E P I S T R E. efire a Vous. It belongs to You, LORD, through all the doors of title. This is You who has conceived the deffein, fecundity by the tender paternal love that You have for the beautiful Arts, still more so by this dominant paflton, which does not allow You to forget anything that can contribute to the Glory of nofire great Monarch. C'efi Vous aufil, MON SEIGNEUR, qui prejfé par ces mefmes motifs, ave^ fourni tous les moyens tous les fecours necejfaires pour fon execution, en forte qu'il ne m'y refie d'autre part que l'honneur d'avoirfinivi Vos ordres, qui pouvaient tomber aijement en de meilleures mains. If this Work had appeared at the height of our peres, where the Architect had only just begun to revive, it might have been regarded as a kind of infult that one would have liked to make to France, by making her see how far she was away in the confirmation of the Baflimens from this beauty of this magnificence which burst out in the fabled Edifices of ïancient Rome; But today, MONSEIGNEUR, que parVos foins, dv par ce gonfi exquis que Vous ave^ pour toutes chofis, cette Maître fie des autres Arts, la belle dv noble Architeliure efi prefque parvenu à fa derniere perfection; je ne fiay fi l'on n'on ne pas fi fi could pas pluttoft s'imaginer que cefi: a kind of homage which these ancient monumens come to pay to the admirable works of fi ne fire, after having recognized that the great Men, who raised them, the Augufles, the Trajans and the Ancient tannins have given way to the first place in the Temple of Glory, to the invincible, to the Great and the Magnanimous. Indeed, MONSEIGNEUR, like all the military virtues of civilians, which have made these Roman Emperors fi celebrated, fi find themselves affixed in an incomparable nofire Monarch, d>* find themselves there even in a higher degree, which have not appeared feparently in each of them; can one not say aufii that the most beautiful, the most E P I S T R E. fomptueux & of more splendid in their large Buildings, fe sees in some strong ramajfé in our Works, which felon all the appearances will furpafler them in few years in number, beauty & magnificence. After having beny the Cield'efire born in a fiecle fi full of wonders, fi fecund in these strong of beante^, for which he gave me so much love > allow-te^-moy, MONSEIGNEUR , that I return You a thousand allies of graces to have thrown the eyes fur moy , to make me enter in some part of the execution of these admirable deffeins that You meditated^ every day for the glory of the greatest King of the world > Filled with so much happiness, it does not trust me any more to defy that to be able to acquire by study & by work, fur all by the glorious advantage of executing Your orders which invalidate, & which animate fi puifficiently those who receive them, a capacity proportionate to the ardour of my %ele, & which answers in some strong way to the violent & refftueufe pajfion, with which I flee, my lord, Voftrc tres-humble, tres-obeïflanr, & tres-obligc Servant A. DESGODET Z. I have no doubt that my cntreprifc will be very reckless, to want to mieter a subject on which the most fçavans Architects have already worked, and which they have fcmblcnt to have entirely exhausted: I do so with great reluctance and with difficulty in peruding myself that it does not add anything to the works cxccllcns that Palladio, Scrlio fie Labacco have given us of the Ancient Buildings, & to what Moniteur de Chambray has noticed in Fon Parallele de l'Architcélurcancque avec la moderne' because the veneration that my masters . The veneration that my Masters have infpircep for the writings of these great Perfonnages, having always made me read them with rcfpcét, I never had the thought that nothing could be found there, which does not flee supported fur very good raifons, I have preferred that if there are some choices which do not agree with those of which the vulgar cfl is capable, these Autheurs have others which make us unknown, trusting that all our capacity does not allow us to give us any right, only to guess them if we can, to make them our own profit. In this praiseworthy prevention I have looked for what could have been done, that these proud Autheurs have neglected the preccifion ô£ l'cxadiiudc which is lacking in the deferiptions & dclïeins they have given to the public; for at last it cannot be said that the mcfurcs believe in them, ny that the goul & all the parts of the originals are exactly reported in the wind, though most of these choies are different in the books of each of these Architects, I trust that he is confident that even before denying the remarks, which show that they did not say the choies as they do, they have already denied one another. He believes me to have come first in the spirit, that these great Autheors have not judged that such exactitude is of no use > the excellence fi£ the beauty which makes one admire the Edifices of the ancients, does not make it possible for the greatness of the Edifices to be seen. But, confessing that these Autheurs have marked all the proportions of the parts, even the smallest and less important ones: I think that we have to believe that, as they don't fit in their mcfurcs, there could be at least one of them who put the real ones there. And this exactitude of these great Masters with cottcr routes the mcfurcs, fcmblc to make hear, that there are miftcrcs in the proportions of the Architetturc, that he cll only gave to the Sçavans to penetrate, & that in the same way as in the course of the Affres, In the Organs which are fervent in the noblest Foundations of Animals, there are movements & conformations of which one ignores the castaways made the ufages, although one is afraid that there is nothing in these perfect fixtures which does not ferve to some chofe; It is possible that the Sçavans in Architecture, who have a share in the work of this great Master of Arts, are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the end of these proportions; And if there are some whose raifons escape their con-noiffancc, it is necessary to judge by those they have discovered, those which have not yet been found, & cftrc affeurc at least that these great examples which the ancients have given us, could not be exactly imitated. Ma première intention a donccftc lors que j'ai entrepris de mefurer avec PREFACE. prccifion the antiquirez of Rome, to know which of these Autheurs who (have in reputation must err fuivy , as having given the true mefurcs. But when I had used all the necessary hay to clear up this doubt, I was quite furprised to find another clarification which I did not choose, who has failed to see that those who have indulged in the Ancient Buildings have not done so with care, because there is no such thing as a defect that we don't find very-confidence-cracking faults." As long as it does not flee from a great law, as long as it does not flee from having had the patience to take all these neither hard nor soft, as long as the capacity of the men who have taken up the defaults of the ancient Buildings, & which they have explained to us with so much dottrin, is not much affected by the defaults that we see in them, which must be imputed only to the Workers that they contemplate at work, pour erre ou prcfquc inaccccclîblcs par leur hauteur,ou cachées dans la terre dont cllcsctoicntcouvcrtcsjjcn'auroisncanmoinsjamaiscu la hardiefle de paroîtreen public,en une qualité aufll peu favorable qu ell celle de réformateur desOuvra-gcsgcnerallcmcnt approv I have been