THE TWO PARTS OF FAMILY GEOMETRY ALESSANDRO CAPRA FIRST PART of factories Of the invoice of the stones that are necessary to the building to make squares, bricks, ta: those, coppi & C. of such goodness, which last long holidays years, defy the sunset, and resist the insults of times; fi of the fciclta of land to propophyte, like the cretola, albiccia, o rofsegg1anre, pour fabio Lyon mafculo (cool chianuto da V 1truuio lib. 2. c 3) PCR chequeA: and photo 1st Earth, which more Fi matengono. However, there is a difference between defese fecundo diuerfi places, because in some it is more foda, pimples in alir“ more delicate: waves in theseccarli falls even more the vna of the other. She then wants to be dug, and she wants to die in winter, that is, in autumn, because then in springá fij more difpolta:A to be well lauorata, & unpafrata to do the fights. The model, or The Shape of the raw squares, that made in Cremona for the factories had to be in length oncie nu.7.* . bridges width ounces nu. 3. bridges 7. & of pairs in length ounces nu. R 3 : decks 7. in larghez.z. a in the Cape majoreonce nu. 7. Bridges 4. in the minor oncie riu.4. bridges and the above measures, or oven C Li dc quadrelli, co me dc coppi Fi trouano fcolpitc in marble above d'vn corner of the Batisterium of Cremona, verfo La Gabella, or Pefcaria.As then to the G of the raw stones, and frefche conforms to the vfo, and ancient mifurc of CRC monJ, Jeue efsere high oncie 2.. Bridges 4. that of coppi fecor: ido the order of cfsas of cfsere: tlta in the Cape largo in the middle of P lnti Nti nu. 9. and from the parts bridges nos. 5. MA in C: TP-Claire .petiole in the middle of the efserc bridges nu. 8. e Nelk fponde ti nu. 5. The form of antique bricks for the flan zation of the efsere conforms to the common vfo of Crcmonf, how much _width for each pa!you in oncie NU framework. 7. and decks ' 2., as for the Grof - Fe onde 1. and bridges.9. The Shape of the fucking bricks of the two cfscre of. lelima Jˆrghe121 * * come de fatti:: MA in grofscz.: * L-f˜rmadellcuucllc foili deuc cfsrc in lor,. ghciza onde nu. * 7.. bridges in Jargheixa oncie nu. 3. bridges 1 o. to grofsez. I'm a nu. 1. bridges 3. * * The Shape of the dottile arm tauelle for intauellar roofs dcue cfserc in l011ghcz1a oncie nu. 12.. and mez. oncie nu. -4. decks 2..- grofse1. ontie 1. bridges 3. . The DC tauchoni arm form of cfserc in long oncie 12.. And width onc1e Au.4*. bridges 1; in nu waves. 2-. Bridges 4¥ . . á The Shape of tauclloni for the manufacture ofá efser in 1 onghezza on. and.. 6. bridges 9. in oncie nu. 4.c m m; n grofse- from vna p of the ute ontie and. . bridges 1. "on the other oncie n. I. bridges 11.; Per'- and he in such m_an“era formed .Fi put, and more well, and: more.prello, E * more ficuramente in opera, C * with mi Nore fpcfa * of calcina:.. If you have doubts about the squares, coppi, and tauelle, you can not give the word of the 11th City, which prefixed its shape to The Shape of the nu. 206. rub. 647. returning to the stationary model in the 1st Epifcopal Court. efi-e fono forms, or ordinary models;:, which generally I am happy, for the manufacture of the building matter: but I know of pari, which would make of grad ' vtile, and the satisfaction of the alpublic to add other models, and fugreme to facilitate the maeria of the fa. ric and, decrease the fpcfe, and perfcttionar coG') and would say. . . , The model of stones although ordinary, ml GLáin; caftri for doors, Vfcij, and Finetl: King, then¥ that the Masons would not break so many stones in darno, do not confumarebbono so much tc111po, it makes ccb bcro I * opcra difuguale,&:. in ftabilire adopra. rfano Manco calcina, & the swing reftarebbe more ' fodo, and fenza magagne: than otherwise certain walls they can be covered with mortar, - fe p11t with cfsa are not covered in some places even to the bat tcnte of some stone. In a little while, rolla for the motion of the matches, and manifefta the diform, and dannofa their ignorance. The model of stones as wide as I * ordinary, Ma longhe oncic nu. 9. and me7'. fottoil fuo Rodino in tefl: a, as fi sees in the prcfente difscgno B. for¥ that quefte mefse in Cortello conforme moftra the difsegno A. do vna fcalaá in VN * and viftofa On Le rodette Piet Tati and G formno diucr (e mo " danaturc IE componimenti de membretti see for the Cornici, Bafi, Picdctl: AUI, Capitelli, e fimili1 