1 . 0 ■ V 1 \ PORTRAIT DI ROME ANTICA Mm~ct.zc~su" DVCA DE CREfjyi II there :M PORTRAIT OF ANCIENT ROME IN THE OVAL ARE STUCK the priyti ipili T empiji Tettri. nfi C *rch:y Nau ~ mach i' A hi .ritinfali^ C urie *Ba(iHche^ Columns^ Order yeì Triumph ^Dignity<- ^ and so on, %Jitty 9 ^ and so on, %Jitty 9 Cen nonie , ^Medaglie , e5* The U.S. and the notable coffers. With the effigies dr' first Kings of £ le Dkhiarationì of 'Bartolomeo yidarliani JMilanefe^ 9 and other Authors . second impression. AiriUufìrifs 5f Eccellantifs. Sir>Mr. CARLO DVCA DE CRE Y, &c; Ambafciator Eftraordinary of the Mae (the Ghriftianifs. I applaud the Holiness of N.S. Pope Vrb^no Vili, ^ ROM A, For Andrea Feh M DCXXXIIL A Jfsfe d$ ìfompilio TqAu Qon ItcenM de^òuperioru imprimatur fi -oidebìtur Reutnnàifu P.Mag^ Sacred Palatiles A.Tormellus Vicefgerens* Imprimatur^ Br. Antotiinus Cellius Mag. & Socius Reue- rendifs. P.Fr.NicoIai Riccardi Sacri Palaci; Apoftolici Mag. ALL'ILLVSTRISSIMO, ET Your Excellency, Sir, Mr. - CARLO DVCA DI CREQV Y, &c. A brought V. E. with the fuafplen- dida coming to that City, extra- ordinary ornamentation at the Court Roman, and happy to many, that will regain your name from afar, with I defer to see the prefecture . I, who between those profelTo auanzarmi àgran fegnodi V.E. Verify that I'm not containing... Efercitar Taffeta of the soul in my soul the public applause that make her the other five, but I wanted to make it Itelfa par- ticular efprelfione, with the pre- ROME PORTRAIT of ANCIENT ROME, damenuououly given to the Press, with addition of many notable cofc , which noa_" phono Hate views in the first impreifio- in .Comparifco dinanzi à V. E. donor of no merit, with a gift of little proportion... Thou art great, but appropriate to her > who, neiraridar seeing the Modern a 2 Ro- Rome "may>with half of queftojriconofcc Kings in her, with (your delight, the places, and the relics) Quiet, that to the fury of time, and of barbarians sound in the air, deirantica magnificence". I trust, however, that V.E. as Prince^-" endowed, not less of hiimanity, than of valor {involve, he will benevolently like Toflequio} my i & will gladly concede to that ope- t hey, the support of your protectionecond Hyperion chicken named after V. E. the Portrait of Rome's eternity, that eternity which could not the eldest reigning ancient Rome, conlèguir by the machines, which in the south of Italy Marbles, contra'l corfo dc'fecoli, per liia di- fefa . So may it please God to confer mon- V.E.A. to enjoy the fruits of the glory watered down with fue generole acts- ni j and here I make them for end humiliflima riueren- za . Of Rome on July 1633, DiV.E. Humilifs. and deuotifs.feruitore Pompilio TottL Airilluftrifissimo , & Eccellentiflìmo Lord THE LORD CARLO DVCA by CREQVY,&c. M Entre àgf antichi fuoi sons of Mars ì The ninth R ome, which in you, I look around. V Guale hoggi Mr. sign us' admire us V Antica to t' offer rauuiuata in cards. The wonders have fallen, and the art ^iui eternate ^infragil foglio mira ^I The valor of the Htroi -> eh 'glia folpira" Rinoua in you, you're the best part of it. What gives your Seine to the T ehro you come > S'al facro Atlante, cb 'a del Ciel la fornoi The Gallo Alcide hoggi t't'tnuia da lontano i Placid in life, triumphant hair. Rfìma t' welcomes, and j(?? you armed sting Polgor ai M arie " even