FORTIFICATIONE DELLE CI T T A, O I M, G I R O L A M O M A G G I, E D E L e A p I T A N I A e o M o e A s T R I o T T o, Ingegniero del Chriftianij. Re diFranci??, Libri III. Ne' quali, oltra le molte inuentioni di quefii Autori, l“ contiene tutto quello d“ pi importanza, che fino ad hora ibco fcrirto di quefia materia; con infinite cofe,che da molti Signori, Capitani, & Ingegnieri dell'etˆ noftra ft fono hauute. 1:>iforfo del medrfi1No M .AGGI [opra la Fortific atione de gli at/oggiamenti dc gli ejfer??iti. Diftorfo del Capitan F R.. .A. '1'{ CE S CO Montemellino Jopra la fortificatione del Borgo di ztom4.,,. Trattato delrordinan??e; oueroBattagliedel Capitan G 10 r .A e e H 11:1(,0 da Coniano. Jli1gionammto del j1tdetto C .A S T JtIOT T O [oprll te fortr'{'{e della Francid...,. e o :JI( 'P '1( l V l L E G I O. fortification SOME CITIES, O I M, G I R O L A M O M A G G I, E D E L e A p I T A N I A e o M o e A s T R I o T T o, Engineer of the Chriftianij. King of France??, Books III. In which, besides the many inuentions of these authors, there it contains all that is of more importance than up to hora ibco fcrirto of quefia matter; with infinite cofe, which by many Lords, Captains, & Engineers of the age noftra ft phono hauute. 1:> iforfo del medrfi1No M .AGGI [opra the Fortific atione of the at / oggiamenti dc gli ejfer??iti. Diftorph of Captain F R .. .A. '1' {CE S CO Montemellino Jopra the fortification of the village of ztom4. ,,. Treaty of ordinance; oueroBattagliedel Capitan G 10 r .A e e H 11: 1 (, 0 from Coniano. Jli1gionammto del j1tdetto C .A S T JtIOT T O [oprll te fortr '{' {e della Francid ...,. e o: JI ('P' 1 (l V l L E G I O. DE 'CHAPTERS, THAT in the prefect work they contain. á : J (E L L 1731 (, 0 'P' Jtl iM. O. E L The origin, and reason for building cafe, and city; that cofafia city, & the end of that. Postal Code. r. Of the first city that was made, and of the fig and place of the city. Postal Code. 2. Of the likes of the ancient dtt??e here li hoggi elleno fi dcbbon di [egnare. Postal Code. 3. Of the plants of the cities, to which they owe for me zo pa {do is rivers; and of those, which will be hau ˆ defend in mountains, hills, and piazze; ˜ made by the ancients, s'haurˆ ˆ. fortifying. chapter 4. If in defending the city plan, fi deue seek to lock in the ground for feminarui, for to face the time of support in the nece! fitˆ of the food, if he is good, that cities, and fortresses hab biano duc, or more orders of walls a. chap.5. On which side of the city should the Rocca defend ouero the Cafiello, and of what form. that vtilid def .. I made the Rocche ˆ gli antica, and as in some cities li cofi: um˜ to make two. chap.6. That the Rocche, or citadels, make the opinion of Akuni fruitful, do not {Doucrians do in cities. that, who should be aware of this. cap.7. Of the gates, and streets of the city. Postal Code. 8. It proves that what the engineer should do for fortify, ˜ to build vna land, ˜ declare many voices, and many terms belonging .to the fortification, it is they pull and 'features of many members of works. chap.9. Of many ways of working principles difegn_ate d, if??prl, for which are there mofl: ra, as they have: t d1- fegriare, and straighten the walls, and curtains, and which ones difofc ˆ. those do {“ must. and the vfo of all, c some other defects. Postal Code. 10. Of all the mifures and 'members of the fortification, and parts. of those. Postal Code. 1 r. Of various sizes, and proportions of Balluardi, and of the mifure de 'foffi, and al ere parts of the fortifications outside the curtains ¥ chap. 1 2. Of some and mifure fruitful the diffi paefi vfanza, Jequali will ferment to understand the defription of the hours. Postal Code. 13. Plant, & raised d'vna meza curtain, and d'vn mezo Balluardo, and mezo caualliero, with many plants, and profiles' of walls, of which (he talks about in information, and general dorph. Postal Code. r 4. General adjustment '. In which it speaks of the imperfect on and the fort1ficat1om communementevfa you, and ftmofl: ra the real way to make the most important members of the fortification, and