Che rtcano ˆ GL * Edificij nuoui fingolarc abellimŽ. tadto, & alle fabriche vecchie (refl:aurandofi) deco- and reputat1one. Well it is true,that researching those the c01typi111en bound to Di varij membretti, a{fiftcr VI DCUE con la fua * prudenza, & arte il Capomafiro, ˆ fin * che rie (who - * no proportionatc non folo-in fe p“edcfimc, Ma an co1a, n ordine al corpo maggiore de1J * opera To facilitate the practice somewhere vo.; I have to say that, as the said Stones dance to composeá art1fic1ofi, and different lauori, ma all P r˜ r˜ aqe. mciderna afsai compliant architecture rules. Et in over vog lio Largo ncor.1 of man in ma- no elporre for greater intelligence their difse- GM. . - - The stones with the Goia difpofle in cortello, and queJie with the owl, and the L ltre with the OU mefsc in p:.:no, I am very good at composing frames for diucrle fabriche, and in ,fcfsempio the frgnatt with E. F. G, The stones with the owl, and the stones with the ouolcá * mefse pur in pi2no with the taucllcfottile, or dinary stones, and arm tauelloni ponno feruir ˆ Cor nici d'e.rdine Ionic; and compofi: O, as mollra the Figure H. and fcnza the tauelle, and phono tauelloni ˆ propofito for frames dc Picdefl: alli, come f“ ve. dcre the noted with I. Volndofi lˆbbria,-vn * by difiŽio Di'trtn-1adl: ˆ, á c. D'qutnamenti: Gngolari, it is in the ccfsai-io forma, I mo¥ dclli )gold, as for Cornifoni, for Archicraui, pct Impofte d*: a Si Si Si Si, p u r C?lon, _n TLY, for Capitals, for foot{tdli, for Bafi&tat. á Form the struggles choirs-dictations1models {i la (cia then feccare, so Fiano difpofl:and ˆ cuoccrfi. Vi * truuio says in the lib. 2, to Ch. 3. that the stones, ouc to Ro quadrelli, that s have to be laid in the furnaces deuono ll: arc two years before made so that Fi pofsano ' afcfogare: s * lntendc. is a matter of time and time, which is still the case,but it is a matter of time and time.Those s*, fario hoggi Di bafar lafciarli'afciug: ir VN * anno, almo * no fine be Fiano ben {Czechs, but not alreadyjust two * mefi, so they do kuni; ne s-aware; dell * er * r0i-e ft nGn when: Houano. then, that in fact rifc' - l no n1al facts,fragHi,and diniurta vtilid;COFA of much, confideratione, and vigilan1..a*; because otherwise the factories are not perpetual, the Murin 611: for nho-faldi .Aue: tatithe de traui, it is roofs, and on the other, MA in breuc and ruuinano, CAP III /'e 1' MJutrtimtnto delle FornAt perpoter en<, rtr ient l ' fadttta materia tí Foo trmpo. - *vá olendofi fabbricar VNA furnace all topra tŽrra d¥VNA mouth {I doucˆ do Lar a net of dehtro arms n. 6. and lon to net bracc1a_n. 1 or with the lie rofse walls of tcfie nu. 1 1. in the bottom and tdle !Lu. 8. in ci1na. With long mouth arms nu -. 5. in the fuo prin cipio,larg: I oncic nu.. 26.,- in the end of the 1st Cane Lar ga Q-ncic nu. 21. & high in oncic NU principle. 2.9., utzi.a propQrtione, the dryness d * CFSA boccafi fac.. - Cyan vndeci arches of tttle nu. 2. in bnnti, and clear arms nu. 2,. and mez... The walls s * alz.Ino fopra DC said arches arms nu. 8. in about, and fopra d. efse rise the P-ildl: ri., con1e-fi sees 11el qif for the A. B. arms nu. 4. - in height pe-r foftcnc_r the roof dclii furnace. The Fotnace of two FOP vents of the erse: R broad net of dcmtro arm No 9., and Longa brac c. ia nu.. 1 o., with the groffc walls of you.ftc nu¥. 12,., in, and teftc nu. 9., on top.. With B. occ: he longs of cane arms. nu. J ¥1 and wide in principle arms nu.. 2.. oncic nu._ 2. > and in the end arms nu.. 1.- oncie No. 9... & high in prin * c; jpiooraccia nu. 2. and a half, and in the. end arms nu. 2¥. A * straightening of the mouths make their arches corrifpondcnti like fopra with the outside wall mafficcio inanzi alto bracda n. 3. and mcz. .. in about. And so. anco the walls s ..auan.iinq fopra GLáar chctti Armi pure nu. 8.. in about; Ma I Pilaftri fopra 4i cfse Peri foftener the roof to high arms No. 4 - and a half, and then f face. VN porch auanti le boc that EI width. NU arms. 1 o. net, and D * attez za arms nu.. 5 ¥. in the gutter for con1odity of that tai Li, who have to cook the matter. ton the mouths of Reed arms tfu. Iá; lar de henel_prinipio braccia nu. I. oncie nu. 3.and in ... fii-f.f..