The city's Ec-clefiafl:icique Status p0Jiticum the eyes con vercam us, new day com.n1oda, new discoveries to his felicicacem SAN.CTITATEM YOUR what are we wretched mortals.blows we see. If Tribunals ref picimus pr.famous for, doŽl:ofq;Virosad Jufritian1 adn1 inaiftrandam eleŽl:os ¥ fuiff feel happy .. .id plu ra say: no pr.event day,surely the lord is in fafl:i5 annun1eranda, quce a Go defcribenda lapillo no. becomes? Q!iid blessed to Chriftianus people; .it Ecclefiaftici Stand.gels fubditi fperare potera11t, how calem, and only fibi given I've been{fc Paftorem, atqueJJontificem. For tancoigituraccepto benefi.cio, ˆ bonort1m all Datore omncs we fubditi, omnefque faithful ipfun1 God alcif.fimum enixisprecibus to apologize,& we should, & voluJnUS to the SANCTITATI YOUR daily tantm life, fed profperfempaer valentem,& felicifliman1adChri{lia.nre Reipublicre particularly blessed to SanŽl:re this See how VE s TRA Holiness holds incrementun1, & glory to the HOLINESS VESTR.!E name perennicatem, & amplifli.n1a with Deummerica. Hrec exopto, hrec apprecor, hrec proclamation, & to feet SAN.CTITATis VESTRJE provolutus,eoshu1nillim exofculor $ (f OF S.ACRES .AiDIFICIIS forthcoming III. Sumtni Popes in prÏcita-A que others ditaret, .dilmflue quo911e me¥ so Apart floor tranfl:ulit. .:E moratu dignu, of which pr.cipuas 'Look.fiatua from the antiquities ftudioìJs praise the lordá mouse Partorum , qu. are & Amp .. then M. Aurelium, from the collection with terani. llndetam Sext. Red, then numifmatibusillius In1peratoris fa&a, Vi8:or in¥ tibris, including the RegionibusreprefentareexiO:imatur. Retroa8:this t-lIrbis fcriptos reliqure , in Regioneporibus, when literÏ, bonreque art. prolific Celimontana house Partor, from Italy exulaverant, Confiantini fta-&. At lateran fingillatim refers. tua1ndenorninabant,see below n.65. From this¥then Laterano If a friend dice1nus, infignes those Lateranenfes ÏdesfaŽtas, Prreter f upra ci tatos Ethnkos Serumá Bfi've refiitutas fuiff e conjicere facil eft.aptores of Lateranorum redibus memi-.arum redium pofTeil”onem , Masculine nes also S. Jerome in Epitaphio Plautioru1n generefort failing,five Fabiolre,whose hrec words: f2!!,ishoccreá by confii:ationem , five another any the and ? To poft death fecundi Men, in cafu,Fifcustempo air progreffu occupa¥ femet re'Verfa, at which time [oient 'Vëd1"e life. For viŽto, & occifo Maxentio not.gligentes_,jugofer'Vôutis excu]fo, to deal with cencefimo , and in the tenth year of the poft-Wide.fa /16eris, to travel to/Jalnea,'Floating through the pla-ranum title of this piece familiar in potefb.á tcas; faccum indueret , f,j error pu-you Fa9fhe Auguftz wife's Great Con.6/icfateretur to so many. Url,e fpe[lante fl:antini J mperatoris fueruut to reports Roman., ttnte day Pafch., i11 'Baji!ica Choice.gels Milevit. lib. z.. on the contrary we deem.once at lateran,9ui C.efariano truJJ-C ftas this paŽto : And yet they were given jnt judi.c:atus eft sword , ftaret in order pÏni-ces ( from the commands.Conftantino in caufa_. tentirtm. Cfciliani Carthagin. Epifc.) Maternal N any the is nation Lateranorum, from Latin ciruitate, Retbicitu a6 Au. prreter Plautium that f ub Be theá guftoduno ch;itate , Marin11s Are/aten.terfeŽtusefl,as already said, from the Impe-fis. To[Ir6em Roman'Wind eft a!J those ratorfŸusenecatumlegŸnus.Illiusredes three Ga/litigation, & a6 a!those two weeks !ta¥ lateranenfes in Cadio Mountain : litigation . Con'V.encrunt in the home Faufl"1 in Laterano , Co11fla1Jtino III. & Lici-' nia III. Cofs. VI.Not. 0Elo6r. die™ bring your. <3ui Septimio Severo c.lighthouse acceptifii-0Nempe Year Chrifti CCCXIII. .oamus, and in all wars civ•libus, the fourth year of the Ides of December Mekhia.