Mirlmt .p,iu eXCjl!w(amenterractancfo Uuoghi cht tton. fflhO .nt' inttli &' cf,ci,1arattj& '.lggtunto,. JJÌ d1 mòtceaftre 6cure à.pi.1 cb1are2zad'intelhgenria:&1n ultimo la taupla pl.'rntrOt. modo .igg:euohsfima nel\ottrouare qualunque cosa fi.uoglta. But already the traces of &.ire.alprimo corpus ltm-: & in that foglto ... for the sake of its sodìsfac1cne nu souuiene,,ffi:rn11 dd,biro officio adouer fare fi come 1i legge hauer' fatto gli antiqui,i quali ogni loro p_rima cosa preS'1:nt.., I have to the Gods, that I to your Lordship, as a sign of sincere love and love, that my struggle is as the one which deserves the most precious and the greatest gift of that one, which in my heart Joyful years of pre-births & with.dtti.me Iliu.re under the unsuccessful and unsuccessful C:ipìc:mo, the Zito the Perugine,:& dipoi appre't:o lo lUufl:!i.sfir_no Signore quarto _Malate/la.Sagtioni Captain generates the fanrariedella Iltuftnsf. I. of V1nct1a, s'1mpetro luce eh grand1sli111a aucrorìtà & magyouz,...a nel gouerno di tuttelesutlanciespezzate ... per quello più di giorno in sua Citta coi pnmi d!er chiaro & . I have now been able to make him do something that not only makes him happy with this scene, but also makes him like it. HUMANS OF PEAK & PASSION & Iranians, & their peers less than they embrace you ingr.indi se & bono rare: For what not alcnmmte among his other immortals appears that rich. mma fi. fi. scissor:Tal rheda all the pacts to him in his own p.lqui Aui i quah nela p:mia frni preson uistimmramramcnte honor.u & d1grado,fi m.o.a.operaaore non che conforme. M:i P,.er not prolufarnu in c_iuello cheadognnu1uno for his luc! .taro,_ V... fi conrmtera d1 grat,mencrriaceueretl gift.il qualecom-unqneeglt èpultnob1l11nu.nttoni & mature induOrie de gli .mtiq1 i ai uita hu mana needn.euoh toltafi alcuna uolr:i eer quiet from the many occu patios, I hope that the contmentconfortJ.d.irà.n. o little Pì;'cere:J,pe.eiTo.ncontragli al_trui.iasmi diffi-.Gone some oo lechlcdo,impe1ocb.em1{bmo chegl huom1m1diot1 much uia pm to the useful & to the -ig1ouamen10, eh!" therefore ne uiene,uiene,guardaanno che a g!a gli errori: eh. per auentu.a de me non m'mtcrompere 11 ragionar,: anchora alchunavoJtalig1111ìca di,ct _ .e fecondo Luclllo : quancunququ< ti primo comenrarore di quefta v erruuiana opt'ra voglt that C1gnrfiche,ncerrogau o vero mtra alchuni ch.tamare, fauellare & per àltro pray: Et ptrcio conwen faper'paper'piglia re 11 rèpo :itto & cuuenicnre wanting to talk or real orcenere some thanks to some perfect, 1nasfi,,ne con gli -Pnnc! p1 big, even in that interpeUans luoco the doucm to take to disrupt the par, lare conalm, demonltrating the gr;1 cures dc Augulto. 4 C[Ma cucio lia chio itcdesli la tua Mae Il.i hauere no folamctela cura della co mune vita d'ognuno &e.in qlta daufo.,. Ma concio fia thio ihte'ddli la rua Maefla hauere la no folamcte s'lntc:ie vno Imperato non folamente la cura ddla comune \ta d'ognuno, re o vero 'Pricipe glt coucga h:iuer cu, ra d fubd1ri vn1ucrlall alla pottlta fua. & the confusion of the Republic ... but even now But, now of all the souls, which gives the opportunity of public buildings, I see that you want to visit your fellow human beings, so that11 it is customary to offer them other services. City not folamence of prouincie per re fuffe accre, pagne, Cinul.Jnèce p le cacc1c dc glt,mi Sciut,1, but that also makes Madta del' Imperio rnalt faluaudù quadrupeds , & volat bricola Barrono the walls of Il' dtadl.SCOR 1>IONI/c1oe ,no ìllrumenrofatto to send The saictre, which turns to them Baleltra/per che fecondo alchum, li as the scorpion with the little danmlica & imazza l'huomo,cofi quello 1.llru1nrnro con vn peak! ftrro rrano o m:indaro porge ft mtlmt>nte molto danno. Et glialtrl ptk & d1uerli dluments da battaglia --am recompos1menci d-.lt was J>RONTO/cio. dice vetruuio elfer llato prefente Be pr1nc1pale con esfi dettid, & haurrc ricercare . "-lfatte le'ordinationf alli ncompontmentl delle dette A!tlgltme da lD,ltrra, dcWhich will make to difcrirre & figu rate otl deamo book. masfime cun1e .li habb1a operato.., cheer for you, Captain. I'll say it. for theoll:rare is the sufficiency, & fi as. n.ecelfano a_ c1aschedun'bono Archmettorc,;ha 1commaro a dffcriueredi quclla.4[Er with comfortable esfi tate 10 hcbbvvc1oc rlrere llrere held as much as you were preceptor &,you were greater at11 whichJ. it is not licit to give them uncomfortable, m1 tc commuted: li drllc ftanze 8' of life & vclli1ncntt 8' caualli N. falanl & fenuronconurnienn comr à vn gouemarore & proued1core d1 tanto. impocr:inza quanto e vno ccceilcntc A rch1tcttore.., as it was elf v crruuio: Er pcrcio pronounced that at the Impcr:itore, & commendation with qutlh hauere h.uco le com111odi'rati.C[.1ali come primie, 1-dumentc à me le dadli. The qucfto d1mollrale comtnodttan, & benefici rrcrod, elferligrara cofa Ila, to, elfcndo rac?rdcuole d1 those: pt. that many .uon1ini alfa( and that co11 le:rnd1 fian<> r.mune . rati de bmc6ct them. 4r The nconiJ[c1mcnto for the ncomandatlone d1 rua Sister ofreruaftt. .1u1 Ild not folamcnte is intended Ielrece rìconofc1uro by the Jmper:1 error with boo.a grateful to tnrnte & di tnrnte & di cor but in this part it is intended to be an eternal great promtsfionc of fixed temporal goods, & for perpetuity. promlione dibuon' Salary, which conuenuto prize 8c amure rra ftrato in the will of the soul of e( For the emperor I will do those benefits that seemed to him rnerritalrt: that was for the ncom:indanone fatra dald Sister d-esfo emperor nomara Orrau1a laqual s'irranuie to praise verruu10. Q_Ul'fta and Orta;d u1a laquale haucmu dettochr fu "maritat1 a.M.Antomo 8l da cui p caufade la Regina d'c.ypto Cleopatra It was a good idea to tell you that the elf was the only one who was killed10 , the 6n of the l& vua 10 hasn't got it.Ci di pouem. fear &c. v muufo did as Ari.lb,celc says in the pnmo of Mcthaphi 1s t\ I r., .. PllIM0 LIBRARY .Et coli Còl!. Marcus Aurelius! those (uro110 as A r.irettòri & com. dietrno & apitanil & goutt 1 - 6 _ natO! l of England. that same penfam.:he was (King Marcus Markanthon10 , who was the goddess of Aurelius for the empire,gtianue of the Clttare Aurelièfe/cio. of Aurclia,4t:Publius Myriad or true Numidian & Gnaeus Cornel.10:41to 7.d A friend of Cephare's, & was huo1no dot n .f}...;....t ..ra c...:e\. tur;:b... Cornrllo Nafici 6gltolo df eneo Sci , a pioneer of cafa Cornl'lia , was the man who confused '1 which tnomphò dl the fe1:onda guer!a Carra.nere "eirm, It will be twelve years.17.andofnthatdim. prefa carragincn_fe & fu cofa df amira t!one leLrer' fuo in rsli preclari farri: bringing great victory & prc mii & rriomphanti honorl. But pubUo Scipione was the father of the Sciplo people, nid, which are the reason for the victory of the rum. the Afta fudchiamatodAfi:mco .Coli anu chora was surnamed Merrllo fi,,, rne d. predetti narrated J>lutarcho maslime in the turn of Mario:Ma guello che fu CoWtOminaro Num1d1co fu Sci,p1onefuperiore 11 qualt espugnò & d re,.