PROGYMNASMATA ARCHITECTONICA, upper oMUmitseit ÇNb SPHS civili tmntafjl nacfjSfalcrtimg šcr © ecf) e Dw> = unt 5ugef) brtgcr & inge at all / ttn & fo fcunn about intended (built, al $ jnjifcpen'gc ^ unb freps tU & en & en, vendors, Çani $ er slšfe, flŸerbanb struts unb ut> liÇ b (i en meant ¤e (& * 0djanfccn 5 ¨erStudircnbe Ç3ugenb / Wieaucb refp. fiinjftfgeti Šttaurero, ^ Immerleuten, © artnent unb © olbuten §ufgehebeu unb with et 1. ^ oil dab spots of iU.r griebrid;Ê© lebifftycnš feef * © enci§tet Seffr, wk i ?Ê040 good and great grades of mathematics "1 fche SBiffenfchschaften also" lelbft In the general give give, bennod) jeiget btc Ciuil-SšaU ^ Unft among them easily ben all of the fill.ÊChurches, buyers and worshipers need to be brewed everywhere, without building anything, they have to be ftd, cheaply you have ftd) bahin ju, & aji man barbet) not only with other people, burfe, fonbel felbft with Èentre / mie an unbba * a 2 in a 3§crcf not only for self-employed people, but also ,,, for tie / fo ex profeffo Architefteit fern Èunb hetfien molten;Êblow onÊ!:ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ your 2lrt fclbft aud) for life 35 door *Ê{:ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ger unb j £> au & 3Birth.ÊUnbmieba * her cheap aud) young £ eute, inclche adjusted more, al§ nid ^ cpÊ.ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ GentŸmŸch $ u have listed on G'bi'efclbe.Êmerge;ÊJ11ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ alfo you have in cash) fie them aud) Çf not with oielen theoretifdxnÊUÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ © chwterigf eiten ju oerleiben, moblÊÇÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ but, ba fit without otel on a $ good and jolly drawing with ansÊÇÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ comes to fo otel more jufšrberjiÊ11ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ on letters ¤u fehett, alo just fie in # S fonberhett ift, fooran those with me # £ jien iht pleasure finch-Ê-ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ SSorrebe. > cf> SBie id) alfo with ben Nebelt * $ >> Exercises in Bet Arithmetic Iinb Geometry use fo * rh fcrn Liked $ u fetm mid) be * mubet hat, t> af} fte, ft> a $ fonbet * mfÊlid) Ic§terc SBiflenftbaftanbififffff,ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 'Ênid) t leicbtlid) irgenbrno at 21 ufgo *ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ , a 'ben, fo on bem Rapiere jufolui * ren, Èšuiger fccrjfamme? ^ meet merben: aJfo b'šbe a gict * (Uf cbeš mit biefen SS§t * UfrUMflt [i; around fo Èielmebr IÊlay about, alš my 2ibfet> en tft, bafjÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ eitÊftd> bamit aueb bie follett f> elfettÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ <\) lÊršnnen, melcbe in bergleidjeit cfn> adÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ neÊju tbun £ uft, unb bod> fineÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ nsÊ(evidence of some munbltebcitÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ effÊinformation batinne work.ÊSš be *ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ n *Êblesses biefed fomobl © fuoirciiben,ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ tuÊalb mfšrberft aueb gimmer * unbÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ SJJaurer ^ utfdxn, bie / menn fie it'cÊaÊ3Êher *ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ SQcmbc. beretnfi SJleijlet tocrbcrt toollen,Êl <ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ §Uerbingš a suitable 3ti§ÊJÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Follen make tons, but ingest, traditional soap after r feitenÊvÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ "On their sifters toa $ more ba"Ê£ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ "On $ u feverishly, as toašfteÈ on snapping.ÊUnbafern an Èon bet) ben aud> onlyÊ11ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ a moderate level of effort ÇÊcÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ $ et, unhied) Birtfcl unb Linial semi-ju ju to bebe toei¤, foll et ftch Èhopefully even toohlÊ4ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ after rescue given here, juÊ1ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ rights help blow dry.Ê3t "ar ent"Ê>ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ keep on bie fechš Orb ÇÊIÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ nuttgen, with her 2lnhange, annod>ÊjÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ some @chtt> ierigfeiten, failed <Ê1ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ bern juf & berft bie Capitale ber ÈierÊ1ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ie & tern aiemlicheo © efehiefe, |Êt Èenn fte toohl without gjiemb * * merben follen: alone, mie hunbertunb but hunberf / also gaÇ lante SJemfcf. it,Êloud © ebdube added tuet #ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ; tjjÊbeit, on benen fein Ionifcbeš, ge #ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ix,Êfcbweige a SWmifcbeb, upper co-ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ etiÊrinthifdbcš Capital ju fe ^ Ctt ftebettÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 11Êwants to advertise right, mebrmabien juÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ blÊÈrequest, easy to read #ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ juÊdear something fo febwer ifi, whichÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ iuÊnot bureb bftercs ^ robtren enblicbÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ b *Êfollow ways u bring fetjn.Ê3n #ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ cbÊhelp but ift don't deny ju,ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ bsÊbaf one oiele subtilitdten in bie #ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ heÊfuebet fat orbie, bie up inÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ % |Êago Sbat nid) t fell on | id) have, tiÊnnb bennoeb beren © ebraueb jiem #ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ make itÊnice febwer.ÊSOJan determ-ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ xminiret oieleb barinne beb hub on ttÊaÊ4Ê£ aar #ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 93omt> c. Hair widths, unb Riebet fot Èol) l on them felbft, alb aud) intern (Bebraudte foÈ tele 9ieguln, bass fte in SBercfe felbft allcmaf> l ttt eight ju, faft unmbgltch fet) tt i Ètll.ÊUubmtttfelfi is missing eg bennod) jum often tends to) deny gnunafa * nterUrjhdfe why etn © ingebe Çfo unb ourebattd should not take on.Ê3€an relates ftd) par half to ben varumum, balb to bte antique, balb gtebtmati felbflh fine raitonsallein, of> ne ba¤ vu truuius feiner £> uncfell) dt because often not even)!Êquite a fan of advertising, if he also feutebwegeb over 9 can, according to fo fofolur follow obligatory fet>;Êiutbetftcbabcr a Û yetnpel Èon btefem above that tn about antique, fo pleading thm ban un man feebb un more "pray aud just bem Ÿtlterthume ent" against OCtombf. against ju fe $ en;Êttnb likes to use his own rifons / fint Èboots * often only for a long time, when he starts working.Êtbut bocb a singer, alone also 5D? auerer, Simmermann unb ber * gletdjen mobl, if he holds jtd) bejian * big an bie 23or | cbriftett unb Û y Çm pel coveted architects, as well as their Aufloriratcr (tebieberjeit on the first day of the day, however, he was even a little bit butt Çberterlet) SSBiberfprbbnn fan, since he fid) etrnad after his own eld) c in ^ tefiger (just © egenb deprueber feit for #corresponding È, reissued, top bo ^ fonff, under the direction of famous artists, donated to a bie ijanb in a gan§ onbere © effalt Èerfe§t mor * ben jtnb. 5ša $ but benn Èon about Archi-teflura militari brewed lbor # .Êben, fbU boys £ euten more $ u ei # not © omtt. .,Êr ..Ê??Ê?Ê-Ê?Ê-Ê.Ê?Êi ....ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ttettt Diuertiflement Uitb SlttteŸ fcuttg jur Mathefi btenen, alb ba§ et etan tan $ riegb * 5Sam9) Jeifler and the like ban.Ê© eftalt man mobl tneifj,Êbaf barju more, alb a bu * $ enb gates, or above all have a felbet ju prepared, mttb conquered.Ê3nwtfc!ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ telflgibt e8 bteÊbafjÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ young ^ Purfcbe fa (! nicbtb dear tet | fen, alb Sefitmgen, tbeilb tueil fte, I don't know foab for a Û imbilung fleh barbet), tbeilb meil (te fafi burebgebbb with gircfel unb Linial Èacquired fbnnen, eb aud) nad ) ben tables without attenten Praxibus aderbingb tuab easyb i | i, a folch pretty lift un begthnltcbeb © ingjuSftarcfte? u.Ê3nše ^ eit a ^ cr ^ an heimoth also dtefeb your furniture * SSorreSe. laubteš Plaifir give them tf> eŸ6 with an encouragement, in beit singing in the # mer ft> etter $ u, bees, partly in aud) in over £) tfforte unb anber # rueitš more give them a necessary view, fonberltcl) but also not benen fdxiblich fet> n, bte her © lšcf in ben €ricg leads un measure more, alb bloffen Mouf # quetiers, deftinirct hat- SBie but fold) cr © eftalt here also ntemanb fuchen mirb than to make my mistake come true;Êaifo mirb hopefully fine alfofort qodefen, or even raise finely tm, rnettn et # tnaš not furnished after beffen often even be # jbnberm gufto, or even finely fine torture. Siefcš iftmašnienfchlicheb, unb as a good service only in Ò5leu # fj€feit jur © nu gnet © ombe. gneteš an auc (> mobl felbft ttt bern, ba matt Anbcre with aitemjieip corrigiren uni) fabeln toltt: ooit den but fe (> e fein © efe | oor mir, toelcheS indulge myself, £> te SDingeberbs, unb not fo, oc> r Çto make a pailŠbleš SKtfjgen, fo I have received my <£ nbttoecf ardpfert Shells; but intends to add an extra tos, he wears a fine ancestorÈ or, he solder toiU. 9Kir has it oorbipmahl now fogc "Fold. Undead and deep soap for beguem with young people," jumahl tenn they are still mŸnblichmttbet) brmget, tŸar " to bijbober that fo, not not at ÇberS fomme: alfo tch all Sufamme also only Progymna-fmata, upper SSot ** exercises to ban spell $ u, you bapÊitÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Coorrebc. eg barbet) do not mix, fonbern 0q> bab plus ultra jugleid) fotte rccommendirctfet) n lalfen, ju * tnabl tt> enn¨lŸcf unb © eleŠbeit also Èeitere good unb fidele suiunbÇ unb # offer * information on vni-perfumes, Give oberanbertneitš to #anb.ÊUnbfobielfŸrbiefeg, alone, alš bor etibaš new, bieb also suffers $ utn lived meals.Ê2e * be tnobl j ¨rc # n £> apn, ben 8-Aug.ÊÈ730. ISSbte ma $ l men fccrbf pien 23or * lessons.ÊSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ away ild) only in …cn $ 8or4lbungcn jur Ci- je * vil- ^ 3au ^ un | t 51t redjfe $ uf onimen,Ên) 0 ^ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ijtpordllett Gingen nof ^ ig / ba $ a ^ Beginner ettvaš get over arithmetic unb geometry (an ^ abc, unb šuš borr wcm'gffcn ^ except bie Regulam ^ en 'He Tri with gatten unb roasted gafcleu geforn * menfet ;; here but fine ih-.utvParaUeicn / Perpen- £ rei * dicutarc Ç/ Circul, Ovale / Triangul, Quadrata, rQ ^ ' ^ urciiyen / feiniereinclink / CEircul ~ w * f * f Ègejie'menb # jReifen i'oifft, unb was bergtei *ÊjanÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ djen if) tn efwan me jr porfaUcn fan.ÊSSefybes, ba * ^ T fern e $ i ^ m nod) missing, 1an er ^ inlŠnglid) Šug Ÿber re5 ^ Instructions 311 ben ffoneljmftcn matbemati- ^ J fibertXPiffmlcfe ^ fce Èunb ben ITcbcn-Ubim * t 'gen bec 3ugeÇ b in bev Arithmetic with) Geome-tric, like fotc ^ e tc ^ tc Dfler'SHcjfe (curled up * Wn {) c men / learn * @ § but | a (he at; wircf * Iitf) em2 (attacks biefcrX? Ot 'ÈlU> ungeit ftc ^ on a suitable ^ ircfel unb Sfaijj * prayer / a game of Svaben ^ eberr., Gute Sufdje unb rof ^ e' ^ infC / rieb * nt aa tiges iintal, unb bep foldjem all jufšrberff and) j on a pure unb about * ffarefes unb groftes 93a * pier & u.Êdeep fan in whole <80 *Ê^ ¨ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ^ eU / lafT Ç? / wnb ju fine 3Ç cfi> ad interim Ê i Wat ;!Êonly one wrong Q5ogen right @eife nelj * Wen;Êall barunfer and;ÊIberjeit fine smooth and uncrumbled £ Ket§ * ober @ tich ' eft give because fo Piel hernad;Êftcfy btnben on biting 3> ie einjcln © dear b Çr © euleitÈ Drbnungett laner here;Êlinder $ an to an ink, like pott b, Tab.i.Fig.j.Êbit c, Fig.Êw.Êbaptize taff / unb oktbige with fern bem 3)} aa§. = © fabe Fig. i.Êrank.ÊHow to give 2) a lot of pictures and pictures, only he also had ben Sttaass È© tab fug * lent on a saddle on the top, lying on the outside, male and female, and also shell grief reijfen fan * 2llfo fan ec aud;Êbass ionifcbe unb 3: euffcbe capital fo lay, like <§Porgeriffen, but take the module alone a * meal fo large barju, ate tab. ////.unb V. ge * fdjehett / bas SKomifche unb (Sorinthifc§e but fa È add reffen, basse here only porge§ellettpor * ben §, W0¤uet fo bann ben module about choice fo grof / § according to Tig. i * pon Ebi§ N wirb # *Êmhme ÇÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ \ Ê 4 -__________________________________________________ __ blow dry.ÊX) he stretches felbj!Êfan fc & w fteien, as Tab. VIII. unb villl.Ê$ u feljen, ben inge auef) Hui ttad) all 6, Drbn ÈnS ª burd) rciffen.Êmb *ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ $ f) for more infrequent, such as aud) bie Camin-SSer 'd) et infibungen, fyat er aud) gan £ $ u rciffen, nad) bem Ç1 $È on learn a ^ jram in the instructions tab. cuL XIX .Ê$ u rims, upper bod) ¤alb, like bergleicbeti where 2 ^ ure jtrf) Tab. XII.Êftnbet;Êbut if he wants one (£ a * cfel min ganij rciffen / fo ftnbet ftd) an approximate ^ rco (£ j> tmpel / ob woljl somewhat flein, Tab. xvim. Fig. / *. far 3) ie © elŠnber fan er aud ) nad) all fed) $ Orb * ^ ai nuugen reiffen / auf bie #rf, as in Tab. xxi.ÊFig. G.Êiljn Èorge§eflet tji;Êalone barbe ^ fo wofjl bie aušgc <3 (n fdjweiff * ; to fchtvcifften © ocfcn Fig. 6.and unconverted Fig. 7. , ben štsšud) bie, fo Fig,> i ^ is.i ^ inf ^ cn, Fig. 1.onfglcid) c2 (rtmif ben previous rcijjem © ie Por-Harter ule fan criebeštvicbcr after Jpšhe bee Rapier? $ Tab. Fieffen, icboch barbet) also gan ^ reiffen Èn, btc © eit the rest went tvirb er fo benn also feidjt module boffenb a total amount of opening without opening * 1 when drenching;Êtebod), where possible monkey ganfc ripen, ne with Çttb cash against bt abtvcdjfelnben genfer / (Ercfer,. © teb SljernKge, gelterÈ © ffen, u Èb. glÈ to jur irfffer, Ètung beri ^ aufer felfcjt out fcpn (monkeys, unb fic foldje please only add alf to them with felbjf, en bet es feg bcnn, t> af er fTe also the same size with ben other * jnifebe Çen, unb a (fo also their actual unb harvestsÈ orfteb © fever for ÇorfMcn wool, baer benn bie Tab. Sogen * XXXVliFig.j.4./. 