I I THE GETTY CENTER LIBRAR Y j t THE AMPHITHEATER FLAVI O ' . DESCRIPTED E DE LINE ATO FROM THE KNIGHT CARLO. F˜NTANA . .. IN THE HE I A, Appreffo -¥,. ...THE S A C O V A I L I N T, -¥.. M, D CC, X X V. GENERAL PROEM. SSENDOCI we are going to tr11t prej11ct of e/1' Amphitheatre Flavius, and that which in effe appartime, and the11 fpecie of the fl!a Amichit, Erezzio11e , & Ampiezz.a , Jicome also for which end Ji erigejfe , co11 le di lui Parts more conjpicue cd infi The whole world can't miss the propoflo Subject , to the Which has there 1110/Jo the seeing and the certain ejfer, which of the fimi/the Subjects 'Vertmo Aatore has been piously treated and dimo/lratio. f2.!.1indi J“ is , that animated by the Beauty and Gravity of the Building, fmza pcnfˆre alfa Fatigue and Study Of which of which there is a biological sewer, I pray Thee will form the prejudgment of it, 11 For which there Jimno ingenuously set there those Eruditions and Doctrurers, which from more a111ogr11ji Writers has been polllto deduce , 1111ite co11 effe le noflre Delineazioni, for which we have applied og11i 'Diligmza imaginabile. We pe,- t1111to We will procure to Jpiegare , with this occajio11e, the Artificio & lnd11jlria , that was research to make people understand the Erezzione d'un Teatro /i famofo: all however {/1/Che Glue Escort of Vitf11vio , and of other great H11omi11i , which in Jimil .Materia prevaljer..., which therefore seems to us [11perjl110 the reply from us 1111ovame111e the Rules. We will therefore be able, as the main object, to defend the theatres first, Ji of their Principle, as a11che of the Multiplication of their Fabricators Other Coj that from Ajf111111to from us prefo 1111itame11te dipmdo110 : and then, of the said Amphitheatre, by the refs of the two parts of effe, which rejiede the11 Feet (*); that therefore we have, so to say, myatomized it, to cover it to Amateurs those ig11ote & artificiofe Particolaritll del Jottili! J“mo Artificio col Which is flato fabricato, 11011 ejfe11dovi in effe 1111a minimum Part, which pojfa dirf“ otiofa. Everything is therefore flato by us co11 all the 'Diligences ejˆt1a111and11te re- co11ojŽi11to. * 2 Coji, (') The Year .M. DCC. VII. P R O E M I O G E N ERA L E. Cofi, . doppo hnver dnto 1111 little Snaggio della nojlrn l11tenzio11e III quejlo prophe11th Proemio, pnJ!nremo it dar principio ali- Opera, /11 quale [periamo f“a to reufcire of q11t1lcbe Satisfaction to' Curiophy, and of 11011 small Beloved to the Ernditi. And (and that 11011 J will make/is reufcita of all Pleasure , / I will attribute the blame first to the 11oflrn little Intelligence , the other to the Jcarjzza of time co11ce/[oci in jclll "fo Year fi,1110, for ejfer lightened in said time alq11a11to dnl pejo of the Fubrics, and of the cotidirme Fatiche prlfVmimti from the 11oflre Cnriches as the first architect of the f'atica110 Temple, of the Supreme Pontiff, of the Camera Apojlolica, and other Regii Pe1fo11aggi, co11 many Sowm1i. BOOK INDEX. INTRODUCTION: FIRST BOOK: SECOND BOOK: THIRD BOOK: FOURTH BOOK: FOURTH BOOK: Of the 7Žatri and Amphithearians. Of the Prefect State defl' Flavio Amphitheatre, Of the ancient state of!' Flavian Amphitheatre. Profane eruptions around the Flavian Amphitheatre. Sacred eruptions around the Flavian Amphitheatre. Of the rej/ituir /'Onore al/' Anfiteatro Flavio. Pog. I3, r..r,. 30 f!131. Oode the Senate! "Oode the Senate! port...i.ffc b. ..ella curulc'. 