By Lucio Vitruvius Chicken De architecture li- bri dece traducti de Latin in vulgar affi- gurati, commented, et con aiming order honored, for the which you can easily find the multitude of the abstruse and hidden cabuli a li soi loci et in epsa tabula con sum- ments of expositi et enucleati ad immensa profit- tate of each scholar and benevolent of epsa opera. By Lucio Vitruvio Pollione to Cesare Augusto de architectura the first book translated into a vulgar sermon is looming commented and affigured by Caesare Caesariano citadino mediolanense professor of architecture and caetera. When your divine mind and deity, empire- rator Caesar, went obtenendo lo imperio di tuto il mon- do, and for your invicta virtute de- beautiful all the enmity, all the enmity, all the citadins are glob- riavano del triumpho et tua victo- ria et all the domesticated people aimed to your nuto et il populo Romano And the Senate freed from fear with your very broad cogithione and con- silii fusse gubernated, I had not Daring, for so many busy ones, books scripti de architectura et explicati con magne cogitatione manifestare, fearing that, if he asked you in time, he would not immediately in offense to your soul. But with me advertesse ti non solo de la vita commune de tuti ha- the care and constitution of the republic, but also of the oppor- tunity of the particularities and of the public and private buildings that the city For thee not only solum of provinces was augmented, but also so that the majesty of the empire of public buildings had the eminent auctorita- you, I thought I should not let you show how much more Soon these things were opportune, And this is why first of all for this discipline to your patre was ...of his virtuous scholar. But when the council of li heavenly gods the hebeno dedicated in the chairs of the Immortalitate and the Im- period of your father's transference to your potestate: the one that you med- but my study, while remaining in the memory of what it has transported... you the favor. And so with Marcus Aurelius and Publius Numidius and Gnaeus Cornelius to the aparechiamento of the ballistas and scorpions to the refectione of the others Artelarie I have been prompto and with them always the comodities I have pi- Which when first to me the tribesmen you served the re- cognizance for his sister's commendation. Cum sia aduncha For that benefit I was obligate, and that in the end of my life Had no fear of poverty, so that you were not afraid of poverty, when I came to you. To write; for I am souldevised of the many things that have been built up for thee, And now aedify, yet for the rest of the time that has advenire thou shalt be for to have the care of public and private buildings for the greatness of the things that You made it so that it will be used in hindsight, I have written down the perscriptione ended aciò that waiting to those et ante that Let it be done and what works are for the advenire for thee medemo the posse havere notes; and yet in these volumes I have opened all the ratios of this discipline. De la institutione de li architecti. First chief. La scientia del architecto has adorned itself with many disciplines and various erudition for which they are accustomed to play all the works which from all the other art you perficeno. This is born of fabrica et di ratiocination. The fabrication has continued et trita meditatione of custom which you do it with mane and you must have the matter de caduna generazione al proposito de la big format. But the ratiocinatione is the one that things fabricated with solertia and with ratione di proportione po di- monstrare et explicare. Et however the architectures which without littere have Contended well, that with the mane fusseno exercitated they could not make Who by their labours habited could have been auctoritate; but so much that With silverware and sunshine have confided themselves seemingly habiano consequence the umbra of this art and not true scientia. But so much so that one and the other have learned how to adorned men with all their weapons as soon as they have con- sequestered with auctoritate what has been to his purpose. Therefore in all things and maxime in the architecture are these two things: what it means and what it means. The proposed thing of which it says if it means, but the explicated demonstratione with the ratio- in doctrine means this thing. For which it appears To be exercised in one and the other he who wants to profit if to be architect. . And so that one must be ingenious an easy discipline; for neither do I ingenious it without discipline nor discipline without in- Genius can be a perfectly efficient artificer. Et como el si deba essere litte- rato, expert de la graphic, Educated in geometry and optics, not unsuspecting, also taught by Arithmetic, and that the knowledge of many histories, and the philosopher- Phi carefully habia habia audito, even now that 'tis the knowledge of music and of Medicine is not unaware and the responsibility of the habiahiconsulti