-nibaUc Imperatore de Carr:igi.., ;ntfi - which Region was chl:imaca . But Numidia that in their tongue 6gntlfca wander. Impcrho chenclT'uno ftabile td1licio haueuano, ma come nganri k fparfi chi qua & chi Ja pafcolando & habirando 1n ordatammce In erre Affracanc Ftauan regions : by qucfU -and Srrabone grauisfimo author : coli S alultlo in rugurtina hilloria: coli Plynio & many other preclart.ft; Et cofi with Marcus Aurelius, & Publius Mini god, &: Gnaeus Cordius at the Apparition of the Balific 8c Scorpions, & of the Hlrumenci Hlrumenci from Baraglia ad the rrcomponents were ready, & with comfortable refs - · · hra o hauto , 11:1Uat-l co... "".and pr1m1etamenre a me-'("1 d;ad clli, I reconfirm it for the remembrance of your Sister osferuafii,Condo fiaunque that d 'effo bed nefìdo ti r.lUffiI obl "rgaro, , & until the end of "ira io Not to fear of fear, those cores fc:riucrcda ré began r for ch- confi.eraiu ...ia re' n1olte cod if it was to build, & eh'al prefente cdifichi, & fi,dtnilmtnte qud refto of time, & de publici & pri ome of buildings6 , for the enlargement drUe cofe facre,chc to the others of auenirt' the memories remains(hen,cure do -ucu1 hauctt - S crisfi1 le regule dimtninate, (cquJ("1d ad esfe waiting, & l'opera da prima farte , & ql liane le auuenire , per tdldfo notificate le pofii ha, urres Et prrcio in those books I opened all the books. - of que11a - n1dH scienia - a m1 authors. "r AUo apparcchiarnento dellt BA.LISTE & Scorpiòni &c. BALJSTE/cioe vno illrumtnto made to draw or really throw with elf,p1etred1 iran pefo & fi be. fulfeno.1s-o. libred, & anc.ora for man.lare irofl'e faiecre. Onde daq11elta aalifte . dmuaro 11 name dt Baleffra with 13 which hoggid1 makes them. lerra.Mae clear that the baliftaeqllotltrumlco eh. h()ggi di fi calls from vulgo Briccob nrncht for refpet ro dt Bombarda & Canone & Fafconrtto Colubrina &limilt Artigliaric hogltl i:11 la Briccòla lia. rialaifata anche lo ingmiofo :,e valtnte Signore , Pi Caplc:meogenerale de la signoria ae v enetla Bartholomco Dal, uiano alcoona volta gia l'opew. Da.lifta e 4!erta da greco s.u.. chr lignifica bncìo .rchc ura grandlf, fasti, k Ou1dlo .anto graue pero & r-sfi de la o vrr rrare FIRST BOOK the strength of the .imoltrarc that you core defend. And I lose the agent Archiretrore and that one: Chef of Money: pcrchc Ar11toreleanel pm11.o della 'Poetri. cofi says: v [I love the times in the Informer I love that it is easy for me you'll understand what he's saying. But the title is the first thing that he should do, or the truth that he should do. With the conflict, the question is reconciled from one man to the other (and the two are the same). gn The cleanliness has from the maeltro: and for him from the (propo!ta) when it is collected his thoughts with reason, then there can be used to forward. For which part of the one, the other part is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one to forward; 1 i.e. the Archi terror conmenrc'habbia to prnfare the cogmriondella fc1enza, & the experience with the. practice de 1 fabmare, o vero operare a gli ab1fùgm fuot."[Et coli gll b1foaa effe re ingtniofo, 8l arco al gn the fcicnza/cioè elfere come Dedalo Archtterrore . operator acumfimo & pronto in fapere variare le co 4afeade gli artifici1,& clearly dimoltrare: quelto è proprio il vero dimoltratore delli perfem & dorti of any fcienza & regula that is in the world: fi as Ariltorele says. [l fegno del (ap1enre t polfere i fegnare: also diffe, L'arriffice . more fapienre than the expert, & L'archirettore del manuale arriftice: per who knows the caufe dé fubierti: also d11fe. At the fullest fe apemcne makes each cup for 1 'lmle, & makes pears the cofe diflidle & hauere the most certain fcience of the others, 8c fapere render the reason of those cofe that fonoa " !lra fl retrisfimo antiuedere &. turce ie diltanzc :& il parerga - In fino in tutti iu On.o. fl & m rutti e corpi cele!h, & terreftri, & dell'acque: quelta è la vera compav.na della CRAph1da/ctoe d1 regno, & che dfmo!tra Il colorire alli veti P1ttou, & ombre & lumi>quellafinalmente in tutte. uone 2 liberal fci.enze there PllO embrace: & [ptcialmcnte in Mathematica.4[ Amaeltrato anchora di Ar1thme tica. Concio lia che i'Arithmetica(i.e. the nodding or ver for the Abacho we want to say) peruenura dil g:i Arabi: t vna propria & certislima conclufione per aiuro non [oJamcnte de l'Archirecrore , ma dL cia[chuno operatore, & motore, & contrattore: per che fenza. q1-1elta will never be able to calculate nor fapcr1: !the value or the truth !the power of, torrui, & that it does for the anumerar' of gains gh d1ligent1 mercad:iot1 not eltt hand of fortune, neither for tc.ra. nor for marc,li pericolou cali; neither that the Sigt_1ori or other peoples fear the fight &c. Therefore, call the Archivist to co-fidefcerncre le quaotita de numen o ver le ver le gn Common: as :rnchora phono dé codi of the waters, douealfai or POCafi miida, in the order that we coducono p canelli chiuli or .ero apperti, o pur per .iJ.ui v:. The water to be conducted: also of another coffe a pertinctt cJe rnefur:u' campi &: inoucr' di terreno per cauamento > o ver' dclli ed1fìcii, o de altre cofe che producerefiAtend al vero effetto di dar-forma. .elta fcienza per [e a !tare feparata da!Paltre arti, & fcienze J.tbe rali. ma le arti libera.li pare c'heffer no poffano fenia copagnia, Vetruuio ha Laifato che Lia qutfta rern:i. nente d. The above said: so that a.chor, they would be able to contribute to Rud1are with the summa diligence acc10 which ordinartam, re fapplamo compose with (order de nwn_er.i . mefure,pporno.abi. alle cofc ch'affi.1 inrlde.o. non folam_entc col numero dtr'la .omputattone prcC!famente effe: importanze di (uperfk1e & de corpi, & anchora pru pru oltre bif ogna fa per dire la fua quantta di pefo , & le potenze che La polfon fu!tenere , li co; me nel dieciimo libro hauento - . And for beingemp10 such as it happens from the arciuefcoualc & fagra chie(a di Ml &ano the pyramid or true the tholo Hecub,lle to make you which rucro di,:narmo dourndo elfo collocarli fopr:igU archiamenti d'or:t. The four cantons departed from the four ptlaftrl eleuat1 fromW earthly foundations, gaglf.trdts;the elf Hecuba,l.e cima o ver fultenhnento can elfere or not last long for great ff[ . fimo pefo di marmoronAnchora per e[a Anthmerìca fa per dire, ogni bifogneuolc fpefa dt ciaCcuna forte delle marerie k manifatture , aceto non para i.orantc: coti di mult'altre accadenze pi mouimenci & re; percusfioni impotenza kc. Know the reasons why we are here...n a.ltn luochi we will say ...Ch. habbia inccf. mol \ you h11to.n_ r1e. Q!!!clto a.naeftra.cnc. it is of great importance that A.ch1te.ttor1, or true at least c.nbanno 11pronto Rud10 dl!lle htftone, try to.., The occurrences of the downturns make the enemy, & prouederen, & q ftt conofcitori , make excellent conligns not folly of the republic for time of peace, but also of war, because the knowledge of the h1ftoria makes the expert & prudent man for there various downturns occurrcti,:.ma. del:ibe to seek the noble ones. & annotandf essemp1 & monumenri & many times bring the R now & lalfare the fi:ma. And they are deserving of the republics! Gold, too. d.t'i)! great pnncipi grand1, dignify me! Four tons of all the time they spend in the world. C[.Er che diligcremètc i Philofoph1 habbia. odto. verruuu10 quinu1. a detto lo adieélfuo al fubftantluo: dt gran conlideranooe. alPArchitettore o vero d'alrn, di diUze.tcmente habbìa odito i 'J? hilofophi : it is imperative that that 1 who go to see the readings not folamentedly of every fort, .a fpeclalmenre to those of philof ophia must Ilare con.onti 8l lntntcnti with great dtligc, :z:a , that altnmentc make them not acguiftaoo relate to alchun fruit deffa fcienza: . And I fear that those who want more, who want more, do not make it necessary to speak in a white language, nor do other bodily problems occupy you with the effe cia effe audenze: so that the anitnate voice and the worthy motives of the emotions are 9uelk that end up melting. eoo in the anune de gliaudirori I! <.. of those who visit them;,mouendo la loro anima 8l !ntdlctto fecondo la co fa che fi a:aita : !