I mn~c.A ruccARD;-l IN MODENA I jl s x,n, ,; N. ,,>. / ...___________ . llJ a: ::r .... r \ - (!l {Ao ,( , :;._ CJ~ TRAT-T TO CAMILLO AGRIPPA . I A - I A - I N E S E OF TRANSPOI\T AR LA GGL I A -1 N S V L A -p I A Z A Dl SAN PIE.TR.O. #!"· •· WITH THE 1 CEN T 1 A J)-E- S Y FOR 1OR I. ~ . . - IN ROME, For FrancefcoZ anetti. M D L X X X 11I- 3 TO THE ILLVSTRISSIMO ET EXCELLENT MR. JACOMO BONCOJvlP.AGNO qeneral of S. Cbiefa, 'Duke of Sora, f5 Marchejč di Vtgnola. Llull:rilsimo & Eccdlcntifsimo Lord, effendofi 1~ofirata la Sanctuary of N. S. deliderofa of relocate the great spire in St.Peter's Square;pa - guilty of 1ouer prevent that deo-nifsimo effect of dlere among the memorable ar - • ,b tions of edo N . S. Sanu!simo annoueraro, il non potcrfi perauenrnra trouar way Dcuro di tr=ifponare the said spire.Why am I finding myself in the bent to 1nuentioni no less flights to the well public, what honour, I cannot help but seek for my own. power in such a way,c~e :the judgement10 of V. E.lllu{ hifsima. I'm the most confident, & conueniente to the said purpose , which for the diuina ricroua.t0,I wanted with due mifure,machine,& iilroments, indeed, echoes of St. Santit a, & A of 1. + of V. E. Illufhifsima rapprefentare. Waves for ef_ {y:i}It is already {y:i}from fame, that she lauds the work, & judges, Which in diecutione, hauendo, to put in diecutione I would think a lot of great minds would say... Pears, which she, lifolfe; it seems to me to put it into light adorned with the very clear name of V.E.IJ1uJ1rif Gma, to which I dedicate it of core: confiding in me, ch-l fo o name fcricto in queJ1e tar~e for the infinite gen . the foa hasn't been able to give him a better idea of what he's doing. in the famouse faffo of the perennial spire memory faux-fried. By V. E. lllu!lcifsim:t Humi! Jiffimo Seruirore C:amillo Agripp. .. . .-. . i \ f WAY TO CARRY THE GVGLIA IN SV LA PIAZZA D I S. P I E T R. O . ~ ~ -: I have come to Rome, that the fa afl(20. d'Otto6re in1535. ioflntiua r aggionare diportar the spire Jicuramente infu I~ "And they were the servants of St. Peter's, and they were the servants of the Lord... percot~ of quefla irnprejŕ rvlntonio SangaUo degnifimo man,ethylgran ~ichel Angel'13onarota,I & countless others:fiéhe s'in horafan ftatifatti affei ' models from diuerft, e_cr' pocofa, mifa spoken by Two go! Ent'huomini,ch'io cipenfafsi,chejipenfaua In me, as you say, I've been through it. More than thirty years; and eh he was in order for such then apply it., then apply it., then apply the mode, then apply it. then I.iinuouofapplica.f5 obtained the parliament, You will decibrate in a way, which is what you have. uea to proceed to bring said spire, tome you mean the party. l r Li \ 6 'Difcorfofopra . J:a pinnacle is of palms rv eleven thousand and eleven thousand and eight hundred. 1nc1rctt. Et čin plant twelve palms,& oncieJčtte. Et inpůn~a čpalmi otto,f5 OtJciefčtte. Et čalta canes ten,& palms eight. Et puň pejŕr libre centoperpa/mo, chefarJ all the spire rvn miione hundred eighty mil~ li6re. . H auendofi to pull said spire tir4rafsiin ...a.k.a.,a.k.a.,a.k.a.,a.k.a.,a.k.a.,a.k.a.,a.k.a.,a.k.a.,a.k.a.... Voueprima/hadagiudicarel obliquity of the flrada da punto,doue si ha da partire,al pun-. You have to, you have to go, so that the but that will take her not t-r:oui maine full, not empty. EtJi t will do the.fondamentofoo,ouero stalls in the place,do ue has from e/ferpofla,(5signed the spire. And what the f! Ons'babbiad'alz., arconcorde, because le corde hauendoda ffar in opera rvn tempo,inan Z} that leijiapoflaf5fermat a in the placeofoo,fl rveni/ When the rain was windy, the bath had a part. of effe corde,f5' the otherpon,jiche queifčortando( i,eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tuna dijpeZJ.'Garjiad "Vna advna, e5 lose/11 spire,besides eh'lJito not a_fpetta commodo di t an tiargani jčnZJa 6J!tfargiu,etfargra_n.piaZ,;z.,a, not Spire. 