A·L MOL·TO lLLVSTRB '· ET REUERENDISS. MONSIGN.· LORD ET LORD MY COLEND lSSlMO .MR. DIXON OF THE WEAPONS. · Scalco frcrcco of Noftro .Mr.. .gohò of hauere very oblige to the memo. ria M • .Andrea Ful11io .,Antiquarfu 1{fr . · · hand , checon much accuratez.::..to, & or... . dine lt:fc!ò [crypto f A. tichit. cii queft'al. - . r,,to Cma dr R,gma, pozche m1 hands borae. occafwne of bauermi à dimoftrare,with qrulcbe fogno à Y. S. for that .I was,& affettionato [emidore,cbe from that..f h-the Time here that I began à conofèere, fèmpre the phono flato with the heart. Etfi as I have fempre admired, & of.jèrNato fingegjzo,the pruden·za,& kindness, dir. s. that ._,011 many other gifts,& 11irtù heroiche ,hiaramente hà imf pre dimoftro effer worthy branch of the felice, & nobilif] " but JJianta delt with.A R...a M, principal.f] " but among the other families .j/Juflri of Bowgna; so I'm afraid bora at the meeting;that if I 110.son come tell qnel little, cbe from the de/x,the ingegnt> my to.the great.in de' the merits f U()the fi conuiene,do not let us p'.ù to fio tort to a[ona f ua, with defraudarla of those debts hono.ri that she deserves, & that the Sky them promises, the I ftimi of them au)grease-pn minimum point of that lo.de chç fe the de.and • you as you should not conofèendomi I '1tto in quefto negotio, more prefto speaking, in l' ojfertuirò with the affection of the heart, that ardifèa perf uadmni to mii[following fintento my ; lajèiando quefta care à wits piùcbiari1 & ele1141j. ln fo1fJ(fl4 fit!W' my cffendomi ,,. ! "' .1. nuto · o;g;i;,edbyGoogle myth in mind di11oler ri/lampar of nuouo .Andrea p iduf,. be much ordmtztamente; & à full riduffe in ,ompendio tutter.nticbità of l\9ma, author of friar how many of what banno treated very -pago,& effitrto,as those, that of let.tione of many an invention, & biflorici ancient fì delighted , fic,m,and · in queft work, he dimoflra bauerne hauuto full cont..., .,et notitia, fPeffo citing any teflimonio d. '1. 'ano' I' to he[criue; which fuole not a little to corroborate fbijtoriao! · ,li-pn ben ordered,& -s,eridico fcrittore, & any faith àol 1Jutllo that the other says; the mentioning still partitamm-l . you the ancient sites ( which also à full effeguì ilol Marliano in the fua Topography) that fùoleefferedi gfan,.oi de approuatione,& delight à the curio/the inuefligatori of an.The tichità • .At that, Ji is added also à my infta.odaM.GirolamoFerruccinon fololec<>fe rinouate, & fa.bricate in quefla the City from the Holiness of 'N_oftro St(noteoS I s T o Qy 1 N T or,· but also many other annotationiocuriofe,& worthy of faperfi, belonging à fimilmateria;bauendola I likewise adorned with 14-vagh.de is were the portraits & images of the buildings of ancient & modern" ,be à queft' work fi richiedeuano , fi as she could from lao · lettione of queflo auertire. The waves with stationary prt>pofiteomi rifoluei entering quefla imprefa, to make it first:..oramentewi cortefe gift à r. s. then that queflo tlMttort•or· eff endo M,Tcolpa of times quafi trafèurato, & fmarr.ori[orgeffe of nuouo in the field of the fludiofi deU' anticbit'1oà farfi riuedere, not already comeprima, but much more 7ago,or& adornoco'lonomedi r. s. in fi disgrace, so the world nonobaueffe à miss cofi nice & good raffle, which delkocofo Ji 1t.oma old,ofi well to reason;but.that ancodi pious,oin effe fcorgeffe' & ammiraffe ir,fieme ropere tgretJ.and' &omagnai,imeprodotte in 'luefla eccelf4 the City from the ·Santittl,..or . . . c!J'. or;g;i;,edbyGoogle .. 6" liberalitJ of .oflro lord SUTO Q..nNTO the Supreme 'Pontiff,fJltllffldoTa in /ireoJ;acio of time ,i .. wise, & riflorµa bomuu in a lot of be/Jew of l1ie, edift.. cq,piers, agc luedotti,& monuments, such as tuttlllliA p,og,..raridurla more, that deservedly will be able to say that Ikjfoche already Other -Polte they dlffe of 'Jllt/the City the great .A11gu. flo,cio.,cbe fentiua queflo happy,then that hauoulolaJro."The 4th terra-cotta , the lafcia,,the - adorned -,;needles marmi; /i like/i JJ,was that l1Ìepiù ,every bora farJ. dala lantità {114 11bellita & adorned. Y. S. fi worthy with queflo little d"1IO riceuere the grtmd.to the defi:Jerio I of f er:uirla, &/worthy infieme conferuarminella foa b110114 gratia, & bauer protettione of me, & of cafa mine; that if I conofcerl, that queflo gift to the f,to gJ'atO , proanerò ne/J.' auenire not moflrarmi indegnode'[U-Oi beniai fauori & gratie: & with!Juefto the end of them. I pray from Heaven a gn every pile of -,,was & perféttafelicità; & here with riue,·and,rzy, the baf cio, the.. Dil(gmaildlprimodiMaggio M. D. LX X X Y III. R. s. very Jlu,ftriff.& En.euerendiff. Dnotiff.& affettionatiff. fer,ator. Hitronimo Frmcini Librar,. ·-· J. IIERO- or;g;i;,edbyGoogle tllf.RONiMO· FRANCINO· L·IBRARQ THE - . fopra the Pyramids, & other good works of N. Mr ,· ' . Pope S 1 s T or Q. y I N T o • I I I . V E S T Jl 1tttlfa Pir11midi The oh,liflhi A' 'f/Ani Dii gi4 d1dic11te, and 111 Sun.,, The 1 Subtracted f11r J,. most rouine , and riflhi, :AND"" S T O hor''ìl, God facr11te fo/LJ : ) ' Hor not ft11 more hey pr1f11n11rle 11rdifthi,eh, gr11,n ftgno-h11n ruftod, 'ìl-111 lor mole.,, . p,r eui fon ll11te erected d11l deep Rome à your honor, and glori11 to the R. of the monJ,. .indi'n orn11 tr, hills .Ì /11 fu11 foiLJ. ]/Celio, the V11titlfnO, &r Efquitino, With foufli honori; ond, /the faopr, and 'fltdu L'11,lie'{z11 of the fuo ingenuity pell grino, , And The, fam, Peter the proud and heredt...1 the King of Us,the pim fauor diuino 1 eh, ,on fo/ic, flel/11 ji 'flldrannlJ St11bili, inftn ,h, motion the Ci,li h11ur11n111. 1..'opens the gr11n P11flor mm,uigli.fu ·rSplendm,n ehi11r,_ 'I'"" more i/Jujlri Tnnpi.Tr.ì qu11nte in Rom11 11,/tr, 'flnqua to f11mof ur the 11ntiehi, . ,u modern tetnpi ; ·· · . N, ft11n /'11/11 was, the glory, the world 11faofu ·rDe' mo1111mmti 11/Jer. 11,mì ejf,mpi :rz; ji1Hhe domi the Tr11e,, is the proud wiojlro , martin Luther' ,mpio , infafti 111 Mr nojlro , lL the SAME SIGN. GASPAR. of Arms, Steward frcrero of Noftro Lord SIXTUS Q_yINTO, · m Y or The horeo'l penjier g,11,to &humi/t.J Mr I 'I or' I,the ro'{zi t41'I, You ,he fon ,or' l eor' ""° & gentilt...1 GI the rÌII (J-h1,nor of the g,1111 nom, d,a· Weapons• G A s P A R I 4"duceft, 1,1/ f 1m10 ONilt...1 Of the Supreme P111Jr,, .ì eui piatque moftr11rmi; Ondt 11/ mo/10 th I Jeuo in piceiol gives ·.NJ4,R. J'.Anti,11 B. omlf horlf 'lii-don. . .Aquilonia. . ·The •. H11to'.nium·oppidum. the lntaamnia oppidum. . · Atina oppiduni •Hirpium oppidum. .i\bellrnum feu. 2. I' , iAbclla. The f :::::i{.u . Calcoilm op· p, Sile. !iileta. Maryce.Calanula flu. Calcs fidicinum. Calatia. Caflrum Sami Vulturnus flu. 2. N3taronas. f Atella. . Linremum •. Taburnus mons.· Tifata monccs. Z. 11 Pu,t the.., • Garganus mons. Tirium op.& promonr. Veflice opp. Diomcdis infula. Brundufium. Alciium. Hydruntum opp. Vxentum opp. Manduria. Egnatia. ,Iapigc.Trinaum. Glmij. ·;· Anglon:a-. · • Vattod•Annone. Termole. Prelfo to 611mc Melf'a • Atpadionc · In praise of. ,Manfreduno.n ·head mount OrafODC .n Carmila feìt Carinula.n Li cafali of Sctrà.n · _: Caiancll2.nCalui. Caiaccia.nSangri. The river of caftcl Love. The vhf is Aucrfa •nDouc is the tower of the homeland.Tabor. Oue is Cafcrta& Mtgdalon.n Mount of fanc•Antolo. Rhodium. Beftia. lfola from the Quakes. tBrindili. Lezzi. Otronto. Ogent<>. Madurino. Oue is hor Monopolies• Bari, Trani. Where is bora Barolo Matcolo • Mateoto; Agrippa. Q. t?li auri flaraiil.ade,;. · donia. -. · C2ftel of St. Mary of Leuco. the.cuca promonto. Pctclia. Altamura. ri::r .... , Acnari.the. Gilio, Elba. To MC7.'Z. Or manudi Siena. Ifchia. For less Naples. THE ,p a I N E., O,gitized by Goog I e . Jhwt• n-.A1111u . Worum Sempronij Ifaurus 8u. Trocntus811. Acciaia ..... Greenhouse oppidùm • Cimera promontorium, Mulioamnis. Auximum oppidum. Cibulum oppidum. T.. oppicium.Tigntum. Rubicon 8u11ius. Cruftumium 811. Faaum fortunz. Efium oppidum. Efis 8uuius. Callrum nouum . Luceoli oppidum • Feretrum oppidum. Palmenfis ager. Traiaoa poten,pa .• Fofl'embruao. Leaf. Tronto. Famazzano.. prefI'or Pcfaro;San of dli vccelli, & chic:ra .aro· the pnmo or;g;i;,edbyGoogle first :ì v_edere the fooi . Ciafcuona fattione difendeua the wire .l)ifmlu.hours,& co6 the words were à the weapons,q:the weapons à the occi .• R•••1• •ofioni , F:mfiulo while he cercaua to put in lor '""· peace, and he was wounded; finally, Romulus for fauore dc the DJ j refiato fopcnore built ( so that the c of c grandihanno fempre principle d:i Dij imomortali) & chia-ll•m• '• lt, moll:the Romulus Rooma from the fuo name: & perociò Rome , & t.· h' "'• not Romulao, so that for the dicot more magnitico • •••• of taol vocabulo he venilfe à do wish to was.t patriadi m:iggiore prof peritao. They wanted some, that Ro-moloo, & Remo for the Greek voocabuolo fiano wind co6 chia .. mati by virtue, that is, the fortress looro. Roomolo, then, was the priomiero founder of the City , & delolo Imperio Ro-mano; to acocrefcimento delquaole it seems , that the luck, & the v1rti1,concorreffino, & faceffino infieme à race.The old furoono elt:tti for cono6gliareo, & pr6uedere to the cafi .•ineipi• J,l t1,,1. the King pub-join & for the auttorit.i, & for the age, the were 1 0'd"" R,p,J,l"•• chiamat1 Senators. Of ,be age 'J{gmolo edifiiò the City .but . and vt'p. 11. 00 Had Romulus XVI I r.years,when he built the City of Rome, & was in the fettimaOolimpiade and and and and I. aoni do-fAltolo: ,., ' ,.,..,,, • . 1a leco. • d a,& the third 1 hour d . fii I e l g1orno,and cn-• m•. clo the Sun in Taurus,the Moon in the Libora,Gioue it Pelèi. Saturnoo, Venus, Mars, & Mercury in Scorpio,as fcriflè: Lucio Tarrutio between the Atlrologi of tempodi Varro prellantiffimo ;ilquoale :ìrequifitione of the VJr.paste made Natiuità of Romulus: whom he cakulò fa-N"iuirJ: diocendofi back many years,mediire qucllo,and that he was Rt•'•d •. - ftato fcritoto,& mofirò chiaraméte.he was breathless gene ;;. ";-;,,:,;,. added to the first year of the tèttima Olympics, :ì X X r 11. the mefe of Deceombre in hora the third , in which the Sun ofcurò, & that he was born dodcci day before the Kalends of October,which was :ì winds of September.They say, .Afè,nd,n1,• that Rome hebbe the medefimo afcendente, that Romulus ,l; The•••. To to foo o;g;i;,edbyGoogle .1:'{T IC H 11' j-OF the oil mills.To P_•,,,,•. r,,;. fuo founder , ilche was feliciffimo wish , as fcriac: •"'";.' R•· ·Cenforino,was call:na Roma square,perchc the fua for.:-,:.:,,,..,!':'" but from the beginning it was quadra perfectly for everything, & the din - the greater circuit, which was not in that renpo the numeN> Jl.l,J,ll• de ·gT1habitatori of that. Rhyme the modeUodietfa Ro.Cimi Ji R•· but the square in mount Palatine, in order, starts from the li'• 'I""."• felua,which is in the piazza d' A pollen,& ends at the ciglion. ••• """' • • of, frail of Cacco, oue is the caeanna of Faullulo, in c-,ri,,,,,,;, which Romulus has bit.your . And fell to The fundamentals of etfa Cic. •el tl.if,gn,m, ta,haueado before new the Aufpirij,& the difegnò pulling .lt•,,,.Signal that.•prir, vn foko with vn vomer of Copper; the'-} centage tirauano vn ••t"• p:aio of oxen,the mafchio,& the femina, with some bandages bian, that, & no longer used; & the mafchio araua of the whole of christianity,& the woman from the p.me, inside: & then he hebbe for.I nished this work, fi said, that ferono facri6cio, & from that time forward olferuarono, that is ammazalfe beftia the;,. cbl •'•f-no for facri6care in fefte Palilie, accioche in this day '}.'}:":.i::J;: not fi frargetfe fangu.: .ellaqual fcn makes menuonc · Propemo, when eglni says. Vrhi 'foflus tr"t, dixtrt poles/i11 p"trll, Rie primus crpit •rnt/Jus effe dies • Ouidio still tells the medefimo , between vn myria-. dc verlì . Liuio, & Dionilio Alincarnalfeo molco à long still have fcritto fopra this. FannQ the Romans fella in this day & call it the Christmas of their homeland. lf,,,,. J.,p,Was from the beginning diuifa the City into four parts,& then 4 .•ir• was Jiui-little agg1onfeno mount Tarpeo, not perchc, shall _/• 111 '1"1':"1 • habitafièro !fretto, but to the end that the enemies occupanndo nlp '1'""'•"· 1 to etti h11birat11 .,... ghi, as fi says, for the most part, the Arcadians, who pulls you,,.,,,. trouorono vn cafielletto • it Was from the Latin the said caftello in the principle called " Value; then, Euandro, ca.pitò in those places, hauendolo :iccrefciuto, held the dicot of the name,& he called it Roma , which in Greek them.There bi r-Jf, .lii gni6ca the medefimo, that Value in Litino. It was Euandro '"• sbandito of Arcadia, & the captain of these people, ilqual gave à Lati11i the character of the lettcre,ò as some of the.tri fcriuono, the fua mother Carmcn.to, that from The Greek is ap• pell.ua Tei11ide, &. from Latin Fateful • Racettò anchor Roma• ,,. ,bi cast its spell,not orrcn .r deberor. 1a and·1tta' . H. b. Q1.1rono 1 . d . luo. . Euandro o;g;i;,edbyGoogle ' l1 lf JtO 'P Jt1 MO. bandro in fue care in mount Palatine primfe.nmente, Hcrcole,& appreffo Enea. It was still in the mede.fimo mount the cafa Jj Romulo,which lasted many ages,& he t:•f• ,; ••· ueuano in caflodia the miniil:re of the cofe facre. Rome-,,.,,, , .. •••• _ ce Pomponius Mela) fn already paUori built, which bora hauendo about the gradezza fua, fi pnò say,chc f,vn'alrra. She is the head of the world & vno de' names, that she has, it is not lawful to p.ileure: waves the diua Angerona T,fti,,,•!i• B .Ila which fi facrtlìcaua, haueua the fua fl:atua with the mouth, f•;p•m•.._ f.ifciara, & fig1llata; otherwise, the name of Rome,& the ori-;...'";."-! image of what would {bto diuulgato , & manifeflato; f ,,., ,,;;to,;. Auenga that Religion for cofa, very falutifora , ordi-,. natfe, that fulfe been kept secret ; the waves Valerio Sorano p. bauerlo manifeftato, who paid the due penis. In which R.!the region dtl world is pofta Jtoma. and A P. 111. IlV E r P r e T Rome, in parts of the occi-8ite IJ-,.,_,. dental in Latio, far from the tyrrhenian sea-. ,.;•,;:.· no CX X. fl:adij,oue were huts, & pa-• '' flowers of diuerfi befiiami . The people de the . The Albani were Arcadians,Epei, & Pelafgi, mc-Peoples ,b, I. fcolati in them heme,& after the rouina de Troy vi fi aggiunfero r:..•P,. :; still the Trojans, fuck the Captain Eneaa, all quelti po-,.,::•.•. ... poles, lafciato go with the names of their Paefi proprij, {the who.a. ,,.., marono Latin Latin King of what the places. It was build.to the said City by the aforementioned people C C C C C C C C C C I I. years do po Ja prefJ of the Ilium,the fettima Olympics, & was Ro• ma à crcfcere, & folleuarft the hora llabilonia inco-M•neitl, 11• minciò à miss. Q!!_ali that you conduJforo them habitat<>-••1•,.;• •. 8•; --•· of c!· 1· h h n uro . fi firateIli carDiUI, trpe rcga1e, the vno de q u:i be name Romoloa, the other Oar. The mother their was-M•d" of q1, •• """""• fcefa from Aeneas son of Dardanus : de 1 father fe has ~I• ,; ,,.. certain notitia;believe the Romans,who fidfero sons of Mars, ft•rp• •"'-• Romulus before futfc made King, because the cofe andafiè-4 • ro, with equity , & giuititia, gave auttorità to the people of 1;;,,.'!,;• * elegsere to die à he parcuaa, & he was elected ; and then the • cheper confentimento dcll. vniuerfalc,he hebbe prefo J the D,gitizedbyGoogle - I !.,u, of the lto-the goueroo , made to vna lcoge, that no man porellè effer done · "'010 • King, m:igiftrato aku.oe, fe, he does not fuIle {fate primz Vfo J,' pri-confirm,:uo d:i_ the Dij, by the aufpirij; & ·quelloe,,.; a;,;1; in coftume fi oBeruò not pholus in creatione de Re.but an.1r•11.• the M •1 cora de confoli, & de magistrates, there to remain until the time of Cicero-,{:;J; j; Re-I• I. c.ul gui.a :the.s, R?mule was created King by gliemolo of them.the-huomm1,& from the D11: man m war prudeote, & go.,.,. '7 prid,,.. lorofo, & ne orders, & gouerno of the City very good 8c l4 • p.efta.tiffimo: & it was a lot pears, that in the medefìmo d1 eg.1 is acquiftò for the Citizens of the peoples,1che army but. vljluti4 no gh were ftati did. But not hauendo ne, he , ne iom,to. any de fuoi wife, sent ambafciadori à people there. cini, conuitandoli the fefia, that he haueua ordered that' ."P!"' of the fi celebraffe in Rome,& tolfe their the maidens, four years old ,r.,.nn, dop, lrOl, c and orna had to U1 and 1ncata. was or three acc10e .. au l'.,difie•tioH very literate, because it is.li, is the brother were sent ili Rom,. fanciulletti to the City of Gabij • oue impararon letters, &: other flags.i, & fcienze, as fi conueniua to the noble. t.their • and Then crefcendo , Romulus of the bible & of the pru.Mort,tli R, -, maturity auanzò. the brother, ilquale then was vccifo by m ""• · Fast vna zappa, not so much for the commandment of ellò Romulus, how much for fire confentimento: & perri.cover that fceleratezz:i, the homicida was confined in the Cou,rno tli Tofc:ina, & Romulus reftò pholus the gouerno of Rome: the.Romulus .•ll11 qu ile hauendola fafciata of the walls, wanted :mcora ftabilirla fo4 Cm•· of laws, & conliderando, that b concord, & vnione dc City:idini feruiuano to the City in the stead d1-walls,& that the vhf 8,.,6;1;,,,,.,,; she was not,but the City poteu2 ftare in the foot lungamen.,1; Romo/ocir you,ordered, that the multitude inordinata,& agrette fuck 11,L,fiu rpm. certain decrees, & transport infrastructure :ì guifa of laws, Trouauan fi fottoeNumero of gi to the outside of gouerno circ:the trem1l.t men .the walk, & three hundred t• eh, fi rrtro-• · · to caua11o, to tqua 1, l" hauend 1 · · · J or 1 r;iunatt to par catkin, fit"""4 Romo. the. dicee, that he spoke in that way. Or•ri,.,, of Valorofi men appearance, & the form that you see R•pier Àfuoi of the vna, the City nouella, and tlata fortifiC3ta from voftrc but._f,ltt,.,, • ni ;ro11ì , & of baltioni, but she still has bifogno more fortificamenti. If we do agree,& nav.you mlìemc, although a few, & fcnza weapons, nevertheless age.aolmente the defend • D. ìife still many other co• f• o;g;i;,edbyGoogle 9$,.fi!.-.-:' . .and#. -. w•'.r,:I / (enell:to medelin. fentenza,& l(liefortòà well,&·p. ' i cìficamente viuere, & pubùcò some decrees, such as co-The I read at that time ;the qudlaCm.the molcoaccom'!'o• _,r. . data & v ciii q :.ie!l:t a • c1oe • we\ facefiero L,u, i1' ..• · li . . . -,,,,., the cofaalcuna take.and g 13U pu·1J • fcen.z. pr1ma_r1 · C. he f,O• ,,disputes•,,. ,ur the fathers haudlu,or aJ mteruemre it mlgili:ratt, & ne ••""'••rfacri6cij. The plebeians cuhiu:illè:ro the county. Fo-the the King potellìno difporre of all the c of c facre. That the pa.dri the hauc:lfero in cullodta. Ch.:: then,ol hauefie àr .rcreare the mJgiih:iti. That all fuffero tenutird'learn . _ the laws , & dt free of gucrr.1 • not prelblle faith to f.iuole, that de .them lddtj say them. That s not':ido.llèro the lddij forellieri d:the Faun in playing. That night, fi pot dlè: watch, shall be gathered together denrro à tem pli. That g'.1 homi:idi follero beheaded. That's no ar.dilfe of vfare words dishonelle in prefenza of women. That ciafc11no :inJ.Jlè with the toga long inlin fopra cal.loni for the City. The plrti monllruoli fc:s of fraude ,,;,., ,.,,. no fuliero occifi. No potelfe they enter it 11frire delfa City:Ì fe not for the doors that are ordinary. The walls dt quelb fullèro ago I was jack. That woman, that fuJlc lcgitim3mente m:nirat.1 , \'incendelfe puticip.1.king for meti de beni, & the c of c fJcre m.1rito; & li as he was Mr of the c:ifa, cofi elb fu/fe Lady; 8c as l:the daughter heredaua the p. 1dre, coli, she fulle hcrede of the dead husband. That quclla,cht: mad conuinta of alike can be kept ent deuterium,the husband. p.1rent1 ago poteilero ammaz1..:1kgs,such as :à lor piaceua. That beuenJo wine, at cafa, she fullè punit.l as an adulteress. That the fathers haucllcro Jiber:i &'full auttorit:the fopra sons .ii confinarli , sell them , & am.bouque.arli. Numa Pomp1lto mitigated a large part of the au. N. ,r""'• r,_,.'1 . or mmg• l• n. .• d" The coca The he in verli1 were . . t,u; d, The. nerica 1· d ecreu , and . fccr1tt1 • "·..., co.fi ordered some tcggi based lii the fairness, & bonti mol-•ol. to accommodatc, & falut1fere, & coli did the other King, that after he feguirarono,but fopr.1 every other Scruio Tullio. They were then publicatc the laws of the X I I. .'f' f•U• Tauole, & confitte JR piazza. Scabilic.1 for both the Cit-"f• .,., '. t.i qucltc read through the good coltumi, & the buo-ae-arts - mon;,lmcnte liorì , . matlìmamence through . A + o;g;i;,edbyGoogle . '!{T 1, C H I. T .A. D 1 JlO M .To h iunitia,& clementi:!.& faith verfo the lor fuddiri. Perclit vènnero in so much greatness,that many peoples fponunea. mind. & fcnza no violence d\:irme there gave à Ro. hands. Q!!_efte were !':irti. by lequali with fauore de the D1J fcmpre were winners, & fort1flimi reputed,oJ:;.,,,::..""f. t' 1' fopra each& so that the City retained the freedom, & is giuftitiao , another cofa, she went accrcfcendo of the day!1 inogiornoo, d1uentando pel concorfo of the gentt og01g1orno more populofa; & concorrendoui people to belch the world, fe made the vna, the City of perpetual regiua ddl'other • & head of deU' vniuerfo. Of the walls, & cim:ito 1(2ma old. C. A P. 1111. Pri111ipj ii liO M A formerly occupaua the mountain Pai_.,,.,.•••J... . Latin, it is J Capitol • TuJlo Hof\illo I "-"'• '5) aggiunCe then, the monte Celio: neo Mar.tio l' Auentino: Tarquin Prifco ago falciò stones [square the feflo. Seruio Tullio there aggiunfe mount Efquillino. the Q!1irinale, it is l I mina. . the;so that Pliny fcriue ,that :iggiunta à the height of the mountains cruelb de the roofs , but the City was in the world, that 6 sty agguagliare à the height of Rome. Scriue T. Li. uio,that the walls of ancient Rome,which were made of stone here• duration , fi confumarono then that elf was sent à fire J"•rittÀ.i,ll• & the flame from the Gauls. Lequali many times rouinatè, 8t _,. "•,-arfe,& many times reftaurate, never believed the first -circuit,& the ancient greatness vn. time, that and the other. Et then rinouata from diuerfi Principles, fempre he went ritlringcndo in fommità de' colli.& it' luorhi more re.leuati, changing the Pomerioo: conciofia, that Arcadius, 8t Honorio Emperors in great partela renouailìno,comc appears fopra 1a port Portcfe, where is fcrittò in letters . .ancient in that way. 111/it is•keep,,.. IMPP. C AESS. DD. NN. INVICTISS r;. fop••111P"'•MIS PRINCIPIBVS ARCADIO ET I.the orr,r,,,rei,,. N OR R I OR V I C T O R S B a VS C T R I V M FAo ···••:•• TOR THE B VS S E M P E R A V G G. Or B 1 N. S T A Vo;g;ii,edbyGoogle l 1Bll0 7.>lll MO: 1 ST AVRATOS VR B l AETERN AE MV• ROS, PORTAS,AC TVRRES EGESTIS IN M AND N S. R V D E R 1 B VS AND X S V G G e ST l ON AND V. C. ET INLVSTR[S MILI.YOU S, ET M .'\ G THE STRI VTRIVSQ.:. MILI.T l AE STILlCHONIS .TO PERI.>ETVI.T A T E M N O M I N I S AND OR V M S f M V THE. C R A WITH!) YOU TV t CV R - •N TE. F L. M ACRO BI OR ·LO N G I N I A N O. V. C. PRAEF. V. the RBCS D. N. M. Q..EORVM. Hmendo rillrctto the circuit of the City, muuto the Po.meri& some of the doors for the convenience of that. Rifecé.the :ipprcffo Adriano pr1mo, & Leone fourth Pc>nt.Mafi: ilqual Leone built :incora quindec, towers. with d1fefc to defend them. And' ancli fi intenifcp,otliNt prince Nero haueua resolved to accrefcere the walls t" .&•bh,The d1 one, & do vna follà for bquale he fJcelfo entraren1?;, 1,, c:. the sea, inlin oue Rome was anticame•the eu. Scriue Scrabo.J;.•m•. ne,Rome was and;fied not for election but for necef• C•.f,. .d,tr,-fira, because the ancient habitatori of that fafcioro.tJ,fic,tton d, no, the Capitol, the Palatine, it is J Q!!irinale walls in Rcm• • thus, R..MO. 6 ropradctto baft.ion was doing the third port with the hill Vim"ia.: the, which has the mede limo name Of the 'Pomerium, that is, the circuit of the City : C. A.', P. Y. poles which is the length of the walls cofi of the whole of christianity,co-Pomm, • .. mc within, oue not fi puòne plow, I '"' • < difi,arc. Scruio Tullio the spread, & duròChi •ll•f.1Jf, frnza eilèrui built until à the times of L. é•t11pli11,Ìf1 the Silla, which 3ncor.1 he dillefe more over,& all that- l'•mcru • them,that they did this, them mofièro more for amhiti<.n'!, for necefiìtà. The mcdefimo fe Cefure Dictator;apprelfo Au-K,••filmp• gufto;& then Claudio, now that à those,chc dilates• ,11,dorians '"'"'• must be in the Imperio Romano was{fe even lawful to widen. fli11>, rmo,, h & diltendcre the boundaries dcUa Cit.à, as accadè molco ,,,.,,.. the time since then .d Aureliano,ddlaqual fcn is teflimonian2.a vna pictr.1 of Teuc rino a little while ago cauata near the cbÌ3• uica of lànra Lucia, the vhf is frricto in that way. T. CLAVDIVS DR VSI F. CAISAR. AVG. l•fcritti•.•eGERMANI CVS PO N T. MAX. TRIB. the OT. "'";,,;,,., h m,r10 ,l.s•• V I II I. M P. X V I. and o's. II II. and And N I R. and,,,. tr-Ji•,PP. AVCTIS. POPVLI ROMANI FlNC-B V S PO MERI V-M AMP :l I T TE R M[.eNA:1ITQ.;.and Delleporte, & '1ie of the City • CA 'P. PI. [I M o L o bfriò Rom1 with three doors, & IJ.._11111111 port,( like à lot of people like) with four. Scriuc h,•"'ff• R. m•ePlinio, that at the time that they were Imperado-""t'"" 11• ri,& Cenfori the Velp.ilimi,the walls girauano ."'• 0 • around XIII. DJiglia, lequali abbr.1ciauano T,ff;,,..•i• V I I. in the mountains. She was diuifa in X: III I. the regions, for us.a-'• IR,,.. cm.and · · · le port,,l:r esrer 1cuna of the worlds qua li were C L X' XV• abboccamenu d1 pins ••,.;1, 11; ,.,.eLa mifura of meddìmo lpacio,that the walls coteneuano, ""'• partédofi by the head of pia1.za R omJna for and.king à cia.fcum of the poses, dle phono today X X X X X 1 C. for .inur. or;g;i;,edbyGoogle '.A t{T a, and H EN .4. OF .or M .To clrinurailnumerodi thirty thousand OR LX V. paffi,&voldl dofi dillendere out of doors qu:mto lasts the habitato, & fields praetorians, d.:the meddimo term dJlèorrendo & trauerfando for you three llradee, oue is habit.1to, arriua the fomma of paffi iettant;imila, ò little more. Hora-ag. gracing the habitato of the whole of christianity à the inside of the Cit.ty,we will come à understanding & confelfare, no altrà City in the world fi can agguagliare the grandeur of Rome: percioche cli:\ is chiufa from the East, from the terrapie.no Tarquin fuperboe, one of the first marauiglio.ago,because he is the coperfc walls in6no to the floor, ilquale was fpaciofiffimo, but it was forti6cata around towers, al-lt•"'• •m•-tiffimi, & dc monti fdirupati, & fcofce6 . It is true that b fo,,.,,,,d•1•,. greatness, was:the :iccrebbe for the rouina of many Cities there. 111n• d,mor11 . · cme,comeene Ilapr1mareg1one. · Ia and·nt. ic.~turnia,oue I. Cir,,the. r.1 is Rome,& the City of Antipol.i, hor.1 is'ìl laniculo. . ..,,t, " phew•· vna part of Rome.The doors appretfo delli antichi,feco11. •• l, po,11 do for the m.:iggior fi part says. they were X X. & today!'"'." •PP"f-phono so many other, turning the The city à the around with quelfe .1• t,l, it11mh,. that sound fuck if Ianiculo , & the Vatican; lequah phono ftate of bora bora, more,& hora less,fruitful, that the walls hfflno Port, ,,,,,,,,,, shot,as ageuolmente fi can understand. Of those •""'" more,-the most ancient speech still standing in the stone square mli will, of pittr• rate à the old; pcrche the walls in ancient times of Rome,co.'l'"'d•••••. or-mc fèriuc T. Liuio were square stone • Very popoeh, nt ,.,,,, :•n• ;1 ••m• c r. and. c_ . he 1ono que li he r1tcng . h mo t ancient name, & tuttee••titt. ( as ferme L1u10) haucuano their flrade, that was it.no X The X. of which some incominciauano in 31la Str•d• ,.,,,;.the door, (as is the Flaminia road; or from the Coglia d1 elvish •h• e_ their port, fi is the llrada Appi:i; fee away from••,/fi•.• The-d. The city, as is Valeria, Alcnne of them were confula. .,,,,,,..,., • V . . .,,,,;. ri, as the Aurc)ja; some ccn1or1e, as a r. . the App1a ; to •The - year-old magisterial. & some other triumph , like:.pprelfo 6,,,,,, {,her•. tell you. Of which Strabo speaks of it in that way: Veg.,. ,.,.,,eh,. swollen to the suburbs, the streets laftricate,& for reduce them to the pia. no,cut the hills, filled the valleys, accioche charges de then, when 6 poteffin take place à place fopra the car.DiliJ•. ii ri.G.Gracchus, as fcriue Pluta!c., :.dehrizò for ord.ee('•i• Gr,m. lc ftrade macfue,& all the laflnço, & VQa part of foru. Jicò o;g;i;,edbyGoogle l 1 B Jt.Or 'P fl.1 MO • 7 lcò with crack & cakina/pianando,& addirizando, oue was not the plan, & attrauerfando bridges .:oj.1k alre-z.za, oue of the {trada faffe inrerrorta and valleys , ò d.1 folfiti • Mifo-Diu,fl,,u ,,to rollc still setting up :the ciafcun miglro vn.l column Ji 1' ""l1'"{"'·astone, oue was fcritto the fpacio dell.1 via. Pofe still by: c;,,n,.;;,t ' the edges of the ltrade of here & there, some stones not far away, the vna daJl•alrra , accioche mounting Cover of quellefuJfe more ageuole falire à cauallo • Of the ports of l{gmolo. C .A P. Y II. B No M The of the doors, which lafciò Romulus, ·N-i tl,tr, fon quefh,the port Mugonia,the Pandana,& p•m ,.,,,;,,,.f the Carmentale. The Mugonia was called cofi fim, "' I<•• from the mugiar de• ox,because the ox to the right,. ._ the fi faceuano paffare • The medefima was who in mata Trigonia,because she was poth at the roots of mount Palatine from ueaoguli close to the pin.-z.a, & a! Fig rumi.nal: & quelù was the first slut, that hauetfe Rome by Romulus built upon.1. Ouidio in the teno libro de critlibus. Jnde petms dext1'11m ptWtA ,n 11it ifl11 palates. Hic fAtor hit the primum eondit11, Rom11 site 1ft. the porta Pandana was called coli • because she lbua apcr.; ra , & fpalancata to the cofe, that they were nasty there in the City, for whom he andaua lyin'" Afilo, that er. vn place oue ft faluauano all of them fcclcraù. It was still called Fw1el,iti• l Free, & Romanula from Rome, because of quiui fi difcen-ri,.•. ,.,,,;. deua )in oue of the nauili ft poffauanoa, near the capeIla of ; c:m;";! Volupia, such as ;criue Varro; whom he dimoftra ef-'"· fere iuca does not say lloma. but the City of Saturnia. and "Pili• 4i n Dicefi that Pompilio the cdi6cò, as fcriue .p•"'"•; 5.,.,..to Pifone it !?li the annals. Two of the que!you doors then that Rome was accrefciut:1. fen-z.to eflère vfate,& fen-z.to retain ve.iligio any port of The ri.held vn pez-z.• the medcfimo name. or;g;i;,edbyGoogle ·",A N. _T IC H EN TO' JtO M .To De!the door Carmentale. and ""'P. r 1 11 • .,.,,,. There 4r-m·' p o R T A Carmcnt:ile was coli dettaa dallaa_ ,,.,,.,.i, ,1,. · · d d. And d 1 l h b. ' but the king 1 U3. r., aqua and l ltO ID que l•hi f-J/'• cofia 4.,,,., t7 ,,., place. Verg1lio says • •,,. • Et C11rmentalcm Rom11no nomine portam. Ellaera polta fuck the CampiJcglio boar the Teucre à drittura . pontus, of the <:;to.pidoglio, as fetuses. , 4 Set/,. Little a11,.1 eu Plutarch in C:imdlo, laqual d1po1 was dctc_a .ccler:na. '1 percioche the. CC C. Fab1j with lor feguaci, & clientuli to p.• "" __to the number of five thousand patl.er for that one, & all was.er vccifi near the 6umeCrcmera: d,and those Fello par.bndo, says: Parrçbbc .ì many make against religion, vfcendo for the por1:1 Carmcntale, & raun:ire Sen:ito ,. in the temple of Iano, and he is out of the said port:a, to. _ and-C' and'. F ,.J., that iCC C. Fab•j for that vfciti, they were all vccifi, "' "'Z';: · :'" '!, close to the river Cremcra . Conciofia in rempio dia;,;,.,.";: . said !the anus.Sena10 made the party, & fi rifoluè ;the man.give. Ouidio in the fruitful de is/you. •••. Vna dies Fabios ad belium mifer11t omnes • .To btllum me/fos ·11bjiulit 'lln11 dits, CArm,britain port6. J,xrro tfl 'Vile proxim11 wool• Jre for hAnc noli, quif'quis es, omm habet, J//a f11ina rtfirt Fabios ex,ffe trecm.s, Port11 'Ua&11t eulp", {and 111mm omm habet. . · !':{t•::!":t Scriue T. Liuio while that shall palfat.anus dalaCampi: _ li Du prr 1; doglio, & from Roccil, & d.1agh alm :emph, quantaa _. ,,aw,11 F4-DiJ vcdcuano, quanu it cadeuano the. nrl penficro, tut. •;-. u preg:iuano, that fchiera :form felicemen.you, & that fuffcro happy Ji prello rellituirgli to the Pa.tria, & the mothers & fathers of their fani & he does . Were their prayers in vain, peruenero for the way infelic., d.111:1 deftraa hauendo lano , vfciti for the door Carmentale to the river T,p;• tli 1•· Crcniera.11 temple of lano .ì Victor as fcriué Pliny ,:;: 111"' ,,., it was oue is bora, the Theatre of Marcello, d:a man dcllra y co. them,that go to the door Carmétale to the Sublicio bridge,• . d 116 :,;:•.,.,;:h, which is the hora, er:to pholus fopra ;the Teuere,to loqual palfaròno •the Ro111•. the Fabij, The doors, d<:t the City ,be phono today in the vfo,oltte 4 : ·· those, o;g;ii,edbyGoogle LI BilO 'P Jtl MO.' ,ueile,that fon of l:the from Teucre, hair-dryer .uelle principalmea you,b Fluinenrana,the Collatina, the Hill,b Vimin.1,l:i T1burtina,the Neuia,Dc:limontana, is Latin, I., Appia. & the Triplets, de names of which places the dicot, . . & I. the dich,aratione Fello. The Hrade of the above-mentioned ports F,flo, tl,c/ 11,,_ fonocla Flaminia, the Collnìna.the S. 1l.1ria, the Nomentana, "' ,i fig.ific'.c _ . . to d, , nonu the T1humn1, the Prrnetl;n1,the Lau1can;i, the Camp,ine, the dd/ P•m Latina, via Appia, & I!hcn[and. A' cia[cuna port, oue R,md. were the ltrade maeltre,crano gi.the in pontus, & prcpirate the Vf, d,ll, c.r. •.11c•carts for those, who hauelfero dibifogo'>; the which .•Z],' (• ,n ac,m•• . dl r.. and 1anc1 anrnra a1ere doors, pàgan _ o and , r.1e ne 1eruruano • Rl•. & other streets, such as appreffo reas.;'1arcmo. Of the port that today is dttta JiÌPopolo, & de:Ja 'Pia Flami.to. '4..,!P. I X. · I V F. L A., who today calls them h P"rta dd the oct• F/,.,,,,• .:-l1 People, dca, the old was called Flumen-ta"" 'fA"1 '"• . -& ptrch• cofi .. den; pe..ci().:he the tiurue of Teucre ;.the,u-4.c ,,,.,cna time allagaua. , "'Pio ! The//. the.nno IJ.J· rifaceJinuouo z. por_t4 Flamini4, .Herod,l Pop.l..the. IJUtUAforma bel/A & ricg uArdeuol, for hoggifi 'Sees; ha1u11d. p..ui"!ent• r111ldir1t>J:.Ato THE Vi11 Flaminia • for commod1tà of tAnt\ fareft,en • , that for q11ella tntr11no in RomtJ , & for honor11re , & no111l1tarn• 11,uor 111 City à pe,pe11111 memori4 the fao name • the mcddìma it was still called the via Flaminia as feral ..A·,trorirà of Plutarch,when he says: Hauendogli comm;lfo queHe co-f},"t;i' mi.fe,à mez.1 night vfci for the door minia, & rndò in cam ni";,; p,Z fr•cpoà trouar Manlio. .efb port is hog5i fre(1uentara ';"""'" day tul 'more than the other, polb to the roots of the hill: dc the orcicd-king t alm " li, close to the fepukhro of Nero, & the Ch1dà of fa11-R•m• • taM:iriadel People. liuio talking about Manlio Understood.linen,when he was condecnnaco, says in qudlo way: Ord1. 11arono the aforesaid day, that the people fi rau nalfe à with fi.son in bofchetto Petilino out port Flumenta-Bofchttt• .,..c11a, from what place, will not (i vede1l the Capitol:& in vn'al-j'° Lu,;• P,r,-_ in, 0"' "' • tro place dicec. Port porta flumentana, was pen:offa dallaf.ie.,la4u-"c "the pious& toilo {orma d'.arcu,,hc port. .= 8'. . . ' ii.the or;g;i;,ed by Goog I e .'{'r1CH1T.To.' Jt.OM.To gla was outside of the Pomerium in place more aho, as fcriue ,,,,. ,1,l P,. Proc2pio: & hauendo minute place, it is called the door· pole , between(u, dd the People,because the walls,oue elJ.in hora is polta, I was-ano ifi ";";: •;:i ,'/.= very teml?or then,fruitful {i says, Bclifario cdi. .;.. fìcacc for tino to Teucrea. u ihad.1, that efce ;,er_ queHa yiA Fl•m&11i11 poru,fi calls the llrada Flaminia, the'-Jual was lafl:ncaca from f/Toto J_?t; oue, as 1cr1ue S . ftrada no mòlto gradc, in which enters the firada Nomen -,;,,,, l, 0,1,, tana,that pafia long Ereto village de .abini along the Te."' s, 1,;,,;. uere. Scriue ,Cornelius Tacitus. The third lèhiera to the Room •ufi• • ria s approllìmaua to port Hill.Still·oella via Sa• !air away from Rome, two miles,Licinius barber d' Au ..n . gufto man, very rich man was fcpolto in vn noble monu.;,;f;f.•;,,.. chin,ncl here!. still hogg! fi read quefu duo verti,n,ùr, ,r,,.. M11rmoreo L,and,nus mound fACtt. At CAio pa,140 : Pornftilu 1111110: çr1JimNs tj[, D11s The 1,'11• •• ,,._ • , , JJ1/l11 t. 1 B JtO. 'P Jt1 MO: · I •i,,l/11 bit,t11,eh1 hol,gi, fi dit1 of font11 .Ag,ufo, C' J,U.'flill Noment11n11, CA P. Xl l mO P or the Hill , feguita appreffo the poru of P,rt, Vi-. ·afanta Agnefe, call cofi from the Temple of she j;" f""1f•f fanta, that is magnifice near him out of the door.... . The rOTIA,. Ilifan111 .Agn,ft fam#lllllt dalfuo of brazil(The "" Pio 111. r11nno I,,z. ér I • The fatt11 ,J; nuouo ml ,11po of/11 vit, Pi11 det111, from the foo name was thi11m111• J,,/J ij/elf name,,or,,1 hor11/i see,hauldon,made the diftg"" Mfrh,J',..t,._ 1110 Buon11ro1i1mile1ijf.p,ofojfore(ch111/ ihor11 viueu11)d1/J11 dt1111,por1._ Q!!efb from the old is detu Viminalc,from the hill Vimin:to. the,fopra, the hem of which she and potb,or from the Temple of Gioue Viminioa. It was called even:the Figulenfe,from the place Of,mf!r,u that he was very close out of the m11r.: 1; in which place fi fa "'. ",,.. ceu,;n the vafi of the earth,fi as today à pie del monte di Te-i,' ,jilN u BaccioaFu ancorchi:lmatanométanada Nomentoac.:the tcl ". the de Sabines,oue clb conduceua. Very close to the port was $Ì. the Temple of the Goddess Nenia,cofi detail:i,because she was muoc.Q2.2 the mortorij with entries,& songs rammaricheuoli. The nafce the firada, that today you say Nomen Vi, N,,., .. the dna,which already er:a call even Figulentè, as teJti6ca '••• •w p,.. T. Liuio, when he says. The ten men for the door •aNomenr:but in quer time called Figulenfe.palfarono, & Vi• FigiJ,.. pofcr the etlèrcito in the monte S:1cro . Strabo fcriue, that The/• f"'" " phew,. via Nomentana begins dalli port Hill,& about two miles away from the village of effii fl:rada Nomcntana,fi tro . ua to ft.itlra b Chiefa 1i ago!lta Agnefe:vici.or.which .h:J:n.'r-f" vn take d1 hand fi see the ant1ch1ffimo Temple to Bacchus, r;p;; diB••ab, of which the shape is round,& round,c6 columns mtoroo intor ., • no à two :ì two, that fofiengon the cupol:at the heart of egle Temple:oue effendo lauorato of Mufaico,& painting an tica,all there rilj,lende:oue etiandio of or.n•mrorno app.1-• . rifc<.lno portrayed 1 gefti of elf God,but already from the length T,p,o..• S11.ca . co c••1•cr•t• 2a te•po co 'fiuman. fi t go fipegne'do. n .. .efl,or the Temple, •f""'" Cofliifu from Aleflàndro fourth Pontitice cofècrato à fanta Cot•, tr d• who. ftanza virgin: the daughter of Coflatino the great Emperor .•po/cl'.'• of as is noticed Cover the door dd Temple, oue and!ia :mco fi.,.,. t.•fl••· in vn fepokhro of por6do fepoÌta there, she sees: the what ":;.";:.:f1:;(.polchro P. ol V çneto fruitful,commanded that fi,1!the fc por-Ls11m, B tate o;g;i;,edbyGoogle ' '2. .A'(T 1C HIT.Jl1 1n ztrJ.M.4 6we,f, ll r:ato.nel Vatitàno, vhf, he voleua cfferc fepolto: but .r ::_,the._r,,,,,. _diuin:to pr. i?enza c_gli m.ri qu_cl mez.or,_& il_ fepolch. .-C · effendo gra to the heart of the cammo,it was reported m behind,& ri.7'n,pir J; pofto in place oue was before • Say, that Coftanza them.i•."'• .To.•; berata daJb lepra for the prayers of the Holy Agnefa edificòfi;J"• ,h,• quelTempio,& monalterioinfuo honore ,& fottoilno.."Z;, .. me, her, oue effa virgin Jn-comp:ignia of many!.and fi ,.,. ,; /•111• did monac.i, conferuando m perpetual the fua vergmttà. CiJl•nf.!. And" still standing, fuck the earth, the Temple of the Holy Agnefa · :•f' ... with the gates of brass, vhf ft difcende _per many degrees , the-·. 1;.::"'J';,./ what the inside is aff.the riguardeuole,adorned with various. stones •. /"., .. Allaqual Santa fi says effere ftato mand:ato from the sky vno .An•ll•_••--Anellod, with which Chritlo fposò Santa Agnefa: in the fe-· t•lt• "!'",t°the Giuit:ì which fi offerifcon two bianchiffimi lambs;and for a J. 1';',Jj;.,.;,. of which wool fi teffon two cintole, of which phono orna.will the papal qu:mdo nouellamente take the Pontifical-. ro, chcchiamanoPallij. POINT ON E. s! N D o s I in queGo place made mentione of : port:to that ft diceua Santa Agnefe, for the Chiefa of the elf · Santa that was outside said door,in order anticaméte ft dilfc · Nomentana,from the cafiello of Nomento, which is iuifuori equal-: mind,& bora by the populace.you said to L:imentano;p:the weapons that the aif :the propoftto of narrar<' the mutatione & dr name & the fig-hebbe à times nofiri. You two then pears , that the year 5 6 r. the fruitful of the Ponteficato of Pius PapaQ.!!_arto : if you want to elf the Pontiff open vna nice street,ret-· . & wide in the .irinalc, in whose head there was the hyphae, the door; . that much quclJa,such as the one riteneife the fuo name: Did·, however, abbafiàre,& fp1anare the way , that once fi chia.like the High - femita, that is, the high way ; & in the head à elf via you aperfe the beautiful port,bora fi says Pi-a, ft as tefti6ca the infcrittione that Covers elvish fi the law; & the model & dife.in support of effa was made from eccellenciflimo author Michel-· angelo Buonarou. & did enclose is port called .. Santa Agnefe that before ft diceu:to Nomentana, then of-. many dui the throws of the hand vcrfo East, fi-as hoggicli : . even D,g,t,zedbyGoogle anc:or ve n' 2ppaiono velligi: hauendo raddirizuto _pari.; mènte ago via out until at the bridge Nomcnrano. ò The.mentanò c;he who.1mino, pér the fpatio three miles in cir.ca from them cauall1 of Tiridates in5no to said pqntc,with mol.'ta comfort; vagueness, & ornament of the people. llc of Cmà ftc1ta. Dtl/4 port between oj Jggtri, & ;iadip,she. CJ-P., XIII. ·eEG v1 u laportamgliAggcri(in order l'•rt•":-tll by pochiffimi and conofciura,ferciochc cl}to you .A. u•. ---• r. '"'" "" ,,,.., . ·ecbiuf:,a, .,., "· not fccruc to co1a cuna ) eh"iama- ⎜ 1 ,fi, ul• . ta coft, pcrch'she ft't cJtficata in the field , •• ,. and Viminale between the Aggcrie, i.e. baftioni cii Tarqumio,ilqual field boggi from the habitat ori d Viuaio -• ·ò deuo. Qgefta port is in half between that of fanta Yiuri• ,+:. Aug., &to that one.idi fanLorenzo, pofb inluogo high, & t•is ""..,,.and . • .-11. , preapitofco. oue uaw1 part ori co : rifce-of fubito all:villa vn site plan dt shape for the neo (a)'pa• quadra-n ,.ft;U, ale ,,._,.,,_ -ta à.guiu of vna, large yard. ferrato around walls , & 1i The• '-""""" • :c-hiamau.a, Caftrum cuilodiz , i.e. caflel of the guard .li• "f" f•fo .and 1i he says,that the foldati pretoriani di Diocletiano Im. . ..,.,.,.,,.and • · operator already fl:auano accommodated • Scriue Procopius, that à meeting of the Viuario "'1lb part of playing the Rom.1ni ancient aggiunfcro vn'alrro small wall,little fpacio away, not to ficurta no. but for Leach, & pleasure; & peretencrui in Lioni, & other 6erc faluatiche, & that pears this elf place was called Viua.I. Qeefto today daUi has Yi11.cryo p,r.bitatori is said to be the viuaiuolo, à difference dd vtu:tio m:ig-eh< fujft ,,flegiore. In à que{b port was already vna ftrada very cele '"'• · -. &rare,& well garnished, in which horaè the arch of Triumph .Am r,;,,,. G•r. Gordian Emperor: laqual door ( à few que-..1• d, fto time back note, why are there fi poteua go ,,.';':;, 1•r-.ficuraméte )today(metcè of Clement V I I. )Ja round vno p,,,,,.;, .,.,;can effcr view : haucndo reflituito the ancient Pomerium, ·'°-'" chj_ ,,.& nettatolo,& book inside,& out of the walls, so ft!""': • "'! . . . f' 4. ""/I" as Ie-turning; the waves v1. lit pll-0-im ' give p1u fitcuramente ,.,,, & fC:"lk à'commodi, &; ducolioni of Cyst.. .bi r..17 • " , :-:. or;g;i;,edbyGoogle . . Port bogg,I called the fan Lorenzo & I/a-the via Tiburtina. . C A.'P. X I I I I. . . E G v I T A port of fan Lorenzo, or Ptrt• TibMr . Tiburtina, coft today named. Laqu3.l fil •eedificata,oue phono aqueducts of the water ".t:!f..: 1; J,lf•there J"' . Gear, laquaie fcriue Strab9ne elfer cliuer MArti•.' · does the Efquilina, qu.ando he says. In The Por. Ef l•icampo Efquilirio fon two doors, the EfqÙilina, which is chiu.. ,.,,. 1T'1c'•ago, & the Tiburtina, in order to Liuio in aficdio Ree: """ ""' •· .Porfena fenza hunger mentione is trapaffata, as that eglidefcriue all the other, the order of the hora feguitaua.no. But is to believe the Tiburtina cfière fiata edificatadipoi the guifa of arc, oue she is today chiufa, the Efquilina 11.,,.;J;,,,,fi that was in the Castle old. Tiburtina is called from Ti-.and· ••The• ,art,. .bu!c,today Tigoli; because she goes à said Caftcllo, ò pears ·• cfiere fiata built in the ftrada Tiburtina: & the medeli.J>ort• T•".; mafi called Taurine from.tefte of the bull, which still hog 'b 'l""i' :; gi 1ì see fcultene the arch within, the vna& the alt11ae'.J :;;;;;• ' band.Call them again the door of fans loren2.or from Tem. . pio, that is outside of and.ffia, percioche to said ftrada them goes to said door , oue phono out, & in fopra the arc letters maiufcule d 'vi! foot • The way• that efce quo.Vi• Tib11rti-fia port,fi says Tiburtina. perchc she leads à Tigoli, n• • . . long lequale quafi vn mile away and them rapprefenta al.the cbi,fi, lif•n trui from dell:ra, the Chiefa of fans.Lorenzo out. of the mu.Lor••. ,d,fi ra in the countryside Veranio , from Cofiantino magno edifìcat:.. -,.:t• .• Co-decorated in all of lauori marble, with the stage & fo. ,..and 1 · l f Or 3 ye dere,..._e. .,,.,,,,,.. cont.do Ve n•r,i was the CIC, OR tn - 1 . golden J & auorato very b li ' ·and •me. ·and· .:the fpefe of the Lord Oliuieri Carafe Cardinal Napole. •tano a little while ago illuftt.tta. Under the high altar. more die qudla phono the corpì of two mamri dc ma•and. Jj,shut fandforno melting Stefano, & fan Loren2.or,oue he.no inside vn fepolchro marble chiufo all around of vn grateful• cast iron peace Ft &dif•nt9 there ripofano. u. • . of that. and .To.'P. X Y · R A qucfta, & port' Neuia fii already the por-: r.,, · !!:'" ta Efquilin:1 ! cJd)in which fi ve.and h.gg1 ;.., •.no vefiigto, as she fufle ch1ula u ;mcora until the time of Strabo, as I have already said, of which T. linio in the, • . Book oue is the affedio of Porfcna, fcriuc in queito L••t. •"".•to . '0 d' The'"" etpre re yfciO.èro in camp.gna understood à Leathers, cht: the. day r .. ff,of, _by feguente all efchmo playing for the door Efqu1lma, that P1rf,•• • •• was remotiffima from the enemy , trahendone the bcfti:ime. ""'· Auifando , that nemia is haueflèro à give to understand, that for the affcdio, & with hunger, the fchiaui that were not . fideli fuggitfcro. Comand:1 T. Herminio, that fi might have .To.,,.,,1.,,.,, .. in the ambush two miles away in firada Gabina. the .• t,:::;• Spurious L:irgo, that ft lay from the porta Collina to the .'n1;,1,;, giouc:ntù efpedira, & in order to combat, afpettan.do,that the enemy fia patf.to: then, fi face, inc.>ntro to the enemy, accioche he does not po{ago, go back to the fiu .. me.L. Lucretio another Match;}and vfcito out of the port No. uià with alq11anti heads of fquadra, elf Valerio vna fceltadi good foldatiefce was now to the door Celi mounts• :Jla, & qucHi were the first ,them molharono to the enemy-. Herminfo as fenti leuato the romore, vfci of ag!,!used,& af'faltò the enemy to fpalle from the ddha, & from finitlra the hence, from the poet's Hill, & qnindi from Neuia there leu:the.er the cries, rifpondendo the vno à other: & cofi_.they were , caught in a meso-predator, & ocdfì: join not c:: an ba.fbnti à refifter fighting , it poteuan escape .cffendo chiufi d' round about: ilche was, because , that ;Tofcani from that of the first, Them not and they went so ficura. .m_ente fcorrendo the Campaign. Lequali doors to the hora :they were the ant_ico the Castle, which then changed, yet P_,,,,,r;, ••"' .clfe fi, changed, & nevertheless believed that the lor the first '"0• · names. D. 1,1 poJ"ta Efquilina already before, that she futfe There• L•.ù•• .chiufa vfciuan two streets, the Labicana, & the Prencftina, co• n. '7, p,,,.,_ JQe .tcilifìQ S. bo.Qe,dkenòo; Ca,de, in medefìmo lJ via ff•. • .a mQdo.UConfo1e Goes Ierto. pertantoaacc1oc· b . daro-,,,,,,,.,,.t1,t - · - Ba-t aLabiéaoaa· ,, '.TO'}{,TICHIT.4' Dl.JtOM.,.t tat,, ' s always datb port Efquilina, d:dlaquale hà>Qnèòr:holes.; origin of the P. ne!bnà • Lafc!ando adt1!"que by 6nit.ra que. _o· port,& the Carrq,or(qu1hno,cam over CX X. UadiJ, r,;,,p;, 4,1111 8c is apprdfa à Labico,& .bfcia what, 8c Tufcolo. Nclb ."'-• the via Labicana. it was already the Temple of the Q!tietc, as fcd.eu T. Liuio. 1:.:; Of the door, cbe today fi is called the Greater, & of the. ,,ia Labicana,& 'Preneflina. · C .41'. X Y I. ·: ,,,,., N,.;. but Po R T A , who today calls them Maagiorc.,,..r,,._. . . , · or of the Holy Cross, anticamencè fiodoiceuà . Neuia,from bofchetto Neuio, that is vidn·ò. That quefia aif the ancient, not fe has chiarii notitia,fe, as, that she feguita . P,m,ri• ,., •. order: conciofia fcn,that the omerio many times it is mu ,.,. ,,..,.,,,,.; tato,& the port,which today them says more,you c.i6cata fe.,, "' _;P•rt• pra the aqueducts,as dimofl:ensure the lenere dentto . N•!!,""·you. of the whole of christianity,that there phono fcolpite of vn the middle of the arm. Are to'..{...;.:,or: cuni, that fcriuono quefl:not elfer door, but dlerc ftatò ·. . .,or,;,, • P•rt• vn'triumphal arch>comc for them vèlligij apparifce, 8c that god, M•t.iim. then j gradually she onùnc.iG à feruir for-.t•-,·I: '• • . .uciwftarti or;g;ii,edbyGoogle .atquilbm the Port name. cfftndonift ag.iunti the an.: swaps, oj:ardia, & fortress of the City,fi as in . afuc gates. It was already chiamara qudta labicana, P1,t• .11,,,&; Prcn.ftioa ,1òuero that she was Hyphae vn'to. in the med<"fimo t."or"' ,,_ •:or fi · & orcu1to,JaquaI ne11a war · . ..1 oth.1ca mo Ito .,to '• ,'"" '"" "'" Procopio is celebrated. From q1c1db bit.ta efron, two-way, the .:;: "';," rh• Labicaoa, & the Prcncftma, as anttcamente for The por-111fctn• ti• ta Efquilìna, before ch',she fufiè chiufa, as fopra is Pm, M•t.· detail. to Start. :1a via the.'s always Cover i1 Colireo between the f;;':'i,6;,,._o • Celio , & the Efquilit\or • & straight fe ne v. 1,oquefta port • .,. ,,., ,.,.;,or. The way Preneitioa is in a subfolder of the Suburra long - fanta cii.or •Lucia in Selice, & the ball for the arch of shut fandforno melting Vito in ma-y,.p.,,,.,;. · eello, ap P!elf . along the Trophies of marius, & . balìlica of ;;:.,.. .••• _ Gaius & dt Lucio, & finally tor"·ndo arrma in me.defimo place. Lequali two was ade , such as elle fon fuoro'4ella port, incontanéte from chapter 6 diuidono,& )to Them.bica-l ' • L,iit••ona go from deilra, along the tiles of the!' water Claud12, "" d•wfift,,, 8t arriua· to the call:ellerro called Column, that today it is '• · P rouinato, & Ja Preneilina from finiilra paUà for )Citd, ';:,.::;}:;·that was already de Gabij.& apprdfo for Prenefte,volgarmen-""•·ce Peleltina:, the waves she has prefo ù no·me • · door fan Giouanni & the 11ia Bell. · Xf/'IIt. 'R!L failed the moute Celio by the band. of Orieoe. oue Sol nafce the inuernata,is I. port nt.fan Giou.years , cofi called ,billy ·. Cbie1à. eh, she has vicin11 the antichio was call:1ta Ccli montana, from the said mountain. fopra the efu-emità-of which she· is polb : of •which Uuio fcriuc in queilo way. The door Cdimon-P,,.,In c,li,,.funa was percroffa dalll faetta, & the wall of the corrupt '""" '7 .A{.-in many places, Was said to still port Alinaria from ré-,,.,,,. 9'"'or·ogio de the purposes, that is, Neapolitan, fruitful, that say, fi• · oueel-the go; the waves àcolorochequindi vcngono,à Rome. Mm•_ •h. ./the .fi fuol dir burlando• that phono entr:iti for the door cle f.,.! you:•"t Afini. And" m..ifetto, that the little.ta Cclimontan.i,l' Ef9uili. ;.:,': ;;"j-.,.or aaA . is Q.!!u-bad fon c:ofi those.mate from the hills Cover 1quaù G;,,,.,,,,;. · • . -.or·oelleo rng,1,,.d by Google .• . '.AX M CH.Q1 .To" Dl".OM .To . elle phono édifìc.ite. the vfa,which begins from qudb j,0rt2; Vi• C'."!P•. fi calls C:amp:tnl, because she goes in the Country: bqu. ""., m, .J, Cubit, eh' she is vfcita out of the door he of the dae par..c,mp•l"'t• ti, & after a few ftadij the vna & other fi part government.· ge with the way utina • . , . , Port Metrodio, & of -,,;to that. C ,A,'P. X, P 111. . · RAb portaAlinaria,&lalatina.nelcanto-. ·ene of the walls fotto'l monte Celiolo fi troU, or Jl T. A., Appia, or, coome today:-/t .•11111,: dttt'! •• g.. •nt1-says fan Sebaib.anus, :ipprdfo de the antic-\1oi . hi was eh · Ia porta Capena d . C. apena,u. 1am2ta 1 ,,.;g;,.;, cw Latin peoples, oue she andaua. .criue T. Li.J,,,l•ron•f.,,_ uio, in the countryside of the Capenati near ilol'" • bofchetto of Feronia, were some images, that fudaron . fangue: oueramente is chiamaia cofi from the river Capenate.,or as fcriue Silio Italico , when he says. !i)__uofaec the Teucre, vhf )omano c1rc.1 two miles fi troua the venerable Temple Ja fan l'.10!0 ,\puHolo, cdi-T1111pi• 8. tìcato from Co. bmino lmpcratore, & very notal>1lc for ;,.;:;:;:jl;: gh ornaments -'and intauolature marble behind & of-• ,..,,. revenue fin.the,& into Jauor:m: fott1lilhm11nragli, for work & fpefa of Honorio l l I I. 1eco1ido that ,11uui there k[! ge fire name. llqual Temple is foltenuto gr.1nd11li111è columns & high{hmi :arch1cr. 1ui; vhf fuck' !'.1lrar m.111g10.you there ripofano vna part!dl olfa fan Peter & Paul Apoitoli, diuifi with cqual poruone: in the revealed the place, an.cho !the dic_c clkrui polh n10lt1 bodies & rd1quic dc many. the magni6centia of what the Temple, the poet Prudentio T,,opi, diS. P•.•ec."' .. defrriue inqueito way. , to o d(J'",· Subdidst (!J' p,iruAsfuluis!Aquearibus ,or/umnas • r"41• ,0 4,. ,., • Dex1n, P1tru,n ugio teétis take aureis rectpt11m • P,m, a/111 titutMm Pauli 'fli11 untt Ojlienfis. .•flringit 1Jmnis cef}item finiftrHm. Rtgi11po10p11 the,the,fl. princ,ps bonus h•s f,icr411it """. Of Oflia. C .A P. X X II. ·mT p And King, H And for the way OlHenfe there nad OHia, par, that you deserve the value k some cofa yet that. Strabonc nd here mo .elibrodice,cheOJhaè importuofa ,perlo O. fii• imp•r. ago.or,chc'l Teucre places m that place, re-1u•is f,c,,nd, filled by many rivers. l nauili, then, with not p1ccolo S,,,.1,,n1 • ·eericolo agitated by the sea will stop them topra !'anchors.er'vtihtanondimeno that fe ne caua,has facto.that there is a fem.pre grandifiìma copy of boats,lequ:ili fcaricano, & loved ones.cano the naui, before that clle emr:rno in the river. Are!cuni that alleggerìtc part of dli pcfo,they enter the den · tro to the liu..• & is vic1.0 à Rome about ibdiJ ec':no no11.1nOfti• ,,. ,,,. 1.1. It was ediJìQ. Olìia . Next Manio : I iobmentc • ,en,Jfr•t••and fcriue or;g;ii,edbyGoogle :A?-{T 1CH IT.To It.OM.To fcriue Liufo,that à time quefto King increased .b Cit.; ty , but still ù c.ntado & boundaries of that , & we'll ag• giunfe the felua Mefia , & the Salt around : & foggiunge; · that the habi.generators of Oftia by Anco Martio eddìcaran, was. er efenri from the militia,& by every other effercitio & gra.uezz.a. It was rouinata already Saracini & rebuilt by Leo "."f :':'!", the fourth Pope,& to take.to you were mad:iu the Cor.!' •0/,:':. you. Martino fifth v1 did vna fortena, the which the Thistles.l,.,,. 'n1111. 112le Julian Singing Peter à binds said then Down.lio I I. he infieme with the walls of the earth, riftretto the circuit that, oue fpefe large number of denarii; & today she sees you in the foot in ripa to Teucre the strong, 2:z.for difenfione those who to the sea go vettouaglia • with many cafipole around, built-up Covers. the rouioc of the ancient City, & those that fi diflendono over in ver .. fo sea dimoftrano the City elfere ftata in that plane, the man finiftra and between er caftello, which today sees you edified. V,ft•••. the sea,connla Chiefa Singing Aurelius the Vefcouato of.the Oflt .•. which is the first dignity after that of Rome. In que.::: , opno. • fio corner.ra already a1_1tica!11ente qu.l Goal!or so celebrated.Who,f• 11·0. to dalli anuchi Scrmor1, oue eglmo fcr1uono effere Has.Jfi• phono the,, to the Palace & the court of the God Tiber, to whom t01• 11j.f.w• Virgiho in ottauo book fcriue • .,and,,,, "· Hiemihi m11gn11 domus: m11gnis t11put 111/Ji/Jus exit. .or d,ueéla (ert111 Dtum m11ter. Where still fÌ ragunarono the Matrons & Ladies Roman,for riceucrc elf.the Mother deJJi Dij:Ouid.it faiu. Omnis 1q11es: mixtatj, graun cum plebe f enatus: Obuius 11d Tufti JluminisoraTJmit: F Jurninis 11d foxurn TJeniunt : tyberin11 prior . . .A.Jriadjxerunt: TJnd, finifter Rbit. , c-,,,llHA ,1, Pcrcioche say that the Mother dc the Dij conducted in c;1,,1, .the Ra-Italy by vn caftello Phrygia, called Peflìnunte,pcr m• d• Ptfli-commandment dc verli Sibillini, & dc,the Oracle of Apol ....,,,, · line fi stopped in the Sand Covering the bed of the Teuere for it . great fccco that the hora era_: do you trouando any way for the way for ingenuity humano, you can muouere of ClAdiA V,r-that place, fi says that Claudia virgin veftalc , gituto ,;,,. v1flAI•. the Us.ntola fopra the· Nauc in which cr.i called d & c, -· . ' qua1i o;g;i;,edbyGoogle qu11i fen'y no efforts in the f moffe,& for me.coJio fi was pofta vna ftatua in a flat fopra laqual fcn TitQ s,.,,u .,. . . 1 _ t• •e--•• Ou1.d.10 still rant on The ui..the mind equal to: (mo , "'•ft•I• 1u1O, & "n.· d.ft. r_ Stood the Goddess fopradetta the entire vna of the night,of then the with dutfeno to the river Aimone oue the was lauat.:i, percioche the era .The.,,,, {..,.full lotus. Runs the said river ten miles,:: 'L:;.,. :. · away to Rome & put in Teucre. OuiJio it faftj, Efl locus in tybtrim , qu11 /ub,icus the.fluit clean [it] Almo• ,. :E. t the name,Ì m11gno losses 11b "'11ne minor. lllic pu,pure11 c11nus ,um 'llej/1 facerdos Àlmonis domin11m l'"'"'b/11uit "ff"" . Finally made to come to the porta Capena. It was riceuuta .. S,,p,,.n, ... cla Scipio Nafica, elected for the best, that fi freight-fia· •• r,ceu ,•ltillle • · 1cc, and or or 1u que ·1 -tr. Pl.my d" he eg1·I fc I " Ilo t qua1e dapot D•• c;,,er.also the world was fattoa, was ¬ed Cover every abro huo-mo from a good, & worthy of riceuerc in fue cafe the mother•of the Dij , mftno à so that Ii fuffe built the Temple,ilquale built Q.!!_into Cecilio Metellus, in the re gion of the porta Capena dcll'ofrèrte de d:mari & :two cofe, that to the Goddess were made: the which the Temple was then rinouato from Cefare Augullo; waves Ouidio it fafti. Jll11 fodens plMjlro po,111 ,ft inu,the EJ11 c11p,n11 > SpRrguntur niue1, j/Pre nitente boues • N 11fi,11 ,xcepit. temples non extitit RUElor: Àuguftus mmt eft; 11nt1 Met,//us,and 11t. The Statue and ftatua of quelta De:i, haueuain hand vn f•'f;U! "'t Gable & cor.born on the Cape .Towers:and why A imo ;;b,i:":'ne, el river anttco oue she pr1mieramente was Jauata,was clalla City too far,pofcro the said name à vn'al.tro stream most of the that:the close, ilquale runs vn just outside of the so-called porta Capena: ilquale by the Romans, today it is chiamatoil Riuoad'Appio.It was coftumeda Romanesque IIR;-0 "'fP the deua d & c every year, in the Kalends of April fuffe lauata ..• l :;,.,:: into the said river from fuoi Priests,chc ero110 ca!between-..To<'J'"' !)The• we,who are called Gauls; whence Lucan. ,; •.. al/,afl"'aer. :Et /0111111 p11ruo reuocnnt Jf.Jmon, · Cybel/a , Et Marciale. aa d 11pm11 g,11,,,.,, port11 'l"" p u,t gut11 Phry ,• c•,,. .,, l . er. gius , qu11 m11tris Jf./mo , qu11 /11u11t f,rrum B,rlllior111n1J11: w,1 fi,ur ,,,mpus ç . ;The, oue still begins the via Portucnfe, that coduce to the por.. to d Oltia,from which the door, & the street have prefo the no-Opmd,C'/,.,. mc. fe.and Claudio Cefare the said port as fcriue ,l,. lmptr•t• S . ,., , tdificij of ucton10 , qu:md 1· . , ,. J .• d.6I CJ..J o rg 1 d,ec: that egh rece to cum and Clod,or the more, the more removed large that necelfarij,between equali was the .boccamen :••nd. eh, 111 to the LJio Fucino, & the Port Olhcnfe, not C\llantc that •1Jl'•NJ· e.them fapcllc that the vno of those dua, was, lta,9 dinegato from Cefare Auguflo the Marfi, that many times the haueuano prayed. The other was Hato multiple times difegnato d:1 Julius Cefare, & not melfo effect for the difÌÌcultà. They were, however, the vno & the other of quelti perfectly comio involved & provided by Claudio, is in the port of Ottia did afton.d.three vna G. 1lcra of three banks, which speak., and in the sea is not fc they never saw it any more; & quclto fc. .N_•141 •.• f" er for gittarui fopra the fundamentals. Inside the predet.,./•'..1 •h•-t3 Nauc {u conduit à Rome the Spire of the Vatì.anus :the ,1c• rAt•c•-110 "R•m•. was:1 length tcneua quafi m:1gg1or part of the port of Oftia, from the side ftniltro, that tiuella band was atfon.given by Claudio;fopra in order edìfi,began, like Capone.nests arena po1.1.ol:lna, the grolle1.the.to the shaft of quelb was tak that four huommi :i like the iphone:the the abbracciauano co.T,mpi• mc frriuc Plrnio. In the said port was cl the Temple of the :m•m;•the God Portunno,ik1ualc er:J called cofi for eHcr fopra the r. the ports, in order to fi Cl:kbrluano the fe!the of the calls r.7ifl,',. 1:; ,. d• Cl••· Portunn:.them. Editicò still d said the Prince in the •••· sea Vl13 tower marble dining fimilitudine of the lighthouse AlefCindria or;g;ii,edbyGoogle LIB'/l..O "J>lt..1 MO. ,_, ·Ctndri:the. 01ie nott. fi takes accefo the lumen, for mollraren the way à seafaring, which volellìno the entrance of the port: l:u1ualn I can remember, none of the ancient frrittori has made mcn. tione,but li hene of the port, ilquale as there, she sees then filnaccrefciuto around edificij and places, oue fi ripon to the cofe, which fe.uo.or.l sea, which still hoggile shall see the relics mtorno the marshes and fl:agno, chen port, which today is called (anto 'Pancratio > & of the 11ict .;tureua. C .,,t 'P. X X I I I I. aE A r r A fommità of oionte Ianicolo,that 6 calls !1ogg1 Montorio,is the p.rta difanto Pancratto, coli, known by the Ch1cfa tell fanco P•rt• i,_f .. .cr •111n-~ Pancratio, and that, outside of the ell".l is near it, I. to. Pn d ,,.,.,. d • qua1e fiu, and d-6I dear to the Pope s·imacon, for na-P•p• s;,.... tione Sardon, & by Procopius are those who:imata Pancrariana. .•. Some, called Aurelia, or by Aurelio man confolare, ò them really by Aurelius the Emperor : but Procopius doctor Cefarienfe that there ritrouaua in elferci• :r,•t;";· to Belhlfario • fcrittore of cofe made by the , & [.;. •. '• ,. the war G9ttica,Ccriue that the porta Aurelia was vici-Port• ..Au r• na at the mole of Hadrian, & that was the call still them•. fOtt3 to shut fandforno melting Pìetro,dalb Chiefà of that, when he says, that the fepolchro d• Hadrian was built out of por ta Aurelia GOES shake stone: fc gi:the for ventura elle were the two ports of the mede!the mo name in the medefìmo tem po dua attractions :the vn:the qudb, and the other fopra en Ianiculo, fi com·and er:ino anrnra Jue porten, and two-way triumphant: that is, the pona Vatican & the C:ipenfe,& the via Appia & the Vati.anenre. And' fcn to, manifetb the via Aurelia effère fta. Jfi•.A•rwli• to confol.are 1 made & Jafuicata by Aurelio man c .. C 3, in particular, Type,ed by Google _ ':4'1{.TlC 11. EN .To.' OF JtO M.,t . in particular, which is mentione Cìcerone: whom was nasr,;;; ra from call Trajan by Trajan, the Emperor, the what 1i says hauerla rebuilt, & fi diftende for l:the maremma of Tofcana , as fcriue Sea' Antonio in tllo itinerary• Bertiii G. l in the via Aurelia were the horti of GalN Imperato-, '. ",',//" 11'" king , oue the mede.fimo Prince was fepolto • as fcriuc ""'"' '"· Tranquilio,and The porta Settimiana. C .J.'P. X X Y D RA the door Singing Pancratio and Teuere • ,.,,,. 8,the ni,. :ì the pious of mount laniculo is the port Setti.,,.;,."". miana, called by Septimius Seuero Impera. , tore,as tefiifica Spartiano, when he ' says, Of the buildings made by him publicì, phono today in the walk, the Septizonio & Spas Settimiane, in Trafieuere close the door on him chiarmta. the vhf is Iano Scttimiano • .efia port that already for age rouinaua, it was a little time ago refiaurata up from the fundamental.'you reduced best shape from Alciundro V I. Pont. V:•.itt• li oue first ft leggeua the title' d. Settimio; some to the.and •pi n11•1_e• called out the door fuck Iano • for dfer p·ofia a,epie of the mount of what . Other the chiamarouo Fontinale, i.e. confecrata to the Nymphs de sources, but piÌI products. I i• Tr•ft•"' cone that Fontinale fi called for the port C. worth. D. que.ri.•f""' '" ila port, Julius II. he pulled and sat the firada the im.to GuJull. long lariua of Teuere infinoealla port difanto Spm. to,oue from the vna & the other band of elvish fono'pulled was beautiful.Difegn, of litlìmi edificij. Hàueua in mind el dett. Giulio fa .. Pttp• Gi,Ji, king, that the said ftrada cominciaffe from the square of fantG 11• Peter. & fi difiendclfe up the vhf the Naui fi tirano in fuck the Auentino ( ilqual place vol.Rip• , port garmcnte hoigi' is called Ripa J with 1i,EN,11m, send to the earth all the edi6c1j from the vna, ò the other ban.from the haueflìno im.spill, D,gilizedbyGoogle • 1.1 BJt._0 'P1t1MO; the& port y aticana' OHtTO Trwnfale' & of ,,;and in & fùori R.,gma. · C .To 'P. X X PI, s 8 .• the market·by Innocent I I I I. departure from the fundamentals, & features ,difie11t, u . . . . LII Chflf• •• 1 some times they dwelt, who were not riceuuu .and.-;: s,.,,,. f•aS sax1a, . d saxoni peoples d" G ermama, c_he 1u1 F ,,,, , close to the City, accioche not the rubaffino or facchegg1a{b-cofi tlm• you• . . . pmto m Spirits, rio. Say quefta elfer fiata yet the Triumphal gate. s,.,,,,,; P•P•.Suetonio in the mortorio Augufio fcriue, which were al-1' ."' G,,._ cuni·Senators,chc configliarono, the mortorio Augu n•• • fto fi haueffc à draw from , and lead to the orcaa r Triumphant: the mede/imo fcriue Cornelius Tacitus it priJno book, & Song Jerome in the mortorio shut fandforno melting Peter Apoll:ol: and piii learned fcriuono. the door that was chia.mata Triumphant was the porta Capena • Lion q.u limb 4i natione Romano was the first, that chiufe & dnfe mu-Borg,fuchilla "l u L:_ , 14 c·' "'"" l• Cll1:U and:ield .. at1·.no, the & f.or no'!'and the cuumo .,. but ,,; L.,,,;,.,., leonina. & gave it to habnare to Cor1ì, ali,bora Corfi fo11tei• fcacciati of lfola from Saracini, fi were which have been shunned à Rome, ,; tl•ll" ,.,. The cause principalea, that the mofiè à what to do, was to-1fo1'! .._ S"4 r1&c••• •the the Chieu to shut fandforno melting Peter fufiè stolen & fàccheg.giata, as had already happened, r.ictouarfi one of the very abandoned, & disbabitata. Around. S,,-,,,rte n• made in the fipatio & the circuit walls of eif ports, n,_"'.0•"0 1. Cm• L11••·tµtte ne 1 true à ,r. , . delie " propofito and ncceuarie : the first 11quali, was qudla from ofpcdale Singing Spirit in the place ' vn bit rileuato, which doesn't have much that she was reftau.rata, in order be in the region of Traileuere for the door Scttimiana,tra'l Teucre is the laniculo. The fecoda fi calls boggi the gate of the Towers close to the for1uce of the Vatican no, that was already called Poficrula, d:1,vn some PoHe. _ rulone of Saxonia,that habitò at a time in that place. · · Or,giti,ed by Google I I j ".To'}{YOU CllIT.To' JtOM.To O' them really,ilche has more of the real!imile,because t•is p• aif in part poltcriore of the Citd. The third is the b port Portufa polb in the high place and Iileu:ou lopra the Chiefa of shut fandforno melting Pictro,near aila which is vn'alrra bit.ta small, Co. pra giardmo '-lel to the Vatican , which is out of the d1 qudto the deity.ro,and pholus vfata cla those which inhabit 11 the Palace. The quar ta is close to the pianl to shut fandforno melting Peter,chiamafi the door shut fandforno melting Peregrino, or the As. The quinca,à song "the door à ca!l:cllo shut fandforno melting Agnolo, that .ane the lawns of the Vattcano.and - J; .dlefft,ndro V I. prejfo the C11jlello to shut fandforno melting Angel, thecongiungeu4 the horgo of St. Peter 11ll11 Citt4 was taken 'llia to the time of Pius l I l !.cir,11 /'11n.no Js6.z. qu11ndo fi cominciorno 4 do the baftioni & fortific,uione of the horgo ,· & 1..uejlo à effect of 11l/11rg11re that pajfo ,for the fu11 ilremz,.z,there ji poreua pajfare , & 11iJiajfgauano de the perfone 4 days fal,nni,& fèftiui, when 11i pajfano congran quAntitÌI of cocchi, vn inft. nit111urb11 p.fone • the fefia is the one that congiugne the village to shut fandforno melting Peter's square in the City,fopra the alcre belliffìma: order was from Alellàn-· Opm d' .Alef dro V r. Places.made, qu:mdo he rinouò the caHeJlo shut fandforno melting fontlroJl"I. Angel of the walls, & the enlarged and expanded,because the fuflè ca.peace à riceuere the whole multitude of the people; hluen.do rrandato the ground of vna port the old dt copper,cht" was tra'l . ponte el caftello very tirett:i;& à fquadra diriz.zò the way .Alelfandrina, coli, known by the us name, to until to.the por.ta of the pabzzo of the Vatican;fatrn leuar way tell middle of the.the tlrada vna pir.lmide cbe the faceua impediment • El meddimo Pontiff still riflorò and came back to it as tut.you pòtte of Vaucano, fixed to the walls of qud place rouinauano , oue he Ieee vna ftrada fecreca, that goes from the palauo up to c:iltel shut fandforno melting Angel, to com dc mode:' Popes,& for their comfort & ficure1.z.a. They were a11 cora some .iltre gates of the City antiche_ within the walls of the City,comc frriucMarco Varro,of which it is not today alcro that'] to the name of the port d1 Romo. the or,,. .,,_ the near mount Palatine, and dc-Ila .erquetulana à pie f""'""""· of the hill V1minale,ch1a11Jata cofi from vna Q!.1ercia that was-.along the port as lèriue Fe!to. Says Pluuo:it Was the por.ta Q!! crq uctula.na in the hill, in which eglinw andauano à ,ie The or;g;ii,edbyGoogle LIBJlO 'PJlTMO. runs the vil1\ine,that is, vinchi,oue is in the chapel .crque-tulana near the bofchctto d1 Juno Lucina, & oue was /Joféh,t1t " still el bofchetto F. 1g11ule, as fcriuc Marco V ;irro-u,.,.,n, L .. ne. It was still slutty 'Laucrn.ile.dctta by the Goddess Lauer-.:.. L•"'" na, el\l the close ;illa called a slut :I dorara and reuerit:the. ,..,,. Laqu.lc was the Goddess de Thieves,conciofia that the Thieves gi:es the-LautP11• tinamcntc there chiamaffino Lauernioni • Was still the por-D,. d:/•: ta Radufcula., ò pcrche she cofi .oz..and dirrolfm was 't;.;;:,0:1;:or _ftata lafc1ata, near the door Neu1a, or pcrclle she was P•rr• Rad. topped copper. It was still in the door Rutumena,dettl by fckl•n•.or' vn ceno driver of carts: that facto à run with the ccr, N ,,.;,.. you others,d.illa City of Vciofino the Rome, for that by Rurum•n• • in winner. Was :mcora I. the port Mtnutia, cofi chia-J;J, 11u1i,c. mata from the chapel of Minutes, & b Catularia called from C. rul""" O or -. -PiarulArt. cam, pereh. 'flCl.Or q.ell , just for the sake d eIle b" 1au..:.-11. r'.;. Samfìm 41ocrificauano 1 cam ro{h, the one Hclla calls ca Syno, ,.,.; a//11 ,,.. that is, to Ca11icula. And to call still Piaculare for al-11icol• 11,11• cuni piacuh, that is, purge the minds verfo God and the c of c is, ere, S,rio. I then place them faceuano. Fuui still the S. iluure, p.,,. You KNOW..operche laera vicmaal Temple of SJlutc. The Sancuale, ,.,,.or ·oouero S. 1nguale, pcrche the .was v. icma à vn T, m1)to d vna s,.,.,,.,.,,. Dc:in that way call. It was mcor close to!lc cafeodi Side Rotten in telta dcli.The vi:at Sacr.1, the lanu.1, the said l•n,ul,. dalb im.igioedi lano in that place appiccata. Fuui an.cora p.oru Libitinenfc, for uquale there portauano those Libitintnf, • that them to andau.no the focterrare, between qudk the Romanula, the .:rnd1"'1"• . . ,,,,.,.,n,. l Ianu:iJe,Ia Muttonc & the Santu1le, say not dkre I a-S•ntw•l,. you in the-Pomerium Jdla the City, but within the circle delk walls. There was still the door called Feneftdla,which was F,'"jf,11••opiccola and today in nicosia, to whom they say that Tanac1U1l spoke to the people, that the concedelle, which Sernio Tulho foo ge.black rcgnetlc and goucrnaflè Rome, _in up à so much so that the Tar.quinio 1->rifro fùo m.ir.ito haucllc m:upcrato the fann;i: ò them really because To ltafemita Cover the fcbic.,the!f,; p:::• na of the mountain Q!!.irinale,in order cominciau:to the Terme of Conftantino lmperatore,oue today sound the caualli mar. . . morei,and à the home stretch for the fchiena of the mountain, andaua fin&the j Z v,"',l· al.l.1-port Viminate, today of fanta Agnefa,apprelfo the way :.. ;;;.