E^ -^ * dîyeodore^ LESSONS FROM OUTLOOK POSITIVE. PAR ANDROVET LAKE of the Hoop, Architc<5te. IN PARIS; By Mamert Patiïbn Printer. MR. DC. LXXVI. "-» r \ A TRES-I LLVSTR E AND VERY VIRTUOUS PRINCESS Catherine de Medici, Koyne mother j du Roy. To lady, If the iniurc of time & troubles that are current, have not prevented my access & want to castles & castles, which your Maicfté defirc eftre comprendre aux liures qu'il vous a pieu to order me to drefl'cr&: to make the most excellent Palaces, Royal Mayfons & buildings of the Kingdom, dice à préfèrent i'aurois fatisfaiâ: à your will: which is of the utmost importance to me, that I do not which might make you glad that my obeïirance defer, the person who has chosen to use this- in the meantime to some other work, which to me will make you please-- ble & to please. These, Madam, are the principles and lessons of the fa- art militants & secrets of Perlpcdliue , not less than the vile &: nceftaire à ceux qui prennent plaifir à la Portraitâure : eftant iccllc Toenure de Portraidurc, who defied the odds to become a real you eftfamiliar& common: which one you can be even more enonneraplus ample intelligence & pleasantness. Sending her to receive such, well, graciously... cieux vifage j qu'auez cy-deuant made the other works that come from my From the hands of your Majesty: & que foubs voftre audiorité vous au- It's nice that they're putting them in the spotlight for the public. And all Let's take God in your face. Madam, profpcrer in your Royal sizes &Majefter, &quil gives you a very-good fanté long life. Of voftre Majefté le trcs-humble & very- obeiïTant feruiteur Iacqves Andp. ovet dvCerceav. A i) Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Research Library, The Getty Research Institute http://www.archive.org/details/leconsdeperspectOOandr Preface to L'Autheur. NNOISING the great affedion that the most of the virtuous men, of whatever- the quality of their faith, of the congnoiflance of the bow. dePerfPediuepofitiuej for big com- Modify &: Pleifiersqu'ellcapporce: And other- It's fortunate that not too many people have dealt with it- that it was reliably and intelligibly required, at the prayer & requefte of many of my friends Sei- Governors have highlighted these little lessons, cf- which he has given me a higher degree of ease than he has given me. efté po/Tible, pour la bonne affeftionSddefir que I'ay que chafcun puille par foy & (ans autre mai- trequedeceliure, to learn the principles of cefl aifémenent: art. Qu^e fi quelqu quelqu'va more aduancé fe fàfche de cefte façon ay fee &c familier de cefte de cefte façon ay fee &c familiaire de laquelle l'vfe , le le pri that he takes a large part, fi iecrailie pourferuiraux apprentis - aufquels si il pculcapprue the profit & intelligence that iedefirc, ie will satisfy my la- ew. And since this is the only way to keep the fcienceji'cfpcre alive and tired... faire parles Hures des principaux baftimensde noftre France, qu'auec faydc de In short, God deliberates to bring to light: & by them they will find aflez de material for amufer. And yet they are pleased to see the method that I'vfe in this book, and if I find out, I'll make sure they don't find her- good:Ermefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefmefme point de l'auoir entièrement veu:aumoins quant aux ieunes & apprentis^ le les puis Well, if they want to have the patience to understand... to practice it themselves... The only thing that is more likely to happen is that the people who have been taught the lessons will be the same as those who have been taught the lessons by God's aydc, & in no time at all, they'll have a whole lot of it. Maisie will you pray &:aduertir(amy6leur) that you don't have to neglect the first lessons for their ease, for they are the foundation of all others. Eticellcs well heard, or even by a late lesson from the elevations of your body over the years, it will make you strong wing afterwards to understand the others, or even to be able to you mistrust me as you wish. Dauantagc having of course heard this little liurct, you will have the unbending intelligence of all the lira of those who have written about it: but still seeing some masonry deflexions, pay fages, or other, you will be If you will easily judge whether the mayors have got their hands on it, & if they have obtained the rai- The only thing that I can say is that it is not possible for the fire to congnoilTancc de P er(pe£tiue vous puifîiez iuger de 1' Archite6ture ne de la Pour- traidure. Afiauoir fi les colomnes du baflimct font félon les mefures & raifons dss ordres, auec leurs ornemens Se fymmctries.ny pareillement fi les figures, pour- lines &c lineaments are made as they belong - because they are made in the park. Somme la Perfpcctiue n'eft autre chofc qu'vn miroir lequel de foy nefait les chofes that they do better or worse than they do, but then again- true slit what luy eft put to the deuant ainfi & like it cft. For example, if you put your mirror on a beautiful & good looking building prescription, as if it were the face of the court of Louure, the mirror rap- will carry such as it eft, beautiful wasteland - put the raefme mirror against old vne wall badly faicle 5c badly ordonecle mirror will report you all the faults that are there. So the Perfection point is to make 5c dcflîgncr the choices we make. A iij PREFACE. veultrcpiefentcrjpires or better, but well teaches us to represent the fcience will be to see the chofcs as they appear to the eye. By cccy you can see how great the affinity between these old- ces d'Archltefture & Perfpediue, & combien l'vne eft neceflaire pour la parfaidc conrrnoifl'ancc on the other. However, this is because they are two different places, so as not to confuse them ie not to speak in any way of the Architecture : But I God gives me the grace of