Designs of Inigo Jones and others by Isaac Ware
The book Designs of Inigo Jones and others displays a variety of prints. These prints show different parts of buildings and interior design such as chimney pieces, ceilings, altar pieces and plans. The only written part is the table of contents other than that there are only prints.
The illustrations are imprints which have been made with copper plates. All of them are architectural drawings. The level of precision is out of this world due to very fine lines which show almost every detail at it’s finest. As a perspective he only chose “long shots” (Totale). Which means everything is shown directly up front. There are no colors in the book all of the prints are black and white. For shadows and other darker parts he worked with a very clean hatching.
The book itself isn’t really organized as the author starts off with chimneys, goes on to ceilings, continues with plans of whole buildings and finishes up with another chimney. He also varies with the content of the pages, sometimes there are two different prints on one page, some pages are foldouts and others simply full page illustrations.
The illustrations aren’t numbered and/or referenced. The only organization is the table of contents with the number of the page.
Due to the fact that the book doesn’t contain any text there is enough space between all the imprints. Some pages are printed double-sided but most of them are only one-sided. This means all the space given is used up by the prints.
Inigo Jones was an architect and the founder of the English school for architecture. With that in mind the book shows references of ancient constructions but can as well be used as part of academic studies due to its extremely precise level of detail.
Task 1 OCR my book only has images.