6: fopra quella fcddTc in Teatro Giulio Ccfarc; for &c. Read, Onde 11 Senato fiab11l a Marcello in Celebritˆ dc' Giuochi, che fi portaffe la Sella. curule, and fopra quella fedcCfe in Te:i.tro. Giulio Cefare, for &c. 39 53 Yes IIj" 159 ANFI- THE AMPHITHEATER FLAVIO DESCRIBED AND OUTLINED. I.N T R O D U C T I O N . OF THE ORIGIN, OF THE F AB RICA, AND BULL BUILDING OF THEATERS AND AMPHITHEATERS. C A P I T OL OP R I A1 O. OF THE FIRST INVENTION, OR FIRST ...OF THE THEATER. And R what he gets from the writers, he believes that the Invention the best friend of the amphitheatres, having had that principle in other domains before the Roman Power; and phyt, fertile Calfiodorus in X of the Epiphyllis, found by the Rufians of Greece, who... in the days of the Fefie folevano raunadi iniieme for the Villas and Bofchi, ˆ far I amused the Sacrifices and Games in Honour of their Gods, in more Forms, But, the magisterial, oblique, and, with such a way, that each one could see How much did they do in between, and then, in time, they were erected in the Cicu... t;ufŽa ..rena delle ruiduaH !})arti che s( tl'ou,uw iii pi'cdi' del!' c51l,yi,te!ilr[lLaui'o !year no8 Harti' Hortt: Eqttt.rCarobuF,mtana. of the . --¥á' 4 I l THE DESCRIPTED FLAVIO ANPHYTHEATER, Libr.l. 4t CA P I T O L O P R I M O. EARTHLY ICHNOGRAPHY OF THE RESIDUAL PART THAT'S IN EXISTENCE OF THE AN FLAVIO PHYTHEATRE. A (2.!iantitˆ delle Velligie delle Mura, che hora fono in ef... fere of the Flavian Amphitheatre, it is breath to fomminillrare Lumens valid for tracing the yellow Delineation of the prefect more colorful plant, which denotes the Prefect state; and that also contributed to it the Intendament and Cognition, to outline the situation of the Parri, that the villa is now missing for the entire building, as it was in time... of your first state. IN'DICE. Let them speak of the Pilaflrons, Arks, & Amhulacri, who are now in ejfi:re. It denotes the unified situation of the Pilaphyrons, Arches, & Amh11lacri, that I'll be missing Noon. Portion of the Walls, and Polte, who ended up fucking the seats. Fahriche's rejiduality will make them medimes. Lt1ogo where the Royal Podium was, the qttale hora is not lilac vijla ; but I am there the Ve/ligias from the hiding place. Diametric lines that make Jlate the gitqla Delineation Regulators, Cavea Air Ovro Arena. , L _) P/anta delle Rui'duali' Parti del!' c.A"!fi,teatro Flaw'o dal J'aondo ;oz'ano of Arnbulacri and declara'a doue were there. thursday !,\ eg at the Rena d Cauea .Scale d,PalmiRomanz''. c--c>.c-...:===...==...==--------.===== and<{j,, Eq.u Caro! UJ' Fonf:u.na dd, -á' ' \ \ - ¥ I L'ANFITEATRO FLAVIO DESCRIPTED, Libr.l. 43 e A p I T o L o s E o N D o. ICHNOGRAPHY OF THE REMAINING SECOND FLOOR, WHICH IS IN PLACE, OF THE AMPHITHEATER... FLAVIO. 0' with your own. Walls, as it comes to the forefront! "'...We have found, in the Compo!i detto i detto Piano , lai; Corrifpondenza de' Pila!“roni , & Ambulacri , fimili ˆ ai quelli del Pian Terreno, come anche la refiual Parte delle j Vaults of the First Grade Game, and those of the Stairways Plant: that is, the more fcurous complexion indicates the refidual prefectory breads; and Other clearer ones, those which are missing, as in the feguenre I N D I C E N¥. ,. Pilajlroni, and Archi, of the Heliptic Ambulacra. N-... i. Pilaj/roni, and Archi, of the phimic ambulatory, which make flati dimcttti. N-, 3. Walls, and Vejligie of Stairs, which refi ned to the fecund Sphere of Degrees, N¡ . 