OF THE TTVRA ARCHITE By M. Vil " R. VVlO, .. Translated & commented By Monf. Daniel Barbarian elected the Atriarch of Aquileia, from him reueduti & expanded; & hora more comfortable reduced shape . .. Translated & commented By Monf. Daniel Barbarian elected the Atriarch of Aquileia, from him reueduti & expanded; & hora more comfortable reduced shape . Apprelfo France (co de ' Francefchi Scnefe, G1oua11ni Chrieger Alcm: 1110 Companions. M D LX V I I. A L L O I L L V S TRIS SIMO, ET REVERENDISSIMO CARDINAL OF FERRARA D. H IP POLI T (? FROM THE EAST AND, DANIEL BARBARO ELECTED D ' A Q.. V I L E G G I A S. -....= -- VTT and the/; elle works, I / luflrijsimo, f5 ' R.!.::, ..andá ..uerendi.fimo Sir, more than phono g1, 1, arda- lfi:!:ii;....- you, et contemplated by the huomint.. piufcuo-- I'm taking 6eUeZ z..,to them, et the artifice of the maeflro ; f5 6ene j}ejfo from the first non-ji AFP proua that gujio of effe, that 6EN miratee, f5 conj“derate (I [ente dapoi: Jlche as Jia ueroe, I will not tire of prouare, for that, e5le paints ,e5le [crops, f5 Le fa6riche de i grand'huominie, f5 other cofe Che Ji uedeno ogni Oday, clearly they dimoflrano it, because more than Ji look, more of feinamorano the relative. i / that is .(e_;no mantfeflo, that inqueUe (empre ji_ (cuopra Maggiore 6e / le' {... ..eflo, O fimigliante effect do uere, F5 preciof nature stones, compared to the falfe, ET uili made by the huomini.imperoche le (al [eal prirno guardare di_f moftra a!legnfima, f5 JP!endidf(. Fima,e, tquafl flatterers entice the uifia with a fa!(o (jlendore; and then they're missing. But the natural uere, f5 finee:, because (onofact by the uerity of nature, not to deceive any, but for drtZ... z:_; are the Souls at the highest uiaggio, more prejtano of that, I promise. La doue I pojfeditori DT queUe, fcoprendoc.. a 2-GMO A L L O I L L V S TRIS SIMO, ET REVERENDISSIMO CARDINAL OF FERRARA D. H IP POLI T (? FROM THE EAST AND, DANIEL BARBARO ELECTEDD' A Q.. V I L E G G I A S. -....= -- VTT and the/; elle works, I / luflrijsimo, f5 ' R.!.::, ..andá ..uerendi.fimo Sir, more than phono g1, 1, arda- lfi:!:ii;....- you, et contemplated by the huomint.. piufcuo-- I'm taking 6eUeZ z..,to them, et the artifice of the maeflro ; f5 6ene j}ejfo from the first non-ji AFP proua that gujio of effe, that 6EN miratee, f5 conj“derate (I [ente dapoi: Jlche as Jia ueroe, I will not tire of prouare, for that, e5le paints ,e5le [crops, f5 Le fa6riche de i grand'huominie, f5 other cofe Che Ji uedeno ogni Oday, clearly they dimoflrano it, because more than Ji look, more of feinamorano the relative. i / that is .(e_;no mantfeflo, that inqueUe (empre ji_ (cuopra Maggiore 6e / le' {... ..eflo, O fimigliante effect do uere, F5 preciof nature stones, compared to the falfe, ET uili made by the huomini.imperoche le (al [eal prirno guardare di_f moftra a!legnfima, f5 JP!endidf(. Fima,e, tquafl flatterers entice the uifia with a fa!(o (jlendore; and then they're missing. But the natural uere, f5 finee:, because (onofact by the uerity of nature, not to deceive any, but for drtZ... z:_; are the Souls at the highest uiaggio, more prejtano of that, I promise. La doue I pojfeditori DT queUe, fcoprendoc.. a 2-GMO . every day more uagheZ., 't. Ja, f.¤ pi.. ueri..a, plus I.. appr..Z,..to _or no, e_, ' the more they admire them. Jl ftmtle a..1utene a t let..ort d..II..oco(and de gli huomi..the excels..ti, I qualt / Jeendo c..n dijiderto eo _ precepts of Arts, et .. onttn .. an .. O with the fiudto, f5 ejfercttio neUa inteUigen..to dt that!t . r1trouano ne! progreJlo, which they make, the uirtu de/i author clearer, f5 PTU ammtra..from. How has auuenuto to me in the fatigue done fopra V1truuio already dedicated to Voflr to Signoria Jllujlrifima, f51?....uerendiftma: imperoche, for that love, that has everyone DT do the Juefatture ogni giorni migliori, reueding, & rereading the said author, & fentendoui more guflo of excellence'z. 1, faa, (5 uedendo ancho, who fucks the protector of the gratia rvo flra he was breathless to!J6reached by the world: j} into by foliecitude of the li6rari, I have sent him back to the light keeping all the light. collected the fludio, e1 the ojferuan'<..3 mines in dignity, F5'clarez..a of the perfona uoflra, with those defiderio, which fem before I have heard of giouare, how much I have brought the forces 5 my ad each. 5 to give u no illuflre teflimonium of magniftcheá, E5 excellent fa6riche, which she has done, e5fa allauia in diuerfepaorti del mondo con merauiglia de gli huomini: del/ equa / the works I did uedute some first, that Iole de itt current ui, E, t of p..(quiere rarifsime; made honorato judicio huomini p1u smart of me. however I will not go further, the (ciando in everyone a dejiderio arden. ti (simo Di uederle. e, t contentandomi of [ua 6uona handwriting, I humbly get rich. Of Vinetia del M D LXV / 1 , FRANCESCO DE FRANCESCHJ SANESE A L readers. .... Either not or I refract the Vitruuio with the comment by Reuerendifsimo Monfignordaniel Barbaro Eletto d'aquileggia, fpeffe I am not offended by this. the soul fuo fapendo, that fua Signoria Reuerendifsima she was occupied in other frudi, conuenienti to the rank, which he holds ; but I breathe a long time to begin with that, which I defend grandemence. Horache fidandominellaimmanityfua, & imaginandomi, that the huomini ftudiofi fempre riuedeno the CofE their, & seek diampliarle, & adornarle, I set out to dare to cover my difiderio: neither am I deceived by goodness fua, because he has helped me cortefememe content that I reframpafsi, diffe me, that haueua anco and the larynx laid ready, which he had already made with the uollare: ihaueuaadd many cofe, & many figures that do not sound in the first: & that would also give me Latin: La doue hauendo io I have been more than that, which I would have been able to leave, I have been benign. Readers ad utilitycommune, light up one & the other Vitruuio, & ofareogni diligcm.a, to remake them in comfortable form, & & with carefully&diligently carving figures from my honorato compare & mate in quefb imprefa, M. Giouanni Chrieger Alemano, & accommodarea qut{B nuoua forma, accioche ..gm..no then you can enjoy the fruit of the learned labors of the fopradetto 11110 S1gnore. llqualuolto col penficro a tutte] and fine art> uˆfcmpreritrouando modidigiouarcalmondo,& fiaffatica diimcn.deredaognuno lebelleco{e,chcfononelle ani piu noblemen, by making him a nobleman, he is obliged to whom he makes some beautiful muennonc. & pero hauendo ueduto, that in the AnalemmadiVitruuio_lo cccel!enre mc!FCR Federico commandino II haphortato egregiously mterprcrandolo Analcmma of Ptolemy that is the ift: C{fo with I Analcmma of Vitruuio, & that the point is p..ll:, FRANCESCO DE FRANCESCHJ SANESE A L readers. .... Either not or I refract the Vitruuio with the comment by Reuerendifsimo Monfignordaniel Barbaro Eletto