• "Lata, who cominciaua close to the field Martioa, and viaay;,. LAt• ,.;. -FL1minia,& fi dillendeua up in the Capitol. Veggonlirù_. ,111,_ :still the relics and fegni was the piazza di Sciarra:waves-she •1111•0 • incominciaua,& before à farit:Maria in via Lata, the waves, the - S,J,.,,,., lnl_ place he prefo the name. It was over à this L1 via Suburra,1• the most celebrated and named all the other pofb nelmczo M I' fl ,,., experiences and·1tta, that copper cofi1 : pereb l' . ' and it was 1otto vn wall r of the earth,of Carine, or from the village Subcufano: removed the letter and.as fcriue Varro. Q. uefta cominciaua from Tauernuole Cover the Colifeo, oue is the head of the Snburra, & principle of the via Labicana, that ft diltendc verfo east • The Suburra to the root of the mount Efqui.linen with vna great girauolta arriuaua to the Temple of fantas,.1,,.,,,, /u Lucia in Orfea. or-in-chief of the Suburra , the vhf is· .-•h11•1• dAI_ principle of the way of the Preneftina. In quefta via ftauano the " m1r,trin M . . ,-1;,IH. eretric1 pu ent , as 1cr1ue Marua r. · . Ie. F11m1, not nimi11m hon1, pue!J11m, .Ales in m1dil1 fadent Subur11. luuenale :still parL1ndo of pcfce Tiberino ignobi. •M ·" lea, says : .J•" ,,,,, EI fil" J· •r• 'flitillo [,i O ll#S mt tryftllm J>IIHlf'llrl SUb111'1, • M,•d,,.,...,,, A short time, he that in the middle of the said street called N•llfi . Secura I will change.or d.the Suburra was v. tower today from maeftr.the or;g;i;,edbyGoogle 11ieflri of.vic,you lbta rouinata, for the sake of albrga.tt the said VJ:l, Was over à this region of the ancient Suburra.na, vna_delle q_uattroparti in qualeefu diuilà b,.ichthyic , by·Scrn10 Tullio. Scuue Says that 1 mount Cd10 was M,,.,. and,t,. head main, dc:th e region Suburrana. It was still the ".'." ,,,.;,,,. . . 8-•rr"""· . S S them The . v:·• 1,..,. ,,, via air, & commc,aua to court stead 11.2, oue ap.the tip of mount Palatine, near the wings, the Arc Conflantino ,,:.. r,ft,f•• Emperor: as some fcriuono. Marco Varrooe .-,,.. ith-• . ce she cominciaua by Carioc,affirming the loved ones.it effere coli calls , because quiui nafceua the head of the via Sacra, she finally to the arch of Titus 8c . Vefpaf1ano & the Roman square conduceua in Cam.pidoglio • Was called Sacred , because in that fi made the deal , & fi stopped and fiabilì by Romulus & Tatio: the vhf is still the best Wishes haucndo the refidenza , foleuano fta.king à take the Augurij : or as fcriuc Varro, percioche peda said fuada each mefe foleuano eOerc brought the co[and the Sacred, from the fortress high Wishes. Ccfa-Sp,H•wind, The king, the dictator, fcriue Pliny, coperfe all square and b C,f""• o-" tends in the game de the gladiators . Only commonly , is note of that way in that part, that by pia1.za comin.cia & va for ;nftno the first failed of the Capitol. In the via Sacra, already fi faceua the market grafcie, as fcriuc Varro in the book oue he is of the co.fe appart.belong to the Villa, saying: of qucfto Gi3rdino brings the boast, the Sacred way, oue fruits fi vendeno • Ouidio in the book de arte amandi: that is where he infc:. gna iminorarfi • -· . · Rur, fob11rbA1UJ potms tibi dir1r1 mij]i, : 1114 -u,t in fMr11 ftm licet 1mpt4vi11. It was over à what l;a via nuoua congiunu çon the P. iaz z.a • L• "'i• ,,,,,_ u .'" oN, . Ouidio in medefìmo book. r11 ,111 Ch111. . L ft. to· .a ·L • Fort1 r1111rt1011r :1•tS 'TJIJ•IUluf'S ,Ila, f" d,tt• of .• No11a Roman nuncvil• iunE111faro ,n. · .[,,.,,. M11ri• Cominciaua that frrada d3lla port Mugione,the palfa N11111,1 ua for building tafente the fettizonio, &: conduceua up to pefcina publica & the thermal baths of Antonino baflìano,the vhf is the head of the d•cfià &ad.a, that from and!or Prince f4 lalhi_ma . Scn1&c: .?{TIC H EN .A. OF JtOM .To' .crÌllc Tito Liuio: Marco Ceditio man, a Plebeian, in the mc-d, fim<. year free to understand, that nc·ll.1 via nuoua fm hogg1 is vn.:the Chapel fopra tl Tc-mpio of Vefta ,à tneza night hmeua frnt1to vna voice that humana & more clear-l.iq11ale comandaua that fullè fact mtendere ;the rnagilhati, as the Gauls are auicinauano:waves Aio Locutio, ilqua!t-and made p.rbre by Cicero in the book Jr. de by dewey.nationc,connected to the dubai; cl Temple ddb Fame, so hebbe original.ne, & commanded that fuflè done nd!J via Nuoua, has,. utndo •!,lito qa1:th e vo,and celcHc. It was built el said Temple by Camillo as f"criue Plutarch. It was still l:z ,.,. Trio11f•· the via Trionfale to the port and the bridge of The Vatican trust. l401411r•• fiendeua down in the Capitol: the waves shut fandforno melting Jerome,etrumndo de the huomindllullri, d1Ce, that shut fandforno melting Peter is fcpoltolungo the via Trionfale in the Vatican. Fuancòra the Yittlli•• via Vitcllia, that cominciaua from faniculo & fi dilkndeua down to the sea, as f"criue Suetonio in the life of V1tellio Jt,,,.. the Emperor. Er,uncora the way that them who:imaua Rett:i in the field M:my, how fcriue Seneca. Er.1 still the way to Pu ..and p,.b/ic•. republic,of which Tito Liuio fcriue; in Rome, the via Publi 1orme.the•. ca was percolfa d:illa faetta. It was still the way Fornicata Yi• Fl•miin campo Martio close to the Flaminia, which is appropriate for the vfo dc ,,;.. foldati, as fcriue Liuio. Eranooltra à off C/••'i•. de!the Cm.the celebrated, 1a via Clauàilcongiunta the Fla. minia, oue were the horti of Ouidio, as eglifceriue of.why, rle ponto. N ec qutt. pomif ris pof tos in collilms hortos: SpcE!at Flaminitt. Claudi11 iuna11 vitt.. z,,,m.. it Was anwra the via Emilia laftricata from Lepidus, in the temp. that he was confòlo in companions. of Gaius Flaminius,who them partiu.1 from the rc-gione Emilia & diHédeua linen, dining BolopnJ. The Hr::dc Emilie were two, the vna to the qu ile .•appunta11a the Fbmini:i, the alna that was lalhic:eng d:Sc:iuro, that pa0::i for Pifa & for Luni, & goes down to ndla Sauoia. It was still on the r;&,,;,... via Tiberina, t·hc there chiamaua still minia & Cafiia. and,,,.;,.;., '7 laqu:ilc diuide The Tolèana. Were even:t propinque to v. 1,rr..• · . · to eriJ, and eltta,nornmatc"-. & eh •1:ire, 1a, via v 1 · he con11nc1ane"p••• I T,, never,conJuce it MJrfi & n:· Pdigni,that is, in the.,:,.,;..,. the Abruti • as faiuc On.lbone: in the mtz.the.or, is Ja. Jarina that or;g;i;,edbyGoogle THEM B ]the 'the l{_l MO. that paft'to the mountain Icy. Were Mtre.the this the you.1 .;,,, •• 6•111••11.• • Q!!_inta. The G. i!licana. The Patina ria. The Ianuclcnfe. and 1,.,.,.c1,,.fo. eornc 1a.ourentma. ....... deatm_a,S. tm· l. _ P to ar . quah hoggt not there, she sees a }>Cna feg_no anyone: the v1e of the Smn•. City. bg:when gualle was largely redone, Ve-Co,n,t, •• fpc6ano the Emperor, as it reads them deontro the vn Marble"J,nt"••• the cbe is in Can_ipidoglio in the palais des sports.z.or de Conferuatori. V::d:u.";-;; The M P. CE s A R l V ES P A S I A N O A V G V. ,,. rif4ttt d• p, OR NT. MAXo. T R rn. POT. II I. IM P. I[ X. V,JJ,afian• P. P. CO S. the the The. DE S. The The. S. C. QYO D. Impmtm., V I A s. V R B ( s. N E G L E G E N ts A. TE M-!•fcrittion• tJcerntntl l• ROP. SVPERIOR. CORRVPTAS. lM-11;,d,; R.,,.,. p E N s A. s A. R Es T l TV l T. rmnuat•. & • Of which fopradette streets, some phono confolari, co-•ifattt 4• V• me is the Aurelia in the maremma of Tofcana verfo Pifa. JP•fi•n• 1.·L. 1 Calha,who goes to the Sutri,Viterbo, & Bolfena. The Flamtr:,:•.;;f,I• ·nia that the palfa to Narni, Spoleto, Foligno, will harm: 1,Fano, re • . ·Pefcro, Rimini. The Latin for the aqua!and there goes à Laoici &ocampagna of Rome until lelua de' Cap<:natl: The .Appia that p;ilfa to the rouine of Alba & Ariria, for the Swamp pontme, for Terracina, Fondi,& Sinaelfa, for the plan ftelbto until à Brundulìo, bora BrinJifi. POINT ON E. s! N or s of The treaty in the luo.or some of them ,ie the particular ancient!: • & maffimamente ddl' High fcmi.ta; I is parfo out of propofito of ;iggiunger ui vn po co Annotatione {ì of the ltrada Pia so famous & va.ga,that with great magni6cenz.of that City was open, & the time that it was made• & ao fei balls. .quotes via ir;.r c1fere in yq -. . -. . .. 1it9 or;g;ii,edbyGoogle LIBJtO 'PJtlMO. 2.4 ito very pleasant & perfect & fallJhre air tr. all U places of the City of Rome , is frequently & full of bél.Jillìmi gardens & places delitiofi de main of the Cit.e; 8c Pope-Gregory X I I I. conofcendo the goodness of the.the air, 8c J amcniti of the place vffabricò little auanti that moriffe the year x 583. & 1584. vn belliffimo palaZ7.or in the gardens Eftenfi , prctfo them caualli of Shots given, it was said, from them which is named the mountain cauallo,gi.ì said the Quirinal; in the what fabrica fpefe the fomma eighty thousand feuds, laqualc did that feruilfe for vfo & com way de' Paragraphs Pontc6ci, for fchiuare the cftiui hot of the Vatican. Et 1a Sanctity of Nollro Lord Sillo V. wanting to aggiungerenuoua on frefchezza & comfort to the said mon.you,& inficme à most deµa Cfotà of Rome, I fe in the principle of fuo Pontencato the year rs8f. lead from them. Marshes of Agrippa, called bora by yolgo the tour de Griffi,won miles away from the City on the via Labicana outside the porta maggiore vn beautiful & grotfo rapo water, laqualc called from the fuo name, Acqua Felice, & them with. . duìfe part for riuo fuck the earth, & the part for the aqueduct property, fì as all that àppare clear memory in the Arco Felice made from fua Holiness,& said from the fuo name likewise; the which is nelJi fteffi aqueducts denuo, the porta di S. Lorenzo iui near; who says : SIXTVS V. PONT. MAX . . DVCTVM AQ_V.iE FELICIS RIVO SV8TERRANEO M I L L. P A S S. X II I. s VB sT R V C TI o NE R eV T V-II. SVO SVMPTV EXTRVXIT A N N O D O M I N I M. D. LX X X V. BRIDGES.FICJ\.TVS. .That is to say. . 1 s T o Q!iinto the Pontiff Maffimo,built à fue fpe fc 11 led doell'water Happy, for thirteen miles of i-i.. uo fotterraneo, & with the building of arches of miles slices> 11cU'.&The Wlo of the Lord, The j-8's. the first of fuo Ponte6cato.or · .eft. or;g;i;,edbyGoogle .A. 'N._ YOU C-H I T .To.'· I{_O M .A. Qgc{b agc ìua fi is caught in the agro Lucullano, which gi:es there was the poffdlìonc,ò 1enuta, ò the territory of Lt:lull ricchifii.mo & potentillì mo Roman Citizen, that· hogg1di is of Ilu!triilima cafà Colonnl, & dd'sij! nor Marti.> 6.glmolo of Mr. P,m1pco, the grandchildren of the dr! Mr. Cami!the:. & pcrche fe it ·can co11Jum: but?day cp1 entity of dec.t water in the Citd, ua Santuà lu dno order to make ac.creli:cre the head that cmra ncll'acqt?to be informed, so that mol will ne polfano enjoy & participate of {ì good commodi.you. Q!!_dè'water ancrcameme was . Rome ( as in vn", the other of t1udlc .mnot:uioni I said) & :cndaua in the circle Malli mo, & there was co,l eet Cl.md I Cefarc lm• where; & by Jui fo cognominata Claudia, {i like nar.ra Giulio Frontino, in the book that makes the de the Aqueducts,& Ac,1ue that veniuano in Rome :ì lùo time; which Jìon fuck It,rua,c Between·the anus the Emperor.The year, then a 15-7r. The Dog.me.Pap.1 G,.gorio X I I T, because the most commo.6iamentc for the Samo G,ubileo {the potetfc :indar-and quat tro Chiele prmcip.ili, who have the doors to the Holy, fo.no 5 Peter,St. Paul,San Giouanni the Lateran,& fanta But riaMaggiore, which cofi is or.Hnc-vi.lggio; aperfe the v1a that goes to à straight from the said Chiefa of fanta Maria MJg giorc :ì the fan Giouanni the Lateran, which was already eng. 10 the soul of Pius I I I I. dt open it,& next begun;_ma then to death not frgui; & the said Pope Gregory rino.can & rciburò likewise the porch of fanta Maria Mag.more in the form that fi sees,& will pofe the infcrimonc that {the law fopra elf porch, says: GREGORIVS XIII. PONT. MAX. EV.G E N II L AB A N TE M PO R TI CV, M D, E. 1,And C 1 r A C M A G N I F I C at I o N I V S R E. ST TV l T VIAM RECTAM ADLATE.RANVM APERVIT YEAR IVBIL.EL M, D. LXXV. That is to say. Grtg.X I I I. Pont.Mall:and fell .the land on the Porch of the Eugc nio,du: udeua;& he did it again c6 ptù magnilicéza_;& will bee rie the vlil rçna,die ,oduce .the l,.tcr J' .awio '1c1 Jubilee i s 1'1 • · Q..\!.cilo D,g,t,zedbyGoogle l.I J Jt, Or "P Ili MO. J. 1 .efto baon P9nte6ce , with all that nuoao riEa.coffee maker sorts the porch , I wanted to nondimeao lafciare illefà the memory of Pope Eugene the third , that about 4 30. years. , .nty the fabricò; that confifte in some see Latin qud u:mpi , that is saying T ntiru Eugmi,u Ro•IIIUU P11p11 l,,,.en,,., Obtulit hoc m,m,u Virgo M11ri11 1ibi: ." mlll#r Chrifti, jeri,_,;, ò ""1'11ifti. S11lu. P,,-PetH 'IJ;,,;,.;, 111, ,;1,;. Rs vi11 • -vit• •{MMI• 101i111 tloru, mlmlli t D•11111Ì1119 eMlpil 'flirgilfit111i1 /mo,• Ie. 7'n. E11g111io RO#I. C# P11p• Hmg,,# M11rùi Virgin• 11oi 9•tfl'opr11 offerf,, eh, p,r vojfro m,no f-ofl, deg,w•mir m11tlr1 lll S11lM11tor ,l,J. aorulf , :Z /11 'IIITIÌTUI 4 &11111110 C/11' r,)ò fa/Mli wi pnp1tM11mrot1. Yoi ft11 vu. /11 Tlit• • , /11 f tJ"t' • Z lii g!wi11 of 111111 f11nilurfa. Yoi •the 11ir3irut11•and 'TIIJKO 1,,,,.,,, l•p11r111, p,rdo,u • nojlr, eolp,. Followed. Yes-no Pope V. apcrfe the year 1,-86. b the way,the chc goes from. the Chiefa of fanta Maria Maggiore for a straight line to the Chiefa of fànta Cross in Gierulalem, very com fashion 8' ficile for those who go à vìfitare said jack Chil'fe; & coli also one that dalfitteffil Chiefa of fanta Maria,. The greater fi must be the right alù port of san Lorenzo; the & oluc • à those vn'other, that from the part verCo mount of detail.1oChie{à fc goes on the home straight, the fe is good for vn little street cur.u;, alli Bathrooms Paolo Emilio said noilri modern, Monte magna Napoli, that by the ancient li diccua Horsemanship,u bJJJ111 P-li, & then from the volgq that does not intend to , & cheocorrompe the names of the cofe , is the side of said Cover; 'ludb via paffa preffo the Chiefa of san Loren1.or Panilpcr N, atrtaucrfando for mèKo mount Vimioale, that is, p<'fo D ·obauero D,g,t,zedbyGoogle . '{T 1 C H 1 T..4'-D 1 "'-o·M .To Ji.auer much difficulty filling pretfo the Efqudie tri the vno and raltro mount , & verfo that Cbiefa of the Ma-· donna,oeltra that arteccarebbe some impediment to the viavecchia & frequent Slums, fi reftò à noftri times imperfect,comc fi sees fe good fi vfa in the large par•· you up nelb said Suburr:1, & preffo the already Vico Patricio• that was along the Chiefa of fanta Pudentiana. Aperfe equal.mentevna via. that from the Temple of fanta Maria de gh An.frosts in the Terme Oiocletiane fe ne va à right aJla por.ta diS.Lorenzo. laq1Ul street is long, wide,& flat & of 'Jllefta,& that • that d:1 effa port va à straight à fan. t:lMaria More, fe it is mentione in the vna infcrittione pofta Cover if nilouo Arco Felice nelli fieffi fuoi Waters. .lots pretfo the said port of St. Loreenzoe, which says : SIITVS. V. PONT. MAX. VIAS VTRAS.ET AD S. MARIAM BUT I O RE M E T A OR S. BUT R I A M ANGELORVM TO POPVLI COMMOOITATEM ET DEVOTIONEM LONGAS LATASQ_ SVA IMPENSA STRAVIT YEAR DpMINI M, O. LXXXV. PON. SOCIAL TVS I. That is to say. IT's To See the Pontiff Maffimo,Made of flat,long.St. laerghe à fue fpefe both the ways, that lead :the fanta But ria Maggiore,& :the fanta Maria de Angelie, for com mo. .ity, & deuotione of the people; in the year ael Lord M. and O. LX X X V. the first of the Ponte6cato.and S r deftinò then farfi likewise( fi as prelfo fi fpera,that fi will see in efiere ) vna via the famous & magni6ca,that from the Capitol, go à straightness :illa bafilica to shut fandforno melting Giou:the mni in laterano in monte Celio, quefta two paf.do among the rouine of the Temple of peace, & the Chiefa of fanta Maria Nuoua,& reaching wings' An6teatro,lafciarlo the man deftra; from which part, paffando auanti dcue pa.leftover remain the Chiefa di S. Clemente, & then the arri.Mando .the that d. SS. Piecro & Marcellin, 6 fiima that; cutta o;g;i;,edbyGoogle lIBJ.the 'PI(IMO:. 2.G mtt2 the Chiefa, ò part of effa debb:i would go to eff.vi:i; & · fiaulmente peruenuta in the square Lateranenfe has to bat tere to Obclifco of Cofbnz.or,that in the middle of effa pfaz za fi has ftatuire , & then end.the to between the the has fanta,which ft rimuoue hor:from the outside of the primiero valley luogon, little. itante à the oue 6 has dancollor'are: & fabricanifi to order tell said noftro the Lord , the palace Lateranenfe , (already about two hundred, ò more years sound, was gone'> in ro.uin: (a ) with beautiful design & form , for comodid de' fommi Ponte6ci,so when anderanno à celebrate hol:are & to cap.pella in that tàcrofanta ba-wire ac , c:apo & the mother of all the Chiefe,or that anderanno à vifitare the Seven Chiefe main, habbino oae to be able to stop them , & ripofare; more than that fer the decor of the place fteffo pue that ft requires vnanfimi fabrica. Is likewise make the loggia fopra b port aella Chiefa verfo the square, to be able to bless the people in the feftiuità folenni , that 1ui fi celèbrarà with the pre(enza of fommo Pope, cofe tur.you and dimo{ha.no d beJl'soul,& the rcligione,pied,& deuotione of det-. to good Pallor; making it appear euidenti many fegni & • monuments in the soul of a zealous & religiofo, that he has verfo lddio,& cofi animate & inc:im1nare the Chriltiano outside the flock at the well: elfendo all those :attorney attorneys ftimoli in the minds pij & catholici good & fant:imente oper:to.king . Of the via Felice, main tr:in the streets :open from P3pa Sifto V. effendo came opportunoalluogo, fene comes in:annotatione f.m:to de the Obclifrhi of Maufoleo A ugufto, vno de which was erected by elf fommo Pontiff din311zi the bafilica of fant:1 Maria Maggiore, dirincontro effa via Felice, the qu3l place the player· fi swaps. Pio I I I I. rinouò with real magnificence to the door of the Fla-· rnini:a,dctta from modern People, as fi sees.with the fua infcrittione, & :addirizzò also the fua on up to the bridge and Springs , Jeuando many impediments, which rillringe.must be , & rendeuano aJfai men vague & broad to the said street ; &· rinouò likewise the port:a Angelic:who:am:ata gi:ì S. J>ictro, and said forfi from the fuo name , and then he fi who:imò V already.the region to the al. between the Efquilie,with the to.the king of Mccc .f."";.:,.,-rl _n . r1nnate & col proffimo hill Vimmale, in. ••• . ' what was the lake of Prometheus , the slaughter of Liuiano, the Nymphaeum of diuo Aleffimdro ,the slices Cohorte Vii:the ili,the Temple of Venus Ericina from.the port Hill. The horti Planciani, or Plauciani. _Gli hi:>rti of Mecenaten. The royal palace of Seruio, Tuli9 Hercules Rock. The anfiteatr'> callrcnfc • The field Efqui.linen.11 Bofcetto & camro v1minale fuck-the aggeren. 111.co,.ioè bofchetto Petilino • The Temple of Juno lights.na. The bo(chctto fagutale. The executive of Marco aquilio dot.the field of the law, & Q!!into Catulus, & Marco Craffo. The altar of Gioue Vimineo, Minerua medica, Ilide pa..tritia • The lauacro d' To grippinon. The baths of Olympias. Q.!!.indexes villages. Q.!!mdici edicule,that is cafette. Seftàoca towns ru.eftri. Oau, curators, & dua denuntiato. . ri. Three folen. Thousand the nineteenth century, fifty cafc. Hundred and eighty lakes.Settantanoue barns. Twenty-three bagm. Priuati fettantacin.que. Mofmi twelve • Contains quefta region of the circuit p1cdinquindici thousand nouecc,uo. or;g;ii,edbyGoogle .. l.IJ.Or 'P. 1ST; .. JO .ta Y I. region known as the semitii: C .A P. X X X I I. In . monte quirinale & the valley.that hand them---"';. s,-.ni.llra is close rafente the hill de the or-:;:. ",.,.. •ticelli : in the q.you'ìl vico bcllona,the vi. codi Mamurro, the Temple of the fàlure in the quirinal hill. The Temple, The Serapeum. The Temp.d• Appoi.line & of Clatra. The Temple of Flor1. The circle. The flora• them . The Capitolio, the old • The diuo Fidio on the hill • The court of Saluftio • The forturu publica in the hill • The ibtua lead Mamurro • The Temple of Q.!!.irino•, c:ifa .of Atrico. The malo punico,oue Domitiano dedicated the Tem.piQ of the people Flauia,& oue was the executive of that. the horti Salulliani. The Senatulo of women • The spa Diodes• tiane. Qgelle of Coibntino • The baths of Paul • The diecitauerne from the hens sunrises.The area,that is the plain ·of Claudius.Three cohone Fighters. Written in vichi • Sedeci edicule. Q.!!ar.1nt'eight vichi mae.llri,doi curators, & doi complaint•e_tori. Three-m.Ie. A thousand five hundred cafe. One hundred quarantagranai. Eighteen bathrooms.Priuati fettantacinque. L:obligations fet.tantafci • Occupies quetb region of fpatio, quilldeci miMef eicento feet • The region Y 11. called -,,ia Lattt • C. 'P. X X X X X 11. ·aO M 1 N e r v In the region close to the R,,.;,., V11. the hill , dc the hortuli & the formelb of the Water v,. L•t• '"' •irgin,& fo to l. coft.t of the monte quirinale, ,....,.,_à hand fin;fl:ra , fi dillendeua up to the forum of Trajan,& from deilra them cogiungcua & spas . naua with the circle Flaminio, & conia via Lata , from qualeeJfa the region is named. In quefb region was the bgo G. immede. Seven cohorte Fighters, otherwise called iVigili primori.The arc nuouo.U Nymphaeum of Gioue.The edicu.the capraria. The field of Agrippa. The caftri Gentiani, alcri•JDenti called Gipliani. On the porch of the Collar.The Tépio pnouo of fperaiii.the. . Temple o_uouo d. fonllna. or;g;i;,edbyGoogle .To?{T S C H 1T .,f.'· Dl .o M .4 n T empiò new cli Q.!tiriao. 11 làcello de 1 Genius san.,; go. The cau:illi . Tiridates • hole Suarioe, that is, the square, oue of them vendeuano them por,the. Larchimonio. The batteries Tibur .. 1, tinc, from rrianfueti • The plaque pertufa. Ten vichi • Q_11a.ranta vichi maeflri. Ouoi curators, & dua dcnuntiato.. ri • Three Ifole. Thousand five hundred and forty cafe. Dicior. to barns, Sctt:mtacmquc bathrooms priuati. Settantafci The. gh1 • Contains quetb region d1 fpatio walk qwndeci thousand feicento • the retJ01Je P 11 I. that the Pore Jtomano. C ,A Fr ·x X X 11 II. ••.rii111 '"" liOnteneua already quefta region Ja punu-.,. f,r, Ro: ra,chc is between the Palatine is the capitoline hill in6no · •-• the Teucre, inficme with mount profiìmo Capi-tolino,oue was the forum of Roman. The roftri del po polo Romaao.The ede,that is, cafà facra victory,cou vna other edicula , i.e. cafetta, well efià Victory vei_:the temple dedicated by Porrio Cato. The Temple of lu lio Cefare; in the hole of the Victory Gold.. fiatua in the Temple of Giouc Great Maffimo. The Fig-tree ruminal. The Luperca .. the of the Virgin •. The column with the fiatua of Gears Ludio . The Grccoflalia . The cafa Sacred Goose ope, ac that of Saturn in the Vico fugario. II from the gold standard. The Senatulo gold. The stack horatic, oue {i say effere . flati coJlocati the Trophies. The Temple C. afloro, lake Giuturnae. 11 the Temple of Concordia. The cauallo of broa .or Oomitiano·. The atrium of Minerua, The Ludo Emilio. The porch Iulio. The arc Fabiano. The puieale of lihone. Doi lano, The place celebrated by the Merchants. The king.·already diNuma.11 Temple of Vclla. The Temple these Deipenati • The Temple of Romulus. The hole Ccfarc • The ffa.matters de Municipij . The hole Augufto with the cafà facra dieMarte vltore, that is, the avenger, The forum of Trajan coleTempio & col Cauallo of bronze, & with the Column àeChiocciole , which is high walk of one hundred and vintifei , & has den .. tro Brackets cent ottantacin9uc & forty-five Fi. adlre . There was fci Cohottc V 1cili. The cafetta faaa of Coacorcli.to LI B JlO 'Pl{}MO. J 1 Contordia foprala Grcgof.bfiao. The lake Curtio, Bali• lica argentaria. The vmbilico of the Citd of Rome. The Tcm-.pio dt Tito & of Vcfpafiano. The Bafilica of Paul with the columns frigie • The fig-tree ruminal in comitio , the vhf was an-.·c:now the Lupercal • The cafa Sacn of ve Gioue was the stronghold of the Campidog lio near afl' Afilo • The vico de liguria.The Apollo, which was brought by Lucullus To suckers.a , which was thirty cubits. The dclubro, doè CapeUa,oucro Tempioodi Minerua. the cdicula,i.e. cafctta facra of the Df':a luuenoca. The door Canncntale,i.e. vcrfo the circle Flaminio. The Temple of Carmenra. The Capitol, oue fi celebrates.must be in the fimulacri, that is, the Statues & Im.1gini of all glioDij • the Curu calabra oue the Pontiff lower dies pro.n11ntiabat-.. n the Temple of Giouc Great Maffimo. The ca..does facra of Giouc thundering, dedicated Augufto in co.the fla of the Capitoline. The tetb of Gioue Emperor with..learned from Prcneftc, The Alilo. The ancient Temple of Me.11crua , The Barns of Germanic . The Barns At&t"ippa • .Af'III and""'11s f'"l#fn' ft11uros • The forum boarium • The ucel• Jo, doè Capella dd.the Pudicitia be found in the cod • I. cafa facraoa'HcrcoJe vincitere. The Vna from the port Triplets. l'.Itraonel the forum boarium enjoy the warmth & small. The hole pifcatorio.or I. ca& facra of the Goddess Matuta. The Vico jul.irio, which to me. defimamente was called Turano. oue were dua To. tari of Ourism,& of Cererc with the tefta of Vcrtunno.or I. to prison, that is fopra the square. The what jail was edi.fied by Tullo Hoffilio in the mez.z.or of the City • The ports.co Ma!garitario • The Ludi litterari j • The Vico vnguentario. The caf:the Vcnunno in Vico Tufcoo. the elefun multimedia.m9= herba-.iio,dodec. Vic.i,alrre ta1:1te edic.the. the from Claudio Cefare,& called by: vicinità that way Giouc Pompeian.The theatre of Mar.cello, that was capable of thirty thousand places:oue Cl to vn'al."ro the temple of the Iano.11 dclubro of Gnaeus Domitian.The carcc· .and Claudio Decemuiro. The tépio of Brutus Callaico.The.wla publica,oue primtcramente {i raflègnò the people in the field Manlius. The field of Mars. The cafa facra of lutur-.:ria,from the water virginea. The fetti trig:irij.The cquirij.The hor.them of Lucullus.The source de Ski pions.The fepolcro of the Au.gufii. the ciconie nixe . The panteo. The theatre of Pompey. 1.to bafilica Marco Accilia • The ba-wire ac Martiano • ll· temple of the diuo Antonino. The column à nut, cho. it is high-CLXXV. feet, & inside you phono US I. fcaglioni •, & has L X I. fencfire. the baths of Hadrian. The terme Neroniane, which then were spoken Aiçflàndrinc. The ter.me of Agrippa • The temple of Good Euentoe. The cafa ago. was Bellona verfo the door Carmentale, before the.qu.1 was the column Beautiful inferendi . The portico de Ili Ar.gona_euti. The meleagrico Joifi.. Ilef.rapio • The .iner!fio.and _e_e _ Minerua Calc1d1ca. The ifol:the d1 Fehd10, oucro d1 Felide •eTrenta vichie, i.e. cona-ade. As many newsstands . Du ... .lltOllCllti vi,hi miefiri. Doi curators • Et altritanti dc. :, 11.µatori. · 1. ·1 B.Or 'P,l{fM O. 3 2. iluntinori. Three lfole • a Thousand fettecento ownt' eight cafe . Sdlàntatce bathrooms priuati • Ventidoi barns . Twenty piers.ni. Conteneua the said region of fpacio , walk to tren.t.lmila the sixteenth century. The region of tithe called 'Palatio .' C .,i!'P. X X X /7, O N T a I N And v In the region around the R1ti.111 X. the monte Palatino, oue was the vico of the Pado • ll P •1•'11 • •"' vico curtorum.11 vico of luck refpicien-,,.,,.,.,, • ·you. The vico falutare • li-vico d' Apollo • II. co & vifo of of. Roma square , The cafa facra of Gioue the Stator. The ca(adi Romulus. The meadows of Bacchus, ouefuro. no the cafe of Vitruuio Funds. The altar of the Febre . The temple of the Fedea. The cafa facra of the mother of the Dij , allaquale was near, the dilubro of Juno Saluatrice.The c:afa de Ceioni. Suelia • The cenatione of Gioue. The ac• does facra d' pollen, oue were caused by the luminaries. that pendeuano gi\Es à guifa of the vno arboro load of apples • The caià facra of the Goddess will Truly be appeased. The library. The cafe ago. the ages of Rannufia • The pentapilo of Gioue arbitrator. The cafa Auguftana. The cafa Tiberian. The fedia of the Im. perio Roman • The Auguratorio • The altar on the Palatine. I. cafa facra of Gioue vincitorea. The executive of Dionifio • Q!!_ella of Q.!!into Catullus . .she of Cicero. The ca. does facra of G1oue. The Velia. The Curia vecchiaa. The For. tuna refpiciente • The fettizonìo of Seuero • The victory of the Germanic•, The lupercal. Six vichi. Six edicule. V CD• tiquattro vichi maeftri. Doi curators,& doi Report. .bulls. Two lfole • a Thousand fcicento forty four cafe. Ottarua lakes. Q!!arant'ot. to gran.1i. Twenty mills. Trentafei bathrooms priuati. Conteneua que. 1fa region of fpacio two;. thousand feiccnto feet • • .'l{TltHIT.4° lH ll.OM.A .. Z.. rerjoru: X I, called the circle Maffimo . and .,4 'P. X X X r l I. •_,p.,X.-O N T I\ N And v A qudla region all Jo r. you. of the circle But.moa, & all and.. that is dia '":::;,!;; _ the plain between the Auentmo the Teuerc viano à na-:'... · / y 8c to faline,eaal Capitol,8c to the Teucre, fl oue was more l.7 at oue G vcndCIWlo the crbag.. with the Temple of the Walk ._ 8c is a column Latt.ia. Ce..chio Maffi mo was able to d1 three hundred onantamda places.oueerano written in the doors. The Temple of Mercury. The cafa facra of the father, you Say . The cafa facra of Cttere. The building of Fabio G. ite. The cafa facra of Portunno from ponfC Emilio.that g1a G chiamaua Sublicio. The door Trigemi.na. The fàline. Chicken celifpece. Hercules Oliuario. The high• king Maffimo. them Temple of Dftore. The cafa facra Pom.peo. Two Obelifci : the vno is in the earth à Jiaccre • other an. cora standing • The caf.the ucra Murcia • L altar fottcrranco cli Comfy. The forum holitorium,oue was the column lattaria,011c had Colic to bring the kids, there haucano bif";>Sno cli effcre allatati. The cafa {area of the Pict.i,ncl forum holitorium, .she of Juno matuta. The velabro m:to increase the • Eight vichi , other many cdicule, Trentadoi vichi macftri • Doicuratori , & dua clenunti.itori • a Thousand fcicento Ifole • Ottantanoue cafea. Fifteen bathrooms priuati • Asses gra. nai. Seffanta lakes. Uodeci mofini. Conteneua 'lucila 1epone of fpatio vndecimila cin411ecento walk. ·· The region X I I. known as the 'Pifcina publit•. .R 4 quelb region very piccofa, & conX X X Y 111. lltti•-.X 11.P ,f.i-•• p,J,l,and•, tencua all qudlo fpatio, that is à pie of the JoAucntino ciopoilccrchio Maffimo vicl. .. •,.•• n•"'".. r. no ,anto 5:no.mo , oue raono the spa Anto-niane • The contrata of V cnere alma. The coa consists of pifcina publi.. the One of Diana • Of ceij.Of triarij • Dcll'ac9ua faliente.The lag_o the rectum. For tuaa mammofa, D1 Coloocto .,aftoreJ)dla Dftrta Sqrt. . . . .,,ia1aoa. . DigitizedbyGòogle LI B JtO 'P JtI MO. H '(cubm • port Neufa. Of the winner. The fiardini Afiniani. The r.:idicaria. ll head dclb via nuoua. the for 1:a malbmof.a. Ifide attenodorian. The cafa facra of the Goddess Jfona Subuxana. The fegno of the dolphin • The baths of Antoninus . Slices cafe de Parties • The field la1111.:1rio. The executive of Chiton. Three cohorte fighters. The c.:ifa Cor.ni6cio. The cafa priuata of .Adriano. Vndeci vichi . Dode.there edicule . .arant'eight vichi maelhi. Doi curators , & doi denunciatori • Two lfole . .attrocento ottancafei cafe. Forty-four bathrooms priuati.Eighty lakes. Fri. . 1:ifei barns. Twenty mo lini. Conteneu.1 quefta region d.the fpatio doded thousand feet , The region X 11 I. said t.Auentino. C .To.'P, X X X I X. Ccv PA v A quefla the region around the monte 1t,,;,,., .Aucmino, the waves she has prefo the name,canaro-·X lllh . ..A,.,to . ne Je terme d. To The nton1non. NeIla here and I was the ,,,, •. , ,.,,._n ,_,,, .. • contrada di Fidio. The Fonmcntaria.Q!.t.she dt-l.the _rre streets. Of Cefeto .. Valerio. Dèl lake plays.or,n -Ds Fortun:ite. Field cantero. Dt-the three vccel11. The district nuoua • .she d1 loreto minor. .she d.the arm1lu!lro. The ca:ago facra of Comfy. The district of co.the.nandi legnon. Minerua in Aucntino. The contrada but. _ t.nar1a..clla of mondczz;to.The de Loreto mag..g,hours. oue was Vortunno •. Q!1ella of luck dubbia.nL'armilullrp. 11 the Temple of the Moon ncll' Aucntino.n· The Temple town of Diana. The spa variane. ll Tem.pio of freedom. The doliolo. The cafa facra of the Goddess Bo.na in Auentino. The Map of aurea. The priuata of Traia.no • The· remuria. The atrium of the freedom in Auentino.n·nl_l plane • The grain daniceto . The fc:ile gcmonie. II pot. , tJCo fabario • The fcuola of Caffio • * The Temple to Juno regina, dedicated by Camillus, then, that the hebbe prefo the .nCnt. de Vei • The hole piftorio. Diecifette vichi,altrc tan. _ 1:C and.cule. Seventy-four vichi inaellri. Doi: cur,:itori, . & do1 denuntiatori. Oue of The fole • .,attrocento eighty ot • &or cafc, Seflà1ua4uattro bathrooms pnuati. Sect,ncaquamo And , lakes. Digitized by Googk ..,r.r1e111rA' n 1 .'R...s,th of Vcfiino,of Nettunno,of Macidio Idi Gear• no, Vafcellaria, of Floccelloa, of Siccinio, the Gofianti• niana ,the Porciaa. The baths were those of Trajan. Q!! ellc Tito. Q!!.elle Agrippa. The Siriace. The Com.modianea. The Seueriane. The Antoniane. The Alelfandri. they were still called Neroniane'. The Diocletia. ne . The Cofbntiniane. The Settimiane. l Jani for all the regions ; they were of balfo rilieuo & adorned around paintings and other tefie . Dicefi were the principal , vno fo. pra the arc Fabiano,& the other to fuck. The waters were fri• tia. The Appia • the Martia. The Virgin • The Claudia vercu.lanea. The Tepula. The Damned. The Trajan. The Annia. I. Alfia, or Alfientena , which still fi chiamaua AU:· gutta . The Cerulean. The lulia . The Algentiana • I. Cimi.Pia. The Sabbarina • The Aurelia.The Settimiana • I. to Seue. /_ · . _ .. . .\ the.aa rianze. · r;t?{TICIIIT .A. Dl ltOM.L.IB. 1. 1fian1e. The An1oniana. the Altlu11dnna ·• The streets eraa yentinouc. The Appia. the Latin. The Labicana. L:C. am .. pana. L1 Prenellina.L.t T1burtin.:1. The Collatina. The No.mentma, which anrora cr.1 called Frgnlcnfe. The Salarian. The Flaminia.The Emilia.The Claudia La Valeria The Oftien fe. I. to Laurentina. The Ardeatina. The .tin:to. The (è_intia. the Ballicana. The Triumphal. the Patin:air. The C11111nia. The Comeba.The Tiberina.The Aurelia. the Caffi:the.The Por.tuenfe • The G. tllica • The Lar iculenfe. The campidoJ;li erapo cloi !the old , the nuouo •.Doi had gh :amphitheatres. DoH Coloffi. Doi Columns à nuts . Doi the P1acelli. Three theatres. Five ludi. Ci11que naumachie. Vndcci nymphaea. Twenty-four caualli bronze indorati. Nouanta c.1uamocaualli of auorio. Tauole & fcgni fenianuroero. Trentafei-arcs of m:armo. Q!aarantaci.eu borde! .. ·oils. Cenio quar:intaquattro Cctli p,public. Diecio . Cohorte magisterial. Q.!!more familiar with each other Vrhane. Six ·oCohonc de brigade. Qsatordcci Exc1&o ·obitoric.Seven Cattra,duc eia ..or {c:one became a conservator, officially • Mcnfe Oil ventiquac. cro thousand. ANDREA o;g;i;,edbyGoogle -. Ji ...•.'M"....-& OF the ANTIQUITY" OF ROM A. L 1 B En Or d And C Or 1'{. D o; De' [ette colli in general. .· M . N T S fopn liquali Rome was pri-. D m ieramente edi6c:ua.1i say effer fb makes slices :whence she is called Settimon. rio The as fcriue Antiiho Labeone. In quetli · mountains 6 f.aceuano the holidays, & dc:l of these fe{a & facri6cij , it fcriue marcus Varro ne fuoi books of the Latin language. Virgilio_ Jimilmente into the fertile of the Georgica. Seilieet & ,m,m /"811 1ft p11khn-rim11 R. 011111, s,pt,mfb ,,,.. fibi m,wo ,i,,11ndeJit "'"' • . The names of the fopradetti mountains fo.or quefH. Tarpeio • 811# ,,a; li Palatio. Auentioo. Celio. Efquilie. Viminale.Q!!irinale. R,,,,.. -All chickens to vna 6la, & such as that .linen them touch the vno taltro, not otherwise, that slices ripe & ruffles, springs in.I go back to the Teucre, the vna after the other,& diilintc the vna from:to between with little fpatio: oue from the beginning, oxen, & paftur. must, as fcriue Ouidio, when he diçe • .' Bi, 11/,the nun, the Rom11 1ft , t#ne 1irdu11 fi/1111 11i11h111. T 11"111q, r,s p1111,is p11fi 1111 b11b11s n-111 •• And 1 z,,1 o;g;tizedbyGoogle 0 M,111, T'•r-L PReIMO de predcttimontifuilTarpeio. htr'! to,, .the• . deputy to the cofe. Sacred: that Cicero -D. m,c./,or•echiama home, pre:ilio de the Dij,perc:he iuilì c;and. _e" C•f.•.and,·' lebrauano & adorauano the tlatue & lìmul3c:ri .•Dli· d1 tutii the:Dij: conc:io6a c:ofa c:be in the futTero edifiLX. ,tlec:ati Altars facelli,delubri,& cafe facre,& time, in hono.ifi,; re of effi Dij,iqualieèdificij .on? LX. It was ol.r. i this mol. _ • ttmplif•ri to c:elebr:tto,& glonofo,for 1 triumphs, c:hequ1u1 d.t all lee • not•.' and •mpepartj of the world, there riduceuano, auenga that he bora them ••gl1t'1-TIII' to see trouble.the & fpoglìato all the old ornaments.and •hi;.;,,. pri Chiamauaft by princ:ipio mount Saturnio, ò because you Know. .,. The montt round there habitò, ò fi really is why :the pie of the era. • . s.ru,ni, vna Town called Saturnia.There was still the door Satur.s.,..,,,,. and, nia,whose veltigij gr:mdiffimo time lasted.Scriue Pii. ,.. l1io in the third book, saying : Saturnia was oue hora is Ro-'.A11tipoli there, but,& Antipoli;oue is the Ianiculo part d1 Rome:then tut-'e•• ou,; 14 to the mount for vn fol name was called Tarpeio ,.by.:;';; "" i called tarpeia the virgin v_eilak: that tra_d. the Romans, & such ago, (or '".!,Jl,.i,,f. tez.za of the Capitol to SabllU: perchc Romulus cold war. _ L :. -. ( rC"gg1aodo o;g;i;,edbyGoogle '3, 1 'L!B l{,.0. SECO'!-{,I: · }'water out of the fortezu, he lowered r1fcontrare The mml there;& of them was the perfuafa à cbre them into the hands of her fortez. and u·& leigli dimadò in pagaméto those ornaméti,which por ta.anus nèl arm finilho,in order to effi ingannidola,in cabioadi he dettono the feuds;& gittatognene ado{fo, with !j"" li .aelli.the ricoperfono;tell that she reftò dead, & fepolta in •rr• · quelaluogo:the ikhe lafciò :the mote the fuo name.Or.you.it faft.to · Ytqi leuis, and,ftos 11rmillu c11pt11 S11bir>is, .To fumm• 111eitos J11xerit 11rcis en,r. Of quefta virgin Furioso,nt-fcriuono very à lii go Oui god,& Propertio. The fua feature was in the Temple of Gioue: Efftfj, IliaJaquale the rape of the Sabine fempre , that voleuano the poteuano see.'1":,,P,,;. the king,for the couétioni,& patti, who fcciono infieme Tatio have them escort us during::.;a;,,,.,. de Sabines, & Romulus for the part of the Romans. It was cUuifo or-fl,• ,,,,.. : mote Sabino in the fortez.za,& in the Capitol,still,g.,;., • that all the méite,hagi folaméte fi:i called the Capitol; og & e that the' ft thereon,that all the fcrittori,he fimilmente fìa call:ito makes Roca:because we Ieggiamo,that the Romans, L• R•1•t' not ever fi feruirono of Cipidoglio,& fortitude,to .::,',;. ?.:; guard & shelter,fenoal tépo de Gauls; when, shall abJ ,,,,,,,, ,,.. bàndonarono each aitro place in the City.ì; & in that luo p,;,,., go brought a large quantity of arms strengthening.Q!! eftaafortezza,was adunquc very ageuolméte date à tradiméto à Sabines from the Virgin Tarpe:i, whom was in a high place& riteuato,à rifcontro of the royal palac.or fopra the clamp, I was on the hill that from the beginning it was said Saturnio• appretfo Tar-. . pcio;and vltima.éte by vn head human. iui crouato . chia .,r.:.,: {! mato çap1.ohno. Veggonli still some rouinè d1 n:was""' ••P• ,,_a&. noble stone in the v1a,that hora and leads from the Fields do m11110 ;,.; ,.. son à fanta Maria of Céifolatione . SopraHaua the dettaa"°"".· lf fortezzaal Temple of Corordia,between the Capitol & !'"'P'"f' •. the . r. . ;1rco Varrone: 1 p1azza,as,cnue M here and still and Poruo1t10,the ain the foot of the relics of vn portico with eight columns,poftead flim• .,.. /Ivna row,work Dorian. The ornaméti of the said Temple, t•.•"". • ,,,,. tlla.A""• quefti .nni back fe went in the Mortar.Saliuafi from the l" " d'11' •• • r, said not visible through .u a, Rocca ceJito 1cag lioru . Scnue. T' -'l r. . 1to •ntich• tli ., Liuio,c he . vjuoria , that you were oella fom the myths of the Temple,,.,,. , ·' i .. dell.the .;git;,ed by Google '.To?'{T te H EN.4' D l JtO M .To 8-'c•""' i,ll• of Concord, was percotfa from the faceta, & flow I:r .·, l'.".if"4 & rimafe appiccata between those victories, that they were in.p,;. • · the fortress,. quiui fi stopped: in what fort was the • r,...i,;, tli the Temple of Juno Moneta, prometfo by Camillo :i Giunon, M,-Dij, waves Ouidio in the first book de to:the. ••t• '"' f11, Candid11 t, niu,or pofuit ""' proxim• temploe (,j)u, fert fublimes_ 111111 rnonet11 g,wJus.it is, rmfame T"!'1'•• tli . Are, quoq; infamm• lunonis 11mpl11 MoMl4. M,,.,,. tl• ' ,hi was"'.'"" Scriue Tito Liuioe, Camillo efièndo Dictator fi voted a_· "',,.., futli Grnnone Moner,to build him vn the Temple;for the which vote Ji<•t•. elfendo condemned,then he was returned winner in Rome,fi prjuò of the Dictatorship , and the Senate commanded to gr:mdezza of the Republic,that fulfero created doi huomi.and M M li,j:;.,.:,: ni,fopra the wall of the said Temple;& onlinarono that ,.,,, ,1.11. ru fulfe built nc:t fortezi.in qud place, oue first Pf Turp11•. were ftate the cafe of M. 1rco Milio,à pie of foul Tarpeio: why Milio,for the fofpetto that him fair prefo that, and• no fi volelfe do the Lord of Rome, he prefo & cast gii& àalla Ruffle Tarpeia, which is called the falfo Tarpeio • . ,1· Aggiunfono still said fupplitio vn name of the eternal T or;::.,• M; in&my, & by law they ordered.that nilfuno Patritio po.""•• & ,,.,_ telfe habiure in the Fortress,or in the Capitol. The Ro.eh, c,fi, tl,,. hands adiique rouinatala cafa that,eddìcarono the Tea. ,. • pio of Juno Moneta,in order was called the Money,for which she amoniua,namely :auertiua & auifaua the one",that full'c efped1éte: so Cicero in prhno book that he fcriue . art & way of indouinar,says:after that gradit:and And !:r:f;,: .: fimarotta is disasters, that fi riceuecte by the Galli Senones, M. M. 11/I. it was from }:locca vdita item d1 Juno;& from that time in here ii call Moneca. Scr1ue Valerio Mallìmo: 111 eh, ,,,,.little M:irco Manlio was heaving à earth from that place, whence he f•ffe - l'"'[" R, haueua thrown back the Gauls: coli's the one who before he was aft.. m• d• 'G4I• · . . . F t1cato for Ja l b erta. d.1po1. hauendo vo luto 1m1tare 1 ran-1•. s',,.,;, • ccli oppugnatori of that, it was à diuentare the vno of them. It was the prefa the City by the Gauls, 364. Anµi then, that was the fia.ta built in what tépo the Romans ritrouandofi atfedia.are you in the Capitol with the enemies within the walls of the r,,,,pius tli rr, City,& hauendo done de the capegli of their women, rope ,,.-,, and"'"•• & itrumeQq from entering, edibç,uouo vn Tc.pio à Venus CaJua. lIBitO' SlCO'J. tDO. ·n Calua,in honour of the Matrons & .sencildonne. U mede.fimo accadile à Carthage away the was ddlrutta by Scipio it. The G-tili Senones fottoil Capit.1no Brenno, prefono the Cm. d1 Romao, & all the abbruciarono from the Capitol, out : & etlèndo mon(ati Covers the fonez.1..1, they were gictad à earth by M,mlio, which was the guard of that : the qu,41, Manlio was fuegghiato from the geese, that leuarono ilro.more;,11chc as fcnue Pliny, niunoanimale is that fenta coli the smell of dc:t man,how does quefto.ondc Lucrctio. RomulsdAre Mtis f u#lllor t4ndiJNs 1111[ w , Àrx 4b MtenJo 'I"°" is lott'1 mNnitij/imNS Vrbis: it Was still in near-alpha fortez.z.to the executive of Tito Tatio Sahi C./• dif'the# no,1lqualc reigned in copagn.ia of Romulus,& hàbitò that T•ti•. part of the Cm.,oue was the Tépio of the Currency, & Romulus, e4,, "" ,_ "Jutlla part of the waves fi ,a from the G.z.or Circle maffimo, •;,R•••• vicino_ which, phono those degrees, which is chiamcno the degrees of lito pukro; as lcriuc Plut. The veiling.in the 8.the Eneida. ln f11mmt1 tNjlos 1411,;1, M,m/ius MNS. In the called for,ez7. the Capidogliofu for fcn bclhùima the Temple of GioueOtti.mo Mtllì-.mo,nelqna.the was l.1 {ta.your golden victory. it was founded, the said Tem-• pio fopra the ago!fo Tarpe.ie of the form ciafcuna of r •T. M•lOVIl•the CAPITOLINE museums· kfuc f.accic was or;g;i;,edbyGoogle <-. '.A"(:,tICllt'tJYiil;.llòM.To ·n-er.1100. walk. Haucua three orders C. lonne ; & three ra.,.'· S,mllimro cclii little{bnti the vno on the other, the vno of Gioue the other Gc.pp,lt, _by ·of Juno, if cli Minerua'; but it is in doubt. which 0 0 ""' ""' and d01 .. ,.,._ d · · ect T . ' '"·" Mini, d 'Tarquint gitto, ,on catkins·.dlnd wicked, or ... the Prifco, ò Superb: they say hauerlo begun of fpoglie de did, prefo that he hebbe the catlcllo ·de Latins said Apiolì,as fcriue Antiate. Scriue Liuio the vno, & the other Tarquino, father & son fi rate•·nrono-to build the said Temple, & that the fìgliuolo man.I vote à perfection: & accioche all quefla fortez.2.to, & that the Temple of Gioue in the edifìcarfi fuffe free .. from every other religion, decided to prendert' the Augurij fop1·to some fani & Sacello, that in that place were ftati confegrati by Tatio. And' cofa, very manifefta,chc ne' fon.<'•,-'"""": the commandments of the Temple, was trouatò vn Head humano.j:!t'•'•:! that gocciolaua fangue, fcritto of letters Tofcane : & d,The .=P:• while that the Prince Tarquino it gittaua i found the men-, diGiow Otti ti,was sent for vno Indouino in Tofcana: ak1uale do.,.. M•Jf. rr..mdato·configlio fopra this, fi says that rifpofc,that that place would be the Head of Italy & take the Augu.rij Covers the said Temple, and that in the said place fuiiero the Chapels of many Dij, furopo by gh Augurij . . . adimand:iti the said Dij, fe voleuano yield à Gioue: 8r Tuttttl•D!• conciofia that all the others cedeifero, pholus Term et ,throne • . Giow • f••• flexes as hard, & not gh decided to leave, that it was but Fr between ,lit 1"1171Nn,. Roses.a & fgarbata; & haueua of fopra the Roof perforated 8c :the open, he waves potdfc have to see the Sky; ilchc pleased him greatly, à ciafèuno ; & the Augurij ditfcno. this figni6caua, that City douere effere . . great • & fire Imperio douere efiere the lord • Called .•-;n•. J Virgil that Term the lalfo property of the Campido• ,.'Jpj-.',.. son: but then, that was difcacciati the King, Horatio Pul..,,b,,/e.; uillo, the fruitful time, which was Confolo, magni6camentc ful•tli• • dedicated & confagrò the said Temple . Tarquino Prifco he was voted into the war, Sabina to build it up, & hauc-• uagittato the fondamenri for b fpera.za that he haucua of granden:i, that douea confcguirne to the people of R. · 8•.8'• p,,., hand. To ppreffo If.i(! Tulio crazy citatone from the conference. _ ,;,. • dcrau,& dlpo1 Tarq111010 fuperbo, h3ucndo prefa S. cifa.n ,npomeua, or;g;i;,edbyGoogle tiBJt.0 Siè0.1)0. 3S jomtti2, of fpoglie of did the they built : but clfen;;. do referuato the honour, & the glory of vna coft f:itt:a company• have the freedom, Horatio Puluillo,difcacciatl the King;& elfen.do Confolo the fertile time, the confagrò & dedicated. Prefene care;& the imprefa Silla, then that he was reftat. winner • but what folamente was dinegato wings. fua feh-• . . citi. Cornelius Tacitus de the ornaments of the Capitol ..;,."' . 0"01 ••· !criue in qucito way: it Was anciently vn portico •P• man de ltr:d those who faliuano to the Capitol,& the en. trace of the Capitol were diuerfe,near the bofcbetto, oue er:l' Afilo , & d:that part, in order to one hundred gr:adi .fi faults in the Rock,& the Ruffle Tarpeia, oue fC?no edificij that is raised à equal of the Capitol, ftede of Gioue Octimo--Maffimo; average:mce the Augurij from the ancient built, as for vn pledge & ftcurtà of the Imperio Romano: & not being able to she in the d:irft the City à Porfenna, & in the ef-11.1::,:;:ekre Uata prefada Galli ctfere fiata, in any way, but-r; '7,;,.,,,,;.,;;.the buttocks,it otfefa,nevertheless, the fury & rage de main.u. c,tt.èB • poles Roman Citizens, the poteJfono rouinar_e. It was more than à-R0'."•l.f,.this reuerico,& worshipped the God, End,& the Goddess Iuueia-roe• { " .", and,,_ · ,.tl111' • ta, perc1oc . he 1 ·1 the Roman Empire, not doueuetr. h:have a1r,,,,.;,.. t,,cun the end, I doueffc clfere offefo from old age. 11111,111• pri.They were still the times of the Faith,& of the Term,near à ••.;., •• to Gioue Great Mallimo,edi6c:.ati primieramcn w, ,,. R•• te:d: to Numa in the Capitol, in honore de , such as fei I-.:,;,,r; ull,glia outside of the City ft celebrauano in the countryside & to the F,tl, • a-,;fcoperco,the fclte calls Tei'.minali,co11 quèlla fpccic r,,,,.i110: facrilìcio and chiamauano Libo, & Mola SaUà: & that F•f.1.r.-•.faceu:anus to pledge & ficurt.ì • of fidelity , & peace : & ,..;n.";::;who haueffc ar.ttoTermine any, he and the oxen mfiemc J,;c ,commercial•tr.lllo facri6catii said God. It was still in the said mon-N•t•bil,. ce the lìmulacro of Faith• on the Temple of Gioue fi;"'••r•eOttjmo MJffimoe, as the ft law in the Oratione of the Caco-04' 1:ru..'N• ne. Num:at Pompilio fruitful fcriueTiro Liuio ,or-:.;,mpili•. àinò the facerdoti, & the place oue ft teneuano the cofe Sacred. in fcruitio 8c honorc of the Faith: S:acri6c:.aua6 to the Faith, Rit• tli f.,.cri hauendo rinuolta, & fafciata the hand in the vn cloth bunftc••' .U•i F1tl• • ,. to. waves Horatio • '-·.&11/. rtlrIl}iJes ,or/en '1111"111 _1111111.. ,and .: :• .. . . \ .phil o;g;i;,edbyGoogle f v!'l'{,TIC H EN.,.t 'JlO m,l T,mpi, ,,n,,_ Was still 11 Temple delld Faith,& of the G1oue The!ponrore,a F,tL, • t "' which, in the Camp1dc,their son, was dedicated & conference crato from Sp11 j.;;.:,.tp::: rio Polthumo efiènoo Confolo,à qnindec1 d1 of the Snout: ,,.,,,,,.,.. what Temple was edilicatO from vltimo King there hebbono the Ro. T,mp,od,ll• hands. it was still the Temple of the Faith community,as a lady self. f,d• puu,,., uc: VakriQMJtlìmo. It was still the Tempro ddb Faith neltr•The r,,,,,,, · .• ,t;/l•f•d• in p-I r · Agath The .dorarono or in addition to the c10 to az.zo, as a ,cnue cc and •• , Gdp•fii· the Romans G1oue fuck diuerfi names ch,amadolo Ottrmo, ì V•r# up,•-Maffimo,Ton:i,nte, Fcrcnio,Cufl:oJe, Vinciror.,& P11to.( ••"•· G""'• r10: The Aluredelquale was in the Fortress, & p• r luo fauore , & help, at the time that he was allediato the Capitol from Galb that!the, which were à guard of R. cca, gma, ono and bread: in the Field of Francefi. waves Ou1d10 it fouls. Appointments quÌlm p,ttfo c,ltbr41ior .Art 1onAntis DiftAnt pifloris 'l";J -v,lit A. rii Jouis. 'l',,,,,,;, of ,-------'=-'.-------.It was fimilmen.you the Temple "• to G1oue To.nante: the en.1.your & fimula I was which . ftaua à frde. king,tenédo nd the deflra vna Lightning, pulled it was from Augu.I :illa f. 1lita of Campidc, son • .cri.c Suetomo -1n qucfl:omodo •. Confacrò, &: dedicated side.ra the Temple•_-T_And_M___ __ • 1=-0-V-JS-, _T_O_N_AN T_I_S_• --1 in hono. cli-._______ ..,...,...,,...,. .... ____. GioucTona., l'•rie•l• d; you , ellere flato libl'rato d:the danger, that e-gh led ..C•:•Jl•. ndla efpiditione against à Cantabri , when caminande> eh night fell vu Saeetafopca the f11a stretcher, & amaii.ò ' .. the ftt11e>D,giti,edbyGoogle LI B JtO SECO?{,DO. 3, ·the rcruo that the guidaua • F11 still in the medelimo monteojHìmulacr.or d1 Gioue lmi>erarore, ilquale was conducted Yes-1•m ";oPrenellt' by Lucio .mtio Cmcinnato,.in the war with-G,,,,. 1•P•· r•11r1 tro to . Latm1. It was an,now vn •altoro fi & ,wtua d.1 s,.,.f,1trtdi tmu acoro The.. G1011e with the quadrigc,which fcriuc Tito Liuio in que C111•• ,,..,,;1the way . The Construction curuli haucndo condemned alcuoni t•ri• • V fur.u, dedicatono & confecrarono the folari of the Cdl to G1oue,& vafi silver for three menlè,& b ft.uua d1 G,or. eu lopra 11 Cuomignolo, with lequadrigc,& fig from the fig tree rumi.1•'."' 1• 11.final llatua de do1 fancinllt, click cdi6.:orno Rome,fuck 8"or . and •J1c•t••• 4' the poppede:The,. L. w. upa,& d 1 stone here drataIlftrtcarono. Ia a.,,..· f,tt• Jlrada, that .v.1 from the porta Capena, up to RQ"'J. Was ol-,. L11p•. three: WHAT in the Capitol, the Temple tit-Gfoue cuHode, r,,.yì• uo-built by Dom1tiano lmperacore: which l.:riue 0o""' c11/f.. . . ,' ," D,,,. .. plutarco1n quclto way. Eg 1 1 d 1po.1 hauendog 1 1· .,roferpina • rut1n..I, • painted by Nicomaco painter, Cover the chapel h Ta,1:;'!. of the Goddess Juuentute, as fcriue Pliny. It was still ;;.:;:;;;*; no.l meodc.mo mount of the Temple dell3 Mind. ondeQui. '"' ; god f:iftt • 811,1ll0, •••· Mms q11oq; n11m1nhM1t • mmti d,l,dr11 /Almtllr. ro C4pp,lltt• .J l.dvot11m beautiful pnfide pm, t11i.!;..:.:,f.'• Why is it fi votorono of edification after the course of the.. "f,mpi• dtl-go Trafimeno, & was dedicated & confecrato by Attilio,or-f11, M,,,,,. . fruitful teftilìca Tito Liuio saying. Were in ..::,N;;::. Rannufia: in order fruitful fcriue Pliny & MacrOP -bio, was moho fast and prefta à concitare the minds dcJi•. the men. coli to good as to evil. There was still laoStar,·• tl 11• ttatua,is the fimulacro of good luck,fi like in the moD "°"" FortN-you Efquilino fcriuono effere ftato that of the mala for...;or,. d u. tunao. In the vno de yokes of the mountain T. irpeio,oue is the hog;,or ,, ,,;,.,,. i,:,... gi Araceli, was already the Temple of Gioue Coffin,of the which "" . Dionifto fcriuc in quefio way . Hauenodo built foT,mpio ,; prail Hill Capitolinovn Temple :iGiou.c, which, by Ro.G,.,., -,,,,,. hands is called a Coffin. ilquale was not very great. '"' • de , which is still there 6 vedeuano the ancient vettigia ; m.or .r the sides of which were.doi walk, to the. magcli iofi "!the,. . cg, o;g;ii,edbyGoogle ·Ll IH{.Or SJCO'Jtf)O ,4() ...en,tomegrò in qi1ello the fpoglie of the King Detennincnfr, am:a7.z.the ato of fua hand ; what then d:to .neo Rotten, Be -Cefare, for configlio of .into Pomponio, ordered cherfuffe retlaurato. Scriue Tito Liuio in queilo way. 011i1 " phew•rFurouo set the fpoglie of the Captain, ha11endo fat• ":'.t{;::;, to do vn the coffin for guclle accommodato, & porun-.,mri, •dole falì in the Capitol, & pofl:olc à pie of vna oak, · dtc in that place ft ritrouaua .from Paftori confcgrata,rdifcgnò the Temple is not very far away from elven oak,in which place folpendcuano the fpoglie, that fi were tol-_ · . you à numbers; & in this way fofpcfe them who:amauanò trophies are a: T,-f., b,hl of the branches from which fe ne faceuano tronconi, that and' por-"f• """0 • rauano in hand, accom'pagnando those. that Triumphs. must be in,from which fpcnzolauano Je fpoglic de numbers: à ftmi-.litudinc of whom bring hoggt the Rom:ani in andarer-:ì proceffiene with Saluatore, the mefe of Agofto. Scriue lè•fl• .,,for· Suctonio in that way. In the triumph d! Cctàrc for "'" ; .•• ••rla victory hauuu in Pontus, was fofpefo .the Logs, that •JT•:j,:-,,_ -fi poriauano in hand straight to the Triumph. fcritte queitc f'" -• · · . three words : Veni, vidi, vici , that is : I came , viddi , vinfi • -. The Temple behind Gioue Feretriofu primieramentc cdi-T1111pi, lirfiato in Rome, fopra, the principles of which he was then co-G fine - F,,,.rmc 6 believes cdifìcau· the venerable Chiefa of fame Mary '"·'• ,., •r•• Araceli, or of the li&liuolo of God , by Gregory Pon. -te6cc ; oue he building vn conuento de Monac.i , &_ today we inhabit the fraù of <ànto Francefco. Paul Orofio d1-,cbiara perc.and she . c.ianuta Araceli. And' .changed the said Temple in the pnnc1pal mount, not pholus d1 Rome, but of the World,&, and beautiful & riguarde11ole for elfere or. . born Marble various a & piì1 strong: phono degrees me. Gwli òSe•• by \including fi tàl. in the said place, centorè venciotto_ ?t. t. 1.. tf .Ar•• you de the ornaments and Marble Temple, which was g1a d1 and • .irino in the mountain .irin-the . It was more than this, Ja rock and the Clmpidoglio, oue today it is the plain of the Share feruatore, between dua <{Uerceti cqnfagr.uo the Afilo, by fol-.Afil,, lr• ,te stains of fpme & thorns surrounded intorno_, rhe and' •r• · ,cb.aao the Temple of the Mifericordia . The first inue. tore of Afilo,appreffo de' Greci was Tefeo, apprclfo de• l""'""" 4,J-Latin Romulus.of what St{abo11cfcriuc iµqucllo 111to· r.Afit, • .. ·• ; lla11en or D,gitizedbyGoogle J.'N:.._TI CHtt.A.' bI.llOM.To Hauendo edi6ato b Citd, ragunò huomini d. every han •nda,opening between the Areas is the Capitol, the wire, in qu.alcnogn'vno, which will rifuggiua was ficuro , because the said luo.go between facro shut fandforno melting. Ouidio ne fye.i •n Romul,u 111 fAXO luu,m ,i,eundedit 11111 tJi..uuib,t hue inruit, eonfag, '"'"' three of a kind. t'•..,,. . From nearby places there concorreua large number of gentef•m•./ì."',. every quality:ì & strong, that fuffe Hata defidcrofa of cofe ,;;:.:,.., 'auoue; which fubito were made citizens, they say that from the beginning of the Cafe, that there were not palfarono the number of a thousand; & not being able to he be kindred 8c am.nio with the neighbouring peoples, he did banish vna fetb publ.ica .lt•t'• tl,tl, to fi doueua :ì cauallo, & venendoui vn a large number _ .•.n• f•r_t• Sat.ni,madò vn the competition, and all those cli eranonfenz.q,,..n,. wife, fi pigliafièro & rapilfero v. Sabi02 à lor so • _ . Dionifio in the fecund book of the fue hillorie says ; voleO,.:.nln1,,,.,,, do Romolo accrefcere 'the forces of the Romans , & fcemarkamol, /t those de vicirti,trouò vna because honef.a1per confegiti.f::f;.;/ • king of the. foo .e6derio, referendofa in honore d1 God; & chen _n · he elefie vn luOJ!Or ombrofo in the middle of the C3'mp1doglio & la Rocca,_fhe today in the language of the Roman ·is called .•lf11ffi I, mtra mountains, and of the two felue of qucrcie ( whose name Jl•t• ••. there,-to the hora was pofto the cafo, & still why d.in cu,u, • • . R,-the vna& the other band were felue very large, for lequan . '· 6 1· 1 r ·' ftare c:ome ,,, •• ,,,,ç.. .,.,,. li eg1·The vemua to congiunger t ; ·11 ehe t g 1 .11c11> - fcn ago it was, & inuiolabile à those who fuilèro ferui) &built vn Tcmpio,it fifa in honore of which lddio he ·nlo cdi6cafle,oue avoiding the ferui fuck fpccie of relig10-ne, the afficuraua, & promctteua to them that it is not the rÌ• ceuerebbono dàr.no any from their enemies, & volendofermarli in this place that the faceua participles, & the Citizens of C•!,i•111 ,1,1. Rome: so many fcrui de Sabines rifuggiti6 qniui non-1• I,[ca,ti,,. vollono return à their masters; & of born here in gr.in..:i!;;;,"•0-diffimo or.I between the Sabines and the Romans. It was close .the wire - the Temple of Vegiouc, i.e. Gioue slight, that is harmful; the ftatua which teneua I màno' two C. cu.and, for dimoftrare, rome he was prepared à harm• 4ft offend • Ouidio it made • r,mpu ,.,,,,,, """phil JIIHI """ """. Pcrcl1e. D,git,zedbyGoogle l.The !ll.-0 SECO.D.(),' -4-r Percbe • as difopra habbiam said,he was the castor oil at .Afilo between the Fortress is the Capitol. Hebbe Romulus in the priocipiotre..nottoc.or! goose.Uieri! colqual no.mere N11mmnù• -__ of people commc10 the Cttta ; & :i gradually went fort.1,t: ,.,,.,,,,. "ficaodo the Mount : & hauendo open the wire will concor-:;:..-, ,..,fero three thousand men, & cofi was to aggiugnerfi .illa '· • the old City the mount Tarpeio. It was removed via the above-mentioned ..A11,:,,j1,·,,1j.The temple, first to comadaméto of Cefare Au-•u l'.A.fil•. gufio, having thus that it is fuffe daonofo, & of cause the men to commit many fcandali; appreffo by Tiberius, ilquale it leuò via many others that were refugio & ricetucolo of all the fcelerati, as fcriue Strabo. Are today in the foothills of the Ì"1.ini, old Fields, do-s,,,,., d. "'• the son before the cafa de' Couferuadori vna wolf of lfaine, ,.JJ. d•;• L• Romulus & Remus, the builders of Rome ; in order ib-f:,;•;,:,;•· cua was the first one in comitio from the fig-tree Ruminal, oue he was or was .. , were..no ftati efpo{H, why is there annegaiforo. Tito Liuio fcriJJ,ofti Rom,/, eu , who were those, who did gittare such ftatua, t:r, R,711, • fcriuendo that the Construction Curuli, hauendo convicted of cer.you vfurai, of condannagioni she ferono the folari Cell Git}uc, & v. i.fi silver for three Menfe, 8c b fbtua of Gioue,nèlla fommità ae1 Temple with here.drighe, & from the fig-tree Ruminal the fimulacro, & ftarna de' doi children, 'chc.cdi6carono Rome, as difopra habbiam said, and the way that primamemefurono brought to the San.to Giouanni the Lateran, & then in the Capitol. And' an-T,fl• d, and,. . . . d r. 11 "" .,,.,.{! •• 1otto to portaco vna gran and d" R cora an pie l d Teu:the 1 ame, r,.,,.,., ,;that fruitful, that it is say is that of Commodus lmpe-,,,.,,.11,,eh, J ratorc, vna mane,& with vn foot: & fimigliantcmen-'"!.f,; ntl ,,.. you two grandiffime ftatue of Marble, which rapprefcntano .•iv• d,·_, and,. two 6umi:. c r. d he I can for comets ura com-sr.,,,, 4; dni . he ,econ or fi ' ,., .. ,.,.,, · take, the vno rapprefcnta the Nile & the other 11 Tiger;for-fìu,.;, eio ; the to that the vno has fuck the Elbow vna s6nga, which is peculiar to N,l,, ,·1 I• the animal of Egypt; the.another vna, Tiger, fair fanguino-b. · the lens of the .ttrm.nia. Says Heliano,that the ftatua dd Ni-,.,;"::Z,r, fo:;/ The .nlofi .app.efenta 10 fo.but huma.people, because such fi mul.• ,.,/ and •mp,c.'f', or eglinoh.nno lvrne fuck the long,dellequale elce tli,.. . .. 1 :icqua, as and the river Nar , that is, b Black ,or vna luss ,gnifìe;t• '• • .J.. 1..-1.:-: r. ra•"""' , .•,., pa with 1 .and ., .,0111e 1·1 T euere: in the aim·11 de' 1 -: n,,.; - F what 'J' ,, " o;g;i;,edbyGoogle 1, I· 1,11.•. ,n•.ff•I••&•• de triomphe de' Parts, oucro as :ikuniftimano, diM, An. J.?{.T I C H EN .,,t.' D 1 JlOM J, which take into vn Cornucopia of douiti.l to dimoftràre ago graffczza, and the lor abond:mza of paefe; still all 1 rivers were at that time rapprefentati in medefimo way; 'but ciafcuno haueu:r i rilcontri & fegni, that à he fi conueniuono • Inside the leaf, from the man deftra comen.,:J. . man .ntra, li ve.c vn limulacro Copper gilded & !:t.:,; jimA, d,'lu. naked ,d1 Hercules ,-still fenza barb:r, that in the deftra ,. d• M•rct lia, the Claua,& in the liniftca holds vn Pomo golden mean of that F"'"":' 681{, them of Hefperide, that he tolfe them, in the first fìorcnMlii!.• the c:n of the fua gioucntù : ago as Hatu:I, at the time, my pictures :"!l'.J;im:n the rouine of the altar of the market square dc' ,. ,,, s,1.,,.. the oxen,it is ftat:the ritrouata. Are still:i walk in à that t•t••fl * " • cor_tile, the head, & the foot of the vn Article!fo Marble, & al.some other relics & fragmemi, that the first er:ino along the temple of peace in the via facra. V eggonuili :incora al.11."'! cun framework d.fìgurette of marble walled in the vna of that. and 1acc1ate, c h r. ·I • I 1000 d" L V . . ntonmo when eg lin tonino, when he triumphed de Dacians, leuate a little while ago of the Temple of Santa Martina, and that is à singing à Marforio.In. the fala difopra. it was bito fi rapprefenta à the eyes, the fbtua &t•t1Ufei.,,._ of Leo X. marble, very large, little tèmpo is po• . "Lm• ftaui from the Rom:I,pcr hauer their rellitu1te the taxes,& al- m-• some other cofe from him concetfe gratamente: & more aden.,tro oue the Conferuadori damage vdienza, there sound two ftatue of bronze, r:ipprefcntano dui Giouani, of which the vno ftà standing in the habit of feruo, the other is naked & liede,& rapprefenta vn pallor , ilquale with vno Needle them draws the sole of the foot vno fiecco; ancient history & Q1olto artificial.that makes , Vedeuifi still some ibtue of marm'l not mol.J irn,r. eh,'. to the great; but guaite & broken springs inside the places of their • ""'"' .j ,t':t And' still painting nuouamentenelMuroigelti,& the trion.::.!..I c:m a-fide' slices King of Rome, & in the other part of the Campido.pi'•the,,n,h, son inuerfooccidente, & of the cofe ancient, not fi vedenh•r• ,,, n' J other fe non-rouine , & ruptures de monti; & that part f"'" ·. . del monte, which is a time à mezo corresponding figures for the mouth of the Campido.T,mp•;_".-!• son, fopra the [pedal of the Santa maria air on the porch, and hebbe .•=iy;,.-the. jià the temple of Saturn, & of the goddess Ge in the contrad:ina•r;,. ugaria, oue already fi riponeirano, Be ferbauaµo the Tefori of the · people, D,gilizedbyGoogle them.B 1{_0' S EC'.O N'._,t, O.· .. pòpolo Roman . & oue was the Exchequer. & of quiui for l:the piaua ft faliua to the Capitol. It is still today standing futto to vna leaps in that place, and vn small Or:itorio,that S•lu.,,, ia nitta way to rouinare, that fi called the Holy Saluatore ..at the Exchequer, namely oue 1i was over the teforo the public. Scriue '"And,.,,.·Macrobius, the Roman vollono, that the Temple of Sa-T,mpi• diS• t-ur-· ------------------• round,.,, the And known, { __..,::iiifl.,,.____ r•rio,ci,;T, he Triumphed, because in that time that he habitò in J .. T,mplli You.talia , fi says that in à fuoi boundaries no was never commef-turn•. [m.fo any theft. Call us!iancora Holy Saluatore in the ."'.·1 'a ,,,_,a ftadera, that is vn:the the balance. Marcus Varro, speaking of ;. s,:,:,., , 1cono the Fields. them.and .,,.,,;tl,-dogli were doi, the vno in the monte cl_sirinale called iles1•, The',,,.,. Ciinpidoglio old, oue was the oratory of Gioue, of '""' • Juno, & of Minerua; the other that of which we par. aim to present: the oraamenti delqualee, refcriffe A. miano Marcellin in there is the humo fruitful book of the fua . hiltoria, or;g;ii,edbyGoogle ',,. · ·L1. 1\.0 JEC0'tDO.. •Or Jjjlfonà , saying : èhe the ornaments of the Capitol, or,-.,. cr.t110 from effer prepofli à all the miracles of the Egittij. :. C•-,•"Caflìodoro still fcriue, that by the magnificence & the great "' importance of the Capitol baneua seen. effere horn was. perati the talented humanì. Virg1fail in ottauo of Eneida fcriue • :Hin& '"' T11rpn11m jiJm, and,-t11pitoli• J,uit • .Aur,11 n11ne. or/;,or fiJ11,flri/J11s horritl• tl•mis • Ouidio in Metamorfofi • FronJibus orn11/,11111 'i*' n•ne c11pitoli• pmis. Scriue Tito Liuio, that after the prefa of Rome by the Gauls,the Capitol was built of square stone. saying the Gr.•-"iir in medefimo year,acciothe the City:I don't folamente for :1-';iftn1 -the cdificij priuati vcniife à crefcere, f11ancora built the f)i•. ••r Capitol is{fo·square, may actually work in cofi is made the greatness of the City , from efiere rifguardata : & with was in vn a year in eifcrc rebuilt the whole City to nuouo : the us and see all of èauarfi stones of that place perf.lr mortar. It was already said montealtiffimo, & hor. pearls rubble , & .ouine eh. the f?"or from days gone by? of ._ ca.Jcinacc_1., appar1fcc à .,gua.dantt &humble, & mustache: C•• itl, fi• l -ICampidogho of the City od Rome & head of the religious-••ft .;;,!.t. region:sfoe·several times, & vltimamente percotfo re ltato added to the City created them. de • In the mount Palatine, which was the first faith of the Empire P. el - •the,' .omano,& _the prim? place,which f.,ll. h.week •. None du-,...:::;r,; brc.c.and the .rcad1 not fulfero the prrmr auttort of monte t1,11·1111p1ri•Pa.Luino,from 1what was built, the caftello Palanteo, that was Ro111111H • any time ·habitato from the Aborigini , which then, .. for the infettione of eras , that procedeua from the Swamp P •1-f' "'c.••evicina,fo by those :ibbandomto, & fe went to.,d ha-;•e1:ri:..;.: ,. r bathroom à Rieti, that, before à the Aborigini was habitato r, was the 111:• . mount said by the Arcadians, chief of which was Euandro, Curti•. ilquale :left the country, conftgliato to the mother Carmcnta, laqualc and they say effcre fiata the first, that c.,,,m,t•f• introducefl.is leelettere. Latino1venne for mar. no.l .et-!';,!,:';,.; 1ir":. to place , & 1u1 them to a stop:oue fi says that inside p1cc1ole ,.,,,,, L111i-.cafe he first<.-ramcnte raccettò Hcrcolc, & then Aeneas. ,.. • Still say that Euadro began to edifcare in that the site cert. __small books on oue then Rome figliuola4'the lcalo built Value.Mark Cato in the origins of the• F 4, . or;g;ii,edbyGoogle .4"1{'1'1 C H ITJ D 1 JtO M .A S,,u,,., ,ri-the City, fcriÙe in quelto way: Saturn was the first,that ';'}i.t•1;: habitò in the Capitol, Iralo-in Auentino,Rome in l.1,!.or, ;,.'".1. Palatine, Celio Tufco in Celio,& in the interior ministry,Romo.,,; of,.erf•· the in Palatrno & in Efquilie • Are :.some that fcriiao.no,that's the first,that habitaffero the Palatine hill, were the Abo. """',' i, ,f?.h :;.";.. rigini the Palatines,who were in the countryside Rieti,à looking..,,;. reeafcoli for the lor belliami: of that faith, that part r de monte, which is called Vell,in Palatine , coli, called à veUenda lanà, that is, from fuerre wool: ilqu:d way to take the wool of the sheep coltoro vfauano,innan?.that Tofca. ni infegna1lèro their totàrle. Varro fcriue in quelto mo. do: congiunfero Germalo & V ellia • In quetb region is 1Mfcrit.i,,,;,_ ilfacriporto., oueè fèmtoin that way. Germalenfe:;::,:i,..' quinticepfos apprelfo the Temple of Romulus, & Vellienfc ,,,.0 ,,. R';. fepticepfos, in the way of Vellica in the Temple of Dij Penates. ... • .cilo word Germalenfe , & Germalo is said by Romulus,& Remolo germani, that is, brothers and sisters the carnal,which it was. er crouati à pie of the lico Ruminal, oue of the haueua ua,. fportati the water of the reuere in vn vaJfoio in here.the were ftati meffi because it is 6 annegalfcro. Saiue God .. .ilio, that the Romans originate from the Aborigini. C b, l••t,hihA_ Habitarono, therefore, from the beginning, three collt,before dining Ro. ::Z".•-f.1'molo, the one in the middle was babitato d:the Rome 6gliuola '"t.'"'· of Italo, & the doi eftremi from Sàtumo . & by Italo: dìpoi the• procelfo of time , Romplo hauendo prefo the Aùfpicije·and built in that place, vna, City square in shape ; in which, as Copra h.bb.a. said, he Jafci. photo trC: _ Sicil;.,.; ,,.. poses. The Sicilians were the pr1nu, that habitalfero rn quefti ro _Siculi pri-places,& first of :their no one, the memory of any other 17 • m, · "". natione. The monte Palatino for fua nature is humde, 8ce f'",e,m, h• •' b . • '-.and ,.,.,; R•-tr l "importance de g them .J:6aJ;. auo, but you were euato & a to for u gra ew ••. . why tqtto is filled velbgie & of ancient relics, & from fue rouine is covered, & pholus between tuni others today is dishabitato ; the oue was from the beginning, the feggio of Emll. J,. The roman Empire , oue, first habitarono the King. m•nr• P,l,r, r . ,_ ,,, 17 f• of-appreho t . C l Imperaton,for u_memoon1· 1· o 1, & d 1poi. g The na of Romulus, that hab1tò still he I that place. Et then we can take a swim peruenuti ragionido à quefto pafo, will not be out of propotìto dimoftrare, vhf ciafcullb' de 1'1i anticlu I• o;g;i;,edbyGoogle -Z. 1B1l,;('J I. BCO'l'{DO.and·He the ancient Kings hcbbè the was.i, habiutionc • The afa di Romolo C' •f• you ••· it was on the Palatine, oue of them begins à fccnderc , in the circle ,,,., •• -w._ Maffimo,in the canton of mote verfo the square, oue fi fri dèuano the oxen,& ftettc in walking distance from many age; & when ò for tépcfb ò for a good old age, he rouin:but no,they were Huùllliora made men fopra the ricdifìcarlà, which no aggiugoe-tliwrfo ru• must be in there, any of riuouo,but the racconciauano in the way R, il••• c:h she ftaua before. Tito Tàtio habitò in the fortress, vhf er.ail the Temple of Juno Moneta. Numa Pompilius by . principle habitò in monte Q.!!.irinale, & then in the square Yicino to Tépio of Vefta,oue was the outside of the building, in which, as some fcriuono,h:ibitò for vn time cotinuaméte. Tullo Hofulio habitò in the Velia,the oue was the Tépio de the Iddij Peruti,that is, family:appreffo,habitò in mote Ec.lio close to cooked Hoftilia, that he was built. Side M:irtio habitò in tefta dell,1 via facra, oue was the Tépio of Lari. Tarquin Prifco habitò from the door Mugoniain you.fta via nuoua near the piazza from the Temple of Giouc the Stator.Seruio Tullio habitò in mote Efqui11no foera to r Ja fal1ta said Vrbico.Tarquinius Superbus habitò ne me.dcfimo mote fopra the failed dena Publica , & the bofchetto Fagu r-=...--------!"1'11-. this. Fuol uids que. tto ·ìu:lemGn. hti-· no,d Tem r-,;, " Gi,,., St•nGio.eu Is-J.-:=:===::::::.. r,, . tore, .BEEN R. The .S". T1m/#1 D,g,t,zedbyGoogle -4 'Jl{rTJ and H rr.:At n 1 Jt.OR BUT.to e11f• e;,, Tempus idem lluoris erit quòd R. om11/us elms.•to the r•.•.the rtff• !l Ante P11/11tini coudi11it ,1r11 iugi-. r,,,,. ,,to,. And as that Romulus fc 1 or amcnte· hauefiie r.rat vote of the 1116 s,.,,,,. 1 • build it up, & public:ito the place for that Temple, then ,;;;j-;J; :i· Po!tumio & Claudio Confoli, of nuouo made a vow of ,, I'•:• ,h, .,,: build it up,_& tl Senate com.ndò,that .• fi edificalfe, & coli t,I•• dm .,;,, the Republic:the two times must on the medelìmo vote fii ti .,,/r. . .,;,.,; firetta from rifpetto of religion, fi as fcriue Tito f•fl•:,"1," !!•raLiuio: Apptcffo the qu ile was doing cafa d1 M, T. Cicero,co,•h ' •"' '"'0l rr d fi 11 "cunt m pm• uog 1 and and ,, .,,,.,; f.,.. me wine me and 1mo·.teu1 · "' l h · d 11 fiue works. n• 400. t:r •· they Say que{b cafa elfcre .fiata L. Cralfo, olle was vii, t,ni f•ftmi, viuaio very dllctteuole & grateful, to whom Cralfo pi.":,ff•c•nd• gliaua grandiffimo pleasure . cofiò the above-mentioned èafa à Cice.;. t,. ...j.: ror.and vici_es fcx tert1um, !.which money was cagio.c L fomm•di2s. Sdla fufic accufato by Cicero, aueng.1 that egh hauelfe fc,.,J; ;,. ,;. •. to defend the caufa of that. Pcrcioche she was like ""'; fi Pa,. •rr,. we habbiam said he was very close to the Temple of Gioue Is.,r,, c,. .,,_ PIutarco cnue 10 queuo way. . 