Art of Frettagische Bevestlgung/With gnugsamer the use of, and associated division tables z external genigeeÈ, by Andreas Alexandern from the Marek Brandenburg. Arnhem / JN Installation Joh.FnderlchHaagen/Buchhgndleris. 1665. Preview dm wolgemeigken ^eser. Therein, the excitation geschtcht of the instrument Arrangement / designation and preparation. It must be confessed / that the name of the Proportional circle / old itself is MTHR al§ common and professed 5 nKein/ "as derselbe vermšgentlich" lich had in itself/ dmffte vielleichtwolmanchem / immediately art handles / annsch stranger and distant located; does not want to give itself in the first Anbliek / and without manifold practice so soon to the hand. That under this Instrument I^so of the ingenious Galilean invention/ and of the same/ about sixty years ago/first given to day^ something large >I > l^) 2 must US N and special steeken / - is in the least to be removed from it / because the same? by intelligent/not only Bey his firstankilnfft/ but subsequently he mchr us more in high W>-nh were held / so that different feeding Antares/ ans its explanation and multiplication/ time and diligence to turn/ no concern borne. Dan,! the practice of the arts and good inventions / ifi as it were an inexhaustible treasure trove / in it at any time a greater one / than one raised / still remains hinteriMiz. In consideration of his/ fs for yours truly after/ anfariglich zw"/ (al§ before jwel) years) have a Prob at the least / want to do with waSFtei§/ this kind of instruments, billlch gethtilee werdm/ to fŸrfieŠig ; nachzehends but have noH be a different / a lot of vermehreerS copy / so indreyen different / alternating anetnander added Cemris bestchee/ and so weicerskan esntinuu-ee directed / bey had time/ together/ and turuck gelegee: in the nemlich the art/ the Winten given so much to the Hznd that darju be more would have to be "in the Instrument or the Infamous" Wfnfugung ^sondervaradsxlttn tuverfaren^ hak want. What, then, "bzunemen / d"§ mzf em such Instrument is <5 Mr u>o again . MthemÇ give / anddem art-inclined !efer to service / no other opinion than how I want to represent gtsvlt/: wol knowing / that other work / which consists solely in the ordination of another invention / and applied manual labor" / me no be" special ^whether due: so will be enough for me also at st" of the Daycks / since I will meet only a cheap / and his self-absorbed llrth"ler. The Instrument I call to wife / or rather outside of the Greek language her / l. 0OOKle, 17K, 0>l. which means so much / al§ "in Proportional measure: whereby then the nature of it becomes somewhat more formal / al§ otherwise with Audern Namen / scheinet au§gedrueket ju. And indeed / as in itself the Proportion or disparagement / as a general appropriation of the qualities/ both has its place in scales and lines; so also this Instrument/ since it consists of scales and lines / leaves stch Hinweider zu beiderlei? "pplieirenund ready to find the same thing: therefore, unless the wrong be genont a hanger, nni§ would like to. Meanwhile, I call alhier Ju Temsch / with a more general / but not unclear name / an artificial measure / newlich because. because of its origin / Cigenschafft and use / not / wi<ne lst6 / the work is soon gtthan / but how geralhe,,/ rrm§oie Prob "i!?ro,>ftn. But Demsey as his wool / so such an epoch / can be to The an sanglichen L. lbnng (in the least) gnugsam seyn/and perhaps to the righteous Fabricf em Aiilass become. True, after many searches and experiments, I have finally brought some of them to the Hollj in the form of the Abdruek "lso," that nothing objectionable is lost on the right chain; but that such things cannot be reported with words / as in the Werek itself/will; otherwise the lover should be unperceived. What my Ancestor form, but the Rubbing of the instrument/ in the tl) whether the