{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf2511 \cocoatextscaling0\cocoaplatform0{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;} \paperw11900\paperh16840\margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf0 L I B R O L\ DELV ARCHITECTURE\ D l\ M,. VITRUVIUS POLLIONE\ L I B R O P R. I m o.\ P R E F A Z I O N E.\ In your mind, it is your divine genius, O Emperor I Ce -, do, was intent on occupying the Empire of the world, and with Invincible Valor knocked down all enemies,. ft glorified your\ ... citizens of triumph, and of your victory; and from the other side i\ all molded peoples hung from your nods. and the people with the Sena for Roman freed from fear was ruled from the depths of your judgment and fapere, I had no mind to prefer to you, so busy, (the Treatise Of Architecture I fpiegato with great rifleffioni, for fear, that importunament and frafl: or11and you, do not incur your difpia waxes . But seeing then that thou hast not thought of the common falsity of all, and of the establishment of the. The Republic, but also of the convenience of public buildings: so that the Republic enriched with provinces, even the seat of the Empire, has the beautiful ornament of public buildings, I have not the honour to differ and a preface to the Treaty . And that first perc is and already _ cognrta\ < Juephia my prophesy to your father, whose value 10 he was admirer: and\ then because after having the celefie company of the gods raised him to the seat of! Immortality. and transferred into your hands the Command, which was of your father, the veneration, which I continued to a true memory, made me deserve your protection:\ is that you were defii born in affifiere with M. Aurelio, and Pub. 2 Numidium, and Gn.2\ Cornelius to the handcuff of the balifias, and of the fcorpions, and to the reattachment of the other machines, and I received infien1e with effi the foldo: and that ifiefso, which I had from the beginning, you continued to me as a re knowledge by the interceffion of your sister . Seeing me: so, with this benefit obliged so much so, that for all the time of my life, had no fear of miferia, I began to fcrivere those cofe for you, and for which I accorfi, c, and avev already made many edificj, and many facev , and that fempre farefi1 breath intento_ factories s1 public, which nva you, proportionate to your glor1ofe aifm, that rimanelsero d1 I n10na a' pofleri, I fcritri quefii precepts precif\'ec, reflecting,such as the po teffi you medel\'ecrno judge of the work done, and by farfi: the business\ < JUefti books I [bend all the rules of the!"art.\ \ \ dedicated V. itruvio the fuo book * Io Mr fono uni: formed at the Fihmdro, which fia breath that is Cefare\ .Augufto for the reasons, rhe I reported here forward in the vira of Qucfto author\'95\ \ AC-\ (z.) Leggefi commonly Minidium, but with ftderando the fimwlarir\'e0 of quefio name, and at the con t salary it frequents: nza of the Numidium I credit d\'95O verf\'ec embrace Quefta reading of Fabrizio.\ To Z.\ \ \'95\ \ 4 L I B E R: I.\ CAP.I, E A P u T J,.\ Quid fit Archite\'e9l: ura & de Architeais instituendis.\ \ 1 ,-- --,,,= =,.. . si RCHITECTURA I E. ft fcientia pluribus difciplinis, & variis eruditionibus ornata, cujus judico probantur omnia, quce ab\ 2 ceteris artibus 2 perficiuntur, opera . EA nafcitur ex Fabri-\ ca, & r atoci natio ne. F abrica efl continua AC trita ufus meditatio, quce manibus perficur e materia cujufi: umquege\ neris opus efl ad propofitum defor-mationis. Ratiocinat; or au \'95\ tem eft, quce res fabricatas folertia aca Yatione proportio nis demonflrare atque explicare potefl * Itaque .Arcbite\'e9li, qui fine litter-isb con-t enderunt, ut manibus ejfent exercitati, non potuerunt ejficere, ut haberent pro laboribusau\'e9lorttatem. J. 2.!!.I autem ratiocinationibus & litteris folis con. fifa fuerunt,\ umbram, not REME perfequuti videntur*. At qui utrumque perdidicerun, t (uti\ omnibus Armis ornati) citius cum au\'e9loritate, quod fuit p, opofitum, funt ajfe quuti. Cumd in omnibus enim rebus, Tum rnaxime etiam in a, cbitcEtura hcec duo infunt, Quod Significatur, & quod Significat. Signifatu, propqfita Yes, de qua dicitur\'95 Hanc autem Signifat demonflratio rationibus do\'e9lir narum explicata: J: \'a1.!!I'm videtur utraque Partee exercitatum ejfe debere, qui Je ArchiteElum profi tetur * ltaque eum & ingeniofum effe oportet, & ad dijciplinani docilem: ne-\ que enim ingenium fine difciptine, aut difcipline fine ingenio perfatlum arti.. ficem potefl LFI<: ere: & ut_ Litteratus Jit, peritus Grapbidos, eruditusf Geome-\ tria, it's.9 * Opt ci es non ignarus, inflruEtus a ritbmet\'f9: a, hifloriasg complures no\ "VeYi, T" philofophos diligenter audiverit, muficam fciverit, medicine: not fit\ ignarus, refponfa J u, is confultorum noverit,.Afirologiam ccelique rationes cog-ni..\ TAS babeat: quee cur Ita fint, Hee funt caufee.\ Litteras ArchiteEtum fcire oportet, UTI commentariis memo, iam firmio..