oj: jdJjC ro / & the the ! to BOOKS <^ V ATT RO antiquity OF THE CITY FROM ROME, SHORT COLLECTIONS FROM DIFFERENT MODERN ANTIQUES Writers, for B ernardo Gamucci from San Gimignano: UCCv c 0 I will pierce oj ^ Dj'NLE faithfully deferitte, & • reprefent with beUijJìme figure ^ mi way that those of times ncftrifi ritrouano. ConPriuilegioL 'W. In Veneto to, perGio. Varifeo, and Companions. MD t X y. ALL'ILLV5TRIS5. ET ECCELLENTISS. S. IL S. DON FRANCESCO DE MEDICI 'Principt of Fiormxa ^ tt of Siena ;, BE 0 G ^ M y CC I. AND STRAIGHT We want to relate Lluitrifs- Principe we will see that no co makes alFufo humano does not grant gior comfortable 5 If of greater madness after the speech, that fcr ittura j la qua- it strengthens them / works them other coles of pear tuare noi, &] attioni noftre, con gloriola, & eternal memory. & although fi di- ca that fathers perpetuate ne'fìgliuolgquefta perpetuity © Itra the ef- make us common together with animals, Peonies plants, not for This hapolfanzadi viuere fe not as for efsi sons for breue time, & in petiole (place patio is conceflb of life. & to try- to fe that artifice marauigliofo indeed diuino not fulIe, nL pure nonfapremmofequefìo beautiful world in the noftriprefenti times altrimoko più auanti fuffe flato created, but we would not even chora together with moldaltre cofe cognitione of many nobilifsime arts, & dignifsimefcienze, fi like all day auuenere vegaia- of the Factories, Statues, Medals, & Ancients ^ polcri j delle quai cofe ben fi can come in cognitione hay be done for some time, but not by singing as much as for me- To de 'libri that of efiefaud] ano, or the fcritture that tal'hora the fre- giano, pearls such as deirantichitd, truth, beauty, & for- but they can fully appreciate it. So it is that the excellent ones King, & the Princes of the well ordered Rep. With rantoflu god, & di- hgenza procured fempre, which for mezo de 'reuerendi anna- li delle facrc hiflorie rifpIendefTcro the nobles, & valorofi facts m- 'ìt 2 hays e fiemè co 'nómi lord. But of long grandifsima wins all cT- he made it clear that they could add what they are benign Palefa God by mouth of the Santilsinio Prophet Dauid, promising I give in the poor fcriture to the people, 8c to ferui fuoi for gift fingula- I wish to send their name of generatione, in generatione per all parts of the ground. The conofcenzamia valorofilsimoPrin cipe of qucfto gift over the others rarifsimo dictated in me coli ardete defiderioj that has been able to do that I have turned to that need, greater than in me, it is necessary to run again, and treat tare breuemente {open all those ancient factories, Se famofe eh and by the greatness, & magnificence of the Romans were in diuerfii times raised, congraiidifsimoftudio, toil, Scdilpen- god: which I have drawn, Scritrouate, not even from dignified writers. fimi, but from their relics in diuerfè parts (part, Se da 'lor o polue- rofi fragmenti, so outraged by the greedy tépo, & r by the various luck. Nfè fono I pofto to make quefta breue effort, because I believe me with firozo ftile, incofi youthful age, in any part of to join the memories, the forms of so many excellent buildings], of the whole to which (I regretted but fole to try with my mine the Jeuole effer- citio, fe at some time I was worthy of note, not ftupende, & fiuperbe factories, among the many akrc that adorn the work- fìrafioritifsima City, raised by the liberality of Cofimovoftro in- uitto If magnanimous Father jk which in moke parti fi dimoltraoo alfianciche emule, fi as in that of Pitti, benifisimo fi can see dere; but the acts of both of them in every part magnanimous. If inuit- you, for dimoflrarmiui not entirely unworthy vaffiallo, & fieruitorc fiffettionatilsimo. Etauuengache many adorned with efquifita dot- trina, 8c d'erudita eloqueuza, & of marauigliofa art, haueffero could more than me happily in that object fatigue them, not I lose with a clearer mind, ready deflderio, & fcruen te am ore they were able (fi as I intend to do) to donarlauq chele efsi d'artifìci o, 5c of ftilesSc dinobileinuentioneloprauanza- tomliauefìero, nefluno auantitrapaflato would do me, however, already "In love- in amoreuoleitajin affetti on e, 8 ^ in fcruitù. Those reasons for- » tunarifsimo Prince, make me deserve that I confessed in front of you, please accept the little gift that I offer you as unworthy of the Paltez-za of the soul voftrOjè however degnifsimo d'eff- iergraditoda you (mercy of the great 6cafFettionata my feruitù) for which beyond mirallegro way inferringPrincipCja curnoa some noble part is missing, & a giufto Signore fi conuengajfi as well he has been able to offer the voftroprudentifsimo Father, 6 ^ Ducanoftro, as green voftripiu years, volfe cometteruiii gouerno, & the important load of all hypopolies of that fe- licifsimo ftato, indeed accomplished Kingdom. The waves do not fail they hope to see their borders stretch, which pacificam òc rightly efiererettijegouernati, chedalgrandifsimo Genitor voftro habbiano for many years seen. He will therefore receive the innate Such kindness suffers that weak labor of mine, which I, for my election, & for your sake, dimoiti offer you with all the diuotione of the heart miojche pervoifperache those iioflri times hay for auanzarc still those of the Augulli, Se degli Aìeflandri, then whom he invites feorge the height of true virtue, If of luck. GIOVANNI VARISCO READERS. ^ TTI the Ancient Writers:, ^ modern t defìderofi tT hono- ^ king, fon always tired of portraying the imprefe in papers, & r works of Romans} nor were they ever promised I take care of digloria, nor d'hauere to sit with them fcrìttia all nations jfe ncn when they have prefo mate- ria to reason by JRpma; & quejlo do not cause, however that that city is Hata fola called dalli anci la Ppcca of the world, formed by ma vniuerfal raunarrga of all virtue, zlr of all hypopoli. Ondenon is maràuiglia, which natio ni still locked up in the most distant Bigioni, àoue they have never fe nonper fame entire her, brahmin continued- j & l immortal works of their Bpgina. l? er fodisfare therefore in part to the faith of so many peoples, I shall hunt in the name f and not of litterate, & yirtuofo 3 at least of cortefe & amor euole, I have operated that M. Bernardo Gamucci from San Gimignano, Architect &. Antiquarian de nofiri times dignity, collect m breue com- slope r antiquity of Bpmagià many yolte ^ to other ancient & modern writers that he, as well as an inclined pivot, knows as much honorenepojfa confcguire, tan- to the most inanimate