Regifier. i [nl-R, 'E. Formdck.29.Marcragegcnderyr0cja. . . . . . . , 36. F. DielctficrekorcbaZazudcrkoppa. . . . . . . . . 39, G- Dasganizexforpusderyoppaznform. . . . . . 39. O. AigenilicheProportionder.2z.l-0rcl1323zuderl) 0ppa. . . 42. J. ErmeltekorcbIZa on other manners - 42. K; Grundißzuallenborcbaecnderyoppa. . . . . . .44, L. Wiehochalle Research on Pedaling will be followed. . . 47. M * Dieletfiernrz.l70rcl1a223 . . ,. . . 43, N. Grundrißzuden.rz.borcb322cngegenderkr0äa. . . 49. O. A side wall to Koppa. -. . . . . . . . 30. L Description of the sip / or the passage to the 6aca. . - *. . . -. . . . . . . . - - Fl. Actualproportion of the crude sail-tree / faliipt the cheerful-1113 .........-.-.... 52. Form of the "krincbccto or the small border sail tree / 7 * ondfeinerilotenna-.............. Z2 has a start / with their accompanying lac * t0r1c, clraperse, 83ncbc, c0r onc, vndOöhcderC0rlja ... N, * (Z plan of a [Le-no or Rudder / Aufizug deß (Jjogo * ai? xml azDurchfch nittr by the Corfiaz Anck *? rolilodeßTachsobderyrocla, vnddeß Gelenders...... Use of the coarse-iubca on the sea....... 33. ......... 60th R. Proportiondeßlimone, ordeßgoffen Laitruders... 63, S. Wieman den Anckermreit with Beyond / and the special advantage of the sea, the Salca werfienfien... .64T. Form and Gefialt of the hanging flags / fo man can, and so on. ... *.. - - 68. B. Noc h Eight other flags are added to the (Ialea. . . . . . . . ,. . .57, Nobody's Opaque Hat. . . . . . . . 58,. .. The 91-0510, or the same length as the Calc - when it was cut according to its length / ond in the middle in its gradtoon / was an early start / incomparable / anddifficulty in the diary to pride it. . . - .69. ) - * () - '(Ü) BW * [graphic] [graphic] [ocr errors] [graphic]  [graphic] [ocr errors]  Description of the chambers of the galleys. . . . »Bud when the Galea was even excavated / fed / and that  Gelender famp the? Onna ond? Edel-1 (before the oars on it  come) has been manufactured / as was then the case in the  Kricnalanzufchawenifi. . . . . . . .  How to Zyxelated the Galea .  How many years can one use Galea. . .  Like the Balea (when the same was thrown into the sea)  den / onnd with their oars alfo rafiet) hinder their ['0ny  has a start. . . ... . . . . . . . . .  Actual picture of the front of the Calca, namely  howfieoornenanireryroaafamptdemGefchülz / Aucker / Se- Yellow flags and flags. . . . . . . . - Finally like that (Ialca throws her oars into the waffle / vndfichaufidieRaißbegickt. . . .  'Ferrnerein description of Calc-122a. Impact of salcocca. -. 1. . ElllZcr-Zanrioo,. Einkjlucca ............. The floor plan of an? Reg-ita,  Description of a-iuclo. . . Hint of a Zarcbctca. . . »Floor plan and average of one The cattle part. WiemanetudW / LNO » [acer, Üarcana, Zarconc, () aramUZZalc, dog one gemaine Zarca, So alone by the wind                 will rub / Erbawen                                  [oll. [ocr errors] Strong contrafacture / like the wee, with its completely open sail / continue on the sea. . . . . reason [graphic] [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [ocr errors] '' * 0 '' '' '' [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [ocr errors]     '' Fourth,. -. . . [merged small] [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [merged small] [merged small] [ocr errors] 89. [graphic]  [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [merged small] [merged small] [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [ocr errors] be formed from the right foundation . . . 91 * 0610, or average / specifically when the final in the defenalcdafteht / onndanihrradnawdeergeo cut to each other / how they then have a start inside '0 0. *. 0 *. 