl, teá cordfog ro chi11 rcckonin_2, for rhe ..Ji!y Sacri..<:e, bciog cfie founh pm of a E:r:bd,l !h to0 0 tai !0g 4, . 1 e c ..l..0 :n;:::loJ:;f..f..1....r...... i..ho..:..s¡_t!r:r..o..:..:d....; o}o7..J,;):o.... Qo.Artfr..žtJl.c,robeonepottle,onepint,andthrccoo11nccsofFlouro, Y(_hichis inc..mparab!y too much ior chc wming ofFlo..r ro m..ke ,l Cake1it I ..o nocgrony mi(hkc in good Bou”cwifcry. For as lure as can be I JefapJu.,, tho1:1ghaPriel!, hisOfficclaynocamoogcheBakingll.ans, or c!!hcwas poorlyacquaimcdwich,Ar,”ck.,meafores, Wherl!forc, that wc: maynor f f marre Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 110 'The Temple of Solomon. C:l;lap...¥ Chap.1, The Templeo}Sol..!12..n. Ill murerbcC..kt,in-tbemaki..:, "e b:i.d bcucr cake the metfm'c t>fthoM: c Ytcrabccc:....:h..; \!..;cc....l !....ch.... ....: ..:1:'b:.. i:tc..c;i:.. ..c............ f....cnt..!!.. of a H1n)or :t pim aod b..lf of Oyh wi11 (crvc t Hnle bettcr to mi1 #ëtb the Floar. B¥c cbir 1ny of dea!in.. with Egi1 in mcafrirer, I doubc will make Di De mcafur11oftie:opro-..c1dd!c, Fo.., lirl., tbtf tell us ooc, whccherwc arc co ok the E .. , of Wrca, 0c Sp;..;..::d!..,..=,..=:....r:1?........h:;; ..•nt/.. b..c07..:.. ..::It Aod ..b1rdl1, thcy ae1á..rbced chu lbc Wucrgf che Vc:lfcJ,"berein tbcy ..¥c tbcu B..g¥, ,Till unooOy ri(c into ¥ rnmour on the tiubce, to prc.. !..ne from ¥ tohnioft of condnairy,tnd chu nrionfly, more or lc!i, m:or¥ d1¥.._ntbcE..i¥..;entlyorr1A1lypntcin11.d to Jield Wtterc, more o.. lci,tor yoarmcaltirc: tbc7 Oi¥uld bue donc wc\l to ba..c i¥formed et ot 1bcproporuo121ofmotion1¥tbi1 aaioa, If Pbyfiiians lhould ba,e no DHilte c1re1Ul¥ medidnd mcab!lm: thce the Pr”c8tbad ia tbcir t=cnicCJ t..w1rd1 Go.., .{if.chi, be crue) they miiit q1itkly fend Hundrcds of Pt¥ [ ..:::..i:t..t..ef:.:..\=......;[:....r .:.00 :l..iJbe t..1dc::..c:t!....:d::p.. aad:ou 100 mccb on rhefc¥re wicb the s,,tt,,tt;i¥t. For tboogh betcl\1 llJ otbct..fflrert<,th..c I Bath i,Ÿj™il to 71 Sc:mriei; 1nd hcre,cbn a H”n i¥ n,oof the x.i•,. ë,c, 11 Snurii:ii and fo ;grect witb himklf. becan'=' 6 Hi.1:is 1co:t: t ;...:'::..f;:/:::r [.. e:.... ;..,...... 0 r..b..á..:rb..;.. :;..cxb..f....: 1 1bcf..i..c:: y.... hue lyc, thcpoilluo bepro,ed,Wbetbcr I fŸtbbefoau:icb,or t1ot, For lh.tlI mi0dyon, tb.uápf11¥¥ obrer,ing tbe:70. to rracOatea Bath by fF:;;¥-i..t:;::i:.ft..:t....;:;:1........;:::t;..:..::..:....t:..¥:....r..:r;...... 1gnor..t11_ly;oru1rni_ncrJ;Ot\'t'Ortbyoflt1cbc:utlnc&rndcunofŸy,(1E\lfe bue 1httr mie Cor,y) dn trit:'0.rc the Htlmi¥ word lf¥th, acd !¥ri¥, by ...;,,,.t:re,,, ,..,,,.r,,...,, nt,'.ti11r,'x¥iri,; ¥nol 11"1W,., : 10d the Log al”orh..y cm'I Kircb, r fluet>,-..:JWA.f1, So ch..c if yeu \Till bcedleOy fol\01,. chem, ¥ Btth aod 1. C.¥¥wJ.¥¥á L.. (h1\I be ail 011c m..111lre! acc.o'rdiri.; to cbe l1H a'ICcc}¥ocdVcrfion of 1 t,A. Cotyl1, V,berefore,1tprctenr;.1Jcflullui:etbisconrle. F”rf\,lecosre ... Euk_.4-5¥ merober,tbu 1 !htb 10d ,n Epb1b,1re fhred co be ofequ1\ muliire1 uro ¥i¥ lf{i}....f..;..jf;f..1..i..i....Il/r-I..lt....I:;r..l....”.. And l1Hly,tb..prgpo_rdëi¥ o'fpyl forco mingle w_ich che Flo¥r, !-Or cbe C..k.: ol th¥ D,ul_y S1enfi(e1 bemgcbc fowrcbpmoJ a Hin, or cbreelo..1, fa,J.ig, :i!J;..1-..l..!r..!'..1ic; : . on¥quarr two 01i.ce1) and a quarrer ¥f Oyl,i. ,. _.0, , . i Tht11 b..,e I done lfit b tbi¥...udcnlir of Mcafur:1,u far u "e hare u(eof e ..o:rt:....1:..:th....rtcf1..;fd../....i:..f..i:....¥,0i:n1;!:; 1 ;.. :1....: ..01..........cch¥Y ff'011\d norfŸ18:!y ll'lterprct me: "bich u cou euŽl: and acc1iruo proporiion,i1thcbnfinc1lof..11o_cberrrcJti1e, No,r c\1cn to reco..1nc the lemce o(t,e Priefll io the Te..ple, we md tb¥.. DAtr1¥..a1ec..huS0.1per..aUA-of all the paru of their D..rr: 1 Cl,11¥,18. wtutbhec™al'lt..c1n:;,..ote1c_at1t1n..J1y.oi,c ficgle place ?f Srripure, i,,,e 13, m..llhnercc_?t1rletotccnr10u1pl1cct whero the7 be kutered up atld t!o"aintbtlacredlent:t. Toprotecdtben,"Pre0ullob(enr, bo ice bl ri cbcf Po..cj;..;i ..:..-....t...n,..........!..'t....;;........b..;..:..!..;..:,s. ....;::dt Chr¥¥¥ 13, oiihr,bycourle1 ;;;nd their num..ar"e fŸ11lrolefot1rthoulind, J¥ Second!J1cbed1i\1Cer1ke,ruJj:,erH intbefacrificin¥ot'a Lamb, tnor. nin:: Hd e,eaint, l'tlt.. l liH'.!U¥offerlt1.., tbtt i.., a C,k:; l'Ude of rberectb E. il" parce( an Iipbah,tbtt 11,H Omer of Flour, mu1<>lod 1'1itb the fo1mb pm t,j...9. e0 1 tec0cr :\: ..;;:..1::1..¥::r..c:1..å....'fo..i..:e:f ::.c..t"J....::. 1b..-;..:toi..e;::b.. 'N;,,i; ti, Co1m of tbe Pricfb. One ,rnb10 c..e Temple, 1b: Limps of tbe Golden áhJ) 'á ':andlctiickifferectobed1effedand1npply:dwitbŸyl,tl'lorni.¥andc,t¥ Dlng; u1J, ac &och ..bo”etime,, f,,,-..ec loceore1Tuto be buroc¡ opontbe Golden Alur,tociotet fr;i:raot odourrbro11gbvur 1he Te111p1e. Tbo.tb f,,kh......!i..:oec:::i....ct .....:......1i........!:J1....;,ti....:t..;:;i..J;..tc¥.... I.amp..d1d not bum al! dar loog, ..tlt l't'ere li,:bred ac E\toirni oae!y, ¥¥d 1 I :r........;,r:..rbi......;......!cJ1tht,..R1ttheL10;1p1d1Jb;iracooi1an1llr, e-lptciaiJr6nc¥there iicxpreC,E:mB l.Jo,7, ..{,tj}l}{l..t..l{..i0l..}!Htrff;..}..11}:....t\l..{ i ' . ..;....tc;....::....:..:..!!....c1..: 1 t.cJ!1..!Tf1 ..l;..ftc.. i o,er-rhac 1hi1 MufiCl1 H na'looy ft'U ce!ebr.tttd at the time ofS,cri6ce a, \Tcch11cocbcr1"fht:rcob1:::r,ed. 1 1 3 tt/ ! ....t[\.. 1 : 6..11f; ; 1 t..\'le.. :ri:ái....r;....:..e:;..;á::i:....i..[!..á;1b..:..ci::.. ;:;:*á ic. 1 li. fŸHc!afolucry ..foa..rh; aad htdfo1á1Ba..ntcO..rin,: twoyo1Jn<>Bnt-N,011i. - .i.{iii?-l.Jj..JI]t[rif f ..li..I....:i!fi,t\;l:;fil oeonc G1llon, 1ndtbrce..uneuof-api,t; Hdcrhetwelflb put¥fat1 Krn..I:......f ..;yJJ.@!it{..f fŸ..!:......fŸ......Jf :ii..l..fŸ ....:JI11..@....f..¤J(;....¤áá-.. :b..o;;....:....if..:..d Dm:-Ofterio& o” the IAJllC q11;ituitie1, ;u ollltlly ia ¥oc! 1 1 ou.Le,: fil Lo!s cooac Pottlc1'01r ci111;cc1111d; 1not1cce, hnd Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Lhap. 5. The Temple of Solomon. 111.. 'The 'Tempô-of Solomon. Chap,'f, Allrhiswasofferedon,hcNcw-Moon, be/ides the cootinual BurntOffcrinl)S of two Lamb..,with thcirCakes and Wioe. In the fr1h p!ace,let us ctcat or the Ann11d Fc!lhidcs, which wcrc prio.. cipa...iy thrcc,wl:ercof in thcir diHiioŽt order. rlnl,Thc Pa.lsovcr)which feU om upon tb.. 14th day ofrhe fŸfi mormh, ad. 11,e1e1 \ 5 0ea ;. 4, ..t:..:..:;:....h..fo1/....fih:t:ir..:!hb;..er::_eët;..;;i:..ee_..ff::”:g..ebeiZi parucuhr,accorc.lmg to1hc mulutudc 01 Perlons ma F.1m1hcs, wecannoc bringrhcmmuoaeccminm:ount. •henext day (aftcr rhclolcmo!layiogoi du: Paie ha! Lamb1onthe Evcning of the l"fth day,) bcing die 1 Sth Nttm/, 18 ofthefŸOEmoncth,bcgmthcTemp!c-S11crificc1for7 dayscogcthcr, evcry x6_:_l6.á dayalikc; cachdayeheaviogeasmanySac1ifŸcs, as the New Moon had; Herh i..:fff;,..;..:;;a..ftoTth..e.... ..:.........!!....:e6......!..!:t\:¥h Moneth 13¥ N,,..b. 29¥ :;:;i..:::..d....n.........e........!....;:....i..:b..;:::..e..:;c..ei t:..ci..:..t:;;;::..i olte1ingsofanord10.uy.NewáMoon, and9f the D11Jy Service. Motco, er, cnthelothdayo!the7thmoncthe, Jullasrnm;:basonethcfirftday, Ontbefircldayof1he7thmoocth, therewcreOffcrings focJdaysto gcte,e1t..e tl}..t..!..b! 0 o ?t_,..!..;j......, 13 young Bullocks, twoRams,t'! Lambs, di e ac 1 lëllg; :h . ;;;;..Jd;tbu....\e....il....:,..1r:he rc!l a!ike. On thetflirdd..yu, On the 4th 10,On the ..th 9. On the 6th 8.On 1he 7th, 7 Bullock3,On the Hcre I ba,cci:kibired in 1 Table u one ,i,w11bc fcnral ftm:d oS:,io;, z9, S1h,Ju!l as m11c.h as on the New Moon; and¥li thcfe con!la..dy cve!y yur 1 Nur11be I will , tbrou..boat tbe Yf..T..onltanrly, gi,-:o opcoGod uchc Ttoeplc: 1,oroudcmkc1dut u t!eu!:t:)y duwa 11p co ¥ hair: Buc I hopG: ic i1pmtr nur rke mmcre, wbicb you lce irrite¥ ro thi¥ l”::imme ia ¥ ycu, .,,,;.,, OH.' Hondred,ad 15 youn.: 81\locis, cbinye1ibtR1mr, oactboutl.doac b11odred and tbrce Lamb1, a.d tiirry one l:id,.1mo1i”ai apo. Gad¥¥ AI'... ttt: To1'fbich ,ruaddd ..rBreid and Dri.t, oi:ae b11adrc4 tad.6fty,á á bphlb1,1ndtbrceOoaeuo:6ncF!oor, hicyfoor1htbr, aad o.eH1.0, purcl,caccoOyl, aodli.ity6x81tht, il¥rHia,, aadfixL01¥.ofcrce1Icat W”ne. Tbi1 wu th1 cootbnt Ycarl1 SacdfŸc: SECT, Ill, Th, third StEti11n 11[ thH Ch-1ur , pm#[,Jin th, ,,gitmi#[ of it, fhlll 1rt..t ti"ttrningrh,1111rio141[11cr”fwu,,_dertht Jewi[h_Pitdllg11lJ. tlJti.. N11t11r,, Ulf11nr:tr, Vfe,Md Eitd, nmhth11r t(tt,lldAnt Rites A11d Ctrmwniu. a h d Jfeio } ..n:i t:f.of . ..:;..::....:;i...... fi: t.......:r....?. ..fr[........t. frnngs. t Peacc-O&'ctiogs.. s M.mi:criojs. J\nd 6 Ddokáie....: 0 The Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library J The Temple of Solomon. Chap.... Chap...:--The Teriipleo[Solomori. Lov, i. 1 3. nng... \..1d1 t,vo J\ppcndi..cs,Satc and lncenfe. Hony and \eaven wc:rc Lev. ...11, both fo1b1dden cxpreily: ..s bcing of O0c Na.um: ennto Ferment: as The Seitfa,u 1111d Ow,f,0111. Yol. ),f, 5t, learned Wumf ob crvcrh. 1 Ii1..iitl......l..f &i The nuin and_ u!ti..ate End..{ there S_acrificcs wcre to pointat (/mff1 o b.:: the !acred H1erog1yph1cks of hts dca1h and Aco11ecni:nt for gia' l ..:..s:lThe fnbordi1mc ao.. }nt..rmediarc En::l_w,s, that llmein'thc Jewilh , , Pi:ople 0101::d be ..xm..led_m lacrcd wodh1p that was rypicall. G11l, !',rrift, Thc:l>ufnrngoltbe !acrt..ccsnotedtheldeatharid coolumpcionof Sin. de lttd11u ”o reprelcotaHoi co the mmds of che Ofh:rcrs, thcdreidfol effdts of Sin ,,,p. s. ........::..i{:l..áa......[ 1¡f..:..:[ a:'rii....ht; fa........:r::..irr.. !.. ..ffc[r..:::::r.... aU1nchelmerda1es.Somelotrhc!eStcnficeswerelClrlcxpiationoffiosof llznmmre or Kno.,.,.lcdgc if :o be th..y wi:rc aor commicrcd prclumptuoully. z.{Mm.1...3¥Forlwhitb fŸ1 thcrc vus no Sacnticc: butchc perlon wastobc utoff N,b,10,36,from his rcoplt", Qthcrs wcrc for ,cknowlcdgcmcnt of homagc and ttiM b¥tcto L..dtbeg,rcatand migbty LO.... _thu !fladcall tbings bytheword of hss poW'..:r. Ochc:rs !or thankt.givmg airer the recc:ipc of !omc Vtr.'J.l. emi..ent Mercy, aod for many orher Ends, a! wi!I :.ppeu more by and by. Tnc tbings offc:rc:d W'C:fC c”thcrof B.:al\s or Birds or 1ruics of che Emh. OfBea!lrt'.1efc:thrc:c:lonly,B..lloc..s, Sbccp, anld'!oam: OfBirás, Tur < d s all ....;;;;i:Jl1 ;......:..\..‘;;r:iY..0..S..1=;tr:[;' cb..lw::rf;..i}' t....j......1;.l....efi!d & 102.7. ThcCrca.. downlaHc:Lamb, ifthe Leperwereabl.e; orel!cla TurdeloraPigc:on. 6\y, At the ckanliag of feparared Womeo a Tmcle o.. young Pigeon. Lev, 1 5,30: 'l 7ly, ForNazariminlcwocafc:s. Fir(f1 1ctheirlrellirnc1onlinlcafeofdcM *,:##,6,u. fŸcment, a TurclelorPigc90, Secondly, Atlrheperiodlo(hisfcpamion, or the M1n11miflionfrom his Vow,onc: He LJmb. Sly, At the Dc:dication Yir,14. ofcbe Tabernacle each of che tweke P.rince.s ofl(rael otfi:r..d a Bu!lock, a N#m,7, r f. Lamb, and a Ram. 9\y, At the con!ccranon ot the Lev11n,a Ballock. -8. 1 z. L.cwpA,52,1ttunfŸtedinlour B1bksby SpArro)9I P[Al.84.3., Y,l, ”. turcs yo1.1. lccuc domcllicalland mild. Theyfrc:don Herb andGraffe, Lev, ,.,..,+,.uermr ficrce cu..ivorous Be1!ls: lt's obfcnc:d byfomc co chat puqiofe.. tbtt thcy have ncither crookeJ r:J.1..i!s andá C.la1...':", nor ..ootinua!d Sers of Teerh, af!dbc:11desarechemofl:u1ctullcomao10hisfŸel. o:che Birds on: is ! moul"nfull C:rcuure, the _?cher, i¥ c'?mmooly reponed, by rcafon Of m innorency anrl harmle(nellc-, co be wu houe a G1i1, Fi{hes we fre r vlv t 1 1, ..ln....t..................t; cl/fi; ....:clth!c..:..B........i;:..n..i\t:/a:..\{.. :::.'¥ d wcrenoc offc:rc:d: becaule ( fay!0mc) 1hc:y,ouldlno..bebro11ghcalive: ,,e?Lacnb... 4[y, (?nthe fitcenchdayoithefirlt or Paffeover Monetb, Vir. 11,r;..:,..;bi::;tn!..ch weaknc!S or infirmity, beii,g overpowrcd b.. ,empmion aDd the prevare"ncy of Ju!.. As 1 IfaPe rhfondidlyetohisNeighbour1:oncerningi;oodr,dmtheywere n?rhdelivued,orinhpmnerlhip,orhinthingsrakenbyhviolen(e,orincbit1../l' ot ..laie fraud or dcceip.., or concerning what was loi.., a11d lies ..r fwc..rs e , . Lhvith6h6. fa!Je\y. Jnallthcfc,a! e shehwuro re!!orethc princ1p..ll a?dalJ? a ..!th N""'¥ 5,8. pm,. 10d a Ram for h1s Trefp:ifsáoffmng, tog..ther wirh bu e!limauon, L ... 27,h¥ wlh v 3h¥::fij:s:::fe..:..h;:;:! ....:1......;!..:%:;!a!h....ci..:J:rt....!..i::::::; prcfented, as I fonhedcfilcmentofa Nazarite, whohadbroke..his "l{Jlm,6. 120 Vow offep,mtion) his pa!I daics were co be lolli ani.J to bring a Lam!, tor a L,i-.ri, 120 Trc:(pafa-otferiog. 2 Arche Purificuioo of rhe Lepcr thcrc was appoin¥ ted Que Hcc-Lunb for a Tref pafsáofferiog. TheJl,Jtf,m..r. r Tht Sacrifice for Trefpaffes wa.: rob.. Oaio in the fame place, where theburnt-offeriogwaskillc:d. L,v 7 1 t,:c :i. The Bloo,! was to befprinkled round abom upon the ..!rar. 3 TheFJtoftheinwards,rheRump,theKidneys,_ rheCaul, andiD..cnc:ralallthcFatwaswbeburnruponrht!Altar; and1u!.aswas dealtw1ch the ..in¥offering fo with this, there was occ Law for botb. Now whc:re..s si theo te c .h ¥:1h....inJ:r..{....:J¡..h;..tëteb..r:\..!..hi1:a..:..:..ithh!!:r: :....teg..a.... .. The Prierl's ..a;:;,hs1......,:rin:........h..........i..ff....r..;..;h....r::::;t:sh::t m tP..t::;.... 0 t sa n1•sht tiot, In neirhcr of chclll,mighr any bJin.., brokc:11, or miim_ e d Creawre, or tbu hiJ a Wea,orthe Sci.rvcy,or was tcabbed,or was bru1fcd, cru¥ i'hed,orhcut,beprel'emed2r1Sod's:Tcmple, For ifthŽy offeredtheB!ind, ihc::Lamc and Sick,was it not evil? Would an Eauhly Go..crnour rcceivc ,l/;t./, 1,8, fuchaPrefenracthehandsofhisSuppliaor.. much lc:JS fltnu!dGodbelO difuoooured,m,.-reefpedtilXintheca”cofYows, inthcticncofourbeing bedged in tvith pe.rplexinz. ..hfncukie_s. Men !l3Ufi be as careful to pay,u 1beywcrc.!ibera!1:0prom1!c.111thec1mcofaax1c:ty; 2ndbe1uretohlollow the,C..un\clof ..Af¥ph, Tsp¥J1al",tll4: v,w u,rtothe,L..;J. ..Ve .mulfbc Pf,Ji,76.1r, u1ck m thi! work; for the Lor.. elle w1l1 furely rc:quirc 1t,and 1r w11J ptO\'e Dmt: 23,3o tous. 22,w,. ”he Ki,,J, ThcCrearnrcs ollcrcd wer o! the Herd; ..ither Bullockr,or Heifen: of L,vh3.1)6, the Flocks,a Go.1t,R.1m,cr Limb: They might offcr Male or Fcinalc, of ,hFowl,a lict\e Bird.whicb !Ome fay is to be mc,mc o” t\1eSparrow; as in the cafcofL,r,ft:. The Se 1fons werc cit..erhconfl:a.nr,or accidcncal, , accordin::to ”be Emer¥ tt,,qof Prn‰111ciu, Or the fa!t 1.orc were thc:fe j t, At t..e Confec..ation ExfJd, z9, otha Priclt, there 'ff'uaRamottered upforhaPe,ir,.OJftr'.nl¥ For if you 19,i 8. vt ci ::..1;hf ..h;hr! ii:....,:..h..rth ;,..h:..;..'t::i:.s r;e::..;y.. 0l..;;:;;?,{;:ii:f:.. ;.....;. tion,a Bullock and a R1tn tor l.im(eli,aod che likc for the: people, Ltv.9,4, r dhki..i!....;..?cáh......t: ;..h..".:..ii::;..Ç;::;;t....rn..i ;;.[..:{..........d....c:h.. j"o.... r ......ë........hc h;'......:..(..l:Jt:........;....hc........f ;..s )h:......::.. :.:d..;....:..dcht ....:;..1¥..1 Seulet Thread was to bind che li,iog Bir? in the mid!l of the Hyfop, anJ L1p. 1 ;. ailcoiether to the hrndle; and thcrcwuhall to ..etform the Cer:1..0ay: whkh "'u tllO tobe donc co a b,oufC dcfŸed w1ch L,rrofi, .. The rea!on Lev .14. 5c whywerankchis among I'MN Off_..,,-,,g_1,is, b.:1:anreal'. Tha_okrgivi.ngs for 5t,&c, recelpr of Mercie! rnme! un der tht.. Tn(..c:,wich .1!.. the1r un..us Rit.es and Aucadaocic,.Fllutthly, 4-t the period o: ,, l'lAt,mus \OW..d !epuarton, ..e ,h roung Ram,about)ori.ndcr a ycars n..c-. Portio,i, fo\emnJ.y gi1ácn Llnto God by burnini upoo the Alm, was rhePt”ells only; L,tt, 7. 617. aod the1r Males ..\one \ycre toeu 01 it m the holy place, For as ,be Siná Lev. l'f, 1J. offer”ng is the Pneti's1 !o 1s the Trefpa!..-cffcriag bis; it is mofl hohy ..héC T. iarly English Books Online, Copyright © 2019. ProQuest LLC _ Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodle1an L1brary uz. 'The 'Temple of Solomon. Chap.1¥ Chap . .,. The TempleofSolomon. othccSacrihccs: Oicwing che Inmc!l: God hich in us, aoˆ all our Enjoymeocs: which eoming from hiro, rnu!l: bca,knowledgcd by way of chiei RencinSa.crifice, The M,ctter, The Murer of there Offerings1werethercthings following: fiac Flour; B¥....!....:....tff..!..:s Ji....r..:t1l......:r;..t1..?f ....1 c........:hcrof!hefc In oredients,wcrc cithcrcoDJUDtl: wHh other Sacnfices1beloce mcnnoncd1or fcp;.rm:_dfromoth cm1 and apm by thcm”ch'es, accordirigroothclawof thth..0 ji!;........cl Mcu-Otferings1did accompany cithcr numcá Orfcriugs, ¥ Of,ringi. or co ....¥a Lev.;.i. r..i........;r conjoyn:d with Burnt. OffcriDgs, had tbis proportion;-;..¥ 1Jt. goce . ..;....!b:....i..:i:....i..ho..h: ..:....;;:r....;:_ ..i:..?..;f:th!..e :; f1;;/-1 > ¥ l fŸ:e,aatlkiUitacochcodoorofchcTabctnaclc. a'l'xnu. ..oi..:l...o f ¥ wcre,R,m, chentwoOmmofF!our, and the thtrd pm 0foaH1not Oyl: If, Bullock,thcn three Omcrs aDd &alf an Hin, If a Kid,the quaa.. tity wasthe famc as for, Lamb. Thus was ”tto be donc in the Offcrings of..h;::...1:;tf..:ìngs werc j..y..tlyprcfentc? ..ith Peacc--Offcring,,:hc Ylr,8, caJc ”s gcnera.l..y the famc, unlcls tn a Thankfgmng; for thei_i the pert_on untoc\aclOl'd. éutDtalfo. Tnis w;aschc Lorcl¥s pm,in the Pcacc-offcrin&s¥ neod ThefrJrll'sP..rt, ..;..:;1....t......:..:....:r::......fu:!J!:i..h..;\;..oao:d..:::;..:ti..:F7........:11 ¥7¥o13' mingled withOyl,and fryed i ..¥th unleaven_ed :Bread befŸlc. Ooc of tbc(e Ver,r+. C¥....e..:Ys..ob..:..f:..oc ..f......o1 ..f..:-....:....:1..yned wich Sln-olferingt. Tb.efcparaced, orodil-joynedMeac-offcrings, cvenfuchaswerc prefcntcd hs ao?.lo;......i..t..............f';!:l:u..;: ..ho[;:¥wereno mhcr Offering$ en..oyned NM,,,,f, 15, s0 1co1 26 ....; ....i..r..r7....fn:ce..te...b......;..! h..::o7:......:t..b..:..t ..:..¥rh:....t:.... Ytr, ¥ f, bcburncwicbfirc. Efhah of fine Flour, Wlt..ont any Oy\Num. S, 1r. 1tá 7¥ Y,,,17¥ wasco be burnc on rhe Alm; and the rcR w:as devolvcd o..er m tbePncHs T"er,t 3, SECT. V. Of th, M,1Ct.Offn-l11g1, c cor dco or 'fc..:::;:d..-........;h;........i..;5;o;..e..co;i..f!et::!.. ..:....o:....]..h!fcco:: Th.. C""fi¥ fuio ....;n At the Conlm.tion of a PrieA, chere ..at rn be a Basket of 11nlea-;;:"¥o29¥ i ..thcr -Ea-r..ly-E -ng..l..is..h-B_o_o..k-s-Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Imag es reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library I iá i Ltv,6,u.. _ Sccondl;¥.á:1;, Chap_:__!:___ The Temple of Solo mon. The Temple of .Solomon. Chap..., fwcec fŸáour unwrhc Lord. The rea ( as is often remembrcdin ail ”uch Mc:,1,t-offcrinis),1meotochc:Prle!l:, 7/u Mi1nt1tr ,md Rituo , The m11u1e.. of cbi1 rneu¥o.tferin: (10 pllt a pcdod ro chi, Sedioo) ,us 1.,,.,,i,1 )2, oc th”1 'ff'ile,Fua, chere mi boe Plogr prepm:d; tbco ai¥¥¥tt1¥fll¤rir, L,..,6.1,: ' or a 6niu.. prop?rtioo o.. Oyl poffred 11pon ic:and min..led 1,ith ic11od cben tŽ. the Fnni1nceole l'rU h1d on the top ofcho CŸ;o, Water or Loaf, to 11uk¥ 0rc i efte1 ....=,....r..;r......;..::cc..:r..lt....i..ot:l..o;:,}..;oir:....o..lr..o..b:o;....;..... proponion(,uu1bo,-cp:mc1ubrad) wucbu; co crcry telthDeal, or Omer of Flour, chcrc 1TU rbc ioonb parc of I Hin of Oyl to be mc,foml om. Theq1:uaci1yooiPr..nkiocc..ieldo not find mc.ncio..cd; un\tfl'ff'o coa!d brio.. tord.. tbe exaa qu..nm”ct of tb.e capa.citJ ¥t cbo!c Velfd, oaáe.. Ifra,!,1trhe Dcd1mioo,ot M,fn hi¥T..bmuclc, Ni1.,J.7, 4 '.i{i..?:i..l;;t..:::1!..;;!:i..;....]if:t..::{:..;..,::' ..;..2..t:;; 'i.¥ ¥ ffh..tber che..c l'ruc !acb cx1..l11e(r u1cd of old amoo: che Jo'ff'I: or1at lea!t, 1Tbtthertbele1le!l!1¥fchcPrince1ffcro11ot¥Ë.,a:tri111t1, at1dMt1ccor.. ¥ din_: to 11:11. Sm1dud-Veff'elt,io cheir c1p1dtJ, If dmc 1nre aay prccHCncH1 in their fr1roe,u it Gtou!d lem thcre wu, becaa”cotbcydidotftrj11tl fom11chfiacFlour1ndOyl, 1ccordin.. to fo rnany Llmb11ndBullockt; nhicb qnantity, wu fraccd by_thc J/Jf¥ir.lL&'ff': Thcn therc wilt appur thi:7ifi..t:r,:n..::......h::...t..tfo......:!....-into 1hc Holy ;lace crery ;abb,1 1b day,aod ,et upon the purcGoldcnTable,is_ co he here accoonted;IVhicb camc.cotbcnumber of_, z Cakes for the t l Tnbcs of Jfr..,l, each Cake of the She1v¥Brcar! co 11GA1:1gooftwo Omcu of fine Ftour, and cqmpofed with l:n.1, 14.7, Oyl: a handful l'lhercol was bu.nt oothe Alur,tor a mcmorial of a (wecr Cr 6, fa_rnu_r bcfore ..he Lord, The rc!l was m;de inrn (o many Cakes; !ix Hari¥ dml:l man upri,1.;hr Row one upou another, and a GoldenDith ot Frankin. ce nie onthe top of each Ro,viupon the Holy Table. The(e Cakes being u.. ken away cvery Sabb.ath ( whcn the: New werc fct on ) bcc,1,mc the L,v,: ?. ! :;,Pr1:......dly,Io the Sheaf of Fidl-Fruits, there wcretwo temh deJls of fine Le11,z 3,16, F!our,ming!ed with Oyl,givenin for a Meu,olfoing, 17. ThirdJy, InthcFcallcfFirH-Frniu, theChildrenoof If11tlwerecomm1adcˆ to b:ing two Wm:-lo&ves; each of them confŸhn¥ of one tenth L111,1, 1 5, D_cal of fine Flour, baked withLcavcn; and tbis is chat oblnion of the 14. FttfiáFruitsiwhich wascommanded byGod to be offercd, and forbidden to be b..rnt, bec..urc thnc. was leneo in ir ; andthcrefore wa.. wholly rcleffed lor t..e P'nefl.s hou'.e,to coniccntc1hc ulC ..fLcilven in rheir Brcat.. iotheirHab1tatioos,.whenthey feduponthe fruitsoftbcland, whercoi b:,t'ë:,H, they had now in thtle fir!l-fruiu prcfcntcd a tafie uoco the Lord: who refio ;o. ne:,i it ovet to his M.ioifier.. and Officers in the Temple, chat a Bleffi;i; ri n to b..r..u....:r..f.s¡..!t:..,i....:s?h....1o....:y!..r:::..h:....t.... to bung in fomc of rbc yo1mg newCorn .acwly ripe,&: to bcu the Corn out Ln1,i, 14, of the fullcll greco Em,and rodry it by rhcJirc; then to pour Oyl upon ic. 1 5, and thcn to lay Fnnkincen(c upon ir.Pm wliereof,e\'CD part of thebme.. ComandopmofcheOyl; cogccherwithlllthc Frankincenfc, was1obc burct for a mcmorial o! their Thaakfqlnef;; ilS rn Olfc:rin.. by Flre,_ of a !wee.. :r':i....;....:si..11 fome proponio? of the Ioctole co the M_cu.offcring, For if you _obfent,Ns¥l,70¥ tberc vuáá ooc S1her Chu,::1":r,whe(c Wei..bt m, ¥ huudred and thtrtJ fric-13, k..tr,and ooc ..il.1ácr B0_1¥1 o( 70 thokclt,both fŸi'd ffi,h fine F:¥% miogled w1tbOyl: \lb1,b1rn1áe1coti,-ohandredlhekelr, chu nukcr arb1Hto Oao..e Tr,7che Otckel (accordin;to a !axe &ectptioo) u1 huadrtd Ooncc¥ 1 bice a..::fu!f..f;, !r..fi,........c....oi..,....1..h..oirrocb....-..o(....:c:c\;[J..:..,..:..á,....l.. P'tr-.t4 .. 1t71 tRc Tut: the firH c..o,of lino Flour and 011: the l..tt,of Inccn... No1,. i..1!=;:::....:;..o:..::..;i;......ifŸ..,'...f....{ii..f1!..:..-..:i..r:..::i::.... d_olgcu p,e'enc m mu Potot; chen lt \'f1ll b': u t\lrO b11ndred to JC:n, or 11 c :..i\.... ............ f....:.. ........::,..: ....;..t....;,i;:1i........ti..c:;:i...ffe......:,¥.. th..:e wu l11áe 0110cc, offorank,nccnle,to y1tld I fuiram lnour lilpon Godt Alt:r. H;:cbatiimorearoleifŸre, tn1 coont 11lrhcS1erifice, ofcach Prince, 111dproportioa rhequ1ocitie1mie otb11nentiond ; tnd cheo !&y, A Velfch1t0thcMe..ólcc1oftbcoconcaincd Weighco'cheSpooncotl1:: t'ru1kinc..ofecoat1incdo: which wu adbibiw u:d pr. oifmngallo,t_huwasm1ng\cdw1thOyl1orthathwasdry, (chaci:., wirhout Oyl)waschcmalfo. Lná,1,4h. . SuchofthclC?ffcriags; A!l, . FirR, wcrc bak'd man Oven, wcrc UolcavenedCakcS', miaolcd witb c Oyl ,or Unlcavcncd _Wafers anointcd witb Oyl. Vtt, ): s..condly,If dr..ll m the Pan, the.. thcy wc:re made of fine f:lour unleanhin ..lcd vvuh Oyl,and dividcdtnto(cvcral parrs1and Oyl pourcd up¥ ..:ht..;;_h Ltv, ... I z. ma......1..;e :;....;..1¥1:....T:vi..h..;r,....J....c..?!:..