(_ CO. b d1(inofta mente l'entaniglia a re come-the body well fan o, gli d1lmabili cibi, /1( CO;n r me from A nito tele is fcrttto ne book dt fenfu & fenfato . Et . cofl "a sa fapert , chef and the Archtretore has not in the intelligence of the fcrmures of the Philophophi, cerro egl! mancha of the nacural cogninonì nacural!.C[Che fappìa Muli.., that is, that P Arch1tcttore habbia la ragtoe delncanro : so that those proportions of the chant that sometimes inS fi makes crouar'nnell.e mefure d1 Geometry, or ver' of Arithmetica promptly, there as fonts those of the co mune vfo, quefta to the benefit dc lr Achìrertura the infe. and : it will not folly make tnefure the proportions of the vJ.i ed1ficii, but their inronances: & names of every embrace I! <. proportionabtlt nu mero ,'ilaaUe quanrita rna.giori cauare le minori : li come da Euclide hauer porrai: Anchora quel che! !energetic francan galphide in your 1nuficalecomentat1onie said for the .Euc!Jdiana & other lemunc:nuu daUefimplicipropo.ctionLmaggiori & mino.ti de cqualitate prect(amente còmfofie d'vna quantita ln Your homeland is worth 1llru111cto I -umi fil conduce - chel chiamaRo Graphio , :!l da noi t>e roiin1 as it's called by other people... the, quefio (the vfa fopr:le tauoletre d{borro fotili con poluere d'olro abbrururciato fopra etre col fputo in olrare doue fopra po1 lopcramoa. Coliacon elfo ltyle o dt Argento, o d1 R.ame, o d1 t>iombo difcgnamo o nella carta comuna o nella. care.i pec cora_a, " vero m alrr:i cofa : fi come fu era I a cale ma 1mpaltara con carbone macenaco o vtr pailla bruretata fntonacara o vuole_dire . Enamel with other hunuda !lncrolta Copra Ja polita parete, doue lt l>ttr.m pra, tfcamenre rogliuno with dfofiyle o d1 Rame o di Ferro far ligure. liort come fulfcno opere de drapplAdamafch1n1, l'< quc.lto nomtnamo sgraph1area: Ma li la hfc1ata ca_kina non fara p1u che la par.te bene vguagllata l..i fuperlictc fua dalla 1nrnura. polueri. za In (uperlic1all' ud1dczza that was pear makes s.raph1ta fcher n11ura as tl coramc masti me of the pel:ccic, cht- vfano for the Wiria é giouanctri \'111:ml ne I tlpo de 1'111 uerno, ma qucnc cofe dal tempo fon culte prefio d1 t,ellezza. Et coA veà1 come.-tp;,..., ftgrutica 'ìcr1uere,a <' defend, !1< 1trmgc:re. CM a la Gl'Omerna a l'Archrterrur.t: GEOMETR r A qlta ha ' urmo espofto a carte.f.lmcra.O.tjl vial fua 1mport:rnza. (L Et pr ma dal buon mefurare & girar ddco palfo, Compalfo ,la,latini f'sìltrumenro chi.lmaro C1rctnus , da alchum anchora & noi il ch/am.11110 fc ,, fto: p chr q!to tlèrumì:to fabrile fa chtlcircolo fuo d1 ijluncht' éjnrira li fia always fia mesurandolo lì cuponein fc1 volte tit fua frura la cfrcuftnnza fua', benc,r,iult1stim::mècc dm1dèdo, . with the diameters of the circle: .,-lto Mto o che vogl.ia1110 dm- compalfo haucrlo p l'arrc rrouato, lì dice elrer lt.ro Dedaloa. Le.i lllynio in the fcmmo hbro à. S' G .cap1roli: per cill' d1 qft. fa m,n..,ne, & cc (it says. La fabrrca dc.flegname Dedalo . lii qlla la Cc.:i, l'afc,a , l'archipendolo, il furchic-llo lacor.a.C-ol la da pietre M(la squadra : ma l'arco 11 huello da mettere i piano pferco, &. 11 I come back, /Il the ch1:ll't !t !h odo,,aro: Samlo le mc,ure, & i hairs 11hidonc argmo o vcramcre -Palamede as Cliltoa believes more wrong. Horaafia 11 On the breath that is most needed by the one who is most needed: iW mcfuramenu d1 geomema, & profper ttua cht to any other 11t1umrnto lia : petehe con c!fo ii mefur.no tutcc le l.tru "li d1molhattom 3' le FIRST CHAPTER 6 polte Ie rue e.iure alli Iurls conf ulti, v etruuio h:i detto rtrpofte & ncn fcntcnze: per che rneglù:, . ... to the will of the good men who have been to the future: the one we have said that the coming to our forehead will be said p:1rn1rffceodio. Imperho Ach1Ue saying 11 true oftc:fe Agamemnon &c. Et quelt1 adunque che faper:inno honclta,.tnenre quato app:unene aC1prr' d1c1dere le concrOl!erlie che potrono forme lii quclt<- cofc dell'cffmo dl lo archmttarc, csli omnu )aeranno a (occorrere & atutarc, coli I l. letgant1 how much even now lignor;inza del le leggi : pcrchl.' ancnor' d:ed;ice liano accio Ci y1ua m pace, non dim,no luna legge . meghor ddl'alrra pur phono !tace all.ce & p vane opp1111c01 & 1111111:iginar,.ni da alcum Dottori _.uerra ch'vno gìud1carì c3).hor,4 Copra core al. bound, but for the sake of the orptn,onech1 the knowledge, it will be better to lead the alcre than the,u:ino raluolca cocelre &dace pfauorc:, o vtro a cup1acza dl alchun'm;ile A1 b1trò o c. i1rulfar10, V:llchune cofe mkota,mntc occupied,'l vfurpate: conctofia che nelfona cofa del mondo qu,&fi,fi polfe,fa fenza ragronc: nella qual.e,111chora non g!i è vetato JI modo che n'i lì pol!à litrg,re Ma e ccrtoe che quelèe varie fenrrnze In lc. c have not been used until not for a while or for lw,oranza de bnccrprprcre pt'r chl: 111 in the body of the! J1gclh that furo in the time of I111èl111ano corrcm & raccol. n:non .akhuno corrano ,.fim1le: (i do well c,ponert-; for quai cofe dt.e .rtfiotele in the fecund of 'Poltctea , Le lt it.I mho nefie bcnche gr.1 ndemrnte fianl1 m vfo lema cofa e d1 cancellarle & corle via: niente d1rneno dille ;incho, ra clfer'megi!o g1ud1.:arc frcc,ndole Leggi & f, condo le ktrere che di fuo proprio fapere-,ne e ddro ancho J ra à carce.n.kttcra.M. "r:Cht habbta Alèrologia & cognofch, le raglont del crelo. Tu d1bb1 façrr /more K that v etruu10 treated all those fc1enzc at Arclurmore necdfane 111dubb1tat.1mentr. A in the hour gto , ua alpha1 thatta fcienza allf good1 Archmcron, de qh giouanicnu è nccesfira :Ma v erruur" esprcffamcncc will say in that pruno book to cards. J t./!o: also pt-r gl1:1ltrifegucnt1 tn fpe.:1e d1ff11raincnrc in the ninth The Good. But at the prefrnre vtrrumo n,a111feila and says with ragiom leCiiufe for which coou1enc that the Arch1tcttore habbia le predtn. doctrines. 