coastrology and the ratione del coelo le habia cognite. And for these things to be like this, these are the causes. I architecture it with Come that the wise man may with them comment upon the memory more stop efficient. Afterwards you had the scientia de la graphida aciò that most Easily can the species de caduna thing that 'the desire with the pincti exem plarii warp. But many geometry lends itself to architecture; et primamente da le Euthygrammate dil circino transferisse lo uso da il which of the areas of the buildings most easily expedi- no the description of the standards and of the line. Similarly for the optics in the buildings from certain regions of the coelo are led recetly into the light. And for arthmetics the ratione de la spexa de li aedificii was consumed, and the ratione de le mensure se explicano et le difficile questione de le symme- trie con le geometrice ratione et metode se troveno. Many histories it is necessary to have haver known cognoscuto because you architecti them many times in le works designate many ornaments from them as ornaments because they habiano, let's not make them do it right. Yes, in what way? no the marble statues and stolen mules, and which are said Cariatyde, como per columne in opera le habia statuite et di sopra li mutuli et coro I have placed them in the right place, so that it will make the ratione. Caria cità dil Peloponnese allowed with lost enmity against Greece. Do- then the Greeks, for victoria gloriously freed from the war, to co- mune indixeno council the war in li Caryati. And so, I took the oppressor, Interfecti li homini strong, the city destroyed, the matrone de quilli abduxeno In bondage they are suffered to lay the stoles in the ornate matronly ones So that not in one single triumpho fusseno leads, but to aeterno exemplo de la servitute with grave contumelia praesse, fusseno vedute hang poenae for the city. And why were the architectures that were in that tem- then in them public buildings designated their images placed in susteni- The load also now, so that in retrospect the known penalty of the sin of Caryati was given to memory. I do not miss them Laconic, to Pausania Duke son of Agestilepolidos, for the plateaco prelio which with little hand an infinite number of the Exercito de Persi when I hebeno overcome them, acto with glory the triumpho of the remains and praedae the Persian portico of the manubii, da la laude et de le virtù de li citadini per indice de la victoria a posteriori per tro- pheo constituted him. And there, you simulate them of the captives dressed with beards... ornate rico, the pride of the deserving contumelie punished, to substi- Black the tecto have placed them aciò punished them enmity for fear of their own Fortitude is horresseno et li citadini, aspicienti the exemplo of that one virtute, for glory erecti to defend the liberated his fusseno parades. And thus from that exemplify many the statues perch substinent epystilii And the ornaments of those have placed and so from that silver the eminent varieties have augmented with the works. Anchora are other History of these medems generated from which to keep noticia to them architectures is appropriate. But the philosophia perfice the architecto of great soul and makes that the not Is arrogant, but sooner easy, aequo et fidele, without avarice, which is co sa maxima; it was that no one truly works without faith and chastity. A little to do: and that I be not cupid nor in acceptation present habia the soul busy, but with gravitate habendo bona fame retains its digni- It is imperative that this thing the phylosophia el prescribes. Vultra of this of the nature of things, as graciously ?????????? is said, the phylosophia explica lo explica. Which is more studiously needed ha- verla cognosciuto because it has many various and natural question yes co- But even now in the ductione de le ductione de le acque. Because in li cursi et circuitione et in hora in librata planitie hora a uno modo stesso a un altro si fano in le ex- pressure the natural spirits to the offense of which no one can medi- Dear if not those who have known the principles of nature's things. Et Likewise that of Ctesibius or true of Archimedes and the others Read the praecepti that have inscribed of this medema generated, with They will not be able to hear unless it will be of these things from the phylosophi established. But it is necessary that the knowledge of music be what the cancionica ratione et mathe- matica habia la nota, ultra di questo aciò de le balliste, catapulte, scor- pioneering the temperatures can rectamente do. Imperoché in li capitelli da la dextra also from the left are the foramini of the homotonii for which they are waits with the juices and vetches and of nerve are the twisted ropes which are not prae- clude nor praeligan if not when to the ears of the artifice certain and equal SONITES HAVE FACTS. Because the embers which in them tension if I include, When they are extended equally and equally one and the other plague, emitting