á!i(e,1:::.. n::..o..:;, to bcoffercd upto ..o.. 1n thcm. But s,_k wu exprc!ly ccjoyocd, that ic Vná.I 3. Oiould aotbc w,u3:uag maay Mcat-offcrmgprcfcored to God, SECT, VI. Of the Dri,,k,_.Offerir.gt. ..::..#.i....if.1i..:..:;: 1x]m,b Ir Dnnk-ofrennz,was half a Hm o'. Winc: tor a ..am,the tbtrd pan ot aHin Thus much fŸ,,ll ižffi:c,at P¥e”eot, for the bricfHillory, or Relation of . the T,mpf1,S.1crifi,cs: wherem I tuveend.:avoured,1s muchas may be, co keep"cocheLetrerbfrh:Scrip.mre. Whatisfound defelivehin thiiAc .. comn,may belpp!yed out..! the ample ”rcafury of Dr.Lilhtf111&'sRabbi a,hd ahie rer D......; {o..h:thph;:c..!:fa..ft..!h..?\i..h..........l Fe9ivitie.., and theothcr 1 Solemnitics,b:plea1'edto confulthislcaroedaodexccllent Treat”fchofthe Tempt,.Servfrr, where von may receive abuadant fadsf,aioo, whilc Wc cndc.tvour ro hnd om what SJ\uy and Reward the G.::.rcac God appoiated .......... in T,mpf,.Seri,ëe. ,lf"hicb ......;i..t..sd......\:..;:a;ai.. a;f1..........Cha CHAP. ncJ: though wc mu!l be furc,that thcy wereccnfhmly pourcd out, aÛcor. d}ng m the Law,with ail the Otfcrings forc-”pokcn of. But the particu!ar umcsarcthcfc. ! r hc was comrmllded' Nn1tJi,6, to ..;f....t..:..r....t..1c..i......;::e....:..i..h;....r!...., e r( .i. ..i. 1 .. J. I 3, th,t;r..:i:rfftri......h:::..b..;..:r....!....i....t..:..b!l....l;tlhh...... F!/1;t..h..i W1nc. Y,r, I S, Thirdty, Inrhc FeaA-ofFirtl-Fruiu, thcDriak-offcdngsarcdiflinftly mentioncd,aod appointcd for tbe 7 Lambs, ont Bllllock, and t\VO Rams, thuwcrefiaininthttFcfiival. Themanncrof tbis Oi'ering, wu to po1:1r out tbe quantity of Wioc allom:d,cvcnas chcBloodofthcSactificc, bc6dctheA1tar. Tous Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 11.8 The 'Temple ofSolomon. Chap:-6. CHAP. VI. lJJ the 'l{evenues and Endo'>Vments, afsig11ed to the Temple, and its Offtcers. T T HE _fŸll Work weba\'et,;idg in chis Chapter, is to prodde HonJcsovertheirheads,andtor,i\'tioaCatalogue ofthcCoides which CJme tmthe Childrcnof Lrviby Lot,when JGjhfl" divided 1heL1ndofCanaAn: whichCoomreyis ellimated bySirHmry Spdma11 ( inbislargcr Workof Tythes,p,r,t.3,) accordill!?to..he Deitip¥ riooofitbyJm11,, notto. havebeeo equal tothePtiocipahcyofwa/er, wiih the Mar_,hcs :yct it d1d yield, for inbabimion to rfia.t Tribe of Levi, 48 WalledC1tic:s, morethea are ( as hc ”ays therc) io ail Engl.-wˆ; Wbich, tbough poffiblyomollofthcm rnight net ha\'C beco folargcasmanyof ..h: ........i..::t1ï....e;f t!:..dsa}:..}::riirhe..:r\:i1:1....e....t1..:t..a..........!• .... Chr11žcl11, I C/mi,,J.54. whicoh welhallcfŸpo¥.e in their Srriprnra! Or.. der. Fin1, for tht'Prirfh tbtir Citin wm n,..r,ft tt> tht (ity ,f Jcrufalem.. 1111dl1q,fl)r tht 1mft p,m, ë1'tht KingfJ Trii, ,f Judati, Chap.6. The Temple of .Solomon. The Le\'ëtcs that were of GerfŸomi1,1d thefe Ci1ie1. Thei ail betongcd rn lhe Ge1f!mnits,e\'eD 1 j Cities, 1vich their Sn. bnrbs. Th.. Lev ires th.1t defcmdtd ftom Memi,f1.1d thtfc Citin, 1):ere ..re the Cid es belonging to tl1e MerAriw, enn 1 :1 Cities.. withotheirStiburbs. ----. ' Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library The 'Temple of .Solomon. Chap.6, Clup.6.. 'J'heTernpt‘ of Solomon. ..31 :......i..;;i::'...:'.:....:::3,.f fi!1i:;;t;:fii{:;;f;E....t:..':..: medncioncdascwodiHinS:Cities, Jofb, 19,7, &: 1 Chr,11,4.sz. i..i..i..:......;....'..JJl!.{iE:ri;....0t..iis..ff..Pi:E......[;!....i 4.mforms m,..liat tbey wcre tome.. oucward a choufo.nd Cubic s; and ye[ the Sth 11erfo l.:..y..1they w--:re to mcat1ue on th:.: fatl-fidc)oooCubiu, I an ctdsld ....ed......Yd,..h..;.. ........ ....!;!..dt:1;:j:d:t:.. ........;..::.. ..0Rt..1;;.....:1!;! Trap,.:.ian,which is. the molt comrnpo. Figure: tceing Citics ;uc. auidctmlJy fo:mcd, accordrngw accelfio..,or maeafe ot Jnhabica..u, vvho fcldom arclo cuno11s to mindRcgu!ar F1gureds,un!c(s m Fonificauon.Buc uon rhe fuppofŸion oi a fet Fignrc,and iu qma..ticy.this may be antWcred cafily, As ro th.. tccon.. Q.\.le!tion,we_fhall bcli..Jatisfie the: ....ri1t,by riving in a Diaá gramofaCuybo1lt fo1,1r-tq11are: luch as the ..mpum:-me..furesofthatrext (edem ro intimatc. Ledt thedn B1z,r, the City 01 Retugc io the Tr”bcof R111b'", be the bamp!e, (bedcau_lC it is memioned1as built upon a Plain)_ wh”ch we will e:s:hibit in rhis (ubJcqucot Figure. Let the four AÈglc:s ot thisCitie...(qumFigntc, be ..A, B, C, D, each tide;asfrom0coB, r,;S----,,1,,-==Te">""-ffl 1000,Cubirs.Nowfayes1heText, vii-fethe4th, L Th, S11lmrbs ,f 11,, Ci.. 1it1{htr!Jruch fr,intht W¥ll1ftheCitJ,4,d111t11Jard1_ cooC116irs.7 So dorhelcSuburbs, from AtoE1 ordDwG,orC toH,dorBtoK, orN toO, or Pro.. Frorn the Wall of the i icb Non!,, ..:..:::;.. ..¥..\..: ....-... ¥::!f. ;t: CbordLioc f, c:itt isaCon:io¥ 1cncto1beCircu!arfaH-Wallof the Cier, b..irgcbcmo!ilikcly to firchcfi!cbVerJc, "ii! b.:foand i0ic1fuilc1iurt0u,;ecd3ooo Cubitr,and itt Semi.ChorJ,from. 11'--1--1---lf-i--tiì''""ili'''" G co .., 1,-il\ (ail bcn..ad1 tw-o thoolˆnd, Morto,cr, 11111po!OrbeCity ..obcr 19_)u,c; u H I, X,L, w-1thinC1rca1.irSah1b,. cbtrc'l't'i\ldthenb,cbuc fJarLi'1.!I onclyfrcrn tbe mid11e of tll¥ 6de11 co tbcCilcaintercncc t.htt 1 cdi i¥¥ M, A, or G, JJ. Wbereu from ,bc"..n';i!..,..:..h;..:;;..r;=:t..d:.. rtnce, 1'fil\ be bm fifl! hund.-cd; u frOin L to 0, or X ro P; and f..o01 orber pimuriouJlyunegnil, Hillt'.a_llinglhorrof1tboulu1d, ,,dtoit 1"flllpro1ácdin1n7r)tbtrP1jiC1rcbac, fqnut for bocb Cit7 and Sab11.rb1, :¥c..c:..b..:J,!:..-;....¥;l;fc¡......Ji..:1!0 !:..iác [:,b.j:t:e ,{1..71 ;b.:);Q rbe 1"ford, in tb.e Hdr,.., for r11..J1tl,¥t, c¥n..or bcrc h..ai6.e ¥ Circu1at r0ds ldct e 11 ....!áid..ir;,d....dp..!d..,...dJ.. :1..de ..:dGi..dt..,....t=t....:..;f ,..:ds......\1:..e':d11..!; Ex,,.s5. tbcdcomp1!1oiafqt11teFieure: A,inE,.,J., t\ic Scripcore. 1171, t....c3¥. cbect nu a Cro..-.. of Gold cmde and phced ronod &bont tbt Ml:, ffhu:b app!arl by it1 Dclcr_ipdon to hHt bcc:1:1 .1 !o..g 'qáme: So liltw-iic io 1bc Book: of Li¥11 , l be Side-C!ua,bw ue Laid to bt built ronod 1boii1 che Temple. ,., 1crca1 ìL'¥ c,ident by_ chc rne.i.ium of 1bc Temple, chat it .,., n0Ptt¥tl'11, bma long ..q_ 1nc.. o. Andlatlly-io.!&,t1-l,10¥ Hc1h1t l incatnre,I ch:á otlt\tl'Hd C,,1m ot chu V licury Ttmpl,!, the Texc i:.y,, á bt mcJ(urcd it by chc ionr i; e, rnd th,ic 1t h..d a w,ll _roond abo..r1á,,-bcr.. t..t ..:..if/....n.i..'iliii;¥:i,/tfŸlf:..l....fŸ::....:i:}1] Ciry, therewiU fiil!bc1000. CubicstothcI.inetJfthe ..u'.lurbs,thatrnnspm1.l Tuoi11tion r,=..d..dic cbu1 LTtl1d¥r.f.r,fr,¥¥1r;,,urb,Ciq,1¥ t,'r Elf¥ ll,r.foi,t1n1h,uf,i;¥{lfiit1 11nd1nnnrh,=01hcr ..1ncu;_..-h1ch1bc throughC1ry 3ndSu..urbs>be feur th..ufand Ci,ibic,,dm is1 a thou(and lror† whcrc w1!} you fin.. any Linc or Lines from S1d4;3 or ,Angles, agrec”ng ro rn twol1acs1from oac .An..le drawnto1hc Circumfcm1cc ofchc Suburb..,. tlm L l, Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library r 'Tbe Temple of Solo mon. Chap.6. from Ato M;cach of which Lincs meafmcs a thO\tlandCubits,and both tO¥ gcthcr tvvo thoufa..d :So thla.r withGtJt the City)from the E. ail-ADgle1yc may meafŸre'two thouland Cubm I one thoufand wjlen:.of exte!,'!ˆ toward the Eafl; the other thoufant! tow.i.rd the Non b, An™ this maktthacve..ed p}aceetocoDfŸiwi1h..\'Cryefair 2nd haod!orn:.,onltrnction. ..ow thelC Meaforcs muA be repem:d at enry other Angle, and tben tbe'tuy will be inrhc [Jlidit exadly,according to our .form..r Dilgram, Toconclmie thc:n, l ha\C in t..ìs City ot B,.z..r put clown. the lean 9t1an. titythaccanbcalmoriimagioedlorany famous Wallc:d City, diat IO 1 might nocovcr..iboot the Jummc of Land:which wc fha\\ gaŸic:.. q>by and by Item ail theCities !or the Habitai ions of the Priells and Lc,áitcs.For 1he locicll Crois..{lrect { unlcfs it be a Diagonal, ,áery impropcr for a Wallc-d City) willprovcbutathoufandCubit,, orthrce hundrc:d ltalirnP.ices: whcrcas it¥s vuy probablc,that 1l,bw, and Shtchtm, and ,fŸcrs otht:r Ci* 1iet,wcre mu,h larger. To came thcn to ao up-lhot, eai:h out-t”de of 1he $ubutbs,ufromAtoS, acerdingtothisFigure, willbe1hrec chou”and Cnbics,aodthc wholc compafs of thcm n'tclrc cb.ouland, aci.:f.lrdiogto cbe Grui,1nMeafurcsofFcctandFurloogs (Jargclyl"pokeoroeabo1áe, whercl hnclhcwed, tbacfourhundrcdCubitsare egual ro fothuodrcdGmia¥ Fccr,whicb mak..s thcOlympick Sudium, and fiehundred cwency fin-: R,.. m.VtFeet, tobcJufteequaltolixhundrcdofrheirs) l: rh=.rc 1wclvcrhoufand C\lbits wiH bcreduccd unto thiJCy Furlonr,s,o.. tluee rr.i\es and ,_hroc q1!ar .. rus about rllc mmc,!t Limh of the S1:1bucbs, ot each of the Le\'imal Cines, A...tin, if ail the 48 Cities lie drawn ioto 01c P.ral\elog•am, the v{rei. nriUproveetobe one tho,,Jrnd) fourhun.. uea vi 0 3ooo t....'Ji..t..nJ:%lf..........}r/e'..l,::..:.. l p1!s1owndabouÇhewboleewillebe11vo hundrcdandtenefutlongj: So tbatifall thcLrvitaCicics wcrc Joyncd rogctbcr •_naplainlevcl, they wo11ld rakc upin compalSrwe0tyGxmilcs, and a quarreroflt..li:111meafnre: which mcafur.:s of 8 twelve1ho11(anJCubitsforeeachCi1y,and .e ofoncthou!andfourhundred and founy .. Ftirlongsfortbcvthole, baveefomccon¥ . flnglunity and refcmbhme to the M)ftic11 City of New Jernla\ell,l ID the Rew/a. ti,.s,w-hicb is rc1accd ro bc twe!1eethoufandFurlongs1ncol1lp1ls, andtheWlll ro have be..n one_ h1mdred fourty and Kcvde_. :n,16,17. Thecommon !guare Rootofcach beiug twtltc,a(acrcd nwnbcr mm:h profecuted by the learned Mr, Pott,r, in bis 666.Cl,,.pur Sth, But God's Majc!ly conui..cdi chat 1hefe forefoi.. Ci¥ liesfhouldnotlyctogechcr,pmlyforethePricfŸp!earurc) oorrobe!hfl.ed upioooeclofcbody;pmly!orethePcoplcsprofŸ, roebcuughttheliwsof Cod. Thueforc wc:re they difpcrfed rhrough all the Tribcs,..einrme:.. s1n,i9, 7. cifully di,-idcd ëD J,mf)and tcaucred in Jfr..:t, a,(,ordiogto rbe Prophetica! OiŽlacc of tic Holy dying Pmiark. Thus I have doÈewith the fŸH Enql†ry, aod that ls,: whu Glc:bcLa.nds 1b.cOlncmofthcTemplccnjoycd. z But ) Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 'The 'Temple of .Solomon. Chap.( ..;?ap..'TheTernple of Solomoo. 13.. tbecuo cbc rcry C1pt1in1 in the Spidcod Ar¡:11.i wbo, for waot of die f..pp:ic1,are .t:,c..eully c9nltrtioed, ,co cbcir ;net, t.. ,,-alk Ë!1•1,,J,1, ¥n.. coetury to tb..1r o¥n poB-cine ot H0Cpicali1y ; cuoytimc1)1tc..r tbcir own .bdcpai..cue, ....po6ogclleir Htrctl: Relatioot co Htnd i. oetd 01 otbcrt Ho.. fpiuJuy co cb.. :;rcit diihooonr ofGod,and m,a lcli;io.. Naylach Co1:1n.. uiumanycim.:¥_co,n..dcbcSce"ard¥..ë God'.: fŸaly On.dei, to fcrH TableJ,1odcbeDupcn1cr1oilbcld.11\cnc10fPtith,(nocbbeingablccoproá ,idelikc..eoforrbeirbowt1Hoolhotd1l ucnpr1d:1cal.\y_cQdcoych1F&i,b1 p,lc8. Tbcfc ue the ParticuLu,oi tht R-:mrne¥ ¥..d Ootiet i¥c.mbe.t opoo ch¥. people for tbc Tccpl.. and it, Of6ccrs11nbicb. wu a .o..Je ad fplu1did .. llnwilhogi}' to pro,c 'fforl rb1n I.¥.delr. ..hereu 1t u bt1t ¥quai lty rbe 1 Tim, ),S. nm.cconce, befitd.g 111ch a Royal Prictl‰¥od. l.dccd, it wu con,cM aictat tbty fŸ..old bue fofficiea:> \cA ".'lDtì¥..Nccdfui_t:11 tbey iht11ld bt c_o....tlt'd to ..mploJ thtmJl,e1i. fordu:l Aifam,1or muamu.cc of tbcir Law_: o”Nuore,tbn the Emba[ad..u 01 mo!i Joy¥ol Tydin;¥ (!ocb. Hi, ..h¥ Go!pcl1 ao4 tbe Ne" Con11nt ot Grace) fhould ba1áe chc moH plci:1titull ha:u(1c1,aad lupport of rhcirP0Hujcy,1¥d k, lbo¥lft H:,:li:uscly buidl1Di , Tëoc. Mmcu.N..1.y, it ,us proper tkcy ChMld ban a plcow.I mai.tc1:11nce, Kt'flfuda _: when u lbe.Lci-11 WcKco1:en brou..bt t{c,,.., o(a firry Ln,i nd -a Yok1 ot,QIUy 1¥d italappombtcCcrainoaL,. Bc6der)thcir Wor\.,caeár.1.lly co,mincJ o..u,,rd tod bodily labo11r, whicb ,rbm tha ADpcc_i1c,1nd nreogtb1n1 tbJ D_1gi:fŸ,c F..culry; 1'hilclh..¥ N..¥ Tcl!atncric_ ..cnicc, ..cá 1 tbll tbcy .and 1bci1 Tc¥plcáScnicet migbr not be obaoxiHt to thcco1:1t1cnpt of meara nd ooworcbypcr1on1,fucb u i¥ 1be ic.craliiy ¥f die Com¥ b 10Yebthbp 1 ..:f1;..r:;;:t....b:..d..ll..;;..:..:;;:1..;..!..f....tb..jrb;c..di..!b ....¥fu(7c....:.. d ..:i..::;;e..;b mio..1.lty,wboefl:cem i:ic”chcr Mlg”Ortcy oor Miaificry, if .oc acmadcd "ici !ác..:....:á:........rt:l0..f....!:;r;áfo;n:t....:;..i..t..c....:l tian. L!tati,j,.:,,rccocmber, aad bcwue IcllSc.P,u(¥lercr, !or,raatof Tube:tbu waiccd 1po1:1 Hu Ahtr: For i(yo¥ plt .ail the fore.mutioncd iucu cog.:cl'ler, tbcre "ill uit;;.. a Rc\át:1.1c !or the Temple, and iu Ofliccr,, ..1.bo,:e fo.or rimes .u mocb u t4JJ to cbc Lot of dao dcbdl: Trib:. ëD t:bc Lu1d ofc, ...... Lerm, totbi¥ porpok,.ric" tbc tanmbcrt of the Le1áitt:1,co..pued 1'ëth ..VumJ..b¥ tl1e re:I nfthc Cbt\drcn o! Ifr..,L ia .M,fo'J titue1 ,rbcn tll thclc Rc'l'CDUCI 1 1-h1-6, "e.reappoimedtbem, Dr. EJ.,,AYJ Fut! of il! \Ye read 1bu 1be onmber of the M..1.leJ of 1bc Ch1ldren of lfi?,t Rrp1,tJ.1,00\'1H.6035so. froinbcwc1uy1e1uold1oˆ11p¥ud. No" "c mafblely Oyl,lbooldc..¥1rt8: an tta,i:em:!r ro!tioefa, and tbebumiUII Larnpa of tb, ....1.11.!.1my, "ttbo.t a fopply ot the .J¥ycc o.. tbe Olin /h-:,wld go octt i¥ ob¥ !cutity,or ac Jea{l-b1uou:c"cdin).: :lLt?'y.A iordid m1inceou1cc1 forceruin. will ptoda..e a r1Hy and 1ord1d W101thy .. .. !1r¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ Prieithood of tbc b 1br le ..:d..!rtr:b......f!tr"o bcb?r:;..1..d:: i";: ......;:\..:..:.. :t.... ....b..r',;..E..;.. mi.c1?ftheTrn1, 1..c O_li.. cb0 i1 ........1....:....:..:..1i.... :e....rh..;..:..b:!..;:1t;; :..c;....:;..:..;:,..b!¥:;...... G tt, 1,”. .ic¥ did bi,,Yhec g,b'1i11: up to olfcr i.. thir ,cry fa11e Moaatai¥ gf M4ri11h, .b,Ticb .1..;: i::J',.. 7.. a,J,.,;a,,,.,.,,, ll'!uch mil.es the wholc hlm tobc 9053 15,the\lll'l'I o\ the other T11..e,.Boc .V,,w,;, )y¥ i;;..:..}Jt}:......:I..I..f ii:t:........l{1..iJ..i:..tif i..tl..:;.. tenrnce th.u 1ro\e :rom the RC\CllOCI oftbe L:u:id of C¥ .. ,11. Bm yotnri!L :i....\:m:::;1t..:!....?I....i:..;:l.....:f;!á%2?. 'i..á:i:1..á'.: i C' te ......:..J.L¥t1r.... ;;:á;;;..;n..b..h:..:o.. . :..:; re :r1[;....f..;jcl..t..rb:c.. bm fŸe 1601 . ..1.cd Rtc{I.> bcoid,md tl'feocy 6,e tho.it.d long, fa .. r... '1 ”¥ 6. ..;:t:..i:6,;i...i:l:..::...:..}..::!......il..'i\..,:.. ..á:t;t..t,i..:.. contei,edhbfomc:,th..tt tbc 1htrd p1..t ot the L1od wu 1heiu; 1bc¥in.. the . .r_ uri{lle Pro'l'dmn wbicb God di:tctm1ac:d made fur the Golp(+d1yr. from 11\ thir Di1co1rJ¥ ,rill dc¥rly foll¥w, aa iofi:rencc of greu nume ab1 Mm 2....;;..6<;;;;'..bc:o......i:::,i:;;;..)e,....:b.. . &:rc:‘f ,......i :;i..:..;.: thcta / -------------------------- Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library CHAP. VII. fbe;lhday, , of the Temple. 6cbday, 7tbdJf, tKi"t,8,e65, HEreicisrequifŸe,..orthcdeter. this fiatcly Work wa, pcrformed : Whcrcin co avoid tll Con¥ y. N ¥¥ te19,e11, ifcbargcofourducy,astotbisChap¥e. 17, : 1.. ..á,e thu wcfirt1: !ctdown cbc cim1mfbnceof time, wherein 18[.. [!....1e ,. cclb,u prctent, We fh&Jl lollow the rcoowned, p1ous, ind Jcar 20,I\ ncd Prim.are of lrtlA'll1'1inHis forc..ciccd Annal,, pAg.58. who places it in 4 theThrecThoofand,Snen Huodrcd, and Tcnth Y car of thcJ11/iA" Petitxl, andtheThrec Thoulind ind-firH Yeu of the World,and Chews)dm it was :ii:.. S..t. cc-iocidcnt with t Y car of J11biltt: and in the !Cvcmh Mo1mh o”tbu year 1Cltrm...,3.ca\le‰Eth,m1mt ThefŸll:d-y whcrcof ( according to his CakultŸon, 1hcugla it¥J gre11dydifpuccd to the commy) did cuŽtly concur with the ,_ 3 of O!h..tr of thtt Julian Y car.The T emp!c YU! finifhed in aU iu parts infevenyeus,:ind1boutfiimone1hs. ForitwasfirH founded in thefecond day of rhc tcood m.01mb,2.99;. But the Bedication was p..orogued So Ptt1tviHI to the 8th Y ear, bccaufe of th_e Co!e..Rhy o( the Year of Jubike, J_ayes our deDt1flr Rc1áercnd..uthor. S,/m,o,,ufudindecdtobebut fcven ye.:i.rsmercŽl 1 ccsh 1 i:mp.f ..ë,. !..g;;.. 5 t..C......!..f ..e1..........l..!....h.. 1 ::c....ew..efu11..e;..;....a....;..;..;er/..c..: ; 1i:5 7e6 miod)prtfcnt this Sea ton io a filent Scheme: onely lec":. rememba, ic w..s 3g mg, + the i7s8 Juda.icJI Ye,1.r,thcJu!ianCydeofche Moonfiv..,and1l,e Judai ¥ cal thrce,rhe Cycle of the Sun thar year was 14, the Dommical Leuer D. Thercfer.. the Nton#tni¥ Thri1 or fie'.!t day,. or Ne..v Moon of 1t..ri, cal!e.J E1hi1¥1m 111 thofe dayes:rnult be Fm,1 Stx1,1,or Fr,J11J,O(f,t::1. accord m.: 6thd1y. Ethanim Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library The Temple of Solomon. Chap.7, Cha p. 7. The Temple of Solomon. ::: Clm,7,7, Alter this, Solrnm, h1\lowed rhe middte of the Co1nr,becau(e the Bra zen ........J'..;!it..\..pro\áed inii.1fncie11t to contaio the mutdt udcs oi the in- The El der, of /fr,11/being 1!'fembicd, \nired opon tbe Ii11: tt tJluHt Zi,11)1,-here the Ar.. o.. Goc.¥, Cove1ant ffB yet rcfide11r1 .,,bich tbt Priclb ic..:'i"¥ i. ;, ....;i..1:!v:f..i¡1:..i....e........i..: :c,....!d......;:bc..::...e:..t....1rd,c......i11:.. wu, wb:rein tfle Arl !lood),ricb li! the Holy Velfeh of M.,fr,. 1 Cbr,. 5. 1., Thu, in a po,1pont H.o!y Pcoccffion tbcy '!fa!ied Jcifnr,ly Crom tbe Ci.. ry of D.111iJ, cbe Ark being br?o.s;bt op ro the C..crcd Movo11in: tbc l:i1:1.. Vir, 6, tnd lll the Coo:re..uloo !aw6ccd be fore it Sbcep aad Oxen ffithoa.. oumb..rt . Vir,7, Tl11:u frc Prie!h coavcy..d the Ark of ch.c Co\'CllaDt imo the Ora,le, or ,motlHolyPfai.r:, and fet lC urid.:r the WuigsofthcGolde.aChcrubims, whichbc:mgdone, and chcPric!1srernn:iedoutofthat myflerio1u place, onehundrcdtandt.we1:nyofthc:m vvith fŸver TrumpctS ( for M,fi1 his wcre of filver ) Jound::d in t..e Coure, and neu to theQl the Su1gcrs,6, Aft1fh, H,manrhe Grandá.lon of St1m1u/chcPropbct, andJ,d11rb,o,,witb. ....di......h..;..b..f:,tca........i..;:!:l:ra:!::fi:..i.... ;..:i:7tá æ:j ....c..i:A....,:.. lift up their Voiccs,arid.furig !hisV..r(c: For He isgood; F..r HiJ M..rq mJ11mhfor1t1er, Wlu!eth1sadmirableCoofort 01 Vocal1 Pncumat1..al :.nd Org,mical Mu!ic.., made a joyful found tlnoughouc the Temple, m Courts, an.!theNeighbmrinzCity; Bcholdt CJoudof Glorrfillcdthe HoulC of God, 1vith h11,,.1 b..lght aod tbining Beam.., that the Pnc!ls could notflandcom”nilli:rbyrea!onoficsRadiancMajctiy. b..l::::..,! i ....!!....'....... :..iki....1]o!:!:d;:..¥..f ...... ..f....!.., l..:b..c:..=t.... 2, Chr,.,6, Dhinc M1j..fly, 71,, L1rd b,ul, f¥iJ, r#¥.. H, .,,,JJ, J-.,/1 ,,. ri,, r/,..rk..D¥rJ:.: 1,::. 1uf1: !¥tf L,,o:S11ilrt1¥ H,,,fa,f H¥SJtAti'¥¥f,rtitt, ,.,,,;. A ,,,,_r,fartbJ Y11á, 3) '1) J),átRi¥t f,r,-vff, Then the Xio; rnrns L!> !ace te. tll [be pe?pk II tbt.f cr-,. rtood, 1m.ic,al11orr, bmekgaoc1ndpnbyOnnon, andt1 gnt1themH1i Ro11ID:el'fiog, :t -Thcn the King otfered His ll:acely Satrifice to the Lord Gf two and cvven.. c 1yrhon”andOx..n1aodaht1ndredtaodcwentythou(andSheep, 1 ec th!..:..o\..cefe..!:gd:;: t ..t:. !hir..tfo....i..:dttt:..e..-c........:s..i;..: i;: g of Tabernacles; cogccher with an eighth, beimg the fo!cmn Affembly, the z1d:1yoftbemooerh, rhftv:Ji.... 1 ../:....'tt..'1;,w..Jo....../..........'..aa;..i::;:..:::f;;:;l:..t....:, 2 (hion,t (which wcre mlde, duriog..his Fea(t, accordingtothe Law, ofWillows, 10, 7, fu/:C:i':{t..t,;;..j ..t:....H..:;ri..,....d\..c..ftt..:....e\..}!....,....ft........h..:i ..';;: 3, ,t o , night1having ne..t fwcecly,on t..e fŸG day ofthe Wee.., cvery one t.akes up . bisJourneycoh1sownHab1cat100, accord1og tothetr var1ous dithrw:.s fromche HolyTcmple. Nn1 CHAP.8. 1lir..t..t..;..;; ..i;et::1......1\.. ;ác..c;;;..........:t1;....1.. 1 1!......1:d ár...1...... 1!:.... At the coocl11J”on thereof,mmculou1 Firc defccrid, from Hcaun, con (umitigthe Bmrit¥Oft(ric.., tnJ tbc Sacrificc1t) "hile tb1 m bit "l..,mur”¥¥'¥ /Art,1. M.1. r, 1 t, t"f¥ .1..t .. 0,, the 1 .. Ui¥1,1roi:n tbci1 Pf,ttl., .M;f11ri,¥ C11!11!, wo¥ld Uin deá 1 ft ioed!ri:b..t..:nd....;l:o..¥o....:: r i:d1, ..:!oi;..;;J..o:..!fi:.. :../..ti..á;,:!l: ba,i.o ruŽ il'l!pct\ion into the blind v•1ion1 ooflcmr1, ¥..d 1?lc Dre¥m¥ _o r 1o1 1 ......:....ì!fgi..!............rn..;..l..!o1......i:::. ¥ ..h::'t....;:i;;:....n .....f;r..f....:::; 0 e ..:;b; be,.poioctd¡ouc for to auko fi,c Lcm:n i ..¥..1ccord1og co their Ca...f ::;:....r:::....,;..¥s:........................::1:o1..:t..: 1 11i;, : t....r:: ;.......o Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library The T emp/e of Solomoh. r U,ap.7. H, T,mpleofSdJomo.. of Ablm11i..tuw, would yic!d a man learncd in thofe HJp1:¥c/.E1J..ri.01 HierozlJph1ck.J1 tome words co prcmoni!h the lnhabitanu ot chat Cuies.Ruinc. Budcaving tbcfe crudeConjcŽl:urcs, co be boilcd up to a Romance in 'The Ftrfl Platform. the 5ku\l-Pans oftbole Chyrnital Divinci, wc llull pm:ccd ,t™ rncodon the Names of the ëe\ácral High-Prie!h; under who!e Rule, and by who!c Guidance.. the facred Services of the Temple werc adminiflred: whereoi wc (ha!l g1vc io two Pbtforms; aod, ëD cach, th1ce A ut hors, makin.. up 1 o 0 trt f:,..:M.... :r::; . ..:r..i: ..;fu,..i:..dca....o..r:..fch....tp..fffbi1;....e ..:d pcrfpicuity,toouaticthcodilticuhies, tbatohavcasyetin manyrhiogslo,kt upthis1>mofthcfacrcd HiO:oryfrom Vulgar Capacities) or CurforyRc;adcrs of thcfc ancicnt Mau cr,, ThcAu,horsllhallmcntionanddigell,areothefeofollowiog. J, TheHolyScriprnrcs. 2, Joftfi"' in the 10th Book,aod mh Chaprcr ofhis Antiquitics, PAg, H2¥ G, EJ,t,G,,,, who bcing himfclf a Pricft, pollib!y mig,ht rccei1ác fomclntclligenccfromhisAncc!torsinthefeAffairs. 3, N11plm¥ C,,./liflu1, in his Ecclc!iaaical Hitlory,/ib, l.r¥t-4, 1-¥ Thciookcalled 1:,-,,.o.a ;a..v.,,,, Or, TheBm,1i,,.,1,fTim,s;which is annexed by Sc11ligrr,to E14'6iu,, his Chroniclc:s, aod thougtn to be thc.A/nrAntiri11nChronide. Sá Nirrphmu the Pmiarch,fct fonh alfo by S,4fio1r io the famc Book; andlatclyalfottPAri,, g 6+ A Jewifh Chrnnicle, rcciccd by P,r,wlt11 ia bis D..llrint of 1h1 Timu' lib, 10.,,.p,49, fAg,z,p, andby JearncdSr/Un,io his Book, DeS,i' 'tffio¥tin'P1ntiftc11tlll#Ellr11,r11m, lih. r .,,.,. S,pAg,134, I clnDOtUDdti"' ukcotobringallotheliriape,1.ceab!eocomplyancc and uoioo, and make ,hem in ail PoiDts agrce whh Scripmrc: But ihall fir(l: cxlŸbitc the Sc¥ ticsJandthenendeavourtoginchcbcfifatisfaaioowecao. The The Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 'The 'Temple ofSolomon. Chap.8. The Temple of Solomon. Chap. 7; This la!. High PrieO, callcd JehD:r..edrk.., Jthoz:.11,Mt., and leude.., wu carrycd to Babyio..,beiog the fon of Sm1j.ch,tnd the Fa.thec of JefhH11h, who a..Hed Zmbabel11n th.. rc..edifying of the Temple of God, afoertbcmurn ot rhe J e_ws out of theu JJ11bJ/1J1ž11,, Caplivity ; u may appcar out of thcl p\a,eso1HolyScripturefoHowing1 :'i::., Ez-ra).z. HAg. 2. 2, ZechAr. ;.1, Toconc!uˆe, Ezra, thattamous Scribe, fo o!tcnmentio¥edin Ar, and. tbu tbc line of /ti¥¥¥11r.:aare-iorron1Ced1othi:irformcrdigol1r, tboo:b ont tocbefoprclmdl pl.tee) m”_:.:,bt tbcn polfibly fall in eontemporny with Ë..ë¥A11t, and Auri¥.iothefir!l. Potmany cime1(u wc. hne hinccd) we bcd c,ro ..\..l..á::i..l..:..:;X;trii....l..;r;....¡j$,b:::f....1....:..........:lc..1:..!..l!!:t1; 1oreeme1n¥ c\-pc:ci.1\11,tioo:cbcrebclomoprob.1ble ¥pprehcnfion¥, rhat rr ....1&..:..r/t'fi:!i..;../1:•ld:1::;:......i::ut:.c...::: b.....'l.tJ)i ! tt; !....: cutionofhi1 OC6ce)m1dcrtbc Rule and Oom1n1onofJ,1,,_,,1,,,r1 tbe+th Kin.. afm S,!,,.,.> there t-cio..rbrm..i.-.:ty one ycu¥ !rom the la[! or;;:..; The Tmpli¡o/Solomon. Chap.S, m1n'srcignrnthcfirafiof]th6{J;1pl:.tt's. Toconcluc'c rhcn; whcrcasit might be objcŽlcd,tbat J,h,o:.tn1and Ë,C,.11r1¥hthc !cccnd,{wbo arcnot pro¥ duccd by J1Jftpb111,and or bers) ..rc c!iflil'l8:ly mcntioncd in Scripnuc, as begottcn by 1bc prcccdcnc, and lo ro_ be ccuncd ch1.t1h. Jofeph, n in his Grcck Copy-, mmcs thcfc 1Luc:, '•o-(;,-,'J.