forced to obey powers, & to defer to approvals that have had to be furmonted & my inclination not to produce, & the confidence that my age should make me have in a company of this importance. It is therefore appropriate, before judging my conduct in the publication of this Book, that one should know with what spirit I undertook it, by what conduct it was put into the Tettar where it was published, & what led me to publish it: for the text is a click I first undertook only for my own inftruttion, & what I then undertook for the sake of my own inftruttion. particular. Monlcigncur Colbert Superintendent of the Baftimens du Roy, to carry out the challenge that His Majesty has entrusted to me to cultivate the Sciences & Arts in the Kingdom, with a hay, & by a magnificence worthy of greatness, having ctably an Academy of Architecture in the Royal Palace 3 where there are aflcmblécs of the Architects of the King. I obtained in 1*571. the per-miflion debt prefers to these conferences, where after having during nearly two years enjoyed the advantages that there are to hear perfected experts in all the connotations of Architecture; I was at the end of the year 1674. sent to Rome the Academicians that the King maintains there to study Architecture, Painting & Sculpture > I left with refolution to spare nothing to take advantage of a fi favorable opportunity to take advantage of the ardent challenge that I had to face, and I propofay to use in this journey all the pain & all the nccctary patience to come to the goat of this challenge: I did not lack material. First of all we were taken from the Turks who took us to Algiers, where we stayed for the first half of the month, from where, having been delivered by an exchange which the King made, I did not yet find in Rome the freedom that I thought I could have defeated, to study in my own way these monumens of the spirit, & of the knowledge of the ancients, which I had hoped to see with so many cmprcflcmcnt, that I intended to know, & to examine with an exattitude which does not detract from the permife. I see that in order to unearth what is hidden, and to approach the high ground as I wanted, I will have to spend a lot of time and effort, and I will have to suffer a lot of pain, much of which is beyond my strength. My zeal PREFACE. neantmoins & ma pcrfevcrancc iurtcrcnt finally all these diffieukez. For I have found the means during the sixteen months that I have spent in Rome, to define myself all these ancies I have raised the planes, & made the elevations & profiles, with all the mefurcs that I have exactly desired, having observed the contours of the oniemcns in their gouft, & in the different ways that can be noticed there. I have checked the whole several times to confirm myself in a certainty for which I can answer, having made those who are in-circumbers searched, & made cfchcllcs & other machines to approach those who are much elevated, in order to see closely O Christ with the Compass the heights & the failures of all the members, as well in general as in particular to the smallest parts. Having communicated these documents to Mcfficurs of the Royal Academy of Architecture, whom I quoted on my return, and to qucl'autcl'autrcs perfonnes très intelligentes pour les examiner, they testified to me to approve them to give me the confidence to prefer them to Monseigneur Colbert, who ordered me to put them in a state to be engraved by the most skilful of those who engrave the Architecture for the King, and to be printed: Wishing that the whole thing was done at the expense of His Majesty, so that nothing would be missing from the park in the perfection of this Work. In the confrontation that I make of the mefurcs that I have prifes with ccllcs that make marked in the Autheurs that I have already named, I make two slabs of these Autheurs, because Palladio, tabacco ÔeMonficur de Cambray have cta-bly desmefures precifcs, with Icfqucllcs they mefut routes the particles of the Baftimens that they describe; Scrlio does not give any: so that I have reported all the proportions of the parts of the Buildings which he has deflected to the degree that he gives of the columns^, fupofanr que ce diametre a effete bien inefuré -, I compare the mefurcs which he gives, & the mefurcs of the other Autheurs to the mefurcs which I have deprived, which make two strong ones: the ones make prifes with the Parifico foot, which is called Roy's foot, of which at each plane with elevations &C profiles in small I have calculated the mefurcs of one side: the others make prifes with the diametre of the bottom of the Columns of each Building, which I divide into two modules, & each module into thirty parts: de forte que tout le Diamettre entier cft divilé en foixante parties, le nombre defquclles j'ai chiffré à chacune des parties que j'ai mcfurc, 6c l'ay put on the other side of the deficit). For large profiles I have them all mefu-rez& quantify by the module, so that we can compare the proportions of each other, & that foreigners can know the mefurcs. I've defined all the profiles in the same module size, so that you can compare them with your own eyes, fans that you don't need to calculate the parts. On trouvera peut-eftre la grande prccifion des mefurcs que je donne, avoir quelque chofc d'inutile ou de trop affette, lorfquc par exemple je remarque que fur une longueur de neuf ou dix Toifes, quelqu'un des Autheurs que j'examine s'eft eft trompe de fix ou fept lignes : but I did not think that to avoid the reproach of a vain attempt at exattitude, I should not have tried to express the chofes as I found them, but rather that this exattitude is the result of the late chofc, so it is icy. For if it has escaped me in two or three places to make some reflexion on the particularities I have noticed, I do not give them as coming from moy j but as having heard them. to be made in the lectures of the Academy: & although these reflections are based on the particular opinions of some of the company, &: non rcccücs par les autres, elles m'ont allez toucher l'cfprit pour ne me pouvoir empefeher de les rapporter en des occafions où les exemples de la pratique des anciens fcmbloienc en quelque façon les appuyer, de telle forte ne néanmoins que fa liberté demeure toute entière au Lecteur d'en juger avec beaucoup de facilité t ayant devant les yeux les pièces fur lefqucllcs il doit jugcr* a- . , The defleinsque fay donnerz represent the Buildings in the cftat they do, &. I have not imitated the Auchcurs who do not do it just by touching them up, but by rebuilding them all over again, including a large Temple with three Colonhcs who have some of them back; I only did it because of the small particles that were there, like scrolls or leaves that are missing from the capitals, I only did it because the small particles that were there, cnjpc-choicnt to doubt, that the ones that I rebuilt, were not made in the same way that I made them. I have mentioned in the title of this book only the buildings in Rome, and those in the other places I have enclosed, which are so few in number, that they are not worthy of a separate article. I have put cnfcmblc those that make of melme efpccc such as Temples, Arcs, Theatres, & Amphitheatres, Baths,&c. And the order that I have fuivy to place them, eft ccluy de fa grandeur & de fa beauty of the Buildings, rather than that of the antiquity, which ctt a chofc so one does not fit fi well, &; f which there is no certainty. TABLE OF CHAPTERS CONTENTS IN THIS BOOK CUAP. I. I 'V V Pantheon now known as the Rotunda. Page i 11. .1 J From the Temple of Bacchus 3 in Rome. 63 11 î. *From the Temple of Fauna, 4 Rome. "7$ I V. T)u Temple of Vcfta , d Rome. 82 V. DuTemple de Ve fia > d Tivoli. 