7 -don't you think that I didn't flruify the ropes~to "!~ria in the company of two chains, don't bring it with you. ~aah! ~ 'the erche I mean the gugliahabbiadaejfere pulled fňjpefa from the ground, ji that of the twenty-four nepoji Why are you doing this, chef at the restaurant? dipofametho,to give him/her the pendant,which is rventiquatrejima will make as rune cj,elle colonne of the large altars of S. Peter, who keep in roughly one spire. Bora i/ow, which I will say apart,~ part. Etprima Jpianarafsi la flrada a proportione of the decadent line, f5faranji made the trauates on the cross, as it appears in the cross, Jopra! to walk to that high~~, that pojfa paffer the ca(lellofln~a touching metal strands. Second imbragar afsi laguglia facintame n teftn'{j put more matter to her~ first c~ejčle put the caftel on. The sling will make spelt chains in This way me./fe,they'll make me a lycinogro. That's what the metal towers are like, lt which jia . I Li 8 Difcorfofopra Liferriin if it's long four rods,& they'll be number thirty-two,there quality.grab from 6ajfo,comefivederŕ in the fetlock, f5in pointing at you will make you ~"Intelaro, cheliriceureŕmifura, fg'literrŕfčr... mial lu1Jgofao,(5 in ponta del/ifirri'Vifaranno 11,ttacčate,chains,ouero four iron bars made with My eyes were like a spire with a spire to pull it out... co,fcondochefarJ of 6ifňgno,f5 quejiect1rtene,o signed will do as high, as thecaftello will do, tS rvnpocopiu,e5all attached in rvnaltro te/aro of high, that it keeps them diftanti ŕproportione, like (still betterJJ1) and will be a model. J Vipiuijčrri> who go on their feet,ha6.6ino i6uchi parties, (5' all at runa mi(ura,e5 da putjiliferri ŕpeZ;ZE_,ŕ pez/(E,,ad1Jno,ad'Vno, to sign your loyalty to the 1Jojódibilancie, in the name of JialZ;aranno eftijčrri ad1Jno, adrvno, & leleue they'll make open inmeK...iZ!!, tick, how much? port4: t'alz.,ar(5a66ajfar delfčrro, & will do still grasping the sign.,z.,a. The flradaprimafarŕpofla piata made the bedJňpradetto ŕ mijůra,jňpra qual letto 'Vi/i they'll put eight curli,dipafmi trei'Vnoperdiametro, e5long thirtydtJepa.lmi. Above July-.~ -9 Above these kurls will be the ...twelve-stringed oak tree, Jéi Perhanda, long canefčtte, and mez... Zf!, grof! is vnpalmo, etvn fourth approximately, high vnpalmo f5mez...,z.,o,all ŕ m..ifura benlauorate,e:5 hen compofte. And the rvna, and the other 6ada in the meZ, yo put. fsiilririfaction of inanz...,i, f5didietro aUa spire,as long as the gangs,f5 that do rŕil lettoprimoJňpra i curli!I f5 quejlo letto /iti rvnpoco tondofotto d'inanZJi,perpoter inuef!ir li curli,f5 vfcir jčnZ!Jftrepito. ~efloletto člargo člargo canna three. H now perfirmarlott1eight, f5principiar ilca.fteUo,qual čjňpra fire them, and they'll make four of us for three to one, f5fourlong attached, f5tncaflr.ati in rvn te/aro, chefirmi c_onJ'č tutto itletto>ch'čfotto. The woods will make big palm trees and tall palms. two erneZ;z...,o,e5 dibuona materia, e:ffani. Liprimi due, che van.nopiu apprejfo alla gug! They'll make you far away from that two and three. Quarters, d'inan1J, f5backs. The other wood in the back will make palms twelve feet away from each other, for i/poco/patient, which is, for not Huttar Giui! Temple. . --··. -The trinity will be fifteen palms away, not- B.tano 10 Difcorfo fopra ...the companion's hand, i.e. the vain ones. . . Liquattro, which is long, two of them, (5 two ŕJiniftra; the first to sing at the spire:. they will make f5th quarter-fifths of a fountain from effe; perfarpiu collected thecaflello,et hauer da rouinar Not even for the ffrada, doue has to go to Laguglia, other three hectares, which so much The bed. And all this Ji will put injieme ŕguifa d' vn t' you/he/she attacked,et