‚14a.G-'9 ..,.If.,,. Nittphmu calls thcm 'Ir,,l'J,, 'A_F;,r.if}. .. tJd.9--! thau 1s, j,b.,J.,JAh,andhis 1wofons,Ztchar7 and Ph,d.J-,h, who wcre llain at thae Commandmcnc ht ¥....j..d:t:Jd 7:;..';',.a;!..;..;;l....:i:;:n..:..:td:ag..:..ac :r}:{;!....t;..¥, J:: lnj¥d,,k bcing placc:d fŸfJ.,],hof¥th¥t,may be pot for ZAcb;1riah bis Son, cxpreily n:imcd in Pt111vi111hisCopy, whcre the na me of Jthof,cphAt is defi¥ cicnr; it be”n& ccimmooforonepc:rfoo co have twonames amoÈg the H,. lrtw1. -9 z.,J,(.,.. tbcSonofM,r,cj11h, I Chro,,.9,11. N,hm...1.n. This PJigh-Pricfi u fi ylcd by Jofqluu ..JlS11!0111M, "..bi11J.,t1tz-. ,f. J1ha11,w bi..:....=:;fn..!..!ct_..j..dofKing S.l11n,1's rc”gne, P..1hab11¥¥,åp ::f::lf!..I..:itf:,},'.1.t&:.{t2;r;,;:1;....i;......1 æfŸi;fŸfŸ¤:i..........li::f ..f f1;J,....:....g..f ..f :ll..Ii 6 Am.iri..h comempoury with the greatetlpmof vff,lt, reignc, .1.nd f o..d c ..J,i..;}::ti..t:;:;,, who tited one hundrcd 10d thirty yeatt, pro b2bty did concnrrw1..h the latrcrpm of Jehafl,,rp/J;et,Jdm,nn,AbJU.iN1,A.. ;;,;....f!..f i:..:I::'.r!i:?....:it..;;'!....:;..?:t;:::1;..::I....X..:: telsis c.i!l'd the wile of rhis HighPrien by tbeAlexaodrianChron”de.p.'lif. 13 H1lk:j11hch..(onof..h11HH1v, 1 Chr{/n,6. 13,aod9. 11.Ev.t.7. 1,1. tb11Ji,.b.t1ndparcof.L11sNepheNJoajb. s ()}frr,11,;th, lo c..Hed in the Babyion”an Regiiler, but,pr-0bably the famc\.\ithZ..icba.-iKh,m.chereigneofJ(JA/h. 9 l,,1drkwihJo¥fr,, u/m,u:.i;eh,andhisSoninlawVu.i.th., 10 VriAJ; in thtde !mer end of Vu:.i.th, jllth¥mt .J.haz, and the begin¥ _d 1Ch...34.Llá N,h. I 1, I 1. 1hts ma.. 1s fall_loufiy known to have bcen in the da”cs of n;n!:¡t..;:..:......:..:r:,g:f:'ti:.:c;,t'.thcrdgncofHÇ,k}ohd 13 H;Jk]"h fuppofedby fometo hein the 1.mer pmof Mo11,ffeh¥s :f:.1 1:..::: !..f ::::....::..:..{fJ:2 ;:..i:..:..li!i?..;E:....i..:: :..l:..?Et;”.:: tid, 24 ¥ hid nor bccn ..oown llncc the t'laics of Sol#mun. Wheo this wu fim(hcd1 ail the Pe(lp],:,, who had be..n prclnt in the Temple, wcot ou.. and br..kc c"p,31..,hthe lmJgcs in pic ces, eut down the Gr..ve”, and rn?1blcd down the high l'lacc:s and Alurs in all J11d11h 2nd /fr.et!, and pm1cutatlydellroyetl tbe '-Kën, x 8,4. fŸi:cD Serpent of Mcfu? ca\liagit N..hMfht.A11ha p..r pieccof Brali, be¥ c.anlc the /frlltlittJ had bttrnt Jucenle ro 1c ID ! an 1dobtro11.. raanner. Morcover, te fet in order the Courfc:s of thhe PˆeHs, and gave fottb. .. portioA of his own EfŸretom1int1in thcconftancaad fo!cmn Sacrificcsof Gtft,h.. tldmol J¥J.¥h, 1ndallt..¥ Peopk, md!hndio;bytboroy..H P,i1..r1od1cwooted_pl1ce,_eorn.d1ncoC01áenrncl'fJtff God, and ..ifii..2....F1I;..tm;....i..:i..i..i..:t1,......1.....:..1..mfŸ i;Ii..I....I:..:..')tr:Wl..ft¥;;..t..:f.,\1fŸii1....j.......... ¥K ,o ¥;. ¥. g1;;:....i..ii:g::iìI:..i:.......-..ii....i::;:fŸ..;ttf..li} v,, . . 6. wttb a GronofTrcc:s..boot n 1t1 lomefohd roeiul or llooc:,p\1ced withla tho!i: Cmcd Wal!..¥ He dcfilo 1110 ¥li the Hith¥placu wher, tb¥ ..)ridh h1d bwrDt loccn\c-l from G,J.,,b to ..wá!J1iA1 1ogetbc:r with T,1lm 10 the Valley of m .. ,., wberubc;c11ildrcn "ere fricd i111bu belli & f.-c: co .J,l,Jul,: Wbcnccicir, tbutbcocw 'l'etltmcot df¥OJc1thcwordr1tn. Chilf,m¥i 10Oud¥" fonb chc iorokrableTormcnuof the bouo10\c{1 l1kc ofGod', qr1.r,,¥ri, co1 tor :..:;;..\1!..!....;;;i1 6r..,o;br:b:::e......(........i::..i..;!....tJ!i.b.... 1;'x,T;_i35 i; ' tbcPrin.:c 1Q'loogH.tbe_S11rtofHc,1áco, wb)cbb..d be10 pltccducbccntriosimo á.he Honte ot God. Tb¥ hlun l1iew1fc:1 on rhc1opoftbe Up. perLh1mhcrof AbA:., wcrc dafhc ie piecc1,aocf thof:of Ji'U11¥f1I,in bmh che Conm of t.. Hou1 wcre brokcn Cown andcbcircluH u8 ëIUO 1{.iJr1¥. The Hish-pltce1of S,l,¥¥¥co:e.tbcrw”tbthcir Alutttnd Gr1He1bui\c for A{i"r11b, Cl1t¥,,P,, aad Mil&,¥ on ch, !ëdcnf .,{ouat Ol,1m, wcrc wc¥ l'..a. t 3, tcdyroincd1ndo,cnbrol'fo,1odtkcicpl1cc1dcfilcdbcingtoillcdw”cbth1 IloDC1of men. Ncitbcr did hc !or:cr cb¥ Alm and I-liibápltcc at l,t/,1[, erclcdby J,r,iu¥ rbu ..rut flaoer of lfr¥il. The Bone,a\Co uico ooc oftbe Sepnkhrct •o chat Wonoc ( whucon Btt.Er,/"ubuilt J be bo.rac ontho! A.lct.u, ..odpollnrcdtbeiroi01ttinedfu1aity. Tb11 hcodidin .mitA.J....jf i........f[Û..:!.-,;¥;; i i........:::....:f...i::d b!:..::r....k: ;!:::c......l....;..co....;......;..;:/:r:....1:.. God of b11 Fat ber 'D.,,..,J: ¥nd u rwcnty yuuold be bccomc1 !lligby i1t :.Cbr, 31,). xulfor thcHowlc otb11 Cod,chcGro,et becotdowi::i,chc .Alcara ofB,1¥ 11 d!;..:h::J'..;1::..0t::¥pt..:i..;¥i..¥tt..o..a'c:iéi....r..o0t........c.. ..; ..........[1.. f.one1ofcbc idoltm..aJ ..1”cf11n_,onrhÇitopropb1ne Aleu;, u1d boc..t the A!m1tbemklu1np1ec..¥ r,1tb Mmockl, norHlyin J¥J..b, bue in ..'"'"1¥ ¥nd c_M,,,.,a allo, l\'UIIO N.1/,,J,,JirDOd abot1r, Jntbc ll'Jr.71 S. c1ghrecn1h ycuo(bi, Reig.¥, when f!e had ..oroed1hc lmd and rctllrncd t0Ur11JAII¥, btCOOlIDanoJ tome otbiich1eC-Officcr1 ro !umiueupthc ..Xiw .. ..J,h mony _brongbc iototbc Temple, ctulCr c..rpenrcr¥ and M1”on1co be hi.. ooc1p ....it:¥5.J. ......:m..;tr;..l..;;,ff;..i:;lo..toe...... ....:..........;1 ..ic;...:..:;i.. a1;..:!.. t on yoi;::1..:t!in!..or....J ........:%..:'.o!..;........o:,1:;.t..............1¥;:b;..1.. lent10 1he Prophctc&, wbo anfwcrc.d bim nJtb arcrnraeot p..ctcc, be.. c111ieuf1bercndcrm:hingrofbi1Hc1rcoundcr1bcdcl'.IOoci1tionoiJn,i.. mco1 Thcl\cpmnoo10',be Ho.,ftbc,n;fŸ,iO,ed, ,nd,beBoolbeá iog rnm:dupintothe Tempkof tlit I ord} 1hc h.10_:bim cltrcadi. 1. ,h, Tt.. tho113h 1 Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 166 ”i1c Garden o..(-)Nuts is oow round our, whotC pilbc:..iaa 11,ets of o\d aCAltf. 6,11. wcrevcry bcauž.tnll,bcingUaincd rcdvmhthe bloodotthc Su:rifi,cs: butoow un (wccterthcntbe choifcH Hony thudropsftcm the Comb of iu own ac,ord: To which place wc !hall cndcavout ,olcad our diligtmReaclcr iatbc n”lous tYalkl ohbbpreftnt Chaptcr, KX),{KX>{..KX):;¥..../-CO{ Jo the former parts of this Tr1:atifcwc b:t.vE; inti.Al!dupontbe tlind aod p uiog, now we fuall comton bim with th; ( '1) A pp les t..cmtclvc, : be¥ bCAnt, i. j. forcwcta\kthof'fhgons, no-nwefuaUpourchouttbe Wmc: beforcwe victtcdtbc Wallii ofao inc:tofcd Garden, r1ow wcOuU breath,: among the uac Elixir, the Ne!t:ar ofthc Wells ofSalvation: fcc:ing the mi!.hkcn(d) d Job 20 15 c bh¥ . ..o..t::ri1&' 0 di:i::h1:::.......ti:,i..i:......ch! ';t......D :itt1:..:..c!..id . chcerfll:l co11mcnancc, ( ,) EAt O ftimds, drMc., J1Adrin(.Aó11nMl'tlf, 0 cC,nrt, 5.1. &,tov,tl. This isthc holy Mo1111i11in ofTransftiuutioo,whcrcìD Mo{,, EliMt and 11 ..!..td;;::rn......flh!v: p....fd..t.. 0 ....;....;:ro..\..i....o..,)J....;,0i'o:..:.... fL,it9.3 le 1in..a Tab..r111c\cfor eachoftbofc tranfpucot Glories, tobcvailcdi11 c , t....n..:f..:!:..:hˆ....h::!....::J..t:t..?:i:lP....f:..:..hke..!::r ..: t.tt!:;. La.1Y of M,,f,,, and the Prop_tms Oracles did al\ c..nceatct aa4barmoaizc tlit.á J11fil, cr in..:..f::........ ...:..r....}htb)h1;i....Jf..b..!!ve b.it (oftly towards a ..j],,á.....l;¥ full di(covcry ef the Occm of Gl'?rv, toto which the y uolade d1:emfe\Vesi . Dukan::1 l)rofound arc the My!lcticstbac La.y bchind the Tcmplc-walls: which po!Gbly m:ay Chine tonh more oricntly,and fmilc:ffith a more lbvcá ..i=:../{....e ..J....!..\:fit!zè..., ....tfh..U=:r..0!n..i::ƒ..:..!..:; i Mi1t.u,2, lhc: (.. bri,bt Morning-lbr that fhincd ..ver the Gates o!Be1bMma2 who k Rw,u,16 hein" betm ..cqu1iotcd withthc Lmcr oëth!: Ceremony, m1y then help wtoucxprnni.dtbat Go!pd\-wh\c!lofold was (./) preachcd tO”hemin fha¥ lR,m.10.16dowcs: For wrlcn the y lhalt.(.¥ }turne to.JJtcLord, the V1it {hall ..e ta¥ 9111, 3¥ 8. ken away,andthcir Rccovcry !hall ptove \ik,; a Reflmca:ion or (11) Lifc H,b, 4, J, lnthcmm1ewhi!.., wc, thcleal\amo..gthc minytho1fanáh:ofJd"h, nRom,u.lf¥ do crave lea1áe toc.i!l 1nrhc 1ilu!I Mires or our Subfiaoce imo the Temple¥ Tcca!inics: .,..ilhing cvcty Mitc.wuc a Shekel, evcry Shekl a Talent, to a1i1omintlhchdi1co1ácricsofthcferarc:1-nd-proroundMyfŸ:rics: Untilltbc A1ëáwil: M.ije!ly of Mc.a...en bcp\ea!cli to reteal morc:.amp!cadd illufu"ious m,nifd.,lions of 1hc1i: hidden o:ccllencies, thercb:y ..et\toying inthis ho. 1y Mountain ofhis Temple the face of 1hac (a) CO\'Cfll1gffhich is ua-cwcr e l[d:. 'lf,7. allpcople,andthcVailthatisfpreadovcraUNations, Porthisl)urpofclhumblyconcciveiJreq11iGte,inthefir(lptacctohtrtac al ae u oi P :!,T1 .:;..:i::,n:....h..;:r......1..:..r:,..:d......hJ\t”..'ah....lo........l..h;....h..d 1othecxul'linuionof the parricular Types laid upinthc Temple, t..c.. ther with itsappcndantOrd1n..ncc:s. lnrctcrcnce totheExplicat1000”Typcsin2:eneu!l,h"1<'onveniencto followthe connfd1of the oreat Philo'ophcr f. -.rftìTov..mt{m -ri M1-111.-r,r,] fi.tfiof ail diligcndy co l..&..h out the fotct of the wotd,w .. i,n if it bath in it Uu :i. any 168 'The 'Temple of .Solomon. Chap.9, 168 'The 'Temple of .Solomon. Chap.9, is nodi..r to';!..:!J..}....jfe....:....i'l11... ..:..b.. 11; . t....: ..;....eh........ rb1cGafpel O.¥rn:p impre'c upon ir ..yqod...vange¥ic:11 rru..b.. then a..to ..e deemed2s r..Ž Origimls, & WttJ""m 1/#J (a, onefpeak..) ;,, ,,,,,,,,r DJt-¥m1, as the /,kisor preconcehed fo..mes in the d”¥i..e u..derHanding of God', and moH curiouOy exemplitied in thTyp::s of the La1Yt (i) Ex..,I. 3!.3, ThofeancientTypeswere'tbeGl'Verpáauresimbenil11Žd1vith the Golden h 1 ve1n ;!K.. ff . t..r..:¥d} ....?:..?;ii1..(b..d 1!:ke: ........,nPj:t'.i..;•j....... gfCi rift was darkly reffe&-etf. They were rhe cloudy :i..d lie:y pi\ ';'lrs dii:eŽHrig therme Jjr,it/imin thcirway tocbe holy Und, tofi'tldout Jefus difputing i111 theTcmplt.:aboutthofelivelyindea:esofhisinCarnation, 1 s v 1 SHi..t......t,i:..n b;..;..e..!..!;f ..:r:!:..!......, ;{J!'t.... :.. x¥..7,1r-The hrtt of them cooceivesirrb bi norhin..elfe botthedark reprc¥ fcnrat1onof ..eny fpecii:s, memioningaperfon, who forhit Allenrelroqoenoe, _ \V.\..faluted wirha dcep.Co\'nplen:eoe, :11 onewho was ,,.J .. 9-'Ef.... 11..!..; _ Lo:. Phi/1I. Th,r,,,arcopJOfE/uqH1nt..m:#rJ, Tot.his, l'Afllf.lë.. ..¥rlilfl#l.tOds, t;...... ..=..;;o..:r::P..iZ....ftif..;.... nc:..'..tk,..á..h..::;:..td:r..l}..; uponthdr;tiryfhouJders,butper{onsaid muerirl tbingsaretobec:ounced ch,prop,rfubj:'ltsofTypŽr, Ha,ine dooe whh the nrm'e, len fpeak to tbŽ natre and etfe..ce a Typ.. , which may be comprehended in this De..oHë¥ . A Type is :u,Arbicraryign, reptefentingfuturc andfpirimalmatrers bydi.. vinein!Hrndon. Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Now b:caufc chat io ail Scriptural Type.., their mie and nati,áe Ggoifi.carion dcpends 11poÈ, andf\01'15 .from tbc Di..incW1ll ; Thcrcf..>te mult weadbibitcc”pccialcarcandediligcnccioethcmlnagemcntofP1rcollrlcS upoo thcfc ure and C,:ce\\cnt SubJeŽbi, and procced wich rhc malt ..rccifc caQtëO_n,that wc amibute aod afrribc Dothiogby vny o_f prefigurau..n ro anythmgsorep.:rfo1uwhacfocvcr1burtofuc:hasl-Io!yScnpturedorhc1thcrdiceŽtly1orbyltroI1:andclearcon[cquencehandefonhetous, Sothu, although there m.1.y iatcrcedc Come Moral, Phylicat, or Hiiloricd Analo., gy bcrwecnfornc Legat Material!,acd Go\pcl-Truths: yet mu[t thcy noc eie Pe ..:r::i:..: b......:..r-a..; !....e;......:..:..t:; :;:;..:r1:n:; ........:n!..ed..d:,i: blc out oFScripturcit fcH for Cuch a conHrnŽnon. Ncvcnhtlcfs,it is mort a des tei..::tt:; 1::;.... . ct:..........w..:.. ::cei........;:i:,......:..d ....:..t:;t::e.... r detc te..r....,,c:t Ja..h!:'..x....:s:..;..ye;....:i..!.... !....::..::):a...d..n\..g\..:...e......Jl:d inthcConccptionea11dcorcrc1tnmcnteotthcmforluch: Yct nmhcr on thcothcdidc, doth any fuch ..u_11rAI Hmnony wa.rranr th..m.to be cQnltrned for Types; unlcJsGod Htmlelf ha.th !bmpt the Sea\ ot D1vi0c 1n[l:itulëoD\ 1pon thcir Hnmooy. Wh0wi\luaJoubccdlyiffuc forth chc Writ of a ..o WArr1n10,out of ch: Court ol Hcavca, agaiaR al\ fuch bold lntruders inco Divitlc My!lcries,who dare prc”ume to cxpouud chem without a c (a) A!f.s,..tfi:;:..h......c . r:d\.... 1 lfA..=h..b..:..i,....;....:t......-,t..b0ch.... 3z. was dumb, bcfore chc Shcarars,and opcncd noc his mouch. Buc mu1.y o.. Old have foergoucnro ra.kt hccd ro chis Cyoofure,or Pole-Jlar,that lhineth lnthtdark and lludy Valleys of the aoticnc Fii11m,havin.. not tookc ba_ek with Al,r,.hAm,acthe Voyec of a Oi,it1c An.:;el,to the. Ram io tlic ThicketS, c:vcn Cbrill: thn washeld in the Briars of om impuccd Tran!grcfbons. Such wcrcfomcofchcantiencAll..orizingF.tth..-r..: Othcrs, of thc:Schoolámcn; and moft of the la.te Mylhcal Divines ( 10 !lyled) am..ng thcP.1.pifŸr. Butyctethcreisno found realon, "'."hy m: fhou\d (ulptŽtfomc rhings ot Old oot to h.i.vc bccn Types for ch1s crnfc oncly, becmiC i s t,1 0......a:....:s j:r :t............r:ef........te......;a:;..r:”:..cr:l[.. 1 ....1....t...... f rom Hcaven U'POD fuch puticulars. For God ha.th Suprc..m Dominion ovcr all His Crcanucr,and can uaconuo\ab1y 1 by the F.i;ht of Cscacion, makc1a\tcr,1nd muugc tbcm allas He pleaCcth, co His 01\'ënc, and Holy Ends.FDrrhc Explic,,tioo of this Point in itand,wemay apply.(ome. part ..t' ....Jf i;f f f..f ....:..f:..:......ë,!rf ;;jf......¥;.i!i?........ iU quic.k and 111brle Effcnce upon the Br:>,ly. Afccr_w.1r,!s, r:tt,Me fubJtfJi 1c f tdtág C.i, ;{tr:?år..fl:..;r;....i....:..fc':i:............t:: 1 ::..b..e..l1..;;e..fat!..c..(..r :t: ,,,A..iz , 0¥P"l¥Bodies rcceptioo of thcimprcf1ioo of the Souls Ent,hh1.i, or that ..Jl@. J ¥ J.11tJ.11.ny, ashcca\\sit, theio,orporea\”orminth..opern”oneofeitsv1:oá rous Effcnceu¥Jon cbc dull and ioaŽ\ive router ofthebo ly) He mentions a rwo-fo\dEnuluhi,.; The one,Potentid; the other,Habitu1l. Which diá aiafŸon1rbatit isto-be11nd..rllood,as the Eiw.:lcchia doth rc(pcŽ\..h..in1<: nour :I'ke :I'emple of .Solomon. Chap.9. Chap.9. Tbe 'Temple of Solomon. 0ec aevrr i ! ree..:;ea;;; ..Ot..ih..t:a..el:.ei..fab\;e..f,.. :::....fni:e:..6' o:Yt:..:.. 1 ..ucure, thongh Geaderly, yet in fome meaJure it doth ..renotif”e. .!n the li..e u:anoere dead lump and ..a{le of the ancicm Cercroonies. Sorne tbin<>s whereof the 1..finitcly wilC God may plea!eto inltibe or impo: a poëël1ve 1nllituttonot his own, 11pon tbo(e -very marcrialls,wbicb i_ : ftom them”e\ves do yeil.. iome natural refletHon llp(l!I 1he things whiCA thcyecypifiebydi,ineeord1oation: whcrcby theyare iodcedeievatedtoa more ample ,nd 6gnificant honourt As foreexample;in the Levitic.1.J Law, 1ee1r poteoual rccepmiry be 1ov1..omedand aŽ\uaced by a dhioe !..J.. ëi (11)byfopthuisotean ablterfŸ¥cand m11odati1-e nature,wasufed in the 'e .. M4tthiolus, t..at it hclps thofe difealCs whicb corne from l'hup inrtrclltA¥ Hl 1117hera¥ nt..1uh11mour;, f:di"t, V,n:t, 15 54! p, 3 3 :i, &c, and rhereforc is properly 1e1u,1.5,c,7t ulcdco G.gnific ot1r cleanlini ftom lin,Ag1in,Ccdarwu the intcrnal mami¥ aloi S,!..m..,rsCherubins, whith Ÿ ....1-.,..J.f11."1Qv1 animpuuiblcwood1 nodng the perpetuityaod immona\ity ..I che holy Atlgels, cate ot Lcprofi\':. Nay, it is noted by Diofcoridu, and bis Commcntater (..). Fm,,ft 6 cere[ët1etse;..1,hefsg:ie!e..t..e..;h:::....eJ ..I:i;..;n..ea!....o..:,e :;:.......brt!;....i![:.. Funbcrmore, wb.enthe divine M,1.Jcfly haih cxprdly declucdin Scripturefuch a perlon, Iôcb an ed”fice, fŸchean ut,td”letoukcuponittheehabit of a Type,and hath in[Htmed and appoinced it to Commcmome folllefpirirnal good thing in che Gofpcl I Theo may we in g..neul acccptof this forata(ceguidceinoureprocedurctocheemo,eepamcularepart,offuchea greatType, aoddc(Cendfurthcrtoenquirceoytthc Analogyaodptopor c1Kl)haththisp.:!Sigcinehis..1anf.,U1tt.v1r.206,15c:0 g, (4) mMtK4 J"ir:r...,..I\IPi:,,;w, &... (ii) P.tg,34 A,cloubleRain¥bflWe11..1rding the gre.1t heaven, is maoy timer atektD From what precedc$ we maylikcwife inferr. ,bar as to tbo(e t_ypes which 16,,....:?¥ a 1iz11ific ueon no othct accouot thtn b, 8tfdl <11f1A.igW'tlllf1 by di110e choicc ;..)s!dá..4r, ;!!t!ft!d..á....y \..3..h ....:;}; ....:i;..; d....ri:..;..:........;:.. r::..: ;.... . and t/4g7Primn, and ct ¤ 1( t hea....:z..;::b. ..:r:':..:;......dHt..:....rie..=:..s....f:..ir....e:..:rl....:1e....r......y :O.. t ::r..er;; ht oteij¥t: ..!/01 :;:t....:::....t;, ....;e Chap_:9á The Temple of Solomon. 1.1.p1n him dire..ly, ..n:i frorn bis ce upon us by retL:&bn, we bdo" b..e:tro.rr!e b....e:tro..rr!e 0ef teon1 ..:.. o..;..;,........;reb:g..n [..e....ë!:ei....h....:;..:..”;gtl..!.. O! th,u ann..nc pr_omt:c g1venlorrhto .A,fon_in P,mdile, an:::ldaily rofc ht..h..t an.1 ..1ghcr m more, dear crnanacions ot tighc upon chc beartsof the ir 1ele 1 ieic heo ..;;....t..et1...i......[.... ..:....;;,hr!d,f:!..!..t:..p....:..ce;a:..te:!.. ..:r.. to laanch forth intothc vafi Occan of allthe Mofaicaland old Teftamcnr Types) J, fŸa-ll firfi t)rovc from holy Scripture, th.u rhc LcztJ.Ccrcmoriics wcreibadowsof Evanoclieal cruth.. and :ifrerward rrcat in lomc mcafure about the muhod and 'mumcr of (l)\lf cnquirics into thcfc dccp Myflcrics, byi11g down h:imc Canons or ruks, as chc BAjit or foundation of our progrdfc. Astoothcfirftop:mirntar,oifcheofc\'era.loexpreffionsoofchchotyoSpirit, be fcrioufir v,eighcd,¥Obct ptrfons (l hopc:)l1-ill fin? juH fatisfa8!on, . To )HotoJ ctoa \ ao% :Jr. ..f!c....o1..:....r:! 1 ..oo..p:k ....otrc ..::....:b..dl:..r:;1iet..o;::....,'..:..J"'.."-..7f6-;l"t.i>, in feveral, parce\s acd afccr vanous maDncn, del1nring lus mindeio !"et portions uoto chc Church, But in the LordJefus is made.¥ (/,) Erh. 3. snar:.ifc:H aod brought ro light, ( 1) d ..).tl1roS..1,.,r troq,..¥ n' e,i, the m..nifold 10. or moldformon1'1"t1(d0Jf\c of God; or,to lpeak "!ub !cvcrence, the ,PHI Phrygid11ir:Hm, the cmbroydercd ncedlc-workofh1s wlfdomeo: In aword, r . ..:t %;;:;: ....(l•tl ....% ,V ; i....:!oofhi..ilo........F.... ::o0to}:,h::m1lrh.. i!! : niu, p. z 15. and tbatnocoocly 1n its mor:tU, bot alfo1nns Ceremoorall pan:: where¥ h e bor cc e;:..á LNg, i:..:fp!....! ..........M..a::1:o1/r.... 9;/..:fi11f..;\..d......tii:;!..c..bfef (d) Job, 1. fublhr1ce o” che Ceremonia! part in Himfclf: 17oWe rcad in the holy Scriprnres conccrn1!1g Typic:al pe..fo12s, a.. 'l'Cll u . (t)Rom,5. thiJ:Jgs rcp..crcsuingrhe t.ateof the Evangehcal Church tothear1c1cnt Fa. c ::....inJi:/c..¥p:;t:..: 7o..e..ao.. I.f. r 3ol Jc ..r..r;:i:s}..::at..b/b..,; hh../....o Mot'n.lMoms, .the¥fignrc of htm who wu to co..c. In :nothcrplac:cne rcad, that th,:: Children of Jfr11d and Mofa, thcu Law-g1rcr, rhc Red a tou ngo! c ( D ;::;: ..a;;:..of.... ....i....;....-i........tco:!:k......i..;ofo..1::i;h 1!:::rár; (f) 1Cer, thewildcrndfc, (f) 'fu'-::t".., ,i,A:J"i1¥ml-:h'11t.., rhar rhey were Types or Fi¥ tc,o6, 11, guresot usundc:ár,he ..oivcl, A):;¥m i.. anotbcr Epi!tlcthe_ Apofllcha, , rcatoao1 doe W. CD!olor....Rs:oas..c!o0::i..,¡:id}.a!i/hsi..b......:: :..;u.... :..;p..:n..o....!f)..:i: (h) l Pet, 3, O,ingoJtnrc !rom rhcir bcing bat fhadoffS of good thmgs rocome, wbm:¥ i,-. . u(g)tbeobo"y iridfisoofChrHl. Funhcrmore theoAuthor tothc He¥ (1).H9,r,d, brews (P,111/moll probab!y according to (h) Pmr aod the fenre of the an¥ h h ..;;.. :.x;6, ..;i......a..:roc..: ..:!t..t:: Ji1 r....il....i/c.. (..a!:!..;......J....do.. Ed”t.Bi1JI. ofhoavenlythinns, N.ar, inthatEpiAlc, whichmighrwellbc Styled a 1N5¥ Commcnmy nPl)D the LeviticaU Ceremonics, hc doth.almofl:iac1ácry(,l) Htlr, Ch.apcar, gi,e arnplcce!limoay to thispoint iD hand : yct I lhall infhnce utoh(i{11,J. 9. ..asi: fi..!;:of:::/;c..f..‰....d ..;:oi;:;re:..i:c..o: e It:;:áb.... (.. t:t.. 9. Rt>...,;,.,.J,1141fh-rinS11.'!.6-rit,_o" p-rlf..lr., dlfrlng fir rht prtftnt wm, who!e (n,) u,r,,9, moral and inttrprcu.tio.. :s to ie rakeo out ..f the New rcfiamcnr, Wc23¥ mut\ plough wirh 011rfpiru111!1 S11mpfan1 betfer, 1or el(e we.OEi..ll ..e\-et (.1t} ff,/,. cxpoundrhcRidd!e. Fotthey wcrcbut{m) 1,mh,';r1'-ÇTd.,fH"md1rAt1111u, 10. 1, dark patterns ofhcavcnlythiogs. Nay, the w..o..e Law ic fc:lf, (vh,, Cc:¥ (") Heb,7. remonial) co,miDcd in it (n)a (had..w.of good thmgs_co come11nd ..otthc:: 18, 19¥ very imaoc oftho!i:: thing... Hetic:e 1c u, that che 1nc1cnr Ccremon1cs are (p) G,1/,_4. rcrmcd (o) weak ao1 un,Proficab!e, making notbing perfcAo; in a_riotbcr place,(p) Elerucou of this world, or worldl1 ElcmcDtS (q) acd 11d101cno ..q)C,J,l,S:. ..f ¥ 'The Temple of Solomon. ..-..-ap.. 9 177 o_f the worl..1..s otherl'."herc the S..nthiary is tcrmcd (a) world!y in,oppo(i .. (4) Re;,. 9¥ uon toits dlVIOe anJ rpiricual aomypes: orherwhere m Ceremonics arc I. calkd vv,ak and (b)bcggarly Elcmeots:bywhid1 amanc.tnnoc becorilhed (l¥) Gal, "f¥ '1oto1al'v.Jrion. lnwh1cbo1eofc wcmay aHudeco thacplace\l'ricrc Gods s. M..jctty is plcafed to tell..he Eiders of !frael, by the mouch ofhis Propbet &rk,itl; tlm hegavc rhcir Fathc:rs in the wilderni:ffe (c) Srauues th11t (c) ..k.., 1mexot gmlo: diat is, in themf7\ves nakedlycooGdercd,they l"(erc fŸ,h :i.o, 25, aswh..rebythey could n0ctháe: !or uolc!ëe they d1ligently kept and ob.. 1 toe bofa g f....;:.. ............o....,..........1; ..fg..o.... ..o....¥w\........yo:..:”J!....e:o......t;..\..! \d; H,/;. 1.. . 1.l:!lb ver(e to\lo-Nmg, che Proph.!t feems co 11mmatc chat by Statutcs wc arc to undertbndoth; Ceremonia[ Ordio..nccs. The word allO in the Hcbrew ;::::i¥vn which is hcre uled,h th:: 1Jmc wich th1t in the (e)Ptal....H, (,) P{11l.S9. whic.. M11f,"'"' expoundsaf die Suci,;tcs ofche Cercroooial Law, d1thn-31. ..uLlblllg becw-eco J udgments,..S..atlltes, and Com,nandcments, a_s if the tormc:,refleled n,ponothcjud1C1a\, the nextupon the Cerernon1,1!,tho hU upon the ..far.!.ll Orduunces cnjnyned by }J,JqfaJ from God: But whcthc, more g1d1ciautly d1en acncc!y, I'thall retrre co othcrs. Seˆngt?:-n the anci:m Ceremonics arc Metaphorical!y termcd lhadowr, iris requ1!1{e rn have /orne !ight, cven to cmmpm: thcm with the bodyfromwbichth...ynrecall, a..icis obterved,f>y (f) Alh¥..tn ltt'!"br¥ ptrc”.. (f) Opti"c,I. pir14r ‚ Juc umm "bfmti :, 11,/terim p....fanti" l thac tbadows ared,1Cerned by 1. '(h,..r.S7. ,he ab!enceof one l1g.hc and the preicm:.e of atlocher, The dired: Rayes of p.6 J¥ ..J,r. the Sum body Jre ab,em '.rom tbc p)acc dukncd, by the iompoGn:;.body: B-fil, bu the Circum1mbicnt aire chat is 11\1m1iaarcd with other Rayes ot lighr, hclps us to diCemcthc Chadow, In which Ccnfc,g”ve us lc.tvc co compare ..t prelCnc, the Ceremonics to the tludows, the Gofpd to the fob!hnce, 1ndoChriltoco_the luminiry, andthe?diviocfŸ:velationoinlighmiogothe Church.=s hmz.,nhclps ouc cyis rodLfcem chofc ancicnc Oudo1Vs, whicb pr':':eed li..e1..ilt..om him wha i1 both (g) lig..c a..d trnch: whom we (t)oJib,i.. dilcernc n:tracted 111 the Lnv, by a ray of r..fle..mi:i, 11'1 the Go”pcl, but by I z, hon l 1 ) r a d..r;....;..:;.., ;so:on..d....d..;.. t:..ii ; :rce1..d'..b../....:-manner rc.. ....ol I.. C,o. pre!ent ondy the cit..'!r..all fo1rl!l or flupc of a m10, wuh hcad, armes ¥ ¥ Ieg..1 andthctrtmkot h1sbody manoccca poll11rc, helpi..gus onlyt..odiff fŸngui(h ii from lht fir,ure_of a b..a(l or t crcc, .