11 g 1 large by and;,, f•ft•rt,ii, tore. fc • And 1· d .,,/,ffi dir• folleuato of the soul did ragunare the Senate,ncl Temple tliee. mii• that he was very close to Gioue the Stator. .efto Temple them. J;h:d,;m:,1:,; •V?t. d. build R?lhol. .she gt!erra !,in bina'· p.rchc in l'"r ,a!•fom V!rtu d1 that,egb_fcrmo 1 foldau, c? c sbaragh.u & ro.. .am• p•r"'" I'• u them .uggrnano. It was d_predettofatto d'arme, tr. 1 Fields:, l•\J! com, fi doglio and' l P:es, m that place oue phono l mfegne Jt can pufar• Venus Cluaècina,chc in ancient times, in Latin the ver:..: '1".1• f.•:,: bo clucre lignifìc.1ua comhatterc. Were à co111batte" .::;ròftimo king at that !place ouea.today, phono the horti_ .the San.to Mary _ fi intendeffe of Gratie, but he and from them to the vn little p1u top raccun.wnri .,.,,, tare such a imprefa . I say, then, that the Sabines fuck 1l ..': .ft.r -Captain Tatio,haucndo prefa ago fortei.za of Campido.· ,..·e,:; -:;:t. son,before egliappiccalfero the fact of the ramc,to advertise.f•Jlcrtij, eh• uerfi with reason, sent Ambafriatori à tomorrow.inMI •11!• ,; d:ireale their pulzelle, & those still that the haueuano tlott, .u .. no-kidnapped. Perciochc still Numitor auolo of Romulus, Jlr• m•nttd, . 1· 1·' h I S H · fiI douea·.ro r:ipa t""n'" mii• ali bora The Ps,the m1 bit I 1 their al1ogg1ament1 fopra the Hill fi"diìé qu•; Q.!1irinalc, that .ra outside the Pomerium, because the Romans, ft• J";. r; vfarono the aforementioned audacity to kidnap & Sabine & the ':,',/;.;the,. Latinè women, four apple trees that Rome was fi:eng building.. THE QQ. lIBJtO IF(O. a; .+& nu. Defrriu:Plutarch the number 0 of women kidnapped• Dl •"' t,_ 1 of The first 1i moueJfero against à Romans,the· paefe Sabi-I'.f-;"• •:· · c · 8 l)or, were 1 fi 1· To ttennau n... • o-,.,,. .• R,,. . erunen 1 . 1 · & erunulDlnl. • R ••',., 4,, ,, pier asked aio to a Tofcani, in the company of Celio ni. The king of Tofc:m:won the first v. olt:to de the above-mentioned peoples, Pr. ,,-;,,._e& therefore began to dwell from the Tofcani,the fourth!dif!In.The• Hill of Roll?. he was called Celio, ne .a lot apprelfo li =,,.lf:f: _ motfero 1 Sabine vna great war, & coftr1nfero Romulus à ask help à the Lucumoni. It was from the Tofcani datta the imprefa à Galerito Lucimone, ilquale comparfe with vn grandiffimo number of Tofcani, & hauendo trou:to.to already the Capitol prefo from the Sabines, he feruigio 1i R. molofort..? the campidhoglio, cheglier:a appref-.":,;:,•,.. MR ,or,& mount '<.!!mna1e . to auendo 1_eomo or bold,-R ,,,, ; 8 ,, 6;,.. mind fuck to the Capitol aflalito the Sabines, was injured & F ,,,,, ,r ,,.,.; clatofi:ì escape, ctfendo already .abini, that the perfcguita-, ••eR•.•(• . must fcorii mfino at the porta Palatina, & such intrare i:r I, s.,,,., • in Rome , forthwith Galerito calatoli down from the mountain Q!!.irinale, & cut them off the pa1fo you can withdraw back to the Campid.lio, affalì from fpalle the Sabines, oue is the Hatua of Iano Q.!!adrifonte ( waves then fon came out of the fauole,that say them ) & the mefie on the run. Romulus accor.tophi of the fcn, rimeJfo inlieme the fue people, began à fight him from the front, such that Metio, effi:the ndo à ca.uallo armed fi and fell in the swamp, & fcguiua grandiffi. LI 4,.,._ but occilione, ne well as the vno would rimafto viuo, fc r:;,,i.";;;: the women there fi fuffero interpotte lequali fpartirono .,.,,.em.,;. queUa scuffle. Waves Iuuenale, bellum critical Sabina. ,,. .11c_r.,;. h Tito Liuio fcriue in the first book, the eec Herfilia wife, or-.lt""•.· , Romulus, tired from the prayers of those that was.no ftate kidnapped & g, pregù the outside of her husband, who fuffe contenré to forgive à fathers of those & of riceuergli {within the City of Rome, percioche in this way, to me.by means of the concordia would be à crefcere ago time.de Romans, & that it was concefiò easily by Romo.the. Pofl:eeadungue down the weapons & purgatilì with Verbena & with the Myrtle, oue phono the infegne of Venus Cluacina, R tli :. & th<> the capitulationi & !':agreement, Romulus diuife the ;,.";:.! ,:':,. cont,1do of Rome in three. pirti, giving à ciafcuno the fua ,t,. R,,,,.,._ ·· ' · . part . .4'1'{,TICHITJ r Dr l{_OM.4 p2rre de monti, ondeà Sabine èoncdlè the Campidodiò; it l Q!!_iriD! a: for fc & to the Romans prcfe the doi that frgui .no,there. the Ef9.ilino is I. Palates._o,.eu . cotcneua R. but; to Galemo & 1 Tofcam LucenJ gave the mount Geliolo. .•••.Aw• would Not Romulus,that l\Auentioo fuffe habitato for.:. ; 1111[,m, fona no percioché he was confaoato to fratelloo, for• gr '• ,,... together until Hilerna,& in that war Romulus touched vna faffina in tclb ,& the vow the fuoi fi riftrmfero infie. me, & afultati the Sabines the roppono & mdfero on the run, T1•pi• "perfeguitandogli infinoalla Directed & to the Temple of the Summit. V1JI• •. It was olua in mount Pal:ttino the Temple of the great But r,"'J',.the". dre de the Iddij,ilquale was dedicated & cònfecrato by Iunio• ./' ''ugly, in which confecratione 6 celebrorno the games, F•JI• is' ti,,. & the fefte,which is called Megalefia. Saiue Tito Liuio:. .ki M•iJ,. The mother of the [ddij, eh. it did lead to .and.ia,wire _ Palattno,& p.ft. in T. mpio of ytt.""j-,., '·• co.d.tt:aful mount _ ,,,,,,f: tona,iloualc Temple was adorned with druerfe stones 3c d'oro riuate riccheu.and, it was . vno edi6ao maraui.liofo : in which the Temple lamps acccfe r.ndeuano jun not otherwise,that f.lnno the apples from the p,,,; .,,,,.. vn':arbore. ouèancora the good poets were foliti of appic.'"••n• i,.,, care their fcritti • Waves to Horatio , in the art of Poetic• .•;;-' .;· Smpt11 Palatinus qi.uu"'J; r,points Apollo. ç:u.,;:r ' De glt ornaments of the what place. Scriuc Ouidio in the ter • zo libro de triftibus. • InJ, ttnl)rt equal gradil,us fol,Ttmit, and,ljis, Dueor 111J intonfi eandiJ11 Temp/11 : Sign11 ptrtgrinis 'IJbi funt IUltrflll eolumnu JJ,litl,s is' n,,,llo llAI fm11 mfo /Allr • . LIB-R...0 SECO.DO. 47 Percioche in that place. were the ftatue of the Belide Be the Pretide ancora'there were conuerfein Cows: of here.there Propertino fauoleggiando says.that clii were the to men.you Myron • Was still in the middle of the square Palates.na vn to gold, that rifguardaua the Q!!.ercia of Campido.son , Ouidio in the first book of the Mecamorfofi. 1-'oftibus .A.NJ.uftis ,adem ftdi.Jlìm• u.ftos · Àntl fow jlabis, m,diamtj, tN,h,r, ."""" • ' Where Q!!ercia was in the Campidoglto confecrata à Pa flowers : I t:oglio trapatfare with filentio , the christmas of cofi Utco Prince. He was born Ec(are Augufto in Confolato N. tiuit• 4l of M. Tullius Cicero,& lii Gaius Antonio,in the Region .Au1,uft, • of mount Palatine , in that place,which was called à ca. pide oxen,oue was pofto & built vna Chapel shortly after fua's death. F1,t allcuato & nourished in a street called Cute preifo per mol)te Efquilino. Habitò by prtma,from,1. fcale calls The\Qnularie, near the square in cafa of Caluo speaker• oue were the cafamenti de the Horcenfij; vltimamente habicò in the Palace. Socco qùefto Prince::"• :"l"-1:weapons in large p.me fi quietarono & the geniuses flourished, 1,,11/;.;:;:& many of the cofe was{ono from him makes the tee very well in cafa & n,ori,lequaJi richiederebbono vn them.1·0 particular. It was ol three à this in the palais des sports.or, the Executive of Aq&ufto , & that of Tiberius, & the Temple, that Liuia Augutla made in honore delfuo DiuoAugufto.Fuuinancora ilTempiodiGiouc .,_,;. the winner, to whom fi voted to build it .into Fabio or,.., Y11tt.in the war Sabina, in which fi fights with a lot of "· fpargimenco of fangue • Confecrollo & dedicollo it to him. The ides of Aprilen, that is, à ten of the said mefe. Ouidio in the fourth book de fouls • Ocçup11t .Aprilts Jduscog110min1'lliélor Juppiter. hoc i/Jo funt d11t1J fejl,the dils. . • It was in the medefimo the mount, the Temple of the Eede first-T,,.p;, i,ILI clearly confegr.odai Trojans,comefcriue Agathocles, F,4,. saying that the Frig1j, first of all the aftricon. fagrarono in the Palatine Temple deJla faith: in which the mount then.effendoui built the City of Roman, paruc that folfe down the cause of the call.the for quefto vo.cabolo Rome. 8c qu.Th e çlfere it.ta prinçipal c.the.one,ilhen .. ,· o;g;i;,edbyGoogle .A l'{TICH EN.4' OF the.tOM.To the said place fulfe confagrato to the Faith; of which h:year made ,fncora mcnùone Appiano & Ouidio. It was in the mon.The 11lt11r1ld-you medefimo the Altar. the febree, the Temple of the qualeel, f,br1. it was in three places in Rome, in the Palano , in the Square in dc mon1,1menti de Marij,& the third was in tefta delborgo mon go,oue fi rapprefentauanQ in ifcrir.to,the rimedij, that's fair.no vfati in fanare the bodies of the iqfermi. J:u still in the det Ir•'{..' Pablo. In the first one .and à can .._ to the Teucre fi truoua the Temple of fanta Sabina, who was ccWica,or vn V cf,ollo SdiialloDC chwuaco,Pieuo mol. · DigHized by Google .LÙJJtÒ S AND COXDO. -· •Or you, tic:<'O , & was adorned with marble diuerfe strong as-' moR:rano some verfi of Mufuico, that even at that luo.go!.fi can see,the oue still Qµarefima there celebrates 11 pri ln.]Stat.areas,& oue shut fandforno melting Material of the order of the prc,. dicatori by Honorio teno Pontiff of cafa Sauilfa display• held that the fua rule fufiè confirmed • Not very far in the medefimo hill fi sees the Temrio Singing .Aleffio Anacorita,ilquale a long time in the cafa of the father. fuck some fcaglioni of wood,that sound still at that luo.go ftette :ifcofo: nor was m:ii conofciuto from the father d:tl.la .the mother, from akun'other for until mortc,oue innao. 2.i was breathless the monaHerio of fànco Boniface the martyr • and Then lònt:tno vn pull of falfo Cover the fcarpa of said mount,fì see the Times<> difantaMaria Auentina, that fla for rouinare, oue and' say eJfere ft:tto the Temple of the T,mpi,i,lt. The goddess Bona,at which pholus women farri6cauano. From the al-D•• B,,, •• between part of the monteninuerfo the circle Maffimo is the Tem. b.or fanta Prifca built between the rouinc dellé Terme of T,,.,,,,tliD• . . and,. 1,.,,,.,. ec10. fmperatore. From the a1tra part tn the top of Idetto mon ,, • king,verfo the porta Capena was the Temple & the conuento of fans to SabaAbbate,in the cell nuoua. Then,vn tr:irre of the fca glia far there sees the Temple of fame Balbina the virgin, daughter difanto .irino martyr :ì singing at the Spa x,,_ ..,,,.,. Antoniane • Was. in addition :ì what in the monte Auentino the fpelon •8•"; · cadiCacco,cherifponde fopra the Teuere,as tèriue and!/,:"':;. .. iinVir,gjlio neiro.tauo of the Aeneid, when he says. ., was.f•• · H11nt .,,,, p,0111, the southwest kuMm inc11ml,eb1&t 11J .A.mrum. ·nDextn- in 11d,urfam. Et !'with other words that frguono. ·ntu-the fpelonèa,as fcr1ue Solino,à c.to t the por ta Trigemin., & to faline in fcarpa of the mountain , fopra that place oue of the boats there, pulling at the earth , and the vhf was still in the Temple of Hercules VincitGre, that amanò 11 said Ttmpi• " 1 ·nCacco: ilquale Cacco say cfferc breath ngliuolo Hm,l, v, ..nVulcano,that the hora habitando in that place,:mendcua mm. dining steal: m:1inuerità I say to you,he was vn feruo of Euandro C/,ifu./ f,C•• éofi chiamaton, ilquale mctteua fire in the countryside & à " • fuel way the andaua fpogliando & faccheggiand.. & was s,,,11. 41 accufato from vna fùa forella , that still she was called.,, and. J,l,,,. Hunts • The ode to '!"she fil e4iJìcato me the Oratory, oue of the, d,fi_ ., __ · · G ver&ini -:A J,{T,I. H 1T..4' Dl 'JtOM .To ,ergini vefhli the faceuano facri6cio,because she accuro the\ fratrllo to Hercules, that the haueua stole the cows,' 8c co6 H.:rcole for this reason the training course.z.ō. Then C"lfendoli. lau:ato in the river and built vo' .\!tare prelfo :to the said place .t,11,. them in honour of G oue inuentore à song :the door Trige.to,.,,. , .. ,,._ mina , & the facri6cò vn Giouenco, com.: gift grateful à ,.,. • that God,that the h:iueua fact riaouare the fue v:acche. In.1 medeftma part of the mount er:ine the fr.1the of Cacco, lul, ,.,,. •. & the fcale gemonie, near the Temple of Juno Regi• •the•.lr•wf.fna, down lequ:.ili,with the vno oncmo:.illa goals.the were {not deceive us. I•;•· . nari,'& precipirati the workers of iniquity. Percioche the said luo. , or,:.7!;'/f,. go ltaua to the slope. Says Sueton•or in the mortorio Tibe-. rio Cefare, some there were who minacciauano of mr p.n cino & the fcale gemtmie, & in the vac:i Virellio, 6-.nnalmenre, hauendolo all sforacchi.ito, & shredded), and meat, the a1>piccarooo vn'oncino, & the> fh-alèinaronon .cl Teucre. In medelimo mount them says,that Numa im.he parried implore the lightnings from Ptco & d:the Faun, who were·lddij of that monce,oue er;the cave & laf?nte of the acq_.to .n ·ndella which is beuono, & oue Numa with the vmo gh mebrao,no. & made him fall asleep, & the inc:2tenò,& .the '1 uel mod". learned .i get the faette, Ouidio ne' falti. L•tus Auemino fuberat nige, ilicis wnbr• .or poj[,s llifa Jim, numm 11ti,n IJJ average gramen mu[cotj, adopm11 'llimlli M111111b11t faxo '1/tnA petennis aqu, . , Hauendo Tullo Hoflìlio, that fuccelfe in the Kingdom à Nu. but wanted to imicarlo, & not the vf:.indo debt terms to piouere the f:iette he and all the catà. as fcriue Your Liuio,arfc. It was in monte Auentino as fcriue Varronc . ..,,,,.,,.. Ji the Altar of G:vhf'elicio , said lfb,eli, imtlo. that is, by taking, tlt,wEli&i•. from & to cafcire the faette. The monte Aucntino effondo breath vn great time frpararo from the city to the Swamps that were in the mcz.zo,6nalinéte was the the joint from the Side· Mucio & was given for habitat ion .the Latins , that he is.dutle in Rome, h. 1uendo roninuo lon Politor10 Tellcne. & Siccania. Then effondo fepar:ito regions Ji Roma_ & from the Castle to qudl.a ( so that Remo haucua Cover •ucllo villus ciuelli vcceJli .iufelici) Cbudio Cefare,co. . . . . uo .n o;g;i;,edbyGoogle lIBJtO SEC01{D(t j<> vo at the auttorità & a with the son dc the Arufpici the raccbiure inside the Pomerium. Dion,lio in the tert.or the book was. hittona fcriue in quelto way. Not a little increased Anco Martio 1:a t_ ittà of Rome fafciando lntorno of the Walls that.the plrtt', cht-is .-h1ama1a Anenrino. Percioche he is vn çolle not very rileuato, ,lquale turns around, about two Cir,uit,• '"and·emiglia & vn the fourth which, to the hora was full of alb.ln & .•1111 .A,.,._, - frucci of every strong, & fopratutto age the filling of the Laurels.'""• (waves from some Romans , was called a Degree) hora is filled edificti & of cafamenri : oue still was builds.to the bellìffimo Tc:rrip,or D,anl, was feparato from monre T-r• • ];>in Latin, from the vna valley very deep , & ftrctta order D•••• • then, is lbu rip1<:na: & vcggendo that quelta poteua effe. king, vn receptacle of the Field xii century, [t' to ventura Ro. apa futfe mat ftata alfediata,fortified wall & of folfa, . he brought habitatori of Tellcne , & of Politorioe, & de\l' other Citti around, & the pcrfoafe & comforted to ..i6carui the Temple of Dianae, & in certain times à cele.seem,the inducie,that is, the truce, & peace between them & the Ro-m:ini ellèndoui corfa any oft,,nfionc about vna & to l'.ùtrà p;irre,acci\lchc by such facri6cij she fi dilfol.uelfe, & forget;ilfe • Then the said King of the money:that all the above-mentioned City.ì paid for it and built the Temple of l)iana,ncll' Auentino that is of all the other mountains of the higher energy • & phenyl to the laws and vna tauola Copper pool in the L,tti foritt. said the Temple,& it was common to the said Temple à the Romans '" ""';uaJ•. . à Latin fi as of yet, Diana Efefia,was com r•M.,:;,.• • mune to the City ddl' Afia. Antonio Horatio man Sabi eeno dlendogli born vna bellillìma Cow & moho big hebbe for the will of the gods.a infpirationee, that the City of one, that l? facrificalfe otterebbe the Empire of the whole world. Waves Cornelius faccrdote denogli,that is andalfe in buare, & purge in Teucre before, that being said facrificio, prcfe the V, icca & is facri6cò, & cofi ;icquiftò à the Romans, the Domain of' Iuli.; & the horns of that Cow for . . miracle llettero vn a long time, set in the corridor of the V'{, 4• m11• and•rt 1I Hm• d Tee· S · PIutarco n.• Plob -. he's The T .tt. mp10. criue enu•c cm d•' e,n,; .the P.•) dJ Diana were fohte of appiccarli photos of the horns de r,mpi• •and ,èrui: in.in 4uellp that she haueua in Auencino g;.,,,.. . • _. · G a there were o;g;i;,edbyGoogle r, .A l{TICHIT.To it.OM.To •'were set on those oxen. The Temple of Juno' Sofpita was still coinmune à Lanuini & to the Romans, to which were coftretti for neceffità all the Confoli of ago.crificare , as fcriue M. Tulio in time wards, which he does in difenfione Eel. Scriue still Tito Liuio; furo. 'L11,,.i11if•': no f:keep the Lanuini Roman Citizens, & was made to them . cm.""" the lor cofe ago.cre,with patti & conditione, that the Temple & 0""'•'· the bofchetto fàcro of Juno Sofpita fufiè commune à . Lanuini & the Roman People. It was still in Auentino r,,.p;, J; the Temple of Juno Regina,which Camitlo fi voted in favor of o_,.,.0 .. En,. build part, that the toccaua of prey, V I was. '1M. waves Tito Liuio: In medefimo year , & dalmedefimo Dictator, & in medefima war was t"dificatoper vote the Temple of Juno, & in giving Z!ç confecrare the det to the Temple,legentildonne Roman,fedimoftrarono mol 2',1t1pi.i,ll• to ready& araenti; Was in the meddimo the mount, the Temples, J.••• • of the Moon , as fcriue ne' fafl:the Ouidio. LNna regit menfos , huius quo1p tempor, menjs . Fin# .A.u,ntini moon colenJa the southwest. .•P;•J ILs ·there was still the Temple of the Goddess Bona built by •//i:,,:..;; .inta, Cla.give vergi.and Vefiale 'ilquale dipoir<;>uinan. . _n_ cr,,.,;,Vir-do p.er vecch1e2.za, was rebuilt by Lmia with gr:md1lhma fpc :in, Y•ft•'•· ago, • there was still a Degree fagrato à Giouen, as fcriuc t:111 :/11• Pliny. There was still the Temple of Freedom erected,:,:'J. /;,f; by Gracchus in condannagioni. There was l' Attrio, that is, the courtyard do. & Palace of Liberty refiaurato by Pollione. There was :.Atrium .them• still the bofchetto Ca mene, & one of Hierna ti L,hm.c. hand to Hold on to. Ouidio it fafti. L1":t, '"'" ,I • ,1J• T b . I H the h I, e ,m,.,,,, Pontifical of fire or.this. Ouidio in the third U. Mir,1r•. •. . · ' ' bro: de' fatli • Ca/fw Hu:vbi is not pl11n• ,n fid prop, plan11 vi• Pl11n11 liretvidtm t11fl1, de/116,14 Min,rull . .,, D,A n11tAlù coepit h11bere I was. -Vhf li celebrauano the slices of M1neru.,that {i chiamatta-L, f_,fl,o,u;. . ·· r• 1,,u,ç h' J• @M • • r. . · G '!\O Oi(ryegrass the year, The J-3's. as iui to see them in the air C:ipito.. .,,,,,,_,,M. lina. ) phono as :ì s,but. SanB()rUm at the vet eight fc.igl!OOÌ of "' ..A,•·t.•• ::• marble, for hyphal fi says Chrillo effer (breath when he·ali• m,,,.,. it was condouo to' ·1 vt"de vn Iungh.11Jìmo portu;or the ato, oue fi .it fl• f•.,,. arc rilcuato was columns: 1, who: d.to Pope Eu,cnio when .. .. .. lIBJtÒ SEC0?{1'Ò. H· ' fil, in part, rcfbur.:ito, & apprelfo dl N1couo q•1into, 8c rt "•'.t.• Sifto fourth fucceflìuamentc was rifal·Or: & in .•,.,u,f,; . . ,., ,·-·· tUll, ra. 0,. . ·1 I. 1 Ch .et;the d1 ,a .. ,, ,. .,1r;. Day.ianm gives m:m finiUra there is the m1fura of alcnza, & •4-nt, d• :lbtura of Chrifto. Euuiancora the piccr.1 fopra bq•ulc and' P•l'•S•ft• V'..of.ono clfer. ft:ito co•lt. the trembles dan:iri silver, that :}•j•e!:;;Judah sells: & cammando vn little more auanu fi I-mft• fi J!,•·. Er.imo the passage of the said porch a long time 11 rn must be in the rre doors marble perlequali them .iicc, which egh en-•• clH fi :,,,. rcò e1fondo · led :ì Pilate v1cmo to vna ancient ledu ti,•fmut,. of Pontf'lìci: apprelfo will sound two lcd1c day of porphyry, The eh.: fi :m•. Fjr·c_hiamano faiths llercorarie, the q_uali were tatte à .. ff., /,....; f,!,. to, that when he was elected to the nuouo Pontiff, will ft .ffi ,,,/l,,.,,Jt, ul of, & that conftderallè that er.to huòmo coinc gh al-ç,,,,,m . tri and fottopolio à all of the humanc necellì you, with all ;"Pt' P? he fulfe à quel fobl1me grade :ilzato. I know,the d1pru ,;1":;..t,•,,,;cecte doors tnani;ol d1 copper is not very large, J vl-1,. ,.7t,. d,ll• tima in which m:in finiilra conduc. à S4n84 S11nélo r ... P"ff""'• , rum, perdochc in the said place is vna piccob chapel,. S,u,1• s.,... èd1ficat,1 m honote fan Lorenzo mlrtire, from N1wl .. or.,,.,.. the third Pon efìce of nobtlillima cafa dc the Orfini, who dfcre fbJo of modelb & beautiful cotlum1 was called C•("'.,,.; .,... the Comp_o! I. I,! that place were p_otte the t.lte dc glt .,,..; ".:·.Apoltoh mli no so much that the Temple fulfe rmouato. pi tl """ •, And' 11 said de{) .i1pinto & adorned with diuerft mt"-1 f,.•• p,,.umarmi d1 varies strong, one Ja Pope Vrbano .uin or. po · fiç,, q, t.mpo F. i, were ritrouati heads dc glt To poftoli, ·noue is vna cafctta filled with cli many reliqme, that little Diwrfo ,.the;.nfa's command, d1 Leo the tenth fi cauarono your 'I"""' f,,n".'n · · '" s,,,to. s• ra,. & fiurono by moice people views: but 1a prmc1pa-lf ,.,,.the of your ce is the i magi ne of the Saluatore, difegnata from f.. n ,;,.(m. d,l Luc. Eu;mgelltta, & as, fi believes, coloma & fìnita fant,jl S .The••ndall'Angel: faquale is omata of Jrgenco & gems:, ,.,, 1115•tf• .,, '1· 8••11"",,.· "": for ord.mc·d. The Lion quarco qua1·1 each year of the me and dt Agolto à gu1fa of vn monfo old with foknne pro-and.re••ni• ce1lione, & pump à fuon dr trumpets. & of piffèri, & with çl,.fin11fo"• .The large number d1 people of any nationc • there port 'Z" ;.""The'.• by that Chicfa fan Giouann1 Lateran in piai.za, .:1,; ::., ,: & you'll stop before the Chiefa of shut fandforno melting .t\dri.ino, oue .,.,.,. .. ,., p,i,ngliè of iptorno Ntto the People Ro.Dl-'nO, there hlero: d 1pw ,ufo., · ".. . . fOCUta Oigiti,edbyGoogle graphics and l'{ TI C H 1 T. TO' JtO M .To , · -· · · · · range from the most honorati gentilhuomini the Romans in.nR.!!'J v!rr• fpalle :ì each other, & paffando for the arc Lat<>na for ca-. .,.,. t,pafi gion de' diauoli,that is to say that in qutl place them sources-: •r-;r• ::;; must , from then to the Slums before the Chiefa of fanta .; cl, Ť p•-Lucy unhappy for the sake of vn B:ifilifco, that lècodo ,1,; ,.J,ri J n• li says ftaua afcofto in that place inside the vna cauerna ;· ,,t·..Arc•,L,._ & say the said places, in such a way effere flàti released:. • "1.•.,:t! v. a further fi cond.c. the Ch1e("a door. Mary Mag. : ,1,1 r,mpl""" gtore, & facendofegb mcontro the imagme from fanuMan: 1n11,.ei,. Genitricen, for that night, fi pauses in that place,oue {en•tt4 ,,.,p,. Has.the night à sleep & euui great concorfo of people of 1 ",",!."'0 ":'" " throughout the City • The of t h fi shows called imagine m Late·n "1, 1 "'" 1" . s 4,.14 ;,..,,.0 I to vn 'the other way with the mcdefima pump & proce1110 n:. : ,.;,. of Pius v. the end of the day before • p1reh' er4 p, i, ~ t•ft•_ •mfi•· 1111 d, fe,.,,,1,._ Mount the Efi.,quilino & de.:,.crli ornaments "· eh,,,.,. the one • and A P. y I. HM, y,.,;, ,1,,. • And the LnEnE(qw"lie . cio_è d.l monte 'Efqaili-· [The 0 & fi ,.;,.,.,;,,.;d,no, I pac_10 circuit and mo1to large & "'...edlfl'Ef fpaciofo, & why eglinli. coli called fc · · _ _ f"""· · he says many of the cofe. And p1u high & big ·n of all .the other, & has moltic.api & fommi-·n _ , ta,) of which talking about Marco Varroue says. The efquilie fo. no of the fruitful region. Some fcriffero the mount said clfer co{i called from the Efcubie of the King. that is, from the guar. ' . · • _die & fentinelle , the other because he was a breath ex-cult , that is,· Li.., ••.,,,. ornate from -King Tullio: & that the origin of this name of aif-1a.· t,ofèh,tto more real make it more than another faith bofchetti that glyph.;'""'·1"'"j no neighbors,percioche iui ç the bofco of Mars called Fagll F•..;: .;sibility, and facello, that is, the chapel call .erquetulanan,":.,,.1 .. ,,,. of the Lari,& the bofco of Mars,Juno, & Lucina. v.,.-,.,,.; The Efquilie fi {!:imano effere two mountains, percioche vna'•'!Ef f•/_i•· it up there. called the monte Cefpio for fuo name friend,.•':ffi,.•;; trouandoli still coli fcritto in the Ucre fcritture de the ,, .. Po/iri4 -Argei . The monte Oppion, ilquale , olcra the fopradettQ is the ,.,,.,11, and,,.. part first& main, contains the bofchetto Efquili.,..;, • no Fagutale from fimlf:ra verfo the middle of the day. The mount M,111,0 ptie. Opium 11r1ie,ps, which means that third party. oucro hill effo., (OA- lIBl(OR SECO>t{_DO. · 1$ èontiene the Bofchctto Efqnili.or , where the street from the deftra; ••fo/,m,lf• va vcrfo the tauernuole . The monte Oppio qu.drie1p1, that is, 7;'-F•sa the fourth parre,or the hill, contains the bofchetto Efqui-'• linen & more from the delta, should be oue 1i make the vafi of terr.a. • Jl monte Seprio quintittp1, that is, the fifth part, oucro Met, s,,,,,. hill , contains the bofchetto Pctilino. De as the mount Bofah,u. P•. Cefpio fa1icep1. that is, that is the fefb part, or the hill, is ,.,, ... apprcJfoil Temple of GiunoneLucma, oueil said Tcm . v." pius fuole hauer the fire guardian. Q,!!_ellc nominationi de ,,,.::,;,,,; ";;emonti,phono drawn from the names of the Captains forcllieri, which mo11ti ;,, R•.gii the habitarono . Ouidio in the book de fouls atferma the ,.. , "• I,, Efquilie cffcr ftate cofi calls,from Efcubie, that is, the vigi-t"fi • , Jie,& guards to them Re vi li faceuano, and when,' he says. ,A,ul, ql4Òd aeu,i111 'llbi R,x Rom11nus habeb11t, .; nune ", "l"ili•s ntmin11 eollis hllhet • Or' h really was coli called the mount said, why D,wrf, . 1. . """"""""' :aonanz.1• . ...L-eu R fi 1r: d 'fi . f: l' h ab1tator1 , , 1,,;1641;,,.;and urn u ,and The dear, v :hand g 1 :around vccellare Cover that,& adcfcare the vccel-of ,r,011t, d,l, Ji,fp:argendo in terr:a gufciaglie, & other cofe such,that it is I, EftMilù. chiamauano quifquiliee. Mark Cato saith, that he is coli called ,J, nee,wijs ,that is, from g\tardie, lequali Ro.the pier(fecoodo ilecollumeantico de' Tofcani) ordered with· doJeci serjeants, & three hundred armed, who ftcffero à guard of the fua perfona,& for acquillarfi :incora dignity & great de-zz.a: percioche T. Tatio, ilquale was feco the part of the l.cgno,was à fofpetto,that the said Romulus in diuide-:,"'1' "'11•and king the c.ntado of the Rom. between the Sa biti!.• Tofc:mi, fi riteMe ,: ;i;-::i;:;.perf. .The mout. The palatine hill & the Efquth.or .eIl d.tto .onte 1;,,,.,nritr•.and _. Efquilmo termma & conlina with all gh altrHnonn of the-s .1,;,,; • !•· b Citù, oue phono some valleys in half.or,from the Tributaries-fc•"•;fi 'J:'," no playing. From the part of Orienterifguarda the walls of the-:;, " tP ,.. the City: .l me.zo day, the mo11te Ec.I;by Occi.and.-,;,,:& Ef9.,; tt 11 Pal.tt1no, & 11 of the Capitol,& the Q!!_mnalee, there l V1m1-1;,. the nal starts from the dump gallic , that is, from the fepolture de D•.fc:•Jt'.t"'• • 'and the Roosters , & the Latin & man delta ends with the ;e11;,..; h via Labic:ina, & retreats by à (and the Temple of the fan-and":.!,' • Q the Cross in Gicrufalem, the main door, & the door ii fans Lorenz.or with the plain Efquilina. Apprclfo the-· feiando à man deftra the Terme Diodetiane ends colVinùnale, or;g;ii,edbyGoogle vl'{_T1C'H tT.A' Dl JlOM.4 Viminale, oue is in the mez.zo 1.1 valley, eglt has a pie. pe. laqualc there arriua alLi Suburra: from which band then it is (and.parried the Vimin,the, is the .irinale. In the first pJrte of. l,'!p;,,,.. the. monte Efquilino is the Ch1efa fan Peter Binds io_ : neo•• f" Eudoffia close to vico,cioi:: village Ciprio, & to the village tèe-. ;.;:.•n " lera, or, between the rouine of the Baths, c.euhofgi there I say.10 . V-,to Cip•i• TJto Emperor, lequalt were pr1m1erameote builds-, , & V',valley ago,The, you, d.the f.udollìa wife of Arcadius • the vhf she commanded. ';'"· , T.-still fulfao ripofii the vmcoli,that is, the links with iqua ,, •••• '' h 1an Peter potl:ol was in Gierofo! Jma linked by the Hero. ' , . de dt dc men's Minds ; bquJlc folennità & fdh ( as. r,Arm"'•'. lèr,eu fans Grrolamo) PJpa S1lucfl:ro à prayer . Co..: "' d 11, .fe/1• lhntino Emperor erdinò, which gives futle celebrated by the-•u.t,".<••11f' ';. 1 the Paiqua of Reforrettione 1>first Jj Agofl:o·, & the..c ·1Z.;;,.,.: pngiom· & prison .hiamata Tulliana, which is close to the "· piaz.z.a , f;lrtola before purge & nectar , it was from him ..:011fagrata, & dedicau for the said folennicà dc constraints•'. Mutdti•nttli ciot: lc·gami lan Peter, accioche the day c\ettll of the..,,._,_,.· ••/i· Je Kalends of l\.oHo, that foleua eflere celebrated me. hnnore of victory d1 Cefare Augu{to, that the hlUC•, ua hauuto against à M. Antonio & C_!eopatra fuOè from. here first cel<:brato in honorc de'. ties, & ties from shut fandforno melting P1erro: ilqual mefe of Agollo is coli called-, to from fuo surname, pc:rcioche ino.mz.the à he had dis-, malo frtl:ileu, for efière the fclto mcfe of the year, li co-. me inn:mzi à C. the mefe of the folio, that we volglrmcnre dec,I love July er:a chiamaco (èinule,. dquale place Iulio frcondo Pontiff Mlfiin,or c:tfcn• _ do 11 fuo Tyrol ridulfe in better shape, & with many ornan,enr1 the illultrò. In medcfimo monte da man fi. thi•fo tli f,n niilra is the Chìefa fan Martino, & fan Siluctl:ro in mon. s,The,.·,11,, • &-you, in order g,à vecchiez1a goes rouinJndo, in order. {"" M"r ,,was edilìcara as some fcriuono by Sergio Papa, that ,.,._,,,"'· . . . . . pnm1eramcnte was cognomm:ito Os porn, c1oe the Mouth of the pig: & that was the first Pontiff, who m<.dlo. from the ugliness of the fuo name fe changed him, & cam-. bso of the Mouth of hog fi did call Sergio. Ilquale coltume then, is ltato ofieruato by all the :other Pontiffs •. _ .AOalcuw ,hc fcriuono, ,well the predicted Temp\or f•, · -• · ccWicate o;g;i;,edbyGoogle • The L 1 BflO -SS CO-?{D O; JG tliliato by Sergio,but by Symmachus near the Terme di• 1',m, " Trajan the Emperor. Below :the qnetto place is the Temple.;••.". · r:dJ Sings Lucia in the cell to the Suburra, which was built by ,. '2:ci: Honor10 pri_mo: of focto to caucrru, & cameroto of the c•p• ;., s •. q_uale Leo I [ I I. 1.">ontefice there says c.n the fue orationi 1,,.,,. • ,,,. /The hauc:r hunt.ito vn Ba!ilifco. Vn little fopra that place""' '"fi""• going to inuerfo the arc of shut fandforno melting Vito there is the wings' ,meeting from finitlra the Chiefa fan ca Prallede virgin,ilqualc was edi-Ch.f.!.,if• ficaco, or rellaurato from Pafcale first Pontiff as "' , • ..,, • • in the fommiti that is fcritto with letters of Mufaico, à the song to which the Temple is the cappclla,or Oratory, which is called the Garden of Paradifo, oue is not lawful to enter "•Pt•11• ""c . 1• or,,. •there P•c a11e don.and: &c. . 1 colonctta-d.1 _co or compartment, ••df, 0,., •• c_,eu and vna peak acl _ . . with grattcolau antorno,oue Chrdìo fi says eficre ltato the-,..,,,.,., ••• · gato & flogged,& say that Giouanni Cardinal Co-"'""'· &.,... lonnefe, from Palctlina elfendo went Amb1fciatorc in ; 1• "°'"'jG1eruulem, the condufic à Rome. Were olt1;c à this in the :';; '7,' ' ff!0ntc Efquilino, prclfo .11 mount V:iminalc the bofchetto ,,,;°.ft:;,;;; _ Fagutale,& l,ofcheno de Lari, & the facello Q!!erquetu-,, . .b. 110,& iJ bofchetto Her & Juno Lucma,i-L,F m •t•: 1:; . L;;• lini de what were ttrétu & breui. Ouidio nt' fouls • :;.cMon11cfal,,x-JNilio .11/1111 inmlNus •nnis .c.,9:;;"': lNnon,s magn, 11om,,u Lu&Ns ulll. t•. & Luc, it Was Lucina call cocal way, ò elf Luco,that '; M•fi11 ;and we dic1am bofco as lèriue Varro. or as a wounded-'f a,,.,.,.,. u. Ouidio it• faults, pears ... well, she gives light à those• that L:i:: · P"·c eh, GiouaMi, ilqualc not h1uendo of Ec liglauo-ftora•l.•ll'.1di him any, & dlendo very rich, with many orat,oni, Jic•u_,"; d,t & prayers sought assurance from God,that the moftrafie vn place, .:•r;;.,:!•• aco ..h infieme with the fua wife of so many.the faculty which he M•ui•r,..lle4 eua , po.c cd.uicare• vo Temple .,J>,dtò ore_cchi , The IJd10 .'N. _T1CH1ì'.A' Df' Oil Mills.To Id god to fue prayers , & cofi vna night sleeping the was said, that that place which he stars covered it.the eu, in:in dou:a feguente, futfe from him difegnato, & I..fiuat. for edifìcarui the temple. Hebbe the medelima vilio.11e Liberius, who at that time was the Pope. They were at the horaa ·to _gli Ides of Agofro, i.e. approffimauonfi the tredecidrl det. •ar.1 •• ,R to.mefe,when the hot sound more throughout the Year,•' o1.!!!J•" .a.a,umu11biublljilir11 'èjl11111iì noflri11mpitl11 P11p11 up ·v. the Year of The s8?.11dorn11t11 of 'llnA b1lJij/ìm11 C11pp,ll11 in form11 of 'lln b,llo & fantuofo you.pius, ou, h11 ,ipoflo the 11Jt11r1 of pr,fopio of nojlro Signo,1,0111 h11 p11rimm.,. f,111, "'"" pretinfa fipolt11r11 & mo11111m1n1011!111 fanu, mem. of Pius V. can p,omotor, 111 C11,din11/11to, & 11u11nti tl11t11blljilit11 h11 trllto -vn'O. beli.fto of q11elli eh, already were in the M1111falto of A11g11flo preffa S. Rocco•. Ripetili , & 11nco of meeting h11 11perto vn• beautiful/fim11 vÌII, eh, '1111 IÌ Ji. rittur11 lii temple de/111 fantiffim11 Trinitiì in the monti Pincio, chillm111ot. And ,lit, J11l fuo "no way"!LJ • It was, therefore, the said Chiefa built fuck the Aufpicij ·. d1, Pope Liberius , or of You{the third as ·fi law fo.pra l:a tribune of the Temple • But he believes them more toito, that the said Pope rinouafiè, oucro that he addornaf. fe d1 Mufaico, as the sides app;king. Are 1ncora but.nifefto fegno of those who edifìcafie,the letters that sound in the fron.you to the said temple, of the stones colJlmefiè infieme. Q!!_el b is today the most beautiful chicfa of Rom a to l: diuerfità dc• * * * marbles, the pauimento, for the iìnalto & mufaico that -she has the face & the band behind, coli in co.ine of from.. 8c the antlers lauorati the Bofoni & indorati: &: still for effere committee does not have much time motor 1 dipi&ne. king Aldfandro fefio Pontiff, before & fiata infiaurata from N1col.-Ito the CQrJ>Or d1fanto Guolamo priest, Cardinal, oue and .ii• M•ggif-hay & other timber & material of the prefepio of Chritlo, ._. ·. d. .• The which he was born in Betellem, or&ae Jonne not of. ,.., on• • I# • • , • f.to · ,,. . •• o1r .. phono enter ,For edno pubbco. And m that lu<>8o vn ug-· • ,. CJ,i f•• gdlo dj JIW,111O • vhf (OAO npo&or rclici.c moki • ., .., uaaii. D,g,t,zed by Google 1.1 B ltO ·S!CO?{DO. 11 libti, & vn-'other is the other side of the Chiera ,oue is ,,,,,,; ,-,, ao,that's. uc. u.ngt' 11,ul Cl propna rttraue. roua 1 &-r,.. , r, ... va other imagme by effa nofrra doMa, J. tqu.the ft says that ,;.,,,11, •• reftitui :the Pope Leo the man dellra, that gh was flata ta-,1,.. f•f•i1,li• &liata. It is still close to the bell tower is the fcpokro of GioR_•111•11• l'"• uanni Patritio Cop.officer edi.mor. the .wicked .. Di_qui s}:;i_.'.""..going .the man findtra concerned with 1 arc J, S. Vno, makes them mcotro c,r,. the Chiera,& the hofpedale of S. Antonio Abbatee, ilqualc was Ch11f. b 1,,. .dilicato by Peter the Roman Cardinal Je' Capoui, in-.ffe,J,,1,_,, S. ficme co hofpedal close to the ancient Chiefà by S. Andrca -:'4 """ --'· Apoftolo, cdi6c:1tada Simplicio the Pope around around re-.,, • copcno of marbles , & in front of the grandstand is frritto of.emuiàico the name of the author. Q!!inctad vn drew of but. _. . no fubito apparifce to vitl.1 flc:ino :i arcoed1 G. 1llieno .A•tt JiGJ ,and _. The emperor, the temple from S. Vito in macello, dqùa1e little lm11 , hm11 ago.it was retburato from Stylus The The. Potcfice,oue of the bodies of many .•s•.,.r ••1• fal)makes martyrs of them ripofano, iqual1 were in that luogovcci -'· •1•• you, Cover I. to stone, as they believed, that iui is cjnt3 in tomo co graticolati of iron. The ctimolog13 of the word, But cello,is varied.Some say,chc: he is said to be the Macclfo of Y_••i•_,.,,.:Libya P. Vittorelè:riue that the Slaughterhouse Liuiano ;it is the fefta ';;"•'j/,..._regione of Rome& some c1 phono they want,that is det •ç• • • tq word aif deriuato from the Slaughterhouse & occilìonc, that in q_uel Juogo fi made de' fanti Martyrs : many phono Slaughterhouses, which were in Rome; but there were two princ1p2li,the Slaughter of a great in monte Celio,& the Slaughter of Luciano in mo.you: Efquilino,delquale we treat the present. Slaughterhouse propr1améte was said of that place, oue fi portau:mo à vé-c-1,, çof,, uff.providing all the cofe that phono necctfarie to viuere humano. fo ;1 M11è,11. Plautus nelb Aulluaria says: the arriuo to M1cello; as wiç_a,,., we will say,in the market, wonder de' therefore as and• co.ftjno, truouo and fon dear, the Lamb, dear,the ox, dear,the Vnclla, Pork, every cofa, dear; dìcono the MacelJo, etfere breath cofi called from vn:to a certain pcrfona, that haueu2 the t hi tl,_d', the said nonie,ilqualein Romafaceuail Thief;coltuieffen-••;•tJI• clo condemned is death,ordered Emilio,& Fuluio,chc " •• were Cenfòri, that the fue care fuflèro rouinate,& in that l.&or them vendeffcrole v. nowailie,& tutùì fuoi goods co. ., H iifwono. or;g;i;,edbyGoogle _ . • ftraal pri-' mo the aod The chio, The via t dina-. The z.i tépio difaa Jun.them.the anus,. phono two fei cli mo• that is two parts cole fpo-. daughter, iqua.. li-· cone cfie.king fta ti· l1, No.·· Sic-Or ?{DO; _sS adrizuti dcJlc fpog lie of i was built t,, and,, the Temple d1 Q.!!irino,m:irma of q11aled1po1 hannof<.T.8c•l•_4'.Ar11 cf cf:ila Araceli, & the The capitol, how-to ,..,,, "j:'"' ro Cover is said. It was still in the v. tlle Q!!irmlle the i,oi.zo die;•,z. ::'..-0ecia Proba: which pono was f.mo J. 1 tifa Proba fuck ile,•i• t>. rob•. Temple prollìmodi fame, Agate, & close à fanta Maria Chief• ,lif•" in the field, oue à rinconcro fon lèolpite some Iettere,chc .z• .t.•e4 1•r. this dimoltrano, à song .the hofpedale de glr Albandì., Cl,11{• '1"' . . . . . . . ••eM4 ,i• ,,. Del monte Q.:_mmale & the aggmnta of that .• · •••po,t;for IH • Jt1d11/,de1,li C. A'p, /1111. · · ·.A//,.,,.;fi11•11eL III o N TE Q.::irinalefii coli called d.li:.,"'"' •feFano, that is Times. by Q!.!_iri110,ecom_e is:riùoe . .iri11•/,.,. M. Varro, & Omd,or.incora shall falh. .. f• e•fi Ml TKp/11 Deo f11ciut ,,IJis tJNllq; d,llus 4/, ilium ,jl • ,.. 0 ' Et refor1mt shock f .w-11 p,attr,111 dies. ·. •eOuero was coli said by the .urin:, 1qulli were éoll Tatio,& iu that place, he encamped, fcriue M. Varronc ·how to fopra habbiam said, rhe the five hills of tere za region er:mo co6 who:imati d.1 J FJni, i.e. Tempij de ,-. • 1 ⎤ the [ddij ,that in those er:ino cdalìc.ui, between iquah dol ve ne ,'"'./"";;,,;: .rano noble,iJ Viminale d..to G;oue Viminio,perch. ,and., _ V•••.the•. . tn that place,oue were gh altars, v, n.cquero·ceru Vrm1.ni,& Quirinal hill coli said from the Temple of Q!iirinò. ·and .Ai-g,the•. lmperoche and' Ilvede the frritture facre de gl' Argei. q•fii hills effer lts many. In which fcritturc fi troua fcrit to cofi • The hill Q!.!_irinale tmiesme.ps, that is, 13 t.no. paf!=.• . . oucro tcrz.or hill, and from that,conucne the Temple by Q.!•n-J}""" '• .no. U hill to Greet qu11r1ic,p1, that is, that it is the fourth par.r,":;i:•dttl,,. you, or the fourth hill .ì r1fcontro of• cotiene the Ten:ip;.s..t,;;,. cell Ps&&tC .11 (\)lle Mll. f"Ìlfl"'f'> that is the quantae -· parce, o;g;ii,edbyGoogle lIB'I(o s ECO'J'{'C: G' ... -·.rte, oaero hill, is .1pprelfo 11 Temple of the God Fidio, Gdp); -. : '. · aclla c.ippell.1 • oue foolc h.1hit.1re the oj.irdiano dd Tem.. pio . The hill Sides.aieflxtic,ps , in the bo1chetto inlkll.tr10, · apprelfo the fommo Thuraculo,is the vno pholus building. The {lra. deleqll!lli must be à the Tempij of those lJdij,from the qu.1li elleefono nomi112te, contain them in the parts of the regio-. neidalb which varietì dc.: coll,, believes them clfcre Wow names.;. C' n;· lie was born I. the porta Collina: in order ( as we dictmo of fo. ,,..'::,•,:i_ -pra) and polla in vltima part of the mount. And' d mount /,. , Q..!! innale, oue today sound the c.111aUi marble, of the form·a .•-• ft - long,as q11elli dd Viminale, but it is m"l.or more lj,acio. ff,,..4..•. 1.••and fe . Begin.1 from the porta Salaria, & fi difl:cnde inlino to .:, ..,,,....,eforo,namely :tlla square of Nerua,near upon the n:ie de Conti. T•m •• C'•• has in failed & the steep of the mountain, the bathrooms _<_li Paul, ilquale ,;, . . · . place today estate corrupt the voc:tbolo , volgar mind them f"t';{."r.•• thìam111 mount b,1gnapoli,that is, baths of Paul,oue hog• ;,,,, j.1 'e9,the ·. gi phono the old cafe is lpal.lzzo of nob1l family of the•,,.,.,,. •• Accounts, oue is the torrealcillima of milme cJifìc.1u from ,....ur•'•. : Bonifacio ottauo, 6 such as the torre de C..onci was edifìi:,1ra T• rr. ',•li: · · · t· M,1'"' 1 ,.,. from l11no.em10 tcrzo,for memory & nom: de11a branches\ 1a ••t• ,,. 8.,,, : d·and Contt, that hebbc in medelimo fecolo, & quaft The vn ago•••.,,•..,, . òietro·aWaltro four Pontc.6ci,lnoocentio tcrzo,Gr,-Torr1 •• C•• .-&orio ninth,Alelfandro fourth,& Bonifacio ottauo,ilqu.a• ,, ,d,fi••t• '{and it was the first, that in the rcligìon Chritlfana iutroJulle "" 1..•"• . 1 ch1Jm:l 11 Geanr1 .11trr1 P,. ,rnb1 co, econ, or _ · _ ., nn. ,ecu .r.,c co ordmc de g111dc1,& collume dc Ro11um, lhc pc:r gr:11/i" d, •4• : time s cria ttal.tfciato, & he was rich:loved in him:and. and;,;;,,.,,,,,.. . Et co(i was ·still the first Pontiff, that I cd•.br.tlfr :,up• r,... -in 1 J or". There t_orrc of the militie say hauer prero 11 no. 'j.,,.,1,.,,;,. : me cl.the the soldiers of Trai,1no lmptèìatore, that n• a,..., • :allOf?Siauano : fopraità the said place to the hole, that is, the square of the•· &.-11.• 1;hi.and· YraiJ,n., oue anc.ra li see :ilcuae volt_e, with rre .J• ,.;:•,_-.!:. :m.-rottt & vn porch fottcrra,d1 lauoro :int1co,fcnJo p1=-"4,11.,,.,f;. gato à guifa of vn the middle of the circle rapprclcnt:mdo from fron · ,;, . ·you,as a vn Teatròiocauato, ntll'vno de horns Jd ctuale For1 T,.;..and fi sees the depth,1 & old Chicfa to shut fandforno melting Albiciro, & no•.-b medelima part of the mount has nrlfa rc-gion Suburran1 ctmJ" j-:!:jf the village, &:Li Chielà J1 S. Agata, bquale was built from .lbi:;.,.,.,The .f..orio I. .d...dùamò the Chjetà de _Gow fott'the ti;or 1, r,IIÌ,,,, pi .To?{TICHlT •. i' fJI IlOMA. .'•. 'f r. of ranta Aata virgin in cafa,that (udi fua ai.det. ga ;::i; "';-;1st qu:ile ..li fe.and .ahiefa beautiful à to see!e & p;r 10 into.ca &_ d •••.-tii:•;. to, for,.. vaueta and m:irmt. 0opo to que 1.or 1uogo about .,,,.,.;,.. d,l, v. t.areas of pietr:i,in fommità of montc,apparilèono & •to 1,1,,.-,.,. :ì The regarding the Spa Coflantinianc , from finiitra nela •6;/• ,.,,•• medeftmo edge of the mount 6 sees vna machine.;.,of C• marble half-rouin.1ca, which by the populace is _chiamata meu.in fl.••tiN ,.you tower fopr:11 p:ila1:1:or dc Colonnefi,penfano some of that cl.5i,,_;,;.,.1,, The .--·· --.·"-=._ the fufie of the tor. M•t!""'"• '".;,._-· ='"'"""--....,--. rediMecenna · · = you, & eh.1ama.,, l• r,,,, ta tower, Me-•• J::ltr••• is quafi tower li•U•"• dm• • ,,,,.,,,.,., '--' Mecenatiana , ""'°'" r ,,. i-1 & ft fondan'>r, M,Ji,. .ir fopra weak argument -& coiettura,pcr. cioche she the n6 is. that it can elfere,oue , shall main. p:ilmente s'.ia gannano , cke quefta bora fo .,. prafta to.Cit ty of Rome 6a _______________ ,. C'>lllC faceua already quc:ll.i, m,mon auertif( ono dte quefta of today is Cit. s nuou:i,& is not 1a :imica,waves I penfo that Mefa YO r.•,11ttm fi glia to say half, as fopra I said, percioche and' fe •f,••t• f•• sees the half, auenga that the tower of Mecennate fuffeam;" ••• fopra the great montc.Efquilino in the region Efauilina,or, .; 'l %t/i: 9,.';,,; me fcriue Publius :Victor & queita is in the resione theun,; Visibility, r, vil Lata fopra the monte Q. irir.alc,in Pomeno & d intor ,,. ,,.,,;_.! no :of ancient Rome, that Nero then not h:irebbe ""'"I""'!!" could ftare à see the fire of Rome,fi as he fe.t::;,;';;.: ec from that of Mccennace, as fopra habbiam said. ,,,.,;.. .d.eJidcncroàC111eilQfpagJdfcr. .t.already ilTdd. the,,.,,.,,.• , · -,I J.:::;ii....5:i.....i) C•u• · riul, h,gp 1 LIB. Sl.Or?{DO = .· 61 . ;of the Sun, built by Aurelian the Emperor, as a tefti-· · cunt Ffauio Vopifco, that fcriue in the modoe. Built A. ureliano in Rome the Temnio of the Sun folenneméte fcn 1',w,ir,and M . S, • tlI'fi••• The . and pen,.1no que r. the tower and!{" .,4,.,. . crato, you are missing to cum,cr:h ll ere t ti . ftata already gliornaméti of the said Temple,ollc the medefimo ,;.,.:. a.a writer who cfic.,chc_fu pofto degrees Ili but q_uatir. .•oero & ar _e · gcto of the v1ttor1a riceuuta, & that: 1 porches d1 elf furo · no ripoGi affai wines for the account of the 6fco, & that the mother of M ,ul,e .. 41 , Aureliano was facerdoteffa of the Sun, oadc he is opinion .A"J'1'.9;"'fi ' , that Aureli:ino therefore cdi6calfe the detro Temple in Ro-';:,,•_" • but,& we habbiam villus in the Medals of the said Prìnci-M•I•glit dl ·epe,the title says. JUST lNVIOTO, that is, the Sun in:-.Au.•li•": °" uitt_o,.edcli the anc.rajn that.ogo gra ro'!im: & veGigie of J;.. ,nfmm• · .and ·ant.chua,chc li d1Gedcu1no 1nlin. the square dc SS.Apo I"••'•• · ftol1,oue of them veggonle fcefe,& the falitc,fi as in An6tea ,.; ti•',,..,,,. tro,of what cofa.I don't have the notitia ne cofa, no:i certainly ,.;, •'•. ,,,.,p, fe no ch I vo im:iginado that the folfcro,as some lady self " phew• •1 P•1•t •N rolle 11• • · sound,1 _ and ant1c . he aggmte,.• 'deil Terme of J eo,,atmo with por l•6-1,. fc•l• _, t1co d1 that was détro that fpacio.Appreff"or fi tro (f"J/'• .,,,fo must be in the cau21li Ji màrmo daiqu2li the side of the hill, oue f•n1 .At•ft•eeglino phono has prcfo the name, & is called mote cauallo. -ti· nl4. · u· " mini naked that Jli tégono for Ll bri&lia, "à p.and de;ll·vno .-.fmu. o;g,,;,ed by Google '· •• Tm.•you that is the work of Phidias. And' show{the,that, those were the codot: i:' .."'""ti à Rome by Tiridates King dc the Armemj, which vcnneà · · Rome & Nero's for riceot"rlo magni6camente, in vn, say fenza propolito meUe à gold around the Teatro di Pompeio, as fcriue Tr3llquillo.Are in the same working place for three fi:an··n ,. your Cofr5tino lmperatorc,à feet & straight with lor titO · ::.:n;n;. them in habiro .the-muck.or, of med.lima the form _& l.tura.no ,no. , I ,., r,,../, Are some that frr1uono in to the one fpoc10 ellerc·itanf. ,,.rc-,.,,,,,;j, tagià the cafa,&Ja via deCornelij, & take it for argu.tli•""ago.A, the chin,the Chicfa close S;$aluatore is called de Cor ""tj . nelij, oile is the principle of the so-called Alt.tlèmita fo.t'._:< 'C',r pra the.The dorfo of the mountain Q!iirinale inut'rfo North,& ,. ,. man finifua phono hills & valleys , such as the additions of the ";,,7;. of,n s.,,,,,,,.,•• ,,,• monte, & among the first is the mount with the Temple of Cli ria Be C'•m•1i •. d' pollen. ilquale in ,1;ran part foprallaalla region & .A}r.f.":"/· the sources of Triuio, vhf hora is the palace& the Vtgna of the ;-'P;;ir'!;p;; reuerédo Cardinal Carafa,Napolitano. Apprelfo them veJc ,.:,. vn'else with!and the oue was the old Capitol, & oue is ,'i},tj,(U .it was the facello,i.e. cappdla,or the oratory of Gioue,éi June-, C'_11;4'.""'•0• ne,& of Minerua,p1ù :mtic:iméte edi6c:no, no, it was editin1,.,,,. ,.,,,.,. 1-"!'-.!!,!l!!!!..."'!!!!!•-'."'!ncaro f"• ,I,[ what, '....--i,-i - ;,. R,,,,,. iv. 'l T' .-.-,,,_,"",_u,·J and pius i , "'"""" • BI!!!...-.,:,,;;--:.""ç:: Cam F..::;;:the;;._.....•,;..;:==..ago din DlU..ii -••_.-----•----------' ran or;g;ii,edbyGoogle • ·LI B P...,() SECO'N.._DO.· 6J w, oue already 6 celebra112no the fefte call 'FloraJ,ia, L, f•Y, the the '· meretriciignude,oue of them parlaua licentioiamente, & li of-;.'•· .,..,. . cciu words dishonefl:and with gefl:the & games dishonefii, ,,;;:,;:.:,. that coli voleua the people of Rome, & concorreua all à t,;.,. cln. • see inlino that he fe ne partiua fatio. as fcriuc l,attantio Hands.the and • telling the verti ancient fcriue • Noff,s ioeofa,/.Nle,c"m faerum Jl,r• FeftostJi lufus,& licmti11m'f1ulgi ;•"\. CNT irs T ht11trum CAio fl141re"Umiftl. . ;• '·"or; ,A. 11ideo111ntum 'fleTUTAS'fltexir,s I ' ;o•:Ì.the Nd!and what fetle the Building were foliti of gittare the popo·. , . . .•.• the faue & other fimili cofe. In tefta of quefta valley, & the . ·.. / .,'.:;;-f the circle were already workshops , oue of them facena the Minium , not J. f,nt,,!J ./' away very much from the Temple of Quirinus, as fcriuc Vi-f, f•c•.-.,, • nuuio was near :the quefto place,the Cliuo P-ublicio, of here the Cli•• P_.them. the M. Varro fcriue. The proffimo CJiuo, that ferue.allc fc-m • Jle-Flowers, verfo the old Capitol. Ouidione' f.iffi. p4rt1lo,_t eli1'the 'l' ttmur11t Md1'11 r1'p11, Ytilet14ndter 1ft p1'blimm11i, 'V_OCIUII • . T ., -Near à queffo place was the Pila Tiburtina, & fa cafa by ;.the• c•f•".u Martiale Poet, as he teftifica when fcriue. ;;:,,; 4l,P•• . SetiTibur1in1. fum proximuHJcco/11 Pili. , •• ' .,. 'fliJ•t 11ntie"'!' r1'ftie111 Pi/11.em. It was flor3 vna Cort1g1ana very nobtle,bquale hauendo Ch,f•ff, ,,,. acquifiate many riches, with the art fua,lafciò herede r• • the Roma People.waves the Romans in fuo honore ordered the . fopradetti gi.och_i, c.iamat! Flor3lia,. as anticarne.-.j.•ch, ,r,.you were ftata ord1nat1quelhche 1i call the Larentalia, 0;,.;who L11-in honore of Larentia nurse of Romulus & of Remulo ,,111,.1,.' builders of Rome. Here partendoli makes them others encounter.tro between the .irin3lc there l V1minale vna valley ftretta, & mon-. . ga fuck agltorti SalufHani, which has the form of cerchioo, & H,n,I. U.,.or"12 man deih-a fon relics, & vefhgie Ji fpettacoli, one ft••111 • lloraè the vineyard of the Reuerendo Cardinal facouaccio, Jiuomo Eu po,or ago you .li òtterrato vn marble, chv bora is iri·found in the trunk.· , of m<'lfcr Agnolo C.,Jo:I, oue is frritto in quefto way •. t•f,•conflicts,•• M. TO VR AND THEM Vs. p Co R Vs. ET. M. Co c. •h• f• """. C F I V s. s T R A T or and L Es. }E D I T V I. V And-1;;:;;; ;,• J.; N E R a l St I R T O R V M. S A L LV S T I A N or. .l11ft.the,.aRVM. BASEM. CVM. PAIMENTO. MAR•. ·· · M F N T O DE A N " e.. D. D. ' And beyond them to near ilb port Sllaria vn the Edges of the · C•tr1p• fetle• the earth, that ft duama the mound, or the field Sceleta.r•.;-'.' f• to, & was chiamaw cofi p,er the incetto, & adultery to them /"JJ""' ,,,. r. • Jb " - , h -, and•fi J,,. commetteua, fm er.1 vna lipelunca ratta :the hand,'I', 1opra - ,,. in voha with vn small bttfo, oue fi metteuano inside.: Pu• 4,JI, ·virgin V dbl1 that haueu:inocommelfo adultery, acdo.Z"L"" V,ft• that no fulforo ve,-lutc to die of hunger,& in the Den was-·a """"· no two picciole !ìnellre, in the vna of the qu:ili ftaua vn:the lu.cerna .cct-f:1,in the other was ml"the,l:me,& water. the V ergi.it Vetlale, that was llata convicted of adultery., it was brought with grandiflimo filentio to the middle of the City,& the s.,,,.,.;r. square, in vna 8Jr.t chiamauano Sand 1pila • -• eofa ""• as 1c she futfe tlata mortaa, & g: - for vna, Cc, ila ft face. ua;emrare nd said Cave: then the people will gettaua fo . pra aell.ueru to in up à which gives venifiè: like, & ap. prelfo ve mcttc:ua fopr:the the stones , & cofi moriua: but the pri. but h\·glino this &celfcro, the (Jcerdoci l.1.t.1dauano, & the kuauano the facramcnti dl dofiò, & in that day, tucra.Ja Streets .:ra weeping, dd speaks dittùfamente Plutar.co n.J 1st life J1 Ca milio. My Liuio fcriue : Ncl medefiM;,,,.,;,. .,,r mo year Mins virgin Vellate elfendo ! tata :iccufa--. The"" . rr,ft,.1, ca, was fouerrata viua alb port on the Coli but in mç:ce dl e fap•ll•t• .,,. jfr.aJa denuo to e2mpo federated, that for the inceno has. ... • · · urn acquilbro name lèderato. Were more than this an-cpra pumri any time those, that the ,or;rompeu:ino, in order to Pull My frriue: Luciu Cant1lio Cancelicrc of the Pontiff of the number of those, that is called minor. it was in comitio, oue fi ragunaua the People f.mo beat with rods from the Pontc6cc· MJffimo, so that the menue c:h', he was beaten cat,ò dead • or;g;i;,edbyGoogle ·. ·ÌIBJt,0 SBCO?{,.DO. 61 Of the monte'the Pincio , or the colle de glihortuli. C A,·P. IX. fii v li N D or already defcritto the slices mountains of Rome,there reftano some out of the terraa, which is the hill de the Hortuli, chea· horgi is called Piocio, from the building M,.,, P_;.. he already h:meua near dt Pincio Scn.shaft, 11• d, •hu• ilqualc habitò fopra the said hill,as feral Cal1iodo-ft """· ro in fue epiltole , waves to the door, which is close to said p.,,. Pi11,i• lùogo,is called Pinciana. .eflo is the hill that a large •• • 'part fopraftà to the field Mar.I, . oc.upa great fpacio, .:.r• "•' _ & for lunghezu fi dillende to gutfa d vn, I hope, dt huo.ino bent in the elbow, & begins from the port Salada,& from the horti Health{hani & ends alb port.1 of the People : then it is chiufo from the Castle old, foccorfo & fortress P.•-"• •to.clelb City , oue in Angulo & canton was now Covering the '"' • porta del Popolo, was the aforementioned walls sees them vna walls.glia made à r<'ti, or à squares, diamonds, that is part of the vno, ancient wall that already goes fpiccando of inlieme: ne co minci:1 the fe.lfur.:to the ground, but from the mez7.0 the wall & go in-..; •".• up to fommità of elf,& so he bowed, and pa-;.,;,.,:,,"',;. king that a part from the gang of playing fporti more in fuo-r• ,.,,, . ra that all the rello of the wall , & vna, part of the fia's most r1flret.t3 indentro. They say that Peter Apoilolo g the difefa P_,.,'! S•1•· of the said place, & each time the City was alfediara d.:a ;':.u: ;:.! the Barbarians,ò c.and.l.ra vielenza of enemies peruenn. to det-fam I• 4,f,-. to the place he dtfefe. l:aqual fcn elfendo estate for f• f•" P,• miracle,nobody since then has ever hauuto :the daring of racconcia-'" • the king ò ò to retire the said party of the the wall,but {the is rhyme Ilo & ri.mane coli 11,liccato, as fcriuc Procopio in the war gottica, & chiamalì today the wall inchinaro. In the fom-Mimmt,. Jnità of the said hill, vicmo to the walls, there is vna a half But.china , ouer the Mole,which has a spherical shape & ritonda , à guua of the Panteo,but is a lot smaller,& more rouinat.:to, Not mol to lontanQ is the C,1iefa of Trimtà, oue sound, the Friars c.11f1/•1. The fan Francefco di Paola,& the with.ing of those little f.the in .;:;:'::'i:"!" that.ogo built à fpefe of Lodouico vndecimo King , bi•f• J,l. • F. raoaa, e1fendo pocluaawinn.mz.the come à Rome,& the"' f••tijli11M .. I fe,c r.illit•. ,. made to build up to inftantia & prayers of Brother Frfflt'CIK'Gr •111 ;,.of/.•-di Paola for natione Calaurefe , ilqu:ile then was· mèlforj.;;. d7,;:_ in the number of the Saints by Leo df'cimo Pontiff, hauen. s. F,.,..,f., do primarapprouato the life of the one by the miracles & fegni tli P••'• ••-which he did. Perciochergli is vnrluogo v1dnoalla Chiefa·· .,,,.,t,.,x• d• of fans Happy in the Pincio , the hill de the Hortuli, oue was fe..;.:;. dif•n polto Nero Prince , as fcriue Suetonio, when the:,lìc, ;,. Pin he dicer. The fue relics fotterrarooo Egloge & Alef.•• no .·• pii. fandria fuc nurses with Auia that was ftata fua Concubine · 8,p,lchr1 in fepolchro of the cafa de Domirij • who Mar. 11"'"' · tio sees them fopra the hill de the Honuli: in which monu.chin is vna fedia them do.which fopratta vno High-· the king of marble of luni;& is surrounded by pjetra thalia:ilqua.the hill de the Hortuli is coli said from the Horti Saluftiani, de such as vna part were Covering the said hill,or so . chefotto elf between him & the way Flamini.1 , oue of the plain has humida, there were already horti: the qualcofa ago mentionc. Jl,u,fal,, Strabo talking about ac1 Maufoleo d' Augufto, when he'°..,,_"!.•ft•· says: Aggiunfeui still horti & bofchetti around 11.11,_,hi•. Naumachia,that is, to the place.oue of them faceua the fpetracolo dcl."7' dc <1f• the naui in them heme cobatteuano, which today commonly •r... fi by the habitatori is called Hortalia,i.e. hortaggi. to•r or ,•••" 11 and all qu.no c_1•rcu1to, & 1pac1? tlù:• h•Uid, c • ' • h e, and between 1·1 mo.you . .,.' .r .,.. in ,.,.,. quefra Machma d1 Augulto, it was g1a occupied by the ed16.P•"' hllbit•: c1j faui from Augufto for inlino to Teuerc,as apprelfo 1i •. ':.7-'t" say • From the hill de the Hortuli already fokuano defcendcrc the .;,u1;";.,:·. Candidates, who ven1uano à ask the People in the camr little Rotten the Magiftrati with vcGc white indolfo & fcnz.at toga,not to afcondere fuck cofa, no, waves, and' potcffc ro corrupt the PopoJo : & say that à quefto feruiua s,,,,,,.,l,4111, the gate,that is from the conduit of the acqua vergine. The fepti of t. r.•n,. · camp0 Martio, that is, the places, oue ttaua the people to the net ..:" • ,r.-à make the parties, was close to the via Flaminia, & the via furnicata,as fcriue Tito Liuio,in that fj>acio,oue ap-, C',/01111• ,ì preffo was standing column à snails Antonino P10 11',ioc,iol, of prcffo to mount Cit11tor#m , i.e. mount Acetorio,ilqualo t-"'0"'"' was coli said, because of quiui them citauano the Tribes,in which .:.;,rera diuifo the Roman People, ò li vcramétc was called ,it,. . Acccttorio, perciochc 1i açcccuuano & ricnaeuano the uff. ·r· '! ragij 1.IB.l{.>"· st:C0XD0; 66 &agij of the people,or was called Mons foptor11m, éioè · the monte de Copts, oucr chiufure, and from the places fopradetti, oue fcdeua the people, who were so close to him: but it is piÌI to. = ilo vn the mound,that vn monte, that is vn the mound of earth, amalfataui & pollaui hand-in-hand de fundamentals ca-· uata , such as ft believe dclLt column à chiocciolea, which is yicina. And' vn'mount fimigliante à the one,among the piaz. za,who today ft said de Jews, and the Teucre, ilqwlc is chia · mato mount Cincio d:illa fàmigli:the nobiliffimade Cinci, J. f,111, c-;,.,.ache iui have the fue books:, the rat as I pcnfo m, '!!'" u indufuiofamence & dining pofb to repair the Teucrea, that "'""1• allagaua all fi,acio from man ftniftra that egliafulfe diriz.z.the ato corfo by Tarquin Prifco, for which he runs to present,comc apprclfo fi tell you. Reftaci you cer 2.0 monte fomigliantc à fopradetti,which is called the mon M,,,,, Gior-: te Jordan, m2nifcllo :ì cilfcuno , called the cofi I ""' ti• ,1,; ctfl ""'· the Baron of the cafa dc the Orfini,oue phono & fi see an.cora today the cafe of the Illuttriffima family of the Orfi. ni: percioche the said mount is breue of fpacio, but no.me ampliffimo, conciofia that is not the place noble gliahuomini, but the fia from the chiarez.z.name nobilit:ito • ·aReftaci bora à speak of the Vatican hill & the lanico.Jo b from Teucre.to Del monte P atican, & de ornaments that. and .li 'P. x. D L Mo N TE Vatic:ioo,cometcfHficaGel-r,,.,it""' ,..,; h·o,c.fi called from the -y2cicinij,p.rcioche "'; eofl u"i_ Cover d said monte, g,a foleuano 1 Tofca-!! . ., . . . • " · . . . r•ru,,,.,, .. . nt batch two lecct vat1cmare,c1oe prorcttare ni, & indouinare; whence Pliny fcriue. And vn holm oaks very old in the Vatican,ncl which phono fcritte & carvings.and some letters Tofcaoe ìn copper, which dimoltra.no the said, ·arbore efièr already breath religiofo & facro ; vhf apprelfo for this reason it was built the Temple of T111,pi, tl'.A.Apollo. Says Felto, ifVaticano was cofi called for-ptll,. cioche the Roman People fe ne infigoori by the rc. Wo!ln cle iVaci, difcacciatone the T ofcani • V acron. ,fcriuc · :. 1 to aoadi. · ·· o;g;i;,edbyGoogle vl?{TICH EN.To' JtOM .To .ndimeno,that the Vatican was vn God cofi chfamato,that The haueua auttorità fopra those who cominciauano :the speaks-. king&. fciorre b language; conciofia the Children.as the pri-but are à light, commander from the voice ftmigliante the first fillaba of fopradetto name the Vatican, & so I ·ochiama the said their weeping Vagire . The monte à all hog•ol'•The•. ""'" gi is manifefliffimoo. pcrciochc iui is the rcfidenza apoftoli·.P;:;fil,: "ac, & la_ Chiefa & Bafilica of fanoPietf. main. de the ,.. __ f•nPietro h' Apoftoh.chc by Coftant100 was built mfioo 1 - based-·"• ,In ,ttifi-minds,next to the Temple d' pollen: & say that he por.••"· ked twelve Baskets of earth fopr.in the fue fpalle, in honore dc' dodcci Apottoli, & adorned the aforementioned Chicfa nice. liffimi.ornaments, & mainly the place,oue fon po. t.•'1! d,J"•n-fte of part of offa & the ashes de' doi Apoltoli Peter 8co. P;m• '1' to Paul with vguale storage at home. Ilq.l place he adorned it ""• gold 8c silver & bronze. It still made a gift to the det.to the place of p,uamenti of the fct:1 & validation apr.artenenti to the cofe facrc . Leggcuafi a little while ago fopra the tribune of may.king, laqualc ·hora is rouinata, vìt diftico faputo from pochicommeffo of Mufaicoo, ilquale diccua in quefto way. Diflie, eb"t• .uod two, thee mundus furrtxit in 11ftr11 triumphAM, ,.., ti• •• f..n H,mc Co11fl11ntin11s viélor tihi condiJit .4u1'a • Pim. ' In order Honorio first decorated tile indorati.that. Gi,u c11,iegli tolfe of the Temple of Gioue of the Capitol, who were the fia ,,,,... you indorati from Q!!into Catulus,when he dedicated the Tem.Portie• dm•, pius à Gioue after the expulsion of the Kings. In p.nettle dina.no.;1 P4:r•d•f - z.the Temple is the place, which is called the Paradifo.,luh.!.f•. (':•· that was lallricato of marble from the Pope the Gift first, & dao .11t1.,-rer•• · • · 11_ r Maruno fifth •rcuaurato, oue, and 1 proffiimo ,opportt• r•te • co,the painting of shut fandforno melting Peter & difanto Paul,& in the me Z. p;,., law&-zodel com is vna pina d1 copper marauigliofa grandei -· za, l:1Uoro old lumpy: & dierro in the wall 6 ve or,,,., of Gi, de la nauicella commetfa-of mufoico from Gioto Flourishing".' •• Pittm. no,that was the fuoi times Eccellentiffimo Maeftro.Sonui anus choral-door firing ranges in bronze & gilded by Antonio . . medefimameme Fiorentino, oue phono belliffime figuref;"r'{h"'!}. fcolpite,à fpefc of Eugene qnarto. in memory of na./r,,: li,:;,i; matters that to work tùa fi reconciled to the Chiefa Ro. fi f.. Pim. manaJ &all quefta.hiioriaèof hit in.the above-mentioned places: or;g;t;zed by Goog le " · l.IBJt.OR S-AND·CO?-{_DO: you ,1orte: lequali doors were already d• Argem:o , but they say that the were leuate away from the Ag.:u-eni • that is, Saracini • To man deftra in the canton h is the porta Santa, and was ./I• ,nt,• ••".• . Alt'frandro fefto nen• Year feculare before the open. the day S •nt, . auanl'the nativity of the Lord in The roo.in pref.s of cle-Jt;:r:c : f,!the: . ro & of the Roman People:in which v1 and vn Taber p ,..,,.,,. ,,.,. nacolo marble, walled around iron, oue fi coQferua jl •••• s-. . . shut fandforno melting the Shroud of Chriftoa, is the iron of the The spear with which cl,,. ,,;,,., . · he opened the coftato , which was sent by the grand Prince tr; .f • '""Jiaèle the Turks to the Innocent or ottauo: & in the faith of the true fi ve-,..;,;'"';;... de la fiatua of the predicted Pontiff in that place with the r, fF the fm• the effigy of the said nail. In the canton linillro of detail:1 d,ll•L•."we•.aChief.t,in to vn fuggefto,& pulpit m:ha, there is T•.•!r. to " •• • the cap0 to shut fandforno melting Andrea Apofiolo, which was brought to the Pe. )opone(fo, you have det.or the Morea, from the Prince of elettoa ogg ·· place, à Rome, & riceuuto from Piofecom\or Pope in the·aJ!(>nte Miluio, that is, the bridge Springs , oue èltoggi memoriaa. the called cofa. I am still in the said place the bodies in de• c,r,; k .. SS. Simon & Jude,& a great part of the ash & the otlà de s;,,,,,., or.. the Popes dead until à quefio of: how to die some of the dc i Gi""". ·· Joro fepolchri, in reftauratio.and, & innouarione dell:a ·a. called Chiefa fiano went in rouina , is still in the foot • fepolchro to Link the fourth Pontiff; ilquale is bronze.t. ". admirably lauorato, fopra to every•other dcU•age no-,; 'a;,,.67,: ,. Jha beUiffimo,in the chapel:to eh' .them medeftmo fetJdo an-•r1ifiei•. cor via,made.f.are à Giouanni del Pollaiuolo Florentine;: jlquale still fell well bronze the fepolchro de Inno centio ottauo ; Sonui still two ftatue of bronze (j,ari .effigy. & form difanto Peter Apofiolo; de qualil'vna, say, effi:re fiata gi.i Gioue Càpitolino. at the time Prmelpi• "' ·a noftri,Giulio fruitful by sending à earth the old walls of the city, 1. ;i;;.·lia cast the based meati, d•vn marauigliofo & graoclitlimo ! ;:.: / uri:the building, it I " provided,that prior to Nicholas the fifth,& . of f.,. Pi• .eia Paofo feco.the ndo was a breath accrefciuto • I don't want to an- tr,•. cora trapafJàre with ftlentio to the palace of the Vatican • . it is set with the dctt3 Chiefa, oue inhabit the Popes, was / •t.U! ;:. already started by SimFco first .or as some in the 1,'; ..;; ,a;.. iu-i frnuano by Nicholas teno, & apprcffo accrefciuto , & :;.,. • emaco from the alcri .of the hand ui.maao, but p(incipalmentc o;g;i;,ed by Goog I e opm Jl JJ. from Nlcolao fifth, ilquale forti6cò mount Ved=no11.•fif""'1fi· d':tltiffime walls, & apprelfo still Sifto quart0, the.:::;/1.i:tqu.the edi6cò the condauio, & library, & the hole and• . Jl',uu,.... call the Rota, by The nnocenrio octane fii f Qmito; ilquale side edi6cò the courtyard of palano, & ne re.llaurò & rinouò nav part m:igni 6camente; . in was the caliper had the source, & fimilmente in tefb to the mon.you, inuerfo the prati Vatican edi6cò belliffimi cafamenti) & percbe the view is belliffima, & phono in place April. ••t.l•. J used , ò open , were called Beluedere ; which dipoia·to•1P.•1-t, by Giulio fruitful were joined to the palais des sports.z.or Vaticanoa· :':;,.;,":t,; with vn beUiffimo porch with three loggias, in the time of the vn.t fo. ,,.\\! 1Ul P,.. pra falm, cbeapafianofoprala v. i:lle that diuide the vn luò. · ,.. go on the other. Feceui still vna belliffima fountain with vn garden of orange trees, & the wall around him : nelSi'!'..l•and. . least of which is the lìmulachro of the Nile, & of Teucre :•,/-;/• ciafcuno with the fuoi contrafegni, oue phono still fanciullia , to eh:,.•i7 1,,Ì. that edi6c:began Rome, that fcherz.anus with the mammelleal•tl• ,,,1 B,l. of the she-Wolf; & around, phono marble ftatua d' Apola"'"'"· the with the arch, & with the make a u, & that of the Virgilianof'.'i/'i!;· The laocoon , with doi, the children knotted & inuiluppati by the,.':, '. · doi ferpenti , cauati of vn marble pholus • Euui still the • and•pp,ll11 them ftatua of Venus that looks apprelfo fe fire 6gliuo.Sifl• eo"' pit bed Cupido; & Cleopatra along the source, the very fi. ."'t ul_ag,,._ similar à woman that fia venutaft less ; perciocbe the ya.f;;,·,r:::; Iorofo the soul of Julius had accefo & vague of all the CO•aJ; I,htl' •• ·fo,which were excellent. Euui still Balilica of Sifto, t.l s•••,,,,,. · oue 6 celebrates each year ; that it was from him. adorned with pittu.."· ra beroica very fimile to the ancient, not never seen it mfino, à quefti times. Haueua still difegnato to widen,wing, square Chrefa fan Peter, & to provide the ve.paste ò pergamon, which is chiamaao the benedittionc, &:fomire even I. Chiefa, there as he haueua begun,to Difof"• li Haueua started vna ftrada fr.z.to shut fandforno melting Pie.Gù:li• fott•• tro inlìno à Ripa,& from the Bridge to the Vatican inside :the Citti •••. · · · the ponce Sifio vn'other ftrada, with vn gran pa' · .bz.z.or , oue there haueuano à ragunarc all the Magiftrati;& many other cofe very vtili to the court & to the Citcà G Rome, fe, and' ooa. fuftc .Gato prevented by the clamps. LeOllc o;g;i;,edbyGooglè llB en,Or S. co'l{C: t;S. . . "· d. . Bridges]ìc, ,,_e & . The columns, with:,.,well·t comparttmenu • .,.. 1p1oture, . -./l••r•r• Vchi céimeffi the gold; tuttecofe made fàre à perfone ecce en "• who, • tiffime in the art. At the time of which Pope, the age of the king . Lt•1•"".. "fil• no uto vno e1erante, still g1ouane & l dro ""'• i• R,and. · conducted dC'gateway in India. & many p:irdi, & leonie, & some of the to-,,,. The ""'P• tri animals within the City. of Rome, a great while ago of Lu11, X. were not flati seen R:ra h:i d r. pu and . Del-monte Ianiculo, & de places that the phono alfintorno. and A P. X I. · D L M o N T 11 laniculo,is the one which is in the king.the region TrJnftiberina , that is, in TranR:eueri for the most part, as is the arx, that is, 11 Rocca: Waves Ouidio • ..irx me To còtlu er4t, ']Utm culwix nomiM nt>jlri·and Nu,uup111 luc,u111 J11niculumtj, 71oc11t. Pe.aft that he lìa C<_>fi ftato call.to, percioche fano there ! ..• ,., ,, .. ltab1to,& was fepolto JO that place, or ft ver:imenre perche-,u.the Romans quiui palfarono the first time that he enters. ·•er fia 4!than de Tofcani, & from such a palfata was colie ·echiamato: pcrdoche Iano means tranlito, i.e. paffa-'"; 6.'1. I-µ, as fcriue Cicero & Macrobio;they say that eglie,. ,., and ,.is detro l11nu1, ']Haji 111nus u eundo,that is, from the go to.ciochc he goes & riuolge the Cicloe, & all of the cofe, that fo. · no momlo,concioffa eh' he has aurtorità of turns.king of all Je cofe that ft moui>no. •.ello lddio in the prin-. ,.,.. 6-s•.. _:w•h• principle of fccolo gold, held the ftnittro fìancho of Teue-:.;., king in Tofcana , the defho habitò Saturn • At that tem-.:"...,; J,I. po was not the Monarchy , that is, the principality, for-,.,,, .m;.that is not regnaua the deadly greed of the fignoreg-,.• : m:h. •rA.•.r•ct .. jars: & percìoche the Principles of er.tno giuiti & data to the cul--::__ . · & -"-o;;, d. 1· . . ,,..,,,.,,., ' to 1umo • "'"" re 1g1one , fiurono tenuu , & adcirau co-•••ni, 9,..,,t•mc Dij • shame iftcffa, & rifpetto of honore, & •a t the h.,,,.,,... good, reggeua peoples, & the giuftitia moderau:to the t.the. . . · · Principles. The cafe they were c.auernee, & .routes, ouer f.•"•'.... huts made of reeds • ò oak trees. ò altn beginning, cofi .,!"';; ;. &ui fcauati,& votes èlcnrro. Viucumo de fruits that the ter-1,.,. J11tle ·and· The 4 rapcr .,_ .•!• ,,,.1,them, spelt is the piantlr the vineyards. Vefia was Ja fua wife, & clfca-d, ,_ · do the first,that prcndclle the gouerno fopra the cofe Sacre_ · gave cuftodia to the virgin the fire, which clleno ferualfe.11,Z/, or-,; •. ro perpetuamentc,pcr feruirfene à the facrilicij; & it was·the pri -. .,.,,t, tlifcor mo. for conferuare the fantimoni:a, & the honcfià of f• d,/1'°11111• cafe, trouò the vfci, the lbnghe & the traui; _onde by hti the vfci were called fanue; & he fi paints with the rod 8t The ,nrichi with Them chiauc-in-hand; They believed some,coftui ctfe. 1,,nrili mclt1 king breath Noe, who at the time of the great Diluuio, pholus with the ••fo 's'11" fìir fua family , rimafe viuo fopra the earth; l':ark of the which ,,,. critru• r d 11. 1 -three . ere c.n .croatia.opra I., G d' r4. is h•ft•· there d' 11· (s orn1eo mo'!t-and , and..... _ ri11,1, rir11ro• greater Armenia. The pnmo that :igg1ugneile tl mount no 11tle lor f.". faniculo to Cmà was the Side l\brtio, not because he has.••1 •ntr rm ucffe necellità of that place, m:t as' pareua that and• ;. .: :z;-,,,,.g was{fe,c?.and vnanf.rte?.7..1, preftare commod ity & or.c.. _n f,ÌUlfll the m,,. fione to The nem1c1, d1 efpugnare Rome :so Titus Liu10 ,.·,.,.;colo in. fcriue. Was still :iggiunto the laniculo to the City, not for l4 CirtÀ " careftia of place, but accioche enemies to time for any :,,.,.,o-l'" not potcllino !eruirfcne, in exchange for fortena; liked • all' bora the Romans, not pholus mediaure the walls congiu. . : gncrlo à Rome, but still for the convenience of the palfarc p,,.,. ...h.: built 11 Sublicio bridge fopra ù Tcuerc. Were j;!,:'j,. •; •. j still, the work of King Ancus the .offers de the Quiriti (.and pie trackable•. the cola fortcz.z.to the side of the pr:mnra ) of the such as par.Fo/f, d,' .the lando Fdto says. They are called the crazy dc .iriti for.r,.j/f P"j'" cioche neo M. irtio, when he made around .;_' 1"'"'n" .imi, flights. that the f.ilero work & m:in.fattura de the Q.!!iri . _ s,,,1,.M•tl; .you, c1oe dc 1 the Romans. Says/the Numa efiere the treaty fcpolto ·,...,,..-,,.,.. fuck d Ianiculo,oue Lucio Petilio lcriuano haueua the fucn•• ,.,u,._p•JT•f pofièllìoni, as fcriue Tito Liuio. While the lauo.fi•n•/:/"· workers enuauano well the inside, with the p.ile measures in the troU -: l• ..1;:J ';;1_ you two arks of stone with j covers fafciati of lead,n 1. r,,,1,..,. & the vna & the other ark.it was fcritta with Greek letters & the.,; NHm•, & tinc: in the a.the ti:polro Numa Pompilius, in the other The li.,.,,., fr, rr,. bis that : & hauendo!and with the configlio de fuoi friends -:;,•.