88 V J. Of the Temple of Virile Fortune in Rome. 9(5) Vile. From the Temple of Peace, Rome. 10 d V 11 [. T)u Temple of Atonin, Rome. 110 IX. From the Temple of Concord in Rome. 110 X. From the Temple of Jupiter Stator, of Rome, of which he refrained three columns in Campo Vacano. 116 XI. T)uTemple of JupiterTonon, in Rome. 131 X 11. DuTemple of Mars the Avenger, in Rome. 138 X I 11. From Nero's Frontierjnee to Rome. 147 XIV. From the Bafilica of Antonm, Rome. ip X V. From Piazza di Nerva, Rome. 158 X V I. From the Portico of Septimius in Rome. 164 SEVENTEEN. From /' Arch of Titus, d Rome. 174 XVII I. From the Arch of Septimius of Rome. " ' 193 XIX. From the Arch of the Goldsmiths in Rome. 210 X X. From the Arch of Conftantine, in Rome. 215 XXI. From the Amphitheatre of Rome, call the Cobfle. 246 XXII. From the Amphitheatre of Verona. 279 X X 111. From the Theatre of Marcellus in Rome. 290 XXIV. From the Baths of Diocletian in Rome. 3cn. XXV. From the Baths of Paul Emile of Rome. 315 NOTE Outcs the failures of the bafes, tents, cntablcmcns & profiles of this 1 Book, made from the line that grazes through the middle of the columns or pilallrcs, as explained on page 18. Les cornices, & autres moulures, qui ne font pas retour, ne laiflcnt pas d'eftre profilées en ce Livre, comme fi elles le faifoient, pour en faire connoiftre les profils, & pour pouvoir y mettre les chiffres des mcfurcs, afin de ne clhe pas obliger à repérer des deffeins Tans ncccfiitc. The mcfurcs, which have the module examined, do not relate to those of the mcfms of the deffeins which have the Roy's foot examined, because when the diameter of the columns of the dcflcins of the Authors, which have the module examined, cft too big or too small, it makes change the proportions, when it cft reduced in modules. EDITIONS AND MISTAKES TO BE CORRECTED. P Age i. line 4rf.de by the defl'us, h/ê^& by ledcfl'ous. Pagcio. line 15. celuy de defl'us déplaift,/j/c£ ccluy dedeflus cft much ruin & dcplaift. Page 18. line 13. domed, iifez domed by the coders. Page 11. ligne j. vont au milieu du carré , il faut adjoufler : ce qui cft pratiqué pour faire que tous ces degres foient vûs d'une mcfme façon dans chaque des carrez, & que les degres qui font au bas des carrez, ncfoicnr pas cacher par la faillie, qu'ils ont les uns fur les autres. This practice cft examined cy-after in the Explicarion of the X V I IL Planche. Pagc24.lignc13.au defl'ous des colonnes au defl'us des colonnes. Page 28. line 23. pardeffus, li/èz pardeflus. Page 39. line 3. de ces doux, Ifez de ces doux de la mcfme grandeur qu'ils font. Page 41. line 39. of the frize which makes one, lifz & of the frize which it joins by one. Page 48. line 7. repreflection of the top, lifez repreflection of the fuft. Page p. line 6. it doesn't deflect, ///?;£ it doesn't dcflinc. Page 57. line 9. has more dcfiillics, ltfc% has few failures. Page 84. line 11. line 11. dontlrscoftcz, h/ez donc lescofles. Page 8^i. penultimate line, cft too high, o/7r^ cft. Page 88.line 47. two quarters, lijez two thirds. Page 94. line 9. after in Chap.6. of 4. Livre, ilfautadjoufltr- les feneftres font aulii rétrécies parle haut, & il cft a remarquerquequeque leur diambranlcsfuivcnt uniment le tour des feneftres par les coftcz & par le haut, & pofent à cru fur l'appui par le extérieur du Temple, mais par le dedans les chambranles ont des oreilles ou croflcttcspspar le haut & par le bas, & tourncntfousl'appui parle basdescroifécs. Page 100. line 27. all lice, li/èz all lice, line 33. parallel, /i/e^ by alleles. Page 103. line 2. deflating columns, lift% deflating columns, column labaf. Page 110. line 4. this Temple ,//yé^in this Temple. Page 148. penultimate line twisted twisted. Page 154. line 4. repeat at the bottom of the column. 11 there, lift repeat. At the bottom of the column there is. Page 177. lines 12.& 13. with the foclcsfousla bafe twenty feet five inches one third, the capital & the entablature, liftz avcclcfoclc fouslabafe &the capital twenty feet five inches one third, & the entablature. Page 193. line 16. where marked F & O , liftz where marked F & G. à la meline page line 36.doler /r/ê^pofer. Page ito. line 13. as it should be, as they do. Pagc22S.ligncs2j.&i4. small harpoons, ItfîÇàe.small legs. Page 238. line 7. de petits harpons, liftz dépérites pattes. Page 2p. ligne 7. de trois parties, h/cç de trois pieds. Page 288. 4 At the end of the text it is necessary to adjouften Palladio reports in fon Tofean Order some particularities of the first Order of this Amphitheatre. But ny the carattere, ny the mcfurcs that he gives of them, do not make true. 11 mer a fcul filet instead of the two that make the capital crazy ladoucine, quieft to place de l'Echinc. 11 puts a cavcr or Doric cymaife to the tailloir which does not cft there, & it still puts a crazy net to the doucinc of the top of the cornice which does not cft there auifi. For what cft of the proportions it faircouslcs nets of lamoiciep smaller & more delicate than they do. PRIVILEGE D V ROY. LOUIS PAR LAGRACE DE DIEU ROY DE FRANCE ET DE Navarre; A nosamcz&fcaux Confeillcrs les Gens tcnansnosCours de Parlement , grand Confcil, Maiftres des Requeftes ordinaires de noftrc Hoftcl , Prévoit de Paris, Baillifs, Senefehaux, leurs Licutcnans Civils, & autres nos.Jufticiers &: Officiers that it will belong, Salut. Le ficur Antoine Desgodetz Architetto nous fait remontrer que pendant le fcjour qu'ila fait à Rome, ilatrcs-cxattcment dcflinc & mefuré les Antiquitez qui y relient, dont iiauroit fait les Explanations, lefqucllcs il defircroit faire graver & imprimer fous les titres d'Edifices antiques de Rome, s'il en avoir nos Lettres de permiflion fur ce ncccflaires. To those caules wishing favourably to weave the Expofant: We have allowed him to have all the plates engraved in Latin and in Francis, in one or more volumes, in such a size, margin , carattcrcs, & as many times as good luy fcmblcra , during the time of twenty whole & confccutivcs years, ^starting from the day it fcraachcvc to engrave & print, iceluy sell &diftnbucr by any noftrc Kingdom. diftribucr fous quelque prétexte que ce fort, mcfmc d'Jmpreflion étrangère, fans le confcntcmcnt dudit Expofant,oudc fesayans caufe,àpcinc dcconfifcation des exemplaires contrefaits, trois mille livres d'amande, dépens, dommages 6c interdis; à la charge par ledit Expofant de faire graver 6c imprimer ledit Livre fur de bon papier 6c en de beaux carattcres, fuivant le reglement de la Librairie 6c Imprimerie dur. Juin r6i8. regi lire en Parlement le neuvième de Juillet enfuivant, &d'cn faire mettre deux Excinplaircscn noftrç Bibliothèque publique , un autre en noftrc Cabinet des Livres de noftrc Chafteau du Louvre, 6c un en celle de noftrc très-cher 6c féal Chevalier, Chancelier de France le ficur LeTeilier. à peine de nullité des Prefentes. Of the content dcfqiielles Vous mandons &: enjoignons faire jouir ledit Expofant & fes ayans caufe pleinement & paifiblemcnt, ccflant & faifant ccflcrtous troubles & cmpêchcmcns contraires. Let us wish that by putting at the beginning or at the end of the said Book the Extract of the Prefentes, 6c that to the copies of icelles collated by one of our amcz & faeus ConfcillcrsSccrctaircsfoy be added as to the Original. Let's order to the first HuifTïcr or Sergeant noftrc as required