signed cod!igenz...,a~ et et Jia pari mejfo inprincipio,inpianopertrauerfa,et obliquoperlugo,jčcodo !adeclinatioedellajfrada Plus the close-up of TWelve Hahia Woods. teff a grojŕ for the Journey, doue has to go, f:/ The other tefiapiu fuck! e,Jia of Jopra in flat, f5 of fuck ŕ mifůra, fecund the oblique dellaftrada, perdouehad'andare, perar venir lead straight to the cajleUo, f5for portaPiu Jicurely the spire nelfaoequi!ibrio; f5coji I aproportioneJia ilririripieno d' inanZj_, e5didietro, esin me~o , cosě che po/fa pofar piu 'Vniuer- It's so that it doesn't go through, ' because the more vniuerferous is the more laguglia is Jěcura,f5 can't run out of luck. Forjčguirel'alte'(z.ia delcafteUq ,Jifaranno. in what telarQ forty pertuji, to put I inside -• 7 -La-Gugliŕ... ~ -. 11 ~ inside forty woods, or corded'ijčhio, or ca-- ftagno, long eight reeds, groffe 'Vn palmo f.§'. In four, wide palms, f5me~Zf!, which ones will decrease in tip 'Vnpalmo e5 cvn ter~o, e5rvn palm & 'Vn octauo,to give gratia toUa car. "Twelve of them, twelve of them will go to a six band. Straight, es'dodeci allaJinijlra, & eight d'inan~i, e5otto back, they will qualify them planted ago l~ f5di faori,e5 will square inside f5di faori,e5 will make the cogiuntione in puta,ŕ due,ŕ guifa of pyramid inrvna squared wood grofli palms two,f5me'{&o,f5piu,e5 the space ofUa will square palms fourteen, for which Janus has dafalirlagugliapoco é5' ajfai, fertile the occafione. . ~eftacture hauer ŕdiecipertufi, cin queaUadeflra, & five toJiniflra, as per. ba/fo;why is it so important to have a new generation of quejlipertujiconfina co1i'? two pyramid-shaped woods, f5 back four, f5 d'inan'Zlquattro, chefannopuri!medefimo, with Four more wings! The four more wings out to frame the picture. coffee eUo ;-fiche 'Vn caff eUo ŕpiramide' is made jórte e5 atto ŕ regger/a, f5 portarlfl, fěcura; meaning, however, that Jia pen laureate >;; .. . . .. B.2 hen 11,-- Difcorfo' fopra hen compoflo, f.5' afferrato neiluoghinece/farij-- es ilmodello non h)ine ifirramenti, neitrauerfamenti to make it so thatJim piice moflril Then therica lafa6 plus Jfcura ali' imprefa. Etc:oui the ordered caftello with all the circunas Hantie, who cycled, adejfoconuiene alt...;ar /Auglia. , To raise:,ar lagugliaJimiranno trentadue the two, or the chains, or the rails, or the rails, or the rails, that Jtan Noin feet, in which Jňno the 6uchi, which leuefŕpur ethyfchiagrojfe rvnpalmo nellatefla ropes groffa,& high "vnpalmot5 vn quarter, etlunghe eanne fii, f5 palmiJči, I say of every mifůfara in about, f5chejidiminuifčano still them inpuntape~ can be easily handled He found out that every person in you had a place in life no ŕ three octac twoincirca,chejŕcarrettatedodici, f5 vn quarter approximately,by clapperboard,Jiche we make the prf>fortione delpefa, perpoterfar la proua d'''Vna leua; f5 needing some difficulty-ulity At two o'clock, by the grace of God, Jadelpejň, Jé!idará! The shortest proposal! You're not even close! perviously,f5conquer aneJli of the chains, ouero them pertufi n~ ifirri, as well asJipo/they put more of your own btf,jfe of theprimeJě that will not miss the commode to be able to raise her up, her apiacer noflro, poco, Ňajfaiper time, infinoaUecannequattro, f5 palms two, That so much -would ejfer halt a jňpr a il po/amento fao brought to the Piaz...