The ARCHITECTURESCULPTURE> OFPAINTING, And other Arts that depend on them. TheI V RE P R E M I E R. OFThe.A.RCHJTECTVRE . CHAPTERFIRST . Oft. Architei-ureen general. 1~-~~I IN the Ball:imens foient confi.' derez between the firstworks of men , the Architeture nevertheless not efl-not aArts the oldest.It was like all other foibisstarts~ens, & not dl: perfetionne Has zARCHITECTURE, that has been pres a long ufage.First it wasof n1a.fons for the.neceffit; & as thefirst hom ... my changeoient fouvent of remains s , they do not femettoient not worth the time, ny the beauty oftheir homes.But because in the fair ch::icun sought tosettle in a country particular, we penfa to.bafrir au of logemens more foHdes for refiller to insultsthe temp s. Enfi11le luxury widespread parmy theThe Nations most puiffantes & the most rich, the one desiredbeauty & magnificence in the buildings ; & inobfervant of which can contribute the most to the folidic,the com.modit & to beauc,wefitdes rules, & we formed an Art to baH:ir, that wecalled Architelure, & Architelesceux that the poffedent parfaite1nent. Thename Architel:ure fedonne sometimes to the bookmefme, auffi well as fcien" of baf.shooting.Ainlil'onditqu'a man has made a beautiful mor.cwater of Architel:ure-,ofmefme that he is said to efr favant in the Artof Architel:ure. The Architerefelon the idea that Vitruvius gives , must have a notiongeneral of all cho.fes neceffaires the perfelionda edifice.This efi: to say thatit must poffedereminently the Theory of all the other Arts that have reportwith the Illumination.rure , not grinding to form the deffeins ofchofes that we want to exccuter, but pourjuger enco~ er of the goodnessof the materials, make the choice, & finally prefidfr as allother Workers like the maifhe abfolu of all the work, whatlignifie ~u. ffi the name of Archicere.. L I V E R PR E M I ER. J TheFormer avoienc as we both have strong Ar.chirel:ure; onethat is called Civil and the other Military.shut up.The first that theyhave practiced, dl:the meline, therefore it is still leaking toprefenc the rules in the necks of the ed1fices public & private; & the other rc.file with the fortification of the seat of war, haschanged, a caufc of the 1naniere difference on which one the attack, & so we are defending today, huy.In the a & inthe other one must conlidcrcr the chofes najaf.. fa1res thefohdic of the book: but in respect of re.ruleswhich relate to the fym1netrie, & the form excc.rieurc, they aredifferences one from the other, as they do in peace & war,aufquelles cesdeux ma.-:n1eres of bafbr have report. .. Thepremierc chofe that we obferve in the bafi:i.: mens, dl: theficuation of the place, that the efr-to-dirc-and it should be choiGr a placein a beautiful expofition, fain & convenient for leseaux, &for any cc that efr do.celfaire to life: What Alexanderficbien out to Dmocrace, which propofoic to this Princeto make all the 1nonc Athos, the figure of a man, which the handleft ciendroit a big City, & of the right cup thatreceive the water of all the rivers which flow from thismountain to the verfer in the sea.Because Alexander aftertaken plaifir to the novelty of this invention, luyof.manda, if there had been campaigns in the vicinity of this City thatpufienc provide quoy make fub.fifter, & having feuhe would have had to bring food by sea, lo grinding thebeauty of the deffein , but dice&proved the choice thatthe Architel:eavoir Hasij 4OF THE ARCHITECTURE; factplace oil prctendoit execute it. Enfuitewe made a heap of materials that fe act1.concrent in the country ,or we can have garlic.their ; because there are places, olesstones, the fable, & wood are the best & most specific tobafrir other. Itappearance that the pren1iers man's isp.fant their maifons thatfor the neceflit, they do ef.toient strictly that of the huts; but enfinl'Arc of