- ... NU arms. 1. oncie nu. 1 o. high in NU arms principle.2. waves 3. and in the end brac * eia., nu. CLA.colfuo madi en auahti grofso:¥ the rod, tall then to the racda n. - to the Aspen. _Inez.zo. At dt1ttura dcuc bbcchc there fact1ano arches rm. 12. in height ugly, and sharp arms nu. i t>ncie nu. 8. in about, & in grofsetta tdl: and nu. CLA. The walls rise above the so-called arches ábrac I: t nu. 8. and mtzzo i: n circa, and foprˆ d"efsc Fi formi mo I pilaftrelli bracda nu.4. and mcizt> " ˆlti per fofi: Ž átar the ECU, comc motl: rˆ the cfsempio C. D., with which áyou have to cover the furnace, then you have to cover the furnace. In the middle of all fudtte the L'atcie returned. R} from VNA part VNá wide opening arms * nu. 2. & High arms * nu. 7. up to the top with the fue Mor * fc to be able to chiudcre dqppo that the i i will be ftata in * trodettalamateria dacuocere And confueto still fabbrkar fucto land Forna - * fucts of various strong, & ˆ me pleaseafsai quctto d * VNA wide mouth arms nu. 3. that ferue for two, with two rows meeting d * arches fruitful rarte ¥ It is then lined around with two tefl:and of struggles, is here raw drels: the factory d * other f˜rnafotti Fi ri mctteáalgiudicio, and cfifpofttion dc appraisers; auerten I do not, however, move away from the fud * ettc: mifure in. whatever it takes.and fornafotti In the middle of all fudtte the L'atcie returned. R} from VNA part VNá wide opening arms * nu. 2. & High arms * nu. 7. up to the top with the fue Mor * fc to be able to chiudcre dqppo that the i i will be ftata in * trodettalamateria dacuocere. CAP IV Nece.fsario again for YQa F>uona factory use buqn2 caJcina, and bu_on blacksmith;á sáaueru, C for E-that mortar:and cattina, which in indeed D-i lauaárla * fiorifcc: at: tefofi rifoluc tutta IO CE nere, inˆ-la buona I-nan1.- Iá dá, * 1auarla Fi keeps it whole, and ACL wet it with the crefce for“ r, and as much asmore aqli * to rice, and queR:A when F 1 wellá lauor tast ta-with good blacksmith-r, iefce by tast utta perfer-: t“pnc.. * The Btton Sabbione in queff I noR:riPaefi fi riking>:-á ua particularly in the Po, and in the Nauiglioá, & an that in.some places fuck Earth, & the grofso makes me- glior prefa, che-il fuccileá.á,: and the other efser - fen-t.a grains Vitruvio says for Lib. 1 day cap. -s-. and 6. & * anˆhc Andrea Palladio lib. 1. cap. 4. And who -, wants cortQfcctlo for * such; make it the * cfperienta, throwing VN fist in fechio d to-cqua, for S * cgh is Yeramenre-net, and pure all- áat bottom, and still remains the net water:, and pure, Ma s'".'he is BT tto t. crr2, _efeÛe -, refta I * acqu:I turbida, CAP. V It is still with qucfto - lcgno roille other opert2 as is known to all.. The Bedolo I that is the fiinile of natra, edi Valor vguale to the Popule1 ma ma more fodo-d¥¥FSO to nae * tre non Lia gelato 2 is repato ferue ˆ formar Adi; tafselJi., and trauelli, intag1iJ2ftatue, and lauori al torno, The hoax that is noble wood, and retioro, and when it is more iaUo so much it is beautiful, he does not < fo get to a dull and waves Fi conferua great time * QecfU is N1 lot to propophyte for various cof al torno,á & petá and lifcio, as I * ofso, s * adopcta in stead: dell * ofso I ˆ form cttini, and a hundred other c˜fe bdlŽ, and gentili. It is a neo La Cafl: agna, b to nche in puochl Juoghi: e11a to ura like D to all rouere, and so refi_.. fie all * humido tota and Fi keeps afsai .- QJ!_cf} to source parts c; olarment( s * adopra .eer far tat barrels, and ccrt * ot>rc: The Citcgiai efso I proprij fi: romenti: e come che habbia drit; ta Ia1veaa, fcruc anco per far hag: c, Atta Spade., mol¥ á L Fufano, is ¥noble wood, and {odo, like Pear from if they are made from efso; and what is _jallus in particular is octtimo, for far tarfie, and rhymes{sc in fcrigni, tauolc, and crcden- zoni! __ _ _ . . á 'Si'_trouino Giugiole da qui oi detteGcngeuráini d_i qui La Finta GR finta f finta ez.z. a! Ma orders dame TC diffettoG. (ono pefant1 afsa1, and hard, and ome l ofso .; wave ben ponno feruire .I'll be back, V. G. bai.Le, mazzuole:, and CofE fimili. , Le tenda Andole, is also to mandoleá, which is wood du. : to, venat dice.