happiness, it's congnoifTc that this prefcnt liure you have received. pleasant, par cy.apres ,&lepluftofl queiepourray, ievousen en feray voir quelque There familiarly you will tell what will make bcfomg. However- dant you will be able to ayder of my binders of the Plans & ascents of the baftimens, where you can find some inuctions to embellish your eyes. Because defTus you hear that no one's a pothead is ever- I would be pleased if the art of printing on paper could be used to reproduce them as they are- paroiflent.Ie le appelle le Pofitiue,à la différence de la Théorique, autrement appelée optic , which gift in contemplations , raifons , Se dcmonftrations , whose nollrc has taken from the origin, which confxfteenl'operationj&fc fait par lignes &C demonltrations eyepieces: &:fe practical or fur plans ^ or fur body up. For all that (e little: to have eft fuperficie, or crazy body. Surface area is not a. I would like to be pleased that what we called a plan: since the plan is no more than a blueprint for the future chofe that to take advantage of the light, melts or works as it is being made & ba. ûie : &: eft dit plan, comme qui diroit plat. And the plan is drawn on the paper, at fin que plus aifémenr fe puifl'e montrer laforme du logis auec tout finterieur & Dccesplansysyyet twostrengths:vnss'appcllentgeome- ttaux , lefqucls appartiennent proprement àrArchite£lure,&:foncceuxquifonc The first of these is the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing" of the "pointing those are the ones that make the masons reign supreme, 5c other masons. The others make shortened plans, which belong only to the pcrfpettiuc , are drawn from the geometrals (as wor- rez cy-apres)&: fontpourprcenterics chofes as they appear. The ma- We do not see this, not that the measures do not have the same effect as in the past, but that they are not as effective as in the past. miers félon l'art de Perfpeftiue.mais la peine fcroïc grande à les chercher. Quantauxtaux corps folidcs,nouslons3appellonsennoftrePerfpe£tiue, mounted 6c elcuations, as opposed to land...: plans that do not have a profound impact on the environment... To move around in a crazy body, two planes make us neceflaires. For example: If you are in the middle of the river, you may need to do the plan first. geometral,par lequel iedeftîgneray laforme ou figure du logis, foit rond, quarré, triangle, parallelogram, or other figure,the commoditcz of the main body of the dwelling,falles, rooms j cabin tSjgarderobes, traces, galleries, entrances, croives, fireplaces: After this georacral plan has been reduced to a perfected planar georacral plane by a shortcutc horseradish felonies that will make you cy after deducting? & furceplan ainfi shortcut will make the SJC corp run and take out all the masonry. Reftc to speak to the average person by which planes can shorten, 5d the bodies efleuer, we are challenged to say that It's done by lines. And because the lines look like they're made by lines, we can't help but feel the fault prealttraitter,then we'll come to the lines in order. Anything that can have a body or plane, visible or frontal, or shaped, or of the right angle, or of the side angle. And in all of these ways, you can also find the chofes repreference&: shorten. And these four widowers draw from two shortcuts, to fçauoir dufront^orel'anglc, as you will hear by cy-apres fur les leçons. Now, for each of these four, one can confide three affiettes, high,medium,5i bafTcainfi appoints the refpcft of the eye of the beholder, which deffi- The chofes are not feline, but feline of the others. A common slap, cftcommc or veuc commune, cftcommc when the looker is in a street. dcancvntemplefor theIigncr.Lahaulce,cft commcfilc looking and being vnehautetour plushautetour qu'iceluy temple: Maisaduenant qu'il fuftaffis entre le haulc & low, or more or less, that eft average alïiette or veuc, LESSONS ^__^,^^4i • SLEÇONS DE PER- . s P E*C TIVE POSITIVE. PAR JJ^^NDKOl^ETDV C E K C E A V. FIRST LESSON. Of the three afiiettes of veaë ^bajjc ^mean t ^hault. all the lines for noftre Perfpcdbiue's look, like eftanc the most important thing is that you want to think again, and you don't know what- ftrez cy-apres. This line is called landline, which does not change- ge i never defonlieu,&nefe haulfe doesn't drool, because the chofcs aflifcsdeffus fontimmobiles defoy: Auflî cous edifices que l'on veulcreprefenter rontairisfuricellc. La ligne doncques eft ftable. Surcefte Ligne-terre ferez vnc other equidiftance marked CDi which is called Viral or Horizontal, & efl: toufiours at the eye level of the beholder, because it efl; mobile, & fe haul- fe &:bai{le to the will of the beholder. For if he has been brought down to earth, Cormorant will see by the two lines marked A''>&CD, the visible line will be after the ground line, the height of the building. If it is standing, as it is in the two fruitful lines marked afterwards A B &; C D, 5c which make the mcfmmes li- gnes-terre &vifuale,icelle vifualefe leueSi haulfe de la ligne-terre d'autant &: à mefure that the beholder is looking at himself and his wife. And fi the beholder rises more hault (uc a few degrees or higher, icclclle vifuale line marked C D,fe haulfe pa-'. Line.alignment.ground.line.marked.A B. Let us conclude, therefore, that unless the the same way as it is close to the floor, and so it is done. vifuale line of the land-line, from strong that icelle vifuale flees toufiours l'oeil du re- keeping. LESSON IL The gcometral flank is perJJ>eBifd'vne quarreted stone, enfemhle the dotted lines plus necejfaires, N the Perfected three years ago: the first eft ccluy from The other two are called third points. There are bicnd'aultres qui fe nomment Accidentaux: mais pource qu'ils ne ne pas We'll talk about it when he's done, and we'll talk about it when he's done. befoing. But