2 -a€The Architerre conuicchef:.ppi:i read re -.c..eft. d.lfopra alfai h.ibb1:1.mo The Architect conuitn chtl fappia lttte. steel that - eltephus , & qu1t11 very 11 manifest the. 3 with the racoghmenr1 of wounding molci,poffa make more fer lcmonc. "rAceto than with the raco.hml tt d1 m..1 .rnm o voglia11 mean com, but the mrmory, Dipoi haurrerà the fcitnz1 drlla Gra, - • • c. - rt' ph1da , vinegar that riu ,acdmrnce poua a on chapters dcWhich cored1 chdi ncne fcnr cofa chr "oglia with the paintings rssempi dar'la for, ca memory, ptr la quiil ben che li.i co - I - - - file vna abbrcuia.cura ddll notaru I FIRST BOOK A watermelon cort allt quali li expttti re ttrrninatiohi dcllè lime 8l diuuionr. A dunque p dunque peter polish il. co vocabulo lutututl "l "n-Jr, concio fta che la lerrcra. t. greca m apertione ctlere d1 angularic figure p qltoMarnano Capella in fue disfegnationì dt geometry chori says: Ma qu:ido Le l.mit> dentro da re paritnète. engono l'angulo & che fanno!fate dirizate, rara detto Duemlinio :inguloche i greci .ueurl"'""-": da t qfl vn Dirrttllinio f:ira caufato: Ma fappi lettore che p II latini hauemo trouato hauer' detto EVTHI, CR AM J S. Ma avti "- ci1> è retto & t roc,,"" c1oèhnia quafarerrammre che conduce lt Imie. Hora i you'll welcome yourself to eh! you like what else that fecund toad! the 11011 haurmo seems to be cht ftgnìlìchi in gfto luocho.adiiqut v etruulo not int2de othermcnte that from the good mrfurarr dclSefto transport them de pu ro to points all! inie che fono b1ror;ieuole adar forme all'optreache do tntcdrmo: & p che li elfo me, furamèto di far ca minare d Selto nna also vn minimum fpaClo o ver piito , cerrarnrnre el falli fica la for but adapted of the figure: &tanto più quito è maggiore la molriplicat1onc f la unequalttadé pur.ti co, me è nomfimo alli experti llniatori , di che fpeciafmente fono li "Prorpettll 1,C[ Dal éjle grandemente co. 7 p1u facllita.ll difegni de gli edifiéii ft fanno nelle arer/doè fupficie terrdlre o fpaci1 apìan:ltl, ne 1 quabrnttndiamo fare le directura delle!inie con le NORME, nortna/Cio. quel.1 which is vulgarly d1ccmo sq , d.a 11instrument f:itt<;> .ome :mgulo rectum, iron, or l.o, éjl.é using li m.-r.tori_ & Sca.pcllmi g dr quadro saffo p dmzare le lrnic.€:Et ArCòpcndolo/Ct. qllo tltromentoche fi dice 1l l.111 ello d1 legno(mo di regole , Rcgula/cioè arco pendulum made tqui:'igularmère & nel mezo di esro col filo colloc:imo il perpendicolar,plombo,nel mezo del cui Arcopcndolo drmolha nel fin del buco carhetamrnte con lo mouimtto & punri lesfere cquale ,"(inaeguale & J. importanzeadellc linfe: r,el qualidimo tftrumèro da. operare n'habblatno fatta la fi.ra fopraal'Amuslioad1 mumo a carte. 34, &fopra la. Chorobate 8C with cjlto fi can vfare in .i cofa to do eql.e, o ver ver lin1e of aiere that do straight & direct, in which fia necelfario tirare alchun1 i carrier linìarncnt1 p rerminata o vet continuata diltanza: & cofi per quclte d.e !e !mine you will be able to ascon!t be able to do anything you want or want to do. n1a api ombO(CJU:1te lymphs that you want, make panmence.C[S1n11hnéce ptr la J)rofpemua o vero che v.han re Oprica : dt gita ne habbiamo d1f opra detto à .arre. S'.lmera.Ea_. la .èile anchora . c.:ipagna 4rlla racnza.aCnomonica, fi conducono alchun1 lutni con rag1ont da ctrtc regton, del Cu.Lo doue conaum rono righta, mente i lumi. Well says 11 true true v etrude, because the narration does not give certamète The light was not the curvature of the Sun/heart. from the elitist l.euanre, I flax to the 'Ponète//ll peto alchuno sometimes can to, nuo near from the rrs,one dc Settmrriont do that. On the 8C lura 8C I close, or to some other feneftra or true other eyes, when I look at him. The light is now illuminated by the light: and then that light can be restored to him with reason in the year n1uro, which the crews call "."'T- v. &i latrn1 paliprando: p il_modo che è conftiruito dalle pnblicetew , o vero lhm!t delle Ctrtatl. But: bow down when it's good to go: the rules of the I.L., which do not give you walnuts and other g1oua, easily. aa c6nccdcre : . The neighbor: Er effe feneftre ft pofron f;ire still as much p111 lònghc as fiaala capacity that rc.ndrua the a;rc-.lt before: 8C q.cfto,it does not seem eh. li. to be ris.ardare otherwise to the lon. a yecc.(ez!a &conruetu dine :p che fono ltau fatti glt diu1d1menu de muri, .v,: delle ftpe, & fosft , da vmno a vmno: acao che ,iua .unò libero & ficuro in cara fua , . fopra fl fuo &c. But it happened that you were building your own house, The first corn, as the first corn says, was made by Donato Bramii's brother-in-law. From the fagraltia in the fagraltia of the chiefa facra of Santo Satyro m Milan, glf quai lumi del .ole from the high difcmdono: even now it can make them that p rdlefione celefte from the viua light from the mconcro p dfa rtflefione oppo na & lnrerrenuta somewhere angry to make that effect: o real fapere diuaricare o real Ccanfarc al, which opening will let in light, the horns will make light, the horns will be like lights, 0 will be like the balelets, fe that. they make fopra gli rem , give light within another fertile river or true 1nclufo luoco in m.zo Of the dots, that4th one that is luocho conuien makes pears for...milmodo allu1ninarlo & con linronnachau 8C un, g Whitewashing over the walls intact: the quJli are fac11lslimi & mcgliort à catch the lurt of the d1 u of the not the rupflcie facrhncte rupflcie candfd.za s>unprprrme the light, li come.-accaccade p la ncue p la ncue whenever glad fll over the ground. Whenever anyone Iuoch1 have taken that rcflefT'o they make so much light of it that ne rarisfa, & esfi chute rrn1pre téperatf. .aU1 eltremi del anual'varlano11e del rempo & _co. (or of the Sun: Et some of nollrt Citizens from some remp1 m qu:i in some small neighborhoods & who have high gU .d,steels & walls, or is surrounded by the moon flrada on the other, qurlt1 not folamente fon ftmpre prr la acc1den, ornbrofi & malenconrci, but still not f;in1 & conramman of frigid aeri &e.gli have 1mbtancha, outside the walls: the lunar walls / the other one next door, choirs in the district give kt1cia & à csfi medr.mt & alU vi and.int1. !t percto conmrn fctcnza della fctcnza. J)rofpet1ua also for many other decreases vnìuerfall 8c part cul..iri, which raluoltJ to the tmprouilto accadeno: & not faptando difcerncre, will seem really effer con, You are now talking about it, & perfecting it as you did in the())Care for you11ebre: ofwhich:ucofe 1n quclto li, ...we'll say. 4[Et through the Arirmrtica quanra re hopes in the buildings r.-confume /cioe qn, ca vmuerfalita d1 cofe li pUO confuma, Et mediante l'Arithmrtica quanta fprfa ntlt! t.ifi, 10 building fruitful the ed1fic10 that there cii fiume 8C confumes the reasons ddk mrfure 6_ d1ch1ara proposes d1 do that conftdtr:ire & ra, pcr'fi can p mezo de l'Amhmetica/ no a & the difficult gudlionì of Symmcmc with the ImR. FIRST reason of Ceomrtria & Mechode S trouano; do. Iaprarica del abbacho . do fon r tilmmte reason conliderara & cal .., r hauer,cognoiciuMa molcr hiftoric makes him need to fuck off against fummara & ro, cht" fpdfe 1'olte molcl ornamtmi nell'oprrc gli nell'eltremo fine produrra/comc d1fo., pra à c:ure.s-.letrera. F. derto habbia.., ...are the people who are responsible for what, for example, Eraperace the Archirechrators or others... that the habbiano made to the Perconranu, kbbano ren, haucratoric reftaurariche haucranno hauro J.>o, dtrlf,1 raaiont t as fi none the pear marble statues by some allocatorl, or ver patro r, ni delPopt>re. Summa mind over r Of women Drain them which 1 call Caryatide fe 2 to reltaurare or true that he habbta the for Colone ponera. &difopra le Menfole & Cor.-operate others per day earnings, - uolmence , o vero chel p:itrone dia omc101- - -- coIloc h era- a I- --fCot:m CO I - fi nereoda laragior-. no nitte le materie della fabrica o vt, , or other oparft cores: & li nu pogano re no le manefatu.e loro. Cerramcte qrto ne pare ne necc!Tarlo lia 2 know for A rìthmetica : fiora anchora per manife(bre leragionionioni delle SYM ETR I E/CIO. quel vocabulo . greco & benche come dice -Plynlo non fia .n vfo apprelfo dé latini nientina meno lignificare la proporti on a 1>1 lconmeru ratione dirtinra con numeri ln diuerfe quant1tati . Q.t particles, the quai turrc apprere inlieme ripigliano,9<. raforn.ano all yours intact hereitfrade, which makes again cu.cnfurarione no! we say the arms1 &aanc.or feet, & dert o .ero ounce, that In L>sli sc\)mpartcndo!