Trompe de Mon pellier. ~~l'!I~~ Ette Trompe efl: ditede Mont-pellier_. by what.enthe City of Mont-pellieril yen a vne femblable ~ forr renomec Des Ouuricrs pour fa beautc & gcnril1effe. Ellefe fair commc La Tron1pe in Round Tower cy deuan t den1on h: rf e:. less for treading ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I' n fcray ladecriprion. Pourvenii-a laconftrultiond'icie, on tircralcs two Jignes A, B_, C, D 3 fe coupansaangle droitau poina: B: duqucl poin8: ront tir z the three quarrs ae circle: the pren1ier G, H, will make the largcur do1r auoir Tron1pe by the dcda11s: the fccond f, i, of half the thickness of the n1uraillc: the (C)determine the amount to be paid out of the pump. Lefqucls quarters circle will make cliui{ez E11 two parts & of * nie, making the diu1fions of the bottom larger than that, s c-lu l1aut. For 1npe{cl1cr ' that LCS top panels, & Ia clefne the TL c11ucnt trap Iargesbythel1thenit is necessarilydiuifcriceliesparties bythe middle. Despoinlts 1. z. 3. feronc tircz at centreB, Jes ioincluresoccutcesiu!ques l1ors L1 Efrradolfe, f:<. or icclles will cut the circle Iqua res E, C,, F, i, & G, H, will draw the Perpendiculars iu (qucsfur E, B. prcndra from pointb_, to poinCls E, F, G, forjes rapporrcr the fur of the line B, D., at the points K, L., D. Defdirs poinlts, pull p. 1R dcflus E, F, G) the igncs KJ O, L, tv1, D, N, aflcz l011gues. Or the pcrpendicu1aircs touci1-cro11c lalig11e G,, B, draw lines of elcuacion, or panre, which and ~ mef1nc cl 0fe'uita qucs to quarter decercleG·, H, lesretombesqui 1icnnentde G, H, AU poinll: K; cclles dt: F, 1, at1 poinlt L; & ce.llesde l, Efiradoife E, C at point D. then ran to the front of the anrm paint them.TEF H, B, quc one will wear fur line a,, pourmarquer fur La 11gnc K, the po1nl ~ O. 011 draw perite line 0, n, parallelc aA, E, ; then we take jignc b, g} & fitr the quarter-circle G, H:T {urlespoinll:s 4. ~ * 6. Outouchct t them !io-nes d ' ~ leuatioti, g,, H, 1 fur report a, G, is required to mark points l), r, s, fur the hgnc G1 0, & pull the pctirc parallelc P, q, which monftrcront jes pancaoK. Dcrcchef, on pre DRA fur B, E, & AU poina 7. from the 1igncd'eleuacion, pour bring you fur A. E, & fur La lignc E, Q., and Y M~rquer I point.'t T.. The right aclc) one prcndra LCS poinfrs K, G, pour mark the line or, 1zontal of the pallets De Doyle, a, B. de lamcfme ouuerturc, tircz. Jes two por1ions of ccrcle, A: S B, C, po R lcfdus panels,&, d: e, f, for Elongated Ser-CES, or cefic panels. Then one will take the d1ui6ons of the Quarter Circle G, 1-I, queron eapporte fur, b, c, & c, t: to score poiolt & C Deres, A, D. Tircz straight lines, LCS prolungean t a!Iez. lo1ngues; & I 'v n al other acfdas·poin8:s marqucz wearing fur.on de ccrclc) b, c, & ci1ez CA petite ~ ligoes droites. Pal apr~z,.it will be up to us the points rnarqucz Fur K, 0, that the " rappon: bath bow, a; & fur lines, t1tecz by dclfus~b) c, & .. - y marqucrez poinets O, p, r, f, c~ d ~ ttois in rrois defdits poinas, will ti1e ~ the curved line b, o, which shall mount (with large straight lines) the Doyl