&::c. So d1d cbe Law 111 a darkandob1Cnrcrnannecbmcolltthec:,i:cellenc1csooftheGofpcl,oand the figurc and 1lupc of 011: Lord in (p..cial, Buc w-he.. a man huh bis repr..lemacion dicnforth 1namorc hvcly1vay byap1Žturc, wcchcn know1c tobethel..onof ruchaparcicularpcr(oo, whofc fearnre weoarewcll acq1uintcd wirb. Oc yet moáe fuUy,by a gldfe reAeŽling hisvcry face upon m. Or mofl compleatly and ab!olutely by a carved !mage, or a Stamcof roatb!eorb:,ife, wbcrcinoheoisomodcllcd, rioconlyoaccotding_rntlactruc fioureoothisoface1 andthee:uŽl:pro'PortionofhisJimb.., bucallothcbialk, c..ffirude, rnJ dimen1ions of e,ácry mcmbcr. In fuch a manoer dgtbrhe Ga1pel exprerfc ..hc ..ord J efn ro bis belov..d Churc\ eveo !ikc a pith1redmvncothe[1fc,hke.anfa'll1"7e,,,.or look1og;laÇ:e,ohkeanim1ge peri"e..!yofŸ”ccdoand !ymmccc1cžly corrc'pondcntoto ttshvelyoprototype. Inf..much, chatwhcpthl'; daybmkof theGo”pelobcganotoappca..; thcn did the ancienc JcwtfŸ (,) lhadows fi..e away, as rhc. S..oufe dotbJ?yfolly (i) Cont,2.. r0 3ouA ..i,........ ..t...... ..!;.. 0 :..:1t:e.cot..otl......i..;..a,! ....1..:r..o;háe_1:::..r..t: i7,oi:i' -t, '0 fcvenScmson\y: lmcanchc7precepts(i.:em111onlylocallcd)ofN0Alt; .::md oowoand thcn cnj1tyed fomcocreacedoScmsoforevcalcd proroi,fcs Z ;c, ,oncen:110; Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library _!78 Tbe Temple ofSolomon. Chap. 9. ,1) L ,ikf 1, c_on:ermn;; rne ..¥/fi.th. _Sut "'.\un im::..caldro the ditneni1oos o: a. Na- ' _!78 Tbe Temple ofSolomon. Chap. 9. ,1) L ,ikf 1, c_on:ermn;; rne ..¥/fi.th. _Sut "'.\un im::..caldro the ditneni1oos o: a. Na- ' ..hap. 9, 'The Temple of .Solomort. ) 1 Ji.1,. + t 6, .. h e 0..\..)..r::..i..;1ty..i ......:.. 1 . 1ut..tr:td :1 .... ..t;l::....e..:,od.... itr..e:,.... ;!::r::;f..:",:::Eti::ffi:,..\.......:á};..1It;::..::.t..;i;! h_..al1ogunder h,, wings, and Ouncd over the volis of Betl,f,b,m_; imdii"" h0y0y en.c tdhmony toto that incerprcwioo. (b) 1 Ccr. 1 f;) 3.;. ..-.r. ..:..e.. :y:r....yJ}: ....1..:7ik:f\o..f;..[.... 1 npen facc..eholdlsë..a (k)glal\echeg\oryoftbeLord, aodareybecome e0kny1y.!y0/::a:::y..h'0..:..vy..: ..ë..b (4') I C8r. the(;'") Epi!tle o.f Chut\ wmcen (1yjt,-....] or dcpifŸ:d by the fpitit of t5,49. thehvingG_od.1..theflc:..yTJblcsut tbeheut: Nly, inawordchey do hhy01y ..2.;,h. t ¥ ..tá: ;:;f..l:ty,;.. [tr..;:;e::y..;;:,....:?c..b:r:gyt:Jh....á..á:r..r:..:.. 9 (f) .Aa.15á tbeCro.ëe,when hela1d,(t) IT IS FINISHED.Theywcrcintombed in bis: :24. grave, aodthc:fctlo!tb:.. bct\ (f) couo....11hucvcrwns, imprclfcd1,1pon fg)TmHilë¥ thclh,,ncwhichwas\aid .en the mo1.1tbo1 the Scpukhrc, aod aftcrwards ,11.n.Ca,1tr.lw-confinn_cd hy.1h7 (g) 1oc1em F.1chcrs, aod ait che Cbdiliaa wonbics of the h1 ......;:n'i..'tá, ..y..;....:i:....y0..............:f.....nie1, the gro11nds of our tormrr aiferd %á..;; 1 Ct//. Caná oo.. nuy be e11dcndy percmd, vi:{,, ThuGo”pel m1ths wcrcof o]d sh ..;;:..::y610 Zt....::/{ ....\.. !nd:......u;;....;;....:y:Vit..:..i':br\:..y..y:cct;..fn.. ..:¥tt:i: Conrr.t 111¥¥ !11ccecd1..g Rule> or Canons, wh1ch contain the [e,ood rhioi' propofctl i..n 1tdQ.u1-for one ..11cour(C...y way o!incrodud:ion co the main dclign. The hints of Tm ¥¥ p. i9, fometb1ngs th.-rcio conu.10cd, I dothaokfully ackoowlcdgc, as ioti01.1.ucd Edit,f.a{. t>ythelcarucdP/11re,44inytheyforc¥co11chcdpltcc. 15;o, (}",, 'fhc..r!lrnlethcri,forythcfindiogoutyth cnnurcofTypc:s,orfortheEJ: .. 1y 1. am!lutto.. offnch asarci::cnen\\y Cuppo”cdtoybc(o1 isthis: Tlutwhen Scnp..ureitfelf bccoo{trucdundcrythc:nnu,eand ha1.. ca(l: 10 thcir concurry .y r,y5. F1(1h\y, When therey1s\oin..cicclleot.amibuceakribcdcoaperfonomuter u..der tbe ;1ld Law: wb..ch accord1ng co the mcer hHl:ory or bare' letter of 1ts reimon, crnno.. c1_chcr oatively or tropically, find any clear conv..D_icDcy or ag.rce..cnc ".':1.. lt:bu. y..1will mo!t propcrly and pcn”nen ey) a0 h e (l ..:ey;f:i:......):i;;1y..:d:............y!!f....y:x;......:y6, ë......y;..;o.. . ..rs:;,,_ Pftrl+ !9,4, r1 dyhcyr ::17;.. p:;:..j....:....:i:;......;y1......:.. :..lt:....oyfc....R:;::..c::'::..:!!....; 3y t ayi K1;;..;.. :yg..:..;:1it.. t6........1:i:..rr........:1..y..:..\1;:......!1: (á¥) k,.ogdoi:.ne there Hull be r,oc..d. ln chis ca(cchere win be no nced (A)1)An, '¥ towme, 1Jpt, over the he1?M1uchachi.n..i ch.. matter isobdous and ,t4. ..\ea.. i:no11bh, dut 'MC may Wtthouc hcfim1on intcn ic amona the rc(t of i::..;::.. :y 0 ml.md.ced, ¥ Sutrlly anJ L1f1:ty, 'lt..hen ihe holy ..cciprnre dod1plainly nominatc: 6, ‘..::..'..:..it;i..(:,1:%l::r1,'..;i:..l;:..1á:h:i;,f;..:::......;;; urnlar a..ll<;'ns ot tuch ..crlotu, c1pecully !lichas w..re ot'pobl”ckcooceto¥ menr: or tnto..hcvan..us parccl,at1d..icccs1 ërl\cciptions, ornamcnts, or othe.. appcnd1xcs ..( !ud'/ gn.nd ..aceml ; whethcr or oo chcre may oor be toun.d in thcm lomc con1an..moitr, with the more la_rge and i'ump.. tuous men(11\, a..d whcth..r :iccorclrn.. co 1cs d .. grcc and qualuy, ic may noc bea.r an humo..1011; pm in the coo101c of Typ1cal mllfick: or wberhcr ihe Oloed-Royal ot a Typcauy Mtrnnnc in the C1pill.uy \¥ dos of!dfer'implc:-- tn h ..ir..i....fi....á..:\.... ........!..y;:t..;ria.."b::Já..i..c..dg..i ..!..::..c..yc\,;'d........ of a Typ:, (c:ápeci..\ty\vhcll lame Go(pe! cru.ch may properly and withouc ..taiRing be 1J>plye,i to.u,in co_nco..itancy ..tth t..c grCa!C..) cime may po[M itblyappear !orne cha1m orw1dcmn;ddic1encytnthema1n mmri.t\. co :y ..:fŸg{fŸff:..IlifŸ..........1..:Jjif f.:Ii..;....;;..:;;;..;; p 0 1tyn O..\..;........ykni:.e..,y..te ....i,....:(f..0;?ea.... ..:..iir:..:0 ..hcy....!:....:yot..:.... vclf..l, ..r th:. cubital dimenlioas of cach ma..crial, as if tOme ure My!lcry 1yu cr ic ::::..:....;: i; J..dl:;y..:..y....J;, i;..y....:r::;o;....o..:b.. ......;\,:..: intcodcd, and di,;iding mo{k fubtldy (4, w..1Már1,ár:J) thcir ”mall c11mmia ioto oicc: portion,, n1..wing thcmthcs (it I may fo (peak) [Obe ov rmucb wil:, in c..e. p\m.l of s..!mun.. i had mbcr con!ider thot Jetfcr parcs hoype)withoucaoyncccno!ìonofaType, ly I lhall in tbefirH M to theworkthcnio hand,y place ..'Tlp!ore thci.. CAp. z6, 5 .ya t h r : . ,f, cit!..;......\, ..i........t,P;:..fJ,........r'......;....;i:l:y..:fJr;;l:;ii::ty!i:; n,o thinF;s, dceply fofpcŽled by the geoec.alicy of the Lc1tncd a..d Holv.. ;..y1r....:!tb........=:..h::f; ';;....i:........fi:::;..i..::1\t....h;..[l,;..":........; 1othcncW"”c01ment, wnb fomc li:ht glancc towud m iD the old: cye-fighcymaybc wa(hcd aoddeaoicd wichthotcwams thatllfoefrom 1hopc kcyofD,wiJ, wooldgraciouOyplultoopcn adogtofcnuancc fot me: (c) E.et... ,bat 1'7¥ li -i..-oá'-J:he'Tcmplcof....lo1..n.__ ..-..hap.9'. thatfolmayrii;htlyunderfi,nd,_aodpropcrlyicxpre(fcmyconccpti..osin icfcrcocctothc1e Mytl:crious ..!faim. Sccondly, 1 lhallcauciollfly md.:aM ,áouricoproceediinthisbuhnef”e,gencrally,accorc!inKtoithe6forcM mentioo.dCaoon.., ascoitheei:plicttion of thco_atureotthefc excellent Types. Yetherc10IihallnotoccdinthcunfoldUJgofithcitmcaniDg1 to a!Jc1dg..a.od apply che afor..Caidrules: whicb will pro,e cedious and u!.. I_e[e: 1cerngcommonrca!oi,isafuffidcntCyno1ureorload-Harrciothat ?micular. 1:hirdly,lrfhallbcimyJiL1dyar1dcaretog..vcdiligenta..ddccp 105cntiooof1piritcocbcthingsin11and,aodyetldc11retoipropolcthcm 1 11 J ncre i =....th;; :i,....: :,;rp....... ;....Y,,..s n::..;:..:..:gi..,7: :n. ....td:::: I............:.. t..c.<-ouneous l‰quirer m pardon mr iufŸmitii::s, and nGt to ..at”e roo prc.. Clfl..a..t a c..nlurc upon t..e expol”uons, beforc he ....veconterred tbc.. .. p:1,auons vmh the precedtog Canons, _and the opuuons.of learncd D1.. vine.. borh aocieo..aod modem: to who1e a,)preheÈficns ! Jrcely and hum.. blyfobmit myfc\l, Founhly,I (hall c_ra,e lc.1ctoacqua1nr myini:,cnuous Reader'. th_ac1tisn t theddigoeofth1sworktoen!argi::moftamply upon allrhcJ1gn1fi,Jmpa..csot theTemp!7; IJ\Uch lelfe upon ail the aiment fypesand Ceremon1es, they beiog a ttibJct\: maucr ..tfor_ perfons?f deepecmlight and kno,vlcdg chen I hne mived to.Who hnmg 610 much u1m:aced hy .i. neer RelJtion, (1omewhu concerncd in this peice as at wholc co!l dl tlle figureswere cmin bnffe) to conuiv.. oncChapter conceroiegthc Tcmp_!e-MyHeries: Iwasin a..oo1 mea!urc unwillingly drawn co this wo,..rnpttticular, asindcedtotheiwhoicbyafŸangeiover¥rulingProvi.. deocc) as may poffibly forncwhu more appcar in the prcfi: ml Epifile. Whoerefote I humb1y and mol. earne!Uy ei:mcac the kind inrcrprcu.tioD of rc aai1 ;....:..i: 11..0pi.... ..:..:l't....:..hë..::ab::d:::....;.. ......:i....ei:..J‰..:: ,”ie lomc ab!er quill, ..akco !rom ”ome StrAphino wu:iz, to picrce de..pet i.nro the hc,1veo ot rhclc di..ine My!teries, diŽbted by the ail wife MaJetly ofGodhim!cli. As cofomc moderate explication whereof :it prefcnt, that I may precced in a Mdis , promifcd co ab ide for cnr, J J,h, ',17. Finally)it wu built in a mounuin, poffiblytofetouc1bcgloryofht1vcnitrclf; evenasoursaviC1urrcprercntedthradiu1cy ofbcuutefomcof bis ApoAlcs, whcn hc wu mns6prcd boforethc:J:llëD!hcnc..cdiDgbigbmountai!', (aseis gcncrail.. co_nccivcd) ofTAb,r. His glenous ar,cnl'ion alro 1Ptobcavcr,, looknsn(c from.thCMCWlrai..ofO/iiit1. Co11cerning -is6 -Tbe Temple of Solomon. Chap. 9. Chap.9, 'The Temple of Solomon. 137 ri,:....[t;il..-:::.;:ár;;....b..:::..a:dDJ[......l..:;..:....lst:..rt:1..tro;J :;de.... bouts, As wereadthac.all-c_he tlonesof the Temple wcrc wrought with eh 1od !......r1::..s,t;x;......d' ....g..t....ti!..h.. ;;11;o..r c..::'ra..::dgt..:!.... i!o1it.. he roil il e1 s..cond)y, AsSo/mm1 i01ploycd maoy sl.:.i\ful and labor”ous ArtifŸ,bmh d ci ,t1:e Childrcn of Ifr..el, u wcll _as of 1:hoenic1ra,;1, aod of ..hc ,./4gJpti.lins, ..\..............fl..i..i.:!,....r:..:....tt..f;..tf{co..eifs\:..1st(:)os..6;.... ..,i) GAl.3. as O? rcl21ecl by E..ifelmu: So d1erher,ia du:lj:ii.. E;1....r.:f ..E1:....:..t..p..i::..f ....1..,:..:1..:-....:l.f; 2:r.,i!:i pi:..lxr,;..t....'t 1o by wmr ro Joppa..andthcnce rn Jmifa!tm. Sodoth om Lord iti:iploy fŸch :ot..e7..f.. \dj l l l1e ..........to..-......p........1\..oea't..::!;;,;o..:....o;r:o (c) Ilof.6. asfiull(c)hcwhispcop\e,andukcoftrheruggcdncliofthcirdilpofŸions.5oworkmco of JDh¥ che Baptills-.muper, that nccd not be ro aChuned, whcn che Plummct, that tbc Hono$ o( the Temple may be laid in an eret1, in an 17 10 (d) llbft 3, they\d)comewithrhe Al'c ot con.iŽl.”on,and la.yit totheroot of thctrce., 10. Heulcsinthiscxcellcntwol'kfomc BMnerttls, SonsofThuoer, rohcw !0 ::c:..;i....:..........k;i........:c;?!;:............ :t..h;L1;!:;;;n! :r..if.:..:.. 1 . ea r i i ..ior....,h..dt........ ....g;....;sl1 1i:;:..1....! ..:\1 :;i,........;.... :C......i;,o........\!co i (t) Pf.il, ;7. ......J:r:!..t..o35¥ chmálofty prid,á, arc compared to theCcdars of LtbAnan. In (r) one (f{Tom.S. place,..hercwcoread lagrcen bay rrec] chercn of Jmm_ruusthui(f) fŸ....7!... ii.........Ÿf1f:fŸf :;f ;fŸ:m:..è..;gt;..ltž[g;...... [ hos 1 ii.. :t'á ....:ob....!doto..d ....e..l ....c;:..::r:e i;; ..:bls E&{;rct;;o:....fs t..;.. (li) 7 om.), cmtm (if !cnc ma.Y be grmted mallu!”ons) (1) Come with me from L,b..á r:177. 1wái(myrpoufc)w1d1 me from Le..uw: forthc (.(:.)beams of our houle . (,;CA..t,4-.S. arcoi Cedar,andourorafrersofFirrc. Such as bcingcucdownoutof the (1:) (i,nt, 1, proud and cowrini mouncains of nature by the Axe of the Law, were 17, liroughtinlloccsot repeouncctoJo..pA, (indulgethecontiauatiooof the .Alle goryJic bciagoaop\accfamous!orothis,áchatoneoof,hcfŸ[l6ofpela1 1 ro ......:......¥o..lh..;....../;..'..r....G;:C..1:s..i......h.. f..t1:..-lhif;tth;..;..?}!t1oh1 VJ,.A!t .. .. !:!:á 1¡' ....:..::i:..e..ii....'...1..h!c........ ..:....%e;:ho1...i.... ,......:..fi\1..o;!....i..!;:1á l11111.. Crearnreslome whcu:of wcre ul)clc.tn according to the anucnt Laff ..nd inllutëoll of M1fes; Pembciog thcreby tacghtthat the uoclean (,..V. 16, eo..oaICotobe iakcn11p tohuven1 ..sdm(n) !:,heec wJs ....otìi....J\......\oi..::oo, r11nhe11nt reá, as lO thcf.. (llU wor..mc.. proce.. ,;”ng ia ,-heir Tcmplc-..!1¥ ¥o !tours¥ c aol 10 áoc ..oloo..;p\........o;i:..: o....b:o1i..!imf(t t ..:e..;::..c..o......o:..; orlc....;r;Jc'ht;, ........::..1..:t:s ..t..d:....ili..!? i......h..i.. ....ve:af....r..i:so¥ r:.. 4o y. gctherwiththedutiesoftheLC1áircs, inthcir varionsCharoe,fora ..otf D?blc end, evencopraif:G-ad1 androMinilk_rbe:orethePricll:s1 accor i..ii”....!....,..it.. ,..,:'"á 1 1ao0 y. ror:....; v..r!:U:..i:;;....f:h:d....?..foa11 ../....rs ;!1”or..J....:...tfyi;....i.. r Su.A:nrc at Jmi[Aftm: E1áen fo thcblelfed Lord oflife, and Saviour of rh,.: world aJcco..i.... up on bigh, (h) gave gifts uot9 men1 fcnding dow.o bis (h) Pf,1/.68. ll"l r.:..u......\..h....r....\.... ....;.. o;..Ju!! ..1 :i:..,;fo..f..;....l..[ ........a:a:..::i....! .. :; AEf. ... N1.t!..n!,to whichth..y fuould he (enr,as likewile undcrthe lhape &: reprc--11 1,3¥ emauon of fŸc noun.. the fervency of zealo, and chc illuminac”on of k_DOl"fled..c ft'hcrewith thcy fhould fi11ne throughont the World; at thac 1e ..o:hci;l'..e:.. Çin\ecraccJ,aMinte:da.nd inititred inro the: rcveral o\or”oos li.-angcltcal g:....h: co be theo uodcmken by ,hem, ,1od di!h..rg'cd io che Primitive ;..:;á !T;!t..:; ..y\..fc¡..o1!:..;.. ..!..{tW::i....e:;....:;..:t1 SixrhlyaodLa[l!y, Thisglorious Kingconverrcd inothis Smelyaud 6to, ro s trk i i:;:..d%..........;..rllif PY:f1..is....d...:Jo..ho!h!f:..d..f:fJs;;..:..::r..;..d hml..r o! th.. !ptmutl.T.cmplc, cake wonde:rfol tolace 10 lus Golpcl.. Church, concinually m\kmg iothe midH of hls (k)lvco G..ldcp Candieá ( k_) Rn;.. !lick... B bb 2 Yer 1, ¥ Early English Books Online, Copyright© 2019 PPriro:;cQllu;e:-=s':'t':"L..LC;:------------------.1 Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library it....itttiiiiii....iii,i..itt.. ..!GJ-r/l.nivTOì..¥e1-,llh)!j......')''n,: l6i11¥ ¥ ..i::..r:i..:;;:..c)!..l;fot;f';;.. ..,'nh:h!è;;;t, [....:..i....,S....uc \ ....i.. no6:u1......:h..1..;:;;..d..f)ot_li..i,,gfto-!¥ T_owh!ch ... 6¥ 1 10c;;......:..:!daf1g; 1 0uc cuo :f:fcu.. • ..ën....1 ......../ ......u;..t........l........;'r..!......d::..-:;t......;r:a..::a.. i(..,1 á Ptt .ufitwtion,arebythe nmients, vvhether Poe.es, Orncors1 o; Ph..\o!ophefs, e t 11Ic au ...... l .. l ;....:..l..d).... t:Cp..=......trh....)u....::i..=...... ....rl• d....:ri.. (g) Virgil, bingche(c.. c s of clic Nymphs, in ,1 rock upoa the Afrmtn lhore, fingsthus; áu¥¥ 1, l¥tlllA'f11¥M1lce11ti,oq:faJ”li11lilio, N;¥1l,11r¥¥J11¥1¥, t(c. ffimw,i1r1 fi,ut, with t¥..tl, ¥¥r.,,m p;,, 11 Ti, NJ,qb1 ,. [uu ,f !m11g-l\one1,tiJ,, ...... ..urt:i..;......:t....o;!..nd:u:h..:ci..utbe ....;..f...:i....cu:i..u!.... !cl lj,:,1),6, !ahuationi J !aid. Theul ..) govemmeoc rellcth on the lhou\dersof anomniá á potent At!,,, fupportiog 1:fe3ven ;md Emh, from falling unde.. the lead en tv( lai l1 ......:s ..o..\..id i::t:r:..1:d......:; oi....;ui......:....t,....uf:bi:::;..:rL......:! orin the foft and fiukingbogs ofo11r filthy..>orks; bntuthehe\p,tnd1hc!fc ..”[....fi..”....!l:”...1..;: ofouruh lppineffcisfctcle,U-1,,rhercwill prove a \'eryJ"d. i. 5, ..ác1r Journcy forthei[rAilim tomarch,beforechcy came from chat !ìrlc of rhc h 1nre r ..N(./:..J. :..;;;wh:,:..h..L;1..,. 1....!..\;1e:á..: 1 :....i..n..i:h..:3;:.n..1l....f,..n;b:1..nrlhl..} . Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library lfrrfd. (11) "Tlii1,.1, .,n: .... ,r rH,. th, l,,11[, #f'q,J., rb,I ¥¥. ti, l".''á .. (¥) a, ¥. 1s. !;'.;;;;,, '......;..1..áe'.':,Oi..:..,....;i..:ir.....:;,,..:á;..á!..\l:1..;.. . :u:i..)..}' 1¥ 2.06 "fbeTempleofSolomon. Chap.9, (.s)E1h, "á SpmowsandSw;,,UowsofŸ1C6cntilcs, wbo fonner\y wcrc (.1) without 12¥ Cbtiftandwitho..cGodintheWorld, b.we_nowfoundanh..c, yea,and(li)l/11/,84, nclbforthem(ch-cs,wbctc thcymaylayr..cir(b) you..g:; even dune Ai,. 3 urs O Lord ofHo(b, our God and our Kmz, The kmgome of hu..ctt (,¥) LNk: 13. from a gr..in.e of mu{b.r..-fced, is !11ott np inro a (,) grcac trce: lo thac th?!C 19, bird1, wh1ch f?rmcrly hvedaccord!ngro _thccourleof this Wodd,acco'.d1..g: (d)Ejh,1,,, tothc (d) Prmceof the power oltbciatrei, do now lodge ::tid fing mus Tbc ”mme11firy_of tbc Di,ine E.O.nceJ and tbe mo0: r1d”1ot excellcocy of n 11 ........tb..i;:;..t1......y....Jii..:u......¥t1....:l..i:0t:f......p;....f ................1:..1i1..¥:..d1.. (11) .l!J. 17. Wbmfo1eiC11obfcm.blecb.itibolyJ,i,irc\;te, cbache fa"(i) 111 Temple.. ... intbc new ,mdbc,neuly J1r¥f¥lr¥ } rbati11bo,e: Forcbc LORD 0 O D (¥)ln,,11. Ji.hniglny1odcbeL1mo,aretbc.Templcofir.. Y_ct ët1Tu bitowo tood iJ.. 10d holy -plelf¥r.., th¥t( 1) s,t,.,.,, 011;11:ild buitd b1m ..n Ho¥tC, wuorcin ¥¥ {1).,JEl.7. to b_ll ..,111ifcll1,l'c pr.:!cnce1be wat rclohedlO dwc\l mon:efpeci.1\ly ,1inong -1-7, cbeCb1ldrenof/{r¥tf1 bi1cboi:t11pco_ple, But toretreat to che former Mmpbor: This is the nablc 0:one of rhe corner, unrowhichtbcChurchandal!iitsparcicularroembcuarefa!lned by the ccmenc of Faith and Love. The wnion whereof is unditi:emablc bycommonandmmleyc!, not uolike thet.oncsof the Typica\ Temple, whkh J,f,ph,u repom tohtve bio foadmiubly laid, aod fattncd with !?ch rarcarti6.cc,dtatthejunŽlurcs-couldnotbepcrceived:asifthewholebui!d1nr; had bin made one iritirci\onc, and that not uolike to the J/t!io-Stl,,,.., a (,) Art. prcdou_sR01:e111ntioocdby(,)Grt..frJ.ofTho/o,,,_,,, dmt'hcwsrhc SiN?d ,Mi,,,;.t. '1-. or ConJllofŸ!ln of the two greatlumu:ianes, the Suo o1nd the Moon : Chn!l "¥4f¥P¥694, ......s:1;n of Iigimoufocffc, ami tbc Cbu;cb the Moon of the Gofpcl..hca¥ (f) 1 c,r WhofoeverthcnerrcsinrefpeŽ\ofthis (f) fo11odo1tion ttone, muOE.tne.. 1 fiheciril;t)¥ l : ..........:........;..i:h....i..:....f :;i:i..:r..tiJ....i:..:....i..thet..:J.. ¥ layiog afidcthi1Corncr-fionc,docanfcquem!yene in cbcdccpand pr..fouSJd h t. eiaic ;..) Eti, t........tn¡tyij......i0..h;1::ngi"heif..u..lacfi....rt:ddreu::rn......fu....;i..:7.i:; Jncbck Gofpd-d11e1 (w11/1.,;, flillt; , Haviogthus ueated in gencr..1, lems now de.fceod to fomc pmicularf, ;1ndin..hfirf..placecrav.!kave1o(pe,1kccnceming thcllacclyfiones ofnthe . Temple, which wcre laid i.. the fidi¥walls of rhe S:i.nŽl..ary: ..oncerning _. which, it is the common opmtop char rhey wcre of fil te white: po1dhed am .. _n _ ..k, dcnOtillgth11bcautf,,prec1oufnelsanddurab1htyofthcSaints, lii Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library -l4-7he "l'emple áof Solomon, Chap,9. The Lowell rank Of ilones, whic:h werc more immcdiatly laid upon tbe Foundation, (beforc fpolrenof) arc conceived ..o rcprefentJthe PropbctS; () R 1 t&Y:..rt:Je....!i....::h..h........t..}:)1.. 0;,:..:,..:,,e,¡,J:Jc7!;': td J ,v.n1 ¥n .,,riumi¥_tlnflli th,"""''11fth,¥2-t1.Ap,ftl,1,,ftheLt1ml: So likewifc in (:; Eph.z. t,e;J..;:-:;;;,;1....J..;; ;.. ;::;h....:,t J..11:‘h..n2..i!fc\1f b..r..rt:chf1r 'lo, 21 ¥ cornerllone. Sodm, abhoughrhe LordJefusbccbe mainea..d ptiocipal Foundt™on of the Ch1m:b and a\1 its member.<:;,'ffhechcr Minillenal orotbers: YetthcOfficcrs of theChurcbbeingcompared withtbofe tbatarcto beraught and infŸnŽkd in ic Prin..ples of Faith1are rermed Foundadons al O: that iss Do6trinal, notthedfenti:U andreal Fo11ndacion of StinlS acceptante with God : Such is Cbrill Jcfusoncly. Wcfua.U readth'Creforc tbc Apo!\les to be mmcd Buildcrsin rcfpcŽt. to Chrir\ the ..ief Feundation; So P¥¥I com¥ 1 ..2. 3¥;......'b'i:..;;;..!..3;tu....;!:t!f..::.:c..:..:b....';b!i..!!..!.... ::': ; Chap . .9. 'The 'Temple of Solomon. llf l'..!wellin. Indeedby nacurethe(A) Plagueof Leprofy is fpuad om, a.nd (a) L,11 i4.. ha.theatct\ënto allnthetl:onet:of our T1b!tnac!e: bucnhepU<$Cth111d punii.-1o,6'&: tth and ckanCetlt them lly l:he blood of ouc H1gh Pde1t that u fpriuk!ed up .. Onthem¥ Byna.turethe(enHi>nes-areas hard and.irhpenecr1blt asthc(b)(b)Zt,711, veryAdamant, tbehcarrsofmen ar..aSinfl.c..iblcand unmallcab!e as the (c) (c)Jot,'4'1 ¥ nethet mil-llon.. : yetomoffuch doch he raire up ..lievin3 (J) Childreoun¥ 24¥ ' o (d)MIIM,9, tnta:;:....=;(efioncs; as well astheothcr materials ofche Temple((uch as fim:, CedAr1 and Gold) are re\atcd ro havebin fetcht ftom Tyre, ¥ i..1..An#t1 ¥ tJ(in,5,tt, andP.rr..im: tofigniflecousthatthe Lord Jerus lhouldin Gofpel ume& 1s,17. coUeathcnmembersolhisfpirirnal Church, fromtbe rc111oreHiiaad,, and Kingdoms of the whole 1.yor! [(/)fv-3-c..$v!'(falChh1).)4.., ) cll. J11,fo,. 1'..¥ hl ¥1.rlJ”1t11t)cf'X!¥fH,] ln which placeit was l..\'l,ful for the HigháPrk!l: /,1.,,5. oDely..obe pre”eor. Budtm:iybe,obfencd, tbarrheaffairs: oftblt great CJptam did afterwafd dcclin.. towards the even”rig of bis former Splendor, (m) l1[111, and the fuadow!of Emy and Oppofition tOlengtlaen upon him1till aclength in Pomp. che Sun of bisGram)eur fate ln tbedarknefsof Et,pt,where (m) bewasOain. (n) q,Dg r. f. and al! hisc:ilory was ..ncombed in Mount C"JìHI tn the South part of SJri .. ,as i6 p 7..0¥ (n) StrAh,& tMtm81¥H1 tc(fŸie,Wbich if crue,'diìOtnew_hacobfcrvable that ,J.i:,4,.ivb,hc fuou!dbeburied, asnanfarofffrot!lhisowoCouncry,!oiathebordersof t L.b, :z.:z., tbn nd, wberc heb:td commirred lo gre..tan offoni:e. Jhat profanation of ,n1 dne r..JfziHl. ......If:e..ft;:irvfuJJf::.. ':..;:..:r..;o:.. ;..:..tJe:}:;nJi..ntoingencra\arccalledbythehonour.1.blen,1mcorPne(l:s, 1nle r11!:: ..ri..t{..\..1.. ..1..;:tit..;;;....:ir........(..j..6t;;c....;an,;..1..r:i,..h..á:..: , d.. 1 :; ,hc Early English Books Online, Copyright ©""c ---;;21ro10np;;:roQ..:'.s....L"':-::C:------------------...I Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 119•=n=nuet L T'be Temple of Salomon. Chap,9. ment: tben whar cao w;: conce....áe bf Amlogy to be mere properly elleemedas the mie and genuice mcamng ot th.:fe rare ..nd co!Uy materials, CXFend¥ cd upon 1he infide of the SaoŽtuary,rhan,he vanous O..l}amems of gifcsand graces,wherewirhcbe ChurchofCnriH, and everyl)arricular M....ber,in,irs deorce and {tatior... is motl c..rioufiy lin.!d, and moH rarelY. bcauuhcd r But fu.., of the Ma tenais them1ehs in or der, and then ol tbe1r pardcufar AppHc. uion unro Sainu. I fŸall b>!gin with tbe Ccdu , the firR:rhirig menti?ned in SalomotJ's proviGonforth-: Temple, whichwasrccei1áed irom /l,rAmKingofT7r,. A TreenofgreatC'lceUency,andthereforendeliredofallNarionsforpompous (a) Lilt.5 .,. HruŽl:ores ; Fit for an enduring T..mple, for (.c) Theophr11fl,;,, in hisHilto-- 5. ry of Plantsn, rcpon:s of thcan m the Catalogue of thole Tr.;:es whicb aret..i::..:;;á. ....;..:..;l!(J,....ì:;..Wlifá....d......fifi:0....'E..:ri..!r.::: ,r rhc Books of Kmg 'l{umie ( wherem we:e conta1ned mar.y D1Žbtes of the Pyrhagorems) wcrefoundta.feandwholcnaftcrnthefŸ:rnlutioaof535 t..g.inJ,5,,.1¥ ch. r g ( d)ljid,Hif {d;'O..h.. . !:....:..h....[&:.. ::i..t..ti..fa:r......'g¡:d...... ..h..e....:..!.. Nnh rnu1 i;....:tJ.c.f. ..:!:..f..e..:......;ri..t:J..r. f;r..n....á..in:..n,e,(..\n1;,i..n01:;!r;..ih!..e!c\t!.. r wneac"' 1..L:t;..:,.. ....1i,t'};3...:1..n:r;.!;..d1..i7hn..:tr:n(i}n;¥he({......te......t;P..:..;.. i snad 8n(s..¥Virr. p. ....;:. in ri{;..:;..'d..(..\;..n.... ..Jcien....1..f'fu'!::sc....n..:;trl!..nt....tni.. i:lt!J!tl! J1..d coir, Asto tbc: Firr-Trce, (anc-1her of rhofe Trees, whofewood ivas ufed in die re e ......!....ri..i..s..}:1....! 1 :gbn;o..t......;tr;tn::....i....t..,i:1..l.. i..r:..!..;f.... ëdlcd by its fcent,as nor!Ofragrantjyet is it of a d1mble, confŸknce and,when la"1wrhi.P whkh the y ho!d -..áith his Divine Majefiy1 and onew1ch anorhcr in ..oly Ordu:iarn:cs, Furthermore, the fragrancyof t..e C:dar, nooesth: Ca_vory lmcH afthc holy Life of Saines ; A_s the Gold wu h..e,.y1fe;nmher ptmc1pal Ornamenr, It mayfignifyrheprc¥ (1ouindfe, t..crpuntyi the ..'