* fi Fano porge mater= Adi varij lauori,, fi , PCR * orname * nto, as of C-edlici &c*. ft still for * pere al torno. _ _ . __ The Marafc plant.he, O Amarene .it's good : to form at the back fiafchi, which then make vi * '10 foalieafsai gufto., with smell ˆ ponto De1r loves the ne. - . The Moniacne, - or Armeniac, which by ordinary petioles, not of great value; lgn˜ aU'.fror that is ' be.Iloájnu“ta * n_tornicro ˆ: ler -. uirfcne for Mother of the (ua _Art . __ II : The Moro, cˆe is confor that C alt'a Q that er * da n that l!and ve * !leá, e * dureiz * a, but not already in the colorŽt is adopet.ATP VI nafce Quaklle Fra (ino. t'rˆ bofchi, 8C an, or that the Grof Tal or fi Tal hard.t & the soft pjciolofia,, all¥ "uia.J * Atta n, e t*, ltro faci1x: Dentc to afsalito da tarli. The - duro for _pcfantt1 & ˆgu_ifadelláofso, vicnclauorato_ al torno , & I marengooi fogliono f moltenábbti, aerffisQcom for the manufacture of casks and traueili in paitkolarep '- ricre, so as not to suffer c; mici -. * * * * . * ; There abound the most cooked walnuts,: aJtrel from rotre from & - other piccio]and from ettc of caucdagna. the more doki, they are more polite; and p * er ordinary fo. no ven, te, and negre -, and fi ftitn:NIO afsai for fonnart diuerfi h1obiH> * and nobili dicafa. Qgcftt phono pii á* hard, and more tenacious, 'and white: - waves p in iono matter ottin' La per-Carti., and caroz.te,áEd til infromen ti. Agriculture.. ., .. á* . á Da quene: Fi caua: no tafselli d ter-o-ncie N. z: 9 ' 3á. - or 4. complies with the them. Da queile - * caaano traudH petlettitre, em * ILC other opre, - comei all-, experience is clear.* . . . á There is also a large copy of Ohni, qual-I fen.- za, i,.CLA. luna coltiuationc nafcono FRA hofchi, áand nellc ca= l1edagt1 by de * campi. * is quefl: or strong wood, Iegrero., . 'ttcnace, n * onmuch ditlimHe d. tlla Noce,, equan ádo not lia ge ATO ferue_per fi1re talfe-LLI grofk vn * ' ounce, and me for za, & waves * nu.2. & : afsali from carrlnciŽáá za grofso per incaglij, e fufi, & aJtr ' O Tre re al: torno-, áreefcono * rofsctte, and * lag-.tnti,: con1e quafi. of . however. á Opium in quctl: o Noftro Pˆefe is ordi wood,. nary*: foritminiftra matter waves for the f OCOá;.Ma purcfe ne fcie, glictal * vrto-djáquakt1e gr.ofsez1.a -,, is. lilttuofo?, by PCR rar.te: Det " Tornier diet-feru.c ˆ, n“áauiglia;., coaie lcgn.O fodo, deticato, co, iorit Atta cábello; so that for F. ˆhbrli;.are.Viobni doki.,.and I>nori,.. I don't miss it. Peri Ji lcg, noduro, e-tender; the V ¥ 1 ' 10;.and I * a ltr ti phono petiole plants, edifettofe. Se ne * fciet¥ - gono - akuni grotli, as more babilida. torn. ir. e áitt ' iuelta forma . who likes it. And fertile the No{I Tyrrhenian of Routr-i,. and GRQ fse, and petioles, Ed * tall¥and b. a(if, straight,.and fl: orte, diripie¥ neck knots, and fen1.a knots:: everything however is wood fer.... Te, hard not {object ˆ tarli has Part, l: he rof feggia: onde-fi keeps afsai,, benchc FIA pofto in places hmrud-i,. fuck the ground. Ne corpi groffrdi R * ucri 4ritti,. Fen-z-a li nodes do. a1ii gro.fsc v-11: -- per_lc barrels, & : other D'vn áwave, E-mc2.- z2 for tine, Ma nthe for orte ft, they do forbottip-slats: detla * finugrof for fc1za ..... - * .. ;á*_*, . á ,,. :. ; They don't do anything like that: Al'selli, ovcroifs0'! ni groisi:onŽic nu. 1*for Bridges, and * DiFi-ciji fimites in the most pkciole roueri Fi * make trauel: : folaro grofii-0nde 3. for " V-n verfo, and 3. and aiez: a, áand up to oncie im. 4.- for the aftro. - - ' -- - . ; : á In the rofscs, straightáá, and lon he Fi fannotrtill, and :bord-onali -. á: And in the picciolc-Accie * oncie nu. 5. or 6. O 7. Ma * dtitw :Te fi: do Pia-ne for T C T c t I,T cofe-fim ¥I*. * - CLA. . - In the bafseáFi coll: um-a. - . . ¥ * ' * Q.!!eflo wood mlv-etde, fe vien lafciat-o-futtri6' A not baft:a.bauere photo aotitia of the end, for . which I use to cut trees and plants; which is still necessary for the fiagg I, which they have to cut,. so pofs.1no. feruire. in opra many., and 1many years¥. Memory CA P. VL*!' . á llic.ordo clunque ˆ make them cut in autumn the waning moon., when there are folds of the fronds> and no afpcttarc, that begins to foffiarc the wind fauo ¥ nio,.comc infcgnaá Vjtruáuio.ncl lib. 2, * Ch. 9.,.mef' " I c Che d * Autunno Le piante Fi trouano piô: in Frate .I'll stay ., that d'ajtcrationc; nty of Pr, ima¥ uera want rinouarfi in the cortex, vc.flid“ df leaves, and quafi grauide bear their fruit: waves: cut off the hora and change that fire piofo Hu / n1hours in wood, as well as their purpose: or they lcuano their: dfere. á , . . á á , . And well diffi, that fi deuono cut, for C aku;á_ he seeth the heads of the earth with their roots, and they deceive themselves, for by Reft-ing that is, I force them all upon him.for some time