Gli oscuri e difficili passi dell’opera ionica di Vitruvio A L L 'I L L V S T R I S S I M O E T. VERY END VERY C. ARD IN AC, LE DI M. ATNTO A, HERCHV, L E GONZ. To G. A, MR MY T). A DR O NE O B, SERP LA NDISSIMO, Gio. Batiſta Bertano, I as I have sought ſempre Illuſtriſſimo) and Reuerendiſſimo Signore º with all the strength of my weak talent to ſ follow the doctrine of Vitru, º uio in the coſe of architecture, keeping the load maximally that a )) V. S. Illuſtriſſima or al Prencipe and liked to give it to me with the prepora "Yes to my buildings, you publish as much as you do in this city, and in m - - - - the whole state; Coſi I am not bothered to reduce it clearly intelligence of every person in some places, with that light that the words of V. Illuſtriſſia but Signoria aſſai clear demonſtrono talking about the Ionic uoluta, whose clarity za hauendomi ſ covered some principles deluero ſenſo oſcured by the length of time, and from the elegant breuity of the ſcriuer of this Auttere, or open me uia à to be able to walk deeper inside, making myself capable, as far as I believe, of some paſſi da diuerſi duerſamente eſpoſti; I have borne these labors of mine, like fruits of her, to send out under the shadow of large branches of authority; Hoping that that root from which prodottitati are produced, habbia to give them still much of uigore, that it will take time to do so, being in place, a little e dier of no small ornament to this noſtra City of Mantoua, due to the great principle, with which from ſede, there years in here, she has gone up, after the game, crfelice gouerno by V. S. Illuſtriſſima and not only in this part of the Buildings, or publish, or priuati, but even in all the other ways in which you count the greatness, or praise of the Citizens; I consider myself a hauer wrong in dedicating architectural treatises to her, because in this I feel hauer imitated what I took away for Guide. Vitruuto not less giuditioſo in all the other coſe, that great Maeſtro of this art, Which I dedicate the books ſuoi of Architecture, to Imperator as big, as the World knows that fi -Au guſto Ceſare; -To which is not e V.endo V. Illuſtriſſima S. inferior at least in the qualities of the ea nimo, which make it very well deserved dilgouerno not less than he well, comei as for duina prouidenza ui could depend on the degree to which she ſi rie troua, I have not doubted to address these my hypotheses to her; Hor io le ſupe lico that does not want bauer to disdain that I seek with petiolſegno, to demonstrate them the effect of my soul, based on what can come from me, or not what to the size ſua ſi requiresſſe douer to support coſa greater than this, but using in that is, comei as in all the other coſe, of the ſuolitaſua amoreuol nature; Make me worthy of happy ſua gratia. Which is the prize I want most, what else I can do process from her in remuneration of my labors. D E L 'O R D I N E I O N I C o, O N O times, with reason, & regula di miſure s compoſti, dele which the architects should diligently keep, memory, or such giving of members to each other with reason, or giſte miſure die ſtributed to each one ſaccording to your installment, because it cannot do so Temple the proportion, or reason of the miſure hauere, ſe Cauato dal'Imagine non ſae ra of any well-figured good, or from the members ſuoiſi will cite the reason, why Nature has composed the body of man in such a way, that the ſiccia ſua miſurata, from It comes from the forehead, oue the base roots of Capigli, up to the tip of the Main to, is the tenth part of the whole body, or the same is the palm of the hand, from the eunta joint, up to the eſtremita of the ditto di mezo, but from the ſommità del Capofia in the chin, miſurandoſi trOlla eſſer an eighth part of man, or Iſſa the medemo though from the Cima del Capo to the Baſſe Ceruici, taking the measure similarly: The face, has three proportionate miſure, the third part of which, and ſommità from the forehead, where the hair ends, up to the eyelashes, from those to the Narice baſſe del Naſo and another third part, or from eſſe nostrils to the chin, and the last third part, The Pie of man and of the Body, the part, where the ancient cubit ouer brazzo and the fourth of a common Corps. Which brazzo is palmi ſei, or a palm is, deta four, as ſi more demonstrating auanti, The other members have my ateue accommodated ſure, like the neck, which is, half of the face, whose face measured in the way that of ſopra and said, ſara for the modulus of the whole body, adunq; from the root of the neck in the lower part of the chest, ui is a module, or from the