the vfo and mifure of, ql! elle. Postal Code. 1 5. As a facilmŽre, every L> phonical knowledge of the ¥ the mathematiche poffa fapere the diHantie from vn you to the other, as flat, as from above mustache, or mustache at the top ritrouatoJ> 1“mil'efktto, e de gli inftrumŽti, e mo of from piglim-pi.ite of cities, fortresses, and of paefi.c.16 : J (EL BOOK SECOND. Delle [carp of the walls ¥ cap.r. As with y?? nuou-0 infirumento {i pollino fapere the quantities of the ??carp?? of the_m ??raglie. chapter 2. How, and with what d1fefe s habhla to fortify vn lito painting . Postal Code. 3. Plant, & elevation of vv Balluardo, and Caualliero, c6 la mofirad from the inside side; with the plant, and the elevation , the Balluardo vn with your railings, more than that, than ft cofruma; treble; with 1fa ingenuity to operate inside the artillery lined parapets. chapter 4. Elevation of the fortification in square, with four . piatteform??; . . . Postal Code. 5. S1 mo! L: rano prn mod1 d1 fott1fication'e with the courts straight, and folded inward, with their ca ¥ walled and earthen walls; and with the Cannoneers, that flank. chap.6 Of the fortification of vn fito in framework, double c6 . difefa, and co 'Ca??allieri uicini in' Balluaradi. cap.7. Ground plan & elevation from a high angle co'l difcgno de gli allogiamŽti per e 'prefidij, ac .. be moved to the terragli of the curtains. ca. 8. Oblique curtains, that is, which corner in inside, & have e cauallieri of land ne o [j ??ango Ii, & 'terragli eight feet high. Far from the parapet uenri feet. chap.9. Fortif“catione of a phyto from [and the cantons, with the curtains oblique, and fold in, and with double difefa of wall, to be able to safely, for .. duta a part, withdraw. Postal Code. 10. Fortification of a fence of fei citoni, 1 reduced in foggia di fi: she, c6 very oblique curtains, here Ii will not be able to etfer beaten by the enemy fenza I was a great defeat, and damage. Postal Code. 1 r. Fortification of a square plant, making the curtains oblique, & raising inside many cauallieri of land. chapter 12. Fortif“catione of a fence similar to the previous one cŽdoli in the corners of the curtains the platforms united with Cauallieri, ouero and á Cauallieri 1 caual ¥ the. Postal Code. q. Of the fortif“carione of the doors, and how fi debbe ac .. commodare the wall doue fi dubiti ddb fe?? de de 'Cittadini. . Postal Code. 14. Fortif“candofi 1ur: in the city in a hurry with works by earth, and with ammo after vefrirle of cainifc?? of wall, what two-to-do to do so re: of earth they are not made in darno, and do not riefchi not difficult. á Postal Code. r 5. ¥ Fortificatione d'vn feff angle, with making him the strongholds? ne oblique, k platforms rouerfe in mezo, & e á Cauallieri pofiicci behind 'Balluardi; & “lcolmo Dd of the wall such that it did not offend , tcrie. Ch. á R 6. New way to fortify vn fettangolo, by making him le cortina nuofe, &: tfoggia di luna fenzl Bal luardi but with the pi, 1tceformt: rouerfe in mczo, e co 'C.mallieri a gli Angoli. Postal Code. r 7. Plant & raised d'vna cicd fortified with curtains oblique, and like it, and .Balluardi todi. c.1 S. Fort“ficatione d'vn enclosure framework, and that po {ago refi fairs to every large battery, with: four Balluardi from g1gl1Jrdi orecchioni, and with two Cauallieri for vno. Postal Code. r 9. Forcificatione fimik alla precedŽte, but with Balluardi two-sided, and co the platform rouerfa.c. I As fi poffino vtilmŽte do and 'Balluardi dall: 1 piaz za di fopra Iargh: i, and with fa. way that riefca da vna, and the other square from b-a! fo; with the remedy to make nafce rein vn the line between the lookout, and the corner dd fence of the City. Postal Code. 2 r. Fortification vciliffima for vn place cti five years g??li making the curtains with the redone, or teeth, with rn10u: the hair dryers and Ji mar.iglie, and of fofli. Postal Code. 2 2. M ::> do d'vna gagli..irda fortificatione was the form qu: ifi del forre di S.rn, á Antonio fatro alla Mir: idolJ. Fig. of the off "efa, ch?? ??u˜ dfer made to_e fortif“cations of the curtain walls, and obltque . . . . ch: 2 3. '.Forc1ficJtione d vn octagon, with an arg111e d1 ter ra in the middle of the fo (fo, as it has the wall of Ca les, and with: i1 some reduced by the fentinelle outside the foffo. Postal Code. 24. Of the fortified one of an octagon, with Balluardi from the mumps. dellafo (fa brea, & of what vtilid she fia. Postal Code. 2 5. Of quarcr?? m? Llri of fia_nchi by Balluardi. Chapter 16. De á nanch1 de B á alluard1, and how they must work there to accommodate the gunners, and of what mifura that they have to do it there. Postal Code. 2 7. Ddle cahnoniere: he is the ancient ufauan. fr ˆ lo lo ani: “. make good cannons, and here he ought to clereerefa. shape of the gunboats, steel che.nello (parare del! 'arrigtieri??, le fpalle di qllel I do not {the rouinino. chap. 2 8. Of the concramines, c mifi.1re of those, and of the uia, which s'hˆ dl ashes to confound by looking at the enemy cauando, uenga fotto a 'foundations of the wall ¥ Postal Code. 2 9. Detl. 1 fortifying tic, of an ancient city. Postal Code. 30. n á a strong double wall fort?? c on tpef .fi arches between a contrforte, and the other, and with caualHeri uicini a'Balluardi. Postal Code. 3 1. Some laws refer to it, and co-constitutions of the Imperlr ×ri, belong to the fortification, & alle city ??walls. Postal Code. 3 2. The plan, and the elevation of the land of Sermoneta in Capagna of, already with us forked. Postal Code. 3 3 ¥ : J (, EL L lB RO TERZO?? Of the fonii“catione de 'ports. clp. r. Plant, & al1.aro of a ravine, to be made in á water, e of the piling, to found it, with the defense of one of my own I L F Iuo the monument to be stuck is poles in places where water: very deep. chapter 2. ??11 ate the ancients to found water. How fi poffa with little fpefa found walls do u do not crou grolfe stones. Way to wall mouth the water, and d; ifcaricar facilmcnce in thatil ground. . Postal Code. 3. D "another way to found in water, with another worthy of fortress. chapter 4. Plan & elevation of a fortress, or watchtower qu.1lche plump in ml, or of a pig. chap.5. Buceolle leek in the French ozone, and the forcif“cationedi that, d6de d˜, cheinaltri por humble yourself with doing, can understand. c.6. Plan, & elevation of another fortress from four sides ,. while in the water, with the fire in his mouth. Postal Code: 7. Like á there poffa found in the water a strong fopra bar than ordinary. plant, & raised dd strong, with fire mafcllio in mezo, and c6 four todi towers. 8 Ddb forcificatione of petiole terre pofie fopra rnonri, o colli, and if it is good to leave it outside . villages from forcificJrgli to bi fogno c6 trenches.c.9. De 'foundations of the walls. Postal Code. 1 o. Delta materia, which would have to ferment to manufacture the walls. Postal Code. 1 1. Regguaglio, & auuertimenri fra the forrification of the Borgo di Roma. chapter 12. Of the earthworks. Postal Code. 1 3. How effer and strong they must be, that they have a lot to do ad vna fortezz.:i,˜ cirrˆ, which we want re. Postal Code. 14. Plan & elevation of the first strong defant Antonio, done to help Mirandola. Postal Code. 1 5. Of the vrilid., & Inuencione de 'forte, who make them for loyal cities, and fortresses. the plant of everything the outline of the Mirandola: with the O: sparse> e with the strong that you are defeated, so much is first, how much it is fruitful. capo16. Plants of the other forts, screw Mirandola, tan to dc 'first, Cfuanto de' fecondi. Postal Code. 17. How do you wish Mr. Giouanbattifia Mon á Te efpugn: three the Mirandola ¥ chap. t 8. Difcgno della Mirandola with all e'forti necchi, e nuoui, and how it was done qii fi the chief left. 19. Portrait of Monticello dello {bto di Siena, with af faithful, c battery. what you should do them for pro uedere to a place, which habbia to look at the af .. fcdio. cap.20. Portrait of CalHgtione, and of the Rocca di Val d'Orcia in Senefe, with I'aff9io, and drums. ch. 2 r ¥ Portrait of Monte Alcino, m that of Siena, with af faithful, and the battery. cap.:u. Four diu erfe plants of forts, to be made to settle Cities, and forcc-zze. Postal Code. 2 3 á How