Láhumor- . ordinary, whichf01nm“11iftra to the body de11a pfanta,: say nuouo to the nuoua moon it passes through it , & it is then caggione, that it will end, as well as when, comes Ta -, gliata in luna nuaua, At the end of the two bridges, I * vno is for no more to do fpefe indarno, & lay the matter d for the Gnami according to research the building, and the opra, to do fegar the plants in affi, and trauclli of grofse z za,c lar ghei: za equal tato 11egl'ctremi, as in the middle. : Hadi the Traui,and flat., that they ache, and piolate. I Canali, Trauelli, E Canteri deuono efsere drit ti, as it is prefixed ˆ Marengeni in the statute deu * Arte loro, Rub. Eleven : L tanto other pont, 0 is, that i P * atrons deuooo: aprit llell well gtoccb.:f around the invoice, and 1nifur.I, deá LTA reghini, p:acticolarment finrefti and ri -; attefo: che ifi Jor danno -, eipiegiuditio fogfiJn commit trˆ graui e: rrori,. á á á á á ¥,á ¥.á á * * * ' :., The P'rimo is, chc rquefHdolan˜ itronchi, t. rufi, Ieuando the cotiche from every side confarle, frtdar all in.notches, and falfano, because they do not guard then from; tro: rrchi the alfi of .this farghczza, that fi po po átrebberacauarefpogtiidoli fo * Jo Dejia fa˜rza, e fa ... fciandoli in _groflz-za lor' I-ntiera, and nntur a le, 2 nz..i ne men, ne c " ˆuary in that Qu: intity á * and nu n1tto, which - * ne.they should be careful, n-onn dolandolc, theáwhich while: - isá f r that NE tic'fcc give notabile, & cuidenteˆ P1trorti, che vo.rebber0 fufsero largi, - and many to the pofiile, or to use them, or to- , derleá; Ma coil: gold not for other caufa they ache, and reduced1-10 t˜n the fcure in qffadro;: fe 1ion for faciJi ¥ tar trap fe I taglij of the r_afsega, and .rafscgarli via Pi totale . . pre ; ; á á á á - ¥. á __ According to vie1 \ ism111efso in the Mi forar Le-afft á. TT'ta fattua, taglij loro; poihe some mifurano fei atfi,including the two others¥ * mc, che pur Ti ch * ilmano cotiche -, per fei tJgH, e fo ... no in.reality fe not five, m_ˆdeuono mifutar v-na . CAP. Vl . aelta parte piforga; onde-veno ˆ mifurar due - Y by LTE votes larger liodeUc; Ma volandole I furar all with the two coti4i:he > fi. deuono mifurar tutte fra * tme-1zo l fins fimo, since so fe gti-pagano f. olamcnttá I cin TTEátagllJ;COMT pur fe-L1 pa anQ,. me_ntre fi Jcui VNA jclle two cotics: and so fe-li ¥ padaanco uella Poco dolatura or imr, erf:eua ua dratura, which sometimes seems necefl'.lria in some trunks. And this is the King ola that vfa in Cremona, for a1ifurar Le * affi in compre, and insales ., as * while he will tell them in the fruitful Chapter 4. vcrfo d * ! .. C To P. Vll. á 1Yv11 Žonfglio m,, / tovtileptr chi HL ptn / Iero fabricate.. á lcorrafu 1: rinte,, nonda.Bricklayer - " bench broad want efser called Capomafl: ro, ma da pc i: Ito Avchitetto, for he hauendo those the: udiat '* FC * gegmetric rules of S" City, 3c P A R ' R and J.¥ City á * that in Villa, e. ftngolamente gl * ammaenri and tnent, Frcfchi Di Jaeomo 8aroiioda_Vignola ptr gt á * edificij to the modern. * . . He will differ in VN tratto V. g. above the paper, or parte vria mifura commonly called modolo, , which gives the Qlodo, and the ferue of rcgofa, to put into practice the strong forces of artifice, or the five : d * Architectqr2, io T9fcano, Uorico, lon_ico,.. Corinthio, and Compofto, ma con quefta d1flerenz3. it states that the modulus of the two pritni in D-Odeci vguali parts, and that of the three vltimi in dicciott-o ; parts pur vgu.ali, efecodo qllefii will form a propor - tion, and jeslˆ mifura, of the cherished love in op ra, the Sagreme, or models, such as De horns cones, Fri¥, Fi, architectures, Capitals,columns, BaG, Pieddl:at li, arches of loggias, intercoloni;, QC other ornaments., fidi marble, and stone viua, as pierra cotta, and wood.again -: so I did, hehchc unworthy tri the Archit TTI iáyear 16 3 3.,- acci˜ riufcifse fe condo I * arte Il Duomo di Pontremoli. á The ftefso makes you say that NRE bifognano stones for the factory, and that is to put in opra a thousand pie.. ; tre intiere " co molta, VI bi dragnano donkeys of land . 11µ. 2, 5 . but they'll make routes , and then they'll give you Soniari nu. 3 or. in approx.. Likewise shall he attifer you, that I will work a thousand stones with Sock to it, it is necephsary . "n spoggio; m oggi Fe fono (pez-zuc., bitogna aggion ¥ .Gere '!'