6. with bepgebraajfen€ircb'gen * etin in ffern, tvie also fcfe © t? cfer, Balcon-unb © adj'genfler r © in * Çoch barju take fan. Alone everything biefeS, tvas r also ium'SBertfe fetbfig, he has fauber wrong Sfont * fd) ivarl $, bas meijle ganij jart, bie iialen right, Sfai * £ anb but bod) what fkrtfŠuretffen. © iepuncttrfen (e also lines fan he with good rofher © inte fo fubtil, as possible i | i / ieboch aud) punctirf / Ober broden nta * ¥ S…et 'djen, but everything that does not belong to jumSBercfe, jum h bemÊ] rcmpelbie9 $ 6gcn bet) benParallelcn obcrPerpendi- \ Tab. cuUtcn unb iff, he couldn«t scream at all, oak tvoht but fan he barju only a real SEBin * n Sa * cfcMrtaacfcit, Parallcl-linial u Èb.glÈ use È(Ej>;ÊSQ $ itt et somewhat tufd) iren, like et benn n> o ^ t thun 14. fan, because ben © Ingen gave a good 2Cnfe ^ en, £> rb * he has light Çnb © chatting, fheiles after bem, as Fig. 8 ??Untem a aud) a falcon 25ogen 5Ç kicks a falcon © ebdu-Z> e ju ftein fcpn, faucraucb folcbe © ebdubebie cross on half of 25ogcn retfje Ç, n> te Tab. 31 * 32.Êstained with baptism (jen; above or above he also take a whole 23g $ over a whole range of Sviffe, and then put him in fine Svciss-33ucb with an $ al £ e; only here he also rapier Augjulefen, bass in the reefs not fttbtericbf upper roundish * *! * / but probably he misplaced, aud) ben Sgrucb beš 25ogenš enftoeber with a j $ alp È25ei- ÇC aušjuftreiebw / bberaucbmttememh ^ fr ^ Ê l (Elves wcgjubriitgen. SE…iff he ifm on a SKeijj ^ ret fpfer, wo fo (cf) it amten aitge ^ cn, all about 35ogen fo bann aucfy your / as bie anbertt / Èheir, especially with jevfnŸHeten Svanber asked> on way * advertised gefe & nitten. S§iŸ er fold) e © cbdube illuminiren / oberboclj kleinejlens tufd) ieen, wtefaHcrforberf wants to advertise if jtei ^ rgejicmenbcbinfebcn get folleti / fobaccrbcpbem ^ ufcbii .'n3e Ç^ r unb ^ fcdn mad) i warl $ i ) en / bie S§orber * £ 9iau * er but over an over btaf anjulegcn, [bass matt faum fever, bass | 7e tufdjiret ijl, but against PorHeljenbcnl Çpillar, <3offagen, (Einfaffett rescuering and feeling ubg' $ ulafjjj -fen, ijiten but bod) red) tcr $ Anb down unb down bor allcma ^ l bundle a little jiarefett © gave $ to © rats ju * 3) a $ 2) ad) .Wirb about over, unb something else bundle as bie SBorbcr * Sftauer tufd) iret, unb ber © Ratten toonbat .ftapp.¤cn {tern ubg right Jpanbjtem-lidj buncfel hatched, bem £> ad;> e but audj felbjl against ben gorft gu an always bundle unbunefier © given. 35cpm Illuminiren a6er £ af er bieS…Zauern (either ganij blafjogelblid) with Gummi Gutti, upper gan $ Ha ^ rot ^ li ^ tmitC ^ rmin.šberguterro ^ en ^ inte / ober auf gleidje 3frt bldulidjf with indigo Çnjule * gen, upper $ u bergfeid) en garbe aud) gan £ btafj * yellow unb blafj.rotjj, item blafj Ètotf) unb blafj * blue jti Ÿermifeben, ober fonff $ u fcljen, such as etncangene & me © tein-garbe Ijerauš ju bring.ÊX> te (Easy to feel, feel free, item bie fcerausjleben-2C 4Êbe ÈÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 'Qst'Wnumfou S fcen pillars, laffins mtb Boflagen / ftnb barbep like Ç* fcer ganf weif $ u taff / ifnen but boef?Êgive a buncfleli-ttiejum © cf attenju.Ê$) he geneva in the running fnb gan £ blaf ober weif.Êblue, diafme unb $ afel- (slices but bat'inne mit red) t fubtilett fcf advertise lines t> or $ on rush / baf blue but buff * ben quer bor unb linier @ cit $ down with egg * something * fatefen ganfj šunrfcl- blue hen-gufaffen.Ê£> he asked for the wing - brown ju itiacfen / bie gelber but barauf with ganfc fubtilett fcf advertise lines, unb fe fo bann ganfj fcfmal with bnncfel Èbrown rear $ u fefattiren, tvelcfešbcpbeš ^ raunebenn bon bon glŠn ^ shout, how about to dfen-lšffern fnbef / ge-madjf advertise tan if manifn nurinšQBaffer tf utyunb a 3 Çittang in warm, above fonf f ef ett I6fÇ @ imes * 2§ercf ubg fat er $ u madjen / wie e $ from Olvtuv fellet, upper bod) fefen foff / unb bar-fcep fonberlicf inaeft ju nefmen, baf er bie deeper, oils * anbere, liebe0lteber / ingleicfenbiernnbert t> on ben smooth unterfdjeibC / Unb fonberlicf biefe an ft cf ganf weif laffe.Ê2> aš $> aef / if it * t> ott 3 * Ç^ ln fetjn foff / if with a little * bare carmine, upper good rotf en $> intc / upper aud;Êblaffem Jinnober ju ntaef en, against ben gorf ju but Çuef always bunef-Icr unb buncfler $ u fcf attiren.ÊSwab if with © rŸtt-fpaftt / 0cfiefer with indigo, (Eifenmeri blaf-blau-ran with indigo, ÇOiefing ober © olb but with rubber guttjj apply, unbiefš fobann with @ affrurt / wie ber © riinfpaf n with @aft - © run, $ u fcf atfirttn 3 (ttt ilinien f at er barbep linder #anb '0W * iXntettid) t 9 fubtilcr, as bie against bie red> te ju jiehen, all Ç(create / bet on weifj / with light indigo, ebct ^ ufcfjc / ben but clean tntf buncfler $ atbc twn, how bie if? / what he falls on / out of cheer -efen. S5on © arten-Gingen Fan er everything ganfj / all bas $$ inb È3Bercf aud) alfofort greenÈ / upper pale * blue ripen, but ready to use but with a bit of bund'let $ work more (Eoleur fchatfiren. SMe Anber © ebaubc fan er reiffen / like fonji / tebcd) prefer something more colorful, upper lebbaffrer / than blŠffet unb maf- (he. CDas SBaffer bec Fontaine Çadvertise with blafj * green gctrtadjf, but in lower ground floor but 3 * \ afcn- upper © raf ^ uge with © rajj-grŸn / bet @anbnacf> feiner3 * arbe gelb / rof ^ unb as he rims more fofl.Ê^ ic Saub ^ n ^ e fan erfo fort green jiehcti / ietoef) also give them something @d; atten.Ê523Ioffe © rbe flešet blaffe 3ufche for.Ê3) he added 3 $ over Sftatut gemŠfj $ u mad) en / unb fte alfo erfi btafj-yellow, for a spell with quite green, unb en * ran) ganfj blue-green ju fd ^ attiren, unb about Swinge more ftnb, bie an Ÿber naturlid) e £ krj? an even suffers from bicJjpanb give vorb. But in general he has ftd;Êin acf) t ju take / bafj nothing ju pratŸcht / fchcdichf / ober in some 0tŸcf miber bie {Hatur fomme, above the actual $ 5e-fd> monkey high over 3} ingefefe, but everything agreeable / unconditionally naturally comes out. CEnblirf) if he finely 9veif-93ud) baffled and uncomfortable, (wobep cs but do not start with šttju flarcf ju glue iff /) fan er bie smolder fo bann ecfi with ftarefen and an Çoil-free skid H 5ÊwideÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 10th V $ tfi \ Xntemd) t Broad red) t fd) Wat & en lines, but inside but not at a color ^ iii / still with a gan £ fubtiiett, which gives a ganpenSkiffe a jiemiU tbešBeben / unb ba ^ er aud) non Maitres in bie-fen Gingen maintains observations advertise * drawer neffered by reefs jube * flrebeu;ÊOber boeb possible # ju fe ^ en how he fleh faubere unb tauglidje IvUpfer * © fid) c real unb pon foundation archives of specified © e * Bdube with begebaffe, bergleidjcn benn nor berbern ftnb beO Faita, Ro§l, Vfouters, Defgodez lŸlb Sptccbi sftšmifebe © ebdube / Marots unbSilue§re ¤ranl $ 6fl * jebe / Oberwebnter Dauiltr last edition, user-friendly.Êfo called 5t ÈmcjecÈ (šterrert / S. Htibertsburg bep -išernebšrjf / bie Jperijogl.XPitv tembet $ ifcben <3httm, bie 2xonigl.Ê& d> xcc * fcifcfreit £ ujt * 0cfrlšffec, fonberlid) Çsmell bie gallants (Glbabaube in unb by £), as fie about Mn.Ê$> oln.Êunb © ^ urf.Ê© ddjfJpof Tupfer * © fecbei / Jper'tnoci ^ obctTe ^ r / necbfienš an ben 5ag indicate wirb, wobep i ^ m benn nor non Aussori-bus nor anberen (0bU> mattns, £) 4 È/ 7frj, © tm: m6 / #erm SSftajor $ afd) en & unb £ errn Bcfršblecs SBercfe au recommendiren fepn wetbem (Et'fie II WntitŠfo t. (First exercise in SŸufrei jfirng bcj cin¤ekn © ltct> ej unb bcfon & ern gtŸcfc bet- 6. Drtmungcn. 33or * lessons. § ^ iiebetljciffctt in bed 6. @ eufen * drainage with finely refined sfuefe, from which fte ju * fammen fet§t jtnb, unb fommen felbigc, nad) Da-wHers ÇOtepnung, ben Q3ud) ffaben in 2Upfvabet for far the same / baf? from bite unlovely $ oortc in perfect languages ??jufammen ^ et advertise Finns, aifoaud) from over SBermifdjung over © He * fcer a largeÊlength of ggn§ unferfd) more © e-fmfe for wet drainage jamming ¤ i bringing.Ê$) a but ade foldje © Heber removed from the ravens, £ eume Ç, above the ravaged mtb Heum * men snfiimmat swept tainted mines, must for the) ade naef) advertise drawn geometrically, un fmb therefore adequately, as un * dcbtunb © of ^ ifd) juperwerffen, bie auffofc ^ e2fr Uufifc, wetebe benn bienen bie groffen $ u be * efen, iuunterfebeiben unb gcjiemenŠ apart apart fluffeeen.Ê$ 23epbe advertise wieberum enrwebernonly fc ^ U ^ tgeriffen, upper audj on garperf # iebenefe *> et> \ z Ê vexieret, 5. ©Ê?Êber & ef) l - tearing with simple fytt} ¥ deaf / with peeled Çem £ er $ * iLmtb, mtf & lee> 2 $ latt'2>Ç ge Çmerged & ltf * meÇ, m it & are Ç "& Unflat tem, unb m'f & lee * Swgett with pdlme" "0th" gel ";ÊAbout VŸulfi with fcblecbte Ç(£ yeen, with floweredÇ IZyectt / with t £ yem with 25lattem, unb with Û mtn * S umben> benen Schbrntce", 2nd> own; 3 $ Š Çtouches iwbpecleÇ, t £ id> eit '£ a it * be uff wie folcfje gierrafhen even ttmftdnbUcb Dauilerp. 13. feqq giebet, bergletcfjen Vcrztcrun Ègen in a Drbmtng nidjt to everyone © prefer fommen, fonbern vott btefen fd; led) teÇ nb toeraierfc under cittanber gcmifdK must advertise.Ê© 0 fcfii Èefen jtd;Êalso not all decorations on all decorations;Êsweep like bufcdttifcbe even fine / unb bie SDotififje fcljr few leibet;Êalfo explore the same drabungenaud) always advertise more delicate decorations / iedelicater and zdrterfiefelbft.Ê2Red) continue to be taken care of by Utf famished ©Êf your bats iff yourÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 3> icfe, bie ftc jwifeben your revitalize © lie Èbern, bem Ÿber / unb 'bem unter ftd> have j.Ê(£. Br7 Tab.i. Fig. /. Further their 2luoUuff, weldjcš bie SSBcite tjom '2fd) š È© drives above Cathete a © eulebiš an bie uffferftat © nben about © dear iff, $.Ê© Ètoon ga bijj rh, ft /.Ê4 .;Êbrifteg bie X) orfte * FfrS '2tše biefe © prefer but advertise benn, fo fern fie mcf) f ašju flein fommen, with trimmed trowel unbiineal ribs, candidate must be ftcf> only with free beers.Ê© 0 fmben fie in gefamt * if ^ re Sftaaffe aboutÊunbÊ2tu6lauf "ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ catch which was a Q3auraeifier fo fort felbfi arijugebenwiffenmufj, anbereaberin fcfyon berede netcnTables jtnben.Ê© oldje SJlaaffe but who used to fall owing to owls "£) icf", where fee nod) equals ftarcf eff / which 2> "fe benn" oti C…Olfcmarm in 360 "SfjeildK", "on © tutmen unbern but only in 3 o. ^^ eilcben directs the emptier (division, as bie beffff È* comfortableÈ, you (you can also paint in a suitable way here. 3nffefen comes with you (Soi & mannifcfcen so far on one, bajjman bei? oibm ÈÇ Sings be $ Modulš feg IPJFii>.Ê3ief> e ba & er bi ÇSinie AG, unb fege bie Sdnge beuls module i P fo t> ietmaf) l barauf, al $ bu ben 9flaaf * 6tab lang / but turg Will? / Here J. Û.Ê3rd ma & l with C.E È> 3taf A wwb G fegÇ bie 14ÊX) $ v * i \ wtemd> tÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ t> iePcrpcndicularen AB, unb GH, unb bicfe as Çabout in compliant SScitceon anan bieipuncfei, 1: 2.2: 3.3: 4/4 * 5 / 5. unb jief) cfolcbe inner $ ufanimen.ʨe £ e but AC also Aug BinD, F, unb H. jiefje fobann CD, EF, unb GH also jufantmen.Ê0? Un Ÿ) cile AC, unb BD, alg bic cigentlidje fcangc beg module, with ah, vx, NO, lm, uubiktn 6th line £ (; ei (gen, unb jicbe foldje X ^ eil Ègen with £ mr * Lines ^ ammammen. ^ Id) c aber and) nodj aB, vb, Nx, 10, im, unb Ck jufanmten, fo ijt about module beboriginfeine ^ o.Sbetfgcn involved, unb giebet ^ .Q: Èpr ein ^ eilgen, qs ^ c \), qu brep, uf f.ÊBut the five pt fcrfjfe, ql fteben, uf m.ÊD o fifth, pw fechjehen, yfachunbjtŸanfjigu.Êf, f.Êbig DB enbŸd) brepgig beebten / Unb / bamanbcnu 31. take it down, fo take it on 9 side over a EP to 1.1.Êbig r;Êif you take egg-shaped, you take F, m;ÊfoH man fed) g without egg jug, fo one eon EF on 1, i, big w;Êtake one brey unb fed / jig, take one non over Siuie GH to 3.3 big u;Êtake follman adK unb adj§ig, fo one takes from GH to 3.3 big F, without alfo also eat and ieb unsteady "|" ifd> eh GHunb AB big 90, alg fo eiel here "nttvorffener $ 0? aag * 6tab in all Xfycilgen beg Modulg ifd) £ n 2.2 and 3.3 divide into equal parts, unb bie Perpcndicular cd jicijen, fogenntfoldje, weitfiejttMfcfien UnbrifteSmie jfehef, 2 |Êbr breflgigSjjeilgen, uon CD but assume $ u 7J fcld) cr Xheifgen.ÊS3raud; e ich Griffel, fot & eilefc & eingBeite, algjmifcben 3rd unb 4th on ik in 3rd equal to '^ bcilemiteh.onjfogicbt h, reeilegbagerflebcrec third tft / 1 / unb / bieiteil eg non CD an ju arithmetic big i 5th £ (jtiif} ÇÈ / Bon igegen k but jtrifdjen over britten unrelated parallel fell, jufammen 8 | Xoeilgeti, n 0? bec Ê Ê Bcr Qtebet 8 |.Ê2lufweld) e2lrfmanfobcnn9ar easily all broken oil ^ ^ cilger Èweed robbery bring fonnen;Êbabep but advertise biennial fepn, bie never start from G Hfein long ju, bamtt bie parallels ald A, i ¥?, 9; u.Êf, f.Êalso fine far apart from each other without their 3wifchen È2šeifcn therefore also in ^ albe, third, fštertcl, u.Êf f.Êdivided advertise fonnen.Ê3c & ¡ d) but you can only take foldje in Praxi after rent SlugemSEaasse, you have to have an approved original thread) *, allcd and more precise ju fudjen. SCHOLION II. 'Safern a module for Hein, unb j.Ê<£.Ênot Igreffer Ware, ald qs.ttg i.Êbut if you want to advertise in fine 30 rd sheets getheis let, you would have to proceed with it, as Tab. ////.ÊFig. 6.jufehen unb in bem Scholio jur 45.2iuf # were given to worbcn, only bass bendlinien cd unb were in 30. gleidje ^ heifgen ju parts, alone barbep also taken for a long time, old one only wanted. SCHOLION III. ?ÊIf you can take a fine work for a module that is as large as you want, if you want to do so, you have to use the 6th same type of Genbon Abid C, you can use fre al-jdamm, un feljet fte auš C in E, un aud A in G, & c fo is not necessary (), take the QQite AC you have taken with some Û Q? † ^ c in its 0th same Xheilgen ju parts. SCHOLION IV. £) a you make a © eulc nid) t fo big barf, ald matt wants, fonbern a mottled ftoty oon a working fluid, or even just a certain © roPffe bed ipapierd, then, after which a © cule foO gefdjef, ober ge ÈAdvertise, unb jwar, if folche © owl open © eu * lemotuhlfommcnfc§, thciletmanbiegan ^ e ^ š'he $ u ei * nev ^ Cufcanifdxn unb jDonfcfeen © owl after © olo * wanne 03? Amcr, above then follow next> jerlich rt Ènungen, in 20. same 2hc: le, ju an ^ enifAjcn unb 22. unb ju an ^ oÈ n (vh ÇÈ Ènb i6 fcfcen in $ 24 cure;Êbut if you owls have their owls, you have to file, you file) e £ o'be etn $ u a "Cofcanifd> en unb jDorifdjett in 26th ropes, including a jfanifcfcen without Zeutfifiett in 28th unb $ u at & 6mif? en unbCottmbifcheninso.Êsame $ & etle.ÊIn a wider shell, there is a bang with the sange bed module, which only ripens in 30 equal pounds to the appropriate list & foldertftd) nad) because a © owl is maturing, especially since the slaum hits are being made on ben borftch. SCHOLION V. #at one is a real © owl bor ftd), unwilling to overhaul the module, after which often bie gan $ c © structure anš £> ing $, ald © ebaubed, SlltarS, © pren * Pforte, ober waš e $ fep , befto easier and more incorrectly after * jujeichnen, fo you take with a yater above 5§aud) '3ir en, unb fepen, how bicleined bonbernbernnbern, © keep hold, fo one takes $, © .eine i? orf) C bon 8. (£ fill, unb, if there are any new 24-modules fomen foQ, fagetman: 24- Modl * igeben 8. divide, Ç? §È gives 1. Mo-d * t? because you don't divide 8th with 24., Çfoi- viret r CScfFc UBun ^.Ê17thÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ vicef mcm er§ bie 8. (? § in §jre 3o§e, inbeffi man fte mit 24. multipiicirct / a (3 fo biH 3 ¡ ^ rtuf an šrfle fo distant i92.unb if one uses 192. Ç11124. dividiret, fo fc- use the 1st module 8,300, which nael) should use the same © cnlebicfe 16.3ofi-SEBoite Çtone, how much you can use 3¨. S: f; c†3eal> on bergieic bed module nacf) 3o†en amount, fo fagtman * t.