COLLECTION D E-ï&z & tca' SEVERAL MACHINES. NEW INVENTION- O U'-V RAG E POSTHUMOUSLY. ITS- Mr. P e r r a u lt , F Academy 'Royale des Sciences , Do fleur in medicine, from the emptiness of Paris. IN PARIS, At JEAN BAPTISTE COIGNARD, printer 6C Libraire ordinaire du Roy, 6C de l'académie Françoife , St. James Street to the Golden Bible. * Mr DCcjQl ' WITH PRIVILEGE OF HIS MAY’. h 1 ! i. A GENTLEMEN GENTLEMAN Of the Royal Academy S C I E N C E S. ’ ’ There riefl , for the ordinary, nothing more wrong no more useless than a dedicatory Bpifire $ a ij E P I S T R E. ceux qriony rented missing prefque always des good qualities attributed to them, (ri Il arri ve even more slit than they do in the power to provide the protection request. This epiflre efi in this, any different rent of others, we will find there no louan ges that f dués you , (ri i on fait que vofre protection ef UN azyl inviolable to or vrages that you consider worthy. Like this riejl ny LA naffance, ny Les richef- fes but the feul deserved extraordinary that give place in tllluflre company you compo- , can not we say that you are doing the first men in the Sciences, each of whom makes you a particular profejfon ? Some beautiful (ri exact that rely Obfer - aflronomicvarions of those ri between you who in the highest region of Science human beings; Quoy that they discover fans cejfe des ri4ftres which are not yet known, (ri like a new Sky in the ancient sky of our PeresQuoy that those who look at the Globe of the Earth } rectify all the mistakes of Geographers who preceded them, (ri take the dimerifons of this majfe immenfe with so much precifon E P I S T R E. just a skillful one .Architect would take measurements of the Palace of a Prince • * Quoy that those who penetrate in the fecrets the deep pim of geometry find fans cejfe Çf in the numbers Çfi in the figures, rnyferes Çfi properties, which the Discovery would have once deserved Hecatom bes Y Quoy that those who look carefully the works of Nature, make them stiffen by the mechanical, as if they had called at the Confeilofthe creator when he closed them the however what others wear them wants in plant secretes Imps, by the final resolution of their parts, they see the wonders that Solomon admires there who since then has not known Efes > * Ma l thank you all these brands & all this evidence dlu- n inconceivable capacity y fi the world had had men of a deserved degree audeffm du vofire, the choice fell on them to compofèr this celebrated Academy. As it efl vray, gentlemen, that the praise I vom gives can not vom Efre contented: there is no less genuine than it is wrong not to have full confidence in vofire protection. Who should attack a book there • * • a nj E P I S T R E. which ye shall know, that ye may do the worthy work, from one of your colleagues, to?a man cfui lied I'll show you how to enjoy your lights, in your opinion your corrections. This efi l avan tage that comes from the fbciete Çfi fur tout dune So- like vofire, or chofis s test, CCF Fi dificutent with such accuracy, that any what strong } carries in some way with foy a caradere dUrreprehenfibilité. I don't fiçay fi I'm wrong, but jay always looked at the Cui vrages qui fie font dans vofire Compagnie & qui have affected your eyes like Dune works efpece any fingutiere . The books we have preferred name human infirmity does not permit only a man feul fi does not deceive sometimes. It nen efi not ainfi works of vofire company or all the facts quony advance fi verify by so much of eyes all Fi clairvoyants, or the raifionnemensfie dificutent by so many minds, all fi lit fi £5* whose praiseworthy emulation nepafferien what not finds him incontefiable. C efi as such quon peut, comme fur Des fondemens fiolides , work fans fear of the building of ficiences, ■ by everything else is in danger. You see, $ E P I S T R E. ,; - MESSIEVRS 3 daily evidence in the books of the largest Philofiphs of L antiquity 3 in those end of the celebrated ^driflote You see, how many times despite the penetra end efiprit, & the lights he had fur all chofis, he s'efl deceived in end hifloire natural by this unique raifion that it flaunts fiul. Alexander may have employed fa puijfance in fai re search in all pais O'u fis Conquefles s eflendentoyent 3 with a dependi worthy of luy, all what Nature produces most curious send it to the front of the Philofiphes 3 ce Philo fophe N was able to make exempt works error, ny eftabhrpar conficate a genuine connoiffance of the wonders of Nature. It has glorious has Alexander to have attempted this between- prife, but he managed to return to LOUIS The Great to have it executed in fa last perfeelion 3 to win in this, the me fine advantage fur Ale xandre that in most fis were going hero 3 or Poflerity will not notice any of the fauts^, ny none of the vices of the winner of the A- proud. If I get laid go icy, MESS IEVRS,- further than the limits of an Epiflre tent 3 I confess that ily enters from me a little: E P I S T R E. complaifance & a little clean love. You F cavez,, ME SS IEVRS, quefay EU Hon neur dajfijtera La naijfancc de vofire llluflre Com pagnie, what fiefiois prefer when The Shape of your {Lectures on subjects which should be dealt with when the great men who set them ■first admitted were appointed; when the foundations of the Obfervatory were cast, monu which way will carry auffi far than not another the glory of Fon founder, & who fe ra refpetfer d our last nephews / ' Augufte nom du F rince who had fi large penfies & so much a love for the Advancement of Science. Oüy s MESSR1EVRS, when this Bafiiment or efprit a tant de partM ou Vous efies pim Les habitans du Heaven that Earth, was reborn as the deffeins died he whose work I put today FOM vofire protection, feftàis prefer & receive orders necessary for implementation. In a nutshell j ay eu the happiness of seeing all these chofes in their ideas.. Today, quevofre company twice pim number she nef oit then, shines a fi large furcroifi of lights she sees a FA tcfe a Man who poffede luy feul eminently tom the pillowcase ns that nature vom apartagez,, ilmefm- 1 ble E P I S T R E. b the right to have some ejlre touches more than one other, from the brilliance of voflre glory, so much on ejl in awesome d I flater difpofe d believe have what what goes to the chojes who saw naijlre. I rim- Nor will Jîfieray, Ad E S SI EV RS, d recommend to you the book I vousprejen- te, puifquil ejl Le vojlre en quelque forte, & que you will defend., vofire glory in defending the Sen do. I flee i MESSIEVRS, Your very-humble Sc very-obeiffant ferviteur, Perrault de l'académie Francoiie. U.S.A. £ * ï "(" £34 £*3434 •£*3"f * 3£ * 3' £ * 3 tS*3- •'<** "#■' "E34KÊ4 HK * * î£ * 3- P P P P-P C E. It's been a long time since a book was published. small & aulli full in mefme-te.mps de cho- fes all news. When in a big vo lume he fe finds two or three penfees who have some air of novelty, we praised the author of Fon work OC we take into account the refte that eft UFE & rebatu. Icy any original eft &C one has- eheptera not the Plaid of the furprife, by the grief to see a thousand chofes which we're already tired of. It eft vray only one or two Machines contained in this book have explained in the author's Notes tes in Vitruvian translation$ but com me these Machines make Fon invention & since he perfected them, we didn't think must not obmetter them in this collection. I fçay that there is not much perfon- for those who have a taste for these strong cho ies. The beautiful world did what C'eft & n'en don't want anything here. The majority of the people of Let Tres usually ignore them in proportion to their literature, I hope from an erudition iî deep that they would not have diftingué a hammer of with a mallet, ny A feie of with a file ; confusing all this fools the name of tools or inftrumens of which artilan fe fert in Fes books. MEF mathematicians- PREFACE. my make little bed for the ordinary of these strong of inventions, not having refpeet & c de the admiration that abftraitez for them to C deflated, look little at what EFT attached to an individual subject, or who does not- roift not an eternal truth. However, whatever advantage one has to- days