~a, that so much has begun, besides (speaking spanish) as with leue, f.5' with the Vno, f5 with the other injieme.' Since it's a lagugliajia a!ta,ŕ'Volermň what about poji 'Vn rventiquattrejimo makes the dish,Jifarŕ "Vn mattaraz~ of wool, or other honejlamentementementemente high matter, Which will you do with them, that /t'll hold up, and then it'll go down into the lake propose ~4 Difcňrfofopra proportioned'run ruentiquattrefimo,plus (5'mancoJecondo chcl'huomo ruorra. -· Lajiportaccata inpuntadelcafleUo,because ilgraue tirand(J alcentrofa che la machinfJI. can't give it turn/is 7ene cala.Ifeda rune /Jada quantity; because it is a voltary role over the # One corner, there6 would be no way to treat you # a,how much is the car's pepper of the car,etdeUaguglia and balance ray, which co-fuses the radius and balance in the whichemachine will enter twelve milajčicéto squared palms of matter, roughly, which can be Forty-fifty pounds the palm, five hundred chefarebhe And four more, Jčn'gle~chains, come on, etflrrate,which will ruin the garfish,which will roughly aruentijčttemila libre, talche tutta la machina pejŕrŕ five hundred f5trenta vn milalihre about/which will make everything vn miIonejčttecento eleven-thousandths/Jre or so. Approximately lungafejfanta fei palmi,o quelchejijia,perlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlarlar intact, doue it will take use yours. Hora diuidendo that lungez.,z...,a diflj/ŕntaflipalmiper Thirty-three parties;ofThirty-three 'Vna will make that/1.a,that will make theafor'l..1,,,,,! two, - The Spire. -·15 two,fecund queflapartition,ethylrčflofarŕ pal Mijčjfantaquattro,!! Half a difejfantaquattro is r thirty-two parts; jiche will make thirty-two parts Outside,f5'Vna inside of your tongue,et'Vn thirty-two. I! modipejň ~~Ue do~i~i~i~ ear~tta_te, et rv_n ruarto tncirca,qual'Vndt et pa!mt 1nctrca, j ara lafar'{ a,that at the...Jarŕle twelve carriages (5'Vn quarto -I don't know why I don't... I mean flarJů le minuz... z.ierie. I-forŕ ejfendo la.leua corpograue,farannolé more effective, to propose one part, I He's in there, he's in there, he's in there so much more than you'd think. the will of the Thirty-second of the Twelve carts, how much will it do to the people of your country? more,1,faori,chedentro)qualŕflcondolagraue~ ~ of eJ1a! eua; cunts so much mancopejň del(opradetto) Thirty-two of the twelve carriages,which It's about eleven palms, she's going to go to the Z.Jar I give her. 18arrettatefor each of your languages,which one you still have :pt He shall make three thousand and eighty pounds, whichever one he will I'm gonna miss the party so much, it's gonna come not even proportionately, provided that the parties d'ejfa leuas'aC<,-()aUafor~a; cichefa-- It's easy to get around! . Daqueftaconfideratione nafcerailcommodQ that you can maneuver your leue with mancofatica. I o Difcorfofopra Here's the proposal to raise, ar the spire 'Vn pal .mo for 'Volta, f5 two: laleua jňpradetta čin hori'{Ente ŕ'VjňdiHatera./oalz...,ola!euatrentadue palms, the short head/the short head is coming ŕabbajfar 'Vnpal 1no,jčcondo laproportionejůa,why do you circle, that they do the same thing at the same time as you do, they don't match up at the same time. accretion, odtjčrefcimento; fiche hauen4o grasped the hue, f5tirred a!/:hor1'/:hor1'nte fao First, the little head of the Palmo, by co-jiinting your loyalty all of a sudden, for the quantity of the 4guglia vnito injieme pefo deU4guglia, et abhajjandola leuafatto the hort'{g_ntepalmiotto, al ~it will be a fourth time, they'll make a fourth time, f5'Vn ,. fourth per'Volta ;jieh'čin be able to propose4 Let's get it right, let's get it right. fil!~ejle proportionifopradettefare/J6ono reali/ That's a great idea! But why do you have such bodies? different material from/to different imaginaries/, no... no match ejfattamente nellefar~e,ne ne/li JuoiJiti; however/ideue in all cofl, which will go in what ma~hina,/is to benefit,pear_f Jicurarft of the inconsequential; for the body, prefers the amount,they take,&'jimuouono con/patio f5fatica injieme, donde ndjčeilcon' traflo f5l'irregulationedeUejčientie ;jiche'Vie ne ad -. :. ThereGuglia . : 17 "in the adejfer of the past, and in the consequence of the aforesaid facts. For migttorgiuditio e5 auantage deU'im~ :prefadellagugtia,in