0 0 '* 0,' 0 - Like the anffo, or the ganiz created Marc on the Stoizen in the new .nale / allda then their upward (earlier but in the waffer existing) proportions: approach enemy. . - Actual counterfacture / as the Mar / cam Oinaußfahr / ondhindenanireryoypaanzufchawenifi. . . . . . . - Wiediedlaec at the front on the [Dock, on sailing in an on *. . . . *. . . . . . . . . “'" Grundriß / dndOurchfchnitteinerVol-ca,,,,,, Description of alarcana. . . -. . Display of the ZarcME. . . . . . . . . . . X to form the AnmenalcderZarconc. . . . . . - A Caramu2281. . . . . . . . . . . . . DieTürcken firaiffenmitdernCaramUZZalauffdemW-: äicerrancifcbenMeer; . . . . . . . . . . . SerTürcken manners foolish white defenders. . . . Einconfufionzuerweeken / vnnddieantennxzuderbrennen / famptanderanderelike War ZtrataZcmatcu. . . . . Vervenfen through the petra (loan? Allcllo.... To fend off Diferkrageeäia. . . . . . . . . . Budding areas of hereditary enemy in the bath. . . . . . - Floor plan and average of 8m,. . Description of the initial zaccagliadlarale that occurred in z71. or cruel sea battle; fampts many good and wolgerathenen'Anchchützen / who have to face the sea ................ _ Ordinanß / dnnd SailachtOrdernung / wiedieclalcen kept in order before the meeting was started . 0. . [ocr errors] [ocr errors]    gm '' '' '0. 0 "' - The doller meeting of the sea ktmatawnd what confo-           '"10-1, Spectacul / and Gloriofa? Mori-1 fich at deinfelbigen [graphic] [graphic] [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [merged small] [merged small] [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [merged small] [merged small] [ocr errors] [merged small] at '* * *' 0 ''. '0' 0. 0 x h WE [27. [graphic] [graphic] Regifier. U8. All of the above-mentioned cupcakes can also be found at a certain place / bound in with the inclusion of the book / but it will be even more pleasant / since the cupcakes are picked up by their title page or seaport / and alfi in a special bundle let / to have the same meal with you in mind / through which fie defeo advocate may be accused and contemplated. As with everything fo, only difes / fonder is beaten for the sake of the expert and the expert opinion. ? by others the oolizfchnitt or folcheAbtrücl' concerns / under which fich N “. DGWlfo large / that you have a different way to a special sheet truck micifing / so that now they don't puncture when embedding / so the bookbinder won't know without any other reminder / that they don't use their means other than mirifing like a copper sucker / and even also alfo / however the fonts / and to their proper place / are inserted. [graphic]  [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [ocr errors] Endeavor Woettfch'eo Poem / in the Werck Titul / fumbles towards it       Demolition of a cloudy fither and busy                     'Meerhavens is explained.                     - AnnRheafolldteFrawdeßdryn e.g. Ground shaving /      ** Bud fill with leiurmSec / still waffled              fthmaiffeu:       When Amphitrite Foll in Her Arms   V 7- 'house     YoursMeerq uartier / that Rhea dreads / Must it be alfo fine / fie miiifen fich vereineu / The one who / ond who mean the /      Move on (and time determine a place /     To reinforce the empire to strap an accord. Bellona calls on all bcyden setites / A war power against fie in the same rage:      Wiemachet fiefo often with sabers Wetterlaich /     Bud trowet with the Faufft fo wonderful hard road When should they covet their court? In good frideus, just come up with an idea They mate neighbors fine / ondtrachten after the Gunii /. Bud the night of the night for a dunn. For this reason, those who are right ond wol oerwahrt / Vnd makes / the seer-z ond Ernie / the war and frid fich paret / in a beautiful baw ondberfeiken castle / in which the ships / fo dauren some fioß / * Il-cb " - As soon as we leave the country / fo soon enraptured [ocr errors]  g, S i a Maur / daroor the Burgersmann fich naiget /       Bnd honors the high Kunii / vnd doubt and vnd forth /      Whether or not Babylon took the air    Geoiert Stuck / led out of protruding castles /   In it the Schofengaiij may squat and contemplate      What finds fiezufrelzen / the fch lie against IIuck /       And folch-hard fug the influence drives back:  13. Finely connected by folk-free Maur zween Thieme /   A lot of the Pfeiffenwerck are found in it       Some deaf with thunder bass /          Unlax Leuttzur See / zn (and into the grass. (:. Dortfiehn two Waffermann / the erii iii from the elections /    Disguised / derfchnürc / burned / botched with long numbers /        Berneh t / verftept / oertnüpfft / verliigig ond verlapt /         Berloekt / Zopfftt / oerbuizt / vermuizet ond oerfapt /   - A wonderful animal that slaves follow him /   Because he must be sorry for his clothes      Bud f ch repep upward on their bare oaut       With the lavender Spitz / when is Loth and Kraut needed /  The Turks in the Rai? chewing out the throat /  That fiean folcher Sinti? Payable:      How Jan on? Oeftereeich with balls Fiegenzwickt /         Erceckt / erfeüfit / hunt t / fo soon he fieerblicl'e.   