humbilic one and a co module mezo or from the umbilico to the root of teſticoli ſi troua a form, co- eſſa root and a third of module, or from that final Gignocchio, ui ſi troua duo modules. The Ginoco Chio is the third part of a form, or from eſſo to the Chiaue of the foot, there are two mo ». duli or from the said Chiaue, at the bottom of the foot, there is a third; The lare chest length, up to the arms' gionture, you will receive two modules or days Ture al Gomito are a form, or duo quarters & mezo, from the elbow to the giontura, of the hand, a form or mezo, the hand measured as it is, called diſopra contains pae rimenti a form, which miſure the Ancients, or statues of nobles, or Painters, uſae rono, big waves, or infinite praises have conſeguite; Likewise the ſacrideoe times no hauer corriſpondenti miſure, to their greatness, as ſi uede Natura hauer made in the body of man, that the ſue miſure are ucramenti giſti or perfect, VENG What boggidi nonſtcoſtino to make the little doors in the source, & poſticoelati of atiacrate times in the way that the Aatichi uonoorono, ſi Nºi nothing less to me it seems C beyond the comfort that you receive from it Vi) Nº huomini) which is very graceful, and represents grandeze It is a is admirable, or grateful in the eyes of each one, as ſi can see from called Santa Maria Rotonda di Roma, works, and for beauty, and for intele rare need for tem ". Whose O G Q Q S S Tortico has in facing eight colonists share it almo do. that uiem'a say incolloe l ylo deſ written by  a jun - ſta, proportionata, etcommoda diſtria - butione of columns, with such regula cola locate, that the ſpaci does one o'clock, and wing S between, enoieno of two groſſezze, or dele the fourth part of u na Colonna miſu e installment in the part from -. - baſſo, et intercoe lonnto di mezo by S three groſſezze lare) e) go, for the Portico uenga di riceuer bel º - "aere to the esRIPTERos en C) drawn in the Temple IS Quite clearly say s dere gratioſo lume to the ornaments cut ſotto diſe, the plant of which peripteros and said, créquia canto da shown, Because of this distribution of columns in the portico is queſta, Cheſeegliſtuorrà º make four columns in the Forehead, she ſidee diuidere in partiundeci, o meza, - lº Four parts ſi will give for the four Columns; Three parts ſi will give to the whole colonnio di mezo, and four e meza of the other two intercolonnii of matches equally, Et coſi ſ the eleven parts o meza will be distributed; But ſe he ſi uorra do di ſei columns; partita the forehead of that in parts xyiti, or ſe of eight, diuidaſi in parts - xxiiit & meza, or in one or the other way each of the faces of one of the said parts, or eſſa ſarà the form - The interlink of mezo, ſia of three modules, or all other forms of two modules, or of the fourth part of a module 3 Et a queſto in this way all the parts will be distributed according to the said rule: The height of the settlers ne, àarà of eight modules and mezo, as ſi, shown in the figure opposite. STILL the Columns that metteri will put in the Cantons of the Porticos l ſi must make more than one of the other fifty parts of theirs i diameter, so that eſſendo pili circumciſe dall'aere, auuiene that appears 1) They are not the most risthinnest ones. Adung, that coſa that ſi staggers -sºe to the eyes, with reason, that reasonably ſi dee do, but lagroſo columns in the ſommita, ſ in the square what it is, ſ in the ſtragalo dete to tondino, It seems to me that ſi must do this in this way, ſ and the Column is due to the lack of lone ga feet xy. the baſſa groſſezza of that diuidaſin parti ſei, or the cinqi ſeno given to ità omity of the Column; And the one who will be on your feet xy. up to feet xx, the Trunk from baſſoſia departed in parti ſei, o meza, or one of thoseſi leut to the groſſezza of the ſoma but Column, or from feet xx. up to xxx. facſi del ſuo baſſo trunk parti ſette, co diaſene alla ſommità parti ſci: But those who will be from Feet xxx. up to cl. partia ſi la groſſezza da baſſo, in ſette parti o meza, o ſei o meza ſ will be for the groſſeze za of ſopra, or those Columns which will be from xl feet of xxxxx. they will ilmenteimely their Trunks da baſſo diuſi in parts eight, or to ſommitàſi they will give parts ſette; Et ſand some Columns will rise higher with the same reasons ſi deuono ſminute until d so much so that eſſe come to eſſer with the sides perpendicular, which ſi will do for the great height, because by reason of the distance the eye reassembles its uncertain co ,a, co therefore what the diſtance takes away from the prudent, Architect with the reason dee ſupplie