panel acted/ could be prevented; because nemlich is devastated as a result, the Papir / the Mttnš itself; remember letchtlich zuversteben. In addition, alhier to ieybxingen / what bey Bewandttnck deck copper pressure/ wants to be attached to mercket. This much is indeed stated/ and beyond doubt that an Abdruek, by a zimliches shorter/ as well as "what narrower fŠll", aift his Original / and thus never with the same over arrives; as such also other figure of our instrument / that from The Cent" external lines/ on the copper / actually hold a Rhineland foot/ will be: and is the llrKch/ how easy to consider / ihetl§ the Burchfeuchtnng of the Papir / so therefore apart tZchÇ; part of the violence of the Press / by which the moist and softened Papir, still further out of each other, becomes" Streek"; which, however, afterwards in the troeknen / fonder aus? hold hooks against each other go " / and so the Druek at the same time wit nimt and abbreviated? also wol't understand" that, therefore, of different Pap"/ some difference of Size should be caused. If the half diameter of a circle be confessed / to find the ropes of a benKbmten many-seks / so send itself in such a circle: thus to cut the circle into the desired parts/ and write the figure into it. /PS sey of the Cirkel fŸrgestelltt etc . and so " in the same / a regulating Siebeneck ^ be described. So then the half Vi"""" e " in. which / by means of the half Stameter 5 Š, a Sinfeek >olle be made. You put in the ^en half a ^iaweter ^> /c , Sberzwerch on the puneten 55; jo, give/ in Many aperture dtePunete e"/ the brgehrte side of the Pentagon/ /m. Darnaeh "en gleiehfalls given in Aalen/ half Dtameeer 5 00 /, and wlle al the refpon<> are ueht dirende ropes of the Pentagon, ge'. You opertret/ by means of the Sealing ^ , such as zn before the / so-konu tyr the coveted page 58S' The VNI. Task. If the side of a benamken reguiterFurur qeqeben / the haibm Diameter of the Cirkeis u find/ there this m6 ibe?-? described who- den: uiid so whether a given;, never a desired To make Vieleek. sey given Key . the page to a Siebeneck / al§ e/. One nttm V the same/and place it on the side,Wu>iett 7.7; so ^just the Punett s-S/ Hen half StaMeter of the Clrtel / which encloses the figure is / nemlieh e accordingly with such half Diameter e ^i, made of E and the Creutzbšgen and Durchschnitt E; and outside this punet E, as described to the Centro/the Ctrkel/Ondesfen Cireumferentz the long e/following carried around/and the Punete with straight lines the figure is drawn together whether the given sides E/, are described. So far the side of a Seveneek in?alen gegchen / and 4Z4 Shoe stop / komt "achobiger Operation/ by means of the Sealing/ half of a Diameter of 500. So / if be>? š, given the S "tte of a Pentagon"//", and the half diameter" to be searched / set" one's side/", on S-6; so one has on 5-5 the half Dtameter š Šz with which / than one outside the cemro 5, which as above/to find/a Cirumferen? describes / will comprehend the given page five times / m,that aljo the coveted FŸnfeek be easy to produce. Set now / it fey the side of a Pentagon 588 / so is found/ by means of seals/by multi-hunted Operation / Half Dtameter 500. Follow-up teaching. From this lst easy to understand / as in a fŸrgegeVenen regulator figure da" Zenirum zu finden s">: "Nemlich / if with the bet of the half Dtameter/ of both Knden Elim sides^ tuder figure ei" average is made / so zeiget solcher das Ceimum. D " IX task. To find if the half Diameker/or the side of a regulating given figure/ the Perpendienlar z and on the other hand. È ^>Lis is "Ibereit from the previous clear/ and kelmr Weitleufftigkeit: '^Sann needs if given half a Dtometer/ or the Sette/ on their associated punete will,, set/ it has wet-dte Perpendteular / where einwerrs,ends Puneten / o mle of the Pale of the flirhabniden character" means, Therefore, the half-€tameter of the Stet"n"?