& external ex_peditionibus grand the compost won des the Pope dying, iccefforem had fuir, and hence the fummis honors in Epiicopatu Sylvefirum between 01nnes auŽtus, opibufque to Six. Aurelius .The romans Popes clariffimu1n, cu.,1iŽtor in ejufdem If vit‰ teftatur: right to request, in P0ntificali book I read.'Benroo!entiPr, , inguit, 1uo i11cli11qfft, mouse,lrnperator Conftantinus, who Ro-.mira6ili, and perpetu‰, to tJU"1rendum di-mre during this time commorabatur . ligens, ( Severum intel lige) to largie11¥ several large Bafilicas pofl: this La.while !r6era/it : the friends , inimicofrJue teranenfem confhuxit; mentioned below paritcr 'Intense: for those of you who Latera11um we talk about, Chilunem, A11ailinum 'Ba.f!m, CtCterof the Same silicon!Iimus Commander of the poft for¥ diá rale_ll1s columns, requ confl:abant, to meet the strictest fulciebantur, whose max1musu, ordrnei:n him the columns of the galleries who medianre navi_ i!1cumbebat, ultr_a Templt Solomon alludentesu, as in the two parafl:atasu, bm1s. still, &_ h1s Tab.VIII. fcenographica see e{l:. prregrandibus columms prre.unieba. {ufl:entantes. the medianauau.quick ship, fuper epill:yliorum crown, intrinfecs around proferebatur .egualem in depth dated, palmo¥ rum twenty nove1n, & width fex.decirn: these locusin Tab. VII. Ich. nographica fub nu. 128. 130. & 133. indicated. Roughly forward ships from gn.rn ,. & brick palmorurn quinguec alt1tudmis, not on one side, the men surrounded.cu1na?'bulantes c‰dere poffent to ap. .. C A P U T IV. he considered ornaments when nempA surely the lord itide111 ˆ quibufdam S. Fra.cifca, . for Ag1tatore appeared in the Circus. five S. Francifca Roman vocnatur, 1fium temple calls with e‰dem do so redificia note funt, fub more.Use v.ce in ipfo Apollo redificio, when she named the term, 9uo d ptincipale , & not part of efl: to femper for cifdem innotefcunto. From 1ftud_Vefliarii. Qlamobrem obfervo haŽlenus diŽlis concluded poife it seems,Malhum of expressions eleŽtione folici. with all the Writers of the Bafilica Va.ticana traŽlantes, place i!then for the Ecá clefia S. Andrere deGgnent, not obfl:a. B Žli Angels denominet for pa.tem.... But where d1greifa for the whole received ¥ was orat†> return ¥ , m whose l1onorem ipfa altars have given-in which is used, taking a I[e in Confi.s when used were room for ipfe nomendefump-fiorio B. Andrere Apofl:oli; where the notes , becomes. If obfervabat;ur altar, that Holfl:enius in the fua Co11ec9:ione Romˆ.in vefhbuli media fitum, and San-na, by the Pontiffs, & Epifcopis Ro¥ Žto Andrere dedicated to the ten1plum D. An-mre Meetings celebrantibus,olin1 gu.