Derfelbe Sclaven Oeri / the Mittelbruekentretter /  From the whistle on, all the boards /     So we had a hunt        Blaiihiift vnd ​​goes against it / all goes well:  Then folches will be noted by everything chhrey vndechwader /  By rattling / rumbling / rlapif / dnrch shock ond all QadÖm ch                                                       ur [graphic]  [ocr errors] By fchnadern / fiampen / ae der rudder o en t derKetten / diederSrlau nMße'tKenfnrthanJ von 1). Contrary to iompt a man / whom we hunt a Botsrnecht / The finely enchanted Klaid only wants to baiif in the sea / Bud go into the world from a sail tree /     Willingly let vnsin trucknen haufern room. Wicwol gave him Nideeland / Does he want to live in the sea like a diver / Orumb wanckter fo im gehn / hand in the courtyard faek Let him postpone / make sure that he finally fch mark A jug that he has roasted enough / A two-baked bread / if he got it When he hires a butter loaf with me Darbey the Kris and bacon is also not It covers in fine Klaid / fozwae ift coarse weave / Not a fo rude man / who in feim ganizen life No Knnfc and Wiifcnfchaiit made him / Yes wol / he puts the last splendor of me / And fine jewelry with the experience clasp / Bud thutzur S ee alone with fine wind jump jumps /     8. Aeverbuhlte Jung asks him with her Sviiz /    Where the laitfiernen glow cure fine fit e Then he takes the trip / now had to suffer His very own ski / the sails quite practiced / Blend the rope in fchncllereyl with the Oand / That the _charts come / come to the right country. His work iii bbcheche with soft feathers / But not soon done; some were left His body in the sea faded by heavy death Oiewcil fine clay does not want to hail at the measure / If he was forced to crawl at that sailer laitter / to refuse / whether then the sky would hold / And whether he has a fortune or never / How much more to do / how much he fchon veriichii1 Vhitet GOtt! how burli he fo high of fine l'öeben Wrapped in a Sayl / ßehtauiivnd must acquire l A ii What 4, LimeW-'Zrapbim What is good for ships / fchliefit there and creeps there / Bite he at a glance far away / do not know Do you always wol in your rough caps / You volgsehrter Man / with the punctured folder / 15. We go in the Thurhin / and see what there is more bus way the eye / and the Baw. k. You will find the slaves there, at a local resort, in the comfortable oavcn / 6. There you go from vndzu / Gewnriz ond Specerey / Empty the galleys and make the ships feey / The Apallacken mountain / and then Peru / The beautiful red Chrhfolith / the hard Bock demant bud of the car radio fans is sent to the port / it is sent so much the worm in work / dianrm / the weaver / the clear e Send fpinuen / Der fteinin Athemtropff / fo half geftorbue trenckt / -. The muffles silver-vaulted outside (A Pcrlin we call) does not want to bid away / Rub the red seafood xiorallen thutman / As soon as the seeds of the jubilant fight: i Vrtdauifwasmau fouft more likes always fine. [-1, Spaniard in the port / you throw it confess fclbs / Also in the fchwarizen after t / then there must burn forever 1. The high torch / the light hits you / x_ & when you put the round button on your poles: That thumb-thick glass corner cups in new Gefeirne Anif fine Waiferthurn / so not angry & the new sea gap / for which it fetches - in thick fin nut nut / and fine driving insults / when he maybe ßoff t cling to wild cliffs / Bud breaks the ship two / the - bent * around [graphic] [graphic]  [graphic] [graphic]  [ocr errors] That's why Leueht * in Thurn / dasFewr in Schiffematht / That the watch fights the SchschMdasSiffe ffe die Wacht. Wasfilein air ii't that / when a lot of ships arrive So fie with a lot of shit everything is received / didi. Aufipuif / follows Puff / the Puff with Pui'ffehr oift increased / bowl / kink and pralt / that one can hear it in the distance: Then iompt dasfchwebend Oauß went in the Waffer. The ship / the weather shelter at the