ì li dllhr:guono ':)rdmanamenamenre :. COf!!!and say. mo :i cards. for which this case I'm going to produce alch(l:na dtftictl quilhone p la equaliu /Il. unequalt ra : & maslime quado t't confumano cu broken numbers Be integn & ponce , & patri d'oncc : & qu:'i'to più ! mag.ior qttta d'integri & rotti , dco più è mawor fariga...I.Ome da e/re r.olt-di Aritmetica porrai'ha. \ uerr ''vla le diflìrulra cne cne talhora occorreno in qlte & nelle rag1.i. di Ceomerna li h:foo fac1lmctc cv le ME THODE,1cioèco le breue vie o -ero naturalragi6i: come sana P la -1a dtlal.ora la qle da.Eucude poi I haut're::'i! :also by Fr_ate Luta_datBorgo .:m Sepol.hro:A.d1or:i Merhorle manifelterà :a car. f Jer. ([Ma moire h11tone g.U fa btfoguo liauer',ognofc1urò.D1ropra l carrr 5".lerrera.G.is narrated qu:1to d'hiltorie i porta fapere: to prefente verru.dice la c:rnf:t: k con breuit:i allrg. n:irra l'hiltoria, do de fon;pcedutele Colòne _e;, Cap_irelli_ cogno.inari CAR YATI cheda gli Ar.hi!e,rrori Co gra.deculidcra caryati J rione furono fatte pessip1ode.1 ?-l_trt popoli,& pfc.er:ire la magn.nim1tl a t',li Gr.ct: com e fa: carte, g. ornamcrodelrraue as d1ela111onu.COR N fCION I , d1 qlt1espo nertmo nrl.2 .llb à.carJH'.Lemra.O.& in other l11och1 that vcrru _pure called him Crowns. In those Men-ole they foleuere them in the middle .scrluere o -ero fcolpire .:ilcune rofe memorande tl breue comt fari a il no me di qut'!te CA R YA TE,& dé llerli , che (i potron vedere nella r.guètr fguraiaà carte. !at those ones were c.111e !at those ones were c.111e !at those ones were c.111e !at those were c.111e !at those were c.111e !at those were c.111e !at those were c.111e ! fente :'ichora lt:ino ti -pornci dtla,c,cchisfima Cirra di Murina/cioè Modena;. di molrt altre Cin:a & tt'r - Cl- The king who has been the head of the world between 11 and 11er6 the heads of the people of the world (hepara te). -• but I'm the one who has the right to make a hole in the line: the axe is the one we call a hole in the line. 1 - -n-W I\ fto al cétr? .ella Colona terretra/cio. qdra o di plu dronilche s'aprou;ino l i , o bl collocate with Perpcdi colo;c1oi !c1oi !mia apiubo/& Llbefla/cioì: ipiano pferro,'llche ._lchunt Architects at the Ooricomodo,chi al Jonico,chi at the Corynthio,chi at the Attic & chi at the Thofcano more aggi.;ro orn:un,ro hiino foprapofto atlf Effe Mcfolr capitals: No m.koadi(orco .Ua Colona béche fufre antflora talvolta talvolta alcune fub!trutre, :1lcu.., 3 of the three Mtfolat1s so ports, I see there's a slower frnnan-cro with the wall of fuck in the lining: 8'. =when the earth's lht1morulità =which is easier than the moon.ipeffe la coluna.sim!lm,re fopra li murelli di M:l Tones doue ltillano_l'acq de tt'cti,glr ponru:ano.Ma f:ttti qlti piatnèri di colune dipòi in ba!fo: Above and [.., the king Mèror.e polte i piano. the rraul, & c1gcu:ino elfo habimioi ltret'lttamcrt' e.i dillgcza qnto le p:irt! lt:ir polleuano, torto a lnochi o ver d'afre o d1 rn.ragli. le pareri diuiditi p li fodi f.-;damcti & p la. lightness of wood,& pami,made of gclfo or canes c.:i romèto o ver de grartcci icrctati pur co romcro no pmeuano i traut al plegart.'1"" A ipcot.ici.cofi ne rèda laragiuc. -PERCONTANTf/cio. dlma d.iti, or true iterrogarians, for what is common to slimming,1 some other 'vov.lio , no cht> rcot.irl lia detto da qlto/ctuè qllo il éjle . curiofo, che particolarmfte d'o.i cofa d1n1adc:Et pcr c10, alh pcutiti/cioè a .li difiderofì.N1ètedimeno cjlla me seems true origin that fe says from li .ramatici cli i,c.ir:iri fia tcrar< ti domadare ma no molto cur1of:imére pciillari p.u.lt1a p dim.dare cu dllìgi:n, p che çllo and taken from curo ptira c..i la éjle linauiculari pritano il pa!fo o !altezza dela.cij . .Et quelto 51ciirari vo, &'phono fia dcrinaco da clitl1s qfi pcdtla ire, & quelto e vera ra&ion,. popoUdiCarya c10. Suizan say it's a nightmare, they say... ryari/inanimates g:alti.rli della loro iniquir1: & espugnata diltrutra & rul, rJ The Cyrta of Carya was born, all of them were born. It is not necessary: the women are the less ferocious king in fertility, not wanting that the M:The noblest throne is the most noble to adorn $to'lt/do ti & the STO l.E, so that those who hab e has a good reason for their feruituitu was the most soft Ife, k to the winners of mawor' Triupho : G -·' p la qualdcofagli Arch1rettori dl quelrempo per fare PÌU longa la memoria della miferla dé Caryan fcolparono l& dgnecu ...as they do here over the hab.., li pagn1ecome era bia1110 detto, per colonne 3 solttnimc apprelro / ti de gli edìlicii : per che come qutlte dedli Ro,,, fonoderre .i [ottenere il pefo delle Ml; n1ani, i q, sole, Architraui, Friezes, Cornicioni, & with other ornaments the buildings!: with the guelle lnu1ta their co-ftrates were to support the .fo from there molen-a ferui , you, dimellandodgli Greek clTer t-effct., to not hauer win the p.-polar & vulgar, vile people, they complain about . . . . . . . , sfi velt1mentl ornate, fenza eO:-tre fpogll.te & 1tnpcggior1 habbin. .erto-. 1n qu.qu.nto.ia h11to.ia: ftnpe,rho that C.A R YA C1tracome says vccr:1u10 it was in 'Pcfoponesfo hoWd1 ch1atn:1ra la Morea, 1 Greece f.l non. marauiglia li li Geogr:iphi make little menrion, p that has many feculic multisms was from the Gre, there d11trurta: But reltaua anchorora alli viftigl the name. And we looking more diligently for it h.hbia , my apprclfo dr.rephano de '/rb1bns who with111 and v ttruuio makes it real of :Prloponrffo;that is in Laconia the -...that is, Carr, is a laconic dc: Attach Theopot... ...which demonffr.ndodcne was undermined, & ago.e q_uelta_mol. denoa..-P.uraufa lirnilmcte ago de quella mrntto ne. Even if we still want to give the Latin word "Caria", we can't stop for the Latin word, but for the beginning of the conversation, which is still going on in Alia prop.1a _o verininore cht dir VOj? Meandro , from ltuantc Lyda prouincta, from ltuantc Myrtheo ma re, & from Mezudi 1 -1 nro, la of Rhodl: tl qu:intuncbe :.tr:1bone in the third book . ica cbel tnare Egeo Dagni la Eolide. la.Tonia, la e.ma, la tycla,°t nella reg1une rne.iirerr:inea 1>hryg1a, la parre delb quale tchiamata Calati a, & etra acquiltorono gli tyca.., nii, & Lr. of peoples for dwarf people (up:.-rbi & indomitable: I don't think it's hard to understand that the drita Cttra speaks to him about Carya who as 'I ecrumodrce was rouinara , m:i of the region of Caria in Ali3. auinorc ddfa which as we have here has been expelled :Piynìo also in the fettfmo a.. G.c::.pitoh ass says : The greetings of the rare birds before111 Carcs, .I q!Jal was King of Caria-, from which he had the no111e Caria rt ... Et ben che non quadri al tclto che elT":I. prow.c1a, fu fu lif.lloreggfata da Maufolo . Arrimilia..V.a noi volando con diligenza mulft!gare di quella C1tra dL Carya neT Peloponeffo, da verruulo ;illcgata. With, Let me tell him about About,'1,c not about the proutnCl:l : trouam., vna C;irr.a Citra in:1 proutnCl:l ycia. in Ptolemy's Cofmographia in the fifth book, chapter five. 3.rabula.4-,Ali.e i gr1di.Go./lC. -J 6. the. which is in the Mezod{ is washed by the sea Lyceo in the propolito nonro well cht' para elfer'nellit,ca Grecta Secodo clie Luciar.