de- well, what homotoniae do not serve and prevent the directa mission of the cloths. Even now, in the theatres, you can also have them vessels such as in the cells below them with but- Thematic ratione ratione are placed and discriminate against them, such as the Greeks they call ?????, a le symphonice musice, or true concenti if I compose divided into circinatione, diatessaron et diapente et diapason so that the vo- is convenient in the disposition of the sonic scavenger when silent has- will be offended augmented with the increase more clara et more suave reaches le spectators' ears. Likewise the hydraulics machine and others such as They are like these organs, and without a musician no one will be able to effect them. Likewise it is necessary to have known the discipline of medicine for the inclination of the sky, which the Greeks say ???????, et del aere et loci, Which are wholesome or true pestilents, and also the use of the aque; because without these ratios no healthy habitation can be made. Even now it is necessary that I habia those annotated ratios which are necessary a li communi aedificii aedificii de le pariete al ambito de li stilicidii et de le cloache et of the candles. Likewise the duction of the waters and other things which are de such a way it is opportune to them architectures are known to what you advertisse- the establishment of the buildings do not allow disputes to be settled, for the facto works, to the patriotism of the family and to the landlord and the conductor with prudentia can be dodged of the descending laws; empire that the law be peri- tamente serà scripta, will make that ambi dui without captione one from the other serà cleared. But from astrology if he knows the East, West, meridia- no, et septentrione, et la ratione del coelo, lo equinoctio, solstitio, il corso Of the stars; the tediousness of which if none had it, by the whole not will know the ratione de li horologii. Adhunca when so much is this discipline seasoned and abundant with erudition of even the most varied things, I don't think you'll build them so soon be rightly able to be professed if Not quilli that gives the puerile aetate by the grades of the disciplines for the scientia of many littere and art fed have come to the summo temple of the architecture. Even now perhaps it will seem like a wake-up call to the men who possess them the nature so much number of doctrines perfectly learn and to the memory with- keep them. But when they animate all the disciplines within them, they've got to have the (speaking in french) but the discipline of the encyclopaedia is made up of such members as a body. Et so quilli that to keep aetate with the various eruditions are instructed in all the known laws of the world and the com- municatione of all disciplines and for this more easily every thing cognoscene. And for this reason Pythio as one of the antiques of these architectures was the first that the Aede de Priaennea Minerva nobly designed, dixe in li soi commentarii make of mestero to the architecto with all the art et doctrines more power to do than those who have perduced the singu- lare cose con sue industrie et exercitatione a la summa claritate. But these things not if it expedited effectively. Because he doesn't have to and he doesn't have to Architecto be grammatical yes as was Aristarcho but not agrammed Nor musician like Aristoxenus, but not amusos, nor pictor like Apel- les, but de graphida not imperishable nor plaste sì como Miron hovero Polycreto, but de la ratione plastica not unsuspecting, nor even doctor as Hippocrates but not ametholicus or the other sin doctrines. gularly excellent, but in those not imperishable. I will learn that in so many varieties of things no one can follow the singu- lare elegantie because the ratiocinatione of those to cognoscere et per- Cypress on pain of falling into potestate. Not so much do you architecture them I don't know about all things havere lo summo effecto, but even now epsi qua- I privately hold them the properties of the art do not pon do that all has- the summo principality de la laude. Aduncha si in ciascuna doctri- Not all but a few to the perpetual ancestor - on pain of any artificer - not all but a few The ennobled, in what way the architecture, which of the many art must be perished, not do that marauding, big- Of which of these some things it does not habia indigentia, but still that the overcomes all the artifices that in each doctrine have been given assiduously. tà con summa industria? Aduncha in this thing Pythio seems to have made a mistake that he didn't habia ad- vertito de two things to be composite each art, that is to say, of work and of ratiocination, but of these two one being exactly de epsi li qua- there in their singulare things have been exercised: that is, in the effecto of the work, the other is common with all the docti li: i.e. ratiocinatione; como saria with doctors and musicians and rythm of the veins and motion of O true the plague if 'tis the will to medicate or true I