fine fringes of Thun wave and the flags large and small, and the band wants every fine look in the painting. The Botsincht hens on / on fine Sayler grids / Vnd freioet fich that run away from the thunderstorm / DieTiicheraufi stretched / and pregnant from the wind letting the feelings wulit / everyone finds peace. The wolverbich te belly iii fine bind unload / Does not want to bathe fine anchor on the high seas / The beak on the swaniz iii fine Mah up / The Schiiimann nin'ier more in wind and rain hovering / Now I ride to theBaw of the ships bnd Galeren / * red-Mu0.?. Bon which you will hear more in the leaves * 'WW You are afraid / drumb I save the time .Bud wants the wreck'e felbszaigen fine ready. But I did not fancy / to examine my senses / How to start the zöienfehen much fo cheeky * The earth without too fine / and the wild lake Jin Lufft and in the wind as the dolphins go 2 So miiifen'wi r the 'Klinik don Wild animals faflcn / Bad as the Fifche thun open up on laps / The one who is now ruddered / we swim there and fn on our enemy / and frrebrn after profit. The Orlochfehiife may compare the Bläf fich Dieder wind filled; the waifer must lift his soft bud far up / as well as the binoculars / the sail can handle the air / the belly can not. As in the Thamefisk the f WerweiffellS chrißanen '* i awe en a nen /. your feather in the bud [graphic] 6 lines () - graph. And straighten their rift in the sea-green river / bite for their place with their feet; This is how the Sehiffhinweg creeps / the S teen-man with the Tangy must laitt / ond catching the sea with a fine rudder / So it goes where he wants / the sea-owl wanders / bite it has caught the port with good wind Like the large river flooded from above Flos vbcr all Bolek / because everything was wrong / Bud because the wild sea bit against the clouds / Bnd to the stars felbs fichgefahefe hai / 'The Noa ond fine Oauß iii floated above chopped open in a ship / come out as well: like mof it in the brook / in a free lad / bon of a maid if'e lifted out of the bath 2 how Jafon and the flag at Greece experience / dunder some heroes and knights iii thrown / flogged fine from afar in the In the meantime, Solcherland / Bnd have wrested the river Guldne: So the widened sea still has to hover up to five ships. Bon winds have to be carried out / since there are doubts about death and life Furai. Like Magellan, you wield the spherical hats / on their lifts ond Fewr and sky if'i gefeffen SehoneinelangeZeitz you like Bandernort So far the Bort had led so far from ons; Bud like the Noble Drackh for some man / Bnd vmb the ganizen Kraiß a licdlin had caught the outside of Carthaunen Oalß / bit death delighted him / Bnddasgefalhne grave had finally mistaken wilt you like candy chiseled into the worlds / Bud baniziffiff to the grim cold / The onsfieekt dnfer Zihl an vnfer Schifferais / That we do not even want the ganizen Erdenl'rais: This is how Columbus also acted on the Befpuiz / This is how the Spilberg also changed its time [graphic] Dureh Through the drilled field of the sea / in the Ooliz So on handicap groomed like a Boliz. In various ports there are now some of the species: The poles fall outside like a tree in that garden. The hamlet and queen Semieamis have been fished / Some of the people have been praising for a forest from afar: Galler large and small / large and small bows / '1 "- the turkey Carmuizal it’s all'hie whether the Tieife / Bad or whatever other names like fine / chasing a fright by dumb ears. Now instead of Waifeebaw we want to reach from the soft / (blind to / to your shoes in ebner weife /: WW: Bud fehen again Mars fich hat monkey In fine parapet / in fine cafemat; Liborna may be fine with Bafteyen / That fie outside their enemy always fewrauss fpeyen / Esmag fine a courtm / esinag a flanque fine / Vnd what the foreign language vns more may come in / it would be contrafca rp and other finely brewed to a bite weir / which one would be sure to trawet: They may surely be freed from the wind and the sea, and from the enemy army the ships and all people. ? I go you Sud vnd Weit / move to Nord vnd Ofien / 'On mufc another time do your pofien / Don't let yourself in here / nimb now alone for good / What Eolus your lord does you good at home: I go Neptune / move / you Nereus / vnd escape / '- * the patron once compares himself with you / / pass through your empire and the deluxe hall / n fine Hulizern Oauß with a bright book case: but you come here enemies / and let yourself be seen / Wiltumit with you Go to the ground at the same time / Bud with your own blood of the sea green S a't't make Roth and in the lake give your strength: Sichftu geiiecket ehn the blood-colored flags / Sichiiu to Man-their fchon the .Knechte iiarek vermahnexrz / Si [graphic] [graphic] [graphic]  k 8 [ - Zrapbja.      