fiery poffino do is strong in the countryside not folo of four diconi, but still trian golari, fi that the curtains are flanked: and that useful they bring in such fort of fortification quc: fie forrne, which take little place ¥ chap. 2+ Of the order, which he had to keep there to build the work of cerra., ch. 2 5 á I N E. Fortification SOME CITIES D I M. G I R O L A M O MAGGI O'ANGHIARt, AND OF CAPTAIN IACOMO F VS T O CA S T R. I O T T O D A V R B IN O, L I B R O P R I M O. Of the origin, & of the cause of building cafe; and City, which cofia fia City, & the end of that. Chapter I. O V E NO OSI in this work on the fortification of the le Cmˆ, panni .cofa conuenicnte first say some cofa M .A.?? G I. of her origin, and of the reason to declare Cafe eLittˆ, which cofaha_C??ttˆ_, & the end d1etfa. Prefuppolto always, as lt nch1ede for uenilimo, that, which in the {ˆcre let- - tere (the law of the creation of man, and of the building district . ,,. of the first Cmˆ: I say, that the Gcntih, the non hcb- is fruitful. bcro, ˜ non uolfero hauere la co0nitionc of the uenc: “, i pri-. huomini, who inhabited the earth, ophidian from injury of the air, because of the walls of the times, and motions from nature, which perfuad us to flee the cofe, c1 bring??o i m pacc, o, and give; they tried to fchermirfi, and from that which was their concern, defended me. some fi mitro to habira sins them ) carotte, & alm d1 lelTnami, ram, & terra con roza ¥ e fconciaopra made hab1 rarions; not eife; I give in that many at the time of the _the a??t_mali priui ??iraaione, chequaf“ con la mede fima induO: na f“ fa 1011.h, e1cou1lt, and {“ procacciano the habitarioni. Although some do not make a mistake they want men to talk to Plinionellib. 7. gives you "from creatures to reason, saying that they learned from the swallows about p. 5 6. to make lccafe di rerra. They still used the fabricar cafe of uimini, and the cauari woods, and fi m“fero to dwell in the trees from the age inside uoti, whence difi benif- sabio -Pittore fimo Virgilio, ,, Gensq1??e uirum truncis, ' of earth, and of joint pktre beg, the foundations, and fop ra ll ll i raised 'and walls, & cof“ uenn.:ro more fid??ramence to do the op: e. Then the fommities of the walls, no longer triangulated, chequadrangola??i, moltilatcre, ˜ronde; mac??me_ue??i - u.i lor bene, co?? frondi d'arbori, con legnanu, e con laftre, & pcr & ra?? fpat10 d1 tŽm? {el c. 7. de / ib. 3. po vcctcndol“ d1 ??IH d animals, & part nudc, adorned here, and 1: 1 d1f pc rfe for mon delle Mifce / la nee. A u, eperti, cpcrcampagneall'horafeluofe. Then little by little, the number of people, and not being able to understand all the sons and daughters of one in a fola cafa; others were made with the same order of arcorns; of mjniera than in many places they came up with what we call uillc today and the countryside. But why, how says ArHlotele, man is by nature easy animal, and naro: t) accompany him with the other men (as still f“ uede effcr cofrume of some priui animals of ra ¥ gione) many gatherings of huornini began to habira inl“cme: among the . which reigns the one, who fi uedeua, and prouaua among others more than strength, of giufti??.,. lr, fl .n {ll, b??o 1 d,! Lla'P á tia, and of conf exception etc! lens. Hence AriO is not without reason: otele, Cicerone, Sal ?? zt. Czcero Jufiio, & others said, that the first men were righteous and crouernati by 'R. 11e in the lih. 3, dc_! J?? E {lndo of then the men. from the \ e.crudeliilimc be??i?? mole??l??ti, & from the malignancy of á Read. sa / luflto m other men, who for u??n_J caf“ s were from lo??o dm1fi, affal! t1; _they made a Caulma ¥ common difefa; & so c1rc??:> nd the pnuatc hab1 {anom of a continuous mu- . . ro. Cicero, c Virgilio uoghono, that eloquence, & the sweet talk of who in that C! C .ne??! Hee. i. of the times was more excellent, it was the reason to have men meet in a reason !, e????ione. he company: whence the City dregs. Which Latrantio does not like 1??1rydw, ne'ucrfif˜ Firmiano. Arifiotele at the propofiro nofiro spoke in que (the fentimento: Perchc (dipra Orp??eo. . cctgli) we hear, every city and city, a certain company, & every company Latt, mtzo in Iib. efire (installment made for; cause of some benc (impcr˜chc every man does all 6.,. Ip. I. cofe for reason, which seems good) is manifefio, which belches confiscate v1rtfl.nel_lib. I. some good, and most importantly, that of all the cofe is principal the file, and dell.