THE. FORTIFIKATIONEN DV CHEVALIER ANTOINE DE VILLE ¥ CONTAINERS YOUR WAY TO FORTIFY TOVTE SOR de Places, cane regulieremenc que irregulare cmenr, in what affiece they foienc; as in the Bridges> paC. Fages, Inks of Tiuieres, Sea Ports: The con! l: Rupture of Coutes Forces de Forts & Citadelles; the easy way to trace fŸr das gelŠnde. The modern cost, as it is practiced in the best Ortes of Europe, of .. rnonfl: re & calculated by Sinus & Logarithms ¥ .WITH ATT.AQ _] 'E, AND THE MEANS J.e take the Orte by Intelligenz, Fedition, fi1rprifa, ftra ¥ tageme, efcalade: make the doors go wrong, m1mit! s & b, ifomenf: PlHjieurs Jn flmmens po ,, r break the chains & pa11x: The order of / o ,, g; Belagerungen, conftmfŸ™n du Forts & .Redomes, Les Reminchemens des rtiers. Des Trancheu, B, Mertes, Manttlets, Mi-. nes & several inmntions nouutlles non iam11if written. Die Abhilfema§nahmen gegen die Trahifon, Fedition, Rcuolte: To guarantee efcalacle,: Diuerfcs inuentions nouuelles conr P tarJ: Li deffcnfe against long Sicges, & against Sicges by force: Counter-Minen, Rctranchemens, Capitulation & Surrender of Places The whole, eprtftntŽ in nnquanre-five PIAnclus, "" I, s Pl, intes 6, Pr -. fptlituts. Lt v, fco: irs tft prt11ut p11r DtmonflrAl1ons, expmmcn, Tlf1fonscommunes, & PhJJiqNt1. 11uec lts r1ipports des H 1ftoa á, s ncimnes & modern. AV LECTEVR- MY LeŽl: eur, hatred & love make the most violent pallions which dominate us; "" that of love is stronger enuers ourselves as enuers the others: because it is we cannot foolishly judge our own aelions: & recognize our faults, as long as everyone delimits & prife fes Ocuures; & does not have. no ignorant fi or imperfect fi, who doesnÕt think anything recommendable. In order not to fall into this error, I fled to the neck, expelling this Ceuurc in public from which each will judge paffion fans; & moy> as in a mirror, in this public voice> ic will check my faults, so the knowledge will increase my capacity. This was the fujet that prompted me to. write, or add that I have grown, that if my book does not merit being seen, it will make it easy for me to hide in the multitude rank of Authors who write every day; fion the winch good so much more honor for means of efirc held in> some rank among those we e.fŸme. oy he in liver, I will have satisfied my mood, it bewildering, amy LeŽl: eur, that this little that I have written does not e {l: Ž fans hazard to learn it, a lot of peille ˆ la cfcrirc, & de.frai $ ˆ l'experimcnter: Those who are wary of it will have fans like the dancers. have it size: the boards of my hand, so that they will more iu! l: es: i put the Plant pot \ r more easily to know its shape & its sizes; 1a ProfpeŽtiue, to accumulate to take the Plan of the Places, lefqucllcs make the same effeŽ that ie the repreCentc seen from afar. In the Difcours i'ay Cuiuy what I have seen by experience efŸe the most practiced, & have added to it the report of the Hii1: oi re for those who complain about it; as well as the phyfiic riffons in places who fc do meet about; there is no shortage of demonstrations: ifein to the margins each cho (e, so that oa puilfe lailfer what will not please fans inteqompre le Difcours. I have put these diuerfitez to satisfy the diuerfitez of efprits: The meats, although fauoureufes, do not make good winches all: what one efŸme, the other mfprife: the variety of inclinations & moods makes the variety of iugcmcns. le t'fafcurc yet, amy LcŽeur, that I did not write anything, that my brother (Sergeant MaJor du Rcgimcnt de Monfcigneur le PrinccThomas) or moy, let's have vow, or practical: The experience of those who do not care about it will make you know the truth. Finally, I have do the best