APPROVAL of M. Le BLOND, Cenflur Royal, Maitre de Mathématique des Enfans de France I read by Order Of My Lord the Chancellor, the second Edition of the book entitled; Modern Archeaury, or the art of building well, & C. 11 seemed to me that the dawn of this new Edition, which shows a great connoiffance of the best books made by this bride, saw gathered there, with as much hay as intelligence, all the proper details: l give more exad:es & erent notions of the various objects of which he efi quefüon in this work; & that fon work, which increases the merit, can only be: eu very useful to the Public. Fair: I ver faults, the 3 Od: obre I 76 3 Li blonde, Privilege of the king LOUIS, by the grace of God, King of France & Navarre : to our lovers, the people holding our courses of - PMlement, Masters of OCD requests.lnaires from our Hotel, Grand-Con (eil, Prevôt de Paris, Baillifs, Sfoéchaux, their civil Leuœnaos, & aurres our Jufüciers that it will belong: sa Lu r. Our amé CHARLES-ANTOINE J oMDERT, our bookseller in Paris, made us expofcr that he delireroit do print & reprinting works that have as their cirre: AR C H 1 TE C T V re MO DER NE; Bi.portable bliothtque of.Architecture é/eme,ztairt; ArchittElure Françoift ,.by M. Blondel; course .ArchiuElurt of Vignola, by d'.Aviltr, with a DiElionnaire drs ttrm, s of.ArchittElurt, by the mttnt; Method to learn lt Dt./J"ein, a11tc of Figurts f,, of the Acaddmies; Anatomit to the ufagt of the Ptintrts, by Tc•rttbat; Géom ·sorts The Cleric,' Tr11ité of Stéréotomie, p. Jr M. Frez_icr; Dt 111 décor11tion of Buildings, by Mr. Blondel; the Theory & PratiffUt of the h1rdinage, by Alexander Lt Blond; the Works of Mr. Otanam; , the Works of M. Belidor; [have, lt course dt Mathématique, La Scitnct d, s lngb: iwrs Le Bombardier François, L 'ArchittElure Hydraulique; Cours de Scimce militaire, par M. Le Blond, contenant l' Arith-m'itique & La Geomitrie de l'of], La Fortification,L Arrillerit, L'attact f,, La Difonfa Des Places'., La c11flramlt11tion, La Tafllique, &c. Recueil des Pierres gr11t!the King's Cabinet, please grant him our letters of privilege for this necellaries. A cts cAusu, wishing to favourably treat the Expofant, we have allowed & allow for these Préfentes, print & reprint(scid Books, auram times as good to him femblera , & sell , fair,e sell & d{birer by cost our Kingdom, during the rems : pofanc, on to the one who will be entitled to he, & cous costs, damages: at the expense that these Prefentes will make registered out throughout the Regifl: re of the community of printers & Bookseller of Paris, in three months from the date of I, el!es; 9ue the impre/Iion & téimpretlion defdits Oll• vrages will do made in tJotre Kingdom, & no .elsewhere, in good paper l!C fine caraeteres, in accordance with the printed sheet, attached for Model fous the comre-fcel of the Prefentes; that the impetrant fe .will comply in all respects with the regulations of The Bookshop, and in particular with those of 1 April 171 ; & that before the expo(so venre, the manufcrits & printed who have Cervi copy to the imprellion & réimpreffion defdit􀃜 Books, will be delivered in the same state where the Approbauon shall have been given , in the hands of our highly-chtr & one Knight, Chancellor of Frauce, the Sieur DE LAMOIGNON, & he iron􀃸 away you handed out two eremplaires of each in our Library pul':,system, a in our Castle of the Louvre, a in that the said Sieur Df. The stump, & one in· our crès-cher & féal Chevalier Vice-Chancellor & Garde des Sceaux de France, the Sieur de MAUPEOU; the turn on pain of nullity of the Prefemes. Du contenu defquelles vo11s mandons & enjoignons to make jou, ir said Expofant or FES ayans c, 1ufe, fully & peacefully, utfr / R fans that it fois makes them no trouble or impediment. Want the copy to deti\ites iefemes, which will make printed throughout at the beginning or end