PRIVILEGE DU R O 1. Louis, BY THE GR.ACE OF GOD' KING OF FRANCE ETDENAVARRE; Anos ams & Fellow Councillors of the People holding our Courts of Parliament, Masters of Ordinary Requests of our Hotel, Grand-Confeil, Provost of Paris, Baillifs, Seneschaux, their Civil Lictenans, &: other our Jufticiers that it will belong: HELLO. Our friend Sieur DuPu1s, Archlteae, has sent Us an expofer that he would like to impress & give to the Public, a New Treatise of Arch.iteBure, which includes the five Orders of the Ancients, with a Jixth Order of Francis, & no,1,el we have attached Tables of Proportion, if it pleases Us to grant our Letters of Privileges for this new business. THEREFORE, wishing to treat the Exponent favourably, We have permitted him & allow him by these Prefects, to have the said Work printed as often as he wishes, & to sell it, to have it sold, & to have it sold & to have it sold & to have it sold & to have it sold. the whole of our kingdom, during the time of our confessing years, to be debited from the date of the Preferences. We forbid all printers, booksellers &: other perfumers, of any quality & condition that they believe, to introduce foreign impreffion in any place of our obedience. As for printing, or having printed, selling, having sold, having sold, debiting, or counterdoing the aforementioned Work, or making any Extracts from it, crazy under any pretext whatsoever, that this Work is not a copy of our obedience. can be, fans the permiffion expreffe & in writing of the said Expofant, or of those who will have the right to it, under penalty of confifcation of the Exmplaires contefaits, of three thousand pounds of fine against each of the offenders, of which a third to Us, a third to the Htel-Dieu deParis, & the other third to the said Expofant, or to the one who will have the right to it, &: of all costs, damages & interests; at the charge that the said Expofant, or the one who will have the right to it, &: of all costs, damages & interests; at the charge that these Prfentes will be registered all along the Regiftre de la Communaut des Imprimeurs &: Libraires deParis, in three months from the date of these; that the printing of the aforesaid Work will be done in our Kingdom & not elsewhere, in good faith. paper _& beaux carares , conformment aux Rglemens de la Librairie , & notamment celui du dix Avril mil fept cent vingt-cinq, qu'avant. The manuscript, which will have been copied for the impreffion of the aforesaid Work, will be given in the same state in which the approval was given, in the hands of our very dear and feudal Knight, Chancellor Keeper of the Seals of France, Sieur o E LAM o 1 G N o N o N, & that he will have two copies given in our Public Library; one in that of our Chteau du Louvre, & one in the Chteau du Louvre, & that he will have two copies given in our Public Library; one in that of our Chteau du Louvre, & one in the Chteau du Louvre, & that he will have two copies given in the Chteau du Louvre, & one in the Chteau du Louvre, & that he will have two copies given in the Chteau du Louvre, & one in the Chteau du Louvre, & that he will have two copies given in the Chteau du Louvre, & that he will have two copies given in the Chteau du Louvre, & that he will have two copies given in the Chteau du Louvre. Digitized by Google that of notredit Sieur DE LAMOIGNON, &-a dana that of our dear &: fal Chevalier Vice Chancellor & Keeper of the Seals of France, Sieur DE MAt1PEou; the whole on the verge of nullity of the Prefences: of the deficient contents Vf?US mandons & &: of the deficient contents of the Vf?US mandons &: of the deficient contents of the Vf?US mandons &: of the deficient contents of the Vf?US mandons &: of the deficient contents of the Vf?US mandons. enjoin to make the said Expofant & fes ayans - caufe, pleinem-ent & pai fiblement, fans foffrir enjoy the said Expofant & fes ayans - caufe, pleinem-ent & pai fiblement, fans foffrir that it does not make them