¥drere denon1inabatur; fi the anal-:Gam fuiffe neighborhood of the Sacred fe convertebat to the altar of St. Angels quiarum S. Peter Apofioli , as before eod_em in place fitum, Ecclefiarn S. An-D it guodammodo liabita be poffent, this is deducted from the Epifl:. Xy1. S.Ipad. brata, it was taking in ':10reo fifuulacro there extante. Item ranenfi, from which the bishops men and women Cardina. J.n E:clefia S. Marire, & Gregory in )ium Congregations, in which they Accept.Va!hcella, surely the lord from some Eclefia fcoporum eleŽliones are Confiftoriio viewer.Together in Ecclefia Sá Mary: nova_, oh HEá \ ss D E 1 A C R I S . D I F 1 C I I S A ja1n labens reflituit, doravitque. This SECTION Xl I. from the rear,cu1n fndamenta nov. Bahlicf to, a huge pit inib1 inven..De those f{lf2 exfta6ant in Ecclejia SanEl cueranr place, transferred. Q.iin etia1JLJ appellabatur, it 9ud presence of bodies near prÏfatum Calixtum III. fepulti Canons fepukro greater detail below, the con-were prreter quamplurimos For.fuetum for some weeks. The Item in this facello repo-tonotarios Apoftolicos , PontifŸ:um fitum was, as fupra diximusa, corpu$ family , & cujufcu1nque S.John Chryfoftomi, which also al. S. ApoO:olicre See Minifhos , tresatare, ˆJulio Antonio SanŽl:orio S.R.E. Cardinals I-Iifpani, videl”ctt, French.Cardinal title S. Battholomrei in In. feus Lloris Valencia,S.Sea.e-Novre fula, then S. Severinre Archiepifcopo, D•ac.Cardinal, J oannes Borgia Pre.dedicated to fuita. sbytcr Cardin. tit. S.Sufannre, & Joanáa 16s>á From pra!diŽto facello in alterumB nes Lopez Pr.esbyter Cardinal, tituliaiter was between the South & the Rise of S. Marire Across-Tyberim. pofitum, in whose parictibus fuper ,1l-17 x. From this facelli back depi8:a Savior image confpi-gnus he obelifcus bed, before that.ciebatur, creterum oui Sacru1n, or from guam ˆ Conftantino Cefare Caii Not.the ereŽl:um, five dotatum for some weeks, obli-ronis demoliretur Circus, in his rne.vior.i was given elt. PrÏacipuuin ej_µs of-dio once fl:eterat hose in f ummitate eus fuSre B. The Chair of peter, to whom the infi-pomu1n from rere deauratum was, in guodebat, with the Pontifi.calia munfa exercise-J ulii Crefaris ashes fuilfe foundation fa.slowing, of whose identity eruditam texuit C ma deprÏdicabat. Aero happy memory. rccordat. Differtationem Francifcus Ma-Xyftus V. Pont. Max. in the middle of the area: ria Ph.:ebeus Archiepifcopus Tarfenfis. maxirnÏ, before this Bafilicam, fumma Culcitraaetiam of the Martyrs,gu‰ their-cun1 impenfa, then peoples admi¥ dem bodies cooperiebantur, cumain Bafilicam fepelienda deferrentur, it-dem in facello alTervabatur. 170. Much more important was the fact that poA: prÏdiŽl:um facellum adiba.the viewer in the Rise of laconia, SS. Andrerea, & James Mayor Apoftolis dedicated to....,, exornatumq; magnificentiÎm ˆ Ca. the defendant, with the same ApoCl:olorum fi.mulacris tnarmore candidifiimo, jnibi extruŽto ; no.not eximiÏ Hru.ŽturÏ fepulcro, in qo but no fepultos fuita, fed on the banks of thatáan1 inll:ar aul.e conca.merato, moreover in the innermost shrine.bus this facelli. the prÏdiŽto ear the banks of the polira also fi1Sre bodies Alexander VI. The pope, & Henry reason, fupra augultam bafim erigiimperavit, & vulg™appellatur LaGu.gl1 di S. Pietro. Of this, aliifque obe. lifcis Rome adveŽtis inregrum, acavald of accomplishment published traŽl:iven the fact I language, Micha‘l Market, gui ejufdem Xyfl:i V. revo :Boruit. I am constrained here tanguam truth loving palinoá lifta III. Summ. Pont. the altar marmo-0diam sing; for in the chapter III. my work Veter. Monir.. part. i. ceá to !Jn .ajil. S. Peter with pojf e_ffeoni6us , juri. 6tu, & i,tilitati!ms fuis a6 ipfo Caruloe _ & Leo Papa 1 V. re; s11otuse. Latin. ficit . the first Emperor , ( idejl III.) Confoetum fait clá Dulcijfimo fao Marita Ll¥ With whom. 