of my giulUprieghi has eJfeqmto & to the doctrine ^ diurnal in- wood thread accompanied / vna fingolare diligentiajha not folly collected the coffe tichi, but added them very much in the past, and with the rules of architecture with the authority of Hiflorie everything he has judged to be consistent with his treaty; the- which for greater readings of the reader, and clarity of the work has adorned with signs which represent the true portrait of Bpmane antiquities. Ter ytilità therefore of all nationi as much Italian as Forefliere jche of the T language ofcana delight, I have grain- to the said Author to love her out a. Therefore, enjoy the fruit of my love. t ^ at the same time the fruit of the premature fates that, while I yalendomi of 'help, del- the work of the beautiful & wise pilgrims procure to give tofìo to light other works of the mede— fimo, of Jylatematica & more, of which the nofira fruitful time by time pofiìbilità will be part of it. Be fani. Btrn ^ cfh Gamucci ^ Qijiàntc Ancient V ^ tniìh armies Gottice 3 ^ Oflro ^ ottict JS £ aJhade With jerro, t dim in ([ueìla alma Cittadc ^ What a dna and every other Citiate 5 Spenfer gid mtrauiglie ^ in pieììa etate} In which cruelty reigned more than ever 5 "T apt uoflro faper, uoflra bontaie S on hor Gamucci my fi a. noitornate * * P cruci quanta) and ([uaf was y ioggi fi uede Laprif ca 'B.oma: oue with double honor jHiehher f arme 3 ^ 7- / e lettre unica fède ♦ Clual force) qual ingégno y qualualore y S and all kpiu rich prey to death * T ogUete each bar y is not of your own f Bencdt Inarchi * Read the book of Itoma's antiquity of ♦ Bernardo Gamucci ^ The ancient glariofa l ^ oma fell ne tempi ingiujli ye fue ueftgie fpurte) I was from marauigìia ejfernpio y and art y Hann hor d herbe neglette unworthy [orna 3 It has in your clear ye candid idiom With your modern 3 y cards G iouanH 'Tir 1 with the good popul of Mars M ede that Vopre was not taming time. Me yours dtjèécy cd ^ hottc ^ cafchiy jy height emuli ctl citi, like pria, E Tempij, t Circles, eTerme, and nhl Jndeìfrmofo TcbroaltEìfaparge Eternal lodr, C7 “both in dir fon parks C'bosgi Rortta for you more beila forge * Eaura Eatti ferra de gli mannati * Separate the book dclf ^^ ntichitadi Roma of Ed. " 3ernardo Gamucci * f ^ etterande of E ebro alte rolline Or qual nouell aita or qualueggh'io ^ Porgeru 'meets the inuido time, steep Fidofoccorfoin fu t ejlremo f ne f J ~ ìor ui fcetnpi jt difjolua ^ hor fri ^ o prone Barbara mano ^ o greedy of others dejio j CPiM ua fonder J. perpetual oblivion ^ ra Ulti herbe ^ ZSn cefpugli ^ C ^ jòl te [fjgp> ^ oi cb'in fi dotte, c «fiflicicarte Explain clear ingenuity, pious collect Xe uojlr and glories j the relics ffarte. Cofidaquefleuoflre last leaves, 'Ber tanto illuflre man con fi nuouarte Ognif ma ai Egypt hoggip toghe, Gherardo spini. OF Antiquities OF THE CITY OF ROME BOOK FIRST. Of the place douc Roma j was built & of the various accrcfcimcn.- of that, starting with Romulus. Ancient city of Rome built by Romulus fbpra the hills of Capitoline & Palatine, was of square shape5 & not very large, has- uendo four fole doors, like conele fele- ua for order, & for the capacity of the thereto: Cit- truly worthy of the Empire of the world, fi as in memory you defeated great facts they filter the ancient fue & perpetual rouine. For the which is to be believed that she gives good luck haueilc luo first principle, effondofi fempre dappoi with that in tal way gone accrefeendo, that with the greatness of your notables & ma- rauigliofi edifieij surrounded all the slices of those hills, which no, & therefore it has the name of the City of sliced ​​hills. Macon the medium of religion, with the offering of laws, with value, & with ladifciplinamilitarehafottomeiroalfuo Imperio here all the Pros uincie of the world, & of those he held for the fpatio of many starch here fi free regiment. And in times of the noftri still fi can say, that elfendo in Rome the chief, & the true feggio of the Chriftian fantasy, she habbia still fofra of the other Kingdoms, & other national fìraniere bera lurifditione.Laqual City elfendo woodwind built by Romulus in that place Hello, doue inlìeme with Remo was my brother was glad, & do- ue before were the pafloral huts of those who pafceuano theirs armenti: & therefore èopfoione di Varrone, & Diodoro Siculo feri- bulls with appropriate authority, that the greatness of that circuit, which Ro- mulei in that lua first built prefe, reprefentalle more toflo the magine d a city, hauendola much larger can, than not fi ueniua al numer o de i habitatori, who ritrouò with him together in that first antiquity: for eh and hauendole given them I was first principle fruitful that says Solino, from the felua, which was in the square of 'Apollo' laqualeterminaua from Cacco's fcale, the doue Fauftolo pallore heb- begial fue huts, from there still that process, as not alarm gaua pm oltrc, who holds the Campidoglio hill, & del Palati- A no; 2 AND THE ANTIQUITY OF ROME no i If starting the fue walls from that falTojche it was said of Carmen ta, first name from the mother of Euandro 5 who coiìfichiamauai & di quiui diftendendofi inuerfb ponente le n andauano for thatftrada, chean- cor n 'times noftri is not far from Teucre> Se girando fe ne ve niuano àritrouare the circus Maflìmo 5 & ÌI own place, douegiàil Dio Confo hcbbevn facrato altar 5 then re-joining the other opposite side ilo a queilo, which precisely concerns that part of the east whence to 'Romans fiena in the Rate the Sun, fi ra not paflando more than 5 than the Amphitheater of Titus, with vulgar rules Colifeo j & cofi surrounding on the other side vaulted north, ren- they close in on that soil plot, which was after a great deal tio of time occupied by ÌSlerua in the construction of the ilio Foro s Se non moving far away from that, then that with that work haueuan cir- seasoned all the Palatine hill abbreuiauano the other end of the Campi- doglio: & so much was the size of the city walls Romiilodimofìrataui with the fiefifo defense in the first fenced by him- fig, fi as Solino tells, alli x xi. in April, on that dayofelib, whoever was with great religion honored the Fella of the DeaPalcs, to call Palilie i on which day he later celebrated the emperor Na- for them such of the homeland. But if we want to defer what the real time is delia construction of Rome, we will say fruitful diligent chronology by Giouanni Lucido, who Romulus built it in the creation of the world the year mm mc c. wines. & auanti the birth of chk 1 am years