the poinddeveuc is not called, because it does not have to be. reports in noftrc eye: but on the contrary ceft Icpoinâ: extreme of noflre veuë, & the last point: wherenoftreveuë fe will return. Cepoinébferaet toufiours fur la Vifuale line, but not in mefmc place. Cause if you want to see your chofo the front, it is necessary to put your point of reference in the middle beyond the line of the plan that you want to refocus &: shorten. If you want to see the chofe of cote, it is Failure to do so will result in the dot being at the cost of the plan, or more or less at your expense, 8c felon that eftcs ciloigac & withdraws from the line pendentive of the point of veuc of the forehead, A iiij LESSONS FROM You unzip the Land Line marked A B,&: the Viral Line nottac C D. On the earth fault line to arrcfter & mark two points of the mel'ure de l.'vn dcscoftezdu plan Geometral marqué E F, &: d'icculx deux poinéls fault tirer les two lines marked R,aupoin(5tdeveuë notcc V. The third dots fe doibucnc afTeoir fur la ligneVirualc equidiftans du poinct de veucjà âextre,& feneftre.La di- fance d'iceulx au poin£l; de veuc ell: proportionate felon le regard de ccluy qui eft close to the machine that he wants to clean up. D'auantagc des me(mcs poinfts E Fjtirerczencores two further lines at the third points mark D I A,lcl which- I'm sure it's just that they're not really suspecting each other. I'll call him Diameteray- the: & qÙ. iccls diametrical lines will cross &c cut both lines ra- diales , à rintcrfcétiondicelle ( que i'appelleray par cy-aprcs Sections) cirerez vne line marked Njlaquelle fe nomme Trauerfante , & there in this line eft Tarrefl: du shortened plan, as the figure shows you by the letters E FG H. Amfi cil shorten any plans on the veil of the front. If you want to present the same plan as the one you want to share, you will be able to do so. & flees from the same woman in all things &: by all, except that you will have to remove your fire poind de vcuë auec fcs tier points equidiilammenrpofez. For as for voftre plan & land-line, there is no change in the declared order cy-deifiis. Neanc- less for easier intelligence, I'ai reechef marqué aux pomcls de lines de cefte vcuëducoftcles mefmes lettres commei'ay faitàlaveuc du front. In order to bring the similar plane back to the desired right angle, it is necessary to preselect the right angle. désigner vn quarré.dans lequel ferez le plan geometral fur Ion angle:ce fait reccirez deuxlignesradialcs au poin£t vifual des deux angles du quarré: du milieu duquel (which will make the angle of the geometrical plane marked E) will draw two lines at your two-thirds points, which will make the leelions at the radials marked G F, Icesfe- We'll draw a couple more lines in between to these third parties. And at the feétion they will make, marked H.lurla lignedroide & pcndcteferalepoincftqui vousmonllreralamefurc de voftre quarré raccourcy de l'angle du front Ep GH. For the angle of the side escape the order cy-defTus declared except that it will be necessary to punish lepoinet de veuë auecles tiers poini3;s,comme nous auons dit en la veuc du collé. T H E C O N I L Like afsict le poinci vifual. Efte lesson will make it easier for you to hear what i'ay ditcy-dcuant, quieftquctoutainfiqucle looking at vn cofté or other, ainfi va & vient le poind vifual: as you can see from these furious figures, the the four veucs , of the forehead, of the side, of the right angle , & of the angle to side , having it wanted to present this lesson separately, because these figures will not be re-examined. preferred other lessons, especially as they would be of use in our deflexions, don't- If you want to make sure that the lines & poinels are correctly bludgeoned by letters, this is the best way to do it. previous notice them affcz. LESSON î 1 1 L The way to shorten at all costs in each face flufieurs quarrezjci vns in the others. Ource qu'il eft neceftTaire pour bien entendre la pratique de Perfpediue, d'cftrevitéàracourterfitéà racourtir plusieurs petites manières de plans, i'en ai fait cy- After five or five fixed lessons, so you can hear the shortcuts- Ifemens. You've seen cy-dcflus the way to shorten the plane of the quadrant all the time. vcucs, now in the geometral plane there are double or several quarrez, as you can see. To drill them in the shortcut plan, you'll pull the Q / Ve d \3 P L ^ I ^^fe^^ ^SP X. V.. D C Positive outlook: ks lines pendcnces des petits quarrez mark F, iufqucs à la hVne-tcrre eeomp^ trallcmcnc:&dcla lignc-ccrre lestirerezlupoiia vlfuaUorsf?^^^^^^ lcs...&desfea,ons qu'elles feront auec les diamétrales tirer lignes trâerfante^^ r.prelerjtans les raccoors de chacun des quarrez propofez: aiffi que voir pî 1 example fur all veiics. "iuc voyez par LESSON V. VI. VII. Icy eflcs renuoyez^à la pratique & exercice des raccours cydejfus. I Es three fuyuan tes lessons only make it easier for you by the variety of ex I cmp.csatutcs veuesdedaicrsraccoursAdetou. enrichilTcmens redl.li- ^births that rcpeuuRe in vn four. LESSON VIII. The way to shorten the round far the middle of the quarri: ifî >^';esvn quarré^eometral around voftrc circumference more in ^ |celuy t>rez les hgnes droiaes & pendentes auec (^s diamc ^1^ r. f^ r^"^°"^.