4. J/olte ˆ declivio , which formed the first Grade Sphere. N¡. r. Precenjione, oilro, Piano del Podio Regio. N¡, 6, Aria della Cavea, Ovro Arena. L 2 3 7Jian'la delle! A..f'J'zdualŽ... Jzano of the 9th amphitheatre... doue thermôzano lz' seat and !2],Tcensz1-i' Staircase clt'Pal11URomant Eq11u Ct1ro/iu Font.'lrut. del r I L'ANFITEATRO FLAVIO DESCRIPTED, Libr.l. 45 CA P I T O l O T E R Z O. ICHNOGRAPHY OF THE RESIDUAL TO THE PART'. D E L T E R Z O P I A N O F T H E FLAVIO AMPHITHEATER. 1migth Appearance of the Flavian Amphitheatre is from Earth - .... ' up to the third floor, which however we have 1¥ Oif“ntion in the prefect Plant of efTo; havendo tralaf- f the other fuperiors, I take note of their lack: but I do not We give news from that lower foliage from the Lower Diet Verfo Tramontana , which fpicca from said Plan up to ali' Height of the fire Finish, as in the Profiles of the fuffegutive Defenses f1 reconfc.e Che But with the plagues, and the effaults in effa that are admired, they have made us Valuable Enlightenment, where were attached and iridescent there three Plans Demolished: As long as, the most fcurous complexion denotes the part that is in fact in the called the third floor, and the other clearer one denotes those that are missing. SENDS. N-. r. Pilajlroni , and Archi, corri/pondenti agli altri di fatto , verfa Tramontana, fapra dd!i q11a!i refreshes the rejlo of the Pariete, where n11e;lre , e Pilajlri plans. N¥. 1. M11ri refid11ali, fajlenevano le Fofu,'del q11arto Piano. N'. 3. Part of the!' Building, which is flato demolished verfa Half-DayJlo. No. 4. Pilaflri equally demolished, including the P i!ajlroni, Archi, and the Wall of No. 1, N¥. 5. Place where the rejid11ali Times that j˜jlenavano all 'turns of the Degrees, N¡. 6. L11ogo of Podio Regio. N¥. 7. Aria della Cavea, ovro Arena. M .. O'Jl'o'! P -C "Pvr:Jp-ectorsiduale de!' EAnj“teatroPlauio 1wfrFiiwnontana comeitroua di'prfmte Prefintto re.nduale dell'D.m(jteatro cp/awo uer;/o (Ponen'te, come,n7:rouadifrf/ente I I i'' ,,,,, I '/1 ,._ 41 I L L'ANFITEATRO FLAVIO DESCRIPTED, Libr.l. 47 C A P I T O L O Q U A R T O. OF THE PROSPECTUSES, AND RESIDUAL VESTIGES EXTERIOR, OF THE" AMPHITHEATER FLAVIO the Allunto da noi prefo in dimoflrare lo Stato dcli', The Flavian Amphitheatre, commonly known as the Colofieum, when it was in your Effort and Completion, it is necessary that first oven vifle the Parei reliduali that of prefente phono --standin' primafle, who have given us fuffi together with a way to determine the state in which he found himself in the time of the king. empire and his empire. Waves, in ellcution of this, we put forth in the following Cana the two Major Parts re/iduali eh' hora are admired; that is, the Longest Part, Which looks verse Tramom.ina, A; and the other verse Poneme , as also that midday verse, B: auvanzare, not by the Tyranny of Time... But from the Diroccarione will follow, in the sec- . . N¥. 3á No. 4á N'. _j f- No. 6 ¥ . .N, 7. No. 8. No, ?- '' ._, ' 4 / l INDEX The amphitheatre was built by Tramontana. First String Sphere for the 1st polo, at Pian Terreno. Second Sfem , to illuminate the //mbu!acres of the -second Floor. Third Sphere of /Jrchi, which illuminated /'Amb;,lacro on the third floor. Fi11eftre acceffarit!, which illuminated the Ambulacro q11arto. Fmeflre, who threatened; I the Amb11/acre fifth. Profj>of ji,det10, which makes the Comparfa verfa Ponente. Parti rejid11ali ver.fo Mezzo-Giorno. Line, which dimojlra the Part that is missing, which is broken breath,