panels." Then we'll prcndra all~ the po1na ~ marquez . as the line D,, which will be readjusted along the lines of the pancreas of, efic, & in the Center, for marquee i s po * nas, N, Q. T) G. of three in TJ ois dcfdirs poinels) will urec 1~ Ji.. GNE courbc > q, g, which nlonfirera, auec FCS lines, d, q) T~ G~ tctl panels~. J'? cfte ma1cccnanc demoflrerpout farrelcC1nrre; po lf 1c1cfaire ron predra Les po1nlts B, H: poor faitc H, lo.equal.Aprez fur La ligac G, B, & fi1r the quarter of ocrclc, fl>&. aux poinll " & 4 * F. 6. pour matqucc fur LCS iointl: ures 11. I!.+ & IJ * Aprez, the OOO will pull the Hgnc Horizontalc du (.~ ui RRE b, X, then l * oa ptcndra fur the Quat (G) H1 pat D..- tfus lc: s lines d, cfellation, which proccdcnt rccornbecs dud1t Circle G, H, :1UX poinB:s 4. t * D. 9. that 1 * we rjappoctera fur, b, x~ pou [y marqucr parcils fignes 4. 5. 6 ~ 9 by lef" q1uels fcront tirces perpendicular lines; > A, B, X. Aprcz, you will hang: z LCS points B, 10. q c a 1 report. furi y, A. U along the hgne po1ncec, & will score 10. In aprtz, 1 * 00 prcndra was the line B, G,&': aux poinB: s lI. 1~. IJ * & 6. p1our L S R approvionncr fur La ligne Hor1zontale DN Hanger aux poinCls 4. ,. 6. 9. & marquerc7. fur LCS perpcndicula, RCS parcils fign ~ s 11. 1 I.. 1~. 6 * and three c Irish defdirs poiDa: S, fi; 'ra t1reeJa lie: ncCJourbc' * 11. who will monftrcra the clcua.ciacrc cion!. T ro1J1pe in, VN right angle boobies * lxtiifee· .fl does not deceive "dl: say in 1' right angle fools * baitf'ce to do Vrt~ - :- ; ~ T ~ urronde, lo ~ s q ~ ela Vollte dhaite fur VN angle dr ~ it . , & the wall * ~ ~ ~ who efl: fur the Voutc, ell: of the round figure. To decr1re the confi: ru,.. ,~.. .:.Op - ~ d: ion, make the two lines A, B, B, D, fe in straight angled point& E " then 1ES two lines Q, F, E>, G., which monfrrrrent the plane of the trunk, & L, M. that n1on the fire, rené de la Tour. (Ju po.building interlayer: K _, we will draw the three parts of Circle A, B, C, which monfirc VEfiradofie; H) I_, the 1 half repoiffellr of] a vault; & F, G, 1argcur, beyond the Vault, which fcra.diuifc five-part, faifanc ccl1cs bottom larger than haur cells. Shot~R Les ioinC: utesaucencrc K.; & dc: s perpendiculariu fqu~s lur A, B1 & from pan lines te to poinet d, iu [Qucs fur L, M. take all a desrccombecsfur Linc a, B, & Au pojnl'l: D, & fans leuer Le complsdcsreco1nbces; round the other side point as the line ~ ~ BJ & yn1mark points otl. will make porcec the rcigle J & at the top of the reton1bees. 0 ' 011 to iccux poinlts, pull White hgncs of elcuation; then !"we'll take the long lines of pantc. <.]Ue ljon R~will bring pareiilenient to the haur of lcursreton1bees, & fur !es 1ig11es blancl1es yrnmark po in the CTS pour circr the Small~s Pond lines:uees. This) of the UN does, the.on 1ignc N) 0: fnr l: iquelle fcront pigez tousles poinlts qui font fur L, Ni, & yrirercz Des perdendiculai1 es blancl1es; then we take fur F_, G, & Au bo, ut Des Ii~ let \ ' s say that it is not true that the rapporteur should be appointed.UN: pcndicuJaires blancl1es_, poi1r mark poinfrs. And