^'^^^°ft^^^^"fr,<^g^o^"etral auec lefdiaesUgnes parla ^mm ^r"'^r"'^y "^"" ''T' ^y "^"" "^-^ cy-dcuant, & ain't he gonna get you re-- fc wT.rJ "i' V ^^^^^^^^"^P>^- Cefait, look at the geometrol plane where fe font es es ferions des hgnesdiametralesauc the circonference! d'icelle^fèaions P r^ C n J r A '^ c^" ç rea, onsqu'onsqu'ils feront auec vos diamétrales, by the federations that will do radials with the trauerfantes will shoot round voftre course as you can see from the figure. The femblable will make in each of the four widows, felo.i the obferences and the previous ones. "'""'""^'^^""^ LESSON IX. Za way to shorten the flufeurs quarre:^in depth. I'm here to show you that I've done & de%né some chofe. ceque£"i:r""^^ what the geometrals had sometimes had to do from: nn lur les autres veues Pource faire, après que voflre plan raccourcyeft fait tirez shortened angles of the rceluydetwohgnesLmetralesatyourtwoc7ersp^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ...or...those will cut the radials, do Hgnes trauerfantes. A es liL seft 1^ feondquarreraccourcy as aupremien And where you wantrkz fa oL or four^reciarrezraccouris,vfezcoufior.rsdeceftemanieref^^ mefr^r.lreXl^^^^ ^ues auXn^^^^^ oppofitemenc to their poindluf- tTntd^ncô1lTr/d '^"'^'^"^"^^^^^^^^^ oppofitemenc to third parties points And such names '"''''^°"^on<^^n, ellcs-mefmememe the quarrelsome racouts. "P" IcTcxellX ; '/^ ^"' 7""^ ''''''' ' ^'^'' P""". as see by the examples & de/fmgs in this lesson. ^ LESSON X. XL XIL XII L Diuers pauemetts shortened. LESSONS FROM I don't know if you heard the shortcut way- and you'll see that you'll be able to practice better. cy-defl'ous four lessons of diuers pauemens shortened furies veucs dufrontjdecofl:é,&desangIcs:à aucun defcjucls trouiez lesronds 8c quarrez right Only shortened angulaues fur vn mcfinc paué. All- times you don't want to hear that you have to look for the "shortcuts" to each other in the round. lignes, dont par cy-deuantauonsfai£l mention, pourraccourcirir le(dit rond en their eyelids. This has to be done by a certain habit, which is ap- the first time that a man has been in the world, he is not only a others want in particular, to obfer the order in which the child is to be taught to read.à lire.auquel on friccrcrcrit les lettres les vues après les autres:ce qu'il ne fait plus to read it well. Same when you practice shortening a few circles. ...or quarry... ...whether you make a lot of them or not, you'll get- Tenderize the fauldrarenger Iclonleurlieu. To hinder him from the shortcuts of each paué, tault was the ground line marking Se arreft:erpoin£ls of such diftance as good will femblish you, &:diceux poindts wax li- gnesradiales aupoinft vifual. Cefaitdesdcuxanglesduquarrc furlaligne-térrc draw two diametral lines at the two third points: &: oiiicelles diametral lines- thedionalferononsauxradiallcs.fautcircriignestrauerfantes des ferions de l'vne to the other equidiftantes de lalignc-terre, comme ces pauemens montrent. You will note in Lessonxj. a small difficulty, that is, that of your points stop- flez fur laligne-terre, apresenauoirfaitfaitlignes radialles, d'iceux tirerez lignes dia. metralles aux tiers poindb,oppolitely the views of others, to make the small angular quarters, as you can see in the example. And where would you like to make vn Twice as many times as it takes. In Ion four, you mar- You'll have to recheck your land-line for the width of your first palm of what- ftéque vouldreZj&dupoinâ: arrellé d'icelle largeur tirerez vne ligne radialle au vifual. Ce fait,tirez aufli la ligne trauer(ante(qui lugé le racours de voftre premier (pale)eggs to the radial, there will be two pale in width, 6c enrich this fertilizer. the first one, but you will be as good as the first one; by this means you will make the so many quarrez widths that good will femblera you. LESSON XIV. The way to shorten all fans-- both equal and unequal." other unequal eyebrow chofcs. Auk firstly deffigner Icplangeometral , &: fur iceluy figure the equal and unequal sides, curved lines, straight lines, etc., as it were. that you want to shorten. And having arreftc fur vollre plan geometral, fe- rez voftre raccours fur telle veuë Scaflictte que vouldrez. The lines of the lines are your geometral, iccUesmefmefme lines deflignercz for your shortcuts, such as auons cy-deuantdeclared. And the lines that in your geometrical form make feelions, the mcfmmes au raccours font le pareil, conduifanc toullours bien vos lignes strates Se pcndentcs from your geometrical to your land-line,&: from land-line to vifual. And because he admits that in no way do we want to deflect so much from the geome- tral qu'au raccour short cut, il ell: befoing parfois d'vfer d'autres lignes ( oultrc les dia- mctralles, lignes droittes &:pendentes) to find out the preuuc of the geometral in the As in the pentagon in the preface to this lesson, which has five sides, you will be see that you can't do your geometral-like shortcut plan, vfer fans. of some extraordinary lines, sometimes hanging &trauerfantespourap- prove & rcmonftrcr en iceluy ce qu'eft au geometral. To do this, after thectoutmarking your pentagon for your geome- tral, you'll take the short cut to the square and the round. This fact, come to the corners from the pcntagonc,&: d'iceux draw straight lines,&: pendenccs à voftre ligne- terre,&: beyond W- ASP L VE X" Ç VE D P A2P L VEDC ASP LAT.ENG VEVE D COS D L ASP PECT ANO VEVE D FR D LANO ASP LAT ANO "VEVE D COS Û-L A.SP A,NO U VE " L-V P. CO ASP R_ECT ANO VJS D L\NO D ASP AKO UA VE, O LA 5 CO ■LEC XV 1 1 ^ ^ ' - — -~i -^ 1 / \ ^ ^V / N ^ ^^ "^ ^ / \_ / /^ X /\ \ / f S^ ;^ "\ ( [ \ ï^ Û / gàsssij ""^ i / \ \ /\ !