•/. re-open elf Lucio Petilio, trouarono that quclJ,a, oue was ,,,,..,. .. 11d kritto elfcr fepolto . uma was a vote,f eua while vcJhgio al. cuno o;g;i;,edbyGoogle The LIBl{_O SECO'{.DO: ,9 · ft110 body bumano, that iui fi fulfe confumato 8t cor-,._ , ... •nrn broken: in the other were two fafci with candles inuolti, oue '• N.,,.. • .· érano fourteen books folamente whole & falui , maoi,areuano still fcritti of frefco. Slices of de which was fcritto in Latin, read peninenti :ì the Popes,& slices there were fcritti in Greek, which trattauano cli Filofofia ta.the , which she in that age potetfe effere: oue ba.end. ttouato mohe c of c fnuole, & of no value pertinentioalla relig1onc:,fitrono for order & the party of the Senate arlinelb fab, oue, the people there ragunaua • Was still fepolto in Ianiculo Cecilio Statio Poet, as fcriue Eutebio, s,,..rs " In the medefimo monte bebbe vn belliffimo Garden ;;:e.::,.'"'" Tullio Mart1ale, friend tell Valerio Martiale Poe.to, such as Gi,r4i•• • Ji cglimedcfimo afforma. And' adunquc c.and d1foprahab-T. lli• M•r• biam said the mount Iaruculo that, in most par-:.• • -fe• te fo.ail:to the Teucre, & the region of Tranifeuere. fL ';:!:;.", And' afiai great for lunghe1.za,& starts at the port de i ,.. · r Towers, & fi diflende inuerfo meuo day for very .•'• Ji 11,• fpacio of the ground. The greater fuaalte7.Za is the one that is " the z.,.,,;,.. inside of the City from the port of Canto Pancratio : to the f.a. "· lita which,oue he precisely rifponde fopr.the Teucre, is the Temple of Song Honofrio Anacorita, 6gliuolo co-r,,.,;, B me there says of the vno that was already King de the For: & in fl•.'• !',.,. . "0 -••e•• ' r. '1 walls d. T n monte of onto-r , • The ranneuen 1opra J·1 urea, c1oe M . rio, there is the Chiefa of shut fandforno melting Peter medefi mo name. .hi•fo ,; f,,• Et pcrciochein to them cauano the shoals that hmnocoPittrri•••• lore of gold, it is called the said place Montorio ( of ,..... such as sandbanks fi feruono aflai the fcrittori ) oue phono hog. . g1 the Friars d1 fan Francefco,& oue fan Peter Apoftolo in-Lut! ". the vltimo year of the Empire of Nero was chicken on the cross ';"p"."'•J• with the head down ; percioche he wanted to coli elfere crocififio ;,:"" ,.odicendo, that he was not worthy to imitate in his death the fuo 1· • Saluatore; fm: it was a short time ago built vna cappcl•the form and enjoy the warmth & with 1.: the columns around him, à 1imtl1t11dine of the one that was built, and fopra la, ca.dttta of the Aniene river, that is.Teuerone, in honour of the Goddess Albunea,comc: today them vedeà T1boli. However, to-V. • t ll"' cuni that conoragioni. :irgomenti dficaci aftèrmano, fan ,:.:,!,1 ftrd . Pmro effcre. committee crodfii.the in the circle of Nero, & b ""• ago .IN 'N...,T 1 C H 1T.4' i ii Itò M ..,t r,,,.,:, Ji the memory of what folenne ceremony in the Temple of f. 111•M._,;,. fanu Mary Trafpontina. Was the said place refburato t:f;':f.17; not a lot of time has , by Ferdinand, King deUa Spagnaf,.,,,,. .:,;,. Hither, that is, that parnte of Spain that is here r,4,.,.,;,,,. by the Hiberon, called today r Hebro, then, was ador.J n,.,,. ,,,.. born of the most perfone ; & a little while ago, there was chicken from Pope Cle.-2.:':!" f The mind fettimo vna beautiful tau olan, & fattoui do vn taber.,.,. ,,:!:, ,:, nacolo, in .time that he .to still Cardmal.: dellan1.• ""Jfo ilr• what cofa, eglt, called J;the care a G,ouan Matnteo G1berto, ,,u,,. 1111tt! that today is fuo Date : which eflèndo over à the ,1 ••1•. .-.-them search à ule age fa1,1io, & faithful, & very pru. .. . no. •ff••I(lV ,... i,,..,,· tooth, and used daque Ilo h l . hezze,, honored with a mo te ncc ,.,,,,,. ,4,fi• & dignity. Under à the mount is the region Tranfti.ç•t•_. berina, that was still referred to as C11ftr11 R11•m1111t#m • j t••.• r,,. that is, the housings of the Rauennati, built as an.;:;::•;,,._ cora in monte Celio, one of the Mifenati, that is, the .,,,,,..,;;. ehe. habitatori of the mome Mifeno: percioche, as teJlific;a ••fo,.,,.,., • Strabo, were ordered by Augullo two armies, voa à Rauenna,and the other Mifcno; accioche the vna h:aueffe care to the sea of fopra,that is, the wings' of the Adriatic,& the other the Infcro,that. is the Tyrrhenian sea: waves and it seems that those foldati of said ar.mate,while it was not hifogno of them in the sea, fteC.fero the guard of the City; and when faceua of meftiero were sent to these places to Cover the army. Q.!!the efta king.the region in the most pJrte is today it has bi tata around aUa por ,,,.,,,-S,tti• ta - Scttimiana, & at the bank of the Teucre: the other part of clin,,.;.,,,.. that is mostly filled with vegetables & d the beginning, the ne · C•m,, e;,,. will there habita,percheclla is very infcfbta by the winds of mere.,,,_• •111 I!.-dion:wings phono peftilcnti: & de the ancient orn.tmend ptlifo,,., •t.•• . . no.n g t·ireua"-today a ·1tro, fce, not some rouine neJ camp. ,1,;. Who the•f• 'if•• jew: but de more frefchi there is today the Chiefa-of the Sings .• M._,;,. ,,. Mary sources of oil.that was built by Califlo first •f•"" ".,ti',-Pope, much adorned with marbles, oue oià, as fcriuen 1,. h•t(I ,,_, And r. b" . h ft • . or-• ,. the•Tr•ft•· u,c 10, in. d vna oncrJa c he v1 was hard, and vn the source .,.;, . all vn à gittare oil. & went fcorrcndo infìno :d There lmf•.difo• Teucre. Dopoquella feguita the Chic is Singing Grifogo.,, G. ifoJ••• no martyr ornatiffima of pauimcnto & of columns, & ap• ';tZi;';;1411 prelfo the Temple with the chapel of fanta Cecilia, builds up. ,.. Cttili•. · or Pafqiwe fruitful, opc were the f11c cafc own:. · . ciuiodi o;g;i;,edbyGoogle 1 LIBJtO .ttè'O i{DO: 70 li 'ipiAdi ;d vn by taking the f.aglia , is the Mon.afterio of ran_to .of: . ... ,,,,. · mte, edficato by Silfo fourth• oue phono hogg1 most of "'fa•• C•f cènto MQnache, m:iggior part & nobles: the ordinea..,. . p:mitio, of marauigliofa fantità & aiuncnz:the • is still next to the c:11ppo de Jews, the Temple & place fuck the title of shut fandforno melting Francefco , that was the first one that-no:1ffe t:hi,Ji,7.r.Ja rule de the Friars Minor. They were in the fpacio already :;•:;:;;,,.. the Baths of Aurelian & the Settimiaoe,as appreffo 6 tell you, 1,,,'.,,. i:r sn. oue were still the horti Cefariani, & the Naumachia, ,;,,,;;,.,. is the Temple of that Goddess, and· chiamauano Fors For111-H_•rt! c,r,._ ., there!'is the Temple de.•the.ff:to.ile .ortuna,c:the Seruio Tul-;;:..;!. lioedificato: waves Ouid10 it faff:the. T,,,.,;, ,,,. Ite De11m leti, fortem t1lelm11, .ru11 fort1111• i11ft• In Tiberis rip4 m11ner11 rilis h"'111 • 1,;1..ir '• eW Scriue Donated Grammarian. Fors Fortun11, is 1 euento 't1•"the.rl of Fortune, whose fcftiuità is cclebrara d:1 those, that F.;,,:., ;,./f: viuono of the arts: the Temple of the qn.the is in Between-.;t,, d• ,,,.to fteueri. It was adunquc in ripa to Teucre the Temple of eri•.'."· u Luck Virjle,d.11 medefimo King built,oue of the virgin !',.P1 • ,.a. 11 "'""" li mo.ftrauano iaude, accioche and' fi vedelfe fe h:iueuano 1, gn • Cover difettoalcuno : Waves jl medefimo Ouidio. Difcite nune quare Fortun• · """ 'fJirili Detis 10 g1lida here /0<111, hum,, t "'l"" Jfccipit ille locus po{ìto 11tl1Jmine cun!l111 Et 'fJitium n11di cor;oris omn, videt. In the fpacio anlora of the Land , it was the Temple of the,,,.p;, '"f:. Fonuna doubtful,from the medefitno King built, Ouidiopu-,,:,j.;"" renelfeff:olibrode' fafti. Conumit & firuis feru111p,i11 Tulliusortus Confluuit Jubi• Temp/4 propinquil De• • In which fdliuità,er:the folito of berfì so much so, that the perfo- c,k6r.,;,.. ne li imbriacatfero. It was over à what Trafteueri the con-"•11•f•/f•.1 t..or the chia.ato Albiona, from bofco de the Albioili, for-tf:.. c10 cofì called, cl1e in the said place ft facr,liaua vna' c,t.,, ...41•• white cow . Eronui still meadows Mutij. Scriue Ec-bio11,,& ptr. cilium, which m Tralleueri were data à Murio those ehuofi41tt_!• meadows! & d.l fuo n.me called .utij, fì c?m. an-.;::..';'J.; .to cor. the meadows of yanc:mo, and.:the.or ch,the hammock .mt1J , by """';.i• _ Q!'ll}t.or their pollcditorc • Pliny, f'1"lUC m quetto !Dodo: ,; • -. . Ri.. / vn(ICT-HITJ.' 1\.014.4 1..IB. n; • Ritrouaodofi Cindnna_to in the Vatican, cbearaua qu,ie; I acres of land, eh' eg)j haueua in that place, chia.mati today the meadows Q!!.iotij,was porc:uo the nuoua eia. te de• Confoli , as he was Prepared for the fact Ditt.atorc. r,.,,._ It was the gii Region of the Trafteuere the rartepilÌ , ti_•tr• lllfi• vile Rome, oue of them fonerrauano the Bu. iì,i/, ,.,,, 41 ni & tùcti . the Craftsmen niu vile oueeranole botteghcdcll'arts & hr.lin,§..,,; tr tli .,,;.. most mechanical 8c vile, .,,;,u •rd comcfcriueMar. . -,;. ti:ale. or;g;i;,edbyGoogle 71 ANDR·EA PVLVIO' A N T l Q..V A R I O OF. ANTIQUITIES OF ROM A. L 1 B R.. O T h E R..Z O Of the Teuere. C .A P. I. OOA v li N D or in the place à tr:ltme of Teucre & the outside of the bed,ilquale by dewey-. . the from the Trafteueri from the City of Rome, 'the':"' "! that is the vna.dellc more comfort that ,; ..eUa has , I parfo that and' the merits, the :,4 "elH •• prestigious cond some fcn of fuo nafci-'-•lt•-• chin,& of nature was:i&: of corfo. He fenza against.uerlù no is chumato the King dc Jìumi. Ouid.I am in the fc-J'//i ""'. •• · .., • condo of the Mettamorfolio. . CNiq, fmtt'trUm pt'omijfo fott#IUI Taris or · .Et in the book, the fourth dc' fafti • , T"9J futu1'1. pMmsTibn potmtis "'l"' Was at first called Albula, to the quality of the-V•ri .,,., ' racqu:the. Appreffo was called Tiber from the Tiber King éd r,.,,.. dc the Albani. and the drowned , ò 6 really from T ibri Captain · de Tofcani , or Thief, that no cempo fopra the riuc of elf 6ume did the Malandrino • Virgil ncll'oct:iuodcll'Eneida. ,fl," T#m reg,s llf}mf, the hands tot'pore Tim is AtJ•or ,on i111li flumum cognomin, Tibrim Dixim111, 11mifi1 11,rum vetus .A.lbults nomen Or' really like à V arrone; percioche the Sicilians call the folfa Tibri. N3fèe ncU• Apennines vn little T,,.,r, ,.,epiù the top of Arno river. from .the principle is humble fcn ,apprclfo ii'."; ,, , ,., n..fccn.or, pe.c•.he inqucµo m.ttonoqua1:3ntadue flemfo;111,, and _. rivers : but 1 prmc1p.alt, as icrtuc Pliny, phono , d Narc. dli +i.jì,,,,,,. c:ioè .-.it was , 1 'Anicnc eh' is the Tcucronc: first dittidé .. •. . the Type,ed by Goog le ".,( ?{ 7' I C H I T .,,, .. D 1 1.tO M .To the Torcana by Vmbri,apprétfo from the Sabines, & \rltiina: the mind from the Latin. Enter in the Tireno close to Oftia vna inside the mouth , which is c:ipace of each gr.de .auiglio9 llT,u,,, '• & oue cocorrono mercantie all over the world. Enter dèn ,h, "!.'" tro à Rom2 from the North-,& fe'n efcc from the mez.zo day.::';,.';,. .,:; no,between ia via OHienfc,& is Portuenfe: from deftra lafcian 1, sbmh• n,l dofi the Ianicolo, from finiftra the City. Andaua already long. • ., . the roots of C. impidoglio for inlino to ealaz.zo,oue furo-Jt T•";" • no efpofti Romulus & Remulo :the pie of the ijco Ruminal, co;71 •n .,.. me fcriue Fabio Painter.Tarquin -Prifco was the first that 11 r,um hey adrizz.ò the outside of ktto,_dipoi marcus Agrippa Jo riflrinfe:pcr. .them 11ddiri'('{j geese Augufto for leuar the way that he does not allagatfe Rome, ;1111.• _o-r,t fl.ò the outside of the bed,& the purgò and(estate filling & riflretto• .;:;-,,';.p; •· from the C. 1lcinmi,& from rouine dc the edifìcij:Marco Agrip • pa elfèndo Building the addirizz.ò the corfo,mutogli the bed,& with gridii1ìme stones d.11the vna & other ripa polle.I with-.nfermò & fortific.. Aureliano apprelfo I rafti-enò with the vn wall is very strong that he had to do by the vna &. the altranbanda of But.:tones,for down to the Sea,hauendo still res.mo ilfuo bed: of which marauigliofa imprefa,that dura.ua many miles fe ne can see still today in some of the luo.ghi some speed.gie;& those who build in was Lt riua of fìume,ft ferueno de the foundations of the wall vot. There hi ,,,;,,.or garmeote fi call the audiences. The first edificaffe t,fic•/;."" the bridge was Anc• Martio,&the medcfimo built the arfena.:. as fcriuè Oionilio,ilquale says: Et etfendo the river ,.;,,, • more act p.r efièr nauig..or by fcafe, . boats flat up to pontt., & by CfU.lli in Rome .Drinking able still·nDiu,rfi , ... of the Nau1 & wood d1 of the Sea. I think the sboccamento of the: :h,,& difotr• river edi6car-ui vn place, oue of the Naui poteLfero fiare, Jd•EN,um. pcrfe;nirfi of the mouth of said river as the vn port. You diftende afiài adunquefu the mouth for wide-z.z.a ,·&f.a great fenì, including phono ones of the ports pitì appointed fopra the sea • * * In the mouth lua ( as iateruiene to most part of the rivers) is attrauerfata from the shore of the Sea, fi goes.naegirando for wetlands 、 ftagni, it confumandolì in luogonalcuno before eh• he arriui to the sea, but it is all open.to & fpaciofo & capable of N:iui; & vna fol mouth. /f'& r.To:;.. •. 09 Sea! The .wlij .dWl'JllC cn.or HoJi:1, &:n ' .u o;g;i;,edbyGoogle LIBJlO T EJlZO. phono tir:ati inGno à Rome with remo, & with Ie rope, & le , . 11aui fi fermapo in was the anchors dmaozi to the port : & fi between ric:aoo with the fcafe, & with the boats. Pliny, speaking L_••t• ,; Pll· de the obelifci, that is, of the Agulie says cofi : the Other was doing •11fP" .care of N. ui, which is the port.iulno was pel T cue.and : for .:, .rc: . l:who efper1enza fi knew apertamenie, that 1n quc-pn ;r•.,,.. · ' fto the river was not less water than fi , fia in the Nile. The medefimo says, he is among all the rivers habiuto of in.1:omo, & seen by a thousand villas, & à neffuno other is with.sold mancoi'allargar6, & go wandering, which is that-S,p.• r.n;the: effendo rinchiufo from every part from the ollacolo of ri-f::• " pc, although the fia river groffo, & crefca very fubito, ne • '• never allehi the paefe altroue more inside the City; ag indeed, it seems piti tollo with those fuoi allagameori, & gon-fiamenti, which he fia indouino, & auuilì others but.the future. Scriue Cornelius Tacitus was Covering the curb of the jnondationi of Teucre in the first book in that way . Trattoffi in the Senate by Aruncio & by Airio, fe to moderate, & ralfi-enare the inondationi of Teucre, bi. fognaua turn altroue the rivers & lakes, through which he goes accrefcendo , & were vditi the Ambafciatori p;,,,,,,;,J. à.lle R?or:iane Colonies: & pa!lando the Ambafcia.gold and,.,,, /the.;.. F1orent101 asked him, that makes Cyan the river, today the htuit, CIIUJ· Chiane, molfo of fuo folito bed not fullè resulted in the "'· liume of the Arno river, the waves and' veniffc à f:ir lor damage, Similar to the 1111.•:-;.h,' .!Jellc furo.? the c..c,checfpofe.or the l.tcran.ati, with :t " ,,.. _, . 4trcche 1 pm fcruh fields of lulia you vemuano to guafla-Nw,to fi.,,,,. king, fe the river NJre, i.e. Black .as .•er. ordered, R,,.,;,.;, ei,l diuifo in most branches venifiè à keep in the neck & dining fiagnarc. :,•,R";'· ._ It taceuano .:incor.:i i. Rieti area, not wanting to acconfeoti-r; '",,;,!' ,;the king, who is fi chiudeffe, & ferraffe the mouth of the Velino the-Pi4di L•". go,way out in the river Nare.,cb'was ibt.$boccato r,i,!,,, ,.,,.Marco Curio;ilquale fcndédo the mount to run in the Black. ••u•s•d""'" · 0 T euerc and all Nau1·gab·t1 and fiuori c · he in aUl and·ltU· 1,. '" '"',. There ittÀ F'" na l-bridge Sitlo there l bridge Marmoratò, vhf, he runs uf.i••• u' more rouinofamente,& oue today sound the machine dc ,,,,,,,,;.. ul Nolini, related with c:go to the iron to the bank of the river, '"'"' ••p•.chc were the.uentione , as fcriue Procopio, of Bclifa-'";J:;;,.; ,w.or the hauendo 11ella,.erra Gottica ta&lysate & guallo &li r,.,,, ;..,. · · . Acqui .. · o;g;i;,edbyGoogle .4?{,ICT H,1T.4' OF It.OM.4 11•. li l•li• Acquidotti, & dfcndo occupied by ì enemies, Ja port I./"';' Vf"· fiienfc ,and& chi.ago .•every into.no. the v. on the ve.touaglie ' • _. Dressing de gh anucbJ gh fch1au1 macmauano the grain; at times noftri fi fon riuouati qttefti Mills water , dc• * * * quah fcriuendo Palladium says in quefto way : Hauendo .abondanz.:the Water you dcbbe iccomodare of the way, .. the way of Millstones fenza fatigue of the men, soles of the soul.them,the Grain fi polla Grind.' Apprelfo de the ancient fi b c:euano the attorneys Cover the riue & the bed of the Teucre, as dimoflra vna stone has little cauata in ripa to the river . close to the bridge and the Vatican • oue phono qucfte letters • 1'1m1t•riltl, FORMER AVCT0RITATE.-IMP. C. ìES. VESPA. . rip, '-1 BE N I. P. M. T I B. P Or T. III I. I M P, X. ·and · """• COS. IIlI. V. CENSOR. C. CALPETA.NeVS. R AN T l VS. Q V IRINA LI S. V A L. and . CESTIVS. CVRATOR. RIPAReVM ET RIVERBEDS. TIBERlS. TERMINAVIT. R. R. PR0X. CIP. P. CLXX IIII. :. Still in vn' other stone a little while ago cauata & drinata auall• you à fanta Seas.:1 Trafpontina is fcritro cofi. lnftritti1t11 EX AVCTORITATE. IMP. ClESARIS'-'. eu."'"' p I V l R V /E. F. N E R V .ìwhat. BETWEEN THE AN I ."f;::,-;; AVG. GERM. P0NT. MAX. TRIB. P0. TEST. V. CO S. II I. P P. YOU. I V LI F VS E. RO X CVRAT. RIVERBEDS ET RIPARVM YOU.JlERIS ET CL0AC. VRBIS ENDS• VIT RIPAM. RR. PR0X. ClPP. P. X XV. ,,.,,,,;,;,,., Pcrcioche from the old non-fi edi6caua was the ripa of the 6u.,,Jl,pron',,,,,. ,. &1' •"'.; ,they, for the riucrcnia that portauano to the deities of the river. :,,.,4•• h De pontiche phono fo"r4 the Teuere& de them . • thick, ,, • 'C :1: ,.,,., ,.,,, tll td1J.cator1 • C .4 'P. I I. ::r:t -;&;.'• reI != H THE AND . And V the or.dine that we cominD. . .ffimo to talk about pr1ma's ponteMduio, . that is, of ponte Molle, that is, the first is the piùalto that the fia Covers the Teucre, m. because the bridge Sublicio was the first that fia built f"ijie•lf"The _a _DCO "urtlO et Or g1u lC3!0 C and.and 113 ' ne CODUQ. f',.,,,. .Cl da_4ucllo. Sooo adunciues nonaocro. . · · Wheals G.•· . . · · ·and· ·and.. Sublicius, or;g;ii,edbyGoogle 73 F 11bririu1, ; S#1,lieuu. PAlàti"us • 1111111,cl,nfis • V 11tic11nus. Such as these which fonohoggi rouinati two,the Sublicio is the Vati-;;:;,· to•the.cano: & all of them were d:the Sublicio in playing rouinati from """ /the bridges Totila, pcrcheda the beginning made them palfaua the river ò with traue .The T11,m.comelfo in(icme,ò with picciole fcafte. But hauendo 6nal. mind An!'or Martio added to the City the monte Auen -.h• .g!,'""ft '. "'0 ..Ae linen, to the roots of what built the vn bridge traui of the. ' . h · 1 · h li li h. l gno. . 1amato Sub 1c10, pears eco 1 1 c ,and ' 1e 'and 1• ec "'" copper and traue ,,;.wood. Scriue nevertheless Dionifio, which he was fo.pra the bridge facro,before RQma folfe ed16cata,quan-Can S•cr• * do he says: Conciofia cola which he there facri6calk :ì Satur-.,,;;,; Rom•. _ ,JJO to appease the wrath of the men. he was taken out of the way ,the Man•.•.r.•· "-' "' ifi,calla s• ' d H I & iied" . h ' quefio couume to and erco. or 100 c, and m cam b'10 de ,,.,.,., & d• .the men ,'that fi gittauano in Teuere' I fi gittallero who removed '!lt'the. the images of those made of fìent ò Hipe, lequali and' chilma-qu,ft'11f•. must Argei, Ctedefi chemnarni iui fullè d said bridge, ..Argu cht;oue t h is committee, the Sublicio ,·fee the medelìmo bridge;.:,;;,:"'•tkhe Jofa believe., cheMucoVarrone fcriue, that in lecon.important to coaches fopradetto cc:>ftumc , from the said bridge fi gittaua. 11oancora ael Teuere the fopradette tmagmi, when he says; Fannolì the Argci of these hays & itipe.-& every year .Arg,iero'I ";,, . _fono .ittatc from the bridge .Sublicio in the Teucre from Cacc:rdoti. ft:m•11" J .,.,.,,, • e-Ouid10 ne' f.afil. . . . . c•J• """' ,(r THm ff"'tJi p,i[CfJJ'Um 'ZJ1rgo fimularr1J 'UltPrum ., eh, [<,,.;,.. :Miu,r, roboreo fwp,11 bridge fa/et. ••· The bridge sublicio, & de the names of the • "·· C-.,,t,·p, I 11. D L P o N T E Sublicio was at the roots of the. Ou, it was the P•• .rA UfDtino prcffo ,à Ripa,& veggontcnc an. ,, Subl,cio,,,d .. ,,,. ,d,ft· eve ,1g1e m mcz.z.or aC'>raJ fl . .and. l tì' the river. F11 and',_ . . . c.ro,ond• ii•• Jìcatoda AncoMartto, & ,hiamaw Sublt-••my,,,. cio by j woods de' which was cdificato:pcrchc language Voirca, the between:ucgrandi phone calls!c Sublices. It was the bridge camel infieme The enza cffere nailed .Artifices, i,lu]c, that the said lcgn2me fi disfaceua, & r1poneua lènza ponr, S,.J,/;.and _ ch C"&h fulfe the&ato ò conflict intìeme in hlc:>go any. '"• · . . -. K Q.!!.eito Digit,zedbyGoogle .?{,TICHIT.4. OF llOM.4 •.,.,;. C•· Q.!!eflo is the bridge. that Horauo Code , in the guerr:i of .!,. foft,";. Porfena, c1fendo pholus à foltenere the impetuosity of the enemies, and CO•or.J:;!:!;r-,,,: m3ndò that .them .J!c cuts:ato d1ecro alfr fpalle. & he .the. _ the t•"'• S"6li then armed fi. gmo in 6ume, & notanJofaluoà The fuo1fi ,;.. condufle. Was the City grateful of the work cofi v:alorofa • & he was pofto vna ibuua in Comitio • & given so much fpac10. p-. Iuli-_ of land as in the vn to them poteua ar:are. It was then fauo' ••.• The•.• ; the said stone bridge from Emilio Lepido, & he fil t;'J. i..;;,; called the said Emilio Stone : then effendo gua. • fto, & offefo from inondauoni of Teucre, was rinouato.o& rclburato by Tiberius Cefareo, & vlumatamente was fat.. to marble by Antoninus Pius : the waves until the d1 of hog• Jl•r•or•t• gi is called Marmor:ato: pcrcioche he was vn bridge ..,/h /i• ••/the aJtiffimo , waves them precipitauano the {èelerati, & brotherhood" -· .•• ri, li as before the 1m.igini of hays ò fttpe. Iuuenale in• the feft into: (a fatira • . . Cum tibi 11i,free inum is pr•h•t Emili•s pons. "•. ,• .,, Dalquale bridge was heaving the dead body of Eliogaba. · z...,,l,. ji p,,: the Emperor, with hauerliappiccJto ,n grand pefoalcol• . .,.lf•r. or, acc1oc. h ' ·,r. • . U and and and and .not veruue to ga, & not able to· fl * ere fcppellho. 1:urono still qùell,or thrown in the Teucre N••throws titmolti martyrs • they Say that because the City was meflà à ,.,; '•""'• fire & fi:imma from the Gauls, for Ja carellia gr:the andes made them ,•.,, · vn p:miro,that qudh that arriuauano à feffanta :hymns fialle. ,or,;,,;.,.,"',l. ro from the ponte Sublicio, as if in the T. ucre, pcrcioche he t•" /tttt• were useless à defend the homeland; that the old _,,.,,. • feflànta years er:ino called Depont:ini: & say that vno de the said v. cl hi d:the fo or figlniolo was conferuato wine: ilquale vec. h10 in perfona dtl son giouò grandemea you to the Republic with the outside contiglio. Coli have believed it, but b vcrita is that ghhuomini of fcffao. ta years haucuano voice in configl10, & coli diccuano,chc were gitta• tià terr3 of the bridge meaning of the one that was in the campe M,utio, oue of them rendcuano the par• citi. l),The or;g;ii,edbyGoogle LJB JtO TlJtzO: 74 Of the bridge that today fi says to (tilt and Maria··. . C .In 'P. II. and and n And s and E N D o the City of day I the daytime and, it appearing to them that the vn bridge fufie à ba(tanzae, penfarono of edilìc:irne of the other: & vn little fopra the bridge Sub licio, nor gittarono vn'other. & the call:began Character-P,,.,, s,,.,,,. thorium, from the Senators, or the Palatine hill d:to monte Palatino,• ,;,,_,..,. P-.. that was close, the waves was ago tlr:idJ,that goes in the Tofcana •. ,.,,,... Scriue Tito Liuio : M. u-co Fuluio ordered for more vtilità. that is fulfe done the port, & the fleece to the bridge .•.the ir_pii• Teucre : fopra,lcquali.ile, after some years P .Scipii. r• • '""J_ "•. . · fu,r· """ .,.,1,;and .l)e & L•Mumm10. Cen on, or of 1narono that it cast 1.,,; the arc de bridges; perciochc the said bridge is made of multiple strings , accioche and' riceuelre the fiumee, that veniua fpartitoeper the Ifola, which is in the middle: ilqualc bridge them calls them.•"" Sm• JJoggi the bridge eh fanta Maria, from the Chicfa antiquiffima ,.,.. ';!'-' 'there 1e is close by,which before was the Temple of Pudicitia.& :;'..,:f•,.,. Jioggi them who:loves the Temple Mary Sings Egittiaca. T,mpi,ÙI• . . p,..;,;,;,.. D-D [ T I O N E. ·eP or in place of them is the treatise de ponti, deleTeucre, toccaremo no cofa de times nothi around àe41etti bridges;& matlìmamcnte that said fanta But.ria,fotfc by the Chiefa of fanta Maria Egittiaca,which is you.china,which by the ancients was called the Palatine, & the Sena.thorium , from the Palano that hauea near , & d:the Senators , cheepei: effo in Trafteuerc fc ne palfauano. .etlo bridge haeuendo for l':intiquità guailo the fpondc , & next to some deepilaf.ri de the arches,& effi arches inficmc,talméte them tc.mt'U2 that rouinaffee, was rillaurato in gr:in part d:the PapaeGiulio I I I. about the year IH 1. as .even today, there fiev.are the fue :irmi in the p:lafiri by' heads dc the fponde diedetto bridge: but then for the inondationc grandifiim.1 deleTeuere,that fegui the year IH7• the mcfe of September,effene done gone to the.peto, & the violence of the 6ume two archie in rouina, fi tried to the time of Pius THE II I. the year, If61• ·, .and o;g;i;,edbyGoogle vl'{TICBI'r.:,t-llOM.4 die . fì fete,with good & grolfe nails of iron, :ac.: cioche feraiffe to b comfort de' gee, & dc' c:aualli, that many mercantie from the Ripa Roma lead: Waves 6niu, that.it was called mach1na, olives them was fpefo good fomma money, and that afcendeua at the fomma-of-eight ·thousand fc'udi,as intefì,while fi wants to pull with ar.gani,& ropes from the vn side to the alno of said bridge , li fpezzò vno de more groffi ropes, that folleneua the most part of the,efo; & Li machina falling in precipitio in Teue.king , G_ fpez.z.ò, & went all in rouma, with grandifiimoedaMo Jell'arte6ce, which he did: so that the said p'>nte fi rimafe coli broken for the fpacio about dicialfette, ò of".' ciotto years, that fi can love vf.three, since that was PapaeGregorio X (II. with the occalione of the Holy Year, fi a commis chef.ncro .the rifue with groffiffima fpefa the year 1574• elfen done by Architect M. Mattheo from Caftello; & fi rifondor.no them pilaftri de arches in the Teucre, facendouene vno dienuouo, fopr:in which there tirorno two arches in the middle deleponte, how to fi sees,& the fpefa, that we went all over b-ri.tburatione of elf deck afcefe the fomma feuds· cin.quantaquattro thousand , fi as intefi by elf M. Matthew main of said work.You fabricò still a few years do .po the beautiful tower of the Capitol, which· was 'completed, an.no 158J. all brick, & of buorodi fe.1rpe1Io, effendoquellaancica first ftata percolfaedal lightning the year 1179.the fpefa which arriuò the fomma diequattordici thousand feuds, fi how to inteli by the head maeftro of said work • At the bridge, said bora fanu, Mary,& formerly Pa. ·elatino & Senatorio, rettaua lii say , that eflèndo ftato ri.flaurato at the time of Julius 1 I. about the year I f p. ncl;.the inondatione then grandiffima, that fuccdli: in IH7· the rncfe of September, the impetus of the river broke & fell giìtedoi arches of deuo bridge in the middle , takhe was rimafto inuio; & why fuol eflt:r very easy to condurtiedelle: mercantie that are in the Ripa,which is the prtncip:ileporto of Teucre in Rome, fi tried by the Roman People J are If61. do it again, wood minorfpefa, pholus for .. h will need to conduct these mercantie, & wines.laeRipa; rng;i;,edbyGoogle I ' L 1 B llO TE JtZ O. 7 ! :Ripa; & elTendofi fab.iqto vn.affiai b.Ua machina, or.and . eràfpelfo the fonima d1 eight thousand feuds, while looking for dt's "pull it from the vna eflremit:the the the.ra of the bridge with winches 8c ropes, & clfendo prelfo that·r1dotto to the other fpond.a, .lf • grauo ta1_1to the pefo of called machina , which rompcndofi à vn stretch the more groffi c.1pi , that fotleneuano all said pefo, fell precipitofamente in Te 1erc, fracaffandofi all going talmepte in rouina, & ·perditione , not fe nor can love recover cofa, no ; 8c cofi reftò det.to bridge fenz.to be able to vfare up to the year I s 74. altempodi Pope Gregory X I I I. that appreffiindofi the year of the Holy Jubilee of nuouo the Roman People was & ft rifoluè to do it again stone; of that he was given the load à M. Mattco by C. tftello talented Architect of the time was no.ilri, which with early in order to re & remade of nuouo the pilaftro , .he sees them in the Teucre , tirandoui fopra li duen.Aréhi of treuertino, & bricks with falJe bracing too 1 on what work they were .fpeft between the Jauoro; & some gives.tiui, that you were made,fifty-four thousand feuds, and so much " hc:bbe for relatione of all people ,the Roman pofc then ·on both sides, or fpg,.de of said bridge, the fegucnte infcrittione • ijX AVCTO RITA TE GR E G ORII XIII. PONT. MAX. S. P. Q_R. BRIDGE M SE NATO R I V M CV I F VS OR.NI CE S VETVSTATE COLLAPSOS ET IAMPRIDEM REFECTOS FLVMINIS IMPETVS DENVO DEIECERAT IN PRISTINAN FIRMITATEM AC PVL.CHRITVDIN.EM RESTITVIT YEAR THE VBILE_I M. D. LXXV. That is to say. 11 Senate & Roma People.with auttorità Greg. X I I r. fommo fonte6ce reftitui in the fua prillina fermez.u 8c brJlez.z.at the ponte Senatorio, the arches of which elfendo for wales iez.u the fallen, & little has been recognized by redone , of nuouo 1-'im fart of the fìuine the haµeua gittatj down, in the year of the Jubilee, M. D. L X X V. or;g;i;,edbyGoogle De doi bridges delf Jfota Tiberina l'-vno called Fabritio, & other Ceflio. C .,t 'P. Y. 1/ol• Lit••· BJEt the middle of the Teucre is the I{ola Gioue who:tmata Lycaonia, or Tiber, confer-. . sur:the à Efcul:tpio, with the vn bridge here & vn P_,,,,, F•brs.of ago,:ì guifa two bracda: l"vno called .:;,,, c,fti,. 1F:ibritio & other Ceftio. IJ ponte Fabritio 11 I' " •"'• çh• is what joins the Ifola with the City,Horatio says. ,_;,; /i who,.n,ō .Atque IÌ F 1,1 britio m,n triflem pontem reumi. -G,r,d•••/i _d,. Call s today on the bridge, a Jew, from the Jews cheall'in.: tor.or v1 to 1tano. iar_na t still, and <{Uattroe 1 •• cap1 , four fbtue d1 marble,which have to c1afcuna bridge 'l""'tr• ••Ir,•h,.,nd, f,;,.,, .,,.,1 no, four fronts, phono to the fai ire of the bridge. The title· is from the vna & the other band of the ponre out dimofu:the co. ,,and ";'· 4. :_:,::.:.;.. me M. Lc-pideo_& M. Curio 1:edi6carono ·and:ill.other par. ,,and. v. 1,,.,. fi you dell The me and 11 bridge Celho, that congmgne 11 Trafte.Jic, ,.,. f•l• uere with the Ifola : & letters. that phono fcritte from the ban.J, S. B. r1 rol• from deftra, & d:illa ftnifua of the bridge. dimoftrano as· f'; "[ 1'1t" Valenriniano, & Valente, I relburarono; & call them ile1:,:,,:,.1.: ponredell'Ifol., or difaotoBanolomeo,from the Church. · •·,. • is that ili is vie1na • ( ..; z,,, .;g;t,zedbyGoogle lIBltO T.'EftZO. 7G • , •,.1Jtlpontesijlo,oueroponte R_ptto. and J.'P. I' 1: .. V And. t o that today it is called the bridge ·n. . Sifto, nuouamente was rcfburato by Pope • Sifto fourth of condannagioni, that appref-fo of the ancients was called Jtmuclenfìs, p.,,,, ,,.,.;,,, from mount Ianicolo,that is magnifice vicioo,6 as ..f) i· •,m still from the via A_ur.lia,oucro porra,he was c.ia.aro the ,,:;: .•n.-;,: , bridge Aurel·or. D1po1 eff"endo for the d1fcord1c c1uili ibto Sifl•• t.:garlic, was chfamato d Broken bridge, was apprrffo rettaura.very beautifully by Sifto, fi as the anc\)ra many other places,& tépl1 of the City.i, who by him were made, and nuouo edi6cati:why in the year of Jubilee, that they celebrated effendo he Ponte6ce,in M CCC CL X X V. • Ferdinand I, King d1 Sicilia estate came à Rome vifita-c,,,flli, The king of the Chiefc of the Apolloli,the perfuafe. that sending à ""fi s'""'· t..to the(ports, & dirizzando the Urade, cglifac.ffe the streets!. .n.:.:.n _, ptu wide, & the ammattonaffe: t:ile he d1fegn:1to 1 ,, 1, n, ,uborghi,& the Hrade maellre,was the first among all the Pontefi-R,,,, •. c:the,that purg:itfe the ftr:ide of Rome from the mud, & lordezza 1braui vn time : & coli elfendo and.li ft:ito the first, the tri the feguitarono, a beehive that China returned to the outside of fplcn.dowry,& in the fua beauty·u of the first. The said bridge is hog.already the most beautiful of all the alrri, & is very frequenraro , 8c theca gran comodir:i :illa C:tt.ì. Between quetto bridge is the pon.you the Vatican ,along the riu:the of here from Teucre, he caused the ilrada, that dalfuo name is called Iul,a, oue contino-s,.,:.,. and; .. uamente them walls, & from various perfone.phono hills,1ti ma-lu jl .. 'G••· · li• t r and•,.•··Ji crttlt ,,,,,.. ,, tli, S,J, Of the bridge Paticano. · and .A P. IR 1. , .. ,, •. liON or even the foundations of the bridge in the Vati-P,.,,v,,,;,. cano in menzzo to Teucre close to the hofpe-"'r-oT,i-";f,,_'.n1 ,anto ..,pmro, and eg1ancong1ungeua .,:,Jf,,,17-h•the City with the Vaucano,he waves the equipment the no. ." broken pr,f. dia and d·r. b me. Say even.1 effere tlato the fo, the h•J>ttlJ_•npante Triumphant with the door & via Trionfale-fi-tlf {Mllo sr.Aèndeua inJiao the Campido&ùo, as frriue lofepho,-'",. K + 8' or;g;i;,edbyGoogle .A l'{T IC H EN .A' D 1 1{.0M ..,t 3ç Singing Girobmo:for laqu:the way( as they say')does not· anda. Dif, 1•• ,; must be in fc not the perfone.nob11i. Giulio fruitful haueua of.Gù,J,oll. fegnatodi redo d said bridge,&·congiungerlo.conJa tlrada Iulia • • APPROX. T It.. V M. S. AN G: L I • Of the bridge of the C aflello, & the mole .Adriam C .A P. J? I. • ,:,,p.,,t'.An • O P RA qneflo is the bridge that hogl7i Us t.tlo hor• Ò'. · • ' :,· t.••e,1,,,0 the . ch1am:11 bridge C:illclloe, from caltello. . that is, from the Fortress of proffima mole of P"'" " Eli•."" . E/11, H.,,,.eAdriano. & is called the bridge fant' An• ·, and ••• giolo by vn' Angel,that vn:the time was vedu--.e_ {, .A;-c• duco lopra the said mok Appretfo of the ancients was chia• mato the ponte Elio, d:the Helium A_driano the Emperor, that I of the fcc!.' edilìcare,vicir.or to the size of the fuo fcpolchro:of here. , . the pJtllndo Helium Spartiano says: He cd,fìcò à song ale.•fl•II• f•". Teucre, vn kpolchro coHi,or name, pcrcioche•those that 1. .;'" patfauano Cover the bridge, p,u d apprelfo vedellìno such,?;,<;;.,,,; mole & building polto :the opposite of the Mlutoleo, which was ., • 1bto built by Augulto; percioche 11 monument Be fcpolchro of Au.ullo, t·ra already filling it in more we them fotter• raua any, Et dJ,cli that Hadrian was the first, that fia. fotterrato o;g;i;,edbyGoogle LIBJtO TBJtZO.· 77 .fotteruto in the above-mentioned mole, & fepolc:hro, d.t he building• c:i:ato; oue then were ripolle the fue ashes, & those of all the Anronini, that feguitarono easily and efficie!the fo of him; as dimollrano the letters, & the epitaffij, carved ne marble ,which today {i can see in that place. It was gìi the above-mentioned mole: the part of the whole of christianity is covered with marbles .as fe can still see any veltigio; of which hog-' gi the Popes fe ne feruono for forcczza & Rocca : for-Mol, li m..c.geese ellaaè fpaciofa, rec, n.. ,amafficcia, & inefpugn.-;:::,;i_. I,! _ . .bil.. The pnmo.çhe the c?mmcto . make .orte , was Bonaa,,,,,u• :. -: 1 f.ac10 ottauo, & appreflo the altn Pontiffs, who, after him, by p,,,,,fi,, if' were. Aleffandro Sello then, on the grounds of lòfii, tl,ll., itt• u baltioni,& towers,& the ovens d':irtiglierie, & we ordered the :••• j, guards,& extended illuogo,& made to vna it.ada fopra the mu-,:th.t";:; _ara, for laqualeafcofamente them goes lungod village d1 f.into ,,, v1. Peter at the palace of the Vatican, oue he ficuramen Corritm P•! you , fenu other the Gpeffi , done first was to try the good for every il Ju•li fi 11; the place, à fuo pleasure afcofameme pote Ife go from the pa-:•1 l'.::tt> • lasso to Callello. Q!!ello place d:to the more learned is chia-•c:,,h. J1 m:uola mole Adrianaa, but the modern call C:1-hey•midif .. Lydian & the Fortress of fant' Angdo; percioche in fommit:i r'.To.•t•1•. of quelloa, was gii saw the Angel Michaelc replace the fpada fan.uinofa inside the sheath, palfando of quiui the great Gregory from the clergy & People of rome acco.present for and.:ire à shut fandforno melting Peter, & :ì proceffione,the Town singing !etanie: & in the said place is vna chapel, _ vhf sees them dipint:the whole quc!b hiltoria. It was called an-".7"1 "(t) wra the Fortress of Crcfcenuo,d:vn ceno Crefcentio Heads d.._;d.,';.::. tano feditiofo, the calle I call:ito Nom.ing, that fe ne. imP.hadrons,& lung:am.nte held: t:tnto that lìnalmente datofi à dilèretione the Tedefchi, that the combattcu:100a1, was by them cruelly cut à pieces . .she is dcfcritta by Procopius in:the war Gottica, very ditlir.tamence & benea, when he says: Ilfepolcro Adriano [mpe-P,o,,ir, , .. 1amal, J';ltore is as vn monimenta d•. or, & vna forteZ7a out of the "' ..a· urc 1.1 , here 1 li vn by taking the d . & ·1 1 first ou and Cir• f, 0,, ,,,. 1.,,4 cruto is d1, square shape, & is mtto marble with gran-,;;,,,,li••· diffima diligence the built & in the middle of the qua-4'r,uo is vna machina. & mole monda., of eccelfa granctez.... . za, o;g;ii,edbyGoogle To l 1-hand, them . port J?'{T. 1:CHITJ.' Ft.OM.,t . .:a,. fi large ndll part of the Cover from the vna band to the other;that with fauca v1 fi amua with vn takes the hand. LaquaJ.mo ·_ . -ledf nJoeoccupa,to daBcl,t:mo, gliferuicontroài Gotde.,..,,,,,,the itb, for fo.:corfo m c1mbio d, fortC?:z.a. They were nelb par. d1 fo •r•i, .;ff• pr:the round from days gone by(, grJnddlìme tlaiue of huomim,& of the ca-:;• "'", ualh, & d1 quadnt;he, lauor:ite mar:iuigl1ofa°"·n\.:: 8c those from the foldati were pJrte intact sent à the earth,and, · & p3rte ne: fpc-zzarono, & cofi rocks gittauano Covers j ne.cats: & cofi I. malignancy dt> foldati,in polhe horc: rou1nò there,,,,,,,,,.,_ & guatlò tJnte f .. tichc. & fi beautiful works & ornaments .,n;'!, 7,"':, prey.to fcpolcro: ddk which ftatue, noiene habbiamoe..,,..A,: n: veduu no fragmenrl, & cJp1 t>Bottle flau cau:111 d1 foc.,,/ ,,.,;• for rerr:s,when l\ldfandro Sello made him the crazy around mol _c41,11, ago to deep. Was the said bridge by Nicolao fifth Poncc. •·1,,v1• • b-6ce made piì1 open & 4,edi10, hauendo fact leuar f,.and.•rt,dtl via some cafil'de •tent fopra there were flace ed_16ca1e, &: .. J occup;1uano; & c10 was in the year of the Jubilee 1 4 f or. aue11ga that in the vn ones, fendoui fopra vn large Dll• number of gemi for VC'dere 11 fudar10 , & factoft their à rin. against vna mul.at, it could those that veniuano ne-r,,; 1,.,;. those who torn:iuano, incalzandol'vn the alcro,darfi place. •• "".'• ,,.,,. veins died alfai: part calpcftati from the caualli,& many other t!• Nic•I• Y. still fell into the river & drowned: for c::igioqc dc." .•fl• c•p-such as fi ferono those two chapels d1 form riconda, that P•ll•.•."ifo phono to enter the dd bridge still standing. Appreffo •0 f" •'• ". l\ldfandro Septum h:iucndo leuaro via vna ftrettiffima por , !':..,:;!"/,.:: ta that cra tra'J bridge is IeC:illello, makes 11 pae(fo very pilÌe _ Hor• ; ;,. fpcd1to & .lptrto, & v1 did vn'ahra port p1u olcrc mol• .,, •• ,, •• f,r. to wider , & b cover d1 iron • .,., The P••t•• ••dit:1Jjltll• bridge and Mz uio, or Mo luzo,· &d • • dell'.An:me. and .A·P. Ix . 1•.,·.A•&"•· D l ·1 ' and bridges .,,,.,, M,I/, mV or ft The delb port Flumcntana about two .. m1glia,in the via Flaminia is the bridge Miluio,and. fee Molu10: I trouato waves this noJnr, d• Jli """[b' Md. ••••N"""· · ;1bb1a source: but pen,ere1 and was also able to Oc cofi called by the vccello said Mii• . . me fi1 h . wo,u<>, and .bbio, .•and them no fuffc still duamaco Moluio. Q.!lcflo o;g;i;,edbyGoogle •______J__,_ The -.efto (ol bridge .uori of the City was as (criue Ami..;ano M. vcellino, built by Scaurus. & many times rou1-D•1lnfM,llai,ato • & many redone; it considers other deU' Old that the ft'"'• fundamenti : fopra ilqual bridge as fcriuc Saluftio, perab diligence 8c supervision of M. T. Cicero,ch(was Confoa-the , the mc-z the night they were preli the Ambafciatori de the Allobrogi, & deprived them of the letters, & fi was à palcf.irc b pcmitiofa Catiline conspiracy against the ,fattia : 8cac:ofi punished the Conspirators, & the City freed from that peri.tolo M. T. Cicero was the first', in Rome he deserved the C,mrt• ,f' d rffer chiamatò the Father of the Homeland. Near the medefimo jf,":: :,: ,, ,. bridge Cofbiltino Magno Imperatorea, vinfe & did street .. P•dr, ulltJagare within the river of Teucre M. ifentio Tyrant, figliuo P.,,, •. I M:iffimi;mo,that attendeua to the art Ma&ica, hauendo or,,, J•P•;: cloudy, the river of Naui & of kgnami, oue he v(or the vn ';: :r,:•r. .ffe 1,ello Stratagema: & fighting with dJfauantagg10,fi-,.,..,. ml mind apparue in Arfa vna Cross & vna voice fenti that diffe E N T Or Y T O N I K A, that is, Win with que-Yifi,n• '! C'• 1b infeg.to!co.and fcriu. the hilloriaa; &ceremonies roppe n.mici: !:1;;°c ,,7.. ,_a_ dcli. .ut vntòrra hogg1 still and m p1e.and the arch _Tr1onfa .. ,.,1,,.. r,,.. the vmno to Cololfco. They are still out of the Cma ,aqu.1t f•l,c,JI .. 1ro Bridges fopra the Aniene, the Salarioa, the Noment2no, the r••• •. ·ì Mamnieo,& lucan : the Wage is in the via Salaria, oue fi Tp,,.,.r'!: the r1· ••"••-f, . ri 4; R""'•a,. r;,,1,,,1e•• t, S•l•r,. ' .llm /,me cur611ti direé/11 ,n firnitll ponds C11/ramus rapid11s fal,ieéliaurgitis 'Vnd111 g Et N 11rfin refo1111ns, .l1111f,,s 'Vbiq, emAt. .;potHit rigidas Gothorum f,,bJer, m,nlll Rie Jocuit J11rum jlumin11 ftrr, the iugum • After quetto feguita the ponte Nomentano in the way of the No-P111tdl•••• znenr:ina, & the Mammeo in the via Tiburtina. built by '"". '::'•,""·· . 11 Antonmo p·10, & appreflo king . . fi:the urate from Mammea,but d. ".... ' 1,•• re L•m•nt4no • 'adi,A1ef!andto the Emperor. IJ bridge Lutano is long Tibo i:r ti• ,1,; ,,( li,oue is the vno building ritondo with letters ifculte · in the Jìr•,,. so. T. Plaucio. M. Faun Siluano &ç, as they can - eg • D. . fjcata,in order elfenilo before ftata built in&on the ground fo,. the monri,today it is fopra the Teucre, & any other fcn •• 1,,,,,;0 and• was abundant . fc not if she has ucua carcilia of water:c·••ftio. 1 f •c-waves to those of the old penfarono d1 condurui the water of the.,.c:.::;.,en•m•w-tronde,in any way, and' potcifcro. Peraoche elfcn ,, ,.,1 and.,,,,;,. do from the beginning, Rome small 1 & not moltò popobta, Be ·4°!/I: b .•l as fopr. the T. ucre, the baflauano the sources chenafceuano PA/,.,,,..,,, •-in Camp1doglto,& in the Palace, & J>acqna of Teucre. ••n• font,for . r. · · Frontino f,1m1.1mente.1crme : The R omam for three hundred here.1,,,,. N, :·us-rant.doi years, by which Rome was sometimes built. them content. p ,inc ,,;; R,,,,,, tarono of th:i Teucre, & d_e wells & de sources •fo••n• * * * the Ko-were in Rome. He was still in Rome vna family the has •. """.'Q1 J4z . ucua the care of the Acquidotti, & de cailelli, & de laghic;, ...... •cqu• . . . the,l T,u.king. in order hered • tta• efiiendo peruenut:a a d a ugun/1 he )at the;-de p,'{ntano 1D,libmtic-veniua à suffer carcllia of the water. The hora fi confultò or ,., d,' Ron11. & decided, that !'the waters which were à the boundaries of Rome, I .,; .; c,ndu.-conduccllèro in Rome to Acqued.tti: conciofulfc coc"1 .,,,.,,c. r fa, l':icqua not folamente feruiua to drink the water, but still and•.1,omani,• haueua pcn,ato d'1 conduct water Mart1a. ,c.Attp<•· · ,,,,;. in the Capitol, but that.the later was conducted by Q. Mar.,.. · tiò', from the q·hat she g the name: dc. ,1u.ile pa.no.d•. 1 ;. . , • Plimo 0 LillR.. TEJtZO. 79 d.' PI,.11 Pliny says. Di11bino vn little miracles inuitti , which caused Q...Martio cognomin:uo King: he etlèndogli flatocoman T,flim•11iu__ AP\'s.i,& of the Aniene chiamatoela from the fuo name,& caua-;• .: ::1:. 1Senato, he rifacelfe the Aqueducts dellaco d:ll' acquae". °K·'ced j r "l"•n"lcriue, which at the time deno Frontino fi Diocletiano Imper.t-t ,, to the mountains Cotterra, before that he vfcillè of Magillrato $id, R,,,,._ of the Court,the condulfe in Rom.the. Giulio Frontino that er,. Attorney Covers the water, of which he fcriilc vn li bretto à Nerua Emperor, fcriue that l':icque of fuo were fol:imente noue, &. Selto Rullò; that was do-Q!!•" ,.,,.,. • '" 1e.m. • ,and,,,.and r 1'acque di R oma ereano d. . de for on-r• d, F,0,,,.. tore 1ecinoue: on l':ibb °,""The"• t. eh<' Valerio Maffimo & P. Decio Mure, were Confoli,• s.;:: '"' ' ,,,. twenty . after the war the de Sanoiti• Pigliafi the de. acciua , or;g;i;,edbyGoogle iitqu2 net cc:,ntado Lucullano , in the way Prcneffina , between the mile fell:on& the ottau., & volgèndo the man finiltra the was.n _ lungheu.to and from the head mfino to the Deceased: the which place and 0,,1, P•JJ'a• from-start Triplets, & efce fuck mount Celion, & dm, ""1••• rAuentino; & vedefene still some ,eltigie to the ra. say of the mountain, close to the Hippodromo, namely :ì oue cor-Hippodr1•• ,reuano the caùalli in Teltacciò ; & some other veitig,j, fe ne • ";ii"" .• yeggonodall'arc Vefpa{ilno.oue she termir..1ua,d. 11le,-:,;;"' •n , S:tlinechegli phono nearby. L';,icqua Appia; IJ the Virgin,& or .. , ,.,..;,,, the Allìetina, not banno pifcina to !cuna, & tinircono fuck the.A,,.. .Ap the horti Lucullani , in the c:1mpo Mmio apprelfo the source P"' .;':"f:.· de the Scipiooin, as fcriue Frontino. Between is v;in Latin, :;;n.A.•• .. & l' ,<\ppia, phono two aluffimi aqueducts, the.uah concor-..A,,, .. d,tti reuano in the vno,& then there diuideuano, as fcriue Proro-rr• '•"'•• '•· rio , & fe ne can see still some lègni in the vineyards, that r,_n•,ér r ..4pn '°- 110 in quclnluogo. l)ell' acqua Martia, & the goodness of that. C. A P. X 11. 01 . To PI y' clear :icqua chefia all over the world .:1't'",•:: ., 'the world, & that of frefchcua, & the dfcr fan.at the end of the rinorti the toward, is the Water Taxi ML'•.•'11"' tn•ru•c•111•. ((the . p .. mo)conce, ... n:. alia 1 · . d. R ,, •••if, criue and· ta The urn /i ,.nda the lddij among all the other gifts. It was already liÀ,/7 ..,,,.,, , call que{barqua Aufcia, & the fua source fi chilma-{c,Jf,. & the ua P1conia, & mfce the screws I monti de the Pdigni, & f••fonr,. the palfa pc Matfi, & pcl, lake Fucino, oue she the dirirtura •hyenas inucrlò Rome, & palefamente :1pprc{fo :1fconden.,. D• bif••••ndofi in this manuscript fpeco, fi fcuopre then on the way Tibùr-dm, ;,, Jt,. tina. The first one to think of conJurb in Roml f11 Anro ""' t•• ,, ... Martio King, & then there was conducted by Au;mo Martio co-M •"••· . 0 ,n,, A f. n ' • ,,.. gnomm.lto the King, nor The time and he eg I t· was'<-=-!'rhetoric. pore • 1· ,q.,,. 1;,., ,. fo was rclhtuita by M. Agripp:i. Scriue Strabo11e,that dla M4 rri•• comes from the bgo Fucino, & is fcn certain, that the funti of-L'""'"'""•r · the water MJrua originate from the lake Fucino: order 1•• fu_ d'""n rn . '""""" "' .a,here comes in. R . . 1 d• the other. Fronn-,.r,.. orna pm ve oce all ,.,.. JlO fcriue that the c:th e tu be conducted by Tl"3iano Emperor the ..,., ,,,.,,r .. {,to.or tem,While ntl,l' A11emina by the via V ;ilcr. the>nuno fri-,,,, • -ùu-c .;giti,and by Google .To?{T IC H EN .A' ,OF" JtOM.4 titre.family,&was chfamata Traiana. Still says;cht-l':te-fl here Mania folamente feruiua à berne, & J other feruiua..,Ae'f"N" no à the other.and c of c. Scriue Pliny, that the water Taxi for '.'" pholus for natare auanzaua !'the other, & the Virgin water à touch it, 8c.n ' 11[, d,I b,-. .. l water M . them The each vo ta that pel ,behold mancaua artta upp 1ua :;;,,,.,. v,r-with the water Augufla,that was the medelìma bont:ì,f.l.ell iin,. 'dola come fotterra until the codotto water Mart1a •..Th•-1•· QEefla water from the outside of inuétorc was called Augutta, it is l .""" • outside source nafceua l:ì from the one of the water Taxi,& cor reua eight hundred paffi first that L1 fi congiugneffe with the J>••h•Rp•r• Marria. Entraua the water Taxi in à Rome near the. 4 !;,,,:,..;:.. the porta maggiore, & of the /ilo J\cqu informed is am:now . "I"" M,I•. walk vn Arc, ndla fl:rada, for which the band cli out-fi goes .the Song Lorenzo, outside the walls,& for the mli ra of the City, that phono fopra the Aqueducts of that, the palfa for the port Taurine, or of the Anointed one Lòrenzo,fi '°' · me over dentro_alla port, ft law, for the letters d1c vi phono fcorpite of the greatness of the vn foot , oueè note. r,. rifla•• to the name of the three Emperors, that is, d' Augullo Cefare, din10" deg_r••· Aurelio Antonino Pio & Tito Vcfpalfano.f.::::::;, I M P. C of the SA R. V I. IVLI. F. TO VGVSTV9, ,,.. PONTIFEX. MAX. COS. XII. TRIBVNIC. P04 THE·" • •• course tun. XIX. lMP.XIIII.RIVOS AC\VARVM, . n1cr,tt1t•• '<...:. ,,,;,.,./the• OMNIVM REHCIT. ,,,.,..,,,h, IMP. MATERIAL.S. M. AVRELIVS. ANTONINVS PIVS. Jil,,.1,.,,. f•-FELlX AVG. PARTH. MAX. BRIT. MAXIMVS, .;t•L!.:. POMTIFEX MAXIMVS. AQ._VAM. MARCIAM.n . fMor d,11, VARIIS KASIBVS, IMPEDITAM. PVRGA TO, ,,,,,,.;,.,,, •• source. EXCISIS. ET PERFORATIS. The MOUNTAINS.'"iA delr•c-BVS. RESTITVTA. FORM. AOT..YISITO.-."':i '7 ••· ET[AM. F or NTE, N avo. ANTONH'1IAN. INn '"' 0"'· S,\CRAM. VRBEM. SVAM. PERDVCENDAM. CVRAVIT. JMP. TITVS Clf.SAR mvr. F. VESPASIANVS AVG. I N T IF. MAX. TRIBVNITI E. POTE.IS T. IX. lMP. XV. CENS. COS. VII. DE iIG. them.nRIVVM AQVA=.. MARCl.iE. VETVSTATEn Partca. D,gitizedbyGoogle LIBJlO TEll.ZO. Sr Partédo6 the ancient Aqueduct of the water MartÌ.1 from que .,. rh, .,,,. Has port fi coduceua pel c:ipo Efq uilino, that still fe it f.•ru P•ff.vcggono the veitigij,at the Spas Diocletiane,& appref ,t:.'" N•r fo à the nearby hills, There minale & Q!1irinale,as fcriue Mart. The Dell'.A,IJWMlto (!fidoglio of Antonino Cara-,. ,.,, c11.. ir c:to,as dimoftrano some letters of gradeZ7.d vn gc_> "•t.l" '• C• myth,& brick,in tefta à l hofpedale S. Tomafo,vhf r•ç•11•· the Aqueduct goes tol taking for up in Capidoglio.Are still standing in the rouine of dlè: Tiles,that is, de gl':irchi . . & Aqueducts down to the Palatine.But in the arc iui near, f1F'."j:very &efcaméte phono friar fcoperte the infrafcritte letters. ;,: ':!:.:ç. C. CORNELIVS. P. F.'DOLA BEAUTIFUL. C. IV-,;,,,,,,.,;.,oNIVS. C. F. SILLANVS. FLAMEN. BUT.RTIAL. d, 1.them.Ao,,,,. ,,,,;., 1••• , And X • S• C• ,, Love,, pr,, (.F ACI V N DV M, CVRAVERVNT. . fal•N•lfitclIDEM ..Y. P And B. OBA VER V NT. 111. · -· · ---· -· .L L.a4ualc '.41{,T 1 and 1l 1 T. A. D 1 I{_O 'M À ·· . uqual'water,fcriue Frotino,that in the fuo tépo e1fendo fti .t ff'•'l'••-ta c.learned in Auentino by Trajan,fn calls.in the water••11•1 i:r '1""1 Tra1ana,as in the rouine of the Baths of Dec10 moH:ra l•ff1• vn marble that iui is difotterato. Vna bread of Acquidot to is still standing near à fanta Prifca, & vedeli the the.M,J•t,lit Ji image, & limulacro of the water in the medals of Traia.T.•i4•• ,.,. no,that fi Ili miles à M1rforio. But I return à Claudio, f 1"1111 "!"",/'1 deJqualeSuetonioecriue dicédo: He madò à perfcttione the:--;:;!"" •• many edificij,more toff:or degrees that nece1farij, but between the al.,. Bd,ft,ij 17 tri 11 prmcipale was the Aqueduct begun by G. Callicll ,for diTr. b.Dinife the abbod.iti,& frefchi sources of water Cl:ludia, ,.,., • to vno de which he pole name Cerulean,à the other Curtio, &: Albudino: & fimtgliicemente diuife the riuo of Anie.ne,.ioè deleTeuerone,h:médogli n:iuratiedi new with pius three m many places,& very ornat1.Plm10 in l1b.3 6, of.b hilloria narnrale frriu and.L1 fpt>is nuouamente is made of• the work G1io begun, & Claudio discharge à perfection, won & fuperaro gl' ancient Aqueducts ; cociofiacofa, that she height is walled stones vgua.them to the height of the Cttta & de monti; & for riempierne bathrooms & lauacri conducted in the Rom2, the sources Curtij , &; Cerulean blue, & in the said imorefa has fpefo fe1fantamila ta• - ._...,__________________ _. but, Q;git;zed by Google LIBJtO TE1{_ZO: 81. May., (opr 1.aqual port dc in:tro & of fuor1 there phono in; cut in stone the mfrati:pricked letters altezu of vn the goths. CLAVDIVS. DRVreda, & of fpoglie that he did, in the effer.ito Ji•f•. . . L . . or;g;i;,edbyGoogle X 111. • ('1), the t1ntluffe .To?{ TIC (H I T .To.' D 1 Jt.OR M .To cli Pirro • Simigliantementc two years appreffo there was ili Senate of the compiumento de conduits of said water does not. start pushing for the decree of the Senate there, were created for the two men. that tiralfero auanti the said water : the vno was Curio & l' a.._,t tl,the P1ft• tro Fuluio FJacco. Curio below five a day, then that uli fd eg l:imrr1f• d.l created fi mori, & cofi the honour of hauerla conducted fi re.r .4,.;,,,.. The water in The tuene vece_ 10, fi1_ p_t• l •p••· ,,.. ma1e a r. • FuIu10.. . d.The queno In . h. • __.,,.,. d,lglia Cover is a Convenient, òue vna part fe ne confuma m feru1g10 r., 1,.;,,., 'fllt of effo Convenient, & the part that à Rome is conducted,for •h.•••11• fi f j cioche she is not very fana,ferue to water the hor.it::;.•trui-ti,& à lauare ugliness, & other cofe fimili: perciochc two -:.. -•. were !'water dcli' Aniene, which entrauano in Rome: 8c accioche elleno more easily fufiè:ro conofciutc the vna Differ. ir from the other 6 began the vna à call l' Aniene new.tli..,rf,ç• d•l-uo,the other is the old. .efia of the nuouo auanza all the to.f.• ., 'i••"d0'. :-1 1 8 I. ucu Must be in • Was que,. n.-·c tam:ata, the virgin water , · perehe ,'" ,. •"'•·... ,1,;, t1' ,,.. tcrcando the fol.tldell'-"'lua,voa fmciulletta virgin mo-, •• . . L J &ò :To?{TICHITA OF ftOM.To .A,,,.. V',rii Rrò them some veins of water, along lcquali effi ramin. •and 'Z.' "i, ; . do were à trou:are vn:the great abundance of a(here; &: .;...• '"" vna chapel ed16,a,;d Clnto;the said source dimoftt'to painted the the Virgin . It is, therefore, prcfa & collection )to .A.4'"' v1rii the right acqul in the way of the Colbtina in places paduloli eight ,u,;,hz-";"' migliadttèofto of The d .. ll Anicne,&the collection in the mo :. ,;.:.., .. "' 114. ,h, fi pig/the, outside of port11 M atgiPre ""' eight me down, cirr11 d out,l/1111i• . r,,Aej1r11 à m11n finiftr"' cir&A, 'right me:u.or th;o d"'I fonu lktto S11/flM ;,,_ trodottA,from, pope Pius I I I J. f 11nr10 1 s6 s. /A, qu11le feruu/1, font11ne pllbJieh, fottt in many pi11{. :u d,/1"' the City of Rom",', & .à many am: the infinite A,/tri Juoghi,t11n10 of /auA,llri public • &pri1111ti eom, .ì innumm"1ili font"'"' ,Ji ,11/1 priu11,11. That .water, then, that today keeps them feeling folamcnte the name of the Virgin, fi-takes & collects him out of the door Pincìana, nt>n away from the ponte Salario, & vna profondiffima folfa fe it is fotterra, & enters by the porta Pinciana,& fi rilieua fuck the hill de the Horculi. the vna form ò stack the stone , oue fi, read those letters, in the garden of the noble & learned Angel Colotio vnicoama.tore of antiquity • lnfcritti..., TI. Cl AVD I VS. D RVS I. F. C lES R. AV. •"• /the leu.• G VS T VS. G E R M A N I C V S. I N T I F AND X. ';:'.:,..";:,:!MAX.TRIB. POTEST. V. IMP, X(. PP. Y11g111,. and Q's. D Es [ G. f ( [I. King Vs. D V C TV S. AQY./E. VIRGINJS. DISTVRBATOS. P AND .R. C. C .ìF. SA RE M . A. F V N D-MEN.T l S. NOVOS. f .ECll'. AC, REMAINS TVIT. · · ·· Vedei · "'· ........ or;g;i;,edbyGoogle l1BJt0 T EJtZO. g.._ Vedefi among the relics & cofe ancient custom. of meffer Angel L• r•f• hl predicted is flatua of Socrates,laqual embraces the Alcibiades. ."";• s;1. & the image of Gioue Arnmone, of Proteus, & d' .you:ula-;0:!Z/1;;,. , pio: the melico their fegm, & with the lddij Tu1el.m, CJoè There 1fa,••tl• • or that you have in cuJtodia: Ja mifur.to the Roman foot, fi ,,,,t, h••• very faithfully olferuata fruitful the mifura is the pefo , 1'.1"•· b-fpo• that the noftro fr colo giouato affa1 in ritrou:I the ..'::.7[•;7;miture & hair anti,hi. It was 11 said Aqueduct cht' already ••••n.,::n,. rouinaua reftaurato by Nicholas the fifth, like,moihono .,m,h, ,,.,,. the letters that sound fopr.1 the /onte: & circuiqa g1à eifo Ac-,.,, d./1',.,.,. ,,uedotto most ddla plain of the field, Mamo, co-,'."'··•)•.,:. -the r. · r. • 11: CA1• 1'01••to me still the it see 1 l<'go1 , & for you,umoDJ.ilnz.to ,.,1 '"'!.' d,,. cl"()uidio ne' fafti,qu:mdo he says. ,, •••p• lu• Te quoq; l11x e11dem Shifts foror 1.de rtttpit. is l"•.ff•q•l-Hie '1Jbi '1Jirgine• campus "bit11r "'The"". .-'1, .• .•. The.what. water .today is d.tta Triui:'na, & phono al.ni, B:j.,..p:,; • _ ..who want to, eh she calls them Between the tana, as fi may ve-the I love .A,.dere even.in the medals of dfo Trajan Emperor, ,,,.,,.,, • .ul.percioche he came back to vn a large number of Aqueducts, & f•ntC caual-·al.,!u";>go branch falnbre d',nia,& alleg_ro as that .,1 mm Rome, ome, many mo; etrendofi rimaft. d ha. . . buac or;g;ii,and.byGoogle llB.OR YOU.zo: 8G Didre in paa'ato, 8c from a long time· in the qut roto b ·epenuria dcll'water,demcnto much neceffario the vtta h11em:but, qwnto 6 years ago. The fpefa that fua Holiness has made delefuo in quelto aqueduct, $'intefe There lfcre afcefa à dugcntoemiJafcudi,& more. It seems that the water veniffc .ntic:r ... the mind à Rome, for the inditio of some caftelh antièhi that ritrouomo prdfo the said foo fon!e ; & that, à my pa.rere,it will make the water already called C. budia,conduct in Rom.1 by Appius Claudius, as fcriuc Frontino,from the territory of Lu.lull,d qu de is pofto between Tiuolt , & the Tulèolano,verfo the callelJo said bora the Column; oue was the V1lb Lu.lull: fc good in those times the cirorno m these lu.eghi, oue bora is llaca conduct ; but ò in the Circle Maffi.mo,ò I any of the Naumachic,of the R. 11 s I know :lll.t Chiefa of fànro Eulbc. ;•n•,.:•J;;:. chio, you can see some edi6cij rouinati mol-,: ' .,.g-,.,.. to irandi_,that phono T erme,that gi:the furo-dro s,,.,,. was ao of Nero, & Alc-flàndro Imperato-,...,.. ,,,,,,., the king,who tencuanoafiài fpacio. Waves Muriaf"• :•m,.Auf says, that fcn was ever worse than Nero. & that there 1;:fl;.::the better of the Terme Neroniane? lcquali Terme say L11mprrd•• some eRè:re ftate reilaur,the eu .from Aleifandro. But Lampri.eirc11 l•Ttr• god fcriuech'rgli preRò à those of Nero, and the building's cli ;'..to" f1•f-nuouo,when he says,edi6cò the Baths near à qucJle ;. r°_oM::: of Nero,oue was codott:a water hog.the fi says the Iea(.,,.;.. f:mdrina. Did vn bofchctto around The Terme which he ..AcJ,"-• .Al,[ haueu:a edi6cato,mandate à terra,& rouin:ato the edifìcij. f•n '.!. · "S:!.:!:}t . strong two arts,& de the money, he ordered that the Spa, which that the impediuano , & pofe vn nice way of daùJ-i all Je li """...,• hauc. fo..tc, & those d,lc eia &li other before à c-glai Digitized by Goo le ·.·->--------· ,,,.., __________ , ll 11 JtO YOU JtZ ò. ss were tlate built fcruilfero to the people, 8r gave them a cer .tr•rtiwf• you felue, because elle fi poteffero feruir timber r.er .•••" "f,...eardere; & cofi ordered that the haucficro the oil that was d1bi-;;';:!;p,•f•fogno, auenga that innan1.the à that time is not fi accoitu-d11r• d11 .To•f malfe to open first,: 1ll' Aurora,& that elle fi chiudeffe-• ndro s,,.,. 11 ro first,that the fole andaffe fuck. Penfano that the fuffe-,. •and.l"f !.and 1 ro,oue today is the hofpedale de F ranceli,is the palano dc Me ,:,:,,,;,,; "'f you say, & what fi coniettura,because the plain that is near, ,,,,,,.,.iod,li11n, for,11 • 'luefi, times ;,. R1m• "/ ilJ,,,r;,n'·p,r . 9{,r U pU4 in11g,1, C' eonfwNA11 t#t f 111.tr,, C' eh,Arij/ìme to ileT,mpio f 1111111 M11ri4 do the Àng,them in and.Ife Baths erected d11 P. ip11 .and .itHJIIMIO lll.l11 Relition, C11rt11Ji,nfa. or de!JA Cwtef4; & 11neo p,x N_i l""""'; p"'1lui 1tlifie111i11i • l,mefoio of the people, d11 P11p11 Gr,:,:.rio X 1 The J. for m11ntmw1 t: 11bollll11nr.4 n1JJ11 CiltÀ of Rom11. They were dabbler by the Emperors.antique,& .ofecra.you d2 the nuoui Collantio, & Maffimiano fuck the name of Diocletiano,which detteno perfection wings.to said work; r,., z,;,-_ aon Jafciando back cof.any of you that ornament of that-and.""'"' :;. . the .parteoclfe; but the Principles then feguit.began de-;;J,;:-'. pofcro the ftatue de' vecchi,& dc' nuoui Emperors,the Heads ... " , .you which some fragments of their bodies, dilfotterrati ..Antieh.t• .the "' "•·of the vna murnt;.. that was fotterra in volts.a ,confcruat.afi in R•nu · .• . .+.rn. that place after the roume of the Baths, were ftr•m. J>Ortati in Ca.pi.'oglio, & p.rte mandates. Fiorenza. Fur,no ,.,. Are still JD p1ed1 times altaffime & columns groffiffi-ft, T ,,,,.! u me & habit:ationi ritonde , & in the time of . mar:auigliofa P ;, 1111. size & fpacio, & fonui still cilterne fotterranee, l' •1111• 1161. as in the Baths of Titus : ilquale place hogii from you-/. • •",•'.•'• .... .• • • L: ,uru11,v. go 1mpento and cm.loved Ytgts Twm11,11m. Are the deçte ,,.01,, l, lli ,. Terme, by Antonini:ane in playing, the more & more ft••'"". ••.fpaciofe & the less offefe & guafte of tuttee the other: oue, and' M11a,1, .,,,_ _ they say that Diocletiano & Maffimiano Emperors for you d,d""" mo1ti"aniù yì teònc.or à l.uorare be. q.aran. .the. Chri :.,.1.i/.::;. ._ ftaani; pemoche Diocleuano was cap1taliffimo uwwco of 1.1; · '7 "•'• 1110me Chritliano. ,,,11,.'cm,f•• eh, h"• &110 motl•mit1 ,,; , Of the Baths 'ATouatianee) & D Oum11iade. .. '-! • h•• ,,.,.., (:r . C. A. P. X X P J. f,J,.,.t11Untt · . '. . the 11ffiti11nt, l.1 _A failed del Viminale in vico, that is, the Pa-Vi&or P•tr;. .or patritieo, oue hoggieè the Chidà fl.ta ,,, • , Ttrm,· _, _tJud,enuana, were already the Terme Nouatta-N,,.,.,;..,,,. ne. The above-mentioned Chiefa was built d.to the Pope "' f14rono. Pius, à prayers of Pralfede fua forella, in order was the screws-:".;:;,:,: ll)to, that.à c.to a. Terme of fuo brother Nouatio, in ,hif11 r,.,. The village Patritio built the Chiefa. Are still in that .•o&.. f..1&,p....•oJ1cèvna .ccoec.apel.. .. .. ;ei;eu . .4'{TICHITL OF flOM.4 ' .J• 6•.· of (anto Peter Apoftolo,that is hauuta in great venmti.:_. ',/.•fi,'•· ne. Not far away was the fchena of the mountain, oue is ilo .,,. ;: ,;./s: the Temple of shut fandforno melting Loren1,or in Paliperoa fll!'ono of the Termeo the utro ..Ap•-d Obmpi.ade, is the Bathroom,& 1.:luacro d" Agl ippina m:idre of .,/,b,ò Nero11t:;percioche in the fpacio of the all-around fi re,. ..WUi Jl!1• ,,,. piÌI t•ft• ,,,.d,,,, ,h, f•ff• 1• p•i. e•/11'll• ,.. ,t,ilie.,• • I,,;,,,,, Of The Baths Coflantiniane. C A.-P. X X Y I I. ,-,,_ ,ro • limpi•'• , 17 , Or 1·1n .. ·. ·J ehe h '-<.!!mna eo. 'd P . In today's e ect moa._ you Cauallo,oue phono 1 cauaflt marble,6 veg • ion the great relics of the Baths of Coftan.. rino Emperor, lcquali he built, as rl".At,,iPJ/"•· .:.,,,'" criuc Apollodorus , & we aim to Marcellin, & to argu. freff• .who chin is, what will sound three ftatue of marble, in ciafcurui dcl,lcf• of s_.,or.;1,., what is fcritto the name of what, oue already had the Whole -, J.•-'• -hs,. that diceuano in quefto way, ricmg•I•"· PETRONIVS P ERPENN TO . • Infcritt,..., . nv ADRA. .b,r,i•f,.traTlANVS, V. C. ET ILLVSTRIS PRJEF.••t• i7 fi ,,,. V R B. C O S T A N TI N I A N S T H E R M A I••"'! adt LONGA IN CVRI TO ET TO BOLENDJE.or fl•"""° ,,,,. r,,.,,,_,1.,co-CIVILIS VEL POTIVSFERALIS CLA. .;,;,,J,. D I S V ROD T 1 ON AND V EH E M 1t N TE Ro . . AFFLI.. Dog,tozedbyGoo the g LIBJtO TEitzo: ,r Af!FLICTAS, ITA VT AGNITT0NE. SVA EX OMNI PAR TE P!RDITA, DE.HOPEFULLY TI0N EM CVNCTIS REPARA.TI0 NIS ADFERRET DEPVTAT0 AB A M P L. THE S SIMO OR N AND PAR V O S V M. P TV Q_VANTVM PVBLIC.ìwhat opera patie.BANTVR ANGVSTI.ìwhat AB EXTREMO VINDICAVIT ET PR0VISI0 IT L0N• GISSIMA· IN PRISTlN AM FACIEM SPLEND0REMQ_,YE RESTITVIT. IJel/and Baths to. Domitiano Imper1ttore, &·the! the other Held& Bathrooms. C .To.'P. X X Y 111. T,,..,JiD•and 1 l I V o N, or the Baths of Domiwno ,,.;,;.,.. • " -f•Jl'tr•. mperatorcgia ., fu ·1 Ch. r. ,.,Jt'..A,.• & mon3ftcrio Singing Silucflro on cam J,;,,;,111 pi• . the po,not far from the arc of Tripoli, which ci-'l"•/I• n."'• cone efferç lfaro behind the Prince,oue still all .. intor-"' T"f1! 1• .• no apParifcon? some fegnali d. Ter.and . & peraconiet-":a•to.': ,:to. · er,oue is today to 1e1a, _ .; · tura than dJCono , that some of the anru mll311z.the there were ! or.•nni that the•adifotterrad certain tegoli'with letters maiufcole , & sort, -,,., ricotti•,.rie , oue from the Vafellari was noticed in quetlo way, & vi 6 fl"!I"' /i, I . leggeua. Don,iti1U111 m11ior pArs • that is, for the most part c.•":,01 •• . D?myths.n., & .and letters ..nori diccuano.. Domitùi1111 .:11:. ,.jtj, ,,,,,,,,., that is, the lower Dom1waa • Were still the Ter-'{/.,. ... ,,,.,;.,. mc deciane stop in Auentino edi6c.eu by Sen.:uo & from the Po• li •m•i ,,. polo Romano in honore of Decius the Emperor; oue fu-lu•.hidi ,,.ae & I and •• ,,. ,,.,,,,., •• v,. er still the Variane.. The s·1r1ace,. . and ommo d"iane ..... T,,.,,.Je Seueriane, neU:a region deUa porta Capena • that is, that ,;.,,.,o -••, va Capua. Furonui & the Aurelfane in Tr.ifteueri,that he ,,.,,_. . made for b inuemat.1. Er3nui bathrooms, buacri,& pifcine y.,...,,, • wet & lauarfi, that feruiuano to the people,as the pifci-::.:!,;... 11a ·publica. Diee Martiale • ns,,.,,;.rw. -Pi.fti,u,m p,10 /ie,t n11t11r1.aT,mu ,,4,.,. Cicero fcriuc. I harei wanted to vaa Pifcina wider, li•n• r;:_·;._& ftaciofa, oue of the br3ccia natando& diftendeodofi no. :;;::, 6-;;:.jvemffero .the beat, & effere offefe. The mede6mo fcr1-,,,,.,ij 1,.,,,.,rllClldo à Terenti.to fua wife, the fcriue, such ba-,.,,,,,,;,r,. M J ra o;g;ii,edbyGoogle . ·· J.'{TrtH1T.The ltOM.4 r... •• . gno is vn labro , that is, vn v:afo from Iauaruifi inside. l:r3M) ;.•S"• ehu•: over this in the Spas of some of fianz.c, which is chiamaua.;.::;L•and•' no Laconic, which were fiufc à fecco, fatteperfudare •a.,,,,. that and,. S,riue Marti:ile. I• """'· Ritus ft plMe4t tihi wonilm ContentNs potes 4ritlo '114pore CrN44 h4#4 'llirgine m11rti4 The mergi. Ninf•iehu• Were over à what the Nymphaea, which phono B.:igni Gifts, co.l• ""-,u:l me to the garden of Gioue, & of Alefiàndro Scuero, that r:::';:'ll:: Roma were vndeci the above-mentioned water-lilies. .... · Of 'N. 1umachie. C. A P. XX IX. •'N•-t1eln, 11··•· · ··AND NA...CHII! appr.ffode the àntichi,erana •· •• ';",/";; • or· certain places c:iuati, facts& à hand à guifa l.ghi, oue of the Naui fights.anoa . to give pleasure to the people, & for efcrc1tarc the J?iouentù to him that she imparaftè à com.. 1l """'.hey, beat even ncll'acquc with the ncmici,qu ando, and' fufJè fat. •af•n14 "The'• to meftiero; therefore,he the said tbgni 8c bf;hi 6 ago..to · . ceuano à time& any time of the Circles , i.e. in fii the 11.,.,,,,,.1,;,. squares; as in the Circle Mailimo, oue er:the folito of wl cmhi• fight them in teru,à cau:illo, & with the Naui;:tlcuna vol. N•/,,.•· ·· ta gh cauauano still nelli An6teatri • Scriue Suctonio · . in the life day Domitiano: He did fight à foot,& , 11:.aico111b•• à c:tuallo, & in the Amphitheatre had still to fight the·,.,,., ,.,, __ Naui . Were the N:tumachic in Rome already many. Vna it· !;';{!:;.J: it was in the C3mpo M:trtio, that did make Augufto; of the N,.,.,,..,hi; which fcriueodo TranquilJo says. Did farcvna battle••"• .,.,,. ,,. nauale along the Teucre, haucndo made au:wela earth nelalt••••Or-,., pianoaoue was the bofchetto dc' Cc:headlights. And' no doubt fc ciòa ., .... • 1 ,,,a• was in ripa to T euerc , ò fuck the hill, dc the Hortuli, ouea 1 w ,. · · . ·J t"'-.._a,.,the •.. u, • .. 'hogg,French crown..deconau1_t . à & r. 1pac10,a&..o1topadulo_ . -tl• gt; h,rti fi fo d place, at the foot of the Chlefa of Trintta; oue still -• .,,.;,,there.,,,. phono some velugie & fegni of fpettacoli , & from ftarui the -" """".'• • people à see the was à half-crow's nest, which fcruiuano ò· à .a•• ,.,,,,r,,.t, fi ' . r 11 . . ,.,,,,,,1, .,,.,.,.;,,. .,. quc o o :t some other ,cn:to. Were m quclpuno between Gi• the colle & the via Flaminia, horti & bofchi, waves Stra.fi•lJI,i;r ,,. booc fçriue. Agi11ofeJ4i anc:9r,l hocca&&i•& bofchi • . , .-. . . n o;g;ii,edbyGoogle Cimi. ?..::.......?']]. ,;, - . .or the rre , the ,.,,.. _ oucfi "'· N•-•ehl11e .rapre;fcnta ,for - the vNA.'VMA.CHIA· NE1'...0NI S • . rena-____________________ ,. Cephas-,t•-•e.;· made ftar the guards , lequali ago-ccuano to upgrading à behind 1. the gentiles', that veniua-Ao to incon. '..iXTI-CHITJ.' OF JtOM.4 Of Sewers or CbiàUiche, & how · were {att.. and .A P. xxx. .,,,.,,..,,. Jj m· and o s A manifeJb that in the past, RO-: but er.not many fo.ne & chiauic.and,i:r1avu _e .Ròm,.: more dt all f the other was in ·p1az.7 to• . L,s ,hi,s,.;it is,.eoue Worm hauendo rltrouata vna Ibtua, the ,,,,.gg,mnil confagrò to the goddess Cloacina, which he trouò J_;;• ,. Rt!:'"-:. in the said Sewer:& percioche and' no fapeua eh•elb there rap..,.:and"" prefentalfe. the pofc the name fruitful place òuc and' 1'113.. ""'" ••tl• ueua trouata • Says Fello • that the Cloaca ( percioche in this · Jì• ,,Ji """• way to the Sewers they call you in Latin) is dena from Cloaca11 ,do,that is, from Cloacare, which means stain,ouciro Co . are. Vlpiano do.toredi laws,fcriue that is called by the Col.. luendo, cìòè that quiui there raguna & contributes to the ugliness . Of!fl11iti•111 dell. City, saying; the Cloaca is vn place modifications .for Ja• ". 1•eC.1••••• which runs & fgorga the lordezze of the City. trouata for 1 1 ·1;.,1,vp••11'" air purged &r. hde allb keep ,ana ; auenga c, and ru. ,.ifconf,J,,P.• ,;;,, tene.& fporcitie of ftradefe it infected the air,& that elle and ruth,hey /11 the threaten rouina & deftruttione • Tarquin Prifco is the first cl# {"·the first that did make the said sewer in Rome. Withered away the val-::i!:;:., ,: li paludofe, hauendo fact do folfe very deep, that . R,,... rifpondeuano in Teucre, & the. murò with stones groffe • ' acciòche the duralfc:ro affai time: lequali were so Dilig,11'{• i!J' mafficcie & flaky, that elle fofteneuano fopra of them great.••lm (d, g_U cullìmi edificij ; & economic trends & commelfure de faffie""'f•s). so fi combaciauano, which is pareua, that the fuffero ' ;;;:,,; ;;i;:: d' vn piece. Scriue Titò liuio in the first book. Tarqui."'"· nio ordered that in the circle fuffero made the Holes, that is, lueohi Chi_ et[,, "'.S-: &banks fedcrui,& she did even do vna fogtU,that eÌfene"'• F re,n. 1 do grandirlima, veniua to elfcre receuacolo of all the .!,;'};;,1 • lordez.ze & brutteu.and of Citti ; & atf.icy that à fi f.it. • you imprefo, magnificence & pump q.and the prefenti time fi poOi compare. Scriue Pliny: they Are still today standing in the sewers that made Tarquin Prifco,a work which infuperabde , cofa, not fafciarc back etfendo of but.rauigliofo etfempio; hauendoci lauorato of fua hand the Rabble Rom:but : & is fcn dubious fo ladetta fatigue was piìa long , or more pericolou The couciofia that the Rome. for fuem: dd or;g;ii,edbyGoogle llBJt_O TEI{.ZtJ. ;f . ' escape.and qaet tedium& faftidios'andaaano àmii1.lndo for ,.1,i.Jhr,. fe medcfimi when the vno & when vn'other: allaqiul co-P" 11.ll,IR,. -· 6tR,..., and trouo vn r1med10 and and no ra in vain. & no, never is the saying.R · for ago penfato by some• & quefto was, that he ago.ceu:the place on the cross the bodies of those• who, in ul mode ..it,.tit,1 '1s'were dead, accioche all the people vedeffe: waves fì•"U, ·"•and . r• • the vergogria own of the Roman name• that many times the Pri., p, ..•,.. • in the battle faluò the effercito, giouò still in ul cafo. Diconoche and' he w:i. so, that vna carretta G,•wtt•6' ·Hay, big ben, vi ,Pafiàua comfortably: appreffo fe it up";'. .r.. made for the whole Crttà. The mcdefimo fcriue, that Mark 1• c.,.••t• Cato & Valerio Weak, e1fendo.Cenfori gherardesca f.lr fo-:•ffd:1:! gne in Auentino . in other parts of Rome .the eu, still ••second indicator is.•. not were.Over à c10 were made F<>&ne, haut:do modifications Who•uiehurr the mountains fotterra , such that the Cìnà vcniua à reggeruifi Co-.irhl•.. 4rfe 1 •· pra ._& fuck you you aauicaua . & it was such a imprcfa of .Jrco ::1. 1 :A. ippa, when he after the confolato, was done to the Building • Note:the. what Sewer c6dufle slices of iumi, which with vclocilli ·mocorfo raccoglieuaoo & 6 irr:the.uaao behind this eh' cgl'inc., IJ, ..,,.,econtrau.mo. Str.bone in the fifth book fcriue in quefto ,;,,,;!• .• Jt• way • I R omaru.had grandiffima auertenza à cu,-ator-i ,com, ,•turo_ .'a'" ciimotlra the stone trowta 3 c:into à ponte Sillo, that .or.{h%'.;,;.:, ra is dauari·you aµa executive of mcffer Vincenzo Rullici Patricio Roman, oue is fcritto in that way • · the,.ago,itn,.., AND X TO VC TOR S TATE C 1f. S. D E V I T R A..,,,,,'! J,• '" I N THE P ART H US. F. D I V i N E R V .iE . :.:=.i,h.'f: N AND P O T a S T R A I N I H A DR I AN, { ti,h•;ih,i.