'Vëxit.Jine. lejione Aonis Camerd! diEld! 'Bajilicd! given in the fiflo mind. amzos Il I. & MX. fait in Saf'Vatoris comcdcre thirty poor/Right yet re and Sd!cultmz. 9uod ,lived. ann. .aá XXXII.edep. XIeII. Ka!. Sep. Valen.B deliu.m dejnfloru1n, & oil for Jefto. ohá riniano. N. P. & ViElori Confs. oh. .bills folrecifmis prrefata: infcri.ptio fcateat, latinre liogure by:iti judi. in fftentarie. Hold. conditions of ipGs Confulibus performed at traditional feasts, the gui viewer eti:tm of the fashion Chapter .efilicd! year of ChriO:i 3 7 r. Confulatum both fupradifl.e whole, to College,to go to i//uc Jt gdferunt liter. N. P. The noble Boy in the jfto cjuse, & 'Vej'peris -vigiliie, & in will characterize the ¥ ávefperis feftie, & poft -vefperas, cantaree As more LeŽl:opening curioGtati in-'Vefperos , & -vigi!ias of{unflonrm , & re t , cfaculis arcenjis, incenfo, & aqu. 6ene. difl‰ go peJ" fpulturas, & cÏmiteri_um bus , five in Magello, or Grocery store, foprad,Žl. omm6us other diflte 73ajilicrevel of Torrione ¥ éccleGa hrec now lnftutis procedent16us , & cantarc....,profanata ell:, unitaque Palace-San pfalmos pÏnitentiales. Oui6us completisŽtiffimre Inquifitionis. The same ˆ Ca-Priest, & C/country s-:S:,1-vatoris prd!¥ rolo the Great founded fuiffe they diEli de6ent , & Jingulis diŽlre Turrigius, & Martinellus, whose...., 'Bajilicre, who miniftrant, & ojficia/16usteftimonia hk reference. Turrigius -vzum good propinare affluentere, & .gitur, pageá s2;. ha!cfe reperiife afferit give pyrae, bad, nefpula, cttjtt1nea....,, 111 one Ms. Code continenteEc-onuces , '& bujufmadi ¥ .Before ftatutum cldias, Hofpital.ia, Mooa!l:eria Bafili¥ D. Nicholas PP. I 1.l. Capitu/ Vatican. fubjeB:a ability : Item bat ( idefl faciel.Jat) i6i l,onam diflri6u.fu6jicitur drfld! Sacrofanfl,e of Prince tion of 6onis Camarie 'Ba.fil.[uprt1di.Apoft. of Ur6e Eccl. S. Sa/,vatoris de_, [lo Saccrdoti ipjius Ecclejire S. Sttl'Vato.Terione , qi1re ˆ C4..rulo Great Imper. air ¥ Care to limit it, a lack'egrinorum conneElitur t1d fepu!turam all Ultramontano-injirmorume, that the Priest eifdem de6et rum , & all quorumci11nrue, the Sacraments Ecclejiafti.a miniftrare:_. . u!Jicumque, & qualitercum(jUe to the Ur-'Good all relitpta Pcreg,-:no. .em p prrefente Ponufice oLfe.vatur ¥ Porroenum nine to get the idea to Sale to do ,D hrec dom us a place.t1qu1 Xenodochii ‰o Cttrtem , 'fUIC called M1ceraá one _e 'luas bought from ].etnne Portiunfe Epifoá po, Cn1ces, Ca/tees, tablespoons,{l:ruŽt:1 , & alioruin of two, gu:.e las, & other paramenta , the Cross-Step11anum II. auŽl:I had, & hh. Ecclefia St. Apollinaris from Ho.norman.I. redificata,as a result. his life, where Ge:o . !t‘/cit 'Bajilic‰ 'B. Apolli11aris l-llart. tn Ur6e Roman on the front Porch 13. Peter Apo¥ of Arplitanio, & as lattts contained in the diilo pri'vi!egio Gives. Ann. 797. lndiilione 7. the Bezel-fto!i, qu. appel!contact Pa/mary goes fo!o , 1i,g, jt1xta Vatic,rn. to 'Befilicam San[{i u6i gifts mu/ta bestowed on eji , & decreá -vit, 100 D E .s A C R I S .IF. D I F I C 1 I S teos vigint• penf. Jing. li 6. I o. Do you love au-A famum li6ras ruadraginta ¥ Spices reas two, penf. Jingu!tls li6. 10. You love li6. 