/ / ' \ / ^:^ ^^ \ / K A A __ ^ h-. i 1 - :- L^ Positive outlook: g de la ligne-terre en ferez lignes radiales au vifual: & où içclles radiales feront les From the circumference to the shortcut, draw straight lines from fedlion to fe. ction, as they (have been shown in geometral voflre. And to the others where there is more d'angles qu'au pcntagoncfaiilc tirer defdites angles lignes pendentes àlaligne-ter- re,& from the land-line to the live-iial: & the federations play deuant. And the lines of the The geometrical shortcuts will make you appear in the ground plan as if you were in the ground plan. to the geometrician. LESSON XV. t From the shortcut of Cuk- s ^^tti make quarrez^follid body. Remici cmcnt fer ferez voflre quarréplain , de telle mefure que voudrez que voudrez, Si shorten it by linking it with the radial &: diametral lines. auec la ligne trauerfante , fclon la ij Leçon: & cecy fuffift pour la veuë du honc. If you want to see it on the side, you have to pull from the bottom angle of the side of the vi- liialvne radial line ,&: de kfedion que aura fait voftrc ligne trauerfante au rac- During the run, pull a line from the top to the bottom of the boat with a radial line. And for the first- keep the circles on it, then afterwards theTignc vnfur the face of your forehead u- be, lead the points of the iron felon the rulers ia shown in the Lesson yiij, LESSON XVI. c From the shortcut to the Cuhes pierce^ Near that you will have shortened your Cube as you want to, as you want to, like by the Lesson precedent.reftera to find the efpcffeurs: &for this reason- If you are not able to do so, you will make another quarter of such a square. include that you will, which will give you the efpcffeur of both the mountains and tra- iicrfansparlcmoycnothatheywillbecandofthefirst: for there where Jltûuchcra,enfauldra will wax radial lines at vifual, or so it seems- Here's the radial lines congnotate the federations that will be doing this at this time... of each face, and the one of the hanging lines & trauerfan- x. ç.%. Which of the feftions both inside and outside will declare you the efpef- of the mountains 5;: shortcut trauerfans, as seen by the figures of the Lesson prefentc. LESSON XVI L As by the lines of eleuces of fled the blanks onpeult trouuer to the first, second relief, & other cjia'zesjes orders of breeding, & how they should be shortened as much at the deffus of the vifuale^ line as at the dejous. You can see that these two geometrical planes make the front and side... ■ both fur vne mefme digging line &: vifuale , & fur vn mefme ra- ! run. La ijaifon eft.quc le regardant eftant iuftement pofé au droiû: du The mid-point of the plane's centerline is by the will of the front, and the au- tre plan à dexcre eft eft reculé d'icelleveuc du front,de forte que par fon The two costs are apparent to us from both the plan and the elevation. Ilfaulc so this plan is not going to work, as you can see by the shortcuts. To escape mad bodies on the shortened plans more hateful than you want, this The result is that you are able to make a line that is perpendicular to the angle of the voftre plan en hault au dellus de voftre ligne vifuale , lefquels cfleuerez de telle di- ftancc of your land-line, which can be congnotated and filtered for the grower of vneftage. To which diftance will draw a line, which will make us feaions. to the lines that you see in the angles of your plane, which would be drawn by the- gncs à voftre vifual, faifât lignes radialles oppofitesàcells de voftre pla raccourci. L E CO N s D E Parklllcmcnttirercz at your third points your diametrical lines of this fertile eftagc, aufli oppofitcs à celles de dcflbus: Se aux ferions des radiales & diamétrales ferez crauerfant lianas as your plan: &:parcemnrrouuere2 at the eftagecle- uc all that auczclelTignc fur voftrc plan shortcut. And as for the fecondcftage ...do as you did in the first place, as you did on every floor that you- And it should be noted that the more your ftages will be in line, the more your ftages will be in line. the less apparoiftrail dcrjours:ce qui femblecftrc contraire en la Peiipectiue theorical,but in noftre Poiitiue,the closer the cftages come to nollre hgne vifuale, de tant plus ils raccourcilT-nt': qui elt lacaufe quenepouucz see in iceux what's there: figuring in a very detailed way, as if it were a deflexion, by these defleings. LECONXVIII. The way to ^Jfeoir les arcs fur les lignes ejlcuèes. You will see by that lcçon,qui eft de la vciie du frot,le moyen du plan , a shortcut from the general, in which shortcut you can elude li- You can choose the haultcurts you like, and oppofice the vnes of others: for the lines to your height heightened heightened heightened congnoiiTance The arc or half-circumference is displayed (see below). uëcsdudit plan vne de chacun cofté, par le moyen delà line traucrlante qu'auez arreflected at the propofce fur icclle hector: in the middle do the hanging line, & p- will do the dicelle fcction two ligncsj'vn from the feet of the compass, for the other af- feoir & figure the bow or half circumference, failing to fall off. gnesefleuesduditplan raccourcy à l'endroit dcleurs ferions, auec la trauerfante of the grower's refracted paricellulars. But as you can see, at every shortcut- cifTcmcnt fur the plan e(\ marked a line through it, it faulted to the elcuations that make the delT.is voftre ligne vifuale,icelles mefmes lignes fe repententent, voire à cha- clcuation that you will make afterwards, as you have previously stated. And for trouuericelles lignes traucrfantes,fault prendre les feftions premières des lignes monteres de voftrt plan & de latrauerfante,&: fur lefquelles aucz aflls ladcmie cir- conference.^ of icellcsfedions draw radial lines to the vifualoppofites to those of the plan raccourcy, lefquelles radiales ferontTedions aux lignes pendentes:& defdi£tes fcctions will draw your trauerfant lines. And all so that at the first line trauer- fanting to the fe£tion of the pendant, aflis the compass to make the bow or a half cir- You will continue the same with all the other lines that have been discussed, that I'ap- pcUe pendentes , which make shortcuts & approach the vifual, for you to drive you ainfi qu'à la premiicre, comme voyez par le dcflcing de cefte Icçon. à laquelle le n'ay wanted to have only lines to make you better congnoisseur like the arches fe doi- ucnt alTeoir & lierec their lines. LESSON XIX. The way to ajjeoir les arcs fur leurs lignes corne à la^recedente^ butfiut la vue du cofis This lesson shows you that what you've been told and what you've been told- idrepar the previous one, quieftof the forehead's wake, fe must ainfl practice & entendre en cefte prefcnte , qui eft de la veiie de cofté : car les arcs of the previous section see from the frontjSi: thoseicy on the other hand, talk about the means of v- ncdemiecircumferencncegeometrale ôd double, marked separately. A laquelle ferez trauerfant lines, to then make them radial to the vifualjpour congnoiftre que par they will make feelions to the diametrals of the half circumference shortened, £ô£ in iccUes will make lines £bows, which will limit your shortened bows as the co-founded, as it appears from this dcfleing. ^^ "* LESSON XX, ASPECTVS LA.T2.RJS Veve dv coste r 1.