-z f 011?? ;. the suits the other embraces. Talta is what 'Politics. haucndo l'dlrc for reasons of uiuer well. For Jaqual cofa every city by nature; auuenga which by nature are the p??imc companies: because that company, a is the fi. nor those for natur: i, & the end and for bedtime. Perqucfic cofeadunq ue fi drn1 ofrra ¥ chela City: “c nd number of those cofc, chefonoper nature, and that J'huomoper nature is ani ill ciuile. And certainly the first fruitful nature is the City that I the cafa, and that some of us: conciofia cofa that is nece1fario chc á t all there before n??n is the part; pcr????e fc ciafuno fcpˆrato, e_ da per fe ??effo is not fofficienrc; and like the other p.arn muerfo 11 burp. Alrrouc the was said F1lofofo spoke in that fcntimenro. So the end of Citti is iluiuer bcnc, and Cit- 1 {ellib.3.della tˆ is a company of gencrations, cdi Vicinati of uita perfctta, and from fe fufficien- 'Policy. king, that is (as we said) uiucr well, and blissfully. So f“ has to say, that Ja ciuilcornpagoia by reason of benfare, and not pcruiucreinl“eme. ln another place ifl: dfo Ari fio tele spoke in quefto tenore.The City is a myriad of e?? [and, abundant with land, and with money as much bafta for good uiucr. G !! efio is when 'N.ellib. 1. of the to diceAri! Lotele: ipropoGto noft??o, from which I have not taken all the patoleco?? ¥ Econom. watered down, but only those, which I thought were e! fcr polle m quefi-o luo??o, that is '.l \ {and' Digefll ??t! o I did imitating Calli.firatonofiro Giiroeconfulto. ' il??ualfecc il, fomi??iantc ??iltito. de'l '{itdmzs. When certain words of P??atone, as, fiuede ne D1gefh, ????! hiatus ??ucruro L .. Al, hiatus in li.4 by Alciato. Plato, 1which meritamcnrefcalled dmmo ,. together with the r. $ ._ ddlc DiJ; but first reason, eh?? (pinf??_gl.i ??uo! llini al fJre le Cittˆ; fu! fe the bifognob??mano. 1ium, Laonde ne 'fuoi fcnm Iafc1011 knumcnto fottopofio. faffi adunquc-1-1 Qty (co- Me ??eiomillimo) because one of us from feftelfofoffi cien te to fe medefimo, but 1 has the bifo??no of many! and nothing else was the principle of making Cirri, au uenaa d1e oli 'P ator.enell, b. 2¥ huom1oi coG with each other (i receive, & one peruoo ufo p igli; 1no?? & lt?? <, de / Ja% 1 '¥ for another: because in many cofe have d1bifogno, & co f“ also gather á mol - we in Lina habltatione com tnunicatori, & aiuratori: the quille adunarione we call City. up to Plato. The (second reason) I appreciate the medium of doing the cities, was the d1tc ago, and wickedness conrra the beftie, which harm the man: acioche with 2, to regulate many people inf“cme, and walls of walls, easily defending potellro re lletl, not elfr ndo before when they were here, and the di (perf e, apt to do that: -o. li fentimento dd: and words of Plato is the fofofcritto, The men from the beginning -ztl l ftanJo co??“, anJauan o, & habitauano here and laJ imperoche do not haueuano even unstressed nor Proti, ra fa bricar o-1odcl Gto, and in high places, to which hardly, & a great dif uan. taaaio potcO??uuicinarf“ 11 nitnic, & auuicinandof“, ne potelfe di lcggiero e! lcre 'l {el Genefial cap. fpiiZt or behind. Hence it is, chela most of the Cird, cafklla, and Sarm, ??llo_nel rocche fi uede e: ifere O: ata made in 'necks, ene' mountains, even in dfi (“ patiff gran Postal Code. 9. in Gzudzt '! A cardria of water: whence lcgg ia??10 in the letters, many cities, and cafl: el la efl??rf i fe r?? in ca. 7. san.Gzo. ui kings of the water, which were d1 fuon. Homero still father of the antichira, parnelcap. 