the model effeguglia will make of Lead, forjŕrla proua more euident, ismoflrar ./extended Vniuerfali disproportion,f5for Your safety: because lead will make a proportionate fiveuglie;f5jideuefar so;per that is in the dilegname model, -isiuficuroilmo. Of the, which the work; but in the rnodell.o can not give ...a disproportionate number of Iphirri, f5 of chains, doue in the work, ji. ralche il modello čparteuta6uono, -f5part trift.o. -Lfopradetto auantage, f5 auuertimento,ne/farlefa6ri,~ heji'Vedeno,etJiconjiderano better proportioni f5 operations. -· - Here's every inejfer to pull the towel, s'im. He will crouch from behind, so that he will not be for:lt1jlrada pendant, f5 lenterafo ,making the tirtir d'inanz.,i . . - D'inanz.ijětirarŕcol/:winch,& cole traglie double, because it'll be more jaue, and with mancofar. ~,perdarpiu...time, acciňchefl najčejfe some Damn it, Jaccejfemancodijňrdine. . Boraeccola in 'Journey, and/or is the first curio of ...behind it, and now you're going to put it in..., the comrades... I C lies, 1!- Difcorfo fopra mind,ftfarŕ paJfarJňpra idue wood,chefň no daIe cajlello gangs with four wheels, e.fi _curli perflruitio of e.fi _curli, (5of the bed, that You brought him here so we can't use a lot of wood, f5 so they'll be captured by inan~icommodity,et why do I sound so bad, Jia attached to the coffee of (ňp-ra, ( which is comprised of four antennas in-r crusades,vnito (5.fortified with other,& with other to handle them, as he sees in the difčgno) vna double traglia with cordegentili,et in head of effe rope vn hook to grab him ~ to the crossfortify them,f5 the bed more com 1nodally. -· And that's for the eel of the city, not for nothing! fpefa,&perfminuirle.fatigues. While Jbaj{o,Jitirarŕfa the pofamento.jůo,e5 will still come after him,etgjuto eJlň inpia'(z:...,a,accommodaraflialluogo,doue hadaffair. H now here's thepofamento standing, f5ilcajleUo -near him. I'm going to put him in the lake, Two, or whatever hijňgno does, Maprimal will open the door... caRelio d'inanzi, mo'{_Z1ndoiduelegni, (5'due, ...will be called the spire, four f5 palms... eh~ LaGuglia - 1..9 chefono quattro, al/:altez.:,z.,a delpofamento, & moZ&ando still lidue legnid'inan'{j, how much the stuffing lasts for the stuffing to make the liver, for the same kind of stuffing. lopo/let in, f5'portarla spire ŕ piombofapra The metaUo toronidi metaUo, doueprima was contraflgnated, innan~che fileuajjč,(5' poifi will drop, f.5 to put the lamp on the floor with that/'s ehemerita such imprefa, because the ancients never return to feet... H now laguglia čpiom6ata alfao place, di.far mijiilcajteUo,it's5 all the coffers...,that have been used ŕ quejfa imprefa,e5 tirinjiŕ.dietro. Ejfendo, rviffo i!modeUo,(5' difčfoJňpra effe They're calling the bailiffs, because they're attacking! brought upright in the air, what are they going to do to me? You. Laprima - is, if you bring it on your feet, not in 6occa to the top of the ca(thePyramid is made to make Vequaleper all the talaplatea.Laflconda,which does not ab/Jajfandola,ne alundofa does not run so much,(5 fpefa,per the diuerjitŕdeUe machine, which would bifognarebbe us, 11nz...i čjěcura. Laterz.,a,that she's weak, Thatjia made l will hold it, for ejferil pefo party proportionately for all 6afe, which is- C , flfarŕ . Difčqr[Ň.fopra flfarŕ of reeds ventidrte (5 mez.,z.,a, fichefl,... pra le dette canna rventidue f5 me'Z.,'Z1 la guglia. also sometimes 66 per reed, sometimes 66 per reed. palmicecentoeevent'uno; etJč bene qůeftopa, ref(and to some irnpojfi6ile, because the bafč is four parts of inanZj_,, f5three behind, for occajione Of the temple, r:h'h'impedifceilpartimento, (5 however,) behind it comes three Jčttimi, and: f'd'inanZJ four by/with the nut of the garfish, it will be done. Morepejň from behind, than from above; nevertheless, this