ncc L 1 1. & the year 1 1 1 1. of the Olympiad, reigning Achaz King of Iuda, eiTendo Herico Galerano in v 1 1. Olympiad, & ccccxxxn. years after the defeat of Troia, from which they started the current years of the Tmp.Rom.Et because it is clear (hauédolo digiàtan you celebrated Authors affirmed) in what way does Romulus take the aufpi- cjj fopra of the Palatine hill in the foundations of that imi par- rebbe cofa fuperfiua lo fcriuernei & fimamente non mipareapropofi- toilreplicarui, comefeli of the principle with the UFO of the ceremonial facre of those times, hauendo first made with Tarato the farro folcodntorno which douean to lay the foundations of the walls of the fua nuoua Cittàj & hauendo dappoi facrificato que'due animals, which hauean pulled, in the folennita of felle Palilie told from above, because Tinten- tion is of moftrarui, as hauendo initiated that work, If in the circuit there are four doors for the comfort of those, who want to enter, & vfcir out of the City; because fi troua Rumulo hauer in fac laws forbidden to be able to claim further, which since opening ra of the said doors; Tana delle qiiali, that is, that which was between the fafìb T ar peo, e'iTeuereverfo the circus Flaminio was called the Carmentaledal pro- prio lIBROPRIMO. 3 first ncme of the euadrOjforfe toadre issue due to Tem pious ^ that she haueua on foot! Capitol. the medefima went down that the name of federata for reason of the death of ccc. Fabij che vfeiro no for that, when they were cut into pieces on the Creme River- rà. the other gate of the city of Romulus and & ndo ftata hor called Pan- dana dal ftar renipre open hor free, because of the free enter- chin, which for that fi faceua in the City j & hor Saturnia, efièndo fta- ta one of the gates of that ancient earth, which Saturn in the same phytophthymus haueua built, when he was from Gioue I was the defeated son of the Kingdom of Crete jhoggi called Candiajperònonfipuodireche Ihauefle perpe- your name, and openion of many, which is called porta fìifte in Venabro, or apprefib at the Forum Boarium. The third gate of the city of Romulus for Don de entrauano the Sabines was called Romana, & that veniua à effere ap p ^ eflb air Amphitheater of Tito Vefpafiano vulgarly called by us the Colifeo .lamedefima porta is the opinion of Varro, who does not In the City, but the Scaltri say more than the Palazzo, that because of mughiar de buoi that pafiàuano for that was called Mugoniaj & quefto af stops Solino, when he asks about Tarquino's habitat flra as effóndo in the via nuoua he habitò apprefib ala porta Mugo- nia. The Ianuale gate, as Macrobio wants, was from four o'clock in the the city of Romulo; want, that that fuffe apprefib of the Colle Vimi- nale; & that by reason of the Temple, or of the Simulacrums of lano fufie chia- mata lanuale. But there are those who contradict the opinion of co florus, they say that said door was not of the said city, but of the palace zo regale di Romulo, attaching, that to the greatness of that thick a ^ cuol- ^ they judge three doors to be careful. I don't want to deny either ne atrerraare that fia co fi; because it is not my intention in all that work ra fenon of mofìrare those cof e per uer e; that with the authority of the ficrit- bulls, or with the certainty of the buildings they still occupy in the times noftri ac to ascertain, putting them back in judgment before those who make them they will be more intent on me. Empire hauendo fcritto which hay ones doors, & dimiratolc together with the first circuit, they will do eflèredal benign benevolent reader known, placing the door in ual with character, i. the Carmen door with the. 2.The Pandana with the. 3. Other Roman skiing for non efière ftata diffinka fe the era of the JazzOjO of the city, we will put it doue penrauamo, which c | uella fufie, doue number 12 is from the Amphitheater of Vefpafiano: & in quefto niodohauremwith the clichiararione, & with the phleptician demonstration demonstrated which fufie the phyto, the greatness, & the shape of the city built by Romu- over the Capitoline Hill, & Palatine Hill (the other buildings), which were there fiu ti dappoi we will declare in the dcfcritrioiic de 1 said Colli con tuttele At 2 lor 4 OF THE ANTIQUITY OF ROME lor parti Se nieinbri, who in the prefect defends dimoftriatno, !! how come- gono formed in the circuit of the whole city. And why in quefto we fiamoin gegnatid'auanzarelinion of those who held for cola im- it is not easy to be able to place them with the relieuo doue fi conuengo, per non im- pedir the length & height of the mountains & together the shape, & the depth dity of those valleys, which fi trouanorinchiufe in all that circuit of the city ​​of Romajhauendola cofìoro madly in until 'noftri times in piata rapprefentataj & with the same order by following the fruitful accrefeimento delie city walls; still that we will demonstrate for ease of the reader the order was, the form, & {it05 & together together- there were those doors which were made afterwards for that, with the tut to fi will make clear by reading in the content of the whole work. The circuit moftrato di fopra, fi believes that reigning Romuloftelfo, fi feguitaffe ac- crefcandolo, hauendo that won with the perpetual corfo of many lives torie ipopuli de Sabini, & other populi conuicinijiquali Sabini ha- After making peace with the Romans, the city came to habitat: de, that this fruitful process fulfe piutofto feguitato fenza no'or- dine; effendofi the habit3tori, who later came to Rome, in the building- tione of their habitations accommodated, as more suits them; fenza ofieruar point in this rule no, or good, or good whole electio ne: & of quefto makes Straubone undoubted faith by demostrating, as he was neceffarionelFaccrefcimento circuit to occupy the fommity of 'Col there, & de the other places more important for alficurarfi than the enemy can refte from those heights offend with the military machines of those times the inhabitants, & together the city: anchor chenon fitroua qualififufte the author, nor at what time was the said accretion made. why co- me deferiue again Dionifio in the time of Tito Tatio, & of the fteflb Ro- trustworthy mule so much the populi, who came to habitats in the accrefci- chin of the circuit; that not happy d'hauer embraced vna par te fola of the Celio hill, defending themselves further occupied the other still part of the Quirinale, until T ullio Hoftilio hauendo vinta, & ro he made the city of Alba, and made those populations come to Rome, he granted them the other part of Mount Celio, & deirEfquilie; & efiendo fled in Roman reprimand. Anco Martio, who was the fourth King of Romans, & quefto seeing every day farfi fempr and greater the number of the habitants- ri, which from all distant & near parts, were either by force, or by volunte guided, p cr do not miss the happy principle of that op era fegui- nated by the other kings, who were surrounded by walls, the Auentino p giorficurezzadiquei populi, manon lovolfe will conjugate with others of the city, by efter quefto ftato d'infèlice wish to Romulus in the Piglia re the rooms of fuperfticiofiaufpicij so much offered by the fàlfa religion de ge BOOK FIRST. 