ÊModule otwe So. Çgive necessary 8. Should, u> n§ gives i.Cbeilgeu?Êfo fommen bafŸrÊ? inie, 4.ÊLines for a 3cfl talked / killed.ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ But you have to barbet;Êa Sšerbdltm§ beš Mo * duls unb ber (Sflc jum Ÿorautf fabelt / alš frier, bass 8 ÈQ†Qett24. module, unb 24.Modul 8. Give manure, fonfl fan man bet; be Sftaaflc not with the same, un & a! fo fell and) not jufmben, wfc big $.Ê<& a gengec an £ (leu unb roles fco, if I nid) td know more, a ($ bag eš j. <£. 5.Êmodule in ber SBeite unb io. module in bec j ^ š'be would. nephew ungeac ^ t but praise cš boci) if?Êand) about meifren architects Mode aifo, bass a whole go © ebaube blog nad) Modules specified vorb, unb $.Ê& cin $ 5au 80th module long, 40th module titf, 60, module anber datier boef), a Geneva baran 4th module wide, 8 Èmodule f) od) u.Êf, f.Êfommen fo§;Êotteitt in berget fatt fein $ au wet) biefem 23? aa§ a§ein advertise, because e $ after just benfdb? nbci; £) eŠfogto§werge fan, bass matt fcSinben staff Don Oen, for the nearer goin © © lllen / an £ ll but drieber in if> rc 4. ÈÊSSiert ^ el / unb bie tštertljci ^ šcf> ftcnš drives in ifjrc ^ elftcn, but also a dŸc also in ibreQld) ttf) rushed fcp: ober aud) after ^ afTen, beren a drive in fine 12.% ott, unb eiuBo§ at most, aud) drives in fine 4th lines und-? rfd) seven fei), troren benn over $ uf?Ê"9) taa¤" (staff more architects, over …en ¥ $ 0? 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Orangen aud) mtf) berg (c> d) en 5)? Aog' bierere uludler unb jur ^ eiebnung Weif more convenient. 2nd task, Ritten asters drift, Tab. /.ÊFig.j. 3iel> e bie 2inie a c.Ê© c ^ eaušcauffclbigebie Perpen * dicular cd, in ber £ o '(je bon i. £ f) cifgen be £ modul s, oi $ V r> F, i'l' 3 * c (> c fo c ^ en fc , eferÊcÊdÊW parallel b e.ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ © efceauš din ebie £ dl) ecd, unbaud) just folc§e ru & * werttfaude in n. $ D? Ad? E aud e a © ettterefaen via ftd), unb aud n ein * under ftd), fo § folc $ e $ © dear g *> rijfen. SCHO LION I. £> iefed © lieb is also the name of a flat, unb fon bie ^ bhe biting yellow cd šon i.Ê$, ^ beš module bid 2. over *, also olfo also ¥ 1/11 and 11 fa; n, fpringt bi §dgt, upper raget barbepallemahlfoweit uberbaš © lieb, fo um ter lies, beroor, alšeš an §d) bod ) eat, unb fan bat È bep aud) 2. bid 3 Çfad) via inputH & nwtKn. SC HOLION II. © ieSflJaa§b ju Slufrei§ung biefec individually © prefer fatt ntanentweberau £ ben2lufg.Ê52. 53. Take the following tables, dead here mei§gefd);Êmake also upp bod) / alŠ man Will, unb fobatm il) re SSsechechung, have to settle bafte, nad) waisted ^ heal their% vf) (tear, as generally in benScholiis oberfon§ mifange * notices eat, SUfoi§ just bi e23er§ed) This is done with one thing) with beffen j ^ b§e, in the following 23 ÇÇ b * ÇherÊbonÊ5 $ & ft anliecjenbm © Iiebeir with ripen Çi§ / Wic bocb wof) f fefln ttJifl / aftcf) uott & tmmen ia obferviret roerbett / ifferftert 21rt fo Well, well done aud) anteretUrfad) cn measure via apply b: f% fcorgufte # b? n.Ê(* oifcn barbei) folcbe © Dearnad) benenitt-beuTa-bellet!Êfjd) fiinbenfccn SPaaftn $ u No values ??ÇÈ È§j * fan man bÇ n module bar ^ u betfo groffer, Wlb w \ o biefer @d) Èierigfeu bamit aud) Š ^ ejffen. JMe 3rd task * £ 1 itlÊceifplt /Êvalley ;.ÊI.Êfy.Ê4 *ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Biebe bie Sinie ah, Olaf h fege bie Perpendicular hr, Ift fcerJQšbešon s.Xbeilgen beš module.Ê3iebebaroaefvbie Parallelegr, unt * jftttšcum cin & i¤gett ttic rp, longer, al $ Èh.unb sweep to p a fleiueŠ © emerct.Ê^ imms.X & eilgett šon hr, unb fege fie (ivri h in b, unb madje bamit wiebec an None © ernercf / fo gives hr bieÊbiefeš © fiebe ^ hÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ÇAbout beffeit 53erficd> t ^ .0. SCHOLION I. ben © ercf feuten fcei¤t biefeš © lieb fonf?Êand) eitte Plotaber bann un man) only fotnef alš eitt Jvtcm, with b hbor, unb as eš in fine £ df) eH r non 3 È7r Xheilgen bcš module strobe fan;Êdfo wirb fefd) Çbennod) in 5 gfeid) c2; hril9eÇ tied without q barbont jur i8orfted) ung genemmen.menn you miss deep auffolchtSkf reefs. SCHOLION lh * SUfebcttJdmmf bie drawing biefe # © liebS with J ^ lbecQehenbenfaflaufeinš.am unb bie fofgenben c H ^ nsflabe ^ even aud) Little / upper nid) f $ Owunašj inhoffin R ÈKnfhftoftvnhjirŠ in r ^ siTott foÈ 9 3 Ê titffe Ubutte?> %% 4th task, Wittert%> aU 3.1t share, tab. L% j. 3Bie £ ime a g.Ê2luf g ricf) fe bie Perpendicuhr gq * $ on 9 £ f) hurry up bcš module, unb $ ic () e barnaef) bie parallel Çb c.ÊExtend the Perpendicuhr gc to 11 continuous blinb under ficš itt r, unb ^ icf> e barauš oatf © tue!Ê4ineš Circulsg, e, n, alone bc lies iJ & eifgeft be $ Mo-. 4uls ubercmpbtnaušlšufteii / unb fc ^ c cash on a ©? * Jnertfgen / foi§aud) biefetf © lieb gmifen. : SCHOLION, © iefeš © liebi§fton?.Êbite io * S & eilgen t, cg module $ od), asked under ficfyasseinš & l a 0iind ober © tab, via fid) but a 3iiem, ober aud) anbereš bergleicben © lieb ,, Çnb §nbet ficf> Eigenetiflid) in a booze over 2 -Drb * ltungen, feiten but aud) ned) in ber louifd ^ n, fbnft but fonberlid) aud) in bcn5? Dtnpfern unb in benCorinthifdjett © elonber = 2> ocfen.Ê3n over £} orifŠ) en © owl he asked fonff od) ate berJgal * felb§ § / Wie bergleid> e rt in (PfurnišPVeac È/ * p-4 $. itrem beÈ ponjnjlweil? VII. JU fel> eu, © ie $ \ task * (ZimvC & bec '& Autn with a ttbUnffc ^ maturing, Tab. 1 Fig. 6. 3ie (jeble ginie co. $ Lu £ n riebfe bie Perpendicuh * * b 2. £ (jeilgenbe $ module l> ocb auf, unb jie & e barnaefr bie parallele dh; fo i§ Ÿber Obe ^ © €imt an fid} fer tig.Sssu Ç fei | e auš n in r nod>?. ^^ eifgen, unb let bon - bi $ o bi $ blinbe Perpendicular ro bon 4.% f> bet SJblaufcfa fiefy undttf biefw © dear finbet, SCH 0 È SC HOLION. £ aunU) fifrfoitftaud) a (DbetiPlattkm; finds ftcfy ju above anben © ^^, unb t> on i |Êbid 4 * continuous bod), whereas over ^ lblauff bonÊ5. Sbeil ÈÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ flen f) š6b iff, unb aud) only fo pulled advertise fan, bass matt nuf bemSircfelcieaBeiteon raffet, aud on fobenning a few (ireufMbdgen rei§f, unb enblid) aud bercnSDutd) Èfdjnitte in g> aud) ben Sogen no Riebet.Ê© 0 fatt mŠre nucbnsr nr $ wei) niaf) linro fcken, top internal * Drbnungmaud> nrin 3.same additions t ^ cifeit, ready 4.Êaud r in o fe (3cn, unbobann benSogen 0 n jie & en.ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ X) ic 6, QfufgŠbf È I§inen Under # @ awm with a 2tttUnfp 3 Èmffetl, Tab. I. Fig. 7. SKei§ bieSinic g q. © e¤e auf q biePerpendicular qm fco Ç3 * Sljeilg'n bed module, unb jiefje bajU bie Parallele am * foiffbcriir! Ter * 6auman fid) done.Ê6c ($ e now aud m inn aud) 2 * pay off jurŸcf.ʆiid) te aud n bie blinbe Perpendicular nh non j. ^ Aufgen, unb jiefre bar Çnad) bie blinbe Parallele r c.ÊURimm 6 |Ê^ eilgen, f i§t biefer © aum audj einpictfl Je Çn, unb dnbert ftd) with bem & blaujfc in ben $ š? Aafkn n_ac & JnterfcbiebberSeulenunbanbererDinge / Wofte ftd) finÇ ¨cn, Wobep bet SHnbenff aud) fo big bass m £ only 2.mablaudninhfe ^ et, unb fobann ben Sogen mh ^ determined jweper Sreu ^^ ogen aud c tears. 2) he 7 * task. Ritten Uberfct> lac $$ tf reiflen, Tab.l rig.S-0ui§ bie £ inieg b, © eiseauf bbi ent ^ c ^ ar / v ' SS4 "Ott 24ÊdaysÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ t ÈDtl 2, £ $ fi (gefttaŠ module, ^ icbe ^ emoS ^ B ^ aral-] eje acjugb.9uk ^ aušbein ^ beiinenf)! fl l bass top in fine Xbeiie bcc jOrbnung / al§ im jtrange, capital, underflow, uub bem £> (<$ el be§ © eulcn ^ tubl§ * ff.ÊvÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ The 8 * 2fufc? A & t \ (JzUHyst & ntz * ileiffemiti ^ rer ^ vcgeit ^ dji-msttteijfen, Tab. I. Ttg. N. 3ie (je bie 2mie bc, SiŸcfe aus c fobann 3. Sbeilgen be§ JVIodul * jurhefin 1, unbtafjau§ 1 bi ÇPeroendicular lu In beringe 1 rft bon £ tilgen bftnb bi§ x, except x but fo ^ imiut b '' '†eub§ ti & fyeilgeti bite into u.3ie & c in over SS soap 1 x $ ub c bi Çblinbe parallel yx, unb fobann in over SBcile xu aui) b; e parallele fu, boef) just'šO§ only blinb.ÊfjxticJc miss u against f fobann 5. pay back into b; § g.Ê2iu§g bit b pege 10. Steady.Ê3np set up a per-pendicular oon 1. Attach in h.Ê5lu§ g f.-ge also i.'J.Mlgcr-in r.ÊSKid} te bie Perpendicular rk & on 1, £ also included.Êpiebe bk $ ufammeu, tmb fege beti Siedelnr,; buei () n aufbtg k, unš pel) e ben i $ ogen gk. SRutt allere 1. Steady out of p in o, un do bafelbft a © eitterŠgen.ÊSD? Ac ^ c also settle on c, unb pege £ phgu red) f miss.Êyiu§ x fege s'Xljeilgm tno, unb gietc out above33ogen xc, ai§ ben Slblaulf fo ijt folcfce§ $ (ieb aud) ready, SCHOLION, © onjl Riffel biefe§ © lieb aud;Êan AfyanQttšc pla $ t (Last exercise * i5 te, unb fifth bet fid) nad) specified Qlrt infonberf)> it in bm *) c eila.CU. ^ eme: 33orf? ed) ung i | l $ umal) i inbcn Franken faft big i. module, upper 30, m \ m, unb i) ut eg Çud> Sicgentfritinmnurfton ^ ben Circuln, infonbctbest in bcu ^ ccfcln about © CUten * entšle, ijl for.jl but au * ebne Sl & lcuff, unb Wirb babÇ just ripped like a streak, tnog'gen but Èaround The Swgen- ^ i'inenan benJVvdnfjen often nod) funjUidjer, aiš here weaved / beraug fronrnien * £> ie 9 * task È Eilten (Streif 3 Èrdflcit, Tab. I. Fig. 9. 3ief) cbie2inieb d.Ê eitgcnŸber Ç: h bmnng.Ê© e $ eaufgein © emenf / Unb ftleid) roeit aud) from c in k, alg fošiel bergleid) en @ treiftut common over fein © lieb unter ftd) berauš runs, ba he bin3 against eip eifjt biefeŠ © lieb aud) eincpiatw, Urb fiubetftd) 2,6tg 3. fad) on top of each other with Avchr-trav, weave benn emecbJu'bcm to 1. ii) eugert / ober aud) il big Ts fdner $ÊdbeÊUnbeutenÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ benn fo Diel ubeeeinanberlegte ^^ cren / fan …UCv iotU * * ¡ n big 15, * X () eilgen beg moduls l; od) feijn * Sic 10, Siufgabc. ^ & we pi ^ rte ju ueiflgu / 7a ^ ^ *% ¥ 10m f€ tc 1 r * task * iBineZafel $ n ceiftm, Tab.J.ÊFi ^ u. gie ^ e bic? inie c d.Ê0e £ e on dbie Perpendicular db Èon i o.Êbiefer jie ^ e bic Parallele a b.ÊUnb <* 3 jw reiffen, Tab.i Fig.i ^ 3i Ç6e d h- 3iutfe aud h against e, 15 :.ÊSbeilaen be $ module in (fo but here nid) t fo long …orgc§eHet advertise) biš in e.ʆlud e rid) fe bie Perpcndicular eb nufbon i.ÊModule above 30. Xbcilgen, unb ji urd) fd> nitt fe-ftrit.snb šuftbttf, unb baniit tears a suction as ''. ^ N3 '' means, only because not 1 y.Shrilgen SaSSSffS "1 ^ ¡ ^ 3cfdjnCeifft m * i *8th UfclMg. The 14th task È divided V50dcfcl $ u, Tab. I. Fig. 13, See bic Einte fh.ÊCommon in gurn 1. J ^ Hgen * t> e $ module in, not ready?Êaug ebie Perpendicularg c i> on 811Ê9 ** 1 ÈSiebe fobantt in biefer 2Bcite ju fhÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ bie parallel ba, unb ^ tvor just fotveit richer about c bin È qu $, atš below g bon h bineingerueft woben, © e $ e auf a ein fruntnte M jrqve, ald ad, unb auf h eben berqleP cben, altf hi under fidf> fo <3tucfen bon an £ obh2ei | fe {Inb;Êready to go. SCHOLIQN. £> iefe $ © lieb belongs alone in ben © eufen t © ft # p ^ attchmn ^ I wirb g bon hnud) Wob (hitf ^ r ^ eilgen ein-gerŸc! ^ Unb fnnfolcher 2§iirfei itt Ÿber †tpraifd) and organization below to a SInlnuff unb © aunt, to ftatt over AobUfceift * / but also a tfebl * soaps, like nid * less šud) roobl just a little bit more about fjcf> ^ aben u * n>, b.Êš mi Sann whenever you advertise on I [; n also drawn an oblongum, as about the module above gfiaa¤'- © to6 Tab. viii.ÊF: g.Ê2, fo jtvat a raised unbrained Xafel fairy fan, but not at least feetftfted, a! $ We! Cfee £ on follow SSurfel not, foof- xnc 15 ÈviufgaDe. Please ask juteiflm / Tab. II. Fig. 3, S & ii% bie? Inie.ÊdichtebieblinbeFcrpendict lar bd bon% tSbeilgcn bešModuls šuf, unb jie ^ e barj bie Parallele de.Ê2 & eil Ç: bd with c in 2. same 2 ^Ç * 'unbaušberSšWfen, nebtniid) bem c, draw ben bal6e circul bfd, foift feiger © tab finished- scholion. qicfcš © lieb means fonft aud) a Keiff, Keiffld Ç/ above 3. ^ hetlšÇ 0 & * $ module bod> iBtfle Ubmtg È advertising È, only in ben fe§fen 4. šrbnunaen without fine £ albe £ df> et> or.Ê^ ' The 16, Slufgabc * Ritten †kintf 31 * tciffaXf Tab.L'fy'4 * Ê £) icf <$ © dear also bites a Gtab, unaffected flcbaŸemabl iu upper (l am etamroc a 6eulc, upper ^ feikrš * The 17th $ {ufaabc. Please Pfu ^ l Suteifleit, Tab. 11 Fig> 1. © irb just like eb ^ tab corrugated, nutša§ bie ^ o () e bd HQct) Unterfci) ifb 5- big is.J ^ cilgen beg modul fcpn fan, unb vorb Ÿber half Circul bed also aug Ÿber 5DRittc h ge * J © … Çm SCHOLION. S ??.//, 4. b. f È- - SCHOLION. > * Ç8NeÇ neverqr.Êfflu Çrcidjtebu 3¨ itcfte ttbŸrtg, for x> ba fege ben3ircfel, fljue iljn on big t, unbrei§ b§mit bcn Sogen tcr, fo i§ 5er SEBul§ finished. SCHOLION. Scp ben 3Bcrc?Êleutett fjei§ fold) heÊalso a vietiÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ tf> eil * £ 3tab, becausene & ihlic§ ter fa§cinSierfljcl bc ^ Cir-culs ift / unb if you fold) c £ © lieb 4. messl jufamme swept, give it a run © tab.ÊNephew £ ofl; e §'in ben © eulen Ÿon 3. biš (> h aud) biš7r S ^ eilgen bei * 2Vioduls, fan aber aud) oljne bic binie rt unb bicPerpcndi-cular uxa! Fo advertise, bass matt only bie Take Sfficite tr ntitbem 3ircfel, tear at) x a couple of Greufs-So'gen, unobtrusive benSogen tc grated barf.Ê© a Slor§edntng eats like 2.gcgen 3. baš eats, if bie $ d (each in 3 sbeitgeu gctljeilef, fo fommen 2, ju inquired Sor §edjung. Sic 19, task * Utinen umQeUtyttcn VOulfi w eeifieit, Tab. II. Fig.y. Sieves at line c h.Ê3iutf c drop on b bie Perpendicu Çkr cb, unb jicfjc barju bie parallele f a.Ê£ hti (gbc in 3rd g! Cid) c Steep un sweeping regret 2nd also in f.ÊSiege fc jufaatme, unb rid) feaw $ bem Mittel e, bie Perpendi-cular eg auf, unb, where foldjefa touches, alš here t> a fege ben% ird (l ein, fbuc ign auf bie! In f, unb riss bamit ben Sogen fde, fo § biefer Ÿšul§ aud) finished. SCHOLION. £> icfed © lieb fdmtnt little for, auffer in bem 2eu (fd) tc zo.ÊTask, i £ ittc V '^ bl'inJTccesflert, 8v, eiss bie & ttie p s.Ê3i È$ s pjd) te bie Perpendicular sh on (5th exercise. , unb Fourth?ÊCir-immc ib Ç3 cndi-itetr > ogen Seine r in 3. S…ot ' from. licu È : ^ hurry 3 Ç^ indi-1 Tj tM "With fcf) <Ç any * : nbe? 6. rs K on 3 * Hoof in sang.Ê3ie & c ju * btt h bieParallele fk. Steep shin 2- <5letd> eSbeilcm a.fee & e emen ^ betUlšah aušhmk.Ê^ nm bie © eite sk.fefce ben3itc! el ink unb s, unbmad) ebamit bie Sreu ^ ogeit r.Ê(ylebett in šeu 7. Fio)Êben ^ ifflenn r tb ÇautÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ in s, unbrei¤ barait ben SSogen sk, fo ljt bicfcd …Ueb aud) Qcvijfen. SCHOLION. Bonjtbeigt bicfe £ eifte aucf) anÊunbÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ fyat in ber Beule a & df) e oou s.biš 5- £ & dl) c de parallele g c.Ê^ eile ad in s.gleic & e Steile in ii unb f? $ e a following Sf) hurry au £ a in c.ÊS§imm bicjl§ Ç* (teed, unbreif? Barait bie (Ereuf5e95ogen h. (Hn) * n *** bec 7. 3lud h but reig ben i§ogtn dc, fo ift bie Ui ** flenfieÇ, 2) ic 21, Sfufgabc. SSinen 2tnl Çuff ju ceiflert / LF '&' © ittjt bk6.ÊTask unb barju 3 ** ^ SCHOLION. 