-)rry..dandcsperi..n..ed cxcellency ofallthcir(J)Zrch, otherguce,,rnorcpur (b)l[a, t, ..heym..ybe(r)founduntopm1e,h0;nour,andglory1 attbeippearingofje-zs. (,;)tPr;,1,7.. Ihe prec1ousAones. hkew_1f..d1dmo(l a..m.1rahl1fetforththe oriency of the..rgrac..f,togetherwuh th..r durahlenefs,)ce1.ng fioncs of ail chings arelea/l: Prcc1011s_!lone11ln11e1nthedark, fodo Saimsgra e ..1:=.... 1!..!bl..\! 0 1usChntt. . , . . . fubJ.catotO!preffions, 2u..:z,..:r ed..::..r;..:chathr phire,of heavcn!y mindcdncfs; the impen!!trableDUmond,thcirconflancy bf:. ln 1 ae ....: fi..;r ....:b..a..::r a tr1 io y:;;j;..;;;:..ec!:..o..:;:i!J....!i'il:....\..b..r....;..;;....r.. r..:i:.. ..t/; $ e 8rie cn bci:ui:;1:............i:n¡!frttc..rtorˆi..i:qrg..:....e..:r;r:....; ..orb.. i..c:..:rr::d n e ut ar1 ..:..;:....rt..r1;:..fd..rbavi;::..a....d..r..h....:ht..ia..r..t....e{f..h..=;id:r1b.... gcn::raUybintattheChurchescxcellcni:ies. andrprobablycarrynoci11them :my pmicular reReŽHo_n. Whcrefor.. I intreat tbat I m:y ah..aies be con.. ”ore torprcceed(1ccord”n:;totbitintrc1tedco¥Hr¥Žt:ion): lnlikcmanncrthe promi.nenc7 or fŸm:lio:; o¥c of rbe prec”oo1 floncs ( for fo tbe7 ue coacei,cd to ba,cbeen b¥ncbirigo1u i¥ ‚qures)migbtdeclarc cbe fi6biliry, cbecxem.. l!luincr-=,1odcheradiu1cyoftbcSainu. Tbe 6det of tbe Saoi!nuy b1d tbree principd, :rcu. and large orntmentt t 'cbe PalrnáTrcc,, che bancicso(opeo 8offcu ofl.illier,Hd tbt Cbcrobimt. Tbe PalmáTrcrt mi..llc dcnoctcbc S1iou pa_cicnce, aodcheumgeocyof th.. people of God oit of rronble 11d pcrlccam>o: w-bo, rbo1..b dcprc&d, k J t rtd d)1 . ;:;r:::::,....::t..:;e....:¥..:e;r:jf :..j{....;;..rt)rp..r..c.. ..; ;rJ;..;;!\t:i.. ..rC,rri, e ....:..¥ ::..i....t1..i::t.:..........?;;,r..¥ ......l....:tr..ic : Bt!1..h:'ili....?ct:....i:: fi)J,i:7r .j¥ á 'e (/) oecu to eat in cbo Slntlany, llhicb rb1 w¥rld lmoll"-:tb oot 3,. !tr, trr ircdrr So .... :;{;t,7i..;h:rp ;t:r!..7;..:j..:;:..er:fi..rbr;; b:..!w\:..b..rct..ri......: cc1,2r.!fillcd wltbtbl! b¥p..¥ ofGlorr; CbriR in rbcm ( checr12e Lilly (:)(;)C.-¥t,i,... of tke V,1\lie1 )the(i) bop.: of Glory, .Auhi:.J n.:: porc 1,hirc Lillie,, no¥ (b) C,I. )¥ tin;tberiropo\hucdrgro¥ndrofrtheirbopc1:tordotbcbi,boper(i)p1rif72.7. tbcmn..0re11dmorc,c,eoul1ei1pnrr. (1)1Ji1,,?,1." Fh¥lly,As \'\'C find Cbcmbim1 on che 1nl11tbey migh1 dcooce cbe ,a.n.or co1u1,,;;mian of the Chorcb witb hrigcll. Por e,c. tbofc porc Spiriu do (k) 1 111. t ¥ ”etbeimcntth1cn¥w¥1¥ de6rc(l)topryincorb1Myflcriesofrtbe::..j....:..: ::;..k:; teir:....t crof,rhcTcibple-,andbeforediat moll facred pla,e. Bm a\rhough iD the Ta¥ bernacle tberewasnoothcrdivifion b1mvecnche Holy place,and ,he Holy of Holyet; yet in the Templcrhcre WJS a panitioo of Rone whicb difided bcl\\' ìit them1and Doors in the midi\ ofchc pacr”cion,Thercfore we!haJl conli.¥ dtrthc Walls witboucrhe Orade,and thentbc Door;and afŸ!rthar, the Viil: tind fo proceed to ghefome accouot why probablytbere áwcre no Windows; %l'ld rhcn def,endto 1be Floor. the Roof; and afmthat,to thefidc-Chambers of the Temple, To (peak firU,ing..neral: There be fome (as RiiiuonE;rad.,,t u.9,) thac Gy, The Oracle noud the Go(pel¥Church. Howcver cha(b=:.f1Jr ccrcain It was tre Typ..0fHea,áen;. as\is clear,bythe Apoftle'sacqu:tintino us, thatthe(i) (i)Hr#. 9, 7,8, (k)Cl¥/1"'¥ s,h..l.f1tuif, p,68, c\e)m.snot yer mad.:open, So char IYhilc the fine of the oldlaw cn4ured, and:heri_tesa1-1dccreriio,nies_oftbeSan_&:oarycontinuednintheirvigoar,till Chrdl appeared for rhe pmungof a penod to the Mofair1tl wotlhip1 tbere was no enuanccor admiffion in!o Hea,cn, the Holy of Holy12. But when Chri11:hadonccoffereduphi..lclf,andwasexpiringuponcheCrofs,tbcnche Ar , 27 ..; ..n' ..10";:.... ..;1......;:1J1b;,....:..t....hJ;t....Jtff......;..:..:......(....[c..;..:h...d (m) JJ,b. offcrcdoncfmifŸ:cforfinsforem,fatedownonthenghthandofGod. For 1 o. r 1. the Apollle 11,...t 1. oppofoth ..bis to a Tabern..cle not made witb hands,i, rt thehe1\átnly: intowhichbyh1sbodyandbloodenrranceismade,1,11r,1a. In theO:.1.cleweread oftheArkof thcCoven.inc, the Cberabims, :ind th.: S..ffion of [bcdiv"ini: Majefiy upon cheir wings. ln l•ke manom when a v ce[h ( ( .. Rw,1J. te..!......:!.. o\..t............r:b....e1t....;n;h..nn; l;..::t:::!..;..;r!.... ........ ¥ á li!, The place of God's glorioug prerencc _i¥ in beavcn, whith..r ail our pray .. ers ..r.:tobcdireŽled, acc0rdi1;1g\ya,Dlf1J1tl pr.1.yescobehcardinbisfoppli.. (o)Pf.2,8,z, carion,, (,)when heliftedup hishaods towudshis bolyOracle, This (ii1inc place IVU a p!rfeŽt-Cube, hollow witbin, ChadowëD/;: theper .. feŽtionofh:ippinet”c; asthcgreacPhilofopherfaie,,thatbc tbn bears the ((Elhid.1, fl1ocksof Forrnnevali.lntlyis(p) .,;..a,ilu!..iJ.. ..,;,,,,1t,.v@-ly111.i6.., be .n (q) Rw,u, isrruly good and of a rqaarc polture withouc reproof. Bcfider, H a fquare 1¡. f”gme is the moA firm in buildiDg:ro it may d.'.note checonlhn,y,duratiou, r ..}e...ldrA..: ....!..h........:b..,..:t:d..rcrt....:i;:(;;:!:..'(q..l..;,r....a..fi;,..r..b;i........) te p.'6 l,& dt fign of rdl.Buc in therething.. we fp;:ak byway of allufion,Between theSanŽl:u¥ .E I ApH‰, ary a11d th.. Oracle rhcre was J tbick 1vall ëDmpofcd, notiDg igrea, fCpmti.¥ D1lphn, on Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library :”he :”emple of Solomon. Chap.9, The Temple of Solomon. z. 37 nce is fnlndfe of J oy ,hand mvho( righc hand arc pleJ.-(u)Pf.1{i;, ..:)fo..:f....J..:..:h. rbac-we maycometoa-co11clu(lonofol1rdifoourfe aboutthisglorlous •36 rr theht ..;i;i,..h..:i..d\:fii..:t;.. ....rr,ince imothe SmŽh1ary; Soit f:gnifiedrhac , Ora..le: lnatmuch as IV.. h;11áe ( vvich fubmiffion to the learaed) probably c..r..6tured, that chere was oo lighcintromittcd imo this facred place from w1rho11r: it m,1y ho[d om co ui, chat when the: Elemencs !hait be me!ted with fervcl?t ..eat1 whentheheiv!!ns, beingwas:edo!d1Hce2 G1rment, llr:iU berollcdhuphkeit,Scro11I, andla”daCtde; tlenew J,r,1f11ltmthaU ltiVe no (..)nei::d ofthcSuoorthe Moootolhiaeiuic: forche Gtoryf Godl'hall (i)Rev H ltgbten_it, andtht L.,mb fhallbe the Jight"therea,f,á SochaththereJhall :i;, á ¥ be no n1ghcd-1cre, no need of a candie;, ?..of the r..d1am lamp of chenatural (y)Rw, i:. heavcns: For (J)the Lord Godilia!Jgivechemlrght.. andthcy!haHreigne 5, forevcr,i:ul.ever. (z'f:j''nP, :..:t..::”......;!.. t ..;/a....h;J¡....i:......hb..c;o..:h....}#:;..eh::..ht;..tb......h;.. fd nd iw Of the Side..Ch1tm$tr1, Th:!rewere b.ilc round about cheëempfe1 3 GoriesefChambcu,befides(z)1Chr,J. (.t.) upper Roomslikewifoovcrche Oracle, whichwerhdoubdetfchforthe us,he\áenjdus, made an H1gh¥I>,1cti forl!veraf.. (h)H,P,6, 20¥ rh i..:t:......;1,;:,..:Lh c ..:..,1:i..h grˆndOrr1amemofchebui1ding,andhaJthcirfevcralufe,lalchoughtbeholy Spiritbatb 11ore-xprc!ly memionedchererviceshh.tttheyweredeiizndco: c thoughitbe.veryprob1blehthat(ftnccchePrie(band Levicesarereportcdto tlavebroughrlromrh::CityofD,wiJ,theTabecatdeandaUtheholyVc{fcls ....ti::t........t....l.. (............; ..r..:....;..........[;;;......:..o..i....t..:.. * a Chrh ... -r.. tothc three dcgrces ofChafŸcy,ia Marricd Perfons,Widows,and Virgins; o .. theuofthem,tohthŽthrec:cfbtc:sr.ofchofethatchatl:lyurethcconjugalbJnd; 2.dly,hofPrclatesalld DoŽlorsofthc ChurGhh; chirdly1 ofchofewho addi.. themfctvsto tcontemplative life1 as Monks and tiermiu. The my mtmia 6 s..r¡..) ....1..; ......!i:k..w..:1J\.... [....t!t1o7..::: ¥ ,oJtive....;.. a ..t..tht ) iftt á i onofthe1Cthingsisa”u!ficientrcfumionábcfor-!foberhperfons, lfrhere were agy M:yftery l.n thele appendaoc Rooms, l'Yhich we mly confider as < .. ;:h fb”ervicnttachehgrcat”yp;:ofchc”cmple;letushavehleavctorefleŽtalitt!c:: uponour S:iviour'sA\lu{1011, whichpoffiblyhehmadc co tbefe C..amb;:r,, whenhc::comfor1ed hb: difdples w”th this,thatin (¥) hisFachers Houfe tber.! (;i.)J,h,14,::. weremanyM.inrions:if icwereoot [Q,hf wollld ha,etold tbcm,alfuringcb.::m ri rhc Bi..!':....l!\....11 :d....;..:J..1....::ri..;....?d'{if;1 i:ct....Žb)b..ir::orh&od..h.... (b)iC,r,f,1. hounot made wich hands, eternall in tbe. h..avens: lo chat wbenthis bodi lh 0..:i.. ..a..i1;t:: a;Jfh....e..\{!; rifc:t..h....:;dfi!\:;e..h=....(!)t:..: ( c)Ehp h. i.6. vcnly places inChri!l J.erut. Inafmuchhal”o aswe ba,c obfcrved chefo Chambers: to b:rcpo!icones fora Il che Vdfels aod Urenžlsof M,fes his Ta¥ bcnudc:: , we auy chence leunh, tbat the coacea:1.plation of Saims in hel¥VCn 0 t er ..:d..f:h..h..Uì....r....;:......;..::......h!n.{cha..hct!..r:............reë:!:..,:..:.. tbatlbe the meaf urc ofcheir re\"Vtrds: For thcir ( 4) works llul! follow them ( d) R11,. 14. co Hcaven, and tbey lha!.. ail b.. perfeŽ\cd and ,omplc_acd io the fruidon and 11. w_ifionofGod, Ppp SECT. Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library _:}!_ __ T_he_T_em_p_le_o_if_5_ol_orn_á _on_._C_,'h_a_p_.9. tilittitflftfffft..l¥á¥¥:1:¥¥ááááááááááá ........ SECT, li, [011,crning the Nyfterics 6f tie CoHrts and, and after l:rnrncuponche Alcar: die mužckofthe L,11im,athcimeoffacrificeandhother”erviccsherehperformed)uponthisac .. coumtOfe:forrb (g) ourconfo.llionoffin,prayingtGGodforpa_rdorr, rhe (g)RDmi {hyi;o of bc:J.fŸ \u\ts, the olfcnng upof om(ehes to God, as lmng and raá 110 I;, afombleandhbruteCrearnres) verhofrenornion, ourfolenm gcncral, thefiate offudt perrons-, as fince the Rcve\acion of th.. Word incarnate , do diligently fenác and1vorfhipcbcinfini-e,Elte:1ceia..uchG..fp7l¥Or_din3nces,aswcretypifiedbyrh.:: 3nci.encCcr;!lllG111es lolemmzed w1th10 thL;; Coure: whcr.:o! more a Wall imbedaies of our Saviour, and was the placcouc of whichour ..1er .. u ..:;}fr,.......lers,f1ebnotbeinifllpp0Jedcohhaveh t....d!fir{o:?!..!..f:..:urh . The {fatcof the Gofpclisaccordmgly applyed to afl thefe Couns, foca,t .. h1hdh:;:;, ..:..;:=......h..:t......t..::e :.. f..-c:1..![..;....!......i.... iohJ:..;.. ¥icwof Ordinanccs. Or rather, ( becaure fuch Profclyrcs might corne, fomeof thcmwith finccrc and honehinrcntion of hea.rc, to worfuip) it A i 0re o ::..::..b: ........o[..h........;1..h:rret..;i......;:r..h: ..!r......;....!..::: The Coart of lfrA•l may be: applyed and accommodatc:d co the: faichfnJ 'Worfhippert underthe Gorpel, who are more fo!lyand dcilrly ilcquainced witb tpiricutl fervice, and dmv nearc:rto OEod in divine comm11nion wi[b him, aodhfiandloanear enjoymcnrhandfruitionofhis prefence. ”hc:in¥ ward Coure was open onely to PrieAs and Levitc:s, denoring rhe Church.officers underthe New TeAament,whoprefent rhe (piritllal SmificcsofSa.ims uototbe Majetly ofheavcoiar the fer-rimes of worfhip inrbt:pubfŸkalfcm: bliest The hody of the Temple had Máomore principal parts, 'l!ô:.. the Sa.ni\uary and the Oracle:, Ordinary Prie!lS of oJd wercadmincd into rbc former, flmvi11gthefccrerfpiritua\corocnunionwhkhthegodlyMiniOEer1oftbct" vange!ical worthip do hold and cnjoywith his divine Majefly. From him thcy reccive tbebread o”life tO difpcnfc fQr the food of Saiot as to the Stace of the Char(h of Cbti!l,in variousdmesundertheGofpcl; andcoDcehesthatrhe Inncr Court miabc Çnote the Stare of che Primitive cime$ undcr ..om,,while it was P.aganao‰'.Hcatheni!h, white fcorchedand bumrinthefirc ofpcrfrcucion, rh......ry....r.. tyrs, whofeSoulslyingiun.'.S mcntioncd in(m)Epht z; che Propheq ..f E:uk,itl, no doubt(wbatevert'he Qthcr may dcnocc) did fig. 14. ni6e rhe greattulneës of the Gendlcs; and chat the coiapafs of the Cb..rch in ( n} PJ. 6S. C!io(pe1-daycs, (hou\dbe marvcUouOycxteadcdt Whcrefore we read mho-3 1¥ ly Scripcure, diat (m) Ptlnoo !h1il come ouc of ..l!P', and hhi..11.c lball (o) L;/,i7.. . .......:;r:;....1..{i !..ri:a..i0....:{......V,1i ln tbemen(urarionoftheTempl.etherc foon Hretch out her hands unco God : that jg I the E11/fm1 hhllpi.c,u of .,.4. ,. 408. ..:r....; ftA, as (n) Hm"4tm termes thcm, orche Johabitanrsof.dr4'iA, as a(p)R4!karned (,) Knighthathiobfenácd; nay, wereadofchemc:nof RllhAb (orlo,ghHijli (k)1¥ ;;V,4t do!....r:..:..!..: ..f..tv:..o7:e..r fpaceofcwoandforrymonerh1. ' .,. forc, we read of .a. l'rccepr givcn, to lcnc tbe outw.a.rd Court unmcalored,bein.,. a place rcfigned uproichcGcorile,..o madundcrfoot, during the rime pr..memiooed; !na vvay of WGrfllip(taith ¥ one) (evcnasche ueading of ¥ "Li1,h1f. Gods Co1ms in the like (cnfe is fpoken of by the Prophet t EfttJ) and rhere,..1 tmpf. p. 6, fore commanded not t0 be mea!11red, becaufe of the nemerous multitude of t If"¥ 1, 12, Wodhippcrs undenheGofpel, which itcould not in the le.1A: meafurecootain according roitsancienr limirs. Burrob::trndd..ndown (fa:irh_iheformcr) in way of profane comemp:, idohrn,us Worlli1p,aod perfecutmg fory;1:oain!llinctreandipureiprofe{forsoftheTrmb. 0 Sulfice it, hithercoto havementioned fomcConjeŽlures about tbcMy(HcaJlme.a.ningof rhefc Coures in this ourvicw: whcrein I flu!l Dot immo¥ deA:lyprerumeto letloorc rheraios of fancy; buMvirh all humble fubmiffi¥ oototheioberandgodlylcaroc:d, J apprchendtheiaoft genuinc and !ea.(t forced inrerpretation ofrhdrtypical figmfication (ifrhercwereanyrer Mytfo, ry couched io them, asfuch cap,1ci..us places) robe bridty this ,. Thit as the inward Coure was mlde for the Pnellsthercm ro perform th.:: rtri:s :ind cere¥ monics of thcir ancieotfervice, imo whicb there watnoadmifsion granred corhecommonpcoplc,unlcfswhcotheybroughcaSacrifice,andiwefl!tolay tbcirhandsonirbeiheadoftheiroffcring,indtoc:onfefstheirGnsmátrit:fo R,habo rh) and BAbel, cwo Cides of thl! AiTJri,1t1 Empire, to be bora inZioti. p,m Itc,8. ks ciamih al!t(..../R:h[t:t:,....;;tt7t:::.. ....dia::l..ti!d..iN....it....::!i..!r..i!riá,;..;. Pht'lifti4 :md 7 p.., c..áen the Nici.ons thlt are on the ..rth Gde ef the Holy ( q) Pf. s1.. Land, as th" Ph_oeni¥iJnt of r,,, and Sid1111; on the Weft and S,H!b,as the Phi-i¥ /iftims,dg,..pt1,tiu; on.the South-EAfl and North, ÛA/!, theCN{httet or JfŸhio-(r) e:411oq. ..::i::;rn::..ti ,l....l..1d:;n..h:t....; ........::.. A..r....=..dh!;.ID:.. ch:!..t....tt;.á rs:. day. ,di,. 1 91 .. 5 Having broug..t ”o fa mous a thronz of People f..o.. ail qum:..s of tbe(s) G111, 10. Earrh, wirh1n rhs:l Courrs, welbail le.ive rhcr,. af chetrptoQS dcvcncms; and 15, csv tJ 60i . ..:a1..:/..he 1..;lg..:..,..:c..:i....i.t\r;..t!....i1:e....'..!r;i,:i,i¥ :....)i....:......;..1fd....1;nntf ;\i 1igr;..;t..r..i‘ttr..hb;6J:....t..ri..ic........1..!....: ........:t..l..ri........:..:..:j....!t:\.1;; fhallcall henrall! (1) S11J1.1.cóM, [,i; rlL:; ln the ..ameofJifus] and hcr(u) lnlf.c.. (:iatesprairc: oric\1;:ctie(r)w,1\ls"1ayGgo15eptore6ŸonofAngel1abourtbeTom.5t,dir. Churcb: as {N) Jmm .:xpounds thac ..face of lf.c,b, where c..e Propbec 1530, p.1-7. 0 ..1!:.;!;x,:11 i1 rr, mi..htic poffibly denoreaod ihadow forrh a GofpcláMinifŸy, whicb in t..e variousfun&ionsofrheperfonsengagedinrhatfmedOffice,lhouldflan..1a a necre; cap,1ciry of fervkc, :md approximation roGod, thcn any othcr calhng if/;..:..Y......,;..f..,'h..i......:..e:s;..t..rt....:i b;....;........rifh....l. Z''.;1:á 1St ¥1t1r. orperfomwhairo,ver. Furcher, as thc:oucwardCounconuim:dwithinfor , defo..cc..f a Ciry : ,. ive may confider tbiero, as Q.:..Žting upon the Bulw:irkipre. '\1c.. places of ft;..f';-l:i{......j..:ff l..{..i..:..fgg..:[...é..:;1;.... Therewere likewife gates on the North an? South, as btfore is rehelrfcd h, 1th ith t:h..td';ei:r........l:f:......o;....a';'!..:tr;;ml!t..oVc2 . ri..:..:..:t;;..:... ?r) Lt1k.: I 3t (,..¥l[A,49¥ ..;::..eiJu:i;..;'!fJ..;[:e..e!..i;s....Af,fi....:.., L....t..o;..;b1!:hC..: 0t( l crend upon me bo;der of 1upcr1tmon, lt 10 b.: the vcry Rooms of011r Houies { l.... Gtn, l ¥ tr:g......t;:....j;;:1A1;:;..:tc..::t..;1irb:t..;f,....d....tr:....a......gb..!.... Wherein1v! o.. tá is. great God had Si,r,..4r,s amined to, and was: tker,eupon lcolfr atm th.l.. ác.um!ou,s Comedy oi (c).v{rift_..ph,ou1, f\ylcd c h ......:......-' ::t..:7..ff:....1d..::... ..5 g..l....:..¡1..,;....[!..:........tb....t:o............sa;iit::; 1a1c i..his 1..fe ';';..:..!..,/, :11 f..;;7,{,::t:;J..f,;;;!d..n , ..iFt::f :¥;.. ..:....':; wbil..atefullyarfurcd byan Ape!l(lll(al pen, th..tthisourGoci, ofwhom. ..ˆ;Aff,;1. 1..!iZ:..1efH,:..::!7}i:....,,..t..,,....:;;:::!:,T:..ft..;7t..-:!:J::t..l,:;:if 'i4, '¥ Wherefore, no wonJerthat JhC He..rhe1u, karchinpafcer Wbac Deic y\..as' (e)lb.tr./,f,, worfŸippcad in J,žt,, y:tl.1tedo.vn1vicb (,) LHwu, detladngcbeCo:0-: quellsof'1'"11'7}"'!, l,V,j90¥ C¥nadmsmca{igoa t”mcnt, ctdeM ....1, .)1,•,i:)l'A...¥ ,ul,-(//1,iil'iilp....J:rm, /',4Mo1A ,ii&,o,,i,-,3,•,4vl(PI,¥ Thmu'1otncrt11tr.l u ,n!t lm,¥gn orSr1ttHu f¥r 1hr G,As, tbtn th,,, u for g,,d ma, t, "¥fie 1br”rs, Fiet, , i ..rr;..h:¥....!.. 6¥.;:T......e;l,',....:;J:!..;,....J{:1t!;ffJ-........t,..v......s .,,.,Jti\il!iil ..d liahtof Narur,:) and find him our. Molt remarkabl.. isthe L.i.w of 'Kil'J¥'N.H¥ ..á..?:;,, 2:;..:;2;:...:1;{ii!21:t.....;;ttr.:..;:..lf..t;tt ....;..H::1:¥ :: ......' c..:,..:1gct..b..defi....i......;f p..:!....11 1................ b!{;fri;f ;;'pa/i....: ..de:.... t . ,( forbad the R¥m11,uromakc my Scacueot God,1n rbcOiápe a of man orary "othcrdli..iogCrcarurc: Ndth .. ár"Nas,he:c1mo'."grhem in forfflcrcime,,a. ''ny piŽlure or cmed Image of God.: Btn d..n.. thefŸ!l hundredaod Ce¥ "ven¥yy:ars ( of tbc City), altbongháthcy bmlt ll1d c:on1:a:mre_d Temp!_.. "andcrettcd little s..wrie1 or ..ha pp.th ofwood: yctthey..tbt!'falh¥.. .p ¥ ' ,, invifib!e, itl"!monal, and to be npp..ehend..J by ..hi;: mm.cl. N""'" thcrefon: ..'ili::dnor dedirncd any lm;geac .ail. CountìD! ita prophar.ethuig to e Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library te, tbl1 fochcr tA:. line ofHeJch::ds ,:Jdcendedftotn rhc family of N..¥h, whcrc n (hdey.1\lwer:.inllrn;!edbychac PreacberofRightcoufnr;::lfcinth:.kaowlt::d&c ..i..l..;it•{i....i\l......II..:}i..l:..:g..fŸtf....: Heathens conmml'lg rh”s vcryTemph::1 and they f..Umg.toul tipon, and coná iec ift 0rdfr ..:t......fk::/;........:iJ....d..h:....;!....itha....h:j..1!s..........:' 1ife.... Churchcs Jnd chei'obc:r H.!Jth..ns, th..r ;my whcrc do.advance the lighc of Ni¥ .nm: : ( my, T1trlv likewile) ..o b-= ot”ended at the: Popifu ldolauy , who!i:. c:onmfion1sgrcatlyther;:by(lbi1ri.Cle9. , , .. _., WhcreasGodexpreUyfoFbidsan.. (u)gm¥en 1111).ge, thelimilitudeofJny (u)D,,...i Fi&ure, or rhŽ likenenc of male or femalt:.co be audc cq repre”eat the Dier y: 16, Y..::c do the Papl;rs permit andcommend itas cxpedient tor the unlearned. 1uid1¥u!gJrpeop\ed1 tbacche DivinityOl..uldb.:e:xpre(l.ìnthc liit..ori-:s of Scriprnrer..1t ..r.. p1inted in C1.1ur(h... Nort' a\though th..: P..pills d9 noc eL 0 0dc ..!....h....s ;d..........;1....::,u;r..b%1......i::f:..id 1;..a....h;..:; h :h:..y..:!d:rJs,....ddTr:.. iff. ..:..,:i:........h..d;,;..i.. i..d..1;4!ef,J:.....l:....d..;....:¥di:.,..::....d::!p......i..4:. ;j;..: te i1mn hb i magt. ;t!;t..rd..2..::....nt:d:btda....:rx..t,..t;;bti..:tr.p!bJ..tc;..:J .... 10%..:dthe tire: yerce,c..i11iy for a manco make u(c of a Cn1dfii tolland bcž;m: him inpraycr, alt..oughhedonutthinkitco_hc:ChriH, neitherdoworfh\ptha.., 1da adt !t..d..::..i....1d..; t i....:::..([:!..::..e1Nid ;d......:,r....ehl..hii: r:../..::: .fore i¥ c..nfeff..d by DNr11nˆ one of the Schoolme11, ,u ptoduced ..y a \\'.Orthyt)i...in:-.oftheNeighbou.r-Nation1incbcfcword... Tbetruthdi1(..)lt.clig_io1,11 (s) R.11t!tet'!' genicu'.ationbefGrc the Image, orat the prcfenceofanlmagc, asit.tbeford{hNrt"4 ..1mpLtr we:á.;: thcre prefenr, is one and the f a,me adQmŸon gi't'co to,thc Image a,1m:nlflltl!.. andtlie \,1'11plar, Wherhedprofoc1m:s,hcproofuf thisa{ëertion; Thatp.r64,#i:lir. lO koed b..fore the .Cr ,1prirto Cbrii:I ciprcfly; 1\bo i¥;:,j....: Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library t62-___1j_ Temple of Salomon. Lhap.9 e_ (c)/[A.f, that\Yhc..God pardom his..gple(c-) th‰rfins fŸallbe ..,whitras!h?"'i1scfothc S1mu th..car.: .m,1de Prn..!h unco God, m.á rclct?bled m thcir glonfied . (dJ'F.Jv,7, ethoe, tobebJbm¥d \1k..rhtPne,ls of old, in (d),9bJ1t linn.:n, ' 1 ) 1 q,t s. Sinoerity .md In1eg:1tyia..d chc..elorc the J ..dg..:s of old rode ueon (t)..h”rt (\!)J11J.g ., A{fe,, And m th..: V 1(1on ot Dlfnitl1 the A,nc1en.. oi Day.es com1..g to Juc!JJ e, i:ne..t,isrcp:elcmed IVlth 11zitnnenr Js(f)wlmr as lnow,ha. mg ,1 wh1rc Tbrone , g [ (i)D,ir,cb: ..:..;y..\d:Fo........t!......tr......t..:h;..;!!r: ..c.. i....)c....:;t!ct..0lr..;..:..:.. Rev.2o.t 1. and alfo r11ddy; And the othtr fiderh..: Bridcgroom commtndshisSpoufe t& (:¥) Cot,5, bl'.( h) f4ir as the Moon. In a\[ wklich rcf1eŽb, Chritl is ch.. chideli: .a mon: ca 10, reo Thoufaod *an unlj,otr..d Lamb;l1mnccncy and Puriry be1ng folly m him. (h)C.,nt,6. Fifrhly,A.sto thetaHc 01 Mu:m:dt wasljke( i )w1tfm,,wl..-w1thhm1,iend i ics tcrv (i{:..:j.. i. !../rrf fh....rh':......d....[:;..:!!':..:,.... ..7k..!te..t..:t..:..:u:t !te..;..;c.. 16,3t,coro;:hcrm1eprcpar..:d,1ttaltcdl1keoyl. For1cs plca.\antandcmoftdehnou:. (k) ..c 7.t ;..;;..i; :¥f1..:t?c..'.i....rri?ii.1tf }:,s..:..1..i'.....i!i..... or Hcann, or,as the Pfalmin, Ë"l'b f.,J, Whatcv-:r Manna was to the I!rJelitcs:furcweuc,nochingfofweec:mdp!e.ifaotccocagraciou,Conl,as1he ( ¥) ki!fcsof Cbnl\., moutb, f,rbislP'f,/l is lm11rtht,,_,.;1re. 0 t1tft, and fcc, (a)CAnt,I , !aycuhe P!J!mitt, chanhe( J) Lord ë! good, His momb i! ,,uJJ ( c) [111.., i. 71/11,h, ttlt1t1tberln1e/1:and cnis chey caonor but experimentally affŸm,if!o (b)J,h, 34. bcthcy hd11,(J)t¥fteJ, thatth.. Lord isgracious. How ( t) fwcet are thy s. words co roy t¥f!t, cricsD¥11id, yea fwuur _cben Hony ro my mouth i' (.) C1tn1.5. 1. Mannadc1cend..d from HcJveo in a m1raculous manncr, Such 1va the I6.birthofChriH:hisD”vineNarurcchebroughcfromabove,hishumaoebody d) 1 v na oe ( Puá;: di:..s:J..:::f1..:i..:o..:t..;........i..!J ;lc;....;:;i(......v......uC:....!ic1......\....:i: (c)?f.ilm ( g )refptŽtof perlons: the me,u1e!l may hne as gr car a portion in him as the rc e gc;....111r,a ,nsa plentiful faoi., none wamcd; llut ail had it fol!y nnd frce36. !y. ..f bis ( h )ft1l111fsh"-11e A/J "'' r.-:ceived, eve..gr.1ee for r,racc. Jts c,111¥.. (g)Aff. 10, rhe(,) Cornot ..cJvcn,hn!,;cls brcad :nor .1111 I[ fcll likecrnmbs from rhetr ..:..7E..!....ji;; = :....;;;:.. ..:..t\corning. When:of P.i111/ lpeiiis ( /) 1 The oight1s fai f pent,rbe dJy : (k) LN.. ¥ 1 ' ...........-:..lcCampcof Jfra.:I, Thefood cf hfecisnowhereto (l)..m. ..i....t:......:,t b,c .!c r;}Ji ;,i 2c ..fŸ....f :..[f;f 5i..1i;..!,;..:....fi:..l..l..f :Jf ..fŸ..1..fŸ;.. (o wirh ChtiA;all rhegood nm1re, and mou\ honetly incf¥c world,cmnot of rr e ie0c . 9-dcdbyth,.. Lawot Fanh, (m) Eph2¥ ........;1:c..i..c:f (.. ....;fr: %a......c{:1..fh..:fdb:....:::. . ) :o..{i..;{t:;,..... (n)Rtm, 3. It w.1s a miám:lou1 ”ood ic!beyond the limirsof namre to prodtKi:ir, Al\ l7ttbcApplkuion of AŽtivc¥ to Piiffives, will yit1'1 butan aborti,eBinb j Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library C..be Cl'lts1 and perfumc th:! Air frorn ail nos1011s fenu: So is k withhe,1ven1 yandardcncpr.1yt:rs,whcrbychefo11liienablcdrhrougbfaicb, tOre6!\thcDc:vil,aod.theconcagiou1.-.',.ircfbiscc;mp,acio.osjandofaJ1cqr...Aaaa,crnpt Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library t74 The TempleofSolomon. Chap.9; (f..-rupt lnfisandaffeŽ\ions; for ( f) thk,iml go..thnot outburby pr..Jer, and 2-1.17. f<1ftmg, w.....:d. ..11,;:....!..fit....r::..i{..;ir:,ti!::....;;;;:,11..,:..n;:..:....i;..J'.iit74 The TempleofSolomon. Chap.9; (f..-rupt lnfisandaffeŽ\ions; for ( f) thk,iml go..thnot outburby pr..Jer, and 2-1.17. f<1ftmg, w.....:d. ..11,;:....!..fit....r::..i{..;ir:,ti!::....;;;;:,11..,:..n;:..:....i;..J'.ii ..h/ ..