infirm it erysterlo of the Periculus, he'll need not the musician to access it, but this opera own doctor's serà; similarly in the organ not the doctor but the musician will modulate how the ears of the song received his i- cundity. Similarly with astrologers and musicians it is a common dispute- tion of the sympathy of the stars and symphonies of the squares and tri- goni, diatessaron et diapente; and with the geometricians of the videre, which in graeco ????? ??????? appeals. et in all other doctrines many things or true each are only to arguing. But the entrance of the works as with the hand or with the tracta- Tion a la elegantea is perduceno are of those which are properly to make an art are instituted. Adhunca asai abundantly if he sees have done what by each doctrine the part and de ratione de those mediocrely habia those notes that are necessary for the archi- tecture, so that you will need anything of those and of the art of which you- say and probare, he doesn't miss it. But et quilli to whom nature has so much tribute of sollertia aut of acute memory to what may the geome- tria, astrology, music and other disciplines at tuto habere le note. Prae- terisseno li offitii de li architecti et si efficeno mathematici et cosi faa- cilmente contra epse discipline pono dispute for that of many the disciplines are armed. But rare are found as Aristarco Samio, Philo- lao et Archita tarentino, Apollonius pergeo, Erathosthene cyreneo, Archimedes and Scopinas Syracusans, which many things organic and gno- monice which you find and also explicate in the number of the natural ...they've laxed them afterwards. Aduncha when such ingenuities from the natural sollertia not scattered in every people, but a few viri was con- I have to say, but the architecture as well as the deba in all its eruptions is offensive. dithione be exercised and the ratione for the amplitude of the thing par that not according to the need to have the summe scientie, but an- Who knows the mediocre disciplines, I ask you, Caesar, and so on... There which are to have to read them my volumes, I exhostulate that, yes some What was little explicated to the regula de la grammatical art, let it be for- endowed. I will learn that neither philosopho nor rhetore deserted nor grammar with the summe ratione del arte exercitato, but yes as ar- I chithecto de queste litterae funnel these things I have endeavoured to writ- drink. But of the power of art, though in that power are the reasoning behind it... I will certainly promote them, yes as I hope, with such volumes not only to builders, but also to all the wise with maxima auctoritate without doubt be praestate. What the architecture consists of. Capo secundo. But architecture consists of ordi- natione, which in graecho ????? is said, et de dispositio- ne, but this one they call ????????, et di euryth- my symmetry and decorum and distribution- ne, as in Greek ????????? is said. The ordinatione is a little com- modality of the members of the work separately comparing the uni- pours a symmetry. This is composed of quantity, which is said in Greek ???????. But the quantity is from the sumptione of the modules of that work and of each of the members of the universa operates a convenient effecto. But the disposition is an apta collocatione de le cose et elegante effecto in le compositione de le ope- kings with qualities. The spetie de la disposition as graecamente di- cte ?????, are these: ichnographia, orthographia, scenographia. Ichnographia si è uno continente uso facto modicamenta del circino et Of the regula, from which, if they understand the description of the forms in them, they shall be Lii de le areae. But the orthographia is the erecta image of the forehead and moderately a picta figure with the opera's ratios. Likewise the scenographer. phia is adumbratione de la fronte et del abscindentia de li lateri quale in the center of the circle and every line has the answer. These were born of cogitatione and inventiveness. The cogitatione is a cura plena di studio et de industria et de vigilantia cum voluptate dil provost effecto. But the inventiveness is of the obscure question an ex- plicatione et ratione de la nova cosa con mobile vigor reperta. Que- these are the endings of the disposition. But eurythmy is a v- nd commodo aspecto in le compositione de li membri. This one is effective when members of the opera are convenient, i.e. quilli of al- latitude to latitude, and of latitude to longitude, and that suits with the summa of his symmetry. Item the symmetry is a convenient consent of the members of that work and of the Party separate to the species of the universe figure a response of the installment part. Yes as in a body of homo from the cubit, from the foot, from the palm, from there type, et cetera, et cetera. Symmetry is the quality of the euryth- mine, and so it is in the perfectione of works. Et primamente sì como è in le sacre aede in le crassitudine de le columne aut del triglypho o True also is the embatere of the foramen de la