Carpentry, which has efr pluitofr inufage as this.luy of cutting the stones, began togive them some shape.Because we see that all the memberschell Architeture do that reprefentan one of the pieces ofwood neccffaires to the firuture of a bafl:i - *ment; And that the most favans Architetcs have donefor ell:abltr a way to have some well bafiir, has cfrprincipale1nent to provide all of the advantage es of a maifon, ofgive them the strength & the folidit, fclon theirsize ; of the difpofer inside & out, with such aconvenience & such iymmetrie, that there eufr a report&.a jufl:c proportion of each other, both for 1acom.n1oditof logemens individuals, than for the beautiful.tee & graceextericure of the building.~e fi to enrich theirworks, they ernployent the faillies, the mefmes molding s ,& quantity in the.tres members, including laplufpart areneceffaires in.the works deCharpenterie, nevertheless they doiron.wind of fouvent that embelhffement those that ron madestone. The befoin that we had ?e do d1verfesfortes of ba. BOOKFIRST. fiimensa ciif Workers ontauffi efi:abli different.annuities proportions,in order to have that convinffent to coutes strong buildings ,felon their greatness , the strength, the delicaceffe & beautythat one vouloic do paroifire; And these different proportions,they have compof differens Orders. TheOrders that the former have efrablis in various times & bythe various encounters are the Tofcan 1 the Doric , the ionic,leCorinthien & the Con1pofi.te.What form each of thesedifferens Orders, dt laColonne with fa bafe& fon tent, &the enta.bly; c' eft to say, the Architrave, the Frife & theCor.niche.Deforte that are grinding those parts that confiituentin the bafiimens what is called an Order ; And all theOrders are differens the~ from each other only in the proportion ofthese parties, & in the figure of the capitals of the Columns. Lorfqu'we fefert of plufieurs Orders in an edi...: profits,they must efiredifpofez in such a way that the most delicate liver always pofas the strongest & the Elusfolide.Ainfi as the Doric one mttthe ion:; as the ionic, the Corinthian, & furle Corinthian theCom thumb: We fear auffi put the Corinthian or leCompofire as theDoric; for the importance of dl, always put the less pe!ntdeffus.In the beautiful bafiiinens former, one sees nevertheless that theArchitetes have obferv put the theDorian & the Corinthian , & the Corin thien as the Ionic. EachOrder fcs m~fures special.Vitruvius: dtthe most ancient of all Archicetes which nou S. Hasiij, SixOF THE ARCHITECTURE, have the written.It vivoie timeof Auguilc & a spineless fuperbes Edificesqui efl:oient thenGreece & Italy.Those who one worked in thelast fiecles , it say, lorfque eec Art dl:rdl:abli with the other Arts , after efl:e asabatu by wars, & by the invaftons of canede peoples whoone defol the Grcce & the Icalic , those , I say,one foivi fez enfeigne1ncns , & the examples they oneexperience in the refies ancient.But because they have founda lot of difference between the mefures that the old trade marks givesthe various 1nembres of all Levels, & those of bafrimensthey voyoient, panny lefquels mefine it fe meeting of the greatdi.fferences ; these Modcrncs have efr au fore di.fferensentr' them , & have not kept a 1nefme rnefure.There areappearance that they [efont ainfi away from each other,as for not having can.efire not well understood , as Vitruvius cH:ablitin each Order a feule 1nefure, which should lead to this singleBeauty, that everyone research , 1nais who do cf Llunnc to.uuviage1, that when the Or.vriers favent by the strength of theirefprit, & the games. retheir jugcmenc , conduct all parts of a building, felonfagrandeur, fa ficuation & the place, or ladifl:ance of oon the cansee.For all those who have written of the Architeture havefact of the reg the all particulicres that everyone has datafelon fon goufi: & fa connoilfance , if apuanc as theexe1nples of bafi:imens antique that they have seen, & therefore, however.while we note that many fouvenc they do not have fas, well taken1nefes.