[Al, !..:rd:r..!f:re ..........t..i{..r..};Jt;:..;::!at..¥;;..;..::s....itr..:J:!1.,Jh....\ ¥ 7¥ Thcn be whofe n.imc is h oly,who dwe\leth in the high and ..oly plJce of the 1e1 ieh (i) ![A, 57á /,1::r:..: yr!!:%......v/;{rfc:....:t......t1;,e....e:..i..:!;P:::..::..A;f ;;;:;;;.. J7¥ irittones,wich gracious anlwerstorhcir..r.1yers, Fun:bermore,the burJ:Jiog of this inoen!c, fucwe.. the ardency and rhc he.1.. ....) .."'¥ L:r! ..:::h..i: b:fr....1..1...... ..ì1::sa!he;,f.... f......tg..:!P/;..ël ..:r....-f r:: ' ¥ chefe incenfcd or fired ingrcdiems upon Gods Aftar :fo ic Jbcwcs how hveer:;. ly plcafing to OEods M.ljc!ty ët is for (hc foui to draw nigh co him with _:1 hu.... bk, boly,_ardent frame of 1pirit1 through the mediatio11 ;md imcrceilion Qf JefŸsChnfi. TheGolJ,nT.tb!uof Sl:ew6reltd. 1er 1rl-l....ji..!!.a..:........ be;..u}.. ..;i..t....:1 t:..r..:;t:!:..i....r;C:..f:.e...... DifŸcs, Spoons, Covers, anˆ Bowls: 1h!! Rtlmr, barh thefe M1rds,, h 1 /i4 ..t...1,::i..i; t. !..ufrht..t..e :;;;:: ..:Ÿ..:,2... !h:áz..J..-l)IPJ9.. ec111th.,,;u1. TbefŸA:wordismnfuted,:1.Chargcr,'1-{ymt.7.eIJ.1-,as.andw:.:111100thcr tl:icn a gold.. D”{h or Cb,ar;cr whcrcio rhe Cakes were placed: The J?Cxt is dcrivedfrom 9.. Ggnifyingh.oUoW., andwa!afŸtleVcITel, whcrcinthcln.. cenfe wasput, which wemnfŸtea s11011, The 3d is from i1WP which fomc mnOareby f,11uJl4; OLhers e11plainii: by a Veffdtoco\áer, and feems robe htas r ....=t:d}..::..e i:b..e..:}1..eb..;....;;f,i.. ......::!u..e;;:h..j:..ifu..c..:.... .... n;,1;;,:1:.:: :. y.....t..htshr....!:rrc:..1:: ::ir::::td.bi..;..t..:..ee a....! nr ie!....eo:....!......=..!......:::;:..i..;:......:ii....t:1..i,C\......dë..e*::,C!,e..: ”s joyn..d with ...:)_iJ to co1erw”thlll, which B11Xtorf1ay..s, wheoufcd .e w'tbtb¥ne-.. ra_edey, (en,fies(:.i,:re,¥b...rtrti V.. 'm> for w..at hqu1d thtn:; w1s tbcrc ..e_ri:, for ..ny effnft0n ..r h..Jt!On? .ind rhere¥ fore he mnflar:es tbt111 Sc-ntt6,u Jlgminu, the cover”rig d1lh.:1. The bll terme comcs from l"'IP,.. to bi! pure and dean; and thcnn: fome h.ve mn!hrcd thcm f,t,f"'¥¥ as jfrheywerebrulhes; bnrwercluchmJeofgo!d r The StptÈ-'gi .. , m EK¥d. 37, 16. N11mb, ir¥ 7. and Jer. p. 19. mPfl.ue tbis word by xt..,,, aad wc, in th_ar laH place of rhe Prophct, by Cqis. Tn .. y are c, _eg dlá edby that aame in theH,Srew from puriry, l, C_o12fcrvingorke.:ping,rnreorclc.1n,astheco\ácrsof..ob!cts orgre..c Cupes,arctbereforelaidetoke.cp chcinGde ofethcVcl'fd puieeandclcan, or 1hcl”quororany01:hermarrerwirhinfromdu(l, SothenrhenvofirRarerhe VclfelsthatO.mdund..rneJrh thebread andthci11ccJ1fe: the nv" laH, the coversonthetopofcach, So that oa the top of lh.:Coming¥V..:fid....:! tO .'.. or Cf Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 2.f..' :trbe. 'rempkofSolomon. Chap.9. Riitr.i . 1'.ol-:cipilfr:.tbetcomeifo:f'BJ..,r14 ..:banh!sbreadnotcd‚bot1rig: as d; 1i0 i .,.. --r........;......i:........!hl....f:;:..1:::r..a:c:....a:::l..!..ai:t..!1Z t tutft ::rb..i..t;..ske!t....J/::c..;i..t:i:.... :i.il, tt,. rnac infnarts.t.Ael/..1Ç1lof>Godw1tb..u.chl..avened.C-offrmu. LHk: 1-'f. ¥ . l witl.11t>t,fay nea l;icr, cb.. tbis diii ,fig.ni fie ,11ri111, 1,,,.,,1 u, ,b, J(ing..¥ ..f (.... ¥ .. 1lt..:cf,fb..,....;tJ:f:..affaff: .t 1 Vi¥ o............s :......;et::; t:....tt::..:!,g¡!1t1r;;..r..etH:..!:is0 1 e ri ....fi....n7....rt::....;.a..t!u:. [.. r::i::fb........aff::bl..:..tcth:! come_N.cbatTabieofitorywlticoChrillfhalltpretadinHcnelil,Wherelh:ill l,e.of11jl1'iu111Jno gigt:ting.Sariecy, the Table the.. fru.llne:vcr b:!\1Dc01ered: .tt Jt..: r{gc..in........f1.. ..t1';'..:..y;:..{i;;-;e;;;;her..f.;..e:f..cj .. th.. y ....i;:..tt........t..kcr:{o'f;:,:..:....;..;;:../......;..{;. á f !..':;. !..'.....b:cct . petttu for the.."-witthinrhe V ,il: on which we Chall fC denožng probaltiy the 1 .. ”ri&esof I[r¥tl,and thertin the ChlmbafGod, under, tbt conduk of the 1a 1 l (l) RMJ, 11¥á..;,:..)t!:'1'!!..,....T..!:....rin c!r;!:;..c..:t:...... ..!..;a 1:X:'_b..!l 1-1-. each T,1blc badin ir 11 Dkes _in theday>!s oi S,l,m,n, ariCinp in tbc}v..,olc ro110,lwillnfltaffirm,that1crctb;buponthc(11)1100i1i:,:p1es,thatwtre (13) .A&. a[embledat Jm[lflm,: (chtn l lhould confcnt to tl1.e Ul,enti.ng oketies, 10150 rd ct;..:..,..:!..in..:..:tf;;to..b........ fot..b?,:..b:ri::•fi..!:!........¥i=.... cf the Conzi:..arions ol t..e faidžul, after tbtc dayel of [bat Pria,e of peac:c:, át ,,h,;,.1gr1M1rth,,,s,t,m,¥inalltbisg1ory. Inea,h of whicb,a..the Maffe of cacbCakc was made uptof manygra1ru:.; $otheS..intr,tbQughmany, yctareonebreadand otne body, if.tbcy n-..a!J por, Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Bbbb 1, ln Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Chap.9. TbeTemplcofSolomon. 2.81 2.80 lars-m,yhebrokeninpiece1,bucSaincs,asSom,(haUabi..cin1he_Hou¥,efor cver,fJJ, 8.35, thcyih.ille11dureagainltall1Ve.1tbtrs¥ E1ery'.).i10ris Mq ;....::::';{,..({ f1....:r!hi.. ..o..;:!..!n..0..:..:n ¡ e..sb....11yt;:..t......:.. ..i: !.......... r;,ros. ";:.á Intbe'Porcb. wo,k__i,ftLtTrmp!t,butSlinrsarePi\larsiotheh1111J,f(hnft, andotcheFaá Pf11l,74,6,, ther: noemil.ncanp!uckchemdown+ . Jch,10,2l!, Pillm a,e Emblt!m1! ofpermanencyandetla&ility,ofOrnament,ofViŽtory, :.9, áof!lrengáhaDdfervice,epatience,fonitudcand per1i:vcnace: ”nallrefpdh S:iintilarcthercbyfetforth, Th..reweretwo Pillarsinthe T..mple, 1,hich fome reremb!etothenvo Aa..csofrhe (hurchofGod, Je1vilhandChritlian: IlhaJ! therc”nefufpenC .. Tne one tignifiedprtfa11t j/reng1h,.Bw:,: theocher J"'hiÈ, HtÈ'illfm1fJ; the prorni1Cot che Ge..ciles, Theyhadnommes wricceoouchcm, butwere catledo11.:1ybyrheie names; andfo R11,, 3, The Sa:inrsfhallbecalledby che name of GotfJ Jlrt11grh. Orhers underlhnd ,hereby the rwo Hacdi.1g O:-!ed not muc.h ..rouble 011t" felve1 or hZlitatc .iho1,11:it: hiving fo fureaguide,ascheApofllebychediŽh ceofthc Spfricof h ..:\;b....::..1:.Wey...... .... ..á..i:e.. t....:r;..h..'..:....i....:t:....:..e..:..d0 je....;(h ....i..:-..0 g..fˆZff......lh:r..lgh.... 1\....:e 1s,m.1s,t2, pe 1ev :....;;h.. Jf,,, s6,5, tbat ..lc..tra.... :11t;t,rifi...."!We.. t{..:;....i::á ..:..,....a:..';!fi;::r..l..i:.... tJ:::.{_!; As the At,ar r-,1.. fcc without che Telllp..e, 11, e cir..:: c;i:d ....:e1r e Ut t0 te !Ic:/"hGeC..o..:e1”!o..th..... ()i man y, Htb, 9, is. s hY ho i:....;:::}..r..e{/!;e ..1f ëlŽ!!ar..:....; heeei..f..;;..,..;..........;eb..:eJ;;:;..i; te 7.Jv, 3.1 2, fhe CccG the Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Ck)Rev. ). 5, royaU Hooft:, he b7in.. ih, ( ft) Lion af rh: Trif, of J ud&h, 11nd fpriflgm!, OH;,f1h,Raot11fDAv:J, s. To(peakalmletoitbecomlincfsandcxcellcncyiof hisbody: 11stowhicb becaufe ail theotË!r P,ietbwcrc to have the fame complcat pc:rf.:Žtions, rbcrcfoa I fha.ll conJoyn thcm both cogerber. \t,..:¥á or I..:t'.'J..::[..;..:....;",i;i:..:t..!:tr::;:::::rt', 'N:i: i,;,..:i:p:;; thcfc tb1ngs whicn bapned to'dtem as ”ypcs or E:ump\..s, wcrc (/) 111rimn ;md perfoi:1ons whcreffith ChrilltheEvangelica\ High¥Pnett i, fu!ly accompli! hcd,:md Gofel-Mini!ters friouidbe qualified in a fpimual mm:icri, accordi ..g tocbeirdegrecaadme.1fure: whcrefo-e rhef..otsand bkmifhesto ;::i....:r...:;,..::;:;:f:i:i:..Y.::!E:;..;r;......;,7:...r....?i:iJ.. wn,Sa,trJ. 1om,3,p,..8,I.. isinJoyDed com:croiagPnefŸ,amrbey lhould notbe ctop,e.i.rd,bkmlfht m thee:,e, Ratáno..¥d1 hme-footed, or the s..in difcoloured,allwhi,harernbereterreditorheviccsoftheminde, ;..:1\..á thc1r:e"..t;;:i!as..ffiii0cd..t..s;..;/ t:C"!t:i\..1:.. ;1/..............YF....:..= of a Prid\. Ast0lh1s,it..S fuffi.c1em1y knol'Vn th.1c ignor"nce is [e:t fonhin (n) ![11, 5 6. Scripture by b\ëndnels, His Watchmcn are (n) 1,/i,,d, (1airb rhe Propber f[AJ ) 10. theyareiaU1gnE>ra11t, Our Lord citls rbe Scrib2:s and P..ari!c-es (o) bl,nd (o) Mat. G?iclcs; andrheApofH;P,1u/fayes, th..t thcGodof thtsWorld hJ1h (p) 23.16. '-lmdeJthcicyesofunbeheversi, thtttheh;;htoltherrUth fhould nO[fhine (p)2C,r. uponrhcm, Butofall,i..isth.:gte?tdl:fiumefora Miail.ertob.. blind:”uch a oicv b(qta,J.. ..f........i:....:;i..:i:..;t..:!rf: a very unfccmty thingin :t Pridl 4, 6, who w1 t'> b..! a Gnid to orbc:rs in the waycs of God. Mimflc:rs mua' (r)G,./.'l.t.. l™f....-11¥hitl {r) walk uprightly accordingcotbetruthofrheGofpc:1. They(s)tP,r,5,3. rouit ltaib withthtirfeec aswc\l as tbcir momhs, being (1) rxAmplrno the {')t Job,i.6, fiock;andaboveail others,ro ¥ ,.A/..even as Cbriflthc great High-Prielt bath \t)fadcf., ¥,,11d(!d bcforechem”nirhcidayeso! his fief},, As the {r)/min Scriprure 1 ei10 s0ci..) H,b, 11, ....::!..?:iii;..:i..t..:............h :;e....-1 r....;;a:..ie..i:......:i..;..e (:)i1t:...... 13, pub! for chctr fc..r1 l..fi rhat whu:h Is la,ru, hccurned om of the myi. (w) L..vit, Anothcrblem1fu 1sa ( ¥) fl,tt 111Jfr: whcreof, as wcH as of che rd\, t a lcarn. ..1. tS. cd Authour hath fatelyucated, ffho1..ut of Grrg¥r7, inrc:rprm ì[ or folly,im¥ t Dr. GeU. vrudenceand !l..pi.dicyyor dulncfs of lpirir/Qch as ar..:called 1J11ru 06tf..1one ,,,thePcrn¥ ofathickncfc11tbeiaganoteiofhcbetudeandilatnd$ of pans, as Phyfio- p. 315, TheGodof nature hachplacedtbi$ membero,ertht mouth1ro bea cenfor .. H,m,t. of whu thi11gs areuken imothe body,whcrhcr patridor fNect,.lnd fŸ for alin a (!jaR:;: 5¥ ..:!a..S!:;:r..::;;..r1....i..;;t....ì..;....tit....:i:i0Ji%:r:%..(;:1....,!.. ; 14, proveoffcnfi1á..¥ Sothoul_dM1nilters_{h1dy foracm..nc¥sof JU..g;.-menr, an_d (y) 1Cor, tOcie.rcilethc1rL-:nfcs,t0JUdgebctw1Stigoo,jandev11,andtod11ccrn;bc:fp1¥ n.,1o. rirs. J,..n inflruŽt;or of others out of the Law, {hou\d bJ”C sktl\{x) R,,,..1.18. l .l'o1!.1/"'1(t1v ,,i J,it;lfur.i 1 to provc .1.nd makc uial of, and givc a found Jad:cá (z) (;111, P,e!ides,hc: mufi not be ;;akJ11-f11ttd) or ..rolrJ11¥ha11dtd, The fect are fo.. 6. 9¥ w,1\ki_ng,tht: bandsfotworkmg. Ciiofpcl¥P:1dlsmu1tnot ceafeandka1ác oft s Tluf.3. walkmgin holy w..yes,m pcrformiag of holy works-, If orhers mu{l1J1t b, 13, ( z )rrtt,rJ ,f w,1 ""'"g,how p:1uch !efferhcy?No,nor wa!k or work by h.1lfs,..ot hnmz Early English Books Online, Copyright© 201;;--: 9 Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 2.94 'The 'Temple of Solomon. Cha p. 9 Chap.9. 'The Temple of Solo mon. 1. 9'> l..il::!ilr ::iii:::;;;..\;....'..:l:....r! i:r!f :;I:ii.;..:'ii. ..;: ..::.:..;; ThcorhcrdisPurpl..in the Htbrew lQ...... IYhich fome ..erivefroml.. rowe1r, th67ornrn1tby,r:onJf"',andmhc:rsgenerallydcon!entingwitbtbc Vul_g.,rLJt+rcnderby PurpHra,p11rplo. The colour was anciently made bythde me..ns. ln che r7ri11" fe.as there is. a kind of ibell-fŸh, chat hath a very P,t111f,r..l dt ....I 1 whioe vem in the mid(l of its J.11Ves, wlncb bei.g c1n, there iffues out a pre¥ ptrd,.1 H,I. ci..us li_quor,.witb which chey did tinŽture \Vool and fŸk of olcl. á This bloud pagt 61, m1xtW1thalm\e1Vater rheypurimo ludenVe[els, and placed tbemina thyofconfŸfion:andto_n::fcrvcthcconll:i-!nceofthepllrityoi_therbighcs Furn1ce modemdy heated, and tbc:ncc did arife chat beautiful colour, ii!.e ro tobe jud..cdofGod, OlotherVcrmes, (asforcx..rApled) Wi1riome,Forci-a deep Clo..áeági\lyáAowcr, mixe of red and black. The: caufe of the loffe oftf!![.!. thisancientdcurio'1ty,Pttnm0Hrucakescobc,dbecaufeSJri4 andthofc nei..hr bouringplaceiha\'ecomci11todrh1!hmdsl!lftbeT11rk.,1anddotherdbarbarou; ii..:..i..i:èirng}..lfŸ;;if •:::i..}..;'...iIIi:;..I..fŸ Virg”,u 1 l! ¥ ¥'IJ,no Prwpt froru tht Lord; as if fobe M..fts fŸou\d 1ay,I c\oithe The fourch colour mcntio:¥ed , 1s in the Hebrew n.11?1n 1..!P"tl 7111.tgnAth (b' f/i rruv ..:f;,.... 1:..'............:s..d:ea;7..d:..:....:;;,:;;H::irdb;..h....a':i:r:0..e......: tlE..:t. 1 1 25á 5'6¥ .... t......:..bt....!tt!o;..;:7;:;:;,..h1..!..:if1.. ;; 1fi:áv11......,....;;..d:!.. younot w1tb Breeches,ndther impolc 1 necdfŸy on any , h.: tbat w”ll be a. Priel. let bim cloath himle\f J: Thus far Jmm .. A littlc oifferemfrom chat !....i :.... [ (c) O..i'gtn, is tbe fancy of ( c) Orìf,tn, wh1ch he that pleafes may confulr,I !ball not med.. fŸi:... .. ;;:..:g\..t.... }..l....i..:;rI.t.i;ii}tI;g\i.. ..:1iittI;....;:i1.?;r:zlI..1f t..! 1 HS, or r:ttbcr, bccaufc ët ..as nor Co comácniem for Mofes ro pm on thefe more {d) Dr. Pri-fecrcrV ,!(lmcnts:butborb Ëimn and bis Cons purdchcm on apan::and pri1áarely Now h,ningfpokcn a lirtlc by infmion of [hat whkh WJS before omit.. rttfŸf:ti(i......t.. (,)_..:t..: :a::2::i..'..:ii........1l1ft..t:\....J!i........i!1::2T:.. i..Ti..OE..;;1:).:,,:á1 ¥ noces out ot Sm1p,01 th..t 1c. 1s che very Ume cbmg which the ËrAbutÈJ calt The nh. part of Am.y, me11tioncd in that ordcrly Mechod in the Book of ( 11) Lt-vëticus, where .Mof,s did c\01_che uif,mn the H1gbPridt)accot¥ dieg co Gods Infiimdon,was chc Ephod ,c kif, f;:;::t{;..at..:..hfaat....t..s ......1....a......f!..!::ih..:i......l;0;:..:....ia....!r..!: p1g.t4. The D..fcripliondwhe:cof,cogerhcr wich it.. \arious and curious Ornamcms (a)v,8,7, wc haveat large rccited m the Book of ( A) Ex..d"'.¥ Th. word ,-....Ephod ........cl..!........i..1..1t\?l..-:r..:....:;t..:a..ib:r.. :....ti....\::..3:i........!lif: .. Chron.i. ;:j ct :::;a..::t..;..g1r:;:;:d,,;:J..t:;....7..:,....;;;d..aJr¡h....;....:J'1;e:;..fi.. :hr:h1........:%..i....!..:at,i..l:g.. i:br....,............tl..:..jta..!'b:ii;..:!..ri:(..te!..:...> te t á (b)Ex:"¥ $ :..c:::.. '¡-r....i..;l:r..i?b/i;..:fta !....r;...... f..}:Je ..fli..:;;:r..d0 : fi..;!';).. 9¥ ¥ ...,,.f#iq.14 ,ttjf1'1'lt11tHm &-vefti, Jutilisl agarmenc fo,,áed cogcther of t1YOor b1..::r..t..o..b?J:..r..t..::}....lA1..s,cr!:....:áeo;::;......(h)Scbin.1: 0 j1 hi:tt..dat....;rsd i..:d (c)Ut{N¥ mtlrc pieccs,as (, )Jmtt1, rclarcs, Sorne uanflaceit by p,.lf,11m, acloak or 1,,.,p,61, liuleveAflfthetil1..u!ders,andrhencccamcboth ch; namc of P11/l,an.. the 1: ground of us don.mon by the Popc:1ar the conf,;:crauon of ;m Arch¥Btfhtlp orHigháPriefiof a Province. b vi ne..din::..:;\;..).'w..¥ih..i..1..hic..':t..'..";!;:¥....¥;:i:;."i¤;:::fi1..;..;!:; ....;::....;;;,. 'd e..1..'t....:ác;;:..J•..;b......;htr!:i..p..)e;;1..:!fa.......efur¡Ja:l;'a...... f tj}. l: The mauc:r whcreof rhisEplml ( for the Jew”!h Highá Prie!l)was made, wc 0 reaci to havcbccnof.6vcthings: Of "old,Blew1Purple,S_carlet,and fincrwi.. ::a..dtaics rhus : Auri/11. "'t'vl"1.. ncd Linnen. Of rbc: ,/., cžll:d 111 E pbod1 a c..nn foo garmco: cb.u'hcrJ com1Uoo, ..¥. 1,u !pai.en 1 i, 1 1 ..:;, ..b..::c....ë:i..; ..r..u!l:c ::1:tl..'fi.. d......-..:......¥....:1t..!....1..r ::1..¥a..:...... otlbc Jll::c work; itbcreh oftirn:11:11 or wol en, er ..11y otbtt mmcr pofibJJ thi!y miibt commtn!J wcue gmucncr of tbJt Da,nc 1n-ifrupci 1a lllJ." J.:1n..(. , r 10 Ji;............r......:J...::.... ....á::bl..ri;....::.. t.... n...'..1l1........:..: i;i:1..:......!:::..1 die 11 Tnl..:1 ot lfrA1t, (¥) fixof tbc:ir N.1me100 on:Stont, aodtbcJh: (J)-!,:,J,tt, orhcrN.une1of tbcrc1toponrbc:otber !toneJccord1nzcochcir bircb, Ea..b 10. ilor.c 1yu 1er io gol.., 1nd pli.cc:d on rhc lllt,bl1.-k 1yitb whir.. circlrr. An41 (,) S,/Jii¥tof rheS.trJ1¥J:r, loand 1e.1r 1 bJf 17.C"'á 'á ofrh¥ Ar11t1ᥥt:;c1,fp11k1Jm:e1y, iorrlmrh:pl.:ncyrofcbefcAorie1i11(c)S,li¥¥1 ¥ .Jr,ti,1, oot ooe\J caemioned cher.: [Oba foood by .Ml[11, bgcby 1/1¥1 C'Af. 36. ¥iadA.Jjnt¥, t:18 '!'be feem to refleŽl: upon A{btr .. whofe 1:ame. is happy, and hc blcffed with al! rhe v .. r”etieslb¥t Sea and E.mh cou\d atford, }11,ob prophdiedof him,thathis (b) G,n,49, (t) brwJ fh,Nltl 11 [At, ,01d ht [hoHld Ji1l1.lr1J11I J11intitt. Mofos in h”s SwJn.. 1.0. likclong!oreto\dt,f .Ajhtr. tharhe_(hou\d..c)t1b/,Jf,dr,hfl;i/dr111,.rcctpt( c)D1ut.; 3, Abit t,b'.1 br1tl1rn,.,cn,id,f hi, f,tt 1111JI :lnspfhms fb1ula l,11r11111nd b..11f1, . :i.4 ch. 1111J,11h11iJRJt1,f¥ JJmžJhi, ftrengtbbe. Htshabimionwasby(d)rluSt11-: (d)/N:ij-.s. fhm, ,.,,;.1,j, 11#idi11g 1t.rct b1 1ht br,..,hnthtmf. 17. The nioth Scone,,m i Kint¥ ....;..h;11.. w..h..........(!)t..;J,..;;h:th:(..) ....,th.......h:! ;::.:tct..r;i ChildrenofI{rAž;ic.cordingtotheirbirth,on che brca\\.pl..cc of Judimcor1 14,,s. Ztbu!un, He th,u fled from the T_h.ulbin1 of C111t1w,, the prefence of G..d-.. t9 (b)Jaffe,t9, theTarOŸfhof theGeon!e,. But behold{r)agrca..rtben J_o,,,.h i11;here, 13,. whowasconceivedhl.'.rc,oftcncroJTedtbisScaof..11M,,,aodtaugbtintbefŽ,M111,tz,41, parts, The Beryll of hi,;do..rine fŸone molt ..lorioufly in the (.d) th..,....";' 141 \..\..h ,. ::ìt'f !e..........,;Z..:..t;..1',1,:, ::r,t t:. st:..t!' t......):1a..,i1..tr!• MAtb, ,1-,t3,1ëwllii1,.ht .. fpr11ng HP. To condndc: As ZthlH11 was a crcat 1 r.11e:1er c (..)]fldl, 5, ..:..n..ë..c..d:i:i 5ae..j ..hc..;fo..: h..;: ..',i:..d;i b....;..!nJ ........;..1..:n.. (..) 11, 7 hofeth1tt h,,11dl1 th, pm of tht ,vrirer c:i.me ouc of Z,/,u/1m to the: War againGSi/m1h. 11, The 11th Ston.:.in order is ....¥UJ che Onyx,whcreofbcfo'.e¥ On..his {f) :D,. wu..ra.ventbcnamcot t..feph, Wnt..h exprca, (as (f) one 1p,aks) ..is dhad tc Pr1hcaui,, ..lhh....if..r, ..b!..:.... a......1.... it!..........:1d..\..1:..h..l ........h..:..;t..1 ......h..:{i:; dren of I[rAtl in thcm, co l11c1.. as w.is notcd b,;forc, cb..t kindm:r,, loveai( cG>mp..ffion, which fof,ph mamfclh:d co his_ Brcrb:n, in providing a habi4 h ih1 rnd (J.)G,,,, i9¥ ......\....;, la:.. n;..J..;....;i;h..;:oCp;/:i1th;.. t..(-t(g)r;!;J:..}Jl:'.....rb..fij.., nghh1 ....,:t,f3¥ .. 3; ..heh:i;..(:!:f:..:6..tt;..n........;!..J::t.!d:..:....{..!i..fc7::..:;; /:rh....;h0:..; 1 (h)hDeu,.ii. and madctbemto bearequal llm.. inall the pnnlcdgcsaf lii1s imm..diateh (0¥ litt..+3, .:::............}:;/;{Z..efl\..t..::it......\t!:!tr..:.. ........t;..i ..;....e:..t......1 :: rf ir P..ri........hbr..u...... i..::..;:i:..o..ot..::..ta..: .. {k4) a,,,, +,, M..:;;eá:{......o....h......0 l ¥ film1tJntoh1m. 1"he cwdfth 3nd Il.. is called in the Kbmv il..tp.. JA{hph,h. Whcrein :i.U confent for tbeJ .1lp:!r : A fioD(! wc:11 known, wher.::of fome are of variou, :f..:if..}t::.:;:..:J/b;:....!....2..!d;..:1..]:;:Jr..r..e;\;J; ::::::;: ;....;..fŸ:..\.... ‘f5........;;11..:..;]{..Sfi..rfif ..f ijji..i:I.. 1 1 Parreuhin ....:.. ..he0 b!:c::..........:{..;..;;:t....l.. ..;..........hleit..ar:......Ji......:cnl..;: 6.."'¥tá i4...¥ ceivs,th.itthc petfon fŸcing onrhe chro.c was t Jef11';. Chritl, God b!c(Ld for it..á.ááá s ..l..i!......fi;;gtfi..(ti......}....fŸf :);fit;,..}i..d!i.... h™ons, the Jafpcr of fŸnj41111n is named firfi, wdl lllidng with our fpiricuallBmj11ml"' Jiii,; llut 1 Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library (, J .Numt Butthe rribcsthemfclvcisto be (t) rhusfetdown wirh fome vairiation, r. --c--,-- t1ˆ'o:;..,..~;;;,\..-......;.., f..:..-.:..-,,..-..n-;,:-..,-..r-:.. 7,ëih!..:....1 ... l?, &.c. When M,[,,fent perfonsof evcry tribeco fe.uch che L_arid of C1oiA11È; ¥ ¥ fumE>fcbeCongregationbeingtalten, cheyarefctin(tl) thiijpofture, l,1, rerned. get..eri Wlm ..lY (..)"....';h:;;!..;%1Zr;....i..D..tt 68, [..! !..:1..!;[;:....{:i..;..bi:..if(ff:t;..J:dt:; ....?:..;h:....:lfi..dt:;;;.. Pfit.i Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 308 ;.i... Cafcdo11Jaforcotžrbuncle,fŸr Iudah che,ftb. WhenthePrincesoftbttribsprefct1tedtheirolferingsatthededimion Smar,,gJ or Emm,td, for L,.,_,; the 3 d, '26. 5, When mention ismadc of theirinhericance, thcn fome of them who {e)"f{,,,.m. dwehonrhcEallof JorilW11 ncrecbos (r) plac.ed, 7, 1, and half M11,,11Jfal, 3i.13. the 11cb, andwh..n thereciutis madeofthemaccordingcothedivilionof i..iJ..ftr..f......,æ!\r.!t.. {f) Nl4m, th;: Li.nd, (f) rhus 4.1,1 2,s,t 1,11,10,..,8,6, whentheywereroflandon 3'1, 19, mounc Gmu.,:nandE6.cl, cobleffc and c.m{e, rhey werc thns rank;::d,2,;14i9>' 8+ Th::.B1r7l,forZ1/,H/Jmthe1ocb. Jl,ll,1,7,i,t015,60 9, Tht lip".. for.Sime..nthc 2d, When t.:M1(i1 the femnt of the Lord ":ho waslCing i;1 JerpurH1', dmv i l d ntbt de ...... fe;..: ..:!..:...............::;..;}....i;!di::e::..;J;:e..........fy:i.. (g)iori.., . Xe11t,1.1.i1. WheôJo/h¥¥h rbc Capmn oft..eLordsHo!_ls,fectlescbeTn&es1D1h71r habitations, tbeyarecomputedafccrthisorder mrevcral Ch1poers, begm¥ . (hiJcfh.)l, :..n..::....;,....l,..!tb, andcodingáwitbthe r9chof ac Book,i1,7111,41,11, &:c,..i1i..... In the Book of Chr,11j(11, fuppo(ed by fom.e to b: wmren by E..r" cheScribe_afcerlb.. Captiviryof B46Jl,,,; when cher.. was a Cnaloguc m'ade oftbe Gertealo'giesof thc/Jr,re/itu,we lind thcmfir(l mgcneral chU!,l cJ1r111. (k) tChr,11¥ 2. 1,1,1,31419,10,5,11112,6,J,8, :tndtbenplaccd thus, ( k..) 1-,2.,1,7;11,;, -t¥1¥ &-:. 91;..:h..ty....;;t!!fl:h:01:b;R..\....; or Piinccs of the '.fribCs are me..¥á :iey ”hnd (l) thus, 1. 2, 3, 1-i 9, 10, 61i11, 11,12., j, and cbere G1td 1s (\) 1 CbriH. ..:i..i..7, 16, ;tiThe p0rtionsohhe t 2, Tribe! intbe vi!ion2.ry L&nd of the Proplm Eztw it ( .1) E..d{.. ..'..u::h:..;if!r..1r:::....)......;r..!1..:h1;..;t..;.. 3 r' :..: ..f ;; 0i!..r¥..1m 1 1 r ë;) ..a.. f!i....:!!:....:b!..;i..:;;;../..,,:..,..h:..:!':t..;Ye:;..:e........3:;......! t..i,;.. 4 80 3 10 2>1;¥J;!..:..fcaled ones of 2.i1 the tribcs of Ifu,tarc comp11ced,beh0ldthe_ 1 (c)Rt11,7,.. (e)mctbod1 ... 1.7,S,6)11,i,3,9,10,11,12, Where'd1 ob”ervab1e,thattberc 1' isn;:;: i , ../:..!..;;;ctheyaremarOulled,i, iniche'1, ofch_e R,v,/-,iw, wiihourrheaoneti{ln-Of namc, accordingto the: 1:1. ,Stones m the ..r..allpbrc, bucwyinginord.: r 2."ording cothegood pleafureo( cbcSpmt ef i..:;tt..=;::;e..t....;qt..J!f..:::y (aJ Afl.i.... i bi Tri e, 1c..r.15, ..o,nctlaakb:ou:.. P,m/..hc (h) thicf Apo!t:k was of this Tub!1 thCtlfo.... : Kkkli Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 3..-;;lbe 'Temple vf So1omtm. Chap.9. Chap,9. "J'he'TempleofSolomort. 313 1bonas aohiob:: e t../,..:ol!J1!::JJejh..:,o....1::.. Jto..:::odo .. ;..\::::......ënot.. tevcral places bel oie c1u:d. Dr. R,'lltt 9.11. &::<:. rhc. High¥Pr”cJ!, ..veha,e..oreciul aoallofothemakiug of any i..ch Eh”..g'as; [ flr,mandTb,m11mm. True itis, (whkh 1 muH not omir) [hJtin Le11,r.c1n whcn Md/tsbr”ngshisbrorher uf,.,,,,, and clmhe1 him \' ith ait hisGoroeno( b)Lev, S .8 . ;i;:t....:;n1;cb....:,;:..el..:;;:!..%..::..!..:..:....hl:....:;..;......fr.. :b: ;,,i1;..oin..b:..:th..E..:;J:J:;;e:....;f":JiJ..:::?•;;....: 1....h!.......::::..i:.....¥ :¥it;; ..cbrew Te..t ts '?1!erahly wrc!!cd. wh1ch relis os that the skinofo) M,cfi_1 el/L¥t.¥ i li..:..\If..1jt;{ita..t....t;..t:..;....fŸ?ti..1..r....r!i\..t..á : cf the he..d .am?."5 molt Nuions, is atoken of LibcrcY and¡Didriify, and h.:n Jdbr:tcd Wlt1t:t Crown, ufll.l.lly de.noces Kingly and PrincŽl{AurhOri-.¥ , á like ,o ;i..u\arly dcfciibed, xoJ. ,9, t 5. diGintlfrom che!lor.etchuwete , á- , ;....ëif.. _o Tocooc!ude th-:n: t,hisGgniEiedTypicallyothellevefationofchemindoof God umo hi;; Church , by Jefus Chri(t tbe grcat Higb0PrieH of otir intercdfton, !m:o whom a}l ..be Prophersand Apottles dogivewitneife, J:orrbe _ t.ones dtd cc.1fe r_o fhine)and ..ive fo;thany radia.... lu1;rein the days ofJ,ftrhu,, when..hri!l the true H1gháPncft was mamte!t 1n the Aelh,.as be him¥ 1e!fdothtelhfie,!, 3,Antiq¥ somuchmaythenfufficeotoohaveofpokcnotochis.excellemandmyfieriou! P1..cc, I .OiaU now comeco rbe !ail Omamem of rhe PriefŸ, and the High¥ Pnelt, wlu..h 1Y,1srobcabouttheir hcads, and is the 8th in number, tltb, TheS,h:indb!tp.m:elofPrie!Uy-myrefpeŽl:iri<> theSonsof A¥m, . at ...... ::t!:;:........::....;sfi..e..t....! .. ..fe:;;:'..tr............tr..:!:t..z] ( ,) Ex,d. 11h1 r ....r:a.. ......o:r g..b......o:n::..r!:r..,:::........ . s c;....:..(r;o;5rni....!j:',; (1)1:;'á e\Y 0 :....;:.. ....:t[....h........oa..:..1..l..11d..hi;..:!..;..:1_ran:i:..:1;..:......o..: ..;J:;1.. 1 ar,oieoCi::..!..:....e........:..\:::o;;..o”..;..d)..:r..o..;..ob1i;..e\....:;::tt:fur..!;(2a9/ƒ..,I,¥ Authorha:horecirc..oatof Jcwi”h1..¥mers, that, whereas theformcrforthc á......, tbi:m.mn..rofth..Eafi. The Hig:háPnefiscovcnng1scaHedbyadiffercm 11 0 .. . d ir4'-"'¥ !i:..;t;,..;!..:..};i..i; , , . <..;; r:;á;,: ch H1t,h¥ Pndt IYJS 1,ke the he_adgearor.womaná fomdfŸar Ion.. behino anJ clofcronthe cr..wnof the head.á _o:Sefides, -h; ha‰ a holy (c) crow..(c) E..J. 11pon th.. M1ne,and 1i, the ( J) pl,tttt,f thurd.,,,,, (for fo ici! c:illed) was orlVen 19. 6¥ Ytr. 39o !..:1tb;t:01or:;..:ámi..:....T...o....e..,t..t;:d :..:..i;d bu..c;;..:..a:..i....o.. CH, on thetorcpmof che h:ad,iothefdluonofthcCrowns of fomeof the 11 r . Rof? ,n Emp..:rors in the”r coines, being ind.enced, Oia4ims ofQold. á : Here l t..ught (hew how che P1pi!ls ha"e recei\áed the atrire oft..eir Bi!hops and Pr:lt"tt:fromtheJew,,oand p.micularly rheir Mir!"c..,owhichdiey h.ivea}1.. ," ....!:;.... ....:..\......:;r:it 10t;....=,i: g?r..;../;:,r:::..::]t0 0%....... :1t:; !:c..;....o .o . . eoreor o rboi trt:1a......fo....!..;,.. ......j: :..i,....r ..-J;..t:o....Jh......k:,.. :r ..;....d........ hil ht¥d. th”s t:i:cellenoquali6carion by theCommandeoe::nr of God,tharh lliould b:=; t But now w..er..forc rhe f..lighá Pri..flo for the maoife!tarion of rhedecifi,áe and demminate mind an I wil! ef God at:,peared hŽ”ore ..th t..is..of: . Go.. IYo .. ' . in a:1 controver!ics,indeoquirics whkh1hey might bwfolly bring hcforc his M,11cfiy. Bcždl!sintharpl2ccthcreisnomenrionat:tl!of[hei2srones, bl!t in room there..f1thc Vrim md Thmnmim,whercas the Bre1..¥plate it!}: Lill t, The Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library ..-TheT'empleofSolomon. Chap,.9, ..br:?á..he 1Hi!....P..1tt....t...... [..h{st=....:xr....!l../b....¡l:..\i}..;,..:t;!;..::h:; rhings qf illeChildcn of Ifr11,I. lt 1s not fa.1.., ..be 1mqu1cy of tbcirgrotle, aQdmor.!candalousfins,(fuchweretobehexpmcdbySacrifice,hwbercof .h thercis.nodoubththaecbeycannpebepatdonedhwlthoutChrifl'sappcarance ..hap.9. The Xemple o/Solomon. 3tf to afc dillintl: GarrRencs oc not? I coofdfc the Eoqžiryis of.nogreat m0 .. mc:nta1:1dwcight;butforchachthePontifidans,andothetScoomucbaddiŽlecl co cxrcmJI Pomp in worlhip, have raifcd fuch a du{t io the ChtitHan Worid chdf0..1t:J;l..C:,,i..i,,..ft:;!..g infupporcabJe yokes upon their !:e:khs..!..:e....ha) Rfflf,If; ThefmallhdifficulryofthispoinLl1csupontherighcGac.inghofrhi,.., \h 5'.. fmallastobc,iflrheirownnacurc1vemal. No1 alllinsaremonal, 1fGod fuouldvin?imehbis]Ÿ!lic9uponusaccordin..t0theguiltofchc.m, andhour uierit fwrath. B1:)ttO..md the people _ofGod, ven of tb_e lcall_fim, wanf: inorbo..h.u in ducy, wanthofzea!,warmch andfcr,ency mthe1r..oly ap_ pro:_be,. Wc wanthaHigh-Pricll even to deprecare God'swmh 1n behalf ffuch,i..Or as bis d..ath did woik o_ut merc_y and pardon,..or ail th..fins ef the Elea',1 Jio likew.ife doth be concmually1merpeJI, andmrcrmcd1arc ac the Throne o"f Grace,for the confŸnt iffuing out of pardons for our dayllc wcak.. nhcd c c..d1....h1:........h:;..d of the ..ricG's[appear!rig IVëth bis ..orgeo\!S Or7 (which arc fuch in chcir own namrc) by a pofiuve EcclcliafŸcal OrdinanLe? and rb.!1:1 it comcs to be d fcu(fed undcrche notion of a Cam..mony: But 11 e !..t:..n..3J....J1:..i..f....:1 ..i..fnh..;t..;..!..:;......np....t!!!ry¡b..fJ..t:Ri(t) (b) Ri..,,.. W:!!;..;;;;,,r::::v:i::t:::t;::::;t::i..::::;::......r;;:..h..::.:t.. 1::..'l,;,:.1¥ rc!l fol!omng l !hall give in chc to!lowing tranfhte. God will be worlhip.. F,t. ped byusi:1Spil"1thandinTruth;neicherdo1hhearhthisdaymJUirechofcth.. which p!ea\e the rud:! and carnal Pl!opl_e, o: ChildreIJ decained under p11p1llage. Whereforewemuar..ueotherw1fe, 1fthc outward O•n.untnt QI Prktls under theold Law werelo greac, how [DUcbgrcacerwere the in¥ cernai and fpiritua! accomp!i!hments ofChrift Jd'usour High-Prie!l. lfrhe mmc11r beforc Cod., was, fa1Lh the forccuc:d Tex.., 1¥ r3. would admir, 1,c 1n"ightdi{rnlfctbatqucHio11, Whetbcr GolpcláM1mffersah, der the o\d Law were dothed witb known Garmcms: how mucb more!hould cheMiniHtsofGod undcrthe Gofpel, beadorned with aboly Convcrfacion (b..corninz God!inefs) and with ..he knqwledge of divine ie cthr 0 nj ....h..h..Bit..;:..fJ;::!......t::....:r the ......h;.h:::r:::t;jp..: ;j;:ft..:..r: pt..plror11herthJ Doflrint, r1ot ó'-rt11tnts; IJtQnvtrf11t,"un,111t..Ahit; bJth# puritJ of thr miml, n,t [otlžng, F,r jf "lflr ,nr, .,gin taflsdJ No'll..ltJ,"lflt {hd rrai,,p/eNi,dtr foot_oNr ,r,trdeli11tr1dto..1 fromoHT F1itber,1, 1h11t'1Htllll} m.. r,o,,,, for fuperflit1m1:Tbis is UO\T done m the Popi!hDominions,Bnt certain'!' ly this manner of arguing from rhe Vellments of the Aaronical f:>r•cfi-..bfJod ..!..........h[h!ict!........:..! ....o;;....t..f......or;:..\!....,'..!..!r..:t:d........... c 1hre c::ti:..:t;f..hj;..e t;ho....e....hJ;, n........eh;..tt1l::Sd:..cÇ:;;:..e:;_ honelt and convenknr habit for Pa(toor1; and, wbŽre rhe Chur ch may mccc freely, do think ir comc\ythH the Minifktt'ofGod do nfe that kind of Gar .. ment wirh modefly, which becomcs Lcarned M..:o, Nl!irhcr do wc ap.. provcofcheir fcrupulofoy or rufŸcityrharcannorhbeari.., cbJt a'.M!nifler fbouldafcendth..Pulpit.witb a long Cloak, or Gowne. No doufŸ but Garmentsth‰r:aregrave andfobcr, archmo(t.prop;:rfbrhperfons;cnga:Çd”nfo !"eriousanemployment.as\s the Gofpcl¥Mi!]iHery ¥ .'-..Ut whenas..G'l..1111'1 liJ!neri Ephod (as helpeaks) !hall be impof..:d.withmulŽh:and;;':::;.... : 1 wotcs ..eobr,t t:t:..: :....::..' {'F)';fv:..../;f :..; :..:!':..t;f ;,..;:.. o..t.. ..h..::..! 3..ofbir 1 rrooo e ( f) f.t:5¥S¥ tt........i:..1:tili:::a.... ..o[:o;td...... :..;..}1,........o:..a....:t:a..i[t..[;..o..;; thacChureb iliall ne..cr want Rems andá Stb1lms, breaches,an:1 di{ord:!ff \Yhere Circumtbntials are t”iidly prdfec!; and wbcre externat nioetie, t na daei it (a)..el,i.19, ..=!:i!..i!......:....o..};{n..:.. ....:r::oJ:o......{...!r..cf:d \:o..:ri.. ..:..ci: (b) Pfttl,3S. onfly urg..:dopontbeconl™cncesofmeek Brctbrcn, whodefire to walk in lC, al! the wayes of Holindfe, (b) S..b:r!y, R.igbreouOy a_nd Godlity,and to rc{l quietiothcLand: Y,todoubtleisumon inocstemals1s very bcnniful, it ic mayb‘h2d. Burthatimay1mvtooaperiodofthisdifcou_oicAly rfeconccrningthi!P r Veltmem:s, oo wh1ch 1 bave Co long infŸ.ed: Je 1s tureiolm1vbat worchonr ..ticc diat ,hercisno m.::ntion madeofmy!lhoos()tfandal!, or any fllcb kmdofcoveringforth..fecroftbePridls, who,inthec0ld or Wit1rer,and hcatofSummcr,performed.aU 1flžrfcrviccsNrcfoot, lnrleed the Wimer's cold was icldom v..hcmcnt m thit Ctim;uc: bot the "iumm.::t'-5 h, at mighc be fomcwh:u more olfeo(i,ác by reafonofthc llonc..pavemcnu, which might be vcrybotbythereft:Žl:ionof the Sunábeam,. Howcverit,..ere; theywcrctooofficiatcoiothismaoner. Thefcec when corercd arefubJ Mˆ lmng 1.l11dtJ..á"g, 10' 11¥ ;[C:vi;..;f..ceáod th9Slargdy o..thcVctlurescftheHig.h¥Prie(l,a..dcbc In.. feriors under him: Il is high nme to remove co the 3d and lall ch,rig bintcd iochc beginning of thls i:..ioo, conc:roing the Conáecratioo of th1s prime Officero.fcbc Temp\e)!-cogethcr with tbercll, his atrend..n:s, which con.. fŸled 1>rincip1Uy inthe(e 3 Ccrl!monia\ performanoer; WA(hing. A¥1in1i1tg, :mdSMriftci11g1 21ldi!HnfŸy laid downin tht 8th Chaptcrof Lf'Vitirl11: and rhcreoflih1Utte.atverybrieRyi11theiroorder. ¥ Fir!l,-Wereadc that the(") Prie(. was to be walb!d witb w.1ter. So i cnod á {..1;;;áfá 6 :..e..t......:fn1..f!;otnc:..bi; i!..:[....;..:.. 0 ..r,s..:..ii1;.eo..:o;:;htb!..; c ee \)_ Il¥ l¥ ....†oS ..:;:;:..;:¥;!•tif,?;........;f..:..t..(..a..c.. !.. : :............;r...... i av hot:;..á;..d:it..ili!fpi..i%f'lr..1....h..ìlb..:r..:o..:....h:;uo:....of&c..!:lf:x too0 te) L,v. s. _..d..y..o;;,:......s......t....n!....‰....n;fŸtl..ftbechiefPrU\,(,)vufethcn. nth,andafccrofchcinferiors,ver”.30, Now berc before l proceed, I would beg la..e: _ to rpeak a lin le to the ma¥ teth'ls,2ndchecompoGtioaofthebolyanQëJJtingOyl,bscaufcform.edyoá mktedintheHifl.otyof_theTemp!e, '?'9,o23, Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 Mmmm 2. SECT, Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 Mmmm 2. SECT, Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Chap.. SECT, V, The Senices of the Temple fpirituali"'- ed. T T His St&inn t!'h:i.ltdi,i..c i..totwo Par..grapbs, according¥o thC . prnedi..z..iHory, andlp-Žak vcr_ybne!ly_ to each: b..caufctbis would ri:::t;,':!....i:1n s :..; ......\..;''t..:..d..::...... ....!....p:......i..h:..he'ti:'!r..[r.d..:1;..;f F.... /fa, 7.”:,; ....:!:!..t:v..h:..;..:t!..: b!r::::;,t:f..1:::..t:..:r......:..:..........!s..o[!.. notprevailto c1rin uilhthe Royal Race of JHd,ih,Hencc isit, tharnur.b!cll'ed ThcncstAnniuJ fc{fŸicywurhe FeaAo!-6r!l-fruits, orFnllofweeks, bdaacelcbmtd fiftydaics after tbc l{rAtliw coming ouc of Eg]pt, aod g (p)AB-.20, tber:forci1called intbeNew-TeAameru:, C.,) P111un/. Auhcfir.. Pe11te.. 16. ccillio thcwinl no [uch -place exraot), 011:,f bil"btliJ f!,..11 ...ow Rivers Pfh'vii,g-w¥rtrs. i,e. Thcrcfiull he withio hiin a H.:avenly !pnngo.t Grace, char Gnll flowimo the Ocean of (hLn,. 23¥ _ r. The blnffingof (h) Trumpets on the ficfi ..a)' of ,hefeve11rh monctb; Gl;i; H...ithcn2i¥ and mighr hjor a.. che prcacbing of 1be Gofpel mol\ cleirly in the latter end Pl Th 1tt. ef-. ) oftbeworid,asfomcapprehend. fhe fan of Expiation on the renth day of rhe ll!mnh moneth, was a mofi: c en0 (¥) ::trA, h..:d..b......;::!..:..h!ro;:A....::........)..tv...n......!n1e:i:r....h:f:i..;..r!.: ea sa 1 ..l ..:....:1 ¥ :..n0b..”Jt0 a.rt..-....0..8..:h..g/../th..n....Jtifi..;..:........n(..J..f/..ffe:d allthelufisthereof. 24-.n (3 ) L,v,,;:;: . \he:Pcatlot:T..berna..ks,aticte!'e..dback..ardont..C j..ws (¥) dwei.:. 1n {J)I ;:r..*s ..:a;......ci.... ..r Žh..:..:..r:hri:1r:..!..i'!:kr........:..r..fi..!:i ......:....;:. '!..\.. (e)j#Y;,.n¥ Worl..i tb:it ffC are b.. flr¥ntm ;,. 1/,i, E11nh, ( ,l) A.. a/i oHT FA1h1r1 r,m'- (..) thedwell”ng p!acc of Sainu in:111&enemio1..s13.. holy '31-J &t1m h1mfelfnand1hccb1ldre!lof lfrul, wh1lew,n ..:;tt, 10dnng mthe . ir h {;;{,j;,, 90. ..r:;!d!..cef..ë....:!..f..áp1..t;tf:r..:..;!..7h:;t?..h..n: !.......... :h[j; 1¥ isHea,cnly.. Towhich Godof hisicfin”t.! mercy bnng us chr911gh the pro, ..f)n1á ¥tSh:pbe,ml ..ftbe fucen) theLordJefus t ..e..- ..n..t..:t!:....\k......;..nf!JJzn..n a rtf (i)' H;\ 1}á fm?i....lh..!;:1 01nJ1..{ifi....s..:n....:Zo..nJefirn....;n1!..:..:;::rf..!....1..11!;;: (h) Shmng: Ccremon!a.l W..lhip, andthatamorepcrfcŽt farn6,.. ,us r.:adyto bt inh¥ m i¥Co¥ uoduccd in chetr room. Ëire¥ !,,. . Bciidcs the prciign”n;uioD of fome ..ofpel-Ex.ce!le..ic& by the..c Fca0s; fc OM.p.39¥ nized. Thcre wuan offcring of chc quantiry of a HoD_lCt gi,en up J.t the Pafr¥ bhnt a)n3n ..;t:0 t..i..;;::S ....:r:i..:..:r}:....:: o..inn;btt7............;:..;;;fn(n eg .. ";.¥6¥ ..i..!......;....=t,i..::..h..t:i....nt....n0ih!r:..fr.... 1/..e..td..;)l.. &1tttf tbeFo11ntainof Shil1.1b, Whcnceitistbatthe EungelicJ.l Proph..tcompl¥”ns &ureof fomcl)..r:otts, who conteivech:; 3 .folemn FefŸnls celebrareda.. t_,ph. roongthe Cbrit.ians toh.i.vebee1i pre¥exemplified in thol 3 Eminent fcaAs ofthe]ews, The binh of our S1viour, anfweringtO the Fca/l of Tabt:rnadet. For fo avery Lcarncd man of our Nat”on, tndmhers, 111... BmAid11s> Sr11i1l1r aod Melk Vot: CAl-11,fi,11 conccive,and feem,oprove: it bygood ugumenu,tlmour Sav”ou 1. p. 6Ii, a M:trt......;:;:tt......1!1:tnn....;i..h.. [tt;.... !f....”;;v!;f;..;......jáin..;.. ::: uai1t1cN.1ture didthcri, "xfw#r,u"Jp.1,, m.1ke his-Tabernacle ;ith And ”o for rheothc:-, sh1t E11fl,rand wbitfo11tidt did rafemble the Pafs:onr and Ptmccofi. :Bur l (ru.li nbt layfirel.. ..ponthtfcthingr. Thacwhicll js femcwhat morem1tcri1l for fuch as dol1credly obfervc rn!ti:! Fel\ivalr, t<> confidcr, is [h”t: Thuu th”s prefenr day we h.ive uncrly lotl the rruc timi: innof dJm; :indmily agrcac pmof th...de11otionnistberc b:....;i....:%..:..n_n: For as [O 1heufoal and common fo\emnharion of the Narlvity of Chrift: ,1 rnf nt 6:t..:..} 1 :..n;:...... !..;......d....:sl..;.n.... ....:: ..orr;;c:!tr..i..:..:;..;..:..: :i.Qd 1700 y.:ats .1..0: y.et. ir may bce,ident ma!.. [hat will fedouily weini:h the Trmh1 rh.tt wc Jre now lcYtrJI diyes di(tanr, trom the fuppofcd rime and poill(of hKbirrh. Forif t() benucoll, ctbc..p1..1rd1dfit upon the Apoftlesm .cr M..:,l .t1, the Oupe of fŸr}' tongun. á And o..r Lord 1sfa1d by f 'J..bn Bapt1ft ta b11prh., Wi:b,bthol1 Gl4i-111"lfir... Hcn..e1s tl1atcmetaphorirtl rxprt!Iien in the A; 1 Th!( 5. . poftlc l'.ir'.l,_ commandmg rhe StM!s of g 7'htffi,k..ic4 to takc heed of qurnch. 19 ing_the S p,m, wbofc w_armm.. a..d mflammg mettons are nc:ce!fary f?r the of. frrmg up of a!I our fpintual ..acnfice1 ..nro God: evcn as die contmua! fir¥ . upon the A!m wu fo.. thcfe of the J..w1ftl (?rdmanÇs. Of thisllurnt¥offcn..g (concermngwhtchweare tmtinf) Ifi:i:1.\1 at_pre¥ c ebic1 j thct rch L11J, •-8á {;;:c............ct..:\rr:cb..t..ri;:...... ..:.... ..!....c:h1 cc........::n..:\h:'....I7e:!..ci: . ltke manncr, when the Hud.. _of Fam1hc! ..c,c Pndh-bcfore the g1ving of the i Ongt" Ho. Law, the Sacrificcrhad the skm. A1' 0Tlf,t1'1 obfer,cd of o\d conccrmng A. 6in Ltvitjc¥ dlfm, th.it the ..kins wherewith hc was doachrd, werc of the lledh whkh wcrc .cp.145, off"credinSacrifice. Tofigtiifiethttbythcdothingof Chnlh rightcoufnefs1 thf'grc:it Sacrifi.oe for fiu, our naketim::ft is hiddm from the ligltt of God. Bl1twhy muet ,hc Prieft in fol!owing timcs afttr the folcmn introduŽl:ion of the rc.. vcn! Rites of the Mofaica! Law, have die skin of t!:e Sacrifice.. T o fuew thtICr by, tbatcinthctirftp!accGodwou!dhtvethecp:i\ns:rndiabourofbi>fervanu inhis w0riliipto bcalway rcw11rded. We le ,un alfobercby, chat C'idf..:d lbdym..ngl..! Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Chap.9. tbatbercarefoorSdacrificcs ofchc fapi:.ti- Onc Bullo,k, on, v;a. one Bullo,k. twol\arn, and one TwoRams 1 Goat, withtheirmeat.offcrmgsanddrink TheAtonement TwoGou;, ¥ iogs.tobeaddedtothcC1talogue,p11g.113. ..d:r:,;....:..:J Fifieen. Thr/Dlmut \\!dr..of Am:m1111t ptr{..rmt4D" rhld.tJo/ E.tápi1tio!f h; thtHighprir/1. ¥ Lr't:.16 3¥ In the fir.. plm! rherc was prc.paraiwn ..ade ..f a ;áouns a Bul!ock (r a fir.b r,r 6. offt'ring, which was ap;:10intcd for the H1ghpncft h1mftlf, and f..r lu,.. bwrc c 1á,,._33, (d1at iJ) the cP..idh, which wc..e ca!kd the houle of &A-1:m m Smptcrc. hder tde : ::;;á;..: ;on:;....¥ i....h......e....dbc:......!!..¥ ....,:....:{.....; ;..,n..tti..ó..ar.. r::..d;/..: r,-,,.5,:.-t, videdforafin¥olferingfortl1cpcop!c, oncwas robe ilain, and thcotherdto cfupc-, and a R1maJfoforaburntofftrjn.. ;, ';..,4,,. P"!;'!{fifi..1;..:i'.....I:i;:fft....f..i?ii:i..!..:rfŸ......;0:I...: 0 h..;á..:.... !:..i..r;:..f ..(f';;!'..1..;..: ....:/ah..n1....i';fr:s,..: :......:r,..e;:rb......g .... ; 1'tr. 1211 3. wnhin the va1!., and when he wa.. corne th..ther, 1to p..t the Irccnfc ur..n 1hc á foc, wluchm1ghtdccvcrtlieMcrcyáfcatw.uhacloudo1 (mokc,. d:athc..1cnor. [:::::,....::1:;t..E......”..::..,......1r:Jit:;,;{..:..iii..iáL!!II.:n!:.. . idth 1 nc h JdJ'rr 14¥ lii,1fi1......... ..;..r..:..1d;..,...........:........1..!....'b!/..:::11:d:i..r....-..t....dgv..;1 \..rn..:..d! Jˆ.r9 Alt..r t!.t.., tht'!ot be1ngo!l forwdlltChofd:t'_twoGoltsy:asto!.-e ll..m I for t\.c fin-offmng.of 1hc ..c-0p!e, hc t..ok. (omc o! '.hc b:oud o” 1hat l:kcw1(c, und ldir011gbt it wi1f1in the vail, and J1d w1th 1t, a, bel ne hc had done wah the bluud of the lM!cck, an tho(cd1..) w, !fo up Sacr1fŸe fid\for hi!Own fin.... and thcn for the pcoplcs; for t!m hed1d 0J1ce, when be olf..rciup h!mfelf. Now a)though Chrill had no Go ofhisoi..n.whcre.. epon toupiait for h1cnfclf,yct bcd1d pcr!onally bcar ail the Gnn..¥ 01 the Elc..'t: Chap,9. Cfhe -Templ of SoJomon/ ---3ef eoce of Chnlh drath1 '!i' be_arthe fin_nes of the Gentdcs, whowercout of the pale of LafŸy, I.. rhac the Scapc-Goat wenc incO tb..-WiJ..-;....IT... á i;might....te the inftu-..--- ,44 the..bun:hchcn, andaber:isattbat t1mcfrom-theCovcnant of Promife¥ But nowin Cheeweh tecbeb b. 1 3 1fc!r..b!; ;!_....:l?e!..i..ee..r:1..ces...;:..G.... ::: fi..i........ei1..!ne..hee}:..:1....eft:: .. EpeZ, ' offcr..ngs was laid and burnc apo.. the Alm. Famc!Te figr.ifici: g_r..tfcncffe and ftupidity offpm.., (Make the hurt ofth1s people groJfc,?r J fat,) and loir might fignifie the ..i 11',r, 6. io. confammg of grcat and grolfe fins,eby chc ..acrdk.. of Chri!t off.:red up for fŸtne, Ot . mhcr, as the fac is..ou..ted the cho!cofl of the Sacrifice: So it mLgh: denotc the giving up to God ( H Chrift d1d ) the pr1rneft, chicf,lt,cho,_ceft of our_Jp1ric5 m holy for vices, Then we.read, chac the Bu!!ocli...and Goats fŸi:11, w1d1 rhcir skm aF1d dung,wercal! to b.. burnt w1chout the Camp,_ or w,chouc th( pre,mfŸ :ind limic.. of the Temple:e. which theApoftlc exp!aim (rnm"..) tn cxprcffe termes, A; the bodies of tl1e BeAlh e we;e ln1rnt withouttbcCamp,foJcfwalfofnjfmˆewitho..cchegate, cv..n upon Mount c11lv"'J¥ And_chereforl'.lthoferbarewillih.odtothcetevaicaleLaw,ctohavcnofhareinCbrift,1c ..ordmgro the Apoftles Argu1t1enr! drawn from the people& havingf no part or lharc r H,/,.13,Jo, m dm Sacr”fŸ.. which was burnt w1tho..c the Camp. . , W1.em. vsl. After the Pricft badendcd thofcferv1m1be pues on his linco cloachei waOmhis flcfh 3.p 66, ..in,th..holy ..lace, a..d p..tson bi.1 owngorgco1uraimenr1 andappea;, co rhe people a L,11. 16. m h1s r1ch 111:ttrc. .This m1gh.. figmfi.. thit dcatb,buriall,an.. refurrcdion of Ch rift. His 2+ deat.., ..y the puttm off' bis mconfp1cuom vefmenu. Hii huria/1 by the wafhing and contmuingfor a wh1le hidandobfcuredeinthcholyplace. bfoe;a{h cbc body afm t.e.-m.937¥ d..ath, w..1 the mariner of th.. Jew5 prep_aration for its Sepnlmre. His coming for th ,illtb glonou, robe.1,lhcwed hu, refurrctlion,when hc rofc: out of the graveWith bi1glori.. 0 So :l;....;tt..=i:....:..;t....1..fjhemf 14of the LQrJ. 1 oh 6e i ..%..2\e3ewa;"..b;i.. ..t....it;; ; n body. Thcfc tbings.I.dare noc ..re_fs,but mention th,m ooly allufively with fuhmiffion, tec e :r..:i..:..;..:......f f....h\..f..ër...ë1..o........f..r......; p..1:p..eM..,..;;g:..:....1ë: c..! ..Lev, ;6 á ¥24¥ prcfcnc,e t!.eri..h1 G!uuldcr,rliac thcy rnuft bc[..Fm Rivet 1¥ P[. drxir,i,as Wt'll as banA: d1..t ts,J good to:ork. wh1ch a Pn..lt rcul\ pcrfo,rn d,xre1oully 1¥aurfake:,. andhe!lu\l noc..e{\ro..¥e ..d !..i:!:1 chefni.icsofyour ground, ncithcr ffullyonr Vine fic ..l:.. tii..1t!..........¥A ..!..,;,....;c?;j! b fc,11.. 40Pá l86. w1th fircngch and nped1tton.nc mui\ not be a b..nglcrin 1hc l:ig'.i. :........;Jf/t:i;::....:......:;..:,};,....;;:..:i..;;};:..::!%:\:f ..r, r ber ne ! 1 Th1ieS1cnficcof.thePcacceofŸringw1sufua!ly addcdcoeotber forc¥rtciredSactifi¥ a[,h.6.ejJ.fim: becaufe t:1p1arionforfinwou\dbe11!1:ivai!a.b!eandonprofitable..unlcf, chere ' wrre aonci.ed a pardcular application of mercy, in our communion with him in a way of pc.m: and gricc. Our blt!fcd Sav!our as a Highpritfr do..h not only a,offeringe!tpia¥ [.ory facrifŸ..for u, d/!1'11\utpilm, redeern us froro fin and mifrrr, b\lt be doth b de.in,;],, b 1 Tk1(.5.9, obun f..lvac1onfor 01,and doch ..celd unto us a ..:""l''[ A..rah.;m, ,ui_d hle{[,.d h1m ,h,at h11J 1be Promifˆ: wh1(h Argument 1he Apo-, H!elcarlyurge1hoagai1i1:Lev1rica!Ceremaninin the fevemhochiprer toothc b ho v,9¥ 10¥ i:!:';:át,1:::/z;:;;;;....;:::{t,t/c..!;..d:{......-;,, t;..vo....e¥J:; ..;!:: gcdthatothcLcvidca!Pritfihood..eingchangc', 1here ismade of nrcdfŸy a changcalfo of the 1.aw. I gnnc rtro be truc, that this bw oughr ro ceaft-.a11J did fo, ”n rdpeŽt-of th, levitica1 PriefŸ1ood, which wa.. fhf11td ar 1hc deub of Chnil:. ButotheLordJrfus,whowas fo em1r.enrly typificd by Me/.Jii(t.. drc,rhe rrcciver ofTythe1 beforc theexhibirion of the bw,hHh an un,hang.. 1n r 1 cei u f;bá 7á .24¥ :..t,P..;:i..i¡....n....!;..;o....h:s ..:, .....t..:i..!fa......0..:o..:! a;,o..o-....ri..'..: 1gollc ro aomv M:;: !o.:..: ..o; ........h..:i.. lhi..o;J:;.. ':h..¥..;;..:o..: ;t..;....;:a......;ir:....\....hi.. 41 ¥1¥righr. BefŸfes thi,, holy 'f,mb alfo whcn be was at Betf1el in his j1,urney roward Chap.9, '1 he 'Temple ofSolrnmm. ofourgrounds, and1hc frui_rof ?urlabour$, istooberendred uptoGud a5a moral dut y, as ther1:hy ownmg him to be our God , a nd the g,ver of a!! our bleffingi. But nowotheq,..tapm, orh..wmuchof this.is t'-1 be dedcatt!Ë {hods tn fore.. by che pnlinve Law_ of h1s Dec!aratiod,that ..bey be ricb in good 1T,m. 6á17, worll.1, rcady to d1firibut.., w1!h.ng 10 commumcate, Jaymg u p in ftorenfor 18,t 9, tbemfelvt't a go11d founda.u..n aga.mil the timeto corne, that they may !ay hold onmrnallife, Butna!as, 1tnist0befeared, tb&ttberearenmanygreat one,,(wbofecafc11fadlytobebcmoaaed and lamenr1:d over) tbatfpe11dfar more: (rofaynoworfe)thcnliouncotbeirncbargen. iveSaincaintbeApo¥ ftl.. days, wbo m..mer and grumble ac 1he prefenr condition of t..cnMiniftrey, ::....h::r..!::::r....[f0 c:e....!c:....: ..::edn!n..r:;:iá:a..i:......!.n6 1!......=..: I Cor . wh1cb ac this day 1s genertlly fo low and me&n, thac their very MtmfŸey iut--. ..ofibroughtintocontempc‰ndnr,proachnamoogthewickcdsudprophanc:fpi,,rm of the vulgarn. The flateof the Cbu..ch o..Chrill before Conff11¥tin11 dtyr. wu general!y under perfecution, and 11ff116ed 10 moŸ-places wi..h dup povertyi th.en inde:ed therc was a oectfficou, duty ly”og upoa the Mmiften !to rake Yyyyz foma Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 'l be 'I emple of Solomon. Chap.9. fomc carc for thcir Families, or elfe they would provc wode tbco lnfi¥ de ....cb perfons who infi.. fo warmly apon rhi; point of MinHle..s working ac¥ cor ding to the ciamplc or fomt ..f the ;.. poftles(. for it fceros all.d1d nor; ncegt- J Cw. 9 á 6 ¥ ..........; # ;!.. 8 1:tc..7Z!¥...... e ro'1.. 1 = r;h!e;;a:;t;:fci:;..J........ t....:.. 1(fu.. ' AFl,4, H¥ !1:o......bt c ; l :h..t ....,.... i : y ...... d ; s : h ;.. ; n ,,....: ;oi.io..r..e..f ....:j/!..'ba;.., iJi tbtm, ,11abrcHght 1hepriroofthe thing,th4t'r!err fald, .t-id l,mJ thtff-!1foWn11' rhr Ap11Jil11 f,u. 1 fcar me, thofe chat are ricb pcrfons, who rr..Mi this labouring or M,mft,rsinwor\dtrvocations f..oeuch, w11\ come off. vtt\' dully and Jlo..tly to th1$ work of fellrng al! and laymg it down ac the Mm1tlcrs fcer. I am furc the pooc would-..ot complain fo i::cn(rall}' a! they_ do, nor ..he Mm1!lrty be drivenfrom tbe1r dut1e.. co world!v laboun (11 tb1- thm ab..u;d mferencc fbou!d take plact) if fŸch would do tbelf ducy m th1s ure,wbich 15 mfcrred uporubde own1..rc1........1. tO the times of the Apoftle.., WC are to conlidtr \ikewife, that Chráft, in Religion had not then fo f .r preva1led,_ :n to geciiny l1roJng /oo1- ing in Prmm Cot1rcs; 5o chat thcre wct.. no_ Chr..1an M..g1Hram to be a hedge abouttheC,hurcb, andrn takccare m tb1..parnculariorrheromfo_1tah\c fupport of the Mindlrcy. The Apv..l:áes dec\ared the w1\l o (:;od foil.:1encly, bucthey hadnocomive power in chi!: pomr '. and chough duub!lefs, many might make con(ciencr1 who we, e able to do ,r, yet there wan,ted not :1. ¥ne,n, u to forJ‰ke cvcn thcm, and rocmbrace ch.s prcfent world :_ No doubr,therc wue fevera! perfons, chat bcing noc foundl}' wrcug..r up..n, d1d pull back and t81 4; ..lt. .. i ! b t..::n:'a.... r;:ie i ;t t....h......!f o..