to do for the execution of the Prefentes all attested &: ncccflaires exploits, fans for this request another pcrmiftion: C a r tel cft noftrc plaiiir. Give 'to hunger Germain on the fourteenth day of January in the year of grace one thousand fix cens eighty-two, &of noftrc reigns on the thirty-ninth. By le Roy en fon Confeil , D' A L E N C E'. Finished to print for the first time, under the privilege preference, the ixth day of March 1681. Registre furie Livre de la Communauté des Libraires & Imprimeurs de Paris tle jo. January following the Arrti! of the Parliament of the 8th of April of the Confai Privé du Roy du February iG6j. C. Angot Syndic. A PARIS. From JEAN BAPTISTE CO I G N A RD, Imprimeur & Libraire ordinaire du Roy, rue faine Jacques, to the Bible d'or. M. D C. L X X X I I. LES I C E S A N T I Q U E S D E R O M CHAPTER I- Pantheon now called La Rotonde. OMME this Temple cft: the most complete & the best executed of those who make reflect jufqu a noftrc time, it is by this Building that I begin the defeription of those that I have mefurez. It was built by Agrippa, son-in-law of Augufte, who dedicated it to all the Gods, but it was dedicated to Jupitrich the avenger and to Cibclc; one can still see the face of the portico in the frigid aspect of this infcnption. M. AGRIPPA. L. F. COS. TERT1VM. FECIT. Le Portique ayant cfté ruine par le tonnerre, fur refait par les Emperors Severe & M. Aurélie, so that he can see it by the inscription which cft fur the banacs of the architrave; cardans the Superior there is in small carattere: IMF. CAES. SEPTIMIVS. SEVERVS. FIVS PERTINAX. ARABICVS. FARTHICVS. MAXIMVS. MAX.BRIDGE.TR1B. POT. Xl.CÛS. 111. P. P. PROCOS. And in 1.x middle band cft written, ET. 1MP. CAES. M. AVREL1VS. ANTONINVS. FIVS. FELIX. AVG. TRIB. FDTEST. V. COS. PROCOS. FANTHEVM. VETVSTATE. CORRVPTVM. CVM. OMNI. CVLTV. REST1TVERVNT. Pope Bonifacc IV. mad the Emperor Phocas dedia this Temple to God mad the name of the Blessed Virgin & all the Holy Martyrs. Two columns of the portico have been transferred to a new place, Pope Urban VIII. in 1617. had them replaced & redo their two capitals which are missing, had the frontispicc restored, flattened the place & discover the the last two steps of the church, by the windows we go up to the portico. Il fait aufli enlever les tirans& autres pièces de bronze qui eftoient rcftccs du comble, qui autrefois cft oit aulii couvert de bronze: cela le voit écrit en deux inferiptions qui font fous le portique aux deux coftcz de la porte en l'une dcfqucllcs on lier 1 1 . PantbtHmadificium toto terrarum orbe ccltberrimum db Agrippa 4ugN]ìi genero impie'jovi .c.fte-rifijue mendacibns Dns conjccratumi a Bonifacio 1 K. Pontifia t Deipara & SanchsChrifli DUTEMPLEDEBACCHUS. X d A second Floorreflects the profile of the Temple &: of the porch in Tettar which they make prcfcntcmcnt. There is reason to believe that this Temple once had a portico all around it, with the reftes that can be seen there outside the fall of a vault that ]*has marked A ; & apparently the other side of this portico was built by the baytic madman of whom he spoke, & whose profile is seen in this Plank. I have found in the vicinity of this Temple bazes of columns from fcmblablcs to ccllcsdu dedans which can cftre those of the columns fcmblablcs fur lefquellcs the vault pofoir in the same manner as it does audedansi&there is no appearance other than this Temple which does not have very great four doors as there are, &that these four doors cuflcnt iflùc en dchors.au contraire ces iflucs font fort à propos dans un Portique. Il faut remarquer que les arcs qui polcnt fur les colonnes, & qui foufticncnt la couppc do faire en arrière vouliure : ils font incruttcz de marbre par le deflou s & font de différentes hauteurs ; ceux des milieux ont quatre pieds dix pouces & demy de haut, & les autres n'ont que quatre pieds. The niches which are square in plan are circular from the top. At the top of the vault of the couppc there is a recess which may give the impression that there is an opening for forcing the smoke from the facnficcs. The door of the main entrance is square at the top where it is wider than at the bottom. In the barrel vault that turns around inside, there are antique paintings, which have been redone in many places. In the barrel vault that goes around the inside, there are antique paintings, which have been redone in many places. In the antique part, there are little children that are used during the harvest, and many different compartments: all the paintings that make up the couppc are modern, the modern cover is modern, and the modern cover is made of them. The top of the couppc ctt aufli modern > I mark the frame with punctuated lines, because I made it only by conjecture not having been able to enter it. All the brick building has the referve of the columns which are made of granite & their bazes, capitals, & entablature which are made of white marble with the incrustation of the arches which fit the columns as he said. ^erlio does not mark the foubafl'ement ny the naiflânee of vault that ctt by the outside j & does not give any mcfurcs that foicnr true. S OF THE TEMPLE OF BACCHUS. Li. A troifiémc Plate rcprcfcntc the parts of the order inside the Temple, which make the baze & the face of the capital of the columns, & the profiles of the entablature with a figure of the proportion of the columns marked C. The columns of this Temple are of different sizes, and one can say that they are of different shapes, some of which are reduced from the bottom, others where the reduction begins only at the challenge of the third of the base; I have put the profile of the one which has best proportioned me with all the walls, both those of the height and of the different diameters at the foot, at the top, and at the right of the first third downwards. It has a foot four inches a quarter of a diameter at the bottom, which I have reduced to two modules divided in the ordinary way, each in thirty parts. In the baze one can notice that the outline of the fcotic defeends lower than the top of the defious lot. The bands of the architrave are more faltering from the bottom than from the top. What is remarkable about the capital is that there is a cavity in the defiy of the quarter round of the carving, and that on the reverse side of the volutes, in addition to the acanthus leaf that covers it, there is another sheet of water by defibus that will stick against the drum of the capital by deep reverse. All the failures are at countcr of the axis of the extended column. Palladio puts olive leaves in the capital, instead of the acanthus leaves formed in the perfil leaves that make it" he doesn't make the flagship of the middle of the tailoring as he does: he puts a big foliage that covers the whole top of the scrolls, instead of a small rinceau of leaves that garnishes the inside of the band that forms the revolutions of the scroll. It obtains a small cavct which cft at the top of the tail. At the arch he makes all the plumb strips, & they are more faltering from the bottom than from the top; he puts a cavity at the bottom of the cornice where there is a heel; he puts a drop or chin that makes the drip that does not fit in there. For the mefurcs, the column with the baze, The capital, the whole cnlcmblc cft too low of fourteen parts; the baze eft too bafic of two parts a twelfth, of which the plinth cft too high of two thirds of parts. It makes the toroids each too low by three quarters of a part, the two orlcs make the thread too low by half a part each 5 & the fcotic still too low by a quarter. 