& have it out very diffc_ L I V E R P R E MIER.7.are defined differently.It c.: what Mr. Chambray was noticed inp1rlanc of the Order Compofire that Phil.of Lonne & Serlio difentdl:re Colife, & they have reported theof!received: However, Scamozzi & all those who have reviewedthe reHes of cc grand or.vrage , one recognized that what make two OrdersCo.rinthiens one as the other.Palladio, who holds lepre.miec rankink the Modern, if efi:fi much deceived in what he hasgiven duTemple of Diane efi: in Languedoc, & notin Provence comn1c he said, that if he does coir not more faithfulin other chofes that we have of him, there ought to not take placeof aJoufrer a lot of foy in what he relates of the Worksancient.What n1oblige to say meforesjul:es of this Temple that M 1v1i.gnard Architete of theRoy has foigneufe111cnt pnfes recently by the ordre exprs de~ionfieur Colbert On-Intendant of the Baihn1ens , but that it hasddfei.appointed with a fi large exal:icude , that it was notshould any doubt the fa fidd1t, which liver to see thatPalladio there avoic not brought meGne, hay, & that heif in efi:ilo handed over to someone who does not acquita not h1en,co1nme 11arrive fouvenc in these forces chofes ; because in what hemefur luy-mefine me it cil may efhe notmefme.This efl:to. quoy I do believ'tit must always fe to rely on the report of those who citechofes ancient, mainly lorfque we faic theyhaven't used alfez of time for the well mefurer, ny littlemake a depenfe auffi confiderablc he eft necelfaire , puifquewe fouvent in them.:. 3TARCHITECTURE, writtenof examples to the contrary to the raifon & to the principles of themore effentiels that Vitruvius has fi well efrablis. Itdt vray that the trade marks paroifr obfcur in rained..: linkers placesfon book, & it femble mef me otherwise in some cho{ba,to a lot of excel.lens refres of bafiimens that we see ;But can dl:reque when you will consider it well, & that wereview foigneufement the most beautiful refres year.tjques & theraifons we pavoir those who have efi the Authors, therewill not fi large differences; to Seal the Archireteswho have tra.vaill since have be~ucoup changed in thisthat is ob.fervoit before them ; Vitruvius condemned already to him.mefmewhat faifoienr plufurs Workers in the te1nps that it hascompof fon book. TheTradution that Mr. Perrault comes to gift..: ner cfr fiexate & fifavante; the Notes are fisought-after & fi full ofcrudition , that there areplace of efpea-er qn(" the pnhlic will nn trec; v. rand fe_course ; & that after a work fi conGdcrable, there willnothing more to deGrer to the intelligence of this trade marks that asof fcavans men had tried to explain, but that Mr.Perrault fcul has made clear & easy in all placesojufqucs prefent we do voyoic that difficulcez, &a obfcuric jmpcnetrablc~ CHAPTER TheI V E R P R E M I E R. CHAPTERIT Ofthe five Orders of .Architet1ure. J Edoes pretens not be icy when a Treaty of Architec.cure , butgrinding report fuccinement some chofe ofvarious Orders, of their members, & their mefures ; And mefmefans review .which are the most jufies , to say in generalwhat strength we practice today huy furles ancient examples, tx[u,r what Vitruvius & other Archite.?l:cs have enfeign,& particularly Palladio that lfs is one of the most famous of allthe modern. CHAPTERIII. Ofthe OrdreTofcan. The OrderTofcan, felon the common opinion, has taken fon origin in theTofcane, one of the most confiderables parts of Italy, so itguard the name .Of all the Orders it efi the more lim ple &the more dpourveu of ornemens : It lfs mef.n1e fi groffier thatwe put rare1nenc by ufage, {ice no efi for any Baftimentruftique oil