I could, & could to frighten you; to those who will be grateful to me for it, ie their long life, honor, and profpred life, offering them to all my fernice, a mecc the mf me affeŽion that I offer them these Efrrits; giving others the freedom to do better, with the help of helping fcur glory if he does it more worthily. IN MONSIEVR THE CHEY A LIER DE VILLE fur fes rare V crtus. SOUND NET see a heart of Mars, a spirit of Mi, urue; z á aJPirer that to h, n ,, eurs, & Vertm of high price, all 11anitate .. smell in scorn, O rner fas btlf.UX Difco, m d á vne diuine VerHe, > - . JCL <,,, I. Oll, lcfi- c; m ( ¥ n l o :: mo1c u ¥ rro1c coucc: s dire cs f tre aces ce co 1 all cs aa1ons r. equal, i, 011, the fa cfbnt commanded from qm: k1ue cofŸ \ force does not feroic Cfgalc specification per wheel; c \ .fi-poun1uoy fclon the definition clic although ordered from some supplier, do not pay: - obJcŸionp. roic no ddh-c cfgalcment strong in key-mefme by everything: month of cc coftŽ this fcroit force furpafiee by that da cornm: mdemcnt, b. which would however last days b mefmc, although this great strength pins luy fuA: OJPOStC, like a man who rcfifl: cra ˆ vn another hom- C. '.> M, ar ifo laughed not for all that less force against cduy-cy, than c0nrrc: the other, but the force will furmontŽc by vnc more r; 111de: ainfi des B: dbons, they will in themselves r? rcc efgalc, m.11s none predominate by l: i force cxcc ncurc. the Figurl ', Regnlicres fortifications, the parts make the Figurl ', . P rtics, those who dl i'efpacc proposed to fortify, understood from several rcf: ul, cr ¥ -ro, tsfic., T ¥ nns straight lines, equal to each other, lcfquel \ es to their rcncor .tre do the years:; lcs dg: inx, as in the fccondc F urc de l: i pnmicrc Planche les lig; nes L H, H R, R 1 \ 1-, & c. f <, nt half of Exagonc, & the other half must d1rc of mefrnc. Orb Figure pr nd fa denomination of the number of anrrci ', t r.,,! C- t! .Lc.;, Had costs: if it angles, it is expressed by appointment. dcw Greek words, the first of which signifies the number, & f, a; trc, angle; like trine, de tris, which means, three, & gonia, angle; tcttagone, of teffares, which lives say, guatrc, & gonia, an le, & so of others; Penta gone, that is to say, at five angles; cxagone, in Jix; ept Les, Places re fontuhcres do those. who have them. cofi-ez & them I IC f onc, at ten-fcpt; ICO dccaottogone, at eighteen: s á; CC 'Il: dccacnnc .d - t> go1; e> a' d. 1x-ncu f; . fi 1gonc, a ¥. vmgt, & á c. 1 CS CO- trust that she takes the name, we will express p, 1r two words, Lat1ns, comrnc tri latcre, quadrilatere, & ainfi des autres ,. Paste them from b figure, make lines lJUë dark, 011 cc: 11-, 1 le the figure, dl: ccluy qui cil fait par le encounter, & incl: -I d The angle of the centil cil: celuy lJUì cil: made by two lines, each dcfquellcs starts at 1'.ingle du cofl: Ž, & fc An, .lc P licubire-Ffanc. , that lies for the ccfl: Ž d ¥ the Figure, at the point where fc linit the last c'cll throat of BafŸon,: i l: i <] uelle il dl: ef al, comm .. l) 11.1. la Courtine dl: everything that i: fl: between two lhncs f‘s plus Courtine. close to the two Bafl: diffcrem ions, co: nm .: QS. Faces, or pa, 1ds de Balbons, are part of iccluy, r.1ec 1. of r.a <'Ui font oppofŽcs, i. the campaign, lcfC] udles auec ks A: mc flio: a hcucnt to form the Ball: ion, or hi Ln cc are the parts, ciu BafŸon which since fcxtrcnrnŽ of A.111c, rnft1uc, .i 1.11ointe, like AM, & A l-. "Ui cil: done by the rcncontn á dcs d.:u faces, uHnn1 Orto "r.iphic, les I 1autcur á, oui d dl: c I 1 proP I pace, rement lc9ud la repon rc-fe Parapet pd'iccluy efl: cc 9ui cf \: eluted by delf'us le Rem- share of the campaign cofl: Ž, like H I L. The