Ç /. bey ^, "l§ e" i, "uf 6-S; oder DTE Seite e/, auf 7-7 gestellet / bekomt man / ob den innern puneten 7"? / dte coveted perpendteular / al§ e ^. You Will also have dte illbige in Falen/ so you get hold of from the Seala^ , the half Siamtter 500 / or SeKe, and is damtt as above; kome, the Perpendieular 450. So then in the FŸnfeek š , is the perpendteular i> " healthy / who, the half-Stameter € 6 on 5.5; or dt? Page / m , on S-6 appltetret. Al§ mau now ou§ the Seala /V , the half of the Diameter z-y" / yd" takes the page 588 / se tomt after employee surgery the perpendteular / Saher In the case of the begchrte Winckel in addition to the degrees / ^should also hold minutes / one has to report from previous abandonment. Folg-lchr. Browse through understand it yourself / how to make by HSlffe the Gradlini",/ also eln right Winckel llsizgulus reQu^ sey. The XII task. , Of a given arch to make large namhaffk. H?S sey given by cirkel š. the arc 4 / ". and if one is asked/ how much degree the same holds in itself Z one ^ tenths the half Diameter sin eZo - so I Sarnach ntmt one of the given bow Chord 4 m, drive with it whether the GradNnten / nnverruektes JnstrumentsHin and against / bit it somewhat on two gleiehzŠlige Punne hits; which alhere happens on 1^7-1z, 7 / and hold Al, o the bow/C / m, Z 1.7 degrees. Fits. 1. If, however, the chord of the given arc/does not actually apply to any point/ it is an indication of several appending minutes ; then on the intermediate space of the negst greater and less degree/may be estimated and pronounced. eg,. If in view and inquiry of the Winekew / " n stat of a Lransportur are needed. The XIV task. ^ If given half the Diameker / the ropes of a coveted Polygons I " find; orhmgegegen / if the page is converted/ to find the h€ben Dl"""". /SS sey of the Ctrkels O , half the Diameter given ? ^ . and will begehree dK ^ Side of a guild in such a circle. You dtvidtret only the degree of the whole Cireumfereny / this is/ zcZO/ through the ?akl of the pages / alhier 5/ the Qvoms or sŸnffter TKetl be 7^ degrees. So you set the half Diameter 7 r. to 0o-6o / so does the Chord exist ?^-7'!. / just the coveted side of the Pentagon/?/. The side of a teden "Vieleeks / ist nichts anders/ als eben die Chord Deren Graden / so au§ der Stviston zcZo / durch die 5"hl der Seiten / herauskommen. So / however, if the page passed / and of the half Stameter should be looking for / sc> you put the page on the Punete of the associated ^votientt" / alhter 7^.7:, / so you have dm half the eggs always on llwereke / on the Eeken get/ fonifimtt were to be created after the third part of the tmte / to your Wlnetel Own". come on / 7, if an I inte is very long / then you put the same into so much the same Tbeile/ that on tedwtdeS / of e>e>. in ?< RMS komiaen / and al§dann be ntrtt after such Theite/ beydes dt< platren Boliwereke / al§ search on the Eeken / proporlis". W
l d, if you take the bet m", carry the same on the l^mes " O if one then also deals with all other Winekeln/ so the " large and Kigenschafft is found / as in you figure is listed. /After that one also half-treads teden Wineket / either after the X V, gave up / or / that one / to the junk bey O, au§ '" and " , the Crenybšgen and the Durehs lchnttt machet; and let thus run through the Jaeken blind Hutten HKiaus / uni to carry the CapitaKn on it. If such happen / you nime / observation ve>ranZWWer Fttrfalle and rules of the/ a driving sec strange to fortifletren for: to Exemxel / deirZWiekel belangend/ the length of ^ K , and are such on the Arithmetic lines Kberzwerch in e O0-e os l^and so all the time/to understand on the first pages of ix" instrument^ let, therefore, the Jnstrumeitt uuverruekt leagues / and submit tyt there / aufj the schregel auffenden lines on the edge / the Cnan the same can have / when the figure