any trouble or e mpchement. Let's want that the copy of the Prefents, which will be printed allu long, at the beginning of cement or at the end of the said Work, which is held to have been lignified, & that, at the end of the said Work, it is held to be Copies collated by one of our dearest Secretaries, faith faith added as to the original. Let us order in advance our OiIffier or Sergeant to do for the execution of all the required icelles and business, fans ask for other permiffion, & nonobftant clamour of Haro, Nor mande charter, & letters to the contrary: BECAUSE this is our pleasure. GIVEN at Compigne. the eighteenth of August one thousand fept one hundred and seventy-eight, & of our Reign the fifty-third. By the King in Fon Confeil. Signed LE BEGUE... Regijlr leprfem Privilgefor le Regijlre XPII, Je la Chambre Royale & Syn- di.cale des Libraires & Imprimeurs de Paris, N. 47. fol. 589. conformment -au Rglement de 172 3, qui fait dftnfts, Art. 4-. toute.s perfonnes, de quelque qualit (./ condition qu,elles [oientI autres que les Libraires & Imprimeurs de vrndre. 1 dehite;: put up no books to sell in their names, make them care, make them care- Authors or otherwise, & to the charg to provide to the said Chamber eight Copies as required by Article 108, of the same Regulation, A /'aris, the 1 Septem6re 1768, Sin, GEAV, Trustee, r Digitized by Google /!, JI. U. -J. - - .-PR E FA C E. L E S- Artifl:cs famous both ancient and modern whose genius has puffed up the Architecture to the degree of perfection she has of our If their excellent works must serve us as guides, they must not take away from our desire to go to the further than they are. The genius crater has Ces.bornes, the perfeHon has none. The lights that the Ancients passed on to us... make a precious legacy faQs doubt, but that it fat increase by newJes acquisitions... Why, you proud admirers of their genius, would we not be able to make a _not in a quarry-where there are still so many spaces to be covered? Have the Ancients & those who wrote after them, told those who have not given them the right to obfervcr their products, to compare them &. to. appreciate them? The same eye that makes the beauties of a - or can't discover the flaws, &: to lavish the praise, don't we have any drit to criticize? Perfonnc no longer makes d jufi:ice that n1oi at excllens open to the Ancients & Moderns who dealt with the five Orders d. 'Archi.. tc. & ure Greeks & Ro. ma-ins. . de ' leu. rs. proprtions . & de their decorations. Accountable to their discoveries of progress what I could have done in my art,. I. take them for masters... p. o_ . ur. . ipor. . _. l. s , -. <; '. l ,d, - w". s -mai,, s q u- '- j.._e. . t. e'. " - 1- - -. tl- .. a- mbeJ- u. q., i Digitized by Google PRf :F EC. vij mcntquclclcuradonnVignole, Auteur le plus fuivi; rr ai joint plufieurs obftrvations of the 1st individual members of the Order Doric in relation to fon couplen1ent, & Ionic rordre lant ancient that modern relatively tofes capitals. I sharpen to each of these Orders the pilasters of the attic which ,}convicts him to the- I end up with the French Order, which I describe in great detail. The second part dmontr the proportions that the columns placed one after the other must have, those of their jibs, of their mafes & entablatures ;- as prefered with the rules for the spacing of these columns. The tro.ime, tablit les moyens d'lever les Ordres iccoupfs les uns fur les unes fur les autres, auffi regularly que si ils ttoient ifols avec les proportions convenables & dtern1ines pou r rendre the difl:ributions of the entablatures of: each Order in the same exaelitude they have in the Ifolated Orders, colotfals on fur w1. i foubalfe1nent for the decoration of a building... All these operations were carried out with the help of a ladder... particular difpofe for this purpose:r: &. of which the main one is the egg dl deftin i la diftriburion des--entablemcnts-. - I just limit myself in