-^ .lA JiS'PECTVS LATERIS Veve DV CXDSTE .^*?=-^ the angle shortening, from which shortening, faulteleuer the pillars com- half me. But for the look of the lines in both the plan and the dcstra- ue5 that alfifcsTurP pillars make alfifcsTurP pillars make fubic£tes to the third poin£l:s, as you've stated in previous lessons on the veuiidesan- gles:où pareillement efl: manftré la différence de la veuc de l'angle droiâ:,& de l'an- ^the glue ^doesn't need to be glued ^doesn't need to make it icy redicte :ioind that the small figures d men ydeffign you declare it aflez. LESSON XXIL Elevation of a pyramid at the end of the degrease to challenge the will of the front. Efte leçon aueclcs three fuyuances, make four pyramids auec their degrez & toutes d'vnc ordonnance : coutcsfois de quatre veuës, à fcauoic of the coface froncdu cofté, of the right angle:,&: of the coface angle. Er neantmoins I want to make two shortcuts from the front & angle, but from the rac- course of the front in efl drawn from the veus of the front &c of the coftc: ^ from the shortening of the angle in efl: pulled the right hand langle wish, 3i the wish from the side angle. En cefte leçon, -julyO: beyond the front, two shortened shots are visible: the first one for to show the plan of the pyramid as well as the degrees. Le fécond plan n'eft: other than Icpremicr: however here's aypropofe for you to see as elc- uationsfoncfoncdcsanglesbymeansofhanging lines, which you can- nent to hear the artiette of bodies & elevations. And yet everything can be done... reenvnfnfeul plan, toutefoisde peur que il ne fuftobfcurcy de trop delignes, iel'ay By the first light you can see clearly through the radial line fedions & the second light you can see the diametralcs, by which the plan of each degree is congnoffered. B LESSONS FROM fe voie comme les corps fe doi devoir cleuer par le moyca des lignes rufditeî. When à vous déclarer la minière de faire le plan de ceftclccçon, il n'elt debefoingid'autanc quecy -deuanc en plufieurs lieux vous a elle aflTez montré. But only at the e- the first degree leuation you will yawn the one haultear that you want>as of half foot, which edla h.iuiteurd'vn degree. -then, in this heather will go quarré marqué I, de ladite haulccur &: efpeflTeurrduqucl quarré tirerez des deux an- gles of the Iiauh, two radial lines from the fecund degree, at which the fecund degree is- fiettetrcuilerezque voftre petit quarré cflja raccourcypar le moyen des radiales. Which shortcutTcmenr eleuerezen vn another square" that will make the rider&: ei- pefTeur of fecundity dcgr.Ccfaicdes angles of the afllets of the first &: fecundity degree draw a line in the air, or accidentally: then from the angles of the iceux hault degre, that cft the haultcur&referring to the first & fecund, wax another line in the air, as well as the two lines called Aires, which will make a pyramid. in the air marked A F :8i by means of iceUepyramid androuuercz all efjiet- feurs de voz degrez fuyuans: as you can see them figure. LESSON xxin. c Z'elevation de la pyramide ô" fes degrez^ fur U veut- du cojiè. Efte leçon eft l'ordonnance de ia precedencejtoutjtoutesfois par la veuë du co The figure of the beholder, as it appears from the figure of the beholder: who the eftant removes from the confrontation, the coded will to the coded will to the front, as she declared in the previous lesson, where only the faces of the pyramid are visible -now fi looking at him fe shoots coded vn, he sees the forehead 8c coded it, so much it makes degrees. As for plan 8":eleuacion ilsfe fait par le changement du vifual &: tiers poméls: Suyuancau connects the code of the previous one'. LESSON XX II IT c "Elevation of lapyramydia in the life of the year on the right side. Efle lesson flees from the same ordinance of the two previous ones-all the time... by wanting the right angle on the row shortcut, he has done this in these qua- The lessons are double plan, to give a wider congnoiflancccccclaire shortcuts, see your shortcuts plan in the eilre ofFufquédc lines. At the fruitful you must have heard the way of the eleuacions, how you de-- claré cy- deuant à la leqon xxij. fur la veuë du front. But in this lesson, who ed of the want to rank right £V, can be confirmed as a pyramid &: degrez refpondenc iudemenc d'vn coded &: d'autre à la veuë duregardant,parce qu'il a iudement affisement & poléfon straight look(5t at the angle of the cut. L E C O N X V. "Elevation of the pyramid ^ dcgrez^fur la veuë de l'atigle en coftc. E de leçon ed cncores de femblablc ordonnanccc les trois prcceden-, J^ tcs,maisfurla vouë de l'angle en codé,& fur le raccours de l'angle. Ilfcm- ^ ble qu'elle ed de mefme veuë del'angledroia, ce que non: d'autant que the looking at him has a deep look at the right angle, &: Ped withdrawn by hand fcnedre. This that before fact, has resorted more to the pyramid of the coded that he fed; turned enclosed body compartments of lo- gis of all sizes, 6c make ioign'ans lesjquatrcgrans pauillons qui font du premier &... Ink four courts make up the four entrances, at the same time as the pont leuis- More places that reftcnt he four corners make four gardens