d'aquileggia, fpeffe I am not offended by this. the soul fuo fapendo, that fua Signoria Reuerendifsima she was occupied in other frudi, conuenienti to the rank, which he holds ; but I breathe a long time to begin with that, which I defend grandemence. Horache fidandominellaimmanityfua, & imaginandomi, that the huomini ftudiofi fempre riuedeno the CofE their, & seek diampliarle, & adornarle, I set out to dare to cover my difiderio: neither am I deceived by goodness fua, because he has helped me cortefememe content that I reframpafsi, diffe me, that haueua anco and the larynx laid ready, which he had already made with the uollare: ihaueuaadd many cofe, & many figures that do not sound in the first: & that would also give me Latin: La doue hauendo io I have been more than that, which I would have been able to leave, I have been benign. Readers ad utilitycommune, light up one & the other Vitruuio, & ofareogni diligcm.a, to remake them in comfortable form, & & with carefully&diligently carving figures from my honorato compare & mate in quefb imprefa, M. Giouanni Chrieger Alemano, & accommodarea qut{B nuoua forma, accioche ..gm..no then you can enjoy the fruit of the learned labors of the fopradetto 11110 S1gnore. llqualuolto col penficro a tutte] and fine art> uˆfcmpreritrouando modidigiouarcalmondo,& fiaffatica diimcn. deredaognuno lebelleco{e, chcfonon in the noblest ani, making megen_uapro_fefsione di, effere obligato a chi fcuopre qualchebella muennonc. & pero hauendo ueduto, that in the AnalemmadiVitruuio_lo cccel!enre mc!FCR Federico commandino II haphortato egregiously mterprcrandolo Analcmma of Ptolemy that is the ift: C{fo with I Analcmma of Vitruuio, & that the point is p..ll:, that , & that others, who have written of horologists, have not given in their foundation, judging that Elfer uera, fola,& ifpedita UIA, infecting, dimoiha, & practicing one of the main parts of Architecture, has uoluco leuare from the ninth book I difcorft already made fopra the horologists, & in them uece re ponere q uell:I of Ptolemy, & of the Commandino, adding the ease, which is properfua. however the readers of rinouato Vitruuio haueranno quefio oblivio more, as anco deono hauerlo for many added figures; & fpecially those of the Cauedi, which are difficult, & those of the bathrooms, & of the palefl: ra bellifsime, who bring great light to the cofe of Vitru. He fimilamente added Many difcorgs, & many beautiful practices, arousing the rivers of the uerity to do some nice cofa, & a po black the fouls in quefia honorata imprefa, in which many ft phono inunlrnente fatigued, pears!Fere irnprefa of perfone lettered, & practices, these two conditions of rare return in a fogetto, & fono more than neceffarie, fe L'huomo uuole hauere,& La cofa, & the name as an architect. & I have ueduto the writings of many, who do pro ' fefsiono of Architects, & do not make difl:intion among the Theorica, ) & practice: & infegnando to pull the lines femplicernente, fenz.a le dimofirationi rnathernatiche, penfano, that that Fiaela Theorica, o & a quefl: o way have neither Theorica, nor practice; because the Theorica {Árefers to practice, & practice depends on Theori10 ca: & in fornrna who does not have the mathematiche, does not have the Theorica. . but I would defy for the utility of such quefii, that ft gloriano d'hauere OF the architecture, that f“ refirigneffero in fe fiefsi, & that Fi effiuninaffe or- ro well, & faceffero to fe ftefsi the questions fruitful Vitruuio, & diceffero. Vitruuio says, that the architect of the eifer adorned the cognition of many arts, & many fciences. well do I have such ornaments? V itruuio says, that the architect of the hauere produced the bi. fogno, & with a certain fobriety, letters, Difegno, Arihrnetica, Geometry, natural reason, & ciuile> Afirology, Mufica, Profpettiua, & other arts. well. I conofco I or all, or many, or none of those? Vitruuio says, that the architect, is architect, for the order, for Dif poftion, for symmetry, for decoration, for fl: ribut10ne, frribution, for the gratiofa manner. well. I have the habit of quefie cofe in the mind? & coft doing a fe fl: efsi q uelte interrogations, fe they shall not deceive them. they shall judge fe rnedefirni., & rrouando of hauere those ornaments, which says Vitruuio, will ringratierannoIddio, who gave him inGeme with ingenuity, & other goods, nor for that ft they will go glorifying Eiferous Architects , ma ! they will strive every day with the works auanzare fe ltefsi: & fe non the cofe, which was requested by The Architect,will be put to work. for hauerle, ouero fl: they will be queti, & they will not attributethat, which ueramcnte do not have. however benign readers,& uoi ftudiofi of the name,& of the glory aff:iticateui of throwing the fonda men tofodo of that with racquifl: o of the uirtu , & of the arei, & ufando that modefl: ia, that you conuiene , do not attribute the cofe of others, not UI arroge that, that did not hauere, gate oblige:: m to whom UI infeId gna, ufate diligence to learn, offer the good & catch in; c. well, what for him rr.io little fapere & good uokre I seem to " rkordarui, effendo I fempre set at uofhi conunodi fen¥ I za some riparmio of fpefa ,. & fatigue. mmc to .. hm ..D gntll( d1eru & lrll L I B I {__Oi. tL-d C". 'n * Te og11' 1 fuaore tenne raccoltor Adunque con M. Amelio, P. Mini " reu...N Olermo, 1 * d I B rfi & d f ' s . . & 11dio, & Gn.Cornclio fuifopr.. the apJ>..recc..10 ..le .:i 1 e, d / g I trtooi, a pro-uillion of the other torments. R which, fob1..0 e ..m1 c....EC e 1, E1: 1o to, eo: pder .. rac:: d t. ne of tua forclla ne ferua{h lo. I don't know. - t pero cucn O 10 perecomman a 10 h * H r I * * uclbeneficio held,,& obliged, di.m..do, and and..onon aueua a temerene g 1_u ttmt an..I have commctato to frnucrcquefl: and cofe. 'N. _el proemio delfefloubr.ocofl says,. . . . d . áá .. ¥ ¥á á 1áam I going to grandfsime, & mfimtc graue ren ? a 1 mte1 progen1t?rt, 1 qua I a..prouando.la dc law the Athenians, they have me.in the Arts amn:iaefiraco, & 1_n those _fpe..1almcntc chefcnza lcw: re & fcnza that Ra'communam: a D1 all the doctrines, which M turn there uolr/, can not for any way effere commendata.I ' J:,.