this treated cc's to put the crazy fes rcgtes & the proportins of the five Orders of Archbishop Felon the Masters. the most fuivis already named. One compares them among themselves and one tries from ptrer the motives that determined them to s'atfu. jewr to the mefurcs that they have given. Digitized by Google lV -p R FA EC. ' but this torch, when I was a great day to their masterpieces, shone with their faults. Tai noticed that the Greek Monutnents&: Romans, ainfi ' qu CC\!X qi have been raised, since their principles have -founded in the execution of difficulties rather than unknowns, ccfionncs by the lack of proportion of Architec Orders _tur. e entr... them. Ce inconvnient eft caufe qu'on ne per1:t les ne per1:t les unir enfeturer fas faire des faults que robfervateur judicieux faife u first-eyeI' r , look. -. _' S camozzi, Palladio, Vitruvius & the others Aniens, some efpefrables that their_precepts, by the way, fail, do not fournilfenc .point de relfources alfez sres pour lever cet obftacle; exats ous give the description of each Order in particular & the din1eno.s of. each monume?t, they do not have any rules written down for the relative proportions of the Orders. Elles toien. -rbitraires & varioient Celon the -project- that they avoyer demployer . one Order preferably over another in u building. any, to mate the columns, o d the ifolated 'laiffer'; or entin d'le- bending worms Orders one after the other... - . . ---: These variations seemed to me worthy of, uh, special attention. ' The more errors in the <.:onftru6lion , the more the ule d.;avoir uri safe principle which no brings back to lexal:e_- pcion of regularity. . .. j in uis pr pof-ds -and it--0n no new . . , Let's look at what it takes to make an archival order.... A proportion11-in dimenons that laughs co1:1v.icone that to him, from the att.ributs ds the decoration which I .ca1-atri.fcnt & phent and confused it with lin.other; it's everything Ja. ' Digitized by Google . PR FA EC. The most rigid censors can demand :: I say more,. the Compofite gold I have just mentioned, proves that it has not even been demanded always. The Romans adopted this Order of which the Co rinthian & Ionic provided all the decoration; they therefore adopted it. thanks to the Author fur_ la nceffit des p:ributs diftinlifs. They the proportion of the number of the people who have been more lenient, may this The Order has no other order than that of the Corinthian, to which, moreover, he challenges: a much inferior one. But it's a long way from being able to do anything for me to be indulgent, the Order that I prefer to the Public. eft enriched cl'un decoration that eft own . The. neceffity of in barter.ver un has- been for 1noi a very sweet law,. may it have follrnied me the occaGon of fculptr fur the marble & the stone the attri bues of the Crown of a Prii1.c whose name efl: engraved in all the curs. So much richness in the decoration of this xth century. Order required in proportion a particular nobility & majesty; this is which I have tried to satisfy again by giving it more elevation than the other five Orders. Jeluiloijnele Qo1n4'0RDREFRANAIS, I am flattered that the Ornmcqts q_ui l'embellilfent l'alfez dear to the Nation so that it permt to bear this name. AvaQt 4 rmjner ce difcourse it refi:e to rcnq,re rmjner ce difcourse it refi:e to rcnq,re rmjner ce difcourse it refi:e to rcnq,re rmjner ce difcourse it refi:e to rcnq,re rmjner ce difcourse it refi:e to rcnq,re rmjner ce difcourse it refi:e to rcnq,re rmjner ce difcourse it refi:e to rcnq,re rmjner ce difcourse it refi:e to rcnq,re d.iviftos ge ce trait compof de trois pardes" The pmiere contains the proporop d haun of the five Orders of Arhiteure, felon Sca..moz.zi Palladio&. Vignole, & le fi, Orclres propof avc leurs lcaiJs {{an; J mme r-range-- Digitized byGoogle . . .. Vllj As for the Hiftoric part of the Art of rArchiteht re, & the explanation of the terms, one fuppofe that the perfonne who will read ct_ work do fufficiently intlites, & in case. elle de.reroient l'tre more amplen1en fur -these two pairings, one - the please acknowledge the previous authors, dns lefquls 1 we'll find out what the hell fophier has to say about it, A V ANT . P R OPOS . 