mark I, close of cleuc^ feulement de vn cilage. Lefquels corps non feu- lement font clofturc des iardins, mais aufli les quatre courts auec les corps de deuât The four eyelids of the eyelids, which are inked, are raised to a height of deuxeftages-.aupremieréft l'entrée & pont leuis:au deuxefiefme font commoditcz. In the corps delogisfepracticing its facilities for the fire of the big house. At quatre angles decebaftunent , au bout de chaque corps de logis par ledehorSjcft pofée vne tour: Eftant aul-efte tout le logis clos & fermé de foffeZjAs seen by the island's plan & evacuation, which was the wish of the side. Au furplus par ccfte leçon you are in the month of the geometral plane8(: leplanraccourcy (from said geometral plane) from which Icuéc-s cold lines are made for the purpose of the building's elevation: moreover, it's a fork race with no elevation lines, so that you can't- It's easier to control the shortcuts and the entire baft im iment. LESSON HIM I. Form of vn bajliment quatrufle. Efte lesson xcprefente vn baftimcnt in the shape of a fourfold cross, in the middle of the lieu duquel eft vne court quarrée : àchunun quatruplature y a vn pauillon in the middle of the two j&I stages. Ce baftiment eft 3flls&pofefur vnautrecorp square,the corners of which are four small eyelids- lons auec deux corps de logis en faillie de chacun cofté, qui font huit failliespour the whole body, which corresponds to the failures of the four triplets of the prep... mier. The whole lower house is only of one floor, except for the four small palms of the house. wwiitthh tthhee tthhee tthhee tthhee cchhaannggee. Between the failures of the lower building, on each side there are two. cfcallier pour monter es tsrraflcs qui régnent autour du premier logis, comme see both by the half of the plan, and by the shortened perfoneleuation: of the said plan make leuces the straight lines. And at the same time he fired furiously at the shortcuts of the forehead, how much that he appears to be living on the hustle and bustle. Sometimes, as I have told you, it's- B iiij LESSONS FROM dcuant, quand le vifual cfl: aiïis dans le corps que voulez reprefcnter l cela fc doit the front, even though your face does not crumble at the right of the lisnc pendence in the middle: note ncantmoinsmoins que Ci le vifual fe trouuc out of the corps , Se que le collé apparoifle à voflre veuc,ccla efl: vcuë du cofté. LESSON L V. c A form of fluttering, quarreted, referred to iour p:ir arcexux. Efte lesson efl: from the veuch of the forehead, containing the ordinance of vnbafl:imcnt 'quarré de feize pilaftreseleuez delTus their pKm aucc their chapiceaux &: bafes:&furnacetantauxfacesquedcd in iontaflls&rpofez des arcs aucc their plànchcr£:&: au deflous efl: vne place de telle grandeur que contient le deffus: icelle place eft voultée par le moyen des embaflcmens des pilafl:res, fqr lefquels les voultes are worn. Iceluy elevate deflÀis fon plan by means of the pen lines. dcnteSjAs seen in the first plan, the second plan shows at hn that the see naked fans cftrcoffufufcated by eleuces lines. LESSON L V L Another form of quarreted bafiiment. The first of four granspauiUons to be awarded to the four corners in square form: between lefquels inside clt vnc coure of four curved lines, with four small winged eyelids every four years- gles de la court,& ioignans aux angles des fufdits. Lefquels petits pa- uillons ferent de vizpour monter tant aux dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs dcuxcfl:agcs that when acceding in four tcrralTes efl:ans between iceux, at the secondiefmc eftage. Pac the first swelling, which is the deflux of the earth, which is the deflux of the earth, which is the deflux of the earth, which is the deflux of the earth, which is the deflux of the earth, which is the deflux of the earth, which is the deflux of the earth, which is the deflux of the earth, which is the deflux of the earth, which is the deflux of the earth, which is the deflux of the earth, which is the deflux of the earth, which is the deflux of the earth, which is the deflux of the earth, which is the deflux of the earth, which is the deflux of the earth, which is the deflux of the earth, which is the deflux of the earth, which is the deflux of the earth, which is the deflux of the earth, which is the deflux of the earth, which is the deflux of the earth... ceaux à iour. Between Icfditsgrans pauillons, & ioignans lefditsarcs,there are four places of the difl;ancc that eft between each eyelid. The width of these places eft of the ego- tié de lalargeur de lalargeur de chacun pauillon: feruans Icfdites places de quatre petits iardins, that make the big eyelids glow, as if they were a reigning terraflT. arenniroiifles four cf>ft:cz. Alentour de laquelle terraflc, &: déflus le talut du foflecftvne trellis aisle. At the four corners of the icelles there are four pe- tits pauillons aflls fur les faillies feruans pour flancquer:5d au milieu de chacune facceftlc bridge, ioignantlequel& against the treiflcs make two small places auec vn small eyelid in the middle, where eft the entrance of the place. Icelles places ferent pourrcti- rerlcporter. Ccfte ordonnance eft deveuëducofté, commevoyez tantparl'ele- uation,that by the shortened plane of which the straight lines for the preu- uc of the evacuation of the building. Likewise half of the master plan for don- The aim is to con con connoitre the convenience of the place, to find the short cut plan from here and there. LESSON LVIL c Form of vn bafliment quarre, accompanied by nine eyelids. Cy vous eft figuré vn baftiment quarré, aux quatreangles duquel font four palisades , Se in the middle and a large main building with three floors. each one cote & face eft contiguous to another main building, which make up four dwellings fortans d'iceluy , which fcvontlietôi ioindre