believe in the Kings Of Heaven, fe .. ronc tirecs Jesdcux iignes curves n_, 0, R, P, q, S_, & The iointtures which monil: rcflt the cut picr_res. Then made for p1neaux line x, y, egaie aD, T. AptezJ the line will be furred, Mr.. from poinll:.1. at point D, pour To Wear Fur N, 0, 3: Ja perpcndicuJaire 1. & leucrrautrepointedu compaslupoinc G. & pigez this ouuercure fur ICS pancauxau poinlt.,x, 1~ then we prcndrau poind:,, P, 61 for mar-. quer, y, 1. & y laugh line,, x, 1. who monftrcra, asce, y) 1 the first panel of the cadence~ That done, foit prins d, 2.. & po rte fi.11 * N,, O, garlic Poincare\: 2· then leuer corn not iufquc at the top of the page, ~ the app: R in, x, to make the little fCC: ion: I.. Ocrcchef, foa pnnsdudir poinC\: D, to poinl\: 3. pour bring * Fur N, 0, to point 3 & Leuer hurre point ae from Compass to pointer 7 * for rappom: R in, x, turning the con1pasabout 3. yf; 1.ifa11r vne feltio11 White. Let prinfe the length of the iointline 6. 7. for items 00: 00 {era tirCC the small line COUtbe I. 1. 3 * who monfirt::.. .. . . ra.,, asce, x, 1. the prcmierpaneaudc ioinll:. .All, ~ Utrcs Pa ~ Caux fe make by the mefmcvoye Jainfi quj1lcft dcmonil: redansledetfein. Trunk creeping & biayfe in VN angle , acute, crazy VN obtuse angle. ET TE Tro1npc fc fait par la mefme voye que Ia prcccden [C. Having just there.1igncA, B, & fur icelle erige la perpcndiculaireCJ La coupanr aangle droit. At poinc1 D, you drill pla11 of pump A, F, B, ~ir " x::.;; E, then you tircrcz the ligt1e of rampanc A, G: & fur iceilc you will do .~ ~ ~ :?ff ~ Jecerclcdc 111eleuacion . AJ C, G_, < jUi feradiuifeen dix parricsinegales, £1I {ANR cellcs of the bottom of the ccrcle larger than this [lc: s of the top. Defditspoinlts, you tirerezlcsioincaurcs & pcrpcnd1culairesiufquesfur 1alfgne A, B, &yrnarqucrez z, 3. 4 * J. 6. 7 * 8. 10. Defdits poinlts to the center E, you will draw1cz elcuarion IUF ligncs.. the lines of the plan .A, F, F, B. Ceja fa\t1 Coit prins La diffiancc e, R. tenant: the cornpl~ fc: r1ne fur R.neck.rnant the other foot dudir con, not Vt!rs, pour mark the h, ypozan R Ja rcigle. And as the pojnCt or the rcromb, cc I. cut the circle,.tircrcz vnc Iignc White; pui$ you will take fur LCS two lines A, B~ B,, F, the length of the pe, draw Iignc from erleuarion L. quereport fur the linebianchc learn aangle dro1t of Iapcrpend1cu] area. , & no iur Ie ccrclc:, & mark the poina: 11. Then aprez: > (era prinsdudit poinlt D, to poinltz. what R supply vcr-s h, Y111 brand V11 pointt, auctucl you can create the reiglc: and or Ia R to1n ee .?.. cutting io: inlt~ re ' for tircr vne J1gne blancl1c; then you will ptendra) a line of eleuation, quc bring youcz 3.U long lapeFpendiculaite _, & marqucrcz13. After you take E, 3. turning the con1 not on the a-Line, ' 1?,, & Y will VN poinll:_, & y pozerez the reiglc, and or pcrpen-· diculairc3.coupclcccccccreg, F, &yrirezv11e 1ign ~ white; then you will take the length of the designc of eleuation fur lcsdtwo ligncs. A~B, F, 1J, Gue portcrezau haut fa1erpendicµlairc, ymarking poinll: z4.What it faµ t do pareille1nenr atou