the fucons & mo1cus to proceed there, to r􀂌n & pull some com.Modire. Ccqucie made the most dilit; c: mment Qu'ilmcfut po!Iiblc. But (hclas) bicu tofl: aprc: s que ic !"had smart, furuint that great clcfallre & 1nfupportablc FA loss my: who FA Water me a poorly rel & ill luck, Q􀂻E ic f􀂾s cmpcCché de po􀃅uoir, pour lorsque, faire imprimer & publier ledJét hure . DcpulS: uant rccouuc1t connects what freedom of my mind, n'dhe rancop_prime fol1c1tudes & all of the modc, like eftois, & nulli que plusillicurseigncurs & perConnages crc (doeles m'1mponunoiet de menreen lumiere mcf. diél: cs Inuentions: pour fansfa1re a la uoloocé & command de mondi él: fouuerain Seigneur & bon m: iillre, cognoi (fant Le grand profit qui en pourraduir, & aufii que I'ay ueu & uoy cous Les iours aucun qui Ce uculent fcruir de mcfdill:es Jnuétiôs, n'y pouvoir uoirG well parucnir L that faccnt some fuutes: as computer narily it aduient roads nouuclles lnnucntions: lcCquelles ne the comroenccmcor's pcuucnt efrrcii well cogneucs, Qu'on n'on y comroenccor put some errors. Cceonfideté, & fur tout dcfrrant Le; profit d. cptrmcrtrcque mcfdiél: cs [nuenu?ons Coientfoubzuo rc rc Roy aJ ntn pubüccs & to all of good Ltoloir _commuruquees.Eihmanr, cost ?runG that uoll :on C trcshonoted pcrc & Lord aaim􀁃 B ucrtu, the ucrrucux, & all chofes benncs, quedicu concinuâc the graccs, inclinations & we recommend that we do not uez fail d'cll: RC foccccrelll ' from Lt mcfme uenu & goodness. Aquoy uous folicltenc good & ucrcucux cnCcigncmens that uous reccuez iourncllcmcnt both of the maicll:s of 1a Queen uofi:rc rrccrage & ucrtucufe mcre:the Roy of Nauarr􀅪·,Princccrcshcureux &ttefaimé of necks to fon good cfprit & crcffagcconfeil: that of mclfcigneursles Princes who functions ordinarily chrp uoll:rc pcrfonne: fombhblcméc d':iucres Lords no less prudenrsquc well adu1fez,fans oblicruoz prcccptcurs & gouucrncurs trefdoêtcs & excellent. Forte que uous ne pouucz, ne Cemblablcmé-tM clTcigucurs &more than Hcroïqucs Princes voz frercs. foiu: idc crcGllufl: rcfang doncuous elles ilfus, the spirit diuin uousdldeparry, & the natural goodness that accompanies uous, cllre Dieu autres, quus C dônc rrcfucrtucla ugrace x, de crcsbons iurc,& & uorrefacconloir1.PcocinLs, ner, qe doe utant qn U'ae {j uouuuuuuous U icz fault defage!fo & good confeil for the cntr􀂞tien of fugcs & well aduili:z ueillem & tr:iu:iülent for the good of the af&ires cfo uolhc Kingdom: magnanimity &hacdidfo for the eflime, honor, & rcm11-nerarion of uailkncs & cxpcrimcnrez.the faiél: weapons:f􀇭:iuoir & come,pourlacognoiffance & mericc of doétes & uertueux,who in their honncll:cs labors r􀂪fcheronc to ou to please & make furuices. Bri: fub1eel:s f, u& ou les n·a􀀃rc: I. clmnc fault of amirié reciproqupour emcnt: irtirer likes the c c􀈄deux) eurs of uqo:,; euous ueirentiamaisuousaimer&rcucrer. IOS that the crcarreeur uous has dcp; rtics, & accroillera en: core, uous pouucz rccognoiftrc he uousaimc, & led by FA fuinél: e bonre, terunt