given to purely fpe connoilTances- culatives, fur those who defendeht to the prati that & at execution 5 quoy that the first (looked upon as Queens, & the others like Eiclaves, it does not help (è hole ver a large number of very clear perfonnes- Rees, who take plaifir to see Machines & fur all machines of one invention all especially when they do not. to give some satisfaction to the ef rit, but what paffènt to produce an effect u may be of some use • * - , - « collection COLLECTION D E MULTIPLE MACHINES NEW INVENTION. Qfu I ELEVENT MACHINES the burdens fans rubbing. E friction in Machines compofees, which jufqu'cy could not in eftre ofte entirely, always efte an obftacle to the puiilànce que used to make them act, the very-confidant, puifqu'il va all days increasing in proportion to the pe- the burden it stirs. There are fimple bodies where friction does not eft not confidrable & or mefine it does not rencon tre point at all: 1 action of the lever when one fèrt fimplement eft prelque fans friction -, & la To ■ / i reports Scytal we called cylinder or roller has none at all. But the EFT fai difficulty re-Act these organs in the Compofition of tissues. chines, by giving them these same advantages : because it eft conftantthat the roller was not used until preferred as a fimple organ, of which it is fert feulement to sink the burdens end-a horizontal plane or very-little inclines; & that the lever does not usually act in Machines compolees that in a way that eft fujette has a much greater friction, than when acting as fimple organ: because any ac Ion tion in the machines compolees not found in the pulleys, which well what are made to decrease the friction that a cable fouffriroit by paftant fur some choie qui does not lift mobile, like the eft a pulley, they do not lailfent to have friction their pivot, or in the holes where the pivot rotates, by what ' these chofes do motionless supports, aufquels the EFT pulley as attached & glued by Ion effieu to caulè de la pefanteur du fardeau what foutient: strong than to make it round Ner it laut that the places of the elfieu that make as attach to the places as they ap- puyent, fuse tear off by a force propor- tioned to the pelanteur which caufe this attachment. Gold it does not meet him in the scroll which can turn fans that parts that polènt lùr Ion appuy, have no trouble leaving him. OF SEVERAL MACHINES. &c , j This can be easily explained by the Figure leaking, in which has eft the Elf of a pulley B, loaded with C & D weights, one of which is the puiftance & other burden & e f G H eft the appuy fur which pofe the axis of the pulley. Car fi it is fuppofe that C eft the puiftance & d the far deau, he EFT confident that when this stench acts, there are two points of the efieu that affect these two E & F points of support, & that the eftieu there can courner that these two points do not rub, 8c do not scrape fi this Fe can say both places support, 8c that they do not make it all the more for tement fasten the weights make bigger, & that the puiftance acts with more force. Of strong as fi L'appuy EFT cave en rond ainfi Qu'il sees it in GH, it brings even greater obftacle to the affected eftant & prefie movement in many more places: because quoyque ce large number of places as the eftieu pofe, Foit caufe that each place eft less preferred, it A ij 4 reports however certain by the experience that it against less obftacle to the movement of this effieu, when he touches only in two places of the appuy, as well as it does in e f, & c, eft puiftance, & d the burden, that when it eft engaged in the cavity G H. But on the contrary fi d eft La puiffancc & C the burden & that we trust the effieu has acted like a roller, it will not encounter anything that the stop of turning as it moves towards H G, when the stench of D will make it go, because the point that presses to the place F leaves it fans repugnance, & that all other points of the effieu pofant fucceffectively fur other points from the appuy, there is nothing that fafte points effieu or rouleau have trouble to die stain points of the appuy, mefme that they by have when eftant iron against places E f or in the cavity GH, by the pefanteur of the burden & by the effort of puiftance, it is necessary that to leave them they rub them proportioning to the pefanteur of the burden & to the force of the puift fance -, because it takes several parts of the effieu paftent fur a mefme part of the appuy which stands still. And C'eft by this raifon oil & grease facilitate movement of the thinning & roues; because the particles rou Lants of the oil that eft between the effeu & fon ap- puy do that which foutient mobile eft, because what then do the particles of the oil that go crazy- Of several MACHINES,&E. j are apparently round, have a facility to be stirred, because make as many rolls put between them parts of eflieu & appuy for lefquel the il pofo. This mefme Figure still has to be explained how the lever acts otherwise in Ma chines, that when you get tired of it like fimple organ: because when Part B is moved by the ouiflance D, the long arm of the lever, eft since e Point E up to point of circumference hit by the rope at the Place K & the small eft from the mefme point E jufqu to the circumference oppofee to K: strong than when mefme it there would be no friction, the inequality of these arm would require more strength in C for Move D, than in D to move C , & this is the way in which an EFT lever is used in compofed Machines. That we fop- pofo that Pulley B eft stirred by stink D, the two arms of the lever make equal, ranging from then the circumference of the pulley up to the point by which the eflieu pofo for fon, appuy. And this eft in this way a lever acts as {im pie organ. But to conceive the difference there is in the effects of these two- to compare them to each other, that the pro proportion of puiffance to burden-lift , eftant La mefme dans l'une & dans l'autre manneré, Aiij 6 reports it is only the refiftance that comes from the part beyond Machine: because this refiftance EFT strong large in the manner in which the EFT lever ordinarily used in compofed Machines, as well as it eft demonstrated, & will continue to grow as much to porportion as the weight of the burden eft aug lie. On the contrary in the other way that eft the one where the lever acts as a simple organ, the ease of paffing from one point of the appuy fer another point eft what can the pefànteur of the burdens do. So it takes to perfect the Machines, find ways to leverage the power of mannered that it acts when you rely on it as of a simple organ & to make the roller act.- These means which have not yet been quez, do it fort conveniently in the Ma propofe; because the lever acts on it no feuding the way it does when you refers to it as a fimple organ, i.e. with little flutter, but it acts mefme fans no friction: & I roller y acts no felting fans rubbing, but in a manner even more perfect than when you care about it com me of a (ungodly organ, to caufe that we do not point support for a plan where inequality dating forever & in the furface of the body who pressed the roller, 6C in the plane iron the what the roll paffe, brings great obfta- puifiance ; because as a result of the Of several MACHINES,&c. 7 these inegaliuez make the roller not fçauroit act that the burden does not loir high & does redelcende when let him meet with eminences, these frequentes elevations unnecessarily employ childishness in to make efforts that do not belong to nent to the movement in question which only one horizontal movement: instead of in our Machines the roller acts uniformly, & by average age no effect strong that does not have an effect for the elevation at which she eft employed. So it will not be difficult to make it clear that the Machines that acted these principles will make it possible to these good effects, once we have explained what in eft the structure 8c the manner of acting. I describe here three strong ones. , The first eft made of a roll or Cy-Ül^.cuiofu,] ■ AA Linder which ferts effieu to a roüe in The Shape of ooulie marked B. The effieu that rotates with the pulley- ; ie, eft screwed by two CC cables