4-YA NT to deal with the proportions of the Orders of Architrur-c, favoir; the Tuscan, the DoRIQ.UE, the loNIQ.:u, the CoMPOSITE& the CORINTHIEN, I have judged The proportions given by the most famous Masters have to be put in a crazy way in order to make them understand,& d to know the varieties of their pre-varieties. Lur _elpofition demonstrates .incontefl:ablement that lles ot summer tbli arbitrairement potJr the peculiar views that each Mate has had of afie- some Orders with each other, fleeing from the Buildings they have to raise, but still with inconveniences. On this occasion I propose myself from cimodtrcr what you can earn in domant to the five News Orders p.rportio,ns -which f-llt _o _-le 4ccJre alfe fouyet r : ce q_ue . fes ornaments make him prdre by the.fillie .de leqrs- diantr_es-, _on: . fe- will determine VQlontirs in favor_ of the gragacion - feize modules that it doir voir re!ativen to" the >order P:0rqe that ft. increased by one-- .di-diam_tre. - _ _: , _ .. -; :. ORDERED O.llIQUE. , . . . - - . This second order has 17 modules of height a. u. . instead of 16 _que. give him the old one. ...fon entablishment 4 months, 4 par-- Ties. or a quarter of the column, -- . - This Order, atffi-bin as well as the prcdnc; lorfqu'il eft ifol.& fans bolfages, pcQt galemet run on the poportion .que. gives him Vignole. ' ' . n qu l'Qr<:ire_Doriq\lC emaode e applicatin par-- ticuliere for the.dil\ric,n-de fes triglips_& mthope of which l'entablement cft dcor, - & por ne fe pas arter des fpae mcnts prcfcrits - par les Anciens, & obfcrvs par les Modernes,. quifont en effet les plus rguliers. C'eft ce que je vais dmo1r1trer for this tan ifol Order that has been issued, B .. Digitized byGoogle 10 TREATY 0 R -DR E o-o R"I QUE I s- 0 L- - For the Doric Doric Ordrc iful, put a middle trigliphe to the other a diamettc or two modules; share this space in J 2. equal parts-, give 2. o to rarchitrave as much to the fridge, & 2. 8 to the ledge. These three dimensions will contain 68 parts, or 4 parts in diameter. P-because of this diftribution the methop will have 2. o parts of height & as many widths: mem:z fled 12. parts for the whole trigliphe; . these two members will contain enfemple Jf. parts, or a diametre, from the middle of one trigliphe to the other > proportion defi&ed as the most exa&ed to fOrder ifol DORIC ORDER ACCOUPL.. I have just established the proper proportions - for the Ordr Doric ifol: here are the ones he ell indifpcnfble d., ob(erver lorf that this Order cft coupled. Divide c module or half-diameter into t% pmes---egafes, . give a two-part module. to architrave ... - a mo4ule parts & a half to the fridge as well as to the cornice ,. to make 4 modutes 3-parts ,,, or a quarter of 1-7modules fia.uccur cfe la c.otonne;, the methope must have 1 S: parts & a half of high-u- 8' as wide, &. 12;. parts for the trigliphc er ces two mefurcs make three parts together &mie, & the propor- the;. Digitized by Google D'.A R CH l-T E C TURE. 11 . ...and a half a putics and a half bankrupt by getting one euro of pattie for the small empty CDtte the two plinths ... in order to separate one from the other; it will make of m!ine to the taillirs tents:. pr cc average the cfpzce of a milicude trigliphe to the other will make of 6 parts ...half as far away as the Ifolated Order, where he was only d-a dia:... meter. This lcvc method is suitable for all the ddcults that make the counterpart to prefer in fon execution. ORDERLY . This Order has 9 diameters or 18 modules of height, which give it to theBi Palladio-& Vignol, & confers -a- gradation proportioncllc with the- dcm:-:orders that preceded it. Il faut agree that one can do no better than to fivrc pom this Order. . the dimenons prefcrite s pa. - t_ - t. es - A. i. s . . except- es- , ' } J .