uolhecucur en fa main, Qu'il t, urncra or good luy fc1nblcra, commeefcrit lci; Ige Salomon. Croicz aflèurement Qu'il oficaux Roys & Princes, Qu'il ne aime poii1t, L'ofpric aucclcs gens de bien, C., ges, uertueux & doll: cs, qui ont bonne:: imc, & bon conf cil, .fobllituant deleur licu pcrfoooages uicux, mauua1s & deprnucz: lcC q􀈽1elzlb end it puts tn confufion & perdition.Doc uous uoicz, s. 1 A. s, horn ladiuine boté uous holds the hand, & therefore all choices useful & profitablci,, - ü; tl UOS Q'à ofl: re peple: VNC mcre, which reducesdccctfcurs. 11 uusdonncparcülcmcntdcs PL'inccsqui LJOUS pcuucnt (eruir example & mirror, Ï: lgcs cômc an Auguflc, bclliqucuém cémc VN Cefar, & happy as an Alcxandrc, rous b1cn aduifoz, & dcÎ1-l'.'l. lltS uofl:rc gr.: idcur, aucc L'entrctencméc de uofl: RC Royaume en paix &ur: Tye rcJigion.QE, e rdtcil, s IR E, finon praise God & thank him for so much property he uouscnuoyc & dillribuc?See also cdlcnbod: mcc that everyone thinks he can do some great a: u!lrcen uous. you,.1between one and the other, h: [qudlc: s Il uous & by conlèqocnr to cfue cous.retake & slander, ain!i what can iugcr uo11: rc Maidl: é, 􀂅 t R 11, iaço1c Qu'encores po11r fon cendre &icunccagc elle n'ye parfoiél: cmér learned what'w1roy do1tbié cognoi!l:rc& 􀂠auoir. Supplicating the Omnipotent (, God of all bicn, all confolatioo & miCcricorde, Ccul crcalcur of all chofes, which (it give thanks or illuy pl: tifl: , who saw you parcir lafugelfc De Salomoo, the magnanimity of Cbarlcmaigne, one of uoz prcdec: fcurs, the.dexterity of Ccfu, the. sanfon force, LC [PF Auoir De Pfaton, LC loquence of Ciccron) the prudence of Aaron, the conllnnce deSocratcs, 1 a felicity of At1g11!l-c,& auccq ucs accroufomcnt of eage, accro11femcnc of coutes graccs & uercu$,to: Con honor,& rest not fculemér of uo{et Francc,but at the Chrell:ienré: dc which uous,& uoz predcccffcurs ui Cqucs icy wear the no1n of Trefrhrofl:îé.Lequcl God by fa diujne goodness uous vueille continue, & give B. grace purely & !toinél: cmcndefoufl: enir, rcprcfenter & defcndre, àj'xa.DC racion!to glory, encretenemcnt of the urayc religion,; cpos of uofrre people, & immortality of uozucrcus .M Y Leé1etir, ttpres auoirjjjdr plujie11rtio11r: 1 pmfo 11ne it1- '"'""'􀀅""' finité de beflrs Im1m1ions d'arbireefure, tant pour farif do to the m, tieflé DT1 crazy Roy Henry, my erclfa, mrrain Pri1, re, Seigne11r& bonmaiflre,'] utcom-please a1111ouloir & comm, mdemenr de pltefie11rs Prin (ts & Seigneurs, fo: 1- 11cnrafou ie Ji11, demourt 10111 coy, & prefrJue en t1rriere, after all, I'm sorry. Po11r a,uam ljUeÎe uoyois their exrellmces , defirer gr4nJs & excelllrudific􀄰r ( as efl rrefraifonnable) po11r their grande11r & mulri111de of gmtilzJ,pportunities & ftmiteurs 'JIÛ the fùi11ft & have tjfoirt attec them :C fir1 to make them rreslmmble fer1uce : a11Jli 'l"e ic conf,dero11 !tt ncujlité & penalty q11i efl ,uiourdhuy, & fora deform,t1s,for tro1n1rr fi gr"ndr arln-er 'l" 'ilfault for fairt1 beams ,fablieres,failures, cheurons ,& dl/tres rellet piece1rc,fold/ù po11r read logis difM, Princes& Lord;: has a11:/14ge 'l"e ic preuoyoil g,-ide deffoillance non-grinding difdiEls grâds arbru, but aufii der "UJienr,tclr 111ïl would take to make the co11uermres of fi J!!andtlogis. 