[JL proemio of the fruitful book an.iichora says. ¥* But to me, 0 Emperor, the nature did not have the greatness of the corp. o: & eta m.. ba.deformed the face, & the int“rmita leuate forces : the dll,!.and effendo 10 from coli fam prelidij_ abbando1....to , I [pero by means of the fcientia, & ˆe glifcritti to some degree_ !ali King.F. t altroue dimo/lra e“fere Flato ambitiofo, neither arrogant, nor auaro á * & Di Fe modeftamentamente parlando,he defends the literates, ripre..de tem..rarij, ammaeflra .. li!mperiti, & am..m..ifee with amoJ " and,&, * on faith those, who uoglwno fabrtcare :fegm cenif11m1 of the boma delli_iamo, & idell:innocence della uita. Scriffe ten books of architecture (as he states in the end of Lope:ra,)& fuck an afPctto.. & in a body reduces it, - rauna11do the parts of ej] ˆ a * benefit of all U. legenti, as he says in the proemio of the fourth book, the way, that UJA Vitruuio in the fcriuere d (c.ome Ji conuiene )first ordered, by you confimpliity of uocaboli, & properties of words.delcheeglmeirende ltzreation - in the proemium of the fifth book: which I defied, which limo became, J]R. ima that adaltrofi uegna .. But.we are faced with other difficulties: those oue-10 fPauentano I Bed'¥ R. I of Vitr-ur,I, oucro delay the jludiofi of the.Archit1: tt11ra: & big Fono & powerful ones. It was the first time that many people knew, who wanted to give Vitruuio the knowledge of letj:Y: e ¥. .A, ttr.I don't play the.bifog110 difapere, & f˜no L " Ome Sofifti, and boaters: the flaws of i which Dal .A-ttttor.and fono.in pt places [covered. The other difficulty. it is obvious in the absence of c. ffempi, yes of the ancient works cited by Vitmuio, yes of the figures, which he promises us in the end of ori [ouna de ijitoi ten books. ..there should be much of it, (9" there should not be it; there should be caries.to about J?iu preft.or indouinare, what appr.I want to know how hard the cofe is. But I would not uorr, that for quephte oagioni some stunned Fi rimoueffe da Fi bella, & praised imprefa, in which many of ge..áO [oanimo * fatiguatififono, & all bora s ' aff.1ticaito, & s ' affˆtichera1mo,. fpera11do, that fatigue., & lˆdiligentia of the buomo [1tt to fuperare every humana, difficulty. á1 or for quefta reason helped by the d..read, & from ft1uiio, cbe 1 * ii, iuc in many, po/lo Mi furio a quefta imprefa, alla which is.homaz time to enter. 'That they may gather their minds, that they may be better dimofl.the fentiero, & the end, to which dcono peruire, to say, what cofa is .Art: ondenafce : t1..m.. c: re [ce: .. cbei_iperrte"!ga. Difting11e1 .Arts; The J. trouerot./ 4n * hitettJtra, & parts of effe:. id1cJJlarando l office,,&, the.end of the .A-rchitetto ¥. 1r .. O AND M I O'.. The]: nu1ifc/onouqualitydlle-CofE, between thequali.one is. what Habito {I dimanda fecondo cbe * Fi dice. Making good: B. tbito: e..I ' well babituato: & fim {'{lia11ti modi,, that dinotano o.. p; - poff..re..na tf!M-lity, that di_lˆ_, doue, difficultlyfi pof] ˆ le11are. Suboil p; e1..you'.OnOn: ie,-0_gm[t:1entta, - 0gmartc, ' ogm 1'trtu, - er og11i 1'itio Fi includes. From qu11- 1Ja..ogpmo, 1elomtelletto trahe.dlfe,áofe. LunaJ,.that egJ1 conofce ' 4 importaw...of ap, [!rmde- king L I B I {__Oi. tL-d C". 'n * Te og11' 1 fuaore tenne raccoltor Adunque con M. Amelio, P. Mini " reu...N Olermo, 1 * d I B rfi & d f ' s . . & 11dio, & Gn.Cornclio fuifopr.. the apJ>..recc..10 ..le .:i 1 e, d / g I trtooi, a pro-uillion of the other torments. R which, fob1..0 e ..m1 c....EC e 1, E1: 1o to, eo: pder .. rac:: d t. ne of tua forclla ne ferua{h lo. I don't know. - t pero cucn O 10 perecomman a 10 h * H r I * * uclbeneficio held,,& obliged, di.m..do, and and..onon aueua a temerene g 1_u ttmt an..I have commctato to frnucrcquefl: and cofe. 'N. _el proemio delfefloubr.ocofl says,. . . . d . áá .. ¥ ¥á á 1áam I going to grandfsime, & mfimtc graue ren ? a 1 mte1 progen1t?rt, 1 qua I a..prouando.la dc law the Athenians, they have me.in the Arts amn:iaefiraco, & 1_n those _fpe..1almcntc chefcnza lcw: re & fcnza that Ra'communam: a D1 all the doctrines, which M turn there uolr/, can not for any way effere commendata.I ' J:,.[JL proemio of the fruitful book an.iichora says. ¥* But to me, 0 Emperor, the nature did not have the greatness of the corp. o: & eta m.. ba.deformed the face, & the int“rmita leuate forces : the dll,!.and effendo 10 from coli famprelidij_ abbando1....to , I [pero by means of the fcientia, & ˆe glifcritti to some degree_ !ali King. F. t altroue dimo/lra e“fere Flato ambitiofo, neither arrogant, nor auaro á * & Di Fe modeftamentamente parlando, he defends the literates, ripre..de tem..rarij, ammaeflra .. li!mperiti, & am..m..ifee with amoJ " and,&, * on faith those, who uoglwno fabrtcare :fegm cenif11m1 of the boma delli_iamo, & idell:innocence della uita. Scriffe ten books of architecture (as he states in the end of Lope:ra,)& fuck an afPctto.. & in a body reduces it, - rauna11do the parts of ej] ˆ a * benefit of all U. legenti, as he says in the proemio of the fourth book, the way, that UJA Vitruuio in the fcriuere d (c.ome Ji conuiene )first ordered, by you confimpliity of uocaboli, & properties of words. delcheeglmeirende ltzrazione - in the proemio of the fifth book: which I defied, which limo fia, J]R. ima that adaltrofi uegna .. But.we are faced with other difficulties: those oue-10 fPauentano I Bed'¥ R. I of Vitr-ur,I, oucro delay the jludiofi of the.Archit1: tt11ra: & big Fono & powerful ones. It was the first time that many people knew, who wanted to give Vitruuio the knowledge of letj:Y: e ¥. .A, ttr.I don't play the.bifog110 difapere, & f˜no L " Ome Sofifti, and boaters: the flaws of i which Dal .A-ttttor.and fono.in pt places [covered. The other difficulty. it is obvious in the absence of c. ffempi, yes of the ancient works cited by Vitmuio, yes of the figures, which he promises us in the end of ori [ouna de ijitoi ten books. ..there should be much of it, (9" there should not be it; there should be caries.to about J?iu preft.or indouinare, what appr.I want to know how hard the cofe is. But I would not uorr, that for quephte oagioni some stunned Fi rimoueffe da Fi bella, & praised imprefa, in which many of ge..áO [oanimo * fatiguatififono, & all bora s ' aff.1ticaito, & s ' affˆtichera1mo,. fpera11do, that fatigue., & lˆdiligentia of the buomo [1tt to fuperare every humana, difficulty. á1 or for quefta reason helped by the d..read, & from ft1uiio, cbe 1 * ii, iuc in many, po/lo Mi furio a quefta imprefa, alla which is.homaz time to enter. 'That they may gather their minds, that they may be better dimofl.the fentiero, & the end, to which dcono peruire, to say, what cofa is .Art: ondenafce : t1..m.. c: re [ce: .. cbei_iperrte"!ga. Difting11e1 .Arts; The J. trouerot./ 4n * hitettJtra, & parts of effe:. id1cJJlarando l office,,&, the.end of the .A-rchitetto ¥. 