5Mtfte © ii Çbi | i inben etultn 3. N <6.4WI8È ÈÇ ¥ Modules boŠ) unC ftteet fflufttiffnng nad) emerltp robbed umgtlebenRn% of) ISei (itn il> ttr, ÇuffÇ ba Çkdtet nut HmÈ riffed noirb, uub bie Storgeefjung bie gaufc ÇWV au ^ nuri aber \ betfelbcn she B2 (£ vfie llbmtg ._____________ You 13 * task. Hurried 2tbla ÇfT 3È rciflen, Tab. II. Fig.6y Ènš Tab. I Fig. 6. ¤Birb in all g & iffe Ç, tt> ie biejpoljl ^ eiftcyna.d) borlji'rgeÈ £ cnb * r cio.iyufga & e, only p s.ÊTab. //, Fig, 6. Mint) 9? 'Êjogenwitb.Ê6icf) eauc's task. SCHOLION. Diefeš © lieb fmbe * fid) fe ^ r often in benDrbnunaen, fjaf itt cheated biš 5.'igeilgebedModuls, unbiff hk in bed unnecessary Drbnur.gen 3. tilgen ton? .Ber sk, in ben berber but hk bie matured building sh, upper aud) bifjfallš one) with bimJ2inlaujfc. © iC 24. ^ C†f§vl & C * i £ \ ne {Smjiefrtm et tu share.ÊTab. II.Ê\ Si§i§ bie ftnie a m.Ê© ege 2. Steep, fo grog bu Wilff / Audminn.ÊSiicl) tc aušn biePerpendicularn i on irf over Sdnge šon 3 Èfo groffeu Jljcilgen / Olš bie taken s.ftnb / UberaudjnDdjššfbfogrc ^ 'jI ^ nm ijt, uub jieg * in fbldjer SSeite $ uam bie Parallelge kil, um oon ni, upper bie maturation non nm over i ljin Çu $ in h.Ê© ege biefeš third aud) auš i in g, unb jiege ba * burd) ju ab bic blinbe parallel cb, Ÿluš g fege gi in t unb gn fege šuš gitt b.Ê^ imm with bemjirdel bic 38eitt rg, unb jie & c bamit auš r ben 23cgen gh © ege ben 3ir'j cfel aud) -in b, tl> ue ign auf biš in g unb jtege bamit ben Un 'term $ šogen gm, foijl & icSinjiegimg done * SCHOLION. 95 Çt) ben 5§ercf people geitf fold) e $ © Heb aud) a fam JftegU / Unbaucgroogl eit? F doubleÇ ^ of> I *Êifi * 1ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ hŸ 5. $ t) ciigen beš module l> od), fprittget attached) urt |Êtcni * unbobcni.'xr) ii [g ^ nfeinertn3., Sbcilegct5eilten ^ dv fye DOV / unbfinbet ftcf> infonbergeit in ben ¤Ÿjfen about © etf len / imb in benÊDrbungen aud;ÊmbemSuffebc ÈÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ © euleu ^ tugl # * i 3rd over) in g: ac, 1 gine iini unb sliding Dm ben i 'Çb < i * eijl << over i 2.6 um £ ouc sweep above practices just Ÿ £ Etfie Ubnttg. 3? rberg * f inb ge ' i, baf frt in bert sk, ittl i§fall * 'igjo. i Wilft / auf irt imenert b iuty um nn) in Çu £: l) c ba * li in * i mitt leu ^ ir ') enUn' tSobt l iff zl w;Êand 'tm% of: r 0c ^ uffcbc * You 25, task * l £ ine'2 \ cl) \ 'hot 5Uvc \ hair dryer / r * 6.Êz /.^, // # 3 * ebeS q- 3ngricf) (ebie PerpcndicŸlar gb aufm kn fidbc bon 4, tilgen bet * module, upper aud ;, &>, ¥ * ^ icr ing'fauigerjjšbe, unb jieljeburd) bjuag bieParalie * .c 'unbjrcarnod) balb fo long, alogb bod; i (?, via b mnaušinc, ^ iebeeg blinbjufaninie, unb tbeile fo! d> e Vinte cg with eui 2. same5: ^ eilc. aftimrn bie side ce, unerci¤ banned au £ c unb e bie Greu§ ^ dgen bei; b, in * gU'ia) cn aud) aud e unb g bie Û rtu £> Sdgen h.Êbero ^ urdtfd; tutte about delighted sawing jiebe ben augttKtftfgebeu Çoen Sogen ce, unb auš bem & urtf; fd) rt! tte about Segen h, ben .. emroerteegenbenben Sogen eg, f0 fff bie $ ebl * SCHOLION. © onff ^ eigen (biefeš © lieb aud; a R & tnit¤Uin, § fa beir le (} fern Ç£) rbnungeÇ f
hot 3 Çcciffett / UII.ÊFig. 2. Sieves g q.Ê2lu $ q fefce a © tiicf nad;ÊSide, top Ónd) j. (£ *. 2. Continuous be £ module jurŸcf in p * 2luf p obCÊI> erPendicular pb nod; one-time fo long, alš pq,ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ remaining1 auc ^ ^ -beilgenbetJ module bod ;, unb berfal; re int only'b8 Ç^ * 0 Ÿ, task 8, tt> eil aUeš aniep ifJ> oa & / toaŠ bovt was above, here below fšromt. mne _ Sic 27- task. ~ ^ turtj * Kinne 3t * cei (fen, Tab.Ult Fig. 3. sieves at 8inic * c.Ê© e¤e au $ c aldbenn 6, Xbeilgen eÊbe $ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ç14Ê(ScffeiUnnttf *ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ -ÊÑ.----------- '-Ê- -, w ... idiÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ beš module, upper aud) fo Dielbu roil§, jurutf in b.Ê$ ud brid) te a perpendicular to dud) 6. Jfreilqcn |) Ÿd);Êober fo lang bc fonft tff * Sftuh jiefte in foldjer © eire bie Parallele ih ju ac, only jugleid) aud) tbieberum gen, ober bie Ÿdnge bc 6Unb weiter () inaU8 autf h in £ Jpdnge fc bltnb jufamme, unb aucl) on glide ÇSoap hc * Steep hb with e, unb fc with d in 2. same steps, un & jtel; e fte with ed jufammc.Ê0e $ e now ben ^ irtfel in e, i ^ ueibnaufin h, unb rei§ batnit ben Zšgert hg, unb with even folcbcr ÇPage tear aud) auš d ben & ogen cg, fo i§ btt 6turi ^ 3iinne finishedÈ SCH…LION. ? "Ftnbertttttg Ijei§t biefeš ¨lieb duefj rushes tterfr | t-fe £ €arntt§, Upper Šud) 'mfebrtctRitttutileiften, §nbet§d) anbet) in gu§'ebeštSeulemetute, ift 5. biš 8- 2; ^ eilgett bcoE module bo # unb§ictytaudjlcberjeit fobiel bor , Šld eš & ocš § È You 28 È2 (itfga66 Custom & ifttt'iLeifle31 * reifjett, Tab.UH.ÊFig. 4, Steigbiejinieih, unbbellenbum S. ^ eilgen, ober fo t> ie (bu tbilfi blmb weiter bio in g. & Uš h ricfjte bic Perpendikulare hb altd) bon 8 Èif) eilgen, ^ bermithggleich bštfb šuf, unb jiefabit parallel from, $ uih * alone at 8-Sbeilgenoberbierange hg jugleid) tbieberbinŠuš big c> S> etfaf) rebtnnboIlenb like botbfn mit ber (^ tm ^ EKinne, just bass ijttr a§e $ umgebebrt distant, nad) has a gturfc ÈStinne just a umge§gefi§etei Wirb §cš biefeš © lieb aud) giving bolie SCHOLION. ^ šn§ b ǧfbte …vinn <2et (le Šud} tili €dHttt§, §nbet §d) in $ ran6cber © eulert / iff 5Ç f> i $ io.Êaud) toobf 12 * Sljeilgen beo1 module bod), §id) t Šud) fobiel, alš §e fyccfy eats / bor, eats a cherry bor / fo under a £> ac $ e ^ ingejogen eats È 51 ud f bie peil * in £ h c.Êunfc in e, with (tbi < > Ç o Ç 5. jolcijen styles, beren 4.1 tn given fjaben, just enriches.Ê2 (ud q pe ^ e $ U k rii bie Parallele qs.% Iefyi. Q $ ufamntc, unb ipeile ed mit p in 2.g (cid) e $ ax, 2Rfmrš m fr wi¤ bŠmit with rh p bie S§bgen n , uhb with en | šia) cr 9§eit en4 * above or 4, bears $ ¥ eerfclben šofr Sl'C3š * … (ttf3a & ^ BicBce ^ jcbli ^ e t> on x> om 5 ÈveiffcŸ, fak in% U , .¤Iebcbie§inieBE.Ê© efjeduf berš fefe biePetpefi-nicular-Uinie Ox, aId ben31d) ^ © trid) felb§ also beršeu * u DUnb i'c & e in ber Jjo & e bšn 54. Sfjeilgen bed Modules ju tft "bk Parallele M. 2lud O fcjge against B fte & ^ l bid a, Ÿnb aud) dud … in fij ingleicfjen fecbdma & l I * fx7iieitš Û a <*> * $ t in N # Unb aud) aud x in Al (ge & e 3 ÈiÇ r. aŸ $ € in I unb duc ^ aud M inLjingleidjen aud i ÈthiÈ ÒAÈ Èe! Lirta 3tebeAM, i L # utitfCDjŸfdfnmÇ / ŠUein aud) Q% © šbdnn uber & upfFe 2; ma & l 3. -Maugen, u ,, §Êmfarame F d> Ÿ e , U £ over & cuttingsÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 3 S & dlcjen / Uiib peljejufamme ig, 0 k, unš * ¥ Uberbupfeaber'nta & l 2.mabl ^^ eilge È/ anS $ ie & e lanrnie H m unb M n. 9 ^ od) furthermore jŸfdiŸme qp un¤ Û #Ê* P *ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 3 ^ ______________ CgefleÊUBmtg .________________ ^ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ rp j tn c but unb mn ftnb half ¤d) fi £ e.ÊttrtD berganyeTriglyph ober 2bceyfd)! irj actually means benjj'opfeineŠb ^ šorgucfenbetij§aicfenš.Ê(Erfmbetfi ^ but actually / in bem © erifc ^ in peat, must be enclosed! With distant Sšiittejufi on bca 2ld) d * © trief) bec (embarrassed to appear, unbafliers pay for a whole Q3ortt hmgcfefcct advertise, aDemahl an accurated square $ wi ' wet ftef).ÊStroke if foldjer © eftalt a tri-glyph over bie © eulc, free via anfcerc) unb about nid; td, but pin it over the middle of bie © etilen fomm, unb bed) afleraablein ree§tedSessier ^ cf jWifd) en if) ncn blcibert fills , have ftcf> bie Q3au = 2)? eificr not suitable (jcljfen ft'n icfe bed gan§en Triglyphsaben fo hod) ec nebmlid) about ben Porten, what he is happy about '§ehet / ^ Xheilgen bcš module amounts, febann, baff biefy> h * nDbie inner £ oi> e ber © d) (i <3e, nL but bi <§uflei-e ^> cbe berfclben, un LM ooflenb practices: Detf means , hieebep but bie under fid) honored Tri-angul cu W nicf) t with bem horizons parallel, fonbertf pon tw gcgcR u fd> i ret) fd)! I ($ m aflhere also a £) iefeti '$ opf $ u Khcn;Êalfossfhen among them bie Sapfen, we! d ^ benn Iflff btn. ^ rcpfchligen burch their flewŸhRfi ^ …Mebe 0 ald Oil Stic was called Mon By | Uk unb miss out ncr flab st ¥ Ÿ bttr auc bed hate i < n kr ran oils you Wed 8, i ifeaucfr mel; approx % t, un & a Uf> d) Ÿ9> Olcibft £ c.Êunš (does ibctftcfi come along? Meutert leads1, it $ wP i Tri *} td, ber, unb n fi3n ingc with anberber fef; en ju dršnn, Sic 31.3 (ufg§frt * Hosts keepfcfcltt $ from Oec side jtt teifleit, Tab. II. Fig. 3, Bite bie Sinie ko, unb fcfcc aud k in i a Sfkifgen bed module, aud i but in m, 3, Xbeigen.Ê3'C6C f benn bie Perpcndicularkb šon 54- n bed module, unb ju km bie parallel bv.Ê© cf? C i.Ê^ fycilgen aud b in c, unbg. ^ eilgcnaud ein. 3i Çt> eh y> nnb benn aud) pg jufamtne, fer * ner and) n 1 unb ni, item dm jielje aud, fo ift biefec Stuf * gabe aud;Êi¤re © nuge gefdje ^ en. SCHOLION. Slacfj over Sšerdnberuttg over £) repfdjK & e / Pon over fit bembcholi previous bathing wear, advertise aud; half by 3, balb by 3f, half without S†-t & eilgen bed module biefo, unb anbern fid) aud) in over ijfelye naef Stenching. £> ic 32.Slufjjok ** & ic sapfen by voen $ n txiffen / a ¥ "Ni ba" traffic jam c Ç- ^ naenbedModulslang.ÊSat on cra <> iiaen unb kren c? Unbdf r-a§cn itt tcr Sange uon 5.Ê*Ê6ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ iiel; e gf mfamme aud> nodj lcid> fer angc ^ e ^ mcnu matt iTgcri module nitftf, fic a Çs ^ c in 0, aug * in n unb minier foforf, on the same 2irf flbec and) tpicbev rutfroe rfg a Çg 4 in q unb ff footed. SCHQLION. © iefe Singe build hurry.Êfa below borgefebfagen jDprben / ba§ber ^ …lcfen ^ opf, ben bie 3) renfcbl! sse nar?Êjteflen, nid) tfo§ & incin rutfd) en.Ê(£ each f | nb nadj ^ tefigem 50? Cjaffc below 6? Unb above 4. Sesseilge Çwide, atÈ bernftd) but fonfl aud);Ênad) in the case of over blow dry "£) rei) frf) let go of grasping unb £ (fše, unb fdnncn undtep biefeuaud> even ftlgficb drawn merben r mie bic punftir, t" n Linien "Ÿber gw.wpÇ, ff big c , d, f even flatlidi IPfifen, The 33, task, igiltcn ^ pfett Èott šeu Beite 51 $ eeiffcit, Tab. III.Ê Siei§bagiRicmgen ab, gc a Sfšeilgen beg modul f> od) unb 4. long.ÊSag aug g bie Perperjdicular gh, 5, Sljeilgen lang fall unb jiebc down nor 4 p with gc parallel, unb qufš 4. Sfjeilgen lang.ÊSfšeile gc in Ÿber Sttitte piitn, unb $ ie & enpjufamme ,.Êfogibtghp nbenSapfet * ^ on ber © eite. You 34, Siufga & e, f0k? # lbSf4> Èfet * ai |ÊwifliWTd- Hl Fg, 7, SKeifj tag jK | emgen a cfš d, unb non fpldjen bic Pprp.en-.Ê4icular, aminbcr £ anons ÇSb? Ilgen /.Êbqnon and fet §rog ,.Êqlg bag genoinene ^ iettigcn non a big c wide ifl.Ê3ie fce qug rn an ab bie parallel ng k, but also aud) a $ f> rush È.Êgen §on ben $.Êaugc ine, unbŠuge in g, ing {eid) en q Ç$ 4infi unb aug ffš h, $ ie & ee f unb gh blinb jufamme.ÊS§un fe§e aug k in r, unb aug f in t, g.ber einmaijlgcnom * Irenen 2fj? Ifgen, whether ^ feiten p? $ †imgeqg \ c, for one Ê (Etfle Ubmtg. 39 - Baf) "/ also in q, but also in u ft $ e 2.S & eilgen, forÇ ine 3tpifcben * £ iefe; fo benn au! Q in p. 3.theilgett for a 3ahn, unbau ! p in 0 Èover 2.5 work ffo gjnc 3È ifchen * £ iefcunbfo further. Û nblichiiebeqU, ut, tr unb sw au! unb jufomme ^ fo gifbt t * f> k an gan & ett B Ç& n / ut, sw, unb gr Over a whole depth of depth, and the sameÊdepth for the other depths, and depths for the brooch, for which biefec Slufggbe is also sufficient. SCHOLION. Sluberwerfl fuffen biefe £> inge €ftltetiSabn Ç/ font * wen fonberlid) in ben here leather leaks, inherit unbelievable affo fefcctÈ inherit, bag over sid)! * Dash t> Ç@eulc in the middle of burd) a 3 times> n gclje.Ê2Injfjr Çr Qjcfe / Woftefid) break around a © egntfe, fo'nmif a £> ann * 3apfc upper SBeimSraubc, further drawing folÈ $ same task feasts È You 3? .5iufga & c, SSitten iDŸrŸt-Japfcit, o & ec Weitt.tDviufce ? U veiffcn, Tab. II.Ftg. 8. $$ ti¤ AB about!Êover 3. tf> eUgcn for module long, alone fo, bag nad) with module Tab. I. Fig.Ê1. here?ÊXbeilgen, unb alfo $, (£. Aa for 1 ÇXbeilgen apply. Say au! A unb B bie PerpendicuUrett A y unb B z fall. © e £ e barauf 5. same tbeilgen, af! Au! A in C, q , g, unb nacf) 2iny, identical, au! BinD, x, f unb wiebet 2. in 4. 3iebeCD $ ufatnroc, in the same ex, gf, unb yz, iebod) biefe 3. lived only blinbe.ÊShc ^ c G ^ unj ^ [Cin 2. glei * eifC cc unb Q x, with c, d in *.Êsame shtileJ $ ie (jeborgufk q unb 1 p jufamnte.SiŸcfe bie holbe ^ ohe kq au! q in m unb uul p in w \ ¨ e§e ge also au! mini, unb au! w in o, | iehebamit with half a circle ju t # m © tdbgen jwifch Ç* Û e URb dÊSerner fe & e au! a in t unb h 2, fifth eotiÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ £ 4ÊsMie *ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 4 ¡ ___________ …StfU U & urtg * ge> jicf> cfob (tnnšU ^ t ^ uanbie parallels tr, tinb hs * Sie # d $ etr ff¤eand) audt in b, unbaud hinf.ÊSteep btinitv, we do not help me È2. gleite 2 (> ei (e.Se (> edfdbenii fcen 3irrf? F ??in t. T & ue t & n auf in r, tear bamif ben Q ^ gen rb. Often #ben biefe SC§eite ^ unb re * g aue h bamit ben 55ogerc sf. further feeeben 3ircfef tti v, tf> ue ifjn auf in f, unb r Ǥ bami (ben Siegen f E, unb mit gieteber SSScite rei§ aud vf aud) ben 35ogen b E; (0 ift aud) folcfjer Sann È.Sapfc handles. SCHOLION. Siefe ^ terattj wirb aflcmaf> l an bie £ ffen over 3al) n * Schnute swept, unb bat $ was © olšniann bic gigur with ityxw drawing, nifytš but in the fryte Don i £ r Çrwefrnct ,. / -4Ê?Ê<ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Stc 56 * task. tBitten fallen - Z \ opf with fine 3Špfm from vom W rejffm Tab. 111. Fig. u 3ie with Sinie AB, šon 44. S & eifgen bed module.ÊSlud bet sweetness qrtcf) tc bre perptndicular qc, on Dm 8. £ () Ç* f9cn- rise jU AB bic parallel acd, Unb $ u biefer in fcerQBeitetwn 3,2f) eitgen bie aneber g w.Ê(8e ($ caud q, f, trepma ^ l 6.S ^ eilgen in cm, np, io, nub alfo aud) to 5> er (Beite bid yve. 2ludi fe £ c 1. X & eilgen in H, unb aud n in 1 unb r, item aud t in s unb u, nff Sbct aberrdmni5.2M3en / unHefJefteaudim 1, aud n in h unbs, Ç. ff Jicbef§bann oh, 1 p; pr, sm; mu, uff jufamme, fo advertise fid ) to give asp. S? un fefe aud c beyberfiiidimbunb d 1 9s Sljcilgen, unb $ iel> ebi, unb ^ wule eiiw ^ kf ^ eilie ^ ufamme. 3? od> further fe ^ e autf> Èonf unbq? ^. ^ eiigenin 2 unb v unb 33rS (jei {gen (judem aaj unb aa, 2v, jufamme, fo giebtfefd) ed jenSlnfa ^ jubenis ^ ieien ^ opfboii Ÿber Seiten, fo bottom & i 6- iu fc | er,> aid nje folc ^ ed aa> z, v, bie 23ud) ftaben k, f, A $ iebec 9 <& w * SCHO- iBvfie ttburttj.Ê41 *ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ~~ÊscTTolion!Ê~ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ £) iefcg thing fyŸct a fycršorragenbe Spiere upper bi * £ N 'Tn-ct for, below> frefKt in over 5Derifcf? En £> rbnung alle * niaCjlŠbcveincm ^ repfc ^ lilc ^ nb Jraar ^^ Pf2 boran u6er 3rtpf Ç, with Sftitte qc ober on bent $ Jd) 6 * © driefte bet vgeule.Ê(£ 3 f) at fonft jwar and) iit berTufcanifdicn Drb "bttttft ftofelbfi but at ftatf over loops only fine ^ o§l ^ eijte, unbattatt over 3upf" n a fd; led; ter © W fommt. BTC 37 Ç.ÊTask* Share the hosts iDielett ^ Eopf with sapfett t> Lokal bee © eite 3 È, Tab. Ul.ÊFig. 6. Riefte A d without stitching 38. Sftcifgen catch, © esse barauf bicPerpcndicularen Ab unb de g.ÊXfteilgen ftoeft.