5 tiliilaquale elTendo long time made fi, that that with the fiia- accompanied (as I tell you) with the rest of the city since nonperuenne ITmperio in the hands of Claudio Imp. Which does not take more into account no of these cofe, as vain, & useless good was badly inaugurated dimene hauandolo removed inside the Pomerioj united him with the others of the city, having made them cut the felue from all around, which until the time po del Confolato by Marco Valerio & Sp. Virginio found there piofisfime.Ilmedefimo Anco Martiohauedocircódatodi mura il lani- ass, & accepted in the city many populi de Latini, accio fi potef- fe ficuraraente paiTare from one to the other riua del Teuere, did the ancient, & by the celebrated writers Ponte Sublicio; not by nature that fi urns for the copy of the water to be able to guide the stream with the pies of bare gouache palTare; & accioche that in some time could not never come into the power of enemies, for each vrgente cafo was thus dictated gives a perpetual & laid factory of hardwoods, which for no hauer nails I give some, fi poteua in vn time medefimo, fertile ilbifogno stop fo pra delle fu said riue, (Scfimilmentecome a lorpiaceua undo. But for not efierealpropofito noflro Sragionar longer than that, feguite "re- mo to say the river T euerejilquaie and so runs through the city, what can you say here, what are you afraid of dividing it into two equal parts, for J increase of many buildings), which gives modern habitants, on the side called Transteuere & Borg or phono flati made & nafcendo that in the Open nino, goes so swollen with racque, that he from the other rivers riue- ae infra such as the Nera e'IT euerone copiofi & large fono cause of the luo ficcrefcimentojchefipiio comfortably lead to efib from Mar Tfir eno in Rome all the two-seized colas to humanamó efien- life I give the city more than fifteen miles away from the said Marei & entering that in Rome from the Northern part i hauendo prima with long co rio ba- gnato the ephtremi of Tofeana; & that diuifa from the Vmbri, «& Sabinii len elee on the side of mezo day to give tribute to the said Ma- king. Ilqual River of the TeuerCjefTendo by the writers in ancient times for the whiteness of the fue waters called Albula i want that of later p cause of Tibri fàmofo Capitano de Tofeani, which was very formi- reliable & tremendous to 'populi conuicini, for great damage, which he makes dinner dogn around the fue riue, fùffè called Tiberi. But eflendouìfi dappoi drowned Tiberino, King of the Albans, believes T ito Liuio, that from the name of coftui fiiffe called Tibri i & in times noftri eflèndo corrupt wind ^ was its own voice from the name of the fòpradetto Re, it is called T euere. & que- llo hauendo the fuo ancient ricetto more appreflb to the city built by Ro- niulo, fi believes that Tarquinoprifeo away from the first procinto the halyard flé the corfb in the fteAò way, which the prelènte fi sees. If why others 6 OF THE AHTICHITA DI ROMA others then, have not failed to help him in diuerfi ​​hauendogll times Agrippa, strengthened, corfo coins the size of the factories made above delfunaSc of the other riua, & Augufto hauendoliaccrefcioii I was read, he did it partly less violently, & in consequence less fottopoflo at fpelTe floods; & hauandolo net of all those subjects, which for the ruins of the ancient buildings) in the queue had fallen so much quantity which, by reason of efle, was completely stuffed in the bed guenzariftretto, & seeing them today for the damn medefìmi, & others ap preflb, of which fi he cares little, the city efler fiotto al medefimo perico- I trust him, he gives the greatness of Pio's soul to me. Pont. Oct. But. the one who continually does so many fegnalate works in favor of that city, does not affect the corrodiqp.ielloimiting the lucky Augulloinon fathers to bring more damage to that city for lauuenere, than in the rivers paf fati did not; because it has neceffnàdefopradetti prouedimenti, & . that they did, as Aureliano did, with comfortable & efficient repairs the flie riue held from all around; & deputing over that imprela (as the ancients do) official publics called Callellari, which he cares for it like that, as the sayings already have, like me- in the fuccellb of the work you will understand. But why do I know that Tro àor the difèorph of the Teucre I have moved away from my first ra- more reasoning than I doueua i Imperò resuming the talk of the city we will say, that then it was done in quefto-fruitful increase I was, in the place of worship for the Romans more certainty, that fantasy that even in the times it does not mani) the fbllàdc Quiriti; & reigning Semio Tulio fii district of walls the Viminale hill, is the Ohirioale, Sr the other part of the hill Efqiii - flax; waves no refiaua fenon, which accrefeendoit Pomerio fi putsffe den- Campo Martio, which is from Claudio, & the other Imp.chc fùcceirero di poi, was with the colie de gli Ortoli surrounded, & accompanies to with others in the city. So the Vatican fooled all the other hills efiendo reftato out of that, it is not long, that was by Pope Leo 1 1 1 1. walled, & from my name called the city Leonjna; ci) which together with the other rifèrhoa dimoftrar, when in part- cular we will reason of the Vatican.Et returning to adire of the medefimo ac- crefeimento; fi troua, which hauendo Tarquino fuperbo confidato quan roofFamente, & line no order the walls of Rome were built, & of work to all evil intela, there, that he made them do all of lafli squarejhauendendole reduced in better form making the reason for those times. Those walls elTcndo dipoi, part of Caffiodoro, part for the old age fallen to the ground, & part fiaterouinate by the Barbarians, & ddìderando the populo Rom. of rinouarkjlì says that for that account he has uendo LIBROPRIMO. 