Chemin des Rondes cfl: this space which cf1 in the last one Chemin Jcs du l) arapet du Rempart, like Y N; & fon Parapet dl: l \ waves. The E (carp of the crab beetle: this slope that is given to the E f carp. The Efcarp body, e, is called or the solidity the chem1fede) a, wall, like PM. fans understand m: fu .e The Efpcrons, 0 1 Buttresses, make certain Efpcronr dances. the cofŸ wall: from Place cntrans in the Rem- part, as we will see in their place. Le FoffŽ dl: this crested efpace all around between Place FoffŽ. The Concrc-efcarpc eyelash: the edge of FolfŽ all love of Cocfcacpntrce. <; hemin couuert efl: this place which efl: fur l'Efcarpe lower,; 0: ;; _ The Efplanade efl: this re-sulphidation of soil which fills with Pa-Efi> lanaJc. rapct an chemin couuert, & va fe loser in the campa- gene, like X. the Place d'Armes Cil: this difl: ance which dl: between the Rem-Place. d'Arpar! & the maifons of the City: or the Place which cfl: in the middle of the city, or bitter p : m where cfl: the answer. So'.Jacs as used, or for guard. born by everything. fenticlics of r Q! There are no parties flanked in he h Place which is not far flanked. Plforce acer 1! at1uantcs, more than the range of weapons defquclles on fe dchd, the main ones of which are Les Moufquets, cant what flanks, that cc which ell: flanked liver to fe1rcuue, or capable of relifi: cr with weapons & machines of fafaillant, of which the strongest make the Canons. S D E L A f O Il T l F I C A T I O N Il E G V L 1 E 1t r, Qi) .s the parts of the Fortification closest to the cenrrc foicnt touliours higher, & command those who make it distant. Banque Banque'Z angles. straight, or near d: right angle. The less obtuse angle angles make the better, remaining the right angular Ba! Lion. Bafiions which have more defense, or make more fun <] Ue'Z., Make the best. Q !! s Parapet s, are made of soft materials, q111 does not falfcnt no shards. uA ofin ir fe for defcndre which auec one more bafŸt those of more Cities,, & dl: pque ou peu poude shadow puiff'e refŸ cr to vn larger. In the beginning we to keep the peoples together, and to receive them by law, l) CU that was the battle, which one ofaifoic of o! icgcs. Cain fnt ole pr Ç- t uis therefore that the For tification efl: caufe of a thousand strong goods to those who fcrnent, & does not harm others, it must efl: re cfl: imŽ e & mife en vfage. CH AI 'I T R' E I v. ns icy A! lietes, or places where coramcncq cr we can bafl: ir the Fortifications: ie prisray icy after vnc_ Fortin ¥ indifferently the name of Site, or Affiete, lefqucls ie diation, uiferay in high, medium & bottom: And those cy fe fubdiui- will do in those who do fccs, & those who do all, or in part of the water, which will make sea, or soft; & cellc-cy dormante :, or current. High places are acceffible, or inaccc: ffibles; or by tie acceffibles, partie: inacceffibles, both fecs and those <} They are in the water. Les rnoyem, prefuppofcnt toufiours see order, then he) has higher places. Now this command may cfl: re diuers, as well as those Plac :! co ; who do plain, defqucls none do order, au: di ;;; my ¥ trcs no. Commands, they do or a lot, or nicrcs. little tall of a cofl: Ž, or of plufirurs, rfloigne1, or pro- ches: sometimes there is some valec, or precipice between the command, and the Place, or some river, or all both. The Sites which make in the waters, as in the sea, Diucdici de fur the acceffible efcueils, or inacccffibles, enui- Site ,. ronnc: z of water all around, or of several cofl: ez, auec some aduc: cloud of solid ground, or of water, or fans point of aduenu‘, order, or not: Others remain at fcc when the tide is slack, & cnuiron- water when it is high. None make in the