I QV A TTRO FIRST BOOKS OF ARCHITECTVRA BY PIETRO CAT ANEO SENESE: • In the first of oq_valuesdimostranoo good quality for city buildings & caitella, fottoodiuerfi difegni: In the second,oqvanotooous wait at the back of the head for the Fabrica : In the third you see Varieomaniereo Di tempii, o & dicheoformafì conucnga fare il principale del città: & dalleloropiante, come ancora O give her pi.mcc delleocittàof, ' (, cafiella,oneo I'm pulling the strings upforor. dineodioProfpecciua:.or Neloq_varotoosiodiomoostrano perodrnerfr pianre'ord111c dipiupalazzi &cafamenti, ouenendooc.falopalazzoregale & opìgnorile,or as D1 honoratogenrilhuomo, \ all the way to the cafe of perfoneopnuace ..or With priuilegio of the fommo pontiff for years X .. & Dell'illu{l:Riffima Signoria Di Vinegia peranm X V. l * Q_VEL WHAT PIV DO WE NEED AT THE ARCHITECT0 7 & how important the fia L'effere buono P. rofperriuo. Chapter One • S SE ND O L \ rchitettnrafcicnza.more doctrines & uarii ammae. firamenri ornata, & with the judgment of that approu: m < lofi all O. pere, which from the other arts {end; will make of still to whom uorr:: I far. profeffron of good0 straight arcs: effcre ièicmific_o, . of 1 natural mgegno do taro. but that dfendo mgegnofo fenza fc1en.za . oucro ièienrifìc. fe, za ingcg.10, n?n potr. farfì perfect Ar. : ch1tetrore. Doue gI, FERA necefT..1r10, before 11 polla make be. ne ifhutro Di qndh arte -, o fcicnza, eifere bono difegnarore·, excellent Geometrae,. bonictimo Prolpctti tro, oui1no Ari rhmerico, dotto Hl: oriogr.1fo; & h. J. bbia t. 11 cogni.Tione1u, which ;I raie !isicnza Fr conuiene 5 & fia prattichifiìmo neil'adoperJ..re ben_. the Bo-ffola. peroche with qudLt will take qu.l ti. uogifa fro in its own right for.ma, dkndo that of fiwrc, or DT > ntro they poffono uedcre the dhemity of the fooi anguli, & for 9ndl.1 conofc-rd.the regions of the sky with the frrnnento• of the uenri. D0ne prefa l'.Oh, my god, I'm going to die with nenga fahricare in his own form or with the Bo!fola o fenza:: why not fempre is bi fogno adoper.ub: ricorg.1fi ' a GLI Effeui Di Geometria ne i n: terii features and commensurations and cii: cuLu1oni del compaiTo, & cofì fì uenga con giu:fii e ben proporcionati comp.1rtiments d end the piar.ita delfafabric.1 dafarG frcon;edo that Phyto. he'll search. and terminJ.t. that fia well makes plant, bi sewer, to make the raise ... , toe,. ualerfì del difegno, onero farn<:: the model, of wood, or of cer.1, or land, fertilized1 I the greatness and dignity of the building. m-a fampre Che fia ben defegn:1to, & by order of good profpettiuo, it is made, Palzato, pulling it from his plant, {i dimof1reran.no the dfeni of the building, not much * less faciJi, that fe ne foite made the model.lo. pcroche mofhandoci the Prof comb RRE strong ' D ' I uedere, that is straight, refleffo -, & portrait j & infegnandoci, that cofa fia·light, what dim, & q_uel that G1 inter.uaHo 3 and trouando le cu1fe de ' uiiibili, che fì. for the fuHi interualli, ricercan.do the injury of I * Rockets for one or more shiny fopra diuerfe figures of bodies, & infìe.1ne the Figuracion I of the shadows, & of the lights, & the accidents of the uedere, of the object,. ee of the Mt>CCE, & how the uedere& the 0ggetto-for Theadiucdì of the medium {I which.fichino: potraili per ra.mo tàcilmenre confide in the well-finished difrgno à Parre for each member F uo;&!it will escape the F pefa of the model, the qnale to the uolre ui cor. .. King not small. tvla. but the Bows will not be Profpettiuo, it will not be able.never COFI. well. ne honorarfi, ne mol1: r, 1r. per DI (for the fuo concept, for excellent difegnatorc ch'ei {I fuffe: E d. 1 fe fidTo conoicerà. it is of great importance to him that he does not live in the Profpet.tiua ben prnuico .. Not the Fed difficult tothen, effendo excellent, arithmetic, mofuare. i11i that fpefa (I fì in short, or fì may incur, in the 11deficio done, or by Fadi, & lnfie:me aq.Cora. for cakular numbers the uaries and proportionate conunenfurationi d a major fino .H minirna building particle + will adorn & dar:MNO many auttority Pi H-o. ie to the op-eres deWArchireno. peroche fe in triumphal arches will pretend some ancient fact,, or modern of some Emperor, or great captain, or pure for.marà àloro gloria & in1.N1. 