<;> al!.ga ne.fuo rlialoy,o dooe tr:..ta d'amori diutrli.c. Not less haucdo us dctro noi dctro tu ero quefto per sansfar1o.e d1 qu:iliicht' fulTcCupìdo f3pere doue fuffe I.i ercderta Circa di Carya, Serbarne alla volonra de glialm quel che pare a loro d1 credtre, o vrrrrrr more per, fettamentc inucftig:ire.CC "Stola.quclto v{>Cabulo variamente d:i molti preclari fcrlttori t ! I said, if I trust the variously annotated espolirurt: Nunlo Marcello says that_the ancient 'non folit111ente vtlta honeita, ma ogiii cofa that covered the c_body ch13morono: Ma fe d11idcri fapcre i noryti deµe gener,monidelle vtfte !cz()i le core racc., lte da Nonio Marcello ne! luocho allegato d1fopra : pcmo ch-m Greek nè:M fi'.1'11llica vefhmento lonto fin;, alcoli., del piede.Ennio nel Ttleop11onc coli dice.do 8l d1lìgentemtntc arrl. ., d. vno , around the ford1st clit of ford1by us to. varrone ntl Cofmorone coli says, you will see another woman with me. I'm sorry. U med -rmo 1n eu.vna p:irte delle donne adorns the beautiful Stola.Ma t)ap1a coli dm.-, Srola. . vna velta cheCì merce foi;ra !'altra: Il medefmo Recinio in latin lha chi,m1:1_ro per quello . appellato. that the half of the line is turned in a straight line from the other side in the end/between the 11 ball which, 1 turn, I call it2 111auth, as a ma.rita,le):le. vn m.acrona.lc: poise &c.11 medefmo anchoradiccche ltu,la . . ' - CAPITOI:O PRIMO a:1 genmtlon of ueftimmto bi:lnro sopr:t i( cipé;,& fa ftltz:t partt d' etr'o st *t ng,-tt:t ia !tl9o. ll qualt habirò cr:i qu:ifi c0m. fi dtp1ngono le marrone a11oltolicc:& come le dcJtne Vencuane,fcrr. three,e,& Romane, Ou1d1011d }1 bro de m(hbus coli d1Ce,Haucmo rimoffo rucrt d:t qudt:t r1l{1da arre,!e quali f:r Srofa le conlh-1ng1:.&l:i p1gt1a, t:t ue;ta ti uec;i.M:t quel che ria srola uedt :mchou J,,Jercdcto dt grec.1 h1ltor1a padre, doue p.1da delle dune :rn1ia 6 zonc.f( r riompho/cioe publlu pump with auanrc joy to the people with.- gurr:t, ccme far soleuano 1 Rom.Jltt per l:t utttori:t alle b:itra6he de mmtci,onde ti UJ11C1torepnc,n SQfamencc era laureato dt laurel,ma cun gh 1n1nu,c1 pre61on1 nell:1 Cma 1.mrau:1 & le lim11tmdìni delle rna uolunr:1 bisgna d'us.rc-& .cr <10 Arilto, tele ne l'Etica su:1 dice che bis,,gna I buc,ni chi:im.., re,1ll:t mrru C-Jll t prcm1i .1 m.ill huomrnt with l.1 pcna,gh ltot tì& p0c,J r.1 gfl nc110l1 tvralmciirc cxrcrmtnare.doucmo :inchor:i know that every m:ilc delivers ucrgc.gna,& every be ne d,1 g. ud10 & tcmfa:Onde a tntn ,m:i salute fu rrou:it. i in the world, ctc;cprcnuar le u1rci1 :icc10 che potcffmo do 111, re o uero sclu fire glt octofi u!Cil, per te [god l'lortoso ncO'irn :i ros:i ne cerosa, 11e u 111:i,:ae 1nd.1 tnc, did in 11:iru r,1 hu li,1 adiique f:1tta la uolonu su:i.Ma C{l'endo che Ifa d:ito& permtifo dalle publler leg6e rotcre f:1 r:il{io ne etrcr f,1tt.i C<. ll' I' ;1rrnt.Parnt' c, uen1onicos:i d1e 1 neri sapfent1s fimi noltr1 m:i){Klorl Pr111c1pl e6 l:i fii:i humana =intt d1 uìn:imt'f-.re del,b:ino S:l()Ct' f.1 re1n t.il mode cr.1 l :i indomitable .t't'tltCdell.1 fer,c:1 etade that: polri(pcr domita I!< good:i) pcruenrrepl:t ct:ide d' oro,laq11:1le stmpre li pno reiterate cni uolq,crche gli secoli d' oro&br.1ri sono d:ill.1 brr11cip1 corne gl1 ofc11r1 & rcncbr0fi d.11!:1 i 111prcb1t.1 & 1ng1 ultwc dc flr;111n1:& pero come coli conuitnc checolttu:ita li.i fa ttrr:i dc frutti b,:,ni & ltirpata d:i noet ui & no J.1sc1:ire abbund.1 re I uelmofi Scrpentt as gods :1fp1di &S:1lilìschi ì qui_li co t suC11 pe!blenmfimt _sguardi f:inno_ no sol:imcnce gl_l_hucmini mortre r,i:i:i qu:ilunque:m1m.ili-c,Jfl ec,;,nuen1cnre soca.1 re gt1huom1111 pe,rmu & rei pm cl1e Oc1non11, :i. 01T'cr11:itlt1ne di quel che s'e dcteo per bocca de Prophcta: C.lt1.hcro ili 111m1ct 1111c1 - c'.,npgl1 n.mìci nucip. Et pc-r,.1p , tio gll Archmttor, dlc: io qud tempo furc,no, dUt "gRQrOIW ae p1.1blld ed16t11 1 1image them, a sopporta. -f,hsccttnn fted& 1I 11osare?dll figure.occu, --cone&ledrrdufsmo qu:1drt(o but I'm the scanellar columns. Corynrhie uttehislim.di s.r. l.rrnzo-i11 Mibnb che .m:a il Tem.io di HercuJeddiceuino.Ma -.li_ft :td1ento fnr rìc:m:iti que ligni che i Roflri Balth . n - '.!.-nane, br.tc ctull oucr snre:Ccme qlti a l'inr,itro d1.F.scsn:iti.C.&.lte:mchvr:i s'uso nr!le col6ned1 !tgno c.rre.SJ.d i qh ntlle dift.itie Arer,flyle h:in0 gH seguir.ri rr:rni :& cofi ro-ro gli sporririiri rraui i quali fl'ru:ino iI luogo dedl ':ir Areoltyle -drhtrr:iur li come uedlT fi r,,f,no doue ! O collocari,& cc,mc tì dunc,ftr:ino quwi le figure dì.H.[.subtra le qu:ii co, c.art, 18. t l d,. Ageftiltpoltdo:bcn che atruni cexti dicono A.t.fipclldosa. Cr:mdr fu ctrc:a11101cc la lode d1 4uut. faus:anfa,& da tenerla all:l memor1a.1 a d'hauer gran mdl.Irta I\C l'anìtua ddla su.i m1scrand:1 linr-ptt '11t o.a. utnd_o t'lfo Paus:in1a conqudbto aa:u patii alla rtpublt,:1 de 1.:1cede_mon1a, & :ipprttl o :111:a Ctrta d1 Pl_.1f\a ,..,,. 6c.n ma_nco g.1-' Lacon1-c-r,aa l D - uca pamran,-a f 1 - J ol:amtnre tlltuug,1ro of prcgione,g 10.0 Btz.11111a O UllO Cc.,t.intinopolltan:i nel di Agefbltpolado per lo cobattiméto dc I la pia::a (. Oa b parria suaa: doue cc.o :ilcrt molrt de little <"'CDte superorono one infinite mm-cro dc For Pcrfian1 was retcnuro:hauatdo Xcrstr1, . - • o. - • • • cturo lutci:c with sr.-IOZ3 at s_uo Como, s1an1 :.1po1 who was rof mto the Triopho et, dor1a dc k- do poco-e 1 pr.ioru h-.iomim camlimt cg oghc 8C nrrde . JI nnrtico dc Persians dc-i 111:mul,ii aliuat1e.:.m.cr.1re:d1edcaaP.1u,:1n1aapcr AmbanoasuolideJHfimo,eKpedtt.iarcs la aIl - . odcde C1ttadm1- -- :1lascgnoacfralbamta uirtutc Bel e -:. -· polt.1a: For qu:11 what ft:w:ndo .llegro toria per trophco cofiituirno a j pofieri.Er iui i si1rulaa from the.t nuhcarc armaéa d1 ma. rtuoca. superoia punished meritcuolc contun1cl ic, a so Re ro & 10 pCtlllCJparalemuraro. Q.u:il d1 ne rcil t ett 1 Il - - - ,- p1Jt 111 pau di drwm rrasmurat-.i:& n6 . o eco ocorono: aceto ehe gIf in1m1c1 s un ,no.co dopo ,-10 paus.inia d1 propria paumfenopertimore della lorforza:&i Cittadini 11(uoluuu al mTC1to rtromaco paltfc, po1 guardado l'esempio della uirn1,a& c[.glo,i:t in .raJJdia u pcudencem,nte 11 c.so sue:nel mut. - fur1 - re ch'ttfo con sua tam,glila ft.1lquale:isprruodo wnct.1. cò l'atrc - Sonoa.nchora aftrc hift-oric 1t i c.il'e eo dl'Jl,m,cotnr pr1 but to be able{c op ... :.i •• . -• CHAPTER FIRST n as Cicero"' some others say, k r, tntnare gradisti me 8l colonne,\! "1'. strong ni. io che Crè liphore has many of the opc of the sc1 is the firm:& I told him that he fmlfc to Hyrronc Re dl,ç1racufo chcc1aCche dnn -pefo (i posfcua bring part of machtn,-.1c1and p manual arre dfrr'moff'o/p la ijl cofa dìceua & :if signua that li .h:iuelfe hauuro vnalcro globe of rerr:i la douc h:iuelfe poff'uro r1mcrtrreqltu del menI do gh fari a ballato l'animo alzarlo N. pone rio focra l'altro.Hycrone t:ico dL marau1glla pieno, èjnto q; no'parra incrtd1.1l fatto: volfe che li espenmètal_ e_cu vna naue carca dclfuofohto pcxo Eff'opo p mo That aslidcdo da luge vna carichlta naue,that sdrug1I 1do :mdaua to the sea,scnza to1urono daltra pfona cii geta hand f,dlmètt- i s self c...;dutre & auolla: da Il a vn a vn cerco tépo effcendo occupato nelli 10grn1ofi es ; z :;.rdtii, d1fe1tn:ido in casa fua f.olucrofopiano alchum eximu :iftì.r:uncn: da poi cht-.t haucdo dalla.c pulf:mz:a dé ROmllli liigo ccpo,ffesa La Ctrradi S1!acufa3 d:a vn- fold,uocdi Marcello. iprou1_fo enters ro in c;ifa d1 Archimedes no oltante that Marcello(' d1 qlle fc1,zc dilerteuole)hauelfe comadato aU1 fold:irf -who sought to find us Archimedes, and he was dim:he was the one who was fulfe:but the old elf was occupied with the soul , & ucchl al rlsgu.irdare m terra :alle fue dilrcnarc ficre, .iltro no rt.fpofe,fe no fo Mathrmanco ti .o noc e,g rac 4) I want to upset you:Ondeìl fold;iro P. au111d1r1 di rub are, h racllo 11 collo. Say that Marcello lOlcdcando a cu ; ago it was the Kennel. It is also known. 