*-| COLLECTION . L OF TEMPLES, TOMBS DESIGNED BYIL ANTIQUEby Gio. Battista MontanoMilarwe. THIRD LYPHIRE jjinij i wginc 'S' print e- Jl make in Rotti Gby Gao Incorno de Rossi alkPact- pg> n r,mt.- p <: T. me. Temple already JcllaForttmaVtrlU eli order Tonic, ihuo aspect iilPn/Hlo/Jcualôtrclc Capitals areouate.Ie~ bari attract them, walls of the Colla delia part dijuori me /train merrrt Column optali aeeompagnanoˆ([Lielle delpor tiro ctheinnoiimcd/'" ornaments: the Columns have xt sa Hall : The Capitals, which arose inthelian^olidcl What are you talking about? I'm talking about a band that - I've seen more of them.back, c high .feet 6 : ±Jouc all alien together delbascimcnto, c Column are fiedi. 2. 9 \ .la matori a dolio fahricsi Guitta inverino coverta di Stucco -li forco Unii are 2... diameters cCtt -st cn& his t ca tu 4 S. Moria E^itiiaca, c ti count tua quasi int“e^,hojqgi called Broken Bridge, Ili QueA—Tenrpio was made by the ancient/uLvia-Af pia pia I loved straight of order Corinthio .lapiantadel' ndLmue row of half-fertile Euclid is of figure E^utcrure, with some oil comvocations -cells bands, et m te /la de omfi, B round, mo Arando rumi huinana figure , Figure of E uclide nominatnEijuicrure. p ? Cap¡.p l . * ' - : - - marnami the fans in Ajrpia Street, marked eli order Corinthio richly adorned f the fact chili AiEt aue/to frieze retracts hoggi in galaz.1 0 delti Sg? j aderiti amyio here "aap :| r^. ::x;: li-faci e con ii- nicrhie per dmosBetween king luiM.cn, of which and which is apportionedAnd in some niches he has of the ages of kingsthat no one was shameless. Here/“v Temple si ne de anconclle Nero's medals. "Mei presente Portico conforma tjuei.Cyraph of order Ioni co t and Corinthians notTr inato the Arch of Merchants; which they say was the temple of Janus st sees incon-The church of S.io rcjiofaei li doifonRomcino and Boario with f. Porte ^ 1 1 Ô ! ' HI . ¥ - Qiie/bT unholy Qiie/bT say efs ere breath in Campii cjudnclo li Gauls Discovered by the Aridor' ofthe Geese itolca.no for betrayal to cook the little attardici of theSenfinell^utia of theas for cciftijo from j Limit˜, by erta Roccci.s^j " gg= queftoTcmfw is nilamaAppia ieninimo ornato. the : . . I | :i '|p Ancient Temple > XXVII Ancient tomb outside the Celimontana Gate of Jan Glouanm, at the % XXVdlI .V - . ' _l Earth, Soybeans A : “¤“y; $íi0!p 'iit“w“lr Ç. Ancient tomb in the. Via Appi XXXXIí ; - -¥ - . . . . - XXXXVI this urnaju leuata from Chief of Bout for Cardinal farnefe's ordeal,and taken to your palace in Campo di Fiore... XX XXV 111 { C VIATORS LIVE PRAJUffiSTlNAt AED1L1CIO - CVRVLI VQAERARIO T R I B VN OFAB R VM NAVAl POT WS CORPVS FABRVATNA OSTINI VALtVM I QVIBV5 5EXS . CC OTRRLI C AND I OPTIMUM HERITAGE SEP fePBaM- 8th pnersi3£- 18846 V,3 2-^NS /*7& THE J PAUl GETTv OEM '£" BOOKS