7 uendo sent ambafciadori to Teodorico Re de Vifìgottiiilquale in in those days he had taken over all Italy5 by praying ueflSno get gratia to redo the walls with the marble relics, which were remade faine of the rouina of the Amphitheater hauendole dal- the kindness of that easily obtained, want that by reason of the convenience of that matter, a great part of it; & those efTendo antechambers for greater security of the habitants Ra- around you accompanied by difefe strong difefejvogliajche the haueffero nc xl n. Towers, of which today are not found in the allspice of the said wall in all that circuit fe non cc cl x. But because the said walls phono Rate in diuerfi ​​times rinouate, fi says that all the ones that look at brickwork were rebuilt by Belifarius Captain of luRiniano j & the otherfi believes that fuflero made by Arcadio & Honorio Imp.chevolfon moRrarfiin cofifacted still works a lot pietofi inuerfo quefta city, having seen it in their times filled with many rouins, & which leaf of the truest ones, & ancient ornaments therefore hauendo prefola care to reflaur & defend it, with nuoui prò iiedimenti & ripar la fbccorfero so that fi poteua fperare, chefe the others, who followed after them, have done so much to clean it up. tefb, she would do much more than she did in the first ancient fplen doreconferuata. But of the doors that in the fruitful procession see, p eiferfi in various times the city enlarged, there are those, which nonfolamen te phono Rate transferred elsewhere, but which still have perfb the no- me di doors fertile diuerfi ​​accidentfere happened reffereRa you trafmutate.Piche is not to marauigliarfi, that the diuerfità dell'i ferir bulls of quefta antiquity fiaRata so large around the name & alfi- to them, as still around the number, then that Pliny poses, that there are fuflero XXX VII. & others want xxiiii. and giving us Rato again of the fcrit torimoderni.chein vnafi granconfufionedi cofe so old have fpeffe times mefib in the number of the doors the names of the Rradeiilchenon fi troua, that Rato has never been affirmed by any author worthy of faith. & ne times noftri efièndone varied affai, !! as in the contents of the work vi fi dimoRrera, do not find any fenon xni.che leruino for vfo of the cit tàiSt those effendo in the defense fcritte, & part Ratecontrafegnate with briefly, I will pierce my hearts. I hauerui moftrojche doue is the let- tera. A. on the Trigemina gate for the letter B. the Capena gate; pearl letter. C.Ia Celimontanaidoue èil.D.iaporta Neuiai & perlalet tera.E.l'Efquilina, 'for the letter F. FidimoRralaporta Viminale i for the G. the Collina i door for the letter H. Flumentana: many say ef fere Rate the gates of the fruitful accrefeimento of the city-Ec because fi coiiofeoiio beniffimo the antiquity fi ritroiiano standing perii fempiicc S OF THE ANTICHTTA OF UOMA simple order from them, those who followed them again, cllèndo all ftaté ' made of square phalluses, & fenza órdine some of architecture, like they were still the walls of the whole city: remember that I hora delcriua del va- rio & diuerfo accrefc imeto of these walls, feguiando by time, that pop. Rom. Fi ritrouaua fiotto the Imperio de Confioli & de i Imperato- until he was close to the times of noftri, to give full fulfillment to the order of the noftro difegno. which accrefcimentd, as said fopra, so as not to find again the authority that provokes it in what time & by whom fulfe fiatto, no fe can like any other give any certainty, why not still find whoever made habitable all that country between the por taCapena & la Collina, fiebenefi fabenilfimo, chelaportaTrigemina fu doue hoggi fi sees the door of fan Paulo, efiendo quiui fiata tar nsferi- ta by Claudio Imperatore: & for that reason he believes that the tépo de Re Rome of lesser size fulfe, which is not in times nollri: & fi • proua for the Tarquinofiquali banks for fpatio di fei fiadij fi diftendo not from the door Collina air Efiquilina, & those in the times of the noftri fiu refted elves far from the city by the said gates; & fe well in the time of the Re eli er and greater breath the said accreficimcto, with all this it is fruitful certilnmo that affirms Vopifico (nó oft àte le con tradittioni de gli Auguratori, who with their fouls aufpicij prohibited det toaccrefcimenta} that Aureliano hauendo accompanied with the city all that fpatio, which is from the Porta del Populo to the first door, which according to the common times mifuradenoftri comes to efler miles eight far from Roma3 & fi conforms to those ancient rouine, which fi gono, who for as much fpatio went away from the door of fan Seba- phthian, & coli giraffes with that same proportion of everything around the the circunferéza of the city walls. Et ci Ibno winds of others, who have I don't believe, that from one side of the T to the other the ancient buildings j Ro mani fi difiendeftero up to the Tyrrhenian Sea. Ilche ​​fi can ageu affer sea ​​by showing Suetonio in the Hifl: oria, doue dificorre de fatti di Ne rone, whom he moffo from qiiefiaoccafionehebbe in the spirit of accrefeerRo mainfinoal port of Oflia poltre the defense that he makes to lead with perpetual vna fofla the waters of the said sea to the foot of the walls ra of Rome. The other doors, huh and in the last procession see the def gno deferitte noie I will reply as many as the reader hauerper fe fteflb notitia quali fuffero; nor fono hello refoluto to reason king of those streets, which use pearls called doors, do uendouene direne the particular places of the city more fully fruitful their beginm é- from the doors, because some of them were inside, and others outside, chehaueuano hauuto their fruitful principle that to those liked, that you have to take care of fabricating them; of which many ve nefono. BOOK FIRST. 