Ê© eat av $ amf unb cmŠ d in g?.ÊX & eilgcn, unb $ iebc bc unb f gjufŸmme.Ê21u3 A bare feet against d unb g 6th times) l 6. '$ L) hurried into ip, nq, uff (scess autf fin a 1. Steady unbuilt 1 Çautf i in c unb k, aut $ n in 1 unb m, u. F, f. Riefte Aa, cp; pk; lq, q m3urb fo weiter pfiimme, fo advertise fid) bie ^ apfen give 2luš bfe§ein k at ^ ilgen ^ unb $ icftek f fllš an $ el) l * £ ei (le jufamtttjt. aftimrn bie r Çnge A u, above 36. tilgen, fe§c fieaud) au3 k in tunbauš f in r, unb Jiebetr aud) a! geine £ 'eftl', £ rijic julamtm, fomirbfolcftec SDielen 5? opf aufauf, ripped over as shown in Fig. n bonborn $ ufcl) m. The $ 8 <9t Çfgabc # ^ ÈTett simple © p (jefteauggin ounbp, unb (tuef) aud u in m unb n. Oitmm 6 \ 'S & eilgen, feftc fte a Çdu itii q unb? ¥ iTJtrnm noef) further 7?ÊS & eilgefyunb fe Çfteaudhiniqnbk.Ê% ie () c fobenn ??iqunb kr only with free $ an $ ef) fe? e! fie $ ufantme, eg fett bennbag fo ift ber (^ parrmtfopf finished, SCHOLiQN, 55ep ben SSBercfleuten f) ti¤t ber @ t? Arrn <$ opf ein & tacfr & tein, fiešet fonfi an šorragenben 6parrn bery unb useless one with fine poisons, afg bicr gh, ademabt gleid) aufben'2ld) g <(gtrid) ber eifgen bešModuf ^ bie unferfio op aber io.2. {) ^ l3cn /: n> 'eaud) bic¤dbe oq.Êjtoifdtert beroberftm £ bl) a biefcd unb bed follow 6 "arrn" $ opfd remain a reasonable 15 £ Nlgen3uumt, above just fo biel.ald ik lang i | iy unb | mifd> en bem WŸrfel oq unfebes SBurfcl bed obey d nad) fieu0parrmJ? opfd 2cu steady, aliobaf?Êabout ^ 2ld; …30treidb gu, unb bcr3ld) d * 6treid) bedtiad) (ien 6parrrt $ cpfš gleid) 30. Xbeilgen Ober 1. whole module šon each other ju (ie & en fommeu È © ie 39 * 2 (ufšabc. Hainen etttfheijett © p per fr ^ e 1y.'Xbtjlgen bed module aud 1 in m, aud e in g, aud d in h, unb aud a in b.Ê3ie & e 1 e wni> m ¤ 'a! I * a * 5? Ef) M! F jsse, but unb Hb, item 1 m, unb dg red) t ju Èfgmme.Êfurther fešeaud b in o, 63Sf) cilgen, fine 5 * £ bejlgenaudpinr, unb 21 tilgen aud r in p.Ê3ief> e biefenSfšaaflTen nad) ben t> orgejeid) nefen bend with Scbnecfcaud, ald aud) ob, unb in Ÿber S…eite |Êand Xljeilgcnd jiebe benit aud) šoflcnb btn berbertern intern $ ang bem auffetn Parallel, fo tpirb aud) berSparrm'tfopf bon b eilgen ald eh, df unb ff | (int> jufaiunw, gladly? Fefce 50, ^ erase WH W ÈAS 44 Ê bicPerpendicular iH, unbanneg fege autf i in o unb 1 Èunb cuš t in m unb n 3 \ Sgeilgcn j auš t in p unb q fege 4. $ ge†gcn;Êfurthermore vino unb r 4!Ê2: ^> cilacn, auš v jnRunbSaber, item auš w ins unb u 5.t & ei (gcn; au $ 2 in r unb y, sweep £ 6 enclosed, unb enblicb auš Hin G unb I 7e S & eilgcit.ÊgiegefebaitnGr unb I y afš a flegU Soap ?, sR unb uS with digging Sinien, Jttifdjen populate abcrbašStdbgmsuu & Galfoauš, ta {j baš Centrum g! e: d) u6ers R unbuS juHegen fomme.ʤErncrjiebeop unb rnmieberaiš an €egbileijle, mo but unb nl with 'given lines unb atfo aud) bie Sinie CI, ay, cu, d S, eqv unb entlid) aud) o 1, fo giebef GRO, IS1 ben tcrlanqten © parr.K ^ otf.Ê© egebi?ÊijdfteH i, IL aud) in CA, FN, fo begatt FG, m.Sge†gen, PR, 2o * NO, 2g.Êunb Ac unb Hi alš bie bepben * © tefege bon einanber 30, Sgrifsen. SCHO LION.ÊfOJan gat gier ben © parrm tfopf ton ber © cifc sugleicg bem ton torn started, barnit man fege, mic ec mit fof * egemju (layfommf, ttobepbenn pffd) en AE unb IX eiud) nod) ber @ f reif unter ben (Bpnrrn * 5fbffen mit booty Underneath lie with QButffe ??$ u sweep, ttie fol'ege £) inge in bex ¤XdraifI) end-to-end follow up yes, You 41 * levels. iBoppelt © pamt ^ Kopfjut (bcšnmig È01t t> eu Beite 3Ç added, Tab. vi. F / gj Stiff!Êben galbcn 0parrn È$ opf H i, 11 unb fege fo benÈ šU…'I inK, aušyina a, unb auš 1 inMŸberall 15. Sgeil Ègeg> unb siege bie Punfte ton K biš M gegocig sufamme, MV l aberjiege auš / tviembcm0pMtn '' $ opfe2fufa-38 * Scwiefcntt) location> en ifl * she 45 šrrjfe exercise È £) tc 42 * task. i & \ nett Bp4cm * l% opf $ uv em Bparrm & opfc bon ber Beite iudiciren, fonft has ed Çtit biefer 3in just with SeroanbnifMmc with benDHhritiett utÈ b BegŸtig on-onbern Bparrm€opfe. 2Mc 43 * task. Rides <£ owntl? IJcf? Ert © parm head often © ejte 3 Èmature, Tab. VII. F / gj SBcnnber halbe Bparrn ^ epfo s, ffb, genflen, fofegt sj.SI§tlgeubedModulsaud sinz, fludq iny> ÇŸ $ 'inr unb Ê šScffeltburtCj * 41 $ ufcanifcf> ett Drnnung fine SluSfšniffe babbles / in bet!Ê*) orifd) en but batecingemein bie 2riglpp () en, in bec ^ onifdjen fan et roiebec fine quartered with †aubmercf Slušfftjnifte / Unbftatt bec3dpfen SiSluntett ^ fdcfgm / Ÿbei: bemgdubroerrfdbet a tgd) nicfett * 9iotIe bŠben, ttie $ uc matured non borrt Tab. Xt.ÊFig. S.Êunb šon bet © eite Fig. 3 * ju feben;Êjn ber% eutfd} en …rbnurtg fort er berg (eicf) en 3lušfd) ntffe with ^ pemScbitbermin bcr€ifd) en unb ftonrirf) ifc {) en but atterhanb £ aub * 3u9 * / n. to * & Ç9. mÇ! ÈÊMemmen. £> Ç$ 4.ÊOhifgak. JD4 $ Foundation $ U §ittec 0> cblteCTC jtt C6l | Çbold, Tab. II. Fig. Y. 3ieb Çbie? Inie BA c.Ê$ lu $ a, afš bec griffe jiefje feen half Circul BRC, softens ganijbaŠ © ebneren * Sluge called wifb .. J ^ ei ^ AC, unb ABiebctfwiebec iti 2. $ () eŸe with L unb D. 21u $ D unb L rubbed bie Perpen ÈdieularenDE unb LFauf / irtbcrJaftgeLDjjie ^ eEF jŸi fšntme, fo omitted ba $ Quadrat DEF L- eb * in biefeš bie Linien Ae unb AF, 2Run ti) eŸe AD, Unb A Licbcš nbicbcr in 3. šteirf) ^ X ^ Eife, border with G * H, freezing with I, K.ÊStift du $ G, H, I, K, Perpendicu-iarenauf, obfrjic ^ eaušfo (cf) enPunfl:? N $ uED, unb FL parallels to bie ginieAE unbÊAF,Êheir toÊGM, HO, IP, unbKN .3iebefobdrtnMNunb OPvufamn *, foift bdš foundation a single thread / C © djnecre jjit retffeH greasy, unb finb bie fabrics & udtfaben bie Centi-a barju * $ Benn but benn foldje © dweefe boppdt fonimen fš & tiiee fie u, e tiie .gleicbeX ^ hurry up.ÊSRiirf bereng.unb fcfceftešuSDinaj aušG ine, ŸŸtf H in s, duš I itt o, nuš K in i, unb duS L in d, jie $ e du $ ben * pun # Cte a, c, s, o, i, d , ju their level even dinates parallels <* I $ ac> eg, sn, ol, ih, unb db, $ lc & e aUd) cb, gh, Unb nl jufdmnte / foift also baš foundation jUr touched ittnerrt © d) necfe riffed where * u benn Wieberwn bie give no ftdben Bit Centra Ç aetto- 48___________UBwtg. "SCHOLION. c only eingi * nic, roieab tab .lill.ÊFig. 6. unb fe (3e20. Sbeilgen Thereupon fo large, upper ffein, Duwilft. 2lufa unb b fege bie Perpen * dicularen ac, bd, fo large afg AH Tab. //. Fig. 7. jff, jief) ccd jufamme .Ê6e £ e auffofdjeg cd also oie 20. Stetigen, fo aufa b ffcfjcn, $ ief> e §e alš ef, g huf f unb Denn aud> cb jufamme / fo give ki, ober aud) mn Requested 3rd beatified ron Den 20, with which AH pretreated. © ic 4 6, Sfufgabc * C £ irte hopped © ScfettecPe je & fp $ u ceiflett, Tab. II, Fig. 2. Stiff bic ^ d ^ e bcv © d) nccfe AB, in 2.gfeidjeS (jcirc. 5) ie Reife CA t & eife wieber in s.gfeidje Stiff with D. SMeSBeite CDfc & t bennaudjaug Cf; erut terinE, Qie ^ dbe CE t & eilc roicber in 2.glcid) e £ fjeifc in g, fo giebf C g bie £ oP & e bi§ © ebnetfen * 2fugeg.ÊS ^ ife deep S? Fye C g, as in appropriate task BC, unb rcignad) bafdb§ fener $ Bcif?ÊThe foundation of the © djnecre into, but here because of JTfeinigfeit beg Slugeg Doppel nidjtgan§ge Çfd) ef) en fdnneti.Ê^ nbeffe * oerfdngcre bic @etfeFb bišd, bie anbere big g g> unb bie third biss h;Êa! fo and) bic Be Ètebc big e, bie anbere big p, unb bie third big n;Êfurthermore bie6eitecm big f, Die anbere big k unb bie third big t, affeg fo approx. bia, bod) prefer ctlva§ $ u fang, afg tu for 15. SRun feije Den ^ irrfel inF, tbue if> n auf big in A, ttnb So tear the quadrant, above Qwgen A d.Êc ^ ege Den Jircfef in b, tfju Çi (> n on big in d, unb tear the quadrant d e. Seijc i () n further in c, tbue tšn on big e, unb tear the quadrant e f. further fei3c him in m, tf) ue ifitt auf bi§ 'nt> unbrei§ The quadrant for, Unb Dag iff For a tour above (-bang The © djnecfe. 92un f? £ e The gircfel in r> t & u * i & n on big m D , unbrei§ Den Quadranten Dgg. f 49 (Exercise. tcn D g g.Ê© iel> e further, where the lines gg, P jufamme running fat, brauŠ ripe) be Çquadrants gg, p.Êtgte ^ e.ÊWhere bic Sintert pk jufamme run, barauŠ rip ben quadrants pk.Ê© iefye, where the lines run ki jufamme, bar * aud rei¤ ben quadrants ki, fo fcoft bu bie anbereTour, S§un jtel) e, where their jufamme run baraug jtef) eih.Ê© je Çf) c, where jufamme run hn, barauš jiefje hn;Êftelje aud), where jufame run, unb barauO | ie () e aud) ben quadrants n t.Ê(Jnblid) ftel> e, where tc jufamme run, baranš ri ben ben quadrants cc, fo baj?Êbu all, upper © dng Ç.Ê5 If the inner foundation of the bar was opened, opened or closed? In the same way as t> orl) he was built with ben gini Çenbešerflen foundations, fo fdmmt bie erffe bie s bie anfccrebiš u, at> je brirtebiš y, uff SQ? Ad) e gug Am's baššcmerrf s in bec Sšeite bed Semidiametri be $ © ct) nccfen * 9luge $ ,, nebmlicf) C a, feše ben Sircfet, where s unb uÊjufamme ran, unb} ief> e bamit ben quadrants su, alfoau $ bem ^ ufdmmen * booze over sin u unb y jief) e one quadrant uyu, f.fetner, bit?ÊnlleTouren ober © dngc ber © djnecfe gebppelt fommen.Ê<£ nblid) fe ^ e ben ^ ircfcl aud) in a, tftue il) n on btš in c, unripe?Êben inside Circui, upper bag Sluge oottenb autf, fo fan bie © djnccfeaud) finished l> eijfen. SCHOLION tBonjf ^ ice stones © d) necfe aud) an © ebnorcFel.Ê3 (jtt $ d () en give fid) in fblgenben, Çnb jjnben fte fid) itt ben 4. (external stretches. 3mle you have to rip nuc nub freper jjanb, iebod), ba bte duffem © dnge und fo bielmef) To conquer a circular-well-trained way of training, alš fle bod) in general nod) fo jiemlid) fall big, but strive according to the foundations, but at the Cenrra barju JU, what wants to apply / fan, you can only look at the exterior d> necfe, which in Ben Geomttrifšett Heben ÇExercises, Tab. v.ÊF> g. $.Êweird eats.ÊSittein & ep bem allen, ba fein © cbnecfe in a slufriffe over © eule parallel bor ben Slugen, fonbern fid) throwing in bemÊ<$ ÇuleÊlenefet, fan esse na # fccÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ šÊPer-ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ forÊCEfieÊUburt $.Ê'ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Perfpe ^ HveaudjniemabldCirctilrunb fall, fonberrt fommen allemaf) l etroad Oval, unb consequently f) et> ev, ald brct * ter.Êtf ^Êbod)Êbei)ÊiOnenÊallÊbass fieÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ on all sides 3 ¥ nia ^ l around bad 2luge ^ erum Lauffeti. You 47 * 2 (ufšabc. * DŠ6 Ionijc ^ g Capital 5 ÇCCtflett / TabJlIU Fig. /. ^ ieljeNO in catch a 94. <£ beifgenbedMo-duld.? lid) fe aud N unb O bic Perpendicularen NA unb § on uon 30. Sbeilgcn, upper 1st whole module.Ê© Esse fobann 3l £ atIgenaudNiaMmbaudO in M ??jur $ dl) e for bie $ rud) t = © d) only P X. © et3e nodjmaljld fo t> icf, nd) m (id) 3 |. £ l) eilgcnaudLinaa, unb aud M in bbfur ben ilberrefl ber unter ber grud) t * 6d) nnrunb ben © d) nct efen jtedcnben $ ropfs £ eifle, fo with ben blmben Linien an * gemeref et ift 3lud aa in I, unb aud bb in k fe ^ e an OiienU on 11 blocks.Ê8lud I in G, unb aud K in H fe () c 3. repay for a © tab: tl) ei (e but jtbifdjen G1 unb HK in 2.gleid? E2beileunb $ icf) ebaburd) a blink £ i * never to bie © d) necfen * Centra r, s barauf $ u.ÊSiud G in b, item aud H in d fe ^ e 6. $ f) hurry for a SBulfl, unb aud b in cc, unb aud d in dd, micbcr 6.Xbeil fc ^ e fie auŠ Yinr, s, fŸcbic ¨d> ne * cfemCentra.ÊIftimmnoef) further 29.†ljcUgen dul§, fe ^ e esse aud P auf Ÿber Einte P e in 7. 6c $ e ben qucfcl infoldje 7. unb tear with ready 7, P, aud r ben Sogen rPs.ÊŸlimm further BSilbcilgcn, fe £ e sse aud) on over Sinie Pe in bie ftblje (fommt Ijier over e Ijinaud,) unbreiss bamit ben anbern Sogen rXs, fo commanding bu bal) ec bie gmd) t * bebeš <£ tabš alfo and, bass jutn radio, upper semi-diametro aned SUtgeš I b Sfjeilgen fommc.ÊSieve but with Circulgcn / as aucl) fternad) bie 0d} nccfcn, nid) t witburd) bic gvud) t-'6d) only fyiuweg. Um now aud) bie (Bdpcfen fclb§ ju tearing, fo jiefje tmrdjrs, bieblinbenEinienpp, r, s, bu, unbburd) runb s nberd (treats barju bie Cathetcn ff, mm, unb ss, 11, unb tearing baraufbie 0d) deep nad) ber4f.Êunb 46. 2! ufg Çbe, ober, ba foldjed because of 5v (cinigfeit bedŸiaumdnidjt wo & J mrfglid), with free jjanb, obcr, basse gleidjwof§ only a few miles distant, aud) niebtd taugliajed with free £ Anb ju make fepn wirb, fo berfa6re alfo: © udje jucrfl btšCentrum ju ben ober Sogen ff s, wirb fe t) n bet bet ¡ ¡ o without a radius undiscovered> t> n 181-advertise.ÊShock barait fo! D) en above, alone jugleid) aud) aud just fol * U) eni Centro ben undtognSogen with, bamit bie (fear b Èp = accepted, uneven with foldjenSBeiten, aud) bie so '* gen on bcr berbern © eite T, s s.Ê2Run fc $ e a 35. $ f) ei (s W aj} § Y in nn, ben3ŸcW but in v, unb tf> ue ibn on bi $ nb ^ r ft m ben oberrr ¨ang, unb in one SBeite bon hurries 121.2.f) eifg Çq / rej§ 5je @ dnge ff, nn, m m.Ê& Uem aud) bass Weber here, nocf) in followbeji nterefe, wofold) e0t & = cfe, upper suction on ananber swept §nb, unb alfo biefelbert fceber SrŸcfye, nod) Sutfel, fenbern bie g Çnfce0d} ne * SD 2ÊdeÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 5 * l & peUbiitig. cfe al $ in one eye.ÊUlu $ Y madje also ba $ (Scmercf kk von a 1af. S§eilgen, gic§efoenii'bie 3. tpun * ctemm, kk, ii, with a radio> vonein y. S§eilgeft? Oud) boppdt jŸfamme.Ê2luš r ntadje bieQ3ogen: hh, rr, with a radio non 3. t £, §eilgen, unb ba3 other oellenb mitfreper -Sjanb / biemeil ee jum $ n efef jufleinfepn mricijfe.ÊBe sure to dress up with a bite of prayer.Ê2iuš S unb T mad> e bie t ^ emerd / m, n vonein 33.X ^ eifgcn 7 Ÿm ben Qludlauff Cetf ober ÈS§laifetf 41t.Ê3lu $ Y do 5IMte of 41. tl§eilgeu bic @ emercf ppunbuu to request ben Siušauff be0 unter išlatteg gu.ÊCalled bepfce "Matter with a happy £ offer alfo au $, day f" e alš on top of t> cm 9iŸtf cn over eebneefen ju lie femme, gugleid) but pour aud) biejtvifdjeni§nen ftrf) ftnbenbc may folc§er 'Matter. P in ber ÇPage of 56, S§eifgen mat§e bie © emercTe uunbq, unb gie§en benn bie Q5> ogenau $ u against pp, unb nuš q against uu, in parallel * 2 width of i | .X () rushes from one another, ben inside but only bid to ba $ 0oer * È*È Èunb uu, tt parallel, in SBcite of 1 cables, £ length aud} wx unb yz gufam * mey alfo, tag x unby e ^ .J§eilgenvomSXingean in bie ^ d§e faujfc. QŸnblid) fe $ e from Der SDiittel = Sinie V e 40.Sbeifgen in V, w for bie smooth bid an ben Slblauff, 41. Seileilgen bis in kh, 1 i, for ben-2lu $ {to be opened to 45. £ bedbenbi $ infunbg for ben Slutflaoff DfštSulffa.Ê3ie§c fhk V, irem gi 1 w gufamnK, rei¤ aud} X unb z, u Èt> n>Ç š fonj?ÊctW€H ne <§ of tšleinigtie bie figure giebet / fatvi fairies. Sow $ U * ttntc $, Ç& < Sta m ton 6er Çle £ r aen © ot bicc §ier gtof flab rather on nad Sd gen nid: GO! asked Sd below ftni asked University ÈTai 21n £> i Ê r ba $ ^ un i, unb Riefet aud) tncrC ^ upper È> n 41È ff be with; n over aud) Çttcr.Êlercf Ç , unb n by icpelf lang) if iffern (1 about tfarm n bie i 40. 41. 5 unb U | W.Êfree f * (Gvsse Ufcmtg;Ê$ 9ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ fowirb ba $ aaite * Capital fine jtemlicbe SKicbtigfeit b <* 9 fcen.