•-AVG. PONTIF. MAX. TRIB. SOME OF THE TESTS. V. ,,. J 111/lr.lMP. nn. cos. III. MESSIVS RVSTl.pi•t\!ttRlEC.no. Dl!NTEM T ERMlNATIONEM PROXt. . . I CIPi>. P .. CXVS. Of Yico,i.e. the Village To{èano, & how teneua,&, tfaltriYichiantichidiR.gma. C. A.'P. XXXI. ·. JlVie• ,.,..or· VTTO Jofpacio,cheètrailCampidoglio,en . P••n"'r•B. r ;npal:izzo,& l' Auétino,it is J Teucre, anti_camé .no you was called d village Tofcano, from the To1 fcani, which were queJlo the first habiuto ' · ft, ri, oue and• say hauerc hauuto principle, · · & origin of the ancient City of Rome,waves Propertio says•no.At you Romll meis tribuift.the m1-ni11 Tuftis,nVmu hodu TuflNS nominavicl4J hllh,1. It was ancara called, as fcriuono some, the field .-,. ..4,. Argeo from Argo,which was raccettato in cafà from Euandro,to.I.! ••· . cheuolmente,or dalJo Argiuo Hercules. Phil,dettoao. Vit• Libijfo cora Libiffo, because of Libya was brought to the grain primaci,h,f,,,,.,. quiui that in any other place • Staua the form of quen, •'•J_j-,P•Ji fpacio in that time à guifa of arc,and the Teucre was the fua f;;,,;,: •·rope,& nocks of effo arc were times, the vna to Guidance• you, that was the Auentina, the other to the West, which was the Capital. The paL1zzo veniua to eftere in the middle, & ri.watch the Teucre àrifcontro, & daJJa the purposes of{he fi congi1111 fe with the monte Celio. & dalb deflra coJ monte Efquilino. • Auentino still, he has to face, the Teucre,& the por.ta Capuana, & from dellra is accofta aJ CeJioJo. Dinan?.the • you has-the the Capitol, .ri'&uarda Ja_por. Car111en..n , ··· ·n· ·&fcn or;g;i;,edbyGoogle · :--., . ::::1;:..--,_, ., zt s 1td·r·titzo·. .,. -.·king 2ccofta the Q.!!irinale. the Ati• & ,.,, _gli ancient diciafctte Fora, fono the infrafcntti • ,... ; ..,c-, :Fn-11m RO#MIUlm , Bo,,ri•mn, Olitorium, Pift•ium, l!no-,.,, • ..,..;, NWU"-'JIIOtl is, TrtmfitoriHm tlitilur, TrAi•ni, S111f -, -, the,m • .A.r,himonillm • Slllll/lij. Diocl,litmi, Pijlori11m, Fo• ,um ,lii,; C•fMil, bglllli. Rujliur•m. C11p1Ji'IIÌI. PJ.. Jaili11m. EXfllÌlmu1'L...J • . . The m.iggior part dc' which Con. coli called by their cdi6.ca bulls. The first was the hole llldicwe, & the hole in the Market, .•"'• ft"'• that is, L1 p4zza,oucrcortcoue ft trattauano the caufe, & the,,..,. pi•U! i,in the church, or the market oue ft vende112no the cofe by man-f11.•n! ." ., . 'F J · · l""u f"• . jars: says Vanone c he Foru111, and said to eren, or caoc ,h, ,._; 1r '1al porcare. The manner In which the said Holes , or uert> piazz.and ,i ,,,, efferr• music à tbre, the infnViuuuio in f. book f criuendo rim1111# • egoa ia quefto way. Makes meGiero,then, that oue phono Fm.,,.,,Ji• f pcttacoli, & vhf 6 à ftare i see the fefte,that the fpa• . °!,',:.'::..,·• cij that phono tr.the coloniu & column tùno more, & fot-r• h,.bbin, the to à portichi lliano the orificij, oucro edges, 1t, it' antlers, & fl•" f•ri, .folari difopra the Meniani, places fportanti in playing from the hilar à see, 11omiiuti from MCllÌo: & cofi will make these places acconiad vtiliti of the public,& of the rents, .& taxes or. J. a grandezu their support cifere pro-l-• l"""'=n . portionata number & quantum de gli huomini, & dcb-t• d,'for,' l,and lords &king of form and withdraw. the long, fruitful in the coRu-'11"•11" '"' ;me Latin ;pe.cioche the Greek vfauano to make him qu:idratL f.';;' .i,• a,, Horami it seems, from sleep with the first hole Ronmano• coacio-ei,di ,,., f,r•.fiacofa there he he & antiquity, Be dignity, & grandena ••,,.,,,. 9uan1-affe cuni glialcri. - l),l or;g;ii,and oyGoogle Of the Hole, that is, pjar._-za J. t..nii, & de the omamtnti :. . . diquello. C. A P. XXXIII,' 1lfor• 11•wi• LForo Roman was antichiffimo, & belliffi-,"0•1'1•.•"'"' · ,omofopra all the others ,&is manifefto, cheo '1-. p•• b,/lo . . . , . • . • 4; ,,.,,, t,li ., Eegb was gta tra_il the Capitol, and The .,alat..or; .or,ri. • '7 ,.., the orna menu dclquale were belliffim1, 8c · •r•or• . in the ft ritrouauano tempij very re-:. d.;"-"'."" who & ornati : & among the first ornaments to the roots of the Pa.,:•.,t• •· Latin , were the Rofb-the of the roman people,that is, the ring&iC'..R ,ffri,iHhl ra, or·Juogo oue fi parlaua in public to the people , that · fcn,1r•11•,i:r were coft cliiamati,percioche from the beginning was fbti ago-· "::ri,. that the bric countries.you Rottri, that is, dj beaks, or fpro.the of the.and na. ..r,, smoke Aptme, that the Romans cr.no ft.you ir.:ef.: -Says Tito L1. . f•ui • u10 of these were conducted in the mw of the Antiat1 :S,1Erra & part .or. those arfe,&.de• their Roft,i,that is, fpronaero becchto.as difopra we have said, fe made in p1az7.to the fug.., gefto, that is, pergamum & place rileuato, waves ft parlaua to •Roflrif11411ti people ; & when building the chiamorono · the Roftri: iqualif•r1n,. were two, namely, the nuoui & old, conciofia that Its-'. .ing in the cllèquie of l\ugufto me tell you, that is fulaucbto two times, vna d.inàllù ilhcm pius d,iuo Iuli or by Tiberius. . -.. --... .. . . . ., to D,g,tized by Google . I 'll BJtO TEJttO: 96 & the other• Ròfiri old by the son. Drut'or : this and he the Roftriche were quili <"t'>joints vecnnero to elfere traG-• • •,changed in another place. The Rofiri, fcriue Pcdiano, not were ..•j'",rrf in that place oue and• phono today,qt12ndo and was abbrucciato '',c"· the body of Publius Clodius. but d;the comitio, place the vhf li c,,,.iri,. ' r:agunaua the popul.:ìrende!and the political parties? qu.them joint. _c. _ . Curi•. )j Curia. Dmanz1 to The Roftr1 as .'."cr1ue you medefimo :Pc. diano: it was aacor gold the image of the Sdla,saying he cofi. 1••tin, the and. Pofero the image of gold à cauallo, & .them fcriffero .0 "• s,u•• à· the walk. TO CORNELIUS SULLA .FORTVNATO' EMPEROR. Erauiancora bftatuad'Hcr(oleur-Hm,l, tw the meatus with .ib!to El.or, that is, veftito 3:1,the Sl!ifa queJ cap ;:;: • 6; '" r, fe,oucro Cmà that was -nél Hair.ne.Bo,aoc in the Morea . :.c· H,c, ilic.n b face torua, & à pie haueua qucfte read.ec. ⎜ 1..,_.j;,r,,,. L LVCVLLVS. IMPERATOR DE MANVBIIS the d11echid,HOSTlVN DEDICAVIT. That is,the Captain Lucio dec.,,._c )-u.ullo has dedicated fpoglie de enemies: such that c.the•.f': 1 the above Rofiri, all the places fomiglianti phono to ,c:,u,,,t!. c.cells.za in qu2lunque place, tea:condo the:itini, called-P•l•'{l! ilml' 11 Rolh-J, fi as of yet from the building that was the mount, cofi for the ice.& , oue from prindpio the King,& the other gnndi men & prind• :•:. j,j1 P.. pi àabita('.ODO, the calàmenti · rich & big fon ch1amatl,,;'ì,j,.,;=.-, Buildings. Nelb above-mentioned Roman square fiuncora Nu-T,mpi• ili V• but, Pompilio, then, That the hebbe prefo the goucrno of Ro-P.• iul f.,.,• but,built the temple of Vefta near the outside of the building, oue is'."'/ t" . ' er.the bofco facro, fi as p.ima Alba •. Scrjµe Cicero-:,c',.f i.., ,.;. at. The tuco , aoè the bofchetto V she is pofto to the roots , and.,. .... of the palace, & rifguarda in the via-Nuou:to .: The mcde6mo Types• iliwft•: .and fcco..or the ft.lt.you& leggicdella homeland, that is, dc i l.t.· .;t:,f-:;.=• __c•c lii ,.rdmo that:fuilero-cuGod1t1, &. guardau from vcrg101, :.c irtini as fcriue Tito Liuio '. It was pofto the you.pip .and.to fot-· who•f• i, _r.· _ to a. shovel.or, & hor. d.aUa partè d. danielle and .!c•.to the S,lruft,ro .'" C. 1efa . S. SJlueftrò ut l.go. ouer. of fans. M. r1a-free: l11t• ·. • tf'. tnce: dHlH·fanAofed. tfepolchrfj oue and·fctttto foprat Jd,mt1 · • names of the virgins Vefiàli,that poè: h the years first iui was- s":;::;; ,,t.er dik>tttr.m, &: furorio twelve ò more of the' what fe it is n ""!.;,.; .,,,foloqui àpie noticed two, the vno d.t FJauiaM.the.leah &l.J-ft.t. .;,.,,... . , ..... . . ; .•, ui1,,,,,,lt' the ONE diC1c:iia Cla11diana, . . . . '. tul/ltrl,1:1' .... · "· .. • .. '· ·. '·' · · " · • ,. • •bi v,ri&llli• f:., ... ZJÌI. .A l{T ICH EN .To' JtOM.,( Epitapbium Fl. Mitn.·Yeff. Epit•ffi.i .,I-F L. M A N N THE THE the V. V. MAXI. CVIVS EGRE. /and Y. ri•111 .• GIAM SANCTIMONlAM ET VENERABILEM. .l•'••".U"·.1,toRVM DISCIPLINAM IN DEOS Q. YOQ.: r,. PEIWIGILEM ADMINISTRATIONEM S h N A. TVS LAV'GIVING COMPROHAVIT AIMILIVS FRATER ET RVHNVS FRATER ET FLAVI{ SILVANVS ET HIRENEVS SORORIS FIUI TO MILITIIS 0B EXIMIAM ERGA IF PIETATEM :PRESTANTIAMQ.. Epittipbium Cleli. eL. p r. 4lu1F1,,,1. CLAELllE CLAVDIAN.To!. V. V. MAXIM. The KING. ••ffi• chart•• UGIOSISSIMlE BENIGNISSIMlEQ .. CVIVS Rl. ""f•1•.and••-TVS ET PLENAM SACRORVM .EkGA DEOS !Z:':.:,;,: ADMlNISTRATIONEM VRBIS lETERNlE WASH ., t t,,,,.fo DIBVS. SS. COMB)lOBA OCTAVIA HONO. Pm•and•bi-RATA VV. DIVINE. EVS AOMONITIO.IBVS .,, [NO lii,. SEMPER PROVECT A. Or ft• ist,m,,,,, PLACED TWELFTH. CAL. APRIL. XC. AVFl .. ,;, • ,.,.. /the GOD ATTIC, ET C. TO SINIO PRlETEST Af" """"• TO COSS. ,-,,,,,;,4,-y. And ,nanifefto eh. the temple of Vcfia was of the fonn. sfericaa Jl• lieh,f,,. cioèritonda., perfect, & abfoluta, à guifa of vna ball re. •11.•f•ffe.,,.,,_1 tondafenza songs, in pruoua so.aniera cdiJìcato> ac. ,O1 d 11. 1, ,•,,.and,,h, ,,'I"' • 11;.. a;.that .'"6"",.,.1, tappre cnw.ufc ·- tr:and .w-ngurar. eu. terr.a . Ow.d.the. 91#, &h, hog-. it faft1 • .; 11• r,p,.,,."'! tl,tt, .•• , ... ,. ,,.... jl,11 ,,,f,, ,,.,,,,,,,, ,... .A.rr,f"'1ielloi.m z,11u, pnul,11n111. . Stlll1Jlltrrll . _J ·" f,#The, 'lii 011-0, V 'J•II'fllllll"',. Etin vn'another place he says so. . ,,, · -1p•r••OB111119, .jlA.fllll , '"!'fDr1111#l111'UÌIUS. € hu•f•fil• In the temple d1 Veftag1a fi conferuauail fuocoperpetuo• ..,.. ""11•· to raJ.>prefenwc the fole, & l'.treftcllc that fempre rila. ·• ·· · cone, ..ono, & when he fi fpegneua fi raccendeua to the fpe-pi• .the Y! ft•o-: ra delSole; &as fcriue Fefl:or: Quaqdoil fuocodio&4e.fi11•the Vcfl:a lerauentura fuffc tlato trouato ·cpento. the Pon-..-• d• f1' • • , • .r t• I vlJ' .. te6ce aceua beat the vergm1, that the haueuaoo1n cu-S•perffitìo11i 1\hates, lcquali haueuaoo in coilume to beat tan-& I-•i•·· to fopra vna flint, which elle ne traheffero the fuo•.••·,.r.,..,.,J co, & voa virgin inside :id go cribro , that is, screening .!"/'1'fl": 1 ramc, the po.tauaone.ote.pio. The first iotro-!!'0 ,1,.;jl;:, . . dufi", and 1n Italy 1 facr16c1J of Vcfb was Eoe:r. _o 5criue Vergilio. /icòj of V1ft•.or P•IJ•god, b' J?tmt11m91 Allitu ,jfert pmmllla111 ig,,,,,,_,. · ch1t•f• ""• O"'" fi r,p•-In the temple the day Vella fuck JacuRodia delleve'rgini li"'"'• v,,._ conferuaua the Pall:so that the er:the the S. your of Mincrua, fl•diu•_ • FI-the Greeks called Pallas, & the cofe facre de Romans. f::, f['•• Numa Pompilius cleffe à guard of the éempio of Vetla 11:p.,;,;;t four maidens, and as fcriut Plutarch were by him m, fi ,..,.,.,_. confecrate: the vna dellequali was called Gegani:i • the-"0• '7 ,,...,.,. between Beronia • Camilla & Tarpei;i !'the other two. To add was,'!• "•P"• .uene two other Tarquinio Prifco • as fcriue God-"";.';or; J,fl• ,,. .nifio , percioche and' not p:ireua qu:itrro fuJfero à p,;,,., Verg;_ bailanza à order à i ..cri6c1j that fi f.aceuano for ,.; Yeft•li • 11 Cjttà of Rome, percioche elle haueuan. .d elfer pre-:. [t':;,J:t _ fcnt1; & cofi were to effer fe1, & hard d said nu-Each r1o;0,,, g mere, such that each region haueua the fua virgin Ve-h,bbt ,. f"" ftale • conciofia in Rome, which is the hora fufiè diuifa in the fei 11"1-"or'" •fl•". ,,. regiooi . Hauendo started Tarquin, fii other Re S,i f,.,,..or ,. r. ·1 P"""P" ' .aegumarono • 11 medefiimo was The·1 prtmo. c and trouo· I Jt,g,0111 ,iimodo, that the virgins with the Pope fulfero punished for Jtom•. -noohauere confcruato their virginity; at the time, luo c1, r1•u_•/ f•or •d•to cafa de Pin:irij, the daughter of Pu-•1 1 fe ne trouò vna of the ... quo 10 '· to the _ ' • ·or hi . no!" ..to:endo virgin evening ra.p.elcnt.ta wft.'7,l.,.' .or .on 1 other 1 facrifiCIJ: & folamentc the virgin vellah • ,r•"• p•nir,. percioche women were ; 1>er fufientare life were Verg. r/,ft•li prouedute from the public; & lasted queilo until at the time were the prm• of Teodofio ln1peratore : other.facerdoti viucuano of the tt• ti.I ,,.. fuò; those who.m.u.fi Matrima,& Patrima '!ch it uella ve.argentina \'.and-'-'.:;;,,,., the, .the iea, of which d father & the mother hab1tauano m ltah:i, M•t,im•.,. .-there ç.11e11aao cafa ap., fote.n9_ to the no.the V .the.a41, !'!'!.;,.;v,. · -'1, palfau ftAl!•.•wf• or, o;g;i;,edbyGoogle .'N..,T IéHit.To' Dt JtO M. 4 •.lnA .•· paffati ttenu years muitarfi, cW time that the chrono ffate · F.•',.to""•.'.!"aconfacratc,& the ones ft muit:iuano were injured-· .. 1 P"" 'l '"' • -,.,1. "';fl•li-te,as fe fuffero fbte cursed. Not potcua the ..ntc-·to .; ,,,.,;,.,fi. 6cc acceturc inside the conuento of those vcrgtDJ yna · Dieh,11tifi that haueffe less than feianni,& more "die"there, as feral ritt.,..,. "" '::.':;)',Jr To ntiftio Labeone,thirty :hymns fbua dentt0 to the temple,in the first ten lap infegnati the facrificij , nor the fruitful was the,,;,,; 00 ;,. made miniflraa, in vlrimi was prepofta:the gouemo. The· 1,"4 4,11, .,r main between them was called Maffima, the one that ap.1,iu !"•/1•1•. prdfo of us today is detu Badeff:the. He was so grateful & king.and,";•;•;!.. uerendo apprefio the Pop.Rom.what faccrdotio,chc elle ,,;;p:lm• were held facrofante,& inside the auttorità them was balbn .7 1, v,JIA!the '. • you put con cordi:the .r:citizens: qu:indo vna virgin .A,utorrt• • V ettale was elena,er:the chtam:eng Loved by the Pope, fe-• •."t ti•• condo the name of the one before that hebbe name ancon cl .';,. '1,'"',;;i:: Li Loved • Plutarch in the life of Camillus · equal.at the very à N,m, d,II• along the incefto,that we are going to say adultery,& of pe.f,rt;,.. v, na & punitione that 6 daua :to the Virgins Veftalì.Not saying· JJ, "'""'a· uanoffli men enter the temple of Vefta,ne at that h . _o 1.,4,.,,.,, and ' the of _a !)eaaBonl,no. tR 9.eIl d. C .· erere,_quantunquc from· ,,.,, • .; them.go _ lec,f, d,11, huomtm was proud flati edtlicatt: & that part de1 monte. Y•rt· V•!'.'!· P:ilatino fopra the temple of V she that rifguarda à dirittuH..".,,.,,,,•; rl fopra the p1aua·Rom:1no,was called Vcllia;dcllaqua. :... the .ar.or Varro fc.iuein qu.to way. Many of the fo.or the ii;f.:n ' ,, ••"' ;n1,.r1. cag1001 fruitful 10 I 1nrelo, for the qùalc Vell1a fit v,lli• lu•t• • coTt call,between lequali is• that· the said place as alc11 •f•".j.';!,.:cb• c•f• ,,. • ni penfano was coli said by the sheep, for what paftori Pal:itioi, before and• fulfe trouato the way of tofare the .;,::.rico4i sheep,in the said place foleuano fuerre the bna, and in the sides.'"""" l• , •. no fi says Ve/Jert; waves Lt wool of elle sheep is chiamlta .. d•II• P1 • Latin V1/Ju1; that is, the Fleece: that Vellia veniuaad cf.a._.,.." f ,J!• fer called à vellendo,that is, from fuerre. In that Vcllia •a,m,;;, 11,7. t vi.in. a_l temple dclii-Of - Penatia, cio. domeIH.the & is: .T,mpio d,11, mrgli:m li ch1amaua Germalo 1 duo1 Germ:int we D,i p,,..,& we say, brothers and sisters of the Flesh. Romola & Remo the from main.G,"".!'• 'api habitò in the Fleeces:the. Valerio Publicola, ilqualc hauen. ,1 rr _a· 'n· 0'"' ,.,"J h•bit•ro the c and J 'fj , J' r. I I fi r. d •• cato a ,u a to e eu c:the,and, the rou1no cuen or ve.•• Rom,/, i:, nuto in fofpctto not fi will infignorire of Rome•aR.•."· 4•. · & venoe to dwell on the floor in vico, that is, in the village •. · : .,,,.,,,,. • · publico. or;g;i;,edbyGoogle · LIB'ItO'T·EllJO; ·· 98 puhlico.as rcriue Liuìo • The medefima part of the mon-v;,, ,ldUn. you contained is cafa of Catullus,& that of Catiline. To .•t '• and,,. failed the pr_edctto n:t?rite, dtn_:inzi to.a <;hiefa .the S. Cof-;,.;,. ..';:. . mo & Damiano was g,11 temple t, 1 where en:ato many times fi raguna : 11 . stage dc JiC•ft•"· is beniffimo lauorato, Valerio M. 111imo in the first book . says. or;g;i;,edbyGoogle ·LIB]the TE1{_zo: 99 4ice . Conobbeli in that time. that Callore & Pollux T',ft;,.,,.;.they were still vigilant. perfaluare the Strain of popolQ 4; ..,.,.,,,;...omanQ, q.ando it was,ron. seen the.the arc de.or at the lake .:/..;•v _ d1 luturna you medefim1, & 1 of their fudat1 aualli, & the por-P,11,,ç,,. t:the Temple of them, which was joint with said source,for fc medefima them aperfe. The medelimi dettoho the nuouc in mcdefimo place, the Victory hauuta against JJerfo N lmi• 4;-.,;, King of M. 1cedonia, & of quelLl against à the Cimbri , in the bulls'•"""".medelimo G. Mario it rellò winner, as fcriue .•.•r• ir , • Lucio Floro. They say inside .the quefio fpac10 etfere ftato ,..,.the Temple of Vulcano, in the face of the slut of the qu.1lc: infioo T ,mpi• 4l at the time that Rome was arfa from the Gauls, fkctc app;da Y11lc•11• , (r that Vafoio, in alqu.1the were pofii Romulus & •N• ""· . . Y Afuo ... , •, Remo for euer. fltC3U in . . . de1 monte l tiu1!1e, to pie 1 ';i . 1T __ a-fch•f••.'" f• tino, oue hoggt and Chicu R1tonda d1 f.mto Teodoro : r,11, •J;./ Hpercioche the Teucre, as fcriue Propertio ntl fourth,R,_l, 11R•book,with lefue acaue them diitendeua already hyaline à qucl luo-,.,. M1tt•ru,. . 10, qu:mdo he .J-, 1.1 ICC. J. lt, .. ,. . ·,H11& 1JU01lll•111 Tilminus iterfociel,At, & IIÌNIII • . B. m_Jor11m AMtlitos for 11,uJ11 pulfa fonos .At pollquam ili, fuis - off concejfìt .dlumnis Vortunnus 11erfo tlic.r Ab11mn, DtNJ. ·.. The mcdefimo which fcriuc Ouidio:why the Teucre anti-Y••i•tl 4,l camence, as fcriuono all the Poets & the Hiltorici,paf-corfa d,l, r •• faua gii pclVeubro, & changed illettoal time.T.u-here-""'• nio Pri.Cco ,-& apprelfo lit riftretto d:the marcus Agrippa with groflìllimc walls of the pie,three from the vna r1ua & from the other m9l.to gagliardi ; & for this was chicken the fiatua of Vertumnus in the s,.,.,. Jl. V drunk, that was God fopra the change & vary the cofi:. .•?:i-"" • Were efpofii l doi children in Comitio, the vhf was the fig tree ,,:r;,:_• • i:r, . Ruminal,ilquale place then was chfamato Germalo,to-ON, . / •••••,·c:he the two children cr.1no siblings,fuck the 6co {al. •J>•ft• R,m• uatico,that j facerdoti coieruauano & guardauano that and.them '•_o-Ili••• . ,r, • F,lCf , ... , ••.• or . there you have it . fic:uo & d1moftro., frcondo that and credeuano, the of! lrut-,.,.,;0• . . tione di Roma . Scriue Cornelius Tacitus in quefio way: In the mcdeftmo year, the leave of absence of the 6co Bloat, not the man.eu: perc1oche euen ,r, d ft· r. haurebbe_ 1ignt-1,. .. .,, f"'- . . . d,. •• ll!<.-1 ••. ·. ·, euen one app.the .t! to cu. branches, ,,.;./• "-t-•· .. the fuck i"'1ua.l fig-nineteenth century, forty ann1.mnaa2• ethane:a,.,1,.. d fc.cca':1do6 ·1 1 pcdale, & cr: d ffi · l i _ ftati N l .A l{TlCH EN.To' R.,.OM.To ttati efpofii the two children, Romolo & Remo,was tenqta and. ago prodigiofa,& malo's wish, for he .the eh' he rin.uerdi & did nuoue melfe. Scriue still Pliny: the fig tree ·ache in the plain, & in Comitio, born in Rome, is tenutoa for fcn faaaa, for the lightnings & faette which in that place, fo. nofotterrate & ripolle : & more for a memorial of her,•a, 1t,.,t. :l:aquale was who:imata Nurse of Romulus & Remus and the.;;;-• jbfi ; fica bulls of Rome, therefore, that fuck qudlo was ritrou:ua, b :.,:;;.,.. and Lnpa that allattaua the two children , & for that marauiglia, ·acene f11 pofta vna of Copper even with the two children, who were of the breast. Tito Liuio ftmilmente feral. , / -From the fig-tree Ruminal pofero the itatua de dois, children, _ ·aedificarono Rome,'ottole breasts of the Lu11a. Chia.lt,unitt•l• ,,.-moffi fig Rumin:ile,or from the udder of the she-Wolf I.,fu•fi 1.,, that is cofì said,ò perciocbe fuck quellaft ftauano of the fta. .• • you-r-uminando the beiliami . Outdio ne' fafti. ,.A.,bor ,,,,, rtm11n1nt ..,,JJigi11 '1"'91 T10e11tu,, . Romu/11 nune ficus ,11min11 ficus "'" • 'l'.,,,;,.u;,....' From which.arbore,the pico, that is to say-the woodpecker vccello-Mar.rriti ""' p;. king, porraua to eat;ire à the two children . Ouidio in tcr• ,owcdl,, zo book. dildos,. ua; quis inf 411/ts nt(cit muijf, forino, · Et pi&um eipofùis ftpe tu/ijf, " given fottofopra,rouetfciò the children in the earth,& piangédo the children in turn to 1a swill,comparfe vna Wolf of little haueua born with the breasts swollen & • pienedi milk,& the went accòlbndo to the nozzle:the de f.mciulli , & the andaua licking it with the ·language & nettai:tdogli from mota, to whom he had pienr. In quefto there , they came upon the pa-. the flowers of the paefe,the menauano the flocks, the p:afc.e,vn dc here seeing them, the she-Wolf called ·gJi alw,that andalfero à see.the king,& gridattdo 8c fpauent:indo the Wolf;'she said, a little à pocQ fpiccatali from the tàndulli fe, so he went inside to the vna thick fel.ua eh' it was iui ricitta 8c · confagr:ata ;• laqµalc vna stone cauata to keep out water had diiàmata ilfalto, namely, the 11 •t-fil• place falnàti.or P..e: in the quaI place there". the.tarc dela . ::;..:!:'t predicted I. d,or,& here and or.c J. L!'_pa them r1fugg1.Du! lollnfia••, 17 0!,fi m' Cavern cogtunto c?n the ed16C'IJ .el pala7:z. ".a'.mo alpha •fu,,,,. • via, which goes to the Hoop & the Temple c.and gh and v1crno, in · • which is rapprefentatl) the cafo, çlfen.ouivna Wolf di_a ·a· copper.Jauorato to the ancient .-pop.pa à two children, & quetb :Jlatua lioggi is in the c:unpidòglio, as difopra habbiam said;& Fauftulo Maeffro.-deU'armcnto-Réga•ale,afcofamélité no fe there accòrfc,éom. fcrìue Plqtar .,,_;,-. ii ·co, the leuò of q11iui• &· the conduffe à c\ira fua • it Was more than a to .to t;. ... • ,..,. this in the middle of the clamp the Temple of Janus ,· còmc Candles. ,,._ . _ue Procopio,at the age of qmle he was still standing, but firaccurato &: maJead order, oùe he lcl'iue: The Temple of Janus is·in the middle of alb Roman square fifrotro a( Cam. pidoglio,little Coptic the that place, which ho ggi from the Romans' LN•:• htt• is·chiamatoale the three Fates: pcrc1oche·iui was vna Chapel' · 1• '" P11_rcht:aquadra & ttttta of ramc,capacc appònto·the ftatua intc .. · 81"1"• " . ,;;.,., tli ,.. ca d"and ffco G"·Jano,which was d' d' . . d. two.. ,in The copper,&· 1 five-pie The c:on ,,., and•,,.,·,,. Tcftea, the vna of which was to the East, the other· to' JI• • 17 •_•,. The, West, &: by the vna & the other part haticua Jc porté of' "'"zr,"' ••0 Ramc,that in the time of peace you chiud'éuano, & at the time the cli ·to "" • "° ,,,,. n: · 11• ir,. . war nauano: .pcrt.: maaall'hor.was .. of IShab.1tat., . . _ . . firaccurato,perctochc The Chri (bana li vergognauano d1 ol.feruarc & apprcfentare in said Tèinp10,Tea vfanze ce & Gi.,.,G,I-rivers dc the ancient facrificij.It was called Janus Gemi..:· ttio. nio,the <.Ualefcriue Pliny in J s,Lbro dcll.t.fua natural hiftoria. or;g;i;,edbyGoogle -:-, · · lIBflO T Is JtZO. IOf b.iffòria. Janus Elliott was .onfagrato da l King Numa, the' qu.ilc is ado_rato & reuerito, pe_rciochc median:and he there in. tends when he is war '8c when the is pack:of qua-t:hu,f• r•,.)and fon, I figured so• ch•he dimollra fe effere Id god .'J:f! l••-:i.• (I ) dc. Eternity & .time mifurato,for the note & lignifi ... •;::•.;.:ecatione three-hundred-fifty day. Say that three times ••· that was chiufo appretfo de the antkhi:the first :at the time,that was .•"'• "'•l.Cofolo Tito named mallio,the fecoda:u tépo of Cefare Augutlo, ;t".'.•. !1 ter:u to tépo of Vefp:&liano.Scriue Ouidio timilnientc • .:!.;. .t·,:: S11nguine letijiro totus miflebitur orbi. . 1i,hi.Ni rerm,nt rieiJ, ,onditll bel/11 fer1,. Et Virgil says• . . g ·eSunt Gemin.t. beautiful port.t.. . ·eGordiano the Emperor. as a feral Iulio Capitolino , Gmli•tt• I. àperto the Temple of Iano Elliott went against à the dazzling crystal beading at empire. .l""'"_•r;; L:in the form of det.or the Times? fi sees today in the Medals 'a;1::,'"d1 Nero, oue and qùcfto pier • M,1.•t,li• 4l PEACE. P. R. LAND. MARIQ: To LEAVE. Nm•• ,,•tIA N VM. CL VSI T. Tip,diGi.& _ It was more than dining there. ,.,,tr !"• •• ;:;--,-ip.IIJl!!!The-• fmm,,., • I tella the .-."" Plutarch lady self.:. the eu, which Ì'was vna column COLV.MNA.•. MIL.IA.RIA . .. .turQ it. ciualc or;g;i;,edbyGoogle piazza Roma na the vmbili. co of the Cit• y, & li tòloa na milestones.a,or. ucro the Milia. rio's Gold, which were po-•.--. ffc à dafcuna .orta: lequa-iu:.'JT"_.them doors PU-_..,,,._.=-nio says, that the eranoahem v,.biliet l,l.l• t:imì. c,,,... ,.;z. u.,;•. _,.the ,,,;u;.,;. .ll'!{TICHIT.A.. Dl JtOMÀ ."' _., .,,. qu2lc were fcolpitc all yie d'italia: & Tàci.or (c:riutffo.IP"' '::.lu-click the was near the Temple of Saturn,q113ndo and' djce that :;:••;,. .: ago Coborte corfe at the Golden Miliariofotto to the Temple the day ..-• .eSaturno • The mede6mo which fcriue Pluurco in life 'c_,loaM M, Brass • it Was still in the fpado the Column Me. -:·•..f...tr called coli by Menio,that hauendoli confumato the Patrimo • and•,•.,.. nio sold the cafa, & pholus them riferbò vna colomu, oue he potelfe make the shelves for iftare à see the game ae Ghdi:uori flat • Scriue Cicero ·in the oratio.nc and makes for Publio Seft:or: He arriuò, as you fapete. Jl,ni•. the.or: the column Menia,& so many were the cries, & the allegrez.Kidi dmi i• u who made them from all the shelves for inlino from the Fields• the .•. • . doglio, & piazza, which is fedice that the people Roman .•r,.::••;:; not ever!between .olta in through caufa of.othò coli pal.fe.·,u11;. mind tanu vnione,d clfere much vrutamente face to ago.Tifi• of Yit-uorire coftui. And" besides this manifcflo, as the places chla.. ,.,,., '". f•• mati Mcniana,that is, the fporti of the cafe,phono cò11 called by fd: eh, d,. Meniano. Scriuc Suetonio. Few were the ones-.that tleffe. . ,;:1, 0".,,,,,J. ro i see fopra the Meniani. It was still close to saldanha.za ri,. i7 l•c•• the Temple of Victory, ilquale was dedicated & confeaato ago ,li t:,f.,, by Lucio Volumnio Construction Curule,èhe the haueila done edi.1,.:f:f.'• '"' the justification .the cond.nagione,as fcri_ue Tito Liuio. Were · p,1eHet•• oltraed1 that m vn chant of the Roman square, lcfcale . or _,;,,, ,,.. ,t,,, annularie & fa cafa of Cefare Auguflo, oue ·he habitò or-eh• c,fi, forty years.Fuui still the pila Horatia;that was vna pie.::;·. ". M. between :the cantons,and d at which pendeuano the fpoglie de I-..,!,.";. ''ratij. Fuui still the Atrium,that is, the courtyard of Minerua,the por Pmic• or;,.. tico July , the The temple of Venus gegi_trice, eh. from folio I;,. . . Cefare was built. Scriue Appiano. He edi6còil Tem.r,.. , .. ,_, v. pio.the Venus genetrix 6 as he was voted to do, ,, "'echoes ,qnan, or g 1 "b y ne ar,1a, 1ece around Jic•to,ymh, 31 Temple vna piazza with loggias, & wanted and• fufic the The' war '1-"" • . fua caliper Roman, not oue of the cofe fi vendeffero,but oue cl'•t•• 4• fi tenelfe reason , & vna belb fbtua of Cleopatra was to be ,:'J:ir..: he pofla in the said Temple. It was still in the volèanale vn•.eiul ttmpio of bore called the Lotus, p1.1ntato by Romulus , the the root of the y,,.,,, ,,,,;. which 6 diftendeuano as the square of Cefare ,. & .tric,· nctrauano for the ffanze dc men Municipal; aoè l :•!and,.::,:/,. vhf sayings Municipij sharers dc the honori, &Rpriuil.ij . or. or;g;i;,edbyGoogle · ; ... LÌBI(,iTEI{.I': 1.1 :s · ']fomani liabitauano. as fcriuè Mafurio. t:uui still L•/f4ta• '·' the cau1llo of Cefare, & the cauallo Golden Domitianote'l e.,.•116 d, f. cauallo day Co{bmino the Emperor . Furonui over à cio the .;;,:',.";, •• t:iuerne nuoue & the old, that is shops. Scriue Tito ,,.;,..,,;, •id Lluio. Appiccoffi around the square to fire in most of the luo-,,.,,,, c!r the r ghi , & in the medelimò t.çmpo arfono slices workshops, and• .. 11• "ie• t h phono five rim1ile of the jewelers, that speech made up of .;,.;::,,. ,,._ nuouo. Arfonui still some edi6cij priu:ui, percioche L, ,.,,,,,.. = the hora no there were baliliche. Comprefeli still in the det ei,is t,orr,1,k to the fire, the latomie,which was ileluogo,oue {l:au.ino glifcar "Z!., ire11•and• pc:llini,& the square of the pefcc!, & the Atrium, Royal, & as soon as the,;:;e;, ,,. that Tépio Vc:ib /the potdfe defend. Dierono then, eh, and•f• ;,._ .1. redo of those cofe eh: around the square were arf., ,,., r 0111, lèfettebotteghe, slaughter,& the atrium Royal, that is, logg1.1 .•and.ll, •. Real, because these shops were local.to fett9, & ap-,;:'/'f:.'f,..; preff'or they were five. Iuuenale in.at first fatira says coli. ,,.,, • 0 s,tl quinq111 t•bern,, · · ' That so much was 11 cenfo equellre. It was more than· à this was the t l,.ç• .f the Roman square of the greater, & principal sewer , that re-,.. .:;:r,:c.ueua all the ugliness & lordezze of the City, close to the champs-!:11;,. Ji no to which was the luogoe, that fi chiamaua Doliol.a, R•,.•. •• - certain doglio.i, there?is small c.and there were fotterratC',oue ,,••. r .• .on it was lawful to d1 fputare; perc1oche.and' }l.nfauano, .h. i;:;:.;..,am told the place was{fe afcoito certain miller1J , & fegrc:t1 ,..,, N_uma Pompdio: is failed::ito who fcriua, that in some .•,,,;f.,,you to effi dogli there were fotterrate the ashes, & the ofià de Galli .,.,,,,,.the/•.The senones. Were was the square noue sources· that apprelfo ';_ R,,,..,.,. • for the profonditi de the foundations, which will them gittarono de ,."f;_:;;:;..:. . the edifìcij , they failed. Sopraibu.over à what to pia1.-,.•• or-,; ,1,, za la ripa, the Capitoline, in order to fi gittau.anus delinquents , there r•n• •fr•.•·how was the yoke of the said hill ft punifcono the workers of iniquity • .e1!0ggul, , tl• many.nos, in qua & '"'" d• qu11r11nt11, not ft p11niflono p,u ,n that place, m11 neO!the pi•. bridge font' .Angel faprlil the Tell#the and after ,h, liie. Cflm}t1gni11 dtl/11 Mif1rirordi11 tl1ll11 TW#ion, FitWmtinti Ji h11 prt/or qu,JI• •, pn-4 f>Ùnti of cuit4 f,pelir, clear timi dtlinqueuti. A' pie of the mote is predicted 13 Chiefa of fanta Maria-.J,i' "'"" the gr.tie,and ileTemeio of the confol.atiooe ccle.rato n:t! ,,;. •;::r.... _ iacola & votes .he m what we can see . Ch1amauafi g1a i.,;,,., • r . rng;i,,.dbyGoogle .. '.AW•._'rJCflITvl!-DJ JtOM.4 . ' diquella... and ,A P. Xxx The The The. F • lllt ·a.. .·· To the square of Ceure was a joint alb square. ir.. of and:.to ·to.omana,& crc.that is to say that 1. ful.and in qi_iello fpa. _· • 11a.· c10, oue-hogg1 and JI porch Faufhna , nonaluf!.C from the fua c.is: Ia.ual fi:17-z. and$li prin. · S['•f•d.,lfu•_ the d,l fm d• ';,,1/',.i,'};:;ìj fuolo dellaquale coilò p1ù of one hundred thousand foftertij, oue he,a f•r,n• l•f-"' pofe {latue bellillime, between lequali there was vna armau of '!"" .fmnd• armor dedicated àlui.It was the deua little square, but co. '!.""' f•"" me fcriue Pliny the merit of clfer connumerat.1 among the orna-u1 10 ne third J ro and trlm ,,,,n,,. mii menu• d1 ft•of • ,,;,.. us.orna. H4Cfltnt fora C1.faru i11quit . H1.c ,ft À f4ll'Ì4 qiu there, nomtn halnt1i.i119u, g,,,_ · 1'1 ['•' f,fl,rHic lotu111l Vefte q11i p4/J4,J4 ago,1111t f!J' ig,,m,. d , ......... ,,, .. r, . . . . ,,.;u0 ,.; you' . . Hit1 u11 A71tlifUI reg,,paru11 Num1.. ,,.,,. ,the gold. Which places already. ji toccauano the vo the,lter. not lonuni · C •fa"" /",the-from the fua cafa, dellaquale fcriue Suetonio •. He has?itò in "'. /11611• vna piccob-cafa ndla S,,hurra • apprdfo with!eguno chea.•.•;; '{:; he hebbe the Ponti6cato M. llì.or, hab1tò ndfa via faaaal,,og,, . in cafa publica,in order dipo1,etlendo tbta adorned trop_po C•f• p .. Hfr• funtuofamente by Lrnia,was Ja Augufto made roninare 1n. •'""f,.(•t\: up from the fondamét'i,& we built the porch chec:' chia. ::;,;[:,; Them marono of Liuia, oue hosg, phono the rouine dd time• . "" ,, •• dtlla P. xe • o;g;i;,edbyGoogle . L1Bil0 TEl{_ZO. toJ !them .Auguffo, & OYfftmtnti and .AP. xxx r. IlA pfazu Recruit & the Roman was with-Pm tli ...fe. ii , giuntaconquell.t-Aug,1tlo. hq_11ale you f,./1,.,..f.J'. I __and . believe effere tbta oue hora, and the ch1cl;d, fa11 to Adriano in trefori,doè in three pill.1.and;the. · . · · (!Ual still conforua the name anti". co:laqu:the caliper was pocofpatio,accioche the non-veni:;. M,tl,Ffi•• te-to occupy the care of those who at the in.orno h1bitaua .A.;,;•fl•• no;so it was that prince humano & rirpettofo & clemé.you inuerfo de fuoi citizens; but it was well h called the piaua very rich& adorned with antichefculture & imigint :for-.7;•"':;..c:ioche iui was lalbtua C tllore & of Pollux, & b meals l.ft::•the ria of t\l'!ffilndro M:agno; & the ima.ine of that, In the skin-painted.he was the lhtua of Coruino, If in the fua ec-.lata (hit the Coruo, ilquale comlmtè him • Scriuc Suetonio nt'lla vit.1 of the prince: He did faorica• king many edificij public & among the main was the piJtz.1: the temple of Mars Vltore,i.e. avenger, bq t1!1the eglifiera voted to edifìcareà Mars in the war de campifilippici,and made to avenge the death of his father. The • reason is because he built the dt"tta piuz1, was the same for the ab. Opm 4• .A_ebondanza,& concorrentia de gli huomini & delle_ and:iufe, ..t!'.:ç,. not p:ircndoche two balbffero, & that is bifogn2lle .:ag-,.,. .;.; v,. come the third, the waves do not elfendo still provided the tlic;,m, the temple of Mars, and had it sent fpaciatamente vn ban, "'""' ••.<•• & he ordered that the nelh called piaz.za feparatamente ft tratt:aC "J .A"}..:•fero te caufe public,& v1 fi traelfoo the judges for the strong. j-.. :1:..: Ordered more than this,that in the said place you confultalforo the wars,& of those that h, 1uefferoàuionfare, & that of qu1 .ffero accompanied those cheandauano to goaer-Chtc•f• vii fto d1 no provincia with auttorità of capiuno, & rr•rr"JJì ,,,of those.nchòra that tomallcro vittorio6 in qnetlo place..,. "r,--'-"!,• portafi.roele infegne de their triumphs. Them predec.to piaz.-d:!:.' •••r• _ :z.it was d!po1 rellaurata by ,:\driano Emperor:ondc is !the. _e., l.'..In" •and t. the opinion that Ade1ano 1n quelelu'?go ed16.atfo vn tcm-.. :,e... ,;.and , p10 fuck d foo name, ilquale d1po1 was dedicated to,& with-,. the•.,i4ri. _e ·: ia.to . Antonino , as apprèfio fi dit-1&: ,be det-"'• .or or;g;ii,edbyGoogle · J. '1{_1' JC,HI T .TO' D·! JtO M .4 T,mri,• 1; to Temple fufic appreffo dedicated & coofecra.to· by A.;.nf"n:;. "t:"• dri:mo first. Pontiff à shut fandforno melting Adriano martyr in-trep' .,,;' ,:the, number of holes, which today still sees them in the walk walled :dia ancient.n1,i•. & with the gates of r:une. July on the Capitoline. fcriue, speak.op,_,, di_.An do of Antoninus Pius: The operè of que:llo there, see the in ""'"0 !;0,b' (Rome) the infrafcritte, the Temple of Hadrian confacrato in 1 . ,i,ni "• he and pa re , 1 <'•-li ' ",,. r•J•"•· honor d ·1 G-reco.>U 1 , c10e 1 . ·11uogò vhf 1 . Grect f•you. habitauano,& ft pofau;mo coming in Rome, _da him rifat. . to after the Arlione, lò Amphitheatre from him fimilmente king. ftaurato,the fepolcro of Hadrian,the Temple of Agrippa, is the ponte Sublicio. . · . . The foro Boario , & of the track of one ; and .A. 7'. X X X r I. ' the orolf••ro•, or· . RAnla Roman square and'! Teuerefi the QUZ ou, "", i:/-ìl the forum Boarium , i.e. the pitch.to colindettà by ferche eoji vno ox of bronze that iui was as fcriuc: . . . . """· .. . Ouidio ne' fafii, when he says. ' Rie vbi p11rs wbis de bo#r nomm htd,,t. Bu, tli ••••-Et PliniQ fcriue: it Was in Rome was the pia7.7.at the Boaria vn ox & to ,n•nd• of bronze,which was brought to the Ifola Genetics,laqùal Ifolan eondoit,. , , . and nob,the 1tata for 1r.open give very good Ie hardening machines 1 meS·ratu• of thalli. He was still in the forum Boarium the Llatua of Hercules, little.H m••,,, 1 fiaùi cla Euandro in the habit of triumph. Scriue Cornelius 1°7 1!0";';' Tacitus: Begin.ndofi adu.que from the forum Boarium,oue j; :";,0• • vesgiamo the ilatua del Toro d1 bronze; perciocbe fimili ,.. s,111,.,. "'"" animals ft foggiogano to .iratro, was started à dif egnan bull d• bron-king with vn folco the walls of the earth , lequ2li hugs.lllc. . """!'The•-ro the 11rande altar of Hercolc: & that's fegue. Are f Or bo.ria. _, ' . L•na, mafl...i• ;uCUnJ C be r .1Crtuono Ia called {'lazza en·er ,:C01l Ch' 1amatanma,,:a,, al-by the merchants and de oxen, & d1 this is the faith vn small arc ,,.,. may-the middle of rouinato , which fi sees near the Chiefa of Song j' Hm• Giorgio in Velabro, the vhf is the vn title in the partevltiman ': d elf, who says in the quefio way. NE G O US AN..Arc• b.•ri•. T AND S B, OR ARI , that is the negocianti de oxen; so.Or r""mwd.l-iui fi vendeuano the oxen, fi as hogi,the fo the and 1 c10 iaz.n lnfaceu . omana: for , and ,acrifiCIJ"it up .; n•Jlri ·· ,,,,,1;, no, vile, yeggono the Bulls uaiJìcarfi & &lidù-umenti__to QO LIB .ltO TEI\_ZO. In this ordimti, ouè phono still minillri that and• chiamau:the... no Vittimarij, that is, that vccideuano the animals of the facrifi• this , & those who• diceuano facrifìcoli , namely. those chee.; were app:arecéhiati to meltiero of facri6cio; oue side• ra is vici. no ar 11-(codi): 1 bno of mar mo, fron. .Artt4i ,,._ ,., . teno well intea.;..;.;;;;:....:.::.:.;,;:;:;::....:;;:,:.:. ro:the ciual place was all very celebrated by the merchants in the re-· .the? ne .elll Ba6.ica. .ppretlò dc of the ancients .er mol-1.,., -. ,.0 t11 Ian1,de quah hogg1 pholus ne relb vno: perctoche Iano ,b,fif.,.,ft,bi • fieifica tran6to , i.e. palfo, or loggia. Scriue Mlrco gn Varro, that à Iano were Ila you confacrati written in the altars .AJ,.,; co11fo vno to ciafcun mefe, & that in all regions ve and there was ,.,;•The••••vno d! mustache rilieuo, 8r daee.and there were the main, & more . omau, the vno in the hole Boar:or, the other in the Roman forum de l arc Fabiano. Sc.eui Tito Liuio. lano from 6nillro Argi-.Ar,• Fdi• leto & quefl:or antKo : & many was the one that appreffo 11•.••116 ".· were, Ouidio in the first book de' fouls. 8;tft•• ,. t. "'· · Cum tot Jint /ani, cur flas fe,cratus invnne Hic, vbi iunllA hole in the head duobus h11bes • r.-, .4,; Only today it is quetto bno Q!!adrifronte, co6 to.convenient-,,.,.,,, tr p•r to & is said by all four parri of the· world , or black from a ,b, c•fi t1.,,. four fl:agioni of the year; perciochc he is the Prince & .the,. . • p•edium of the year; and so i! mefe first d.a t the ann.or is dett? .-.,;!.:0 us 11.0. N'uina was d first ,-that pof and the said Iano vlano ,.,j,nn. .' the or;g;i;,edbyGoogle .To?{TICHIT.To'·llO M . to . the Teatro di Marcello, with two fronts.Then prcfa lnCittà 8i•tJ11ero .; qi Falefij in Tofcana, was trouato the Statue of the 111"0 'f"•d,,_, with four fronts, à denote the four fbgioni cycl. ! ,.,.r,,•,.• ,. 1'anno: on de qucl d. N uma cu Ieu:uo, & pono n coronFm Tw•fi· Tranfitorio, that the hora was the hole ;Bo2rio: the what name bulls•,,. ilfo was dipai pofto to the square of Nerua, many fecoli after cdi .•..;;;:;.,-fi.ata: & fit edificatonalde.t. Ian. in Velabro vn You..•• dm•Tri pto with four doors, pemochctl Velabro were two,11 retrieved. the higher is l the lower : & in ciafcuno was vn Iano. The mag-1""• aJ Vtl• giorc V elabro was in the forum Holitorium, that is, was the story.u, . oue ft vendeuanQ the Herbaggi, oue first was the Iano with ,.;.,.,..,., fi t r. no. el r ";;· v,u:;:u::.; two fronts. The child was oue is Iano .adrifonte, click • ,,.. . it is still standing,oue of the me.the-songs ft ragunauano, fm and ra.nForo Oils.•-gunauano the Vfurai, fi as fcriue Cicero & Oratio.n ru. . Ouidio even:t. li m,,.., v,. 1,,1,,., .... ,_ Gl.. . l . , . ' .· PUtlll l11numq, t,m,nt (t,utsq, , ,_ -·-" eIll.lii. ,.,, • Puteale was vn prac-:>, oue fi trattauano the caufc, & ere. p,,,,,.1, ,.,,. dcli that fuffc was the piaz7.in the Roman near à the arc Fabia."!" ""• ér no,it is. which tenn. .ion Libone,p.rci.chc he {i dm. _ ;,,, ...1, diL; maua!l Pu.eale d1 L!bone. It is still,. p1ed1 in Velabr:<> 1,,,.,: H.,... the Ch1efa d1 shut fandforno melting G1org10, that was edtfièata from Zachuia tio & ,,.,,._ The pope natione Greek; waves :still today it is and hiamaton.li, d'4 ,g•. fan Giorgio in Velabro, & by the populace is told from the Veil do..,,";f°."7; ro.11 said voaholo Velabro is said to be J:to Veil, hence, to;;.;.;,.';. ·that when still , the Marshes & the Lbgni around the T_euc lAhr•. the kings were not rifecchi , bifogn:aua paffiu-and from the palace in the.Vd4bro for-1' Auenttno with the Boat, & with the fcafe 'n& pay no . ••u•fidtm. paifo and diceuano for the Sails. Propen:I says .')lJCfio way. · · · Àt lfUII V t/11/,ri rtgu p111ei irr is/,l,111 ExiguNs P"/fll: 71,u,11 linter t JMII Ouidio it' is{ti. .• vtlAbr" fa/,nt in cireum tlNc,r, pomp11_1 N•p,1.t,r flll1mrrA./ f11,J, '"'"'"fait llic'fl.bi mmc ftW" fNnt /intr,s .,,m, 'Uid,r11 J;lN1,J,i11cenl11Alles m11:eit1U Cir&ll#I.. .All•t.-•-Join flooding fi f.aceu:anus to the trabocc3re of the :;;f;::i •d:l Teucre, that in al-HmoJe. b family .and Potirij. The capdl.de Hercules is the nd hole Mofah, '" ••cB0;1r10,& 1n the faith of the couiujo & M:iefl y what, ::::::/'.::; still today miracolofamtnte fi shows: it.mofn ., Silla DittatC?,r.,dalnual. it was approuato the said with !agra-: , ,,;:.;,:. · .,Alter11 p11rs eirei tu/lot, fu/J H,relll, 111111 of !l._••m D1111114/,oieo tMmi111 mMTJIIJhlll,11. Et in vn' other place • You tJ#I is titulos Sill11 prol,Auit opus. r;py the H,r Mae' fi believes cheiltempiodiHercole cuftode fufl"epiia •"' There Mft•" tofto in the circle Flaminio, as appretfo fi tell you. HonoG••' .'"· . rauafi Hercules fruitful coftume de Gteci • n uelti has. 11n ,..,., 111-dovmto Ger1one,& pre-ato 1e1uev:acch '-<.!!r. . ,,uH,rc•• uen . . d r. and, poaeint ii " 1" llBJtO TEitzo: 'roG Dec:ono 1nc:on that Scruio Tullius built two temj)li T1•r• "'.in the Forum Boarium,the vno al1a Luck proipera, & the aluo to the '" F.,,,... mother, Mature.What Forcuoanon fe sees alcwt f/:2;:.•'ll•Veftigio. Ou1dio in fefto de· fafti. M•tlr• M•• LII% '"'"'P"""" IM1uft 11"80,,j, lo&11stj • """• s,tlfup" intlMllis 'l";J 1111111"4 rogis • Perci01.he the fua ilatua was veiled, vergognandoli that sw,.. J,! l.ayna Goddess celdle giacefiè in the company of a mortal, with-,nortNn• pro.ciofia night for vna finellra, in order appreifo was :,:'i;,,:•., • call Feneftella, entraua :ì sleep with him,co me lady self eu Plutarch ne' issues . Ouidio ne' f.11.them. . NoS, tlomum pllTM4jòbt11 eft intrtir, faruft To __ Ylllh F,n1jlel/1.nomi1111 porlAlenet_, , .A/1,gori• Et was therefore called Profpera,that she for me inuerfo of the J,u. b,..,.. i,cdir:under King: it was not blind,comc, that the said tépio ardelfe. f,"ar, ""no. 11:;,: & b ibtua that was Ife rimafia fenza elfcre oftèfa,haué :to.;'0 T ,. .ola_dilcfa the paJ!and outside the Volcano:conciofia that fecodo,that Profp;,, f•r and firm he was.fle generated by the form d1 vn member ge '""" tli çb; aitale,that aparfe in the fire. The tépio of mother Matuta fìl1"'• in the Forum Boarium ancot,at the end of the refta iii foot all that par J 11 you ritondità , that is between the brothel near the Circle .;; : ;! ': Maffimo. The medefimo in medcfimo book. 11Hnt1:" . -Jt, hone m,ltr,J 'lltjlrum M11tr11li11faftu111 'Fl11u11tf, Theh11,u, king.Jditelih11 De1. Poti6111 & m11gno the#nilll eft celeberrim11 cire, .4r,11 au1, pojìto de l,ou, nomm hRbet F,ft,Ji M,. Jiic 'Vbi Iure tr11nt M11tut, facr11 P11renti 7 fi INt• & ti., f•r Se1ptrifer111 S,rui ltmp/11 dedijfo m1111us. run• profl,,r• . • . ulebr•fl the If . T. no L". 1u10: . h, d , J nue aué, or to devote Cam1llo the tép10 r1 J; m,tl,Jim•, _fatto of the Goddess M. has been ruptured, which was lbto dedicated to Tipli tli M• TullioRc;in medefimo of 1i celcbraua the feHa of the Goddess',."'" Q1 tlell• M;ltQta & fortune profper:a; & the one & the other tépio /,'."n:/'0. arfc the itletfo. The mede/imo TitoLiuio says. was vn gra-J,:,:,m,;:. diffimo fire between the f:rline & the door Carmécalc vhf li fimo •rfaro. aggiunfel'Equimclio,is the vico lugario. & efiendofi fparfo Eq.;m,/;.,, largely fi caught still in the tépio dell:the fortune, & in there Jg..v:;•• 'luello Mother, Mature, & in that of the fperaza fuo ;;.,,..,.,,::_ n llella }>OJU. It was over à this in the forum Boarium iltempio r-. --· . Or :r. the .A l'{T 1 C H 1-T .A' D 1 Jt.O M .4 f the.ir, ltU• of the Paclicìria be found in the cod,edi6c.tto by Emilio, for even;a is "•"•d.the•. feet, walled up to the ancient of Treuortino, that already for the """;;.'l";:. vecchiuza goes rouinando,& is of the form square &'firet.;;tj;,.,,.' 'ta was the riua of Teucre;& call them today fanta, Mary E. Who the•f• of S. gittiaca,between the Brothel & oue (i sell the branches, close to the M,.,;,. Egit bridge medefimc name,not far from the tépio of Her !"'"• •.j cole,which is ritondo & pi ccolo ,as difopra habbiam det. v '6' "1" r. f,.g;,;. to, In the temple. d' P 1 ud1cma not entrauano ,and not . . Ie D011 .,,_ ,bùr• 1,. ne noble & demure. Scriue Tito Liuio the combat ,;,. "';,,'": that was in the forum Boarium in front of the temple ritondo & pie..• 1.•1;ml'. visions of Hercules,among the gentiles, women, Roman, was cagionen,[. ;n,.,.,;:• the Cupplicationi & proceffioni that the hora of the faceua.,.,,..,,fi,.: no, fullcro notables • Waves Propertio 11el fruitful li-iJ-,.,,,.;,;,,,, bro says,•" ,,,.,, g,lltil-l T l .J• • • ., 11· :tr. The! 11,,,,,. •nts. ,mp II the pua,and,111, '1'" opus "'"'"'pu1u,1 ,h, R,m,.,,,, You tuiuis nupu. quidlibet 1.ffe lictt. ri1' l, ,1,b,., • . .• • . • . and,.,,11. ,,11. 1 f:acrdic11 of the what temple were d1rcacciate the Ple. p,.4;,;,;,. .l, bee,& for that cause was edi6cata vn'the other the chapel of the-.f •• "":':/ the Pudidtia Plebeian in the village Jogo,by \'.na virgin Plebeian ;n ,, :1:;;1,.,n:. married to vn Plebeian , as fcriue Tito Liuio. It was oltren.,,_,,.;1,,,.,., à this was the above-mentioned square, the Argileto èoft called, co.ri,-eln , .•r• me fcriue Vergilio , from Argo a friend of Euaudro, & by him ":" • ir '""' in cafa riceuuco;percioche in the said place was fepolro:vhf .,,,,. l . l . r. There h',loved da1Ja ter. ro how to curu to trt pen1ano was the co t and ',. ra (i called Crete , or Clay fi cauaua in .Artiltti ,.,to the said place.They were two of the Argileti, the fommo & l'[mo: ,; f11ron•, or-the High was at the start of the village Ìofcano between the Cer.,.,., differed the• chio maffimo & l' Auentino, oue was the death of argus, 8c .,.,,. • the',., the fepolcro : l' Argileto Imo was oue Iano .adrifrontcn ,,,.,.. • in V elabro,ilquale was still called Vertiino,to the vl.s.,,,,,,;,. and;, the thymus of the village Tofcano fuck the Campidoglto,oue were '" ,., f,.J[,, i Vefligij of the City called _Saturnia,& many shops · various mercantie,vhf li vendeuano t books. Martiale ! -Ar1il1t1111AS tnlllUI l,,,J,itMI T 11i11111U. or;g;ii,edbyGoogle LIBJt.0 TEJlZO. 107 ,. 'Of the hole ,'Pifcario,namely of the pious.a of the pe[ec. C .To 'P. X X X Y II 1. KING or u 1 the square of the pefce elfere {bta between ago llforo pifo•eBoaria & the Olitoria, that is, oue fi védeuanoegli m • •••" 1• herbaggi,close to the Teucre, as fcriue Mar-jt",;;.•.;:. . Varro. Call in to the hole Pifcario from Iano, ,;: ,el Teuere,the you.pius delqual. The Iano,as I said! _ it was vièmo at the teatro dt Marcello, m and the fpaao oue and today iltempio of fanta Maria P. rtico; In Hole Pi-Cl# t1f• / Iefcarìo fi we sold not for me mind The pefcr,but still mol ""'11"'•• "!' te other cofe.Scriue Pùuto.Nelforo Pifcario,oue various. co fm ,;is.,.,. Ddforo Holitorium, that is, the/apia-ly oue fl-Yendeuano the herba,ggi, & de tempij.that anticaménte was-· noin'luello. and .To.'P. X X X Y 11 I. C:irmentalc,between ilCamptdoglio is the Teucre, or-,eh, eof,ur••e. eu hegi is you:ttro Marcello.that volgarmé 17' mfo. og you today fi says the square Montanera, oue was the . . the temple of Iano;ilquale ft vote of to make Gneo Duillio,-T";/1'...1.and uerfo from the one that he built Numa. Scriue Tacit in the fe-;; " 'J',_econdo the book:Tiberius Cefarè confagrò of the temple à • ?the anus that is in the forum Holitorium, which {i voted to build Those f• ; 1 ,,;_e<':ìneo Duillio,chc was the first who fought the peri - Rome-,., .• ; R..ni in sea profperamente. Scriuono some about à quefto :•"1• eh,.,. temple,cht the Confolo hauendo à take the imprefa of .:!:'f;,,;,:. qualcher.erra , accompanied by all the Senate & from the m,,.,.. .tincipah de fathers,& d. the foldati, he veftito to Gabina C'!' mi.with folenne pump aprtuala 1>orta of the said temple, co-•••Jfof••r. me still teftifica the verfo Marone. It was confa grateful f;;,.{r;, and"' ·etempio of fperanza from Germanic, ilquale them was rate-r,mpi,.'tl,fl• to build M. Attilio Gfabrione Decemuiro, & will po-fp1r•n. ,1,. fe ftatua of gold, which was the first that was{fe view in Italy, who.•focr.cto. · h. Pr1m•fl.ct1<• e1 d. 1 ch J' t.-' 1 R and Antiochus to the 11th uretto no. and . 1a "'" . and cg 1 com°"tte co., f•and mato Tcrmopila,comc tèriue Tito Liuio. Was was the medei•ft•i ;,,li...,and, · Or 6.na DigW,ed by Goog le -.A,{T 1 t 1l IT..i' 1'1 'JtO M. 4 !'.i• ltU. lima square, the Temple of Piety, öqv is today the Tt:itre p,,,. • ,,.. •· M. rcdlo, as fcriue Pliny, & Solino. Fuui - side. ;.i.,.,,. L•between the column Lattaria, oue fi portau:mo i blmbini, that t•ri•. ,,_ and•• haueuano bi fogno of efierc breastfed. Was the forum Olito.f•·, i:J' ,1,., rio, as fcriueVarrone , in the past, the slaughter, and oue of them vendeua great abundance of her.ggi; saying he; 1 .:· /the .,,,:./,:::;: medefimi places still today fon called from the Lace.,.,1-hole Oil-demons Slaughter, but the Greeks of Ionia chiamao the sets,,.I. de gardens M:icellote. Were already from the defiro the side of the M•c1ll•, and/,. Capitol queih holes, them toccauano the vn in the al.or. -;{:!,.iot , •r cioè_ the 0.1 thorium; the Pifcario ,.l Boario, is the Ro.anus, qud.f"Jfo ,Grm the dr tulio Cefare, d ·Augufto, that of Ncrua, 8c Holes. ouer• pi•U• ch',r• •• ('rtffo i/ ,C' •mpidoJ/I, t, ,,, •• ,,,.,. t,el foro, cioèpiaz....za 'l{erua,cbe was called to-,I. N ·• corailTranfitorio. C. A P. X X X Ix. or, I 11 • ,, ._,,,..,,.,i:J' ilO p a R A Ja piaz. Roman fi troua !Ja pin:.nfu,Jir,. zna of Diuo Nerua Jmperatote, rra .laChie.There hi,fe 1i fo• fa_ I have.already shut fandforno melting Adriano, in three holes,&::, en';:ji. . . _ the ! Ternp.ondi shut fandforno melting Ba.lio ,noue phono hog. , li•. . . .. ..,uJi l.J!.IlO 7'.IJLZO; 'iol • tpJi 1Jwti eh, fi tlimun,or J,l P11nt11110. ,-;,., Z. IIIIÌi tlll P11111 to,.;zorio .X I I J (!f /Mto#Ì for, llr111U;ji rint,pu IM1z1tli 1tlifieij i11,,,.,,. Ji tl#a,ii tul 11I s. It was the above-mentioned piazu very nice.in mez7.or here• c-, 1,-.,; ,.as fcriue Paufanfa, ftaua vna column of copper . ,; ••••· marauigliofa greatness, that foftentaua the roof of-:: 1•'[:,.f"• the square, which was made of piaftrc d•ottonc. Y/ Ji ;,u,;,,r,,111 ,,:..N,,!;;.l11m1nw11111m6ig••m. Was started ladctu piazuda p.,.,; N,r. Domitiano , as fcriue Suetonio , when eçli says: .. .•,•'!•,.. Built nuouo vn Temple à Gioue Cuftode 10 Cam-.or'• r,•I••pidoglio,& the square; that today she says of Nerua, faquale ,.,:'i:.".as fcriae Helio Spartiano in rita Aleflandaro wuu. Seucro, was the side chiamatoTranfitorio, the cuiparole fo. Tip;,,;a; .. no the in&afcritte : Pofe Jc ftatue Coloflèc, i.e. ftatue -z f•I-"•:large à walk naked. ò à cauallo.in honore de the Impe• :_: "'"'• workers , made in the hole of the Diuo Nerua, which is called and-.,:,, ,,,, Tr.mfitorio , with the securities & colonane of ramea, lequali for •d f,,. ,,.aorder .ooteneuano all the c of c,who by those were fta. D,,.;.-• h •r· you have made.II mcdefimo Prince,still pofe in the hole of the fi •l"t/,;pTraiano near à quefto, the ftatue "dc men ecce! • :;: Jtnti , dte the .were brought by each band. to cover or,.,,•,.;,;,,,in this way, the foa ignobiltà. Alone among all the hole /m ,; N1r. Nerua has hc:,ggi some ornaments dc the old, corrupted fi• .. • -d & gua_fti from the fire & from the vecchiezu: & from 6anco Fm Ji N. Jopi:a there walls fpaciofi, oue is still vn picc:ol .. 0•fa,,,,,.poartico quafi all argos city, which today d:r the ignorant is :There r. ••t.1.• chiamaato ark Noc, but glili~men litmati is ,.;;".':: , dliamatol'arcocliNerua. Sonoancoradaaman · f, 1,.,.guftlcleftra doiarchi, oucr times,distant from the vna, '•1 /•".• · .A,c.,,N,• from altravn trardi stone but phono _ r. . . ' çlncofi,phil.• •.you, the VHF fi V':P DO aJ.as• · ll•n ili. ,. ,,, m ornamcnu ttioo-fali of mar-· ,,. mo. or;g;ii,and by Googk .. FOR VM -'-TRAlANl • of The forum of Trajan, °liomam,nti · . FmT,.,.,.. diauello.-:The and .A ·p XL . . no, tra'lCampi'd_og1·10 it I c.mn:iI" •aancora and m p1ed1 laacolonnaach1ocaola. · ouca l6Y. .. .. ,-,.;,.., ,i ,bioeei,l,bi.JHri•u ;,. ,f. .atem1·b, &vncau:ddìraineddmedefimep... ,·r , Piri I ,.. ' . Pr10c1pe , & ,• ., 1,. .,.. ,,p;-. the vhf were ornaments ,the acts to come . l'. . • all·1e parts of the world, & the vhf was vn the porch so marauiglio. '""·'• "·'" fo,chechi the vcdeua; not poteua believe that he fuffe fbto """ r,.,•-made by men, 1113 by eiganti: ifragmenti delqaale po.-::;,• ,ulf11• co us phono flati seen difottcrrati fuck the Fields. .mim,u,4 doglio stone !,ian.hiffima,mar.igliofa great:t.za:,i,t,li•fo•.lf• & to do this square was sent down vna part dtl•• "?""'"· mome ,. • • ti,, is, Jid,rto,· B t • of the medenmo die Qnir,mle,tra'J .fl.thit/ttpalaz.20 old de the Cofonncli & the ftr.S. N ,c,I. d,_ • . that must be à monte Cauallo, oue today Cone l'"'"' ' ,..t.. .and· fi (d 1••t,• ,,,,. h . .. ·1 hole·suarto, said rtile of Minerua,that er.uto in that is-fmd,m place. ScnueMartiale. and .At p. z r. 11 J. N mi1111 IJIIOI t'"".plllùdiNmtJ, -L fccnuonoec emancanoea curu,.;eu . he the fo f•r• p,.IJ,,,l,. _,,ji,m-.· p na.=wO,na l'.. ro .r,P•lldi• already in the palauo fopra the arch of Titus the Emperor :ì man 6. •"!r.•ilP•"• niftra of the road that Cale and bora .you monte , oue is vna gt2Dde -;:f:B:;.":t square quadra co of the walls around him, & made co6à..,To,.; :;. polta ; & of quefto f:the faith, but small Chicfa that is in the p. 11ll11Ji,., or,,,.., predicted place fuck iletitolo of Jànt' Andrea in Palbra, r, ;,. P11lluo, that coli is said corrottamente in exchange for P. tlladia,ouce•••r• • is the fcpolcro of Pope Giouanni ottauo. . • !l...tuftofopolcro •any ,.,,;,;ago•• effe•do ft11t11 pr,f•••t• 9111R11.t:h;,f,.,f• eMll•m . ·· S. S 11b11,Jttt•, S, S,.u,,in/i1m1 eo• Je,,,., r1/i9 l"trll ili lnllr Chitfa ••n; pii, i111fTm ui, eh• 'flier,.,..,ir fNf/.•'" p;;, ili 40. ,,,.,.; the• 9ù; ,,,,. ; ;,.·,,,,.,. •i&M_, d,11' 1/lujlnjl. t: 11riliulF•rt11f,, you' qwl• ulS.P11tl• M11tthoi g,,,til'hlHmo R,,.,,,.., i,11,,0 ••The• .fo the; s. Vedeuafi over à in the said place, qudli years à clie..,4,i,tr,. ·;,. tro, two doors, marble latteall'old very bdle l' ,,_,,,.,,., •.., see , that fenza doubt fupcrauano for matcna, & pcc,';'J:,!""• aniidocunc:the alrrcp·oncdiRoma... , · ·.-, · ·• . ANDR'P" o;g;i;,edbyGoogle uo ANDREA FVLVIO A N T I Q_V TO R THE .Or OF the ANTIQUITY OF ROM A. LIBllO R..JP.AJtTO: 'De the .The Triumphal arches • and .To 'P. 1; ElL The Arches trion&li ,from triumph called, ...t.l,l ,,;,.. I f.oleuano do in honor of those , that/•"• •1141,-.h.u.ua!the (eight.etf. à ieRomani,ò pro-',;:;tii. . uinc1e,or C1ttà, or runoru elterne, & that .1,;.,iu,/i.in the wars were· reftati vittoriofi • Shall elfèndoli carried it well' lor go Or4i,,. u• uerni,touanoma in Rome vittorioft,& filiuano the Fields-1ri••l.f• doglio, J.>er falutar Gioue, & cheer them up with that, & fo-:;.,:,.:'edisfare to the voters. the haucuan fact, with graadiffima • & pump company; people, & fedeuano fopra vna car. straight white drawn by four caualli. Near :the wagon was• 110 chained in the prisons, by their facts,& inlino to the Temple of Gioue Capitohno andauano the prisons, inc:itenati dinan.·. the Wagon , oue was to see , the band• great.cliffimo concorfo of people. Over à what veniua lor dietroeJigurati & counterfeit the caftelli, and• rivers de paefi from their fuperati: waves Tito Liuio says, that Scipio in fuo r,,.;,.,-MeTrionfo bebbe with feco two hundred twenty lands contrafattc, S,Jf;..,.that rapprefentauano those that from him were ftate prcfc.eDice ouidio ne• fafti.and Hie eft•phrAtes p,uinll#S u•,uli,u(:"""" . Similarly, in the triumph of Cefiire you u the Nile, & in p;,:,,,., ,The, . one of Domitiano the Rhine : & can see them, as ftar11r,r1Ji•t•.11.1 no such Simubcri • that is, rapprefentameuti of lands ò ..... ,..,,.;";Jiumi , in the department of Lucio Settimio, & of Flauio Cofbn. Je,r,m,,•,. P""'•" h. d. . . . ttt_U> mperato? • C0.1.,1. ' r. • d &h Im.reraton: & Pluuo fo111c ,be and• ,ommoarono à ,;,,.,,. . The n1i . . or;g;i;,edbyGo.ogle ".41{,T I WHO T .A.. IN '/I M .4 .,,1,;J f• fuo time: ne fi yede in Rome, Arc the most ancient of qttt.11• •••:•".• tf... Tito,ffrdoche inn.azi vfauano to put ffatuctr'f6riYali. t""':J: :; in honore de Vittoriofi Captains, ò 6 veraméte ormméti .,/!,':,.,..,. trionfah, such as for,or the Trophies of Gaius Mario dcJJa war -.A,c.,,i,,,f• Cimbrica,cl1e still fi see in the Ef()uihe. Were in,, p;;, _,.,,,,and. above the Arches many people,but today three folamt>n to fe ne .ggo 'f1' ;11;; no less oftèfi, nel1a Region of the via Sacra,cioèqucllo Jt...,... of Coibntino,that of Titus,& that of Seuero the Emperor.nYfo ,1,· tri••. de such as the nPi, we will treat t><·r order, & no fecodo times. f•11tsi1111•nt. .,,.,,. "' ,.r. •rchi • Or' th,••fa ,l,king, he, ,.., ... O',,,,.··· . ,,,.,; .. Ji ,,.,, .. .,..,,....,,,; .. ,. "hi triHlf•" .• fi e111Jirui,.,· lnlt•m•••• ,,,;,,,,,,;.,,., ... --AR.CVS,. CONSTANTIN I .. vetl'.A.rco triumphal Coftantino the emperor. _C.A'p.. . II. .nOL END or treat:imc perorditte,vienpri-mal' triumphal Arch Flaui? C..may,.Are the 4; and,.• in the canton of .ont_e Shovel.,vlClno to 1.,.,;,,,,or-the,. eh, P•"•fi•• the Amphitheatre, which is called the Coloffeo, Be .A./ ìt•• * * * three . piìi commonly Col1feò: ilquale Arc is .111' ""'" less than the other oftèfo,& beautiful :the rifguard:u-and,for the orna·n ' • "· . minds triumphal that fi can see, the ml phono today yelps, . not well intact , vhf phono i •Trophies & the winged Victories• P.,.":m"'"'t·nriell'vna & nel1'.1ltra tefia cli cffo,& was made after the cold war•n "n•J"-"' ,n" ,,., · t4 'n,J 1·.,ee .; kidney·1_u1 1 • uauen ·1· I fi . · bridge L uperat. Ma11ent10 tuanno a1 . Cofl•,uino. .M1lu10, oue fonp the infrafante letter.and. . lIBJtO Q?..AJtT(t in .the 1·; -.s.llL. CONSTANTINO MAXIMO. P. · l•ftritft,,,.d F. ÀVGVSTO. S. P. Q:_R. QYOD lNSTlNCTV ull'.A..• UdDIVINlTATIS J\1ENTlS MAGNITVDINE CVM c,J.,,,_. EXERCITV SVO TAM DE TYRANNO QYAM DE OMNI l;IVS FACTIONE VNO TEMl>HOURS IVSTIS REMPVBLICAM VLTVS EST ARMIS. ARCVM Tl<.lVMPHlS INSIGNEM TELL the VlT. *.iuJ,.Ar. and, tbc,,-,,.,;,,. trll li ,;;,p,rites ,.,.,;d,,.,,;; tl,t ,,.;_, ,.,. Ji fii-. is-/i tu .. , .. f,,,.,,. ,, ,,., ,. P•EN• f.ap,re,r, ft• ,.,,.. ,,u, ,,,.d.. i, ,1,tr ., .. ,li T ,.,; • • • the,,..,1. ,,. '"' r... ,, fm,eo,., t•ftipo, the Mllrluno cit4ntla Dio1t.l:r m•nif,ft,im1nt1fi wtl, & 11pp•rifce '• ,..,.;.,., tl,ll• fcoltur• v•ri• ,1,. rvn 11m,• 11ll' tdtro, the cbi ca• giiuliti, rùnir•. Et in the course of the me7zo from the bay inside,diquà & of Dicl,i11r.ri• U,there 1ì read those letters: FREE TORI VRBIS. ;• '-i •1•""the cùlla deftra, that is, to the llberatore of the City: from finiftra is rf!:';t;;.j•faitto: FVNDATORI QYIETIS.that is, the founder mn,lli v:,l .she .t : & ! 1clla part difopra , before & behind ,the, . the ""t!• mquatuo the places you fi law from voa band VOTIS. X. • •••• l:r fi••l. • · -•· · ••f, M•u·. u."' d-'l'.u aItra-VOUS . X . X• iqUiUl vo. t,li, ,li l •Jt•• fi faceuano it .ran ·er1coh, as fi sees in the medals tino .. .,. ;t r,. of the said Pri,,.,,. d,' v,,;. cipc:& coilui .,.,,,; /i•.dfolo tra1d'lm quift"""' ;.d 'i' cogn,-"• peraton ,s M•!."•. b' fuo goueruo M11p;,,,,. there acquifiò the surname· diJ Maffimo, co. me that for the earlier A. leffandro But cedone,& Some peio Visions of the great, that is great• fe the fuffero acquifiato. Near :ì quefioArco M•t• f"""; it is still the pie "•""' ""•, or• ct,,eof,ift1Jft•divna m7z.za epmhu•fod_. the wheel of the vna ,,,,•• , anti. or;g;i;,and. by Goog I e ';t{,T 1 CH 1 T .4' Dl }tO M .4 ·and,,,.,.,. them old Mcu. chcfi diceualaMetafuclante, in the top•dc1JìeGi,'!4 d, Ri· quaJe was copper fiatua of Gioue, and this was chia.,,,.:" j;',: . matafudantc, perchc she is thrust. the water in the large ph,.and ,. 11 =. "dance, to take lafcte to the people that veniuaoo à see loefeilc • ii faceuano ncll' Apfitea_tro. ·•ARCVS• TITJ,,VES:P•• Delfarco Tito Yeffiajiano. C .To 'P. 111 • .AmJi't en•eN HEAD dellaviaf:iaanelmezzoèl'Arc iach•f{" of TitoVefpaftano lmperatore,ilpiù old, or as fcriue J>linio,that iia in Rome, which is }.°!,i i,;;,.:,: The , •• & to,IH -small . guafro dallaantichità: & fu builds...,,m, 11 ,,,, to when he hebbe prefo Hietofolima, already preclariRi. ,. • but the City ddl'East, oue phono )and infi-afaitte letters. lnfcrittiot11SENATVS POPVLVS9.JE ROMANVS _ -J,/l'.Are, 4, DIVO TITO V URINALS F. T1to, .VESPASIANO AVGVSTO. Orn•wunt, or . . ·1 d caua l and ttl?n ..and """' ,, n .'.!. .it...• . the y.or .uz1 .!..from•;. ,h, [0110 ,,,1. uatttouc-and ! ca.ro now.or qe. _e D;gitized by Google lIBJt.Or !/.:Y. A1l_TO: 111 -f.aki conf'olari; & dalfaltra the fpoglie the that fono \r1l can-,,, i?. it was•i•i -dellicre golden with sliced the branches,oue were slices luccrne,that 1e""eupprefenuuan$ slices ftelle wandering , that is, r.ipprefenta.uanoi slices planets, & two tauolette marble of the leg.ge Mofaic.i,& the vafi of the Temple,& the menfa auras.the,pe.uua here·nto vn talent inagno. that is great, with !'the other f poglte of those populi, as fcriue lofefo: lequali cofe .p•the. and.they were all ripofte in the Temple of Peace qu1ui near, I.'them .; • that was built by the father of us Vefpaliano,dòpo wars, m,, ,',.;.•,;. ip ::;_ & difcordic ciuili; ilquale Vcfpe.there.: 100 ,in the company of the ft•. •.lìçliuolo Tito .rio nfò fop.t:a the .edefimocarr. as te-T,mpio d,11._ .. .!tench Tr.quillo, Mar.1ale fmuendoa Dommaso. • -:;;;:"::. cl,•, and _ Fr4ter,tlumeos msru,t eum p4trc tr,ump/Jos ,. !fl.111, utur ex· Clllt'is l11ure4 10111 tu11 eff. ·To .. AP..CVS. .S-EPTIMII, SEVERE. Dcli.Arch of Lucius Septimius Seuero. C .A..'P.. II II., A . b e R in the hole,that is, was the square 'R. om:1-..Am tli_ r._ .. na, the arc of Ludo Septimius Seuero à pie of the us,•$,.,.•;, • 'fc' d ' l b 11· r. '"' '" "' cb• fi.,.,;,, •• mo, but today and half abbronzatoe, & tut-.., m• . f•• . _ • the or;giH,and .y Goog the .xr1CHlT.To' pi JtOM.4 Je virtork wing-CO the Trophies of the gùetta terreftrc lr but,.; dense but,& co timulacri,i.e. rapprefencamcnti, co.fe from him efpugnate dinanu &. behind, oue phono the ia-frafcr.the,,and letters. .1.fo,i1ti••· M p }And s. LV and or. s And p I M I or. M. F I L. l.tl'.A••• .• S E V E R Q PI O P E R T I N A C I. V G. Lum S,m-p A T R l, PATRI the. PAR T H THE CO. ARA.flN• .,IH,. • B I (: O • E T, P A R T H I C OR . TO THE B E N I• CO. PONTifIC. MAXIMO. TRIBVNIC. PO.TEST. Xl, IMP. XI. COS. III. PRO.COS. ET IMP. CiES. M, I\VRELIO. L. FIL. AN.TONINO. AVG. PIO. HAPPINESS-l. T R I B V N I C. POTE S t V I. CO S. P R 0.COS. P. P. O PTl I S F O RT J. S I S .And P R I N CI P I 8 Vs. Or B. KING, M. P VB LI C m R ES TITVT AM. l MPERIV M QYE. PO. PVLI. ROMAN. PROPAGATVM. IN. SIGN IBVS. VIRTVTIBVS. EORVM. APPLES, FORISQ.._VE. S. P. Q. R. 8rtut••rr11w ?he recmsò the triumph, acdoche and' not parcfli:· ,,ua d,/ trio11 d1e and' voldlè triumph of the wars , & difcur. f• Lu"t die ciuili; & tlCar,oBOArio. and .A P. r. ,, Li..And"1sr ancorane! Vebt>ro,vicinoall:aChi. . · is Singing Giorgio,vn small & femplice ar.co & intc-ro, called the arc Boario. Credcli .Am ,,.,.;, that ft fuffe built by the ore6ci,& from the mcr '". fi.,(7 "• . .:mti de oxen , in that place negodauano. & habita-,h, ,Jiji,.,.o11ano, near the ftatua d1 Iano, which was of marble, & four &onti, oue phono the infrafcritte words that are not mol.to difrreJ>anti from those difopra. IM P. CA!. s. L. SEPT IMI O. SEVERUS. Inf.plummer block•• , •••or p I or. p E R T [ N, A and r. 'V G. ARAB. c. d.tt·.,,oADIABENlC. PARTH. MAX, FORTIS, -'"· SIMO. FELICISSlMO Q..Y E PO N TIF. MAX. TRlB. POTE S t X I I. M P. XI. CO S: II I. P R I. P A T R I }, And • And T M P. C S. M. AV RE l I O. AN TON INE. PIO. HAPPY. AVG. TRIB. SOME OF THE TESTS. VII. COS. III. P. P. PROCOS. FORTISSIMO. FELICISS(MOQ.YE PRINCIPLES. ET IV.LI JE. AVGVS. M THE ATRIA. A VG. N. ET CA. $T ORVM, ET SENATVS, ET PATRI.&or - P ,or J. 7:{T1CHIT.4' OF 'llOM.4 ET IMP. CJF.S. M. AVRELI ANTON[. NI. PII. FELICIS TO VG. PAR THIC I. MAXIMI. BRITISH. MAXIMI. ARGENTARI ET NEGOTIANTES. BOARI. HVIVS. LOCI HERE INVEHENT, -PEVOTI. NVMINI. EORV M, .. AtlCVS • DOMI TIANl .... D. ll arc Flauio Dominate the Emperor. C .4'Fr . Y I. vfrc• iiD•-mAN and-or ' standing in the via Flaminia, castor oil ,,.;,uM, ,., :ì S. Lorenzo in Lucina, the arc as, fi believes Ji•• . Domitlano lmperatore,that today the essential.armétc M• hor• .U.fi by the Romans is called the arch of Tripoli,or.;;!' ";!:;;,; de Trophies; cofi told by the Trophies,de which he was .à :addoro"; Pm•t•Ino, or like some, is said to Tripoli for the,fl ,,,,,, ,.; vittori:to ditre the City,percioche Tripoli means three Citti9 riçortl• '. eh•or. fi as hino fcritto the noftri fathers liauere bed in certain 1.o_o ".1,..,, .. ,.n, h • . r. and v were anticamente1cntte,but today it"{i1 sees, and he;,. ,•• c,ft /ď k,c ••i•-. he is cuno &u.or,8' fpogli;ato, dc: fuoi securities,& ornalMDà. . . .,JI• . • lIBJlÒ RJ'°.AJlTO; 114 • §l_111Jlo Areo 11le11ni flim11110,,h1 fi11 of H11drùmo,/!/ 11/tri of llltro rmp,.or,..,,,; & .ì my p11,,r1 '}l4tjlo 11pp11,ifle Jieondo /11 [1111 mtmitr11 Jm.p,r1ttore more pofterio,and, m,,ch, fMjf, /11110 ""'° tJUllieh, r,/iqui11 of 11/.bottles 11rehi more 11ntichi, (com, fi ,ml,,& fi Jie, of '}utllo of Cojl11ntino.oDicono have the most products,die, that was the arc of Oomitiano [m.where,fondadofi fopra the words of Suetonio,fc}iue,ocome Domitiana fognò dietfere abb:idon:no by Minerua, Dream tli D,.& c.me she fi partiua of the ftanza,ou'were the cofe facre, ,.,,,.,,...odici:do not poteua more to defend them nor look at them, and jacob.that Gioue the haueua difarmat.t; that in the said .:irco them veode the fim1_1lacro marble.Màrtialc fcriue in that way.or Stl# f"'" & domitis gtntihl4s llr&l4s 01411ns. PercheDomiti.lnoancora pofe to all the regions of the-Mo11,im,rì Ji )to the City arches with infegni triumphant, that all then foroDom_itianoi. •.ch no rouinati,as fcriue DionHio saying. The arches that ."i/1 ';oj!The fuo name , & with the title of him fo. 4! ;.,,..'.. they were rownat1. he pojli, • .•.· . Jld after /,u r•oz G,""eno, & dz Gordian Emperor. "'""';. . C .A P. PI I. mEL L And Efquilie, close to the Chief:to shut fandforno melting Vito in Macello, 6 see l' .:irco of Galieno .,4,,. G-d Emperor made treuertino alfai roses.z.or, 1;,n•: .,.,fia •.or h' d eh ,behaviour phono in&afcritte letters-. GALLIENUS. CLERGY. PRINCIPLES. "t;;.;;;;,;011• CVIVS. INV[CTA VlllTVS. ONLY. PIETATE ,,11•.Arc• of 5VPERATA EAST. ET SAlONIN.iE SANCTISSI-a,.tli,nt the MlE. AVG. M. TO VRELIVS VICTOR DEVOTES to it. TISSIMVS NVMINI. MAIESTAnQYE EORVM. "Daquefl• 11rco 4Ì ,.I tm,po /i 'lltd1U11no apptfa 4tJ 'I ended up ea11na 11l&Hn1 chiaui mo(• . I time.the 'Jl4Ali /idietl411 tl11l 'IIOloo, that "phew,,, or 11 Cities. of You'!or/1: -.,,,,. in the ""or ,r11no d,lf 11,uie11 CittÌIg of Tuflu/.or, eh,' was ou, today it is him.Jlello of Fr•ft111i, eh, p,r eff,,ji 'l"'peoples 'IIOlt, rib,l!Ati, & 'm_oflra.lijì mtniei " I Rom11ni,farono finalmn,king tl,h,IJ11ti d11 their 111 ttmpo.• P•P. c,J,ftino l 11, ,;,,,, r, .or. eom, feril4e the Pltmn11, & 111 their Cmà d,.Jlrutt11,&po/10111 The, ehiill4i fop,11 said Plane for m1mori11,0141 ef[mdo naotimoltifoeoli ,phono poifinl'lmmtt n111, 1olttvi11 not fo d11 hey J11 short-, 11rmii11 'l""; (!f forji 1111eo d.The t1t11po eonfumtfto d11111 e11tt11tllll, ,h, I, J, ti• .,"" , /011# _,,,,11 ""'"" • . P. Was or;g;i;,edbyGoogle ' _,: , • ,,.Deu .Arc do .To?{_T·rc H rr.,,t'· D l JtO M .4. Pu in medclima region nell1aggcre of Tarquin, the arch of Gordian Emperor, with marble ornamental embroidered lace.you, & very full of Trophies; the nurmi of the.which us mb. we have seen difottcrrare • & ellèrc polh in the muragliadel palace, & the Chiefa of shut fandforno melting Lorcn7.or Damafo, by command of the Cardinal of the fans George, chia-111ato Raffaele Riario, • , Of the arch, or-Polta Fabiana, & de other arches. . and .A P. y I I I. .•fub, f•.• IlV. OR L T 11. And this was the 1st piazu Roman, l"n•• '""• 111• co or volu Fabiana in the via Sacra, near f,:;:,_J"ff• a Director,as fcriue Afconio Pediano, here .Arc, ..,r, do, he says. The Fornix • that is, the time of the ar-"""• I•· co Fabiano is in the via Sacra, near the Regia, edi6cato .. • ,In the cof• by Fabio Cenfore cognominato Allobrogo, for bauere •r•,che1_•11.• fuperati, & won.them Allobrogi, oue phono still pofl:the daughter . . ., ... ,, V ... • ll iccronencll' r. Gneoe • d,i,,ffi•.utfcud1d1que or. or:monc,cheraper ••· PJancio fcriue: I do not accufo what is in tefta street Sacrae, when I muouo verfo the arc of Fabio. F•r11i•. Not to far of here age the Fornix, i.e. the time of the Cal.f •11'""'"· pu rnio, preffo which cafcò dead Gaius Gracchus , hauca..:,";ù_:::f: do with a touch of a peez7.or a bench. Were was the medeftma•• G,.,eo. piazu certain brick arches ,which were of Romulus edi6..,,lrcbi .• R•-carore of Rome , & lasted a lot er.à, it took the Ro. eh, the hands coprirgli never of marble, but the lafci.began f.brc co.&ei, and 10e,om'? or, ee1 C3to.and w r,11,, i, ,,.. rozz1,for me.on. .,.,.,, Were in addition to cm some arches anuch1ffim1, at the pnna-pio of Auentino between the mount & the Teucre , that the padrinoftri 6 ricordono cfière ibù rouinati,oue were the infra. fcritte letters. l11fc•ini,111 P. LENTVLVS. CN. F. SCIP[O. T, QVIN. •h'•.• ;,. .•1· TI VS CRI the SPI-NV S. VALERIANVS. CO SS.and ,,.,.,.,.b,na ,;,.;1;•if•r And X. S· C· F A C I V N D V M C V R A V .And .R. ,, 9.,r.A11m-II DE M PROBA V AND R. ,;,,,. It was over à this is the arch of Trajan built in the plain, co. . ":"'m 'i'!'• me fceriue Dionilio, when he says: Fu ·olnc :the mol. 111 1'" ,_ · te alui: çofe, edi6Qto .the outside of 4h.orc ia pia1za vn'arc.or . &riow.ilc. D,g,t,zed by Google the IWl{.Or ..A JtTO. UJ trion61e. Eranc still vn'altf9, as well as (uo honore, .Afrrur••• 9clJa the region of the porta Capuana . 8c crcdcft that fia t:;:•....;_: qucllo,which fe they can see the roume,between the door and prc-..Am ,, L ..odetta 8c the aqueduct, 8c of which is faith, that Trajan, v.,, p.,, very '!'agnifie2mentc remade. 8c laftricò I. iovi.or ppia,ch( ,;,, •or , . starts from the predicted lnogo. Furno in addition to c10 in ni ·. Free" Dra defined.to the region !king arches. of True Parts.or.of Drufo/'< of :,;ru ,er'{!" Trajan, in & out of the medefima door, around the Tem-r,.;.,... i, pius, of Mars, coli to the side, was the arch of Germanicus, a&,, .. • '"'"· Drufo , with the effigy dc Cefari ; & the Senate ordered that ..Am " G•r . . ,,..,.,,,., ,,. fuffie done for fiuo d ·1 name 1 crmanico, m fo ,ii 1, 1.,•ccreto, cones d. G •1 the honour of the one & de fuoi pofteri, as fcriue Tacit. / ,i1, i,, ,,..,, •• Jl dino Claudio built.still, in honour of Tiberius, Ce-.Areo you.the Ti• farevno arc close to the Theatre of Pompeoo, which was ftato 1,,,;, ,dift,• . cl ...or before ordered, that fuflc done to the party of the Senate, ..but then, fair h.there..or f.king,. cR,li sent him à perfect.-.•;;;:: ;;;;, ne. Were beyond :c10 arcs Ji Teodofio • of Valenti-,,fi,,tl.,V. t•• run, &of Gratiano Emperor, not far from the bridge 1i11i•11•.ir you cafteJlo; the ttal!'minds in dc shortly ago,they were to{otter-G'•"•.• 1• . . . ,,,.,.,,, ••or to the C. h1e,r. d r. cuo. F ,0,.,. ·t.1t1 v1c1no -1 1anto C-'r. urono :incora 1,.oalcuni 3frri arches.fee .times. de what phono ftati .A/,,; •rcU rouinati doi à my time : vno near the square of f.u•/f• ti ,;,. 1111"" • Sciarra in the street which goes to the portico of Antoninus Pius 1 ';11'•or ,of which the phono again today in the foot a few marbles. ...;;:;.. fmt, 1111110 1 s 17. ,ffenJ,ji {A#llto n,l/11 pi•Z.. of SeiMr11, 9ui eitAI• d4'._l' 111mo r, 11,t ijl,Jfo loeo,ch,1111 111 portico d' .Antonino, ò pw to ""l""'lut.you,òP.w ,,l.trJJ "'tion,,I 11iflo flup,ir, some of the stones of mm-mo,eh, 1'11u11. "° imlitio , eh, the#the fojfa 01110 fJUAlch, notlJbil, Antfrhit11, m11 pore after 1'11 wu.lfw BiAjì.or St,f1111onio 1)11i4'and iui neleMltO I f• ,ife,en. • ,h, q,ulINDzo '""· 1,111110 tl11 many ,Jfw11i 01110 the arch of C/11utlio Cefore. & •fta .,,; mojlrò n,811 /uA nejfa homg11 foffe of 11no Je' pi/11.ftri of à111, .Am, ,did tlipepwin111 Or' ne O. was• C1111ti1111 ,f[,r11i 11nco •leun, , 11/cnn, tli g,11flÌII; the U'6111111 more tofto ,jf,r 01110 tli qU11lrht Other de' p.fl,more. J.'other near the fanta Muia, via the Lat:i, rouinato from. q,uFl••r Jnnocentio ottauo. to redo the detail:the Chiefa à quel-co,,fufupr,f the close; q ualc little f.t-n01 we have seen difot-ago.'