The book „De sculptura, seu, statuaria“ is formatted in block text and in few cases aligned in the center. The font size is rather small but bold. From a today’s point of view the font is difficult to read as it is a typical old font and some letters are used different then nowadays (for example “v” and “u” are sometimes replaced by each other). The page margins are generously and leave enough space for marginal notes.
At the top of every page is indicated which theme is dealt with in this part of the book. Besides these indications at the top there are a lot of side-notes at the leaf edges which indicate the content even more precisely. At the bottom of each page is always the first word from the next page, which simplifies reading but also helps to recognize whether the next page is missing.
There are neither images nor illustrations in the book. It is not possible to say if there were any kind of illustrations in the last gathering ,Aeglogae’ because as indicated on the first page this edition lacks of it.
Nearest to an illustration is the huge „Q“ with the main part of the book starts with. It almost looks like the printer of this book wanted to imitate the handwritten books where the chapters sometimes start with a highly decorated letter.
The main part of the book is organized in 12 overriding themes. On the second page there is an index which helps to search specific information but it isn’t very precise as it only lists the themes as they appear in the book but don’t give any page numbers to look for. So the book is for sure meant to be read as a whole but with the index at the beginning, the headings and the side-notes on every page it can also serve as reference book.