150. Nuts Should Be Avoided Ifauricrl! li'1. I. Pojfef argenteas qui11que, penf.Jing. li6. three. Jio Euthimica leader , prt:eftans fa!idos Paten of cturo purif!the bottom one with the mile , the gifts of'Vit Auguftus Conftan.tower , & co/11m6a adorned gems tinus pojfeifionem Patti11opoln, prrefi‰s prainis , & hiacynfhiitis who/! faut nu-falidos 08i11gentos, Charters decf!das 400, poured with pearls a/6is 2 1;. penfant. Pepper medemnos r.plin1uaginta ¥ Crocos li6rru uáigintan. Patenas argenteas-verify!i6ras hundred, Storace li'1ras 150. perak.q11e penj. faig. li6ras 15. Crown au-mata cajjia li6. 200. oil Spikenard li6ras person before corp11s, u6i eft Ph,zra ca?ttha-3 oo. 6alfami li6. 100./ini faccos hundred village with Delphinis fifty , who.B cariopbyllorum /i6. hundred , & verifyápenf. li6. 3 5. Phara r:trgentea in her lap á ruaginta , olewn C')'own reason /i/;. centumn. Bajilicr.e 3"2, with Delphinis penf. Jingul. Papyrii grey !i6ras mundas mil/.. li.6. 10. To the right .ajilicf Phara.... Poffejfio, q11am gifts-vit Aug. Confiant. silver 30, penf. jinguL. li6. 8. lpfom HJJ6romias, pr!.ift11ns falidos quadrin¥ a/tarenarge.t. and au.o cl.m_ with the gent.os fifty , charters decad11sn . gemmts pramu , and h1ac,ynthmts, and 200. Spices caj]i,e li6. quin1uaginta. 4/6i.t 210. decoration on all sides puJjurij/bottom with gems all around ormttum phratenji fa6 ci7Jitate Cyro pojfej/io11emá art , x. penf. li!J. 1 5. lt.m in returns us Armana/anan , prreftantem fo!idos 3 8 o, house .. P.etri 06t11/it Conftantinus Poj/ejjio Mo6aris ,prreflan, falidos 260. by DiÏcefes East hrl!c in ci'avoid this...., Hrec of donariis ¥ Only in devoted.Antiochiie ¥ Home Datiani pr!.iftan-C rum, religioforumgue human gra.tem fo/Jdos two hundred r.;uadraginta Do-ness to add us please , guod An. munczilam Vicene prreftans fa!idos 'Vi ... no 1687 ¥. here Ro1nÏ Friend nofter, ginti, & tremi.Jfem. It!e t Aphodijia and facris, piif9ue memories optirn pr.ftans folidos 'Twenty-Bath in earned R. D. Abbas BartholomÏus crateras prreftans folidos 42. Piftrinum Piazza special published traŽlatum, u6i faprtt prreflans fa!idos rviginti three Italian Language, infcriptmn: Effeme¥ Popimt fapra prreflant. falidas ten.... ride the Vatican peFi pregi Eccle.Jia.ftici d' Garden Maronis , prr.eflans folidos of-ogni giorno del/' Augufli.flima Bajilic,;i self a judge ¥ Garden to another , u6ifopra, prre-di S. Pietl'O in the Vatican ¥ In the guid. blowing fo!idos eleven I, ci"avoid this..., oquid fingulis days in the same accide.Antiocb.t. Poffej/io Sy6ilfre donated by the my thanks to Bafi.lica, guod p,ietatem , and devo..Augufto pr.ftans fo!idos 3 2 3. Charters tion .quote poffit, erudit nar¥ decadas r:entum , & quinljuaginta ; rat. aromas li6. 200. Nardini oil fi6r. 200. Ba!famum li6. 35. Su6 ci-vitatenAlexandria poffeifio Timialt donattL...n i ... Augufio Confaantino a'7 Am6ronio prrl!. flansfalidos faxcel/tos , & 'Vigintin. Car. holi of,adas 3co. oil Spikenard 300. Bal-_ SELF. C .A p u T IV !OI A vifitur ëlnago ejufd.em Beatre Virgin SáE C T I 0 xv. Ma rire, surely the lord the Only-begotten son fuum, r and Lord, no!lrum Jefum Chri. Of the Parts of the fu6terraneis , ji'Ve Sacred ftum embrace the r Crypts Vaticanie Bajilic. ¥ 3.eHoc in place antiqure Bažlic.e ichnographia of the piŽta eft , as we f upra BOTH the inner, then the outer i.n Tab. VII.have exhibited.In other this inclytre Bafilicre him. this Cappellre lods , pnefertim in., r adjacentes fabricas carefully lufl:ravi-arched, very demiffus eft, old t mouse, and perpendimus, narravimuf-altars delineara sifted, fed up with the que vanos SanŽl:iffimos Popes 'B she's already fupra divertis in Tables nosevariofque Augufl:iffimos Marshals, Regefquee,. atgue Reginas ,.fublimesdiverfi generisperfonas.not folm in redificiis, and oroa.bills. according to the quamfequens read infcriptio as well as repeat the rendering would think. 