• Who the•f• 4 rare-a few marbles. with Trophies of the barbarians: & manifcft:urien;. ! fia.,.,•.M,_•· you ndc fccoodo &li omamcati of that which was to :_•::.-:t ,:., or,g,ti,edbyGoogle '.A.TICH!T.' 'Dt J...OM.4 \ 1.you.iu l• •1' qualchrvno·cli quefti vltimi Emperors, To' vn hire the cli .-•ff•'"'c the stone away cli here , it is still at the bottom of the arch of the Fields.-.hi "' R••• t1· ano1 r.,a mere ro1.z.or & ,enz.to ornament r. no,ilquale ,u 9111111,. ,.. ,,..,. 1· .,,4,.,. by some and called Cammilliano; percioche the Captains ,.,, the• 9••ft• ancient of the Romans• that trionfauano not vfuuano the ar. l.•the•• and ;;!;; , :',. .1 who,· m:t fi poneuùn their honorc the ftatue of those with ia : Tr.eif . with the infe.no. triumphant, com. f.no! Trophies are a. dia,, d , 1,,.,,;; Gaio Mario ncU'Efquilino, when egh horsemanship dc C1m.eht ff · •• bis,& those yet when he triumphed of lugurta, in the C•1111t • Du via F. laininia, between the hill that today is called hortuli, ':°:i•J:!.: & the Maufoleo of Augufto; oue is vna tauola di marmoi;,.,., ,;,,.,.d, with the title cli Gaio Mario, who today is executive of Pompo ';1 ttfhm••i• nio Leto in mount Q.!!irinalc. Were other Trophies,&: ,I Pl•11". of-orn;catkins de the Cimbri pofti from (l_Ca.tdo,the vhf was the plain.z•-'j,'!.1";. ta executive of Flaccoa, as fcriue Valerio Maffimo, of.:,.;,.;;,;.:,,. why :_ Were ro11in.you the cafe d. M. Weak & of _Luci. : l'.,fod,f11rgli Saturnmo mfino 1 fundamentals, hauendo cut to • "i""(•ft) pieces those Citizens feditiofi : but eflèndo flato pian. •111.• d, •JJ• oue were the cafe was Sluggish a lot of time fenz.to elferwfia Pl1a11,i,-ou1 , •Jlo.Ar,,.and The c:tto,omu1aatoco.the; acl .na,1uu.a . at or.wuord'fi :ar. .J. n •C-ul • .J.J /i• Vfa •nrieo.of born of fpoghedeC1mbrt. 1,,,,.,,.,, li .;,,.,;.fi, tr De Theatres, & de the .Amphitheatres,& dilla fomu, -c,incit1ri. . 11• VArittÀdi et queut. and .To 'P. Ix. f,, i,-of,urf• ,.,,,.,;,,.;. DE T R o it is the Greek word, in Latin, T•.110 .hefl-·afignifica fpettacolo; place oue fi ftanno i see the fefte. The form fua is vn mez.. }:1;.6:-,,;,. i:r .A11ji11.r,,'t, z.or circle fi as the Anfitenro. fufon,u, is d•unacerchio whole. The parts that debbea·abauere vn Theatre, phono fcritte t(a Iulio Pollux Grecoa Tutrl ,.,.,;. Raffle. The Theatres from the beginning, fi faceuano of wood. & à the:,,,.,,.,. ,lii• time, that is, that you made that were the fcfie fi disfaceuano. t.•,17 èu-Began appretfo à him that, and' fi gir:iuano intor>. r-,,,,.,,,. of noaperche and' fiafco11priflèroah?raada vna .nda bora }at _ _,1alìa ,.,,,,,; peri-vn in between , & vcruua 1 d pop, or or and ere & e 6ere, such as 10-:l11{• • pra two Nauili, itando in danger for any small CO. does not rouinare, each time fi fuflèro fcommclfe • fçonfitti alcuoi cli ri telebrò the fcfte dcotro to mo quefti T C&tti,faéti to teni •. ewe•1•· kr;appreffoScauro,&dipoiPompeiogli edificaronoco i6•• 1• f•I• . ... . orgradi """'· durar fcemprc. Were 1n. Romatre1 .eatra wlm••f••• r,and Mri. main, the vno of Pompcio, the alcro Marcello, is the teno .••you T•• of Cornelius Balbus • Ouiclio in the book, and• ago de ar.,,, ,,iw,p. you to send says. h ft,r• .. 1111 · ;. -11.. • .., , • Y'.Second indicator• t."'H',t#II,,,.,,,, . •lllrll tltllo• Of eh;_,, Vitruuio nd the fifth book , many how habbinè '1'/.r•d,,f, to clfcre proportionati,& diftinti the Theatres. Détro à T catri :•. • •.Or';; I celebrauano the felle, & comedies, & other fimiJi np.,;.,::;,;oi prefentationi, which the latins call it Ludi fcmici. Signalman. ..., 1 r,.,,;; is' tro aU• Amphitheatre 6 rapprefcnuuano those com.• * •• ••f•• batteuano the vno with each other. that is the Gladiators, & Yi · · •Jifi ,.,,,,. them faceuano the hunt, and, oue fi introduccuano hu.m\ni that were. eag.ui, or fence. f•;;:.•ft· , ,..,,.,eh, or, tJa. a .orte, or them really the ftaa. •dn fi r•,-Ili bonofi, & v:anl • that the facc-tr-Ji•-must be for dimoftrare quao,.. · CO and· fulferoanimo& the gaglw.U. mo• Theatre TOmhtO Maano,& degu, oinamenti ,difie., •• " ·--r .·· "h, ••H• of those). C .To "P. X. ,; •. u:cu--, .. p,;,,.,.,;:inanzia ao . I' ,i; . "ru I·1 first,c ria ed16co vn Te:itro because this is durailc: fe1;11-r,;1; ,i11•d••• pre,stones q uadrate:vhf he still did ec of lt,,.,,, f,.lebr:arc, games,& fefte. Says Afconio Pcdia-•.•'• ,;,tfa•. and no;and they were not in the Rom:ii, nqbili citizens, that the Pom-"i;, 1,,-,,,; .a.pci,&-Scratches:between the .what Pompey dedicated & confacrò the fuo ,,,,,r,.,,mTeatro, with bellilhme fefte & m:agni6che, of each forre; .,, t:ml,ie (celtic & collections of any place: ilche seems to still .• c_h• l'•· that I wish to hurt Cicero in:in oratione, that and' for :.:;. ._o ,.oPifone, oue he introduffc à fight elefun multimedia.tnti first p•I of,,.,, that ncff'one another , within the Circle • Scriue nevertheless ,.,;. And,l,r,• Pliny, that the first Elephants that fought in the Ro-ll'.,4ppz.P"' ma, fought in the Ccrch I, when Appio Pulcro ..,!; , i.,; ,. he was Building five hundred five rows and fi:intacinque years then that J,.,,,., ,; l\oma was .ftai-1 built • Inside à 11uefto Theatre, The,.., ·· · J.'}{_T !CHIT.A1 'ftOM.A. \ did then make Tiberius Cefare vna fcen:1, i.e. vn palcber; \ . · to rapprefentare Comedies, & felle,as fcriue Ta. •,,, 'I'l-6• quote, saying he did Not have the public alerò• fc is not that he \ t. n,Cifar, • built vn Temple in honòre·of Augullo, & did are but fccna in the Teatro di Pompeio,& hauendola not provided the dedicated it confacrò in any way; and ò because he was .shopping old, ò because already comindaua à difprez.zare vna Tt•three Ji fimi! vanity & ambitione. The Theatre fopradetto comin.P,mp1•, or. f•.-launched by Pbmpeio,was led à perfemone by Gaius Gal. .,,. 4• c.,. 1· . . l l there r. 1cu-a,or 1 really, as Icunt pen, mo,and ffio GaIr1cula c,far1. ., he did it again,& arfe the said Theatre, & the building of the v.,;_,ttl was close in the field M:irtio, called Hecatonftilon,or""lhi• that is, of one hundred columns; the & call in to the said edi6do,por.lico centenary: which Theatre was still meffo à gold in . •, 1 vn of from Nero for riceuere liolendidamente Pull dates <' f r:!::;' J/ King of the Armenij • Was able to the said place of eighty p.,,,1,.. thousand perfone, & veggonfene still Veftigij near _alla ..________________, Pom peio: but I ftimo , that cl1.•Jtabbia the said name for auan_zaredi beauty other places cofi facts,& to effe. P•l U! ,, the king's most celebrated. & frcquent:1to by men, comeotli or; ; ,,,. fc we diceffimo from :imenità, & gracefulness dc flowers. ,, • The•• he is today the palano dc the Orftni, dictrp which eraolo or;g;i;,edbyGoogle llBJt() !l}'.AJtTO: 118 lorpàcio of the inside of the Theater,which rifguarda veno East, oue was the atrium, that is, the courtyard of the Curia of Pompey, The t.ot, • ,,,. & ilqual place today is called Sattio hauendoui ag-.or• .fi ,t• now more to the lett;ra S. Haueua already predicted l_'eatro ,:;:•;;,; eof.amolto long additions• oue was b cafa, the Curia, it is l •r•tiii. portico of Pompey • Scriue Plutarch. Pompey to up .A_uiut, tl.The à that he triumphed for the third time • habitò aifai model-r .. ,,. "' mind, & quafi à cafo: apprelfo haucndo built vn ;:,,:•h' P• " beautiful Theater • biafimato affai by the Romans• we built the side-l•. ""'""• ra vn belliffimo palace, quafi as vna addition to the ,tlific•rt ti• said the Theatre • ,,,,.,,.. The Tetl!roadiaMarcello , & of the Temple of 1a . and .A. 'P. Ix.mAN and or RA in the feet the Theatre of Marcel-ll•mll,,and , 'Pzeta. . niofcriue, which eraprimail the Temple of Piety, dkcndo. ri..,f•wf• . J?'{TICHIT.To.' OF JtOM.To -.••t.. Vtt-,l_! •· Infiniti sound ftati the efiempi of Piety throughout the world;Pi• but in Rome it is the treaty of vn pholus, alqu.1Je all the alcri infie 1•• ' ,,:;,:ffeA,,. ,;r,•.• 1' me not 6 polfono :igguagliare. Vna Plebeian shameful & cli b:afià cond1tione that haueua p:artorito,hau<"ndo Ja mother fua in prison , he obtained d:the oj:irdi:mo efià power entr.three :the parl:irgli, & fempre au:mti that elb enrraffè tta seeks for all to see that she is not the porr:affé cofa, no d:the mangfare: & fin:ilmente b Jrouarono& the fo.praggiunfero,cne, she with the fire made nutriu:ila mother: for order m:arauiglia-was liberated, the mother mt'd1ante the piety dclb son.to, & the vna & l':other:was nudritl in perpetual> from the public.Solino nevertheless fcriueo, that quetta was not b m:idre rea that it was the father;&, that the said place was the ctS fegrato:to Pity,nt'l Confol:ato dc Tito fifth & M. At.xanthylium,& there was edi6c:ito vn the temple, called the Goose, your own> . oue was the said Prison,& the vhf today it is the Theatre of Mar.ccllo:oue elfendoft ref:atta vn:to brake, Vefpaftano you cde.brò some fefie.Ilpredctto Theatre was edificafo d.the Au. or,,,of ,.,4,.. ilo,fuck the name of M:arccllo 6gliuolo of the fua forelb,fi ?•I• ,d,Ji<•· as he still edi6cf) many other c of c fuck others, no."f7'•i".· ml,as quefto theatre Ji Mnccllo. the porch of Ottaaia, • '• "'• on the porch of Liuia,the Baffilic:a,doè Joggi:at & porch f Fl:aminio.Pcnlàno that it is fta coli said d:the cave of Balbus, which was close to ō, which does not ft see today, rhc I fappia,vctugio .hu•fi d111,. r,.,,. a cuno. The S .. r d ·•-The t:tuonu,a,c crcottantam1u for onc;oue ••'••of,,.. bo haueua chicken qu:ittro columns alabaflro east Bai• ,, Pl•fon, •· cxonice, cfoè of vn:a strong ir<'between dett.;the coli , haucndolo ru•t•&t. built by the commandment of Augulto, fi as many other c of c were the hora is built: such as the temple of the Hcr 'z, . ,;';:{':,":j; cole & of the: Mufc,d:Mucus Philip:Diana, Ja u,;&M;. lucio Conwìcio:1• Acrio of freedom Afiaio Skins. ac: o;g;i;,edbyGoogle .. Jle"J1 temple of Saturn, from Numacio The?lanco: on the Smilio .,,,.,,...nTauro the Amphitheatre, & many other cofe & job by : S,-,the,and M. irco AgripP3, as fcriue SÙetonio Quiet. Fuui r::;;;" again the Theatre of Caffio,as fcriue Appiano,dicédo: c.p;,. Scipio elfendo Confolo, and in that time he sent à earth the You.tto,that was ibto started from C:iffio.Fuuiancora the Theatre of stone near the temple of Fortun:a fair.-i.,.,,. "n p ilre,nelTeatro of July Cefare, as fcriue Suetonio, T;,;;;; ,1,u. 'iuando he says.Hebbc still in mind & thought dincdi-f• ,,.,,. , 9.. . fic:are vn the temple to Mars,greater that he fullè ever edf,,,.. · r,,arr,tl,ceficatoaltrouc, with riépiere & reduce to a floor of the l:needle oue he baueua fact combattrre the Naui,& vn Theatre,but/••;;.,,,• rauigliofa gr.:mdez.za à pie of the mote Tarpeo. Fuui r,.; .... ;.t T eatto built by the.raiano;, which then was rouinato, & guaftò d" Adriano, against the vogha of ci3fcuno , as fcriue Spartiano. Fuui still the Theatre meadows v:uicani T."';, .,, · •ra l bridge Mìluio;that is, Springs, & I. the mole of Hadrian, which t..;,. ,:!:::. c:aftel fant• Agnolo ; the pianur.a is an atheist uerreggilrui à f auallo;oucfù built ildettoTeatroa tempoantico, 7,.,r,p,rU to ilbrui à see the gioo® de the gladiators ,as fcriue ,.;.,.t,. t,l•. Procopio.Reftane today alçune relics standing, fruitful 1,'f';; r f: ,and• he believes, in the vineyard, d1 meilèr Giouanni Alberi01 .:,,;,;.;, '. j gentilhuomo Roman & Deacon Apoftolico,but 10 ere-i• r,J• and;,. clo eh' he fuffe vn circle & not the vn Theater for that .• • c:he today fe sees the fua form & proportione,& some tiebbe etferc that! the interpreter haudfe trad9tto that . • • patfo to cotrario;percioche in the Theatres,as fopra bab D_••;,f'•;. biam said,fi celebrauano the ludi Scenic,that is fefle & com i;:;;,:p,,,•. medium.& you are looking for the codi deicau.them .Over à fopradmi ,;,,.;, 1.r, ...n Theaters,for what I fappia, fe sees today vno here ,,; • ,mhi • 1 whole à Prcnefte, that is, à Pdeftrino, & vno Amphitheatre à r.;rro • Pn Verona,& vno à Then.of Schiauonia,& in Pauia, Vicenza,";.,:;,;::.'• & Spoleto,& in Themes, there you can see the Theaters, mez.z.the rouina .A.11fir, 111,: .,the ti:& cofi in Citti & prouincie, phono many ancient cdi-Vm11•. ficij de Ro hands,de which today it is not refta so that the brambles;fir'.•;;• .the uinc,for accrcfcere the pain & the compaffionc of those .j·t,.;;:,. ..• 4h.. .?{TICHIT.To.' 7.tOM'.4 De the .A.nftteatri, & of the form of those •· C .A P. X-11 I. ,,,,.., tl-1,li . ,ON, or the AnJitmtri,the form of which is ritonda; ..Anfitt.tri: & perfect, compofti of two Theatres. Cefàrce,,,':' 1J.· •or. it was the first,who built the Amphitheatre in the camo ,m' ,,w. some Martio, ilquale appretf or was rouinàto from Augufio,for edificaruì the Maufoleo. Then à is not a lot of time was started vn'other T1bc ... rio, as fcriuc Suetonio saying, Were by Tiberius ·olafciati the above-mentioned edificij imperfect, but he cooduffe :ior;,;, ti' .To• perfection the Temple of Augufio, is the Theatre of Pom.1."ft' ";.T•• pcio. He began the Ac Cololfeo,& canro is high you predicted the building, which l .A,,fttt•"., he arnua such as the height of the mòòte Ceho, of the Shovel. •u,..t.. ; ttno, & ddl' Efquilino ; between which mountains them ritroua.n';;°.; ,:.;;. Outside was a dj Treuertino, walled à tomo i 'll be back, & dinri11,is f••ttl• shape and enjoy the warmth & perfect; inside the row form was the oau.••• r.Anfi. ta. Scriue Pliny: Et l' An6rearro walled of stone T1burn 0 """ • & •f-china is 6 gr.the andes height, which appc:na that fi arriui '"f••t:ire.• '" . c:olt ocJgate. ò them true-and,,, r,,,, of the mind, which voleuano dimollrarc how fuffero anip1rfo11e eom.n101i , fi rapprefentauano fopr:i said c:impo à combat-,,.,,.,,.,., ""to n r.Anfitt•tr•. waxes, oue today. fi r: 1a patli10n the Chr1110. ., 1 and (b), enta d .eflt1aR11,ppre{entt11ion1 de/bi PafPone No ftro Signorefi fol, 11• f•to the king, item-, . pi pllj/Ati, & Jurò since q11Ajial the end of the Jet Pontijil JtOM.To Ìloftri is tbu rmouata , & reduced qt1clla form ch•ellà today ft. sees, d.l Peter M. nJofa Spagnuolo & Thistles• nalc of a ca Cross: & in that rinouumne & wall•.l;,,t, hl• was trouatoil title of the wood of the greased Cross,in the Affidc:J'°the p.'• of the Temple, Iermo of letters hcbra1fcr1uendo cofi. king•• • .Autvbimu,urib,un11ti[1'11ffl#IH1'11 m11t,r AJiJit 1xt1r11D m11rmor, Jiu,s0/'141 • ..Anfitt.trt Was over à eiò ncll'Efquilmol' Anficeatro Caflreafc,c..n or;g;i;,edbyGoogle Llllit,0 RJ'-4,Jt_TO: rii IH• Circles, & of the shape .Ili, & tome, and' fafo -[I was lauorati, & adorni. and .To.'P, XF. And R-and H-J. o t"ra vn place oue them celebrate hol:1ua-and,,and,,;. .. 1 M the fetle. It was more long that Iar-,;n:-,;•i,: ga, & from the tefte oue the caualli them riuolgeuo-,. •• no, it was à guif.t of vn the middle of the circle. lntor• no around , there were places to pillowcases raie-L"•f.hi "'" . auri from the ground. oue of the people were folite of cheerful dining. see, ""}.'i'"u as the par that the difegni Virgil in the fifth book of the Aeneid. ,,, ' ,. • Gr11mine11m in e11mp11m, 'JIHm u/Jib111 11mlii, e11r11it Cmgeb11nt jìl111. medi11mq, in 11.you thelltri Cire,u ,r4t.,. Oue of the cauagli, and came to the carts ft partiuano from vn de Gitmhi ,h sides à corfa, & as they had peruenuti on the other tclla, fi/ •<111••• fi riuolgcuano from the other l.ito,& riromauano running in-"" cucbi• • up to the first half of the Circle, oue .no celebrated the cor.There. de c.iuagli • In mez.z.or to the said fpacio were po-L,..g,,, bo you fte J>er ordi.and Je Destinations with arininter.the à guifandi Ir=../,:-t,r . r. . nm1de ., Scr1ile Horat10 it pnmo book dc' f1101 verti hey• • l.irid. ·nSunt quos umie,Jo pll!uw, olim,U11,,,_n.""" v,l. " P gir•,.•. ,.Coll,giffe i11114t, m1111qif,ruidil 11• l, ,..,, t,, Etlit1J111 rotil • pir11atitli 11,The Et vfauano of girarfeli .the back à back, slices, times, circle,,., Waves Propertio says , corfi • ÀUI pri,u 1xfart0 d,poftit pr1.mi11 tllr/1' i&hi from fiarui à see , makes•t• • ·n')_. -.nQ... in. were were rolite cli celebradi such fcfe along the 6umf. a' / between the fponde , oue fuflè: aflai verzurac, & in the middle 6 po.. neuano the gifts, & c.1uagli caused to the carts runs-·cuano. Scriue Valerio Maffimo,as in the gtuochi Plebeian . hauendo vn the father of the family did beat vn fuo feruo,c,,,.,. lrr• & paffare for meuo the circle Flaminio, before and• •11""; ••• futlè started à paflare the pump, & procellìone dc ic I""' '• · , games, & sending him to the forks, that the apparuecGioue to vn Plebian Year fogno, & commanded that diceffe à the Confoli , as in the feftc that fi were cele-' brate de games Circnfi , à he was not piacciuto that Prefulcore, that is to say haueua giuocaco inn:tnzi in fl!!nt1 ,,,.. circle.Over à this lasted five hundred five rows and fi:rnt'eight ,, ,,.,. The••· years the Senators is the peoples) Romanoc, of lbre à see ec."f' ;l"'r lcbrar the fefte to the· mefcol.ua,& fenz.in any dillintione :;;,./:.:: .degrees. But guafbrono that vfanza for coi:,.son of the.P,urit.. · l Affi-1cano mmore,& with your great load, Both Understanding There hi po{t ,,J; & Lucio Scribonio, when eflè:the world Building and' celebrated '" .ell •.tt• the fetla of the madre de the Iddtj • The bread of the erc• !.1 • 'tit.••• chio,in order to fi by the springs i i cauagli , phono L itini chia•c .,'"/ ,;,t" mati Careere, qNÒ• eqNi eohtrm1nt#1', that is, because<" the ca·. ,. Names 4, .,,,. ualli in that place, fi tlringono, & r:lflrcnano; it 6 the-· •!""Jh• fp•· fciano vfcire before ,· that gh habbino 11 nod from the Magi.•••.111M c.,. ftrato. Between circles in Rome 'were already the main, the ..;;hi riwi circle Maffimo, is the circle Ffammio. Ne furo. p 111/id, R•m•. no over à what many others, of the medcfima for. .lrr• fl',ri._ •cma, but not fi, called circles , such as • 111'!'• 4• in that chìam.1u:1no Equiria, . C,rçb, 0'"" . . E9,.;,;• r Tr!gana' & H rppodrom or; dec .. Trit.••i•, i, 1qual1 001, we will talk about ap.11-,,.,,,.,. preffo à the luo.&hi their. or;g;i;,edbyG_oogle • CoJ, 'P... ç V S • M À X l M I S • Of the circle Mafjimo, & de ornaments that. and ..A P. X Y I. C, R , v or N, or that Tarquin Prifco. for ec-e,,;,,. the,,. the seem to the fell:and difrgnò & t:lelfe the place, that ;"1fl". ';!':· is the ncll.in the valley,among the P. 1latino & l' Auentino,det ,",;.,' . •• ;. tocerchio M:iffimo. for the fw size, & ""· the prr,w eccellenZ3,or for the pump & fontuolirà of fcflct & f• ofi ""'"· games that will fi faccu.1no. Scriue Tito Liuio: At hora L"•t..111 n.. first was difegnato the place, which is called the co,0 ,.Maffimo,& difltibuiti places à Senators,& à Cauallie-b:;,: 1'S:!:. .ri,oue, shall fieffinl) .i see. Stauano, then à vedeuri,& •.and'"" ,re Cover ctrti pakhetti fo.flenuti from forks high from the ground ,..11;.,;. written in the foot. Ordered the said Tarquin, that y,,; n,lc,,.nc:1 predicted circle there them facelfero the holes, that is, banks, & ,ltio, h-and•f• the places from pillowcases for the people , & that in a square fulfc fat-"""' • ta the sewer, and for aaanzare the other of the gr:indezza, & ri.fpondere in that all of the others, is called Maffima. . . Were then, the above-mentioned shelves & lnoghi from {tare .the ve- c,r,.,, Dif!. . dere the felteo, reduced in the gr:indczza, which today fi ve-fi.':/;'f.' • de conueniente,from July Cefare Dictator. Scriue Pliny. ,.;; 'M•I=))at Cewc Diuatore was built, the Jnog_o • 9ue to the fe Ile _{i ,,.. • Q... J cclc. or;g;i;,edbyGoogle .4?{T ICH EN.4' 1>'r oil mills In Lltt-". celebrate , for length.three-tbdi j , that is, three Òttaui' 4,t Cmb•• mile • & to the width of vn ouauo; but with the edi.-::/.:7:,;·,,, 6d1,chc were around veniua ;the diGcnderft four iu. •trdio M•f-geri, & vi capiuano à pillowcases duccnto fellanr.1 thousand pcrfo-J,.,. it; whom the work we want tr2 to the large {is with• numbered. Scr1ue Suetonio. Ne games & feile Circen-t'•"•"."'•1• fe was extended to 11 circle the vna & the other party. & intor. ,rno mtomo v1 were the dog pound . The . d.she was silent and he.large·11auano. ,,,,.,,., ,.1 c,r .i,;,. 1 the first & the most noble giouani of the City corlero fopra the Who ,,,.,,, the chariots, that is, carrètre pull d.l four caualli, & the "'"'" tht fl: chariot carts pulled d.l dua caualli,& managed to be the ca.,.. t., 'I"""" ualli defultorij, i.e. oue and' faliuano & foendeuano cor. s-·'""' '•r . . rm;,,. "• I , &fcopra v1 . fi atteggiauano. JI g1uoco that and ' ch.&a• ,.,.rr,.,•.,.l mauano Troy, which was as vna morefca, the ferono fans.li •.""".. ciulleui major, & minor children • .etto medefi.v.,ufort, t• mo Circle was appreffo made the most beautiful & adornor,, from::;;::::.:or ',,,the Ottauiano Hope, & of fuo order comparfe in càm. •mhio. little to drive the carts, & running, & for and3rC V•,j ti•oehi against fairs , & amazz.aarle , the most noble giouani of the.. He':'cora mole. vol.and l.king à the f.pradetti .or. .=!l:.;z:.: the <:.uà_r r,,;, 't,iu•-uanul g1uoco called Troy, g1ud1cando m cotal gu1fa, ••.4" ,i ,h, fi· and fi veniffe à cooofcere the value & the soul of those. ••fi.f••."""· who were born nobly: in what Circle, iJ Diuo N•.united kingdom."• •r•' Claudius ordered apprelfo that the place waves fi dauano the . •• J.,,. ," . ' Ji• i:J' •' moIli u·1 , r.ruffi r. The marble • lnde 1 caua e r:itto d" gold still 1e c/.., .,,, .,,,. •tl Goals, around which riuol&endoli, ri.orn1uano i on•r rmhi,. de and ft er3no parties. Ordered that the Sennori has-L"'.!. (•.,pp•r uefièro their secluded places,that primà were foliti of Ila :::,i ,,•,:z:: re à see with the other to the mcfcolata : & olcrc 3Jl'baucr •••ftiMi "• run the chariots, he wanted to them, facc:ffc the .cJ,,.,Jio. the game called Troy • Antonino EliogabJ!or did rorrc .,., H•; around, around the circle, columns, & the indorò, & the pa.1'•!...J• "' uimento, & fuolo of that, coperfe of Crifocolla. And' the .;if,::·11.. ,1,r the above Crifocolla vna a hard material & fod:i , nafce, ••f•fi•• oue li nua gold,then that gold is modifications, & believes colo., "'U.;""!• ilf, the king of the gold, & nclrdtante is stone. Aggionfono the us.bir·.,,,, P',"'.'/' ancient to the said place vn the porch with the three stages , the vno :'1."l';,.. fopra the other. Hebbe olcre ;the fact that the predicted circle Maffi.•••. . · . &DO, mto1110 à fc mohi bclliffiau edificij , &-was the first •·· . . is o;g;i;,edbyGoogle la111 'R. _O !lr.To ltT Or :a114.fk the Temple lii C, which was The ddio de confilij, in hoBliflcf ,,u,;f the nore of the qu:de did celebrate some fefie :the cauallo Ro-!:".;;,r:,!":,the pier, when rapi Sabine. Fuui still the f:ano Tem-m,h .. M•I• pio, or the chapel of Venus, which was built by Fabio Types• tL,c ... .to Gurgite 6gliuolo Fabio Confolo, of condànnagioni J• ""'"'•"••· . . F•1t• "' v.... auate from certain nob'l 1 women, if were are taking trouate in •; Type• ,,;i ll adultery. There was anc_ora the Temple of Ceres, & to ;,,.hio M./.the Gfouentu , tdi6cato is Gnaeus Licinius duumuiro. fi"". tr t/.• •Rope Or ·d' -. f" d Ttmpio d1 of Mercury• to whom fcr1ue ,,,; ,tL,fi,,,.. r,,,.,,,.tL,c• , '7 ult. T emp/11 tibi .Pj u,king flllret J}efl11nti11 me#• ·· lriih11s ex/the tft has, tihi fèjl11 dm. .r.;,nr;, 1 ir tl• ,hi ,tLifi.• . Were beyond :what in the meddìmo circle three altars ap'. ,, n,lc,rcl,I. resting, & com mdli à pie d1 three columns, honore de Titi• "i.'; the .ij dc Samotraci, _vn. de the .w hat fe!uiua :i J? ij that.;;:.:.::;.to _ and', h1:1mauano Large, l :liter to the D•J Penates, c1oe ago-,,..,.,. tL, the .Jlli11,liar1 & domefiici; the trrzo .à the D1J of the Sky, & the Dij tL, s.,,.. the Earth; pervir1ù de which is manifefio c:flère born every';,;"";/':/: fcn. Q_tiegli Dij that Samotrici phono called Ma-,the.tdt1t:d.!. Jni,iaRomani gl! and hiamano fooigenij'! .uoi penatia'. cu-eh,a•""' ,l• _ ._ 'Ro,h dr Ila City, and he was condotn m Deed pr1m1era-Du (Mll.n.. the mind by Enea, & ttnuti in fomma venerationc: • Scriue • G,.n4aM r:cltre à this Dionifto , that Trai.anus l111puatore expanded & fi;:: :;,,,:., re11dè most beautiful & fplendido the circle Maflimo. Serious-to,I J' ,,.4.,,.,.. eu Suetonio, which rgli was built & mur:ao the pie-t• d., T,,,.;,,., three removed from each band of the Naumachia of Domitiano, Cmh,to M11f; <10· .' da11uog. , ou.·fi1 r.r:ice.anus Ie wars, & fi fe te nau1 a1·1.· ,,p ..... ,. •• ·1, pi,m tL,/t;,, /fac1to nd fifth hbro still, d1e the cofe that tr:ino in the-:..,;,,.,,., 1,;,. the Auentino, arfono infieme with the mount, fi as today it St•t,n• ••.t fi ucde. It was over à there ò in the circle M:itlimo vno ft:igno emh,or Maf..auato for riceuere the waters, that there-in the top ten feet, & ftm•,.r";::.: ll . ,.,, ... , .... d• op.:>aIo bathroom, fiil ed fi1 ed vn pom.or .on three decks, r,,.., alttR•· . 11 pammento & fuolo dd which was of stone, ft as Pmicuo tr• Theaters: the Seats were of wood. It was over à this around ••P•.the, the? P• to medefimo circle, vn'another porch d:illa band of fuo-"•'"'..••"' ago• . . . , "' p11rr• r1. d1 vna covered ,or, r. The oue were workshops & hab1tat1on1, ,., 1 ,.,,M•fl. .& fopra those f:rliuano & fcendeu:mo those who an-.Other•pm"!' sad:mo à see 1 fpettacoli, because cialèuna bottcg. difntri,or-., 51lC\the fua 1ilica, d.the way that the thousands de gh .n11_..:..:;"..· ·· · . •· ;., -. + li11omuù ••"• ._.,in The• .;gil0llioe, ';.':::• _ _ .Ch• tof• ..,; with vn & bath !:macro ne the meadows Fl.ammJJ . The ropes still••• '"'"'"' •' the altar d1 Nettunno,which fcriue Pliny, that ft connected to the dubai. •"c; f11m•-ua, the altar of Netrunno in the circle Flaminio, ba..,:,;,;,,• d, uea fudat<, large qu,nu:à of fangue. Fuui still the Tcm.).•,rr,,,.,.,. pio of Vulc.rno, à guard of which, in lieu of huomioi Tit•• tli l'•l. they were dogs ,he folamemc abaiauano à thieves steals.torij."'"0 • 4:;. huh• of the cofr Sacred. There was still the Temple of Mars, which c:;t;, '";,i was ed1fic:ito lccondo l':irchnetcura, & model, called 'rites• J, y,,the. Hcrmol:the Saminio. It was still close to the said '6-cbio ·,,.,,. eh, •rtt.• the Tem·p,or Ji Bellona, ve1fo Ja porra Ca rmentale • how to . fcriue PubJio Virtore: before alqual Temple .it was vna .•,: tl ,.,;:;J'° • p1ci0la marble column, which d1mothaua in that par• T;to,or to Btl-te fi haueua à muouere war, & fi chsamaua co. p __ ""••and ,,., Jc,nna beJhca: & those who :indau:1110 à some 1mprc. •••· . ago, volgeuano !'afte m vcrfo qudla part à oue , shall .:::.,..; ha11cuano go, pe.éiochc, lu.ga co(aafarcbbcai.a.a_ __ '"• diao/1••· ta, the haucrla hauuta to send to the contini dc wouci. ••·" 11fo .,,r Ouidio nor does fii. fo f'"ll•. Proffii&en à tergo famm11m /Jrt11u 11rt1, eircu,n, :E. ll 11bi not p11.r,u. , p11.r11A column11 not, • Hine faltt h11.ft11 ·m11.n11 btlli pr6.nune111 multani , In Rtg11m & gmttm cum pl11.cet 11rm11 e11/i , l•r.rpP,t•ti• Oue Ottid10 says à ttrgo, what do you mean behind, not ta ,;:.,",;;:.•and• has. the!ltendcrc behind the ccrchio,but cflà pian.:a& .u. _a , eglt dm; fummum cire11m, ùntendc in fomm1ta, c1oe . . the dhcmo & vltimo of said circle, Appio Claudio r;researcher 8,1-blind,ordered & configliò, that is there cdifìcatlè iJ Temple of 1•"" .,,;••,1i_ Bellona, as fcriue Ouidio nd medcfimo lihlo. ·t.1, •• ,..,, • r, .,. je•t•• .,dc 1"""1111111 tuflo B,J/01111 "'" Dicit11r, & LAtio prtj} between fimptr IUitO • .Appius tfl AUflor Pirrho here p11et ,u,g11t• Multum Soul 11idit, lumint and cus er11t. and-,1,.;.,., /. The Crcdc{i rntlci eflèrc fiata fordla of Mars.; them veramea,ftj:j/...: te-g!-'idatricc of the fuo <;arro • To her faetificauano the faccr.1a1,,,.., for, ofl,oi dou .ol fanguc own. fucQanòofclo of the veins .n;/eij. arm. On4ie l.ucallo. . , . . , , ., Ilo l' · ·· · 7',,.. . ·11 B JtO ..A. P...,TO.·. 116 ·• ·'i"tmt tJllli B1llon4 /Aemisn-s,uli, mo,ut eeeiner, Dtos. · It was over à what, Yicino the circle Fbminio, Temple r,,,.,;. -" of Hercules for the grand Cuftode,as fcriue Publius Victor Ro. !:,7,;t• !": hand,very faithful teftimonio of the cofe girlfriends, dyke-.,,.: '• • .or. The region vndecima Be the circle Fbminio,oue is !'.n T•fti"'•'"• _ tico Temple d' A pollen, with the bathroom & lauacro is the Temple d, P•, h1•• ,,,.,, of Hcrcole great Cuttode,circle, Flaminio, is the Tem-.,. /•;;--.. the wages of Bellona verfo the door Carmentale. The mcddimo .;':." • ' he seems to want to infer Ouidio it' fouls, quanfo says. Alter4 p•rs eirei eujlodt fab Hm11l1 tut4 ,n • fil_uod Dtus ,uioieo t11rmint munus habet • Was dedicated & confagrato the said Temple from the Sena-T,.,,pi• '•n . to command, dc.verti Sibillini, when the Sdla H,ma1•n•:f• " ""'° • . ,_ . 1 . ..,n, was Dictator from here and ,u approuato that coniecra-.,no. t:, ,tione, 8c Jcdic1tione, which was made after the none of the ••• • June ,.that was elfere à five of the said places, ·nfoggiugne the mcdclimo Ouidio.Mun,ril ,n 11mpus 'J#i non11s lu,ifir Antl ,n.You 1it11/vs fUvis Silllf prob11ui1 opUI, Akunialtrininnanzi.ì mc have lèritto, that the Temple Duu,ft• r, · . . h' ,,,,,,, """n u.1,Hcreo1·e & dt Beliona were v1cm1 to the wax 10 Maffi1-1; ,,,.,;; 4i mo, & I say to the circle Fbminio, attaching pertc-Hm,l,,t,lli ftimoni Ouidio, & Publius Victor. as difopra hab-B,11,,.,,, b.m detton. It was over à this .dedicated to the circle Fbmi. ,11,, ,.,i;c,. ,the nio that cafamento, which is ch1am:iuano Villa publ1ca, !;,, ,!,r. ,, •• whom fruitful c.-he mentions Marco Varrone • in ope-1ri1,w. ra ·ch'.}the fa de King Ruttica , that is, of the cole relevant.the V1l:to; cr:the fuck the Capitol o in vltimo dd cam.some Martio, & fopraftaua in the said field, perciocbc the deta Villa publica was vn pafano very fpacioìo outside of Rome-oue fi rac.ccttauano the related de the enemies,the which .Alf!l'•"i•• was not concelfo enter Rome, still .pou.rfi 1•" '"'" •r:nquella habitat1one, that difopra habbiam said who:lmarfi .:.•ll.s ,-u, 'GrecoJhfi, & quiui were proueduti from the public, quan-T1ftim111i, The to to fpcfe. waves Tito L1uio fcriue. The Macedonians, faron L,,._,.. i•m. condo.tifuori delb Town.ì to the Villa publica, & quiui was :t "'""'•. given them to!ogtiame}ltO, & were fplcndidamenrc :,ro-1/ s::...,.Ji.aeduu, and. Senate 6 rasunò 4a1 Temple 4i Bçllooa. 11M ,.,""",, .. , . or;g;ii,edbyGoogle .1'{1.IC H1T .To.' OF 'ft.OM;..t .,.,.,,,,,pii, 11 mcdeGmo ncll'iitclfo place fcriue. .into Foluio. i:r tr• g/idl• gatodi Scipio, dc,ndulfc the Cartagincli in Rome;& eJfcn.!,'-'8•.e9u,The/• do lor forbidden to move;the irc in Rome, were aUoggiati in.\ . '' , ..... the vill;the publica ,is the Senate them ragunò in the Temple of Bel.·.-,The• ,.,w,. lona: for which p:irole is to believe• that the villa publi.'7 ;1 T,,,.pi• ca and 11 the Temple of Bellona fullèro fuck. 11 the Capitol• the, 8•11•n• .•· not very far vno from:liter. It was over à this in the "•••w&1n,. bi. ·r d. S a_ qn;itrro thousand ptr:·one, that is cran d;ite & arrcn.views, co. ·eme fcriue Lucio Floro, auucnga that Cecilio fcriua, ,he prcd ·11erra v1 pu ,ca vccuo, for coman heating. 1 1 ' u · · the fron noue m, • _ •C IRC_VS• AGONALI S • Det c,r.;hi-0 ,JJe /Jo_;.Jl Ji d,i,1ma .Aug,,and, i.e. pi."c. say No!, 1,one. C .A·P. X J' I I I. ... . [IE s T h A T T today m walk vn beautiful cfempio 8' -:ft.•n•:...""' . form d1 l·cr,hio, which today is in the middle ,.,,.Q" eh, . •.. ccnm. ddla Cir a, chiamatoeAgone ! for. ••f• in ,Jfo fi _ _e . that g1a tn -qucJlo them faceuano The g1uoch1 that G,11.ehi_.To!• and who's who.1mauano Agonali confagrati à lanoe_. 'lw4 d• fi & ordered d.1 Num, i,& fi celd>rauano around à the noue of .•1tbr•UAIIO • v is hey .,.. or 10 gonio, and was pre 1!id _ entity 1·work and coac;• .• .,,;,.,;. ,be li tr,m.iu.or, l:k-1. f&ac f.tìc ii dpaiqa_u.or J\go.li.; cn110 .1 o;g;i;,edbyGoogle & here fi believes that the fia was born with the word A. one ; therefore.chc li mili games, eh• were foliti d1 r:apprctencarfi & make them in such lu,,ghi, pet vn pholus word vulgarly.li chia-JÌlauano a Disgrace. The waves Suetonio called. the one to the . Nero, the Agony Neroni:ino. Was and hiam:the ato is still the P1•tt11 tf .A. ru ""'n. said rim at the time dc' fathers nottri,the circle d' Ale1:. :zn;.fandro; forfe by the Terme of the said Prince, that the ./:;,:f. .The. they were close, ò them truly, that he was reftaurato. O;,.;.,., 4i And" fermiffim:the opinion qu.1fi round vno,queflo and!fere Ila-•111 p 1 was.ffe_ the I the circle Flaminion, fondatiti fopra the words of Titus f"'.;/d..,,_Lìuio, ilq.a.and, .criue in quett. mod.. R. gunaronfi ne'..{;:.:· 0n·nprati Flam1ruam ,oue hogg1 and Temple d pollen ,,..,,; ,, and,,. the up à that time it was called pollen: laqwlc opi-c,_,ch,, Fi•. 11ion. hauendo feguimo .andolfo Holtiario ;Lateran.n-.";:nMl•. ,. fe fcrJuen, that Adnano was 11 the first who built the Ch1efa op.•ioru " cl Apollinaris the martyr, near the circle Flaminio: but the l'•nd•lfo or. the words d' Afconio Pediano send à earth que-jt,,,..d,lc,• jte opinions; percioche those who h.:mno fnuitato P. m-and•f."';;;',.• eg dolfo, are not to h.2uer bed Afconio Pediano • that ft;:r, ;; s ppchianniTono at the time of the Pap. Nicholas the fifth was re-.Apoll,,..,,: trouato from metfer Poggio F1orentrno. But pass we now to· the L,L,,;J, .Af.difcuffione dinclii places .and the circle Fbminio ènquello m .. :;:•::n __ _ ,c:.c no! lack of deuo difopra, fec.no.or ..and fcuue Pe-::.!:,.o-,. _. d1ano,d circle d Arena, (be hogg1 and the p1u nice tut-chi. you appreffo de :mtich, as it was called; ò it is the Difl"'"' d,The c:hiamau.:ano the circle d Arena, such as today ,ò li real-CmoF/11 • r mence,comc :ikuni believe the chiamau.1no Equiri.:a, that :,tf.The"'"/;.· they were slices ordered first? by Romulus in honour of e,};:;: ,:, ,. Mars g-::lucidity.oue were all around the places fpa-.,.,fi,.PP"• cioliflìmi, from the hilar à see, & in the less were the Destinations ago.•"".'· B as in the circle, But/silt • .. is v. lga.. opinion! :,.•,;;:; [.•:; .rie d de!'fo l.ogo ch1anut? Equir!it was.and g1a, oue hogg1 ..,,,,..,;, ,.,.the Temple d1 fant.1 Mary m Aqu1r10 ,mgannandofi ·for eh, and•fi J,,. ago .orri,the.lnza of the name. co.enfto, Enuiria foia c1:,:"';,J; ,erti games, that were ordered by Romulus CJ m. bono-_ .,,,,,,..,,,. the king of Mars, which before were ftati trouati in Greece, ,1,; ,,.,..,;. & you celebrate by Enomaon, in He City of efi"on the Gre.cia . Apprdfo Romulus hauendo kidnapped the Sabine women, it has.ucndo even if the fundamentals of the above-mentioned cdi6cij, z,,,;,;,,,U/1,. the infegnò celt'seem in Iralia cofi roughly. & :tlla ·· J, fi r•pp,,-paftorale; & fi celebrate such fefte to vltimo r,.,.,..,.,, Fcbraio, as fcriue Ouidio , about 6nc of the fruitful libro de' is fii. J11mtJi "'" reft11nt n,811 M mm(, fat11w Jlll. 11rfq, your, iNn!Jil ,11mb11111rget IIJIUI Ex.,,,,,., pofttis pwm11njìt Ef#iri11 n1m1• §l"' D1111 in e11mpo pr1.Jli1it ipfi fao. .f11iri11wfi Erogni time, that this circle was from the Tcuere ..•.•,.,.,.-., alJa&atll_, fi cclebrauano the said puochi you&1 oioate C. lio. :. . - L 1 llll Or Q...P .To JtT or; In tiuel luogoeche is called the ç.impo Martiale • The me-f.U,i17,• _ detimo Ou1d10. ÀUll'II gr11min,or J},&hu E111i,the• t11mp, .m =fi•tris eur11is in /111111 'll"l" "f/he:Jl.!them tilmm ,;,& /the strong tmtbitur im4tf c,lius nripi,1 pul,,,,,11/1111111 ,quos. N The u, In the above-mentioned circle, like li troua fcritto, correua.fJO c.&uàlli detùlcoriJ , that difopra hlbbilm said • & c•,.,,IJ, 111 c,r ,; :,,g:::ch• as fcnue Ca8ìodoro in ep\ftole, from Maufoleo of ,,,..,., .. for1n1111• Au, uflo'fi daU3no the molfe to' curi, & palCaulno pel c2m-D,eJl'CJO ne 1 cereh'10 d11/r,ogh••• F'·.wm11110 • . . And'"}1 cereh"10 or ,iriti 0,.. c,r, po the field of Contest, ò as -we say vulgarly, the ,,,..;, ; c•.piaua of Nauone, today it is the most beautiful of all the.alcre & "!Ili ufJt,.very apt & fped1t.& the corfo dc:' caualli, & is am2ttona-'/" ,, . ca,& incorno around has many bt'the edi6ci j , oue to fear:: ,•:;_:;; ,., while my fivcdeuano ancorai Ve(hgij de SeJili, I have.-11,h,((i ,,r.ra fpno !be quiet busy. from the cafe de priuati , & for effe. ,, p,.i{'{_, N • king &sides r9uinati not more apparifcono. In the above-mentioned your-,.,,.., 1• P••eao the vlcimo d, Carnouale, ft r.ipprefentano the Sinuilacri .11•/11.f.• .you the ancient triumphs , oue contributes .ì see all jtpopolo of Rome, oue lncori to the order of the J lteue.endiffimo C:irdinale Rotom2gen-.'1, and. fc,for natione Fr2ncefe, or?tni mer. frl I J•CIN. •· . ',•P•fi•. .,,,,., cord1 and 1 , .1 the market, "'v1 t fri". .,. i• pi•tl•• clonus the Camangiari, and the needle 14'.At•M 1,,.recchi , & .:the three co-..,.• fl11• fii,_ fe Jimiglian-.. ,,I',.,. • '• . r•r1e,_ f• ti • '"t••was••. . IU q87.the.,,. fi,,tc• ,, .and.. r(,Mi. or;g;i;,edbyGoogle ',J?,{TICHIIT.A' 1{_0M.To -CIR.CV S • NER..O. n ANV S •and Of the Circle of Ga:o , & 1-{_.one J in the y atican. and .A. 'P. X Ix. V O L T R E .. in the Vatican the cttchio of the Circle ,li Nm,., ntl .l Nero, oue today is the Obelifco, which d:a &li J/ Aric11no, . 'li'.-• men vol.:iri is called the Spire of fans. •and' f1.!:rllo .:.and--,.,, to Peter, for dlere à the Chiefa near. ob,lijro ddeu,1,/and makes mmti"1U here f.A11ttore,the 11nn1 p11/ fate IJU.f• y, cm t,ra11d,ffi'm11 Jjnf.c, & Fireworks. f11t11 tr11sferir, "" NojJ,or SignoreBijlo V. d.1I was.,first/uogonel rm'{_zotl1ll11 pi11tuJi S Peter, &,confa.crato ail,i f,u;ti/jim11 Crue of Snt,""" noft,or ron gr11n folemutÌI, 6-w was among.fe,ito• J11 m,jf,r Domenico Font111w J11 M,li .Archit1110 Ji f". Slintirà, co>n, horafi 11td1 • .To' € h• f,r11i' Waves Cornc:110 Tacitus fcriue, the Prince Nerone in"Z""lft'the.c,, the valley, the Vatican prefc vno fpacio of land, & the chiufe :. '.° • ,,. around for farui run the caualli, oue of the places d:to ftare à /hieron qu"" see were dittinti, & oue he still tùo fpatfo was. € '"'"". folic guide caualli with the carts·, Sc:rJue Pliny: ,rei Cmb1t Published the Prince's Flinty to cover the pauimento of the fuoe cer. 10 1 q.and stone, c with The•ac,ret. . ,,., of eh,1,.and c,N,. pe to manura and .nde at co1oree •kimi-delJ gold, who.beloved Cr1focolla1 "'1ando egh Jn perfo. has• ,.,, ,t f••'•· ac:u. àe,orrcrc with the cart. antromdlà to fpettacolo _ •\i -•* . to D,g,t,zed by Google THEM BJtO !J.}'..-tJtT o; 11.9 . f., disturbs dc gl. craftsmen • Was the medefimo circle & of the m• . 4:1. Gaius & Nero, fruitful teili6ca elf Pliny. Nm11uk,.:. . '. . . cuni 1·cr1uono c . he inside q uc ll . ,,,and,,,,,,.,_eSono to or fipac10 , & ,, of ,eee;,. . circuit smoke already .gardens _N_er..iani, as fi sees fculOp;,,;,,,,. ,1; _ to vn marble, and qu1u1 v1c1no m fant' Angel : the-J.""' "."'. what Chie.it was edi.but leo I I J I. in.the failed of .:,!:. "' mount • D1ccfi you raw! Nero, vfo dr tormenting Cn,det,,ì ; with the penis atrociffime the Chrifiiani, & why 1a f. cru-p,,r,,,.,;;,,. deity haueffi some color honeHà, ordered à certain, of N,,.,,,.,,,,. c:he faceflèro teftimonianza, as the fire that arfe great fo.; !}."ft1•· ea.you of R. but, the hau.must set the Chrduani, as '/:g,,;,,;"",.":{'ferme T_actto •eSot.oeµ t_crre.or .and! Vauc.no, phono-side-P"ft!"en•li•e . . ra hoggt molu velbgtJ d1 ant1ch1ta, out of the door .A11mhi1À •• caftello in the vineyards around. Not much !shame-"'!nit• •."'" mo d:the above-mentioned Mole Adriana, you fi see the form of vn ;•"' .•;if:; i,iccolo circles. piet.to negra & hard, gil, such as r.staff: pi::the. :and,.to ;& from a few conofc1uto. Were still some alm ,1,;. p•tf• '•ec:erchi in & out deJla City , & between the other, ft ve-Mole .Adri• ·ede shape & the veftigij de places, oueft fede11:1, vno .• •.••!"11;and . c.rchio, between the monte V!.inale . the Efquilino close to. ,::;;..•z,:_ "ia Latin .eu hogg1 and I. Ch1efa dt fant? Lor.nzo m ,,. .•li• C"_i!• foatan'a, & dr fanta Euphemia. Vn'another, and fuon the s '""PI'"•, "and the door Mag.·hours near the via Labicana, & to conduits 1" 'l"'Jf• 1.and'· hd a ago,,,, """"•e-:,eu·:water Iaud" ai, d"back a11e mure delia and·ttt:the,' & 1,.,,, "The"' • monaftero of fanra Cross in Hierufalem ; the qwle fo-,, 'lii f'; 1 l'"" the apparifce the form, & the vefugij deJle walls in l•t"ggiaffino. Laqual fcn f. very. _ ,ili11 Mmll11 ruttofa wings Imperio Romano, as you saw m done for. h••• dm, •• cioche the above-mentioned foldati many times ab bottinatiti infie. P• d, bo,,,. me• ò, shall amazing.z.began the Emperors, ò and' vendero. ..•"fot•'{: no, in truth, cofa, in the true lpauenteuole à remember.irfene, .:i:;;;;; & this was the cause of the effere all<>.the below all in the medefi. •AII• dmodi mo luo1;0, for the comfort of doing what is voleua., 1,.,,.;,.,.,c,no, no, & the hauere comfortable talking infieme to the free, & fen. The, . •.••ttm 7.3 no brake. Augutlo haueua before given the class .. :f!.:.iOliegiamcnti à other foldati, the waves, the bays de iepici,••' fi,-m foldati of Rauenna were fuck the gi1nniculo , those de iel,.r•u•n•.• ,l foldati of Mi phono & de the fold.1ci forellieri, ·were in was the •b1 ftn1 f•t1i· monte Celio, & this he did Augulto because of the fold.iti in:.';t.;;.7;;the the and.ère fp.1rft not an.aflè.or stealing the the.I come back, & va.fr,tori11.,; , gth of the preys, not mqutetalfero the Cttta • it Was over a· h' qu11ntoper that among the above mentioned slots Precorianila cafa. or,.;,,of04ll"lm Temple, called edes tA/Jrt-rum, that is, cafa or the Temple .m• R:';;;_r, dclii-bay, still there, sees a shape sfaricae,.t;•fnf,lici & ritonda ,eoue the Senate .!cuna wanted to. it was folitodi .agu. _ _ fffll'tmp,r;, narfì, mafi1me when and' 11 haueua to treat d1 prtuareRfm1111••"'!',akuno of the Empire, such as: fcriuc Capitoline de doie of••&1 •111111• · -· • · , Matlìmioi., or;g;i;,edbyGoogle ° t.IB ]tO .Q.J' I Jt'r o: r J • l&alliinini, p:father & fiji concept. S mii mind i nio, the Porch that is called Liuia, was near the via Sacra, oue fooo .today the rouine of the Temple delb ·pacc, . ' when he says: The Temple of Peace, oue inn:.in7.i was the Porch ò loggia Liuia , Ii, C•f•••, do built.too fontuofamente, fn rouioata down to• ,,.; '"': . fundamentals by Augufto, & I that place, built the e_Ai• -.• 0••· Porch of Liuia, which is mentione Ouidio oe' f.lfti, ,.. C•1•" ,. ,.;,..,. ,. when eg I 1· d"ice • .Auf,"ft•. the' Of.ago, 111mm 'Vtnims ,1111 'Uhi Linens• nNm ,n • pmht. PorticNs lmmenfa 11811 foiffe dom,u • P•rtù• """' llqual Porch was still called Claudia • Dicè ,;,. Marciale • . . Cl11Ndi11 dijfufas 'Vhi portitNI 1xplit11t 11mlmu • j;.J;,.r::. llqual _Portico eflènd? .ato rouina.or by Nero, was ap• ,,;,. . the ,.,. preffo,ref:.itto from Dommano, fuck the old name: v_na ,;,. Ji Li,.;,. part _del qu.:ile was covered by the shadow of the vna fol vm:n.. .,, tli Ct.• of marauigliofa gr:.indezz.as fcriue Pliny dicen."." ·the ndo. Vna fol screw in the Porch of Liuia, with the fue om. ,., ,,;,., !;'!;,.,.• ,,,,. b.ofe arms , aduggia & rendè frefco, or.and the h.imo.f,/oitt. m in said luo_go to fcoperto paffegg1ano, they Say r,mpio 4,the U. still, she raceua written in amphorae mofto, & that P••• Jut Vefpafiano built the outside of the Temple of Peace near the ,tl1 ç•lf, V .J ""fi uetlo poruco • . • . • IHl or;g;i;,edbyGoogle LIBJlO !!.J'.Jt.TO: 13• The 'Portico of Gnaeus Ottauio, & of Ottama {arella to.A.ugufto. C .To.'P. X X I I. mv R or Not two Portichi very propinqui P•rtio Jl the vno à the other, that for the fomiglianza of G_u, Or.•.name many times foito wind frambiati: .. • i1' 'ah'• . . 21,•• .,.,, ,a,,,. 1'vno was · Gnen.opio Or• ANT0P'1JN or ,And dell:the Diu; A -:.1: ,. Fau.f\ina. & J. cl An r··';or.•v p, · tones-.-/' ·t"" no,or. f 1:.. .u .. Mk -. f --. . infi-a-r-:!Sl....,,... .J,'lii'....,i .-----... holidays. you let ln(crr'tti,wtere. The . T. M..:_ETVAE• TAVS TINA> ,,1r,,,,,.,,, J)IVO 4NTON1NQ ET DlVAE !'AVçTINA.And EX S. C. """'··--· ·. .R i ,I. .,,t 'lt{,T IC H EN vl' Dt· 'JtOM .4 , p;,,;,. them that is, to the Diuo Antonino & al.u Diua Fautlina for decretfl f"t;"•;·u & the order of the Senate. In the canton of the square,oue hog..r....:1;;i gi fon. tr. columns, and.to Jià the Ponico said .iulia with :.,;,.,.. ,.,., fi•• Temple d1 Venus gerutr1ce : there are a few, fcd ,bi,f• S. must be in,that iui were tredcci columns,oue was chicken to Cover the .;;•u. ;, ibtua of Domitiano à guifa of Bafa.fuck bqaalcpalfaua the Rhine,6ume deUa Ger!'lan.the.1, that he was .ata fotco. .li;:::.,: ' ._ L, rr, coli111 pofta to the Roman Empire. as apprelfo 6 d1ra • And an.'rHlforo,••1· cora in the failed close of the Capitol, the Portico of the• r.umpo V.; the Concordia is still entire, with eight columns of lauo. The 11no ,h, c•J• ro , · have u1mato ,• and Donco, cpme . but lcum a· But l let. .,an, 'Porr.Giuli•. tere infrafcritte that iui 1i read. dimollrano that the was Tìpiodi v,n, the Temple, & not the Porch, lequali phono ones. ,., t•11•mce. S. P. . R. fNCEN GOD CONSVMPTVM Op,monc d• _, • • . , • ,1,,.,.; •utt•• KING the S-T TV " t ctoe you Senate & the Roman people, the re inm110 ,.,. came back to it, elfendo confumato & guafto from the fire: oue par ,,.,,, op,I,l and 1i should be understood of the Temple, & not the Ports.foroltom,no. co, feagii for ventura, clfendoaarfo the Temple, the Porch :"'•••l'11" not fulfe king.flato fenza ellère oftèfo from the fire. It was vn'to. ,;;;;:; ,::;to: .or Portico.in? à to lauor. the molt? m.gg.hours, Be ••ftri,(7 •••· ,ad1 lauoro Corintto; of which hogg1 phono 10 p1ed1 three co.I11fc:inion1 lonne of pure white Marble canalate, oue pholus leads you to the vltime J1" '{.!P"/'1 the letters of the one,that there was fcritto, i.e. RESTITV AGES. ,:.,;and;,.}:; as is à dire riferono; pcrdoche, as fcriuc Tacitus• rorrie1. it was already a vn porch very nice in the said place, for orna.P!rtic. li"'" chin of the Capitol• the marbles of which little first.7'.•P"1 '1tç"'. zi, a• times noftri. 1i how many other marbles is auuc-,to t . . . fo ,. ''"""P' · r. . JogliHi 1111, n?tO, fiurono COttl & 1e.u1rono eer calcma-, And' h • ?.gun _. _ ,,,;,,,.;, d,1-foot m range Marrro tn inside piazza de pr.t• v1ctno i , .. r .. ;nfaril Song Stefano de Trullio,the ortico of Antoninus Pius of the vno r .•111• ••the Radio ( as ;fi believes) de which today it is not {i see neae::;:;:.u. beginning the end: & say few an.the phono, it was."' pmìci, . er cau:ite, many of the columns,& made of lime mortar, the oue was •'"'· . the foo Temple, & the column à snails, that still is _.,,,,,,.,, .el in the foot. It was ancorà vn bellillìmo Porch in the Temaio of ,,,r,, ,,,,,. . · r. .. 'f N . . ' lle c 1u1c • Today and The por-. ,,1, J; ..,4nt• ettunno near• 1epu,c1oe to h. r. ,.,,,, p;,,,,";,. tico in.walk full, & beautiful Cover all of the other before 'rh. l•oe,fi ... to Panteoa, that is .:the fanca Maria ritonda with granditfime. <"lti,fa "•f•.• columns,& with Jc traue dehctto of raine'the.adòr.ito, ilq'Ua• . ,, s "I••• ,,. -. . . -·, the or;g;i;,edbyGoogle ,IH ié Porch is called Protirion, doè place before the 't"'!P• rr./._porta of the Temple. Haueua in addition ordinanto Galieno.!'-:-49:•.. Jmperatore, pull the Porch Flaminio down to the deck ,0'!,.: .the•• Miluio, why and fulfe of three or qu.more familiar with each other orders of the co-,,.. ""· )onne. In a way, that the prim. order haueu:a dauanti Colo"" ,nchi. _.to the fe columns with a ftatue; & coli the fruitful, & the third & the oce.ol41 d .A,, The eight co onne, such as 1cr1-,,., r,41• r · po1c1a vna row & the colonnade , ueTrebellio,Haueua olcreàdò Gordian began por,;,diN, the,to build up vn the Porch in plain fuck the hill, of """" ,,.·,,•.one thousand feet. in &uifa from one to the other parteoppofi-:01.;,-,t t• ta .efbJiè in the middle of the vno fpaci. of us.quecenco patios : i ,:,n,•, ,;:jn° the sides of which doueano etfer ch1ufi of thick green vegetation of the/• Rom•• .the laurels, myrtle, & boffii: & the square of meuo filica-"•· eh• l,o!fr.'nta of various stones with minute carvings haueua to etfere of • the 11n• & 1·1-here& beyond , which is surrounded by small studs with some j['fo";'",:,; .figures; for fpacio of one thousand feet, that haueu.to effe-;:,• p•r1rc,1,. the king fpacio, & the place paffeggiare: fì that in phone the of ,;,., q!-'el! or forgcffe_ vna bal.lic. ò loggiareale'of the sixteenth century Protiri,,.,,,,:,nP1ed1,as fcrrue Caprtolmo in cofefatte from Gordia• ••f•_J• • ,1·n , and 9u.bnhoggi or.Ili,,., ImD Were aIm. p.rtrc. h. fc •inside and outside of n.mcrond no. . . . _n _ non-refta other names, such as rl portico dr L1b1a, oue P"'"°" cir.was the Slaughter in the Efquilino, on the porch of the Coffantino and• '"""'• in the region of the via lata, the Porch that is called Fabaria in. P•;m.• 0";jl' Auentino, the Porch that is called Vifpana,from Vifpano Confoa.:z::. ,,_ the, built by Fonteofuo companion in the Confolato,de l minci•t•, is what they did mentione Marciale & Cornelius Tacitus,& "": &_ .,,.; moltialtri Ports those inside & outside of the City. that fareb-f•" .1f:P". P•""', g• 1.""" r,fl• f,n b. and long a· d r · 1· d d vno. e1cr1uerg The vno in columns J & ccme the phono laùorate. C .A. 'P. X X Y I. ·• m Nw o t t o N N Ji fon calls cofi quod ft,nri,o,.'trlJ, Portirt Li 6i,, 1111 er•• • Porch of There t. rulminanfajli,mint,i.e. pcrche elle folten-PmitoFAnb•n . . gono, of.oar we the Chimneys, or tet-,;,.,.,,, t•• Port,cov.r 4n , h' nA, ou, er r,• ti, such that in Latin the fpacio , which is between -column & a column, and c tamato Whole>• colonn, p,,,./,-m.um. See the columns & Arches ellcre {bti ,h, eofi d,,. f aetpn honorc dc' Prmcipi, laqu.c I 1cntione is not "· trt,r,f,, very •"• or,g,liwdbyGoogle ';To 'l'{,T I C HII T .,,t' D 1 .or M .,.t ltAtf between I. very old, it is vfauanq before the time d' Antoninèo;•1•n,,,,,.,,., & to Draw:ino 1 mper.itore, fc gi:ì we do not want to fii mo m c.The"".n•oconto of cofonn:the Meniana, that was concedu•à Menio .A,::;•l,hb-in was the square, & is a column of Cef;ire, & some other \ and, here, rangu are,& l r1arc, c1oc right next to the beach:i ate: 1 ap1. fin• f,mioche, were just a few, as apprdfo fi dir.i: but the predet-· . The?•{fut• ti,. you were made for m.igni6ccnz:i, & !'other fon made for 1 ..A•t ro •n foltenere the ed16ci j . the columns sound of three strong , cioèo 10,,,,,, 11 c,1,,.,,, .,,,;. tclh delh which there call:mo Fpitbli, feet oue elleno them ton , ill,,'7 pu ,,,, hold them chfam:ino liafe, the fufo of effe, that is, of the par.no ""'"'" • te, which is between I. the Bafa there l capital, is called the Scape, the the. .h, , Jf•tt• I• ... , . and . them. r ' . . . . . '. . . uori ... and ap1te 1 ,ono, or Ion1c1, or (J)or1c1, or Eng,1-on-1, or •,,,..,,. . with the..,,, ,1; Corintici, or Tofcani,as fcriue Vitruuio. The an. ,,w,f,,rri fi", a place the foleuano ch!am.1re columnie, & appreffo lcuato _ouino • . the. I called them columne, as fcriue Q!! intihano • filter •::•;;;o"'6;.•1 Soleuanli columns fabrlcarfi in the form:the humana , for fo1 '7 i ,,.;; .the !try the edi6cij, & to the memory of the ancients, as ,_,,,Uiupittl fcriue med<:silt Vmuuio in the first book, speaking of the l,d,ll,•."."· the origin of those, haucndo the lacedemonij fupe.7, "'f"".. prepared for the efièrcito de the For, built of the fpoglie dJo I /i:::· J. j:.: qu<:lli vn the Porch to the memory of the above-mentioned victory• .•me: that fullè in exchange for the Trophy, oue little[I was the fbtue dc i Co/;;,., in for prisons with habit barbaro, folleneu2no the roof. ·"'•ohumA,.., Hauendo still the Greeks prefo the land of the Cariati, Beo1 c,am,er hd d d 1·'fi fì & t2g iat1· or g 1 l.h ··• ,,i f,n ,,,,, man or a uoco & aroma, uom1m to T,,,,.;,.;, b pieces, not volleno that the noble women deponefièro the the.<"•ria11. ro vcftimenti & ornaments,which leaccollutri:iuano,but 'J_•ft•;• de_' for dfempio lord of feruitù in difpreggio them, v•llenc, in•;:0;':i,t:• that!. _men[ole. & l! cap.t.Ili_ of colonn.? was.I was ry-.,1,11.-.,101111,. between you to. gu1fa of 1mapm d1 ones: for what gh arch1.H,Jlor111 you,' tettori the edificij public, difègnano the theme of elfe Gmi in pro-like fe the follenelfero some pefo fopra the (balls of the 8cof.•fitod;t,•. in that way phono-gone v:iriando the edificij. ,:;:;:e.,;:. See them today two 1latue_ of marm. coli made, that fofie11-1i. &-011d, fi are the roof of the loggia deU'anuca cafa de Columns li, f""'i"' . l'.-fuck mount Caulllo , & four fratuc of women phono "'"lt'of donelrhorto of Cardinal Ceferino near to the Temple of god;:. .[1:;Z; q_udlc: & vn fimile building was called by Plautus Por-: ...,4,,.... uco barb.tro • Soao beyond what the columns firiate, lequali foao J o;g;i;,edbyGoogle .•lbdo cana)atc, & fcauace around inc around . Are still the ..,,;,.,.,. columns ftrutcile. that is built of more stones. Are hog."°fii .A,..r.. ,,,,. ,.., /or• &i walk the two columns in the chio"iola, the a dt of Trajan, ,..,, ,,,..... ..,,,.., .... , . .,,,.,.. . ro :,.,,.;,.; • Ile the other d' Antonin Pius. ,,.,fi 11,,,,,,. The",À14/t0Tlo Pòr11ro /Nw· Colo111S1 jlriil lt,cht ••fi,,, rt ,011ufi•"•· and,,.,.,.. fl"" ti/in the spring of that [or ttfi•"·· L,it,.,,,l.,_. J chioccio/•ili ,i,;ji .. , • .COLVMN.. BETWEEN.TANI. t"ol,,,." · • ,hiocciol• you ;-,.;........ fl•. the!J',r•·•• l•c•-ntt,Or' · · ·_ . ' . h" d' l · d' r. r r l · · ,h, d,,.,c•t"4 ; 1,to.the.a.oo,co01e_ ..The. You Jij.iio,f.rcioçhe .iornanl_do,,:,:.:-... . . "' .'{TICHIT.To.' &-ì 'itòM.4 'the.A.,,;t, ,; he from imprefa de the For them to the moors of Funny of fang\the ia .j:"",.C"." Seleucia,a city of Syria.Dione fcrittor Greek fcriue.He·! 1::·e;;.:· in the outside of the hole sat nav column is very large, or for. 0 . • 1,Mf1.ttt1'. that she feruifiè perfepolchro, or à pump & .cr N .,,,, 1,•.•· oflentat1one of the cofe made. In the above-mentioned fire hole eraus VII •,!'"" 'l• monticello,ilquale hauendo modifications around, he ::;."• :r,,. fpianò of mamera,that the column li vedeua from each band. fp;,,,,:,,. f• hole appreff. them rimafc à guifa of vna Aiaeouer square.the. . _ """hitmo qu:the hole was ed1fìcato from Apollodorus :ircb1tcttore,hauen.,,,10,.r,.;. dopercomandamentoedelmedefimo Prince again and. ."'"'• t changed the Methodius. is the Ginnafto.Only quefto,among all the r:':::!: 'the other Emperors. it was fepolto within the City, the ashes of the ac: T,,.;.faiotrÀ offa delquale them diconoeffére flate conducted in the aforesaid co 1,li 1.liri lf!'-column,& m{kdétroad vna Gold ball with imacine f.'· 1st!!P. 1.. n,l the one that fopralbua to the hole he built. LeggGnfi ,:.:,•;,.•,,',,,.. in the Bafa of the column above the infrafcritte letters •ec,,..;.; 4;r,,,SENATVS. POPVLVSQ__VE. ROMANVS . ;,,.,;p,fi'•inlMP. C. SARI. DIVI. NERV.. F. .ER.""'"P•//11t1·,vAE. TRAJAN. AVG. GERM, DACI."' fapr• 111 C O P ON TI F. M A X I M O. TRIB. P 0-"I 1 fl,• '°'"""· E Or S. V I. IMP. V I. P• P. D. and lnflritti,,,, T S. X V II. C j'•ll•c,l,111111 DECLARANDVM. Q...VANT - .. HIGH -.,; r,.;.,,,. T V N I s. Mo N s. ET. L o e V s T A N. ·and• .•/l•in TI S _" RIBVS. SIT. EGESTVS.and/eritti4,u tleJ/4 co/onnA of TrAiA110pArt À many eh, hAbbu revealed/eh1 tliffe.eultàneljì1";m11nu,ntlouim11lfimAmtnt1 No, l1tttr1:ago /the h11 tfmt,tul.er1 f.The fìto oue fo pojl11 eff• co/onn11,ch1 to'1111 mount 111 was made '111111 'IIMele. 0111ro fo /ìh11 RA to understand a,t oper, dear, of elf Tr11i11no oper•t•fuoriper Imperio Rom,mo; however, eff,ntlo 'liArie f opinion you, the h111miniefap,11 tliciò; fì h11 rimetter, quejl11 diffieultÌì 11I gi11ditio Je more fau.i is-;,,_etelligmti;11tt,fo that for the llnA & f11ltr11p11r1111i h11 d11 dir. & The• coni,t. tMr11r1 Ajf11i, Congiungeuali intUnzi. the Q. irinale to the Capitoline, &and ·, and that part oue is Ja piazza & the column à nuts fiaefpianaca,accioche the said place hauefiè the fua due proee1,;1,,. f"•1• storage at home..efio was the first Emperor that the Roman hae . there 111nt,11,g,,. a. r. . ueuero forei 1ero:at· ppre0·or ,egwrono de the.,.utr1.. .""c9• diii, ,,.111,. ;u, ,.,,,;,b, lto was the first one that fi Jafciò crefcere the b.arba & not them raf.• , I-""""' /the ikhe alculiiacuibuifcono, Adriano,& it seems most ,were there •ie - 1. or;g;i;,edbyGoogle Je, tome sees them in the fue Med:aughters, & the other Principles ,.,.,,,er, ... that easily and efficie.fio feguitarono, such as all in the q uefto the imit.t-1•1• '"(;'• er, auenga that the Principles inn:the beginning of the dining their, hauefièro for : .To"';.'.,,'.' coftumedi raderli every day, how they act to Au-ui r,.;.• gufto.It was Trajan, both benign & manfueto,which he co' Primo_ Imp. fuoi town.tdini fi led no as a Prince, but as the compa-{t."'i'; ment,oue in creatione de Principles that fuccedcreno do-,'[;.,:,1 '11:i bit him,fi says that the Romans gridauano,it might not be the most happy d' '"""fi fr•I• .Augufto, it's best to Trajan, nor the trill of Hadrian. I• b••"•· -" nefto pholus between &them other Principles to the decree of the Senate MAJ:!'••t.tl•; I. .. 'd' n-: • 1·· . ·r. '" 0 b...,.,.. about euere .ognorrunato ommo, as appar11ce ,dir,.;••. acilefue Med:ighe. · ./4cl•,,..,;. "' folitA f••. :Dlll4 Co/onru,ÌìlehiHtiol, d'.AntOllin Pu. C4.P. XXl'll. and,1:,,,.J, 6i• fil•OTHER Colonnaàchiocciole ancor2 èineiedc ,;_,1, d'_.A,.• ,and'"'" p,. ,,.. in the field Marn, aqu d fi straightened by Antonio Pio d':iltezza to walk a hundred me n,.,;,,f..,9uantafei, & à fcal.t that is within à nuts has céto •11•'1,, . 1 al a ' fce me and tmo u-fi• 1,-d,•, 1,; four J. DigiHzed by Google J J.{:t 1 C H en .To.' D 1 Jt.OR M .A. r él;I,11 •' qu:ittro fcaglioni,& vi phono fifty(ei fì.eft;ette, Ve:.! •f,nll "'.. defi bora the above-mentioned Column guatla & fconq113ffa.·n rn; "lonn.;; u from the fire, he phono fèolpire marble all the cofe fat. '7' ".';;".•!• you from Antonino, the figures of which fonò vn little more & ,ç1nt1nf.•· better frolpire & more rilcuare,that does not sound those of the .Arrifim r column of Trajan,à where the Emperor, & to bon. f,t;:t::; ta coftumi_, . to yir.er was .omigliante; & fi pu? vç.: 1. .A.,.,,,,;.0 to .bare for rehg1one,p1eta,great.1, & mercy, & 11uftitia, flu,,,, d'.An-:the Num.1 Pompilio: & was so modeftia & benicnità1 ,.,.;,,. Pio •. he very fpeffo haurua in the mouth that said of the Sci-· S,,,,.,,. "• pion, i.e., that volena most tol.to faluue vn de fuoi cit1 .Anton,n, d' . . . . r. .. ta Jnl, who murdered mu ·'Ie de ncm1c1. It was 1opra ·· .. Pro, eh• cor• f11f-• b foa column was in the fommità pofto vna p n•ll•fo•· ilatua naked, as fi may include d,ll.. 11eit• nellcfue Medals. Of the above ••The••• of ./. • ,olonna,oue .Ila today fi1 sees ,0,.;,,0 ,;,, ll,f.i•n• " . straight; that band of R• ..,.,,,,_. but it is call:ata larc:&ion of the CQ-column, the. or;g;i;,edbyGoogle With:.n• lit• -Jid• • ,,,;,c. The ColonnJ à snails 'Porphyry. ,,.tt ch,n•aCap. X X X X x lt•m•, lr 'h' d' '"' ,,.,f,,i• The and or N or vna eoIonna c 1occ10 ' Ie 1 , •• Porphyry, was conducted d:the M,irco Aurelio Co C,ftiiti11tth• fiantino from Rome à Colbntinopoli I I!here-rof• p•Ji f-·to . Ie,comc that he folfe went looking for mo! P'• 1• ,.,.,..to and· . d . "' p••fid• •to you, cofcc,Ferabeli.ire & decorate Ia ttta at Illl ,hiocci,t, aa,ouamente built, ft wanted to he ancou condurui The pte eh, ,,,.,,.,Jdetta Colonn:the Porphyry, & the cauò Ji Rome The oue he ;,. C•ftori111 ·pofc fopra the Cua llatua & vn nail Chrillo Redemp-p,li.Swce1J[, tr. d,11 • .,1,,.,.. 1:hours moIto b The . he at the time d' The helium; laq,ua and fi1 dtce and 1 To euto P"'fì"• ;,.aCom less was range .ì the earth from the violenz.to de winds.Serious coft•111i11 ,,,. uc beato Hieronimo that Collantino fpogliò the ahre cit t,. i:J' • · '"'·- for vellire,& decorate the foa Coltatinopoti. Haueua over ""'P;.• • •• this hauuto in mind Antonino Heliogabalo ImperatoJ..;;:: 're to do vn.Column very arande, Cover bquale H;,•.•"•l• ., f.ilifcc cli inside, & at the top of the cli that porui the lddio of""" f•n Helio. or;g;i;,edbyGoogle ,.. 1r• • i7 tj J.'J. f..T1C'El1T.To' JtOM.To .... and,l,,,,,,. HeliogabaJo;,the chiocci,u The \ but not the tro-can stone coli large: ondeaegli haucuaapenfato of farala condurrea ( the pacfcchlaa The mato Tcbai.de,comc do.eu Lampri-•adio. Eraci laaColonna of and,,.,,,,, tl; Ctf11r14ipi, Ccfarc cli pieatra numidica,a ,,,. N""'itl,, •• ,,,,,. of t•r trust, • p ·;, ll-"'.!!llit?l l•f.• to forp;t1no.ço111'hag & of twenty feet,oue was in•ata.lysate PA•to COLV.MNA.• BILLION.IA ... tifi say, èr TER PA• ,t, which ir11n TRI.JE. Ago ••U., &{1111 fn[crittione • still in the piaz.z.a,the' CoCo/onn• ,the,. .. ,,. ,l Nilli•-tonna and•ario ,A14r10 do chiamauanoa Millil,rium.J AUreum, here.fi the migliaiod'gold , &: .aColonna chiaamata Mcnia ·avicino to the Bi·afilica,that is, log 'agia regal , &afa Column i•r•A ""96rlf. Lattaria in ·a it',J,,.,f •. hole Olito-rio , as the dia C-tlu,.,. LAI fopra even the is said. LIBR._O RJ'.R...TO."' 1r7 l)and the Obelifèi, cio. .Agulie, & of the form Deférittim d,-o1,,1;flhi of ouelti. Cah. X X X. l T t::"' o;g;ii,ed by,Google · , L 1 B flO ·D. J'.A . . .'f Or; ij S ,.Pliny. .helium ObeJifco that is in the field M2rtio of bcc li• r•lt ••· to tell us the feet was fcritto & inc:garlicky letters: Mere.: ç,,,,.,,,,.. fotide • L' vno & other conuene the intcrpretatione of-you, 4; ,.,,, "• the 6lofo{i,1 de the Egitij_: .allaqual cofa, he agg1unfc mQl tli or•,l•ago• . to marauighofamente 1n that moodo {i potelfe include-'""' "" ""-• hang on to the shadows of the fole, & the grandeu:in de days. & of-f; ,.., _e,. the nights. In which fommità was pofto from Malio But theme-0°1,,t,[c!",,1tico. vna P:the golden.for whom fi comprendcu:which it c.,. M••••• fulfe l' has been standing:to of elf tole,hauendo laftricato in the ground q uan fp•U. 41• 17-'• to it was the size of the Obelifco waves the shadows veneffe and•;••• f1P.•k• .road elfer.equal. Q_gefto ObeWèo {i see today fpezza-;,,.:."" to in many parts & ncoperto of the earth à pie de 1 monte-laforittiou "thorium verfo the Teucre• that we just tlato vedu-dtll' 06tl,fo• .to fcoperto, with the was. bafe, oue phono carved the in&.a-tl'.A1 - _x, .. JI• r. .. "' and"P' "'"" ,cr1ttc letters. C AE S. V I. F. A V G VSTVS. PO NT. ,.,,,. '"li• . MAXI M. POT. XI I. COS. TRIB. POT. •ll'•lmf•• X V • IN E G YP T O • I N P O T ES T ATE M •••lifa• 4,l cmh,,M,f POP.V LI. ROM. .EDAC. JUST DONVM Ji•• CAII,,. ;DE D l T, 4, P,fl" S,-Vedefi anchor:a vn"the other Obclifco fpcnato confacra-ft• .;,.,.. to the lun:a ful hill dc the hortuli, ili ne horti Saluttia. f •t•ago. ;. Jli, ilqual place from the habitatori today and called Giru-f ; 11.;;!'; J. lo. Two fo.or in the Maufolco d' Augu.or equal gr..-pr• ileol·1,4, _ dezza, de which mo was modifications a little while ago d1 fuck the earth, vm-,,1; htrt, and,... iio to the Chiefa fan Roccco, & 6 gi,1ce fpezzato in the me:r.or fm•tt ..U• dt'lla via. Vn'other ncfu while modifications difotterra behind the L,,,.,..Chicfa to shut fandforno melting, Rocco. ".,u/f Ql,1 lifto eh, gi11t1U• dium:.i /11 Chitfi, Ji fi,n Roeco: /11 tr1uferito Rfan.'" M•i• M•uio""" Siflo!the,!!into l'.the year usw. & l'.the year 1187 • .,; /11 1ret10. The third fi sees today in the walk pholus in the Vatican,ncl cer.chio of Gaius and Nero. The Vno was fpezzato in wanting to f ouere,ncl - raising,comc frriue Pliny,ilqualc was Hato (abricato dal62,liuolo of Scfoollide called Nuncorco, • remains d"iccnto cubits, ilqualc he haitcndo riha.11uto the villa dalroracolo,the confagrò to the fole. It was vno abe.you of mar.uigliofa .radezza in the naue of the({centage for coma, N .,,, i7 r.. , ._ 4,iméto G,lio fnoçipe,codulfe of Egypt, the Obehfco'J .,.,,, ç6, iio·oS. that · · o;g;i;,edbyGoogle ,,.,.,. that is ·chicken oèl Circle the Vatican, in honour of l•/J t M••the ilo & the Ui.,,ugi• hair dryer• uo ft""c l'"[, d h•f.you 1440 ,...;. 4• hey ideot tt,i? À ,hi f11 .,,,,."'""·/?d, Ctntl '1tnti Tiberius with quattrotrochi of pie. between p. fofte.nerlo ; of.l.t.which naueè certain that it is not fi is villus in the sea, cofa, more mar.aui.gliofa , which led to Za uorracéto vée '"' 1· d·r. p· & .. . .,,,,.,,, -. • or;g;ii,edbyGoogle t 1 B JtO !lJ'.A. I{]'O • J 9 . that f'.they were straight Goals à fimilitudine de slices pi.inept. & in less was the Obelifco,that is confacrato to Sold'to-0,,1;., 4,ll• ne Mece,that were from the delta & finitb-to of the, were M •;• .1 c,r conlàgrateà &li other Pianètti. Scriue Teo&afto that aJ ::11:. •r•• the King of Egypt was sent by the King d.the Babylon vno fmeral-s-,•"'• 4i do, which longhezza was four fingers, & width ,.,,,. 6the l'•• · of three, & that apprelfo of the said King was, in the Temple of ..r.r,Gioue,vn'Obelifco with four fmeraldi, of height vn 4; ;;t:,,. ,. cubit & for Jarghezu by the vna portion of the four cubits , & 6;1 l'"""'. on the other two. Veggonfi beyond this, many fragments, ,.. & penises of Obelifci for the whole of Rome, & maffimamente F,lf;,t.';;t.between ago Chiefa fan Macuto, & quclh of tànto Nicolao };IJi .r r•,:de Forbitori. · • -POINT ON E. ·tL'AN !{ or the present M. D. L X X X V I I. the mefe of February, which was fruitful of Ponteficato of Nol.ro You.the lord Sifto .into : after hauer fua Holiness made remo.. uere with great merauiglia of all the people of the year ante.. assignor, the Obdifco the Vatican from the fua before faith, oue ·tera; ilqual place already was said to the Circle, or Hippo.dromo,that is, the corfo,ò riding the dc caualli,Caio Celà.king dettto Caligula; & of Nero, Emperors, & dining times , iloftri was among the tlupenda fabrica of St. Peter, & the famous cemiterio,told by a modern Field shut fandforno melting:& made with.ing, & alz.eu à perpetual memory, as there seen. rrel the middle of the square,& à the right of the door of the largest.:the Chiefa, & balilic:de' Principi de the Apotloli, &tdedicato to Santiffim:the Crocc,which folennemente will he put in the fommìt:i • about twenty days after the b fua erett1one.on the day of fetliuità_ of .-Michael Arch:ingd? of September; if you wish to pan affC'rto honor:ire the Ch1efetMa.biggest, & the major of the City of Rome with other ft.. mih /ingoiar memories, & monuments. he gave the order à M. Domenico Fontana fuo Architerto,& engineer, of.whose work 1ì feruiua in all the factories,& works I gave.ficij , & fomiglianti, that ft comincialfe à caua. in the Cer.chio M2ffimo, ilquale from longa defuctudine, & many of the rouioe of 4uefta city,& from the variety of cafi in the . S J longhez.. '.A ..;rt C H• It.4' D 1 'JtO M .To longhè'Z.'Za dc' the times'., cra c':'nuert_it_o gr.n pc-n. pr!the IIÌ;and _ as fi sees more in g1orn1 ooilr1,11i vn hortaglia d her-.. baggi ·, for elfer the phyto-irrigation, and as the lk>ilr1 modern ch1amano,acquofo, mercè water M. uian:i, by the populace known as the Sea:but , that iui prelfo fcorrc, accompanied by the graffezza, which is continuous I fi extends to-day; for iui 6. freight.uaAho the Obclifchi,chc , there erìno from rouinc, & ftragi of Rome fepolti : fi as fi traheua from hiiloric of Pliny and ammianus Marcellinus that, that iui had horns ftabiliti from Augutto, & from ·Coftan:I J mperatori , then it· does them trouaua it appariua , that after the roùinc that gave the Gothi , the V nm , and the Vandals à that the City fuck, Totila, Attila, Genfere!or & other Tyrants, fuffero never flati. indi efrratti . Ne fi cauò just four palms pictures to view vna of Orcheflrc , .:> balcony Empires:dc rifiede fopra elf Circle , which began à fcoprirfi l:a major, & more grolfa part of said Obclifco ,.effe•n.doft trouato three-pe7.7.the broken , or The between the many breaks, 8c. framenci,in which fi ritrouò likewise the fua b.fe.fcritta around with twenty-four verli Latin, fei for the cia.fcuna let us:na , that from the dottiffimo, & giuditiofo Mr. Michael Markets, Medical, & Semplicitla of fua Holiness were raccoltie, & pofii infieme for the order; that coote.neuano, 'as mentioned Obelifco was dedicated à Rome by Coflanzo Anguilo,hauendolo Coftantino fuo father tol.to Thebes, and is dedicated :to the fua the City of Coftantinopo• them ; & that vna fimil machina was never a villa in quefte par· · i & that daua difficuhà , & from pcnfare à many , such as & fulfe could lead vna fi great size; but that nondi.·less with l:the virtue de gli huomini valoroli made them lead.king. p:me to water,& the part for the land • The waves was condot.ta in Italy à faluamcnto with great merauiglia dc-The pòpolo,,efi er the magnitude of the fallò ( effendo to the hora, all of the vile f fo part ) as of the great naue,that the condulfe; Be cheeintanto after,chc was trafportato in Italy: them flexes qu:alcbe time cofi à lie, not pcrche fufic tr:ifcurat:vna tall• ca operates; ,Oa for the cause , for efiendofigli rebelled with-.between vn some T:ipore, that voleua tiranneggiar Rome , the, riccane, 8c prevented by q,uca·work, 8c then not ,• was huo· . mo l1B1(0 !the J'.A1t.ro; l.is> mo akun11>, which is imaginaffi , that so much machinà fi po.t cffe rinare giamai , for the fua greatness, & pcfo • But then linalmentc was follcuata, fi as ammianus Marcellinus that in. book decimofettimo of fi1e hiftorie na.ra à full mode, de orders, & ma chine dc' ca.'ftelli of legn3me , and winches, that will interucnnero the lead to the land from the sea, & to raise it then in the Circle; they are as still the et:the noftra à full vifto in the first.tione , declimtione , & erettione of the famous Obelifco Vatiano, & then dcll'Efquilino affai minor fenza com.paratione; & see also ( as fi fpcra) of quc1ti other two ò more , the fi have to be raised. · Qu_efto Obelifco therefore _by Coftanzo was u y:ato nelo .erè1ùo Maffimo in the middle of the cauea( that coli cbiama.must be that fp:iti.or perlo lungò in the middle of the Circle,ooue were the goals, the Obebfchi, the tempij , the ftatue, co.lonne , & other c of c notables) & to the right of the primaoOrcheftra, ò pulpit, ò aif balcony of the Imperial, which ii seen in until today, that fcrui for fegno, & indicio à mo.modem Antiquar1j , & Architects rittouarlo with poc, 1odifficult.i, & fi cauò out there with all the fuoi pieces, & I• nuzzoli, that will fi ritrouarono . said Meffer Dome.onico Fontan.:the Architect of fua Holiness, for douerfi then{Jatuire , & lease , before l.:the Sacrof:door Ba!ilica of St. Giouanni Lateran in monte Celio , & f:acrar.lo like the others .:the fommo God , & to the fantiffi. sna Cross. Jl mefe then April proffimo of the said year, effendoli auato out aftàtto the Obelifro fudctto of Coftanzo, gave them the order to ritrouarc d • Augufto,that fi Capcua for chiarifsimi inditij, which was fepolto also in the det.to tnoco of the Circle,for eftrarlo fuorJ;& maffimamente, that infindal the time of Gregory XIII. a few years auanti, was ftata fcoperta the fua bafc co vna infcrittione of bellifsi' ,I letters,that c6teneuano, cGme, the Emperor Augufto the son of Diuo Cefare etfcndo Pontiff Mafsimo , the twelfth time,ò the year Gener.:ile of etfercito, the vn!feces but of fuo Cofolato.l,_.the decimaquarta of poteflà Trib11 nitia,h.lu.éclo ridonp the Epio in poteftà d.l Pop.Rom. -. ·· · ·or· ·or· S t oìferfc .To?'{TIC H EN .To' 1H 'JtO M .4 offerfe the Sun quefto gift of Obelifro, & the ftatw in the Circle. .she medefima infcrittione mention the fcrmori,that haudle the bafe of that Obelifcoche the ìilef.fo Augufto locò nd Campo Martio, which today fe ne-lies totcrrato, and all laceroe, & confumato behind the Chiefa di S. Lorenzo in Lucina, pretfo the cross of viz which goes à the Arch of Portugal, to man finillra • Effendoti èun9ue ritrouata the said bafe, we fi ritrouò likewise appretlo the· fuo Obelifco, broken fimilmeme 1n three pieces, which breaks giudicauano some that do not futfero feguite Visions for the fall of effi failed ; but fi good ancho, for has.uerli those people barbarians since the fire à this fi rompelfe.J Or in the chip , wanting to fpegnere & eftirpare at all, although there can love, all the memnrie dc' Rome,• ni,& of grandezz.and of Joro the City; which not auuen. their,teconJo the wanton, & accefa anger that teneua.no ; he could do there , that there rimaneffero even many conferuate, there as the fi can see while still à noftri days, & there will see in the ages to come; auuenga that etlcn.done many ftate conuertite, & applied to the vfo pio of the Chief Poncefìci,because some dedicated in the temples at which to fommo,& true God,& de' fuoi footmen, & other elected foitegno of veffillo of fantiffima Cross diChri.Ro,& other for bafe, & piedillallo of the pictures, & fimu.hcri de' fuoi jacks, there fpera that perpetually dcbbiano conferuarli, & stay im.1tte to the perpetual memory "' .the side then à what habbino to feruire called Obeli.fchi,& oue fi habbino à rent,not-elfendo still in ope.ra; from the eftètto & feruitio of the vno ò two already.the erect, fi can easily understand the reflo; then, hauendo already in the Gentiles feruito, ò better to say, that feruitofcnc it Hides profane vfi & fuperthtioni; dedicating him to the Sun, riteneuano in fommitàloro ò vn radius,ò vna flame, or vna ball, moflrando with those notes ò the etfctù, ò the body itetfo Particular spherical; with hora eflè:the world from the fom.mo Ponre6ce dedicated to the Creator of the Sun , & the nav.uerfo , believe in fommità them vcffilloe, & fegno, for the metz.o fi worked there falute noftra, & tut's-. ul hwnanagencmionc; qudl.