attach to the top of the machine which EFT shaped crane. The mefme effieu has another cable D that foutient the burden E, & la roüe Aune rope F F Q qui luy eft attached 8c twisted &pulled to raise burden. The FE breeding done by the raifon that the rope EFT pulled, the roüe turns 8c in mefme time the effieu which Rolling fur the two arms RR of the oatmeal, EFT pulled up the Machine by the cables C C, which twist around the effieu de mefme as cable D that fucks the burden: because G reports it happens that the cables are twisted together. lant rushes & pulls to the place where they do fasten -, that eft-IE cables C C C ti rent the elheu with the wheel up the Machi ne, & that cable d pulls the burden to 1 efieu ; because the cables attach to the top of the Ma China, & the one who keeps the burden do in twist for the roll of two different fons. And as the roll does pafle for the arms of the gruel that when turning, it acts fans no friction, AiFi he eft explained in the first Figure where roller a can paffer for L'appuy F H en going towards H fans that there is friction. Gold the strength of the Machine, as in the ordinary crane, depends on the size of the road OC of the little groflèur that 1 is given to the roll. But to increase this strength we only make the rope F F Q_qui rotates the EFT Roue pulled to the bottom of the Machine by a GG turned roller with levers, that we make Act aufli fans frot tement, faifànt twisting the rope F F Q for the roll G G which EFT attached by the ropes H H11: because when the roller is rotated by yawning the ends of the levers, the ropes II twisting around the roll do it defend, OC the rope FFQ_qui eft twisted for the roller G G eft pulled both by the defcente from the roller caufed by the twisting of the strings 11, que par fon entortillement for Le mefme rou water running defoendant -, & rising Of several MACHINES,&c. 9 when lifting the levers L L, because it eft removed at the top by the HH strings. But for fa ciliter the Aetion of the G G roller that pulls the rope F f G there is in the bar K through the what rope palfe another Machine which eft cy-after described & I call main or ana- Lemma, because she holds & stops the rope so what laifte go freely when she EFT pulled down, & what holds her & the em- pefche to return to the top while one roll up the GG roll by raising the ends LL levers, which act by reprifes: & so that a- when the end Q^of the rope does not go back to the end, it EFT twisted to another roll M which EFT im mobile at the bottom of the Machine; & you have to fuppoler let this end of the rope marked Q EFT held by a man who stops him & holds him firm when that we lift the levers, & who pulls it when we abbaïïïïœ. It should be noted, however, that the atreelion which fe made to empefeher the rope up when we lift the levers G L , & to make it come when let them be slaughtered, not left an a & ion that ap party so much has 1 lifting of the burden, that she must be proportionate to the pelanteur, other than that of the who makes fur levers G L, fur lelquels it takes press more or less felon the pefanteur of the far deau: because this traétion is always the mefme when we raise the levers, because then the far- Boards t & 3 - Pigurc III. OJ reports EFT water retained by the machine part ap shovel hand, & when we bay the levers sorting ple twisting rope fur roll GG go strongly to pull the most great burdens, as long as the rope entor the stationary roller is retained, and the that experience makes it see in the ap inftrument Colt shovel whose fervent Fe Coopers, & by the means by which a man foutient with the hand a muy of wine go easily. The second Machine that works by mefmes principles that the first, in LFS differs in that that the cylinder which employee does not roll fur a plan, as in the first where he rou the fur the arms of the gruel * what EFT capable, com me he efte said, to bring obftacles to the slack ielquels do not meet in the how it acts in this machine world where it only fouffers with entwined eftre of ca this entanglement is a treat to which cables do not bring any benefits. ne refiftance, ainli that he will rise explained in the leak. This Machine has mefme than the other one Cy Lind or roll A, which fert d'elfieu to a wheel shaped pulley marked B, &C which EFT Fouta by the CC cables: the hand K through the what the rope fff paffe, the rollers G & M agiffent aulfi of the mefme mannered only in the first Machine: but the EFT burden borne by Multiple MACHINES,&c. « two cables DD; & this Machine does not run point fur a pivot to carry the burden to right & left; she's raising it pretty much like make the so-called machine Engin. For what EFT of the small Machine than jap. Figure iv. shovel hand or Analemme & which eft represented by the fourth figure of the Mel'me plank, she eft compofée of two AB tafteaux that rotate & make stop by the pivots CC ; these two tafteaux fe re Moult neceflarly assembles by the way beyond branch R, which eftant attached by an end to the tafteau B, EFT drilled from the other end & receives a nail attached to the tafteau A, which forces him to remon ter when the tafteau B eft repoufte at the top by the reffort E. The Aetion of this Machine depends on the com- preference for tafteaux that close & stop the ca ble G H when it eft pulled towards G -, so that it EFT all the more ironed he EFT pulled with more strength, because tafteaux approach & iron rent more, the longer the EFT cable pulled. In contrast re when the eft cable pulled to H, the tafteaux s loose & do not object to attraction. But 'if we want the cable to go to G, we pull the little rope I, which makes baifter the tafteau A, Makes aufli bayflèr Le tafteau B par le moyen de the branch R; & ainfî both extract taf- faeces moving away from each other no longer do cable. This handmade eft of a large ufàge in these two B ij V z? nor. ftqiWX? V. uy-c. Vil. ti reports Machines, & it can serve in many others, fur everything in those that 1 we act has plusieurs such as eft the pulley of a well whose EFT rope pulled with arms; because it takes only one arm stops rope while lifting 1 other to take it up again : instead of by the .way to stop that hand made rope, the two arms that pulled the rope swollen, fe raise aulïi ensembles 8c have meanwhile- there an efpece of rest. The threaded Machine can fervir to elevate from water, she eft compofed like the others dun effieu AA which traverses a pulley B fur which the 8C twisted EFT DC rope that goes bearing through D. The eflieu AA eft attached by the ca BLES EE at the top of the Machine; & it still has two other cables FF which VONC bearing drives the barrel G to return to attach aulh to the top of the Ma China. The barrel has an elheu of mefme that the pulley, & these two ellieux do enclose between the four montans that keep them from wavering. When we pull the rope C it makes that the roller AA twisting to cables EE goes up with the pulley, & that in mefme-time he raises the barrel that meeting, lorfqu he eft up the H luy bar makes the water verfer in the refer- see I, because the bar faifant bailfer one of ends of the angled iron K, the other end opens the foupape L, which opens when the tone in the water it sinks into it by Of several MACHINES,&c. 13 pefanteur 5 & water enters easily to caufe that leffieu who maintains the barrel has openings who give sharing to the air, who in strong to mefure that water enters & this makes that the barrel does not filled only up to the Elfi; & c that the sharing that the air found through their openings, helps to make fortir ^ water, when the valve is open it flows * in the tank by the mouth This EFT Machine more fimple than both at Tres in what belongs to 1 elevation, but it do not do it with so much force, because we fup- pofe that the rope C eft immediately pulled with arms, & not by means of levers. It is necessary notice that in the fertilized Machine the viers does not act as in the first in pressing deftus, but raising them, which eft does for the convenience of movemen who do better place behind the Kdachine, that if they eftoicnt du high eft burden: because for what eft these two ways of acting the levers one returns to the