1r .. O AND M I O'.. The]: nu1ifc/onouqualitydlle-CofE, between thequali.one is. what Habito {I dimanda fecondo cbe * Fi dice. Making good: B. tbito: e..I ' well babituato: & fim {'{lia11ti modi,, that dinotano o.. p; - poff..re..na tf!M-lity, that di_lˆ_, doue, difficultlyfi pof] ˆ le11are. Suboil p; e1..you'.OnOn: ie,-0_gm[t:1entta, - 0gmartc, ' ogm 1'trtu, - er og11i 1'itio Fi includes. From qu11- 1Ja..ogpmo, 1elomtelletto trahe.dlfe,áofe. LunaJ,.that egJ1 conofce ' 4 importaw...of ap, [!rmde- king 'P I{. I M O, 3 , * it is more a babito, than 11.n ' other ._ The other is, that does not COFI ageuolmente s ' acquiflano the beautiful habites, none of leggieri deserves effe.R with the cbiary names of those called. Which cofi effendo, the huomo auuedut.. s'agratica, & pratica con le perfone superiori, & non feduce fe medefmo, credendo ue that which he does not do. You don't have the habit in this way, that others they are of the intellect, others of the noftra uolontˆ. The habits of the intellect _for three delusions- , 1 * e. .Some do not complain:I have the intellect more to the uero, than to the falfo to bend, as is the opinion, the JoJpetto, the edulity: .Others 1rolleno the immense mind from the uere>, & Di fermo al falfo twist it. co me fe some from [alfi principij difpofto, al uero by way some conf entire could not: & quefto mal habito fi calls ignorance prauao. The third way of babiti is quc:all, cbe auuezza the intellect to the uero -, so, that he can not Fi to the falfity, & to the er; * or> * and for any uia to reuolgere; Worthy of & P;-quality eciofa, & conditioue of habito, as that, CBE lieui la inftability of the oppinion, chia; - ifca the fofpect, & induce certainty, & firmness of uerity. Maperche Il uero nelle co_f diuerjˆmente Fi tmora: but c'interno al ueronelle CofE mol.I make you the habit of intellect. I say therefore in the intellctt o/, human effer a ' habito del uero, what a nece!Jity adiuicne, & another habito of that uero, which is not necejJario, dett,; da Filofofi true contingent ¥ the real necefJario is qztello, which for uera, & certain reason (s) with shut . & oltra of 1ueflo ttero neceffˆrio is that, that for proua De no cofa Fi p (glia. & finally the neceDario is that, cbe dt:all proua, & of the prouata cofa is composed. Wave from the aforesaid tell/i, - e manners of habiti D ' around () to the uero necejfario t:the phono manifefie. The first she is named S cienz.G,, that hltbito is of conclufione for uera & necejfaria prouaacquired. The fruitful is dett, t intellect, cbe is babito de I principij, & delleproue, & considers the name of the power of the soul, in which he fi truoua: the wavesáimi concepts, or dignity, or Ma(j“me folliono call. From quefto habito said intellect, they have beat tdgore, & fpecially force the Mathernatice. for in those phono quefte notitieomanifeftfffime, & though petiolefirmo of quantity, phonoper˜ of ualo1áand ine/limabile. 'For [apeore adur11ue conclose many cofe da I proprij principij , ( what else not, & Di fermo al falfo twist it. co me fe some from [alfi principij difpofto, al uero by way some conf entire could not: & quefto mal habito fi calls ignorance prauao. The third way of babiti is quc:all, cbe auuezza the intellect to the uero -, so, that he can not Fi to the falfity, & to the er; * or> * and for any uia to reuolgere; Worthy of & P;-quality eciofa, & conditioue of habito, as that, CBE lieui la inftability of the oppinion, chia; - ifca the fofpect, & induce certainty, & firmness of uerity. Maperche Il uero nelle co_f diuerjˆmente Fi tmora: but c'interno al ueronelle CofE mol.I make you the habit of intellect. I say therefore in the intellctt o/, human effer a ' habito del uero, what a nece!Jity adiuicne, & another habito of that uero, which is not necejJario, dett,; da Filofofi true contingent ¥ the real necefJario is qztello, which for uera, & certain reason (s) with shut . & oltra of 1ueflo ttero neceffˆrio is that, that for proua De no cofa Fi p (glia. & finally the neceDario is that, cbe dt:all proua, & of the prouata cofa is composed. Wave from the aforesaid tell/i, - e manners of habiti D ' around () to the uero necejfario t:the phono manifefie. The first she is named S cienz.G,, that hltbito is of conclufione for uera & necejfaria prouaacquired. The fruitful is dett, t intellect, cbe is babito de I principij, & delleproue, & considers the name of the power of the soul, in which he fi truoua: the wavesáimi concepts, or dignity, or Ma(j“me folliono call. From quefto habito said intellect, they have beat tdgore, & fpecially force the Mathernatice. for in those phono quefte notitieomanifeftfffime, & though petiolefirmo of quantity, phonoper˜ of ualo1áand ine/limabile. 'For [apeore adur11ue conclose many cofe da I proprij principij , ( what else not: the waves $'..FTZ, modcfl.., strong, liberal, amfri, ucraci, & 1!1 Jo_mrna good:_, & wr..uofidzuentramo: &d1piu q11af“ f7m1- of the uirtuberoicafiamogi: atz. But lafctamo to d1et1á0 le co [e_, which do notfannopern?'¥ & let us return to the NAFL: I think of the fruits, fruitful, which promised bauemo di_ (opra. 'N.._'!: fe all artedaifj, ermza. The cbe as fia, I will say bre..mnente, by blowing up cbecofi!, ..lfJ, erimza: Da eh.. nafce: As a source of the .Art. IJJ,me..za 110n is other cbeuna: o..nttzone na; a damol..and ..1cor-:. dan-z!cofefimilianti a I fenfi bumam ..ttopofte, for lequalt remember..t' {! L httomo ..rudr: A of all ttd one iftef!it's way. & coti tejfemp10. Njl conofl: ere a cofe, UI concorre pnma zl fon fo, dapoi memory: zuefto other comp.tration of the CofE remembered. Hattendo f huomoper UIA de I fenfi comprefo, e 1e Lo Ajfenzg,per ejfl " mpio, conferred to qttefl,o, & to that in the weakness of the phthomachus, reminding me of this effect, it caua uniue-rfele fomma, & say: .Aduuque doue is debolez.za diftomaco to affirnzg is giotteuole, & good ¥ the fimi / e you can see other plants.., .. d.. molt.. partico..ari, et d!fli..t.. ifP";'ienn_nZ! with me'z? memory p110 tran * e le propofitronr unmerfalz, lequalt phono prmczpq dell'art ¥ La iJJ, er1en: za assembleis fimile to the footprint, which will give us the fairs. pere be fi as form is principle of retrouare the Ce1 * uo, npero is part of the Ce-mo, (therefore the ceruonnon is not compofl<>of orme,) cofi the experience .. principle of ritrouar the arts , & is not part of any art; percbe Le cofe a i _(enfifottopofl, and not fono principij Dell'arti; but occafione, as d1iaramente fi uede, pc> ' that the principle of Art it is unireerfele , & not fuccopofto a I fen/I humani, bencbe pe - r ttia de ' fnfi flato fia ritrouato ¥ but what a difference lies between the iJJ, crienza, ('7' Art, fi uede innqueftonmodo. Of course l, that qu.i1, to the operation is not from the .Art the ijpcrien' {!, different :therefore both in quefla, and in that I'm going to do it, f“. difcende to the inditJidu (}; for which the phono actio11i look for the particular cofe: But as for the strength, & effectiveness of/1' to operate, the eJJ, erti do greater effect, than those >who have folly the reason rmiuerfele of the cofe: & however f pefl˜ admiene CBE It Ar tefpcrto, a1mcnga God, that he has in mind the r:tgione de gli Artifiˆf á * erra perJ, & sin well-Jpejf˜, not for not fapcre, nor because the reason is less uera : but because it is not effercitato, ncofce I dife1tidell.L. 1which many non-refj wind waves delf .Art. With all that the art is excellent, & more deignandeuanijj, eriewza, percbe is more 1tici..a Al fepere * inte11..end..Le caufŽ , & Le ra..CofE ion * there doue the experience operates f en'z5 right, he appreciated the mtellrgente .Artifice is PZU ready to remoluere , & give account of the cofe, which ilfimplice, et puroefJ, erto. The waves the .Art is allafepie-n-za, which is habito nobilf(Jimo, more uicina. Sign rnanifefeto ' del fepere is the infegrutre power > & ammaeftrare a / ti * ui, perciocbe laperfemoneconfifte inpoterenfar other afe m.!deftmifim(..lianti. Et however R. Artifice > which is that that means the reason, can in [egnare &fnrenu1i'other fŽ fte!Jo > as for art fua: but laEjperto does not coft. & Fe well Lo EJJ, er..or moflr.. to others ..omceglifa, however it is not suitable to give co11to, not/?I await the A1: te: & the FHA dtmoflr..tzonealtra1lf Enfo nonft and/lende, & is fol.zmente iHmodo diueder.. CO1 .. 