·is Jafacrowna,& faluti"". · · .. fcra The The The The or;g;i;,edbyGoogle :I LI B l{J) (f)J. Ait,TO., 141 Yesterday the Cross; to & elf ft they stand before the most up-to-fo.lenni,& princq,ali Chiefe, is not to say of Rome, folod, but of all the vniuerfo the world, then, that the queft:of the of what is m:i.clre,regioa,& <'3po; rifedendo in effa the head,& the pillars of the faith,& religion Chriftiana. The place, oue ft ftabi.liranno,fi takes perrifoluto, that the C. ft:into,higher energy tutsi, and others,that speech in Rome,fi locarà in the me7. Y. or more l.7.a_dinanzi the Chiefa of S. Gionanni Latera.no,as ft is called; & the other Augnfto l:l the fourth part of the shorter,some say, that ft ftabilirà before the bafilica of fanta Cross in G1erufalem ·in the field already det.to Seforiano , fc well as other wants, that it is to rent clin:the beginning of the Chiefa of fanta Maria del Popolo; nevertheless, cflèndo quefto for them , not 6 can get to the fact , ri.mettendocene à .than the day:na recarà. Ml rcfb say no cofa, the ark, the longhezza • & largheua am.bedue: that Coflanzo is longhezza appropriate fenzal:the bafe,walk a hundred written,& of the width in the fua root is walk noue and a half from the vno dc' sides, on the other, is foot eight; it's not!estate of square perfect : what then Augulto is a long walk ottanuquamo , & in the ra.says wide to each side walk slices, perfect quadratu• ra equibteralc; that is, understanding the mifura of the foot, fruitful -the vfo of the ancient & modern fedici ounces,& every species is the width of vn the thumb ordinary, à diffcren..za de' major & minor,& every inch,or ounce, is ladlarghezza of four grains of barley, that quefti Architects,d · '1( mifuriltori call minutes ; calche the foot ordinarioRomano phono fe1T.antaquattro grains of orzod, or minu.you,fedici ounces,or inches for width, & next to al.tr:the mifura contains vn palmod, & vn finger thumb !mr dghezza. Et this here bafti. Reftaua of commemorates.king,oue fi trouino à days noftri those few Obelifchi me.nori in their entirety together with the Hieroglifiche, that phono hor2 in Rome,dche three Hills speech in the notitia of that, and; that the vno and quoted from the Author effere erected in front of the Chiefa of S. dM.tuto , that even:a à of noftri you fi sees , & fi says ladGulia . S. Mauto; the fertile is in the belliffimo, & v. 1ghif.fimo gwd,.no Cardinal of Doctors fopra ild monte or;g;i;,ed by Google · .'N. _TICH·IT.To.' OF .0/d.A \ .onte Pincio <'rett. in the me.zo vn hello. & large b. chenopodiaceae; the third is Removed up by "-ignor Ciriaco Mat.thci main gentilhuomo Rom:tr.,10 likewise, in fuo· , vague gfardino nd monte Celio prcifo the Chiefa of fans. Maria in Domnica. or the Nauicella. If I saw pot fparfe to the City some relics of broken .he p.rlo .more ferueno for foftegno in some corner d1 fàbr1Che, c:ome iui pretfo the Spire of S. Mauto fe see fi.mile vfo in two or three places; that is what intom. à queib matter dc the Obclifrhi m. is fouuenuto say. A D DITI ON E. A' Ch"flnll tal cpr• of cotAIJllf mole.,_CliAmlli ago.Ifa po111t11 '"-'"Ji ;,. To,or • In the winning of the West.,. Hor11 eom. of nuouo fojf, to/111 rojf,ggi11111i f u,i mltAOi in llli• Rifplmd,, , ji,J, I, qu1fl11 oj,;. iJ you. eh, it was fnbAt• ,Jf :Amt,r , fao, eo• m,rtuoDi 'Jitl Tir1111U, is-r1jli11'tlf) I ir,tlu: Et ,, or,, virtue J, ,iA/orofi en,g l"i L'.finger the• Rom• ritrollJllo h 1UMI,, And triumphs"11 vincilo, m"t.>.N ell' IUIIIA fo• City t' IIUO trofoo • Et the nice J,,, tli 'J'"' Pr111ap1 f "W" M11i f,mp,, 11,ugNi f lllli tkgsi triumphs. In the bafe, then, or the cities of the ObeJifco d' Augu. • that short .iorni after it was difotterrato from medefimo C1r.co,chc is affai minOt"and Coftanzo,there is carvings.the.ra the feguente infcrittione • -. IMP. ClESAR DIVI F. AVGVSTVS PONTIFEX M AXIMVS IMP. XII. COS. Xl, TRIB. POT. XIV • .iE.GYPTO IN POWER POPVLI ROMANI REDACTA SOLI DONVM D. EDIT. That is to say. or;g;i;,edbyGoogle LI B JlÒ R. _P .AJlTthere is none, & f.n2:any of the propolìto '" 11" ,,,,,_ of r1cche2.2.and d1 of the Kings,trouata or not lafciare from-h,"'"•the'· nari of those, that fuccedeuano, ò there really :ì those, p;,.,;,;,1; the' that preteandeuano,as their the Kingdom,& 1tli infidiauano, 1111,;, ui,, .. ò well as accioche the Plebs not fi fteffe octofa: & ne phono ,,; for.hl f11f-. standing moalte veftigie of these Pyramids begins-fm ,,,,.,. •• you,& not provided.V the dwarf is in.4 the City call Arlìnoe, .i,.,,.u; ,. vn'the other is in Memphis, not far from the Labyrinth, of the .., ,,, fa;,.. which is mentione Cornelius Tacitus fcriuendo in the one off R•• way; but Germanicus was intent with the spirit still "'"· to the other merauiglie, & among the principal were, the fia.your of Memnon,which was faffo,Ia which when he was a for-s,.,.. them colu by' rui Sun, rendeua were à guifa voice, M,,,,,,ne, i:i' & between the fpe2:z.ate arenas, & oue just fi poteua an-r7 ,,,,,_,_, to give ,to some Pyramids moose as mounts. lmprefe pro-.;:;mW•l.pric & gareggiamenti de Principles, which apprelfo uni-t1tom, ,,,,., carono the Romans,& it fabricarono some made in that you. . mc4efimo way, but afiài smaller, & fe ne feruirono . . . ,'for the or;g;ii,edbyGoogle _ . L IB ]the Ql'.To JtT O. 144 ,.,,,u. J' .-. & speaker) that fcriue in vna certain fua Epiftola,as il_feJI.-,,_,,. ,1,1 . polchro Remo erain walk : I fcritto, acc10; l',,,.,m•. 6' c:he is not {the judge feguitando more tofto the fame of the common people, was t,tli, that the hiftoria,There he fempre there troua c{fer longer true de romo-N,aft 41•1fl1•:ato of Petrarch (which is man dottiffimo & great Poet • . ,. .. ,.,.,,,p,• . r1,. ehe phono fpartt in the populace: for Remo, as a firm!•••d,l ..,, 1,aLiuio & Dionilio,was fepolto in Auentino,t:ile that the luo 1,or,eh1t'l11ft•·· go was called Remuria, ò veumente was called· re•.acofi , percioche he in the said place vidde fei Auoltoi • ;.•7°•"" f•a· Was vn'the other Pyramid to a much greater fuck the Pope-;.-,,:;,";. ,11• no, & the Mole Adriana.that is, à Caftel fant Agno-d,dttt• and•.P•to the, in order a little while ago, ordered Alelfandro fefto that she tulfe. Pir•midtti,.arouin3t:i, for drizzar the fir:ida that he nouamente haneu:the. ,,,.,.,, ".';r, ago he should be d l l ,,,..,.,P,,.u " na, and the gate of the Caftello :illa porta de pa az.-V•ti.n•. i1'to 7.or: & forfe,which is rare, more real,pcr tor via the olbco-J11• fi11,, i1'alo to caficllò,pemochc behind à that them poteuano fecupmhu•gi,.ramcnte afconderc vna fquadra de foldati . Was already:i the der-;•· 'i ill t2_Piramide very well Iauorata marble appreifo de y.;::,,• f• the ancient , of which marble stones lauor ate fi says. ,..,,,. 1,,,. I•• c.and the Pope a Gift he built the Atrium, that is, the courtyard of a fan ,..,., •• Peter. Scriuc Acrone in epodo of Horatio,that laK:king-P•P•., D.'..to • •, • • • • . • ICI 1 Atr,or"• called Machma was already ilfe.okro d1 .c,p1onr;pcrche and and.-t,.p.,,,., ti•to . cfo tbta fuperat:to Carthage to vtrtu dt Sc1p1one Affrt- tli ,,,..,_,._ cano,& of nuouo ribellandofi the Atfricani cons :the the Ro. ,; of.,,.,. ,;. hands,& .omandato l'.racol? qu.llo that fuffe daafare_, "'s.;.;;,, . ili &their rlfpofto that eglmo ed11ìcallero vn fepolcro to Set• s,, . •• , ,,,. pion,that rifguardalfe initerfo Carthage :the hora were ,,... • ttattc the fue ashes of the Pyramid, which was in:to in V:iti. cano,& fotterrate in fuo fcpolcro, that is to Oftia, accio-..• ,ili. s, .. .,,. u:mo ferme JO quefio way: In the ed16care d Setnzonto r.ion hebbe other intentione,fe is not he quclh that veniua.ilo d' .Atfrict vcdeffero that fua's work, c:ioè it seems. he uolc_lfe from that part edilìcare vn courtyard rega. •lc, ilttuale wanting to appreffo edificarne vno Alcffandroo Seuero,, he was banned from the Arufpici; because hauendoodi this asked, the Iddij noh fuccedcrono profpera-D fi: ;,,;,,,, mind the facrilìcij. The predicted Setti1.0nio vna mole d,/s,;, r,'{; 11••oouero machine that furge very high tra'l Palatine chtfi••"'•"'·e' l Celio, & the etymology, that is, the truth & dechiaratione S,m°{:"'° "" tlcl predicted word, there puòintendert' in three ways, & ,,.,,;';•'•.. chia.ar_lo Septi:z:.onium, d. Seven areas, namely fàfce, oue· .:;;,.,'."& ro finfc1e,or slices, of the following lines: & to call it .:still 'septo' suggesting-,.,.l; /i•••· ,lium. slices, streets, & Septifalium, slices, folari, ò pal-9th.h. which fe ne veiSono still fegni , break · T & dell; Oigiti,ed by Google J.'1{.T lC HITJ.' l>l JtOMJ. of the stones. from the Fillings from the nose down to à quelladifopra percioche. iui Cone three ordi.the ni column in the vno fopral's , à guifa of portichi t ill volentie.re fofteagono the pefo fo:. the pra,which already goes rouinaodo; & in the front you speech the govt,2.fcritte letters meze fcancc! c. TRIB POT. VL COS. FORTISSIMVSo::.. ;:;;;. NOBILis.s IMVS that the caualc.1ffe: the ltatua of the';/.};-.1.! ".:.: which he did put before the Tépio of Venus Genitri., ..... or--,,._ ec. The medelimo fcriue Plin.& quafi the medefimo fi fcriue tMle••• '• .• ago!•·1 of the cauallo d' Aleff.M:igno, called Bucephalus. Was was the medefima square lafbtua of gold,Domitiano, fuck the ft d ·11 fi d 1· ·1 6 ••Ilo you.' .At,f-which correua, as 1 ve, and the eu Me ag 1e, 1 and ume f,,ntl.ro M•• the Rhine, which to him was breath foggiogato: & therefore 6 feceuÌ".·t1,,_f,.fi· call:irc Germ:inico. Scriue Papinius in fue felue. Dtr.between 'lltMt pugntu /4U#m Newts• TJirgo • "".;;."'-'-' .1•,,.ef•1'1•• ti.the a;,,1,. and,. Not grtJulll. It was polta of the said {btua in the pi.:azza , close to ,.1go Car.:u /•"·Gwu the m tio,fopra vn M. tffo of the vn piece. Waves the mede!imo Poetau "'fopr• The• . .,, a,,... P11r (Hyper, is d ti. . Gwu•tl.i D• The temple of P. 111:ide <'ome many of the fiim:ino, was the gi. that.u,;,,,,.,,.. tl.'m the tower , which anco'rl is iu foot before :the Porch of Fau.-;.••• /'1"; ftina, that the word corrupted vulgarly, in stead,.1:: ;,,:. of Palfadia, is called Pall:ir.a, oue today them rifcuoto. ,. no, the gabelles de bdtiami in the field ,that the coli today is .-. fi!!,H11 ehiamato the said place from the ncgoCJanti, tlrTt iJfcorti11, dtJ qu,l place, l' .&uttore htJ defcritto in the jìn, tlel ttr'{! book by placing the Pallsdio. & Psl/4r. fop,11 t 11rco of Tir., & 'llt,fo ilP•• l.Z.z.or,ftcom,fitiene in effect , but-1quiuoc11,to the place of ejf.the torr, ejfenilo that• which is pref]ò said Arch of Titus que/111 d,·l Palt11dio. Domiri••• Domitiano,as frrine Quiet,not volcua that the Ra 11•',•"•'"!"11 your,that were polte in litho honore fulfero of alrro,that gold,s, , ,,,.,fl,,; " silver, r.. ceuj and t1. . . •· 11·endo still life m ador.are,.... "' • T••i""' riuerire, as God. It was still it was the piazza of Trajan, the ,.,z f,.• fm, 1'uo cau:illo, & in the medclima square The fhtua à cauallo ,u,,.,,.11,. of Cofl,antino lmp.& the imagine gold Silla,dinanz.i à i ';r•.•/.••· Roflri,i.e. dinii'l.i :llla railing with the infrafcritte letters. ,;:. .,,°1,:: EMPERORS FO R TV N AT OR,that is, to the Fort11 _,; r,.;,.,,.. born Emperor. It was still ip caliper b ft.tcui à caual\ou cli or;g;i;,edbyGoogle J,IBlt.0 Q,Ji.A1t,t O. 149 ii Q_Martio pofta front of the Temple of Callore. Were S(•"'.' 1.,. over à what in the tut.i:in Rome twenty-four caualli copper in-4..;::::n C.·, golden, 8c centoquatorded of auorio. Scriuc Pliny many j,to. ;king,,·,,;,. ,. c of c about ft:uue, in trigefimo fefto the book of fua his,.,.,911,/fr•ftorianaturale, & says that in Rome the first flatua, that 4• . J. f••· fulfe fabricata was the one that fi pofe in honorc of Ceres, ';•1;;':;::; de goods of Spurious Caffio,who was dead, from the outside of the father, -;;-i,,.,.,,. c:he he cercaua of farfi Lord of Rome. Haucuano i ,.,, f,..,,. ,,, The greeks in coftumc difabricare the flatue ignudea,& i Romalt•.•·"'.'f"A Of with the ,cassocks, but quealla of Romulus, & Camillo 1' "."•.-. 1 din.1nzi to the Temple of CaHore were fenza toned. Fuui ;!!:,f; :,, ,, ,,_ still the ftatua M. Trcmellio , whom was à cau:tllo, & &111 fi mffe with the toga,& in the hole Tarquin was the ftatua veiled, a&'"· lt•fN!, . ramed1 M. Attius Nauio, & in Comitio was the fbtua of :"h•f;."(Homio Coc!and,& that of Mutio, & in tefla street ia'-1_"1/,:'ì;. .,: was the J. l:arua Clelia virgin à cauallo . Er.1ui still Gr,c,, '7 ,,. the Uatua_ of Neuio Poet, & it was noticed by the fcrittori , that Rom,,.;, . Accio Poet effendo of fl.itura small fi haueua poito '°'s' b"'"";11 vna ftatua IQOlto srade in the Temple of Camene. It was an M::::"Tr•• with the Rom.out deUa slut Capuana :the fepolcro de the ,.,11;, ,9,_aSci pions rre ftatue, the vna was Publius Scip.the other of Lucius, jlr1,, t•!'!'"• & the third Q.;_Ennio Poet. Pliny, in the third hbro of the .".•;•.• natural hi!loria says. Scipio Afric .it was the first,that you-""=;:,, ":!: the that l.l:atua of (LEnnio fuffe polla fopra fire fepol-.,,,, or-diach was .on the contrary, wanted the fpoglie, eh' he h:tucua acquiltatc ,.,,,,,;,,, b' dell' eftrcm:t part of the world , fuffero the fua death no. /•"'U.,. tate with words, 8c vcrfi of the aforementioned Poet. Gliantichi st:::;.,;;8 ,,• llomani pofero still copper b tlatua of Iunio Bruto ; ,; M•I; l:t fpada in hand in the middle of dc the King,pcrciochc he goes-Scn,I•, ,,,. !orofaméte haueua difcacciato the Tarquins,oue was fcritto. ,,,,•• VTaINAM .VNC BRVT.EaV.VE1:\ES.as::':tct::; I.e. voleffe Iddto Brutus, that thou fuffi v1uo those times. .irt.Ytft•"·• .utftA inflrittion, not 'fii was pojlA At the time eh,,,; was "tll" s,.,,.. N • 111 flAIUA, m11111 time of Julius CtfAr1, & little innlffl\s ùs •i• P11tA. /1111 m,rte, Uofi Jicono the hiflorici qu,• ttmpi, & m11J!ìm• S.•r;,:!.To: '" ' . ,nmt, Suttomo, P #flirr . The I, Or" The tr1. .1.. The . it was f"litiÌ, Was still in the Capitol b:ttua Emilio Lepido , {r,.,... ,,,•Sd :,; ,ti, rut P11u, On ••11. otAt.• ,,,,,,,J,,p,, c. c•f•.Apit, -.a•tt. • c1p.'fl1t1• • I ..lilw• 81111, olt1JicMi1111141H ,rt19,.,ll1d1' Ili,;;, p,or o;g;ii,edbyGoogle '.To?{YOU ("HIT".A. OF JtOM.To .-'" f""• still a child, with the peandente à dc.Ilo, & with the ptttefli,.. • 'f",r·. indolfo,polb in foo honore for decrtto of Semto: for•.*"'"!;: • ciochtegli invnfauod'.arms h1ueu2 mortovnnde'..8;:;: .. d, L• m:ci, & f.-iluato vn Citudino. It was still, I was medefimo ••• s",·•• mount the lbtua d1 Lucio Scipione with the Clam1dt' induf.•••';,,,,.,.. fo,vt-fle to the Greek, & with the tiles: & wanted to eglt ffeffo, h "a(7" . i:;; that the fua tlatua gl, was Ife pofia with that habit, which he haueu:t vf.no to bring any time. Eratti even.at the tla. s,,.,,.. you.i t':'a d1 Silla: so Cic.paste the par.lmfo of Seruio On! pitio _ 8,11,..fl I. the d1cendla ninth 61-pp"to. If any len:or a straight to huo.:•fc" : r,. mo after the death , and rare that the gL has to elfcre p1iaa,:;•,;;,.,,.,. grateful vna en:atua of the bronze, & the most tofto à foot, ,,and,,. """"" , he à cauallo, as it is the first fl.m,of Lucio Silla. r•t••!,'• •t· Were still nt:' Roflri, that is, in ri,,gera, & oue 6 par• t•.or•••"à bua to the people in the general public, the four tlatue de the Amba.;;;.,;;;r, ,.:; fciator,, .he from .art! olu.ni? .and dc V t.institutions cr.10 or tbti ••foi•tmlt• am.az.zau; that 1 noflrt anr1ch1 vlaron<> dt perpetuate the ,.,._,,; ,,,,..,. the memory of those, who for the Republic moriuano, !and .•aV;"•"• paffau.no of quelb breuc life. There was still the imaginc d •ifi, : .. .;;;:. Concordia made by Q!!into Martio. & polla me.pu.lm"!.'"""· the public, & d.l Gato Cenfore quindr leuata, & potta in '""'""'i• the Curia. They were still as frriue Suetonio nelala family.Jm• .• .fl.. glia de ClaudiJ. women of notable dfempio, among which .M r ,.,,,. 't7 was quelia .cb. traf 1·and a · nua. Ia no.1ue, oue er,1 1opra Ia ttatua ••• P•ft•. 8,,.,,.. iliwr of Idea m,drede gl'[ddij with the fue cofe facre ( laqual f, n lines for order! that is, faceuano the arbo-1,,:::: .Ie king of the aforementioned cafate, which is chmnauano Stemll)ata. 11,.,;,1,; , 1,11, -Over à what deserves the merit, & is to fapcre, as ,.,, ,t,foU•• apprtffo of the ancients there formauano the tl.atue of manner, 'f!•"'"' J•• (be the teRe d1 ones poteuano fpiccare from the funny, co-":t"'t; .,_ me fcriue Plini<> saying: € hc the c:ipi ddle Ratuee them fcam tl':•titl,i,-rbiano, & mutanli fmz:the conofcerli alcra diftèrentia in ,..,. ••• ul• ftatue: & this was a breath f:act ncll.the fia.ua d' Augullo, & ,. ff.,.,. • the one who ilfece,was c:ondJnn:ito. Simùlacròè b solid ima-· f1-;fj;"•ges of qu.ilche perfo,u,& oven coc.ali fimulacri by prin• s;::1:"'" . the principle ritrouati, for fodisfare to dcliderio, that of fe lafcia• ,., jiH rilr• must be the dead, & :accioche l1aut'when m211cato of life·and• ,..,;. pareJfe still that is viucJfero. It is marauigli:11 sees-PmAo, •f..•ere mo te• :uue enz.. 1 head, perctoc and p1u ageuo and and por-,,.,.,, ,..,..,. 1 'l fc l' tar via the head that the bu!to, & l'.ilcrc members, as that /.•l• ,.,,.; in the face, cqnfifia all the decorations, & l.t-gratia of ila-,,.,,;,6,M,.• tue: & r,erciò to be on my side, for the most part queUe man-t••"'f.t•"'.ede, head, ,enz.a e r he I·1 pre said mcm bro and p1u aie• . . 'JL ,,...,.,, '"' a ,,... Ieaole à fpezz.adi, & more cfpo!loall'oftefe, & by those that ,,.,,,,1,1r11•• today fonoamatori of the cofe ancient afcof. 1mentc phono ,;,t,;u;,..,,,. taken away, & the mole. cofe shop you porcanoalcroue, l•l"e•'.•!.••fe .,. :r. . -,and,, .. , • , .,._ .111mamente to 'F "·. Vcneua, no_n or .1nte ,..,.,.,,,,. . 1orcn:u,.,.. . The fta is prohibited by law, that niunoard1fca d1 bring P•lf• ,,,.•/"·yia, & c:auarne of Rome. Scriuono •some, chc'l blessed ,,,.,,;,.,_,,,..C. and&orio ,oma.odò, w e' fuJfe &ictato in Teucre, 8' .• ,.,,.,.. ,, The &Ila.Ili o;g;ii,edbyGoogle ....1C111 T._'1!11 .OM.To .• ,U,t1r1t• gu1Re all the most beautiful ftarue, & that which was mir2ul,1 r1t P•/'. "': gliofo, & artific1ofo in Rome, 2cciochc the men,pre t.,,,,. 11 ,.or,,, daIl and 1ez.za lie,not d. ·1r 1· . to ,,or:bl' quc 1uert1ncrog 1amm1 "dllaç1,;,,; of·R•. ,.,,.,& ,fcuf,r, religion cb'er.to frcfca, & nuoua in the minds de mortal. ticn, J,11·.,. But let the evil, & those who do not have notiti& ' ."·' 'J I".. of the h1fiorie, it dichino that the ftatue of the ancients fuiftt ,. r. • ,h, ••, <10 ,-. ,;,,.or fi d d. r G gua and coman s 1 1anto , or ..,;_.,,;;,u,. r.pportino :ìq.ello, which fcriu:mo Je ierfone learned,' perfidiadiC• lmerate: perc1oche Cofi,:mzo for nauone Greek, mali,. ft•n7! Im..-gno & the wicked, on the fifth day then that eg was entered inoj;:;;;.,;• 1: Rome,fi diedè to facèhcggiare,& rìia11da:r fottofopra ognioe,,,,. Ro-fcn, & tolfe away all the tbtuc d1 copper & dr marble.that ,,,,..,;.,,,,, them were pofic the ornament of eilil, pollole fopra /.u .,,,,.,.,,. naui that he therefore haueua made :ipparccchi.1re, sent ...w•fi.To"' the way'., & everything that refiò in Rome.it was apprdfoda the nemi ..or,,,;... P•ol we brought ·by : & those of the cofe that it is not able in the por• .,,.,;,,;,-Ea limiting,comecrudeli & b:irbari,.]and fpez.z.began & guaftaro. '"P1• . no ir. Were fempre & d every time with great diligenzaoricerche,& competent.ate gr:an advantage lcoftatuc beautiful& anti. ,;,:tt."'tt d,' __ •••"••I flfat, that. Waves Hor:it10 it out Sermons • ,..,f,..,.,;. lnfl•nit TJtterts flA1u41 D11mafippus emmJo. ebitiÌ,ttorn• ,.,,.,,,; Jto. :Of the curie, & the dilf'eren.of nuclle. you 8h11, ... , •• ,.. flmp,,;,,,,. ,gold' /l"l.• c.,;,.,1,, 0• '}] < '\: -, X X XP I I. V u S call:au cofi by' the Latins à cur:indo . that is, 1:11:iu! r .u.a, oucro erocurare the cofe. !.::./fi.i: _ Were m prrnp_p10 the cune m Rome thirty• :ippreffo trentacrnque, & ciafcuna curia haue•u.,,.; .• ,uri,• f•.•" ;,. the,. ua fire Prefctt_o, i.e. Gouernatore, that attendeuano C'!liff",,.'11:oancora allc.c of c facre, & were that:imati Curioni; :a~o 1 ';.: ";,if::,•. pre1fo (urono d1ftionte Je curie for number deceonnario, & ,,,., ,,,.,,,,. called Decurie. Er:ino the curie temperature .the "two strong, and the vna ." .h.•"!•· oue . fàcerdoti procurauano the cofe diuìne , and the other oue ilo ."""!"' · ',. Sen:ito procuraua the cofe humane: but the Curia oue the ,1,7:,:•. ,,,. Senate fì r:igunaua was, ò jl Temple of Apollo, ò the _ C'•r.of ,ulr, Concordia; ne fì poteua ragunare the Senate, the fe is not in lllOo·fbrtio,,,...the;. go aue.fio, & .011fecr.!or. Waves the TemP.I yefia not _ ..= t was the mc.n,and. &li .U&U{JJ ,omccr,1to, amocbc the Sena.•oaoa L. 111 JtO .'"'·· IN ,, ,,..... or;g;ii,edbyGoogle .'1'{T1CH T .To.'. OF llO M .To -,,,p,,;,, J; CV, RIA !J"'• THIS SECTION. ScriueTitoLiQieÌci.;• vn'other curia Hofiilia efiere Installment I mount Cclio,qoan-1.7:::=h•Jli do rgli says. Tullus built the curia, that is, ibt:to call them•.,.,. .• ,,,. HoltiJfa,until :the time de pufri nofiri I was monte Celio,acuri• hofli• & acciochc the place fufiè cdebr:uo you there built m pal.no.• .•,"'1 m•nt• -zo, & the Temple that the is appreffo riduile in the curia• pt'•ae:;;. Tif,.. dri ddle people minon, that is, (fruitful some) àquelli c.he r•.b•"'""• of nuouo haueuano acquiltata the ciuiltà. There was ancoraaC•f• Cu• the cure:who:beloved Tifata, near to which was found in the trunk of the ,,. "1"'"!'• Curio dentato • Er:aui still Ill care for him.to Cato, fuck C•ri•d•' •· . . . . ' ,..,, tT (w• aUa which eg The 1· ed fìJ co' 1:l..ua.Baur,1·1ca, 4j1oe 1oggia v1c1no ••fil;,,., • ..,. :ill:in the square, as fcriue Afconio. He was olne à this is the curiaa,, t,u•• • Pompeiana, close to the Theatre of Pqmpoo,oue Cefare Dit .. ,,..,. P,_ importer was amazing.but; Ja, which after I. to the death of the fil . P"•n• • "" · 1 c.. ,,1,.,, 1,. ,.. roumata, & to ta because not 11.4 ever. then reltaurau.aEraci the curia of the l)iuo July that was called Iulia.&: fll•\!t"· ,,.,,,. tl.,The ti.the-that of the Diuo To ugutto, which is djcODo.cilere fiau with.•• l•l••·ch,• fecrata in the Photo . Eraci ]to the curia of Ottauia. ddla qu. was chia• -;::7/;1i',;. the is memes.it Plini.. ;Er.c!the cu!ia gcru.a, che_., • ..A"g"fi,, mata the curia dc Semou,i.e. de older. Er.c1 :mc.ra _ is' d••• ,.,., vna curia fenz.to name, of which fcriue Afconto Pedsa."""" •'Oct• no saying. The Ro1trj d.:the Comitio, joined to the curia. à .••·. · singing to which was the flatua of Porfcna. Eraci still laaG r,::•: ,,::;,: curia Pompiliana,ac.me fcriu. Vopifco,when cglidicc: ,. /.,.,.,;, E1fendo6 ragunau The Senator1 in the cuna Pomp1liaoa. 1 and,.,;,. ago. Aurtlio Gordian diflè ]gold: We will recite to Padria 0 ':, ""· confcritti the J cuere of nollro felicifiimo dfcmto. Were you. . .,,,.,,.. •r•r Je curie ououe and"d" fiI cate a l field d"FI ab.the rite, cu!!•were diaT•f••""· little fpacio, pc-rcioche the curie-made by Romulus, the ancient,,ae,.,.,.,.,,,,; mtme, they were not very fpaciofe, oue he haucua dlibi-distributed the popoloJ& the cofe facre in tren1:.1 part • P"" R, Ili · 'c'•"",.,,,• d,,,, """"'· .,..,,. De' Scnatuli. C .A. 'P • X X X Y I I I. · ,.. tdifi,•t•. Cure• !•11• ilE N T v L o fi chiamaua that place,oue of the :,. R,m•1•; Senators fi r:igunauano for delibaerare what /1) .,,.,,.1 Mla• s . . .. c.the, cnuonoaalcum. etie1. senator1g1a:me•f•""· _a__. Op,ni•n• of ucamente habnauano vmno to the said ue.. "'·""'; fo,i,,. go. to be able to prefto ragumre when he ,,;;:;,:;: "' . 1.1;wo ,hiamati. T rouo that the. in Rome were three Sii,.. . ' cu The LI BJt.d RJ'.AJt.T or; . tull,we fi ragunaua ii. The senate, as frriuc Nicoflra• .,.,; a,. 10.eV-oo-c-ra fopra the place that d1 fopra h.1bbi.01 said, .,.."'• t•"•• the biggest was called Grecoflafi, oue er.1 the Temple of the Bcc, ""the,:,.-;,)c-ordi:l, 1.1 8J6lica, that is, the loggia and chiamauano Opi-d, ,,r,. ,,._ema, tr.& the C;,1mp1doglio & the piaz.u behind the SenatuJo '7 ..... .Gold, oue of the magittra1i in6eme with Senators them r2una-8•fil1e•or,· · ' ,,.. •••• •r•• 1 11 1t1a, s,,,.,.,,, .A•and •anus, to treat & resolve dc Je, cole dc, to whom Valerio MJfiìmo fèriue in that .so: it Was ,,., ,.,,,._ folito d the Senate in time .à behind ragun.ufi of the accounts• I,-• ,1,, to. the new m that place which today is called the Sen. be. •• ..... , • . . and 8 , ... , ... -. L•aItro scnatulo was daIl.1 purta ea worth.• c1oe apuana, ,. 1,,,,. and•pee near the temple of Mars. The third was v1dno to the Temple .... of Bellona from the circle FLlmmio, oue fi ragunaua d Sena-T,-,;, . to give vdicnza à the Amb1tèiadori, that is not vo-M,,,,. )euano , that entralferò in.1 <...itt.i • .'\ggiunlèli à those .::"i;,:: ere the fourth, matrons & their ladies, that was the dta-1,. "' s,u,. hcato d.to Antoninus the son, say B. 1/liJno nd colle ,.,.,;,,n [,r. .ir1nale, the qnaJe fcriue Lampridio in que- :t:-:;,,.,. hl ·eJlo way: He built it, I was hill Q.:!.iri•and 1, ,,.,.,,.,.. 11ale the Senatulo, that is, the Senate of-i,,._. r Jc women , oue were folite pCl' cubes ,4iJI• taddiecr-, ragunarfi the •"'•ir,. '"' aenuldonoe for me.'-'The•• · mind of ·efeftini. or;g;i;,edbyGoogle tio, oue was already the Temple of Concordia. .• :'f";:;; ,,.;',ai_t;,,.,., ilqual the Temple and destroyed them to build J:uluio, '1' ,-,,,.,. fc is mcttcua peace, & harmony between the is.them,& the People, & not prouedendo the Pubi i.• co à the money for the aforementioned fabrica, he condemns• !...•...: G. mJI.Ji eo days of vfurai vna p1cciola chapel Golden in Greek.ftafi • chcall'hora was to Cover the Comitio, oue fi firmauaoo •ifi j.,,,,,.. the Ambafciatori of the nationi efier.and, that were send. you in the Senate, as fcriue Cicero in vna Epifiola to the outside of Gm,f1,fia •• brother of Q.!!into: & maffimamente was prepared the will, and•fi ••"• • the said place for the natione dc Greeks,chc for the sake dcl. · '1' p.rch,f•t the 61 or,or. fi , & d The' .-art speakers:i , 1 r1ceueuano m ,. ,.,,;.,1,., u010 ,,,,,.,, • _o , secluded, & p1u worthy &lialtn. or;g;i;,odbyGoogle >t , LIB Pv.,Or JLJ'-4ll,TOto r Sj '.1 DelComiuo,&de' Comi/ii.. C .A P. XL.-C. iti• . · "'J and•,• •r• • v. • , ,,,.,.ére•u ·m; M I T I or. 1cr1uc .rucomo 1ano, and vn .,. c.fi ,.,. Or r.. · .. r. • ped" · . place in piaz.za vicincul Senatulo, oue had to,or-chnifl.or. leCJto of roire, doè of ragunarfi in them heme the fm... . g · · po.olo_e' cauallicri . & or.eoil people fian-dr•t.::;: · . do JJl p1ed1 tendc.to The partm. Scrme M. uco d,I, c,miti•; Varro. Dinanz.the curia Hoiblia phono the Roflri, & r,ft,m•ni• from the deflra of the Comitio is the place prepared. of Cicmn, Cicero ncll'oratione, which makes for Sefiio, feral: d,I, c,nm,,. · . li C-om1t,or,,1 aucn or busy with mo tl :irm:m, ,c, 1:1u1 to p1az.1.a, 1,c,.,i, .,,.. the Comitio, & is the curia, estate gi.à vo gran pc2.2.or night, no no,The hole. did the impetus c9ntro à F. ibritio. By (C)them words you com-T,Jlùn,11i• orende manifetlamcnte,the Comido, & the curia were ". r1 .. ,r,,,c, H d l . . & r h. . l 'l • . circ• • Co. 11t:1rco, parian do, & of conuentioni, who made infiemc Romulus, & ,,,,.,,.;;,,.,: Tatio,in that way. Et oue the above-mentioned conditions of the-c.,.,,,;,pr,fl'the agreement were without prejudice, & capitolateo, li chiamainlino à fo.•1 f•• ,,.. times nottri the Comitio, said cofi à Coeundo , that is, from I;:,:.;, ;. r:agu!Urfi in that.Say,the pr.dettool.wgo efiè:re t.;the.or ffU•ft• I (Mog• prello in the 6co 's Rumen.Were The Co1n1t1J pareccb1,namely the no Jo f, l'•"'· tn p1a2.z.a. Scnue. still Pl ,_ do Je11·accor-the myths• t, r,•, or ;,,,,,,,. Comitij confolari,the Pretorij,the .eHorij,& the Tribunitij, & 10•• _ '1 1".•.-•or oils And,litij,& that of all iMagiflrati, vhf fi rendt:ua-P," z, • • . . . • 11I com,tlj. no 1 p:irt1t1 ne lia crcat1one of and.or,and I am. In the field of Maruo 014.,0 p,r 1; it was the Comitio that lu.go and' chiamauano Scpta, of the ft,Jti ,omirij which fopra habbiam p:irlato, near the mount Quoted-• confi(li is.•or . rio,& vulgarly, Acctorio: ilqual place ellì.'ndo Haro g,mr mtnts • J r . '1" •. •Jf• fi tr.1 a,c1:1to a long time, it was apprc11·or from • d To .r1:1no rtmt · lfi or f•ctu•n•. in ordinc,started à riufare,as Hclio Sparu:1110. r S,p,; ntl • Who TJIIOI TJtdere Jiijfu_•'iimentt de' Comit'J·· de' Romani, •fP,•';! ••ti• ._, . tr,t co1• .r•• IJUantt make you f,11no , & Mli ,., f, eel1hr11u11no /rgg,4 Nrco/1,or the Grue-o-• ,i,, 110• rhio Rorhom11genfa • eh, in trl, libr, Jot111, & dijf11fament1: ne res•i••••• l,11 flritto • The Ginnafio, & delf.Academia. C. A P. XL I. I N N A t I o is the Greek word, & figni6c:1 pro-Gimn11fio,t6. prio q ucl place, oue of the fclle & games fi elfer-11•<. j·.. '"' m. · citauano,as it was the Ginnafio of Pompeio,to 11"' , d1 Ncioo:,&quellodiCommodolmperatore.Pigli.you . -. • V · s°'a o;g;i;,edbyGoogle· .To'N:_TICHIT.4 OF JtOM .4 fi-fl,r1r ànc:or2 ptt the fcuola, oae s imp:hymn of the letters. Chi2imli ,-{:,: 1;. still Academia, & Atheneo. And fapere, that the 14.,. word Lluu. in the number fingu!.ire in btino 6gnilìa.,;1,M,u , fcnola , & in the plural number 6gni6ca fefra & games: ir .Arhttu• • waves :2pprelfo de the Rom.ani , the fdlc that 6 celebrate hol:auac>'}::,If.r;_"· were five,who:am.are in the way infutfaitto, that is, The ludi ,; wiL.,;:; Megalenli,the ludi Circenfi, the ludi Plebeian, the Funeral, & the thl'flrul tlir1, Ap0lliD2ri.The first is that,cgmffe in Rom.a,& reneffe fcuo ir ..,.,;. is•1. the public, fn .inriliano, ilquale haoeua diuifo the fuao"' dm! Lu,l, fcuola in most parts, fep2r2ndo the et.i, & still the feffi, & the .";,f;::;;: clriamaua Cbffi, oue i &nciulli & girls: fbuano fe.l,nfioparati; those, I say _ch'were already over et.the. We fly . ogLlllli There,,ifi_. then, (although playing the prefcnre order) to memory .j•-Pu!•.· of the Ginn.afio,oucro Academi.to, that the temp0 de fathers no.Liu11':::,.',l; flri began 2d build from' first fo:tdaméti Pope Eugc .. ,;. nio I I I[. percioche in that répo the Greek letters, & Jc 11 p,;,., ,-,;, btinc, which already feicento years er:an The.ate .afcofe,& fotterratc 11f'!;.•f • 17o 1 in tencbre,cominciaron .à riceuere qu.aiche fpleodore. h" .1.. • • IIOMm, . D,ie •Or"•nchetempocom1nruronq1,1r,J orgere and · ' l b ;r,, rublm,the,.R• ••• who was. tere, huh, g;,the "f" you.Years were f111te naftofle,& 11hAnJo,w11. Diuifi,,..dd Et fon vkiro of the above-mentioned ltud:or,as the c.auallo Troy.c,,,,,,,•fi• •• no, men dottiffimi in Latin, and in Greek , that ri. ,;,n,ili.•• c . "· pro hearts ,,them.no. of fcienrie,he is-no.the ato by the public,-with confentimcn.Them ftudij dcll• to the Roman people them Salarij , accioche the letters im , •ff• ,,.,.,,._ h"to.love' Iuce the arts· 1iberali, & ' fi ,r. • d n am,.,., hon•1111•.•. fpacio of a few years to return in value. Aldf.mdro 17"'11'1"" 1' S /1_ ' .. 'Id the place pau or amp, &1·p2c10 or, Yl muroo eno 1ece 1,;,,1;,. ""' nuoui edi6cij , hauendo diffegnato of farui portichi, 8t ect 1,,,.t ,;,.,,. ,; ; ,,mpo-Eu-places to fp2ffegg12re indoor,& from ccnarui, with short...•n•• 111_1. the, & the square in the middle, fruitful coltume dcllaanticha Jf•fi':?'"' Academia, but not these à those colé perfc:tione.a:,,.!:fi:::, Clement the Seventh, and ordered that the said porch fia. ffutlro d• relfaurato & repaired, gil begins:iva à rouinare for ,At,JT•11• VI. defect dc' heads maefiri of the fabric.a, estate of rector dc:llo R,.,.,,.,,.. iludio Fr:ancefco Perufco Vefcouo of Melfa. a1vr••or.,.... ""•· . . ,,.the end of the ,.. • of..!!tflo G,mnafio,or Rudio R. omAnO was AtnpliAto, is, '1t p 1,1,à _.Ru.,or nqr11tograndemmfl from GY1g. X I I I. it is, hor4 tUIIAUÌ4Jiv• i •111•" ""'l"f•andofotto to PontiftcAto of Sijlo Y. com, Prtntipi IUIMUri 41 Cltnunt1 • diii, 11irtù, is, tle!l, b1101H ,u:li,or o;g;i;,edbyGoogle 6i/,li,u.r,,.of cof,irc• Of the ancient Libraries , i.e. libraries • uhn10,,,, ••eX-LII-. ilJ:iir, 1;1,, •• r11 fublicJ,. I B t I oT li and l · - is the Greek word,& ligni f• i•R•""'• & 4 cunt the place,oue of the books 6 place, 1 • • . • •'""-" The r"""I' " •1••!' J Latin& vernacular 6 calls the library. Furo-who f• ,1 p,;. · no in Rom1 twenty-eight libraries,& between the prin mo,cht; Jt,, . cip1li were the Palatine,& the Vlpi1. the first ,,,,,,.; the flfo _ l,1,,,,.. that ordinalfe and fi leggeflè in public,& prouedelfe to' ddl,elibri of fcien1e,& the liberal arts, was Pi61tmo tyrant in .';:..t..,,. .Athene. In Rom.it was inuentione d' Afinio l>ollione, that..,.,,,and,,,; .. .eedificò vna library in Rome ,oue Pliniofcdue elfere {ta•••f••ip•ft., ta polla, the ftatul of Varro, clfcndo he even viuo. J;'"";t "" it Was built by Augutlo v112 library in the Palace, orn1ta ,;,;:•e--:.,"; o& ripieoa of books lltini & Greek. It was still the Bibho-B, 1,1 i,,,cc,,; teca, that the ancient haueuano conferuata in Campidopitoli1t• • son, in order :u:fe infieme with the Capitol. Eraci :in-Bit,/im.• ,lf c:the goldsmith's Library of Paolo, close to the square of the Speed!-P.'1'{t er;: ), or along the Theatre of the one, cdi6caca from Ottauiafua but-M.',:,i'!. . ., dre then that he was dead. Eraci that of Trajan aHài f,., Tw••· ilclu call Vulpia, of which Vopifco fcriue dicen-B'.l,liorc•• do: In the Library Vulpu,in the fello armlrio, there fonp the king.,..,,. •"••and . . m•r,.•Vlp111, . . d. El fantee, c1oe 'J" 1 r1ccm1 Librtri• of Pug1·11ar1 1 and . 1 auor10, c h were 1·b . from fcriuere with the ililetti • there was still the ltbreria N,.,,,.,,;,..,, Numcriano the Emperor, by the Senate in fuo honorc cdi6-Imp. ,d,fi,,,,. cata. Erane vm in Alctfandria of Egino, oueeerano fct-'•-"•1fe11•1•• L,b,.,, • .,_e . 1· Ivo1unu , ,cn r. The and To Iomei "ti 1· a lot of mig a.ua d" . · dat1 1 a g 1 t,br1 of .Iea/itudij , then the fi were acconciee, & quietate the cofe in the f•11dw,. ,u, Egypt. Dicefi that the arfe, while that Cefare Dnuto-"""'/i,,,.,,_ the king gave Ciuà à faccomaono alli faldati. Scriue 1•."'11• fl * •l,. Vitruuio , that the Libraries want to elfere times to ;,:;.t,,l;..:the East , pcrcioche who ftudia has b1fogno on the morning of the d11ri of c,r .. light. Vedefi today in foot library built, or B,bliotm ,. accrefciuta in the Vatican by Nicolao Q_ginto, in order t ,,,._,,.,.,.. ': do. R · . •ffenJJ,•,.• 1• open to' eh"The va wants to cnture. He r..rJtto search for tut. -do v;,,.,. co the world from the fuoi minilb-i, & friends rirrouò books anti-.; 1,,,.,;. v; chiffimi, & many ritrouò de which is not there haueua for ,;,.,.. d,' ... the earlier the notitia, & coli, the rietDpiC: of every .Koreas. of Jlrir,mpi ,,. . "'"'"the••-. V to. . books : • o;g;ii,edbyGoogle .To?{,1'1CHIT.A' Dl JtOM..l 1,i11ri ritnN books: conciofia fcn that Poo.,thu, Fiorentino m that t. : "P_•.w.; little night1 JlOM .,t ... ,,.,, ••I l-Ioggi in Rome is inpiede vn Prison :mtichiilimo the \!t{",.'fo:f° foot! monteTarpeo,which is quellaparte,that was edi..lio .;.. d fìcata by Tullus, King, & was called· the Tulliano, with'.. f,;,. (r p,,. ciofia that the C. the circle built by Anco Martio fia the ,., dm, T,,l all fpento. Scriue Shooting Liuio: He built · in mez_. .•""· zo of the Cities in vn Prison, i.e. vna prison, that f. "'•re1r, p,r-n.' . . . ,h, ,difie,.u. p.a,.a a 11a ptazz;a , To give pauentofi a' g 1 1· h uo.1m,eh. and Tefti••nio p1ghauano anJ1110 to,ncommettere-evil •. And' r1mafta 11l 4; Sa/,.ftio ;,. foot pholus that parre, that :iggiunfe Seruio, & fu chia. r ronno •1 and••· m.:eng Tulh.:anus. Scriue Saluitio ; .he is a vn place in the . !a.at.T l"-r. ,.,, • i!r •/J• Car.er. and h. and' eh' u u.no, oue r.1ce10 and .and the huof,., r•rti ,,. 1,.; d,fcrim. mo and c1rc;the twenty p1ed1 by hand fimftra, egb fi should be a1.8•erm •n-as abbaffando, walled around, & fo. 11 ,., •1 ttm,,. pra inuolta with some stone arches, but it is very ofcu. .,,,,and, no,ll, ro &. smell lens, & a· veder1o te11:1"b l_1 and.' & 1paucnto,or," " prisons. Pt,,,.,,.;nio pernoche the phono two Hanze, & pr1g1on1 the vna fuck the the• p,,;r,. .. miftra, as it still is today fi see. Scrine Lito Liuio, {•tri 17.ng,_ Plemminio ilquale hauea commeifo..many fccleratez.;:.:;• 1' l'" zc against à gli huomini, & against à the Dij , was me1fonD,fc;;,,;0,.., in Prison, in the prison of fuck,& quiui amazuto. l.,ll, prisons Scriue C:ilpurnio Weak • fo do I see the prison publi• •n.ch . ac is(there lmifurati built, nelb which enters the lumen.i...:;." per_ certain b_ucolinc Hrette, &_ long. vhf .on. meffi ininf,lzeit., (!r delinquenu, & they may see the hard-on-hard & strong strains d1 roucre rniferi, d,' the prison Tulliano, & every time, and' phono - called d.tl.prisons,_,; • lo !l:ridore of railways, tramways, ports on them are less , & veg..•"'•1.•· &. gicndo punish others, conofcono d1 that way their han. d The . • '"'I'"'" ' ' ,,.;niftri d,t_ no to cutr.ere punm: & dcn.ro r..mbomba110 Ie "b.t.lt. .• . l, the prisons. the king, & the fporca the hand of The Gtuihttcre. that whole v1a 1 pl•C•1•m_itJ.d.• gri batsmen worth the threat. Sits :tll'eptrata the op. .•f,_r,prrgu cinaio hard heart-fi, a la tears of every mother, can .;;:·ere Tul keep your eyes afciutti. The bodies dc prisons fon ruuidi. ·n1;,.,,,d,rto"n for filth, & the hands of effi fon garnets from ca.••rM11,,,,,.; ne. It was called the next que!l:the prison, the Mamertine,n,..,(!}' "" '"'· from the name of the Mamertine the refetto dt Rome, ·nofcia the pri-. C•retrl Cl.1n. • r. . . . 1,,,,;,,.0 ptr g1on. d11anto P1çtro, to the Ch"t.ago, the aqua rce 10 f.or-_no.'• ,.,igioni• me v1 was confcgrata apprelfo from the great Coitantmo , the d,l ••••• S. richicfl-a Pope Siluellro: oue in the Kalends of Agollo t!""" PM, vifi çelcbraua . slice in ho11ore of the chains of the ... · • to . LIBJtO f(Y. AJ.lTO. 1'jG to Peter, the first of which Eudoffia wife of Arcadius .of-l'.• uf _li 11. ficaffe in monte Efcquilino the Temple, fuck the title Pmro '" v .. , and,t,,,t,-fo•. . d.1 wntor_ p·eter to vincul.:a , as d .. r. 1eron1-•riad ice 1anto H. i,,. g mo: & is part laqualc was added à quefia prison Tefti--•i• by the King Tullo, was therefore called Tulliana: & for fo-S -, H;.,.,.. migliante C3gione ,"they were called these prisons Latho-r•/e;v;.· My, because the side quiui were already in the caue of the pie-,., '·••·***three co!the calls , as it was in that place of Siragufa. L, .11,mif• oue !the tagliauauo, & conferuauano the stones , for the ,.,, ••e1r ""amuraglie; & then/ traffero the name , as fcriue " L111ho711i,. "••and•• Varro: The vno fùiue Cato Cenforino hauer fat-0/:ato two portichi in Lethomie : & altroue says à 1;,: portie4' Tito, & Martio, ddl'vfficio of the three men f.ra-••Ile L.,,.__ ftanti to the prison of L:athomie , was given commlf-,,,;, f•n f••a.fione, that faceffero best guard. Et Seneca lady self-."" and•t.the eu , Sabino effere ftato condemned in those pri-;':/);. 7.t, ni: but how fuffe horribile the place of the The-,,,,.,of.,;i.& thomie , the dimoftra Cicero, in fettima Oratione, I, and•kidneys. forio ... SJMVLA.C.VM. MARF OIUI. the. th G1011e l'.l<>-: & 'iudlo for c.:the reason of ce.and forms . . 'f ! .r1lc.t.. D,g,tized b; Google .To ?{:l1 and 1Ì 1 r;,_, i> 1 1{.0-M .An ,n rileu:eu à guifa of the loaves, the sound of incorno. made ftt the memory of those loaves, that the guards of the Capitol• (effondo what fogno ammonite) gittarono in the cam. or,;,,;,., M. po dc Galli : how fcriue liuio, & Ouidio . Nondi. l';,,t11tt.r, '"· less I do not judge that elferc b imaginc of Thu.:.;.:.!,. eu PiHore, but removed some Id the god of the river poilo J,,rio. in the vno fcoglio, for qucfb reason: that quelta cotal. a;,.;t;,,,J;,,. the figure is not of the form diucrfa by those, who today [or. l$""j• off in the Capitol before the palace de Confcruato.;!.:;;:,. •• ri. In order fiatua is chiamau MArfo!'illi, cffendongua. _. Bell, b 11•-fl:or d word, & the accumulation of wealth N is the first letter, tn M. t• ·,,.,.,,, •. lmperoche, fruitful, in my opinion , there. it seems to me, that' ti,-.• '""" ei li debb.l call NAr Fluuiur, or Narfori. tt-· Et to the river Nar ( that is, the Black j is not far dan:;..,.;.,::,.• Rome. Ilquale corrcn.or for the fcogli, & places prcci. .h, M•.f•· pitofi puts in Teucre, for the water-the river of You."" /• the /i•· uero is :the crefcere alfai, & diuenra navigable : Od ,.,N,•4"' which speaking Virgdio says. The river Nar white perntt;, ;.,:!. t·water-fua colour of Sulphur .-Vna fimiffigura {i ve.Med•!lie 4, de in the medals of Trajan, the Emperor, & co6 far. T.•i•11• or. you small im:iginifi can see in the Arc of Sepri.r,,,,.g,,., d. me ; & in the space of Coftaotino • But vna fiatua mol.-;:'{"'j/f:the,. to ftmiglianre , fenza c:ipo ( pofta medefimamente in .;.,. . vno fcoglio) {i sees before the cafc those of fanta lm•g,ni .• of the Cross; nol>ilifiima Roman family. Q.!!efto Simu•;1:;"'!-..f'; lacro, therefore, is called by the populace MArforùrt, Ji•ttn,;,;:,: & ,the! MArs holes Dnu, cioèà say Mmc God dc-The hole , that is, C•fl•111ino. of the square, ò market: gi:ì why quclta fta tta.y,.,;, ,,;,,,,. your of Mars, but perchc she was a spring in the hole of Augu-· log,t.. d,n, fto, oue was the Temple of Mars: ilqual n believes the hog. """"1'0"' tl'1 . . r. · .omt u,,,1,nhe fi1a I. eh· /'. . . . d. r. M. unna , co11 nomt. g1 and 10a VJcma 1 ,door rius,co11 lefu, born from the ftmigli:inza's name: & coli ellèr 6 dimoflra, r•days. pcrche ne' marmi d1 called Chicfa apparifcono motd· _Clm{; ,. r,,.. arneft , & ornaments triumphal , in order to short time ago fnro.::1 :,".;": no leuati some, iqu:ili today speech in the Capitol.no. 1, ,ip iodi i:t.: Et in medefima Chicfa, ft sees in vn marble carving.; "·P" ,,,..,,,,, ta the infcrittione of vn. title to Honorio, & of Theodolio "'"""""· . : .• DD •. or;g;i;,edbyGoogle . . . tiBI(b ·zy.TO(TO •. '.. 117 DD. NN. HONORIO ET THEODOSIO" INJ,,;,,;,,..IN V I, and T I s s I M I s p RIN I p 1B s Vs E-d,l T••p•• . . d1M•rt•••"• CR ET AR II very large .And NO ATVS d•l M•rli•• Q__V O D V I R I L L VST R I S S. F L A V I VS ,., • ,;,;.,,.,, ANNIVS EVCHARIVS EPIPHAN lVSrof.af,mt••,V -C-PRlEF VRB VICE-Sn.CRA IVO ,;.ddpof•l• • • • · • ' • Rom•no. KING PAR V l T ET P R I S T I N A M IS-.•fl• ;,,.ICES REDVXIT. fùmion, .•.to mdto ,,.,. •• Of the Prison, or cafamento of the 'Plebs m11nch,,.,l,.mana. tL. the"//" , h,.lls s E N D D o gii Rome very crefduta y.,z;.,....r Or' mut1l.a· •a and .4'1'. x L r 1 •to . .multitude of men,& by multiplying[1a11br.3_. •a.,.3 . "'11' ,mprej[.to . d" . . 1· r-1 .aan or dtl 1 H·+ ••to every 1 p1u and ec eratczze, not batt d _ vna prison for me, it was built vn'to?"a, - sheet•. dfendo breath created the Magiftrato of d1ece and.,,.,,; the•••. huomini, & it was called the Prison, or the executive of the d• ;.',[ '" "';;.The plebs , Roman,& was made between the Capitol & the Teue-., ,";,;,,..; .at rt!, vhf bora is the Chiefa of fànto Nicolaoin Prison of-,.;,t,-,,.•,,,,. the People, & not Tulliano, as· believed the common people de the im• Who,f• 1i S. experts. Laqual prison was c:,dificata by Claudio ( vno of the No,co/•111••• said Magitirato) & call:eng, the executive of the Plebs: in f/.ijic.tt•• ciuale egl. it was then I J>fit, .he was co.dan.ato à _mort., ,. j,; c•the king.• when we wanted to make v_1olenza to V1rg1nta daughter d1 Virg1-u f" the P's":· nio Centurion, ingegnandoti of riducerla in feruitù, ef-"'" •-,ff.,u•estate she already fpofata à Scilio man Tribunitio, & valo-":,0 "°•f; !;;'rofo. Laqual cofa, meaning the father ( as fcriue .=t::,c,0,the.Liuio) from monte Icy was in Rome, & haue_ndo from ftm.tl,[c,en Magiiir:1toottenuta license to speak vlrimamente with'""" L•"t she, & by tiratola , dauanti to the Temple of Cluacina, f•Jf' 11 .:,1:; ::awrelfo the shops , which today fi èhiamano the shops.u:;,,fn. nuoue,the vcci(e, & bringing 11 the body of leifopra the fpa.-of 11ufu•fi· lefe fled to eflèrcito, & com molfe the foldati à vendt-iJiol• for the f•I care coli atrocious foul. Et cofi wanted more tofto cilère pad.and ".•them . f.:': of vna fanciuHa dead demure, & caila, what a vna there iva im-:;:;;; .. demure, & corrupted: & so that the cafa fua was not{fc vi.tuperata, not forgave alfuo own fangue. ·Join With.· ·• d;iti, h.i11e11d'1 ci:c:ati the ten Tribunes , prefero Jl .onte · · · /ummn. -.,,, '!{TIC H EN.To' OF 'JlOM . tD,fl,ittio11t ,.the fir• d,l Del monte Teftaccio, & the ettrz.ion fuo crefciMot, d,Tt< Tf The ment. and .To 'P. X L ,, I • n4,,;o,b ,,. ufi4 cofi d,t 11·;EL the midst of the pian.,between the mote Auentino&: · . _ the Teucre,. the mu.to the Cicrà..r.c the mo. .;,ffe ,1 But. ,. Ttft•ccio ' lr, · you Teliacc10, prefio alpha port hogg1 called dt " hey -:.·i 1,.1,iro ' j shut fandforno melting P:1010 , cofi call:1to from the ccl.ti, & i .,,.ric•mft1.. fragments de iv wings of the earth; perciochefo the district. the•fllj; • F, at the time of the ancichi,were the shops de vafellai: mr ,:.i,0 ft;,.:. de by King Numa was ordered fettimo college of art, ri 'l••II• dc vafellai, because the art apprcifo à the ancients was p,;,,._. .,.,;. very popular, & all those cofe that pofcia furoRaeh,_t•,gl, ••t• were made of gold,ò ar.ing,ò d':1ltra materi3,the hora fi did. ,h, "f•••n• . p1· . of The tcrra,such as erme d d' L _ eqù. .ofie .,,,,fi""" no m10,quan o_. 1cc: li ,t., ripm, .,,; fi make with the wheel,elfendoli trouato d do 1 dogh d1 ter •••-""The"". ra Rt'r to hold the wine,& the water.For lequaicofe Numa the King . •t.;_.:'r;:t did the fet.imo coUe.I am of those who lauorano of the earth,to.to _a!,,,you dolij. that molu vollerò prn toHo elfer after the death fcpellitl Y•_fidi ttrr• it dogli made of earth,chealtroue; & is most p;artede _a "" the same.m the h men endeavoring vali of earth:waves,coiµe us veggia. .;"'ma_d, mo,apprelfo no Uri old,fi vfaron grandeméte the vali of h ,:,.;;"..:;.-the earth: so that the images of the lddij & the ornaments J,,.,.iinìd,lli de tcmpij,fi fabricauano of the earth: & but d1ce Propertio. D,i-f•tti of Filliiib,u treutre tieits has 11ure1Hemp!A. ;"": 6• in order to read them Turriano efièr ilato,made to come of the Cita1.,";.;'";0 j-,. : s Firge.king . à which Tarquinius Pri(co haue. dat. à do •Jfmitio , or-the Uacua dt G1oue, for confegrarla m Capitol; the.iieh• /,.•t.•: which tells Ouidio in the first book, de ulli,that was tcr• 8t"'"" d, ra coli saying. f"' of ,.,,,. ,,. T ,.,,.,;_ ln'}J lou1s . extr11 .•• and u m,n ""'. t uuep. u.&CC. Fiiiilù & null viol11t111 I11ppitw 11uro. ,.;, Prifc,. Core bo Atheniefe was the first one that trouò the fàre lauori of .hi fujf, ;r land.People grofià continuously fì believes quefto mon ,;;;n:;;".;;j; te elfer co. cr.fciu.or de vali broken,they're here!the already eranoaà Ro ,; ,.,,,. . but portatJ The tribuq that 1st page.must be in the fifco, ilche and cof. . . · · · . by t· 1 B JtO. ·!(P . JtT oi-IJ g Ila laugh, effendo vfanu store bags of leather is or,.;,,;,,,, J,I, pecunia, which 6 leads from the place,:ì the place,and them the law of Ca "'•lt0 from days gone by. "-• tone;ilquale h.1uendo :ì lead to the sea à Rome the thc-. ;;·•1111 holes Ptolomeo King of Cyprus,6, says,that the brought in cotac:m:;.•::;,,. · the way. Did you tie the strings de làcchctti of leather ò u11110J Rom• of the cases,in which the less efficient they were,à certain lugheri that in-i .'"".•ar: d. 0 "-•. the water llauano :ì afloat, accioche, fe fortunately, the naue ji bf' . fi fuffe route The move for the sea i fogheri, the thefori fi J};., ;1,::'. , potefiero ritrouare . à that way ft.faluaffero. Ec for ,,1,,;. _' . so quefto mount and ftaco allows:uo & efagger.1to ( co•, Mont. d, T•· · I see m.if..mind you )since!to molritudine d. c.cci,t. f;,";;uf .:. :lh,& fragmentt d1 d1uer.6. vali d1 earth,rom & qu1u1 cadù. · · · you, ò à caio thrown. .. . Of the Hippodromo, namely, corfo nelquale correuano , icaualli. C. A P. XL/7111. . ·->/is'> Or St. god . between the mo!ltè,hog. det.You !!.•1;... ftacc10,& d mount Auentmo,oue of the times no tlio,ò ;/ /uoi,ftri run the caualli fenza fellal'vlcima dome tl,l-ear headphones(or, t1,• nica of the Carnefcialea, & after the short and,,,,./li • •u• o mita of said mount hair dryer midati alpha china ftraboc-"t•.Autt•tt'acheuolméte the torileg.1ti debolméte aJle carrctte,fiado from the r•ec•nt•/'.,,. each part à see the fefta gradiffima multitude of gen fo d,11, f•ft•• tC)coft, as already in the circle Flaminio around the fin of the diT.ft•eci, mefe February ft celebrau.1no games Taurili, in the I-th' nore of the ld.the j the.fernali ordia_nau by the King Tarquinius Pri-!:!•f"/.;;,z••;;fco,rer r1me.1c d1 that peR1len:z-a, e_ra coming fopra ,.,.,,Jol, •;t•· le done grau1de,for the c:1rn1 de ton,lequali already Jungò tepo •••_h,dtl ,_,r were ftate védute to the people, fruitful that tells Fefto. .b.f.jo"'j;1 j em-w• ,k" taNAlli 111 grabs the earneuale,mn . more TtRAcei, à' nojlri um. you d11 gr11n amount d' 11nni, .but it is in -ui11 lAta cominri11ndojipreJòpor.t11 Fl11mini11, . of some hair up To the pi4{u of S11n M11reo • . . . .1_...to ...,4,.,,,, NJf.ff, In iftelfa couttada,diçono some eRèr ftato l' Armilu-eh, a•f• ""' ftro:oue to the tépo old,fi luftraua,cioèpurgaual' cffcrcito, f d':,at .1 · .. . .e1.or.nr mUun,or I perfu11do I fuffe (intmd,rulofi not p,, the /,u,go oue fi m.,uu11no l, 11rmi of the pub&or,but for lafu11 rappr1f,nt1Jtion1) 1ma raffegn11 1.mm,/1 A,: mii, ,h, Ji f11ce,14 of 11mpo ;,. 1nnpo d,lt, legio,u Rotn11n1, Com. DigitizeclbyGoog or .l,T..S. i Comee{iechiamauaeancho . Tubilutfro, pcrci.ch.ilte . _ to. ... ,. J• that day in the pomco Sutono fi lultrauano the trobc,ac-· ,,,hmitri '1' cioche those that tomuano auanti to celebrationc de ago .. •- rfi•.e4' 1"'ecrilìciJ. Ji:iudfero the auuomà or badi in the temple of Gio.o•1 ,. ,., 111 1 · ,;,;.,, Gi•• ucVelco. you cbt fon•JJi· Of.Arfenali, & IU-Ogbi oue /the ttneuano lt naui. and .A1.'. x L 1 x. H_IN if11,&fredric"J · PI p1rtodiR• :.h:;.r;ei:;eBiE L vid.or d.l You...and fi re.onofco. ,Riet1gr•J1,À : anc_oraiefegni ,and& 1 vclh.•J de the .rfen;1J. p __ d,ffmnt. ili & r1ccu1vccc.i& nuoui,& n7 such. c of c! .R,pm, • s. · uauanolc 11.1 w: dqual place,at times noftrae. he calls them ripa;out iòtto that pqme bora ,,mn;;:;:,;.: ftnc:ito of marmò,the nauili that are all over the world ; .,..n, .,.,,,1;; with the robe for sea fi stop • pulled with the ropes hoo.the • Rip•·. by gli huomini,& already caualli.Alrifcontro de the said Ar _ .;.;;.,:;;you .enalie( .omeefc.iuc Lucio) were. already the smes of the Dumb, or, & _ . ,;, .,,, fur,n• 1 prau.Q!imt10,as d1 fopra and derto,& bora apprelfQ M. and,,.Z!_n;,., lùipadel Teue.refonole tbnze, nellequalifi ripongonq g lerni,•14! f!n• the mcr,antic ò_ vettouaglic that ft .lead for water• J.!"!,"vm •• called by the populace the warehouses: ilquaI place was already .the pie h 1. cn :: ,,.. • of the .onte To uentino?oue were the granaries & j mag.zini dele , G,,..,..; ,.,.,, the fal111c.And so d Nauak ò Arfcoale proprt:imente hey,,,..,,,..,. the place oue of the nauali flanno rmchiufi ne pores,or lcga.M •1•t!11it•' ti :to riue, oue ft lauorano the naui. Leggeuaft little tem-;ef•l• ..,.,,, '• while ago,nclfa ripa del Teucro fuck mount Auentino vna .:and,ichthyic,11• brieue fcrittura carved in vn marble,that is. eh• Q__V ( CQ_VI D VS. VARIOUS VM IN V EH ITV.R. fc .,.,,eh" l',.,,.,,ji l•t t.•u•ÀM•rDe G • . • The: l'-' l"-b:.-'-and .A P. L • ranttr,,c••A.!:JWJw& '"and K .. _,.,.,1,.,1• . . fuck the M,,, ..Al,•ntin•, t, aV1t ONO still à pie dcli' Auentifteo, between ,iuJ foP"' the T,,,. • 51 of the Teucre & mount Tettaccio CX L. Gr:a-_ . ,,. . ' officials of the Roman people,chickens perordine,mol flrllftlfrJ ,.,,,, ,. •, 1. pubi, to .brgh.1.& length'1;, as moltrano . today je . ;,:,,; ,,,.., • .luru 11,u.c,nclLa vicio.in the vineyard of the IllullriffimoeSignore --. ·. Thu&Wl or;g;ii,edbyGoogle LI B JtO !)J .R.,T 9 •· r J 9 .h,uan Giorgi'or !euerino, &.ne-the :ilcd bloghi propfu. t,, '""""'I•· _ here,oue in quefto year in vtgna of Marcelto Je Càpò-,-,no • . zucchi Pattitio RQm;no, it was cauatò vnmanno.with that .'°· G,o,:•• · fccittura, by the vno de sides. .:::11:· and• NV.M. DOM: AVG. SACRVM; GENIUS.p•tucci,iR,.CONSERVATIVE. HORREORVM. GAL,,, .. ,. •. · lnf'cr;,u,,,•BIANOR VM. M. THE RIN.VS. FORTVNA •1t11c• CA.UII• TVS. THE MAGI S T ER. S. P.-D-D -..,. ,.,u,..go,Et from the other 1:ito,cra fcritto. . ou• ,, .. ,.. • NVM. DOM. A VG. SACRVM. FORTV-!'•"•" "'· pubi,,,. N JE. e o N s E R V ATRIA and r. I R REOR. G ALBIANO". V M. M. LOR IN VS. F'OR-...TVNATVS. MAGISTER. S. P. DD. De places,& Magit.ni of f ale. C. A P. LI. the IN THE à that place . ·and the Au.cino,between ."l•i!,niU ..1 11 1• '"'" •'• 1·1 mountain & the .li" ume_del . cuero,erano1. Maga , ... ., .. ,.. zini,I like the old time,them teneua the fafe, Vfo-d,,,, . ,;. as hora 1i b at the Capitol,& veggonuili l'1 n°f1rifi tH_ aocora k c:iuemc made à to the end. The first or-j,' 11[•1•· eh, , . din.{eif public Magaz.ini of .the was A. coMar. _ t10; but the tax & entry d1 that, mftitu1 ,,,R,m.s iM• l.iuio It had; he waves. (the acquiflò the K•iJ11i ul I• last name.The leute fifa of water to Give l,·. i' 1, • r,mo,1•• fi ···• rma.. Truoua . .still t & ca11aa . ff;,,.; 1. i•· the leute to fuck the earth. ••The• .; d.stH ,ome 1i caaa '•'f•'• ;,. The• l'.ircna • ,.,cl"f"• SAie •ncir f,rr,ftr,.,,,.. '. """" ,,,, jl f.suu· .. ,9,.. ANDREA you Type,edbyGoogle 1'1fc11f•.ti•n• d,tr.,., V•., f.,,,·d"j: · . ANDREA PVLVIO A N T I Q_V A R I O OF ANTIQUITY• ROM A. THEM B .llO Q..P. 11-tT O. Of Bafiliche, & Temples. J:.n but, for <:tfere the number..nished, rilt..as a designer all, as molu other 1n the vno capirm:.=.:..,,.. tolo • but he is for me pucciuto of andarglinoundo hand-in-hand, fruitful, chen , and there are first. And faperc ,i, r,,,.plid, therefore, that the cafe facre de the lddij phono between ditfe.gti 11ntichi• competitors ; _perciochc, and the fi says the Balilica to shut fandforno melting Paul, \ ér j""110 and: the Temple of Janus, the , that Meil,u,s Ju, • 'J'.wicked• j,11e,. so that you D there conucrtiua in R. As in Prcnene was 1 Coneordia, even.the int:igli:the.to fobio, ilquale d.t Cornelius was ap• !and _ .•fi'••• of prelfo foreshadowed with the Bafilicl Emilia, 8c Fuluia •. 14•""°• 0"' Haueua started Aleffandro Seuero Emperor ài_:;. Emilia. build . B:ifilic. .lelfandri.a ,etra'l can:.?or Martio. _ B11.phil.Fult,i,. & between Sepu Agr1ppmr, one hundred p1ed1 large, mdle long, B•fi/ic4.AJ•f a ll.t fopra columns, which could not finish foprauc.f11o11driN• •;-nuto death, as fcriue Lampridio. It was otue i ':ir;:::ro • to the Balìlica Coil:antiniana, close to the Temple of 8,uero,mu, Peace, & piazza, which he built before the :fan the:rdi eh,grii Giouannj the Lateran, ilqu:ile apprelfo 'à pcrfo.t6one of tl•'(J'!_ • Sept• Pope Siluefiro first, and built the meaefima, &·, and more .Ag,,ppm, • fiuori, & d ent!or de11a and·1tta,' 1.1 mo par._e f;4t1e• Codell and qu.ut -•· h bb" · at .,.•,r11.S. S1/u,J1r1p,;,.. r., .. D,g,t,zed .y Google. 1G1 c•f•"••r p1tth1 •r• H . De build de the temples. C .A P. 1 I. E M p 1 o properly was call: no vno /i;..;•· ltr• · B fpacio, ouer the place,ilquale from the aug_uri eraeu;.,:,/p,r.of.epto m the air. .eu .nnioPoeta. Three-chuofi'4tt• . . :The modu,mp1od1 G1oue..2lutomnte.Or' true-tl'•h• fi• .. the mind is said to be the temple fo the earth,queJJo eddi-.;_e"' • 4'hf'• . . ''Ji•T .,.,,,.,. 6 CIOJ here, and,the gmo part and ch"1uio, .... from . ·1 The d '\'Cdere.Scriuc Marco V .irrone, Cia[cun temple it should and(.. M. V11rr•••· fcr ferrato of oVti around,and not hauer p1ù-that vna fol.t en-P..rti of ripl_i cr.au. Call:ifi the part of what riìguarda à less r '••• •• ,,.,. . . . . ·. _, ceur,,11,,torlfe ttiorno,antaca, caoe part of 1nanz1 : quc ll and he rt.lìguar.a".l dm, ,;pt,.f,North pollica, that is, the part of behind : the one that ref. 6,n 11iif•m • .uarda to Oricnte,fìnifi:ra:that of the Occ1dente, deftra. Op,no. of cu. "Smoke called temples, not fol.lmence places fagri. m:i l".;: "'},._ still the curie temperature : as the curia HoltiJia though she ft.t,: :; p;; not fuffe facra • Cicero, in fruitful of the lecei fcriue: /i• I judge that in the Cities debbmo efière the delubri de·pa-X erf, ••-: clr.i,fegu1to the opinion of the wise men of Pcrfta, for an invention-fi•' te•fl!• "• · 0 """" ... ' de qua them. li d 1cc r. hanc:king ar li1 1 temp 1· d 11-G rec1a, ,,aa 1 Xer,and · t1W ,,,,1.,,. .. p.this c.and were the walls. the!1forno,.onciof?ffecofa that tut ,1,· M,g;, r tJ doueflero elferesfafciatl & libcr1:perc:or that quetlo mo porch,. èo is the temple & the executive of .uelli. Diogenes .still hebbe Opu,iou . · · • · , • r_ D1•r.•n• ••·and 1171ruone lucuo_n. mon-.or and .f ere 1 l F •anus, caoe temple lilll-,.,,. •• , m -d,eciffimo d1 ddio. Better intciero the greeks , & even the no-Pitt• ,t,•°and;,.;.firj, which for accrcfcere piety & riuerenu verfo the us, & d,· R,.Iddij,wanted effective the medeftme the City that we habitaf-,,.,.,.; "'"ago.i {'I, of which the Romans prefero grandiffienia -& fouerch1a ';;.[•1/D... edited: so that not pholus edificauano the temples to Stcl-,.,;; ;";,.. the, maancora:the wires affettiepafs1onedegh huomi-Tipli4d•fi••, ni, as feral Afcon10 Pedi.anus , saying, • Alpha.the is but ,, J,, Gr,,;, • nifcfto in Rome , for the whole City dlère confagr ati tem f•;-;•:;.1 f>li coli à the fdd.ij i?atrij as à foreftieri, fruitful cia-: ,:,,,.1; •.ff,,.fcuna hum::but pafslOile. Scnue Marco Varonc, that gh will hu,,.a•• there .ddij dc Rom.ini paffau:tno the number of trentam1la,between ,t ,,p,,,;,.,.;.what were the fcelti cliu honorati ,Janus, Giouc, Satur• d, N .AF••,••'•1•1 • .,,.,., no, Mars, Apolio, emo,' VuIcano, ilSole,Ncttun-D,id,'R•.4&0-, &Free, the Ogre, (ì4.ou, Tellure, Waxy-e, Dia-,,; was,,,. --. . .. . Al, '.A J{TICHIT.4' OF ItQM.To Jl.y,.,,..,. 11!,& Venus,& VcO-to. The lddij Genes.ili. erono rA equi; .ul• f•l'1• laTcrra,Fire,& Ati.1,j which .giugneuano the Sun!t ,.:'7;,fo!t & L1 Luiu,medianreiquili each cof.the fi generaua. It was you.;; "!; •rr•; n.to the Genius 6gliuolo d. gl, ld_dij ._padre dc h.imo.Jt•••'"·. m, Adorauono 1 Romans akum Idd1J pcrchc their g1ouai:. .i.•./ì!• "fcro, some because they do not nocellcro. Lt: their infcr.• fi,.._u ;;;. with still teneuano in place d1 Idciij, & with granddli•=.:.;'; ,.,, but fantimonia the adorauanon, & the placau:mo facri6cando D11. their vn's dog,& vna sheep. how was the god called A. The l•fmnitÀ uerunco,the rubigme,& the f<-brc. Tullo Hofiilio over .the quc ;;."• "";" lto 6gurò the image of the Fear & the Pallor, & how to .,.;,:.; ,.:; lddi j the hebbe m riuerenza. The Senate even.to moffo nacari of eh, P, 111,Jic,. marble, afi.molmperatoreJopolegueneciui .ì).' . T,,. ,.,, r... .· •· r. . 11 1 co. .ar;;.'!1guo,aeu, and."'mcatc:>,and ,,;,,,.fo ,.d,.( · . 1 _ pre rez. fi _ co mmCJato mnanz1 C!aud 10 •how to fcrt ..and f, .1· ., ,,..,,.,,. . : _e_e.. ,; d,t, t,,,ir• eu Suetonro, llqua]and dtce: Did alcunt ed1fìc1J d1 nuouo, /fara.r,1,I j} tt·mpio of Peace near alb square: he Was first when it is prcfe Romà, & of. . '. ,. 1). or;g;iized by Go(?gle -zo Reglla, as.afi, & alt.and c of c li mili, ..;:;.•.;. __a,,. 'ot11ato d1 Gemllle prec1ofe. Scr1ue Herod1ano,& Eutro• p.,, 11,ll, and• pio: the Temple of Peace in vn fubito, & such as I-f, dlH,.,.,.f, rac:olofamente arfe. Ilquale ecli6cio was the greater, & ltm, b-d, S4 Ji most beautiful eh. fulfe .n R5>m.1: 1:ra o!three à quet.or 11 .:;,•;d,II• rich & better fomtto d1 tutn gl alrr1, adorned with a golden, & P•ct tutt, •• silver, percioche in which ciafcuno vrùuerfal-,,,. f,..,,. .,. mind congtc.aua the fooi Thefori. Arfe aticorail TempioJi • Vc.fb ! .J !YOU.d,the geese still fcòperf. the Pall.god; the r.:':.'Z.,! which D1um1ta tr:in the first, and adored by The Romans, & te-!, 00 .,the• nuu in place fecreto, conducted as it is dkono from Troy,,.;,.;,, was it from that time iniunzi,then that was arriuatoin Italy, tattìt,f •lters• ftato never veduro by no one;and perciochc the Ver.il ii Vcftali T,,.,.,.,,y;fubito that it was arriuato,dcl the middle of the vi.to Sacred, fpac-{:;:';;, i;. ciatamcntc the prcfero, & the conriuffero in the Palace of the pmo,ch.the Emperor. It was over à queito the Temple of Peace, the p,i&Ji .,,. .. ;. the fourth region of ancient Rome, how-to fopra habbiam 1J; • , l,t,derto. Augulto was the first ,that edificaffe the Altar of the pfu:.:. i:J' P. ace,dquaJe then fo accrefciufo of Agrippa, to whom par• V"1rt,uu V•fl• hndo Ouid10 they fall:the says. Hacciconclocto the work aJ. them. the Altar of Peace, que!will the fruitful Ji after the 6ne T,,,,p,, oi,11., the llftfe. Diccfi commonly every year on the night of the .=t :.'•t;· N lltale, mir:icolofamente rouin:the any particle of the ,,.,,:" 'dèttO Temple, & eh:: nt'lla OQtte in which he was born .Alt ... deti• noftro Lord, rouinò the but day part.-of that, ilche P•e1 "' rU for any way not to believe, for eflèr this opi-,.,,,_ •4•/ the.irione :the whole van., in & out of ragì?ne, c.budgetary discipline.to co-e;;.;.,., d,The _ is that elf fufie cd1ficato eighty anm after 1 auemmen-11•1$• i11to, 11 .. to Chrill:, or Vefpafiano Emperor: & wanting to in-•ITépio d,t. 111 p•ca•,ca•"f" tend to the!' The altar of Augulto, it is still the land in vain, ,, a, r, tM• • .. .. , .;. . he he h . r. . . . d fi r. the l place , , ..to& •• ,,.1 re,;-c1oc today ,1 r1troua JD pie, and, of it 1 ,to ,. The VHF he was. ti t,li hr,imo, ,,;, eh, uu•• • T,mpio tl,l/11 Pltte etli.fic1tt, 0111111111 Years tlopo /11 •rm1t,t11 •• lil,ri • z• À lu,,., J; .A'#auflo Ji time ·eommun,mt"nr, 11pprtjfo t111ti.a.IJ, /111 ./I,, Who,fo J' .4r"'crli fuck The' .A.ltAre, which is pre - (or, g .AJ/'tfll!the, . . .to X J ZH J. '..:r 1 t H 1 T o;(' D l ·IlO M .,tc Of the pious, the Temples delltt Concordia. C ..A P., .. r,,i,pt; ihtr. God, w I T h The Temples of Concord were of· and"""7" f.• the ancients built I diuerfi places • V or-toffi Camillo fe he riconcitiaua Ja Plebs · ghi. co' Noble, of edilicare Ja cafa Jella Co...:::; ,;;. .._ , T,mpi, l,Hc. cordia,& easily and efficie(fo the built in ir:12.za CGme · '"'"'.c'"'" "• fcriue Plutarch. Varro says from the Capitol, & the c .. ,,.,c. ll, iul .S rni,p;, ,1,u,. C•wdA II ni,ru pofuit lMX froxim• tnnplo M,na,._. r flu•fm/Mblimes •lt• mm,t•grllllus, is:,t. f•• ,...,,. • the' Vedonli still eight columns of the Porch of that cac;.-:,:;:,·,,u. ago o.de (the faliua percent fcagli.ni a_l Temple d.th e M<>;.'""""'";" ,i, neta,dqualeera in the Fortress Capnoliru, as d1 Covers a F_,J,.;, Lih,r balbnza habbiam said. Appretfo Fuluio the son of:•;.:z' /". Libertine fi voted to build the vna dear aJla Còncordia fccr1: clH ,.:::_ he .metteua peace between the order of dc Senators,&: de Caualie• ,.; f•tt,. r,,& the built appreffo, & confagrò was the piaz.za of artist vulca. r,,,.,;,.The. no, with grandiffima iuuidia de Nobili, of coodannagione t:••mJ,, •• pofte,&: rifcolfe from the vfurari, as fcriue Tito Liuìoc, 8c ,,c0 ,,. u d' . p1m10 C .c,..,c• Pli010. • F 1poue-urata,. :a.-&: rmouata from Or . . on1;,,.;, and ,fol• G,.m, ,; pholus, after Gr.acco &: Fuluio, with dolor graodiffi.'u/ •••f."'°"' mo of the people were cut à pczz.i, that of not..?""' j.•t te was fcritto in the said Temple from some queite words.c:::.;c;:.:· op V s V Co R D I }E. T E M p L V M Co N.,."" ,,,,1,0• CO R OF the STOOL T. that is, vn'work of pride has Mono n 11ll• made the Temple of Concordia. Are a few, fc:ri..fi•.• • and. it was sound that One of the Praetor, and the{estate in Gaul for com:anda-. t•:; ";. ,': chin de Senators,fi voted again, he d' building care T em.pi,,1,11,, and,,. pio Concordiac, dt which is mentione Appiano quan-e.,of•. do it says: The Senate built the Temple of Concordia. · T,mpi, d.tO, Liuia still built vn Temple, dc:th e said• for the Share .;;:J.• f• cordi a,which was between let it l m:spirit,ilq11ale was appretfo confa. •'•Jìw,'.: grateful J,1 Tiberius. Ouidio ne' faib. M .. 1;, Pr•· H11m tNtl confti1uit tmitrix & r,bus &, Ar•.;c .r•. . -T1mpl11tj, ,fi,ifti fJIU colis ipf• DIA.,.";!.'.,';'-In what Temple they say clfere ftato vna Sardoniccc,difi,:,, .! chiufa inside à vn golden horn, gives.a_da eJfa Liqia: the .c1,;,,;,.,s,1;. what Gem, faiuc Punio cilèrc !tara of Polia.co . -. or;g;ii,edbyGoogle • lIBJlO .I'{_,TO: 164 tir.hymn to Samos, which was cast into the sea incaftrau tl'.To•Pl-.d• vno ancflo gold, was renduu by vn Pcfce,'as P•.,.. ..and• . 'hie,,,,,,_ . • n_ ago .li was pleased to luck, deJU what voUe re 1 per1enza. Gi•i• J; :r• Was the Temple in the portico of the effia Liuia, as fcriuc .,,,i.,,,,the,. and• fier• Li11i• Ouidio ne' fafti. Tlf1"tJ, m11gnifie• Cntordu""'""".4,tk• ;';!P!:t-: Li#Ì11 'Jllllm c11ro pr'.flitit iJ/11 1JtrO, ' ; ,:'hey 1:. Dift1 1Am1111Jmlltu UIU 1Jbi I. mili ntllU lfl • Ptlier"• ti.,,,.., of f11Portit11s i,mn,nfa 11811f"iffe Domus. It was still in the predicted Porch called Claudio but .and•h.,,--'.and• . . . •• ,' ,, .• ,, _ it was roumato d rr "fattod DOIDltJaDO l Nero, & apprcno r1 to N,e,rtic• ,fuck d mcd cli mo title, in order to: Marti.:ale. Lilli• ,,,.the ""!.'i•'". Cl11•di11 diff,tf 11111hi PortitUI 1xplif11t 11m/n,u • tllmA !""' "" .-11•'"1'"and l, Coeor4••· Vl " . · T' 1 ';..'ee6tu.& oncordsa, c;>eu .. u or three that w p1az.za ,and Por1i,odiLi 1,;,,.,._ ct.,,of,.l;-ref•n•d• c1 ere-,.;,,· ,, Of the Temple of Jfide,& of Serapis nelfEmporio. and .A P. r 1. ..,.,. N,11. r•R• R And D e T a ll or a few,& fcrilTero side-d,11 •. c,,n,,r ra, cheil Temple of Concordil, il_qua-,,,,,,..•f.. the fopra h:ibbfamo p,n""' tbl-and that Was vltimo ddla via Sacra,011e-hora el•arch of Titus and the steep The air nuoua, /i!,/,: of• iing,r1. ' l'·.And the garden, and •• ,1 r,mpi• oue, and . '"lfìd,,t,S, porio, place oue 6 raceuano-markets, and fairs. r11p,d,. . . The Emporium, Of The Temple. d' l" C .A. 'P. Y I 1. i-Te ,ure. . ,.,,,,;11,,,<• ·L T And MnP t . d1Tellure, fruitful, and . he!'"-r.. ,,11. fim, • _n _,,.,,,,,.. eu·Pubho Vmorr, was in the qµart:1 region . _ ••t·. . of Rorr.to the ancient , closer to the Pal4u.or, r,pud,Tji c,etl, • eh, p,,flo, fl '""'"'. 4 """ p,r ,. 'flÌII C11puoliM LllterAn:n.a . ago . .-. . . But the pcrfone litterate j J call Blllti Gallic,therefore, ch•..j 4• .ven iui were fepoltii the Gauls, iq11ili out chc'l f•.••;,g:ii. The capitol, Rome faccheggiaronon, & then part ',";• ,JTm. of pelte, part of iron, all perished: people uc Liuio, atfuefatta the humìdo , & the cold here-eh• c•l11;'i,. died in a short time 6acchezza, & of pelte fi great "'·17 :_; .:nquantità , that ìnfaftiditi from fotterrargli made vn mon. :;:-and you de bodies of them, & all in vn time .them abbrucci.lrono;the qu:àl fcn did, that then the said place was in a call. 1to Buft.the Gallica: & the medelimo of,in the middle of the City, that fo no today the bullies G. 11lici,was Camillo and tuppc the G3lli ;N,,. 1,;r,n9,.,. which effendo:iffèntc,& sba.ditr. R?but it was creato_Dirt:;!;,;.; initialization! . a ragout?ato vna molmu.mc .J counts.mt . g1unfe f•• 1,;j,ri•. addofto Afloat encl t fproueduta,1qnal1 of vmorJa fi glo riauano,& the broke and fcon6fiè. tolfe them the gold, & the to!.king of prey made,& eight miles distant from Rome on the via Labi .. 11-"""..:.,.J:.cana the oue fuggédofi baueàno fact tefta,furno of nuouo ;.•.7,. ,,, ;fda him fconfìtti, & coli was called C3millo,after Romo-fmn'• building.lo , the fruitful builder of the Rom:to. Scriue V crrio , that and•"""' R•• and u called the Senones, qttaft Dinners, so that ne-;•;-s,,.,m. uamenre had come of Gaul Cifalpinan, & Ccnon .; o-f'"• iD Greek ,ubl dir .11110110: impcr9.b.' the G. lli, hauendo ,., ,ofl "'"'". ... !_ceQ..n .n o;g;i;,edbyGoogle li S,11,11; r ."••at'•IR Brenno ptr Capit.anus. prcfrro, faluo the Campidogli•.t. . . ,.,,. ,. GJ-Rome •"' all, Ja is h . rou1narono. ,-s · . · •• cc, and,:g,began , &;,;:;;Ť;,,. Diconpcbe inaopo.4.vn:to.no. fur.ono !ifattc the ma · ura dl _ ,,. ,-p• ,t'.," nuou<>, '& fi did hab1hra _a .,,,., ".•p• '•.in itrade pubbcht. But dr war de Scnoniae r:z=.. <.!. fcriuono aJfaa d1tfufamemc Tito Lìuio, & Plutarch.to . , ,l,ro 4, h" was gta. vn place and and nana to g11..' . d1 vna .arena "olta fiotrtoioprl in Efquilic; . R IN 1! . 'The . . h n. . • :r.. . · ., ': & cc,mmc,aua from Tauemuola, that a hona ..ali conteoeua in qudlo fpacio, oueè hoggila flA J::;-• ; the Lhrdà to shut fandforno melting Peter is jack M. ircellino in via The. c,,;,.;.,,,...eh, ••fidm,, ....a. • ' bk2na, & walking ru pel cigl,the gne of the nearby mountain . -."'""ii•· EfquiliM {i diftendeua inlino à b11fli Galilei, & quindia••• eottno_u•-in up to the Chiefa of fanta Lucia in the Silica; so that the said> ..l.,c"J'?.'· place today for the word cotrottoè·d1iam::ito Cma•to,. ;t,.', h' that is Carin.the. Under the which place is the way to call S11 ..aM•wllin,. burra,percioche fuck the walls of the land of Carina 6._ch;,r,. .;r,.,. llendeua ,as fopraè said. Scriuc Varro, claws -.1L1tcr,. '" C:itinc were joint with the monte Celio • Was already in the qlle.c::::·r, dit. I lut>go cofi who. mar or, the c::ifa Po1npco the great; & the' .,. ,l ""'P' fmola of Pompey Lcneofuo liberto, ilquale was com.,1,11.•.,,4,.,,,,, pa.no in all fue efpeditionì: pofcia effendo dead· I,f6""'· tl' organ Pompeo,fofientò l::vira fua coltenerefcuob, & iofea.,,_;;;'t' • gnòne!Je Carin.,& neJTem1>.iod1aTellure. FuoltrcàaC'•f. tli p,,. the one in the Poem of the cafi :anuca from Ctctt0ne, I. aquileat•• M•g,,,, M:trco Cicero donòàQuintofuo frateUo,& he ba..,,;"•; . b1tò in the mountain called Pal.azt.or, for efière more rooms,,..;:.•L4,. the square • Dicelì even:the , Cefare Auguflo eflcrc committee .a.,,l,bm, of the fed ntl the said place. Tr,1 if dettoluogoe'l Vico,that is, l',mp,, M• village Ciprio, was gràcia, hostal a 11 T1gillo fororio.oue was done pat&r· 1!"r.'w l"'. sound as fuck vn gmgo ,· Marco Horatio to purgac•,• .• ,., •• ,... it was•.king Ja fcderarezzacommef a, qu.inuo amazzo Ja 1_., r.ore": tliciae 1· ., J.,.,,.. cu, it was some others say the coli call of the conu.lltione, that ,,,.,,;, • .Auz• fc::candle ìnlieme · Tullo Hotlilio with MNio Sufr:tio. Scril!and · MarcoaVa..one I. C:arine .ofi e1fere call• .:.,fl• ('gold. _ .;;. eh• ,./the for.ouie '11Ulldi. U1Comui.aa u the via Sacra; laqu::w. . :: ··· Z IB'l{_O !lJ'J l{TO. 167 other ninth and .was .hì2mau Ceronia • Scriue Virgilio eh ia-n• I, I• mandole the Nice Laute,that is, lplendide and douitiofe,fn .. ciuand? he.says : And for all of sees.to the .nn.re', & .:"'; !::: inside the square Rùmana, & in ·fplend1de Reeds of the fen-1,.,.,,. ,. .•ftat.iva mugliare • Chiamolle L. iute fruitful, that fi ere-.J,tt,.de, for 'the elegance,& belle1:z.:the de the ed16cij , that you and,.,;,,,•.;,. were. It was more than that :ì this is what fpacio the palais des sports.z.or the King&a-;"•. Li",. !, the .er.I Tullio, & the village chiafl!atoaScel<"r:ato ! oue ;,;;;tt • _ was vdc,fo,1 said the King; of which it is menuone Oaidio end P&l,tJ.• , 1..lalli ' saying. l, 4, -,s,.,... T... .Ipfl fub ef1•ilij_s vl,i ,r4t was• rtgia and fos• .,4. y;.,. ,,,,., ••r Oteid,t, Or' dur4 fanguirulentus humo. .• fe1l1r•t•• . Oue of the Dianio, fcriue Tito Liuio, saying: T:arquinio •: ""·. ,. oll'hora embraced at the waist Seruio Tullio, & raised in T,.;:=;::. ,: the earth ponò f11ori delb Curia, & the fell to baifo down to s,,..,. T;,,_ •l:fcala, when eitli gi:the mez.z.or mort, rc.almcnte ac-ti,, accompanied in the tuoregal palais des sports.z.or fi riduceua: & etfen.do peruenuto à l vltimo of the village Ciprio, it was rad.iun. 1:0 fuggl"ndoli by the send of T .uquinio that the pertegui-, . . . v.,, and,,,.. tauano., & cour..was tag hiatus to 1· ' usd.1 • . Was and h.1amato 1 ·1 b or-ir II f•oJf• goCiprio, .n l'[inside Ul)ri, but pcrcioch. the Sabi-,;;.;,,,.: r 11i, as fcr1ue Mirco Varronc. when vo&liono dir ., .. ,...,;.. b"onò , say Cyprus • Of the afa .Aurea 'l\,erone. C. A P. XI. gL P R e-Ne IP AND Nero, comefcriaeSu'-,:,.f,.A•"• tooio did ,na cafa, which cominciaua by tl, N•,.,.. .-Pal:luo, & fi dillcndeua his Efquilie à ,,,..,,fi,u,. .. guifa of voa the big City, & veniua linfinò ,,,,..., to the tower of Maecenas, as fcriuono some. Comin-c:iaua between.l monte Celio .and tra'l Palau.or, as ftriue 7aci,or. In the building known as cafa rouioò many editìcij. L""L". . H. ,., . r•• ,t, N ,,_. ,the vw and m,r.,,,,., v, """. ,1111nrr• ttrtnlU • .,, • l .J1.bjltder11t ,mi-fdU au. f up1rbus "l"' Apprelfo foggiugnc. .. . . Mlllllj, um, m11fiMJtfl in 'llrb, tlom,u. \ .TO'{TICHIT.4' D-1 ltOM..4 \ v,Tm opus IUllll,S '1111#fai, ,J}Miw,,J, lfflN/1111 ."