other, because fi one can not fai re as much turn the roller by lifting the levers that we do it by abaiffant, Il eft Vray aufli Qu'on with more force, a man can not act by pressing only by FA pefanteur ^ instead that he can stir up by raising the double of fa pefan- teur. It is not difficult to understand that these Ma chines agiflent rubbing fans, & what aren't point that obftacle that in all other refifte r • B iij 4 reports to the puiffance that stirs them in proportion as the efk burden more pefant: because no agiffant that of the folding of the cables, far away than the King- deur that gives them the weight they pugnished at their folding, he eft Vray on the contrary that plus the EFT cable extended by the far pefànteur water, & more it has difposition to FE bend. Because it must confiderer that as for the folding of a cable it eft neceftaire that the parts that make the where it bends, shortens, it is certain that what difpofe these parts to hurry difpofe the ca ble to FE bend: & it EFT obvious that more parts have eftealongees & more they ask fe rac curl when the caufe that lengtheoit comes to ceffer -, & C'eft what happens to the parties who make the cofted to which the cable bends; because the trafc that lengthens the parties that have since up to B in Fig. VI. do not lengthen those who font around the C roll, from B jufou'à E ; on the contrary, the folding that this whole place is short. And he EFT confident even though for this curfew it is not enough befoin to do them no violence, puifqu they there are carried by their natural inclination, which the fact that the chofes whose parties have due by violence, return from them-mefmes & fans no outside effort in their first eftat. With regard to the obftacle that friction ap door to the movement of ordinary Machines, & the importance of the means that the machines pro- OF SEVERAL MACHINES.&c. iy pofees to make them free of them eft not difficult to make see what in eft, voicy the experiences that have been made. Two balance baffins were attached to the en C & D rights in the first Figure on page 3 . in each of which we put a pound of lead, & to trip baffin D , we found that it falloit feulement a big one, & that it will take five to trip the baffin C; because in the one, as he said, there is friction E & F points of the roller against the support., & that for the movement of the baffin C there is no friction -, the pefanteur of the burden not faifant point that the roller points attach to the points of the appuy, & not preventing them from fe leave to laiffer go the roller to the en right or the baffin must stumble. But the most remarkable thing is that the melure added weights in baffins, it was necessary to add some chofe in proportion to trip the baflin C that acts with frot as five big ones did not- to trip a pound it took ten for two, fifteen for three, twenty-five for five. And the fat guy who tripped a pound in the other balance baffin who acts fans frot fuffi to trip both, the three, The Four & The Five Books 3 & apparently fuffira always whatever weight is added, of mefme that in Machines where there is friction r> i 16 reports it will take what we add to stumble Dear, go always believing by the mefme pro portion to mefure the weight of the burden will increase lie. And this will affez away, mainly when the EFT movement interrupted: because then the refiftan- this growth of almost half, as well as- this makes it see in the wheel of a crane; because when a man walks in it, if he stops, he leaves. forced to climb high to put her back in train: what happens because the unequal parties have the right to commit themselves to one in the other- , what does not happen to them when they're moving. Machines for traifning burdens. Being machine used the roller fur one horifontal plan. What's special about her? firstly, it maintains the rollers in a situation which is always parallel with regard to perpendicular to the line of di rection of the burden they lay. The lack from this advantage in the ufage that one makes ordinai a lot of trouble ; because fi one of the two Rolls fe diverts, they do not ride more ny One ny the other; & if they Fe detour nent also, the burden takes another di rection & spins to glued. It eft well difficult to em- these accidents do not happen. carry the precautions we have taken in this Machine. In Of several MACHINES,&c. I 7 In fruitful place, it does not eft you throw at the JOLTS who break the Binars, never go strong to re- Fife to the efforts of a heavy burden that falls suddenly. If this EFT machine exempts from the danger of eftre broken, she still has the advantage tage de n'eftre point fùjette auffi à sever Les che mins. In third place, it makes the burden easy to stir by the virtue that the roll has to bring no obstruction to movement, when this organ elf strong poly & strong round & he rolls between plans perfectly united as well as it has been explained that. It should be noted that it is not possible to use sheets of paper., vaux to get this Machine to caufè Qu'el the only one going to reprifes, & what does advance to cha that time of five or six feet: for it is necessary right fai re stop & then start again to make them go horses at all momens -, which makes it difficult, not including having only men who drink clean pour this; but the ease of the movement of the Machi makes only ten or twelve men make wherefifans to make it go quoyque loaded with more qua rant thousands. She eft compofee of two foals or chaffis of Wood Mark AA, BB. the BB foal that eft in mannere of traifneau having beaks tt TT pofèz fur land. Between the two foals there are rollers CD, which make attach to the foal of deffous by eight cables Mark £ s, two at each end C L8 reports from the roll, & through the middle, to the foal of deflus by four cables mark xx. These cables retien nent the rollers of such lorte that they have the freedom t of rolling fans that they can in no way will ciller. There are still EE squares that fervent to maintain the two foals always equally pofez L'un fur L'autre & à empefcher auffi qu'ils ne wobble. The AA foal has a G-element that traverses the o-rands HH levers about one foot & half from their extremitez, & these extremitez are making you crazy naked by the montans II, who make alfemblez with a skate K, which palfe fucks the foal BB, & again with TRAVERFANS LL, & These traverfans by au Tre bout font aulîi alfemblez par une piece A, qui the joint assembles, & these parts make an alfembla- ge IKLL screwed by the wheel M for which he pofo by one end, eftant pressed by the other end as the skate K. j To make the Machine work we rotate the reels NS, pressing fur s, & by this means the AA foal that foutient the burden EFT trampled to caufe of HH levers that make pull up by the cables O O -, & then the burden no longer pofant fur the foal BB, but for the montans II who do for the skate that pofe down, we pull the traifneau BB of the length of five or fix feet by the ti mon O, enfoite dequoy we turn the reels pressing for NN, to make the louse fall lain pulled by cable XX, which makes in met Of several MACHINES,&c. 19 me time trample the skate, which no longer pofant to earth, made that all the burden far pole these rou then we pull the AA foal by the cable P: & we continue to shoot tantoft the foal B B, tantoft the foal a A as well as he efted say. To facilitate the movements of the Machine double the pulleys-because the cable attached to the drawbar of the BB foal, which pulls the pulley T , attached to the foal AA, doubles the strength of the puiflance that pulls it, & the pulleys VV, YY, double the stench of the reels N s, when let them act to lift the levers HH by lef- what all the burden of the foal AA EFT removed : & the Z pulley doubles the puiflance of the slack linets, when abaiflant the levers HH they crowd- wind the skate to make that with all the aflembla- ge 1KLL & La roué M, Le poulain AA & Le far deau they wear stink eftre stir eftant pull by cable P, & puff by all four men who made the reels act, & enco re by four others who ., when he fora befoin, will act with levers put in the holes that make at the ends of each roll. These levers will mainly