marshes, or lakes; the others, c: choose vnc, lt. OF THE FORMATION RFGVLI RI ', riuicres, which can e! L: re of water vmc \, or c1u1 tan / slow in time of EfiŽ. Afterwards the ground must be confidcr, from which we will deal with pan. There are still S1tcs which make Yituez so much that one can flood all the country, the City remaining whole. & more other strong ones that he was impotent to say, defected as varicose c.:!l: li grandc, that 1e does not believe that there are two feukmcnt who believe in everything so fcmblablcs that we do not there are some differences. We will speak of those who alleged allegucz by showing their convenience7. & incomrnoditcz, force & faithbldfc, & the other circumstances: ancc Places ba-Formerly one choifŸfoir Jes the highest places for ba- J \ i.cs aut.rc-fi: ir Places lefquels which eftimoic by delfos all au dot of cc 1 á urpa 0 á e any other r. , one d e. Site. M: us. since then we changed .: of opinion, having conlidcred 11ue the main end for which we ba {lit lcs "vi li es cfl: for ha biter, & to make the conuerfation or a / lembke ciuilc, the traffic & trade with the sailboats, Gins which they cannot fubfify. By then we fortify them for the poull (, \ f defcndre, which makes it necessary to have the commod1tcz, first of all the habitation and the inhabitants, & fccondcmcnt of your force. †T the high places if they are good for strength, they do not do it for the convenience of city dwellers. parkr, 1y therefore of each cfpcce in particular, dcduifam their kindness & default Those who are inaccessible cannot be taken rarely. for what means is there to take cc: l which we do not. can arrive? This is why they don't need any Fortific: ition. Some are cnuironner of water, c0mmc S. l \! 1chd ctl Bretaane, lelJUel ic would like to / impregnable by force; because or-, be the aamage of Sitc, cn high tide i 1 cfi enuiron'lf de 1, sea, & balfo there are only fables; so much so that he did not take his shoes either by tcrr armŽe army or by nauale army. It is full of femblablcs Sites in the riui <"rcs, like Roche-maure, & le Chafl: cau Dau, both in the middle of Rhofoc, bafl: is fur rocks cut all cofkz: wutestimes these do not as strong as the others, because they are close to the ground, and stone bafiis, they can also be beaten, broken by cannon shots, or by the Caualicrs that can be made, or by the minions, <1ui fe treuucnt: in tour, Others make their way into the sea, and on the other side, to the land, no dcfqucls do quite inacceliibll á S, wmmc la Rocqucllc en (alabre, & Corfou, which efl: in V cnitil-m, at the end of the l0c fur vn inacce rock [- 1it, le, enancŽ dans 1., mer, fur lequc: 1 efi bafu dit Cbaflcau, ou Fort, 'him does not look: not as high as S. Michc: l , c'cfl: why the efime of splitting the sea better: because the blows pull from there more damaging to those who palfent, because they ra (ent dau.1nta c. In this way cfl: still the Cha! l: Douurc water: ni.lis for dl: re too h: iut is not afraid of damaging the V aisle which palfcnt at the foot of iccluy. Sometimes these places are accessible from the cost of the earth, cities that are as busy as Gaycte in the Key Kingdom, Sites ar. dc N ,, plcs, & Nice en Proucnce Il. in Fon Il., Altdfe cccofiffi lc e $ de: dter ¥ a <1 e <á., a, 1ove, & á ccux-q dÕornent cure r, orn á fi ez du co1Ï ac- ccJëiblc; making the picccs there will work best for rc, S1 c. De, places rn tcn á e inaccessible to all coficz, he á 'en -raccclli ¥ sees plulirnrs: \' crrogola in Pif an, at the top of vn á o-bics. NOT d1cr, Rad1rofani aux confin, from the Efiat of the Grand Duke to the Pope. As <1u'on bafl: ifŸ: these Places, it does not matter; fi on, had on there frr.l <1ucl Olll? ' the