is what it will do. will not prevent, that the pejó nonjia par.i,because they will your loyalty to me is all the more important; as much as it will do for you. what does the epi-u,inanZj,inanZj,e5 the at Three Jifaranno will pull slowly, slowly, sometimes. queffomodoJifarŕl equtli/Jrio. Et ben che.anco -ra laguglia port1ilfao foot d>inanz_;i , on behalf of of the leu prer1ito,a,jiche non Flarŕ apiombo, There is a middle ground, but he can put stuffing in it, that you can't_run: 1nŕ queHoJidiceprincipato/ to, in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, in order to # We've got a car, we've got a car, we've got a car, we've got a car, we've got a car, we've got a car, we've got a car, we've got a car, we've got a car, we've got a car, we've got a car, we've got a car, we've got a car, we've got a car, we've got a car, we've got a car, we've got a car, we've got a car, we've got a car, we've got a car, we've got a car, we've got a car... ...you're gonna make them more fancy fives,... Z,;ati, t5 queffa čla conjideratione, che hijňgna hauere, to pr0ueder to all- failures, co; to all men, -which I claim no , L ;a "Spire . _·· -21 No such' imprefa . poue jč la fajfe pofata nella make your own bafe, for hauer and Jlŕ spire Jňlo vna canntt: f5 mez.,z.,adi bafl approximately, the s.fonda_rebhe.., f5 would be so much in place that every little bit of it... of missing from vna _6anda, which finds.ffl It's okay, it'll make the car look like a car. But if you attacked her in the pitnta, _fa proportion_e Such~, that a! Z3nd or the band's palms, eh'č the fifth of farghe~Z,Ja d'ejfa bafl, such as these, not for which the spire falls, It does so in a real way; so it doesn't have to be like that. I'm gonna have to look for the fucked-up flrada, and do it as much as you would, as much as you would want to, by bringing it back. Pojŕta, how they've treated so many people! Come on! mini; it was a way that he could do so. for lawns, photos with the tr auat to done, because for the great /patio, chepiglia, laJo.flentarebbe, as well as quejla ma china does all the ru.ffic&-, that is, to raise it up, to take it to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to. te putlafu ilfao pofamento. The fourth iscke the spireJiporti naked Jčn~a elfer nefafliata, ne Armed with a gun, as can be done. . Jlpa! Moriqua-drato is minutes _21000000 The modeUo i.e. the spire of piomho is minutes 13.2Jo. (5pefa li6re . 27.(} . llpal -11 Difcorfofopra Ilpalmo čq/Jartiririquadrati o+ Vn fourth squared isminute Jf7 f Lagugliadipiombodiquarti J7 ě liquartopejŕli6re 7 ľ The fourth of the stone_[ali!Jre!Jre 1 : It would be aproportionc dipefo + i.e. themodeUo ;jěchela dimoflratione čjicura Ŕ making the operabuona e_"i'i'i'facile,o!tre che ilmodellopor tareb6and two other dipiom6(). . . Dipiomho dipiomho squared 4-So Lapietrajimetteilpa!molihre yo It will always be understood as incin:a in all things said numbers,(5peji,percbepoco import lemi nutiein facts so great, as it is imprefa. And/being opinion of some, that notJideb6a muouer the spire, which give to intend to the Precipe,chela ftiahene ŕcantoaltempiodi San Pietro.Vato thatjiacosě/idice,that nonperquejlo E!/.a Ha 6enein that1node, which lafla; through which it is I fuck the ground reeds four, palms two around, and five... Wanting to put on a tall and fine pofament a! paride! torneodeltempio, eh'čjedicipalmi in_ citca, which will make fifty-two palms in all about ;ftdice that wayJitererŕ to a!Zgr said spire colefaeparti,chefano fuck,fodar jotto)et met .. I LaGuglia. 