when it will be necessary to go uphill that we need more strength, or when it there will be some defcent, & that on the contrary it is necessary dra prevent the AA foal from rolling too fa easy. It is obvious that the greater the Aetion & the more ICJ / ZO REPORTS great effort of the men who will work to re molting this Machine, eft only to tread the burden of four or five inches felting by the middle of the reels, with lefquels four men can aifement raise forty mil liers: ainli the burden eftant loullevé traif. neau having no pelanteur other than the fien- do, because then he does not praise the burden, he will make Wing to traifner, & equal them from the path do will make no jolts to the burden that can not the That Bind the skate : & all of mefme lorfque the burden will support as the trafneau, he will be able to vancer fans no bump, because it will sink lùr the traifneau that EFT strong uni & quite immo bile. For what eft to do de'roll all the Ma China in the detours of the paths, this will only not difficult just having to paffer the beaks tit du traifneau lur Les doffiers Q4'p en dant que the foal AA EFT trampled, & make gliffcr the traif water lur the doffes by means of the bearing levers in the holes of the front dolfe* r Multiple MACHINES,& C. u Machine with slat one can Fe fervir cl A large motionless bezel pipe, by the means of a mirror. L ' Ufàge des grandes Lunettes pour lefquelles we have glasses of two & three hundred feet, EFT fore inconvenient to caufe from trouble' he their big pipes, main for agronomic obfervations because that the bigger the glasses make &the bigger the pangs paffent vifte in proportion. There are already some- time we imagined to FE fervir from a mirror which returns the image of the objects in the pipe, which by this means can fervir, quoy that it remains im mobile. The machine that Fion propafe icy makes strong conveniently all that can be expected from u do Machine: the EFT difficulty of finding a mi to be perfect, it is necessary not to corrupting the Rays, as well as he eft malaifé that he do not faff when it comes to reprefenter exa&e- a very distant object. As it eft neceffaire icy de foivre Les mou- vemens objects that change places, & that these movements make compolèz of inclinaifon during they make different heights, & dedeclinai- fon when they fe do from right to left or gau che to right, The Machine does these effects by the mo yen of three chalfis put into each other. The most big chaffisAA& smallest BB fervent to Slack -' C iij Eleven HOME vemens declinaifon, the middle chaflis CC which eft placed between the other two fert aux mouvemens inclinaifon. The EFT mirror in the little chaflis the what fe stirs as pivots DD pofez vertica lement I by these pivots it eft attaches to the chaflis medium, which EFT attaches to large by pivots E. the grand chaflis fe can turn right 6 c left where a pivot F F who luy EFT tied down 6 c who traverfe a table or treteau GG that holds all the Machi do. At the top of the grand chaflis there is a hose H to addrefler to the object, & talks about we give the fes machine two movements , know the one who eft for the heights by hauflant or caving the pipe, 6 C the one declinaifons in. the right or left turn. Movement for fe Heights made by means of an eflieu I through which the pipe rotates, 6 c when hugging or bailing the pipe: this eflieu has one of FES ends to a small pulley verti K hold which luy EFT attached. This EFT pulley attached to another pulley L which eft aufli vertical, but more large, by means of a rope or chaifne which one 6 c the other • 6 C this fertilized pou Lees eftant attached to one of the middle chaflis coftez she makes him tilt, fleeing from the various inclinations.- fons of the pipe: strong than the small chaflis in which EFT the mirror, EFT tilted from the mefrne ma denied that the middle chaflis to which it EFT attached by DD pivots. FROM SEVERAL MACHINES,^. z 3 For declinailons there are three pulleys M, N, O, & a half pulley P, the plane of the half aoulie eft traverlép by the eflîeu te, attached to both aranches s s, lefquelles do pierced each by the end to receive the eflieux that attach them at petit challis, to make it decline when the demy-Pulley declined, what happens when LFS linked by who attach it to the louse lie N, the movement of which depends on the pulley M, by means of the pulley O which luy eft at stained by the pivot V. because when diverting the H pipe, through which we look at the object, the great chaftis, the pulley M which luy EFT tied turns the demy-poulieP ainfi explained, & the demy-pulley makes it decli Ning petit challis by means of the petits eflieux which eftant attach to branches s s, & bran TT which crosses the demy plan- pulley, they have a melme movement in which eft of declinaifon & demy-pulley remains always horifontale of melme that pulleys O, N, M: instead the little chaftis has the inclination from mefme que la declinailon to caule que l'eflieu 11 the freedom to turn in the semi-pulley that he traverfe. As it eft certain that to make that a mi to see reflected an object towards the eye, it eft neceflai- re than the line of incidence & the one that EFT reflected CIES towards the eye which EFT perpendicular to the plane of the mirror & the z 4 reports point at which reflection does so; & quot; fi 1 ob-1 jet feul changes plane, reflection can not fe make toward the eye fur this mefme point, that the mirror does not change places, to be located D that the perpendicular a ion plane meets it also diftante of the line of 1 bearing, &c from that of reflection: it eft ' aife to conceive that the inclinaifon 6c the declinaifon that one must donate to the mirror, only half of the ob tilaifon declinaifon 6C degrez jet -, puifque fi le changement de plan eftoit de the 6C eye of the object all together towards a mefme place, it-would have to that the mirror Fe diverted as many degrez as the eye & Fe object would divert. This displacement is proportional to the size of the community. that the Machine is doing strong exactly, to caufe of the proportion that the pulleys have with respect to each other the diameter of the pulley K not having that half of that of the pulley L, fi a aftre or some other object rises, for example, by ten degree, the mirror rises only five, 6c if it declines by ten degrees, the mirror does not decline auflï than five , because the pulley diameter O which has the same declinaifon as the H-pipe , only half the diameter of the demy- pulley P What a stir. i ; New OF SEVERAL MACHINES.&c. ï $ New invention of a pendulum clock that go by the means of water. Ome the eftune water of the usually used for movement of the Machines, we can say that eft very-pro- pre to make go a clock, because Ion movement can be continuous as it eft in the sources of fountains, heexempts water.- jetion who Fe meets in the counterweights & in the reflections that must be traced ; & we can at least have the mef produced. me effect that the reflort & the counterweight, in rem- pliflant from time to time a tank, that one could mefme fill with fable instead of water. Quoy that the juftefle that the pendulum gives to the clocks (ILO as such remedy to inequality who can meet it in the impulfion of refs- strong, which act with much more force towards the beginning than towards the end ; the nevertheless, who finds in the equality of the course water that can be adjusted, does not leave a chofè quite to despise; & it eft aifé to set it in fact- fant falling water intended for the movement of the pen Dule, in a bowl A, which has an opening B by which the water rising above the hole through which it falls as the pendulum, fe rots drain. Water flowing through the pipe c, falls into the Of Z<5 : compendium small quaiffe D, which eft attached to the eflieu EE, made as a knife like a Scales , & to this eflieu LFS auftï attached the range F, in which the pendulum paffes with the ordinary. Small quaiffe eft shared in half by the middle G ; handled that the water falling from the pipe C, jufte- ment as this medium when the eft pendulum stops , always falls into one of the two coftez when the oendule has been set in motion -, & this cofted- at