4. Marble BenediŽti XII.image, also marble infculpta , nemp, riis great money in the fŸm.extracting S'.á 13enediElus XII. The Pope Tho!ofa¥ fummas., quafi certaffe. Not so many nusficitJieri of no-vo teŽla buju. '13ajiáreligioforumepiorumque men.... lic/8 fu6 an. Domzi N. MCCCXLI. hns dehtefcerent , pi‰, peculiarigue gure fuperis to prrefens_ in Bafihca_. R.omanorum Pontiffs , prÏfertim Paul V. vigilancrn,she infubterraneis fiabat, & in ejufde1n S. Peter fefi:o Plu¥ái eju fdem BafilicÏ parts, surely the lord now viali , and a Turban, creterifque facerdota.Gbp. denominantur ,fure placed, Iibus indumeAtis decorated also will Q! we, as urioŸtati fimul ,eac pit was ¥ this we fupra talked about f umus, . Le8:opening devotioni fatisfaciamus,no-where about a trio of this. Bafilicre egi1nus ¥ n.lla inGgniora the monuments , surely the lord is in 7. Marmoreum fragment , in e1fdem extant Crypts, today force-where the memory of the Council have been held this i!1-' funtur,. eorumd.emque therefore Jn-oeadem Bafilica year 7 3 2 . ˆ SanŽhfs. co.u1n,. atq.e Cr?7ptarum ichnogra-Pope Gregory III. against negan.pl11a1n expommus1n Tab.xx,r. tesfacras Photos, ca?broad eft,& that . Port1cus, gpc d1Žtre, because below the colu-Peter,Theaph@o, Serg10,]ordane, rnnas Gallery old BafilicÏ the past feu Joh1111ne-, .Adftantilus 'l.uoque Dia.e.t.bat. .a of re fus citatusTur¥ .onibus . Mofcho Ërchidi.acono,,us, page. 3 3. ria , Johanne ,. T heophulaElo , and_, D.Gre.. 102 OF the SACRED k.DIFICIIS D.Gregory Apoftolicus the Pope said, rc-A rr,ifa font ft({bi/going to be debe({nt not -veeduco to anitnum ( SanŽliflimi Jratres who dare exijlere temerator ¥¥¥e¥ my) where/ia I, & tp1a11ta 1jlira6i!i-Gregory Sanflijfimus , and 'Beatijfim1p. three times Cbriflus D. nofler contulerit 6ona, Apoflolicus the Pope said, Jiquis against ... & how I was unworthy to worth api-Prh,ilegii dejinitio thing rvenire tryá cia fafligium faJ devotion to the faerit rverit anathema j, ending with the:J refpondenmt e'7.)ocare, & flupejo nothing else -vafens all the third anathema jit. avenge potemi. his niji fa/as to deal with Gregory by the grace of God Epijopus Catho!i. gratôIS, & indefarcnti the gloriofam c.e , atrue Apoflolic.e Ur6is Romre his co!praise the name of ¥ f2.!!js for ( as this first'Vilegio, and of the ¥e.¥. the saying of the Prophet) !oquatur strength at Home-B the Other pukherr•mum exemplumoni , auditas factt om11es the praises of his us prrebet modem this c.elebrandi 'Ve/ rplid repay the Lord for all-Meetings in front of the body B. Peter Syricius 6z,s , qu.e retributt me ? Ca/icem falu-Pope , who fedit year of the Lord 38s. taris will take , & the name of the Lord in the 1s for the Synod Epifiola fcribens -voca6o ¥ to Epifcopos African gpc said : Cume This same fragmel'ltum you have with the one most of the brothers con'Veniffem1;s laudatutn Turrigium the previous page. 70, to S. Apofloli Peter rcliquias, by