􀀁 me t1 faill penftr of long11e hand such as a - /011 y po11rroitremedier, for farisfiù· re to enrreprinfts of le11rr Maief/C"{: e, wire ftroir poftible in such necefitJ tro" uer'i"el l11ein11cntiondtft pouuoir help of ro11us forresdebois, & still; of routu pe(ite1 parts,&fo paffer fi grdds trees 'f_llt Ion d coujlume puts trtM œuure. How he led me to a word to the mttie!T􀈚d,, crazy Roy Henry tftanr d. table. Ma􀈧 'JHoyfla a11d11eurs & tt.f!iftam pourn'auoir o: iy parlerJefr.,no1111elle1 chofes & fi great inuemion,tourà 1111 hit mt rec11Utrenr of mo11 say: as f I euffe 11011/11 fttirc enrendrt to this good Roy 111dques "white lies": leftp,clles I t1y ro11Jio11rs e11 granclijlime hoffet1r & ckteflarion:eflimant querout ttinfi 111th the body uaidr pe11fims the,tme,a1!fs1paid 1 labo11che/an111paid. Voianrdompies faietm i11gcmmmr Ji faudairidect'jlli n'efloi, encorer entendu, (:; - que lttmaiefié du Roy po11r / or, ne d, fàu mot, ze de / ibrrdy ne pl11sriln mettre en auanr dnels pro pot, (01/117 / dndanr de pr11cccder, sux baftimenucomme / 011 a1, ILO accoufluné. Qf!!l111and time after, L, 1 mayfie De La Roynt mere deli / Jera foire co1111rir un in, De Parmaille à fa11 ilz corrained fcroienc: s to better flee the walls & plufgrande groC. feur & forccqu' fonr. R:ullcforoient Li tures P. lus loub-I longs, & la ma'ionncrie de gamocUon better ruaçouncc. Becausefer fenrouillc, & fenrouulant 11 fcnlle & faifr breaking stones & walls that do not pcuucnt last long. Cc we take cxemplc,the Liarre, duquclJcs roots lices & prinfcs in the walls attract & eats at the Cubfiance of the mortar, & as they dcuienncQt grolfcs,Cc will take pl:icc, rccullant the stones that no longer have a dc n1orrîcr,& p.:ir :tin/islands make pre/l-cs of fall. TD y uoyant aucun ca faiél: tdl: c diuiCc, Cnimic-aamiâtia, qui etl-à dire, C. u, emic amitor, cc who loves me ruins me. Aiafi.cfl: - there Iron, which the mcCchantes R􀀃 􀀄 􀀅; F.;" ma􀆹onncricsaimcntde pcurqu'cusne tombcnt, but in the end there the M,fen"LCC. ronge & ruin. Falfant tout ain{i que lcdiél: Harre, which after auoir achcué de ru mer La muraille,& L'a1101r mife par terre, having no d10Cepour Cc foullenir, efl: comminltdc fall fury path. To which,:iprcs auoit marcb.e delfus, eltcouppt, for specchcmcns that he cuit cooks &pulls: & by: unG he dies as he: T faiebnounrlc wall. Choie fcmblable aduicnc to no men, who foubz 01number of nmi supports or other alances,ilzèn draw their fubll: ancc , & Les fonc die of boredom & pauurcu\ pcnfamsy gaigncr many: but apres auoir !I. 1ccce attiré attracted from them iufqucs to fung, ilz rrcbuchent & font set to nea1'lt by the uouloir & iu!Uce de Dieu, qu1 ne ucult le badly remainsimpuny. And to return to my dirc, ouJtrcln grao- dc fault La9 uellc fondes ffi (l (Jolls mettauts DU for aux baftimcors, ilz r􀀁: t"􀀃 make it another, when Itz mcrre the stones ca workin all for -!