&. , ' ' - ... .; - - .. l . Digitized by Google D:A R CHI.TE C TURE. - .. 1 . ' - . ... . - PRELIMINARY THOUGHTS At Jzxilm Order, or. Order Franis. . IL r<; n-- ene rotes 1 Natio, or por mie - say entr tow _ le_s ho1?1111es, a hcurufe mlation who anie _perped them . uellement dt;i defir_ de- fe furpalfer_ les _un les autres. This di_fpo _- fition favorab. le_ at progr de- ?t always gives them a new degree of perfection. tion. The Ohfervaterjudicieux that _medit f1.:1r les _opations .du grii de firivent. eur_, a ce _celi.. ci fa glory partiulire; i- n'e no cratur, ais: rform; il -_n' not found what efi: bien--, but l sees this qu _pooit being eux. _Il tblt plus e varit ns c that ot too nio_rme. Without departing from the mien effektness of the choke; he adds to it some new- -v - ux o. nemt en. . . D- 'un like do... nc il . ,right on the eyelash... the idea pri . . . . mitivc, he _does nare some efpces -d1tfrents axquellcs he gives -a particular carael:ee. La_ premire colonne a imagine d'aprslafunplenature;unarbre lui a fervi de-modl ainfi qu' toutes les autres, qui ne font, proprement parler, que des copies aries. Cpennt their pop? rtios, lur datons & l_eurs ibutions in the various Buildings where they have t placed the . made dilHnguc_r from each other, like different Orders. Auffi have they been confessed by giving them names, or of their Invnteurs, or of the Peoples who have mifed them in ufage in the confluence of their Temples or their fomptuous Edi6ces. Digitized by Google 14 TREATED Wherever rArchitecture rArt. eft cuJ.p. v__on . CODDC> t . that five Orders led by the Masters of Art who obtained them from the Greek and Roman Monuments. C'cfi: CD always escaping from the Ancients that the French Archicceles acquired dns their Art the condration of which they play today in the Europ- All our beautiful Monuments are built in the like the Greeks & Romans; but with as much glory as the Greeks & Romans; but with as much 1 Last time, we didn't get to know each other as well as we do now. ] rights; & believing peutre l'Architeaurc has reached its term, we didn't have to become creators. The late King, - whose reign was that of the Arts - testified the I don't think it's right to invent a new Regnc fan. Order of the Architeleure. . Emulation warmed the genius of many Architects who the ranks, & _present the fruit of their a tion. Malhcureufemcnt their projects were fuccessful fans: fans doubt that they were not caraaerifed in such a way as to be able to m riter ne place. like the Romans got it for They are not covered with these; that is to say, they are not covered with these aibuu 1! the challenges involved in establishing a new Archbishop... Order, which, felon the most cxaae definition; n must be ni des 111mcs decorations ni des mmes proportions_s que ls five others, condt-. ions that we believe we should . ep a. joust a other > c'eft q 'it must p3S n9n no longer ftJi ,r infrietJJ' ea beauty. Digitized by Google ' A R C H I T E C T U R E . JJ No matter how badly failed the attempts made by the madman, the Regne du feu Roi, je ,ai pas ru devoir pas perdre_ courage; anim du delir de me dftingucr, & tchant de mriter, s'il cft poffi ble, les fuflrages de mon Roi , du Miniftre des Arts & de ma -Nation, I have revived a saying to which I believe that: long works and affidavits will give this work weight. If I have not CU the happiness of remfti, at least the confidence that the The public will look kindly on the works conferred to the glory of my Fatherland, and our Fatherland, and our Fatherland, for what it's worth. Jlattcur de confommcr un projet p Kings. opof p the l . great _of 0 R DR E-F R A N A I s.- The News Table prponions onnes for a wide range of the five Orders, Planche_Uc s prfente as well as the fixed one appell French Order, which has diames & half 2. 