\(.. j ..:1td..1: 1t;........ni..if ..c.. ee ..\.. j,i,cr,, wbcn o1.cc Ch1,llu1n Magiftram arofe, th cy took care. for a ccrt!un rare or trtá bute to be impofcd on the people for th1s. pur_p..fr, u 1t was m the dan of C0?á J1"¥rin, and lfoi,ri111: And wby that w..1ch ss mcumb..t a11 a dut.. upon Chr1¥ !ban,. maynot bemadeoneof theToptcall or Munk1p.1l Lal':'sm _anyl hriflian Kingdom, Statc, or †lmmonwealth, I fee noreafon, hnce 1t tends to ibe prefervation of God, p..bl1quc WorO:np under tl:ie Gofpel, wo..: :::d:,..:..:..d1 ;!:;:;: v :;.. :..r.. c bc..1 1i....: ;....'l e .... 0 ;:1:....:t..:i.... 1 :..: of love to the M1niflrcy1 to cxcufe thcm trom 1bit 1mporraot work,, PufŸb!y the Lord may providcntlnll..1 bl..fi fuch mens dl-am e..e thcy are awarc: Cetá tainly whatcvcr 1s dcrraŽtcd fccret!y from that u_fe, w11\ makc bad port1om for i%, 1 9¥ ....á :.. c b..!:..:.. y ..f :h..fr f....ft?n...., d ..h 0 a.. .. 1 :, p :;i..i...... a f..; ¡ ...... t1 ........:.... f ...... E,ig 2' ' fplcnd1d m,\inttnancc of tbc T cm pic ; and do we thmk I ha.. God hath l,á(s caie i,,, .. 9, t l r1\i;;......; c ..o h ;....t..rt! AB....t..ár:;r:..nfi....r,..:h........\;;.. c H;i....\..s..:.... ....,,...: i..p. ..:....:a..:..;..;:..d.. a :::ii d , ly .. i c c ..:..a:r, 1i:........:; r:..r:..á1 r:....-1 t 1f..i....... h ;......;b f..lleworlhpt, thty wcrc moft ot thcm very libcral, lt 1rnot m)' dd1i;n,? quote any Humane ttUimoniis at prcfcnt, 1 ..ail cont....c m\' f111\f w11h c 1c c1.. tauon of oncusmplcoutof Scripture, _wh1chthcSp1nr of God akm1ot1cc of, andthatis, of the ptop1cof Egyptmthe d..ys of 1c(,p.., althoughthe y wrrc thcn esercifed undcr a fort judgcmcm of Fan11ne, whw ail the (lther people of tbt Land badfoldth..irgoodsand poffeffions to Jcfifh for th, King& e, n, 49.26. u fc i i:..:thil; 1 ..:.....;..;u..h';......r..:1:::::: e ;ai....:f....;h difo!Td.ion to rhe, mainttnance of the Gofpcl MtnifŸcy (tbac otbctw1Cc: poflib!y fomc: ..r ' ..a.. Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Chap. 9, '1 he'TempleofSoloimm. ;6, may be honeil: goodmeanini: pe..p!c.. wcre afŸtle fenlib!e that the hand of[()¥ 11b11 ina1l this: lmcan,theJefu!tsandperfons of otherOrders,amongtbePa- ..:..¥g ..b..fe ..........:../...:..r b ..::..ë.............. a :rb e ::;: 1 1r c :; c \h j e ......!..;:, b lrr,;: blici andhave becnknown byfomeof ourNacron, thathave fcen tbembe¥ yonJ Sea in the ptopcr h,bics ?f their Ordm, whofe gmt dclign i.. to fub¥ vert the UniverCtdcs and the Mmifire..'. and cbrn tbcy k(low wcll cnougb wc muft bidfarewelto cheProcel\ancReligioo,andthegamewl!lbe theirn How many Popl!h opiniom havc:been ventcd ..y them, and ..cre crycd up for New Lighc,, isc oo fad!yk ..own[as, the ..oB:rme of ..erfcŽlion, Vo!untary Humi.. fŸy, andnei:;\ettof the body, am1..ablc in thisl1fe, andthatthe ..in1fierso” the Rcfornu:d Church arc no crue Mm1fier&, and a number qf the hkc, anfing out of the Bottom:crsP it) ou.. fad difcord,, mal,.e fweec harmony in Popifh cars: So chat wliat on the one fide, betwix.. flOor fcduccd fpiriti, and ca..nal and prophanc, wh.. love none bue dau™ers w1th untempcrtd morm, tbe fa1tb/ ul Mimflm of Chnfi: areobjeŽtcd to great rcpr,oach and rcbuke this day;fo that tOe rpiri11 of the god!y ,an.. fuch as arc fi:cdfafi m Gofp:l-mnt-1s arc ..rieved and woundcd; thewickedPop1fh feducmwarmedbyfocccJs, tbeDev1!snpc&.. nift:rcy, it is tbcir grtat aim to bring it about : And l dou t noc but ..odly Ma.._ gin:ramdoconlidcr, thactbcreisnoone..ortof people under th..1rGovern-. ment, chat tan fo etfo9:tlal1y proroote thm incereft, as a godl.. timhful Minil' fŸcycan, when cncouragedbythem; fŸ1cc_t..cyh.avt, fomuc.. in..uenceu..n the confcitncesofmen: I hope Godof hismfimtc mercyw1!1fŸrupchew1f.. ..om and courage of our godly Maaiftram th at fic at the Helro1to rcform ':bat conti..ueamongus, in defpite of e.11 the gates of Htll, folongasthe Ord. 11ancetof Heaven!hall endure. To whichend, iti,well wonbthe confide.. ration oftˆefaitbful, torake fpccialcarcfor their prefcttation,aod alldue encour..gemcnt1 fincctbere !ra ncceffit.. for thci! col\ly and, chargeab)e. cd .... them, Thcir prep-ar-atoty i\udies, and their a..aal !ervim, do greatly wafŸ: the t”.. tal fpirinrnorc thentbofetiftheLawdid, to ....:o,..;.... c;.... a ....!.. ......!e..f.............. e ..:..;..i:..:h.. ;:fi:!fs ..¥::::: 1 Tita.1;t s' ma.. be infmed, chat ..be Minifirey Cbould not immerfe thcmfclv.c-s in fccular at”airs,lcl\chcrcbytbe1rprogrcrsand proficicncyln thctludyoftheScriptumi andtbeirown bcam,fhould be obfŸud'edand bindred, So tbatnnlefs&rooga. ..b..:'!...... c :.. ..;b:;..tr......:..;d r ....p..f; d t....bc: ic ;::.... fs tb!yc ::.. c ht t .. a :, a :: difturb the1r fpirm w1ch thc ovcrwhelmmg and loul-dividingiog cam of this lift. Bdide,, ic isneceffuyforthern, astheca(c nowflsnds, tbat they fhool4 have a wcl\-furni!h'd Libtary, and be wcll acq..ainted wlth the Hil\ory of the Church all along Gnce the world began, efpcctally fince the cime of Chrifl to our days. Nay, chere is not one Arc or Science in ..be wholcCircle or ..om.. l)afs of Le11rrnoi;:, but fomc wayor othcr ;:i ..onmbute to the capacimio ˆ' i62, "Ihe'lempleof Solomon. Chap.9, Cbap.9. 'I hi 'l emple ef Solomon. of a M,nilkr for hit work m the cxpli..ation and applyiog of Srri....ri!: They then; l\uJ} b) ah mcans Eo ruine Proccflant Religion among m. and noc findoaght alfo to be we!U verftd in comrovcrfic; that they may be able to op.. i -.rápture,1nwb1chnettaw..rdnottaJoc,not.mrlt, ..o:hnh 1tsweigh,, and fT'Ul1: not bctfot”ercdcotpcri{h, thedepthtof rheScripu1re, ltft1tthr1aidby fomt frof.. ¥1t1 Ttfn?n..:::t:r"'o:V:::;:..:r:..;..o ....tt0;i..tth....::p..)..";!:thcr;..:..;.. ..j1trtlctottX:':..:..u.......tf;:..:..á..::..:f........t:::t:;ic;........t:::tn....:ff:r; .... :t!....; w d w....t..::n::v....vi:;-..i,own Faoeily, or elfe he ¥11l li" untdC"r th.t heavie doom of the Apoftlc, To beworfc thcn 10 lnfi,icl and den y the Faith : whicb n a ri1 r ..:r........::tbaf:, a..:t::;..ri:u:!::l....h..h: ..::..;t..f t:tJ'it,nco....b.. jcdcd toco..,cmptinthccycsofcarnalvulgarpcoplt, whogcntra!ly recciv the T nub w1tb the more rcfpcd: and obcd1ff1Cc, from fuch u ha"f!ng 'O'l,C modc ..atc and c..m.fortab!c rfta.., an.. arc no, obhgcd co onw .. mhy ar1d peda,,riclc lbifuaodcr1..1ngitocvcrymfŸ,t1ng'B.it¥t; norrhccnfnarmgofrl:itir C'ot nt ncutr:!!‘;..:..;:..:::::”:..d;..¥..t..dlt....../:;....t......;;,..,t..;r :......; it.. worlt uthc main.. pnnc1pdwori of thcMimlry, wh1cb w”!I .. grc,t\y aJ. vt..ed, whcn th..1r pcrfo.. arc not obnos:1QU1 to fcorn by tbetr mta.a1tf1 : ft¥..:c!nd'i.;ffci....'.1111y troc ID the pcrfon of out blclfcdLord,and bis bt.iy t.p.. i 1 1 Tim. 3¥ i. fch......t:;w..;1z....c..t:!'Z..:..0 ..hr:;':.. :..d:....!:.... z......:......t!....: 1hcirLung1andHcarrt\ringscrackforwantdf_f..pp1y, buc_Jrt notable (gc,.n..rally) thc-mfclves to goto the ..ofl to praŽl1fc-1t in our N .,uon, throug!t ina. b1ltty. Tbeytrcfo(arfrombr1ngcap,b!ecopcrform.rhti Ducy, dm many i:..::..;;r thcir prcfcm:ntÇffiuu, oeucb kf1 for the,r convemcncy and rc4 Thcfc things bcing prcm”fcd and daly conlldcrcd, 11i.(.. The noble ProY”fion whi,hGdm_,dcforbi! (crvann undcr the L1w, the Ofpcnfiltion whcreof 11 ::,;¥;(..i;:r..0 ..Ji:..s11:::fi....d '!:..;:..:,!:..:!..pi:::!;t....¥:t..i t.: cyct..:/..1....o/'!..:...t:a:::d.. :b..'O!fft;..¥,o..i..: :::.... ..: whok New Tc!l:amcm rcachcs tbtq11i-e_contrary. Bdidn, the ntcdfuy and colly prov1fron of ail acqoircd knowlcdgc, the cnjoyrd frclufi..n of tbcmfclvcs from worldly oÇuparioot, thcir rcqaircd fŸ. ntntalton of rhc1r Familit11 and provifiJn of a fubfitncc for thcm aftcr tbcir p ..b::..:..h:t..:::a........:r:..,i..::.,f!n:th :f..:: ;..pil....:t..f:;1:..;: tikctheSparcamofoldtothc.Adlcnians,d”dlMlcdcfirctcbcirOt1tor,and1hcoJ th,,fc !ubdc i1,fi'-1ua'.ing enem..es , (t11c1J fr11:t.M YPall: ThtJ jb11fl pgi.,. ag 11-,,P 1er, J J.ao, ,h, .,, b11t t..t} fb.,IJ ,,,, rtf.141/ "'g 4j>1fJ thrm I for / ¥m \\,ith JOU ta {,we }OIi, .,,J 2 i 10 d, tiv,r 7011, 111i:h 1h, lord An.. I ¥;Il 1d TltP'J'N ..#t of tht hanJ of 1h1 7"1c.(_ t;/;},,..t:....r;e;..,r::z:;:::;t..;;;r..;; r;;;f!..';u,s;;:1;m;.t::v:::; Pf.S1,...d-t, ,.,,J,rNrhma1mu toi,th,r, ,ijhu,,,{nefJ¥lf1 pcactmAJfc.ifat¥Ch(ltbtr, Tr111h fh11Jl(p1i11follto' thttlVth, 11nirit.hmu{ne{1/h.tll/ook_ do..11fr1mhe1Wt11 Jr¥ 1191 Lard "Jl,¥fl giv.. 1h4t W irh i1 gooi, awt our L",,d fo¥tl J,iltJ b,r ,nc..t¥fe: Right_to11f14ef, /b,1/1 g¥ bofort hi1#,11nˆfo¥il fn 114 in tht i,,,J llf ¥hfltp,. Tbough the K111g,ot the.11tb r,.c them!lv..s, and the Ruim takeco..oh:.1 toge ..tr a¥ g..1nil: tbe Lord, 4n.. aga mil: ..i, anomtcd,yct hatb hc fet ..is Kmg upou h!s boly h11láof Zi>n, andw11\g,vc h1mthehcathenforbis(nhcman..c, andttheqÇc1 .. ro, fi ptrt1of the earth for hh poffi:ltio11, A5 for 1hofe thac ltrc¥k hi, battds in tundcr, 3n-f cJft away bis cord, ftom them .. H1: chat fŸmh in the hcav11n, lb.JI laugt-, ihc Lord th1!! h1vethem i.. deri..rin; Hdhall fpeak unto thfm in bis: wrattl:, andv,1chem111hi1forcd1fplcaturc.-Hcfh1Ubrcakthcmw1tharoclof iroo, hc1haild.1.ththrmmp1cccsl(ktaPottm'llfi'd, 01hcn1 kif1thcSonlc&: lit be angry,and vc p:r1{h from the w..v, ".'heo hi• w,Hb i¥ kinilcd bu a littlll Èi..lf,liarca1l\h..y thatput thc1rtrutt1nhun. CHAP, L.Lc‘-----------------iiliiil Early English Books Online, Copyright © 20193PPnro>¡‘Q>iu;;;e;;st"t. Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 'lhe ''lemple of Solomon. Chap.10.. Temples Ddl:rua:iort. W W EarenowarrivedatatbefatalaandfinalpÇiodO(rhat6rft :,f..'á36¥' 2 ..ft..0!rb!•..::nfi!s'..t:&:h..!:? ;..t 0N:i,....: :; ..mfŸandlcvitcs, thcalyingfaffeProplitts, and thcwil1;;_;: á1¥ lmgly fcduccd people of the Land of f11d11h, wucon3 fomcd with lire, 1nd uuerly laid waftc by Nthuur,J.,,,, the Capiain of rhe 1, Kln.f,l.S,8 King of B¥61loá1u Guard, io the 19th ycar of the Rtign of Ntl,HchAbttx.n ;..;Jh:..!!;,. ..:::r:....1!::::..al iJ;..sl:.'..: /ritlil:J..!':J..!....r:: b..h?ofa;f!:?..!t .... .Apion J.1.p. Btrufiu, a Ch1Jdw1 Wricer ;'bySm,hoin the ISth Book ofbiiGt1g..11pkJ1N11¥ 14-f. 'IJm,drcfor: by'P1olam1 intbatahifmoH Goidtn C1m11of the Alf.1ria MoStrd(J G1ot, narchi, 2f.!luufJ/.j[ar, accordiog to a very corrtŽl: Copy of ”r communicared /. ISf.,687. by Dr.OvtrA/ (fomcdmc.Dcan of P,u4/s in Lonion) to Sn1/1111uli,ing If C,žvu.Jfag. HrydtJlmg, an.. fince printed by CAJ11ifiU1, arccing with anothcr of rbe Chrona/,f.p.famekindcpobhtbtdby Ptt1tt1iN1 on.. of th.. Kingt Library a1 'P.ril: The 79. fame Canon for. fŸb..anct, tbough d1ff'Çtnt m fomt ftttcrs of the namu and 7:uaa.1(,1t¥ th.. ye..n ?f the1r Re1gns, is prcfcntcd to u, by eM{e6i111 in hi, Chroaicle,..here t1019,Ttm.p,1 th1s Kmg f! callcd Na;11po/11{,ir,or NAl111Choiionofor, Bat to ftavethe vari1tion '¥1¥ p. 21+of ..othors in the fcvcrallcttm of his n.amc, _I fhaJI procced toaccommodate 1d1t,Pe. thcttmeof cheruincaofrbi, once glorioas Pile, toathe year of the worldt 1 6..6. Crcarion whcrc”n i.. ..apned, according to the bcft ¥cc..unc yer: cxcsnr, Herc, becaurciam notw1llmgat prcfeot totrouble any wtth thatacontroverfre I Vffrrii An. !hall foll..w t..e calfnlation of the clabo..te pcn of the l..rc famou1 Primat/of L11t,pi.p.i3i lrel1md, m hisSmpturt¥.An11Alr,accordmgly as I have b1thcrto gcncrally d-Onc all3l_ongthiswork. incfd;..t....i;..';i..i:!:t..y..=:..!;!....t!;,i:t!6:!,i..:!"ti..';:;;1.. 8 ;:;; hii: Fatbcr N11poJ:Dll11Jar,. dicd ln me t.+3 ycarof that .if:ra, as appum cV: dtfl.. by Pu,Io,nruforccttcd Canon, andchcrefore the Sons I9thyear mufl: D.tVJ,1.1. fa!linwiththe162yearof..™,n.ff,; yec the Scripturc dorh cxpreflyaf Jr,. 25. I. ..rm in one place.. thatthe firll1ácar of N,t™u,hadn..ÇAr was the third; and , 46,1, m anorher. chat ,c WH tht ..ourth of J..ha,_11/,Jn,1 Re1gn, chat i, the third end mg, or endtd compleatlya. and 1n the bcginmng of the fourrh, Atwhattima lie wcncuponaaaupcd1uonagainA:thar11oh Nmltat C11r&l11mifo, by tbt Rivet _. Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 366____9:_he_iu:;;e;¡;s:;'t.LtLcc------------------"1 Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library Mount Olivet on tbe E11ft fidcof the City, the place from whcnce Ch rift our Lordafcendcdupimobcavcn: to Chew cous, tbatuponCbr”ft'sAfcenfionh, tbat ail cht glory of an external Temple was then confŸmmated and fully. itldo:áthefc and th.. like matttrs I mi_ght have r0!argcd copioor1y; ó"uc whcn 1 rcftcdupootbe T1dc of thisTrear1fe, which leads meto fpcak only of th.. ,Temple of Solomon, that bc”ng finifhed [man11m ˆt T ab;,/a] my poor fa..our.. mull: alfo rcceive tbeir period, whicb I ..umbly commit to che b!effing of God, whofcgractou1bandbathenlargedmylifcthroughhisabundant mercyto ar .. riv.. at !ength ro the coodo!ion of chis prefent work, for which, with q_l\ ado. ration of the Divine Majefiy, I givemoft bomble and hearcy thanks to h1s ho.. lyname,and frcc:ly f..bmit my felf, a..d a!I rny cndeavours, to the ..dgemeot of pious,learned1 cand1d,andhingcniouibreaftr. Only for a .peroration of the whole work, give me leavc to obferve t..e ad .. inirab!c!ulfi!lmgoft..cPropbcficofourhblelledLordhconcerning the irrcpa¥ rab!c ruine of the la A: Tc..plc: whrch altboogh 'fulian the ApofŸte.Emperour endcavouredwithallhhism1ghtmcncrvatcandhinva!idatc; ycthis..efigne by the moft jufi judgment of God,..ou\d ncvcr t:ike dftŽt. Two wir?etfe, whcreof l fhall allrgc, thc onc of a hcathen, rhe orber of an EcclefiafŸca\ Writer, ..n;:..:::t..!:..:t....!f!:..cti..:a:....f1J..t...n¡i....b:Ce..:..:sjf..¡,!b:::;:; :::.:::ti.23 qHQÈd,tm ap"1 H1tr()folymamTempl,1m qnod pof} m11lt11 i-itJftrnuiv.11 c:rtamJ¥ ad,itinm p. fttenuoufiy fct himfd(ro tb..work, bcing affi!lcd by the Rulcr of the Province, fcarfolba!li;offirchbreakingout ncarthchfoanda.ttont witl\ frCIJUCothaffi.uUs rcndrcdrhcplacehunapproachablc, theworkmcnbcioghfeveral ofthem con f..med; and in this manncrthe enmpri.. ccafc4 tbrough the refoluce oppoft¥ ..aph,C;.l. [!Onoftlmelemenr.J Somuchfromh1m. , hslOEcžt[. 1heothertefŸmouyf '1(j.epharHsC11/!ift1u,iielm1ntiochap. 32. & 33.Hift,J.10.,, of bis Ecddiafi”cai Hift?ry_, whi..h for the Pccfs faie I Chail not traofcnbe in p, p.7_4,'flol. Omk, but relate d:e prtr1c1pal chrngs in Engf1!h ¥. Thefe are bis words. i, Paru, . . T 1630. With fuch earnt¥il:,,efsand alacricy did thcy labour in theworki that"thcvery wo mcndid carry away chchrubbith in tbcir lap..,& whatfoevcrJcwels orhotbcr pre¥ ciousornament,cheyh_ad, tbeyexpndedhupon1hathbufinc(s.&c,andwhena1 chcyhaddugupthcrcmaindcrsoftheoldbuild”ngfromhthelowcilfoundations andhad cleared the ground,fo chat now the..c was oot a fi one remainiog upon a L,Jr,. ii: ftonc, accoiding to the prophcfic. The m:i.tday corningtothe fht;etolay the fŸftfoundation,chcyfa.ythcrewasahgrew:eanhqu:ake,infomuchthatthell:ones wcrc caft out of the foundˆtion, fo chat manr of 1be Jews wcre flain,who either came tO (ec the work,or had the ovedight of 1hcSm1dure.Thc publ”kehuildlngs alfo wCh wcre neerdl 1bcTemple wetc loofoed,& falling down witb gccat force. Bbhbbb proveJ: Early English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLC Images reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library 378 prov1d the Scpulcbm of thofc that Wcrc in thcm:i Somc tbat at.: ccmpttd to fly awayt wcre found balfdcad; fomo lofithcirk-g,, ban4t,amlothcrmcmbtrs, accordingas thcviolcnccofthat fŸddco accidcntfciud apenátbem, The Earthqutke was fcarce over, bue thofc that rcm..incd fc!l C,),H, c ...... fi:..i::n..;r;..a:..t....tb!....=n..:..i...... ; d....:c:]..fi....;:r:::.. i::i rooeflyfromHeavcn,andconfomcd more tbc..t>cforc. Thert (hefaitb) f',m, 11,riA:ëO#J 11mo"l Au1h,r1 of 1h, pu,,fl 11111 t,me 4"4 m,011má ¥f thu .tcžJ..r.r: 11ffirt, l#lt1n1,d110/themuhU¥i1ho11,Jo¥l1. Morovcr, the ..rc wh1cb camcdownftbm Hcavcn confomcd to afhei the hammm, gravmg tooli, ftiws, bl[cbett,. axts1 .and all the ?tbcr infŸumcntl which the Workmen h..d broaghtfortbc1rfccv1c.., continumgrawhole day togcther,&c, whcn CJrit, tn :h:t:i:d!....t....!f......le....!;;:;{1;:;:,[.'..o!..f..b fr..;..! ......ft ......arfcal in the ..oly Gofpel .. He told tbem al!, that now was the timc that the Oratid ....t0r..!!..nS:..¡:.. ..o....\..'..i:....!;1....r; I:i....!h....r h?::.. ..p..:..... ......!: fotccanhquakeraffailcdrthefoundations, aodca.ll-uutrallthercmainingftones,randdifpcrfcd thcm. llponthi1, there arofcarfearfulftorm,andrwbirled into ,herayrrmanythoufandboChel,oflimeandrplaifter, andfuddcnflame1 offirc flafhh1g from bencath, Jiurnt op in.. moment an innumcrable company of pe?"' pie, that were as ytt chb..r laboo!1..g in 1hc wor.k, or thar came to _behold 1t. Thus did 'J#lian fulfil Chr1ih prcd1Žbons concermng 1mf¥lem, wh1ch hc deflgncd to bave made void, &c, ”hcfe prodigics arc fufficicnt to prove the uu..b of the Oracle; But wbat fhall be now dcclucd, bcing vcry wonderfol, wdl furtherconflrmit, whicbJ{ha!lreporr,asl havefoum1 intheJ:'rchivei, and it il; cbui;; Whcn the foondations wue a !ayinc. a, 1 havcf1ud1 there was Žtr0r0r3nr..b........;t..::! ..:rp..:...., :n:::cc......:e..r:....1:....b..f !r..:::r:r:i,hrh!rb::.. ent in the rock. Nowwhen tbcy c..uld not fce to the borrom by reafon of it!i depth;theOverfcmrofrtherbm!d111grbein1:ddirou1tohavercerta!nknowa re ed1ficationof the Temple, ..1'11'.., ..,N; ..:ei,1 faitb t.... formerAuthorrin'P,337,;;;J,: . hi, third Otation againft them; For once, twicc, and thr1ce, ondtr Hadr111N, ConftaÈriÈl' and 111tian t..ey at:emptcd it, bu, were beaten off the two former timesby th; RomanSouldim, the !dl time, by fire AJlhing from thefoundations. They have formcrly talk..d of a thir.. Tem_p!c under tbe ..effiah, 'rbcit difcourfct are accomplilhed ..t thu day, but ma fpmtnal way, whzch tbey poor foui,caanot }'et difcern, whi!.. the vail of M..fu II upon tbeir bearu. 'Ti, tb_e ;f emplc of the Chur ch w..crem Cbrifi dcligbts to wal..: Let us w..o upon theu: .r caftingaway,wererreconctled to God, Pray for the1r refurreŽhontrom theR,m: ô,IJ;dead, thatfotheblindentf1whkh”.1bapnedr11ntolfracl,ontilthefu!nef1oftbey,rf.zs;Gentileibc comein, maybevilitcdwithtbe Day-fpring fram on higb, .thar cvenrorthemtheDelivererrmaycome outof Zion, to turnawayongodlmefsrerfi6. fromf,mli; that they who have continucd many day, witbouc a Ki..g, and H,f.3,4,s-: withorut a Pdnce, and withou, Sacrifice, &c. may feek the Lord tbc1r God, and David their King, and fcar the Lord and hi, goodnefs in the latter dˆys: Rt...i1.1.. bh 0r0 t l..;....:ri..:h!Ne:?:ufa........:b!....:::rtd....:..o:....ov..:r..bC::;::i: 3 P11. $.' IJ.. wrn a br..te....g........:....r..!..:i: ....e..::....rd,:L:::, Rnt!1..,..2.. c f..........1!:d :i:::b..r :u ledgtofrbep!ace,titdralongropetooneofrtbelabourm,1ndlcth1mrdow.n: Hebeiogcometotbtrbouom, found water”oit. tbattook himu..tothemuL ancle,. andfearchingeverypmof tbathollow place, be foundittob.. four Arifto1.Rhtt,/,1,c.9: fquare, asfar111hec0Wdconjet.ureby feeling. Then returning towardtbc mouth of k, hc hit upon a ctrta”o litdc piller, not much hirher then the wa g r lrh hi on unronh a ....rˆ ;::cr..r:...... :..r,t::..j....::rJ..vi..grc!kc..r........!rt..rra:::r....tg..r-fied hy tbe rope that they (boulddraw bim up. Whanhcwaspu_!ledup, be thcws 1be book, wbich firuck thcm with admirauon, cfpccially fummg fo frdh andumoutbtasirdid, hringfoundinfodarkaniobfcurt abolr. The B..ok bcingunfoldcd, didam12.er1otronclytbi:Jcws, bnttheGrrciar1i alfo, holdmg 7,h,. I,I. forthevtn1t1hc b..g1nning of it in grut lcttcn [In tfae b1t.inni¥1, 1'Jf tl1tw,rË, ..,,Jtht w,rJ11a1withGol., 1'114ith1Wor‰11.uGodoJ Tofpcakplamly, that Sctipture di.. mar1ifcftly conain the w..ole Oofpcl,w..ich thrDivine ..onguc of chcVirgin¥D1fciplcbadrdcclarrd. T.!1111 togct..crrwith theotherrmrrader, wbich it tbat t”mc wcre prodaimcd from Hcavcn, d1d dcmonftr:m:,that not any S#cr,E,t,f.word of our Lord lhou1d fall totbe ground, wllich badforttold the uuer de.. bift/. 3.c.17.folationbothrofCifyand”emplc. Theoˆ,l+c¥ Fortbetrotbof thisfory, I amnot ltound to1undercake: yettbisl may tr 20. fafcly fay1thattbCmaio fŸb..ethereof concerningtheminco!ous fire,cau!ing J,tomM.I, 5 the work toccafc i, truc, bcingamilcd by gravcandfobcr Authon that hrcci &111, notfarfromthctim11whcrcinitw11altcdi One 'ri.11. ,:Y 'lTet}'if..vhá111r .,;_ p.iMo1.. Mt.'11:tp,1Uë111,f#a1 Kelvc..,á F l JI( I S. E..rly English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLCImages reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library E..rly English Books Online, Copyright © 2019 ProQuest LLCImages reproduced by courtesy of Bodleian Library / i n f,lphc.betical Index of the chief .Matters hnndlcd m the foregorng Treat1fe. 'The Index. ë:-irtlfruits, l.11-,332 114 -Wbattbeynoted,. 277.279 Dayliefe_r..ice._. 111 Spwrua1zed, 30,1 Ded!cat.edgifrstorh_e1"emple, ; Hoordedde, :i HAdbdken,whˆtfpiritually. 2d i:..;du..;.d 320 H. lat,'!, ..ad :: ..d;s:d And whatitnared. 231 u2. u.. . Heave¥Offenngr.. Heifer,whatirnoted, P'.> a 278 faJg. ..i! Jlo:vresofthegoldenCaadleO:i..k, :oot-broken,whac(phirnally. Di,\mond a prec1ous StOile ln the BreaG:.. i;: DoorsofrheOraclewliacitnoted, 2;3 286 117,11s Heiferburnt, High¥..rieH, Pidootgoi..1othe Ho1yofHolies. ..:;,..d......fiŽd with ir. Oi..:!:r Gold for _the Sbew-breadd Fo,ot Engli.. Greek 91_ : . . ofwlmquammC:S . ‚,nJerofGold, 61,6;.d1.69 17.6 45á [ Found1cionoILheTetnple, HisBlcŽ\ion, 2.. 314 19 3t5 28; !hingg, isChrilllpirirnally. 194 . 114 Thcir feverall names undl:rdthc fŸft Temple. 1,1,4Tbeu VeRmenu. 8.. 57 Orams,Hcbrcw Comes, how mucb. Jn che Courts. -zá l z.. 27 Whatth7y..oted. 341 ¡ UndercheGofpel, Chrill, -zS,,., Hin,ofwharquanticy. 10, u3. i25 '-87 160 60 DyalotAhA... 1'57 E", 349 Homer ,ofwh.1tquancicyt liid. HonyforbidinSa,ri6ce. HornsoftheAltar,whatnotcd¥ 1S2. 344 . c:y-feac, . _ 271 Whattheynotcd. Of\\h.arlhape. . . dd , . , . !! EArcb's roundneffe im:cd in Scripcud 114.d121 ,56 d:ftheTemp\ g1..:....sd .. edHyffopi howufedinthc Leperspurg..tion. :.. 12-l,IJJ e nd !id : ..db....:......d , 314 Ealler,1tsuue:ume m1!laken. 3 J3. 3;4 ,!/ba..1,m!;iprecio11sGum_, "70 J, Gd E\d..rs and Biihops, theJamc in..cripcur..:. 1 Chron. 6. to, opcncd, 146 ¥ 317 . . á 21:Jp Gares ofche Inward Coure, 3-,243 Eiders 24inthelt..cve1acions, ref\cŽl: upo.. ólltW:trdCaun. 5d ldt>lacry to kneel before a memorative-1-, s1.101 roagef. '?)1. whac rhcy neted. 2.44 Jealoufy Olfi;ring, I:i.. Genc1logifŸwercle..ices,. Xo6 1n1G-in'Pl11t,mh,f..omEh,j,h. ïe..1!aloi;y of [he s..........d Thcirfafk”oo, 1 30 E!eHther,-p,/is.1Cirywhercp\aced., C/,venw1g,s(iuingon,heApoAlet. 157 Emm,IJ.,a prccious btone in thcBrcallplace. 301 ,90 E,,ul1chj<1,what?. 179 2.09 ¥i ,d . }:..../:,......;;r:,t:;.lmages1 I1one1o..he Templebythcattefia¥ 247 . 2 5; l nc‰s oo . Si ..d} td 2rorrcrs toi 1 ..:a......d..:....d fromth!tuil:i G..rah 1 Coia.e, ha1y much.. $9,193 11tS1crifice... ..:'!:f..;:,,:....h..itac 346 RcvenuesoftheTcmple.Penteco(tá . Hi Ilitghcband,chetSauctt. á. . .,75 People's part in the pcace-0!fcrinz. 12.2, Rive..s, how gcacme