ballista, which Graeci them ?????????? also call, as the interscalmies of the vessel, qua- it is said to be ?????????; likewise of all other works of art by its members if find the ratiocinatione de la symmetria. But the decor is an amendment- to aspecto de la composita opera cum auctoritate de le cose probate. This is perfect for statione which graecamente ?????????? si he says, either true by habit or by nature. By statione when in Iove with the splendor from the coelo and to the sun and to the moon I built them and the hy- Soto petrae lo aere are constituted; for the species of these Gods and the effecto in lo aperto et lucente mundo we also present saw them. But to Minerva and Mars, and to Hercule the dorice seran facte aede; for That to some gods for virtue without delicacy it is well for him to be constituted I built them. To Venus, to Flora, to Proserpine, to the Nimphe de li sources and sylve si in corinthia generatione will be constituted apte properties you see- No habere because to those goddesses for tenderness the most subtile works et The ornate works of art that have been decorated with flowers and foliage and volutes can be seen in augumen- make the right decorum. To Iunone, to Diana, to Libero patre and to the other Gods Which are de la medema similarity, it is aede ionicae if it is known- tuerano serà hauta la ratione de la mediocrita perché et dal severe co- stume of the Doric and the tenderness of the Corynthii will be tempered the institutione de la propriété de quilli. But the decorum a la consuetude co- yes if you exprime. Yes with the magnificent interior buildings, similarly you see them. convenient and elegant stibuli will be made. Why are you in the interior there Elegant prospecti haverano habuto, but you hire them humble and honestly will not be with decorum. Likewise you with the epistylii dorici in the crowns the denticuli will be sculpted or true in le pulvinate columne et capitelli et in li Ionici Epistylii will express the triglyphi translati de altra ratione le pro- prietate in other generation of work will offend the aspecto, before in- replace the other customs of the order. But the natural decorum so serà if first of all at every temple the salubrious region and the source of the water in suitable loci are elected in which they are to be constituted, from - Then maximally to Aesculapius and to the Health of those of whom many unseen infirmities have been seen. For that when by the pestilent in the healthy loco li aegrotanti bodies will have been transported and by quilli Healthy sources are used from which they are subministered, and more practical conva- leransi. And so serà facto aciò that gives the nature of the place the divinitate ex- cipa magiore opinione et augmentatione con dignitate. Anchora se- rà decore de la natura si a li cubiculi et bibliothece dal oriente si capi- rano li lumi, a li balnei et hybernaculi from the west hyberno, a le pi- nacothece and other loci from which it is work of peer lights is understood from the septentrion because that region was neither exclarita nor obscu- ...but it is certain and immutable from the perpetual day. But the distribution is of the copies and of the place a convenient one of - carelessness and temperatione parca temperatione of the expenditure in the works facta with ratione. This so if it conserves so first of all the architecto not will seek those things that cannot be found or true to be appeared- installments if not with pimping money. Imperoché not in every loci is copy de arena ditching neither cements nor dwellings nor sapphires nor a copy of the sea. died, but one thing is born in one place, and one thing is born in another, compose them- a fact of which I am difficult and sumptuous. But it is to use, where is not arena fossitia, the fluviatica or true the navy washed, even though they vitarano the inopie of the abiete or true of the sappini using the cupresso, populea, ulmo, pine; also other things similar to these that will be from explicate. Other degree of the distribution will be when the use of the patri de familie aut secundo la copia de la pecunia o vero a la dignita- Of the elegant buildings highly arranged. Why else- The urban habitation is seen to need to be constituted, otherwise... To those rustic people who of possession influenced them; not to me- So that those of the fenerators, otherwise those of the blessed and the de- delicate but those of the powerful with the cogitatione of which it considers- Blica is gubernated, to the use they shall be placed; and by all the distribution of the buildings are to be made open to every person. Of the part of the architecture. Chief tertium. The part of the architecture are three: aedification, gnomonics, and machinatione. But the aedification is divided by bipartite, of which one is de le moenie et commune opere in li publici loci la col- The other one is from the private building of the building. But of them can- Blici le distributione are three, of which one is of the defension, the other is de