° b,,uius m1'ris j>,iJ• m#Er• tamt • H ,, "I""'"fa/or ejl 1114/,Jo fub 110milur1g,the. Sed qui11 '"""';" viji, 11"w1 f111uft. rJi}i, • fAt• Onne oc were 1 ,foi verfì 1nti-afcritti •. •• fapr • fi• Rof114 Jomu.r fiet: YeUJs 'mi1,r11t1 .ritu .. ,.,,nf• ••f• · ..I.. ' :11 J •""" ,t; N. s, """ {7 J/ ,.,,, OCC#flll ;,, •• 11omus • m• " here Qgetb from him before was c.mata Tnnlitoria,then co. ,, mpi, fum.1ta by the Fire, & of nuouo ref.uu. it was called. D11';'f, ,,,. u Gold; he was Nero in the cofa, no more cbnnofo ;.•,,;_,:,.,::: that cdific:ire Gue{ta cafa. It was the passage of that.1.1 the Gri.4•t. d l so great, that in elf fuua vn Article{fo, that is, ftàtua l'•nd,ro """ Gigantea, which was high a hundred twenty feet. Was a.'"l"t;••-,,. to wealthy , & coli, great huh' she baucua the porch of tti.fl•;.: ,.;The. plicat or, ilqual teneua for length vn mile : olae .,. ,1,,,. ,1,11. •• à this baucua vn the lake, ilquale was as vn sea attor.i• ,.,..,.,.the? JÙ;lto of edificij à guifa of the City. Eranui over à this vil• fut•'•w· the villages, cultivated vineyards, and pafcoli, and felue with amount gwi.tltl ;:{;;"" de animals domeftici, & faluatichi of ciafcuna strong•"'"" ••f• •• Was all commeffa à Gold intcrfiata with various gemmer•• * * * ai N m-& pierre preciofe. The antlers of the colon, oue of them ccnaua the cra. no d'.1uorio ,richly lauorati , & fi volgeuano of the,'· 11 f• •:: .. .;n•: so, that for certain fillole and spouts fpargeuano 6ori_en . No, ron,. precioJi odors ; & the principal fala , oue 6 cenaua, was u.Inf. nir• e, tonea, & continu:built-in 3d day and night, as the (• drll•_••f• machina of the world, ft giraua intomo. Were the bathrooms •11• ;• d, N,-d aèque matine & albule: & pofcìa that was built this C3on;::,.•Jir.the is-is he with.fàgrò & dedicated, & diife that well as the hor:a has.,,,.,,.,.;g_/t, ueua started to have bi tare as a man. Which J.,u,. uf• •11 and.afa fcriuendo Pliny says, that it folari executive Aurea · t•• d, N•-di Nerone,with merauigliofo ani6cio were fcolpiti vccel.;;,,, of N,. them silver. Compiefe Nero in the medefima nn• liopo ,h, is the Temple of Fortune, whom he called Seì:.a, confa.btbb, provided grau from Scruio King. Q.!!efia eifendo built of marble 1. was,, • ••f• rr.mfparentc call:.ato Fengite,chiufe the doors,rifplendc.i::;;, d,ll, ua as of the day inside. Q!Jefti edificij all, appreffoForrun11S.the• rouinati were by the Emperors, who feguitarono, & d,n1,, '" ••: nuouo were built other edificij. Scriue Pliny haucr f.• '"""' d seen two vol.c: the whole of Rome , surrounded .folameotc by two N"'"'· Qfc the doi Principles, Gaius Galicula and Nero.: & dances inM•".".•F,to. iino ;the here hauer talked about ancient Rome bora we want to ,.,,. • 1 •1••• • 1 Jtro,,ht 1r•f• to speak of the field Rotten. ,.,., & '""· and• o•• W• tro. Of the campo Martio, & de ornaments that. D..,_,,.,. C. A P. XII. ,., .. r, ',.r,. . . ,1,, /•• .. • llf aV R or N, or already in Rome in the fields, doè quite R••• • w• re,or squares pri11cipali of that, the c:1m t• a, f ,,,.,., •' 0 ""'"a fter M:my,the Efquilino,the V1minale, the one ,h, :fi , d. grippa, 1 ethane, 1 ,.,_ ,,. 1,. Cin.the,. 1 . ·t Cod ·1 Bruulno, t ·1 "' f"•' '"o · Lanatario,the Pecuario,& vno of the from the Teuc . '1'""' f••• refuori of the number called the Vatican. still Black-••·or c,mp, ,..,,. Give: but the greater it is the most beautiful of all was the campoMmio, ilqualc for grandez1.of cdi6cij, & for gardens, !:;:;-;and,.:;..cra m.>lto ragguardcuole, cognominato from Mars,that's why. 1,••f••.•• ili c:hc the ancient à what lddio the confacrarono. Scriuc R,,..,t,f"• Tito Liuio, that segment fuffe fcn that the other camoi of lt • . . M · n.f · 'D. au--T. uqwn10, which, as d r.uprczzatore delia g1ut.tt1a was "••P• .,• ,;, .i ,,ì. bd.c:hfamato Superb, after the effilio of the f111fero itati 10, ., ••t· ;affcgnati ;those Citizens , who nonhaucuano the ground,fo-1,,., of ,..,, • .bmind the field -ilqualc was among the Citti there l Teucre was f,. ""'".""• coniacrato à Mars, & called the campo Martio; place';,';,,'." '.• c,eu, fi ragunaua the people,&oue is clfercitauano the oo-C••r•· M11r fe dcl!to war : but it was .or.the of the .ura ! J< .PP..elf was ,;, .•nfw11• a-acch1u10 inside of the City for the d1fcord1e c1u1h, and to :i, " "'"'" the fcorrerie de enemies foreftieri; join, and/estate that r1:;,:i:•· plain and easy :the entrarui, fcmpre the faccheggia-;;:...,. r.1.:,. must be: perdoche at the time of the freedom them diftcndeua quc-,;, ,,, /•"' fta pianur:r, down to the bridge Miluio, & the Seaato molcc 1.,u, _,,. times pentò to pull the walls of the City until à bridges, ;u. cm.i; but the vÌetarono the Arufpici, saying not eflère lecit., ,,!::tr•JI that the Comitij you focelfero, that is, that the people 6 ragunaflc Gri'-•t."" denrro alb City • Makes mentione of que(b fcn Marco, and,,.,. M••• Tullio ncll'epillole Attic. Belìfario embraced '", or· there,,. ""',..',.• vn wall all 1·1 mentioned fip.ac10· 1n· linen a1 Teuere, as fe ,t ,.,,.,. fcriue Procopio. Have fcritto many c of c dd field N•rri• "" Martio Ouidio, Liuio,and Domitian, ilquale fcriue in quc-,.,.,. "',.,,.oJl() way: they made contiglio, apprelfo putting. pu-1• ""',.. . bliN o;g;,;,edbyGoogle .A t{TICRIT.A' Dl 1(.0M.To the public you.you goods dc tyrants, & the dtttcro prey .To Citudini • acdochc ugn'voo fc ne piglialfe, & cutèuuo ne p:irticipalfc, & by dewey! cro throughout the land• as.cdi it haucuano polfeduto, à those who do not luucuano for.tito .and.makes no, folameotc cauandonc The field already. .""!r Jl•r cither the Ctttà is the Teucre, ilqualc conC g,aroooà Mar. , .. • and!}:r."' you, that is vo lawn good J>C' caualh, & very opnnttu.ee co,and w the war. .and- The•,,.,.,. .. .. no pc g10UJD1 chcrc1un on lately """ . ,,,,. '. r . d . ,,and.,,,,.,,. ito the field before , that futfe confagrato fc the haaeua vfilr.c-_-,, M,r-pltO Tarquino, & the liaucua fcm,born • Hora haucodo '" •f••pm , the Romans allowed the people to take away tuni the t1.r,,,,.,,.,, to u1 en1 1 Who trrannt, not vo acre conce ere and I"'"'• 1 . b . d" r. . . lr. d eh the /•and. or.. , f•J/'m wheat 1 JtOM.4 r.,• ùl• flow rate,the bow of the qu.ùe, oue was the Temple of Faano.· .... '4/flf,• rdlò fommrrfa in the onden. Vedeli inte,to laarenae the l ;. T•.""; stern, oue already was the Times\) of Efculapio, cones;iunto with the ;=:,,•z delubrocioe fem;>I d1 G;vhf. Ouid10 it' fouls. .Ampit fabo mmph4ef, ro,oniJ, ,w111rn, f'•,_. . T,,..ir, '• JnJ-,t11 dù1id1111 q1111 p,,mit 11rnnisAtf""•.;;.-;t.i;:!: l11ppìttr, ,n p,m, eft cepit l.c11s'lln",s 11trll#f;, J11nil111JJfont m11gno ump/" nepow .A.110. re ... u u .hi1'11'ieM•. Scriue THo L1uio: is ndl.t called !for me, the Ede, that is, the ...,•..,,,_. The temple of Gioue. G. aio Seru1ho duumuiro, that is, d1 vnn •••• V1tn .n••.1• M. ig1itrato of dua men, dedicated & confagrò , that .1r&• • 1 ,,, • " . . . . Jil• ••-· . it was voted d, ,and anm mnanz.1 l'-... war Gall,ca L11c10 jlru;,,,..,,. Furio Purpurione Praetor of etl1fìcarlo. Vitruuio nd them.t,jf,,.pt.,, •. bro the fourth says: The ctfemp,or prolhlo is in llola You.; r,,,,r;.:• bcrina in the Temple of G,fm, & J1 Faun. O1.ud.nc' E. ili. :,:;..;;,,.,; Jdibus 11greftis f11m11nt ait11ri11 F11#ni • 1 Ai ,h, d,.,.. Hie 11bi diflr,t111 lnfu/11 rumpit a t the f#IIS. r• ,d,fi"" •. Scriue Tito Liuio , Gnaeus Dommo Enobarbus, & Gaius Ttmp1t t. Scribomo Building The conduffào of auanti to the people à tbrneal -,: .awn• ... ,,,. .n ,,,,, f• d·l• g1u d!CIO· · of quc Ilo mv 1u· fiura.on · d.1bett. 1am1, de: 1.1 w hat the cu:n ,n. . 1·1r,t11,t, or furonoconJ.mnatin1 & de 1 dan.:m d1Cotale conJanna• "" ,..,,,; . gaone did the Temple of the Faun ncll' The noise Tiberma. V[' ••1 ,_.,,, It was 11 in the Temple by the Faun ,n tclfa dvquelJ'lto.a, oue of the Teucn1 mf•'!"'n" .... , refi J1u1dc I have two p. arts, dtl quaJe the Temple is not there, she sees •st•m,,• ' r lf•l• T,1,,. hogg• aIc_uno ve1tig10 The perClO\ · he da11'ond. the. r··cue.c:n _. rin11. . he was or.,prtllo. the oneu active.anti in that laob &•to the I eroua N•fmm,., percaolhe Efculapio, à where she is confacrata ,was tcn11. .• eof• ""• to the lddio of Medicine, & for such a fcicnz.to accept• ;:;;and ,,..;, to ntl number dc the Iddij, as fuiue Cornelius Celio. inrerpm•ro Was in the medcfima Ifob Jal Temple of Elèu.Lipio No.'• s.a,,.1.. lòcomio, that is, the Home de the mfermi, that from the fans ,,,,,_tr 'h' "' Girofamo is interpreted in the Villa dc: languishing , ndquale ,r d Ari• !t°':n J11fermi ,',no. place g11amalat1 lìncur.iluano ! waves comfortable aj P!CuO • duconod .. p•• l.am:nclu comedy tntw>lau, Pluto, phono mdotu gla ,; • "f•11••fi mfermi in the Temple of 'Eti:u!Jpio for fans.trios: & . 1ppreilo ';.f,:i':P::. d1 Plautus nc:1 curcultone, is condoc.or vn ruffian!> d1 Cap.Who the•f• j, s .. padoc1.1 mfermo of m1lz.to, of the liver, & lung•nB.rmlomto tbrfi lying in the Temple of Efcu.Lipio,; the vcLtig. the ""Nfa.1•·'"' for some.in,or.1 houili veggononc &lihorùdi fan .B.nto. J ":1• •EN ,,,. lomee • · o;g;i;,edbyGoogle LI B JtO Q..P I N:_,TO. 17a Jpmeo: the propinquo Temple, fi penfa elfere ftato pi• the entire EfcJ•eedificato,or reitaurato da Gelalio fruitful Pontiff. P4••.or-"• .,.. --. . '' ••t•.• ra . 1 still m que11 The ,. d ll d T ifi V. and fi place. 7 ro.but _ and naue 1 king-fl*r•t• •JI'•ueruno, from the vn side de quah to the tmagme of the Serpent, Who the•f•. that goes ftrifciando, that fi believes elfere the genius of Efcula-F.,.,,,,._ you.li• pio,to whom many of the cofe have spoken Liuio, & Ouidio "'""'. ti, T';"in vltimo book of Metamorfofeo • Scriue Pliny : he Was ;::;:;;:• • conducted in Rome the Snake Efculapio, which vniucr-The lfol• ,t,1 -;.: f;ilmence ,n quefta cafa and that one there, that goes pafiurando. I think ,..,,,& 1·;,,,.., therefore, the shape of the naue futfe, oue apparifcano i !'"' to,1 for.uuolati ,.infieme with Serpentee, that goes ftrifciando , so ';,"';-;: 'I;."•!iirono excellent gli_ men of qu.l te.po and ftudioli ,and;;:, cl,, j-: ,. m changing the nature m the art, or The art m nature: but cidm, the Ro, we return to the hormai to the campo Martio, in order to we of-.Artiftm d.,l -rifll•.f•11. · We left. and.the 'form• Of ornamentidel cam"Or Martio• 'l' ............ . X I I I I. Rom•ing .. • pru•the r • - omam,1crrne between one? little,,,.,.,,. • -V •h"R S b :ittendendo more to the cofe neceff:irie, them R,,,,,. ••l r .. , took care to beautify the City. The other is that "Jl"or. "' gliapprefio feguitarono have filled I say-""';if..•Ir• . king preclariffime, & fenza number, I lose-,t,,: i "J.'fi. that Pompey is the diuo Cefare,& Ottauio1&: the forella,mo-•.• ,,,:;,:':, daughter, &billions, & sons.of that, to make the City Ch,fNroru ; adorned fuper:irono in the fpendere,c in the love and diligeo-p,.,.•.• th• and•. 2.to all the others ; de such as ornaments n' has the field Marm.•m:;;'!' tlo most tv, .ori that the natiua _ver.the structure of the P. a-& ...,.,:'1; and.or , oue fi can effercttadi & make them 1mp1gro : perc10-and;.,,, of R,,which is maraui&Iiofa grandcz1.of effa plain, is capable The cap, M•.-. de corli of the carret,e,& coli de the other elfercitij & giuo-,,. ";;1 l'"' who :the cauallo. Oltré à qucfi:o ferue to the game of the pal-::1:. • ""Z: la, the circle, to the fight. I say de the herbc that iui 1,,...,J[, 1. cci• f-cmpre verdeggi1no; de the hills around the river fcmpre t.the. d., lf,m,., crowned; the f..ftcoli diequella foer.and, raepprefencaneo !;.;"',;,:;:; g _ vn the face, The dinner, ta 1che with ffiecu 1ta, & here t 6ed.and!cipo M•r · while forced fi diparteno men from suffering from . ,;0, '5-• ,,,. Near à qucfto field lies vn'another field, a minor, ..,fo •••· of the qùale ago meotioae Catullus when he says; If you love me !,,•ud, d,I · '#f0 1411""• Y to ccrtheOigiti,edbyGoogle And t L I an.. . .XTICHIT.4' RJ)st .=.•:;!:;=. seek,ne. .nii c.ield Are more than á 'luello intomon _. _n ••n•111;,.,,.; elf port1c1, or logg1e 1nm11ncrab1h, gund1ffima1 ,, n,L ••"'I'• quantum of horti, three Theatres inlieme with the Amphitheatre, M,r,i•. Temples very wondeful continued the vno with the other, c.and qu.ifi that it is not them p.irc dimoflr.ino is beauty,& gr. 1. . ll•"-;'""• ti.to the rest of the Citd. In addition :the quelto fiimando the ':;,['!,.:::':,the said place elfere rcligiofillimo, we built in moni.,.,.,, M•r-minds,. lepolt1Jrnc of men and women !)Or?iliffimi.n _ ti•. Are glt ornaments of the said field dcfcr1ttl still from Marti;ilc in the fruitful book. Jt.u/'.it was them ..A11;p,/f•. (!r was, lotli; ,&_ r... 1,.,1;,.,.n M•uf•'•• éi ..Augu /1•. . d . that fempre !'.rdeggiano,.lto two hundred, cin.:;[.:• ,,. . p•ft• pr.ffe quanta cubm along the r1ua of the river. :r,,.,,... Nelù fommità of what is pofta copper ftatua of . Auguft9r LIBJtO RJ I'l{fO. 171 .a.Ro,& fuck in Aggerc, ouer maffa of elf, I phono ,,.,uli r• jc fincflrelle,or tlanzette, with the ash file,& dc fuoi ';' t: .A•:,.or relatives, & confanguinei. Behind the said Maufoleo there is JI::,;;: /.';. .n bofchetto, vhf phono marauigliofe Rrade, & places ,,,;,,. ,,, r .. fpafii-ggiare, & in the midst of the fp.1cio of elf place,there is the M•11fo/,. •. .ircuito of fuo Bully, built even dfo with stone P•'"h"'•"" t..· . ,,.• 'u,1111• h ' .u1anc to,u1tto with ,erro caneeIl:no mtorno; & d within a for ,.,1 M... 1,. r,and fc medefimi you nafcono peoples,or Poplars, arbo1 the coli 4'.A11twft•• -call:iti. The first fepolcro call.1to Maufoleo was eJif.-Off• d'. l"ug.earo from Artemifia wife of the King Maufolo to fuo husband, fl.;..ir d,'f,.,. 11 '01'"!'""'"1e fi d. fi ' ·1 r. alia where 1em . r. b.1an1.to Auguuo 1 and co 1 1epoIero The cam ('•ft• ,.,1,,,.. po Martio. Agg,unfeui over à the vn porch mii-r,111, feet; barrels & bofchetti of marauigliofa bellcz.the.a: Duhi f• •·eonde Suetonio in the mortorio Augullo says: And' pofarc• ,iiftu,, the{'rie11ole _r.liquie .el Maufolf'or _, the tJu:ile oper.1 is among the way.::tr;;-:,.'j..eFlamm1a,& the r1ua of Teucre, built by elf Augufio · p.,,ic• ,;in fefio fuo Confolato . Verg ilio in fefto of the Aeneid , -miU, ,;,,1; 11cl mortorio Marcello, still in the way. ""M•,.fal1• §2.!!1111101 ili, 'tli,11m m11gn11m mAuortit 11J .,,,1,,,,, • '!;"'1,if '·11 CAmpus 11111 gtmitus 'liii 'l"' I/,,rin, 'llid,l,is. _,,;:'g,.ft,•,.., Fu•er11eum Tumu/u,n pr1.t1rh,/,w1rceentem t ti• ,tl,ft••"•Delquale place still makes mentione Caffiodoro in-Il_ N1111ftl•• the Epillole. Veggonfi• hog&the grandifiìme relics of elf "'-1.;. d. r. h. "1,.·• ... ,.,,.s R •. r The . . . ,,au10 eo v1cmo to Temp10 today . anr.the first of elemofine built • And' the said building f• tli f•"'• rirondo, & form:the spherical, muraco à bricks here-Rm• • Ri.drati, in guifa of vnarete around, waves veggia-/ 11'"';_."/" ç,1 mo each and every day difotterrare of many marbles, among which ,: s,,,,:!:': .was vn breue Epitaph of vn certainly a freedman of Auguftofo-M11ufol•• The between the marbles, that says in what way • .A,. 1,,.ft• of · who [orr, I, D M V L IR . M A RT y L I V-G VS. I L B E R.-t::;.J,fo. .T O A M A R M O R I E S 8 VS. l'•ff•"'"' 1, that is, à the lddij Hands confagrato :the Vlpio Martiale liber-dmt1tlift_&i••eto of Auguito fopra the marbles. It was already in the fpacio, 111!<""""' of·ioprahabb" b01co d. · · u,..,. 141 c:the wto 1amo said, vn r. The popo 1·1, c1oe M•"fau• 11di Poplars; so I think I am efière ftata call the por-..,,,.pfl••t of the people, & coft the Chiefa propinqua fanta Maria del B_•ft•tli Pi•f People : fc already, noA ti&C"and" Qu " and called the said place by the !' ",'! .:::[.• '" •••-r • Y J ed cro o;g;i;,edbyGoogle ";A Jl{,TIC1l1T.,,the JtOM.4 :l•rt• id,.. efferc very popular dallè people• like that today ••1• ;..• u,-all 6a-filled cafe down the bank of the Teucre: :.,iuji:':; oue fruitful coftume friend phono difegnate the ftra.· '-"•· de , & the lfole of the cafe. with the rope à drittura & fquadra, Port• .tl P, & maffimamcnte that bora is difegnata comincian. ';'• .m• ; do from the Temple of the People,& penetrating intino à to l.. •:g;: c.and today it is the .e7:zo, & the City centre • .efta l_l.and. ,. :•""• the ,.;, g1one the fi rdh1gne ncJ canton of the field, Mamo,r"" • 91111 eflèn,do as vna Colony of nuoui Habitatori, the magician, • ';";.A""! the life of Lombardi, & fchiauoni, is chiamau when..;/,.,9;:: Lombard.to,& when Sc.!auonia.Haffi coi_nin.ato . fre . po 1, ,h, ,,, quentare the said place p1u of the folito,pcrl'1magme of N. , ... u. ,,.,,. Woman, when she gave birth, which a short time ago n_.•".';; •f-in the walls near the Teucre is fiata trouata , in vn , luo. /i'""0 ·"· por r. ,,_ r. •• Ji•t• •1,., go 1um.w ! & OlCUro it . . .J! the year of the G. 1ub·11 eo x p. J. 111 _ ,.,,;;. ,.,.; ,, .u·,ntr•• A D D I T I O N E. . •• • i:J' 11fcit• n. -J,'fortftier• N And L Maufc I or eo,or ,er. polero of Auguno, that fi•1 Y e-,h, 9-.1;.a,., de is still in the back of the Chiefa di S. Rocco à Ripctta ..Ztr• ."•to,,The• n.a cafe de' Signori Soderi! them,there were already d.and Obefifchi cm.id, R•· of vgual size fenza h1erogh6che, dc vno them ::;,;.,,.,,.;., diceaelfer fepolto in the district iui preffo , 6. . 1,-11i• L•-Schtauonia,oue bora ftanno quafi pholus pubhche meretrl-1,.,,., wlfr• -ci;& !'another fi lay a long time broken in more pieces.;. " " Rem• nanz1 the said Chiefa di S. Rocco, up :tll'year tj'85.nd Picc•l• who• q.to en, or 1 in the first year, de1 Bridge'6.timea, and cato Jitr•"'ll•gl, Sifto V. trying elf fommo Pontiff ormrc& hono ri•f• MÀd•n rare Bafilica of fame Maria Maggiore,oue with gradiffi.,.•. dm•. "•· but fpefa edificaua to shut fandforno melting Prefepe of noftro Lord vna .•.,••ro/,pr,f folcnnc, & the famous caapella à guifa of vn or in the Temple; ve loa I ,.. ,, J or rta .,u, ,,.,.,.. did lead;& bora 1 sees erected before • to' said B1li.;,11. City,es. lica fopra mount Efquilino, :tl right of the via Felice, - open from fua Holiness in the year 1586. & cofi called from the fuo name;the which fi ftende from said Temple as allaaChìefa of Santiffima the Trinity in monte Pìncio,ò aif ila-hill dc the horti, for a straight line , trauerfando for the mcz. 7.or the High femita hora ftrada Pia,.;,_& indi fcendcndo per_.avia that bora u says the Head of the Qfè the cb1i nomaca pcrch. 1111a · · -· cerm1. Dig,l>zedbyGoogle l I B, 1{_0 QJ' 1 .'1' O." 17.1 ttrminano the cafe, & books from the pute of the Cit_rà, &. fe ne afcende easily to the Monte Pincio, which on is very enjoy,Bt neceffaria to the common good.office, & public:to comfort , & mallimamcnte à those, who hab1tano in the district of Trinity, & of the People, to go to the Chicfa of fanta Seas.More: fopra that Obehfco, ft as :ì to fan Peter,I was tta.replaced in foinmità p:irtc of the ramc of the said Pope Sitfo• tome ft sees in them; which, at first, phono rre mountains, & fopra the vna tlclla; but ndla fua fommi1à there is little.fto the fam,or fegno of the Cross; to which phono ttati p.uti.col3rmente dedirati, & erect the said Obelifchi; them as others likewise, s•er.you, the ifietfo facro fegno will dicari , & ltatuiti; Et quefla is sometimes the intemione, & 1:1 m.nte of fua Holiness , as I said altrouc, so quefie memories, & momimenti profane de the ancient Gentiles fr conuertifièro in vfo pio llC shut fandforno melting, & futfero d. cl1cati to fommo God. The old Horiuolo of the campo Martio. XYI. Et 1 To part c:inipo Marrio,oue hoç-l.111t•,,,, .dngi is the Tempìo de shut fandforno melting Lorenzo in Luc1-m d,ll'.A• na, in the chapel nuo11a by Chaplains, was ,.,, was freight. · ,,.,. fuck ,,r .1a_,' q11c· Ila B_ .•ar. no mmat1 ·mr_nan, . quell_ or ,. 1• b•f, f•n which haueua slices degrees around with hnee d1lhnte d1 the hori,.,J, tl,l .ra(hicato stones, brackets, & haueua the medetime ".'.&, f'"'J.••nr I. line, , r. , d. r. , weu .,.,I_ AnguIo were':l four & V Of the place of the campo Martio , called Septi. C .A P. X Y I J. ·mV And s T or word fepta,means generalmen te vn a walled place around. ò with baftione, ò f,'fti, ew and .. 6 contain the animals. Waves ,"n:'•n. • Ò'n with the wall, oue _ . _ _ ,,, Digitized by G og the book of the anmhita de Jun. r,.,;, the Ifi, which is the Temple of IiìJe by the commandment of Ttbe• .• ';"'""!' rio was rouinato in Rome in up à foundations, & l: fla.to r fi=• .:;:;;: your than range in the Teuerc , the f.priests poit1 in ,,,,,.,,, & ,,. the cross, for hauere adulterated vna Matron, & gcnnl./l•t.• d1 qu,l a woman, fuck apparrnza de D10 r\clouds, pere1ochc 1•1••r•1• •11! in the Temple of lfide them faccuano of many ruffianerie.:to r, .. , ... tr, or,nue oIIJulO •. .,. f•c,rtloti bit . • •Ji ,,. c,,c,; N,u fog, N1/11u, mmfi11e11 fan-• luu,nu.a1 Iuuenale fimilmcnte. .. ,,,,,,1,. i, .. by,co,f.riue Jn to niodo. It was tJ uel fire in Rome pili rontAro • · 0 h-the •. Rome i·1 T the wicked· d lfìd1 and,,.,."· d1 S "d · r cm: crapt and the 1ept1,1 ·1 T f•ff• , ,,,,,,,. ch•f•-pio d1 Ncttunno, the Panteo of Agrippa, the Diribitorio dt u.a. Balbus,the Theatre d1 Pompeius,the portico of Oct.u,to,& the cafaa1/';;/ fi••. infìcme with the library of Gioue on the Capitoline. Was loves. · 1t,,,.u11tic• he was called Serapis. Trouo that the Ttmpli main pi, ht1Htff, lfi . s . . '. J And I / had tIB}, the J}JI?{tO: 17-411-à.in rqione of Pifcina publica, in te{b of the via . :· nuoua, built by Antoninus Batlìano close to the fue .h!f" .you,,• . . r. hermas, of the here and LCrrncn or part1ano d.tee: Coftu1. was ·1n'" ""'0"""• first introduffe in Rome the facrificij of Ifide, & the crifici the Ifi: he built magnificent Temples, oue a few years phono furno of-"". the!1' ,h.,,I, fottcrrati some marbles fpezz.aci , oue was fcritto, •ie.'"'.{c4ffi• •• -T 1 d S 1 •• R•m•; r"' · in•J•" rn•. :ucrme paro and • S EC VL OR HAPPY AS S AC ERD 0'S -1,.fc,ini,11i S I S OF S A L V a T A R I S C O N S E C R A T 1 or. d,,..,,,,,i, that is, nelnfecolo happy Ifia facerdote à lfide falutare };.the i• d.'IJn lDtagl'hiatus, 1'v· fr r · pii. _ ·nconfecrat1one. The other piece was rcritto in the mo.do. P0NTIFICIS V0TIS .ANNVANT DII ROMANlE REIPV. SECRET TO YOU AQYE M0R-. ,BIS P KING OF A A N N V A N T QY OR V M r,,,,p,,. you 1ftnNVTV ROM. IMP. REIGNS CE N..=..:'""• that is, à votes, & defi.lcrij dtl Pope ! iano fauoreuoli Jf,o, t,,S1r• &l' lddij,& they should provide the fecreti rcmedij aJle noftre infinni-pn, eh, ••f" ti , signal de which all the kingdoms phono come fuck ";'"·" 'of the Imperio Romano, f:uoltra queito d Temple of Ifide N,J:;:,,.,..Patri1ia in the region, Squ.ilina,how fcriue Publio Board,..,. r,uo te. It was !imilmeme in the king.ionc nuoua of the circulo Fla-,.,,. ,,1,,,.. minium Ifeo,& the Serapeum,which were places ptsblichi,the vno dc-P• "'t""';!"nominated q:lfìde, & the other from Serapis • Credefi the prc-t';;n,•:, q, such places etlère horn close to the Arc today Fields-S,ul,gold ul.liano,fuck the Chiefa quiui appretfo of fanro Stephano co /,. fl,, ,,, ,.. of the gnominata of Cacco, oue a little while ago we have seen trat-Nit, fiK,.,.,;to f.tterra ago ftatua .cl Ni!or ..rauigliofa grandez-.:";;::;:!.:'The : & 10 elf marble v1 phono The fcolpm some frogs , & lu-ti their ••4 ·certole from the fcultori of efiè made, percioche he calls them -,,., . concurring in the vno Va tracco, & other Sauro, which means the vno Lift,, the' s,-. frog,& the other lizard, & fi contentarono for pre-',i"J'°.To:;,.4;.·my, of fcolpirui the above-mentioned animals; which are the names of"" s,,.,,:,. lor dua rapprefentatfero. Scriue Lampridio in.ll vitaf,g11, of Eli•.d' Aleffandro Seuero. He adorned her Lifeo is the Serapeum with the-,;,& •hc •••· -year-old ftatue, & fegni of Eliaci, & with all the mifterij,& fa-.'!r,"'"';,.·s..>crifidj preft from Iìola of Delos, oue were cclebratiffimi. ,.p::: eh• ,or Scriue P!inio,that the Mufeo , Lifco,& the Serapco, they were in the f•fuffm, Or' .Ale&Gdri;a_ ftudij, & au.bulls publki, In the mede.mo"' mino, ., · -, · -fpact. '.To?'{TICBIT.'1'1 Oil Mills.4 l1•tu hf (women tt2no still difotterrati many penises marmlt 'f'•••• ,1,r,,. how is the fl.uua dd Teuero co dnoi fieliuoletti Romulus, '"•t• c.. li . .-. fi"'•'u" ,t; & R emo, and d 6 The ers. d. 1 Rorna, app1ccJn with Ja in the mouth :the 11e i•-'•, R, m:imelle of lura's nurse q11e!Ji. Was take.at the vna, 8c ••, trond, the JJtra tbmacofi of the Nile as dd Teuereenel the Vatican, I, •i;:f•ro• that is, in nice to see,& phono some who want in the deter1;.,:.; ,1e1 to place fufie already the Por1ico of Otu.,but it is not verwmie ,. .,.,.,,. i,-,1,1,co11c1o!iacofa that the said porch fuJfe close to the Tc:alternative> Nd• "!' v.r. by Marcel!or,cc-me difopra h.lbbiamodetto. ,,.,., "r1mp, ••,,.,,,11,,,_e,"'"' B,t-Deltempiodi MineruaCalcidica. 'r';ir• of I mV the tempiodi M:nerua Cal.idia, .elqua.the C;, 7>. XIx• .,,t,,,, ".·· C ,elk-fe ne see ancon hogs1""••"" ,r.. .the--proIli mo conuento de frau Sant.1 Mlria ' f:, . F · 1 fopra the Minerua , waves is today denomina_ • to Juogo. Veggonfi of mtorno around the r;;"!""..r., Ji ,Z;,,,..::. mu:to the said temple square in shape & Juoga feou Fm•• d,l ,;. roof, percioche was not very large forfeited & in.r•• d, M,,,,r ton:icaco, & filling dc's many ornaments. Vede6 still :• ••. fi ,.,. the shape of the one in the horti Jc friars preachers of St. · - Dominica ilqu:ile abandoned & guallo already many years f ipi,Ji Mi. phono, not feruitoead other,that à fporchez.z.and; & today .,,,.. "• who there phono rdifìcate cells effi friars added :the: the anriclic, •"•Jìc•r•. ;the fpefe of Clement V I I. QueHo temple was cdi6wo by Pompey the great; oue, he devoted & confagrò the orna• minds Triumphal , as fcriuc Pliny nelfettimolibro 1 l"tl" f: j ;"j-deUa natural Hiftoria, when he says: Coftui chefia u1p/;,..,?' so many times, Captain's inn:mzi chefoldato,porcia m.went in many Seas, & :ippre{fo ID the East,they reported those. toli, .the guifa color, that rcfbno winners shall compete. _ J ipì•Ji I-minds & ne the Olympic games; percioche Joro no phono I.,,{<. "• who coronaci,but a crown of dli their patric.Honoròa.unqoe .,,. •.••r•. the fua homeland of cot:ili honori in the temple day Minerua, the. 11•'!"" d,t. which from !ui was coofacrato of the fpog)iedc enemies. .neo k ttti:h,f• Pompey 11 great C:1p1tano, went to the end of the vn war d1 trea .011• ,,;,,,, • t:to years, hauendo broken,fcacciati,&, or cci, Ci,& r1ceuuri à pu.r;.';.;;:,.'[;',; you,ccnto twenty ccntemu of thousands of huomin,i, & foggiocau> lIBJlO Q. _PI?{TO. 171 pto & prero, & sunk eighty thousand naue, & riceuuto '"!'; '" fl••• à patti the nineteenth century, lands,& cafielli Thousand five hundred and tren Pop. M•f, 11• taocto, fuggiogato the paefe from hgo d1 Mcotide infi no ::,. 1.1';;: sea Rofio,mcritamcntc has fodisfatto quc:tto vote à Mi-,.; 'flirtu, ,,,.oacrua. The prcfat,one of the Triumph that he Triumph is f,,i:T ,.,,,.1, fiUdla. Hauendo liberated regions manttime from the cor-t7" •.ft•. the fates, & relticuito to the Roman people, the Empire of the Ma-'The'/!.;•!."re aell' Afia, in Pontus, dcli' Armenia, to PaAagonia, Ji ..,,,.::•.• Cappadocia, Cilicia,Syria,de Skis ti, de Jews, de Pop,•M•t ..or ftc to Mmidace & economy main articles: economy has triumphed . ' '' the Albani,of the' The noise of Crete, de Ballerni, & olrrc the que-,,.,.,.,;, ••· l"'P"" Jte. "'""• d11 Pi. p,0M11po. Tri,nft, of Pé Of the temple, and before fi cbiamaua -Pantheon, & today flch1amafantaMariaritonda. C .To.'P. Xx. ...,..... . . tioh•U•"•• . . . . . . And or them . 1 today 10. p1e· de 1 .1 the temple intact, ,, s.111• M• . The from the antich1 called the Pantheon, d1 merau1-rr• lt•""'fl• &liofa high:z:z.a, of the form.uotonda, & anti-Mcr•••t.111• . . The . r.l, ,,,,,, .. , •• .:.the uruttura • with the li1metr1a & d"iametro the-f V ,,.rcòndo that even,1 today fi see, in order to hogg1 ,;X"t..,.,,.. from the modculi is dua.to Sanu M. u-1.to roto.ida,ilq u.eu u. •• the Chic. or;g;i;,edbyGoogle J.'i.,TTCHiT.,,(-Ll.OM.A \ the Chiefe that speech in ancient Rome, it is very bel12.Fneditficata by Agrippa, there are some which fcriuono that Augufto was what the built,& that Agripp.t there aggiaa ,,..,,.,., ù fe on the porch: but Pliny, in the xxxvj. the book of.t hiftoria cm::'t::;; natural aftèrma r the ef1:"ere the breath building.ato .to Agrip•t ,bi. pa,when he d1ce: Was ed16cato by Agnppa d Panteo Hr,omi11, ,bi kluwer Gioue Vltore,that is Avenger. Similm;the."""'•'"• ;t te says, that Diogenes Ateniefe & Carfacide ornaroni11ollee'iif• already from the antiquity the corrupt & guallo. It was called the ::::: "l'•. Pantco, as fcriue Dione, oucro pereffereconflr:to or;g;i;,edbyGoogle lIBJtO R,_P'I l'{,TO. to mother de the ldbìamo dettll. Are still standing in the door of ra-'to . 1· " 11 p 1 m:.irauig to1a grandezz:the, gua ,and .,.,. À to,.114 . d.t webpage rr Temple, d. me from the antiquity ,adorned with ancient lauoro, fopra laqu.1! por-"'"'"•'•"• ca phono the gates of brass, & the Temple inside is orna-Por•• d !'! · ,,.,d,EN,p,• 10 marble forelticro of various colours,& ragguarde. . p••U•II ,.,, •• boIe, & commeIl.o & l.!'tar{iiato .er Ia d.1uerfitta. the worlds p1era ;,, ,poeschel•, three very beautiful. Sonu1 around columns ftriace, or-the rift•u••t• & co' their capitdli-moltoadorne,with their cappelk_t· • my t,mp• you around, oue were already colloc.1te the fl:atue of the lddij. ';; .•. 1111_·a Scriue Pliny; phono in the Panteo ì capitals Siracufani of-••1::;,.7;:: columns po!you by Marco Agrippa. Are feQute beautiful the ,,mr .. ftatue polte fopr.1 elf columns,but for ellè.elk and no mol H. mndo fi,· 10 celebrated. And' honorato in the so-called Temple of Hercules, the ••ificu • •1• which or.n•.nno i C:1rcag!nephi facri6c.1no meat, humana,& {f:,:..:./1 , egh Has 10 foot in the corridor of the Temple. Vedefi even:the b 1,. ff•• d H,r · time,•&. celtudinc of elf Temple lauoraca with marau1-col, n,t 11,1111 • • '" · p1.11111• .. eucr . . J?{TICHIT.To.' OF .llOM.A ,,fo,itt, '"' ouer the dome, there is the 6neftra round, so that the temple rictue . ,f.A..,,.,,'. . """fe,,,. for all the lumc:but accioche effa roundness no fuffe0r2. Fn, :,·::"' p.,,,,.. uatadalla too large maffa,daalto for up to mustache v1 fo • .ti•,, • ., no lafciati vacui, & everything inside the temple is incrolbto ò .,.,.. . covered marbles, & was now intonaccato,& in the froa•n81-"". . you sound lame mefcolate silver & gold, as the side• ,,.,.,,,,,,, . . r ,.,,, .. ra h 'them to tezu d' d cntro,pttn ,Mp ogg1neappar1 cono11egnr. L' l 1 ,. r.,,.. ,,,., Diameter is cquale to larghena,& in mcz.z.or of the tem• •• '" P. r11• pio is pertufuto & accommodato à riceuere the pioggu,that ""eh, ;ft-;:; v. ne difopra from that pertufo that tb fcmpre open. Oj.::::.,;,:,: , classes that the roof ilquale was retburato a few years phono ' .,. cl,i h•· Nicolao Q!!imo, & hora is covered puftre of lead, .1;.,,,. . appreifo de the antichÌ was covered piaftrc Silver .D,p,,, ut,!9 Jequale Colt.1ntino rerz.or grandchild of Etaclio, arriuato in ....•;•;:': Rome tolfe & leuò via.Q,!!etti entered into Rome,the fifth ,; ,,,t!• • of :.ppreffo fi gave à facchcggiarla,tolfe all the ftawe of ,, 0 The,,.,.fe•d-•• copper & marble that were there for ormmcnto , & 6mif. rl,t. "·' ,ll the mind with all the ornaments of the Chiefe that were the point"' !14 .,,,,.. apparifccnti,& potlogli inside of the naui, à this prepared, .,";',;no.,. glt took it away,& damaged more Rome, he in slices, which ,, ""; .11,,,,,. 110n haueuano did the Barbarians in the ducento fifty ono '" J,.,1,.,,. years. He Cc had brought those ornaments à Siracufa, ouet• .• 1mfl.• bagnandoti & waiting to fuc libidini, it was Mefcn.;,:, ;f;:fti tio dead à betrayal • Dellaqual fcn of all the Pro ,;n, ifput,. uincie fottopofte à Romans concorfeno foldati for am.,. •• ,,,,,,.,, maz.z.arc Mefcntio , ilquale elfendo dead, foppraueaae. . "' R'."'.•· 1 ro with the great army all the Saracini, & occupied Sir.to•,;';';.'::,,j,, hood and all.1 the Ifola of Sicily • .indi apprdfo loads of _n ,on• ,,.,f.,; prey tornandofcnc m Aleffandru fc, brought them feco ,iin .The•Jf-still the ornaments of Rome, which from Coftantio ia'J:· "' Et•'!;.· Siracufa were brass pipes, then the paO"are with cf. ,.,:.:-"Z ';/ fi I Co1dlantinopoli. Boniface the fourth Pontiff dina..,,f,,,,.;;ij.-l tione Marfo ottcnnecla Seal the Emperor, the Panteo, a ,,mpo to fio-the confacrò in honorcdi Mary the Virgin &burps the Mar• a;" "i""·'• throws Chrifto, cast out into the earth, the ftatue de Gentili, & , 'j-; • k;';; purged & blessed the temple. Waves apprcffo was chia• M••i•,17 mato the V cr1inc dc Mutiri. .efto Pantcofenz.to dub-111ni;, .,.,,,; b10 any was pear the other edi6aJ of the City of Rome,N•nu,. for the bellcu.a & Jplendorc from mar.I , & for &them aatichi Now> o;g;ii,edbyGoogle 177 L•lll, u entimenti: the fim,l1tud,nc dd which seems to Virgilio par. them in the libro_ddl'EaeiJa, .uJndo and.lt.cfcriue the Temple f.•;:,:.•.:l. _ Caruginele d, lunone And Ja note 1n that place, ch·and t•,tr 11,,.,.apprtlfo de .lianachi all T ,·mplt h .. 1Kuano vna noise"""••-•· entr.. u, & cra,-or high & r1lruat1, & you should do the way of degrees you fì N .,.1,,1, tli . afceadeu, ;onJe fì may compn sell as many liano requirements-:,.,.,,to.•rri fciutt' the .rouine d1 Rome: perciochc so were the degrees,,:::,;:.a'::; .a,. for .them fi faliua to Pantt'Or, qu:1nti phono those pc-r li ,,.,.; 11/i ,111,r ;, which ho11g1 fi difcende : of the that vedt>mnto the quelti years 11• • ,,.,11,. the fpcr1c:nza , elfendo ltato stretch of lotterra before :ì N,l_ P•"!tt! . '... 1· . J·,and.uo de1. Tt·mp10 \'. no.ca , 1 stone qua dra T bI urt,na. . •..,,,.,.,,,J. faiiu.,..,•• I have.• in amiporto d1 god's Temple phono column grand• ,, g,.tl, ,... d1thm,.,& the tteto d, that is with 1raue of copper gilded ,the hor• ago,.. with a&iume·in6eme à guif.to channels, & columns fopra the fc•t4••• * · quah is god the roof ( which primavi he was walled around, & ;;!.,:.; r,:; made of d,uerlè botteghu1ze d, trecconi, & riuenditori, pa,.,,.11, ,,. . ah king cofe vilaffime) oven Eugenio fourth Ponte6-,,., tl,/ 1, ,, •• cc-made nectar,& mond.1re, & reduce in the ancient fplen-"i of ••-• clore,waves elle d1molluno ago bdkzu of marauigliofo tr..;:· -. ed1liC10: & à r,ollri temfi phono lla1e-leuate via some . 1J; ;,.,., • . gf,pole & brought vi1 i c.alcmacci. & other immonditie, ""/"d.,.,. éh'were.mtorno to the dc::t10 Temple;& coli reduced in Ifofa, "· ,.,,., ••f• & from any b:inda fcoperto dimollra pt>r all the fua for the'°•'j•"'j, •• fcttionc-. Before à the hall of the Temple for the religious-!;;//:;.,;:. here.to de the ornaments anti,h1 do1 Lions, of equal grandcz. ,Jf,ndofì 4i -z.a, pictrJ that hangs à rofiiccio , colloc:1ti ciafcuno fo-"'""' fdri. . pra lua Balà between doi v. 16 d1 p• ,rfido with letters Egiptia• ,,, •_,,.,,.. •',,,,,,.,(!The' erme v1c10e The Mark Types• d t pa Agripp2, & d1 Nero, after Ll rouina of those, & some-,..,. 1t1 nd the said place. •11r•t"U! d• tr1ccon1., tlA of The Temple of Good euento. and .To 'P. X X I. "Anin, • ,,,. A. s A I m.anifello the Temple of Good 9,.,; ttmpi.acucnto dfere ftato near the Panteo, but the c,r, ,,.,,,,,,, it is doubted vn time in that place. Hor.1 'h' [o11• ,,,u. them P""-. d, .... looking for 10 curiofamente between Jc roume them., p••"• • à the mtoino, I fi made of auanti the form of ,,.,,,.,..,;. that.square, & lung.1, )which is even.1 is entire: for-Types• of h• cioche UcCDdo the uni .eitri of the fu-ade aucl place "' ,,.,n,, d•· .-vna ., ,,.,1,,_ .z "The he, like fi d de11 T < ere and. and 'I"'"• o;g;ii,edbyGoogle ':A'{.T iCl11T:TO OF .llOM.To 'vn2 ll:rada nuoua,to pull it from the piazza of the shut fandforno melting Eofb'..: chio as the square of the Minerua, tra'l Panceo & the """' rim• cafe phono built by Domi nico Mario Perufco Pro.,..,, tl.Jl'•"' trustee of the Fif.or, the ft sees that he has cast the fondamentin';.7 '."";.: for the half of the length of the Temple of Good euento, 8cn,; s,.,;.";,.;,. the other part is occupied by the via that of fopra· do ,. ; eh, 11u•l said • V cggonfi still in that place, the fegni de laquea.,;,, .• •••n"-' rij,which is known in the ft says, Stucco, ft as in the Panteo,& ri,,/"ctt• ·.. . fimilmente the capitegli of colonnen, that little is to L"9"'"""" """' l'.To"'• coman 1 1co ao qumto,,ono nate brought ne l s ,.,, ; ,.,..,; The vatican. Adoraffi that lddio accioche all of the cofe there ,;J•m. fuccedioo profperamente & with happiness. Marco Varronen fcriuendo to Fundania fua wife of the cofe belonging to the villa says: I pray to still the Sap, there l Good cuen. . to,perciochc fenza water throughout the culture of the field is but s,,,.. Ji gra & arid • Was the ftatua Good euento à guifa d' vno .••n ,.,nt,, could be eaten,ilquale in the man defira teneua vna cup, & in. and•;.,,, t the ftnitlra vna fpiga. Scriue Pliny the 1tatua Good eueonttlluogo called Terento in the field Manlius.· C .A P. X X X X X 11 I. IlV G' in vltima part of the field MaraJ',,,_,,,,. tio viano to Teucre, not lonuno like them!" .pmlN believes from the Capitol, vn certain place chia mato Terentll, said coli à Terendo ,that is, from the confumare,conciofulfe fcn,cbe the Teuea·in re :md.to with the waves terendo , i.e. confumando I. rem, r,,,_, ,.,-. that is toccaua in corfo.Scriue Fefto: Terento is coli chia ,,., cofi (d,m mato percioche the corfo de !'water confumaua the ripe of •." r,,.,,,,r;. T euere, in what place she says efferli firm Euaodro coa':,...•!:,·the' Weapon.a coming de Ar.adia. Oni.ioane' faili • ,,,,.; And.....fi J 11m,,, the llltlll tlotu monu# lMtrunJU .,. _ IUll1Ull'I •"" e•• ,·.,-Elff'III & TNflis ob#i,u ib11t lltJ#is, ..,,. .,.,.,,, Fb1minis i/111 lAtus and#i r,,111 "'""" iNnll11 T,rmtis •to&.Arçlld14, .4./}ieit &J>•fas for loe11 r11r11 , 11[111. De f .The altar pictures the land of 'Bar.. C .A P. X X I II I • .,,, 11 ,.,,, J C a I v E Fefto, that in the said place chia• the ,,,,, of the will of the Gods, mato Terento fi.uagii fuck the earth l' Altarc,lc • of the tw,w, the Temple of dis, in which Juogo for many .,., ""· · degrees 6 d1fccndc:ua,percioche the .ntichi coa1tumauano ordmari.amind d1 ed16care to. i TempJt, & afcenderui for grad1:m.to the Temple of Plu• ,-,,,.,u ,; tone . Conf. for degrees fì difrendeua , percioche the _ Pl.r, .. ,.or-,; the Altars of the ldd1J mfernaberano fuck the earth inJuogo pro.c,nf• ••. ,,., fundo: & the Altar of the Father Say,& of Proferpina, fcriuc d;!:;:;:: "• VaJcrioaMalfim., that effendofi modifications the earth, & went à _ l .At,.,, of the fund about the coming walk was trouato nd the said place from Vll Di11. or-,1; some Valefio man, Sabino & rich, & habitatore in. Prof, rp,n• vilu,hauendo free three hgliuoli from peftdenza, oue three 'a0""s'•' night alJa 61a facn6cò vno .immale 111:gro. Waves the vcr• 1 'a• "'" /i ,, t, C"'".• '""• ,,. of AUJODIO. .At,.,1 T,,,,,. Terentino uubr11111 Trino8i11 J141u. Pt.,.,,. 1""" Built 11 predicted Ahare The Roman in the war t .• ;'•fie.1• that gh hc:bbero .on gh Albani, & the occulta1ono fottoa • ••••1• earth aillli, acctò that w11110 from them in the playing o baueilè no.ùti. ' • IU r. The poet • titia. Oai time 1.1 Ciuà fì illuftr:aaa & ralfcgoaua, and,,.,_,.,,,,. gn were innan2.I at the said Altar of Pluto noticed for wrought rt f•" .ne names of those who nafoeuano, Be that moriuano. 1 Pi!;:;• Of what cofa is mentione Mutiale Cover vna dinner 4th M. 1trona, facenJob equal.are in quetto way • .Bit ,,,,,, Rotn4n0 f} 1fl11111 ,n vitti, T,r,1110• Et nihil ,xtremos pml,Jit 11nt1 ro:os • Vhf still every thirty years, {i ralfrgnaua the People : he Jt,p,l, . ,,.• mancanoalcuni , which fcriuono that de here hebbc ta-1,.:.:ff;.:{ the year fecubre, 1lquale {i ridulfe then à lower number. ,,.,, 11, "'•· ·Waves Papinto in telue. ,,,....A. ut infl11ur111i p1ee1111,rit A. r11 T,r1nti •a""""•f,and•l.to "' •,."! .,. .Martialenel christmas Domit1ano. -""" ............ Hicco/111 intent r1d111nti4flruu /11.flro, r,,eh, h,-f,-Et 'l"' Rom11l1111 fatr4 T,r,ntus h,.J,,1. is mg,... Oue three night in row {i facr1ficaua,& fupplicaua l Plia-ftRit• tl.furla . ro,erpma •eon. ."• p r. ,,,.., or-Pn. r,,,;,... Of the Temple, & de f.Altar With{òfotto the earth. C vf.'P. X X Y IlV the Temple & the Altar of Conrovicino to the T,_,;, is'•The circle Maffimo from Sctti2.0nio, as fcriue ,.,. d, C•ll{and Taèito, when he Jifcriue the ancient City ""/141111• • in the Palano; perc1oche Comfy is the God of Cot1fo dlf.•• Conlrs11, .x. the conftgh must elfcre fecreti. To' quellof•fi•. lddio h:iueuano fatco the Altar fuck the earth, Be fparfali ter .The,,.,. tll og ra around , & glt facri6cau:ino folennemcnte with the Jumi. Cofo {,thou tir Scriuono lai eHere Ncttunno Equeftre. Corronui the ca. 11:the 1 to the vno in the vno,"" cong1unt1 m afraid to · . them ' d01..to d01.• c •..l'•.c.. h ,,,,to",. ""'••11o u · Who:amaft t!.1 Rom.1ni qnelto God(or, & by the Greeks is C•nfo and••• ·called Poffidonio, whose felle celebrating Romulus, ra-/i• """ u .ì Sabine ; & bifogn:aua à rapirle fulfe fecreto the i•zei. · .. difegno & configlio rite, & haucre to guide Be fcorra :,;:,: j.'};the God of Comfy, acc1oche benegli foccedeffe fecodo you fuo ,tli c,nf,. t,,dC'fidC'rio • they Were, therefore, inuitati the forefueri amichepmw ;,. 11,l uolmenre for the lor c.afe by the Romans,accioche ficuramen ';/"• . ,l,1 te badalfero :the see celebrate the slices, & CGli andafièro r:C:'Zu.s. contemplating the City, ihbc was à eighteen d•Agofto, •;.,. ZJ Of the Oig.i,and b y Google .._..... :·sz '.To?{ ICT H It .,the' D 1 JlO M .A ,h, 4ìf• nelqual of fi sang the praises of the fefte confuali: & did the R. sn:. ••Pst• 1• m:I of the said imprefa quanro apple trees that Rome was CO• ,:...: ,;,,. . .inciata à _edificare; co.and .criue .abio Painter, fecondondoppo ilpr'the us ilqualc fcriue still Diorulio Alicarnafeo. ' pit "j /1.0 the MOST, / . . Of diuerfi temples of Fortune. C. A:P. XXYI. M. cn varJJ "Idd'.ip pprcu. eg! emo Iu Ju •tlor•r. pnnctp•lm,,.n,, d• Rom_•"' _n _ ancient Roman fidfero worshipped , manifcfto and Fortune effere fiata mainly ado_ _ ff:'f; :.:. s,.;,;;, .' · . but fuck diuerfi securities, percioche efla form no. not .another chevn_fu.ito & fmprouifoc_• V•rij, ,,,.,, uento de the damn deJle cofe, the cw noma phono moln:nJJ eo&71omi of percioche she fi calls , fors fortuna , profpera, equc..f-;,':::ih, ftr_e, peregr.na, elfequente, .auente, opipera, pubs.., fruitful .,,.,; unep.a , v1fcata , v1rgo, mu.'ebre, bcnefperante, manly,n.,citlent, or-its, conuertente, doubtful, bad, mafcula, Parua,n •ffmi you. fu-calua ·, feia, refpiciente, mammofa, barbata, omnipoten.;11• "., ll• yourself, good & bad. The first, who built the the temple of the.to':!::"';:;1, the Fortuna was A neo-Martto. Seruio Tullio volen.•• who ,tl,fi-do rimeritarla,that elfendo him that is born of a woman pripone, t .t! •. . . fc_hfaua , has.eu. c?nfeguitato through you Es:1n1ou.on . •• .•1; ,,1,_ Rome, gb building, not the vno folamente but most temples,t.:::,: s{;. like that of Fors Fortuna , of the .r.inigenia, de.. •ì• T11lli•. the Mafcula, the profpera , & of manly. Temple r,,,,pius tl!ll• day eff Fors Fortuna was in Trafteuere the horti Celà.for1""•/i.1• •. riani • Smoke edi6c.:ui à effa Luck fuck name dibuoir d• who'"' . fi,,,.. n. , d.1 re duce d t eunI .d d the . ,.__ d.1 with!'er.ent.! eu p1 . In tro., _n_ .mun• fti• good fperante, dt, of Vergme, & d1 fe1a pu1 •The•_c•fo "" temples , but noa in the vno medefimo time • Under the no. r•• ti, !°l"'"· me of feia 1>li was first built vn temple from Seruio Tul.,np,. t1,u,. 1· 10,easily and efficie P d urea, peraoc . and Cliiin rN•I,.• fortr1. fio Nerone ne Ila executive At h tr.,..,,,., ,.,. , Luck haueua temples pictures varij names, such as fcrillC '1-pmhe/•tPlutarco in queftione. Was built, the you.pio'°·' how fi bad Luck in the efquilie, not because she giouaffe,.fi':;. but p.rchc elb not noceffen, alb ftatua dellaquale 1i po. rta,.. """ fi ,li-neua 10 vna, hand the horn delb douitia , & in the other VII piisg,.,.tl•r.them rimC?ne_ double.. Some other Ja dipingeuano the oj. of .,,,,,h,• f, and.mma .finuslia1ne to y. infuriated , 8' mad> 8c Cl. _, . . ... . . fo. LI BPJ) zy1'1i.,T0; ·180 fupra mo faifo fickle,percioehe fenza election any grants profperità, & the riches à triftin, & à those The ,noJ\ the deserve. Other the dipingeuano fenza walk folamente with the hands, & connl'ale. Dicnandato Apelles JtiJJ,,/f• 4; because he à pillowcases haueffi painted the Fortune , rifpofe; 1J'/!: fl••:in the has not yet learned à ibre in piedin. Built ;;,.,.,:{..!the Templo Fortune survivor: perc1oche brought back he-,.. ,; f,, tl,r,, ,ucua faluo the Captain. Waves Martiale. -,,...,,.,.. r,. Rie vbi far1un1. ,.dueis it was!g,ntiA 11111, '"c' • _tr f•• r'"'P1• i i7 t · ,x Temp II mtent """ nupw sur • phil. ,,., h, Addition à this,oue dormiuano the Imperatwi,& Capitani fi Buft,; 41/l• poneua the bufto of Luck. Edificarongli the Temple f"'""". ••• fuck the name of the Female in the via Latina, the four me-.,.,,.,..· glia from Rome. Luck Equeftre the cdifi.catono .;.";'.j."; ,nvicino. Theatre out of the stone, laqualc: was fabricata fedente fo. ,,.,,,. 'Ep;_npra vno cauallo. Scriue Valerio Maffimo: not reftò im-ftre. '7 lor, ·n punished and!lCD..Or de. fort1ma hatu: ottedjto ,;,::•;(,-p,rDigHized by Google, .4'{,T IC H IT .4· OF JtOM .4 ,.,,.,.,.....,.;diregnare in Rom:to. ,Fuanco!to the Luck Auenrin:the the '""',;i•-•· who was adored fuck 1'1magtne two forelle. as . ,.. .,.,.cfcriue Macrobius and Quiet. ll 6m1le was in Prenette, ocnde Papinius.and;,.,. .. ,.;. Et prenefli111, poter11nt mi1711rt fo,,rt1. f.•"•tli• •f There,erone nt:l J. bro Je dium,mone takes away at all, th• 11 .•fi • ; and 6a, the Fortune , however ,he the poffa and. is no when.c,:;:'"".. says,there is no cofa elfere so contrary to the ra. mr-., & :the.the ,. D,J;111• tl•l-ferme:z.z..t, & tbb1ln3 how much of her Fortune; taie chee'pa J'..4unm ;,.. king that she did not while Ifa dear ere in D10, which is fJpj'ia the 1•"'0 •11•f•r that it should ellère m the future fortuneuolmente & c.fo,for:-:,,; :?;: cioche t tfen acc:arler.the ferinJmcn· and, & aéc.id, odo fer• .. ,,, P,•JT• ,i-but men, and,is not to h.:iuerui luo.or any Luck. ,.,, • . Whose opinion frgurta luuen.1the quan,1 and says. l'•••,• .• 1IIW••. ••· • Nullum numen Ah,ft ,jì jìt pr•Jmti11; foJ t•• I', • I , l Nos 1,u,m#l Forrun11 Dt11m, ,ae,o b oc11m,u. That is, she n,,, n po1enz.:to aicun.i, oue pruJrntemente .•. hu,,.._ .. ,tr '• f,r. the man fi gouerni, but we ò Luck Dta u facc:i:a,lcc••11•• colkch,love in CielocL:a diuina religion· in all efclu.de the Fortun:, no. want that cll.1 fia pe; any way. 8 •tr;Ji,ij "' tl••"ti,hi ,; 111,,,,r,,,,,,,, ;fl•11 ... i•• m· De the temples of the ancients out of .but. ,,,,...... C .A ·p. X X Y I I. R A N or over à quefto apprclfo the ancient,cfacri6ciJ. of diuerfi 'an,mah, but the oxen facrifi. . . . . catc1 '" ,.. ,.. ,,, v••• ,.,;,,.,, , 1 cr:ano p1u gr.:en,, & with quefti fi p ,lCauano •h• fi h•11•u the lddij , percrochc the ox and the treaty of temprl' Jlt . .,,,;,.,,,,,.,. grand111ìmo honore, & m:affimamrnte in Italy, which lies ':;/""i, · , d:the fi believes elfcre Ithaca named, perc1och. the.td.:en;;r,: Grec! giàcchiamauano the bulls lt:the wings, de such as lu easily and efficie.oc,,,eh, fm,u de the :ancient fi great Vt"ner:anonc,that much was heads• "" .,,,.,,. that the ama:z.:z.arC' vn ox quan,or .n Cictadmo, & gh Egit• Yt11• !!'"• tij adorauano api ,be was vn ox à gu1f.1 of the vno ldJio. ;c•;;. and tr 4 Er.ici the calf Menechino, of the which fcriue Pliny. The vi. •c,. hife•it1•. tello of Mecnechino, with the knee fi pr•·me with collofi. "!fl.!!tflo will bent , & Menechmo iltello fcriue Je art fua. t1llo Menechino Ji tr11tt11 The'.tf11ttort , you. the voflri piÌI modtrni fa# ·-ntl . fl/ltO intlrfrtt11to perf .Ag,i.' telhculi. Were olrre à quelto as h-, dert. out of Rome The Temples de the Idd11 and pcnfauano that and' I:.. r;pr; u!,them feronuoccrc,as out of the door, Collin.t the Temple d1 ." ,,..,=.:The venus of Erice,& the !tattoo of Venus Verticordia, I lose ,,:"::. 9 that the c.nuertiua, i.e. fuolg<'ua gh huomin1 dJUa libidi.111, & Rh volgeua to pudicicia Ou1dio it" facts. Rom.and puJ,citi11 pr.11Hol'Um t,rnporr l11pfa, L.,.J, ,I, S,lp•t•• / ìt.1•• 1'. CHmum '1Jet1r1s eonfulHi{lis ,,,_,,, • T,mp/,the /Hb11 Vm"ji.,-;, 'fHibusordin, flllli,, _ Jnde 11,nur 11,rfo nom11u eordt tmet. ,.,.,,,. Pli.,.;0,., 11,,.the,,. Scraue Pliny in fettimo book. Catliffima, for the opinion .R110 "'f•"'• dc \'other ladies, was judged to Sulpitia's daughter . 1foh0111JI• Paterculo & wife Fuluio Flacro, chosen among a hundred ':. t.1' .,.,,. . the main dining spend,& conf.igrare the lbtua V\:I ';;,,, 11;, to the ·king,frcondo the vc:rli Sibdlini. S1milméce in the mefe d' Agolto N .• ,,.,,,., . with folenne pump, & procefiione of the c of c facre, in r,. or-•'-, .. the Temple of Venus outside the walls porrauano the mcm J;•••'. tull• bro manly, quant.n9ue tal_fefta fulle conucaient., . pro, ;;!::. _ pru of the mer.etrm, nondimeho not unto thee, ra lt'heart to kept, tl r,,,,,;, tl,U. lmaneggiare that fua relic fe not to vnJ honefta F.,,,.,.. .· gentildonn:a & cafta,which the p.neua at feoo . Venus. .••"'. ,. ,u Was over à quelto out of the door Vimin.ùe the Temple ,;';t:,/,,.Dirge, pèrcio,he she can.t9 lamentt'uole fi ritrouafi t,, p,,,;,., , ..l·present, & lamenccuole à morcorij. It was still in the way t_i•••;,.;,tli•lLau.,a.to the Te.pio of the Q! iietc,& .milmente it!the way t.:;,; M•rl· Latma d Temple dell_a .orturu the female,. fuort dcli. ,, J,,.,; d,,. porta Capuana two m1gb.1 lvntano of Ro,na ti Temple d1 '"'". R1diculo,oue fi and camped in Hannibal, & percioche fchcrni-T••Pi• " to fe went in behind, it was iui .onfacraro the Temple à qut G.•r h fi fto lddio. It was in the mcdefima via the Tem!)"OR of Mirre, CO T•. ·..,..r:,;. me g;à I said,& fimilmente out dr Ila port Carmen. ,:7 ;,,.,,,. such as the Temple of the Gi.no.Et _nt:t lfola Tibc:rina,the Times? T,,,.pli 11,The d1 G1oue, d Efculap10 ,& Fauno, & in the Tralteuen d r, ..or,,P •. _Tempio of Luck. Were some which rimofiero ;·,;!;...:'=' far from Rome,the fear t"l Pallor,the pouertà,& the vec :{•••"•·fu•. . cbicz.' CO.Sth lddij faibdio1i' 4' DOCC11oli, i1::!.diJ_ .. '"'"'. or,g;i;,ed by Google .To?{T IC BIT.'1>1 1t.OM,1 f.the,m, lii, govern in the corridor delf infereno.Were over à those,the H r• 'lj-."ft Free god,& the Iddea Free, à such as to make the sells.and,,,., ..' •· my fantiffimameente & calliffimamente ft facrificaua. I know. errifie•.,., · . C• * pp,/1,m no hogg1pertutcone· l county R_omano cape lletteantte/,f [m, fp•r & rouinatc, & old books diville of maram.,, P" '"'•P• gliofo arti6cio,but work rough, afiài belle à cover,f."::,fi ;r::i: & cr.de.1 _coetali books dferc H. te_in honore de the c,t. eh, Idd1J lar1,dche ft trahe by the words d1 Cicero in fecoo eof,., Ju,.,,.. do of the law when it says:Must eJfere of cocado 7" ,rnpli tJ. them the Bofchifacri,& the refidenze de the lari, percioche the Rome.D J L•"•'"' ni abundant gii of riches, edi6cauano more fontuofa. •;;;and, oh, it° .nte in the villa in no.lla .ittà, oue to.cora faceeuano lu. f•eeN.no ;· gh1 to keep vccelh,pefcme,& parks, & other cofeftnu.R•m•11; b•-, the perloro fpaffo & pleasure. Haueuano riftretto the mae "d,ll. Cm• for places oue and' potelfero bagnarft, faceuano places:;.;.. c,f,., belliffimi & ameniffime of the most beautiful,& filled with the beginning, & Hmi p,ntili olqe à the gardens & the gardens in the stage • Were out . .I d•ll' .u inside of Rome, between the horti celebrated to Sallu{I"" horu ,n to Mecennate, to Lucullus, to Afì.t!:;;the more.ul, nio, that .the lamia, to Cefare,. to Geta. l,rieh,f,mn, .D out. Rome were glihorti Tercntiani in via the App.a ti• inR,,,.,.,._ that teneuano twenty Acres, & qnelli of Ouidio in the lives Were more than a dining one, the villas are very crowded, _ .Hort_' e1/,br. C. budia. out of ilea/a cii & b h 1amate Subur am, perenere vtcmca . tr. b orna,, and, and, and ,.,, R,.m,., s,.1,,.,b .. the ni as the Lucullano, the Tufceulano, the Formiano, & mol.eh• c•f• ;,.,and, you other that today phono diuencate pofièffione & villages tbl;..A14ttm._,edi priuati, I don't want to trapaJfare with ftlentio the villa Tt.y'.t. c.l,lm burtina of Adriaeno The mperatorc in order marauigliofa. .,,.,,,,, A r,m. . . . • • y;/1,. ctl,br• mind was by him built, so that tn the ft rttroua. . ri/lim• of .A-uan? the n:o.i of Prouinci. & lu.ghi celebratiffimi, and. _ L,,,._,.. _lmp. mc tl Lmo, the Academ1ae, the Pr1taruo, Canopus, Pcc1..r,,.,/,,f (b), and Tempc. In conudo Roman were already many ca.:..:;;..:. fielletti or cafali,which rouinati, fon, made the territory, ,.. d• ,iuttori. poffeffione & pafcoli of Rome, oue today fi make horug•.•'!'; of P,.egi,& you ft woman, & there Jì make pafiure;oue herds, & , 7•.!"j. Y' & herd ft nutrifcono & proeuono alfai to eJferc the land.:, .mp,;:.. no herbofo , & water ;abbondeuole, the hills aprichi & the Many 1,.each valleamene:vhf maffimamente the Bufoli join anticamcn "'"'.."!;' [""" you do not er.or .onfuetudine iPgratlàno, not by a lot. /the•l6'hthor• . -. • CCDl.and LIBilO {U I?,{_ro. · ·1s2. ,time in the here conducted in foilia,percioche formerly ra f•tti .•/,Pfi• 1" riffimi fi vedeuano & folamente it publichi fpettacoli ; 8"/ •1•.,,,,r• • fc fi f m1t111011 ,r(In ;: . d 1· r. art1a and, 1010, & S 1· and here between menttone M . l p1· . or mo:that and u 110 ::; ;,. "'f• ,,. fero horn 6 large amount as today phono , & coli do-I(,,,. ... '" meftichi,not the harebbero uapa!the fates with tìlencio ne Mar co Says it ColumeUa. •nPn11• l• .A11ttor1 clH the brtfuli 11011111 fi,r111• 1111tir•111111#1 i11 Rom•,; p,,r, r•ri ('f' ,,,.,.,,,, fo,./: •• the fp1tt•coli. M11t•tio11,ul .the ; ,: (i• De ie Ba1HC and,& etemp "ed11,cat1dai Chnfliani. C .A P. X X Y 11. ' '·m·-01 chcRomafuoccup:uadaBarbariguafta "and •l.ri •. &d" r. d ·1 h"was d ,..,.,,,," f.7.t. .. !: . h •g..MJC ., .· . ., folatt & rtdottJ tn folitudme, guafti &broken h•b""" I• .' . . . ,., the acquidotti,&intercettclenacque,ondefi ,;.,.,,,,.difcefe to habit;are in quefta plain, that is '!l...:' r,1;'",. . . · •-'""" • ... _ . tra'l monte e l T euere,c1oe in the field mo1rt10 oue today ,,.,,.,; is Rome,for the comfort of the lìume:it holding more c6 or,,,ffi•.to that of the ancient fuperltitione de the Arufpici,that is' no', ' • r•ffe.• {i doueffi habitare in campo Martio, oue already there ra! fesma-.'fold.,, .. ,,. · ,: sound 1• fc Id, or at1. &u" cr.IUno 1 mag1urat1,perc1oc he g1a tut 's.p.,ftiti,,.l-you were made Chriftiani , but folamente changed Ja religio-11111ich1 ,; p•.$ it, like all the ancient vfanze; & ceremonies rilllafero, ,. • little /l . · "-. ;f? ,1e,.,,,,,.,, · The: . percioche he was fcn difficult torle via & delete them fiP'f.11'..11• .• . ,,,.m ... ,.,,._ .the 1n was and fì1 cate nuoue Ch"1cfce tn• honore d '1 Chr'· 1 ., 4,11, cm,. fto,ò ritrouate of the ancient: percioche chiuli temples de f• 4,• chrifli• Pagani & de Genti_li,ft .etc _publica.en.and understand., eh<; ni,, , eh,,.. :J à ciafcuno was{fe leato to build ch1efe tn honore d1 Chrt .0• "'i 'n/6•· -i "r . fio,e!estate the Emperor at that time, the gr3n Coftantino: c:'i/: 1;.•t ilquale hauendo faith in shut fandforno melting Silue!tro P. apa, permelfe p,;',,,; ;//}and; •: that all the world fi edificalfcro chicfe:talmcnte that ,.,; dcli, ,hi•, in a few years they were made fenza number, & in Rome, li .. d,_ C:download,.nritrouarono in quellaprimitiuaChiefa more than three thousand tem d._:";.;. , • • 1 pli, kluwer Chrifto; among which were quatrocento of the ;h,: ;!,;ç ft confacr.ati à Mary the V irgin, de which still today fe ne fi ,;,,.,.,.,.,.. wede in walk a man of venerable antiquity: percioche R•.• 11•l-. . ''J1 • •' • /l. • ,. Ch11f• p,t :mttco d"ir poffitamo,cto born 1nnanz1 times nonrJ, mit •,,. , -Jra, such as phono the Bafiliche that hoggt by the Romans phono chia ,;, ,; qu',11!:t .you lefette c:h4çfe,the}>ti. of '}The.. 'lii(;. S. Pic, foc,.,, -· · -·· · -· · no Y•r1.,1t.,11-. r-. . ,,. ... -... DigH,zedbyGoogle .To?{TICHIT.4' Dl JtOM.To. . t IH ••f. I. tro in V atic.anus, apprdfo San Paulò nelb from .•j."' .'; H1,thenlè,then the d1 San G1ouanniin the Lateran, that. 0 b Santa Croce in Gierufalem , San Lorenzo L,r,rr, Who, rxtr11 the m11,the 01, that of S1nra Maria maggiore-built by flcbrano ne d1c:ino mdf.to,you, noll ,,,n ,,,,,.;; v,f;.· dee the chicken them nelb region of the via Lata, & trouonli al. 11i-d, f,.,, .,d, the leathers that they want to fuffe in the hills.Q1.1 by Pelagius, pri. •• inf11• ,,,. mo, & retlaur,na from G1ou:mni third , & vltim:amenett.aj: -::;.a, iT is reduced in the best shape inlieme with palano from Sittoa ,. f,;..;,1.,,0 fourth, & Giulio, the son of the fire brother. Edz6cò ,. C•ft•." Marco first the temple of S. 1n Marco euangtlitta à Palates•a•• • H,l,u, na,& asking my brother yiouanni Fuluio that {;" Ml&llr• fignificaua that the Pabtina, gl, rilpufi with the p:arole of and h;if, as Cicero in oratione he does for Rofcio, diceru:lc>; · ,i,fi· f!.• u,,1.c•Jli• Ritrou:andofi in Romaae torn:indo dinner was vccifoall , you•• lmt"•· l,11ln1111,pAl11ti11111, that is, from bathrooms Palatini. The(lual temple "• the infieme with the palace,it was rdlaurat<> & enlarged by Paulo fea1' :'; condo,ilquale still reftaurò, m, not ended , the walls of the :,:';,,',, 1.;: monte Pmc10. And' o!between quetto feet 11 temple of Aas ,,.,;.•-Marcello,ed1ficato :the prayers of S:inta Lucina close to.B_•lne• ;,.,. the via Lata, oue elf Pontiff to commandamentodi """ .4."' ". Dioclitiano Emperor ferucndo to Lt. dla de caualli, li ;:i:•,:.f•g•• mori puz.zore & of pafiione of mind. Close to me,mf, Chi, defima way is the Ch1cfa of Santa Maria del mcdetimo no./'t "• eln ,to me, a little while ago reGaurata oa Innoccntio 01tauo, oue even.The Jim,,'7 !"'• fotcrra there is as we believed the oratory of L>iuo Apollolo :,"",;' ;-Paul, oue and' say St. Luke Euangelitta hauere fcrit• P• 7';,,,.i i,. remove Acts dc the ApoUoli: so,he affai is m:inifeltoc".a• ..... me tcri"c tàAto G. irowno dle and fQ,oi of fcriuergli iaa · · · -· 1\oma, Digit.zed by Google ... lIBJtO !l.J'1'J'x.'t0; IIJ. :Rome. 8r b image d1 noltra Woman, who sees them as c1,;.r,. ii I. 11cl mede/imo Temple, he was painted, & night.1tta.from-. .":'• •• l' imagfoe of elvish noltra Donni ilh:lfa. Are olm: à que , or':.,.:,:·'.fta other images of effa no!the lra Woman tn diuerfi places,/.,,,. P ••'• portrayed by the med,·firno painter, vna in lànta Maria del '('rfl I,.,,. The people,vna in fanca Mary M. 1gg1ore, vn'other in Araceli,;;:• .•:/Ivn.1 in the famous Mary Nuoua,vna 1n fanta M . .iria delle gratie, ,;" '";n:,,. ,. vna in fans Ilo, vna, out of Rom.the wings At grotta ferrata, vna r,,;,,. ir,tl in Fiorenu,vn'alcra in Bologna.1, & vn'other.1 in V cnecia, & de1gl, .Af'ft• vn'other fe you believe: .lfere m Spoleto: & ..ll_a region ,..;:...;/.!.field Mamo v1cmoall' Arc d1 Trofohe 11 Tcmp.or ,. nn1n,/1. èJ,i• d1 fan Lorenzo in Lucin.1, built by Cele:hno :ì pre-f• d , f·"" nuts, fanta Lucina:& near the porta del popolo is 11 M.,,;,, ,,.,,,, The temple of the fans,to the Seas:a of the mede fimo name,from Slllo q uar :-•.• ff., !' tonuouamente rellaurata & ridottanin best f.irma. . L J;;:.and,: _ • J(reo "the Trofou was d1110 of Portog11Uo ""' tem;,or P11ol. ,,. ,. 1 11u• ur{.or• qu•. for b11u,,. /4114. '111M ago/111111 1ntr11t11 {eight 4; ,;1r,,.,,. d,/1, " f• Virt.tj111l!or 11n C,mJi,,,,J. 1 ,,110 Portog11/the. G\ u,jlo bo b.iuuto !.n . 1. ,,, ,m .. g• . _, .,_. _,. ,, . ' I •• 11etem ,., quef.II-Citi• , ,., Ji M ,.,,, Similarly Ja Chietà S. AuguRino with monaflerio, Yag,.., d,p,• rilburata from the fundamentals from the Reuerendillìmo William,, tl,.S.L .. ,, Cardinal Rotomagenfe, with the Pahzzo prolli mo fanro r ••• ftt's• Apollinar. ,the vhf he lub1taua. Simalmrnrc the Who.is L:r;,.•,,.• L; funta Mary I opr the M1ncrna,relbur.1ta by G. ouan111 of the• ,,,.. ,,. ,bi the tower cremated. Followed apprelfo the PJnceo dd where d1 ,d,ji,1111 • Cover h.tbbiamo talked about the edge. Similarly, the Chieù ,t. R,i,•u,••11,•·• · -' ·1 "' ' "" "r ,anto E. u11wc-h'10 nearby aIle terme Ncromane, OJC, and The Ch"f "' R• Temple, Ji f.tnto Lodouico & · the Ch1efa ,li f;in,or Saluato-. "'"·" d" ,h,. king cofagratonda fan Gr<'gorio And near the cerchiod' t'\goc1... f•d•f•• ne the Chiefa of popular Iacobo Apollolo, a little while ago edi6cata .11G;"co•• * * * from the fond.tmenci from· To the fon Co Paradma Spagnuolo,& V cfco · 1,' d: ,t;..;uo Ciuicatenfe. Similmt'nte from the other side of said cer /i••'"· chio the Chiefa of fanta Maria dc the Soul, retlaurata little Cbrr (•/A• f.from the natione Trdcfca & reduced in the best shape, oue ,. M,,,,,.,:;; is the lepolcro Adriano Septum, ilquale did eJ16care Oj-'/n.':;,; .n.,,.. ghelmo priest shut fandforno melting Ciouanni you/ Paul,CarJinalc De-'s,,,.,,,. ,; turfcnfc: ; à what fon you cmi fan ca Miria of the Peace that was .Adri•"' S,c, cd,licalo from Sitlo .limb, p.:r eflèr Ghiefa of fanco An /f• .4p•' Il n -. ..I-•• i· .and h '.the,,,.,,,,,.,,., .Ctl Apouo, or, or-.i,"au ou1-anomcuego iara_. 1: (T,,,...olle&10 o;g;i;,edbyGoogle J. '{T 1 C Fl I T .,!,," D 1 s M .,.t t1,,;, p J; S. the college of ùteranenfe. Similarly easily and efficie,ro the Theatre of M•ri•.,:• 1r Pompeo, vn place celebratiffimo of Rome is the Chiefan;dific•t• and; with the P:ala:z.zo to shut fandforno melting Lorenzo in Damafo,whom was c-difi. •f/it1•r•.' cated by Damafo n:itione Spagnuolo,which is fiata manéhitf• 4; &. gnificamente riRaurata , & extended d.1 fundamentals danLor. ,n f" Raffaelle Riario, Cardinal of the shut fandforno melting Georgio. Vedcfi in.t:f:.: !:,.}· the rc-gion of the bridge, the Chiefa of San Saluatore of the lau.d,q1, cieell• ro,v1cino :the monte Giordano infieme with monallerio,edi. ' ri•. ,,.,rifi.•· fied by the Reuerendiffimo Mr Latin C:ardin:i.le the Edges.'• l'_:1luft1l no. In medcfima region close to the bridge of the CaRcllon.=. .;,'!:lj is the Chiefa of shut fandforno melting ugly face to begin:eng adeffo from eflcre king.P .;.. P••.if. ftaurata,but not yet finished,fi as of yet, gaining several proffi• •,-,,,and ic/1. 111a ripa T euerc the Chiefa of shut fandforno melting Gioumni Battifta, • Lii cl,;,-began with gr:an frctta,but not finished yet.n p, Ji,i.Gio11111,I B1Utijlajòp,-ai/T1Nere, danoflri modemi is det111 [111111 Giou1111ni J,' Fiol'mtini, & I,-11 rh, ft•mo 11,lt' •nnD of the Lord 11 /7. Ji1'#1'01111,s 6#011 port /11 fR61'ic11, eff endo11ift attefa 11.lf11i 6ene d11 two lldÌ in 'I."•,& ft j}w11,that fi '11t41' '" I to b,1/ij/imi orn11me1i to the [111 Jejìtler1110 /ÌM• D,wrf, Ch.• No far of here er:to the Chiefa di S. Biagio,the vhf to the prcfea-fo,,,II, R•t•• te ft vcfgono fondaméti of marauigliofa gridezza, as if , , , ... d P ,,, .. .,,a.1 G" Ponte6ce,oueneg 1 vo 1· eua and"the justification for vna small IJ'p,11,..,, ... , 1u 10, The The hey ,edit,,. Chapel, vn grand palace ouer the court, oue fi haue.P•IAU! -.-must be :i r:agun:ire all the magifirati along the firada made from f.11!/ìc• pr1nc, him. Euuuncora the Ch1efa say fanta Lucia built by the :;;;;-....-prefident1 Venetiani beautifully refiaur:eng. Like• ,.,, ,:,tttrrlli mind near the court dc Sabelli the Chiefa of shut fandforno melting Tho.,,,,,; ; M•.the mafo dengl'Inghileft ,& the Singing Jerome, oue _ {:,://;· today fi raguna the company of Charity. Are alue ..' ,:_ Ch!efe, compa.ie, & pa.r.chie fenz.a .umber, & .ouch ,,,,. . _n fciato imp,,.. :altn places facr1, de which from the fopra habb1amo the name to ba.fmo, com,I ftanza,which would hor cofa, long term, follow it, and telling •• ,there .,,,,, •n vno :to vno • Are today tr:the ancient Tem pii conra.f""'" G,,._ crati à Chrifio the Panteo from Gioue vltore,hogg the fanta But... s. re:a ritonda. The Temple of Romulus edi6catore of Rome ;:,:,[Luw d,. eh• close to via Sacra,& the hole that is square:a,today the Cbie.cd,f u,r. • the i7 is fan Cofmo&Damiano. Et in foro Boario ilTem.t.Jt.""'." pio gi:the dcll:a pudici eia, today in fanta Maria Egittiaca. :"t;:.ni, 1,1 Apprdfo, vna, small & ritonda Chicfetta already the Temple the or;·;,rrr.; i• d1 Hcrculc, today of faoto Stefaao protomartyr, Vn'to.. .. l! !: 1 or;g;i;,edbyGoogle l JB 1the Q..'fl I .T: •other nèl monte Celio ritonda, & much more tonfaarafuinlmi_il•, g p,• d, L••in r.à Faun capripede, today the Chiefa of the Song Stefano: t1ma · ' ,.. x,com,•/11a but out of d1. R?lna n. ,.. v1_a l'-· Nomentan2 pnma d. and"d" 1c.t_o a P••• P" u , r.; Bacchus , hogg1 the Ch1efa of fanta Cofranza Vergme v1cmo f,.oi ft•tllli. ,_ the Chiefa of fanta Agnefe,oue phono the gates of Bronze, &_ orders: • fi as the Lateran in three places near à Sanfla San!the-T,pl, •·,mchr. ch,f.,,ohogg• . ,iim. & there ·1 . ' r. eo tmo ft & D amaano, & there ·1-stand '""• 1m1 mind 1an 1m1 r, mind shut fandforno melting Adrianoa, in the Panteo,& in shut fandforno melting Peter & cAtiÀ N. Mr - .-shut fandforno melting Paul. Are still some vafi marble in the courts• ,if,.,ifanti. . the, & square.to shut fandforno melting Peter , & cofi before à Song you Know-''1""1i" fi""'· . . ports of 8 ro• uatore de11auro , d.manzi, f:anto EunacIl. h.10 , ..dinanz1 to -• h, fo•• ;,. ,, Panteo , behind the shut fandforno melting Mark , before à shut fandforno melting Pietro in ;t:,,, who•/•:, Binding: fimilmente ne phono a few in the Chiefe1 Ra,& ou,. oue there ripofano some cctrpi de fanti • " Li 111,J. ehefcriu, l' .Author ejf,the king in Cort,the ile of S. Peter hora no 'lii fonopiù. m'!' phono flati trmforiti in other places, fal• 'lii fi 'lltd, pre/is the first po,mo •l ;,, fopol&ro say effere of Othone 11 I. lmp.ferl{to Any infcritt.one. ·, r. • *L•toc•gra " 01 · .. · fc 1· · d'1 marble three-to c10 VJ ono ca 1-on-1 d"10:1nz1 to door Mary d . of ••nit•More,of.nty à fanti Apofroli,chairman perspectives for harmonization à fanta Cecilia c1; .• ,}aini.'l,ja:: in Trafieuere, & in.6aite ftatue of marble for you tea Rome's. s.1,..:or. ;the iransformate in diuerfe cofe. It would be the land long the go "'-' L.,.,. t :, .telling to vna to vna those 6 ritrouano in luo-:•gj"f,;;the. :. ghi publiri,& c:the hyphae of priuati gentilhuomini, but not vo .;d::; 1 .. f• son trapaffare with ftlenrio the ftatue of marble, & the meda u tr.sf,er daughter of gold & of aento & copper, lequale today it takes alf11• b,llif. _ ai_:_g cafa fua,& apprefio of fe the Reuerendiffimo Mr. Andrew g•":.rd.. .•& the Cardinal of the Valley, which for limited! cofe no forgives à :;;;:,.,:it:;;to:• fpefaalcuna, such as the one that today is vnico in raccorre Signo.Orftni. diligently the memories of the ancient Romans·. ,ur•n• diut,. tJs,11[0 • :, * l-4 conc• gr11nd1 that er• n1JJ4 ['••tZ.• diS,M. rco I/luflriflim• Sig11orC41di•lll•·"! .•rn,is l• f,c, tr•1ftrirt n,to.it was•ir.t\!' p,of the recommendations.p•gn4r, 11n• •ltrA, eh, 'fil 11'h•u.• _ :: ""; . iui/" p•ft•.,,.•• z,,,,,,,;,.,,,, 1/7 •lt1Hro11•t• ,n .,,,. s,ig1111pr1Jfof•11to Lor,11\1· ., /Nora d,ll, m11r11, ,[ ;; \r 'vl?{T1CH1T.To' lH ll,OM.To \ .c4Pitlllatione delf .Antiquity. C,.A. 'P. X X I r. rmA g N D 0-already finished with the antiquities of Rome, I p1acciuto cofi t: anfito tr.lt• ,a,c no.the coCl dc the editìcatori d,"uellc, . .111t•f•r;. Reigned from the beginning in Rome and slices the King, ' R • De as the first was Romulus, and .fìcatort' of Rom:.. ,,, Noma , ilquale pholus mori fenza c:afata & fr nz:a ligl•uoli,fm, and•111• pcrcioche The Romans appreffo prefcro the cafati & the Wl'notni r;•· °se1,•1• from the Sabines. Those reigned trentafette years. Apprdo (c. . J" .:•. guitò Numa Pompilius ùquale reigned forty-three years. 1bZ:,:fo:•• The teno ft-guitò T11llo H,,thlio, ilquale reigned trcnudoi ,t,• R,'4• years. The fourth rt·gnò I Love MJrtio twenty-four years, ...,,,, The fifth Ta.fifth Pr1fco c.and he reigned trenuot.or years. Jl.fdlo Scru10 Tullo that the kingdom quar:antado1 annt,11 fettt.mo, & vltimo TarquinoSuperbo, that pcrcffere mgiulto à d1tferenza of Prifco was cofi called, ilquale regnòlfirst that rendè the ltbertà to the people J11d 1,.1,h,r Rom3no, & introdulfe the mag1ftraio de CoQfoli. Vu{cto•• • 8'•11•1•• fuck the Confol, from Brutus to lino aJ Hirico & Panfa quac .,..,.,. """'• trocent. cmquanta ettc years. . them . Were The ·1 number of de-Con. .,of!,ro , lt•r .,.,., fott• 111 foh the nineteenth century,& the oven 10 quefto fpacio time foRitui-,pmp,; and o•f, you Dictators,& cofi the tell us huomm1 to introduce the leggil•king • . . in Rome, the tribunes of the military with potellà confolare: but . 5l,,.,,,, .,.,., . r. . nor Rom f, five ;innJ net R fc I I. n. orna ,enza el curu and. Com1nc10lii .[The•;,.,: then à gouttnarc fuck the Emperors. & corfero by l,. . /\ugutto Cefarc, for 6noalla death of Giouiniano allDÌ · .:-4••11•.Au quattrt•ctnto noue. To pprclfo from inclinationc de the Im.J:!;• ;'7/"" for,or the Roman,fuck the Popes Romance such as a thousand years, ''"";:,.:. ,. mn.1ni.the that and' commci:dfcro à reign the ccclefiaflià,.,;1,,,,, ,,. r;,,. join the reigning have fuper.ato .them other the Main! innanu 'r""""•"'"'/ :their. .ono fan Peter Apoltolo he à C,cmenre . !.::..•r,;,.the fettimo .I.or v. nti(ettc Pontc6ci. e C:ittà is diuifa Pont1fid tn ng,001 , or R1on1 , qu.atordec1 . Conuenc 1n slices .Rom•,,, 1..,; mountains oue first was edificau, aluc many plains , oucro ,, R,, g;.., . .pi. V, were about twenty _pone, iotc Campidogli , three •.. Team. or;g;ii,edbyGoogle .en,JJtO. IJJ'I l'{,ro;. dj' ,-ejtt:the, doi .t\nfiteatri, three Sena thou , doi Colors great.of , )ue Columns :the nuts, the fci gr:mdi Obclìfchi, that is to say .A•tM,;,J. tauolc eh, f•r•••.the' :agulic, quarantadua small, ftatuc, imbutii, is fcnz.number, v. ntiquattro Caualli of .amc _indorato, .. .:':.r ". nouantaquattro d' Auolio, two creek, five fiu-:idJ ;,. R•-·adij , five naumachiae, i.e. lakes, battles Nauali, ,,, .. two Iani main, vndcci Nymphaea, tell us Cohortc pre. .ric, fci Cohorte fighters , ventiqt12ttro Efcubitorij,doi Vcffilli common, thirty-four Arches, and marble .Airplane industry,.; ,,,,,_ Vichi, ou.or borçhi fcnza number, three hundred vcntiquat-:•,.• f"•.'. ,.. tro Edi,ule, i.e. cafettc facre, or feicento twenties R,,,,";:to•• Villages maeftri, vcntinoue Curators, lfolc for all b C•pp,l,, is the City fenu number, cafe still fenza number, Granaries T,mpimi, two hundred, nouantauno , Bathrooms nouccento fifty eif . , . : I. needles c.nto, Poz.z.the three hundred cinq.to?ta.u.. Focn.the du-;,•;;;::/,: , one hundred ctnquantaquattro , .Warehouse.m1 d obo vcnnquat-1,.,,., .,,,;. I was a thousand,clua public places by Prostitutes, forty-wn,n11.five places communipublici, one-hundred-forty-four R,,...Cattri, that is, to! Joggiamcnti of Soldiers , eight enclosure of Caualli finguhri, dua StabuU , or fianze from fat.tionc, the Tribe fccondo,chc fcriue Cicero, thirty-five k to whom Plutarch fcriue eflèrc cognominate from the luoghidi effe Sabine, other pt'The' other reasons . Vedeu3li pocotempo f.to vn marble near à fan Giouanni of Pina· fiolpito with quefte letters • IMP. C SA R I o· V I N E R V .ìwhat. F. l•foritti•1t1 N' R V }And T R A I N or .A V G V s T or t•nm,unt• l, JS. Tribi G E R M A N of The C O D A C C O P O N-•nri,h, tliR, I F THE M A X I M O T R I B V N I C. P O-,,,,. . i7 ,,..TE s T, V I I. I M p ERA T o R I I[ I I. ra.lnf•r. ;.aj/ co's. V. P. P. the TRIBE VS. (XXXV. Q_VOD :.:,';.ttLIRERALITATE OP TIMI P RIN C 1-Signo,:..;PI S • C O M M O D A. And R V M. ET M fu ,,;,; •• the SITE R VJ4 ADIE C TIO NE AMP LIA-1••g• lkfori,· " "•"'"""'· .to . l' A S IN T. 1. ,.,.. Aa Dtlùl D,g,t,zedbyGoogle The fortede marbles,de such as the City f" beautified, ·, -C vi'P. X-XX. Of.,r, ul-G R A N D edificij appreffo the ancients, with the'.A•"";'f.-.Fi publi,hi wm, p,iu,U, p" lu,,ggior par• P'" 1',,..,,_ . • I:!, · you fi1 murauano , & fondauano .on ptctr ..to eh• ,.,.,;,hl, . or-.lm _,,._ .ii big & square, as hogg1 still fc it can see the relics, & quefio acciochc 'Ì.'• Or'"""" ••.wing malfa & machina de the building fulfe more faldo & fiabile ,· commettendola with chiodetti iron the vna stone Coll I" 1 the other incaltrata infieme fenza mortar. The wall ,he them will-.a,ali raua was, fi edificaua with faffi about vna pounds·, putting .::r.,• .to •'•fi•ij ...,;. infiemeape. companions storage at home stone & mortar. The facciataa . _ who. . de the ed1fic10 any time faceuano d'