17. emra o. -• But it's a shame, let M ufica know, I'm going to tie the ra, tion'del Canto li "ai, & c'habbia notiti.a di Ma, thrmatica, a tal chede le Balifte, Catapulte,& fcot Pioneer, fi poefa righteously make you the cemperamenco - For That ntlh heads da la defira & da la findlra phono li by tufi, de Hcm iconii, prr h quali fi tirano k attorie f.c 11e of nrruo. with winches or nafpi, 8C fianghe da '7l Thee, the things cannot be closed, nor more bitter, but the ears of the six ccc's are not to be done with them "woe, ctni i fuoni, prr chdt arms chtin dJì ti, rati ratify hay, when Pa1 i & gualmtnte phono Fttfì. Even & "cualmenre '7engano a inviare la faec -ra, that fi non faaranno hemiconie prevent the de'. ritco send de la faecra, s The harrowing and clear vices in the sound, atu audicrf: with,e 11t we will say: a c:im-. 111. MV .!CA adtiq dobbia But she's not a mathemian anymore, so whoever makes her Ehllofuphta by operating Co gita no fo!Jml ' re come v crruu10 d1ce,porra ccgnofcc:re ll- dl tre ii,on:'izr, m:i. bued polfanza d1 mollilicare & conio , ucre qft 1uuntn11 de lt ft:nftnui arum.-irt:coti anchura p l:i fua,pporrron:ihtà & cucmirà ha potèza d1 e.imoc MATHEMA TICA, it's the Greek word: "Ibulo Greek, m tanno li.16ca amaeftram,ro dt Sacz;i, that Anrhmtrfca,Gromtma,Afirolug1a,& /v1ulic:1,for c111 fi can pcrurn1tc a. Ihe 1>logia.sc ne dicc: anchura a carre.17 .letter.o. 1 Similmentr alli Thtacri li "aphids branch that nrlle cel \" I fuck them up with Marhrmacica fi colluo reason,c canoi Bl h '7ariamrnci dè fuoni, chr li Greek IÌXE\ cc. ,, li.li chi.mano, alle Simphonice mufice, o "ero concfc tifi copongono diuif,nr codi,& Diatdfaro,& Diac - 1 rte,& OtilPafon steel that the '7oct of the was declaimed Ec cenafia conueniemc ndlt d,spofidoni qu,111do per the fortress Co will be offefai & enlarged with the accrefcì k Numbers, '7enga clearer & more foaue to the ears dc the afpeccacori. ([Ma bi.ca ch'egli fappia Mulica - ace/o &c. .u1111 vc-rruuio réde la ra,,c gioe pcf1 at Archmttore btf0\!11:i [ape re 1. r.,ufica/Cio. r:i...;e of Ciito / &c which dfa r:1g1...;e t ha bla à vale p loc rcra111cru de e BA LI. TE/cioè Ba.,c ;rr,c The king's degrees that will be: 1ghc.1CATA -PV L TE,... SCORo PIONS , that lirnilmcrr phono 1nrumcnti d:a pull or it means rn.id,you will do,& f1 stones efo:9.ll1 gh camcau:ino l.c. with the more than 1111igll.1r e qlli cht vfamo P votrarecpC>zi1:nperam, o mtède Jt that the cor , or d1 row. or d1 neruo fta but fa vf1ale r.iro a vn horn gnro all'al,c rro and the balrltra:& p ccofrrda opa I'm going there. fonauanu, which as p:zrt I( v&'.al,, ruetc were nrati csft arms chr acea; no the HOMOTON Cuono 1O.1c1o is with cordite p vcaghato & a giuftatu tuoc no/taro ma, mano la. faetta dmrraml the aldtltltinato kingdom.Allt Theam :mcho Copper with a copper value of 1 copper with reason dt Mufica acc10 rtndelferu gift.ufonazc qndo,pportt.>nat:umte li carano & ctTe m vnu ordrned1 c.1r:ire lonu fuau1s1t111r a lod1re, K I don't know what's wrong with you. 1e cuucnictc cucord.c u f.in"- ,oCi fimigliitcmcce né ri(oo;iu mftru111èr1 , B i. "rsim1lmcre alli Thratri li vaft di ra, lllu,d1 §fit vali od qnro L1b1o à carte. J.ne [ari dmo as alchunt do d11frrcze dr voices plano Cljle éjnmì / c1orc clftr'111agg1orc luno dc: other, well c.e rum fi:mu d'una generanue of n1ctal or true d1 korean land like v c-truuio h,1 Jcrcc,.(L" Et h variamcnu dd e fuon1 o vrr o dlltercze,which h Crt. ch1:imanoilf;l(t-"1c1and reason d1 ccn, uocaltrà o vr1 o dé fimphc.-111ce conccn n.SJN'PHONICE. v1rne1a !.1mpho, ma/cioe ris11chamctod1 voc1cofun:i 2; tL tn sweet mu 1cak harmonia , CON; eEN I /Clu(' le vmuni dL Canti & vo, c1,& bi: che vna Cia ma.101e & mino, king of the other nù dh11c-n1:1P, the union renc OiatetTaro C1oc vna. éjrra as à carre.11?. IcctcraS. C1apenre.l aoe vn:L qntaacar re.tlt .let" tera. E. 01apaso .I I mean vna. Oct,llla CO me à c.rte lll,lettc. V. [IBR.0 FIRST i l>tl! I gave you v:iria form Be in vn rempo ti ruoha ciarcbuha geheratione of singing: when infcme phono t'Ollr cordanri! fono dem in Symphonta .imilmente li l'hum.e voa m qlle c;itano mcl medefrno singing fiano concord:m,phono dette m symphon1a J!t concento: onde qlte qlte voci fi compt ngono dtmfamcnre nel condo rot t<:> 11 gra_d1 . ccl!a p etlla/cell;n qlto luocho è vno [pacio fotto gli gradi d1u1ro cli n,fuon. p!a regula dl c:aco in p1;rgono la voce li non phono ipedtrL.Quefto li può auertire da glt organi d1 ltagno che err1:ndo 1f_p1rar1 a la }lrfpolirione del roccaro, 11 guJl 1101 dtcemo atalto,& lar1ru toni&. semi rom a1cono.C[Sera offefa c10. qn la voce re repcotera nella. r, concauira de li pd1m vafi/accnCcmta con molt!plicaaone de hconcord n tonvvcnga p1u cha.ta & [uauc: a le fperratorvcloe's ears of those who are trying to listen & see in the rhearro. €S1.ilme.r. le Hydraultce Machme. '- .Machme/c1oc 11trumenri fatti m ruor, - , rau1-ice h "terchefirmouonopciir&forzard'acqua s- r11m1 mrre Ie Hyd M ac lne,8t at I!-tncnafim1 tr & render was "nocome in the. x. ltbro re litudinefono of q!li organs, inTunoséu reason of ...J'... p. which from Greeks water mufi1ca [i p0e ra f;are: E- tb'f1 ogna e'h bb "a 1a -tp..aco Ia He says: From someone Hydria vafe aquam which lultona p effere al,ppofiro de c. tera a ltatloe 1puo re. ne hour to 11ognorcl'Arch1rerruranonn'è molelto darne h b"" - · . 6 fa A h f: b""" 'hab fathers dr lefamiglie, & eh,alle femrzeches 'hano à dare la ruaprudrzapoffa,ptlt'dere al faci ...or-'-, Ol Ib a' Q'I shower de la med,ctna. p fapere la d1spo6t1oe de(quafi ferpente aquanle a la marude ler, the Greeks call it cielos di la .À i.déé-rè:L & li aerir Narde li arg1u1 fi . r fabulofamenre oc waves . . . - • . , h'1r. . narrates that Htrcole sap1enmfimo JJhilo de luoc , I qh 1Onfaluttfert o ,,ero rrlhlrtt,& l tu fopho occife ql marauigltofo ferpenre fO dt'll acq Pecche f enza qfte ragioi ndfuna falutif1 neceffi1 That Hydra is a good example of a swamp in LerneaTa. which is not the case. ca ndle p3reti deJi tdifìcii cotnuni a l1 uf.o de le gro-potrcu;i p la baffa ponere 1 netru good opat1on:d1fidrrado . hab, da.e de tetti, & de le chiauichr, & delumi. Simi(. b1raron o vero pa!Cam,see The fe pof mrte to the coducer' of the wc-& other cofe of q-I rnedes fcua make feccare:qfra fi says c'haueua - . . > • • one hundred heads/'Ctoè from one hundred parts vinoua mo mo, makes d1b1fogno that notes fiano a gh Arlhrtera And the water is gone out: Hcrcole has made sure that they will cauramrcefaccino before the beginning of the first editions of the water, to make it faultless or true! Cli, maple no t: --·• sewing it m vn letro:qfra fe (n vna par a1ctano g l- 1-lr(gu p (e ,arte Ofe,-a g[ir 1 Be careful! In the middle of your efforts, come out, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on! in the other direction. dere as and dccro, dala fupfic1e .erra: li paefaru non ricre[cendolo_fare lo.hefa do Imperho di fi la leggt dotcamére far;a every chorus, though 11 paefe velie ndu . [erma cauf was of sézafrodo Hio c6 the other fia liberator Cer' fi poteffe Hercvle philofophlcamc made you that with arre li fllf)pltlfe doue La ' n:irura m:icaua: & in the valley of the valley he made to gather together a griid of wood to burn: & he made the veins to burn, & he made them burn: Waves between the strength of the calL>re & 1the ashes that those heads inflamed, the chaff, the arthuroron, the leaves of the valley of Lernea or the marsh 6 can freely be pillowcases. 