whom 8.oAntigua Cross Muiëvo opereJ & Ëpoflolatus, & Epifcopatus in the Chri.claborata , quÏ once the Ciborium flo began to start with, &c. Given Romte SanŽl:iffi1ni Sudarii ˆJoanne VII. con. in the Meetings Epifcoporum oEloginta , fa6e 11:ruŽt:um extabato. fu6 day oEla'Vo ldzn]anuarii ¥ .9. Another marmoreum fragment 1 oh. Nonnull'a boardwalk anagly.containing a memorial of the Council of ha-Cphico work developed qureque were biti year 7 3 2. before D. Peter's body, to facellum Jobannis VII. in quibusˆ Gregory IIIá SanŽliffimo the Pope, various branches leaves vefl:iti crelati surely the lord there read here you have. were . . . . . ti/Jimi Epift. & Vener. . ¥ . ¥ 11. Two fuFJt farcophagi, in which. ¥ . ¥ rum one hrec only read ¥o Conftanti cus who adbuc cos HEH. The tegmento but read : Conftan. tii God's servants fepu!cn,m ¥ The other, however .arcophagus infcriptio. ¥ Pres6yteri refponderzmt gracefully launch... . lnterdiŽlu Apoflolic.e Auflori ,hec q11... quÏ were once in facello of John VII. The parall:ratified right to januarn iná Sa/uJri co11jiderf1tion .. , ¥ greffus this cappcllre e!t maráo morea 'C A P U T 1 V. One hundred three morea anaglyphico work elaborataAde Veter. Monim. part. I, cap. 28. qu. S. Matthreum ApoCT:olum repra:fen¥ curiofus LeŽl:or be able to see. t:ms,qureolimaadfepukrumNicol.V. 13. Prop defcriptam cappella.a.. it was, of 9ua Turrig. the previous page. 98. & 108. other eCT: fub denominatione S. Man': tá confpeŽl:u v will be fcilicet in para(hata of PrÏgnantibus see fupra fat1 finirtra other exquisite marble H:atua, San¥ fumusa, where the altar, as n: 13. Of PrÏ.Žl:un1Joannem ApoCT:olum denotans, gnantibus B. M. V. image denominata :-gure .the same was the same On the V. it was because women pregnant serious crga fepulcro to the same Turrig. tells the story of the village of. her special wore devotioná e n‰ ..9.9. & 108. firms:it was also of the Angels was called, l E confpeŽl:u janure this cappellre to dixirnus fub nu. 18. & 43 á DiŽl:u.a _a 1 exquisite large Cross marble, guÏ olin1 B facellum Patricia: Urfinorum fam1ltre s was in fuminitate anterioris face ve-was, surely the lord nobiliilima family ergateris Bafilicre. this prÏcipu Bafilicam fingu1aren1 Close to h.n. Cross feguentes spring-devotioncm fe1nper geffit; guoniam s _ fus marmon mfculpt1 funt, gui oliin in the same duodeci1n i1nptuofas ha, bui/fe cappe11as reports fp speedy Viewer. the previous page . .90. feptemgue ib1den1 of pr.efat.The main _Petri fades hiec ef fa,;ra Princi-cfamilia-, laudatre Bafilicre fuiffe Ardu. pzs iedes áa iflo Flowers 'Dirt11tis bus Pope holds , perguam ipfius cttpiet fruŽlufque falu-redieulre indicator con{truŽtor, fcilicet tis ¥ D ipfe made ,One in the same Bafiltca Inhac perietis the face of the Wall.vum work collocatutn efl:, guod once exta. 12. in honor of B. V.M. MuGvis operibusaornatum to e:x: ep1graphe anaglyphi-.cia lawsuit.l'it nrnrmorc infculptis appears bat in Ecclefire court, (Paradifo commonly nemp : ]oh11.nnis bring your'c)i S. Marite. Of uppellato) fuper Ottonis Commands,ll. fepulcrum. This Mufivum work three which talked about fupra fub nu. 114. 1 5. In this place of S.Peter pr.edicans Mufivo work delineatus e(l:. Extabatfiguras has, which the me(lia human genens Savior in al:u well fuiffe teaches An , & Notarium. 