. CA P. VII. Jl gere mez.zo d * a!TRO, is for oani moggio Fi search- - ftO Sotnm difabbione nu. 1 8. in CWEa-. And F. C ' YOlc fl: and to put in opra miUc P all ctre in 1cq11a, he will tell you, that proucdiatc say two moggi of mortar, and fomari of Blacksmith nu. 24. in about. In oltre ricordoá FARF Dale ielta DC Murateri, e MA they are very easy to find in their instruments, such as the Seldato in the arms. Since fe ilegnaiuolo, O marengone tl: ˆ prouiA: o_á ncUa fua botega di fi: romenti be1li, c buo- . ni.*of various fc;>rti, of Take Ctte, fcuri, and hammers, with nianichi politi! and so is the Mu, atorc de fuoi, as of cazz.uola gran .. * de, e pkciola, martcllo, martclefsa, garauella, fcaf. pclH, 1iuera, fcghŽ,lgtirotti, Rippe,rigone, liuelJo, piombino with fua cordlla galante &and to áyou can ar a gomentare, that fiano .of the mefiierc: i11ˆ fe for the co¥ trary see prtfso their ftromenti ill done., fgra tiati,_ rotti, & to the worst djre as well, else not aro for you. Mertime. n) ti ..non c'e ' una soluzione. R. #,. p., rim.chiusura . * . . tli fa¥BRIC e., . . brufoli al punto di vista l'amore ana !bb_rica :; :e * pcrche niqnc> . . 1nganm, n ¡ rclh ingannato, fon. dando .tetti auertimenti,:.* a * cci˜ figoue al ni_con pruden IT, e ri fchiroperaconfor da un punto di vista-al_d da un punto di vista t4cdo di tutta.. Mi _perfare tt1one. . . .. . Volendofital * una fabbrica da fondazioni di vna. Cafa, - ˜ Palazzo in. Ci al tˆ,. neefsari _sja pri111a darne side all'Oflido,del Decoration> PE brufoli _he'Žontra j,áC brufoli nfcnf˜, & appr˜µamento; di. Sigaoi-i Sopra ftanti ˆ _detto office.. servizio clienti ;, . anzi chi fabbriafs Aleksej Aleksandrovic Aleksandrovic Aleksandrovic Aleksandrovic Aleksej Aleksandrovic Aleksandrovic ... " difl: ruggere il'g ˆ fabbricato*. " Mˆ in eltre-fabbricando di auentura. in fito, di varij patroni, come Žhe in ofso da una lunga ferie d * anno v'erano ancora. non ho mai avuto intorno a, & garden d'altri) fe vole piantare fa Cafa, ˜, Pal.azzo. con la do ci: so verf˜ la fl: Rada antic, d brace brace n asking r ˆ drittura pi, che fia pofsibile all altrui cafc ,acci˜ be11a ricchi la ilrada public pr dignified della Cittˆ; Mˆ fe preteade volger la facciata vcrfo il mito de I fuo vi- cino, . J C _un P. _v. _35 "tino, leue tlaf¥ Jontano dal confine., qµanto alto scasso ia efser la facciata delta propda cafa: ad˜. vo.. ] Ždopoi il v“dno trger anch * brufolo gli v brufolo a muragli brufolo nel confine di fabbricarfi one cafa, babbi d * auan.. ti one chicken, c * he * gli DIJ solo per il fuo bjfogno: Auerta per˜. il detto nelle vicinanze d*.erger la insieme a prussia e russia * , gna pure problems, cio fenza: niuna * aperture * d'vfcio*, b finefi: ra; not '" fsendo di raggione, che ˆ fuo well * plea godarariadell altrui pollo,: e ' s * habbiˆ * dare fogcttare il vicino: che fe poi vole anch * egli * piantar nel fuo lito eafaá con la facciata reciprocamente verfo * la rcafa dcU * altro since fabbric: iu, - deue áanch * egli fl: ar lontano dal confine, l' áádourˆ efser la fua facciata by La * medefima ca * gione fudetta; e di non pregiudicarli nel modo * alcuno,.potranno alzar (V * murolcomune s Ja .linea diuiforia del loro confine; che Jagiulbtia!ettaro * dare efserper * tutti, ' e * nafoe * ndo altri cafi < lificrenti -.Una - ; f“ rimettonoalla: raggio * non farlo .. R Volendofi one fabb-rica: la cafa con la gronda vcrfo il Nearby, deue nel proprio fito me{ . 2.0 piedi di f ndo gratis da la cadut de dell * boa cqua, oltre quello * della _gronda., che vole efset lontano.andare * due piedi in circa, e lo ftcfso deue ofseruire Il Vi . Cino) mentre voglia fabbricar an, h * egli-altra c vguale, ˜ pi alto, ˆ finehe } * acqua pureá dell3 fua gron. dare ca4a fop. ra del fuo fito; Onde in tal cafo , P. A R. T E I. . la muraglia d'VN vicino deuc cfser tonttna d ' quella dell'altro,cinque piedi in around,comc i pun. TQ i11f gna i * crudito Cipolla di Struit,.Vrb. Terapia pr d.. Delle Serve. flillicidij auertenJ fustigazione flilliciˆ# non Alltrten * ili '"" Pá 2 t. quitfl. s. e queA: o voglio inferir al * uni, detto, che vn nella fabbrica dcue OAR lontano dall * altro VN Peloprant, che ter¥ mine corrotto, e per˜ da molti noninte(o, 111ˆ ii deue dire VN piá d Eliprando, o'LE1 VN pi help.. tante, come fpiegaremo trattati delle mifure di terrŽni,& appunto il breue fpatio, CHC form La vi booming o-retta comunmente chiamata, firetta fedele; (>Brace