the same time, the one with a high LFS: this means that the water of the other side Fe vuidant to caufè who! eft oenché, water that eft in high cofté helps by pelanteur at the return of the pendulum , & fè vuide aufli to fon tour, while the other cofted that eft high receives from mefme to fbn water tower for the make Re-Flow: days makes the same effect as the reffort or con trepoids in the other pendulums. To make that the swaying of the river, which foutient La petite quaifte, Fidget the wheels That doi wind make go the eguille of the dial, there is at the end from the place which eft oppofe to the one to which the furnace chette EFT attached, a small hook in foot of Doe that obeiflant of a cofted & remaining iron me on the other, pouffe one of the teeth of the wheel H at each revolution of the pendulum. Hook in piede de biche & Le refte de l'eflîeu EE font mar Quez by punctuated lines; because these par ties make hidden. Of several MACHINES,& C. ï 7 Machine to prevent large cables from Anchors do not fade easily broken. C E do not eft fans raifbn that anchor EFT the fymbole de l'effperance, puifque fvent this inftrument depends on the fàlut of a Vaiffeau: & C'eft for what we bring so much hay to properly forge anchors to make them strong, & that they are attached to cables of a groffeur prodigieufe, to make them able to refifter to the terrible efforts that the enormous pefanteur of a Vaiffeau who EFT in motion usually does for break them up. These cables, however, make a very high dependency & foreign embarrassment do fè find the most fvent not affez forts ; & they could be smaller & less subject to eftre broken, if we take the precautions that the mechanical can provide & one used uti other mefme meetings effect. As he EFT confident that the main effect from the efforts that fe make through movement, depends from faviteffe he runs away that there is no way more feur to prevent fon effect than to decrease this viteffe: experience shows that there are but even if they are weak, they do not fifter stronger than others. Ballroom¬ lot of wool refifte to a cannonball that per what a wall: the fact EFT turned out & the caufe not in eft D ij 8': reports difficult to understand fi L'oti confidere que la different way of which the bundle of wool & the wall receive the caufed EFT ball of different effect rent that it produces there: because the wall EFT broken because that FA hardness makes that all there refiftance oppo itself- fant first of all to all the effort of the boulet , C'eft-à - di re j To any fon movement, it eft necessary that the strongest wins. But the maffe of the nerd , less strong in itself than that of the wall, refifte more to caufe of the way of refifter who makes that at first she only opposes herself to part of the movement of the ball, which does not f- in the first place , it should not be well toft any strength, by the raifon that the fruitful refiftance being similar to the first , O C the fruitful effort being less than the first, he it is only natural that one of the tre. And it is in this that the effort of the puffy choies EFT decreased by obfta- when they do reect, & that it doesn't happen to them when they get stirred up by an internal caufe such as eft the pelànteur , who remains forever mefme & lùrmontant still pretty much theobftacles women, such as do those in the air, receives no decrease in the viteffe of the movement that it falling bodies. These raifons can make it look like it doesn't eft not impossible to provide for the inconveniences of the breaking of the Anchor cable, which happens Of several MACHINES,&c. I 9 usually or by the meeting of rocks hide at the bottom of the water that break them, or by the violence of the waves with which the birds make take away. The machine your propofe can prevent all together the effect of these two caufes: because in preventing that the effort that fe makes against the cable pulling it out of the way doesn't act all at once against all FA refiftance, he will not do- ceffaire de le faire Fi fort ny Fi gros; & by this raifon it will make less in danger of breaking con Tre the rocks, because in luy oftant this grofi. feur qui l'empefche de plier aifement on luy ofte- ra what makes it the most fujet to FE sever that efl this inflexibility makes it refifter with more than pride that strength, & finally the bad my which he refifte which efle explained by the comparaifon of the stone wall & the bundle of wool. The four-piece compofee eft Machine of strand Wood a, b , C, d, lying one con the other two in pairs , & joined together two of one side with the two of the other side by the means of the links, including that which, empefche that the attachments that make Fon way cannot deviate in that place there, & the one that efl: marked F prevents which does not so that they do not have the freedom to expensive than the other end, where larger parts ôc D , each have a pulley G H , * i—» • • • D nj 3 o reports to support the IKL cable; the other two pieces these B & C, nefervantqua give a refiftance suitable for the first two when coming to be folded: because by this connection of two parts the refiftance that fe makes at folding has not the pride that auroic a leper piece of the grofieur of the two together, because they flow one fur the other by folding. Gold cable attached to the Magpie this A to the place I, will turn to the pulley H, & returns palfer as the pulley G, & enluite eft atta cable of the anchor marked M which has a node to L which prevents it from fortir of the opening of the Ecubier N where it eft stopped in case that the gran of force with which the Waivleaf EFT carried away, ti- raft aflfez strong to break cables. Because it eft certain that this feroitle cable which paffe fur louse Lees that Lees broken, eftant most foible & par this way the Big cable would be conlérvé. As the cable that pafte fur pulleys beloin d'eftre flexible, & that he does not have to refifter to insults that the one who eft in the water must foufffir, he does not Lear point neceflaire de le gouldronner ny de le ignore it big. And there is reason to doubt whether he do not lick better aufli than do not gouldron the big cable, with the appearance that it- should refifter longer-time to rot that luy would arrive for lack of gouldron, that at the break that this compofition can cauler in the ren it is to be feared that whatever precaution one may take to Of several MACHINES,&c. 3 i make the compofition louple & little kissable, it does not become so by the coldness of the water always quote all refinements fubftances, & it there is more appearance to believe that cables do broken in the meeting of the rocks by these raifons, than imagine that they can eftre or cut or ufez by stones -, puilque those anchors that one cannot say eftre capable of eftre cut or ufees , missing only by the pride of iron , there are many efforts greater than those who have become accustomed- to break them. However, anchors can be manufactured in any way. that by the same principle they will be able to as the Machine which eft in the hairdo, provide a way to decrease the terrible effort that the shaking of the EFT brush capable of producing as the cable holds him, doing that mefme that the end of the cable attached to the hairdo does not eft too firmly held, the other end that eft atta at Anchor, find something like this obeïflànce in the anchor. For this purpose the anchor Rod divides it in half PP branches that make spread apart to take place jas, or large wooden ribs that raise the anchors ordinary for dilpoler as it is necessary to addict expensive. These branches each have a ring in which the EFT cable paffed, so that pulling it folds the two branches which empelche- in obeiftànt -, that the effort of the waves will not rom pe ny cable, ny anchor. 