11 makes the bottom cloth of the column too low by two parts & half. All the capital cft too low of twelve parts, the tailloir fcul citing* trqp low of two parts: the architrave & frieze are too low, the achitravc of one part & demy , the frize of one part, the cornice cft too high of one part a quarter. Scrlio makes the capitals of the columns quite other than it cft, he puts only one row of leaves, & he obtains the aftragalc which cft makes the quarter round. He makes the volutes lices & plattcs, as in the Ionic capitals angular fans cifre. It does not make the flagship of the tailpiece as it cft, neither Palladio; to the architrave it makes the heel & the top hftpau too small; it makes the first & the second band more faltering from the top than from the bottom, contrary to what they do; to the cornice he puts a band of den-ticulcs with a defius net,& he makes a crazy taste the drip; he puts a heel with a net between the drip & the great cymaife, where there is a feulement aftragalc, that cft a chofc aficz remarkable. Il fait le talon du bas de la corniche trop petit -, le fuft des colonnes cft trop haut de feize parties, & Icchap.ceau cft trop bas de feizeparties, l'architrave cft encore trop bas dchuit parties trois quarts,& la frize dchuit d'une partie un quart; mais h corniche cft trop haut de feize parties, & Icchap.ceau cft trop bas de feizeparties, l'architrave cft encore trop bas dchuit parties trois quarts,& la frize dchuit d'une partie un quart; mais h corniche cft trop haut de dix-huit parties trois quarts. in.jyy. DV TEMPLE DEBACCHVS A HOME. 69 — A Zèare t!f the Columns, B J arc da Chapiteau, C proportion of the Columns, D Cntablement de lorùtv qui porte la Cbuppcr. — a* teditutiftt/v dtiaM I ChajtUlonJtui. -Loriffl 70 FROM THE TEMPLE OF BACCHUS. T a A fourth Plank reflects the large parts of the Delfine capital at the angle of the tailpiece & at the inverted plane. In the latter, it should be noted that the line drawn from one of the corners of the tailloir to the other of the mcfmc facing the capital, ends the failure of the fleuron which cft in the middle of the tailloir; one can aulii notice the leaves of water of which it speaks, which make the volutes crazy, & will touch the vaze of the capital to strengthen the volutes. IV £?/. DV TEMPLE OF B AC CH VS , IN ROME. SD/nÿôitU^^ 7i OF THE BACCHUS TEMPLE. I_jA fifth Plank rcprcfcntc several parts of the Temple, to have the profile by half of the face of the capital of the columns, the cornice, the frieze, & the door frame both inside and outside with the tomb preferably in the large niche in the middle, & which cft oppoféc at the entrance. All these parts are made of white marble, in the tomb's refectory, which has a porphirc. The sculpture of this tomb is made by gluing them together with a guillochis of fleurons, which are made of small branches with grains that children harvest. Inside at one of the ends there is a cfpccc of bedside, the bottom cftanr higher at this place. The feet or fuports are of recently made white marble; the length of the tomb and fept of fept feet five and a half inches from nude to nude, the width five feet, and the height three feet ten inches. The deflus cft of another picce of n foot eleven & a half inches high, having an inch of failed all glued. 11 There is in the middle of each of the sides of the lid such a one, those of the two ends make a young man, & those of the sides make a woman, making cracks that go palfcr fur each of the corners of the lid. i DV BACCHVS.TEMPLE IN ROME. WILDLIFE TEMPLE. 75 CHAPTER III. Temple of Fauna in Rome. THIS Temple was built by Emperor Claudius, & dedicated to Fauna on Mount Celio. Pope Simplicc 1. the dedia to God mad the name of faint Efticnnc, & he cft to pre-fent called faine Efticnnc the round. Pope Nicholas V. makes it rcftaurcr. cnay makes two Planks, the first one reflects the plan that cft of circular figure with double rows of columns inside, Icfqucllcs encloses in their middle two other columns moregrofl'cs than those around. Le rang extérieur a parmy les colonnes des tremcaux ou pieds droits qui fcparent tout le circuit en huit intervalles garnis les uns de quatre , les autres de cinq colonnes. The columns of the outer row are joined to each other by a wall which was preferably the clofturc of the Eglifc. On these small walls that make between the columns that fortenr in the interior the half of their grofleur / there are paintings of Nicolo del Pomarancio, that represent the martyrdoms of healthy people. A part of the cfpacc that cft from this enclosure jufqucs to the great wall of outside fert to the Eglife, &. the other part cft a garden. In this great wall there is a niche, near which there is a door by which one enters preferably, the other part is walled. From the temple of of wildlife. 79 Ï j A deuxieme Planche contains two profiles of this Temple, lefqucls ertane ertane pour la me! me choie explain it more clearly, because they represent two different afpcifts. They show that the two rows of smaller columns, each one carries a round wall. That the inner row carries a pole wall and an architrave held by the columns. That this wall upwards has round fcncitrcs at the top, set abajour by a base,&a mullion in the middle made of a small column that is fou fount (ht ne a small wall that pofe in arcades fur the capital of the small column in the Gothic style, this small wall having at the dclfus of the small column a round hole. Que par le milieu l'enceinte de ce rang intérieur crt crt traversée d'un autre mur fouftenu par deux grands pillaftrcs d'oidre Corinthien , entre lefqucls font deux colonnes du melme ordre qui portent trois arcades, au dcflùs dcfqucllcs il y a cinq feneftres , dont deux répondent à chacune des arcades des coftcz , & une à l'arcade du milieu. Que tes pillaftrcs have no baze, & that their capitals are not as high as those of the columns, their aftragalcs being higher. That in the outer row of columns between the pedestals or tremcals which divide the whole circuit into eight inter-Valcs, each with four columns, the others with five columns, there are two inter-Valcs of four columns each, where the columns are larger than the others, and whose capitals are Corinthian, the others being Ionic. Only four of these columns, which are at the right of the niche of the great wall, are not fluted, the other four being fluted. Let all the columns of this outer row have a small cornice, not continuous, but continuous on each of the columns, on the wall with arches, and let the eight Corinthian columns of this row being larger than the others, their arches rise higher than those of the other columns. The inner enclosure which is preferably of Eglife is covered, but as this is a modern roof, I have not dellinec; it is difficult to say how all this Temple was covered in the past, or mcfmc if it is echoed; but if it was covered, I can fill it with wood, the walls being too weak to support vaults of the width that it took them to reach the height, and the wall that crosses the middle of the temple apparently to reach the top. Most of the columns are made of granite, some of white marble, the bazes, capitals, and architrave are made of white marble, and the refectory of brick. St OF THE TEMPLE of vesta. CHAPTER I v. From the Temple of Vefta in Rome. This Temple was once on the banks of the Tiber, as the Eghfc of Faint Stephen > it is called the EghfcntrEglife of the