of M art is Rome ". a 3 Almedefirao Mr. D VGA OF CREQVY- A Te Signor la cut virtute > a'I f angue Recan friezes of fame > and fflendore p I'll bring you some cards too. Doue the ancient honor Of your excellent piers on the ground / part Mofìra ROMA fuperba à parte > à parte" Receive my power in happy face, Chefepouero is the rich don p is the de / o " PO MPILIO TOTTI from Cerreto in Vmbria. To Mr. and Mrs. Readers . > Antiquity of Rome on the phone so far bora views and defrayed by many of whom breathe a gli ^. But what they have, it seems to me, body size in soul and those alP intellect nofiro have a femplice idea rap- prefentato,&vn fpirito fenza body.The defiderio di giouarc to the Curiophyte of the fiudiophiles hammi made to believe, that not faria forfè difcara the fatigue of Who, joining with the IVna, and with the other of the same suffocating quefias, formaffe vn body pcrfetto^and willingly also undertake the Care_, . I have for this from more famous writers cautioned narratine writers... c necessiary defec tions to Ro-'s coffers' cognitìone c gives the carvings, c medals better prefixes so the ^ figure figure , & Imagìne them , that fpero hauer format vn Ri- tract of Ancient Rome, figurative, & animated infieme . For To do that, not with difficulty, but rather with I've procured not for myself but for my own good... but with Taiuto" - the heart of more intendants, to enrich the book of all those boxes,that they could render it totalmen you perfect to join, like that poet, the vtilc, There is delight in what is given poflìbile, as you will see in your leave. I have made a mistake of the laroken man, praise be to my penfiero: And, oh, no, my dolphanous Tardir Delphanimus, my cowardice, I will be a good man. Less in that, which will be able to be fixed in the future for the sake of - ingenuity and doctrine to overcome the shortcomings, c'hauefR in which case, as in,8c, reaching that level of precision will be I've been trying so hard to get into that matter... d arriuarc . And happy little man. TABLE. THINGS What are they talking about in this opera?' A To Claudia. Happy Water. Acqua Paola. Virgin water. AlbaniiC foldati foraftìeri Hercole altar. Altar of Pluto. AncoMartius. Amphitheatre of Statilium .t. Amphitheater of Titus. Boario Arch. ^Arco di Collanti no. Domitian's Arch. Arch of Galienus. Arch of Portugal. Arch of Septimius Seuero. Arch of Titus Triumphal Arch. Embankment of Tarquinius .-* Argylithet Army Maritime. Aphilus of Romulus. Aphilus carried. ' B TI Agni Palatini . -**'Bagni di Paolo Emilio.' Balilica by Antonino Pio. 182 *87 187 107 *45 199 3f l6z *74 *7f 179 *77 *S6. 8c 169 17* a$)o >01 n 3* 96 t4 jot tS9 Bellica TABLE. Opimio's Pafilica 44 Bafilica by Paolo Emilio . 26 % Public shops . 2U Ciditio's shops. f 9 c Ampo of Agrippa M Capitol . Campus Martius. iiz 2% IIZ Field of the Cuflodia" Concealed field, 147 Vatican Camp ♦ I18 Bone's boss, 216 Nero's Cafa Aurea. 9 ^ Cafa di Catelina. S Cafe de Cornelij, 101 Cafe de Coruini . 27^ Cafa di Fauftolo. .% s Cafa di Fuluio Sabino. 9 ^ Cafa di Giocondo 27^ Cafa di Gordiano. 3 Cafa di Martiale. 138 Cafa di Pincio Senator. 129 Cafa di Pompeo . 103 Cafa di Pomponio Attico.* 91 Cafa dì Vergìlio. m CafadiScauro 5 Cafa di Spurio Melio . Cafe of African Scipio Cafa di Seruio Tullio. Agonal circle, Antonino Caracalla's circle; Circle of Flaminio. Circle Maflìmo Nero's circle. iQiicuUods Rodu f "tto diR,omló ì -L j 95 9 Siftro. j4t Suburra. - 278 Cockpit cave... :x. Shows. 