2 ’ collection Way to cast a T? have a long ut extra- ordinary who I r OE E3 I baijje auec a great ease . L E Bridge which eft icy described EFT fort easy to re muer a caufo de la difpofoion de toutes les parts that compofent it. They make in an equili the fact that the milking to the pefanteur of others, has little chofo before, the childishness that must stir them has hardly other obftacle to face that repugnance that all bodies have to movement, which N eft point caufee par la pefanteur•, qui eft une chofè that mechanics cannot ofter. The difpofi- of this bridge makes it clear that pefanteur, ny the friction of the parts can not eftre caufo of no difficulty that there may be stir it. . The AB eft bridge consists of two aflem beams- corn by two sides, he EFT screwed in the middle» place by two other DC beams affiemblées auffi, & faifânt a chaffis who pofo for a retreat D who eft at the bottom dumurEE who makes the reveftement. To yawn the bridge we pull the cable F attached to the top of the chaffis which eftant by this means approached EFT caufe that the end of the bridge has, does not pofant plus for the wall G, makes the mockery, because that he EFT attached for the chaffis by pivots ainfo it is presented in H; & In this eftat on the Multiple MACHINES,&c. shoot against the WALL E & on the guy in the state represented L-shaped.' To put it back in Ion first eftat one draws the rope M, OC having put it back as he repre eft- in the end, the pulley jufqu has what the two ends pofent lùr the two walls OC for the pivots of the chalfts CC, which make the three places Lur lefquels it EFT screwed up. But what keeps this bridge always in balance ejt a chaifne OO, compofée de plulïeurs poids, she EFT attached to the chaflis CC BY the cable P which eft supported by pulleys QQ^ the weights are in chain so that each weight having a cavity in the middle and it fe sees to SS weights, which do cut by the Me the link R of the weight that eft which eft stopped by a PIN when the chain EFT extended, enters the cavity OC lailfe defcen- dre the counterweight that pofe fur that of delfous. And this eft ainfi to do that weights, which agif. Fant all together, as well as they do represent in ORO, make balance with the bridge fitué ainfi that he eft in H, where EFT fa greater pelanteur, do not peel too much when the bridge comes close. e-wall che, what would happen li the chain had always the mefme pelanteur j because the pelan-; the bridge always goes down to melure get him close to the wall. But to prevent that a- when he was not shot with violence that rots break everything, the weight of embas pofe on land OC them U K E C U E I Li other than each other, pull to mefùre as the bridge pefanteur decreases en appro'abat du mûrt v This EFT chain a very-beautiful invention & a- which I have no other than the conftruc- particular tion that I give him icy, or he eft do not carry heavy weights (chain nose so strong that they do not embark era defending each other. The mefme cho the EF can be achieved by means of a relationship with üri tensioned shaft that would produce ün the same effect because it eft more foible when we start this to bend it : but it EFT difficult to do that this proportion of force greater or lesser to shoot, the jufte returns well to the proportion from the different pedantry that the burden has in fes different configurations in the Machine git, instead he eft aife to make her jufte fi L'on fait that the weights divide into the quantity ' of parts such as make cannonballs, fromwhat having taken a fuffifante amount to match the most great pefanteur of the bridge that eft the one he has when i l eft in the situation H j Il eft aifé de diftribute them for each of the Oro weight fix, that will make hoods in which one will put as many balls as he will do notceffect, to make that eftant uneven they puiff also pull. / Of several MACHINES, & c; U 4 • *■ . , * ^ I call this machine Abaque Rhabdologi- that, because the ancients called Aba small tables or planks for which they wrote chifres of arithmetic, 8c that they call Rhabdology, the bullshit they em- various operations of Arithmeti than by means of several small balloons for where there were numbers mark. The Machine I propofo pretty much made the melme chofe. It is an abacus or small board 1 finger, about one foot long & large of demy-pié. She Ell creufee 8c combo- thin blades of copper, for lock up small settled for lelquelles chif Fres do marquez. The blade of Delfos marked ABCD Ell cut to date having two fenellresa foperieure EF, & a lower GH, long & narrow, in which the figures should be compared with the- right. They are far from each other from each other. viron three inches, & in this elpace there is a to the other of the IK grooves, drilled at the day, remote from each other about five li gnes, 8c so that there are about five lines to say that the grooves do not go July until the fe- nellres. Under the blade there are several small ones set A, B, C, D,E,F, G, pofees glue glue one of E ij Jë _ * RECUEIt other 8 c which can flow up & down bottom: they are about four lines wide & inches & demy fopt longs: their length eft divided into z 6 . equal parts by lines gra crosswise, a little deep to stop the tip of an awl with which we make them neck ler. In the spaces between the engravings there's ii. numbers mark, eleven of foite towards the top & c as much down: so nevertheless that there are four efpaces seen between each leak of figures that make o. z. 3. 4. y. 6. 7. 8. 9. o. en starting at the top * & after laiffé four efpaces vuides, there are continuing to al y. 4.5. z. 1. o. Between the grooves there is fur the blade the nine Figures 1. z. 3. 4. y. 6. 7. 8. 9. mark up & fuelivant les mefmes efpaces qui font for Les re~ gles. When we make hauffer or baiffer the settled, the figures paroifTent in the windows, tantoft one, tantoft the other, but in a manner that both chif Fres of a settled mefme that pariiftent in the two windows always make ' the number of ten, that is, only if there are 9. up there is 1. in low, if there are 6. in one window there are 4. in the other one. These set which make pofees to cofté one of the au tre represent the order of the figures, the first which eft to the right eftant for the fimple number marked N at the bottom of the EFJ window Of several MACHINES,&C. 37 the fertilized eftant for the ten weeks Mark D ; the troifieme for the hundreds marquez C, &c. They are parted by small blades strong min these, lefquelles do interrupted length of the three efpaces; & the middle of this interru ption fe must meet vis-a-vis the window embas. Each set has from below has one of them coftez notches LL in cremaille manner- re 5 each notch with respect to the eleven digits; & rnefrne set a to fon other cost a hook M 3 to pull down the other set which eft fa voifine by going to the left hand. But for make sure the hook does not fade it draws only from the greatness of an efpace, as well as that it eft neceflaire ? the hook must be made of manneré quil entre dans FA settled, & quil de dies hidden fans can fortir out that when it eft to the right of the window d embas: & it takes yet he returns & fo hides auffi-toft he has makes Defend of an efpace the settled that it pulls. There has two chofes that make it do this effect; one eft that the hook has a n reffort that pushes it into outside ; other eft than interrupting blades which feparent the set allows the hook to fortir to mesh into the notches made of cremaillere, feulement at the right of 1 interruption when one makes hauffer or baiffer the settled ; & qu a the place where the Blades 11e make interrupted stitch^ the hook remains enclosed & out of pou state see acrocher, *- there*’ • • • E nj 3 8 reports . For fe fervir of the Machine we put the pointed of a punch in one of the grooves to the right of a numbers mark between the grooves that go from top to bottom, & pressing it into the engraving which EFT crosswise in the small set between the chif fres, we make it sink down jufqu has what the punch foit stopped at the bottom of the groove:: & then a figure similar to that between the grooves right of which we put the punch, paroift in one of the windows, from which the lower eft for addition & multiplication, & fuperieure for the louftradtion. For example fi one wants to have the number of 8, it is made to defend at the window as well as it aefté says: but if we want to add 7, instead of this chif fre he paroiftra a 1. to the fruitful order & nothing to the first : C'eft pourquoy fans ofter La pointe du punch of the