1there will be some fuperbo at work, or making a building for the city, where it will be filled with 112.rie fl: orie da .ipignerfi or fcolpir!I: & still that foifero 9uafi infinite,&: an-.and they all share, Fabri rend.re of good ciafcuna. reason 2 mrri qudli, cbe ne fuf -, fe inquired ;& to the painter or àlo Sculroreageuoià hui.adi n1cgìo proceed in the ferujrc the decoration of qnal {I noglia fioria or imprefa.. Dalb.Medicinane Cau-rà maggio.re .useful: when for quaHa conofc will fa difpofìtionc of the sky, & fe j} Iiro ddla city A fa.:- BOOK fabri, ca_t_a, o da fabricarli, & anco Il forte O cafhametatione d, efTercico fà d \ Iria fa_ 11a, & co!it is still the goodness or trifle of the waters. that of tai fiti, olrrc à quelle -, is of .1much importance the conofccre the good alcre or CRIF their parts. And q11cfb are the fiudi, in which more The Architect {dcbbe efercicare. & fe likes Vetruuio, who ArchJCccto him .he still has knowledge of Philophophyia, of Aphyrology, of Ivluphyca, and of law; we for confrrmation d, up canco auttore we say, that all the more would do as commen.give j ma, confided in that breuit.it is difficult for us to learn the knowledge of so many things: and we judge, that he has well the said loaves,& .on those rightly proceeding, poiTa understand among the good architects, & d. 1lle foe works 11cnire greatly honored. As there congregallcro the huomini, & there of the ero al uiuer. politician, who first like beHie men: hand !or uìra, & as from their crude c1ppannè fì µeniJlè . the building fupcrbi, . from those who first gorge trouaca the architecture. cap, I f. / \fcend the men for a long time, after the principle of vit.d / primihu. world, for Le felue, bofchi, and fpelonche, & ignudi difcorrcndo, fi .!"I'. paf dine Di faltiatico Food, & à guifo Di fiere 1nenauan o lor uirJ, a when for gratia of the first mo core fo Lor given the fooco, & the par. Lare, and reason between diJoro; & dipoi from the mofirate neceflìty of fi.1g. FL . . _ gireil hot, the cold, the pi today and, I uenci, & other infopporcabìli et:.- Sky Tea.. prinia, fruitful Vetnmio, auuenne, that one day N4 qud, htl,.1u ({ .=. {tprin cifioil fuo Dai molte tempefte e fpciTeggiare de ' gagliardi uenti slamendofi in UN cerco luogo I F0, ftcondo VMA Pi folci .rbori inrra of them, they created fire. 1na, fruitful Incretio, is dnbbiofo, fe by folminì, or by fpreffo frigamento d'arbori, impetuofamente da ' uenci sbttti, G g(,!. .; plnfonr Di tu * mtio, d. 19url, hr neu!You from the beginning the fooco, for Commodus de mortals. Theofraphium in the difcorph, which fi _acomcfa grn .r. FFE cl4 ia fa del fooco, says generarfi from percotimemo of hard cofe, like phono faflì, or Fr cgamen y, generaffe to\.1que, e, atreapro dur1o, ouero d".1ram1 d'.1aacuntar 1 b .on, aoapure da.l. 1aper. 1oarro. the main thing is that he's got his name. but coming back to vintage, shapes, that, still that .o, fc, 0nd0 5t74 " from the beginning I refiaffero for the great famme * huomini somewhat fpauentati, & daa0;;.ion of w= - 9ucl fì foggiiTero, DJL nuouo cafo afraid; auuicinandofì nevertheless in the mancar tru.UiO, mci1l. 1pri of the flames, at that 19 ft accoftono; and gu{bndo of q11. 1nto mile lor fiiffe, aggi11gne11 d "'11'.ngrcg.r'.on, doui legnalo conferred; and .nofl: r;hand to others with hints, how much useful doueffe. * , g I hu.om1n1.:. . t { 1 ro r1ce11ere from guc 11o. r 1 commodo, & a EHO aurncmanao I for ca.and douc, compre10ne ·1 ' T Ciar uia the cold, and comminciando some of them to speak, more infieme !I'll pick you up.Diu, rfaopplnlon, frro + Ma. fì debbe believe, & affirm, pin removed Eiter caufaca La congregati o ne de gli . more pr.babil, cl! men for property given by the namra of fiar in company, add11ntoui the difcor ' I. tll. c1, ave,.u= 1 . fo, for Guale lubbi:,. Mo conofciuco from the company & Union nafcer a more beautiful uica · · · · · , . . !a, pm fiicurj, pm fiab1le, and pm g1oueµole, dTendo for boma d1d101 huomo for com. . . . , congrrgariont dr .lil,:, omint. 1nodo and feruigio Dell'alrro hnomo, not for FE fidTo born to folìtudine + congrc waves gandofì the huornini,&, than they were more neceiTario, crattando, comminciaro.. ;:::!;;,.0.:%; n? _A. cuni to faa_rc roofs ?I. -01.d_i; a!tri! caua. the fpelo1.c. e_fo_tto I montia, like the Troglos. .'frimih.mini. dm; & alcqnt p9pol1 d1 L1b1a, a. the Efpen & et1op1 mcm 1, which, fruitful Strabo, alcempo fuo facçç:.anus : & many imitating swallow nests, Lotus faceuano & uimi.ni theirs .hotel. and of such inuentions gloriandofì, continually adding cofe nuoue, and din1ofirando!imra of them the effects of the buildings, dj day to day mi.glìorauano thabitationi them; when some comn1inciaro110 with forks for straight, and with uimini,& uerghe .nteiTute aggipgnndoui l9r9, à f. u opinions, C of reeds and fronds cover them. but why don't you cover me?dcuano La nerna.the habitationi from the rain and the cold, they added the fafiigi chinaci, and of Lotus we covered him: and cofi for the gron.de P R I M O. 2