aux quatre bodies in the clofture of the whole dwelling. Iceux four corps auec le grand du mi- the place form a figure of the cross, shipwreck & make four courts, which we are going to from one vne to the other, by means of four bodies moving from one vne to the other, by means of four bodies moving from one vne to the other, by means of four bodies moving from one vne to the other, by means of four bodies moving from one vne to the other, by means of four bodies moving from one vne to the other, by means of four bodies moving from one vne to the other, by means of four bodies moving from one vne to the other, by means of four bodies moving from one vne to the other, by means of four bodies moving from one vne to the other, by means of four bodies moving from one vne to the other, by means of four bodies moving from one vne to the other, by means of four bodies moving from one vne to the other, by means of four bodies moving from one vne to the other, by means of four bodies moving from one vne to the other. arches on the first floor ,- &: on the second floor you make terraces to go both to the body of the the middle, that the eyelids are straight, that like four other eyelids, they are eftans AsP RECT VE-VE DV FK ~ VïLVE D EN" AsP RECT Ace P RECT VeVe D FFL PEPvSPECT IV E POSITIVE. ii in the middle of the qaarre bodies in the clofture of the place; which eyelids are the main part of the body. eleut z of two cftagcs coniine those of the corners. As for the four long bodies which the eight palisades of the corners and the corners of the walls. fac'.'s, iccux corps nefoni: que dVneftageà arcsparlebas , &: terrafTedeflus ; & ce forrcfponding to fourinspreccdenSj in order to go from here to there dcpa- iiiUon in other. Ce balHmencfe voie de la veuë du front comme voir par les p.years shortcuts: of the fertile dcf which have been left out of the perpendicularligncs for of the great main building, as well as of the whole of the contents of the place. LECOM LVllr. Form with two ba(imens de diuerfes prescriptions. Efte lesson efl from two different baftimcns orders: The first one eft d'vne court quairce, oùfontont quatre corps de logis eleucz de deux e spinning: the first eft of all or uertes galleries to be opened in a short time: lefc- coua ciL ^ge eft de commoditez.&cperforated At the four corners make four eyelids with three cftages- Replenishing the forehead, at the end qaepr.iif.iif.e.see to trauersdu coftéde deuant les trois autres coftez de dedans la short &c congnoiftrc what can be related to our look at which one is medium- ne alfiette :quieft caufeque leplanfe treuue amfiforc raccourcy. L'autre baftiment eft fimplcmenc d'vn corps de logiseleuc de trois eftages, auec two little eyelids at the buttocks. on each side: between which &c ioi- gnant le corps de logis eft vneterralTc au premier cftage,&: y monter de la cour talk degrcz in the shape of a round porch. -which short f'eftend furled from the terrane,&: eft closed with three simple clofturcs. Aux deux angles d'icellecourc two small doors at the entrance in between, with a hole in the middle, & equidi- fn each coftc. A dexter ?^ to fencftre of said building & court,do deux iardiiis; auxtrois angles desquelles dVn chacun font trois pauillons, dontles two cy-deu-named cy-deu-named de deuant la face,make a number:& at the angles of the iar- dins eft the end of the house, as you can see by the short cut plan: which building fc sees veub from the front. L E C O N L I X . ' c Defsinqjdedenx baflimens diffcrens. ^^^1^^^ N cefte lesson shows you two different orders of bullshit: ^' n^'ftl Le premier eft d'vn corps de logis de deux eftages auec deux pauilUons, ^Jsi^k vn at each end of iceluy. The first stage of both the body and the pa- uillons, fcruira pour offices, efquelles fauldra de fcendre trois ou quatre pieds. The fertile and efficient will make it convenient: to the deffus eft vne tcrraffe, from which one goes to the troifiefme eftage of the eyelids. From these eyelids of the fecundity and efftage one comes to vneterrafle reigning as much by the two coftez of the two eyelids, as by the deuant. And these terraces slap shut from three sides of the garden, and the building closes. four women coached. This building has a lot of veal on its forehead... appears to me by the will of which Peftendaudefrusdelaterraffe. The fertile defTing eft of baftimens cross the vns to the trauers of others, raised each croifure d'iceux eft vnpauil- lon elevation of two floors : as the terraces are made two cradles of vines This deffingfe sees widowhood from the front &: de liaultcafliecce,commc it appears that the veuc is spreading out over the baftimens. \ \ LESSONS OF PERSP. POSITIVE. s LEGON LX. c JDeJUng of hajfimens ^ fayfa^es. N cefte lesson will make you feel like many strong baftimens ...and you'll be scraping all you want. Thefirstlicepreferred to you again- fenceparticdufrontj& le prochain d'iceluyà maindextrefemonftre of the glue: what the bridge does in the same way,& all the basdelaligne vifuale. And all the more so since they're shortening the forehead, they make fubicds to the poindh vifual: but those who make the deffus vifuale line, from to the- as long as they are able to see us from the already cautious angle of their affiette, their shortcut Accidental sharp points are produced on the sharp edge: to some extent, they are the result of the each of which are required to be shortened, to the point by the said baftimenc engendered, or even file baftiment fe hole iuftement quarré. Caradue- nantque quelque corps' du baftiment biefaft ,1c biais engcndreroit vn poinâ: ac- cidentai to the vifuale line, where the biased body would be held short, as by cy- deuant en auons parlé, &: as seen by the lines drawn from iceux baftimens cn- gendrans en la vifuale les poincls accidcntaux. END. 1 /t*- / /'F