7. Sure the corner * Ortgefetzet on the ground /.         Opposition was prepared in the sound e * - K- Now attack * where you want / you will not be afchon with you _    Zufpilen omb ond ombmit Eifern Balloneu /. "-       Bon Kuglen is made.        The hustle and bustle therefore buzzes the Tromnietenflang /   The arm is beaten and beaten by the sword    Warmed up with the blood fo you want to be daring       Sele enraged / like lightning iii vnfer Blick /      Das hafcu ßolizer Turck / experience often ond dick '/   Like Straaliß dufer Straich / that makes a rain 4 From your red juice / your bow / arrow vnchgen / '._: x [ocr errors] [ocr errors] With balls in the smoke they will fly vmbher / Your tree of measurement in the ship will bend / A stream out of your blood / Where there is not a whole sea It will flow five and a half hours from everything / In front of you hinder you with romp / witten / fchreyen / With Grewcl / Grimm vnd Grauß threw death fchewen / Bech vnd powder / Fewr vnd through the Kuglenbrand I will soon bog down your hand; Then the great victory will refresh you ons / When the ßarcke GOtt fo will delight you.     Gehnun / biß kuhn / ond speak in truth another word:     Than your eyes [iehh allhic a good port. [graphic] [merged small]  [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [merged small] [merged small] [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [graphic] dd 2 (znmerekencwann man ingcncreredt /, x W -i Of fowerdeallerhandcorpotavonSchif.Ü, BHW 9 ..2: 9: Zfen Wil-7111 called) your orderly , - 8W. Ruederhabenzallsdafeindsales.63 [graphic] (h / -9 [6212221, (Kalkofes, Zchancino, Fleece-r,..., LWK _: [Ire-Zain, (.juäo, Barchcccawnd l'jatta, '". -. - n. * i * - 'Idie then invented to be ZWW,' 'belong / even without the winds / and as-yet due to the reason / and the actual falsehood of the people to ie- ILS "are currently being carried forward / to no further advantage * they will also help you * Antenna -, or sailing gear approved / approached there / that when good / to the type of ship mentioned above / that the same ones also enjoy / catch / and that they may be driven away / which is why the seventh braid is highly valued. The other braid is y [aca, 78rcana, 83rc0nc, (: aramu ZZala, and the common Zarcazugeaignet / alls the forge driven by the wind to continue to müifen / vfi be turned around after the same. How / and in what form and in what manner and in the other way then demolition / fampt dero »tlarli give the description with more than one. * V The [graphic] [graphic] [graphic] [graphic] [graphic]  [ocr errors] [ocr errors] [ocr errors] iemanndieONcUZ / x, _Zaire-1223, (Isle-.orten ZerZarlcjno, kjlucca, Kre-             821c., Uncle), Barchetta and Lines Era                       bawen [oli. " Bin (lines up. .. .-            Then after five years. Yes x73. King-and Kayferlich / and allfodas   / Qdei d i Allerfi'irnembfte ram-: 110 (li nemo a    f "fomanauffdebicäicerancjfehenMeer       l: for Friday and war notes on the bequem. , - * * _and useful us tan: Everything _ '.- I took it away / Also for _, - _ Discover the heroif Bawß / not - -, "only bad bad and hear about it .. 'covered / covered / fonder by one W MW also at the time when this had been done, felbert had found / MW “and quite wolgemodulated corporc (which then, afterwards, had fine rape on the sea with gruff praise / also still / and fo Long God pleases / dafelbfc vmbfchweben that) the ordlichc l) those-160a, and the measurement / increase with your own hand / also to ripen off with hard-working outside corners / and to ascribe thoroughly. I leave the Me'rhedeßwentger betauren / fintemalalles there painted there / so that the lover of different spiizfijndigen / Sinnreicheanuclio rights / and infallible Wiffenfchafit may have. Before and before, however, I meltBaw differently for me / I paid a lot of attention / to open my eyes. This is the equivalent KupfferblattN.1.