158 Spofa al Marito. v ' " Ancient spoiàlitio. ^ Capitol Statues. j59 T Arquinio Priphy. Tarquinius fuperbo. 35 Tauole of public books . 2tf Temple of Antoninus and Faoftina. 2 8 .& 117 Temple of Bacchus. at 70 Bellona Temple. ^ 45 Temple of Ceres. 270 Temple of Confeglio Temple of Concord. 44 Temple dclli Dei domcfticL - ' ni Temple of the Ridiculous God. - • 288 Temple of DcaVerta, ' 9 ^ Jem^ TABLE. Temple of Diana, 24J. 28(? Efculapio's ungodly T. 202 Temple of Faun - 202. 299 Temple of the de. -•. 81 Temple of Flora. Temple of F rtuna Muliebre. 284 Temple of Fortu at Prìmigena. 290 Temple of Form la Virile. i/T 27^ Temple of Fortune 24/ Temple of fìi.inp - . 258 Tempia di Gioue, Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus. 233 Temple of Jupiter 202 Temple of Jupiter ftatore. ^ 266 Temple of Youth. 282 Temple of Juno. 127.^1^2021^272 Temple of Hercules. Temple of Honour. 28^> Temple of Iphis^ 3 t 74 " 3 t 8 ^ Temple of Liberty*^ J27 Temple of the Moon. 127 Temple of Mars. .1 38* 74^* 284 Temple of Matuta, Unholy T of Minerua. .% a 72-274 Temple of the Mufe . 288 Temple of Nenia. 2 JP 4 Temple of Neptune . 282 Temple of Peace. Times or d:elfaTìct|* ^37 ^33 Temple of Proferpina. 270 Temple of Fidicitia . 243 Temple, of Quirino. 91 . 785 ' Temple of Health. 29» Temple of Saturn* 2 S 9 T y ungodly S iluano. 278 Temple of the Sun. 7. 270 Temple of the Sun, and of the JLwna* 241^ TeiBpìo T A V O L A. Unholy T of Concordia. Temple of Hope. Temple of Venus . Temple of Venus and Cupid . Temple of Virtue. Temple of Victory Temple of Vulcan Baths of Agrippa. Terme di Aureliano. T herme di c oftantìno . Caracalia's Hermitage. Baths of Decius. Baths of Diocletian. , Gordiano Spa. T herme of Nero. Baths of Settimio feuero. Baths of Lithium. Teucre river. Theater of Marcellus. Tiger river Militìe Tower * Maecenas Tower. Court of Aurelio. Tr pode. Triumph of Romans. Trophies of Mario. Tullio Hoftilio V V Cellierad i M. Varrone. Velia- Veftigij of the Main Palace. Vcftigij d^l Mau folco d'Àugufto. Veftigij of the Bafilicadi Antonino. Veftigij of Terme di Tito. Veftigij of the Temple of Peace*. Glasses Faontc Villa. Via facra. The end of the Tauola l rfi ny 1^7 241 292 31^ 301 314 3 6 309 312 298 318 56/ 164 221 lOI 231 12 / 42 192 179 rS4 IO/ / 88 222 I/o 308 213 294 ^41 I Kpmuti Tfhcn Car"^ ftfutuf Uìka \Stigtuf- MhtsS Sttutu/j \AeJt/^JtiU4u( ^) [scamuf cneAS' ^reusae^ Tri a" * ^ j^^tiiecx Anckiitf- OF ANCIENT ROME Kmùu. Jul^^ r^tiiuhji ROMULUS GENEOLOGY. Auendofi in that defcrltltlty of Rome, he speaks. ''Iufati re fpeUè times d some places, & buildings j, made a - How many of the built crowd, it seems, that of excellence 1. V.C1 . to say, of those people, and of those kings, who in that time-- Then they lived in: For thus it will be better understood by whom A cotali PORTRAIT cotai; edificj; fuflèro f acts ^ doubled by how much moustache prìnci- (pi) nafccendo qucfta City, in such greatness fiaia coming, who has nothing in the world but draws. I prime therefore; who inhabited the contours of the City of Ro- but, they were Sicilians, nor can fi can give certainty, fe per adie- tro was ftatahabi tata, odishabitata . Vennerui appreffo certain peoples called Aborigines , who left voluntarily from Arcadia, the province of Greece, I am the regiment of E Note thou, son of Lkaone, to seek better dance, and then the Sicilians: with those who are in danger of being killed some other peoples of Greece called Pdafgi , Greek Scaltri Greeks Bewildered vagabonds of Tenáglia, who were they of grateful help in wars with neighboring peoples; Go- I'll take you all the way to Trojan's roulette, mantencndcfi kmpre commonly boasted under the name Abo- whose King said, that it was Saturn, who reigned. neUMfola of Crete, v nnc a contefa , on behalf of the.-" Lordship with Jupiter your son; from whom I make fcac- fi conduffe in Italy : la doue per hauere Infegna- to cultivate the vines, and to use the scythe in Gia- no , which reigns in that time in this part of the VIdelVIta- Aunty, it was from him a part of the Lordship; he died later among little time Janus ; Saturn refto R and he pholus ; Doppo in the year LXIV. When the Trojan War, they say. parjitìfi the Arkades from the City of Pallantc , looking for ha- bitatione lotto the guide of Euandro , arrived here , doue Today is Rome, from Faun King in that time of the Abori - already, they were not so benignly wealthy, but it was with... ceded to them in the mountain near the Teucre, where the building is effi cient - rono vn Cartel , which from Palantio City the first of Arca- Dia, they called it the Palace. A few years after the Ark* of, there came a further quantity of Greeks led by_" Hercules , of which, many of them licensed, and eonfentimento were ...they vireft, taking for their habitat the Mount...? said to the hora of Saturn, bora Capitol : Queftì tror juo , ch'crano Peloponefi , Faneti , & Epij , Popoli de Greece, who had departed from Ilia ( the doue hauerifeo A X Herccle OF Ancient ROME; j Hercules undone at chicken all the paefi . ) Niu.i defiderio re- . ftauaua them to return to him . And they, for some time now, I've... uernaronolecoreperloroftephli separately from al- t :i but then yes as before it was useful to the Pelafgi, & à gli Arcadi , were made participants of lamedefima Citta de gli Aborigines, and with him they communicated the way of the viuere, the read , & i facrificij . In the fertile age after the match-^ Of HercoIe reigning Latino natodVna daughter of Faun* Aeneas came to Italy, after the Latin King with the He went against, & hauendo iVno , and taltro le fue fchiere In battle, when in battle, when he is silent, he is equal to the King... Latin to want to conofeere Aeneas , and come together to speak-" chin. Latin he would have so much merauiglia v of Rheaf your daughter. Yea, yet more for Pity confaceuolcL^ at the time, that Amulius had them thrown into Thebes, And when he was in such a penchant for Faudulus... with Romulus; from whom Porigine de Gio inte- dwarves, find your grandchildren, cautious Remo di prison , & vniti infieme , vccifcro Amulium , remitting in the Kingdoms (comegiuftamentefi veniua) Numerator them Auolo: Fuck whose regimcnton the cloth 44/, by the crea- fJone of the world on the 20th of April, the two brothers (prdTo al Teucre) doue were efpofti, built vna City : fopra which was born among them great defiance, wanting ciafeuno The glory of giving her the name: finally after a long earldom Romolo vccjdendo Remo reftò fuperiorc, and volfCjChe que fta Città from your name, called Roma." .