Madonnadcl Liver; it is believed that it was built by Numa, because in Plutarch in the life of this King it is written that it is said that he built a round Temple in Velia, in order to place in the middle of it the facrc fire which was kept there by the Vcllalcs. Some hold that it was dedicated to Hercules the Winner, & others to the Sun. The cfpcce of this Temple is the one that Vitruvc calls Peri-ptcrc round. I made three Planks of it. The First contains the plan & elevation. The plan eft of round figure with a self-compounding portico with twenty columns, donile diameter from the bottom eft of two feet eleven inches. One can see from this plan that the doorway's fcüil eft right & does not run away from the roundness of the wall. In the elevation to which I have attached the profile, one can notice that the bazes of the columns have no plinth. I have not been able to see the stone on which the great torus is built, or whether it is a foclc, or whether it is a staircase, as Palladio does in this figure. Having had it searched I found that this foclc or step is nine to ten inches high, and that at the deflbus there is a wall which I was not allowed to build, so I did not want to melt it down, but if there are steps they are very high. The columns which are made of white marble are made of very thin, their reduction begins at the foot; they are grooved with twenty-four grooves, the cruculecsatidcmy circle; the cote has the width of the two fcpticmcsdc the width of the hollow. Ces colonnes ont vingt-un modules vingt hait parrics&un tiers de haut,compris la bazc&le chapiteau. 11 does not connect any part of the entablature. On tient que ce Temple fut brulle en l'cm-brafcmcntde Rome du temps dcNcron. Je n'ai dcffinéqueccqui eft rette de l'antique, la couverture qui y eft cftant adjouftéc: le mur mcfmc ne cft pas refté fi haut que les colonnes. Il y a par le bas environ à la hauteur de fepr pieds, une corniche qui marque comme un foubalfcmcnt, &au déflus de cette corniche il y a des bofl'agrs, où de trois en trois il y a une affife plus baffe de la moitié que les autres. The whole temple is made of white marble. Palladio marks windows of which I would not have any veftige. 11 does not mark the sillinesses... which make outside to the wall; it is the diameter of the inside too small of five inches three quarters, the door too narrow of three inches one quarter, the diameter of the columns too small of two and a half inches. Le portico eli aulii trop étroit de deux pouces j les colonnes font trop baftes d'un pied huit pouces. 84 OF THE VESTA TEMPLE. T j A second Plank reflects the baze of the columns, the face of the capital & background reversed. The baze which cft attic has no plinth; in the capital the leaves have at cinque slice only three olive leaves, & the Base Leaves rise much higher than the middle of those of the fecund row. Les volutes nefe toucher pas; les angles du tailloir font tout à fait aiguus fanseftre recouper, ain fi qu'il fcmblc que Vitruvea enfei-gné qu'ils doivent élire faits, ce n'a guère d'autre exemple. Instead of the flagship that usually searches the middle row in the middle of the tailoring room, there is a similar fciiillc to those of the caulicolcs. There are seeds in the roofs in the middle of the cutlery which make two strong; for there arejuclques-one of the capitals which have them as I have defined them; but there are others where they are twisted in the shape of a snail- The columns are fluted with twenty-four channels crcufcz to the half-circle, whose cootes make two feptiemes the width of the hollow. The diameter of the base cft of two feet eleven inches, which cft reduces into two modules, each divided into thirty parts. Palladio dettine le chapiteau tout autrement qu'il n'eft , il fait les feuilles d'embas & celles d'en haut d'une mcfmc hauteur, comme elles font ordinairement; il mec five feuilles d'olives à chaque refend; il fait les cannaux destigettes tortillez > il attache les volutes cnfemblc j il mecune une petite feuille rcnverfêcau déflus des volutes; il fait monter les volutes dans le tailloir >au lieu qu'elles touchent feulement le déflous j il met un fleuron pour porter la roze du milieu du tailloir; il ne fait pas cette roze comme elle cft i il recoupe les angles du tailloir; il fait les colonnes trop hautes de treize parties deux tiers; il fait le fuft trop haut de vingt-une parties; fie il fait le chapiteau trop bas de lept parties un tiers. It is not necessary to be amazed by the defects that have been examined, because the module does not relate to the ones that have been examined according to Roy's foot, because the diameter of the columns differing has made the proportions change, so that the module is reduced to modules. II. ÇPkw/ic. DV TEMPLE, DE VESTA AROME. S6 OF THE VESTA TEMPLE. Atroificme Planche rcprcfcntc le profil par le milieu du chapiteau, le plan du chambranle de la porte, le profil du fciiil de la porte, la baze & la corniche du foubaflement du mur par le extérieur, & les boflages qui font au déflus avec la petite corniche qui eft par le dedans à la hauteur de celle du foubaflement du dehors. The most remarkable thing is that the aftragalc, which is in front of the fupcricurc strip of the frame, has more failure than the bottom of the heel which it has in front of it. Palladio makes the frame too wide by a part five-twelfths, the heel & the bands have too much height, & the feotic too little. 11 makes the bottom of the heel aufli faulty than the aftragalc. Le plinthe de la baze du baze du foubaflement du dehors eft trop bas de quatre parties & demy; le torre eft trop haut de cinq fixicmcs de partie, le filet de deflus eft aufli trop haut d'un quart de partitile cavct de la corniche du foubaflement eft trop haut d'un quart de partie- Toute la corniche eft trop peu faillante d'un quart de partie; l'aftragalc l'cft trop peu d'une partie un quart. It makes the height of the said foubaflement from the deflou of the baze to the deflux of the cornice too small of eight parts a quarter □ & the small cornice of the inside of the Temple eft too high of a part a third. in.Tr. DV TEMPLE OF VESTA IN ROME. 87 IC S8 OF THE TEMPLE OF VESTA A TIVOLI. chapter v. From the Temple of Vefla , J Tivoli. In Tivoli, an Italian city five or six leagues from Rome, one can see the reflections of a small temple opposite the Temple of Teveron. Lcshabitans of the lieucroycnt that it will make of residence to the Sibyl Tiburtinc. Some call it the Temple of the Sibyl by this raifon which is not too good. J'ay fuivy Palladio qui luy l'donne le nom de Vefta > & en effet il fcmblc avoir effe baili fur le deffein de ccluy de Rome; j'en ay fait quatre Planches, la première contient le plan & l'élévation. J'ay marque dans le plan ce qui reile dcccTcmple, Ravoir onze colonnes des dix-huit qu'il y avoir , & la plus grande partie du mut, qui contient la porte & une des fendîtes. L'elevation fait voir la proportion du ilylobatc continu ou foubaffement, qui porte les colonnes; fçavoir qu'il cil haut duticis déroute la colonne, compris la baze & le chapiteau; Qu'il n'y a aucun veftige des degres par lequel on montoit au portique; Que la plus grande partie des colonnes qui reliont pofccs de la manière que Vitruvc enfeigne au chapitre troifiéme mc livre, que les colonnes des colles des colles des Temples doivent l'cllre; fçavoirququcc collé qui répond au mur doit dire à plomb, en forte que toute la diminution foit du collé de dehors, cll à dire que l'axe de la colonne panche vers