4.. Jando of the daughters of A1??tifat?? Le??ri g? ??e, e?? á Ithaca, of ??o Ja??ocl Timr??, nd ft. d I 'I á e1 f I d' aA á o I r. eueno, nrlltb .. com po 1, as e g 1_ a tn cmen 1: pere_ 1e, as 1 ?? Il ore e, all co, c fo- of the Rep.e ndlih: no feed from that) o, d1 that fon made: & H1ppocraree Cicero (not to adduce ho- 5. ??of Jc gi Arift. ra the authority: “d'altn) openly teflificano, that we pafciamc, even air, and fap- n_??J 7 á ignore, and Capir.mi ualentif. de '.P??z ¥ tani, with a good number of folded ones, and a large copy of munirioni, was a branch considered by Th??ci1, 1??tl l, b. 2. ago efpugnatione del Borgo ??anfepokr ?, and 'Anghiari ??n??a homeland, as prefect to parts, .Ang??an ??att11t??: bauendo prima fattouououoagmfia batrena, that iFiorenum hebber time d1 proue-: dal??'?? á 1 > 1erode . tenti, r itir.arfi, esb: mdare. I could adduce others and (fempij, ch'io per brc ¥ efter uetJ ,, to il uitˆ lafcioda .Parte, for j which as for quefti, (“ ucderebl: x: chiaramenre, ??he is co- Guicciardiiw in / i na useful to the Principal, hauer around strong places, which believe the enemies bro 5, ilqual says, Acno acantoch'efi“: G P??noprouederedi what he does to them of bil˜gno; alche_non {“ ha cbe foloui they were mai ilttmpofi lu??., dlenon ricfcafcarfo, com??fi ued??e fucce1'c ??F1orenripi, pi??iat?? l.??i á t??li: which which Understanding 0Before long before the certainty of the future siege, they could not land there any more dell ', dtre mollr˜ taito pr ouedere, that their baftaO. Although some are trying to take the main cities, they get happy with fucce (they look back to the city, and go to the coft.mtia; but they are out of the way to afiˆlir the one that is more traditional. But from a photo eflmpio, e foccef: ??} ::;: 1t:; :: ??; ??e?? Co, not there deu?? to argue, matlimamenre when gagliarde reasons reasons for the i .. d I bito starts with rrana. Ji ¥ on ¥! 8;}. 0 San AD V N QV E will make cofa usefulilima, which the main City (i a in mezo dello fta?? t: n 111; 10: r close; because the enemy, who will need them to work, will struggle, sooner than he will. , ;;; 0 ¥ ci tul'an- cini ,, di leuarf“ dJ??1anri all ??li ii: 11 tolls of the_air_reCittˆ and fortresses,, ?? egl?? throne 1 502_ u??r?? p.e1 r lad; ttfirada, o a que1??ta umm, ped_r non_fi lafc 11ar ??ietro 1??lle fpaile the enemy, 1lq??al There , ¥ n ¥ a uictt, c 1e I uora non g I uenga 1 commuo and mttuag 1e. If, however, it is not necessary, I f“i?? ta pri cdi?? uere {ivfa bother to keep another cllrcito, who always makes the shortlist for the uiuandie- and ia mno ere- ¥ r á á I h á á l 1 á 1 l á á (“ 'á loft, y "\: ri per rum?? uog 1 per io o 1:! qu?? e mconuenieme, quanro 1a o-rande, can gm- 4to ¥ care for every huorno, which is not a judgmental punishment. another useful utility for the main city, when (in the face of more cities, that is, that it will not be able to me: it is alfediara; or if it is encircled by air (faithful, the enemy you never leek frar qmcto; \ 1 that does not fall from dmerG sides, mokfrato (bmr..bc the order of the eh 1ude- .r. the king and the {lrciro aifediante in the Forts, like some of the times in the day ?? ¥ make good contributions Ttt.tttf, 'ne ??n1 1t0 remedy to quefti inconuenient1) concio! Ia .cofa that to the cities of the city is there cii cofa por .A. eJ, an??r??,. ,, to gerl“ kambieuol and help. For which reason Alefiˆndro Magno (as {“ law) edig ??o ¥ fk˜ to Oxo river fei lands not far away, acciochel'altra to each oc ¥ Correspondence and biforgy to the type of war could be foccorfo. If not f“ hau lno go bow for what I say; ccrcheretnoqu.anto pi fipot- -c?? c: i ': auuicinarci to me. 20 Who does the trajnc: n tc, will give cause, that a femprc breath will do in the hand of the hole ¥ tu?? a, and fottopolto to each a (enemy pitch. For! prefa the main land, the al ¥ tre foggctte fempre f“ f?? ??liono arrende??e, non h mante_n??ndo le mem??ra fenza la refra . Q! ._ ando again pm rerre will make the euphoria of the pacfe muerfo cofa ut ile accommodarfi al {“to, ed'au.uicin arf“ with the principal. Cof“ still fc will do.: on either side of the flate benchequah ??fl: oar, which for the benefit of nature do not bring the danger of the enemy, I will not blame those who try to fabricate in this place the main city, although from those sides, which will grant