does dl: befoin a feul Order, or for anygreat Building , con1me a Amphiceatr.e, or at.siu worksfemblables. Mr.Chambray in fon excellent book on the Pa...: rallele d. ethe Arcbite.ure aocienn(: with; the modern~, 13 TenD E L' A R C H I T E C T U R E, fepare other Orders the Tofcan &the Compofire~ he said eilre from Italy.It efiime that theColumn Tofcane fans no Architrave , eft the feule piece thatmerire of dlre n1ife implementation & that can make this Orderrecom1nandable.This efr to it that it is the dc[entry of theOn Trajans column, which, he notes, excellence, & he said he hadfervi rule to the Column, Antonine , & aanother who was high in Confrantinople , tothe honor of the Ernpereur Theodofe , after fa vi.toireagainst the Seyches.There is, however, apparen.the ColumnTrajans has not eft the pre1nierc that we havedreffel'honour of great men; 11n'notlong-time saw no in a of Rome, a smallColumn T of cane, con.tre which efroit the figure of a Raven,with this 1notthe deffus, CORVIN: that marquoir vray-fembla.possibly that this Columnwas elevated to Valerius Maximus, afterthe abon it fitla veu army ~;mloii.& that c\ei; Roman..<.. c:~i-dhmt Sort .bun111ilirairefous the Confulat of Furius & of Arius, in the year 405.thefoundation of Ron1e , & lorfqt:t!the Gauls entrerenr in Italy,we saw before that the two years fe foffent attached, pick upthe Camp of the Gauls, a man of a size gigancef.that , that armedavanrageufemenr , deffioicen fingulier , the more braveamong the Romans.Valerius accept~ fon deffi after havingasked 1a permiliion to the Confs.And quoy, that the strength & thesize is extraordinary, this man , a gift.nafi fear &terror to the whole world of e TheI V E R P R E M I E R; n he fought to the veu oftwo armies.But the Hifioriens notice c01nme a chofemiraculous.leufe, a raven came unexpectedly melt for theGeanc; & tantofi: the blinding of fes wings; rantofl: the bequecanc, & luy scratching the vifage & the 1nains; &tancofi:fcrepofanc as the Cafque Va.lerius, aida toceluy~cy win the vifroire as fon enemie that he killed asthe place : And this was in cerce occaGon it prifi: the furnom ofCorvinus, & that it was from fi confider , that Augufie luyfit dreffer a Statu in the market Ron1e.Gold foitthe Scacufufi:pofe as the Column, therefore, I a. us.l,foieque the Column fu!l: built from the livingValerius Corvinus , one sees by this that the one of Trajan hasnot efi the first that the Romans ayenc highfor 1narquerquelque beautiful al:ion; & that fi ron is efi:fervi Order T ofcan, it eH-appa.. differently to caufedefafolidic. TheColumns Tofcanes with their Bafe & their Marquee have usuallyheight ewpf diame.very of their groffeur prife bottom; The topmust efire decreased to a quarter of a fon dian1etre; The Piede.fiailefl fore Gmple, & has only a 1noduleou d1ame.tre of height; TheBafe which efi a derny diamerre of hauc,fe divife in two parriesequal, of which fe gives to the Plinth, the other fe-rest infour.There are three of them that are for the Torus or Wand , & thequacrin1e for the Lifiel or Lifieau autren1ent non11nBelt , which in this Order grinding .fipartie of the Bafe ; forin the other Orders, ~Ile is part of the Fufl: of the Column.TheCha pi- Bij AulGe!l, ). ,.c. 11~ nT ARC HI TE C TURE, castle eft auffi a demy diameter of thegroffeur cfe the Column prife bottom, & fe divifeen threeby.ties, one for the Chart otherwise Carries, the the.tre forthe Ove, & the croifime fe parking in fepc, of whichthe Lifl:el & the fix other the Colarin .The Ailragale that dt atdcif e , has a height of the nail.ble of the LiH:el,who efl: crazy people Ove. Vitruviusdoes point of diffcrence between the Cha.piteau T ofcan & theDoric at the mefures .,but grinding forregarding the orne mens.Plufieurs Architel:es are of him as this big top.It is necessary to read the Notes tiv.4 ch.Mr. Perrault as Vitruvius . EXPLANATIONOF THE BOARD I. I.F I G u RE.Colonnt. HasPiedtff al , 01~Z ocle.E F11fl,or rif from column B Ba.fade/11Co/,n"e. of which the high eff dimi?me.C Flif}, Trunk, orPif of the F Cong!11vec the Lijlel 011,Net. Colonnor'.G .Ajlr,ig,1the.D Tent!11Colonne.HThroat,Gorgerin,A Necklace,A Collar.E Architrave.larin,or Fri/ of thec/u,pitea11.F Frifl.I Neck ot1 ~rt of round,O Ve, G Cormc!,e. orOettf avecfon F,let. KAbacus, Carries, Plin-the, II.F l Gu RE, Liffea11".f<.!!