2 5. Image B. Manre V1rgm1s muo á miffum in Africa by the Emperor, vi.rum arnplillimu1n , and difertum to guem D.Augu{bnusdirexit book of place placed hidden . boriumJoannis Papre VII. it was, in this Over ean. it dem image n1arrnorca board fita 23.oAlmd marmoreum epitaphium e/1 , containing fragment of the epifl:olreodireŽl:subject to Flavimn Eutherium ˆ tri- Lc. ]oannis Altcenjis fe Sony campa-time Emperors, fervandis bo.rrrv P. C. Viatris. Where Le. Ggnificat fi Ecclefire , whose epiltola: faraway eft you. nenda confenfa ¥o¥¥ mnofas we, 'Or culti6us to u/- Of course locusJoannis Alic.enfis fe... la depereat proga I live compara vit polt Confulatum ¥¥¥ incfudere to the way of the open hand injultare relifjuiis prtediŽlum pr.oh Traveling. Flavius then the Tourist fecun. dm Calvifii bank account Confulatum ¥¥¥ it gefEt an. 4.95. lngreffi we were Cappellam way que mifteriis ¥.. load fepta confurgerent,'But also the poor raA:atisad of.teram ingreffus, hidden D' .¥ This constantly Dj'Wines commonly referred to- Hatua marble anagJyphico work. which human drafted, S.James Mayor repr.-¥¥¥ the same conftitut.t pojfa./Jio experzature fentans , surely the lord oli1n extabat to fepul-Emptorese crum Nicholas V. Smnrni Pope; in ... mque lasting pr&eter 'Venera6iles the other parall:ata the next efl: fl:atua,the peer cu/elec./Jae . just fculpta, S. Jacobu1n Smaller..., ¥¥¥ us mu11tend1 faith and reality'Verentza perenms ¥¥¥ Majeftate constant specific eft ejfe rve. - 11er_a6i/em 0 ¥.. e-. 1á0. D E S A C R I S D I F I C I 1 S ¥¥¥ e cuflodiam 'B. data on the day before the Ka/. Ameorum, offers, & ohuli Evz/efi,e S. Pe. tri , by zterrventum Domni GG. PP ¥a all my goods right to the property, tantoa On banc accept(to!am copios di{:. tJUf then habueram,how it(jUf in an¥aferit Complimented Turrigius in fuis Cry-tea ac9uijitura I, ji'Ve right faccej/io.ptis Vatican the previous page. me 2 1. where stamps fi, Ji-ve a/jn any rights to me by¥ prffatum Eutherium unˆ with Siagrio tinerenta, & so her eyes is reflected from this parte_, Confulem fuiffe an. Chrill:i 381. the mountain ha/Je/Jam, rp1am il/aa, the eyes is reflected in U/.recurrebat year of the tenth fifth tramontanis parts of me belong.....The Pontificate Of St. Damafi, from three lm-'Vide6a11tt1r, omniaa, Jicut diilum eft,by peratorrbus fuiffe confcriptam firms-Bmanum of the Lord Greg. feptimi Papre ˆ Gratiano, Valentiniano, and Theo-mante Ecclejire , & delivered, & cartu¥ dofioAuguH:is that the illr literr AUGGG. 1am it done ask'Vi; fed rplia canula will characterize ; alire true 9u:E at the end of the legun. nu[fjuam appears , & I'm afraid that do11atio , the viewer, ne1npe FOR. SB. gpc develops. for & offering my du6ium re7Jocetur, bring your'Vandis 6onis. H. ec brief description of the iito therefore I am 9ure Jupra, Comilijfa Ma:hil. fragmento, more fi you want an interview person-to give again ˆ prtefenti day gift, & ojferr, dem Turrigium. cidcm Roman. Ecclejir1: pcr hand... 26.aHoc iná the wall nunnu11a tol-Cardinal. & Representatives ejufdem Roman!alocata sifted .fimulacra marble Eccleji'otherwise to eitm pertinentilms with Chri-A fti grace /uminari6us deputare, adji.assault is also the cej/ioni garden d110 pojitos between T iberim,& Gallery ipjius Evz!eji111,going from the rt gate Ci'while avoiding the match¥ you dexter‰, including dirvidit jlurvius Almon between to.the boundaries of the garden Monaflerii SanŽli