the land (fo the 11emic, they are also land to that fottopoil and, which may be held between them when looking for fc to go to fight. BUT I preface s'habbia ad'cdificar Main city; I will hold another way. We will look for the paefe fe ui will do some pa! L uerfo the other domains, chep <; rc: 1gion of1 mountains, of large and deep rivers, or of other benefits-, that is, strong ture: and here in a place not too far away, that there is no lack of convenience, which seeks the authors daaoi of fopra alkg3ti; fabrich created the city. Efc'l paefedelPrencipe, who will look for farecdi??ca??JaCittˆ_, _will do more in a_h??ogoche in the other fottopofto at the corridors, & to the aflalu de 'nen11c1 very powerful1, u1 f“ will make the meeting build two cities, chcfiano á as unofcudo of that part, corn. Tafi??o.??l li and that one to the other pof there no give foccorfo, as did Aleffandro to Oxo river. Says b, 09. CornelioTacito chegiˆi Romani??di.ficarono.Cremona (fqueflo in the time of T. Sempronio, & by Cornelio Confoli) for \ lnadifdˆ contra France {“, which habitauano Emilio 'Probo in: beyond the P˜., & Against every effort of the enemies, which for the most foffe could uen ire. Difl, z uittt by TbemJ'T. fe Themilroclca \ the Lordship of Lacedemone, which Athen was like a shelter & ofra Ifa, CLT. colo against the Barbarians. Se guendo qudl: rightly the giufriffimo and potentifiimo Cofmo Medici Du ca di Fiorenza and Siena, has always tried to make things stronger than the other those lands, which belong to the confines of the fuo {fate, or to the uicine ones, maffirnamente whence (i could fear the uenuta de 'enemies. snto s ¥ afperta more particolarrnenteal fitode \ 1-a City, that is, to that, which they call the nofrri Giureconfulti luog or of Juogo, I say that -that f“ pu??f??re in diuer0 f“ti, c??o, monte, ˜ colle, & i?? piaggi ??, ??ito in p: 4,, 0 cbe ˜ in the plane. Et 10 q??e! Lo, .o m luo??o.afcmtto, o. d??ntr?? al mar??, ˜ pad1-1lt, and lakes, utility babbi.i, & e Copra is in the middle of the J fi??rn??. YES;! we will take it slowly, c1 we will secure 00110 , be 4a1Jnoapporti, mines; from the cuts, and we will miss the shovel of the walls to the enemy who is in 01.ome: suffer from10 lack of water, and by pulling the artillery, we will offend at a stroke more enemies, which we would not do_ti-rando from above, don_G fend! e_ balls more ˜??bolmenre ,. ?? JJ.anm> afcrire (c.Qro <: f“dic; e uoJga n: nente} d1tic-co ,. no.o d1 white: non'f which Understanding 0 Before long before the certainty of the future siege, they could not land there any more dell ', dtre mollr˜ taito pr ouedere, that their baftaO. Although some are trying to take the main cities, they get happy with fucce (they look back to the city as well, and go to the coft.mtia; but they are on the way to afiˆlir, the one that is more traditional. eflmpio, and foccef: ??} ::;: 1t:; :: ??; ??e?? Co, not there deu?? to argue, matlimamenre when vigorous reasons fonq for the i .. d I bito starts with rrana. Ji ¥ on ¥! 8;}. 0 San AD V N QV E will make cofa usefulilima, which the main City (i a in mezo dello fta?? t: n 111; 10: r close; because the enemy, who will need them to work, will struggle, sooner than he will. , ;;; 0 ¥ ci tul'an- cini ,, di leuarf“ dJ??1anri all ??li ii: 11 tolls of the_air_reCittˆ and fortresses,, ?? egl?? throne 1 502_ u??r?? p.e1 r lad; ttfirada, o a que1??ta umm, ped_r non_fi lafc 11ar ??ietro 1??lle fpaile the enemy, 1lq??al There , ¥ n ¥ a uictt, c 1e I uora non g I uenga 1 commuo and mttuag 1e. If, however, it is not necessary, I f“i?? ta pri cdi?? uere {ivfa bother to keep another cllrcito, who always makes the shortlist for the uiuandie- and ia mno ere- ¥ r á á I h á á l 1 á 1 l á á (“ 'á loft, y "\: ri per rum?? uog 1 per io o 1:! qu?? e mconuenieme, quanro 1a o-rande, can gm- 4to ¥ care for every huorno, which is not a judgmental punishment. another useful utility for the main city, when (in the face of more cities, that is, that it will not be able to me: it is alfediara; or if it is encircled by air (faithful, the enemy you never leek frar qmcto; \ 1 