1 modules of elevation, & which efi: by conferring superior to all others, & in the case of being established under Corinthian. -With regard to the proponions of fes details, fes cfpacements & of 1 ' .all these parts fit into the details of all Orders. A.l.gard de fa dcoration it rcprefertc tmm>nne attributes & men10rablcs facts du Roi Bien-Aim; genre fufeptiblc des. ornements, les plm fomptueux, & qu'il cft fac.le d'appercu.le par les lvations; of this Order seen from the front & angle > fans qu'il foie ncetfaircen make a panic description. Digitized byGoogle 16 T-a-A--rT ,. . ... \ ' .. DETAILS OF THE SIX O'l.DRES p-ARCHITECTURE. After having given a general idea of the Archi teaure's orders, he eft to ptopos enter _in_ the details of chacu in particular, it's eft--dir_e of their ink columns, their poti"'." of their mugs, their mugs, their capitals, their entablatures, their entablatures, their finally from their_ pilc_s d,attic; c that I propose to make in the same order as in Vignole & Davil:er fo C Commentator. C( I thought devir would challenge me to name all the mouldings that caraerifies every Ordr; I run away that the ds '- where the Authors who have treated of this Art enter, are fuffling. so that the artists who perfectly connoisseur them, do not demand J not, in a book, a rehearsal, which by the way does not teroi that to overload the pla. nches unnecessarily I run away content with ' Quote all Orders at the ends of chaqe profi a the space of the failures, starting from the axis of the column which - eft 1 is the center point of the spacings. ORDER Digitized by Google - ...- . D'ARC_ HI TE C TU -RE. 17 0RDRE1 ' .0SCA . N E;NTRE-COL()NNE. Lo RD RE! o(can efi: the least conceivable decoration . PL (; This raifon prinec to adopt the poportin qrton will judge the plu convenable at the scene? Where we would have preferred to put it in use, -both for elevation and spacing. We will be able to (uivre -those -which propofe- Scammozzi, Vignole & the other May''t'res who 1ont very. - .. According to the new Table of proportions of the fixed Orders, the Tofan Order is made up of 1 modules, including the bafe & marquee; fon entablement cft of 4 modules 4 parts, proportion relative to that of the Doric entablature which fixes the proportion of the entablatures of the other Orders. . _,.... ' '.. p' 0 R TIQUE. Cc l'ort4ue c;ft ,fans_pideftu ainfi que cous les utres. fai - "1 jev:oir take this side, prfuad that the pidfi:aux qcrui fent\a beaut des Ordres, & qu'ils font 1nieux cors d'wi fim ple foclc, which efi: fix in :e processed -module & den . - ; 1 l high. ur, it can. t: eQ xi ier more or less Celon l. es ca5- r . C Digitized by Google - TRA I T.E 0 B S E R V A T I O N . l:11 ... It cft of the .buildings where the columns {e find themselves enclosed in the mafftfs of the walls; but in order to take this side it is necessary to be there. the forced; in this case only the "qart" of the column must be enclosed. lca e way will make it more bankrupt. & him donner more_:grace. Although I have proposed myself in the course of this work of to suppress the pedestrians & raise tow the orders fur ds Co. keys, I don't mean to banish them from the Architeleure. There are cases The first is that of a man who is not a member of the family, but who is not a member of the community. . watch as you have access to Architectural Orders. Plan & elevation of the Bafl. PL 7- : _This Bafe has a height module & 2, 2, parts bankrupt to take from the middle- d_e the column. Marquee & Fencing. Pl. 1. -Cc Capital has 1 8 parts & . half height; the Entablc nt 6 8 parts or 4 modules 4 parts, including 2, o for the Archi trave , as much for the fridge, & 2, 8 for the cornice ; it rcfs to - -obferver que la di_minution de la colonne eft de 4 parts de fon Pilajlre ttilJue. Pl. 9- There is no need to go into the reasons that made dmettrc this Order, &which authorized fage to use it in Digitized by Google TREATY 1:METHOD To strengthen the Pilaflres by means of Column Orders. To