01 Boetio fimllmenre isrfcritro that g,1a was espemsfimo m thatt1 Hydraul!ci 11trumcntt, & ma:mne , In the contr'affìgurare d verfo d1 rum gli dtlerreuolt vccelltnt,& .dt Cythare,& lutes,& others harmonJCì iltr. ment1,cal che Theodonco Re de Com al Re d1 Burgogna li dice che con gran pgfli [cri Ife che Boetio a re m:idar. voleffe. Which is posfibil.e pur che di qlte cofe o6nfuna è posfibil.e pur che 11 faptenre itdlcrro fia d1fpolto con la rpef. €Et bi fogna c'habb1a i par aro la fc1enza de la med1C1na &c. .aro a gliabtfogni de l'Architetnira queltt 7.foenza btnche dt fopra a carte. r.!b.G.habb1amo dett.., hora p1ghera1 la cagione p che fi debba elTer co(ianJa.lt..1to che onrnrc,Sepcenrri0ne,& Mezodl,I then from esfi d1r1uano ghalrri da i lau,clie qlh da greci phon call "A,,ocTOl/ctoè dtmara that ligmlìca fra the o real high falli.enro:achora duna p vnJ regLOne li d1ce;alchuni, they call them zones,li coll. .rah lle, that the first one is called Meros, the fcda fienes, the third Caracoras that Affoca fi d1ce, the quarea Rhodos, the gnra Helcfponrus, the slice Mefoponcus, the slice Boyusrenes, V mu.nd iir.lib.lo dtra in the gno, rnonica well that alchum have said who p1u . 'le: chi meno:Ma vedi m Tholomco,m Srrabone & in lyn10,r8' alm pclari.alchum .khora h:ino noi aro Cl1mata vna certa quiincj dt mefura di terreno che li compone di feffanra p1ed1 p ognt verfo,che fono qu:idrett} ere mdl1a fei ctnto:fi alchun. r.p1en.1 sfimamente conlide,deralfe la vantra ai qlti elimati cognofcma r:i.to la v1rru naru,rale,o vero (e 1}l.u.ar.a che non hwer1a p111 a d1fpurare del hbro arbm10 & pde1Hat1one: p che fil c1do e cncletlCO/Cloc 1cl1anuo & non drfpoficmobencli Hyppocrare d11fe a vn cerco bon fin p dar rior a gti ido1mrdchora cli :llm herettcamcnre tl trafportano. E aldi ft:gno cdelte nd ql mirab1lcof "a sirende d1 qrta cora 11\i par fac11'a credere,Conc1ofia cli Dio gl.lofo c.mp conwiuan1".nte Uiw.lf. f tldce le dfenue1do.1 (c;'1iuwiicte i no1,::Puho alchunt fo di d1con<> CHAPTER PRlMO For the core of the heart, the quai are in the fpecie foho!anchora nel ge11ere, 8l che 0g!!i c:mfa primaria inffuirce (Q pra il c;mfaro che è la caufa fecondariac, & qualunchc cofa possa la caufa fecondana, può la caufa prim,ma,ma in prn alto modo &e. as Ariltotde & Auero1s tengonoc: But let's say, he who will make a few of the inner bonds, he will have a lot of fc1ence: a few coffes b;iltano allo intelligente: 1l libe1 o arbi,, trio is given by nature, but the kgge drrta per vno diretto, fo. per le quai cofc li conofcono gli aeri ago, i h1t,ftèci o ver' pelt1lenti alle hab1rat1oni. € .Et 1, ufv de !acque quanto al vlllere !1Umano imporeranno co, me nel Libro ottauo. Glassed: full of water. "Anchora fa bifogno c-habb1a cogn1t1one 4. 1 dc le,we cm1le/cioe how much will the ray will impose, like a cart. ...krrera. r'n'habbiamo decto, Ma oel pt.fente è di annvrare quel che v erruuio di!bniue fopra quelto commandment. Ad1.nque ncerca con d11içmza per fapere al vfo de le 9:rondare d. cerri/cioè le parte circondati-&. incorno cinte /doue da le grondare de recti de le cafe p1oucno !'acque, per che importa a[:u, cognofcere la neccslità che 6 p11ò haue 1-e da v1c1110 à v1c1110 nel ncmcre &. to turn the rainy waters, to thatllua in the channelsJ, & hora in the us, to frerne conu1rn to collect for the phantasanzee's fire, as we did sUL rn l-EROSCIA that when p1oucno the poffemo send for the pLbl1ce tlrade & also can the chiauiche fenza procel! er' pen;;a.a.of the cfficial who hauemo of the ltrade & altee with[e limllele which dfo concedes to make them, & for noltri ltatutt o t v.r, for other public ordrnace C1u1l Law. Onde è d,.umlre li lOnJ( for the Cma li v[a hauendo la mag g1or'parte de gli edlli.ù fot "terra quanta élirtanza voglla hauere vna foffa d:i vna chtautcha o ver luoch1 oa vrare di putrido 11:crcho, & quelto importa atra1 per la crwjfa o vero alte.i fpecie dt terreno a compa.., rartone of the nrreno o che I fia rchofo o b1 ecciofo, per che è f paciato & rare: che bi fogna poi prouedere d1 fud1sfimo muro fotto amuraco ben fald:11nentc a fc:-pararc I.tino humoce dal altro. CCEr dé lurm. quiu( 3 he says, "wmc makes it necessary to make a press for Lumt hor per vn mcdo" hor per !other fecund the neccsfita aftrin, ge as said hauemo a cau,.6.kttcra. H CC-Sim1lmenre 11 conchicer,deil'acquae/c1oè ti condum quali m 4 alcium luc chu fi say real.t: as h acéji & others lauaror that every imtid,cie & brucrure pol.tfcano per le cafe & 11:rade publJce, & cotne-qucUi doue tacque corrono quando dal Cielo viene le rcmpdt2 grandi de le pio.te con I/ fori oli ventt,che dilauano,& t11rre le firade Pllnfic.:no. S1 as 1l first cumcrarure of ... what m,n11lano the [uo1_maggtorr feceno do liccondurti, J.a quale,vfma must be collected alcbendicio de lccc1r, .cconltance prarlt aUa Cma v1c111e . .Et per c!u chi vuole l.i ,alure de luore de luochi conmen fapere ordere a dar> The steel doesn't rell:1fcri &. malfani. C:-To the facer & to that one tbe does or what we want to say landlord & conductor: locarorè is the patron<> of the cofa which he trains them: conductor is the one who with ...,uce il< r_oglìe a prezoe la cofa allocata da farfe, come è[, Archi terror o ver' capo maeltro de g11 ope r:1nc1 &c. A qlh lo com1(,-ne rntendere maturac:unenre di quanto hanno a configlrare 11 lessor ac:cw non .fft-n.:i:,,, to some: you were afraid: in the case of a dispute, & to give them the opportunity to do something, to make them do the same thing, to make them do the same thing for the Archm:rtorc lil rogl.lefre fo pr:i di fe a nfare & .etntegr:u:e vn "o. It was, make the J')attl clear which dottamentepoffano to munre le leg ge & li Dotton1 acCL0 del c1u1le per disdaegno o auarma non vemlfe caufa crim!nofa: per che è de. but with the same - ctfere bt'n conCulrato Pl preueduto; to cci o non inrauenga quel che !I primo comcntarore dice elfere mter,, u-.nuto à vn preclamlimo fuo citcadrnQ ù quale in quelfo modo di1ti. NeUc conrroucrfie de le caurc, cor..po.ale tninucitie vi nafc Syr.icu.:inc, with an:i rptfto b su:is. &,uuhcr:i olrr:i Marhcn1.mm scll.'IH tcetilrnrc Muficc,q:.iclto was that 1n11cnroresdfll., platag:i. Trouo !i nauicd l:l da rc[crc & 1 pl:inullno, ctoc pi,1l!cr.rr,-da f,1r p1:111e I ,1sse:a11cor.1 scr11fcd' Ar < 1irc1'tt1r.1s, Eru11':1Jtro Arch1r.1 sc-1(fc df A6r1culrur.1.Ap-,llo1110s1->Crgeo.4 Eraro1le 11r:s,...ym1co.rl1 quc,lo il q11.1lc 110 sol:lmtrt e Vcrru. nu :incho--a Plflllo ne p:trla.E. so fu gr.ide G.ometr;1 & sutciltslimo Coçn1ogr, pho::rnchwr 1 ,rrll[e cl'rte d1111oftr:t., keep dt qu:1dr rur.:i Orcuh, no in qu:mtf t:1 co11:111uc,11rn d1>