la religione, la tertia de la oportunitate. Of the defension of the mu- king and tower and doors is the excogitata ratione to repell in perpetual li the religion of the immortal Gods of the flesh and of the immortal Gods of the flesh and the the sacred aede is the collocation, of the opportunity of the communi loci to the use Of the public is the disposition as are the ports, the holes, the porticoes, the bal- In theatres, the theatres, the inambulatione and others such as of similar ratione are designated in li publici loci. But these so debauched be made so that the se habia la ratione de la firmamitate, utilitate, et venustate. De la firmami- Tate serà habita la ratione when of the fundamentals to the solid serà facta The depression, and the copies, of each matter, without avarice will serve do the diligent electioneering; but of the amended and unimpeded usefulness - tion for use of the loci will be the disposition and reason of each one Its generation will be open and commodiously distributed: but of the venus- When the beauty of the opera will be grateful and elegant and the commendable of the members habia le iuste ratione de le symmetrie. De la electione de li loci apti a la salute et of the lights of the fenestre. Chapter IIII. But in a very long time they will be there... beginnings. First, the electioneering of the salubrious loco. But this will be excelso et not nebulous nor pruinoso et looking at the regions of the coelo not aestuous nor phrygian- Of but temperate; afterwards if it avoids from the swampy closeness. For when the maternal auras with the sun from the east perve- they blacken to the oppid and with those the nebulae nasciute if they adiungerano and li Spirits of the marshy beasts mixed with the nebula, the flati li flati li spar- geranium in the bodies of the habitants, they will be effective in a pestilent place. Likewise following the sea will be the moenie et spectarano at the meridian aut al oc- cident will not be healthy for that for the aestate the caelo meridian exoriendo The sun if it heats, in the mezodì el arde; similarly that which specta al the west airs it for the sun exorto magiormente se intepidise, in the mezodì if it heats up, in vespere boglie. Aduncha for the mutation of the heat and refrigeration the bodies as they are in epsi loci se vitiano. But this thing is licito anchor animadvertire from those things that do not are animals. That's why in the covered wine cells nobody understands them. mini from the meridian nor from the west, but from septentrion, so that that region hasn't received mutation in a long time, but it's signed to the per- petuo et immutable. And yet also the granaries such as the course of the sun aspiceno praesto mutano la bonitate et le obsonie et le pome Which are not placed in that part of the coelo which is opposed to the course The sun doesn't last long if they keep it. So that the heat always when el excoce you were the signature of things acrid of the fervent vapours exugating those natural virtute, dissolves them, And with the fervor softening makes the imbecile, so as even now in lo Iron is animated, which, though of nature is hard in the for- nace from the vapor of the percalefacto fire so if it softens that in every g- Of form easily be fabricated; and that medemo, when- do è molle et candente si el sia refrigerato, tincto in la frigida acqua, rein- lasts and if it returns in the antique property. Anchora is licenced with- siderare these things so be for what is in A aestate, not only In li pestilent loci, but also in li salubrious, every body for the heat is They make idiots and for the hyberno also those region that are you've been pestilent are healthy, that's why it gives the refri- geratione are solidified. I don't miss the bodies that give the frigid bodies They are translated into the calidas, they cannot last but are dissolved. But those things which from them warm loci soothe the frigid region of the septen- trio, not only not if they infirm with the val- but even if they confirm. Which is why I'm-- to be dodged in the same region as the region where the for the heats of the florid to the bodies of men may be spread. Imperò Which of the principles such as Graeci ???????? appeal, it is necessary to consider how all the bodies are composite, so as to avoid heat and humor, and soil and air, and with these mixtione for natural The temperature is shown in the figures of all the animals which I'm in lo mundo. Aduncha in those bodies when the heat exupers from there princes, alhora the other princes interfere and dissolve them by fervor. But quisti vitii le effice on some side the fervent coelo, when el is interposed in the open veins more than the body should suffer the mixtione for the na- tural temperature. Similarly, the humor has occupied the veins of the cor- pi et epse le habia facto impare et li altri principii como dal liquido corru- pti are diluted and the virtues of the composite are dissolved. Likewise from the refrigeration of the humor the vines of the