form this Order, it is necessary to start from an established principle at the determined measure of the Order-Column; i.e., that the diameter & height of the Order-Column produce the dia- > Metre & Height of the Order - Attica. In this work I am following the dian1etre of the coloanctt>Us les Ordres set at Six feet. C'eft fur cc dia1ntr it must - -. divifer fon dia1ncre en; 2. parts gales in relation to the one of !'Order-Column, & flee from all the c8tcs who do placed with precifion to the pilafi:res of the attic of the fix Orders... At the end of this work we find the Tables of Proportions-> -. not to fire the fixed Orders included in this Treaty ,.but.still. Digitized by Googl 2.2. TREATY C --o -R- DR E D O IR THAT. Pl. OJ, : . :. _: - .. . E .N T R E - O L. 0 N N E . THE height of this Order fuivanila Table of nouvellePro efi portions: of 8diameters & a half, & the entablature 1nent of 4 modules 4 parts; fon efacing a middle column to the other efi: of 8 modules. In this interval it fc finds cr0is sort gliphs & four metopes between the two trigliphs established in the middle of each column. This Order, as one fait, .efl, fleeing from the cfpaceme nts of the Ancients, the most difficult to execute reg. ul. ierally by rapp on to the diftribution of fr. ife. Aufli Vitruvius excepted it from the rule of the t - _pfur all : difficulty which makes it difficult to can be found at myen of the established proportions dns the _new gradations of the Ord. res. fix. Pl. He, POR TYQ EU. This Gantry has 8 opening modules & 1 height. The fridge is decorated with five-crigliphs, & metopes between the two trigliphs that are in the middle of the columns: the arcade e ft of an advantageufe proportion, & the interval of 2 is avoided. modules between the entablature & arcade, which are shown in the def . fein du-portique pideftal fans of Vignole, which seft found by Digitized byGoogle o- A R ,C ,H I T E C. T U R E. -l fa diftribution .da:ns robgation to extend aftrgale by one . colne to the other. bad effect. e for. e... decrease _efpacc, i.e. make a rs- . P L AN s r L'E r.J.. r r o N o z - L -B.J.. s-E. This Bafc has a l!lodule d height- & 2. parts- of.bankrupt, & -differ from that of Vigno.le only in that the small cor a dclfus. du tore- fupricur-, eft a? en huteur au liftel. felo.n cet Auteur,' eft ici d'une demi-partie- plus fort, ce qui le rend more fenfible & the diftingue of the liftel which must be lower acre. ' ' CBJtPITB..I.UBT ENTABLEMBN 'I'. The marquee is 1 9 & a half parts high, the top has 4 modules. s 4 parts or 6. 8 parts, of which io for the ardu- -Water, so much for the fridge, & :z. 8 for the cornice. The proportion of the .chapiceu is 3.5 parts & a half of the new scale higher than that of Vignole, eu gr4 at the height of the Orche which eft augmnte- by half a diameter, & -- to the distribution of fcs prfils- which caratrifent it from .m.niere to get richer when it's judged- about decorating it with festoons. ornaments diftintifs. The, .file - q_ui . fparare le quan - de rond du cong au-dc1fous du taill?r empcher que les ornemcns qu'on y pratique ordinaire1nent- ne fe. c9fondent. -. : . . 0. Pl. u. . . Digitized by Google . -T R A. 1 T -S , -.. . - .. -: .. The drops that go underneath the rigliphes in rarchitravc must tre ondes, because they represent the gotts from iu that we--fttppofe fall from the '-channels of m. que'trigliphe.- We invite you, (which we will have dc.ein: to decorate them pes). 4e-?_ue,o.. rueen. saihucifs, from lesJr p 4 u n. . Pl. l,f,, qur pf that 4th their fa;.re _aer the npd - of the eQplt (! the fright, because their relics destroy the bankruptcy .des a-igliphs- :i must dlinguer pr.frcn ,. fat. _ the efficient decoration of the entablature of this Order. p I L S T R ED ' T T T I Q U _E- - - - l,e :P-i.l#Jfttt; afC$ hapitaux d toUs ls Orders attiquc:s up ta,P,; -t fi f.nfib1e--ux befs hapiceaux des cololUJCS ,_ ql efl ill.