\ - rem e. fficere pojfit * Deindeh Grapbidos fcientiam habe, e, quo facilius exem-plaribus pi\'e9lis, quam velit operis Jpeciem, deform valeat * Geomet, ia au . .\ , tem plura prcefidia Prceflat Arcbite\'e9lurce: & primum I Eutbygrammi & Ci,\ cinit radit ufum : e quo maxime facilius cedificiorum in Arets expediuntur de-fi : riptiones: normarumque & Jibrationum, & linearum Dire\'e9liones\ 3 for Opticen 3 in (tdificiis ab certis regionibus cceti iumina retle ducuntur \'95\ Per'\ \ a) yatiom'r proportione cc.VV. B) cott1tenderant cc. VV. e) confecuti Arund. Fabr. (d) CMN omnihusinrel,.Barb.\ (e) excrciwus cc.VV. (f) Surveyors.and Barb. (g) plum Barb. (h)Grapbidis cc. vv. (i) and % eutygr Mmii Circini Joc\'95\ . (1) The Voice architecture can and!Fer then prefa in mind that fcienza, which: f\'ec radiates folo in\'95\ d1verfits . 1. it denotes that friency, which, I return to the factory.And M * A fab pe220.\ it is a complete of many others, all neceJfarie brica medefima. Here. it is prefa in the first fignif\'ec.Cato. to form a good architect * 11. fpecial - (2) of the arei, that is, that depend, or han.\ Nope\ \ L I B R O I. 5\ Chapter 1.. CAP.I.\ Let Cofa be Architecture, and that Cofa should be Architects.\ \ \ "Architecture I is a fcienza, which is adorned with 1\ many cognitions, and with which fi adjust all the works, which fi do in each art2 \'95 consists of Z practical, and theoretical . The practice is a continuous, and confumata rifleffione full ' ufo, and Fi efeguifce glues Ma ni giving a shape of its own to the necefsaria matter\ * of any kind she fia. The theoretical then is that the, which can dimoftrare, and give account of ' fat works-\ you adhere to the rules of proportion, and with reason . So it is that the architects, who fi Fono the theoretical applied folo to practice, could not reach to acquire name with their works : on the contrary those, who fi Fono supported to the theoretical fola and the fcienza, have feguitato the shadow , not already the cofa . But those who have approached both , and the other, are folded provided of all the necessary weapons, they have come more prefto, and with reputation to their purpose: since they enter into all the cofe, so fopra all in architecture there are the two terms, the meaning and that is the signifier. This is the case with the cofa, which fi proposes to deal with:\ dimofraction comes from the rules of fciences. Or D<: it's clear.having to efsere in one and the other efexcited the one, who d1ch1ara them Arclutetto. For this make bi ' sewer, which he has talent, and application: for\ neither talent fenza fcuola, nor talent fcuola fenza pofono form UN per fetto artifice: it must therefore have ftudio of Gramatica, effere founded in Difegno , erudito in geometry, non fasting Dely Optica,ifrrutto in arithmetic, faper the Iftorie, have attefo to the Philofophies, Faper Di Mu\ : mica, do not ignore the medicine, have knowledge of the jurisprudence, and understand the Aphtronony1ia , and the motions of heaven: cd here is the cause.\ Must R architect faper the Gramatic to put in paper and\ make memory more ftable by noticing . The defense he Ferves to be able to seize ephemeral paintings moftrare the afpetto of the work, which he wants to form. Geometry gives a lot of help to architecture, and specifically it infuses the UFO of the line, and of the compaffo, with the help of which tools mainly form the plants of the buildings more easily, and they pull the directions of the [paintings, levels, and lines. In the same way, I take the lights in the buildings to give data on the sky. 3\ Coll"\ \ no connection with the factory, which fola is the tica infogna to make the angular columns more Grof principale, and fpecial object of architecture. FE of those in the middle: members J > Ofti in places\ (3) the optics do not swerve folo to take the down-high pendants verfo the forehead: the decreases of the FII lumi ne ' data luoohi, as in Cap. 9. Lib. the columns proportionate to the pull, or fia va VI., but it is also of greatfimo ufo, like fi !hours of the vifl: to human &c., as you see in the cor:. it will see appreifo throughout the architecture. The OT * FO Ell ' operates, and fpecially a'CAP.z. and 3. Hb.III.\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ..,\ \ 6 I B And R I.\ !!!!!!!!!Per' .Aritbmeticen fuptus tedificiorum confummantur: menfurarum rationes ex-\ 1 plicantur: dijficilefque fymmetruwum qu, tptonesa 1 artt mettcts ratt om US u Me-tbodis inv cniuntw, . HijtaYias autem plures novijfe oportet, Quod fine adorn mint ago: pe in operibus .Arcbite\'e9fi defignant, de quibus a'lgumentis rationem cur fecerint qucerentibus reddere .debent * i!..!femadmodum fi quis .ftatuas mar\ moreas muliebres jlotatas, b qute caryatides dicuntur, pro columnis in opere flatuerit, & infuperc mutulos 6 * coronas collocaverit, percontantibus Eng reddet rationem * Carya civitasd Peloponnefi cum Perfis boflibus contra grceciam con}