winds and the auras if in bottom in them bodies. I don't miss the airs that even now from the earth there natural composite in the body wishing aut minuendo infirma li other earthly principles for the plenitude of food, and the gravity of coelation. But yes no one will have wanted these things more diligently with the sense to participate, if it is animadverta and attends to the nature of the seas and piss and land animals and so will consider the temperature differences. Why other mixtione has the genetratione of birds, other that of piss, very al- ...the nature of the earthlings. The birds have mancho of the ground, man- With humor, heat temperately, and much of air; aduncha epsi Composites of several princely legions more easily in the air rush you they struggle. But the aquatile nature of piss, tempered by the cali- Do and much of the air and of the ground are composite, but of the humour have quam very pocho, how much mancho they have from the principles of the humor in the body, more easily in the humor persist, And thus when to the earth the soul is led with relinquent water. Likewise the terrestrial animals because from the principles of the air and heat They are temperate and they have a lot of soil and a lot of humor. for what quilli that in the humid parts that abound not longo tem- A little in the water the life tuire, aduncha yes these things so are seen So as we have proposed, and from such principles the bodies of the animals composites with the sense percipemo them and of the exuperatione aut defectio- in all the bodies we have indicated, we have no doubt... We think that it is no more appropriate to be diligently sought after than the very temperate region of coelo eligamo. Cum be this thing queren- From in the collocatione of the moenie the salubritate, and perhò asai asai the ra- I think that this is something to be revoked, so that they may be revoked, but... giori from the imolated sheep that were feeding in epsi loci in li quali aut li oppids or real castrates stood quilli constituted within the others were livid and grapevine first and foremost the others imitated, doubting utrum or from the disease or true from the vitio del pabulo fusseno is laese. When many of them have experimented and proven the integrity of the gra et solid nature of the water and of the water and of the pabulum constitue- The munitions were in vain, but they were invented for that iuditio le they were transferring. The medem in li human bodies the future pestilence na- scente in epsi loci for the copy of water and food and so transmigra- vano et mute the region by suing in all things wholesome. But this to be done so that to the pabulum and food the wholesome property The lands seem havere; it is licito animadvertire and cognoscere from li agri Of the Cretensi what they are about the Pothereum fluvium. Which is of Cre- between two cities, Gnoson and Cortynam. Why de la dextra et sini- stra de epso flume if they graze the sheep. But those that if they graze Xime to Gnoson have splene, but those on the other side proxime In Cortynam they don't have the appearance splene, unde anchora li medici querendo de epsa cosa trovarno in epsi loci l'herba quale le pecore ro- saying the lyenas were imminent, so that herba colliding cu- rhano li lyenosis with this medicine as well ???????? I believe them the voice; of which food even of the water is licit to know the properties of the loci naturally pestilent or real healthy being an- Who, if in the swamp the moenie seran constituted, which swamp proxi- me to the sea serano state and spectarano to the septentrion or true intra the septentrion and the east and those swamps more excelse will be that the- to marine with maxima ratione if they see to be constituted, because the marsh have the exito of the water to the law for the ducte pits and for the good wi- the sea for the storms, the redundantia de la palude conci- tata from the motions and mixtione of the sea did not suffer from the generation of the the marsh beasts born there and those things that from them higher loci natan- do proxime to the litho received for the unusual falseness if necessary- No, but you exemplify them of this thing can be the Gallic marsh which About the Altino so about Ravena, Aquilegia and others that are similar So are in li municipii proximi and the marshland that for these ratione they're incredibly healthy. But at these loci where the insidents are... swamp and have not exito profluent neither for flumini neither for the pits como are the Pontine pallude being they putrescono et li humori gravi et pestilents in quilli loci they send. Similarly in Apulia the oppid old Salapia as Diomedes re- Saying from Troy the constitution or true yes as some have written. Elphi- As Rhodiense in li loci of similar manner was placed, from which li in each of the years, the workers will be working in the no to Marco Hostilio et da epso publicamente li petenti hebeno that to quisti a loco suitable to transfer the moenie frost conquered and epsi elected