1 .. mt? connalczmaoppmronc, or belief of the one, who uede: ilquale in fwiile act FA officio fe-mzle tmpe -, fe..t.. , & away from the Office of the.,,1rte: & per˜Vimmio uzwieÈ cbel.! iJJ, eá*'.enzafia with cognrtrone accompanied. C< > me adunq11e n. ifl: and the iJJ, erienZ:_1; chiccofae; & mdJpno..or C. A_r..and d.. that process, clearly there is evidence. Dalchefi comP: áende.c!J!r d11e mame; - e D1 11Jeá * 1e11..a. t a.1,. that's what I'm saying, that's what I'm saying, cbe.sacquiflz f. A;-te: as qut1: 11do / i says. I do it iJJ, erie117an, & uo () ' iionprouare, F'emiie'i.:eal -, r, . - The I r, do .. o,,: 1¥c..maco, a: E:,~ que1,? and as 1onte a m1..qu..to all .Arten. The altmrrumiera isqucua, cbe etc-rta_ta > &de / la dall'arte, cbeft truoua M nor, & fecund the reasons of Art la e!ferdtiamo. ,g / 1fl you can also give the press cofe 111: dere,, * he la iJJ, erienza far piuferue alle Arti, CBEs'acquifla, io I 4 Li11en, 0 dette cofe ritrouatoha!ttmO, cbe, 4rte is dress..ellamcnt..,.c..meinu.... foggt!to ripoflo; that / a diJJ,onea do, & operate with rule, & reason fuort1 '/ and CofE utzl: to u1ta: C..mc ' Prudcnza tJ babito, chedifponc lointe..e..to to reg..the European Parliament, which all.. u_mo11e,..good of repisblica, & dellafm,..tglta, & DT fe_ftefl˜'conue;..gon<>: the waves $'..FTZ, modcfl.., strong, liberal, amfri, ucraci, & 1!1 Jo_mrna good:_, & wr..uofidzuentramo: &d1piu q11af“ f7m1- of the uirtuberoicafiamogi: atz. But lafctamo to d1et1á0 le co [e_, which do notfannopern?'¥ & let us return to the NAFL: I think of the fruits, fruitful, which promised bauemo di_ (opra. 'N.._'!: fe all artedaifj, ermza. The cbe as fia, I will say bre..mnente, by blowing up cbecofi!, ..lfJ, erimza: Da eh.. nafce: As a source of the .Art. IJJ,me..za 110n is other cbeuna: o..nttzone na; a damol..and ..1cor-:. dan-z!cofefimilianti a I fenfi bumam ..ttopofte, for lequalt remember..t' {! L httomo ..rudr: A of all ttd one iftef!it's way. & coti tejfemp10. Njl conofl: ere a cofe, UI concorre pnma zl fon fo, dapoi memory: zuefto other comp.tration of the CofE remembered. Hattendo f huomoper UIA de I fenfi comprefo, e 1e Lo Ajfenzg,per ejfl " mpio, conferred to qttefl,o, & to that in the weakness of the phthomachus, reminding me of this effect, it caua uniue-rfele fomma, & say: .Aduuque doue is debolez.za diftomaco to affirnzg is giotteuole, & good ¥ the fimi / e you can see other plants.., .. d.. molt.. partico..ari, et d!fli..t.. ifP";'ienn_nZ! with me'z? memory p110 tran * e le propofitronr unmerfalz, lequalt phono prmczpq dell'art ¥ La iJJ, er1en: za assembleis fimile to the footprint, which will give us the fairs. pere be fi as form is principle of retrouare the Ce1 * uo, npero is part of the Ce-mo, (therefore the ceruonnon is not compofl<>of orme,) cofi the experience .. principle of ritrouar the arts , & is not part of any art; percbe Le cofe a i _(enfifottopofl, and not fono principij Dell'arti; but occafione, as d1iaramente fi uede, pc> ' that the principle of Art it is unireerfele , & not fuccopofto a I fen/I humani, bencbe pe - r ttia de ' fnfi flato fia ritrouato ¥ but what a difference lies between the iJJ, crienza, ('7' Art, fi uede innqueftonmodo. Of course l, that qu.i1, to the operation is not from the .Art the ijpcrien' {!, different :therefore both in quefla, and in that I'm going to do it, f“. difcende to the inditJidu (}; for which the phono actio11i look for the particular cofe: But as for the strength, & effectiveness of/1' to operate, the eJJ, erti do greater effect, than those >who have folly the reason rmiuerfele of the cofe: & however f pefl˜ admiene CBE It Ar tefpcrto, a1mcnga God, that he has in mind the r:tgione de gli Artifiˆf á * erra perJ, & sin well-Jpejf˜, not for not fapcre, nor because the reason is less uera : but because it is not effercitato, ncofce I dife1tidell.L. 1which many non-refj wind waves delf .Art. With all that the art is excellent, & more deignandeuanijj, eriewza, percbe is more 1tici..a Al fepere * inte11..end..Le caufŽ , & Le ra..CofE ion * there doue the experience operates f en'z5 right, he appreciated the mtellrgente .Artifice is PZU ready to remoluere , & give account of the cofe, which ilfimplice, et puroefJ, erto. The waves the .Art is allafepie-n-za, which is habito nobilf(Jimo, more uicina. Sign rnanifefeto ' del fepere is the infegrutre power > & ammaeftrare a / ti * ui, perciocbe laperfemoneconfifte inpoterenfar other afe m.!deftmifim(..lianti. Et however R. Artifice > which is that that means the reason, can in [egnare &fnrenu1i'other fŽ fte!Jo > as for art fua: but laEjperto does not coft. & Fe well Lo EJJ, er..or moflr.. to others ..omceglifa, however it is not suitable to give co11to, not/?I await the A1: te: & the FHA dtmoflr..tzonealtra1lf Enfo nonft and/lende, & is fol.zmente iHmodo diueder.. CO1 .. 1 .. mt? connalczmaoppmronc, or belief of the one, who uede: ilquale in fwiile act FA officio fe-mzle tmpe -, fe..t.. , & away from the Office of the.,,1rte: & per˜Vimmio uzwieÈ cbel.! iJJ, eá*'.enzafia with cognrtrone accompanied. C< > me adunq11e n. ifl: and the iJJ, erienZ:_1; chiccofae; & mdJpno..or C. A_r..and d.. that process, clearly there is evidence. Dalchefi comP: áende.c!J!r d11e mame; - e D1 11Jeá * 1e11..a. t a.1,. that's what I'm saying, that's what I'm saying, cbe.sacquiflz f. A;-te: as qut1: 11do / i says. I do it iJJ, erie117an, & uo () ' iionprouare, F'emiie'i.:eal -, r, . - The I r, do .. o,,: 1¥c..maco, a: E:,~ que1,? and as 1onte a m1..qu..to all .Arten. The altmrrumiera isqucua, cbe etc-rta_ta > &de / la dall'arte, cbeft truoua M nor, & fecund the reasons of Art la e!ferdtiamo. ,g / 1fl you can also give the press cofe 111: dere,, * he la iJJ, erienza far piuferue alle Arti, CBEs'acquifla, io I 'P Jt. I M o. 5 s'acquiflano per_ in....ntio'ne , clie a quelle, che s ' bnfarttno per am;..aeft lat!terlto. Ila. na.