anfmlgs after etmr kletiiKeehetllren deeimalseala aufjey "/and whether the same / the aš§" found K. inKn the occupation are measured. What now bey sothaner Dperation uni> proportionirung for Pšrtel/ against the / so by calculation / or also by means of the Triangle history/is one ieder/the etns-Nm booked to the other / to^,"jchetden knowledge. Solqends Heike the Aufreissung and proport Toni of dee tteinern Works / nI§ Schanyen and A"ssK)reKe,grspKie!e operum msjarum^ so with the Fslen IV. V. VI. Lee called. refer; there one takes now with the Ctrkel / on the line of the Vlleek the wide I " uetche Won top down / by the sliding lines / is instructed / and carries such Ç 5 Ç Ç with the Ctrkel touch, and so on, the line carrying, swelches especially since bey the parapet and Banck on the Wall Lee. of necessity his will.n 2ll§ lolches geschehen / so richtet man au" den Vuneten ". and, blind pervendteulars on; nimt thereon from the Instrument, the height of the wall in the Viereek / which / as thought / Is there IN/ and bears ,olche on the ge" made pervendkulare n / from", tu n, and from I. in"; implore therefore X L, š, N i. further, one nimt whether the Instrument / under the punets of the Bretten / the docks and embankments of the Brustwehr / al§ s O, L Kl, O 51 ; or rather / n Kl, n n, 0; and carry the in the zig to its place/ set up also there / al§ from Kl and" , Perpendteularen. Nuu nimt man ob dem Instrument / unter den puneten der Hšhen / die eussirliche und Niner "liebe Hšhe der Brustwehr / welche Alda sind NO. und N O, und trŠgt solche in die Lignr auf die itztgemachte perpendieularen / sene aus Kl in (2, und diese aus" in 0; Ftehet also l o. < ^ 0, uud l) 0. Finally, the Banek also/ make shall be entered only with the de"n of Strokes/ what the Instrument is N? a line with N-S parallel to c> l) by" seKneidet in L , get hold of al§dann of the Instrument / the width of the Banck / 0", and signed in the "kigur/ 0 in" , and from L in?; So L5 ? and ? "withdrawn / listed on the Wall velvet parapet and Banck. Vnd is also to be reported from this because of the remaining pieces. It breast defence of the lower Rampart / is / as converted, with the on the main Rampart aerley / is thus carried unchanged there - Sec. F D!c Main panel"". X. The profile panel " e>. XXM. Wtewol you would need later bey subsequent practice desseir/ where you can get alone by Eiurichtung the Cortin/ to the property. Now, after having been converted from previous abandonment / as the Kgur of a Prosilš/ from the L. tnten of the instrument / in the size / as they are there / Z i, record / so solt alhteranzeiget werden / wie einem fŸrhabenden Hauptt§./ to make a separate profile/ according to, / or to point it at the appropriate measuring stick. ^>ie practice is kŸryte this/, and l. If the figure you drrselbigen actually big RoyalmMg/ so steeper the Cortin/ whether the Arithmetic lines of the sarhabenden anV"" Set" d?s Instruments / overzwerch in qZo . 450. then as far as the senige Cortin large "Royal / so to those recorded proftllinlen in accordance with the tstZ saved from Many of the Jnsiruments ??imt al§dann dle Bretten and heights of the sought-after profile to / from the Instrument / nacheinanderj/ and apoltetret such from the Centro of whether the Artthmtttschen Dnten ckreSre, fowirdmandaMst rrsnsverse, do insist of €esfnung/ K,inten bekšmmeu / how to get to the fckrhabenden Zigur justice to be. 2. . If, however, the link of fŸrhabenden figure dangro§ Royal / smaller/ so wanerstltch seek snach the III. Gave up), the Cortin of large-Royal m the same Maa§ / and is . then/ mediated the same / as IYT reported. Must the earth of all these proporttonKung / ver" full of Cmln in large-Royal/ on" ". To then the plank of the ditch; and at last the ga "ye remaining plank e m, so gretfft the covered way with its A"L. g; wobey I leave also the Jes Srrs over.