him. Alhora epso did not adore him but suffered- for these ratione doctissimamente quesite apresso al mare Mer- I sing a healthy local possession. Et dal senato et populo Ro- He demanded that he be licked to transfer the oppid, and he constituted the moenie and the areae divided and of a nummo sestertio to each of them I have been running the town halls, making these epso the lake opened in the sea, the port from the lake town hall perfected it. And so now there Salapini for four thousand steps from the old oppid living in the Salu- bre loco. Of the foundations of the walls and constitu- tion of the tower. Chief Five. Aduncha when with these ratione di la salubritate de the moenie to be placed the serà la explicatione et le region serano state ellecte for them fructi to alire la civitate copiously, and the army of the way to the opportunity de li flumini o vero per li porti le navies subvectione haverano hau- to a le moenie le comportatione expedite. Alhora li fundamenti de le tower and walls so are faciendi that they are fociendi in end to the solid if el it is possible to find and in the solid as much as it gives the amplitude of the work for the ratione is seen for the widest crassness that of the parie- Which above ground are to be made and which foundations are to be impli- The structure de very solidly, similarly the towers are propitious in the exterior part aciò that when I enmity it to the wall with impetus you want to approach the tower from la dextra also from the left for open them sides with the sheets is vulnerable. Et maximally it is seen to be something to cure what is not easy the to oppose the wall, but thus circling the praeceptii to the loci And to excogitate that the itineri de le porte are not directi but So that when thus el serà facto alhora the dextro side to access them that the shield won't cover the wall. But you oppose them they are not squared nor of the procurrenti anguli but of the circui- that I enmity him from many loci is circumscribed. Because in Quilli loci where eels will hardly procure them if they defend, because the angle more tuisse the enmity than the citadin, but the crassness of the Wall so as to be made I playful, so that the armed men of above may be armed venienti meet each other without impediment can praeterire, In crassness, the perpetual burnt oleaginous cuttings, when they are in crassness. to be creberrially instructed, so that one and the other front of the wall colligate intra si como with these cuttings fibulae habiano aeterna signed. For to that matter neither the time nor the old-fashioned- You can't help it, but it is matter and in submerged earth and in water placed is permanently useful without screws in perpetuity. And so not only in the wall, but also in the substruction of each mural Crassitude will be a matter for this ratione religate, not soon knowing- rano vitiate. But the intervals of the tower thus are faciendi that they are not Longer one from the other than an emission de sagitta, so when since Somewhere if oppose alhora from the tower that will be de la dextra And from the left with the scorpions, and with the other mission of the hostile cloths Are reiecti and even now against the interior of the tower is to divide the wall with as many magnificent intervals as the tower, so that they are hi- black are in the inner part of the adjoining towers, nor even those are fixe with the fierce so that you enmity him some part of the wall has- will be occupied by those who repulse it and who will be quick... The other part of the tower and the other part of the tower and the wall penetrate him, unless he wanted to fall. Et co- Yes the round towers or true polygonies are fairies, because the square ones faster the machines dissipate them, because the rams tunden- I give them eels break, but in the roundabouts as wedges adigendo in the middle, they can't be offended. And also the wall and the tower with the conical aggeri coniuncte maximally they are more tuite, because neither the rams nor the suffosion nor the that the other quilli machines are worth it. But in every loci la ratione delaggere is facienda if not in quilli loci that defora to the wall from above loco a pede plano serà lo accesso ad oppugnare ad epsi moenii, et così in li loci de similar manner first of all the pits are faciende de latitu- dine and altitude as wide as possible, after the foundation of the mu- ro is depressing within the bed of the pit, and that is to extruere of epsa crassness that the earthly works easily is subdued. Anchora in the inner part of the substruction the fundamentals distant from theex- teriore in lo introrso with amplo spatio is to be constituted. Thus, aciò that the cohorts possessed by the acias instructed to defen- above the latitude of the consistence of the latitude. But when it funda- Such distant minds inter si seran inter constituted, alhora intra epsi li others transverse coniuncti in lo interior et exterior fundament pectinata- so disposed that the teeth of the resege are placed.