􀀁'i,.ii,:"' of which it cll: aduenn quclciuc Times of gr: idz mcau. do!Illn: igcs: iux edificcs. C: irla stone for dl: RC force in implementation, ü the fuut ma (jonner [ur fon heè, & de plat, ainli that she C-roill: es qaarrieres. Horn the wood, which one when it cl! implemented to meet certain poi grade.G. nter,& Qu'il dl: a goat wood he croilt, there: i nothing moreforr: but DL thread: from pbt., it ploycra of foy mcfu1e, or break: 1 CF wire!char15é: Ainfi eft-Il stones, car n'en faucquelquefojs ç_iu'unc to split or break bafümér elbow, by fuutc de l'auoir ma- onn onnee fur fonliél:, come clle croill en CA quai rierc:: iinlî quci'ay ueu comm, rc pluGcur􀉽 fols, & ne fc cognoifrgueres La fuulre.Qu dqurs uns penG: nt :􀄮􀄯􀄰:':'1:,I' * that [ILO foud1.1 s •· ,crcz encorCli .1ro:i.- , n'y couldnt foruir,& ucfo couldfuire tout d'une uenue UEC the Compass: P: irquoy it is necessary fair as well as ic monll: rcray en la fi- gure leaking that cy. Er note bic:.i1 the plan of the prefontensutc, at the end let us enter better in the o: uurc con1me Les liernes pa!Ient to tra-Nannedco ucrs curves & hcmicycles. By force only when ih. uoudroicnt􀀁 􀀂 - = I_>oulfcc the tack on the one hand or other, Itz poulfènt toutiours fur H 􀇑 ce,. H, mieyforce goat wood: quafi ainliin T cll C share that uous uoudrcz. the more fucilemcnc uoµs the eotcodicz, we will help dcJalignc E B, as soon as.uous tire-ground uo2 perpendicular to the strong that they foycntcn angle droiél: & parallcle, oufi uoulcz qucle talking about c;as the ouuricrs, well cquierrc&iaugce: and then beyond Jongueur dc the diagonal AC, uous step efpaces & interualles as ilz fonc marquC'l in the figure. Prcmicremeot therefore we shall take the cotnnnnnnnnnnnc[p, 1ce 9ul dt DE A, iufqucs: ll, & fa raportcrcz. :the O, for such will FA dülancc &loJ1gucur.Asilide A K, toep, from AH, to e 􀇆From A there ER,Book J. D [s NOVVCLLES which you will put one of the piedz fur the pomfrA, & dc the.iutrc uous fc rez dcuxpcticcs l1gncs, commccellcs uous uo1cz D F, n: mcicant an iambe dudid COMPAS fur the poinél: B, & fuiGnc rro1sligocs, as cclJcs of G HI. Cd; t f. uél:, uous rcmecrrez fur Le pomél:l. orc: 11, oc-rez cncores two at very lines like that of K L, then draw uncli ;;:,•:;,./ s;I CNG key entccouppcmés, comme uous LIOICZ Des pomfu m N,&unc A'.hi hi, umws. . Sn,: IUC ' du poinlè O lP, & Boun fcncrccouopcront lcflhél: csr ..... : I l1gncs, 11 (tbi, OUl.: LU I". UC ucgrdrid, l the markra era the Center for hùrc the circumrccncc hole- .. ucr believes them lost poinets.So putting one of the feet of thediel: CompassA, fail: mc unecirconforcucc, ü P:iifcr:I fur Les poinéh que uous chc (CHCZ ABC. EcainG U we must look for those dcla chcrchcr'allongce,equal as uous uoudrcz: pourucu Qu'unc foitauili large Qu'au tre: so that it can be divided into eight