= - = rr ^ & & * iIBL Cs7JJ (; min ? and yCeu ? Jid ?) d ton (oils. VI J. i roAfiw- ? ^ V to uaiaaiida ^ / luLU-iin“b, anal afafut we use kezmiMiidmente. dentiate le cojc nuadoiijfi as it was in the fruitful sleep, tao ducendo ali nuomtni fwL amabili ,, e alt foods "oeiia una pi jojta.ntioji, coji incfcqnoja ne / 1 aite ciciti enne a acquo, Or r J -r r- / vO r J ? - ¡ ckejc We fall back accnaidezaze which luoalia jziotajuincjazemo nceuj itaci a con tiue fizendiamo to ccnJiaezaze qu ftjaie, cf'imooezni yield of man. Send to those gods. le coje imiuonce neiftta—iiaiotio. SDa mata acuta mojji cfiazujinn wits have tmpieqata od ni fot ofiza in <2ipejcaze aauŽ uejtiqie of Antiquity ? A- rfs ¥ cPrrr j ^ w J ? tztne, le fozme del due, and i uocabolt in lewete jiwtatu or ai non tota consequile afona mdoqioze, which with the afzzue fdjtzacfi to .ficjteii of bea intend oencomjzou U, et aitunon have fiezccnaic ne a Ma, ne a tanca. in the alne; uojcjjicnt ? Oaawjcnjo black hebfe ago moltannt l? A quami Gw & attuta Montano duomma - - ^ tv / ¥ ecccllŽnla nedJe, cojc jmianaaffArcliitettuia, et ai duedne, hoary uftoA me eoi * aoaV-Lmo lame faith, in. which ji as afifiazuce azan uazieta ecji ne Or /> / - Jfr Mr & Q \ r I give Hague the world nitrogen mourning, and aiau beloved, czameienun˜ ccje, ctie all ducadono jota Le man: de ali kuom.uu. and jotto il buoano delie laoiickcicui r ? 'e $ ir c> ? ¥ r ornaments fiei I fziu con no in columns, coffins, understand Ut aicai.ee mia, et alne auckine jomufltanttfe ifuafi aia al uiuc from the amba of maatiaMac futa? inaj * dinner, uenaono outlined, zando fugo deueizez ao everyone at Montani, but I more than all from suolandoli n˜ nauuw joituna diaazie occasion d'offezize aty. Cqiwjte. rtamfze petiole tztr. nuadiuononefa which is jiijauia injejtuja.che none quat- ? J ^ ~ n -r- r ^, "7 ./rhodOy fi ^ C- to your al 'a bare .. ? ictosiL. lajumuco nunuluj- aqiaoii L ofiza.jzezctit Prr ¥ / ? - ^ r-r — ? ¥ * / * # £ whose chi t mint. e d uujuo uicomfzazabilejezuitoie. L le ezo tv * r r ¥ J fdndujunti CD ^ lY ^ 'c i C ""' “J / eugc-ee oboi Jeta “ / iaitioumeo ae ¥ Jlojn z === ^ = z ^: 3y - - is ^ ^ J - ^ ' Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Research Library, The Getty Research Institute http://www.archive.org/details/architettvracondOOmont pre co ) the nn of this order must be high, 7. diameters of wa C ahnna, meaning the Min * -7 ubare, and Capitello, giving in 'delti' said 'diameters' lameta 'of a ^ allabase and the like alCapi \ cU' I V 1 '' 'fÑ J, ãã ãã ^, .. _ ,. /! "¥ *" "JJ f> ~ l, i *** i * * irs,> * Jj Uses * frt ? n / il“ * * isivl-rJ rtin k aitai diameter will always mean you imayrojjezza & Column milling cutter ace in the part ^ you - -ra.Its pedestal is high doidiameters. as it shows. hCornw Arrhitrna ^ the fifth part of the height of its column, the altetiadel doi parte ^ on danie una al frieze, and ima the Cornice ^ y ^ TUSCAN. A Vuom /) lo B Ljftdlo C Corona or aero anaciato io B l, iJlel1o delahaco or uero cimano