{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1671\cocoasubrtf600 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;} \paperw11900\paperh16840\margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf0 30 of military Architecture, \ & C d foienc each of the magnitude of one side of the J Polygon of The Square, & aiant drawn E D, which r1 is called front line, or side of the Polygonexter, it will be divided into three equal parts of which one gives - (ra One to each capital D G, E F. and having drawn I. the inner side G F, it will be divided into four par-T(ties equal to give uue part . ch: ique half-d gorge H G. F I. & Having high: mxpoints I. & EU\ H. from the Perpendiculars to difcretion, one will draw veles razantes lines E H, D I. which will cut the C: eperpendiculars to the points K. & L. ending in eleces points the faces & sides of the half-bafhons; & one will have completed the Horned work A, ainfi apcli\'e9 desailes teachers. side paraleles, because the side E B. efi para-qlele to D C. we have already said: \'fclleurs, quetou-petes the lines marked with dots founds deffein, & d those that make marked with black, the traces of the For.certification. To mark the foff\'e9, we will take the Me-ti\'e9 of the principal (who efl: that of the city) & with this opening we will describe angles flanquez D E. GDEs arcs, as we broke speaking of the fo!main FE C, then by the extremitez defdits arcs, we d draw lines at the angles of the shoulder of said Horned work, & faifant with the ir.open from which-,\ do\ what point of the islands of :ms, we will draw the foff\'e9 who doir C \ be paralele to the said Islands, & fe communiguer a-e: \ with the main one, which completesthe Horned work. tee \ If one pretends to make a horned work that one can \ call to queu\'eb d'hirondelle as B. (of the dittt 11 \ Plank & Fig.) one will extend, as in b pre-B cedente, the flanks chac.m \\(.\ . ..\ ti-: . \ 1nr .. \ fiii \ re.\ \'95,\ )tee \ : Island on au \ & \ )bed \ 1es & l!\'b7 \'b7\'b7, tte i B i;; \'b7c \ G. I \'95i \ \ Book One. \ Thirty one \ Pbcc, foifant B F. of the fourth pattie of A B. &, having fired the c\'f4rez intericurs M F. & L. F. will be provided for 'Half-gorges L X. Z M. the fifth part from the outside G B. & F W & F, S. the fifth part of the interior F L. & raising points X. O. S. & Z. dei perpendicular to difcretion , we will draw the razantes O G. X B. B Z. & S H. who will finish the sides &faces of Baf\'fcons, so the whole of the derny. \ For the woje one will take half of the principal, & one will draw it to the ordinary as much in front of the Fronte> as to the Isles , faifant by any fon path covered 1 & fon Glacis. \ \ \ 0 B S E R V A T I O N. \ The\ He Crown works occupy a lot of land, and both these and the Horned works are good for occupying Emin.nce, to cover a bottom, to occupy an avenue or an atackable ground , & to enclose a village. \ D I X I E' M E P R O P O S I T I O N. \ From the Conftruaion of the citadels. \ C \ ItadelleeftunFortdettois, four, or five Ba.\ let us believe, that one usually raises near the En.\ C. inte ' * or the Circuit of a Place or city, oi1 pro\'95e\ comes 1. name of Citadel; this is \'eea confirmuf\'fcon; \ C 1, Self. \ \ Of the Arcblteeture Milit, \ 3. \ Soitle Pe " iitagone A (de la V. Plane/Je) la Citadel.\ the one we want confhuirc, which has for side of the Poli-fe\ gone three quarters on the side of the polished go NE De La Pla\'e8e fie\ (mefure I give here to conform to B 9e\ greatness of this pillar; but at II. Book olli parl.let us go further into this matter. )'!,we won't blow this Pentagon in the way, that there's t \ two Baf\'fcons oppo/\'e8z to b Place, felon the rule qJe ae\ we have in!we will have formed Citadel A. to which we have marked 1 \ eelcfo ff\'e9 \'e0 l'orcli n: \'fcre. \ proud\ The difl:: mce that there must be ordinarily deh \ Viile to * The Citadel of tfuo. 1000. foot. Ninth\ To make the communication of the works of h Ci-1 \ tadele to-those of the city, we will extend the face, Pe\ from the Baf\'fcons of the City B C. D E. jufques to F. & .U.S.A.\ C. more or less that it will make befoin to shoot, 0 walls G H. F I. that fe must finish A11 edge of the Foff\'e9 of The Citadel, for pre.ndre leursde.fenfes Des faces L. & K. obferv.nt tooo Quee\ the faces of the Baf\'fcons of the city of E. & B C. Do not stand long, as the defenfes drown out of reach of the Muffquet, that is to say flanks that lei \ must defend; & for this raifon, it will take pl\'fb.\ ] many times make new works; like a cDcmi-baf\'fcon, an integer 011 more, to obl\'e8r - Dver B maxime gui says: that any Fortific:: ition uepcut not exceed the difbnce of a thousand feet. \ We pull the Foll\'eaparalel\'e9laforrificationquenou, efaifons for Communication, up to \{\'e8 ren\'b7e, ontrer with that of The Citadel,&.ifin Qu'ellee\ do\'95e\ \ \ * uLivre P;, emier.u\ Thirty seven \ do!l;!ine in all teJ, 11s fur the place fans none op.Ie!.\ pofition, il fauro, batre all the Wall: \'fclles, ou Forti..li. fic;itwns that will do in-between, AS since E. juf-.\ AEE C. who are marked with points, & (E fervir ah of their ruins, to fill the Foff\'e9, & ainfi there 'OU N' Y aur: uien, who puiffe harm the Citadel, who will have ' on to\'f4jours free entry to the city. I, treat: \'fc more aye throughout this matter at II. Book, where I show.q, ray more fully their Situation, 8c rnrnb, ienom they do useful. There are a few u;1es that make a\{.etl \ fezrenomm\'e9es, <.; om; pe those of Juliers, Capo\'fce, Le Havre de Grace, Cambrai, & that of Ghent which make quarre Bafhons. Those of Parma, Turin, Antwerp, Lille, Tour11ay, & dePam.plone of five .: that of Milan of fo<:, & that of Manheim in the P:where: itinat_ du Rhin efl: of lept, 1pais \ \'b7 the, & the latter deserve the name. De ViJlesu) que \'b7 Auude Cit; idelrrs .\'95 of.\ ELEVENTH PROPOSAL. \ queu\ neubuce that one Apdle Angle. \ the; up Remieremen.t it takes f): ivoir what fontles De.\ ,Lu.\ grez, because those who don't know think there's any \ UNU\ iron * ucho (e incomprehensible: what does not efi, as I will see in the leak. \ eutu\ It is necessary to confiderer, 9_ue any circle fois large, fo\'fc: OU; small, efl: divi [\'e9 en 360. parts, & La diffcrepce que en\'95 we will find D\\m large circle to a small, ef\'e8 que elle. es parts of it will make smaller;: es qtJe C. lles DH fo. C 3 plus}