Del palazzo de’ Cesari – F. Bianchini
The author of the book is Francesco Bianchini. He was born on 13th December 1662 and died on 2nd March 1729. He was an Italian philosopher and scientist. The book “Del palazzo de’ Cesari” is a posthumous work, what means that is appeared after his death. It was written originally in latin.
The publisher was Pierantonio Berno, who published the vook in 17.38 in Verona. This is also mentioned in the title: “Opera postuma”(= posthumous work).
The book is in the format of A3, the size page is 45.5 x 30cm. the illustrations sometimes are bigger and you need to unfold them. The book contains 390 and is rather thick.
The title of the book is del Palazzo the Cesari which is referring to the theme of the book.
It’s a description of the ancient Palazzo de Cesari in Rome. From the size of the book we can assume that it is a very precise description. The book is structured in two big parts: the writing and the illustrations. The structure More precisely as follows:
Copper title
1 Ad lectorem (letter to the reader)
2-11 Capitolo primo / Caput primum (first chapter – eleventh chapter)
12-17 Capitolo secondo / Caput secundum
18-29 Capitolo terzo / Caput tertium
30-47 Capitolo quarto / Caput quartum
48-89 Capitolo quinto / Caput quintum
90-167 Capitolo sesto / Caput sextum
168-241 Capitolo settimo / Caput septimum
242-267 Capitolo ottavo / Caput octavum
268-292 Capitolo nono / Caput nonum
292-293 Capitolo decimo / Caput decimum
294-301 Capitolog undecimo / Caput undecimum
302 Indice de’capitoli ( Index of capitoli)
303 Index capitum (chapter list)
304 Errata / Correcta (correction)
Tabula I-XX (illustrations)
In my opinion what is quite special that the list of chapters is in the end, otherwise it is structured the same as today. Also interesting is the letter to the reader, because there the reader is directly addressed.
The beautiful elaborately made illustrations in the end of the book are showing details of the palazzo to support the text for example they are showing (floor) plans, facades or statues.