2J put your pofament as high as the tournament, e5 don't fuck it up, arla, because it was too much... big meZJ~i,checiintrauerreh6ono,f5 digra Jpefa, beyond the danger of breaking it. I can- King, it will not do anything yet thatJiadimpijfe i/ In the opinion of those, that is, who are not kauelfe da p~rtarfa Lapiaz:...z:...a, don't miss ajficu!t in ffltting it, asjideue, even in that! That I want to say the parermio, so that if necessary ehe s'hauejfe da fare quefia imprefa, f5 eh'Imiopenjieropot1Jčflruir almondo, ejfo , like donodato da Jodio, amoreuolmenteJěpuhlichi. First I'd square reeds ...go there to find the ancient foundation... deUapropriaguglia, f5' inanz.,t eh'io rnettefli al-- a stall, seek out the confin(s) of the dettaZ~i of dettaZ~i, e5viftoi! everything, start it atorno, atorno neUa quadraturafaa with teuertino,oueramentepeperigno hen comme/fo,et grasped,oueramentevn rnafsicciodifelici,dan It's been a long time in the forefront; which will be used for the woodwork, so that thecafleUa can hold it all together. thepepheus,ckefid;_ and5poififeguegueguarding for the sake of safety, &. J i I -· _ _ ~dreaming. -· -· - 2.4 Difcorfopra f5'7lenendodtmano inmŕno den- tro trough the palms around you apprejfo laguglia, you -rareifa que(iima.fsicci,riflringédomi didétro ap prejfo laguglia three palmiperla fpirŕtione, dapo I'm gonna go ahead and attack you, I'm gonna go ahead and attack you. d'abbaJ/ň vnajlrada, dapoter entrar f5vjčir largapalmicinque, f5alta eight, accommodated by to be able to fill it, ejjjendo raising:,ata the spire, f5 to open thereflo,to open it and to open it for your hair dryer. Horailmedejimocaflello,delqualejič tratta -to,Jifarebbejňprala quadrature of the reeds with which he medejimemattrie,which is the trauata faa, But the proposition of that place is fruitful -in qu-efto way:Sifarebbevnatrauata, come/a first, by lafciando ilfpiraglio how much čitroano laJciato ...in the middle of nowhere, Simetterebhonopoiper trauerjňparamente two legnicome prima d'inanz.ii, f5dietro, f5due ŕ deffra, (5' two ŕJinijlra, cbefacef/ero vn telaro, like the first one; mŕqueflo verre66e quadro , f5 "The long, f5' that 1 day ago agoor no ~ The Spire. ~ 2f· no in all fof/ero five f5 me'Z.,'{q,'kay, } Cheauanz... inofaori around two palms and five me's... graduate for aflicurararnent. -Made that you/heart, &fortified with queftile... gni, which two-faced jian (5 me~z.,ogrofli, es' three high,& huona material,(5well compound,for flflicurarJigranpejň: Sycamores will pertuft Around forty/woods, that '7, as in the other cafeUo, and square it up, As the other; but hey, the four woods of JoopraJian d(two palms f5mez.,u gro.fsi,f5 three high, perhauer Give all three lifafsi with that farce. Et ~h'I'm gonna get high on eleven reeds, so I'm gonna blow it ~ spire,€5 itronconi,é§ ilpofamento,ch'in they'll make as many as fifteen f5 noue palms reeds. incircal'altez.,ZJa of all, that is to sayJčdici palmiil pofamentoJact as St. Peter's Tournament, i.e. theftegiňda 6ajfo,id~e pe~of the julifattoJňno Thirty-five thousand Jčnzč in Degrees, Laguglia tenicanne,f._~ ottopalmi, chef in all canf!- C fifteen palminoue about the dumplings metal,& fapaUa crefliment f5 ador eh'čpalmidiefijčtteincirca,chefaran 110 in all cannediecijčtte f5pJllmifatte. Etc~ Iaguglia irnbrag ata,comeprjma:;ma ~on_ ::... - D le Ct- zl Difco~fo fopra the plunging chains as important, ...with all the conditions..; That's the end of the line.., ...the spire is five reeds high... ...the me'Z,Z,a,attached! f5afsecured conlefůeleue. Refta raise them. trunks,which will raise them with other birds. -in the mede.fimo caflello altalte'{,~dt canes five f5 rnez.: irons that habbi no firetti eyes to ferrar,& incauarli inside,ciioche Keep them longer, and keep them longer, and then... affect the place, where you go your fairy tales, to the riufa. They're going to do the fairy tales of po .. third, raise the column, dog two, and three, that's what you're going to do. He'll make the order of the place: there he'll be able to make a connection between the column,~ illegname