[c....toadelle arts from prmc1pw is weak, but over time acquifta force et mgore: zmperochez prmtz muen Bulls have little I. CofE urns , & not po!Jono ageuolmente collect many uniue1phali propophytioni, for ..equ..li f J/.rte s ' ing..gliardifca, pi: rcbe for breuity ..lla tJita not b"!m-0 _time by fame_la ifperum..: ma lafcui..do at pofter1 the co-ports d, t they J_em_ f. 1!1ca d1a_q..lali, & agg1ugneno their occafione d1 a11mentare le .Artz, for the m (jlta wrtu, that in I pocht pm, cipij fi truoua. per_che J} as in ' ll!en!ea_afi co1!cefC the multitude of fhd,..iti fuck a Prince,, cofi many concepts of art. il. fuo prmc1pw Fi riferif“: eno. & for qm: / to D1 Grand kmde phono worthy the inuctors of the cofe, which ija1mo troHato the principij jnza rifParmio of fatigue, from which deriua the fulfillment, & perfection of the J/.rti: doue he fi can say that half of the fact, i the beginning ba_aene. Et_, here you are told to baft_an...cl ' around the..a Origin, diffusi (tione , accrefcimento, et perfettwne deU .Art. ztefla that 10 diftmgua t jlrt1 fruitful, that dz fopra promise to do. Of course I do not want in this place to make a fcielta of all /: .Arts partitamentea, for which too late I would understand cbi Law, & little giouerei * the [I'll you to behind that fignificatione uniuerfale of qucfto uocabolo, which abb;áaccia t J/.liberal rti, of which three phono cfintorno Al parlare, & quattro cerca la qu.tntity, from around speaking is grammar; The R.!Jetorica, logic: search for qrutntity is geometry, the.A. / lrology, f.Aritbmetica, the-: Mufica. Lafcierero /:.Arts uili, & baffe, which worthy not of the prefente confideratione, nor, of the name of the art. 7: xgn I will reason about those .Arts, et doctrines, that there .(0110 infPir-ate from God, how is the Nofb -: t Chriftia11a Theologia; why hora not fi tends to q1, efto fine, that -: retruouiarno all that, what a fuck name of .Art FL contains: impcroche is not to propophyte noflro: ft that I'o the diuinationi, cbe mefl: Olate phono diui11a infPiratione, & bumana inuentione. I'm adimque Al prefente bifogno those .Arti neceffei-ie, chef erueno co1i digmtJ, & gran: dezza to commodity, & UFO de ' mortals: how is the.Art of going to sea said ..uigathione, C .Military Art, t'.Arte del fabricare, la Medicina , L'agricoltura, La Ven1t. ggione, l.. 'Painting, ('1' Scoltura, Il Lanificio, & other fimiglianti, lequali in two ways Fi po -!Jono con.. trust. before as diforre110, & with uie reasoneuoli trouando uanno the reasons ,. & le rules of operation * dapoi as with readiness of the hand are labored with; burden in any matter and / or, that CBE er: t stored in the mind. Donde nafce that some .Arti banno-more of the fcien,-¥ ..- i, & others less. & a cono_(waxes/:.More worthy arts, quefta is the uia. QJ!elle,.in which does bi.fogno /: J/.rte del 1mmerare, geometry, & t other Mathematice, all have del g;áAndes-.. the r“maneu te fenza said it .Arts (as he says ' Plato) is uile,. & abject, as cof.t born from [emplice ima ginatione, fallacious conit:ttura, & dal uero abb ¥ tndonata ifperience * Et Quiui appttrir1 fa dignity of the J/.rchitettura, which appro11a is judges the works,cbe from the others .Fi arts do. But why not praise any cofa first, but before that it does not , that it cofa-fia: giufto, & ra gioneuole is,, that we dimoftriamo the origin) & the force ,. & parts of the./ 4rchitettura, & qual fia the Office, & the end Dtllo architect. & percbe the rnedefimo / I fa d, dlo .Autto1 * E, as from erud.'t0 -, & amrnaeftrato in I precepts delf .Art, I will give principle to the clicbiratione de I j“1oi say ,.I'll take care of myself from the dedication of the opera. Dedicmido ad.; mqi!C to Ottaui & J/. tt,. fio says in quefto mo do ¥ And N T R E, that your diurnal mind 1 & deity -, is Cc do rmpcrator, Aquil!aua The Empire of the world, & the citizens (gloriauano del Triomphe & uittoria thy, I pour out all the enemies from thy Inuit uirm: I ground beaten: & while, that all nations tame you, & shape your nod await you,& the Roman people in- fiemc col fen:ito out of all fear, out of thy high places prouedimi & Conli was gouchrnato; I do not dare to shed light on the cofe of architecture I fcritte, among many occupationi, & with great penf“eri efplicate: doubting not out of time tramcttendo- I.- 'P Jt. I M o. 5 s'acquiflano per_ in....ntio'ne , clie a quelle, che s ' bnfarttno per am;..aeft lat!terlto. Ila. na.[c....toadelle arts from prmc1pw is weak, but over time acquifta force et mgore: zmperochez prmtz muen Bulls have little I. CofE urns , & not po!Jono ageuolmente collect many uniue1phali propophytioni, for ..equ..li f J/.rte s ' ing..gliardifca, pi: rcbe for breuity ..lla tJita not b"!m-0 _time by fame_la ifperum..: ma lafcui..do at pofter1 the co-ports d, t they J_em_ f. 1!1ca d1a_q..lali, & agg1ugneno their occafione d1 a11mentare le .Artz, for the m (jlta wrtu, that in I pocht pm, cipij fi truoua. per_che J} as in ' ll!en!ea_afi co1!cefC the multitude of fhd,..iti fuck a Prince,, cofi many concepts of art. il. fuo prmc1pw Fi riferif“: eno. & for qm: / to D1 Grand kmde phono worthy the inuctors of the cofe, which ija1mo troHato the principij jnza rifParmio of fatigue, from which deriua the fulfillment, & perfection of the J/.rti: doue he fi can say that half of the fact, i the beginning ba_aene. Et_, here you are told to baft_an...cl ' around the..a Origin, diffusi (tione , accrefcimento, et perfettwne deU .Art. ztefla that 10 diftmgua t jlrt1 fruitful, that dz fopra promise to do. Of course I do not want in this place to make a fcielta of all /: .Arts partitamentea, for which too late I would understand cbi Law, & little giouerei * the [I'll you to behind that fignificatione uniuerfale of qucfto uocabolo, which abb;áaccia t J/.liberal rti, of which three phono cfintorno Al parlare, & quattro cerca la qu.tntity, from around speaking is grammar; The R.!Jetorica, logic: search for qrutntity is geometry, the.A. / lrology, f.Aritbmetica, the-: Mufica. Lafcierero /:.Arts uili, & baffe, which worthy not of the prefente confideratione, nor, of the name of the art. 7: xgn I will reason about those .Arts, et doctrines, that there .(0110 infPir-ate from God, how is the Nofb -: t Chriftia11a Theologia; why hora not fi tends to q1, efto fine, that -: retruouiarno all that, what a fuck name of .Art FL contains: impcroche is not to propophyte noflro: ft that I'o the diuinationi, cbe mefl: Olate phono diui11a infPiratione, & bumana inuentione. I'm adimque Al prefente bifogno those .Arti neceffei-ie, chef erueno co1i digmtJ, & gran: dezza to commodity, & UFO de ' mortals: how is the.Art of going to sea said ..uigathione, C .Military Art, t'.Arte del fabricare, la Medicina , L'agricoltura, La Ven1t. ggione, l.. 'Painting, ('1' Scoltura, Il Lanificio, & other fimiglianti, lequali in two ways Fi po -!Jono con.. trust. before as diforre110, & with uie reasoneuoli trouando uanno the reasons ,. & le rules of operation * dapoi as with readiness of the hand are labored with; burden in any matter and / or, that CBE er: t stored in the mind. Donde nafce that some .Arti banno-more of the fcien,-¥ ..