\til -4't:nti't .da - more details at ct jd, . : .... ' . . ' ORDER ,r Digitized by Google ORDREDORIC COUPLED . P -L A. N- S. THE first of these Plans. establishes a spacing ds colo,;mes aux pilaftres gal i that of ul)ecolonne- at utre_,. which gives two mechopes in the corner_. le fecond efi: confers to the ufage constrained by the Ancients & the Moderns, when they have tri?- multiplied this Order with sorting gliphe - folded in the angle, this q produces n. more faulty & unavoidable forebody; in this circumstance, Orre Doriue was the feul of the Orders fufceptible of this fuppreffion. Elvations des Bafis , Chapiteaux fi Entablements The Bafes are a module of height & 1; parts of faillies, 1 j les Chapiteaux 1 3 par. tis. d h_a u. te. ur 1 ; de faillies , l'Enta- blement has 4 modules J parts or ; 1 parries of height, of which 14 for the architrave/ 18 & -dmi pot1:r .la frife, & as many for the cornice; the mthpe en! ' -' e dex ,:trigliphs that furiously make the the middles of the columns, and, that it must be, squared; those PL' 1&.I . ...... angles of production, comm, t can be noticed, the eJfct that to get the friggin' fans in front of the body. There is only dilference between the ttigliphe's space and the angle of the front body fan fridge; which efi: more fupportable than putting 1:1n folded trigliphe in a the angle, which puts the backco. rps a half inch away. another trigliphe. D oigiti,ed byGoogle j es :s :s lei1 )S n, lC 1e o- A R C H I T E C T U R E. ORDER I O_N.I QUE ENTRE-COLONNE. L;ORDRE Ionique eft de mme. proprtion en hauteur ue in Vignole, & tel que les Gres ront tabli.- There is no difference that the modern capital fubftitu l'antique. At this In this respect we will do lire d; mployer the one of the deqx that we jugra . the one &. the other in this treatise. .. The cfpace from one 1nilieu de colonne to the other cfr de 4 dintres or 8 odules ; the entablature 4 modules 4 parts, the modil lon that decorate the cornice have a module of spacing from one medium to another, which facilitates the means of raising this Ordt felon les c(pcements des Ancie1:1S- PORT.IQUE.- This gantry has 9 opening modules &. twice the width in height, - - P/year & elevation of the /,afl. : . . . : -This mug has 17 parts high & 2. 2. Bankruptcy. His proles - the whole difference from that of Vignole, which seems to be con milking the beautiful Architeleure 1 requires a great deal of detail. l-es mo. ulur-es- -, , un--e- pr--ogreffi- :-on d. - e r-i!J.. d-ofes- relat- iv- - ij . Digitized by Google Pl. 11. i ; 1 TREATY difference from one Order to another, & instead 4ui eft defl:ined to each particular Order in relation to the one that preceded it & to the one -1ui_ flees it. :Clzapiieau EntJ,kmmt. Le chapiteau qui eft moderne 2.4 height parts, _leDta blement 4 modules 4 parts or 6j partie, of which 2. o for the ar- _: chitrave, 2.0 for the fri- _ & 2.8 pur la corniche q_ui eft doc n1odillon de n1odillons a lieu de denticules. I fled from Palldio's cxmple' which conformed to the most perfect model friends- - ques , &; which gave the proportion &: the dtails of the entablemnt '. : of this Order executed at Tcple - cle la Concorde. These dtails '. These cf : make fans preferable to those of Vignole, who imagined a maffe of small details & of -mou)u:1"es which flourish, at cf. mad about the drip, all the decoration of the entablature is of the Ionic Orare, & make it inferior to the Doric Order which precedes it with mutules, & n1oins in conformity with the Corin Orders. thien & Compofite that have modillions. - k mo 'it{ dregs diJ thread( ' t Pl. ' .2, .1. 1 P/year in large d1' Modern marquee. This plan efl: geometrically established in order to provide the lus graade ease of the detfmer & the etlter.-On .crouyera fur Ja plache even a .xafl.e .xafl.e ,pow- I traj:er. 1 Digitized byGoogle D' A R G ti _i T . Plan, elevation 6 ,rofild# cl,"u mederne-vu deface, 6J the way .. . ' I, uh, hand-pulled the scrolls. ,. - The i 2. 4 park e hateur where n .chapiteaul