parts. Then uous will draw lead & pcrpcndiculaircmét lcfd.ietcs lines, as uoiez From f g H i K1 iu{qucs to cc they rouchcnc the last Circle B C,&. let them faceline A B. A prcs cda uous will take J; I length of the diagonal line AL, or he f. tur make dcffus the curve:>': looks for R·aloi:igcc, for what it fc uouuc longer quclamo1oé ducleqluetèiùrla _ltgnc: A B, commeeauons diél: cy dcu:mt. In after U we will draw the perpendicular Ü􀅳ncs of cellefone they fuccnc right angle: fur line AL: & diuifere2 them as those of cod " us in eight parcies egnles fur ladietc line AL. Aufquel- Jes uous R'apportcrez costs the heights of those quifoncau aemy circle, ascellesdeac, to ccllcsdeam: & deN O, to XY: & Continmt16 P QJ Z&: & aicli des autres.Et the more we do with parrics, co t.': I: me: me of eight c: nfairefcize, or recreate dcu􀆄, the more we will make it aifé to do the - <"gnm, d ""at by the de1ius to the circle !igneous., to rrouuer the efpoiffcur curves. Afterwards, we drill the 1oinets or commilfur: es to assemble them, uc-nants of the center of the compass when it leaked cuconforence, & Di-ucrcz them in such logucur that UWE will have.clean wood, or the one for - te that the uoudrcz do. If uous aimc: Z. better the way than uous ay mis cy deuant, uous Le FCRC'z: & ainli coutes cbcrcbes R'alongces que pourrczauoiraffairc, crouucrczby ccfre-uoic: only the placeucarnc or rcnenre : L Ors pourro1t . n. c1,tcqu 'it 1r cro1• t p 1 us d" I f1i Cl ·J c,& ., nfcrlo ch: i right to do ncrcrcnr. But there's more to it than that.,,􀄢􀄣. y [􀇚will have give good order: qu1nc enccndra, must q1t'il dcm: idc co -􀇧 .,.,􀀂u• do•. feil.In the case of the prefcntcror,IE mo (heray conlc illto do, so that all others, no matter how hard they may have, will hear me I. noncincntto do well to help. After that, you can have my/lre.lfaire uoz courbes R': ïongccs, & fe moien de lesfrom H chappdlc. You uoiC7 as lcfdieescourbcs ma rquccs AB, Cc rrotourcslcs uueur .rnrrcs, R'alongccs, & pot1rplulicurs; iutrcs ayars plus de pcmc courbcsqu, & f) ch: ngcs ' uonr en a: uaffc1urc nblqeuer, cê, 1nc cclh: s de CD F: qui ne (ONR fur Les angles, côrnc ccllc)quc'y dilt cy dcu.rnr, which FC found fur the com of a place guarrcc by the end of a holl body: cl, ma1s ccllcsicy font on a: uurc fur the pl5, come the n101ty of an OEL: ogone, quc ouuricrs call vulgaïrcmcnt, to pan neck pp􀅀, how much than the P: in or face of the 1ml icu fol[ more gcid 9uc Lcluy Des cofrcz. But qucl<1ucs crot1ppcs than this fo1cm, clicks this do from mcfmcra1Con as where dcclnre Cy dcuant. Car in pren: mt neck-rcs l'P' gnoHfuncedelcs foire.Ce que pouuez uoir par la motccdc l:i crou pcde ch:irpcnccric aux dcllx problems cy apccsdcfcriptes. Cela F.uél:,1 rcf!: trcs focilcdciugcr &cognoill:rc comme tcllcscho(csfont miG:saux angles, :unG que i'ny dtél: cy dcu:utt. And I fcrnblc que cecy fuffit the begetting of children,ûi,.,. qu:int :tux cherches r'alongccs, fans plus longue cfcripturc: laquelle!:􀆳'."