And Gola rouerfa F J? pious king G Recto the ecto dclahaco H Abacus I Ouolo K Libello L Create it from the capital M Rod N Collar of the. column, I live on the column P Viuo of the dabajfo column q_ Imoscapo of the column K Taurus S YHntio T Lijlello general name ˜ ufalo indejtrenU in mourning there similar or minor or major members that's up "V Gola riuerfo, X Rdejlallo Y liflcllo ~ Z- "Zocolo TUSCAN* fDiQue / ta Colonotated with letter C.pccndo '. ne p˜ r ticisimplici inVilla / ipotrariofarj radi ali mtertolunij co reforms to the need for fk put Carric“ others in instrumentalistic, face- however donate the Archifraue dikjjno, cpial order ^ come ˆkeVltrnuio 2 1 \ "'niiilJilUilJJiiliilLllllllllinmil II je ^ z ci della Ortona J2S ..nijn.Linnii iiMHiiitiii.miii "?? '" ?' ^ | iUTW i H i tfín i f“ i Èi || * Hirn an * gnrffggrowffF ^ qp liauiiiiii ^ iui ihiuuiiimˆuttiiiM Uelhproportione that donate be tbrescnte order itene ho fak rejo '> in the past joqlio, moffrandouene also in Colo a note by letter B- the scholar will be able to take the Compasso trottare give medeˆ'- motntte h sue proportiom, ^. <5 " i _ ? ? - ? ? ? - Ç- - ? - - ? '? ? ? - i' f Qju / j me Arano many, euariate have collected from different fragments of the 'Ždfitij anHchi, oue-mmdo infiŽfie ilmodo ^ hehaueuano difare the height with half their diameters: fro is the rent Uqumfart part of it meaning true] that in the fmidoi Orders Jaran- no with the Imoscapo, and the other three last ones without ^ ^ mmmmcafOr ^^ - ^ O (j) 6 -m ^ frHnndtmjok dJwi h cschene k tauok sarfe“U M'Ionicc-, noumenal f n n mfc ? iWc the Ancient makes Mtv in the Dirt, ^^ = - r = r. ^^ = r mi'i-i r? 1 ', -j - ? * i' j, ip'-mg-Pie ^ gaifllifll 1íS1PK P '^ iwi * jj ^ wy ^ ^ gggssggsswg -r ^ 9 le manenti uariah4i Frame or,,, i cattartela diuerxi jJcntanhchi < Since in the preceding palio the touch with numbers, c'inoli, is perpendicular lines next to it, can "the Ao operate in accordance with the ftt noted propose them by editing nellijiiUmfyh uisaranno sejmtt similar rejole II more than he wished her pastor consilentio, ^^ _J t; the Dˆficfh beyond the a! Tezz £ L>, et “nte rcolnnio, which is motivated. fraji may also go away the rcjoL of the / compartments- ' chin ˆclliTrigUfis me * 1 1 few, with learn rcl“Vo ? - caboti Mtutti'Usuoi members, i jjla straight svola riuct / a $ gyrant ^ Soils 5 tooth C capitello ilei hig“iffo S mcto-pa 8 tapeworm 3 3 ¡ c ~ Ž I architrave the patte of the capital the cimatin i-i abacus * “ ouolt? 14 steps' '. 5 collar i £ ijira.qn.Wo n changes here ro mothers' tto te uiuv of the column. 