king. On the contrary, he has to listen in the Picnoſylo which has the groſſezze of a Coe lonna or meza between one or the other, to make the Collone of ten modules, accioche per the ſpeſezza of the gionte of eſſe Colonne, do not appear swollen, or of reſºuardanti dimoe inotrino ugly appearance, Tſe ſi will make the foundations in the place that you are not ùi troui good fund, as in the Marshes, ſi dee cauarfin che ſi puó, Poſcia con li Paloni groſſi sharpened, as well as with the iron tips of great beak strokes thrust with great impetus into the foundations, filling between one or the other Talo, by the minute Carbone, for whom you are a baboon to be conſerated with the leaders perpetually from the offeſe of Calcina, the quai Paloni ſe ſ will of Ogno or Rouere, d'Oliuo, ouer of Salice, will be good; but make meſtieri that eſiſeno ucrdi or ſe tae they will then be that they will use they will be much more perfect, The Gradicheſ will act as the source of the ſtenoſempre diſpari, accio temple N E A y E ºli poſto first before the entrance of ſopra in the Temple and the Mutrone at the aſcendere N aggrauino their feet equally: The groſſezze of said gradioſcalini, noſieno more groſa ſi of a deſtante ie and dica deta, nor more ſtight than a ſºantetante that detono detaſei, accoche eſi habbiano lo ſcenderpiaceuole; The Ratrattionidegli ſcalini, do not miss of one foot, or mezo, of more than two, which foot is palms four, or one palm is, four deta, which uses a foot to eſſer deta ſedici, the miſura of whichſara here as a dog to demostrate, or even there will be an example of degrees. 55 ITROVANDOSI in many places, in the Ionic work of Pitruno, lº Oſcar, and difficult to understand, I put the Teſto bora to this purpose vat of eſſo, because it is very difficult for him; Et coſi lightly every uole ta that it will take ſul difficulty, so that readers reading my iſpoſitione, with those the others, it is better to know what is achieved by the intelligence. Supraq, terram Parietes extruantur ſub columnis dimidio craſſiores quam columng ſunt futura uti firmiora ſint inferiora ſuperioribus here: ſterobata appellantur, nam excipiunt onera, ſpirarumq; proieture, non procedant extra ſolidum, Item ſupra, Parietes ad eundem modum craſſitudo ſeruanda eſt. -And ACTS which will establish the foundations with those orders which are said must be done The ſopra esſi the parieti that is, walls ſover the earth, oueſ have to lay the columns, and the the parapet.Which parapet, aleno alliuello of the last degree that ſiuorra do inanti to the Temple, or eſſeparietiſeno more groſſe than a Column and meza, than they have from eſſer poſte ſopra dedicated walls; Ettalegroſſezzaſi requires them to accept them ri, who receive the graue peſo, ſeno more ſode than the ſoperiori, the quai coſe ſoperiori that ſwill be made don said wall, stylobate ſon said, that is, Piedestali, or even eſſe Tarieti will be with the groſſe accio that the projectures of the ſpire, that is, Baſſe del Piea deſtali, not ſporghino outside the ſodo of said Pareti, or in the same way, ſi ha to uareeruare conueniente groſſezza, so that the Baſſe of the Columns, which will then ſo and pra a Piedeſtali, do not eſcan with their projectures outside the ſodo of eſſi, as in the fie gura ſegnata V ſi dimoſtra in the eſtremo of this. - Now hauendoſi to make the Podium, Parapet uoſgaramente said between the one Piedeſtale, or the other, ſi will do with ſottoſwritten orders, - Vti Quadrac, Spire, Trunci, Corone, Liſſis, ad ipſam ſtylobatam qui erit ſub coe lumna Spiris conueniant, ſtylobataita oportet exequari, uti habeat for medium adie ectionem per ſcamillos impares, ſi enim ad libellam dirigetur alucolatus occulo uie debitur, hoc autem uti ſcamilli ad id conuenientes fiant. 'AVTTORE here of nopra tells the names of the members that ſi debboe º do not do at the Parapet, or at the Tiedeſtali, that is, Quadre, that the others say º no Zocchi, for eſſer the first member ſ over the wall; Spire, which banº no more than an Order, or they have the most petiole Plintho which is not the Zocco, or eſſo plintho uà meſſo ſopra called Zocco, Tronchi, between the one Ornament, or the other, that is and, between the baſſo ornament, or that of ſopra, which ſaranno al Parapetto, º alli Tiedeſtali; That is, crowns, drippers, such as "always" will be with some memberſote to, Liſi, this is, gole roueſcie, or even straight, than in other places the Author add them Sima ció and, Sima when ſarà porata of ſopra to all other Orders, ale the hora ſi nomara for ſima, ſi as in Frontiſpici, which dictates ſima uiene ad eſſer ilſue I