9 nefonojche for the prerogatiua of which feruiuano have pi- have chosen their own name as they read them on the Aurelia & Flami street nia5allequali add the surname of Confolare, paflàndo for that i Conibli in the city. They call Cenforia la uia Appia, fei-- uendo that perrvliìcio de Cenfori, & Trionfale sayi that ftra from, for which iDittatori & i Cófoli winners with the pump of the triumph paflando for the mezo of the fen'aiidauano city on the Capitol, - & that diceuano eiTere doue is bora fan Spirit in Saffia that from the Cófoli, Cenfori, or Pretori were Hate f ^ bricate, as I said, receive the name, &: the dignity learned of the surname. And those elTcndo with so much grand'or dine, & fpefa truly Regal Rate from the Romans ago- bricate; still their faperbia in times noftri, by means of lo ro marauigliofe ruine i & how fulTe the importance of the fabulous ones, in which to lead the Romans to their ultimate goal, as cauano Lydìe e'I commodo do not forgive neither with difficulty nor with fpefa alcu- * na, p still demonstrate how much the greatness & generophyte of the anes does raoioro, & acciochele fulTero completely of every stuffed artifice they don't fill the valleys to make them easy {weep the mountains to bring them beds and weep to the vfo of those who fi they depart & return to the city; as well as diluting them for with great distances fill them with all the need for bridges, of fepukure, Sc of llatu and beyond to the other ornaments of the buildings they see you even in times of their lords make them poor to those who cider the other fàbriche that in the noftro dilegno live " gono p number unmarked fono those, accio più ageuoknente ven- ghinoanotitiadiaditore defiderolb to understand the great wonders of Rome; & because here they see all the doors, which are now in the the city; together with the name de colli, & delle llrade as well as many other buildings cijjche with painting, & in fcritto £ ì fon polTuti dimollreremo, feguiteremo to say of those, which numbers are confessed; & before. The number.q. of- mollrail ponte fant 'Angelo; the number 5. the Sifto Bridge; iL6.the Bridge of fantaMaria.L arch of Portugalwith the road, which goes to the Capitol trust with number 9.11 front of Nero, which is proposed by Col the Quirinale number lo.LeTermediConllnatinoIrap.ii.LeTer- me by Tito. 12. The fake cross Venus Temple in Hierulalem. 13. The Agonal circus. 14. & that is all, that which has been able to give up in the noftro I defend by declaration of what in the whole work one has to ra gionare. Empire we will fcriuerepiu in particular de Colli. And first, returning to the first part of the city built by R emulo we will say of all the ancient and modern buildings which were already in the times pa TacijiSc adelfo still phono in the Capitol. II DEL COLLE DEL CAMPIDOGLIO, FIRST SAID CHAPTER. L c A MPi DOGLIO, as the straight fc tell ri, first eh and filile from the Vulgo Hata corrupt the Your own speaker was called the Capitolium Hill no, that for efler Hata recaptured in qitefto, in the approx uarei foundations of the temple of excellent Gioue maflìmo, vna tefta humana, there believes that filile det to Colie Capitolino. The medelìmo want to- cuni, who among many names, which he diuerlì ac- cidenti s'hauea acquifìato, calls themUè il Colle Saturnio, for cagióe of the City, than Saturn before Romulo haueua preparing to build a. it is still believed that the Campidoglio fi the hill Tarpeo p elferui domed wind fofra from the Tito fbldati Tatio Rede Sabini Tarpeia V ergine Veflale, p whose death still more noflri there believe, that that part of the collection which relates to the Oil Forum torio hoggidettola piazza montanara, fìchiamilarupe, ofafToTarpeo, - from the phonimity of which all those, who by fententia fi judged worthy of death. Et fi believes that the medelìma cliff, o leap we want to say to each other doue habitò Carmenta mother of Euan- dro. Ilqual hill in the growth of the city ellèndo rolled as vmbilico di queÌla, Tar quino Prilco relelfe, & ordered for conferment to the lacre colè i hauandolo from all around walled, & adorned with more beautiful work, it is better to frame ^ so that it doesn't seem all unworthy of the habitat of the gods, & of the pump, & greatness of Trionìico- me prclago, who given all parts of the world have to be led there. Adornollo still not a little Tarquino fuperbo, hauendouilpefo all over reforo, cheeglicauò of the leaves, & of Pometia citta de Sabini fàccheg Giara Dalefìieforze. Nevertheless, they are wind instruments ruined for the reason of the guerr e, & bora p gli incendi) the most famous buildings of the Capitol, & fem pre phono horns renewed hor by qfio hor by that Prince, who fi ua hauer major authority in the city. Onde fi law in the ancients, & ap prouati fcrittori, cheguerreggiandoendo together Mario, & Siila, the Campi- doglio embraced what everything, & Siila Io refiaurò, efiendo breath from before Confederate catulus. Arfe still reigning Vitellio Imp. Et Velpafiano molfoda religion & piety inuerfo la patria I renewed, not hauendoa Those who choose with their own hands those who failed, which they must injure the preparation of that work; accioebe the Roman populus with more fol lecitude defined the whole fulfillment as a religious imprelà. Et not before B 2 gli 12 OF THE ANTIQUITY OF ROME he had given him my ultimate end, which he says of new year, which for another to rfione Domitiano rebuilt it, & adorned all those buildings), which for religion, & public affairs they seek you hauendoli stuffed with all those ornaments, which to order, to greatness, & dignity their fi cercaua.Trai qnali fi says, chelefì: atuedi finilfimo gold were hauute for cofa of lower price, compared to the great wealth of the columns, & walls filled with pretiofiilìme stones, & enamel pauimenti, & mufaico, with bronze Ite made with admirable artifice; part of which ornamen you, who with the factory made they were led by the fish farm, & d other distant parts of the world (Sc among those is the opinion that fufieroquel the gilded bronze tiles with which Pope Fiorio covered the Chiefa of fan Pietro.Perilche it is to believe, that Rome in that age does not hauefie works, neither by artifice, nor by wealth more beautiful than those of Campidoglio j accioche ageuoli ingeni fiumani refianero vanquished in trusting the greatness of so many ornaments, which from all parts of the world there were flates carried, as for sure the sign of their gloriofe victories. which hill of Campidoglio the many firades, which go to the phbmmite line, no ven'haueua whatsoever, neither more beautiful, nor more guards of that street called Trionfale, for the which paflàuano the winning Conioli with the pump of their fions Triumphs. & that coming from the side, which concerns fans Giorgio in Velabro. rre firade cheguidauanoal Campidoglio, pafTauano for the Forum Rome- no, & dairarcodi Septimius, & concern all that plan do today the new city sees efiere in that place more than elsewhere habita- ta. The fortress of the Capitol efTendo wind founded between the cliff Tar- pea, veniua inuerfo the Forum olitorio, from that band doue fi sees the pa- lazzo of the ancient Sauelliife well there are some, who believe, that the most rollo felfraflelfialForo Roniano.Et why none rimaflo pur vn least wood of the ancient rouene fluées in doubt that Campi doglio hauefle hauuto la rocca, fc i do not preftaffe fède to Tito Liuio, chc tells how Manilio ladifefe against! Galli Senoni j ilquaie why he tried to take hold of it precipitated by the fafib Tarpeio. And for this reason gione makes a public decree to all Roman citizens full of po- ter to live in the Capitol. Hauendo Manilio commeflò vn'tanto er- rore, of efTerdouent traitor of your country, also deserved it fuflèro confifed all! goods, & rouinata lacafadoue he habitaua; Et of those rouines says, that Camillo built vn Temple to Juno Ma neta ,, hauendone known fact, fe reports the victory of the Aruncii & the one believes it, that fuffe, due to 'times noftri has nno the garden them Signo reconferences of Rome: & apprcflbal called Hernia Mint Temple, pri- chequellafulTetranfinutatancl Roman forum, from the Temple of Sa- round- BOOK FIRST. 