'J? uiuo of co 'footprint 3. a vat to. the vaftons of / opra, 2.n. lauditi cnlijlclU 2. -j nft /? On duo ilo a-4 zctiole onero phnto -x 5 topped * -26 give it iti pie di / tallo 11 naive a 2. g> plinth of the zo c˜lo arm i Conilaimleerfato measured the four frame who over sirno / trano Mrawfr tea / door 6th ^ FragmenUc“i CorniciDoriche, cciuatc doli Antico, and measured as cjiii, it kills itself <^ g £ P) 14 Yes, help her with the column from / in part of cinauc and cucile and unadiene dias net banda mo ag casting of the base cuna au arlap atti divu as noted by number which thus makes the capilano more plowing with l I die * more inforaeschiacciatyty“na do many Others. ! CvinafattoB aldasfdvrcfetrxiecih uomin mliqcn tisf.no know la j nietitcnctiapiluramanclUnrofticUiua etArchilctura -ancora Solatane ÈAncient wings p onere some ornaments rim% li t in ' freyietto of iCapitfllt Duriti. Q u Pro fo alio, and ver se fte / ro so clear direaoh, that grandmother bu—inodt explain neither, [íWith him? by auesfoFortrev, overo loggia is wide with base and capital 4 - diurnal- 'fri, ct'ciltfi- e) ~ yenra il 'Zoccolo) the Column is high 9. diameters timembrettl Tone wide' greased diameter of fervano- All tlpla / tro is a diameter and ~ X fi.rchitraue) frieze and Cornicetone U /. a p 'arte deli' height of the ?: l n Column. Qua“ orarne hebbe origin vflialonProujTlcia of Greece. IONIC IS ~ iM i “? rr The Architrauejrejio (Frame, are tall k Off of the height of his C column. alpha y.dUmctrimetio \. tejuiUndo with base and capital. l; the members of the Pila / ho phono j'di diameter for each, there Ivtto dei Pila / three noe in lare / h and z £ i \ are a. . diameters and * - 'you u .. Exactly that it is Uvroportione deli- Arthitraue, frieze, and Cornice f oprala 4 * ˜.f. * part of HIS Column world mention the site, you dinidird the whole high JX to indieaparte with giving three to the Arehitranc, three alfrejw eat it Frame. Cir cai! Capital asenda pr˜ port“o honest natoli opera fi will be able to see? the / Ufi ¥ dfrzztit proTwrtione, how do I have pni uoltc ditto with spartir? a diameter - ^ Ctrj> - 'O NI CO. Cavitdliudrij, caua“i from cliucrr“ Ancient EAifiUj ^ £ j or r = 7 zr JiotJeritArarmo in the previous Cornicele themselves, -proportioni notettnel'fylio.ip. Vrieji coited dafrne * M Ancient minds ? zz ietto Gavitello is at least three] fifths of a quoted trot at the UbwjriteneŽHetfa, ? et ri ne eie in e; points out. ^^ J . - Here> i can ueder bcn“ / Jimole proportion“, that doucr / inno hauere li members of querto order ie elei 'Capital, htut.c comicc ^ dl'Frame is high In 4-? partc of the' 'height c“el“cu but Colonna meaning it in the way (he has said many others. -S> ^ - - ~~~ ? ns ? ¥ ¥ '; ->: / ./.;-, ? '¥ ? "." '. -. ? * ? " j \ Qisemci nelprcjvntc fottio, that the Architraue, frieze, and Cornice are clini si in seven parts channels, i. -for Lintel, z.verilfreaio, ej. -perlaCorriicc - <-sgL; archiacute, 2. Capitilo: ? ' Be / -partita t'atterga makes aue / to Capital in seven equal parts, like Aneae-for side The Arehitratie faio and Cornice iifnrar.no tit r 1 varte, burden s * of the altera della. Column, li-way of / leaving it Ciardieduno can find him sharing an Ata.vr.etro delia C Vionm> ir CoBJNTro ^ rG i; ** X 3 f 6 Moio with i“jud? dourˆSpartirc the user Order. - > OltrŽlefae propoTtioniui fi moŽait bel 'Stikeheteneiwio li Ancients in adorning,?, Untare. m ? 2.8. Corinthian. Ulmed