ÊSege bennbcn†ling in calm šonš. ^ Eiigcn.bett 6aimiššn2.Xbei (geninber $ oheunb 27, $ bei (gen im & wUaufF <\ ,, ben Qlblauffm advised & on4 * Xbeilgen unb Below in over 5Betten ben 24. Xbtil9en / weffen Otogen a ( $, ie & f with ^ I.Xbeifgemtmbbennreip b€ <© Cfiffegcuien * © taiwn ÇAy.išuellenb barunter, qjfe, bafŸ cs? jtpifcfjcn / 3 i frftem X ^ ifgcn bc€ module broader, alš iroifcJictt <* SC HO LI ON Ç. nccfcn bic mcifle sfšdb * / 'bic but in the gahfc I am not only frrp, in rattlcrnFa§ such as fciei-, innod) large abc ^ meragftenšibrtneinfacbenunh larger cheeks and)., Nad & en * Please refer to the specifications, Wobeg bean tuiim ff, mm.Êe & en bie jjdhe about 6d) nede AB: Tab. IL & g.Êt.Êgie & ef / Jbor * ouf bann bor anbere © ang um fobicl eljcr aud free $ anadjjmljm ijh ^ njwifcben but wirb fbbann wol) l bic © cf / necfe an ftd) bamit befto accurater, flcllet §d) but me Èflen betf $ val en $ bed Capit ^ ld bennod) ttidjtgej'emenb Perfp€ & ivifd) bot / As fepon recalls * & orb Ç, whichÇ š but aud) in bergleicbennidjtd ju booty & dt.Ê© onfffmb-bie © Šugeu u, q>, unb i> p, u © tud: en ber ^ dmeden on benanbern © eitc be3Capicalš, bep y 2. aber jmbuw ftnbbicQcbnechnoorgfpcnet / Wte fte kept nnb bic smoother m, pp, but, .itemn, unb qq ftnb fo wide / Èau fie on bepbe © djneden * Svndfcn give away.Ê£> ie kk ^ '^ djwur- muss & ier ^ P tcnn 1> ts…fnb with flutter unb bcrguicj) en ^ ierratpeu audgejogtn Advertise, how ber Ènachm bem Svomifcbett Capitalcjufe (> en. Unb bdt a Snnfanger ^ Wac oaCn glbip anjuben bern ingc fauber jeidytieit learn, fanpd) but aud) juniXro ÇItebicnettlalfv'n / ba ^ Qubentiebenbcn © ebdube fein berÇ £> lÊfilci *ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 54 (£ tlfctwg. glide Ç© owls bprfommen, unb ba ftt and)È orfommen, in general fo (advertise on line, ba¤ man afle§ gac Wof) l with an iXabcH- ^ ebcr Û …3eicJ e judge fan.inbem fcie © ehneefe meife only with simple catches unb faum | Wei) fad) he & BicfIunggeuffcn advertise, QMatter unb * bere§fBerŸ§c ftcl) aud) slightly norfreŸm 'fa¤t / jutnabf / ba man ftd) with advice, even webl reefs (an. The 48th SUiftabe. ^ ittCeutf ^ eeCapitalguceiffen / Tab. V: Tfg.Ê1¥ Riete bie Sinie AE bon non-woven 96. J ^ eHgeit be§ Mo-dul§ [unb š (fo nod) threw a long ÇI§ J) ier in over figure / bamitbiePerpendicularcn AC unbBD even bt \) C unb D nid) t in bie figure put in /] ridjte feiet) ÇPcrpendicwatches except A and B in over active hon 40. 2 {jeifgett.Ê© obenn ??fege on folchePcrpcndicularcnau§ A against C, unb except against D4.Xbcil.aen $ ut Access via ¤rud) t = © d) just go, bite E, F. furthermore 6.5; f> cilgcri bite uollinb for bie (ftlotf en ÈSei (ten ben o bi§ r, obd 'jufatnÈ me 10. Xbeilgen for bic ganfce © focfen * 8eiffc gr, bi§ G H. © obanns.X & eifgenfurben DŸeminJ, K; 4.3; ^ ci È9enfuc ben © tabinIL, KM ; left £ (jc? bite on bass griffin Ç © d) necfen ÈSlugein NO;Ê2 ¤.ÊSbcilgen for bass 6cf) nc * c (en * 5lugefelb | iin P, Q.; I $. Sbeifeen bite anq Qluge ??ber (linen © ebnerenin ab; i | * Xbeilgcn for bass Singe ber (linen © ehneefe felbft inR S; Sftocf ) furthermore 2. Zfycilgen & i§ju <£ * nbebe§3šitf |? §in TV; ¤ŸnfXbeilgenbi§ und * bie smooth in YZ; 4.3l ^ etf unb aud) aufberberber © eite against OQ, j9, X ^ eil§t È/ Unb iicj) e out of color colored Heipunctcn bieCir- culgen (Twelfth Ubut.ÊSSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ culgm i, k inber £ d & e jwifeftenN p, u Çb O Q. 2 roughly 3 2 i.Ê£ f> ropes,Êauš 8 & m ogcn about gructyt * © djnut io k.Ê© ege fernec 7- £ & eifgen and berSDWte jnufdjen y unb z unterm unb a for bie Centra over none © d) nec! En.ÊSftimm fo beiin citt 1 1 Sfjcilgcn, sweep ftc aud ben Ccntris i, m in aa, unbrei§ bamit ben ben 33ogern ber Heilten ¤rucf) f '© cf) only running, rnldjerbennbidaufbcnSvicm, ober bieSinie IK has to open.ÊSJJJ with the same SEBeife tear aud) ben jur an * hem no grud) t * © chnur.Ê51ud ben Centris im pege lG.ISftcilgenbišincc.unbrcifi bamit ben obern 33ogm Ÿber None 3rud) t * © d) only iwm, unb with even biefec EBeiteaušdd aud> ben Obern Otogen berbern None ¤Rud) ^ 'Sd) only opposite, Sftun tfyeile to £ 6 (each ff, ee in'Ê?Ê'Ê3ÊhieÊau (s>ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Sbede fobenn ??aud) bie ^ dbekk, ec, in 2nd track Xhede, uub ^ fehcbaraušbieS§ogen ee, 11, kk, which hang in a jam with benborigen jufamme, must be open to the top We bedQBul§š §, but also not burd) bie ^ rud) t-- © chnuri) pulled through roerben bŸr # fen- 2lufg (eid? e9Beifc oerfahre benn mit bet) ben © d) tie * Çm.bidbu on all © eiten 3. © ange um bad 2luge & e * šniaif§ .Ê2) Determine ine benn fo roohl bie figurine niif aud) fo fern felbff $ u emfien, bass bie¨dnge all m clnonbcr delicately gle), icbocf) inter closer to close jufam * Š mŠfT Çt * distant jiege aud) burd) bieCcntra bec *; '7 "fed) necfc biel? tnien mm, nn, unb oo, p p. © egÇ trn circui. * # ^ fejWerid m, unb ft still on ber frnie £ 4ÊR, T.ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 5 *Ê<£ r | ieÊexercise.ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ R, T, after R unb T $ u, unb $ itfj cnccSSetfe, also bieninn © drtge, in beraubern bcr figure decrease ^> o'f> e unb © fite, fernern with bnn šel, ale fid) (š tbun lags, unb ba biefer nid) t mcf>;Êfo weit tnš Heine bent advertise fa *, with over waves £ ianb, also inside © dnge Wieberum everywhere 3rd time ^ um um bte Centra ^ eruni / fo advertise fte bie 4. © djnecfen, n! š bad fchroerffembergleidjcn Capitalngo pretty pafFablemer. t give.Ê^ ieheficbennšoUenb * 7 * Steady far ponbec 50titte h gave ben 35ulff in 1 unb p nad) fudtfen Centris $ u ben! & ogen ff Ò, 1, unb hh, p, ingleidjvn l, mm, unb p, oo, jufamnte.Ê2lu £ r feJ3e 41. J ^ ifgen in y unb z, unb $ ie & e nad) biefen Lunden and) bollcnb bte remaining (Schndrcfelcpeit, wobet) bie SNdit'r bet) a unbb bt3 46. S ^ ilgen uonber? ?Itte gh abfte ^ en, bie top ater bie?Ê45 '^ htifgut / beren ^ oV unb 2icfc bte §inten PQ, RS, item T v, YZ, jwifeten which fte.Ê3iu Èfc ^ eau ^ gtnrunbsein 11. Steadigen, unb aušgin quttb t a 21. Steadigen, to ju fttiben, where bie stalks start over $ ldt * terfteen, fail in in © eftalt etned 9tinn ^ ct | fendaušqtnee, undeveloped in rr, bie auš r> s 06er do with experienced parallel, with ribs over Blatter fcet) u unb x lay auglauffen auf auf? 6.Stedgcn, ober aud) foweit alg bie <& cbnec £ en baruber go, unb jte & e fte fo * ban with measured j-> aupt È5Maffe jwifdjen gr aud, as for the figure cast approximately.Êalso fc £ e now oon over tinie hg, ready for YZ and cd, 40th pay for bed Wudlauff over smooth, further 411 Xheilgen for beit lower Sludlmtff over tfe & l soaps, unb 4 3 years for ben ofcern2lu $ Lauff berfelbenunb enblid) aud ) Bepberfeitd 4S * SheilgeninW unbXfurbenftudlauff bed UberfchM ^, alone on the site over smooth, tehnegeifte unb bed Uberfchlagd fclje a Circul-runbc fabrics, and also bathing duffcrjte <£ nbe foU CWfcbcr3e und und, around … * cfie Ubmtg.Ê57ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Office for the flat over …orfloffenben £ cf Çn be $ ^ apitald ju.ÊUnder g fe fee a 'Xintf ben 5th repay in bcrj & tffyr, also a 0aumbon 2nd repay £ bhe, unb 27t' ^ lanffe / Ÿberbeffen ^ nbcn febenn bie Centra ju bem ttittge ju beg fomtnen / o baher $ u fine 2lu $ iautfe equal to 30. i () haste ordered.ÊUnder ben 6aum flfee ei ÈmnSiblouff 5. XbeHgen, fe Mufft befpn unterfteŠ Û mbc non benr21d) š = © trid) eau ^ s4.X (> ctiflen / al0 btc half £) itfe be ^ © eulcn * i? Termmeš / roo he at the Bimtetfen ifl, Ècldjer beun also boQenb jjivenÈ inherit fanfo long, olšnian only Èifl, ba¤ ie long he fldrtfer he aud) below. SCHOLION I. 91ud) hicr torture to ttt © turroenmtcht fo closely observed roorben ift * 5in flatt ber S ^ efe fe £ et praised auttoraud) a 9def) $ * 2lpfd, bejf (£ reufeeŠ 0ber s 6d) en (fd bem Uber * fšlage sameÊpleading, over 21pfcl fdbfl but bitf an bie half tfeb ^ eifle reiefjet. © er SBulft $ È; Fd) en NT, u.ÊOS, fan with fo called half 2lugen at jieret Èerben, beren 8iufrei (fung followbee Scholion with tab. M / lu xxui. Fflebt, bie fjruchtÈ (strings but fdnncn fenbedid) bon lorber '-' Slaitcrn gemad) t ÈerCen, at QMatrer there are fui anbern ^ err © dŸblet nice not clean, but also goes with Capitak at all jiemlid) eon © towers} b.ÊSffiie but biefc smoother actually hold: alfe fanbarbcp bie lower large canyon ^ just jnd) Èeg stay, an flatt ber © locfen e Xheile '> fefjef ben ^ irtfel in i, t ^ ut him on bi $ a, u. reiffet ben half Cir-cul ao b. @ e £ ef for ben ontf over 6. $ f) hurry up, rf autf e ttt s, unbnuš k in q. ripens au $ r ben piston Circul siq, ouš q ober sv, unb ouš s aud) qvi / crnec au $ k benSogen sqm, undeveloped?Êc ben Sogen sn, eitblfd> au $ k ben Soge Çnv unb quš e ben berber mv, jief) et ab unb mb ^ ufamme, fo ift baš 2luge finished.ÊBut since fold) e $ falls broadly, witt Ç3 everyone does not like ^ ungeadtf jonff Serlitu, nad) Jprtt © eylersSor§ettung / tsen gan ^ enSSul§ tm $ vrnn¤e berCo-rinthifeben, touches with settle, ba er an> notices anything oon…cbni ^^ SercEe an ber © cule hat, fan man e £ also tear alfo: Š ^ tilc biebe $ C83ul§ $ ac Fig. g.Tab.xxIII.Êsame.Ê<5e $ an au £ 'ainb.ÊiXes§bamittxn Circulaqop.Ê3ie |> cburd) fol * Eben ben Diametrum l hi, unb aud) biegenlinienu o h.unb xoe © tijeMrmifben3irc! n on big 1 ober fo lang about diameter ift.unb r Çi¤ bamit ben Sogen I ut, affo ripe nud) autf p ober beni anbern (2nbe be $ Diametri ben Sogen ix t. further t ^ eileea unb ba bortmitn, unb here with 2. same £ f) eile, fe & ebcn Riedel tns .t & u him on bide, unb ripe ba Èwith ben Sogen ec, unb alfo aud) ouš n ben Sogen hc.Ê© efje aud) ben ^ Mhu ih Èon biš in u unbrei§ ben Sogen tm, unb alfo aud) autf t ben Sogen t v.ÊSRin * bic Sreite em, ober hv, fe $ c fite in d unb r, unb rei§ bamit bie Sogen mp, unb vq, jiet) eem, unb vh aud) jufamme, fo wirb fid) aucl) biefe 2Jrf bergleidjen€Šlber ^ luge ge * ben.ÊBut this is how we advertise bad things, if one calls jic (£ t) * it, m under it with smooth, as Tab. V XX! II.ÊFig. 23. Flowered (Eyev, Tab. V. Fig, i. * JEamtf Sapfen ^ Cy Ç, ibid, §, fddeebte £ yet with & d) l £ r # erCo-cran> Man (Tša ci au Ç'{) fol * i, unt> Dia-t / un & c bero icrncr sorry) * i§ba * n hc, i tear > amit mme, e ge * C0) * Tab. '.atuif \ QCtV †rfcti felbf * be n§ Exercise.Ê unb auÇ B in Fbi Çan bie unterfie (SinferbUng over 33l pen over large smooth inabfr ^ 5. £ (jcilgen; bi Çiibec bie big ^ mothers above biÇ under bie ¤rud) t * <5d) only in R unb S fege ejo. ^ Geilgcn.ÊQM Çvia bie grud) t> 6d; only itt T vfÇ ^ c 4 $ iContinuous;Êbi Çan ben 9ttem in c unb d fe & c 47 a * repay;Êbi Çan baÇ @ cbned'en.Ê2luge, © ber ben (rod in w unb x fege 49. Rub; bi Çover ben rod upper baÇ © djnctfcn 3luge in unb V z fege 52. ^ eilgcn; bi Çover ben SEBul§ unb bic anununufe-lung ber © djuedie in e unb f fege 58- 'Sbedgcn; bi Çan bie glatte in yy, xx fege 62. Sfeeilgen. QMÇ an ben Saum inn unb i fege š ^ .Sfeeilgen 5 bi Çan ben OVERVIEW in 1 unb k fege 66 *.Ê;Êbi "ÊaboutÊbenÊSšul§ÊunbÊALFOÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ jj§enbbi Çin C unb H> fefcÇ 7 ¡ * 3M) e <* †C biefe ª unctc, al ÇEF, GH, IK uff blinb jufamme, $ lun fe £ e auÇ C in h unbau Çe in 7i .Êredeem for width over QMume, inglcidjcn 211. £ f)? ilgen auš Yin 0, unb jR * f) C bUl'd) o btePerpendicular prju CR parallel.Ê2.b? Il © fie itvifd; cn YW in 3f slide S & hurry, fo give folctye in their (great UbttttCJ. 60 Witte ba $ © d) nedfen * Centrum.Ê$ rmm zgf.Shejfgen * fefcefteaušR up against C, unb jiehe bamst ben Unter * 2 ^ ogen ber $ rud) t; © d> nur R o. ifttmm a 4o £ side sweep over C up und unpopular bamit with the upper Q ^ geit about ¤rud) t * © chnurT o. further $ iel) e um ba $ Ccntrum ber © eftneefe in beruhe bee © tabtf yw a fleinen Circul * fo ifl folcher ba $ © ehneefen ^ uge * 2lu $ beni Centro ber 0d) deep fefjeinp 14 ^.ÊJhalŠet ^ fogibtfclcbet?Êbie on * fere £ rfbeber © d) necfe.ÊX ^ eilepr in ^ same ^^ falls ba £ Wittel rub on Y Z, under o., 9luš biefem punfte on 14. unb i $ i * £ h * tf0.en $ ifchen hg, unbjiehe bamit ben 95ogen vm, only ns ^ te ^ c only bollenb with over £ au & ^ unfehe45.5h Çjl6tnau ^ CmI>, unb $ 1 unb n in k unb i, unb jiebe bamit ben © aum unb 3 (Bulji3UmiÈ 40 2f> ei (gen unbfe ^ e fie auš yy mH h, fo give fie bie 40 ^ Sheifgett au £ C in r tn $ 9 *. au $ 1 up ben © aum, unb jiehe bam taud) bie innerÊe b; efeš S & ulffš / Haum & unb berÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ tylatte, unb bamit tbirb bet Obers Shell be $ Capitals. SRutt Experience exercise. 61 oen ,, iter È Igen j ^ eit but ¥ cul> about on* P / fO efem. rncr fcd unb lun-i : an i / ev ud) t office in rfet Ç: ge-icfce iftre n tn aud ÈIc * beit iu & unb at the" Idi 21b Ç device marriage bet lutt ^ Ÿttfefceaud) 4o * Shei (genbonfeer ^ ittejrcifd) eii Ra ln w, 30.X ^ hurry but auš a iu $ 00.29.Êqu $ p in nn, unb * 8i-aut Nin 1 l, unb jichebenn bie $ unct w, on, nn, unbllaldben9lanb be3 outer grabs plate aut, ¤Crncrfe ^ C33.5 {) eil9enbonbee5šiittesi¨tf (i) enL 1 btš u, e8 £ hP†9M nutf G in kk, unb aud) au $ E in 11> U ^ C, J2 + * S ^ eilgen aud A in t, jiebe bamit bie Sippe bed mftvn fUinen 2Matt3 unb ben 58ogen kkii, unb t.Ênca) furthermore 21. X ^ eitden aud N in pp, 18. Xf> eil <3cr Èbut aud Ains, unb jicbe nad) pp unb s ben ^ iiei bedtnnlcru §roffrnÊ> 2tfattd.Ê© icb folcf) cm cleared on PQ.Êa stiff bon 2o.Xbetl9en / on N o over pp non 22. Sljctlgen, un & UufL Muon Xbeilgm.Êunb ^ ehc now folcbcd 5Maft and berauntern mern fleinen $ lattf, © ieb aufI K, irem G Huber 3 * 6.aSSieiteuon 2 9. Seid, ba er aud b? m fleinen Platte ftfmmt, unb 13. £ b Çd * 9en $ u> ifd) eu P Q.iu rrjumKnopfe, unb tear benn fold ^ en with fine $ lumc aurf) aud, n> ie ungtfebr bie figure roef.Êt, SRunnimm8i £ f> tilflen JUr freite best middle grasp ^ latteš on LM, 8 continuous on NO, 7 repay on ^ Qunb 6 $.Êon down, free clan drop non R s bid off unb bem 6t eie fold) ed plate Çgtcb ju fine maturity nonÈ HidEF t * wipe, on ABabereingan £ ed, uitbjie È& efobann biefeŠ Sftlatt aud) au &.Ê3iel> c Çnblid) aud) ši V & "Ç * under the flemtn plate teiaen, aud) fon§, road unb as ed etroan nod) ^ ieFigur…U5t | -oWirfet€iš Capital, iebod) only jur Reifte ge | Md) netfenn, tpeld) fš benn auf berbern © eite about ben Olcb ^ ct ^ a C against bie ltntfe £ offer in everything unb itbem, tpic on over red) tcn 0e: te, ju reiffen eats * © nblid) fe $ e also $.Êrepay * to bring A to bb, 2-part billing audbbineeiuro © ÇUrn,È viebef 5 * ÇU < 6i ______________ iBtfhtll'ititg. au $ ec in ff $ at 21blauff, unb fo bid bu wilft šug ff in gg jum berbŸnneten © tamme;ÊGive the DiincE a slug run for bi, in dd, bon 3o, $ () eilg at eye-lifted Ç, as the following Gorintftifcftc Capital jeiget, Ober egaud) infonber & eif £ with {(revive a sube. Day 2) jwifdjen jwo (staining in a plate, there is a £ acfe foldjcg $ (attcg, where $ u bie stumps above (stems aug bem mediate jjaupt * (stems out), like au bem unter {linen plate with punftir-ten Sinicngcroiefen, wornad; ftd) bic & ldtteraud) bollen & gacwo & l s ¡ * 5 (task. $ £ irt Corinthifcfees Capital partial, VII. Fig.Ê/. Stiff with Sinie AB Pon 46. S & eilge Ç.Ê2Jug A unb Bichte at PerpendicularenAX unb BYbnrauf on bon 70, repay.ÊStuf btefe Perpendicularen fe ^ e aug A unb B 6 |.