15 round. He lived even before Manilio Tito Tatio Re de Sabiniinfie- me with Romulo in the said Rocca del Campidoglio, in which fi fèruauano the geese fiacre with the fipefie of the public, to hauer those with the ftrideredefte the Roman guards asleep; lefali difefierola roc ca by the forces of Galli Senoni, who occultamentelanano alfialirei whence in memory of that milky way the Roman Senate made that place there bricare vn'oca goose. Tem was on the other side of the Capitol pm of Gioue Feretrio built by Romulo, for the reason of the reported Vittoria de Ceninefi, hauendoamazzato Acrone their Captain, & re- portatone fopra vn baltone the opime fipoglie, & those hauedo anpkcate in the guifa of Trofeo Ibpra d'vna ancient oak, confiacrò in that place, after that the said Temple was built by him; & that was the first that maifiilfeconfecrato in Rome, • & was called Feretrio, for hauer Romulo wounding the enemy dead. Ilqual Tempio ellendo flato dappoi accrelciu- to Anco Martio, Conceal to keep the memory of Ro- perpetual mule adorned it in many parts, & with that work it defeated it in such a way, that conleruo in his elfer I was until the time of fan Gregorio Papa, the- gualehauédolo reuolto to the true nirreleligionChrirtiana, ah honor that fanta Maria Araceli i & eìfendo llatofat- ? ^ antiquity ladouelle hauer conlimated part deli ornament, nevertheless fi sees whole, & in particular very b ^ l- peri two orders of columns that phono, & for the refedimentodel fuo Ileus, for whom she exceeds all others, - & for greatness & proportion lua district; in which columns fi read those letters to cvei- c VL o AV G V- ST ORV M. Et vfceiido pct the door, which responds in the square za del Campidogli or, they find them fiupra the Iponde of the fue fieie three fi atue deh Imperator Conftantino, &, vno obelifco not very large. empiemi Gioue Ott. Max. built by Tarquino Superbo, it was daila prtedele ^ ampidoglio, which refers to piazza Montanara, & quefio haucua confecrated before Tarquino Prifeo to Gioue Capitolino j anch OiciTOlti believe, that the medefimoconfacralTe M. Time, & Valerio 1. 1 the Tarquino d'atro was driven out of Rome for he was not able to stand there because of the accident uar to said conia cratione, nor to see finished that work, which he con a lot of greatness of mind & truly Real, haueua which con- eight after all I was fine. Et was the said Temple of Gioue with due pro portion and partition & adorned, with columns that pearl matter & arti- that was in those times considered rare. In the oppofita part of the fua enters ^ j ^^ edeuano refit three artificiolecappeìle, in which they ftauano with P ^ ad ornaméto & gratia itrcfimulaciidi Gioue, Mincrua, & Giunone, iquau were milky breaths at the hands of excellent craftsmen. Et fopra of the 14 OF THE ANTIQUITY OF ROME della baLejChe is at the foot of the ftatua di Giunonejfìvedea vn cane di bron zo with maeflreuole attitude, which fi leccauavna wound. In that Tem- there were still many other figures of Gioue della Vittoria & other Id- gods, brought from Pr enefte, & by Claudio Imperatore, & many crowns of gold pofìeui from the Ambafciadori of Panfilia & Cartagine. Et fra la called Gioue Chapel & Minerua Chapel I appreciate the Nizzij Gods see the kidnapping of Proferpina, done by Nicomaco famolo pitto- king, in which place the Roman Priest every year ficcauail nail anna le, I mean with that understanding (I don't mean the letters uniuer- in vfb fale) the number of current years will be interpreted; queftaeccel- lentia s'attribuiuaa'Minerua, to make her an inuentice of all buonearti. Stauanoin quefto Temple still conferred invna ilanza fottoterra the librifibillini, bought by Tarquino fuperbo, which they were cuftoditi in vna vrna of marble, & watched by fifteen men, ne it was lawful to open them not because of some serious danger of the the city infiem and cifi confer lotu the cuftodia degli Edili tutti the agreements of Carthagei & de Romans, which were to hurt you in tauolex- bronze tea. They tell the writers of that antiquity, that if desired Tarquino leuaruia all the Ties pij of the other Gods cherimpediuano, p> dar greater size to quefto di Gioue, & hauendo because of the Auguri asked fe those who were consecrated want to agree to allow them free site 3 say everyone else out than MartCjlo God Term, & Giouentìife contented it; which I prefer for good I do not wish those who want to remain in their places, pronophotic- rono be greetings, which due to Mars 1 Roman Empire fi douea an- to give by widening with the means of arms more than anything else in the world; for the God Term that that douea hauer perpetua ftabilitaSr. firmness i & for Gioii cntù, cheftando invades high happiness, that non douea never fail. But in the old days, if I am a well-known designer in the world How trusting are you to believe those Idolhhaué liars? do we have seen the end of that reliability, which I do with many promises feconferuarectema. Because that Temple didn't go very far, that reigning Vitellius Emperor was with all the other buildings, which he was no appi efiò confumed by the flames; & the one believes it, that flees to the ra ^ you say of the Capitol, doue bora fi uedela Chiefadi fanSaluador in Mafiìmi, I appreciate that the Faith was the wicked, and in that era vna ftatua very beautiful of an old man, who teaches to fonare the lira a vn child. The impious T of Gioue euflode was still in the Capitol built & confirmed by Dominano Imperatore where the palace is now deconferuatori j & that of Veiuoiie hauuto enlargiffimo honoredai Romans, because fìonfulTe lotus nocino (effendo V eiuoue said by the new- wax BOOK FIRST. 