Chafieaux, or Citadels that we make in these places, so that they command the Cities that make fun of the plague. The dcfcnfe efl: ill-easy in c: these places, either or not to have no land to make the fences & rctranchemems, as if it were difficult because it was very uneasy to pull the Mo1Ufr1uet down, the Parapets c! l: years of hair removal. And still worse, the Canon which makes more effect: shot from bottom to bottom, than from top to bottom; because the fire goes up in hautr, & by confcquent accompanies the hale qrui dl longer: pouffŽe above; on the contrary pulling down, the fire: goes away from a cofl: Ž, & the bay from the other: besides that the necks pull from bottom up take the walls by the] ied & the cnleuenr, & those from top to bottom only do a little bit of ruin. Those who order at these places: x must see the fungus to keep there viif & ammunition to fuffifance, to have large cillerns to contain quantity of water, to make cxall: e guard, & do not lailfer to hell pcrfonne inside that those of the garnifon , or who believe well cognem, armed fans: They will be vigilant to fe feefire furprŽ by finclfe, then they do not fear the force strong ef Sedan which dl: fur la dcfcente, fans in cfl: re feparŽ than by vn fofsŽ fait in the rock by vn long rrauail.From those who feparez Montmcliar, command el \: Montmclian, which in command of fcpar of the mountain voi / ine, & feparŽ by vne ValŽe which in-m nc ¥ gnc of them. This is a great defect at a Place d'efirc comman-qu, y co m21 dlc; that is why we owe it to him the better he fends; v t'Ž / can, enclosing what commands a Place, or most Of vnc must much, as was done at Sedan; or else faifant ¥¥ Place ndEc c ¥ om8c <.jas Uelque on a Challeau fait ˆ, ou Orenoe, where Citadclle la Ville au á efl: place qimŽe ui au bas commande,, au 1aut we did vn Chilleau rres-fort aucc vne beautiful Arms Place, which they call Vignalfc. -re neither the vn nor the other, it will be necessary: ??to run more / their pieces the -newn before the other of the cofl: Ž that the Place was ordered, as we did: i Mootmelian, with the high pieces, 8 'traucrfes plucieurs that prevent (JU'une no party: 'can efl: re in ltdl: e to padc.r of $ Plarn which [on; in, la Pfaine, lcfquel nt. Those who attack O! Lt this advantage, that they can put their batteries at such height <] Uìl their plaifl :, & with mcfure that one will haulf the works of the rolling, they will haulfcrull their batteries, lefquelles which they command rom all days, & defcououririr in the Place what diligence that those from inside will fail to do. It will be noted that these commands are more harmful let those t : rnmmc il arriua ˆ ”'ortc-fr: rrare afiicg e de huill: ante Galeres du Turc, who was (shortened by a new Galcrc du Duc de Tofcanc, lacquer! pa ! f.'l the tra ¥ ucrs of this armle to the tedder of bad weather, & fc ren ¥ dit dam la Place. V enife cil: vn A different site from the others, limited to the end of the Adriatic Sea; the closest tcl'l'e lil: five thousand. there is no t1.rrc: i.urour of 1.i Place, only the one that dl iu! l: cmcnt occupied.:e by bafl: imcn ¥: at cons V, ulfcaux Eyelash site: wonderful for cfl: re feu! in this strong: Trcs I m rar ,. 01cn ¥ on that when those d11 pays want to put the ca11 p.u ptrfonnc has never undertaken any of these plans. k 1 á cm qn'clle ncuucnt dtrc force prifes, & that it,. There is no such thing as a log of Nature's ncccllity which puffed them up. Outraged & trcsadu.1n-l> icn agfomliŽ all these there have Adjacent places: on the ground, those with art, gr.mds Jlafl: ions, Rcmpars & Parapets strong c-fpais, dcs folfct. trcs-bre; s, & t uO: oH \\ UC de fc return, & fe fo™mettrc ˆ l'Efpa nol. A