Ê^ dlgen / big an bie erffe QŸinferbung bcc Çšldttct in CV;Êalso 13 jS & eilgen big Anbieanberc (SinEetbung in cc, d d15. X & celgm big under clans above Ubcrfc ^ lay over leaves in DT; 2o, £ fceilgen big over Ubitttg,Ê63ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ bic fletncn ^ (dtter in ES; 2Off. ££ eiigmqnbie crfleCin * ferbung mountain-sized upper middle ÇSMdtftr in FR; 33J. Sfjeiigen big an bn 0ferung feer large 33ldtter in GQ; 35Ê?ÊS & etfgcnbig under biercc ber i ^ P5 40. S & eifgen big over bie groffen Blatter in 1 o; 44; $$ Çlgcn big under bie © cfynetfett / UUb over bic third partyÇ gate in KN; 51ÊSt & eiigen an bag Centrum ber fleh ne (Bdjnerfe, Çnb $ 2 * . £ & eifgcn big an bag Centrum ber groffen © djnetfe in LM; 5 6f Sijcifgen big Ÿber bic Ueit n <© djnecfe an bie QSIumc unb ben Ubcrfcb ^ S in ai; 60.Xljeilgen big Ÿber bie groffeScbnecfe unban Die 5p / atfe in 64 . £ & ei (genbigan ben 2Jnlauff over smooth in cg, riš +. £ bei / genbiganbag Diiemlcin in e; $ 67. && ei (gerr big an ben £ §ul§ in dh, unb enbfid) 7 ¡. £ beŸgcu big.ubec ben SBufff in X Y. Jiclje a§e biefc ^ unctc Çlg CV; cc, dd, DF, uff blinb jufamme- 60 benn fet} e from bcm'Mjg * © dripped AX to LM 6J, furg Centrum over your © eftnetf e, unb etmagftd & er 3o. $ FtciIpenÊfor bag Centrum ber groffen © eftnetfe;Êalso 9. Sfteilgen on ai in ss, unb 21. ^ ftcilgengen on even fifth sinie aug a in cr;Êin the same 59.5 supplements …ugLmMnbsš.S & cilgcn augK inm, 12 * aueft aug K in tt unb 2o. $ (jeilgcn aug k in uu, unb jiebe naep bicfen ^ unctcn bic © dweefen, but may not follow determinirf, oo§cnbnad) Slugem ^ €aaffeunbberFiguraug.Ê6e £ e fobann 3 8? *.ÊSfteilgen oon bem 2Jd) g; © lricfte big in I, unb also fobieC biginn;Êitem 28 ^. ^ eifgenšugHino ^ 27 ^^ cibgen augGinp;Ê26.X ^ eilgen fŸbennaHegboHenbaug / TOieeg bie figure with a good proportion ODltenbgtebet.Ê£) er8 £ ofegie bieijdftcaX, next wlrr lower Sinie beg Uberfcftlagg on, big on Exercise * 64 an bie Ober§e 2intc beg3Bul§d, unb jwar jugf eid) bie F igur a ginfcfr & nie, fo reffie bie 9Irt $ u, tŸie Tab. xxnu Fig .gewiefen I§.Êftc ^ inctn tears?Êfleinerš oval, unb cash on bieQ?> (dtter bon an © onnetuSKofe. further sweep ÇuŠ X in z 45.Êauš c nnb d in bb 41 Xfteilgen for ben (hem over smooth; aud b in aa 40, <1 (each for bie smooth, 2Ufo fe £ e aud) 3 9!. Sljeilgeo aud Xinyy; 38t fluŠdcaufbcn © aum, unb 37 auda against i juunter§ on plate, seventh floor, ben © aum unb bie'platte with i ^ rem QJblauffe alŠ hopped, unb aud) fon§ all ÈuolUub aud, wad bie figure wants audge $ ogen baben, fo wirb bat? Capital an ftd) riftm fepn, barefefce a 9imcf oon 5. £ () also a © aum uona.3: insert, eittŸliilauff con 5. £ with (gen, unb a © do! Derbmnetcn © tamm> give bcm Diinc! jum Slud * (Çuff3o.beiu © aum bemberbfnneteit © tamme 24 * $ heifgenimbbcn2lblciauffrei§ with a radio © en f> *. ^ bedgen / o wirb aUeÇ jur Reife fein 3vtd) tigfeit. SCHOLION. Are) f) he must ask some (befcf) icflid)! Ett itti ^ eidjnen?ÊIf you apply to me, because alledgeometricc ju determini rennidrtmdglidjift.Ê^ fnbeften šber f <& wen an §att ber © onnen *? iofruaud) anbere 3> lumen fommen, unb bie ^ iditcr fdnncnforšo () I ^ šdren ^ laiui5Idtter, alt?ÊDliuen Çsmoother, unb, nad) some newer, fetb§ aud) © rrau§ ^ bcrnnÈ tfear $ roifd) en came £) rbend * 3 * id) en fepn, dead berglcid) en in © turms Datier p.Ê296. ju fef> en.Ê21n SU * tdren have §att over SKofen aud) @bmibimd = tfepfe, with over eutanber alone aud) jugleid) undervalued SlŸgcin, pla £, whether wobl fon§ nid) td less allowed, ald bass etner tn bergietdjen fine-grained nad) own plan mdge, alš wo benn aud) sSogel, geflŸgeltepfer * bc, @ reiffe ubg in ben Capital just think of © riUenfange Èrepen if fte §d) and) fd) on feib§ bei) ben manners with finben. Slimmer % more exercise. e u.Êiorintbifdje, aKewi nad) begged fonbedich in ^ tantf reid) begefangett> aud) for a fechftejUbeitcfemunb ba berjfbuid Ludcwig XIIlJLeinegrojfe 5 £ elof) nung bem Qrrftnbcr bcrfelben bet fo fprŸbbnŸer s ba fprŸbnbŸer a haben fprŸbnbŸb for S f fprodbn haben haben f burn in / which one you want to call granfjdftfcht * n.Ê2) iewcil nbec bie ^ ranfjofe Çfoldje iprešrbnung ttod) $ ierlid) er, eil # bie <£ orind; ifd) e want to do it, but foldješ but possible on fine terms, straightly due to overbearing absurdity, straight, wldje btnnin ad) 23au * $ unf?Êfine © deep), Unbalfo aud) felbfl bon attbern 5rangb'ftfd) en Gaumet * fternnid) t accepted wo finb, ungead) t fonfl bie ÇÇ still tied well enough, ba man on tfatt bet smoother 3.Rubbing © tranfrSebcrn swept, on flat bet .tJ? d) nuren & * Ç¥ & **** aufjeneft, tu bed © jdinedenaber ^ ahnen ^ eberngenomemembba§gan§e emer £ iII Ç^ rbne faffed ^ at.Ê3cadb ber ^ ett wrote ftm Leonhard (hriftopborv * © tUL-rtl, irnnš | tafh unb Architeft bt§ Wog # tu * W * © a Çh *, without a £> blending ÛÊÇ fern *ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 66ÊXtxbeteÊU & wttS * __________________ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ crfunbeO / bieer $ tt> ifd) en bie 3onifd) e uhb 9? Ç^ mifcf) c an-ruchft, unbšon fine nation bie £ eutfd) e (threat mentioned. Unb ob n? cf> l folcbe infonberheit bon lanbern and) just nod) md) t pleasant iff, fo bat bod) and) even finer, fošiel bdannt Ètl, ettoa £ er {) ebltd) f§ bar # against one-jurbenbenfunben, btš all recently $ err io. George XOaQni * IVD utib over third party * Academie Jlt gignifj ProlMath.Êi [) pure attDere fchfie counterfeit * get / Unb / bassturtnju bem oornehmfteu $ enn $ eid) en fei È1 nerOrbnung bad capital with a series of smoother unb 16. © dmetfengemadjt, he however fclchcŠan bem ¤u¤ * © cftmfe in 8 . nad) © d) necfen È2lrt curved S§ur * j ijeln, fo fa (i toie a reversed tf capital out, angie * bet. ^ nbeffen frnbet bod) © turnte Drbnung / tšnigffend in 2eutfcf) lÇ nb their embarrassing ^ cQfatl. unb ba bte yes not i bie £ eutfd) eDrbmtng called roirb, foroirb fte bod) tyn unb roieber bie neue (DrCmuug tituliref> unb fellet ju er * j ttarten, obbeŠipcrrn D. Xtfugnero Invention your bend name abdifputiren, but one fiebttiDe, © c # fcfi> j fdxz, upper anber Drnnung toerbe called twrbe Ç, nad) *: beniftetbentgjTcn§bonbcm £ errn Au & ore njohl au $ gcÇ> j fonnen unb fdjarf bcrfhcibiget rcohb © roubon © befo in your order.Ê$ Bie but bie bring drŸnnenešf 3. Sheilen command, nehmlid) bem © eulett * © tuf) le, šer © eitle felbft, unb bem © ebalrfej alfo has ief beš £ h Çlwieber fine 3 on one 2anne, above settle raved vase, ben bir 5)? Enfd) en above and below, below, one of your scufflers used it, aftermath found, baf?Êfffietter without bridges folche © tu¤e half below, half above njanbelbac madje, biefdbe below with bem © eu (em © tuhf (e, above but with bem © ebdldc barmiber. S§ach * heriftfolaflgcOarangeffafielttvorben, bi $ fte enblid) jn % nt> ete Ubmtg. * 7 Ibtcc fo large completeness, bag ott over some but not only fd> Ied> tcrbingš deemed impossible toirb, Çine nod) fteben even dryness j | U;Êfonfcerti aud) some bic ganfK 35au - $? on ge alone fe & Çn, unO babec in your ifcami & books also not easily etroaš anymore, never foldjc 6. £) redness tied off high.Ê2lfl Çin, o & tanwel juggetmu & bagaufgcghr biele, fo make fie boch geichroohl also bie $ auÈ €ungnicht a \> Èan auš, bieracil (oroebl atlerbingŠ m§ several $ uÇ inan tedHfchaffenenšebaubeerfoblirbiemliemboblb) ) perfume roefben fan, without giving them etrodš baranju sweep.Ê^ nbeffett Aber, ba ge bod) dud) jui¤l> iŠ) tcrung berJbnc unb ¤en * gersišemeibungm ^ Šmm ^ irtfajfungen, ber @ efimfc in © entdebetn oon © ppš, b ÇrÇ Hltclrc, £> rgdn Tabet-naculiv tranljeln / €irch È6tŸh! e / allcrhanb © eldnbet, silverÈ © tŸhle ^ ogantenten / Threfore ubg erfofeerttperbert / gaben, nad) © tŸrme Ÿlnratljen / nid) t only © teinmeljen, Sintmcreople ^ ifchlery fiafefjchechnierbierbung , hurtig, fd) dnunO ^ tafticable reiffenju learn, jubefummern;Êfoncern c $ mŸffitn barinne aud) all of your basics Gefban ha * oen / bie on some 2lrt etrnatf oett about sBdu - 5tung mountains.Ê£> b but now fong a practiced / upper toircflidjer iBaumeiget bte3tghmmenfeg Çng filmed a * hefn © liebÇ felbgbemercf | telli9en, therefore bic gŠutje …tbnungbarauŠ iutvegefoll bring fdnueni) anber> Metier Not exactly ig, gd) ntitbenertfchonbarmgeredjneten tables, bie infonberheit obbelobter © turm thcilš in bem Vademecum jirchueOonico, fo ju (f tibe ber fich alle fod) tc cfwaš rar ma * d) enbc © ttmtdjetjtob! t'un tjenBegriff ought ^ mten math with dug ^ dnget hot * 5Biege but an gd) jtpcberlepfinb, urtb elneš tbeite nueg bem Barozzi ton ngnoUi hiring tbeils v, ad) bem (Solo Ètnanit gnb.unbingen rie> bie orbinter bie orb "Here, ai§ bort, anep and) give with a lower slip, bag ttach bem Barezzi always have a drainage heger vorb / a? £ * b <* -Ê bep6 * fi'd) ju have / unb bie ÇBor exercises barnad) WÈ erd | Migen ju fomten. sr§ic eš but with) bem also a beginner biep ¥ things fotoo ^ l bienlid) / as aud) even flanig feijn faij / fcieDrblungenetnjaš exactly underfjibenju fonnen;Êw fo lafHfid) foldied jroar fofern even sorry-t l (mn, if m ^ ftegan £ borfid) 6at / alšbahatÊ,ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ a) you cucmiifcbeDrnung a ganfc fcbfcdjfen €natiff ober Capital ol) ne all © ebneefen, attached) on the © eule0 'etamme below only one ipfubl unb on the © ebdlcfe feil È* triglyphs, at best blubber antepagmas1 * above 2tbfd) nitt tšfttmg on a © eite bcSCapit È1 * 4È © djneclen unbalfo to fall 4. © eiten 16, nebft <Ê?Ê'nerSieiheSBIatfer;ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 1 2> ie2 \ oniifcfcc (Trbntmg on a © eife bcS Capital * Ç0 ---->ÊK /ÊVV.VÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ §.Ê© etyneefen, unb on all 4th © eiten 8, © dp ^ den, leaf with 2nd grater, unb f) £> ie Cormtbifdje …> romm0 on a © eite beS Cap È'tah 4. © ebneefe *, hence on all 4 * 6 sides mieber i * nebflj S ^ e! ') cu flutter È SUIein, ba man there unexcessively) only expansions Por | Èd) befotiit, uub fieauš bmfelben released ^ l> tn [W / hÇ * È*Ç & noc ^ Wo | l in keep, bass invented ÈÈ JJ 1) ¥* *) ti fc fc fc 5) 2. £) & mi0 tyf.Ê&) <{(Uuf ^ jr at) * approx ttŸb? bieftf n far È'an n md0 I. ^ nauff etile # 'e fett1 menf * en cy inb # 11 ¥ & 0: Sgl # ' ipiral * e6fr <[/ ipiral * 5d) TTP Cap] ' en b ((1 tfeft * i tvirf,)! * 2ittbeve exercise ÈÊ$ 6ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ l) in overstretching, stretching over and over again, tearing over the overlapping edge. fc> a dice on a sack, fo with a small pin;Ê.Ê.ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ bet jbecfd be # Seulen * (Stu & l # anet reefrten & iftej ^ 1lt & owls l; as capital an over smooth of) ne run-off soap;ʨ€ untettXaldien to bero SBanbe jtatt be # Uber È .Êfcblag #; fcet Porten an ben ^ bfdntiffcn, ober in beren © ntffe Çfrung, an bem, bafj er Weber Uberfcfrlug / noefr some # © lieb bat} & er & rtsn Çj an bem QSanbC / Wefcfretffo Ÿorflic ^ f, al # cinDiiem;Êfcne fighters, legs @ eulen'¨ft ".6le, © eldnber unb Svd & me an bem $ Anbc with a common man, monoÇÊthose # foweital # bicfe # eorfticfrB 2) ^ tber ItorifcfrcnDrbnung, ker $ u £ šes & euletu etubls an betefef tfefjf soaps, ndcfrft on the sauce cubes; fcet cubes on a blackboard, fused with a Jjoljl * soap; j & ec £> etfd an ber rcdjfenJ? el) lsSeifte ndcfrft amSSurfef, without some # ^ tdbgen;Êfc> eršeul§m $ uf5 on bem to pep $ PFu & leo & HeaOe # © tŸbgenoberSteiffleini 5DaeCap Èrally on over smooth with a run-off soap and without overlay;Ê"ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ fcce Unterwalden to ber £ o & l.SeijteaBernacf) jt about bem uberfcblage; ^ et Porten an ben Drepfcfrifren; ^^Ê?Ê^ fnn ^ an over ipo ^ l ÈSoap $ u aflerndefrft over about aran ^ eitfe; ^ ie€ampfctjicinen ¨eulen * © tŸ5lC / s ^ abme unb.Ê© efanber an i & eec £ opl * soaps over jfranš * be * fte, @ 3Ê3) 3 * 1ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 2 (rtbere tl & mttj. 5) 3n berSlomifdjenDrbnung iDer 5 È^ še§ & eukn 0tubls an ber © injicfjung unb about bem © runb ^ Sfcme; $ Roekcfel on bcr Safel, fo with an €efji getf! E and Siiemlein; ? The ZDed'el an ben $ nm) 3leiff (dn / alŠ one under bem 2§ulfJt, unb one over beranfc t £ ei (f *> jThe 0eulentf uf? An bem © tf blcin over ben bci; benUn Èter ^ ; The capital at fine 8. © c & oecfen unb 2. 3iei (jett, smoother; jThe UnferWalden on over $ efjl * 8eif? e with a 3ieijfs line under bem Ub? rfd) location; 5The porten an bem Dveifflein stems; The Zfcrantj an bem§§ with 2 Diicmlein, old?Êone over unb bembern under fief) over berj? ran £ * 2eifle;ÊjThe "" itipfer, fleinen © owl * 0fu), stabrne unb © elanbcr anber Xe ^ Seifle with a stiff thread over $ ran (pgcifre. 6) 3n over @ orintf)! Fcl) en £ 5rbnung b Ç5aiJbeÇ © eulett ^ 0fublš an ber $ e (jl È2ti |? l * unb ^> o & I * Seific cingcfaffet; $ The £> ed'el anber jjo & l * unb $ eljl * soaps with a colored coating; JThe owl * $ u {j an bem sleifflein over unb under bem Dbern * l * unb Jt> f) l ¥ ueifle with a seal under bem Ubcrfcfylagc; & et varieties of bemŸteijflei Çwith ememSiiemlein about bem Sinlauffe; JC Èer ŠrattQ an bem Sleifflem with ber fteljl * soaps over ber ^ ran & ^ eiffe;ÊjC> ieKampfcr / f linen 0eulend5tŸfjff, 9labtneunb @ e * lanber an bcr £ ol> l5unb $ ef) l * soaps with an a3v? iff Èum under bemtlberftylage.Ê© 4 unb ? *Ê?Ê___________ 2 (ttt> ete Ubtmg. Unb Èieb.abo.n bie Unter = ^ Ba! Bfen just with SKafjme.obcr Bandau um bie gelter, bie Secfef ber © euleti * © feel, i ^ cm bie€rdn ^ e ber © eufen felbff afli-rhanb © imfeun * < he has subjects, throwing u, b.Ê9. half without, bafb with ÇtnigerSšerŠnuu;Êalfb muffen bod) a§emahl i ^ re contracted ^ ennjeichen with barbei) fei> n, bamit ban £ rbnen ernen fnen / if anbertf about # ttad) biefen built above specified fei) n fo§, £) a but infen also © turm felbft l> in unb wieber uon (solo Ç1annja aud) hon ftd) felbft in fine syllables OrbnunÇ, $ ugefd> wae wae other architects tbun, ftnb biefe $ enn $ eirf) en, aufT'rWaš bie Capitalc concerns, <Èud) fogar not universal, baf?Êone should meet, without alfo aud) or drills in ben © in $ - ÇKercfen unbbetm OtebemDmgen a§emahl gnungfaro fcaran form, 5…ie via module yes one, iffjwar fdjtm In bem IHl.Scholio jur 1. Task with gefagf woben, unb Iff eš attached) an aesserbingŠ faffdje (Smbelbung some Mason Çamong other things, if you hear ftefagen, bass deep bass * fb unb anberer wieber fo bod) bau, t (F tdeSufcanifcbe 6. <£ §cn, bie £> orifcbe 7. Utf, f. meif ijne lebe Drbnung builds, so high you only know, nebrafichiSfie, wnbaudHJ btf * o. (£ Eat, roebr and less, nad) bcm one bie £ o & en feimernmimt, above also given, C (§ie but low and therefore ear below) seven ftnb; alfo advertise aud) bie Orbungen not in one way) 5irt brewed fonbern ateemahl with their © owl unb © ebdlie, alone barbed half without eating under * © a¤j half only with 1 * under * © aiei, module hodf?Êhalf with t, lower * © d (3rd / JbÊbigÊ2,ÊmoduleÊbod) /Êhalf with {eÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ len * © t $ bfenol) neUnter * © afe on 4-module high 1 half W ^^^^ n ^ euleweiuhlen un bemUnter * eaše brauf 5, module high j half with groffen © eulem © tublen without llnfer-s ^ ahbrauf also 5, module bod), balb with follow larger © ei) len5 © ta5retlunb QUC ^ still undersized h€ta€t'2§lolcf, - Ò*È S? ^ Cg> 5 q WS o * - 3 c ** w rv m € .f ^ ~ * ^> o- Èhe ÇI J? 33 Ó, ~ 3 3 3 O -Ñ -.