_arri. HasPiede(fal o" Zode.The Architrave.B Baseboard, Orle, ot1,Ottreletde M Frifl. /11B!tfl.N Moulding 01t Cym11ifl Doric.C Tore,Stick,ouBag11erte.0 G11e1J/ledroite.D Leave Efcape, N aiffirnce, PL11rmier or Crown. \ Ceint11reavec I Reglet, Li Q_sim,::.e, Do11jne orGue:t!..gall or.Lijlcau dNb,u of t., the right. BOOKFIRST .. IJ the'3 . PLANone: .l. G F E Has 14 D E L) AR C H I TE C T U R E, CH A P T E R I V. 'Oft OrdreDorique. The aorderDoric was invented by the Dorians, a people of Greece.~and theColumns are Ifoles & strong gantry, Palladio, theirgives e high-ewpf Dian1erres of their groffeur ; 1nais fithey are engaged in the n1urs , it gives them jufqucs toeight Diameters, & sometimes more , including the Bafe & theTent. TheTent Doric has a height of a derny dia..: metre of the Column.Its parts are the Abacus, the Ove, the Ringlets , the Colarin .L,Airragale & the Belt that make the ddfous of the Tentthey are part of the Fuft of the Column. L,Entablature,this efr to say, the Architrave, Frife & Cornice, eil: more maffif & has more height than inthe other Orders; square r d,ordinairc it has a qua trimepart of the hauteu r of the Column of n1efme thatthe Tofcan; & in the other it is crazy. windas the fifth part . L,Architravehas high a de1ni diameter cle Co lonne.It efr compof a feule Fafce or Fafcie & d,aTcnie Olt Band in the crown; & for ornemens individuals, some of the Drops that make the of!crazyof the Triglyphs .There are Architees moder. nesthat put two Fafces to the Architrave with a Doric tothe ilnitation some refres of baihmens that do make no moreformer ny n1e1lleurgouil:. L I Y R E P R E M IE R. rr TheFrife with fon Lill-el , who dl: the plarre band thatthe fcpare from the Corniche, has three E]Uartsdu diarnetre,& has to ornemens the Triglyphs & the Meropes; n1ais there are a lot of fujerion to the well difpofer: Ittakes ITre Vitruvius.L. 4.c. TheCornice has the mefme height as the Frife.~and the Columns have moreof such as fept diameter of the top, the Frife & !'Architrave have to1fourstheir n1e.fure regulated, one of a derny diamerre, & the otherthree-quarters of a diameter: & the ftirplus that fact l. tthat atrime part of the Column , communication practices rejects as theCornice. Ifthe Columns are fluted they are doing to the ordinarybright-arefre; it dl: to say that there are point-of-Lifi:elon efpacefull between each Groove comn1e to those of the other Orders, & the Cane.lures are au less depressed.Itmust be twentyin number. Forthe Pieddl:garlic, Palladio, luy gives height the latter's implementation OF THE BOARD V . l. F I G U R E, BB. tfl.C cl111pi1ta1t ornt of ftuitlts.HasPiedej!l. D O Ve a Ith te Fufarqf/e 1114 (B). B. tfldela Cqfumtt. deffous. CF11ff. ErulMe.D Ch4piteau Compujite.F Carries ilo Abttque.EEntablature. G Architr.111th. l-1 Frift. II.F I G u RE. theCor,,inner}J(.Has the iedejh,l. LlVR.