le mur. 11 y a quelques de ces colonnes qui font à plomb , mais il y a apparence qu'elles ont elle redreflecs par les ruines. The diameter of these columns is lash by lebastof two feet four inches > they are fluted with twenty-four channels, the code of which is three tenths of the width of the hollow; the bazes have no plinth; the entablature cil a little more than three dix-fepriemes of the height of the column with the baze & the capital; at the dcllus of the cornice there is a small foclc which responds to the right of the middle of the columns, which cil formed of the stone slabs which cover the portico, & form its ceiling. In the frieze there are such of oxen rcprcfcnrecs au naturel with the skin; to the horns of such there are cracks of fruit attached; there is one that corresponds to the right of each column, & two between two All this Temple eli baili of the stone called Tiburtinc, to the referv of the wall that cilc of pebbles. This stone Tiburtinc receives a poly like marble although it has many holes & poroliths. Palladio makes the diameter of the inside too small by three fept eighths inches; the eyelash wall too thick by three inches; the width of the portico between the columns & the wall cft too small by three one eighth inches; the diameter of the columns cil aulii too small by five iixicmcs of inches: en la frize il ne met qu'une telle de bœuf au droit de chaque cntrccolonnc & il y a deux ; il ne met pas le petit foclc qui cft au dcllus de la corniche ; il fait le rczdc chauffée du Temple au niveau du rez de chauffée du portique, & il cft plus haut d'un pied quatre pouces trois quarts ; il fait le foubaffement trop haut de deux pouces un fixiéme ; he makes the columns with the baze & capital too high by two inches, the entablature too high by eight inches two thirds; he makes the height of the door to the heated ground floor of the portico too small by two feet three inches one quarter; he makes the width of the door at the bottom too small by two inches three quarters. Serbo in the plan makes go the tables of the door in the center of the Temple, he marks there rabbets which do not make there; he makes the rabbets of the croifccs by inside, & they make by outside. As for the mclurcs , fuppofe that he gives the diameter of the columns jullc , he makes the diameter of the inside of the Temple too large of nine inches three quarters ; he makes the wall too thick of two inches one twelfth ; he makes the door by the bottom too wide of an inch ; he makes the width of the portico too small of fept pou-ccsonzc twelfths; he makes the croifécs too narrow by four inches two quarters from the bottom; 11 makes the height of the foubaffement too great by three inches three quarters; he makes the column with the baze & the capital too high by five hxiemes of inches j he makes the entablature too high by eight inches, the door too baffled by five inches three quarters, & the croifécs too baffled by two inches. I SP/anchor. DV TEMPLE OF VESTA, A TIVOLI. 90 From the temple of vesta a tivoli. T j A second Plate represents the baze & cornice of the foubaflement, the baze & capital of the columns with the entablature & the profile of the capital from the middle of the face. Il faut obfcrvcr que le nû des colonnes répond au nu du de du ftylobate ou foubaflement, en foire que toute la faillie delà baze porte à canard; ces bazes au lieu de la fcocic ont une cnfonçurc quarrec fous le petit torre fins filet. The canals of the columns make rout end quarrement par enhaut & par embas. The capitals are very particular, they have less height than the diameter of the bottom of the column; at the bottom of the aftragalc of the top of the column there is an orlc which fouftient the leaves; these leaves which make of acanthus little split, have the proportion of those of the capitals of the columns of the Temple of Vefta in Rome, those of the fecund rangeftant very short. It strong from behind the four leaves of the fecund rankftant which make mad the rozes, two small sheets of water which curl it fur the large acanthus leaf. The volutes make fans caulicolcs: one does not see their fcparation at the right of their winding to caufc which are covered with a leaf of cau which will touch h stem of the volute. There is another acanthus leaf, not very split, which is naive from the bottom of the volutes & so the tail is cut from behind the volutes, and curves towards the cut of the tail. The rozes are very large, & they occupy the cfpacc which cft from the bottom of the jufqucs volutes to the top of the tailloir; they are composed of large fan leaves split, throwing from their middle a cfpcce of piftillc twisted into a snail. Dans l'entablement l'architrave a fa première bande plus large que la feconde, ce qui cft contre l'ufagc, mais n on no fans railon, the members of dcftous& who carry, in front of eftrc stronger than those of dertus. In the fnze which is decorated, as it has been said, with debcEuf & feftons tefts, there is a net with a congee which is not on the cornice, but which belongs to the frize. Le latmicr de la corniche pend prcfquc aulii bas que le bas du talon qui cft au deflbus, ce qui fait paroiftrc la corniche plus élevée qu'n'cft, car elle cft petite que la frize. I alladio has not obsfcrvé que le vif des colonnes répond à ccluy du ccluy du dé du ftylo-bace ou foubaflement , & que la faillie de la baze porte à overhang ; il termine en demy cercle les fluaures qui lont toutes lites droite : il n''a pas obfcrvé que le vif des colonnes répond à ccluy du ccluy du dé du ftylo-bace ou foubaflement , & que la faillie de la baze porte à faux ; il termine en demy cercle les cannelures qui lont toutes l'droits : il n''a exprimé aucunes des particularircz extraordinaires du chapiteau. He makes the second band of the architrave higher than the first; he makes the frieze join the frieze by a fillet to the lifteau at the top of the architrave, which is not the case. 11 makes the oxen's head in the frize, and puts only the bones in it. It does not put the net that is at the top of the frize; it does not make the drop that is at the bottom of the drip of the cornice hang down; it makes the baze of the foubalfcmcnt too high of fix parts, the of the foubaflement too high of a part, the of the foubaflement too high of a part, if the cornice is too high of half a part. 11 makes the baze of the column too liautc of five twelfth parts; he makes the capital too high of fourteen parts a fixictm. 11 makes the achitrave too high by nine & a half parts, the frize too high by one part, & the cornice too high by fourteen & a half parts. Scrlio has put nothing real to the foubaflement but the baze, he puts a skirting board & a fcotic to the baze of the column; he finishes the canals of the column in half a circle, of mcfmc that Palladio did; he has not finished the capital as he did; at the architrave he puts three strips of fcparccs by aftragalcs; he puts a heel by the top of the hfteau where there is a cavity: moreover it makes the frieze all lice, there is nothing true to the profile that it gives of the cornice. Pour ce qui cft des mcfurcs il fait la baze du fou-baflement trop haut de Iix parties, le dé trop haut d'une partie trois huitièmes, la corniche trop haute de fept douzièmes de parue; il fait la baze de la colonne trop haut de quatorze parties un quatrième, le fuft de la colonne trop bas de vingt-une parties, le chapiteau trop haut de huit parties & demie; il fait tout l'entablement trop haut de dix-fept parties un quart. H. F(nuche DV TEMPLE OF VESTA, A TIVOLI. 