- don (ènùroir que pour donner peine from.u-x bons entende mind, & au:!Ii qu'il y a pluficurs gcncilzcfpritz who en pourront faire à their fantaGc , & rrouuerpar:iucnturcaucrcs iouentions, donr i'en feray three aifc. Er r:􀃟 croyquïlz diront qucic lesauray adui[czdctdle make;on,delaqudle 􀃭.,,,. :,􀃮ih. pourront bfonfa1releuc profit.pan, or ainl.i que uoirrczqu 'aureznlfairc: & qu' elle foit enu1llce at the end through the middle auiii profood that the curve mar quee B, dl: brgc. St to the stale dcladiél: C piece, qui ell du glué de la crouppe, uousfcrez pluficurs mortaifrs for there!fembler all curvcsusr': tlogees, & others, come Ume uiez AU cndroit de C. Ce que uous fcrafucile cognoillrepar the ligure cy after mife.Et lcfurplus telJc p􀁤ecede wood marquce F, CeruÎr: l. to make a poin􀁲o for mcrrrcau V6J; c i:::"!:!.d,:; higher uncbanicrc, vafe, or tclledccoracio than Ion uoudr: I. Au!Ii this Cert to adjust the coals marquez G, PO1. 1r fair fa pcnrc,􀂆:: 􀂈 􀂉 enterie marquce N, which cil: plusbaJfcquc the cntnblcn1i: t dell wall: iille marquee M, the first aix or the prcmierc picce will have three piedz. de lo- or two fi uous uoulez (in this there is no fubicél: ion, because will make fclonja comodity of the wood that UWE will have) & a foot of l: irgew:: & fi uouJez the ddfoubz !èra cout droiél:, fans 1 * round1r not bend. Ce Quin'efl: point de beCoing, fi uousne uoujcz fuirc uollrc couucrture pour)' F..& uouscn foruir of room, as well as puuez uoirN O. Aprcsuous we put the other piececnfuiuuant ,quiefl: 0 P,& must cllre twice as long as that of ON, & ainli of others, as uous auez ucu parcyâeuant. The coi: iux marquez􀆘 do aCfcmblezauec such piecescomc uoicz uoicz. by cc protr.11él:: & li.1ffit what ih. foieot de fept or eight poulccs wide: but must ilz (oienmcfmc clpoi necks!feurqucles picccs dequoy faiél: cs Les cour- bes, to Jin that defz who paffet traucrsles liernes puilfent them better . ferrer & ioind re eofemble. And tclz coinux aurondcurlength fi to JJP1;::=.. by the way, &their ÜaiCons Fi faiècècs, que les commiilùrcs & al1èm -:!􀀂' ... blagcs will not do the 111th right of the other: & G will do the God: z miic, coiaux qui aŒz donnera fur La mu une nul griidc auec force une à I fecire oeuvre. withholding Commcfaiel: e PUC?. en l'ent.1see at co"'L JVR.E I. NOVELLES more strength. By the middle of the coiesuusy n1cttr􀀌 a course of liernes which liver to the right: of those curves, at the end that a key e mcGne puiîfo Ceruir fer shoe the two together: & ticndrale{d1él: Z coiauxof the pieces of the curves. And they must have four poulccs of largrur, & a poulce & derny of efpoHfeur:& L & Es of & a poul this & derny of grofieur, & width, believe poulces. L. I length will make all nutaut cll: the width of the curves picccs.Law of coiaux, aux lieux marque ez V, fuuc que lcfditl: es clcfz foienr mifcs bien audcoiél: Des com111itfures & ioinél: z d'a{fomblagc, & de force à coupswill make the links & clcfz in grolfcurs & widths Celon the cnrrcprifc of a: uurcs