- i, & others less. & a cono_(waxes/:.More worthy arts, quefta is the uia. QJ!elle,.in which does bi.fogno /: J/.rte del 1mmerare, geometry, & t other Mathematice, all have del g;áAndes-.. the r“maneu te fenza said it .Arts (as he says ' Plato) is uile,. & abject, as cof.t born from [emplice ima ginatione, fallacious conit:ttura, & dal uero abb ¥ tndonata ifperience * Et Quiui appttrir1 fa dignity of the J/.rchitettura, which appro11a is judges the works,cbe from the others .Fi arts do. But why not praise any cofa first, but before that it does not , that it cofa-fia: giufto, & ra gioneuole is,, that we dimoftriamo the origin) & the force ,. & parts of the./ 4rchitettura, & qual fia the Office, & the end Dtllo architect. & percbe the rnedefimo / I fa d, dlo .Autto1 * E, as from erud.'t0 -, & amrnaeftrato in I precepts delf .Art, I will give principle to the clicbiratione de I j“1oi say ,.I'll take care of myself from the dedication of the opera. Dedicmido ad.; mqi!C to Ottaui & J/. tt,. fio says in quefto mo do ¥ And N T R E, that your diurnal mind 1 & deity -, is Cc do rmpcrator, Aquil!aua The Empire of the world, & the citizens (gloriauano del Triomphe & uittoria thy, I pour out all the enemies from thy Inuit uirm: I ground beaten: & while, that all nations tame you, & shape your nod await you,& the Roman people in- fiemc col fen:ito out of all fear, out of thy high places prouedimi & Conli was gouchrnato; I do not dare to shed light on the cofe of architecture I fcritte, among many occupationi, & with great penf“eri efplicate: doubting not out of time tramcttendo- I.- 6 i n. _omi, incurs [sinell'offe{A of your soul. But po.., let me join in, c) 1.. egt..al cur! .. cn: ui & the faIute of everyone with public handling,.. ..cll_a oppo..tuntta dc'.publ1C1 edtfu: IJ; acciochc not (olamcnte fuffecol fauor tuo la .c.. .. m1port... 'l \ T: 10]0110 wro_o, or [odr d1m..plowing that cofo and Bali / la, & Scorp1one, pcrc1ochefe11e drra 11cl has one book to its own place.111: I am (as far as I am concerned) confusing the order of the cow. !'1: * 1ir˜ ad11nq11e a Viná. il1ualefe, * ondo the precept 'ddl'.Art diff.mfce, and detcnnina, decof.1 is,, hcbitettn.t, saying. Architecture is Jcienza, of many difciplinc, & Jj diuerr“. im ..aefiramcnti ornlta, from whose judgment all the works are appwuano, which Dal'e:: ltre Ani comprntameme (Áf, mno. 'Before, cb..fi I: fpon: {a, e:?'dimoftri cbecofo, Architettura, Di'/, 1forza di qfle/lonome, perczocbemoltog1ouaaflomtcndmzento of the cofe, which will fi*.Arcbitett1: ra tlnome, cl * and d, 1tgreco derdtur; & is of cfae 1tocicompojlo . The first fig11fica principale, & capo ¥ La feco11d. tfabbro, is Artificer . Ef cl?i1toltf is good cfpress uolg. cl7i, ente l, t FORCE of said n..me I'd say that's what I'm saying, And that's what I'm saying.Arcb roof not fo meflicri alc,, mo,R > ia is Joprafian- tca 6 i n. _omi, incurs [sinell'offe{A of your soul. But po.., let me join in, c) 1.. egt..al cur! .. cn: ui & the faIute of everyone with public handling,.. ..cll_a oppo..tuntta dc'.publ1C1 edtfu: IJ; acciochc not (olamcnte fuffecol fauor tuo la .c.. .. m1port... 'l \ T: 10]0110 wro_o, or [odr d1m..plowing that cofo and Bali / la, & Scorp1one, pcrc1ochefe11e drra 11cl has one book to its own place.111: I am (as far as I am concerned) confusing the order of the cow. !'1: * 1ir˜ ad11nq11e a Viná. il1ualefe, * ondo the precept 'ddl'.Art diff.mfce, and detcnnina, decof.1 is,, hcbitettn.t, saying. Architecture is Jcienza, of many difciplinc, & Jj diuerr“. im ..aefiramcnti ornlta, from whose judgment all the works are appwuano, which Dal'e:: ltre Ani comprntameme (Áf, mno. 'Before, cb..fi I: fpon: {a, e:?'dimoftri cbecofo, Architettura, Di'/, 1forza di qfle/lonome, perczocbemoltog1ouaaflomtcndmzento of the cofe, which will fi*.Arcbitett1: ra tlnome, cl * and d, 1tgreco derdtur; & is of cfae 1tocicompojlo . The first fig11fica principale, & capo ¥ La feco11d. tfabbro, is Artificer . Ef cl?i1toltf is good cfpress uolg. cl7i, ente l, t FORCE of said n..me I'd say that's what I'm saying, And that's what I'm saying.Arcb roof not fo meflicri alc,, mo,R > ia is Joprafian- tca 'P Jt I il! O. that's what they do to him. La doue we can say the .Architect not effer Fabro, not r, zacflrd of timber, not bricklayer, not feparately certain, & determined craftsman, but chief, fopraftant, & regulator of all arteficij: like that, that 11011 fia before, to such a degree [breath,.that he . not Fi habbia prir, za in many, & diuerfe doctrines, & works and / Jercitate. Sopi-aftando adunque ˆimoftra, di [egna, diftribuife, ordina, & Comando. & in quefti offices appears the dignity of the architecture efJer to fapienza uicina , & how uirtu heroica in me' {!) of all limbs dwell ¥ because fola means the causes; fol.I embraces I. and beautiful, & high cofe: fola, I say, among all R. Arts participate in the most certain fcienz.!!, as IS F. A. ritbmetica, & geometry, & others, fenza,lequali (as has been said) every art is.uile, & f Enza reputatione. Yedendo therefore Vitr. r.Ai * chitettura effer such, says Ell first.ieffer ..Science... & for Sciwz.:r-intendecognitione, - & raunanza of many precepts, & ammaeftramenti, which unparalleled concern to conofcenz..a D'1m end propofto. then why in quefto there.Architecture conuiene with many other JŽ1enz.!!, of which par tentamente Fi can say, that ciafcuna fia cognitio11e: but Yitr. le. ascribce alcuue differcnz.!! ,, that reftring that uniuerfale, & comm1me understanding of the aforesaid name. & quefto is office of the 1jeradiffinition, that is to declare the nature, & the strength of the diffined cofa, so CBE she from all other cofediftinta, & [ep, trata Fi cono [ca, & jm˜ foggiugne Vitr. .. Of many difciplines,_& diuerfi ammaeftr, Imenti ornata . F. t diftinguishfor the said words ['.Architecture, by many par the peculiar tidings, which come from the fymphs, are of the experience, (9 " fi eflrcitano per pratica. 