9l OF THE TEMPLE OF VESTA AIIVOLI. t jA troificmc Plank rcprcfcntc the plan of the capital of the columns, the capital of the Delfine Tur the corner of the chopping room, the ornamentation of the frieze, the cornice, the frieze and the doorframe, the cornice with the doorframe and the window sill. Surquoy one can notice in the face of the capital seen from the angle, the water leaves both those which make behind the large acanthus leaf of deffous the roze, as well as those which return to stick it against the stem of the volute. In the frize one can see the rozes which make with the deflus of the feftons, Icfqucllcs make two strong miles alternately. In the frame of the croifses one can notice that the first band cft higher than the feconde, & that the aftragalc that cft delfous the heel cft higher than the bottom of the heel. The aftragalc which cft delfous the heel cft more (going than the bottom of the heel). Scrlio to the profile of the door frame makes the first strip more lower than the second one, unlike what cft, it does not obfetvc not that the aftragalc cft more faulty than Palladio at the door ledge puts a net between a heel & a quarter round f.......................... ... - instead of the top right mouth. feconde as opposed to what cft the bottom of the crazy heel which it cft, at the cornice it puts a quarter round in the place of the heel which cft crazy the drip. 94 OF THE TEMPLE OF VESTA A TIVOLI. J A fourth Plank reflects the profile & the fophitc or ceiling of the portico, the proportion of the door & the croifccs from the outside. It should be noted that the ceiling is held by two small mouldings of a very beautiful profile, from where apparently the modern architects have taken the profile of the imports which do not close parts of the archway that are still in use in the antique that they have been made since. Ces petites moulutés tiennent lieu icy de tous les ornemens de defius les colonnes, ny y avoir ny architrave, ny petite frize, ny petite corniche; à l'egard de la proportion des portes rétrécies par le haut, elle eft fuivantccqucc Vicruve en en enfeigne au chapitre fix du quatrième livre. Palladio makes the door too high of nine parts three quarters, & he makes it too wide at the top of two parts. Scrlio makes the door too low by twelve parts a third, & too wide by two parts an eighth from the bottom, & by two parts a third from the top, he makes the doorframe too wide by one and a half parts. IV. p DV TEMPI.K DE VESTA, A TIVOLI. 96 OF THE TEMPLE OF VIRILE FORTUNE. CHAPTER VI. cDit ^Temple of Fortune Vmle\ in Rome. The Scnatorius Bridge, which is preferentially called the bridge of Faintc Mary, or the broken bridge, cft the Eghfc of Egyptian Mary of Faintc Mary of the Armenian Hofpital; Some believe that it was the Temple of the virile Fortune, in which it is said that the ftatuë of Scrvius Tullius, who had a gilded wooden roof, found that he had preferred to have a fire, the refte having been confused. I have made four Planks of this Temple, the first one contains the plan which shows that it cft tetraftyle proftylc pfcudoperiprcrc average between fyftyle & euftyle, because it has four columns feulement at the front face, that it has only half columns from behind & by the coftcz , which means that from the side it fcmblc have aisles or wings all around, & finally that the cntrccolonncs have two diameters & one eighth of the column. Il faut encore remarquer que l'cntrecolonncmenr du milieu eft plus large que les autres ayant deux diameters & fept douzièmes. This plan also shows that in this Temple which was built as a foubaffement, we climbed by a degree which was on the face of the portico, from which it reflects only the last three steps of enhaur, the others having been demolished, & that it reflects only part of the nialif which the pottery. Palladio does not mark the forebodies that go through the interior of the Temple; he makes the diameter of the columns too large by five twenty-fourths of an inch, & the en-trccolonnemnt of the middle of the face of the portico too small by a foot and a half inch; he makes the other cntrccolonncs too small by two thirds of an inch. !- Pianelle , ' (ì "1 ELAN 1)V TEMPLE OF THE FORTVNE \ IR.1I.EA ROME. 98 OF THE TEMPLE OF VIRILE FORTUNE. V j A second Plank represents the elevation of the face & the elevation by the side of the whole Temple. The foubaflemenr as it is raised has in addition to the cornice two jibs in the form of degrees as the last dcfqucls the bazes of the columns make pofécs,fid il y aapparcncc qucccsfocles font cffc&i veinent des degres qui tournent tout toutautour du Temple, & que par le devant ils eftoient continue par dcfcz other degres enfermer entre deux ailes qui eftoient la continuation du foubaflemenr dcscoftcz. This Temple is buried until the dtflusdes bazes of the columns. Having excavated it in the length of three cntrccolonncmcns towards the front where it was found, I found that the foubaflemenr including the two jibs or steps, is a little more than two fifths of the height of the column with the baze & the capital, &c that the jibs are a little less than a third of the height of the column with the baze & the capital & the two jibs. The height of the entablature cft prefqucc the quarter of the column with the baze, the capital & the two jibs to unbaze the baze. The columns are only half of the wall: the capitals of the corners have both sides of the volutes joined cnfemblc de mcfmc than the two bal luftres, so that all around the Temple the capitals prefer the faces. In the frieze there are feftons whipped by children, candelabras fie of oxen's heads; all these chofcs ctfant difpofécs of strong that to the deflus of each column there is a child: in the middle of the cntrccolonncmcnt there is a bull's-eye, fie between the bull's-eye & each of the children there is a candelabrum - the cornice is more than half the height of the whole entablature. On the cornice of the pediment the ornamentation is plumb. The diameter of the columns at the bottom is two feet eleven inches. The columns have twenty flutes. The wall of the Temple cft. is made of boflages with liadon stones. The whole building is made of hard stones covered with ftuc by all, to the reflexion of the bazes of the columns and the foubaflemenr. In the elevation of the face, I did not define the door, because it does not have any more, all the wall or the door itself: the door having been abbreviated to make a large arcade which makes that the inside of the Temple & the porch make preferably only a picceous fire, the cncncdcux of the columns of the porch being closed by walls that one has bafti there. Palladio did not put the two jibs that make the bazes of the columns in the deflux of the foubaflemenr fous; to the coftcz& behind he continues the bazes to the cntrccolumns; he puts only one fefton between the children fie the tefts of oxen, &. does not put the candelabras that make it, fie he makes the feftons pofer on the shoulders of the children instead that they carry them in their hands. 11 put not the mufles of lyons but at the right of the columns, trusting the truth cft that they make them nearer to one another, odmcfmc they do not answer at the right of the columns. 11 Do not make the ornaments which are in the cymaifc beyond the cornice. 11 makes the foubafle too low by one foot eight inches eleven twelfths. 11 makes the column with the baze & the capital, the whole cnfemblc too low by five inches.