memory, che per efscr la metˆ dcll'One, e la metˆ dell'altro, obliga vgualmente i due neighbors. non folo ˆ farui il diuerfiuo 4cll'acque, mˆ ancora l,efpurg ationi dell immonditie. la cittˆ situata nella parte nord-occidentale del paese. di piantar la Cafa nel confine del fuofito,dcue erger La insieme alla prussia e alla russia .. glia fenza aperture preludiale alla Cafa, ˜ fito. de11'2ltro nelle vicinanze, & in oltre piegar il tetto di efsa . ve rfo ilfuo, ˆ fin che racquadclla fu. gronda non - cada s quella d'altri. Pcrche qualch'one vole anco fopra della CA.fa fabbricar vn luogo eminente, detto ˆ eremona fiadiolo, ˜ fect: adorc; acci˜ non lo fabbrichi in darno, e fchiui iáoccafione delle liti, & nuo.brace fpe * i fe, auucrtof, che deuc cfscr formato in guifa. he non fare * mini Conucnto, ˜ Mona ftcro, ˜ Cafa altrui, ne * pofsa ˆ (U¥ voluptatem videre quid, quod fifa * a Vici' pi, pcrchc altritneate video quod facit Ora..: dicio, et ipse faciet recursus douuto, fi, ut ego pluries enim ifpcrienza ego villus in tam multis, quod conofccnclo in grauamc pro Je raggioni acenna et, fecerunt refill ad Mr, Vicarius PrctQriQ, et N habent requiem...t -., ro¥ - la _..fen-teQ-za-i t - - , - fa-uo-r t - -.--á Er non committitur cum Fab praecepta..: hrica. nos mos satus eos a fundamenta. vel- FII, ut quod fuono de bafe irrumabo * ttrra ad concordare nente DCU officinas, est neccfsariQ inuigilare, ac-quid Fi fiunt talia in locis ,. c9n talis circumftanzels quod habere firmitatem bafl: euolc ad fofientar apparatus de ll * aedificium ad trra ruperiore. Inde est, quod, si vis scire , cum iam non haucfse in Natur molto fomminiftrato ego difficile fundamenta, firma, v. g, de Saxum, ex Toto ufo; vel (afso, fi in Terram, ut in umi, 1 ' es . [L1pplire, et forma in eis; sed in modo difl: crŽte, in diuerfity de fe luo hi, ne uali sáhˆ est fecunda.ex fapbricare; imperoche in; at univer V tat est terra fe 1110. alii, g. hiara, O fabbiQne: iq aliis 3 ~ s P A R T E. I. - in valde antiqua: in cert * ˆltri tnolle,' et pˆludoro.á In.crren Fodo'fill vel!l {tit, et tit * magis Pr1ma, F non <: esi F crlaicrttc * fi~cˆglta:, * aut FC ba;. gnaco: non Fi rifolu Alta in luto. . . * * . * * .. á* Secundum dˆll * herbe; che vi * nafcono, fe phonopho. lite ˆ nafcere folo Interra dura, e(odo. Zi, Decem:odalli vicina aedificia; et rnatrimi et da poz¥ * forte fe in'qudl: locis * Ja est tam profund á * est argumentum, quod BAFL filis: euolmentc fodo.. 'ad arto dˆlla' fua .ref“ft: en za,: e rimbombo ˆ coJ.- .. magis bat, clin.g˜larm tunc, * cotne-dice * pal ladio, posito te'vn ta1nburro * cum faua grana, Ord * aliis legume in summo, vel puranchcávn * vafo lacum 'l' ád * aqua, quia ibi est aliqua voidness, vel infirmitate. á _u in terra, ego, grana, et acgua Fi rnou * erant.p * er áEgoá.Fe. * osperli ' 1:rlŽar calvesco reoo 11a * iaquaru modo ; & praeter a * varietate co lore, et per diversa materia; cforfi quia est rex liquia de quakhefonŽfamentoávetus; et gua-flo. * Alterum fi conofce a sua facie. Hor. dum ego video in terram tota die, . in hoc casu,, ut Architectus in bafe, est fundamentum, quae facta est ad fo. tl:intra I. fabbrica, et ordinaria, conuiene FIJ in fella pars cfsa in ˆltcz:za, cum tamen v * entr, ego pedicabo ego cellarium).LTER fimile ripofi:iglio. 'Dum _ _ C ad P. IX. . Triginta novem * Mtatrc lˆghfa a;<:> fal, Bion enim in terra tenghi la douuta fodez.1.aá, fi ofsetui in fofsa del fonda - *mentum, qµelche Fi dicitur.humo damnum, . si.f˜rfis.* arriuafs * et alla * vena natur; Je. dclr . aqua, dummodo. Ego autem dico vobis purus ghiara, El Jabbio. ne.imm inglest culato, et c9fl: ante> cum: EST, imo a affi- (urarllh Ql!Ando, quod in terram, fi¥conofŽa MOFs'o, s * ha da fcuare,..& arriuai: Al fodo; in whichfi faciam._The caua * mc.ntocom f˜pra -; á á - Sed. fe Iá_terrcno est: Fontes, epaludofo: quod est fini !hoc in casu, in casu 'acq pro natiua', quae tamen in casu, in casu efsa: fe finifc &c¥. s * ofsŽrui quel * ego fopr a., fe poi fi traduzione gue: &e alla fˆ di. me1l:ego ri _a (sodˆr1o cum vectibus-de.rouere grofli; e longlii, efpcffi, conf˜r * n1e :iudicium prudens. Architectus, C et percussit eos in hoc casu,, ego similis ad designandum quod commissio non est in loco, id. cienzaduro,. et ftable imo, ita et in Terra placet. . in Flumina'. S: non habent ergo: aa imitar akni, quod df talis regula non contentus, volunt profonatfi more nd: caUQmento, ad retrou rc indigena fabbioná, sed facta s * Obviam in aqua , abundantior quam prius, et si: LEU.arla cum fechie, in aliquo casu non bafl: ad quod fcaturifce omnes fi1ria ne latera fofsa, cum Ro der illis, & dilatant quod RL: A, G, quae non potest tunc ouuiar ˆ tant * impcco, et touina_, sáa. ffrettano 40 P A R T I! . I. CoA lapides in magnitudine,, _ et cum akina ad pcggioí ne !