~FIRST: . TenARCHITECTURE, CHA P T E R V I I I. OfPilaftres f5 Columns torfes. ITthere are Columns quarres we call it Pila!l:res,& we believe in the dl:re what the ancient Authors nommoicntColumns tticurzes , they are own at allorders & r~receive the mefrnes ornernens.We see theencoigneures of the Porti.the Eglife of the four Nations. TheColumns Torfes, such as we are doing pre .. fentement make amodern invention ; & the Former, which furtoute chofe watchedthe folidi.tee of their Bafumens, would never haveemployee femblables, when mefme they euffent fervi thatornamental; Because they wanted the na.ture & thevray-femblance paruffent in all their Works, which do fetrouvenot in those strong Columns, and qtli have ny strength, ny afigure of its own, has to carry a large burden.Auflt n' one-they efi:ea lot ufage that since we had made the great Columns ofbronze , which in the Eglife of flour Peter's in Rome.Because it does notneed to Workers that a feul example of novelty to theautorifer , & make them all for.te license fouventevil & against the raifon, as plufieurs have donewith respect to the Car.keys , of which one can say that theyhave defigur the Architel:ure , since they saw thatMichel Angels' in efroicfervi.What makes vo~ that those who TheI V RE P R E M I E R. 31 n 'efl:udient not the bottom of the Arr , &that are not, strictly speaking, that copifres , & asthe {inges of others, not to imitate prefque ever that in thisthey have done more wrong; Because this efl: not in this sense that MichelAngel has appeared to be a exccllcnc Ar.chirel:e; he had otherparts that are peutimi .. ter ; 1--do for these high d' ornemenspefans & quite ridiculous, no one will find pointin the year.ciens Buildings, not more than the Columns Torfes.P,1lladio said feulen1ent have obferv a small Tcrn-t ~r walk near the Trevi fountain, whose Columns Corin.thienhave grooves that run around the Full: but the stem of theColumn efr not torfe as cellesqu'it is at this huy, whoseVignola described the vericable figure, & given themanner.the do. EXPLANATIONOF THE BOARD VI. HasPilajlres C-Collar,mne T-orfe Modern-. .B, Color - >m Torfi Friendthat. L I V E R P R E M IER.;3 CH A P T E R I X. Of !'OrdredesCaryatides,e5de the Order Per.flqtte. 0 Notherthe five Orders that I just rap.:wear ,there are qm putstill have two favoir the Order of the Caryatids & OrderPerfique.The first lfc other than the Ordrc Ion, & there isno change1n~nt, except that instead of the Colon.nes, we 1nec ofFigures ds women who fouHien..; 1.1 nrw the entablature.Vitruviusatcnbu the origin of this Order to the ruin of the inhabitants ofCarye , City of Peloponc[e. He said that if efranc states with the Perfesto make war on their own Nation , the Greeks, afteryou have set the Perfes in deroute & won as thementire vioire, affiegerent those of Carye; &they took their city by force of arms, he reduifirenc inash , & pafferent all homn1es to the sword.Q!_ant to the women & girls they l~s emmenercnt captive s ;but for laiffer of 1narques of their revenge to thepofterit, they reprefencerenc in the Buildings publicbafhrenc enfuicc , !'Image of these miferables Capti.ves , nwb thefaifant fervir of Columns, they pa. . roiffoient responsible for a pefant burden, that dl:the ico as thepunishment that they avoicnt awarded for the crime of theirhusbands.The Order Pcrfique has been fon the beginning by upc meetingfc:mblable; for Paufanias with dice. . E ~ T,.ARCHlT .EETUR fl, is the Perfes ,those of Lacedemone to mark their vitoire ,.leverentTrophies of arms to their enemies , theyreprefenterent enfuice crazy figure of Efclaves bearingentablemens of laurs may[ons.And becausethat one..had choifi !'Order for the Caryatids , as themore convena. wheatthe Figures of the women, the Architetes fefer-. sawauffi of the Doric Order fear y r-eprefenter. thePerfes. It eftas these two examples that it was from em~ bentdiverfes strong Figures in the Architelture ;. p0urwear Corni..n, ,0,:1.~ .,this Greek word fignifianc of miferables &people who endure the work , which should be by.faicen1ent tothese strong Figures who wear Ridges or Confoles, &as we see fi ordinaire1nent the pillars of our ancientEglifes, crazy Images of some Saints or some greatperfonnages. EXPLANATIONTHE BOARD VIIr Haso,dr.e Caryntides.1 B11,ndum. Border Perjiq11e.3 Key you nrc. 1 Imfofle.