-zu Conccocicren / Nemblich? Hl-lu * here is an 8c0l0, or a gruff Canis-mea (Isle-1, in its 90m '' ** ya following characters mercl'en / bey a. the capicaoco felt in a soap] under the yoppaz) 13. fine car / albums on both sides. ond accompanying nobility / themedienauifwartten. _ C. there the yilotco finds itself in a fine place / so that the ejmonc can rule / and may go beyond the ganize Sale-1 / l). a smell of damafiine * Oetkin niitguldenen Franizen / this covers the yoppa at this time gait; which then makes a heroic start above the mayp. i _ 8. the Zee-icara powder of the main flags / fo to the right on the koypa / the if't made by Damaf't / or oonDopptltaifet / in which fich the king / orean coat of arms with gold / . Silver / silk and very comfortable to sew / beginning lafi. 15. the nblbcro Wacllro, or the grand sail tree / at which / and anyway 1 * ". Finely gripping times- * 1a, or" hanging sails / (l. ife deli'r lrincbcccomder the small front sail tree / An ihmt / vnd ey _ * ki is attacked finely small einrean / l. all the while showing / replaying the sailers while cooking / doing what they were told to do. Ben & pndzn Oberftanffdem groffenSegelbaum fits one / fo dieWacht helt / allda he then even in the finished / and can go far / obandere ; Maifeld approach this / and soon give the solution. [..dcr flags / fo ricerca acl silver () enn- (leo becomes exact. Wine of other flags / pcnäcocc clelhlbWb / lacllro exact / vn at) Wifcnoch a flag / which one can call * lc clelÄrjncbccco. 0. of the flags Oct-ca (jcl "keincbeco, ond k '. ? och cin flags / or the hcnclcncc nel'crjocbcto. Ingleihem . ey. , Who groffr banale, vnd 1L. a little Fcihnlin / [a belly-ta 4c] Capjcano exact. . In front of alla kcocla, the (je-lea no less engraved [ocr errors] [ocr errors] fo auWinemFuriilithenMeerfchloß wanted to attack / then like m'l'ompa leuchlichuerachten / the ganize Wefen in the fine Wol-Wil-'uli f'iand fich fehenlafi / ond alfo feillftehendt with upright Rn-Yan " then the owner wants to find out more about Möer in. tk. [graphic] [graphic] [graphic]  [graphic] IZ örcbjccäura Mareike. 1. iii the Canooe cl'-Coeur, or half a Karthaun. 2.2, on both sides two or two 'Gefchuiz / [Adi-oc. Every fchief. 16. ib. Eifen / vnd bey, 3. zbe on both sides two feuek feelings / that enemy learner-.or chamber- [turk. Everyone fucks. give Stone. 4.4 "fctndzwey holes / inside going small bikes / over which (vndalfo through each befonder) a sail is pulled / daffelbige is in the same to bedenfettenbey z. e.g. also strung through the all-round holes: painted there / daz with the Canon-e 011 Corfia with folk sailors may it be possible to loop / ch 6.6. If the two anekers in front / 7th are the drummers / tines and professional blue / who then every morning early / at lunchtime / and in the evening / especially but / when a rough here catches up with the Calc-1 feet / excellently boil up to sleep: fo * everything Bolck brings a great refreshment. ey 3. To both sides / and on the cTach of the yroea. at this time / and not another / as if you wanted to beat my enemy ee / the war Volck in Ordinaniz. 9.3u both sides mean the Zend-en. Or dieRuderrneeht / auii on both sides but are. 27.Benck / or fo vil Rudder the enemy.-l * .bemer> t / (zuwiifen / the fonfien auff a gemaine ordinari (ie- [ca, allain.2 z. Benck zur Lincken / and then. 2 6.der_ for the right / vndalfoine a summa. he. rudder / also * to every. z. Selaven thun. 2 zz. rowing ounce / that ift the ganize Cini-112. are to be prescribed) therefore and when and in accordance with the foundation / fo amount .Selaves / and in a sum are required for this. 2 70. Oarsman is required. It is also necessary that you 6. 6. bend to an oar. However, the foals are common / dangerous half of the caught turks and carrots one calls chaeen / the other half of vngerathenenßi rtfcen Mutteriinder / fo hiehero conclemnicrt. 12. But the others are hindered at 1 r at least a long raid, and with whom you can see the zelarcn, when it is prettily decorated / or fonfien vngehorfamb enemy / their backs may be alfo zee