áaqua., & empir in fofiˆ., & afsodar in . institutum; et noll sáAnimadverto, Antequam confumar in . tempus, et materia indarno, quod cum feguitare in ábonum. regula potuisset tifparmiarc: . Secundum D * fixture VN ashanti vel variaatc nelta fiabilia, quae tamen non est meratiglia,!fe doppo ˆl á cuni annis, officinas alicubi venit in * dedinationc, est frangere. R. efla tunc D * auertire, quod * 1 fund d. ego, quae¥ . gliafcauatione babbi L * intiera (ua fupetficie pia-na, & aequales; (et N * in vos seducat, quod hoc ttop-po materia) s'adopri il liuello, et Fi 111iftui cum giu.. FTA geometria, quia cum fuffe diffµgua1e, in pcfo de officinas esset torcular pj in praeter, quam in aliis,.de mcdo, quod s * apnrebbe muros, . et essent omnes ghfi:ETLI inconuenienti, qui procedunt ex diversis cfsere, et varia in l\:facultatem. * . ' á \Tthe imo, fi Jaltrica, quod ita v (aua non etiam GL * antiqua, sed modo diverso, fecunda differentia pecunia. Super terrcn [Odo Fi lafirka cum VN Cantet lapides folc bene commefse ,et Iocos. Supra naturalem venam in acqda, et supra L * ˆren ' 1, . O ghiara ferma> ultra fudtto corfo, fe gl * ag venite tres, aut quatuor ordines bene vni lapides te, e fcn11ate infie - áM * e., cum ordinaria terra, Mi buo¥ á E á A * P: * ix .., 1 _ * supra * islc 6-dipol-dhica polos, cum tribus, aut quatuor vel. - dini Di pietr tenda, - n1 ' Calc_ina bene vnitc, & alligatum;. á cum, autem, cosrrichic ente i1 B'ifogno v. g. quod terra fufsc á Afsai paludofo,- fi D-ad UC afsodar pri ma, & immcdiatam ad TC in palified c9n afsoni de roucre, vel taffelli de Ares., 1, v. n. petram ' alia ad trauerfo, - & - clavum eos inficme. ' á Quod suus eam.ftricata facit campum 6fel imo, Fi comin .. '<: ian˜ conditores officinas grofa duplex in comparatione, tione de muri, quae habent, ut foftenta Rex, et tunc Fi vanno fminendo ˆ guifa di .pyramidis, fecunda figura Unum Supra que1Hs muros ortum, ita quod * media Effi onera plumbum in * medio fundamenta, c ut me volumen: ra in: B.á: E l1ifl: efso fi ofseruare in * alt-re diminutions, quod ft facere prophetia de officinas, ac quefta venit ad ha..; UER maggiorfertnez.z. a: mi s'auerti ˆ comminar le - diminutions, dou et finifcefor VNA pars altitudo -, et pro aliis, doue Principi I cor- : nifoni, O fafcie, Che {cruono Al Di fuori, pet Adorna- - mentum 1 ut A !et in fc. gn. Ata C. (l )tlli trtori J cbt Oct'rrono, ira¥:; .fonaa, ntnti, ille habbiamo a oll:O á1 laterem area!sunt * * s . fundamenta, et D1 erger muros fopra D1 dryades farn non bene á * quod ofseruiamo GL * errores, quod'. fi com * nulla * in addition ad *, de quibus fin * bora iaddentc * mcnle. lmpcroche * vi fono aknni á * che; pia * ntano ego cupidum.amtnti ioprˆ ruine, contentandofi, non * a {ernrel. - e * NON s > auuedo * no., quod officinas farˆforG ˆnchá * efs a rper ruinart. Alia fopta invenitáNti vecthij, et fen2.* a primˆ : fcuopri'rc Ibi eoságrofsei: ta, c fl:facultatem á * undas:occurrit ásono ancháácffi in pe * recolo la .elementum. I1damenti -, * quae pro eo de fadi ut pyramides, appareant tum in<: i1na, et in fundo, sicut patet in figura, et in hoc: ptne fpendo - non i1 tem.po, & im J>1egano materia fuperHa1rente_ Quidam in super po'f3no ego muri fopra VNA p: IRT Grandi áde F ndamenti, cotne: rccna I * E. & - ' ˆltri, quae est peius, india 3n ortae sint, quae sáaUanzano * oltra iltermine del ashanti * dctmenco, ut apparet in'egánˆto F., ne riflogli t ¥ rono quclH * che d pefo) ecarkadetn11premendo F 2: p, 44 PARTE * I! t magis ex vna,. quod in altera parte London faciet caggione, sit muros cadere usque ad bafso:!et in.quod error quanquam te-fimt1-mciue iis, qui ex vna parte fola, non est ex interiorem diminuit muros.1as a note-G.; valet ifcufarn, c; et Hoc fi fˆ enim rcnˆer Pars c. fte,iore de muri, id est, latitudo, vgµal omnes; Conciofiachc nobis ad efsempio dc .antiqua fagus arboribus, ut Vitruuio1 et palladium,.dobbia.. mo, e_dar major ˆ, iRuri, E c: oprir La diminutioae di. efii c_olrna c. nte. de faffcia ? O. cornifoneá,_