1 ' {_is for this reason, it is difficult.ta t .Architecture: percioche fe quiui reflaffe la diffiiiithione, ell,: i it would make common, &wider than that ,.cbe Fi conuiene. Imperocbe the.Art of saying, laM.e-dicine, & many more .Arts, & fcienz.!! ornatephorus of many doctrines, & of du:rfi ammaeftra¥ minds, as clearly for glyphcrittitdicicerone, of Galen, & cl' other authors / I uede. I{jflr..gnendo adunqtte Yitr. with greater property the fua diffinition, says the by whose judges or S'approuano all the works, that from the other arts fifanno ¥ ! I. echo the last dijferenz.:, i, what in iteri, & giufti terms, & quaftconfini locks the .Architel tura.percioabe the judge the works accomplished by. le.Arts, it's her own , & not others. The speaker adorns himself with many ./ 4rti, & difipline, & , quelle grandif]ime, phono, & belli (fime. The fimigliante does the doctor; but t one, & the other have diuerfi understandings . F Speaker I adorns fer power to [uadere, IE induce opinion in GMO matter propofta. The doctor to induce, or crmferuate them fa11ity. But me ./ 4rchrtetto folo per giudicpre, & appro11, are the perfect works from alt-re .Arts: perfect, I say, 01u: R accomplished, as he says Vitr. but that can not judge j not the finished cofe, accio no fcufa FIA of the .Maker. Y ero is also queflo,,: he lo .Architect fopraftando while that Fi do the opcre, gudica fe e!,. lefi f': znno good, is bad, & a_pproua quefta, CL biaftna that, fruitful judgment, & cognitio-ne ,_cbe he has; & forfe quefta is best.ejpofithione that the of fopra. From the dijfinitionáof the.Ar-chitettura , what a cofa it is .Architect , & Fi conofce, .Architmo, efter he, cbe percert.i, & merauigliofa reason , & UIA yes contlamente, & contanimo does determine, as * and, & with t work to conduct at the end those CofE >cbe from the mouim>Jnto de I pefi d,. il' compartment of the bodies, & from the composition of the ope;áand to the benefit of the httomini.do commendate. L. chitettura is fcienza.adorned with many .tfji: iplim:, & diucrfi amm.ieflrame.1¥ á you.! Et by difcipline means that, that the difepoli learn . Et per ammae / iramenti, that' that the maeftri infognano.il speaking is a tool of the infegrucre, it is, ~ the gdi;áand learning * the dot-trintt it begins in the concept of colitis, which ennfegna, & fi eftcndefino to words. the d [feipline co-mincia-n and / the hearing of the one, who learns, & ends in the conceptot. But mockery coj“i is the fitpponere: ;?cr reason, & dimojb-areperpratica,; i1l that d laDottrin.1, in, 1uefto is I. i Emditionc, cioJ lo1 fkrojfamento. The Perlotcuitgiuditios'appro1umo. .. The goutdicare is COFA * supercentiftim.i, & noni to others concejfa, that ˆ i faui, & prudent: therefore the guulitio fi fo fopra lŽ cofe conofciute,, & for that, .. S'approua, I IE Fi dd lafenten-za,&fi dimojh * a, chec-on ragionejiope..R. a to, ap_proua gather!lel', A,, hiteuur.1, top_ere fntte from other.and, fraught ¥. op_era is qr1the artifice;, Oh, my God.> 'P Jt I il! O. that's what they do to him. La doue we can say the .Architect not effer Fabro, not r, zacflrd of timber, not bricklayer, not feparately certain, & determined craftsman, but chief, fopraftant, & regulator of all arteficij: like that, that 11011 fia before, to such a degree [breath,.that he . not Fi habbia prir, za in many, & diuerfe doctrines, & works and / Jercitate. Sopi-aftando adunque ˆimoftra, di [egna, diftribuife, ordina, & Comando. & in quefti offices appears the dignity of the architecture efJer to fapienza uicina , & how uirtu heroica in me' {!) of all limbs dwell ¥ because fola means the causes; fol.I embraces I. and beautiful, & high cofe: fola, I say, among all R. Arts participate in the most certain fcienz.!!, as IS F. A. ritbmetica, & geometry, & others, fenza,lequali (as has been said) every art is.uile, & f Enza reputatione. Yedendo therefore Vitr. r.Ai * chitettura effer such, says Ell first.ieffer ..Science... & for Sciwz.:r-intendecognitione, - & raunanza of many precepts, & ammaeftramenti, which unparalleled concern to conofcenz..a D'1m end propofto. then why in quefto there.Architecture conuiene with many other JŽ1enz.!!, of which par tentamente Fi can say, that ciafcuna fia cognitio11e: but Yitr. le. ascribce alcuue differcnz.!! ,, that reftring that uniuerfale, & comm1me understanding of the aforesaid name. & quefto is office of the 1jeradiffinition, that is to declare the nature, & the strength of the diffined cofa, so CBE she from all other cofediftinta, & [ep, trata Fi cono [ca, & jm˜ foggiugne Vitr. .. Of many difciplines,_& diuerfi ammaeftr, Imenti ornata . F. t diftinguishfor the said words ['.Architecture, by many par the peculiar tidings, which come from the fymphs, are of the experience, (9 " fi eflrcitano per pratica. 1 ' {_is for this reason, it is difficult.ta t .Architecture: percioche fe quiui reflaffe la diffiiiithione, ell,: i it would make common, &wider than that ,.cbe Fi conuiene. Imperocbe the.Art of saying, laM.e-dicine, & many more .Arts, & fcienz.!! ornatephorus of many doctrines, & of du:rfi ammaeftra¥ minds, as clearly for glyphcrittitdicicerone, of Galen, & cl' other authors / I uede. I{jflr..gnendo adunqtte Yitr. with greater property the fua diffinition, says the by whose judges or S'approuano all the works, that from the other arts fifanno ¥ ! I. echo the last dijferenz.:, i, what in iteri, & giufti terms, & quaftconfini locks the .Architel tura.percioabe the judge the works accomplished by. le.Arts, it's her own , & not others. The speaker adorns himself with many ./ 4rti, & difipline, & , quelle grandif]ime, phono, & belli (fime. The fimigliante does the doctor; but t one, & the other have diuerfi understandings . F Speaker I adorns fer power to [uadere, IE induce opinion in GMO matter propofta. The doctor to induce, or crmferuate them fa11ity. But me ./ 4rchrtetto folo per giudicpre, & appro11, are the perfect works from alt-re .Arts: perfect, I say, 01u: R accomplished, as he says Vitr. but that can not judge j not the finished cofe, accio no fcufa FIA of the .Maker. Y ero is also queflo,,: he lo .Architect fopraftando while that Fi do the opcre, gudica fe e!,. lefi f': znno good, is bad, & a_pproua quefta, CL biaftna that, fruitful judgment, & cognitio-ne ,_cbe he has; & forfe quefta is best.ejpofithione that the of fopra. From the dijfinitionáof the.Ar-chitettura , what a cofa it is .Architect , & Fi conofce, .Architmo, efter he, cbe percert.i, & merauigliofa reason , & UIA yes contlamente, & contanimo does determine, as * and, & with t work to conduct at the end those CofE >cbe from the mouim>Jnto de I pefi d,. il' compartment of the bodies, & from the composition of the ope;áand to the benefit of the httomini.do commendate. L. chitettura is fcienza.adorned with many .tfji: iplim:, & diucrfi amm.ieflrame.1¥ á you.! Et by difcipline means that, that the difepoli learn . Et per ammae / iramenti, that' that the maeftri infognano.il speaking is a tool of the infegrucre, it is, ~ the gdi;áand learning * the dot-trintt it begins in the concept of colitis, which ennfegna, & fi eftcndefino to words. the d [feipline co-mincia-n and / the hearing of the one, who learns, & ends in the conceptot. But mockery coj“i is the fitpponere: ;?cr reason, & dimojb-areperpratica,; i1l that d laDottrin.1, in, 1uefto is I. i Emditionc, cioJ lo1 fkrojfamento. The Perlotcuitgiuditios'appro1umo. .. The goutdicare is COFA * supercentiftim.i, & noni to others concejfa, that ˆ i faui, & prudent: therefore the guulitio fi fo fopra lŽ cofe conofciute,, & for that, .. S'approua, I IE Fi dd lafenten-za,&fi dimojh * a, chec-on ragionejiope..R. a to, ap_proua gather!lel', A,, hiteuur.1, top_ere fntte from other.and, fraught ¥. op_era is qr1the artifice;, Oh, my God.>