15 waxes, cofi as Gioue was said by Giouare> the way of what God was to furnaces glianza of that of Apollo formed with the bow, & with the faettes in mano.a qfto hauean in Roman cÓfuecudinei to hand in the face vna Capra. Ilqual Tempio want chefiiiTe ^ doue bora is the square of the Sperm whale.! ' Alilo place fraco was in the middle between the said square & la Roc ca, doue bora The lords will be conferred which was nothing else used / not with the benefit of that franchise & security s'bauelTc dajiccrefcerc more the number of babitators infiemecon the the city center. But I am saying the said Alilo in a short time vn refuge to all men of bad life, & quafi vna occalione to do gl andillimi damagesjlì says cbe p command of Auguftofu Icuatovia, ' & of qllo made vn tépio to the Goddess of Mercy. The Calabrian curia as Varrone recounts it was two habito Romuloquadoerapaftorci ap prelfo allaquale ftaua the fenatulo.In that eflendo adorns & surrounds ta da vn Doric opera portico, !! the fefe fo- lenni. Et pche that lopraftaua to the Roman Forum they want, that many The vials of the vials hold the phials deba fiopradetta curia. The Temple of Venus was still in the Capidogli Ericina cólacrato by Fabio Maflimo3i & qllo of the Goddess of the méte by At- tilio Crairo; & qlli were {only diuili from vna small ftrada, & that thundering Gioue built by Augufto. Opel of fortune oflequéte & primogenia from Scruioi Qpel of the Goddess Ope da Statio, in which she was flatuadi Scipione, chefuinfiegnodi good wishes all surrounded by the ceìefte fire, besides that there was that of Gioue Sponfiore, made by Tar qumo rupbc, & dedicated by poftumio.Eranole fauifle delCapidoglio no very diflimil to the citerne de nollri times canate fiottoterra ^ in which fi confer on all the ftatue, the images, and the limulacri of the Gods, which crià p 1 antiquity fi v edean efler all cófiumate & guafte. In addition ui fi ve'deua 1 Public atrium adorned with two porticos one made by Metello, & ral tro from CólLantinq, Impatorei &; in this was the public library. Apprellb a that atrium wants the Romans to have the place to ban say the war against hostile enemies, & quiuicoglielTerola fiacra VerbenajCon laccale fi IncoronauanoiFeciali, &; his father Pattato. The llatue that were ff wealth of matter & nobility deiraj-dficio were belhirune, & in large numbers, which would make tediofia a uolere dc- all, elTendouene fiate straight to innumerable Di j, ai Re, ai G 5 fioli, to the Imperatorij & infommaatutti qlli, which for a few hours- already haueuano work deserved of elves confieruati wines with the mezo of those in the memory of citizens. Infra Icquali llatue was what the Po- Piilo Ro straightened to Brutus with the ring in ditofper hauer he ficacciatoTar- quinodi Roma) in mezo a vna by Niima Pompilio, & '^ rakra di Seruio Thulium i5 OF THE ANTIQUITY OF ROME TulIo.Eraui anchala ftatua, which the Populo Rotn drew up to Scipio, to hauer he won Antiochus. That of Emilio Lepido perhauer combat- I tend to die the enemy & faluatoalla homeland vn Citizen. That of Fa- bio MalTimo, from Siila, from Celare, from Pompeo & many other merits you from the Repub. Cowards still saw that only the same citizens they are consecrated to the Gods on behalf of the successes or for the vows made and flagged by dangerous dangers together with the efer- citi Romani, - fi as fi says of Spurio Caruilio, ilquale hauendo uinto i Samnites, he consecrated for that victory vna grandilfima ftatua to Gioue.Et Fabio MaftimOjChe hauendo fuperato with the arms iTarentini dedicated it vna in Hercole, which was the work of the excellent Lifippo. & Lucullus brought from Apollonia city of Pontus the ftatua of Apollo, & the pofenel Cam pidoglio appreciated to your fta of good luck & good Euento fatteldalfàmofo Prafitele. There were still infinite works in the Capitol kings of painting made with great art by the most celebrated maeftri of those times. Vi fi veduaiio icritte still in tauole dibrenzo all laws, & decre ti del Populo Rom. of which the Capitol was burned dorno maleaflai, & fi were all lost in the fire, fe Vefpa fianolmp.amator from the pub. quiete & della giftitia R.om.non rhaueffe . made to renew, & given the care of putting them back together with C. Calpentano Sta tio, to Sefto Metorio, to M.PerpennaLurco, & aTito Statio Deciano, co- me of quefto makes it teftimoniaza vno ancient written, which says coli, C. CALPENTAN VS STATIVS SEX. METORTVS. M.PERPESNA LVRCO.T.STA TIVS DECIAKVS CVRATORES TAEVLARIORVM FAC. CVR. Et hota dì many famous works, which were in those days on the Capitol not hyenas see also vma that fi ila conferred whole, eftendo those & for the ancient ta, & for the incendij ruinate breastfeed. Et because it is certilfimo, that everything what you see in the noftri times is Rato dappoi from others remade, fi di czechBonifatio ninth built that palace, douc horahabitail Senate king, who is in the Piazza del Campidoglio, of the rouine of the ancient ones buildings) told of fopra, more tofto moftb from the necefifità, than from the defi- derio, that he haueife to do work, that fuife worthy of eiferne kept c on ro.Ma eftendo in various times that palace Rato increased & in part embellished, he finally reduced himself to that form, which I defend in our loft vifirapprefenta, hauendouiil diuin MichelagnolBuonarruoti with Yours miracolofb defense made vna ficaia, laquale from both two bands, which has in its face a very beautiful Doric niche fta in mezo of those great marble fimiilacres, which were first in the log- wood conferring jades. C. They are the fimulacra of the rivers of pari greatness & all naked, with vn vafo in their fine hand, that fìa in the act of verfar water, 8c with the other arm they lean, that is that first book. 17 who reigned. A.per effer and the Nile fopra vna sphinx peculiar animal of the 1 Egypt.! other wood B. for elTere resting on dune Tiger / ono some who believe that that is the river Ti? king, - though others want it no pm I roll the one the river Aniene, & the other is the Nare, because q ° ue- Itidueverfanolacquenel Teuere.in the opinion of which I do not need answer, because it is certain that one is the Nile and the other the Ti ^ remer that by eluting winds those Tempre rivers of great comfort in those times at Roman people, can believe them that the hauelTero in grandiffima reueren tia.In the gods the Piazza del Campidoglio condot ta by the medelimo Buuarruoto in ouata form with three Icaloni which rise from all sides to the plane of ElTa, & nel mezo rinchiu <^