that does not fall from dmerG sides, mokfrato (bmr..bc the order of the eh 1ude- .r. the king and the {lrciro aifediante in the Forts, like some of the times in the day ?? ¥ make good contributions Ttt.tttf, 'ne ??n1 1t0 remedy to quefti inconuenient1) concio! Ia .cofa that to the cities of the city is there cii cofa por .A. eJ, an??r??,. ,, to gerl“ kambieuol and help. For which reason Alefiˆndro Magno (as {“ law) edig ??o ¥ fk˜ to Oxo river fei lands not far away, acciochel'altra to each oc ¥ Correspondence and biforgy to the type of war could be foccorfo. If not f“ hau lno go bow for what I say; ccrcheretnoqu.anto pi fipot- -c?? c: i ': auuicinarci to me. 20 Who does the trajnc: n tc, will give cause, that a femprc breath will do in the hand of the hole ¥ tu?? a, and fottopolto to each a (enemy pitch. For! prefa the main land, the al ¥ tre foggctte fempre f“ f?? ??liono arrende??e, non h mante_n??ndo le mem??ra fenza la refra . Q! ._ ando again pm rerre will make the euphoria of the pacfe muerfo cofa ut ile accommodarfi al {“to, ed'au.uicin arf“ with the principal. Cof“ still fc will do.: on either side of the flate benchequah ??fl: oar, which for the benefit of nature do not bring the danger of the enemy, I will not blame those who try to fabricate in this place the main city, although from those sides, which will grant the land (fo the 11emic, they also land to that fottopoil and, which may be held between them when looking for fc to go and fight it. MA prefuppofro, who does not have ad'cdificar Main city,; I will keep another way. We will look for the paefe fe ui will do some pa! L uerfo the other domains, chep <; rc: 1gion of1 mountains, of large and deep rivers, or of other benefits-, that is, strong ture: and here in a place not too far away, that there is no lack of convenience, which seeks the authors daaoi of fopra alkg3ti; fabrich created the city. Efc'l paefedelPrencipe, who will look for farecdi??ca??JaCittˆ_, _will do more in a_h??ogoche in the other fottopofto at the corridors, & to the aflalu de 'nen11c1 very powerful1, u1 f“ will make the meeting build two cities, chcfiano á as unofcudo of that part, corn. Tafi??o.??l li and that one to the other pof there no give foccorfo, as did Aleffandro to Oxo river. Says b, 09. CornelioTacito chegiˆi Romani??di.ficarono.Cremona (fqueflo in the time of T. Sempronio, & by Cornelio Confoli) for \ lnadifdˆ contra France {“, which habitauano Emilio 'Probo in: beyond the P˜., & Against every effort of the enemies, which for the most foffe could uen ire. Difl, z uittt by TbemJ'T. fe Themilroclca \ the Lordship of Lacedemone, which Athen was like a shelter & ofra Ifa, CLT. colo against the Barbarians. Se guendo qudl: rightly the giufriffimo and potentifiimo Cofmo Medici Du ca di Fiorenza and Siena, has always tried to make things stronger than the other those lands, which belong to the confines of the fuo {fate, or to the uicine ones, maffirnamente whence (i could fear the uenuta de 'enemies. snto s ¥ afperta more particolarrnenteal fitode \ 1-a City, that is, to that, which they call the nofrri Giureconfulti luog or of Juogo, I say that -that f“ pu??f??re in diuer0 f“ti, c??o, monte, ˜ colle, & i?? piaggi ??, ??ito in p: 4,, 0 cbe ˜ in the plane. Et 10 q??e! Lo, .o m luo??o.afcmtto, o. d??ntr?? al mar??, ˜ pad1-1lt, and lakes, utility babbi.i, & e Copra is in the middle of the J fi??rn??. YES;! we will take it slowly, c1 we will secure 00110 , be 4a1Jnoapporti, mines; from the cuts, and we will miss the shovel of the walls to the enemy who is in 01.ome: suffer from10 lack of water, and by pulling the artillery, we will offend at a stroke more enemies, which we would not do_to-rando from above, don_G fend! e_ balls more ˜??bolmenre ,. ?? JJ.anm> afcrire (c.Qro <: f“dic; e uoJga n: nente} d1tic-co ,. no.o d1 white: non'f the last com ponncnto, & has found tremendous ways to take advantage of strong places. Also in qnefra & in 011oi other cofa I will try to judge to those, who take more than me, and I will say of the plants of the Cmˆs, by chasing the king's way of taking them plants of the paefi and