press order of all the others, or called Gola in this term is meant Gola drite ta, which appointed members of ſopra eſſendo made in the part from baſſo, or in the part º "of the Parapet, as we said, the medeſimi still ſi will do alli pic CI 1ll, ſi - C ii .. Tiedeſtali ſi they will do in this way, that is, eſſi ſ they will be wide for each uerſo how wide they will be, the Plinthi of the baſi who will be under the Coa lonne, or ſopra said Piedeſtali, The baſamento of the said ſarà alto as much as e, meza groſſezza di Colonna, adjiontoui one apparently te, o meza of the fourteen of the said column of Colonna, departed in ſette parts, three parts ſi will give the square called Zocco, which haura il ſuo ſporto of your height; or leave two at Plintho, your "ports" will be a little less than those della Quadra, the Gola roueſcia hauera the other two parts, together with the labuo labro della ſce ſta part of ſua height; or as many as ſuo your ſtralogo; The eſa port Iſarà quaſi at the eſtremo del Plintho, the Trunk of the said Piedeſtali bauerà by the manco the height is one column height, or for the greater part of two height columns, or such height ſi uſara, ſaccording to acidic as it would in moose & baſare a Column for accommodation of any order or what can be done even if it is not ialial teri the date miſura. Viiq adiectio in ſtylobatisfacta fuerit, in ſuperioribus membris reſpondeat ſmeſtia Epiſtiliorum, - - VOL P. Author, who will do the best with which coni will do members of the Architraui eſſe coriſ correspond to the gionta that has been made in mezo a Piedeſtati, which runs, the Auctor to said little more ade Trunk of the said Tiedeſtali, the ſeſta part of the Groſſezza of the Column, ci e, meza by band, Et pigliata half of the said Trunk, partitaia game in parts ſette, one of eſe ſe ſarà for Cimatio which haurà from ſopra called gionta as much as ſporto, as ſae rd the altezzaua height, the reſtante partiſi in parts twelve of which ſe ne ne three of them mafaſcia, four at the ondaecondafaſcia quala purauera as much pleasure as the earà la mee za part of the dettaopra called gronta, or cinq, parts to the third faſcia, ſi will give, giving still to e tantoa as much ſporto as ſ will be the other myth of the said gionta, or to the reſtan you part ſi will do the medemo, doue for what uerra to eſſer done eſſo Piedeſtale with lagie onta in mezo, or with the orders and miſure that Archi do the Architrau, or a queſto moe doeſſa gionta ſarà done ſi as the Auctor says. - - m E TI babeat for medium adiectionem for Scamillos impares. That is, the Piedeſtale increases the gronta per mezo made with large unequal petioles; Bt eſſendo poſto in opera, ſi uedra eſſer alucolato, that is haueràforma of uaſo, hauendo the foot, the belly, and the neck, made in the way of Vaſo, - The ſcamilli ſ will be conuenienti alli Piedeſtali, hauendo their goddess riuationi from Architraui, or Architraui, from eſſi, the Frames that chei will make on the so-called Piedeſſtali, the fourth part of the part of the column will be high ta in parti ſette, una o meza ſi will give the Vouolo made of the fourth part of a tone do, or parts three ſi will give to the crown with ſuo Cimatto, who haura from the Piedee This is as important as it is haura the Plintho that inthi is made to the said Piedeſtale. The ſuo Cimatio ſarſta part of said Corona will be high, the straight Gorge named Liſi, bauerà d 'Height, with labuo labro two parts & meza, or as many ſarà the ſuoſporto; And a Piedeſtale made in this way ſi as or said here before I have already seen, in Monte Eſquilino near Santa Maria Maggiore, at the vineyard of M. Domenico Bia anchini patricio Romano, L I still know what they include all the Ornaments ſopra said, which I have described always send me with the authority of our Auctor. is aſſai from time, pur u puri here diſoto, confore O L T1 fl!, Year giJ pr: r (utifo ​​rii potCf 'p􀘈ttlre • lla 11eY4 lntell, .. q en􀘉 ta di V itruuio fo, rza practices, cr many still fatigued by ef; po11erlo fenza Thcorica, which cofaper for what I hold, is ueramen􀘊 te alf huomo humano imp, sjibtle, Theorica (7 practice, with the last ter􀘋 mini I say ago. mejlieri, (7 congionte in a fPtrtto fo / p, à dc, uer ben 1i1ten􀘌 clere il hn: ue C1 "learned fcriucr of so much ..., AÙattore, er because the one er / 'a / ira jìn'hora fo110 / late limfo, it is added that many have tried to ejporlo, cr saidut fapm uarie hro opinions, such as Frate Giocondo, 􀘍lberto Duro, Battifla dt p, li ..A "'lherti, Ce {e, c Ce / ariano, Baftiano Serlio, Gulielmo Ftlandro, Daniele Barbaro ,, maj? I , na, nente fopra