of the .hay, ouero ftoppa, but gencilly,8(""'with diligence,8C'fi will do tap e 4-:J· ~I'd take as much as I could, and get away from them as I could,~ more than political Gaius, nonfade, nonfade, torco, & percon. Feruarla fanacome:la e. Still could do them in that way, which in uero and easier,&:'more confident>8C with not even fpefa; that is to say, first of all, you will plunge the whole gelfoj body And the phimilepharalitis at the door, to make it all evil, 8Cp~rH:ring him, & do him good, & to be able to attack him again way,i.e.ifcal zandŕlofotto alla fuabafa,quanta e lafua,groffezza, and more than half a palm, to grasp the yiuo.del po Famento. Then we'll armaril fuo, pofamento of telari.., and then they'll tie it all around,,8{ that they'll tie it all around,,8{ come as good as the bafa, -&-0 the top in the fuo fodo.E poi faranfi far iferri con1:vncino groffiffiffiimi & fuck you, ~faranG~tack ofthe armarnent Of the telari, & of the traits to grasp well the pofam. I'm with the ways that this imprčfacontain. Then they'll be four of a kind, two of a kind, how long and the column, was for the straight of the qua- arofuo doucfono the pertuG, what is the retro light at the fcala, &faranG the said woods nicely affect There for your carvings, & that we affixed to them Your permit, which are ten for the first, &:'che vadino Fucked to the capital with a cap and a cornet in the back. headphones, not to press the capital, a1fe'rrarele fue for zeinGeme beniffiwo, & with diligence Gano meffi all four affirmed woods for a while... F :. tedi .. -• 4-4--/ Then make it more preface; & then make it a canvas at the tip, eh and fia great outside, how much is the rifquadramcn ...which is a good fit to the four woods, & more baifo, fuck me to the top of the four wood. A cane, there will put in another canvas, to attack the Irons, which will go from a whisker to raise the column,8C so he'll make a whisker out of it to iron the four of them. Strong woods I; & the limile will do for all of can na in.canna,they fight the vn da l'al ero, so that the hare- Of four woods fěano fode ef'vnite from head to head And all that: it's all that's good for fire, and iron, and there I put it. in the corners four head-to-to-toe stems which G was the corners of the pofametoda baf fo,to gain greater strength,& to compete in every place, all ligatures, and necessary attachments, with fi in the other modes, such as 9ud1:o,& that Gano groilě, and bé reuilli, {Ě che leue leue,} Well raise up the colony, i.e. c.iafcuna d-effc 1st bread for you, to propose, & what a bakery pofie giufie. The cafe1 will do it that way, that is to say, the way it will Once you've found the right place, you'll make them a plan of 1Cchio ropes, even fuck, and fopra, & then two telari di traui grouch far palms ten from the pofamento,& the other one I'm going to learn the twelfth and the twelfth time, and I'm going to do it well. armed with trauerfe,& well grasped the other inGeme, to vnir the first forces.et the relators have to pertuG made earlier to put oc1Haquattro woods in feet, that is to say, at the first painting they will put ten for I: 4-f for face, & outside ten like the others, and more A corner, to gather strength and strength. 11 fopra picture will make of wood groffi palms three, & three and a half feet tall, & of good matter,& that lafci of, From the irons palm vno and a half, & hauerŕ pertu fi ten per face, to detroy the traui quarata, & The other forty anda::a year to face together, paJte forco,and leaves outside,to fortify,& fia well CO-- pofio,& affirmed with well reuifii scratches nails.Poi ~two more rraucous fuckups ~ mute you with Comma diligéza. And the cafiello will do well trauerfaro,& barred for all the verfě,& for more fic:;urezza (it will prove good matcria,diligence, , & arre per cgni luogo,&