engraving where it eft, you have to reassemble ju (that at the top of the groove, & then it will paroiftra in the window a j. First Order. It will take ainfi reassemble whenever it happens that the adjusted eftant baiftee as much as she can, it does not paroiftra nothing in the window, or that he paroiftra one o. For fouftraétion it is necessary to put in the fè- neftre d'enhaut the number of which we want fouftrai re another, for example 113; & ifi one wants lou- ftraire, for example 34. it is necessary to put the punch fur the 4. First Order & shoot July'enbas, &c enliiite on the 3rd. from the fruitful & shoot mefme-car Of several MACHINES, &c. 39 then the number 1x3. who is in the fe window change to 89. But it is necessary to obferver that when there is one or O in the number of which a other, one must oller a unit of the number linking, know which one left after the o by going to left. For example, fl one wants fouftraregz from 150, the Machine will give 68 instead of 58, which we will find a unit of the 6th which has appeared at fertile order, & after the o of 150. who eft at first. Mefme fe has to do if there are more ©. For example, if one wants to fouftraire z6 4 of 1500, The Machine will give 1346, instead of 1x36, who will find when we have offered a unit from 4, to eaufe of the first o, & another from 3, to fecund caufe. For multiplication it is necessary to make the mefme just check it out. For example, fi L'on wants to multiply 15 by 13, you need to score five times 5. who eft zj. in the window of embas pre nant un 5. first order & one two of the FE cond 3 enfiiite score once 5. in the fecund order, & once 1. in the third: for then we'll find zzy. 4 o reports ■f * * ’ f —- *% Wooden bridge dune feule arch 3.0. toifes de diameter to tra a jcrfer the Seine 'vis-a -' vis the Village of Seèvre or Von propofoit de le con -> (bruire. To understand the structure of this Bridge, it is necessary to imagine that it eft i 7 . Assembly of wooden parts marked as the plan, which polez encouppelun against each other , fe hold in the air by the strength of their figure, what they do more alternate what would not be cut stones that have beautiful pefanteur shot. The four pieces of wood mar quez ABCD form this assembly which of a cof- a similar aflembiage mark EE, & de the other side to the FEF Assembly with dowels iron or wood GGGG, felon he eft judge the most by the way. There are five such assemblages in the width of the deck, three of which Mark H H H ne go that up to the defious of the pavement of the bridge, Sc two marquez III rise higher & fervent of guardrails. These assemblies are traverse by two rows of moifes marked K which em them. braffent by notches marked L. on the FE cond rang of these moifes fe put doffes to carry the fable OC the cobblestone that FE put deff do. For greater intelligence, voicy the Me moire which was given to Moniteur Colbert in luy prelentant Of several MACHINES, &C. ' 4 t preferant the model of this bridge. Memory touching the model of the T have for bajtir vis-à-vis Sevre. River at the place where the i baftir the bridge has 118 canvases in width. There has an Ille in the middle who has 30. the Canal du stuck from Paris in a 40. & that of the Weaning's 48. what makes assembles width of 118. canvas. The model has 30; opening toifes in the LUP- pofition that abutments on either side, the pren dront in the river of 5. toifes of each glued or more than one glued than the other liiivant the thread of water, that arch of 30. canvas with abutments of canvas each, traverferoit the glued River from Paris in Tille who efb in the middle of the Ri viere. He will make it a heated in width Tille of the two extremitez of the bridge that ell of 6 . canvas. This heated will make loullenue of two walls of- suitable paiffeur, with an arch or two of stones for the outflow of large water pen dant Thyver. The Canal of the Riviere du collé De Sevre which a 48. canvases will make traversed by a bridge arch 30. paintings like the one of the other pasted, & the 18. canvases that connect will make confommées in abutments on both sides-it ell to notice that this channel F 4i reports from the river does not have much water, quoyque wider than the other 6 c that there is no danger from the re-FLIR. In addition, it* must be obferved that the OR verture of these two arches of 30. chacu canvas ne, eft larger than double the openings all the arches of the Pont de Saint Cloud mi- Fes assembles, because the pillars take the at least one third of the river. If we find that these two arches do not fuffent alfez large, we can expand them further by j. canvases each, 6 c to maintain everything in the meline modelle, just give 14. inches to Wood, instead he only has iz. but this does not paroift not necelfaire. The stroke of the arch eft a portion of circle that EFT the firmer 6 c the more folide of the figures, the assemblies make polèz in couppe in the center com me of the stones of size, SoFi they have the meft. force me that Stones fans have the melme pe- fànteur. . All the woods that make the Bow have put wire against thread, because the wood does not run up- little of that lens there 6 c it eft louder than the au tre fens: we will put a table of lead between two to prevent the woods from heating up, 6 c eftre wet by join & auffi to bind them, because the fibers of the wood will enter from part 6 c other in this lead table. We made the entrance & the iffue of the bridge of 6. canvas wide which eft double the middle which has 3, I Of several MACHINES, OCC. Forty three to increase this width if necessary., this widening at both ends does not facilitate not feulement L'entree & L'iffue de ce Pont ; mais luy gives auffi by fa figure a lot of force against high winds, & against shaking cars & great burdens that will make deffus. To jam it we pretend to go there of the mannered leaking. We'll flout the belt along the shore in a place that will haveadrefic for this purpose. On this belt well covered with doffes, we will trim O C we will aflèmblème the bridge, then oftera the cein Tre deffous OC fur Le Pont ainfi conffruit on fe ra bearing such burdens as one will want for the ef. fitter. We'll beat away the pious in the river OC we will polish a floor dais deffus, & lur this plan dear one dreffera the girdle fur which one conftrui- ra The Bridge after quoy we will remove the belt that we'll go pofèr fur the other arm of the river to y jam the other deck. Not to stop the navigation during the by the time the bridge is destroyed, we can make it an opening from j. to 6 . toifes wide OC of 4. to 5. high in the girdle, which will make very wing of do. The advantages of this bridge make it not difficult to install. modera point navigation, that it will not v be done no shipwreck shall it cause any damage. frozen by the ice OC by the Great Waters, OC F ij 44 reports that it can be re-established foit empefché. It will do less (throw has rot } 1 water not stopping at the end of the slope that he has both coftez, which does not find in ordinary wooden bridges. F I N. EXTRACT BV PRIVILEGE BV ROY . P A r . Grace & privilege of His Majesty, given to Verfailles on the 6th . April 1699. Signed, LOUIS, & below by Le Roy ,Phi- lyp skins: it eft allowed at the Royal Academy of Sciences, from print, sell & debit by a printer or bookseller cm* she will want to choose, the books she will have examined & ap proven, with defenses to all others to counterfeit lefdits books fur the original of the said privilege.. Regisftré fur Le Livre de la Communauté Des Imprimeurs & Libraires of Paris, in accordance with the rules . Signed, C. Ballarp, Trustee» The Royal Academy of Sciences has ceded the right to the said privilege» to Mr. Jean Boudot, an ordinary bookseller, fleeing the Trai Te made between Said Academy & luy, the 11. July 1 699. And said Sieur Boud ot aflbcié the Sieur J E an-b ai* tis ti C onion. Ordinary printer of the Roy, Sc of the Academy Francoife, AU droit du prefent privilege, for Timprellion du feul Book entitled collection of several new invention Machines , Poftbume by M. Perrault, of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medicine of the Faculty of Paris.