Êrr f "7 3 *ÈÊ?Ê*. 2r o * S> , (£> ¥ r ÈÊf>Êft>ÊJJÊVÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ he heÊheÊheÊuÊ?Ê- <Êr *Ê¥ £ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ ^ OÊOÊOÊ¥Ê*Ê- -ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ aacrer W v-4 Ç" * ^ o ^ ¥Ê¥Ê-Ê-Ê* "Ê+ * **> ¥Ê?Êf- ^Ê**ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 3333cd55oa 2L¨ cefu U => <£> rsnirs 3 3 O * ca c => ~ - 3 3 * -Ê?ÊO n -n ¥Ê¥ÊÇ-È.Ê¥ Ç,ÊaÊ^ ^ ^ ^ n ^ 2 3ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 3- £ * Ètn | fl¤33 I-Sl'S'V Ǩ, ~ ~Ê-Ê~Ê~Ê^Ê3Ê~ÊÇÊ©ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ > i!> 2. -----> S 3 SS ¨¨¨S- Public transportÊ<¤ ¥ <¤Ê?ÊSSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ gcgtf'SS = È¥ ÊÇ - *ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 3 3 333 3 È£ | 3 3 | 330S ÇA: a€ -È - €aÊ"sT £ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 3 3 3 3 jrcstsn (£> Š 2 2 * 3 £ 3 7? 1?ÊP5 Arh V * V f *> ^ 0 È…V 3 ^ S '.¤ -03 2 % ÈÊ¥" *Êf ÈÊ- *%.Ê52ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ç=Ç (Ft €. 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Û Umauf3oUe / gef> en2i6,3ofl;ÊNow take a picture under È© d (? e fommen, fo dividiref man biefe 2id * with ben 24. modules, al $ foj> od) bie © eulen alone ol; ne Untet '© Š & duin;Êdi-vidiretmanbie2i6.mit2j ;.Êfo come 7 ?.Ê3 <.VU on ben module ju ben © owls with fleinen © owls * © tŸ & len without under * © as barauf;Êdiviref man bie 216 with 29, fo fommen 7l |.ÊRotlauf ben module $ u ben © owls with ben fleinen © owls? © tŸblcn unb bem Unfer * © afce barauf ober with ben large © owls È© tufcWn without bottom * © a $ barauf;Êdivide folc & e 216th enbliclj by 30, fo fom?Êmen 7? * 3oH on ben module $ u ben © eulen with ben grof * fen @ eulem © tŸfjlen unb bem under * 6a £ c brauf tveldjetf glleš i Èof) l ju fajfcn to roitfen garnot & ifl i | U I. Sic si.ÊTask, Hurries: (Cufanifct) ÇÈ ¨e Èlc Unteu ¥ Zt> eil Jlftciflct * / Tai.ÊVU1.ʧg.Ê1. 3ie & ebie @ runb; 2inie AB, uitb fluf bereu SOJitre scored on the perpendicular PR / fo bem 5lcf) ^ © trid) ober bie Cathcte on the coveted © eule fepn foll.Ê3? Un ftelje in about Schoi, in. Foigenben table unb jmnr bero erffem $ (> ei (/ under bemXitul fd? Locbtere2lrt, (meil bie jierlicf> erc () ier $ u, about 3laum nicf) t Wel) tt> ollen,) roelcfyea in the lower parts fPi ^ etfcl? lags im © eulcm © tu () l $ £) etfel, al $ weldjer 53. ^^ cilgsn beš Mqduls autflaufft;Êall bafjec quite a few 2 (rtt> et? E exercise *Ê75ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ quite a few £ & riocf?Êbarubfr, unbmirbm jufanime nad) bcm50? aaf? s © tabeFig.2.Êrin 56. unb fetje fie oon Pbej) * berfeit§in Aunb§, unb $ tef) emithin ^ rauš ^ uPR bic revive parallels AQ, unb § V, fo give fold; e lines bgeFundament $ u borbabenbem 9 \ ijT Ç- Take the long-awaited table ttueber bor bicf> imbjroarcrff bie ¡ t) en barau§, feše aifo £ 30 f) eifge Çfor ben © tunoficm except A in c, unb and;Êoutside in c, fcr * ncr 31S & cilgcn also auš A, ašein in b, unb outside 'B in d, for * ^ icm cb, ed;Êttoef) also .37b £ hrilgcn except A in C and outside C in D, to get bic & ohl fieifk b C, dQ ju.Êgiehe fošann ce, bd, unb CD Uinb ju # fanimc, unb fefje according to Slifmeifung over table under bent Situl 2 (uolauff 4S ^ .2; bcil3cn Ÿon bem 2ld) § *; Strid) e P anpbe§bi§be§ben on ready drawn bljnben £ inien in u unb rr, same in x unb y, for ben © rnnb§ein: gerner 46, redeem against c unb e, irem against b unb d, for ben 9Ÿenu Sftoch also 4 3rd £ hcilgen against C unb D for the upper £ i * nie about Jjoijlieiftc, 9? imm fo spell with bem ^ irefe!Êbiefec hepbe <£ nben / make aʧreug- ^ ogen bep z unb p, unb jieljebarau§ with bent SKunbe folcher fyofyl * matured, also Èie 2lnfflabe 20. fie ju jie & en fonff ifi gc * ttiefm.ÊSEBeiter jiebc aud) bte (£ nben bite you on bepben pages jufamme, unb bei aud) bie (†rnben be§ © runbflem§ xu unb yr r. (£ nblid) but jielje also bie £ lber *? Inienal§cc, dd, bite iKiem§, item xy, unbu.rr out, fo wirb over © eulemStuhl§ ^ gujj ,: ober ba§ gufFQJe * flrnfe have fine Sfachigf eit. 2§un take ben XDšrfd eor bid) / unb barju except table jur $ o '(each 8 il ^ hcifgen bess modul, unb fege fie Çuš c in E, unb except D in F; $ hehe EF bftnb jufamme, roed ess CD fchon gefdjehen 5 gernec take your leave * run outside S§belle 41 * Èunbfe e e fte Don bem 21d) ^ @ tri ^ e an underneath against C 0 in cc, dd, top a * BergegcnE, F, maa , bb, unb Me aa, cc, ingleid; en Bbunbddjufammc, gladly u Xnbeve Ubtittg. ll gertKcnimmbcu ^ dVUušbccSabette bor bid), unb | tt> ar K> tebct er§ bie ^ dben / tmb fege oon E u, F 6. $ f) eilgen inf, g, fšcbi <^ obU€2ifi ^ 8. ^ cifgen aud EunbFinh, § for DenXtent fh, gi;Êalso 16. Jbeilgen bon E in k unb bon F in 1 for bie smooth ftrant ^ eilFett / ober bid an bero2lblauff / still further 19 ^ £ l) eilgenbottEinni, unb Èon I itt ne oossenb for Den 2tblaufF oet Kranrj ¥ €eifte, ltebmH berfcitš 43.ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ via aa, bb, f) inatid for bie lower sinie over soaps;Êalso 46. tjjeilgen against f unb g, ingleidjen against h unb ifŸrben9iiemhf, ig;Ênorf> further 5i-2f) egg (gene against h unb i, ing! eict) en against k unbl, for bie smooth j? rangsSci3 jte: nod> further s ^ .X ^ eilgcn against m unb n, item, ge * ÇEn o in fFunb against r in ii, for ben Uberfri§ag.Êjobonnbie Snben bed Ub Çrfd) (agd ber; t> erfeitd / ben 2lb * run over armang soaps / bie (barn over smooth armang * soaps / fced barben liebenDiiemd unb over …oljl * soaps with tb * rer crooked jufamme, a§ein and) bie …oer ^ inien old fF, ii, uno fo fernem bid aa, bb oud / fo wirb au # ber iOtt rt'el finished feyrt. flftmmefjr take over £ 7.ÊStetigen'fŸr bie Jjdfce fces Untetfotje * unb fege ftc aud o in G unb aud r in JH, \ klje GH blinb $ amame, unb fege bom 2l # d * etri # e ere tI6ung. 77 HinLL, n> ieauchgcgmIŸberinm, unb against K Ç6er P p fuc bie £ afe !: but also 3Sf> rush against I unb k in mm, pp,Ç nb aud;Êagainst L unb M in nn, oo, jiehe fobann nn, mm, tbie also oo, pp bŸnb jufarame, unb tbeilefeiere = …3eiteinqq, rr in 2nd same shell * Çben Sirtfel in qq, t (> ue il; n aufbtš in nn, unb reip banne benhalbenCirculnn, mm, unb alfo also autfrr, with * half Citcul oo, p p. but also bie <£ nben over gafcljufamme / Uiib across lines b nn, 00, itera mm, pp, bi $ an bie © eiten about Perpendicularm Ÿber Sfcafel auš, fo roirb ftd) aud;Êabout © eulernS Ç!?Êgive. ¨nblid;Êtake roicber from table ju ben ÇnbfcfceaušLins, unbaušM in t zf.Êpay off for bie £ o'be t> ee 0 "nim" s L, t M;Êfurthermore, 8. X-axles outside, undeveloped in O for ci eii stnauff s N, unb t O. ge§lid;Êfontel, altf about stumbling, bod;Ênot over 10r, Sheilgcn au $ L in QÊunbauš M in r. for ben like thieves 3iel) e biefe $ uncte blinb jufamme, unb fobann fcfce šomSlch $ Ç© triche 32 *.ÊXljcilgcn in nn unb oo for ben Slušauff beš © aumtf, unb even fobiel also against s unb t;Êingleid) en 30. Constant against N in ss unb against O in tr, n> ie also also $ R in S unb T, for ben glcid) bicFen © ramm.Ê$ ie & eS, ss, item T, t; t, tpie also ben Slnlaujf & epberferti with fine bends nad) over 22nd task, unb also bie <£ benben © autuš bep nn, unb oo jufamme, unb also bie £ lner: 8inten ss, rtnurbiinb, bed © aumš but quite au £, fo tt>; rb baŠ ganjje Unter * Shdl pure 3ftd;: igfcit, ober ba ja nod;Êtt> atf missing feite ,, n> irb folchetf with figure Dtrhojfenflid;ÊGive clear control. SCHO LION I. To advertise in depth SBcife ÇDe 6. Orbnimgen qcriflen, in * fcem man erfllid) biÇ Fundamental-ft "je AB> unb rcb Û lm £ erP? Ndicular AQ, PR, un § V matures, furthermore jjoh ^" ^ Ç About icberOrbnungbrauffc ^ eMbreSlušlauft also add to ben;Êiebem¨itebe ficb ftnbenbw SDjaaffen unb fp heu # dp # uorn forpohl bie ^ nge fyrim * 78 2 (nberc ttburnj * ^ down, up, as well as qocr over jufantme jehtf * # §a $ man babet) with bem 3ircfei unb Linial jiehen fatt, tbutman;Êroo but fold) c§ because of $ leinigfcit over © liebet nidtfauaehenwin, you only need to look forward to $ an unbiab =.Ê£> iefrummen © dear, al§ ^ ohl ^ eifien, ivc ^ bBeifren un bergleid) en, meun ftc about # large ftnb, you only fish meiff medium (Jrcu ^ ogcn jiehen, also after 2Jrt niad) en, as before thrown in over exercise SCHOLION il $ §il (one bie $? aaffe biefer unb Ÿbernšrnšrbnungrrt on iteml 30. giveš.xrasbetPfubU ^ F ^? 3oU * item: 30. ge * beu 6.u) ašš ÇKietÇ i? Fac.J, 3o§;Êirem: 3o.g ašbcc cfcPftffoI 4 ¥Ê> item:ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ go as ber ^ icm i?ÊFac.Ê* £ ¥ 3oll, unb alfo also with ben fytytn unb Slttšldttjfen burdiaud continue * sj§olfentan bierndd) (! bie @ cu (eninqefammt twn greed * rather # c'h * have?, so you donÕt have to worry about anything) £> ohc in all 6th stretches, *. <£. #. © uen, unb fud ) e alfo naefy getviefenerUirtbie module bariu;Êfomraetiiu berSCnfca? mfcjpefl $ frtfcet; e itbiwg. 79 i _____ nifcljcitUnb5Dot: if4) Çn © t'Dmmg t> ott 26th moduleÈ on a module 7ii 3o§ J juc jfamfchen unb Ceutfche ÇUon 28. Moduln š £.ÊSauces, unb jut: Rotiiifcbenunb 3 half aud) fdtyted> terx alŠ bie £) orie files Their (training nad) Eiglid) bie erte fet> n foll Çift baher biefe XuÇ fcanifd) e…cule nor biš ie ^ o bie fd) lechtefie, unterasscn 6th trials y alone also with ftdrcfeffe, uninvitingly near a fare sgauer toerglidjen / annex) but also barum ju © ebauben, for a conquered conquer © tarefe, alš © facf.unb $ effung & Xboren, Seug ^ aufern, © efan * flen-6pinn Çun addiction * callers, ^ ršcferty arfcnalen, grottos, ubg also young companies to kill my brawler ubg brothudjef.ʨie is attached) finely © chni ^ sQjcrcf / erfoberf jwifchm fell) fcšchffentf hung ÇttXucher, smooth SSilber ^ iabnie, unb Where tropheen above fittings barbci) gcbraud) f advertise, must fte widelyÇ continuously) and yellow).ÊIf some of them didn't know anything at all in the past, ttRb often state Serimm for their real show-off. 3> ic So Znbete Ufwttg. © ic 52. ^ ufšabe * tJZincvZnfcamftbctt © eitle (Dbet> Û l? ciljw mffm, table FIIII.ÊFig.i. 3iehebie © runb: & nie AG.Ê(Sieve in over Sehol. III. Follow Èben £ abelkanberm stiffness under B unb jrcar fon * berlid) under bem Xitul fd) led? Tei * e 2 {tt, toie gross over gro'fj * te syušaufflber © prefer in the upper;Ê£ () tilt over 6eule feg, Èirb ftol) ftnben, ba¤ etf Ÿber ttborfdjlag a (š bc'r a 74.X & eilgen beš module. SRimm alfo just fobiel / ober mtef) bruber, unb fege e $ 001 C against B. Sluš B rid) te fobann a Pefpendicuhrjuni'ilcbo ^ tri ^ d) f ber © eule auf, fei) BY, unb jiebe ju follows bie Parallel CZ, unb in the same 533i ite, altf BC, upper aud) ronš nearer , 60d) not below ripening o § C, bie anere parallel ax, which lines give benn roieber ba $ foundation be $ Ober ÇShdlš. © afern now you like tpiff, bass bteiSeule on oor ftd) ha * fcenbem Rapiere bie?Êrich above, alone aud) not bar Çover up fauffeÈ, and therefore nod) gang then fodbraben fbbnen, fo ftebe, how high etfl over jfrang ftt) ift 45.2f; ei (gcn, fege fte bon top auŠ X unb z around ferin QunbRunbŸiehe {> Rblinbjufamme. 3Iimm fo; bann bie $ db eš K, L blmb jufamnte.ÊHead take biejpdbebeoCapital * iff aud) 3 ¡ '' ¥ gf fie from K, L, in F, G, unb jielK F Gbinb jufamme.ÊSRim-n still further ben Slinct, šaum unb Slblaii ff jufamme, machm io. ^ Hedgen, sweep fte aue F in D, unb au $ G tn E> jiehe aud) D, E blinb jufamme. Situ "but sweep oon 91d) 6tricbe to unb against E on ier blinb gejogenm linesÊwÊw, xÊxÊforÊbenÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ flcrtvnefen 6101 Ç, unb after bedRaum iw> fd) en D unbÈ A large ifl / Unb therefore a 93? * * page, jwifchcn bet ÈÈ erJMWM ^ tarum Ç$ wi * 4.ÊSheiigeo unb bemgleidj Wlfl 2 (rt & ece Ubrntg.Ê8iÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ bitfenbongo.Sfreilgenfmben fan, 25, 6iš 27.ober 28, Steadigen aud B against A unb C, in 11, uu, unb $ jef; et fo * bann ww, tr, unb xx, uu, jufamme.Êopen fin matt aud D in a, unb aud E in a, nad) sintwifung ber tabeU Ç3Sfjeilgen for bcniCblatiff;Êalso 5.? l) eilgen, 6i $ in b, d, for ben 0 .šer * 2linien 1.2.Êas well as biepp needŸrd, alone bie šen ww, $ uxx stay blinb / ober puitairfunb So fjat benn ber © famm ber © eu (e fein & irf) tigftf t 12. Iljeilgen) for šen VPulji in HI 20. Steady;Êfor the plate o $ ne Oln * laujf in m, p, 26. Xgeitgeti;Êfor ben2U> Lauff Derfelbenin n, o, 2g.ÊSljeilgen, unbenblidjfŸrDcuUbetfcplagin K, L, 30. Çt & eilgeti t S ^ b ^ ušefoldje ^ uuctcblinbjufanmie, unb fege fobantt Dom 2ld) d * 6trid) e B, Y am against fr'Unb G, item against e unb g, 24.2 () hurry for bcn 21udlauff bed $ alfedj further 2 ^.ÊSteady against * unb g, as aud) against h unb i, fŸrbenSRiem;Êtiod) furthermore 3 14 £ |) eifgen against H unb I for ben Sludlauff bed S§ulffdLeiter 32p against H unb h unb aud) against m unb p, for the same glattj further 34. Seilge against n unbo, item against k unb LfŸc ben Sludlauffber Çplate.Ê3 ^ bie giŸšauffe inpammfrepelt ^ geijiemenb (jerunferwerid / wie aud) bie 0.ber Èilinien, aldrr, ss unb fo further / tebod) ben Sin Èlauffmp nurblinb / jufumrae, fo wirb aud) bad capital fineÊ(j Çbw, ¥Ê.Ê'.ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 8Êft #ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 2lnfcete exercise, 8t Um nunaud) ben 2ttd) ift-rtb ober Unter ^ afcfen flti, fofefce after Xabefle iV ** È.Êvm> jur j? d {) e De0 UntcrfrrcifF§ out of KinM, unbau§LinN i2.'Xf) eil0cn beš module;Êfurthermore 24.Xbeifgen in q utib u for ben fllaftei È(Dbcrllreiffober bi§ an benSlMduff brffelbe.nod) furthermore 27.Xbeifgenbt§in r unb.s for ben 2lt> Lauff Dee …ba * ffreiff§ j unb enbfid) 30. £ fie ^ gen for ben Uberfcblag took a bite in O unb P. Senn fefje bomSlWš lines against L, unf) against N, on beron blinbert lines, 24. Xfcalgen;Êfer * Çer against N unb u is ^ .X ^ cifgen;Ênod) also against s unb P 2 continuous;Êjiefje fofd) e 2lu§ / auffe © on P bi§ L auffciefei '^ enegejiemenšflufamme ,.Êbic £ itcr * £ inicn but Èon foldjenSlu§iaoffcn bite-prone time AX, unb alfo an K, M, q, r, O, hinan, fe has aud) over 2ird) ifrab refined you) * tigfeit. JDem ^ cree Çgives $ ur jjšfŸ nad) 2Intt eifuna bcrXabefle 3 7 * .uon O tn Q> unb non P in RjumSlii§fauffe aterÈ om ¨d) '§ * 0tricf} e bi§ 1. z.ffre 24. Xbdfae ^ unb yeah r.ÊQ, j, 2. ingleidjen bollctib 2. …, except fo ift aucf) Oicfcr ready. GŸnblichju ben £ ebcn d ÇŠranries, unb jiror infor * ready for Die ^ obU€eifie miss v.unb except R in x fcfje f.Xbeilgen;Êfor the 2? iem outside Q in w and outside INZ X ^ hurry;Êfor ben XDu! fr in S unb T, 14. X ^ eilgrn?Êfor Die€ranij'fietfle bi§ an benQlbfauffin aa, ee, 24. Sbdlgen;ÊfŸrben2Ud ÇuiffDecfdbÇ ibi§in cc, uus2š ÇSteady;Êfor Den? \ ic Èn bi§d d, h 1j, 2 7 ^ X?> eifgen;Êfor bass band Bi§in V, W, 32.X ^ eifgen;Êfor Den & inrt '£ ci;ÊHas, bit oo, pp, 42.ÊXbeilgen, unb enbfid) for Den tlbrn fddag bit in X, Z, $ 4. $ Fyeil8cn.ÊBiebe also followed ^ Junetr blinbjufamme.ÊSSeilerfe $ e $ um21u§Iauffe on ben curved black lines, 00m 21d) § * tPtnd) e against R for you lower frnie over Jpobb £ nffe 2 , hh, 62J.Êpay off;Êfor bass £ Anb gegtn hh, W, 64, † ^ eilgen;ÊFor beit folc fun Tim * nc niai fen, 8iei t f) ef ben net Xe from fly M Ç util fd) < ttia b, ii around * u On aui f, c fall at eats about Urr ÇEt